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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1897)
Horace White want! the greenback! retired and an elastic currency establish ed. Elastic is good lor the kind of cm rsncy White woold establish. The happiest fanners are those who old their wheat when ready for the market. Many though think that the Drice will again rite. That though is always an uncertain event . Turkey and Bulgaria are reported to be on the verge of war, on account of a trained relationship. They will bluster around for awhile like a couple of Tur key gobblers and then call it quits. That's about their size in war matters. An exchange says a man should never run tor office unless he considers himsell eompetent to fill it after a serious study of the matter. That is good advice. War between the United States and Spain might possibly settle the Cuban question. II it could be done without ellEarope taking a hand in it it might be a eood thine, at it looks now as if ths trouble will last indefinitely. Beth Low it being mentioned for gov nor on the republican ticket at the next lection. That it a long way off, but it teems nowadays that a man has to begin several years ahead of time to get any. thing, an nnpleasant feature of the matter. There should be no let-up until . Ya quina Bay is included in th list of ap propriations. Our Congressmen sav they will do their best. Let everybody interested also d their best. The mat teris of too much importance to Sleep over. Just the little word MAY it what bst knocked out the including Y equina in the list of appropriations. What is the use of the law if the matter was to be left to the discretion of one man. Cime Mr Alger, consider our interests out here for a moment. We are as much a part of the United Slate as Michigan or the Mississippi valley. Seattle ie again said to be afflicted with neb high leutt that the small shop keep. 1 re can hardly navigate the commer cial streams of the city. The high ran of grasping landlords often do a city nn told injury. Candidates continue to appear on both tickets for many offices. At ths naming of candidates is always uncertain bosi nses the Democrat will not pretend to give them except upon request. Free mention will be made of all actual can d'dates desiring the same. .Tom Piatt not having learned that the Hew York election is ever continues to elk against the Citizens Union. Mr. Piatt is the greatest boss of the age, and it tabes bim a long time to give a thing up. The busses should be downed . in whatever party they may be found, and whether big or little bosses. no sooner woe a man throw away any nnamoked portion of a cigar in many European cities, particalsrly in Par's than a street gamin makes for iA tfaongh it were a piece of money. Noth. ing goes to waste over there, and even cigar stomps are utilised as a means of revenue. Tie great New York hone abow it now on the boards. This brings together an- ually all the dndet and the bulk of the codfish aristocrats of the city, who meet in swell costumes and consider everything bat horses. It it the grxa'eit fairs in tLs world, a sd ths Democrat it glad to see it reported that it it dying out in that city. All honor to the horse, but not when shown by a lot of bair brain d dudes. From the Philadelphia North American -The Boston Onivenity Tbeologica Scboo' faculty has requested the with drawal from the institution of Rev. Geo. A Reader, who !aat Thursday preformed ths marriage of a notoriety seeking couple in a lion's eae at the Boston Zoo. This action on the part o the autboritl let of the school la perfectly right, and will be upheld by every one who re specie the eancity of the marriage cere mony. It is a pity that the right of the offending parson to perform such a cere mony cannot be taken away at the same time. - Ben Killen on Alaska. From the Washington Post Mr. Benton Killen, one of the formost lawyers of Portland, Oreg., was seen at the Arlingtoa last evening. Tbe past summer he mads a very thorough study of tbe Alaskan coast country, at ibe in tance of the Secretary of Agriculture, and t is report will soon be given to tbe public "1 regard Alaska." said Mr Killen, "as aa undeveloped empire waiting for the genius and energy of the Anglo-Eaxon race to transform it (rem a wilderness into a state of civilisation. Tbe Indians of tbat region are fast disappearing from he earth, and eo are the fur bearing an intals, which is evidence that tbe period of development is at hand. From tbe southern boundary to Cook's lolet, the limit of my exploration, there are re sources of untold valne. Ever body a news about the fisheries, the vast for ests of good timber,! be aoal copper, and gold, but one who has not seen the coun try can scarcely appreciate its wonderful advantages. "Tbe famed Treadwell gold mine is new op6rating309stsmps. The ore, which is tow grade, averages only $3 to the ton bat It cost only $1 per ton to mine and mill it, and the net product of yellow, raetal is $900 per day. The plant runs day, and night 303 days in tne year, Christmas Day and the Fourth of July being the only occasions when there is testation of work. But there a e other bodies of ore far richer than the Tread- wll tbat will be developed in the near future. Just as soon as the sluice box . miners book Cook's Inlet get away mills will be put utand big amounts of gold will be produced. "There is not in all the world a more fascinating proposition than the invasion of Alaska by citizens of the United States, ho will build it up and make of it a source of enormous revenue. Tbe western coast bat a climate not at all rigorous, for the thermsmeter in winter does not go 10 degrees below rero. Ers many years go by this part will be full of white men enjagsd