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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1897)
THE RECORDS SHOW CURES OP Rheumatism BY THE USC or ST. JACOBS OIL Or CHROMIC CRIPn.ES AND OF BCD-ftlDDEfl INFLAMMATORY CASKS. THERM NO DCNYINQ, IT CURES. LEGAL DIRECTORY Albany. W K Bilvea, Foahay & Mason block. JRS Blackbnrn, P O block. H Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon, P O block . J N Duncan, P 0 block. T P Hackleman, Pearoe block. O E Hawkins, Ousick block. z uampnrey. Kelly 6 Curl, bank building. L H Men tan ve, Pearc block. J C Powell, P O block. J M Somen, P 0 block. H J Watson, bank building. Weatherford & Wyatt, Baak bnildinf . Whitney & Newport, Ouickblock. G W Wright, P 0 block. - Lebanon. 8 M Garland. Brownsville. A A Toning. " dr. c, u, ciiACOEnun Treats tnmora, sbrictares, facial blem aaes, nearatgia and other diseases, with iraiTanic electricity. , Office on Ferry St, near 3d street. DR. J. L. HILL i'.mi ul irtnt. Office, First St. MUST HATI03 Alt BAHK. , . OF UUIT, OBB0OH flea Praaidant . 8.E,TOUla x.w.1axodoh TtaKBACTB A SEJitRALbaaktu ACCOUNTS KEPT aubrsct to shack. U1RT iTMItval .H tatMnnkte I a Ksa York Baa rrmjiolao.Okt u4 F-aUaaa OI.t,CT10RI SUDtaa tsorabt tarns S B Tovaav . w PAOooswn, ' C. L. ruaa Fun. Albany TradingCo R. N. Morris, Manager. Here are a few of onr bargains : 16 lbs grannlated sugar S 1 00 Auinsvllle flour, per sack I OS 20 lbs rice 1 0 1 gallon best vinegar... 1 3 cans fine cove ovaters ; 86' 5 gallons kerosene 86. 3 bottles extract, lemon or vanilla 90 Try our new Koyal Java coffee, better tnan ArbuckJe or Lion, two papers. 85 20 ounce bar battle Ax soap 8 large 14 ounce bars soap 26 1 lone bar toilet soap OS 1 box concentrated lye -. . 0 3 lbs of soap extract... 20 3 lbs of Gold Duet 24 No 1 lamp chimney 0 No. 2 lamp chimney 10 3 bottles of bluing 26 Beet axl? grease, ein 10 2 papers Loon coffee 25 2 45 Arbuckle coffee 28 SO lb ak salt 4 4 pa rood corn starch 25 4 " - eloea " 2 S cans mustard, tinnamcn. sage. pepper, cloves or allspice. ...... 25 8 lbs choice beans. 35 Large 10c cake Rising Son stove polish 7 lbs bu-k A & H soda So 5 papers Anvil soda 25 5 cane deviled bam.. 25 5 cans eardinea 25 W e have the beet broom, nice sainted handle" tor 25 ' Best Gunpowder t SO Nice corn fed b d 10 iice hams...Eaa3 11 5 lb can LardZM 50 Loaded shells iu est 50 lbs rye flour.. ..fcyJ 1 15 Whole wheat Hot I.' Graham floor in 1) and 25 lb sacks. We bare dry goot dj bran, aborts and chop feed. Comeanu see us. TERMS CASH. A full line of tinware. Butter and eggs taken in exchange Mill for Sale. Fnr sale or will exchange for improved reel state, a large, well equipped sawmill, in good running order. - TbU mill is situ ate 2 adjacent to a large timber belt and has fine shipping facilities. Here is a bargain for some one. For further par ticulars enquire of Tbe Stewart k Sox Hdw Co., Albany, Or. . Honey toLoan. we have a block of $4 JOB to loan on good farms in Linn and tdjojting eoont its. ' . . ' : -.: . ' . " ' : It you have good se JOj y and perfect . : 1 1 - m - I i L . i . line, we can lurnisn you ta3 coin wirnour delay, as we make our own examination of security. i u , -i,-. . t all on us or write . 8. N. StezlkA Co, Albany, Oregon. Commercial Printipg On Good Stock Qsici Wert .THE PRINTER Broadalbin St Brown Block, TSEASURER'S KOHCE K0- 6 Notice is hereof given that fnnds ate on handle pay city warrants Nos. 264 to 23 Inclusive of the issue of 1897. In. tereston laid warrants will cease with tbe date of this notice ' Albany Or. Nov. 3, 1897. E A. Parker, City Treasurer. Half Price Store Would be an appropriate rauie- for my tcck of Boors fur old and ' young, office books, oft fixtures, files, midlands, draw ing toola, inks.giuee, mocilages, art novel, ties, ecvdlopes, cheapest to tbe very finest; writing paper, tablets, a large lot of both; calling cardt.ticke's. S S cards cheap, pen bol !er, penciU, pens, . notions, blotting pd. tiHaue, etc, at Urn ratA of 11 Ot worth for 60 renU. W R. BLAIN . (He pots the prices down.) COB. S.LE Horses,. ' Wagonr and furm machinery. ' Inquire of W Ami. i'A and Main .Mi. Albany, Or. 11 an i bu. A lew more enuaira- VV inente by the day to sew. Mbs R. v Own. FOB RENT. Good house of five rooms ii 3rd wsrd. Convenient to school. EnTf!re at Morris's store. . WATCHES It you want' a good reliaMe atch on , French the jeweler (Bank of Oregon building.) We have the goods, thequauty guaranteed and the prices are tight. Sifter, sr?oA'$ 1 at our expense Jifyou'renotpleaseii Baking Pawner fla) F E ALLEN & CO- Sell Them The Magnolia Laundry "-Jljaw . ""CaSIMPSORFSSOHlIS Standard Prices Work Warranted-! I ttteK.-KBalta. .-book raa as oca asm waaaauiaaa ttfcla great pad, salt For sale by J. A. Camming. LOOK HERE. Its Oregon School Supply House Incorporated, of Albany. Has come to stav nd is now prerared to Ionian school districts witn every thing needed in the line of school furni ture and apparatus, such as seats, desks, mane, cbarta. slobee, Diacxooaras ana in fact ail of tbe necessary ankles which go to and are required in the school room. We are also general agents for the famous Kennedys Diseecting Mathe matical blocks for teaching of mensura tion and teachers instruction.. The b!o;ks are indespeneiabie in tbe school room, and boards of directors will do well to come and examine them and see for themselves. These blocks are uni versally endorsed by the best teacherc and ed oca ton in the land and are to be seen to be appreciated. Give us a call. Our prices are tbe lowest and onr terms the beet. Office Saaban Bl-ck, Room 20, upstairs. Obxgox School Scfpiy Horsa. foshay k m&m -Wholesale Retail DfiUGSI.To 1BD 600KSIL1.KES ALbAJTT, ORKOOH. Pore Drugs and tbe finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. J. M. RALSTON BItOKEK. 