The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 19, 1897, Image 1

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    .-' ' ' ' . - .. . -if- , . ,
if'f i iff 4 'cr lliiriifft
Entered c tke Eut Offlct at llbaay. Or. ecead-Clais Hall Matin i
V Fj im raMteker u rrewrtcter
N 0. 16
7, DR. SAMUEL i .VCKER, cf Hyarmis, Massachusetts,
was the originator cf " PITCHER'S CASTORIA.'Ae same
that has borne and docs ncx r ever
bear the facsimile tignaiurs cf ( s&LcK wrapper.
This is the original riTC::::TO CASTCRIA' which has been
used in the homes ofih? Uxhcrs cf America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY c ; the wrappcrand see that it is
the kind you have qZtfyyys loiri
and ha3 the signature cf t
jer. No one has auVwrity f.'or.i
cept Hie Centaur Company cf n
March S,1S97.
Do Hot Bo Deceived. "
Do not endanger the life cf your cliIU by accepting
a cheap substitute which eo:v.o t'..u!j:..i: may ofTer you
(because he rfrakes a few more pennies 0.1 it), the in
gredients of which even 1:3 docs not know,
"The End Ton Have Always Bought"
" V ff
- Insist o:
The Kind That
Wall Paper,
Lace Curtains.
Future Frame?.
Linen Warp Matting,
Oil Pain tings,
and Undertaking
';ill oil
Best Work
Office Stationery
Give us yotu
Thirty-First Year
is SeptemUer 15, 1897. Ha facilities for a fine Higher Education offer
ed by this institution are of a high order- The college is thorough
in ail its work lha faculty ismaae up cf specialists in many lines.
Albany is a safe and pleasant residence for young p . c? e. The college
offors thorongh courses in music, commercial worfc, normal
academic and collegiate studies. The new Catalogue may be obtained
upon application. Correspondence inritsd.
Wallace Howe Lee,
Penmanship. EBJSrTO ?ut
Dealer in
.. .IOM;i'. Pronrlctor
on the
to use my name ex
Chas. R. Fletcher is
Never Failed
A Specif
All kinds of furniture
and bedding", and it
you want the most
complete fiovr safe,
has them and his
prces the lowest
Not a very satisfactory report today.
Ia Liverpool 2c lower.
In New York 97c, Jc higher.
In Chicago the same, 937c, as yester
day. In San Francisco c lower
In Albany 66c, with no movement.
The S. P. In It
The fol'ow.'ng from the Railway Age
baa lead some to believe with much
reason that the S . P. owna the new As
toria mad :
Toe Cooke Locomotive & Machine
Company have received an order from
he Astoria & Columbia River Railroad
Company for three 10-wheel locomotives
They are to have cylinders 20x26 inches,
and to be equipped with all modern ap
pliances. They will be similar in design
to a number of engines recently turned
out by the Cooke works for the Southern
Pac'fic Cotnpanv.
Ihere are reaiiv tooie t (vines to indi
cate that the S P. owns the O. C. & E.
The public sentiment la at leatt generel
that wav.
Mrs. W. B. Donaca left Monday for
Albany, and will visit several days with
her daughter Mis J. M. 8omera.
Rev. W. A. L'udsey arrived in Leb
anon Saturday evening, and on Sunday
commenced holding revival meeting in
the Baptist church.
The city council has appointed the
judges and clerks for the coming city
election, as follows: Judges, RC Miller,
J R Smith and S A Xickersou ; clerks, A
Gottache and W C Peterson.
A. A. Keesand niece. Mies Lola Keee,
Tett last Saturday for rendletoti. After
visiting there a while, they will go to
"alia Walla countv. Wash., with tbein
tion of making their future home in that
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Read, who tad
been in Lebanon for several day, te
turned Tuesday to their home in Albany.
Thej lost a small satchel out of their
buggv between this city and Albany.
The finder will please return it to them
in Albany or leave it with W. E. Chand
ler in this city. Express.
Teachers Examination.
The teachers examination for Linn
rounty began yesterday with the follow
ing applicants for certificates in attend
ance: NAME
Carl B Baker Lebanon
1 A ;Jnewick Soda v He.
Ole-.a Cooley Brownsville
Geo C Dunn Brownsville
Vaoche Dirkineon Peoria
Bessie Hardin Albany
Louie Ingram Sodaville
M m W L Jackson Waterloo
Mrs Minnie M ankers Scio
Grace Michael
A S McDonal
Amy G Mason
Lizzie Rav
FO Stanard
Geo C Strickland
Anna WarmoMi
Emma WodUi
Mill City
Swtet Home
A New CcRPORtTiox is the Farmers'
Fire Rel'el Association, of Sublimity, a
co operative society for mutual protect
ion against loss by fire and lightning,
membership restricted to holders of in
surance certificates, which may be bad
by paying a f I fee and 10 cent an each
$100 insurance; policies are limited to
tlOOO: incorporators, Charles Fischer,
Joseph Zimmerman. Joseph Susbauer,
Charles Hottinger. This ia No. 2 of the
kind for Oregon.