in fiiberies, lumbering, aod mining." Ben Killen aa a foremost lawyer of Portland Is goor The tramp Is abroad as hnngrv at can be, and the result ie the report of a good many burglaries in tlie state and else where. An immense acreage of fall wheat has ben sown in this valley, and even with fair prices there ought to be considerable prosperity in this valley next year. It comes from Washington that the President will dual very lightly with the financial question, leaving that for Mr. Gage. This is sagacious. The less the President touches on finance the better or him. Any young men intending to enter in to any respectable business had better stick to it than get the Klondike fver. The boy who takes the advice of an ex perienced father will mke by it in th ) long run. Prunes have brought a good del of money into the valley this fall. A aatr Die was the sale by F M Wilkios, of En- gene, a tew days ago. of 80,000 poands at 3e a pound. Prunes are a profita ble fruit at that price, and it is a great encouragement to the producer. Reports trout the east are tha Mr. Croker is very lively. As the boss ol the second bljcgesteity in the world he ought to be lively if anybody. It meant several millions of dollars in ria pocket before he gets through with Greater Sew York's pocket book. It is reported that there wi.l be 1,000,- 000 tons of wheat for export from Argen tine. This will mean a live competition and tbeprospecta uf low prices for wheat. A general improvement in business though ought to keep this cerea) op to the present figures, or approximately to. As in past years tnougn wuo can tell. Can a person borrow $75 at 6 per cent without security in the city ol New Yoik Provided that person can show that he or she is a memoer oi a cnurcn, a worker in ihe Sunday school and has toe name of being- an honest Cbristain? The above appeared in the Xew York World, signed "Honor," and is answered in the heading. "Not in New York." Recently a New York minister dUguis-odeiao-noija basin$s mm, nealy ho plainly dreeeed vieited three fashion able churches, acd was enobbedin sll ol them In one he was rudely ordered out ol the seat he took.aud in the others ;,er -win who it was the en her refus ed to seatbim, while the stylishly dress ed reporter who was in the game was eeated with the greatest courtesy. The church that inake a dis tinction on arc Mint of clothes has less re'igion than you could place inside a mustard eeed. and that ie about the size oi the fashionablecborcb of the city. Such religion is not Justified br the teaehiogsof Christ, and in fact is hypoc risy of the worst order. - The coming city e'ection present notb'ec: more importait than the o Ccee of counci'men. Tbey run the city. Last year the city run behind ahoot $1,000. This meant, that tbe most rigid economy will have to be practiced on the 8 mill tax, tbe charter limit. It is not pleasant to eee a eiy niggardly, but nevertheless a city should iivs within its menus . It s proper to run a municipal government as carefully as ones own bus'nees that is wall run. -An official should be as coo s'derate of every cen spent at he is of his own money, and a deficit should be fought against with all tbe energy of a foot ball player. Hence no one euould be elected who will be otherwise than ha been the police of tbe present council, as a rule, but rather men who will be closer figurert if possible without going to an extreme that will hurt the interests of the city, for mere are somethings that must be done,or tbe government woold have a lot of damageeuita on hand and our sidewalks aod streets should be kept in decent order. Oafcville. This nice webfoot weather keeps na inside of our domicile and while we are closed in we have more time to read and study and the more we lead about the history of tbe past ages and of the doings of the present time we are satisfied tbat oar ts'ioa has not been doing the right thing and we as a people are making slaves of our selves, (not willingly) to a class ot tyrants wno will soon Have ns where they want ns and they say to us : "Vote with tbe party-" and thousands of ns do so without looking at ths platform, and again they will say : "Stay with us and wo will give you all tbe reform you ask," and many believe them while at the same tiro they don't see the reform coming. Young men! read for yonr elves and then vote your principle, and yon will bava tbe satisfaction o doing right if you are in the minority. We were at a public sale in Taugen last Wednesday, we found rather a small crowd on account of so man cases of typhoid fever in and around tbe ciiy, we were surprised to see things sell so well and mots surprised to see so many people paying catb for everything they bought, not we) learned tbat the farmers in this part of the country sold their wheat when it was a goo1 price. We learned (bat our fellow scribe bad actually gone to California, aod we also learned tbat be stopped at Bisseos to buy some ear dines and while be was jewing tbe me chant dowa oa sardines the tisin le't, .! Young Amtreca bed to stay over nigbt among strangers, oh no; not him he happened to know a young lady there, Y Abad figured on that before he left Tangent, he is not "long and faith ful" for nothing. J ml go Barton has been among us for the la4 week, while here be hird a saw and some of his neighbors to run it and they ea ed enooicb wood to da the Barton family all w.mer. V have been confidentially informed that thete will be a wedding on the 25 u of this month. Where? irk Billy Mor gin. We tipped our nat to Angelina as we passed, she waved Ler little white kerehief, (the same one she lost on the streetcar and had us picking up moon shine.) Dont know us ir dsy lime. Mr. R A Bamford leceived a postal card from Albany a few days since