3 Doors East of Democrat Office. Money to loan on farm aeenrity, all mall loans nude on personal security. City, county and school warrants bought. Collections made on favorable terms. Fire umorance written in three of the larg stcompsniea in the world, at lowest rates Let everybody mine co rtt Star Bakerj snd get 4- ''Mves of heah bread for fi.ot cash. ' C Mayas SENDERS' COMPANIES Always Pay. No question aliont full snd pronapt ment of losses by fire on inpmance p'iT c with the leading agent of Albany. M. San ders 'Thafs wliatHe Insures People Fcr Don't allow yonrwlf to be roped into tn various "Local Mutual"" now heme pushed on vou as being "chsartest In surance," when ton inrnre you do jo' want to worry about getting your tnonev v case of loss , 'M SENDERS InHurance. Hay, Grain and Woo!. FRANK-SKIPTON Successor to John - FcMee. Liver yat IReasbija blc Rates VV 11 keep teams for 10 cent, with feed 40 cents, all night $100 DRESS-MAKING. Ladies wiping learn cutting and fitting by th M r ir -atent, C4ll an Mrs K. E. Hw r.g made fr 2Q and up. Cor i Teas m office Spices I Extract WMWM s AT SMALlyNv IOSTp X 3 r Pa aoa umch jr''M . Vfe ' , lira, apta or .f.J a- VTT" tioMa-s-lt aaaa 9 ff Baatara'a en t- yf ?& SIS hfti ta rctata f I -y kelt-Kll..Cl.r he M0ai 'Tuesday was the Prince of Wales birthday, a fact really not woith men tioning, and we apologise for the space taken. Pop Bill was arrested in Corvallis for running a nickel in-the-slot machine. The people there have atarteJ on a atnpaign after them. The Chicago city council has passed sn ordinance against foot bail playing in side the city Hi its. This is ote of the corrupt citlt.8, and fool ball is an awful thing beside sonn ot the develtry that is going on there. Mr. Cleveland presented to the world s rustler when he made little Dan Lamont his private secretary. He him salt will some day be president of the Northern Pacific railroad. He will make s ood one, tor he is undoubtedly the kind ot schemer for a railroad prwi dent. The Examiner has started a relief ex pedition for the 300 wrecked whalers i.t the northern waters, putting down $2500. That is a sample of modern metropolitan ournalism with a pocket fall of money. Of course it is in a measure an adver tising acheme. At the aame time schemes like these have helped a great many people in the world. From tbe Sicox City Journal. If the good people the church people, if von please want to be good in politics and hslpfal.let them take interest in pol itics and wte. They are in the world and must deal with it they find it. If tbsy eonnot 'ake Lo.d and lift, for fear they mav toil their hands, they are quite too clean to be of nee. What avails prayer without works? - The Due de Cand Sir Robert Peel were to fight a duel to day in Paris over a disagreement about a gambling matter At Monte Carlo In the United States (amblers begin proceeding at oce without the Parisian preliminaries. They have a way of waving all formalities and beginning to cot witbont the help of seconds or anr other red tape. From the Detroit Journal. Too much money is expended in mun icipal campaigns. Thousands ol dollars are spent for balls, literature, speakers, ecd ineidenUls, that ought not to be penU B Jth parties are too lavish with money. The effect of their prodigality is demoralix:ng. A stop most be put to it," or ele we shall soon devolnte back to the reckleesneas that marked onr cam paigns when voting was done in a Iree-for-all principle. fith a circo'ation of ovrf 50,000 Lon d aa Times remains at toe head of tbe list How this is done has al vaya been and always will be a mystery. Nothing is rver done in this eetabli'hmecton tbe impulse of the moment Information, be it ever so important, is never given to the world until it has been pondered to tbe last line, aod then it is printed as fit wa a matter of the tnereat common place. I know that the Times baa beld back news a week at a time Thai is the all psrv4ing spirit of the establish rent. It taxes years and worlds of in ftaonce to get an apooin'jnent on its staff N Y Son. An eaxUrn paper is going to give a prize for the best answer to the question ot whether It is ever jotifiable to break an engagement . Certainly, mnch bel ter it yon find yon have made a big mis take, than to wait aod app'.y to the courts for a divorce afterwards. At the same time it is very poor poiicy to oro poee nntil yon know what yon are aboof There are a good many things to weigh seriously before hand. It it not a mat ter of sentiment, but a very serious busi ness proposition as well as a love affair. Recently a New York doctor met a yonog lady on a ferry, fell in love wilb Her, aod they were married within an hoor or two after their first meeting. The next day be made op his mind that be had mads a serious mistake and Mi bis wife. A divorce snit " followed. This is an exaggerated case of tbe kind ot experience that is occurring right aloog. Don't !ap in the dark . A Klondiker, straight fiom Dawson City, patwd ibicob on Friday 'a south boond overland, and during tbe stop at Ashland, caid to a reporter: " Yes, I bave come straight as tt is possible to come. I hsve went through enough to kill the Old Nick. Cold? well I shoald sy so. Yon can just break it off in big chunks. Men are dying op there from breathing tbe frozsn air; jtist freeieup inside and die. (This is a frccsn fact.) Money is no ohject np