A Vote of Thanks At a recent meet
ing of the Womana Christian Temper-
jance L'nion of Albany, a unanimous vote
I" of thank was given and is hereby ex
pressed to the editors of the daily paper
oftbetity, for their uniform kindness
and courtesy to ns, and for their fall and
impartial reports ot the proceedings of
the S.ate convention lately held here.
Also to all who so kind! v and cordially
entertained deletes or in any way con
tributed to the success of the convention.
W. C. r. U.
The social at the Presbyletian church
Tuesday evening was a reception to the
new pastor, Rev. H. L. Reed. A fine
program was preenl(M and a good time
generally bad.
Ensign and Mrs. Smith from Eugene
will conduct a meeting in the Salvation
Army hall tonight. Coffee and cake will
be served at the close of the meeting.
Everybody is welcome.
At the U. P. church last evening re
reption was tendered the new pastor,
Rev. C. U. Stevenson. A piograro was
presented, a lunch served and games
playei. It was a pleasant atfair.
Miss Hecker, of Wells, upon whom an
operation was performed in this city aix
weeks ago, and who has been with Mrs.
Moon, returned to her home today com
pletely well.
W. Miller and Frank Hackleman
returned this noon f-ono their trip to
Prineville, after an absence of three
weeks. They travelled about tbirtv miles
in snow, some two feet deep.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Simmon, cf Cor
vallis, and daughter. Merle, are in the
city on their wav to California, to spend
the winter, for the benefit of their
health. They will go by way of Port
land and the U. It. & .
Mr Jack Burrows has been in the city
Mr. llorrowg went to Klondike last spring
by way of the Chilcoot, freighting on the
way, and coming out by way ol tlie i u
kon. As he did not do much mining he
did not I ring i.ut fortune.
Several Albany lawyers have twen .t court in Corvaliis torn week.
F.ugone cilv slan gave an amateur art
exhilut that had a big attendance and was
a preat suet ss
With over five feet of wa'er in tba river
the, boat will be run regularly hereafu-r
during the winter The first one of the
neaRon, toe Albany, put in an appearance
last evening, going to Cervaliu and re
turning this morning.
Marshal Wells and ex night watchman
SkiDton. of Corvallis. settiad their nuuil-
Utic difficulty ty payiog 'be city a fine.
It is a good example for the officers of the
city to do the lighting insUa l of leaving
it for the common drunks.
J W V.!er w;u taken fa der at
Myers Falln, Wash., on Tuesday by a man
nanif'd Vanderpo")!. and Killed. Tbe men
were banking together along the Coluw
biarivr. Vanderool fired into a clump
of brush, and tbe bullet hit Fuller in tbe
Bof t, White Hands with Shapely Nails, Lnxn-)
riant Hair with Clean, Wholesome Scalp, pro-,
duced by Cimorwa Boar, the most effective
kin purifying and beautifying soap in thai
world, aa well aa purest and sweetest, tor
toilet, bath, and nursery. The only preventive
ot inflammation and clogging of the Fox. J
Sof It kM threnrtsoat Iht world. TmiM DiraitS
CH. Cor.. Boi. rrov-, Booi, U. . A. I
M--How u Partly and BwilUy Ik Skla, Snip,
ana mr." audita fw.
The report that the Lawler mines bad
been placed in the bands of the miners
with Mr. Lawler as superintendent,
proves to be erroneous we are glad to re
port. On the subject the Statesman
says :
J. II. Cavanagh returned yesterday
mornicg from tbe Lawler mines, at
Quartiville. in the Cascade mountains,
where he ia employed by the trawler
company. Mr Cavanagh, in speaking of
the report sent out from the (own of
Minto, that the company had quit oper
ating the mines, and that tbe miners
themselves had hired Mr Pawler to act
as superintendent of the mine, and were
working it for what could be made of it,
"The mine is under the same manage
ment and operated by the same com
pany as heretofore, and Mr Lawler re
tains the full control ot the miue, run
ning as heretofore, with full nower to
engage and discharge men, and the only
change made ia that the miners are
working on the prorata system instead
of on salary basis. Tne company has
not surrendered the mine to the uiineni,
neither is there any intention of to do
ing. It ia my opinion the win is ie
goxfciaPajpnir condition in fact! better
than tver before, under the management
of W. B Lawler, who ia in full control
as manager and superintendent.