w tit out anything on the side Hie message should have been written, he say loi bis mend to ariite again and write u both aides. , Mr, ' Bamford butcbeied two pigs weiicbina- 630 pound, hit average ol 465 pounds. Next ! . LiTfLS Boss Bud Commeaciog Thursday, Nov. llth, the 0 C. & . steamer Albany will again resume her regular run. Leaving down for Portland and way points Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 7 o'clock a m. Up rtver on Mondays, Wednetdays and Fridays. WashiiiKton Letter, Prom our rajrular ' Washington, Nov. 15, 1897. Senator Jones, of Ark., Chairman ol tbe Democratic National Committee, arrived in Washington in a decidedly jubilant state of mind over the results of last week's elections. He said on the subject: "Well, you bet I'm tickled It makes me feel 25 tears younger and makes me understand that the Amerl- can people have not been bought or blinded this time. The results are an omen of comma aod renter good. U just takes opposition and sorrow to de velop the lull strength of the democratic parly. This result convinces me that the silver sentiment grows, grows and grows and that by the next Presidential election, it will have grown to an irresis tible strength. Just mak my words. Error dies from a pin scratch, but truth survives the cyclone. The democratic party is Truth. When it comes to long: race and a hard race, the democratic Dartv sets there. I am very eoiry be cause of the turn ma'tera have taken in old Mary land, but hope for her is not dead in my bosom yet. Of course it would have been more deairale had Mark Hanoa beea inhumed ucderan avs- taucbe of democratic votes, bit when r great man saves his scalp only by th- sxin of his teevh, it is virtually a do feat." Consul General Lee has received his final instructions and will this week re turn to Cuba, tie is as careful as ever about dlscutting Cabin matters, but there are good reasons tor saying that hs is confident that there wilt be peace in Cuba witbin t few months. It was be cause of this belief o hit part that he agreed, when urgently rtqiested to do so by Mr. WcKicfey, to remain in Cuba until the trouble was over. Tbe army of pensioners still steadily grows in numbers, noti'l ending tbe assertion of several C-.u issionert ol Pensions that it had reached- the high water mark and was about to start on the down grade. The annual report of Commissioner Evans shost that there ere 5,336 mere names on the rolls on June 30, 1997, than there were one year before, notwithstanding the dropping, the fiscal year for death aod other causes of 41,123 names. There were 976,014 names on the roll at tbe the close of the last fiscal year, and, unless, death claims an cnusual large number, it is probable that the million mark will bs pased before the c!oee of the present fiscal year. From all directions come complaints about the tremenooo rise in the price of almost everything, excepting the article that more than half of our people hare to sell our tabor. An expert says of the D'.osley tariff npon tbe price of men'e clothes: "A suit of clothes that could be bought lat year for II5.0C can not be duplicated now under $30 00 and that fact is sn annoyance to dealers and customers alike. With men of ample means, who have tbeir clothes made by fashionable tailors, 13 00 or $lo advance on a suit is hardly noticed and it noticed evokes no complaint. It is very different, however, with those who have to be careful in their tspendi tares, for to this class $5 00 represents a considerable sum UD S00 PACIFIC LINE. lo ill Points last Solid vestibule trains, constating of pal ace sleeping cars, luxu ions dining' cars, elegant day coaches, magnificent tourist cars i ad free colonist sleepers from the Pa ciSe to the Atlantic without change. COST DIRECT ASO CHEAPEST OCT t Koofcnny Min in? District XACXSF, hew DSjrvsJt, slocas cmr. KAXSOS, BOS3LA9DAe All points in the Okansgan Country. Ge a pamphlet giving a full deschptioc of this wonderful country. Ask t be ajrect for a copy of the mining laws of Britist Columbia. Lowes rates o and froui Atlantic steamship inee. Canadian Pac. Ry. Uo.'s -Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan CAXAOIAS AUSTRALIAN STEAM KB LISTS, mi akd Australia. The shortest lioe to tbe Colonies. These steamers carry aa experieoced medical man. and a stewardess on every voyage For time tables pamphlets, or any in ormation, call on or address. S N STEELE t CO. A gents. Albany Or. E J COYLE, Ag't, 148 Third St., Port and. Or. GEO. McL. BROWN. D P. A. Vancouver. B. C Ladies and Childrens Shoes . . "Cheapest in town." "pleodid values." "Have found none f cheap' are some of tbe remarcs made about my ladies and childrens shoes, tbat I have jus placed cn sale. W. K. BLA1N. (tie puts tbe prices down.) Commercial Printing We have good stock, good and Aew type, good presses aod understand how to do good work and we do it at a very ressonalile price, tor neat and up-to-date job printing call on. HILL 5 M1LL0Y. S. A. SCHIFFLER k CO. Merchant Tailors . gssawMnsBBBBBa. Carry the largest and most complete stock of Cloths ia the valley. Oii SM ia Fllna BW. GEO E FlhH THIS PLUMBRK Tin roofing ' and plumbing, be opera house Oppositi WW The Bound ary Usw.' When a young srirl steps from eirlhood into wo manhood, she e ters a new and strange countrv. A land of vromise and hope, yet full of hidden dangers. Whether she will find, happiness or misery cepenos largely upon the health and condition of the deli cate, special organism which is the source and centre of her womanhood. Th. lima of vnnncr women are often Bmckwl becanae of a mistaken sense of modesty, which leads them to neglect the earlier symptoms of feminine weakness. These troubles unless corrected, develop Into serious chronic difficulties which