there. Grub is the thing. When I left fl jur was $30 per sack, and every thing ele out of sight. I worked till it got to colJ too work, I got $30 a day. A man up there can scratch out chunk of gold with one band, but holds in tbe other and has a hotter show t die than be has to live . Mate money T Why, a man can make his Everlasting Jack io one summer,, if he has no bad lock. Going back? Well, yon put it there. I came aooth with the other geese (where geese cant stand the cold a man can't), bit I'm going north In tbe spring before the geese go, if I die on the road. I I had longer to a!k I eould tell you more, but the bell is ringing. Just tell the rtoys there is millions io K oo dike A SPeclal feislon. Spicbr Nov 9. Editor Democrat: If ny body asks yon if Spieer folks want an extra set-rion of the legislatnre( tell them not a bit oi it. Tbe people here want another chance at the folks nefore a rhance tor another hold-np is given Yout conespondent hasn't asked every body in Oregon what they think about this extrs session hocus pocus, but I'll wager dollars to doughnuts that there is not one taxpayer ol every five that wan-s ao extra ars-im. We hope a roil I form of the menalts will break out ani(.n that hungry gat g of parasites who ate trying to get lite governor to call an extra session that they might ge( another grab at the public till. His ex. e' lency needs a gniet session for reflection and the over-burdened taxpayers need art it. Tne , present year has removed several great men from tbe stage of action unalloyed sympathy for the oppressed of bis race; and as a builder of original ideas we think that all the fair minded of bis eonulrymen " will admit that the late Henry George was peerless among those who, during tbe last twelve months have fal en beloie the pale horse and bis rider. L. A. S. session at "Pursued by a Woman," is the head W in an exchange. There are plenty of men who ought to be pursued and horsewhipped by them. "They Want Divorces," is a frequent heading in the papers. . The divorce business must be very brisk. Our laws, by the way, are not a credit to the state. A divorce Instead of being easy should be very difficult to secure. Mrs. Margaret Bougban lied atSpring- field, Mass., on Tuesday at the remark able age of 124 years. Most people are satisfied to live fifty years less than that. We do not imagine the last years of Mrs. Boughsn were very hilarious ones. A man from India came all the way io New York to make a rich blind man see, and get a million dollar promised. He robbed his band promiscuously over the man's eyes, but he didn't see. The'0' mountebanks means. are not all dead by any 11 B Miller, of Eugene, is putting into pi ty in a very practical manner his ag ricultural knowlege gleaned at the O A C at Corvallis. He has collected for ship ment east forty car loads of Oregon apples, and it is to be hoped they brlna him big retnrrs. Seattle must be checked, is the yell of tbe San Francisco papers. For years that city baa roo tbe whole coast in a commercial way, but that is no longer a fact. Now there are at least five big cities competing for tbe businsts, aaJ in some things they are knockinjt toe metropolis out. This is tropin rsfer enre to Alaska outfitting. In this Seat tle is undeniabl" in the lead with a big margin. It is reported taat there will be a big opposition to tbe Nicaragua canal in the next session of Congress. It will prob ably mean its defeat, a fact that will be generally regretted by Pacific coat peo ple, wbo have long ben looking to tbe project as a relief from the present high transportation rait. A canal would mean several cents more for our wheat, aod we bave learned this year particularly to appreciate the value of every additional cent. From the Galveston News. When Joseph Ballon, of Lincoln Coun r, Ky., offered $35 reward for the arrest of every negro hog tnief la the county and $50 for the capture of rvery white man who cao be convicted of the same offense, be explained tbe discrimination in favor ot tbe darksy by saying that "there is lees neces-il7 tor a while man to steal than a darkey, and it i, there fore, much meaner of the wbi'ee to be guilty of such a depredatioi." A m.n who keeps a clear head like that in Lin coln County most be authority on the hg. . A bright Letter. Mie Cora E!:zbelb Campbell, of Chicago, who recent! v was in Albany on a visit to bar coosia Mrs EC V ill h u written a letter describing ber western trip that appears In the Ojte County Republican. Miss Campbell's impreesioof of Yaquiua ba v, ar given below : "After resting several weeks we took a trip to tbe seashore, to tbe coast. Aod! the journey there over aod through 4he Coast range, with its little rivers and tiny cascades and its huge forest of ever geen was long to be rememoered. Be came the way was eaered to ns on account of the attachment to tt of one wboee memory is precioos , and becaose we were with soch dear friends and laitlT, because magnificent scenery upon all sidee tbe entire trip. A I the railroad journey end we took the boat for the lilt'e village across the bay. I was very eagir for the first glimpse o theses, j ou may be sure, aod it seemed a loag puroey of SO minutes' before we turned the arm of the bay. When ooe has wailed for veara for anything, the la-t twenty minuets one waits is almost nn- endure hla. But at last out there a mile The National Grange it In r , thia week. eway beyond the haibor bar the Pacific , Mo't. Cal, auoport lor window awn rolled aud tumbled with silver cre.t nn , ings : J J Malloy, t'orlland.'car cooolioe : der the brilliant