"I do bot think that it ia a Klondike,
but I do tblnk that it is a good paying
proposition, properly managed, and I
believe that the owners will rvalue well
on their investment."
Mr Cavanagh expects to remain in
Salem for two weeks when he will re
turn to QuartzvilW.
Reported by the Linn County Abstract
Company, for the Pemockat, for tbe
week ending Xov. 10th, 1897.
W E Savage and wf to heirs of A J
Bilyeu. wty deed. Sec 2, T 12. 1
20 acres : $ 2C0
FO Bilyeu toCE Martin, wty
deed, all int in certain lands in
Sec 25 and S3 T 11 1 wand Sec 2
T 12 1 w 120 acres f 0
Jason Wheeler to John 8 Morgaj,
wty deed, nnd H int trart in
Waverly Fruit Fa-ni 10
E Schneider and bntband to A I
Gerdner, wty deed, Sec 15 T 9, 1
w 20 acres 720
J O Johnson and wf to Alvine
Scnnlse, wty deed, Sec 33 r 9, 1,
"97 acre 17tM
Herman SchuizeA wf to A J lohn
aon, wty deed, lot 1 Sec 30 T 9, 1
E 25 acres 700
W t Park, to Samuel Overton.
wty deed.lou 2 and 3 block 5 Waa-
aoms ad to Lebanon &5
C.ara D Monteith and husband, to
Henry i Keee, wty deed, 30 ace
T 12. 4 w 573
E E Dickson and wf o S S McFad
den, wty deed, T 11, Sww, 20
acre 100
H Bryant and wf to K Gerber.wtv
deed.Tll. 2 w 20 acre S00
M Payne and wf to M A Panona.
T 1 1. 3. w 270 acres 9300
G H Wal'ace by sheriff w M Hale.
tax deed, lota 1,2, 3, and blk
1 Maston S Chamberlain' ad to
Albany 5
Leg Broken.
Wbiie at Peoria. Ibis noon. Frank
Skipton. the liverv man of the citv. was
attending bur horae in a camped place
when the aounai kicked him. breaking
hia left leg tie was brooght borne and
the bone waa being set by It. Wallace at
prea time.
Wa Distaced. Speaking oi taut
weeks races at PrineviUe the Review
sirs : Tbe trotting race tnraed out to be
a one sided affair. Colie was entered by
Frank Hackleman, Selioi bv C. A.
Graves and Neilie BIy by I. Sichel. This
race waa tbe best two in three milea
heats. The boreee sent awav at tbe aee-
ou.l trial with Nellie Blv in the lead
bich she increased as she went on
around the track and hr driver. Jack
Cadie, when be came under the wire at
tbe half mile palled bis mare very near
to a standstill, thought be had gone the
mile, out l he crowd yelled tor him to go
cn anJ he let lle little Dim oat and in
the finish for the first mile distanced
both omrtitort.
AsObegox Hcjutrr. Tnere ia a her-
nvt on Lake Creek, a mile or two from
Deadwood, Lane county. Hia name ia
Peter Hollo, and he took a homestead 18
or 17 years ago, where be now live. The
acre o-flwo that he slashed baa gron up
to brush, together with fruit trees which
he planted but never caied for, and the
windowleas house in which he lives is
hardly visible from the road. He ia sel
dom seen outside of his hove He has a
comfortable income from a farm in one
of the western afates, but is never known
to spend a penny if he can avoid it. He
came to this country from fUiristiania,
Norway, sz Tears ao. when 14 v ara old.
nis appearance is that of a very feeble
old man, and should be die in his cabin, I
na unitut tie mere tor niouins, ml! tun a
few rjid of ibe main road, unno'iced
As Ikjcsctiox Sot.- The Salem Floor
ing Mills Co., a corporation, has begun
an injunction suit against Gov. W. P.
Lom, Secretary ot State 11. R. Kincaid,
State Tieaaurer Phil Metsjhan. consti
tuting tbe board of trretee nf the Ore
gon atate insane asvtum ; iu. P. Lord,
as visitor, and A. N. Gilbert, superin
tendent of the state penitentiary; the
purpose being to rentrain defendanta and
tbeir agents, etc., from the use of water
out of Mill creek from the Santiam river
at station to the Willamette river at
Salem, beyond w hat they are justly en -
titled to use. Statesman.
A Livk Oincm. Just as soon as Mr.