be come a dragging burden, ruining life's best opportunities and blighting all possibility of nappy wifehood and motherhood. Any woman snfferiog from these delicate complaints needs the health-giving power of Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It heals and strengthens the womanly organs; stops weakening drains; gives vitality to the nerve-centres, and restores perfect or ganic soundness and constitutional energy. It is the only medicine devised for this pur pose by a skilled and experienced specialist in diseases oi tne lemmine organism. rm w n Tinnrtn of Aril no-ton. Ma. writes : t have nacd voor Favorite Prescription and am never tired of aoanding Us praise. When my lady meoos complain, 1 say - ny am i yon Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription?' I told sn aasioas mother, whose daughter (if years old) had not beea right for five months, about tttc medicine, and after tbe young lady had taken tanhirda of a bottle of 1 Parol ' favorite Prescription ' he was an right, ene nea neen ircw ay two ol our beat doctors.' Dr. Pierce's great thousand -page illus trated book, "The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser" sent paper-hound on receipt of si one-cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only. Or, a handsome cloth-bound copy for xi stamps. Address, Dr. R- V. Pierce, Bufiato, N. Y. MISFITS. Jaraee Parker, of Goshen. Lane ewnty would make a good eitisen of the capita', city. He has a 7oO pound hog. iiu record is 802 pounds. Tbe Marshal of Prineville one night last week arrested ten or twelve boys for violating the curfew ordinance, which re quires boys under IS to keep off the streets alter 7 o'clock p. in . iney were nnej $2 apiece Baker City gmblrs pay the city $200 a month in fines. That is a very email license system, and a discredit to any city hen conducted as such. Tbe value of a man's character Is great when it is assailed in any form. Q. A. Bosnneli, of Dayton, Wash , a former Eugene photographer, has sued J. K. Jones and J. F. Fry far $21,939 d im ages for malicious prosecatisn. This is the last day on which the Chi nese phfasant can be sold in the open market, but the bird is not yet out of danger. Miss Twogood is the captain of bas ket ball team iu Boie City. An ex change proudly boasts that nothing is too good for that city. The S. P. pay ear ps. d through the city yesterday disutbuiin tboutsnds of dollars, but probably not as much as the people of tbe vaUey have paid them ic the past month Now that the President's and Gover nor's proclamations bavs been published tbe turkeys are warned to escape if tney doet wan't tbeir necks rung. It is a pos itive fact thi t they are in danger. Notwithstanding the many sous tbe j construction of the Lane county court bouse groes merrily on. Tbe corner stone was laid yesterday. It was an unfair rooeeding not to have had Senator Driver conalnct the proceedings. The Salem Journal beats the tecord oo stories ol economy. Here it is: A Sa lem gentleman got so economical aod bad such a t-orror of wasting snytbing tbat ho would not names new born calf right away after iu arrival for fear it would die and tbe name would be wasted. Bicycles have scored a victorv in the courts. Tbe supreme court of Iowa has rendered a decision that bicyclists are not compelled to carry a bell and exhibit a light at night, i et tbe decision is modified by tbe finding tbst tbe bicyclist, not being supplied with a bell and light, who injure a person, is guilty of contrib utory negligence. W. II. Land last week was elected mayor of Sacra treato by a large vote Land is a bote! keeper, and has been for many years. John Usher, ot this city, lived st Land's hotel for a nnmber of years, and is quite a friend of tbe sue - eeeeiui candidate, tie will coneratolale bim and is looking for a request to go there and act as bis special adviser. A few years ago a young man named Searigbt was expelled from Stanford University. Last Saturday he got even with tbat university in great shape In the great earns of footlwll between Stan ford and Reliance be played full back for Reliance, and more than any one else won the game for bis eleven, playing it is reported like a fiend. lie ie now a soldier in tbe regular army at Presidio. Prole. Heritage and Fleck, of the Wil lamette Conservatory of Music, weie sn nounced to give a concert in Corvaliis last Frldsy evening. A big crowd wss present, snd tbe Profs, were tbere; but when Prof. Fleck touched tbe piana, he found that it was a regular old tin pan he had not taken the pains to test it be fore hand and he absolute refused to perform on it. As it was too lste to get another the concert was postponed until next Saturday evening and the tictets returned. McEwen, the hypnotist, recently gave a week's entertainment in Salem, mys tifying people, and receiving the endorse ment of the uoctors as well as msny prominent people. Since he has gone tbere are reports of his beine? a fake aoo the papers are foil of the matter. Alfred Feller, a young man, displayed in a show window for several hours has made an affidavit that be wasdrugedfor tbe pur pose and that in tbe exhibitions iu which he appeared he was not actnally hypno tised. McEwen bss sent for him to go to Portland to explain matters. As Mc Ewen will be in Albany on Nov. 6 we will have an opportunity to investigate the matter ourselves. The Salem Elks last week held an open session tbat was one of the social events of tbe week. A festure wss the reckless manner in which tbe Exslted Ruler W. J. D'Arcy fined the members for differ ent things, proving an amusing feature o' tbe entertainment, lie nned Hon J J Murphy for "being the first guest of the evening at the ball Ed N Edea "for tbe privilege of serving the session as sec