suoshioe. Standing quite alone and si ill io the bjw zl the boat I bad Ilia quiet contemplation all to mjfelf. Gaity and laughter aod the brightest side of life was what I felt tbe first moment I looked at the ocean. But I saw it In many moods during my atay. Sooielims io a towering rage, sometimes sullenly angry, sometimes tende-ly sol emn, bnt always restless, always hungry for victims, ever ready to engulf a peb ble or a ship. Of the delights of this bit ol roast I eoatd write long page. But we will look op northward long the shore to Yaqnina head, where the Cape Fowiweather Light stands; across the bay at tbe jettys which a beneficent government began to build and never finished ; southward along the shore to tbe US life saving station. Take a peep into the Devil's punch bowl, a huge cave which the pers'steet waves hsve hollowed out of the basaltic rock. Look up at the bluffs back of the beaeb cover- ed wttb aeaes of rhododendrons w hich make a garden w orthy the envy ot loyal ty. In the Princ of Wales's Ltndoo hoose there are eight rhododeodrons in boxes in tbe Porte Cocbere here at Yaqnina bay we may gather bushels of tbe blossoms at oor own sweet will. 1 ben tbe agates on tbe beach to be had for the hunting. But all thee are minor attractions. The two prime delights are the m!l of the ate aod the sound of the surf." niE PLACE TO BUY Your Grocerie and Baked Goods fsat Parker Bros. Everybody kuows where their place it. They keen a fresh stock ot groceries, produce and baked goods, of all kinds, tell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all aiike. You may regret some steps you take In Ufa tnt none taken into tbe store of Parker Bros. It is a grett thing to be well fed. Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bre id is not much bnt yon want it well'made. Try Parker Bros. Wit it Or A E Salter Says. BurrAbi M Y. lent: FroTi my personal know edge, ga'ned In observing tbe eiret ot vour eniion a oure in cane of advanced C "nitipulon, I am peoared to ay tt i he inot remn-k tble Kerned) that has ever been bruht'o my atten tion. It haicarUinly aaved many ffim Consumption. SiJ by Foabay.&Ma. ton . R'arrbody Bays Bo, Ciscamts Cand V Cathartic, tbe most won derful m.'ili.wl iliauoverv of the ape, pleas, ant and rrr-aliin to the toaie, act gently rtnil xitlv-ly on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleauniiiit the entire system, dlsiel rolila, cure lieailHoho, fever, lialiltuitl onatlpnlloa and b.'lnuanena. Pleaaa buy and try a box Of C. C. C. fMlny ; IU, & Ml cent. Hold and g uars Jtd to euro by all druggists. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. The Democrat lis J hoped that this Saturday night thoughts would be able to chronicle the lust of the Durrant case, the iu:)t famous in the history of the Pacifio Coast, made so prominent that it has a local interest from the start; but a Judge down in California has de creed otherwise, and we are to have sixty days more of the agony, and how much more cannot be guessed. Mr. Duprey may be depended upon to keep it going as long as the Ingenuity of man can dsviae means for the purpose. Will be ever hang, is a question many are asking, and deciding both way. An amateur photographic exhibition was an event of tLe welc locally that was of much interest to some. Things done by amateurs ate generally free and eey and for that reason attract attention. People like to see things lost as they happen around home, but on, " ,'1 privilege. The office ot poundmaster is the last of all, and yet an Albany pouodmas'.er a ho enforces the law regardless of person has a more important position in the eyes of many Iban many other officials. Germany got mad this week at llayti because a resident ot Germsny was fined in Hayti for resisting an officer. That was rather small on the part of Ger many. A citizen should be protected in the discharge of his dnty, but not when he violates tbe laws of the country io which he is stopping. Germany had better keep that war vessel at hornet aod watt for bigger game. Another big while rap outrage occur, red in Ohio, the stale io which the presi dent ot the United States residet. Oregon never gets so small as to do the white cap act. Really this is quite a civilized country compared with Ohio. Jacksoovil'.e should be a very rich city. This week a rich d;scovery of gold was made ioaide the city limits, and the people are tu-icli excited over tbe matter. Joel at goxl things as go d may be found in any city ty industry and attention to buiue. After all there are better things than gold Character is oie thing, but it takes gold to boy bread and butter. Frobaoiy a combination ot th two it a pretty good ibing. is-iuoroia Las some Hue was ome flue well shown at the opera bouae, but Ore gon all together caa irpae her. vTooldot it be an exrelieot thing for Mr. II uo ting too to help boon Oregon as well as California. We have as bngb j a fa lure, and we wjoIJ like to have tbe world know of oar great a Jvantaaet. I'ee lake oor piclurss too. SCIO. From tbe Santiam News: J M Bllyeu this week sold his farm io Jordan, known as tbe A J Shebcn ranch, to H J Phillips, ronsidetation I1X1J. Charley Griggs, of Prioevilie, eon of Lawsoo Gtiggs, wbo live near this cuy, was home for a short vit this winter. P U Carmical. formerly of Prioevilie, has purcbarsd the property ot Mrs Lizzie Leeoear&cio. Mr and Mrs Lee will in a short time return to their old home in Lincoln, Nebraska, Grandma Caievan, Mrs Anna Calavan, LoBey Calaran and Jolia Kicklin wett over to Jeffers m this week Io be prevent at tbe wadding Mr Geo Epv aod Mis Iella Bilyea of that place. Mr E O Stanton, of Salem, paosed through Scio last Sunday, on his wsv to the new sawmill in tbe Bilyeu Den, where be will pot the timbers and frame work in place lor tbe mill owners, Meesrs Hansoo A Laodon, of ia'em. List of Patent t. Granted to Pacific Coift inven tors this week. Reported bv C A Snow A Co. patent attorneys, 'Vath ingtcn, D. C. W T Adel. San Jofe. Cel. clod nulver. r ' V " . .AnlZ Tle 3: r a . . " E K Masters. Sacramento, combined i sash holder and fastener : W C Nelson . 