Ed Davidson had been sworn in as
poundmarter yeaterday morning be
started out on a to-jrof tbe city, and be
fore night, had taken up five cows, me
horse and three dogs. When the own
ers ot co read in the Democrat lat
night that Mr Davidson bad been ap
pointed poundmasler they knew what
that meant, and acted accordingly.
Hence the new poundmasttr had a smal
ler business today.
Accf.itki The challenge of the Mad
ison school foot ball team is hereby ac
cepted. The game to be played tomor
row afternoon. By order of Captain of
C'eutral school team.
iook aixino iiMB.-uur Hoicer cor-
renpoudent writss: We are informed
that the long break in our railway com
munication w:tu tue rest ol lie world is
near an end, and that within two weeka
trains will again te running between
West buio anil Tallman. The bridee
work on theSantiam and other improve
ments are near enouizli done now lor the
sale par sage of traina and were it not for
a little official red tape trafliu could be
resumed at once.
home of the bride's parents, near Al
bany, on Wednesday, Nov. 10, 1697,
by Rev. M. C. Wire, Mr. J . M. Davis,
an rttorney, of Kansas City, and Miss
Daiaie D. Geiaendorfer, one of Linn
county' most accomplished and popu
lar young ladies.
Anting tboee present were Dr. and
Mrs. John A GeisenJorfer, of Ar'ing
tou, aud President and Mrs. W. O. Haw
ley, of Salem. In a few days Mr. end
Mrs. Davis will go to Kansas City to re
side, taking with them the beat wishes
of many. .
RILEY DAVIS At the Baptist par
onage, ou tbe eve of Nov. 10th, by
Rev. Ronald McKillop, Mr. James
Riley and Miss Georgia Davis, all of
Linn county, Oregon.
The market remains a'most unchanged.
New York Jc. lower. f6?4c.
Chicago sc nigher, being 94?4'3.
San Francisco K8 1.
Liverpool no change.
Albany 60c.
Off for Washington
From The Dalle. T. M.
Hon. S. A. Dawson, atate senator from
Linn county, spent a few hours in tlie
city last night. He arrived on tin flyer
from Portland and left on the 10 o'clock
train for Washington. What Mr. Daw
son's mission to the national capital is,
is not known, but aa he was closted for
several hours here Willi prominent re
publicans it is presumed he goes eatt to
look after f derat appointments.
A Dangcrr-us fridge.
From the Eugene Guard.
L. N. Honey tee declined the f jreman-
suip for the repair of the South Santiam
bridge, tendered him bv Linn and Ma
rion counties The bririga is a new one
and seems to be poorly constructed and
it will be a dangerous job to repair it.
This is not the reason that Ne'.s refuses,
to accept the job. By all fairnem he was
entitled to the contract at the start, and
he doe not now propose to have any
thing to do with it. Ia fact, he told the
court when the bid waa let that it would
not stand np under tbe specifications.
Tbe moral of this is that anything
worth doing at all is worth doing well.
Mr. Mathews, of the Newport News, is
in the city.
John Johcon,a recent graduate ot the
college, baa begun tbe study of dentia
try with Dr. Leineoger.
E. L. Thoanpaon, the insurance man,
came up nn last night's overland, and
stopped off in Albany.
Miss Vida Maston will leave tonight for
San Francisco to join her father, making
tie trip for tbe benefit of her health.
Mrs. ex-Governor S. F. ChadwUk, and
daughter, of Sa'em, have beu it the
cily the guests of Mrs. M. E Howard.
I. H. Van Winkle, brother of J. S., of
thiacity, baa been elected president of
Vt jllatueite Athletic Association, ol that
Mies Minnie McFarland left last night
forGiiroy, CalU , where she will join her
father, wbo ia seeking a location that
will benefit hia health.
The Simonton Band discoursed some
excellent music on tbe street last night.
It ia to be hoped this popular baal doe
this frequently during the winter.
Allen Stellmacher left lat night for
Hanford, Calif., where be ha accepted a
position in the store of O. C. McKar and,
tor whom be on -e worked in Albany.
Hon. and Mr. R. A. Irvine went to
Portland today on a visit with their
daughter, Mrs. E. L. Thompson, wbo is
now keepibg bouse in pleasant quarter.
Hon. J. K. Charlton returned this
noon frem a tiip to Drnvert'-olo., wbere
he ha been teverat weeks the guet of
bis son, J. J. He report a pleasant
At II. J. Sower may be Men an ele
gant piece of embroidery work, com
pliment to the artist, Mrs. W. R. Bil
yeu The figure are LaFranre rxt in
pretty deeign.