rotary;" P H D'Arcy "for being a broth er nf the chairman" for 'beine a sinner" and for "thinking be wss a singer:" Hon I L Patterson, for "being the chief con spirator ol tbe "Mitchell push' that held up the legislature in January last;" Walter Lyon "for misrepresenting bis friend, Senator Pattorson, In the Oregon ian;" E Holer, for "defeating 11 a chair man by 1,000 votes in his late race for the lenislature;" Msjor FE Hodnkiu, "evading the law when it was thrown at him;" Mayor J A Richard-on, for "not keeping the atieets of Salem clear of mud duing the rainy season;" Thomas Sims for "failing to receive the nomination for sheriff in 1896; "lion Tilmon Ford "dis appointing tbe audience by decliniug to tell what lie knew about wooing." Mosic Miss Mildred fiurmester teacher of piano or organ. System ths Mason touch and technique. Residenc Fifth street, opposite U P church. A stylish line of fur collarettes, cine, muffs and childreas sets just nceived at tbe Ladies Baxaar. rs mm w j x TELEGRAPHIC Kllert His Sister Ghaut's Pash. Or.. Nov. 10 Tbe 9-year-old son of Thomas Gray, who re sides near Merlin, ysalerciay Afternoon, while plating with his father's rille, acci dentally discharged it, tbe ball passing through bis little 5-yearoM sister's beau, killing her instantly. 1 Tbe little lelbw. re alizing what he had done, r.n away from home without hut, cofc.t or slice. Arriv ing at Merlin after dark, be told tbe sec tion men, with wbora be stayed over nigbt, that his father had wbioced him and that beranawav. Altera night's rent the section men t-upposed be would go home. hut instead be took to tbe hills, ami al though a strict search has teen nmdt, be cannot be found. The Basalan aharinge Washington. Nov. 16. The agricul tural department has issued i's monthly review t the foreipa crop situation, aiuci' atieotion is devoted lo tbe grain crop of Russia, especially wheat, on account of its maenUuie as a ctor in tbe European supply. 1 ho review ajs that all account gree'io represent inir the wheat erf p as de ficient, but its lo the extent cf the deficien cy much diffeien'eof opinion exists. A MiHtsaalr Deallal I.'ew Yomk, Nov. 16.- Ar.hnr EvaJoi, oflb's city, attorney for Dr Thomas Kvans, the famous American dpntist whose death was announced fiom Paris makes the following statement : Tbire is no doolit that the doctor ws worh several millions. It bus been aul about t:S5.000.00l), but 1 believe that n little too bigb. A I'taar t'lalas ; ' WaeiiiKOTOK, Nov. 111. An immense clsim, embracing 7. 000. Oct acr -s of iund in tne sonowen including me elites or Minneapolis and bt. i'sui. was brouubt before Commissioner Herman, of Ihe gen eral land otLce, today, and tbe axxistanee o' the government in securing oircial wa called lor the e sionants are U Hollo sy, of Holland O , and limn, of Munroe. Ike t'lrss Trala IXDcrRKDEXCK. Nov. 16. The arrival of the first train on the new schedule of the Southern PaciS railroad, known as tbe Independende express was welcomed here this eveainir by tbe riesence st the depot of several hnnJred people and the Indepen dence bra band Tbe mot r ft r IViI'a f left on tbe arrival of tbe train . fcivea a new Trial j 81 sm Nov. 15. 1 he j pre rue court to- ! dsv remit-red fire decisions. 1 Tbe case reversed wss that of Ihe Mate : respontent vs. DaouI Msgone, appellant, from Multnomah countv. Afagone was jointly indicted with Cbas. j Mootirmery. William Rector and Edward j L-ntr. f.r the crime f duioterrinx a hu-" man body, tbat of W ri La-la. Sated sWalia fsrad Paris, Nov. 15. Tho-na W Evens, It' fsmous American den!tt. bo friii'a'ed tbe flteht of Ksnprect Evirenie from Pan in liTO. died seddenly yealer-lty evening. Dr. Evans was burs in 1'uiladelpbia, sboot 'b years mo. and wett to Paris In IS46. where be on . a gitwt rvputa'ioo , Since bis advnt in lh Kreorb capita' ; Or. Evans bad attended lo tbe teeth of most of the crowned beads of Europe. ! Watllal taw werilae WAsnisoTox. Nov 15. No official in formation has been received here confirm- lory of ihe report cabled from Rio de Ja-j neiro. via London, to the effect tnat Presi dent Morse has issued a decree declaring martail U w for a period of 30 dsjs Never- tbeieas the rportT credited witn diplo- mstic circles. ABsSker Oarmat rtute Wahijcoto!. Nov. 15. On moaon AtaifUnt-Attorney General AniWsin, the sapremeceort today decided to iue ita - mediately a mandate ie tne Durrani mar - v ,.tvnw.nlii!im t. tkirrant dereue. ?i a representative f. lmrrant -a. tu court when the motion wa mad. The court, after a burned oro.uitation on tne bench, acooowd tbrx!,fi thief Justice Fuller that a mandate slioiSd i-itie forthwith. Anderson tbtnts Utts will -t . bim lil tta e l.K-ini an 1 U pful t lie the matter and hasJen larrnt's execu- I msoy trn o i ils : -c , ira t Uoo. jwhoaiw every tir.-lv i dJescvd f-r i.rsk. VjLtT bl ?"""iuS Havasa. Nov. 15. The Spanish steam-! Brarfoa fep 77 r Akanta retnrned to Spain today, wUo j Palne'a trr compound. .f V.iynd 8) ck OJ invalid soldiers. The Spanish wisely used, srould relieve nervousness, steamer Alfonso XH1 arrived today having j sooshe rwUesne4. reda irkr-s on toard Bngadic-r tieneral Gairr, ot - I Jnriheo the bod v. Invig riie t tie miad Seers, five ckapUmt aod TOO solJi-r. i "w add tasiia ct haf. !n.- to Ufa A. Emu Killed 1 JMfe.HBOYUR.liY. a U,0LV r"!r. ' ,N t'- ' 4 JT V, Th" ul'- ' n ho does not take Ashland, 3J mile ei of krr. W ii I titre to get well wi I ooM-r or liter have llamwa. editor of the Ashland Register. J to lake lime to be. 111. was rubbed to death last evening by J ! L McDonald. The men bad some words' about a notice ia tbe pPr of an approach-' " """" log lecture. McDona d charg dx tbat tl I Harrison bad beea a Methodist instead of? a Baptist, tbe notice would have been mere extended Harrison replied through bis j paper in a way ta ineen McDonald, and 1 Ibe trjgedy resuiUd. 