8anU Kosa Ual. rein holder ; O Olson, neaaing, nie or rasp; v s Uverlin. Portland, automatic tiro lighter; P J Mu punch. Sao rranctsco, photographic mount; J fc ioungb.ood. Union City, n asb, can opener. For copy of any pa'ent send 10 cents in postage sumps with date of thia paper to 0 A Snow & Co .Washington, D C Beware of Ointments lor Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mercury will turelv deatroy the sen re of soellatd (ompleteiy deranre the whole yate-n when entering it through the rao counurUon. Such article soojld never be ued except on preecriptioas from reput able physicians, as tne damage thev will i do is ten fold to tbe good you can piwibiy ucnfl iruiu. nai, a atarru cure, tnaou fanred by F J Cheney A Co, Toledo.Ohio, vnUins no mercury, aod is taken intern ally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous Mirfacesot tbe system. In buiug Hall's Catarrh Cure be Sire ou get tbe genuine. It i lakeo internally, and made in Toledo, OblC. bvFJ Crenev Va. Testimonials free. Sold by drugg aU, price 75c per bottle. Halls Fatuity Pilla are the beat. Just Across the Way. At F 11 PWff-r's you can get the beat Coast and Eastern ovstors to be found. He alao keej fie bent line of confection are in the city. CH on him for tbe be., or everything in his line. WILL & STARK forjawehy. They keep tbe best. Pictures from 75 cents to 25 per d'e.n at Longs gallery. Crawford ft llnrnmh for pbotcgra; hs. Prices from 91 to I?') per dozen. Dis It. L". and O. K. Brs offices and residence in post otlic building. Special attention given to diseases of womn. NO CURE-NO PAY. Thit la th w.v all lruirUn anil QltoVK'iJ TASTKLKS CHIul, T 'NIC for Malaria, Call la and Kevr. It la Imply Iron and Quinine in a t me. tens r.riu. fjhildieu oven. A.luiu i .refer I to bit'er, nvisnatlng Tonlos' frija. BOo Commeacing Thursday, Nov. ) Itb, the 0 O, It. steamer Albany will again resume bur regu ar run. Leaving down for Portland and way points Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 7 o'clock a in. Up river on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. A Laundry Nugjjc-t. Laundry patrons wbo want (1-st class wotk done without paying exorbitant prices should patronize the Albany Steam Laundry which have employed regularly five of the best hand ironers on the coast tor shirts, dresses, and khirt waists, and ten cents is the highest price charged for any of these articles. Catarrh In the lutvl, thut trou bl some an i diagurtiag disease, uiav be en tirely cured by atbiruugn coireof Hood SarsaparilU, tbe great blood purifier. Hood'- PilU euro nausea, tick bead ache in (ignition, billiousaesj. Alt drug gists 25c. MAGICALLY EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR WEAK MEN OF ALL AGES free I TO ALL! Vmen NO RIONKY IV ADTiNCR. XTnn derfal appliance and elantlne rem edies swot on (rial to any reliable man. A world-wide reputation back of this offer. Every obaumle to happy married life removed. Full airenrth, development and tone given toeeery po.-t ion of Uia body, failure Impossible ; a-eiu Lurrlor. No a O. I), scheme, ERIE MEDICAL CO.,.8?: MISFITS. The Linn county turkey is fast fatten" ing for that foi which it seems to have been born, its appearance on Tbanks giving day, surrounded by hungry peo- Speakingof the speech of Marshal wells in the city council the Gszette says: He knocked the Gazute down, be speared it, he damnrd it, and then made faces at it. If this paper had anv sense at all, it would retire from public gaze, wiped out, extinguished. " It transpires as the Democrat antici pated at the time that Grace F.lV.nt it.. !?Z?0ri?cog,Tl who inherited 25, OOO.OfO and gave away l.000 of it at once to charity, will get nothing. Like nearly al! such cases it was a great saytb. When the traveling advertiain tor, solicits your card to han? up where people will eland and make fun of it, tell hiro you are not soft n the upper itorr or horn in the small of the moon. He will understand that oa advertise iu newspapers.- -Journal." There are eight anrriving soldiers of the war of 1SI3. Three of them are each more than 100 years old. They are nosea urown oi tirant's Pass. Oregon. 105 tears old; Elijah Glenn ot Newark N. J. aod Eleazor Smith of Danhury N'! m. tacn oi ice ,'atler two are 101 rear. ot age. Dr. J. L. Hi'l yeterd.iy shipped sv- j eral boxes ot apple to some Texas r U livea to show tliem what can be done in Oregon. They were magniticeot peci mens and none of your worm eai. u spec imens sent by someone from a Lcigbbor log on toTacoma. Asliknd Town Talk: A Line county woman will consent to let ber husband go to Klondike in the spring if he will draw up a paper to ihe effect that if be hasn't returned in Ibr.e je-ars it means that bo will nevtr return, and that sbe l at liberty lo marry sgait . The Salem Journal said there were several chairs occupied by gamblers io the slate university, and even the Guard denied the fact. College prole sort, though, should not even drink, to say nothing of gambling. Of al' men they hould be exemplary io tbeir personal conduct. Durrant has I wen seotewed to bang tomorrow. It is lo be hoped it wtil be carried out lo tbe letter. Oile patting this in the Jaisst column we earnestly hope tbe rope will not be a misfit, but Ibat it will do its work well and in a measure alone for a moraer that w brutal in the extreme. On a wnt ' rotable cause secured by that ia'et of Pacific xi rns-lera, Mr Duprey, ThenOnre Duranl lat nihl was given at I eat'. 