1 Taw s i s resmt j Wasuisotos. Nov. U- Tbe m an- nnal report ol t csttmisler- tenrl Jamrs A Gary to tbe president srms made public tonight. Its feature is the strong advoca cy ot postal savings depositories, a scbeme over which Post tu aster- Gentral Gary has beea workine for sir ers 1 months in Ihe fonuu'aiioa of plans to prest to tbe presi dent and congress - tie say t tbe time is ', rips for tbeir establishment A Bit Lrarhlag BikMaas, X I) Nov 14. .Vex Coudol. an Indian baif-breed, and Paul llotrtrack and Philip lrelatd, full blood Indians, tbe first of Whom was sentenced to death for the mnrder of six member t of tbe Spicer family last February, and bad just been granted a new trial by tbe supreme court, and tbe latter two self confessed accesaortee in tbe murder, were tkea from the county jail in Wood county last night aud Ijocbed by a mob. A Teerker sastalaed GiRVAts, Nov. 14. The cese of Ibe State vs. Prcf. A R Seigmnnd. on trial ) ester day. resulted in an aoquital of Prof. SeUmunu. This was a case involving tbe rights of a teacher to discipline a pupil. Lsat week, Clyde Hill was severely pun ished for rvrerted misdemeanors, tioth sides were fully represented by witnesses and counsel. aw at tiervala "Gekvaw, Nor. 14. The old rain of yestarday was accompanied by snow. All work of plowing, seedijg and potato dig ging has been suspended. It is estimated tnat 13 per cent of the potato crop semains undug. Creal la eee Thing Lokdon.I Nov. 14. A special to the mail from Berlin sari: Empoter William made tlie highest shooting record in a battesa on the estate of Prince Linchowski. at iicbelm. 'Ihe party killed 4244 birds, of which the eni pcrer killed 1411, an average of five per minute. STRAYED 11 bead of sheep, mar with M. Onenada bell on it. turn to or notify H. lirodert. APPLES WANTED, threa car loads o reveral varieties. Cash paid, at high est prices Gallon Willia-u tian.oppos te Kus House. STREET RAILWAY NOTICE. Tbe rrotoi on the Albany ttreet rail way will connect promptly wllh sll trsim to and from the depot, day and night. Special trips will be n ade at special a'es. t. K Conn, Conductor, FURNISHED Rooms for rent cortier of Fourth and Calipooia on atree Mas. I. U. cmtLi FJRSALE. one fonhle Price $90 -Cue span team set harness, one Call on K 0 8erv horses, wagon. WANlEU-TRUSTWOUl'HY Ac tive gentlemen or Indies to travel for responsible, established bouse io Oregnn. Monthly $05 00 and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Encloe self addressed stamped envelope, Tlie Dentin on Company, lept. Y Chicago. FOR SALE A mai at Little Rlk wishes to sell bis 40 acre tract, con sistlDirof 20 acres cleared, 10 to be cleared, with 18 or 20 tons of bay, 150 bushels of potatoes iu the (rround. 100 truit trees.and some cat) Ie and sheep, In a nice location, for IJCOO. I A TANTEU. A few more encase VV ments by the day to sew. Miis R. K Owin. BOSTON'S The Rev. J. B. Brady D. D., Advises His Many Parish ioners to Take Paine's Celery Compound. Tbe R v Jamea Boyd Brar, pas' or cf tS Pp Temp:, la II smoo, ptai Jaa c v r tbe d-atiint of the tarceat Jitrfoc u ,D1. ,V ZZT"u j h VbaTU u'tJ unci' I anl nim-t- I v. and loaa be i tbe pes of a d Kk of lTj. of ' l)r Hiady dro blm t with anSsc i c"ee t aoribl n; he und-ttke. j Tnehii naracterseOc ot b s mi-lstry !" Jjf? fZL ' V" ? i tltka ai and r t jal grow b , u , f , torMI, wrd )aiB bm, s , , Bdj-uis work. M, progrMtire mefrod. bis ec-i-nrw an', bis power as a mloUter. ibs; i-ie fcla!ng letter irom O'Brien's New Clothing store Abijj line o( mns and "boys boots and shoe?, trunks, valise3, suits. An exten sive line of mens and youthi furnishings, hats and caps. All the above goods have been bought at low vjrices. We will not be audersold Foster Blk 1st St. Albany, Or D ow Oliver Best on earth. Everyone knows the Oliver plow. Sold only by HOPKINS BROS. Albany Oregon. MaMaMaHaBHaaHMMHHMMMMMMMMMMHIMa,MnnHHMaMaMHMaiMHiaVMaaMBaMHaMH f7 CANDY f( jjs CATHARTIC H XCURE COlTlPATIr 25c 50c ' - m . DRUGGISTS a aawawBWBsaaaaaawBMaBaBMBBBBaBWBBJi ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. .lOSKPI. Proprietor GREAT PREACHER. Many Uvs onder the nee ile-a inSicilon f t Indlwciots. orvouaos. coo.iiton, and gwoersJ weakness, n-i eodure tbe oo oent los of health wUhouteoos d ring bow uy tbe eaoce et a!t Ibis Uism aright be remedied. Nlfol serve -d tissue nourish mnt fatlbhotm cfal perminertt tui d insr op nf tbe hevtl. Pain'seelr ooroptound looks out f jr the inai-ttuus wkabine of tta nervous aye em throogh msln urmoo: It givte a betUh tnoe ua the atoas?iidocr-es the oixl eapfly, quiets and ej-ia'! a the irrbated ne-ve a.-.ioo end ttrmpUy feeds tbe usntiee when the noddy vigor at :i toweut b, aa 1 sbauii n be further taxed Ths oosr e irs, therefore, f-r rba jtns U3, Dtara.iri or roerl debility Uiat U Uvi sij tts ot effjets m-tatretst on a rl!c, e eaasiaa: of lbs b,oJ and build lit -p of the rerrom Usoe. AH this is newt done tiy Pafne'sew ert itanpoaad. bsneoM ibis reirsrksh'e remedv tiec:a at tbe begioaing. wuerever tbere i dis "atiiii etabl.bes the beaitn firstly aod beyowd any fsr of fs'liac bsck. Tbe worn out pent a shi cinoot s eep st old take Pattie'a celery compound'. It t fatty- to imagloe that everv boor taken from aieep is t boor galoed. Nth loa undermineis health and enersy tike I sm f a-e-p. Tbe rrv. os avasem auf fera a niucb foa toes of aieep is from We are receivicg; another larga invoice of the Oregon all wool suits, whi:h we are s?ll:ng from $9.00 to$10.00,th?3 t value in the markat '" """ " "J"" ' "' ' L - Plows - Isck of nourishiuent. Both may be supplse-i and a tealth eoaditioa tnaured by using PaJne's eetety compound- Tbe