61 dais more time in which to live. At tbe end of that time wilb his magic touch it is quite likeiy that Duprey miM have someitiiog ele to stay matters. Tbe red apple mis con linnes to think be will win, and that Durrant never will be banged. Three people have ben after a reward of fiX) tor tbe arrest and conviction of Wiihams and Jackson, the train robbers recently sent lo the penitentiary from Portland. After a good si sed quarrel it transpires that there is no reward for iheir arrest. Two of tbe applicant were Portland detectives, and tLey were try ing to beat a woman wbo furnished the clue out of Ihe whole bo fine. The Corvallis Gazette says it has been criticised for giving tome new that re , fleeted on tbe tow n. It is a newspapers business to give tl.e news and let the re flection take rare ot iteelf. At the same time there are lotue things that should never appear In a paper, and Ibat is tor the editor lo decide. Ii he happens lo disagree wi;h a reader it is unreasonable to get mad and kick over tbe The pottoiuc fight has sit ock Elk City and a move is being made up there to re lire Holme Blair, who has held the of fice for several years, and ee: a new post master, bat wbo the wonlj-be peeiroas ter is we do not know. We are told that two charge have teen preferred against Mr. Blair, ooe of which he may be able to reloie. bnt me thine: la the other will catrn him II right Tie first charge is that he neglects hisdulv, and to that charge we koow nothing, but the second charge is that he is getting old, and we do not hesitate to say that VI r. Blair is gui.ty, and is getting guiltier every day. Leader. A number of bora buried themselves this morning in removing the outer cov ering from a quantity of walnuts and they adopted ao expedient way of ac complishing the same. Around a circ ular frame about the aixe of a barrel had been driven a number of nails at proper interval, the points cf which protruded about one inch from Ihe surface of the wood. Around tbis barrel-like structure was an outer covering, circular io shape, which allowed about two inches of space between it aod the points of the nails. A proper axis was arranged and fastened lo the large water wheel located in tbe nil! rare at the rear of the cannery on Twelfth street. The walnuts were fed into the machine and in a few moments ihey were taken Irom the cieaner" with out a particle of covering about them, ready for cracking. Daring theday sev eral bushels were thus disposed ot. Sa lem Journal. The Carlton, Minnesota. Ieuiocrat, tells ol the following very peculiar situ ation in that city: Tuesday evening was tho date for the regular session ot the council aod a representative ot the Dem ocrat sought admission to report the proceedings. The mtjor was met at the foot ot the stairway leading to his office, aod in a courteous manner a.ked per mission to attend, and In a discourteous manner was refused, saying reporters could not attend. When the reporter insisted that according to the city char ter the meetings should be open to tbe public and that he had a right to attend and report the doings as a matter of news, the mayor got disrespectful and called the Democrat a "d rag, and not a newspaper" and declared be didn't "care ad lor the law." The mayor was ssked to think better cf his refusal and allow the man to attend the meet ing, but he said we had hi answer and that settled it. Magnolia Levators. The undesigned have rented the Magnolia Elevators at the west end ot First street. Albany Oregon, at the ap proach to the steel bridge, and will coi duct a general grain warehouse business. Persons wishing to store or sell wheat or oats will do we 1 to see ns before mak ing their arrangements. K Gois's, W. L. Vafcx S. E. Young. Ciiktp fiNWAke J. Gradwohl ha just received a fine stock of tinware As it was received direst from the factory he will not allow any one to undersell him . Diokh. If yw wilt a will d.i. on K Ii D mdjn. Ha it retiy to do work on short notioe. . Music Miss Milarca Burmester teacher ot piano or organ. System th Mason touch and technique. Reside net Fifth street, opposite U P chuich. TELEGRAPHIC Bepablleaa Eailars j PoHTLARU, Nov. IS The republican editors of Oregon decided last night in a I meeting neid ton city to bury pat differ ence and to blace DrinciDles and Dartv su- perior to the ambition of individuals. They also declared against an ex'ra session oi tne legislature. Among those were: DMC Gault, presi dent, editor of lllllsboro; William ClarK aet-retarv, of Gervais; S 8 Train, of Albany J B Eddy of Koaeburg, B W Johnson, of Corvallis, Frank Meserve. of Oregon City Austiain Craig of Forest Grove. N H AuUnnon. of Woodburn, D C Ireland, jr., Moro. J P McManus, of Pendleton, and tieo Peterson of Portland. j Waal a lew State. L'kw Yohe, Nov. 12. It is said one cf the first bills to be introduced in the legis lature will be one providing for tbe crea tion of a new state by permitting a con stitutional amendment to be pasted and approved by the United States government severing IS counties of tbe state and in cluding tbem in wbat shall be known as the state of Manhattan. The w's Earalags Saji Francisco, Nov. 12 The South ern Pacific today filed wilb tbe