stay and ataS of sound health hi well nourished and well reo!ed nerves offerers from sleep' iwnsa, servene dyspepsia or tMadacbs may be aur tbat every rveervolr of nerve fjre baa been tapped aod ex baa seed by work, worry. too iittie sleep, w lenity Dour".sbm nt. Msauee cf poordtKwaon and aa limits ion As soon as aoeh siua of nervous exhans tion are noticed snaky hands, broken sleep, coor appecits. wmatioK diseases .neo raiis r r dy.pep-ia. take adv socage c-f ths remarkable retort3ve and reguialing anion of fAinea celery com poo nd. Nervous disorders increase In a airt of com poo ni ratio- It ts a thoosand ctmea eswier t9 pat t atop to nervooa cebiiity in its earlier sfas than ia er on to cor red nerve an-i brain rxbau 4ioo, Uat may be eomplisatoa b heart, kidaev or tojie other organic tronbt. Paisx's oeievy compound nsust net be cenfounded with any of the pLarmiole awaJmg. bat leaiiy temyartrv nuke oiftis esoss car ere never pernuiMat nor tr.orooirh snicg. and otly trtrg de ferred hopes that teaks tbe heart sick. Paine' eeiery eompioai is the greatest necva aod brain in vibrator and moat r:b blood purifier the world baa ever been blsased w".o. NOTICE OF FJKAL SETTLEMENT Notice taker by given that the an der ttgaed executor cf ibe at will aad testa meat of Louita M Sinter, deceased, has fi'-ed with tbe. clerk ot the coanty court for Job county. Oregon, his Sr.sJ accouat and tbe co ir faas set Monday tbe 6 b dav of the hoar ot 1 o'c ock p m ol sud dav to beair objections to said fi-tsl a-c nit a..! t- see said e-rts'e. Tn le 9-h day of Octabjr. 1837. Hesst Kimek, E sec Jtor of estate of Louisa M Kiaxer, id NOTICE OF FINAL SnTlLULNT. Notice is hereby givta. that J.snes W Morgse. as admisiatrator of the aetata cf Lydia Morgan, deceased, has filed his rjaal acoooot aa each adsaiBatratcw wita the clerk f tbe coaaty coert et Lfaa eeaaty. Onron. aud teat said eoar'. hi appointed Satordsy the llth day ol Deeeasbe. 1S97, a Uie hoar of 10 o'cioct is ths forrneoa of said day aa the tuns and the coantv court room ia .!bojr. Oreoa, aa the place li? heariog aod settling said accouat. &U pesoes are actibed tlat it they have any otjectioaa to votd account and fioal sctlis meet to aopesr at taia ttste and pUcj am presect them. Dated Xov.S. 1S.; Geo W WwiHT. Jas W iToRsay. fjr dra. Almtniatr&tcr . Notice for Publication Land Omca t Orsiox Crrr, Oa, Oct ISth. 1S97. Kotics is heieby givso that th following named aettisr has hied notoe of his is ten lion to make final proof ia support of hia claim, and tbat Slid proof will be saada be fore tbe coanty clerk et Linn coanty at Al bany, 0n, on November 27 in, 1S97, via; Ellas Mor ley: H E for the lot 5 ot Sea 14, Tp 9 South R 1 East. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinans resideoca apoa and caltiyaUon of, siid land: v;t: Charles Swank. Henrr L om, Jason W Tenaev. Andrew T Zam- wa!t, sll of Ly C3, Oin. KOBSaT A Miu.tR, Reps', N8TICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. AoUce is hereby civen that the btA. sieaed aumiBntrator et the estste of Th Morgan, deceased, has tiled his final aoca eooni as snch administrator with the clerk of the eoonty Ont of Lino ennntv 11. - and tbat the Honorable Geo D hJ iods of sjd court, has annni.it4 n.. " day the llth day ot December. Isot . the h our of 10 o oioek a m, aa the time the oounty court rtomt at Albany, Croa as ths plsce, lor bearing objection to said notinedtha if they desire taml. ..i objection to said final soconnt or settU meot thereof to be atd appswr at the ahove nne anu piace, or oe forever birred Dated Novemler 8, 1SS7. Gao W Wriisut. VT G Morgax, Administrator. Atty for Admr. A I t ttEMlNES.-BoardiBg, hajging and meals may be secured of thesub rjber at the itian mines, at bU placr U the mouth of Dry Oulch. M. W. Whiti. WANTED-CPRIG HTAND FAITH rt L gentlemen or ladles to trav for responsible, es'abh&hwl Louse Orecon. Monthlv 155 00 andexpeesee position steady. Refeience k'nclcs self-addressed stamped envelope. Dominic n Company, Dept. H, Chicago. DRESS-MAKING. Ladies wisLing I learn catting and fitting by the M 1 gaa system, call an Mrs. K. K. O presses made for t2.&0 and up. Co r t ooia. . L." urt KhM. Oood house of five rooms J? in 3rd ward. Convenient to scboo!. h'n(trire at Morris's store. wijr maisiisis police oi tax sale for Delinquent Taxes ot 1896. Notice Is hereby slven that t virtue of a warrar t for the collection rf riellrqtent taxes of tbe aaa wsa ent of ISM ia aod for the city of Albary, Iu Linn coonly and state of Oiegon, w bleb warrant ts now in mv hands and Is In words snd figures, aa follows, lowiu STATE OF OBKQOS "I r as Coanty of Linn ) In the name of the City of Albrny, Oregon. ToCbaaOLee. marshal of Ihs City of Albany, Creg-m, Orer'ng: 'n tbe Name of t'.ie City of Albany. O gon. too are hereby commanded that you evy npon tbe goods and ebateia of ibe delinquent tav psyers narrei in the ioregotng list, aad If nuns be Irm d. th u opoo tbe real property ret forth t'-erem , or so moeb theieof aa shall aatl-f the amoont cf taxna ao charged, w ib coats and expenses, aod that yon pay over all mooeya so eoliecied lo tLe t tty " reasarer uf said city, and make t be ret urn of 'his warrant aa by law required By order of tbe C tv Coardl ot tbe City of Albany. Oregon. MaJe tbe VAb day of lletotet. Ir97. wiu.em my fcsarl. tnd tbe o(B--Ul stgea mm. and tbe sal rf tbe City f t' any. Ibis 15th day of O .-tobar, 187, signed ts-EiiJ NiHEMOS. htcerr'eT of tbe eitv of Albany, wbicb w airolit . tMebed to tbe lit ot or jut in Ot ii qi-eit 'or K year it96 ia said e ty tt nbsoy. aod o t bar ing been able sfier diliseot aearcb to find aey periM.Dal property wbm aid eiiy, out of wbieb to msks tne taxes herein mentioned. Is rt levied npon fol -towing deso ibe I rval projeny h: Abbey. J R. lota 2. 