isilroad commissioners its anoal report on tbe Sou' h era Pacific end of the Central Pari 6c rail road for the year eodiag Jane 30, 1897 It appears bv tbe report for the f outturn raClDC, M lestee. that the irrna earning iJl the opera'ing department were $1,000,000 leas than last year. tell la rrcattfeat LoLtsviLLE, Nov. 12. James K Sover eign, wbo baa Iweo general maoter work- man of the Knights af Labor for tbe oast foor years or mote, was this afternoon re- i lieved of his office by tne general assembly which has been in session here iooe Mon day. Henry A Hicks, of dtatrict aasembly 2M has been chosen to fill the position. aUaeea ts4tiw4 MariRin Nov. 12. Ur-itet SUUa Miu ister Woodford bad a cordial interview today with seoor atoret miais'er for tbe colonies, anHt U believed thit be has aa ored Sen or Morit that tbe United States K stern men! is satisfied with tb measures takes I boa far by Blanco in Cuba. Taa Ceraaaa'a at at Ci rlih, Nov. 11. The German war 'ip Gefion is under orders to sail tor Port u Pnnce, Hayta, th s month in order to insisi upon redress for the arrest there and unlawful imprisionmeot of He it Lceders. a german subject, for which Count Sch- werem, tbe Oerman minister at Port aa rnnee, has demanded an tademaitv. Loe ders is now believed to be in Germany. baring escaped irom rJsyu. in order lo ; avoid 1 an ber rompucaUons, tbe natives c-f i Port aa Prince having tbrea'enad lo mob the German legation and lynch Leaders. 1 The. readies Baah Pt.tDi.rri Or , Nov. II The con trolWr of to currency has declared a dir tdent of lt rer cent on claims against tbe Ka!ioai Baak of Peodleton, being an interest dividend, covering 8 per rent in terest on all proved claims from the dste of failure. May. 15. let. to Jone 9) 17. Tbe foil principd w-a paid in prenons dividends sntbout aaaeaameot of stock holders. This is the first bank on tbe coaat to close ita doors in ls&L to pay claims io fail, although others resorted to heavy aaseumeat. At the end of the present mooth tbe receivership wi'l be ooad op. The Btehl Way WAguiOTO!. Nov. 11 SWrefarr Sheruae and Sir Wilfred Laorier, premier of Canada, tbis arterooia bega tbe first of tbe formal serin of conference lor tbe purpoe of onagtag aLoat an agreement by which as manv as poib of tbe ques tions causing fnctioo betaeen tbe Coiled Mates and Uanada may be amicably set tied. ttsrhbaM BHscavcrtre Ssjcl at. Nov. 2 Rich gold discov en are reported or. tbe Mcl.mlock river and branrbe of Ihe Hootalioiia, some ruBciag as oign a M) a day to a man. There baa been qaite a rush to the new fields, which wtil be prospected during the win'er. raasaslag ta Ihe C Moxtsjuu Nov. 11 Speaker Thomas R Heed left by tbe PariSc express yester day ia a private car. He will go tbroagh lo the coast after seeing the condition ta the west will return to Waahiogt-m in lime for the opewisg of coo jrees. I U Bather? tJrrrL(, Nov. 11. A apepiaJ to th orld from Silver Creek, N Y says that three taea b'ew opeo tne safe ia Heine's bank. S-conog flO.OCO in in one and H-J0O in jewelry. sua- tnlv r Hll.kDfc.LrHl.. Nor. 10. The most important project yet launched for trans foration lo tbe Alaskan sold fields was consummated here today, when the Yukon Compw. of Seattle, executed a contract wiib tbe Roach .Sbiproilding Company, at Chester, I f-r tare 5G30 reatashsre !0 vJr UrCT- c -" an I St M ichael. c coonct at the l.ivr mint wi'h the fleet ot 13 Yukon nv r steamers now being rmilt at beanie. Toe ship to be built at rlaacn s will be the lartret and most com plete American steamers on Ike Pacific oact. The Bah) Haasest Pkikckxox, N I So. 10 The Prince too collegian were greatly disappointed when it became known lolay tbat Grorer LlereJaDd I sou is to be named Richard F olsottt CWiveiand . Tbe name decided op -on is given in honor of Mrs. Cleveland's father. Barraat Is Cawl Sa Faisctsco, Nov. 13 William Henry Thoedore lirranu tbe joung med ical student condemroed to death fr the murder of Lilancbe Lamont ia this 'it ta April, 1SJ5, was brought ovr from San Qwalio prison today, and, upon being brought before Judge Babre, shortly before noon, was sentensed to be hanged on Fri day morning next. As tbe date of his doom was pronounced. just the scs;icion of a sneer apseared on tbe coner of bis month. It was 'be ex presnn of cue who would bid defiance to he I tit, A stawhte Traaeal CTirrBtAKA. Nov. 10. Two weeks ago Lvnn Tatlor went lu Cincinnati instead ot appearing at the side of Miss Mary burns, on bich occasion he was to make her his ortda Tbe beart-brokea girl took the matter sn seriously a to nrefer death hv suicide list to face life afterward. Y ester day fay lor committed suicide from lemorse adopting ;be same method as did Miss Burns, his aihoancei bride: be hanoed himself. Of Caarve San Frascisco. Nov. 10. The I25.0ii0. 000 fortune of tbe late loibty Clark, which aus iraj tiliot ot this city, expects! to inherit seems to have been a mvth. Vice President Ilobart, and Governor Griggs, of New lersey, wbewe subsUntial names used in connection with tbee'o'y gave it an air of reliability, disclaim a!l o wlelve of tbe case. hUlea It Asiwsi Armxoton, Sov. 10. A laige wildcat was killed a few mile out from town yea terday by Joe Irby, who knocked tbe ani mal off a telephone pole with a rocx. and cut ita throat with a jack-knife. It Is Better to take Hood's Sarsaparilla than to experiment with unknown and un tried preparations. Ve know ilooi's Sar Banarillaactually and permanently cures. Iloods Pilm act easily and promptly on tbe liver and bowels. Cuie sick head ache. That lean sharp vilct on our printing is had by knowing how to do free work, and by n'iag the best material, still tbe price is uo higher than the other kind. Smiley, tbe printer. . Lud:ca Tuke Notice Another stylish line of Jacketa and Capes just arrived a, tbe Ladies Baxaar Boat ToWco Salt aa4 auas lar Ul Away. To quit tolmrco eusl'w aiid lurerer, be mar nciio. tull ot lllo, uurvo and vliror, tuke Nolo Dao, the wnoder worker, that nmk- weak men strung. All rtruttlsla, Woortl. Curoguaran tecd. Dooklct and sainpla treo. AiUlres Sterling Kemedj Co, CUlceco or New York. The office that does high grade printing n gov I stock, for tbe price of the o'her oind. Smiley, the printer. Kdoeat Tour ltowals Wltb Case rata. Candy Cathartic, eura eoaatlpatlon torevar. 10o,c. l&ttC. raU,drassia'ereluadaKMwy. Baking powder at 25 cents or 30 cents a pound never ought to have been sold, because good baking powder is cheaper does more for the money. But now as the good times are coming back as the newspapers say the excuse for cheap baking powders is even less than ever. Your money back if you don't like Schilling's Best at your grocer's. Look ! PIPER HEIDSIECK PLUG TOBACCO (CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR) Increased 40 per ctst. in size and improved in quality. Ask yonr tobacconist to show yon one of the NEW pieces the biggest bargain for tbe money yon ever 8tir Kakerv Corner Broadatrin and first Sts CONRAD METER PRCPEIETO?- Cnnned Fruits. Glassware, Dried Fruit. Tobacco, Sugar. Coffee. Etc. Canned Mt' VeaetWes Ogars, Splcea Tea Etu. 'er thing tbat i. Bjpt ia a good yariety and grr eery store- Hig" t pr'-oe paid for ALL KINDS OF PK0DUCI CHEAPEST POWER HERILES WAS A.D CVSOLIXE E.G I. Boilt in special sixes for printing oSicee and factories. State your want and write tor price and term-. Illustrated catalogue furnished free upon app'ica- tion. AxtRK-AX 1-rra Focsd8 Co. PariUn J,it?gon ti . AS IwBCtGX inimutJ PROCURED, EUGENE W. JOHNSON, SoTIc tor aiMtlyis MitCane ttt Vara: Ar WTaataa:a. C Caveats and Tr ItartsoMatne and all Ft ant baaiaeaa cob jocled tor Moderate fees, i sWddmodrLdra-a-tncorittiotd. WaadTiaatf patentable frcaotchir?- OnrfeBtdnatSl! naMtisvnnvt. A PasBphlet -now to Ob tain Patenta," etwt of aama la tha U. & r .A. SMAVV Ar- f50. ; NEW TfORK WORLD, Tlirice-a-Wock Edition IS Pages a Week ... . . . 15ii Papers a Ye-ai For One Dollar. Sakllahealevery AlteraateBayexreat swa4 Tne Thrice-a- Week Kdilion of Tu s N kv 5ok World is first aiuon? all "weekly papers in siae. frequency of poblicatioa and the freshne, aceoracy and variety ol its coi tents. It has all the merits of a peat $6 daily at the prie of a dollat weekly, plete. accurate ami impartial a all its read ers will testify. U i against the monopo lies and for the people. It prints tbo news of all the world hav ing special correspondence from all ( w portant news point on the globe. It baa orilliant illautrations. stories by great authors, a capital oumor page, comolete markets, departments for tbe household and women's work and other special de partments. We offer this uneoaaled newspaper and th Dbmocjlat togetberon year for $- 00 e ooo- ran j Hare yon seen it? . Tbe new Five-Cent Piece of saw. Try it and be convinced. TO ttt. stvasTaraciioica or 2 TRAN S CO NTI N E NT AL. ROUTES GREAT RORTHERfl VTA SPOKANE UIKKEAPCUS ST. PAUL OREGON SHORT LINE VIA SALT LAKE mm C)IA8A AXB KAKSAS Cnv CHICAGO Lowest Bates to all Eastern Cities Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 days .. roE .. SAN FRANGISGQ Steamers monthly from Port land to Yokohoma and Hong Kong; via, The Northern Pa cific Steamship Co. ir. con nection with O E and N For rail inforacatioo cai 3a CciXAX i MosTrrH. Aibnv, Os Mt ADOKtso: K HUBf.Kt KV Otx'L Par .aass ' " Portland Oi. Good Money OnMensGocds. Shoes, Boots, Hais, Shirts, Ties and Sospen dsrs. Xcver Hip Pants Oreral, Nouses, gloves, etc, etc C3os ing Out Sale. They will eoon a.l be WRBLAIS, (He Tuts the Prices Down DESlRISG to sir my whole atten lion to pool'ry raising I offer all ex cept 10 sere ii my Farm for Sale U is the btt located small farm in the coon" y, one and one half mile south of Albany on Tanjtent road. Have gvod well. (vmforU le building, brica cel'arwith concrete flxr. apple, pear, plums.quilce. rola of woven wire fence and everything- i o-ood repair. AIs-J have 2 ro-.K-h cows and one heif (will be freh in Feb.) all hivb yrade Jer sevs, for sale cheap . O D Bates rm 1 1 tUmttr ASulalily ratmra u lha Bro(afca. at .-ra !" 1T. rpfaad awaer u - lo aoti ToscubtimalM BOSasKvttMaaBwpnt-a aad t mm aaaiaa kMa. vita tasas ! I aa 1 pr(erlocaaasVraa U1 eaawaet to aura I A laaasarDajaxpaaaaot naitc. iiiaaawjii ii laaiaia mZ"""' i4 aoMlIiaaJi i fa n III I ." ad Mac aa II -f U,0HgJl Caawa, a w fall w laWaaaSawaaSjaBsaJaaU nn. It oa am lusi aarr. I 1 I i"rT. kwUuasilaiAaaa uU aata aca aud 11 tl was. Mm, taha sa awata. Wars TaraaS a " a ity W .p t. A ul.r aN.l, Vlwanaauj W Pxlwf lb bly MmXrve Krrawa salliaar (. CSJ ' O" frlatary, BwaaSary or IVrsiary f M 1 81a sS Plana taat va IMiwii n toeurs- a a 1 Ba I wlnut taa must aaasaa. aa sail aa altaa si paaaa taa arar!4 S y a raaa,l rarr Turn n iw 1 1 a tatil Sal a SbSIi taa ai.lU T ta aaa I IsailaaBS Tw. ' -J soraiaajr Tarwaaa laaSBalai a stctait ot SraalUul thia diiaaas wlia aur CYrsULKNB aat k.. S, ca(4tal beatad ear aacuadiOoaal tiaiWK rsi "Ittsjij I ill "1 s"ii ilasi av aonraas iXMia'K s tl A IB Maaaail 1pl. t'atcawa, lniawas. K. O. T. M. t rr ?t'-nrlr erViaa atK.O.T ht'l. Vsttin Kiigiits iariiei to at d. TV. JR S ALE. Cne span team horses. r one t'oablo set Wrness. ooo wagon. Frke $90. Call on E C Sacry. EAST