24,23, 26. 27. 26. 29, 30 and 3l In block Zb be' addiuB to Albany, Of $ 2 67 Adcox. Jane, lots 9. 10, 11, 12 1 "I 1 in Abbey's addition to Albany, Ur- jf r- ' Atrai Street Raiiwat Co. the S K Ji o. bl 73 i Albanv theson.- 23 13 ei . : arab O, the 2 H ,ot 1 ai d 2 in H 2S in Hack'-emaa s zi audition lo A'bt.y. Oregon Bradley, Josepb, estate of, tbewK 600 ot tbe o k. V4 ot li wa in nataie man's additive Atbaov, J4 - - 3 19 Caret, Ssdie. lot 1 1 a blocs 2 ia At lea and Hawkin's adciuon to Ai baay, Oregon Cochran. Root. eLJe ot w ,'4 ol X w i ot M 52 io H-l?rnitfrs 24 addition tc A-fcaf ), cro-:on Coon, Sml, nndivuied re t ia iheS E "J the L J4 al tbe S VV X ot U k 113 in Harhie mm', atl litio. to A tbat r, 0$B.. 33 2 78 49 Geo D Oe.'nwtM. wnarf loU 2, 3.6 4. 10 11, 12, ia Albanv, Oregon, mu 1, 5 snd 6 in b ock 90. blocks 79. 80, 81, 86, tS7. 68. fe9, 101 ,102, 103. 104. 105, and lrsctio"al W 94. SO abJ S6,n Monttiths tooth in a-iorion 10 Albany. Oregon; Atoo Ibe or. divided intriest ia lots 7 and 8 ii Wck 53, Ms 6. 7 atd ia bl 64. S K ot tots 7 and 8 ia ol 1 k 70. tors J.3.4 and 6 ia o (c'z 63. block 21. scd lot 3 ia b!ork 4 in Aibasy. Oreg a 128 60 FarTeli. M E M". tot 1 in b ock 23 in rLKkieman s Zd ad to A tn, Oreson. and let 1 in block S ia Hatiemaa'a3rd ad to Albany . aod 'o a in bl 123 in Backlemaaa adaitioa t Albany, Oregon 10 GO arweil. F.irsce, estale of. the w cltheNwofU 36 in Hack e man's 2nd d utkn to Albaa y . . 09 Genisn J P. lots 16. 17. 18. 19. 20, 2i. 27,28, 29, 33,31 ia ol II m Bryaafs ad ta Albaav. Oregon.. Husdv. Faaaie S, lot 3 and 6 ia bl 29 ia Hacktemaa'a 2nd ad i. Albany. Oregon Hawfcms C E. tbe S H of lou 7 aad 4 63 480 8 ia bl 28 ia UscklemsB s zi ad ditios to A baa v. Oregon .. 555 Hess. Htrxiett, KTisU Aibaay :! 400 Orecon ........... - Hortoa. E XI. lot 6 m b ock 12 ia Uackleman's 2 hi ad to Albany. Oregon Hotcn, B M, nndivided H ia'erest ia lots 5, 6 and 7 ia U 113 ia Hackiemaa's anl to Afoeay. Or.. Janaon, t S. lot 5 io al 13 in Haca iemaa's 3rd ad to Albaay. Oregoa Ketcbum. W M and a-d J J Da 1 39 6 49 93 brtrilie- trastea. w ii and w. of the S r Jtl of block 10 in Hack l-naa'a ad to Aiaar. Or .... 2 73 Kline A. the west 45x100 feet of the tst Ht W 1 m the Eas era ad to Aibeny. Oreetw Kliae. A, lots 6. 7 and 8 ia bl 30 o Hacklemans 24 ad 'o Airaay. Or Klin Josrqhine, lot 7 in bl 4 ia tbe Eastero ad to Albany, Or.... 4 C-7 393 6 40 47 555 320 4 CC McGregor. Doaa'd. lot 1 inbtlia Jones addition tJ Albaay, Ogo.. Linnie?,E J. IX landw52ftcf lot 2 la W lit ia Hackkman 'sad to Albaay Laoghead,CH.S , of lot 1 ia U 2 Llackiemsn 3rd add to Albany Mnatagwe E E. lot 1 ia bl lO ia HaccJemaa's ad to Aibaay, Or.. Ortast, Or-tdelia. estate of , lot 4 in bllilio Hacklemans ad to Al baoT. Oregoa Palmer, Angusia, hi 9 bs Hackle man" 4:h id to Aioscy, Or, and ion 12, 14, 15 and IS in ia Sch meer's addi ion to Albaay, Or.. Rowell. El a II. lot 3 in bl 11 in Kn :" adicion to A;harv. Or S OO BoddkkG , lot 6 and E J of lot 7 in bl i3 ia tbe Eastern ad to Aibanv, Oregon J 40 EnperU Joba lots 1, 4. a aaa o 1 bl 3 in the wea'era ad to A Ibany Kcott, Kosefia, estate of. E Si of W it in Albany. Orecoe .... 5 Stewart. C H. trustee. 72xi5d feet ia tbe S E corner of block 116 ia Hackleman's addition to Albaa;. Oregoa 2 40 V arJtow. C F. lots 5 and 6 in bl 1 In Abbey's ad to Albany, Or 74 Witts. Emma C, tots I at.d 8 n W 23 Aibanv, Oregoa W illiams. EUle. E Si of lo's 36, 37. 6 60 SSar.d39n Ws n AMej's ad to A'baay, Oregoa I 39 As the property of said delwqaeat tax par era, aa the same appears assessed t a aaid dslinqaent tag rol; aad will oa Sat ardav the 2feh dav of Kvemher. 1S97. at the front door of the court boas ia said city, aad at te ot 1 o'ciock, ia the afteraona (rf said day, sell at public see . tion to the highest bidder far cask ia band, on the day of said sale, all of tbe above deso ibed real property, or so as-icfi there of aa may be neorstary to pay aad satisfy the tax ssnsned aad levied against sack propers, ia said eitv of Albaay, for tbe year 1S9 together with aceraing cost, aad expense , Dated at AThaav. Or., this 22 ad day Oct, 1S97. CO Lrx, ity Mirskal J he Ctt at Aibaay. Sale of Real Estate, NOTICE is hatsby given that the aa dersigncd administrator snth tbe will aa oexed of the estate cf Robert Johns, de ceased, will, by virtue cf aa order of sale daly made aad entered vf record, ia the ooaaty c. nit for 1 inn con at v, Or., oa the Sth day of Kovemher, 1S9T. aataorisiait and licensing ti e underlined aa suck ad -miaistrator tl sell all the test esate be longing to the aetata of said deceased. la paieaaace thereof I wil oa Sstttrday, December, IS, 197. at thecoart hoate dooria Albaay. Ln eoasty, Oregno. offer for sale at pablte auction, to tne highs at bidder, the f hew leg real estate: 3$5 SO acres In Tp i3 S R 4 V 3 43 acres ia Tp 13 S R 4 west 322.77 acres ia Tp 4 S R 4 sal 2t 75 fccrea ia Tp 4 B 4 west 1 he south Si block 34, Hscklemsa's 2jJ ad Albany Lota 5 and 6 Vock 16 fiaekVmu 'a 3rd ad Albany 5t SS acres in Tp ll S R 4 west Lot 3 h Oct 3 Cowan's at ti Lshaeea Let l block 23 J M Ralston sseeead ad to Lebanon Ut 1 hk-ck 27 J M Rslstoa'a sacood ad to Le(ia The w S4 -4 the N W o,usiter of black 130 ia Hacalemaa's ad to cit; of A haay. 2 ?3 acres In Wettera addition te Albn 20 acres ia D LC lofcn Barkhart ia Tu 11 a inv oosr ri 1 rgm p as w wuu iw. S R 3 west Mock 4 Goltra Fark ad to Alhaav. B oot 0 Gultia fark addition te Albany 132 by 43 feet ia blcck 6o, Albany One half acre ia block 5 Hackl.maa's 3:d addttioa to Albany The S W quarter of blocs 129 Bsck'e nan's addition to Albany Terms of salt, essh ia hand. Dted November 11, 1897. J K WEATHERFORP. Admlnistrstor with the will annexed he estate of Robert Johns, deceased .j, 40 32 55