Mr. J. Nnnan, formerly publisher of
tbe Grant' Past Courier, who ha been
sojourning amongat na for some month,
leit yesterday morning lor PcrOand
where be expect to permarrnlly reside.
Cort ali
ia Ci
Re. Coart right retarded recently
from a trip to the Cmpqaa river, where
a tew wees time wa paeved in hinf
and other amusement. He is looking
well and report a p'eanl tune. Re
view. i
W. W. Row ell an I John Icm Jr., re
turned last evening from their trip to
the lion ranch, this ide of tbe ioJa.
They killed one deer and got two shote
apiece at another one. Not much game
is aiound there now.
Hon. C. K. Wilkinson, the youngest
man wbo ever sat in the Oregon legisla
ture, ana who went to New York recent
ly to be treated by a specialurt for con
sumption, i now in New Mexico and bis
health is id to be somewhat improved.
Speaking ot the Davi-Geiendorfer
wedding the Review says : Mr. Davie ia
a Doagla county bov, son of Hardin
Davis, who reside near Wiluor, and has
a host of frieod who will wirb Mr. and
Mrs. Davis a long aol prosperous wed
ded life.
New cornea from Stanfo.d nniversii
that Cheater Murphy, the celebrated
football player, is suffering from a car
buncle on the left font that may preclude
tbe probability of hia participating in
any further game this season. Salem
H. W. Crank, who is welt and favora
bly known in both counties, came over
from Salem this week. We understand
that there is a prospect of hi remaining
among us, and earnestly
hope that it may grow to a certaiolv.
f it- r-
Kvrvauii vnion.
vvm. Idimat. of Portland, armed np
today and will meet Helmet lodge.
Knights of Pythias lonigbt, telaiive to
the production ot "The Confedeiate
Sp7,' soon lo b staged by them, with
Mr. Rasmus as instructor and in the
leading role. Eugene Guard.
Hon.T. W. Davenport and his daugh
ter, Mitt Alice Davenport, r etill lin
gering in the pleasant environment of
Homer Davenport's pretty euhnr&an
home near Newark. New Jersey, and are
loth to torn their steps westward. .Mr.
uavenport health has improved vastly
r,nc departure for the east, and it ti
possible they will remain there long en
ougn io visit tlie national congrewiunwi
seeeion before re: timing to this coast.
ialetn butetman.
Mr- J. W. Ball, collector of custom
at Yaqnina. waa n the city today on bis
way home from a trip to ao trsnciaco,
where his wife is receiving treatment un
tier Nellie Beigle, and receiving wonder
ful benefit. Mr. Unit s accounts ol tne
powers ol Mis Beigle, who treat pa
tients with the hands, so magnetic as to
blister the flesh, and who diagnosea a
esse at once, telicf a retnarkanie woman
Kdwin Stone, ol Uorvallts, t being treat'
ed bv her also, and Mr. Ball aays seems
like a new man
About fifty members of the Albany A.
O. U. W. and Degree ot Honor went to
Corvallis last night to meet with the
lodge of that city. Ihey had a fine
time. The session was held In the new
halt, one ot the Unest in the valley. It
is about square, with the ollicera deska
in the four corners instead of on the
sides, anl ia tas il? furnishe r After
tlie regular order of thlnns a banquet
was served that conferred great credit on
the Corvallis member. The excursion
party re Ac lied horae abou. 1 a. in.
The W U have Tot a contract for a large
number of poles to he got'en out around
Gates uy parties ihere
the bar ot scnooi director mat even
ing expe'ltd two boys from the public
schools tor inuecent cenuuet
The milkmen of Walla W.Ua have
agreed upon tbe following rates. One pint
per month $1 25, one qurt per month $2
ihree pints per month 2 ia, two quarts
pr month 13 72, three quarts yer month
93 50, one K( lion Der month Sfi 50 Cream,
per pint, zac; quart, ym. miik, wboltsale.
per gallon, 15c.
Salem is soon to have new piper, to be
25c; quart, VM. Milk, wboltsale,
called 'he Sentinel. It is lo appear
December 1, ana tie iscnea wecmy. It 1
to be independent tepublican in politics
and tbe name of 0 B Irvine is mentioned
in connection with its management. Mr.
Irvine for reveral years Las teen unnsger
of the Salem, Sta'enmun.
P corner of Fourth and ('alipooia streets
Mils. D. C. ecu km.
A f nz.llng
of Ragged
The Chrysanthemum show wa open
ed this afternoon in tbe P. O. block with
an exhibition of ttese glorious flowers
that excela any ever given in tbe city. A
fine display waa made last year, but this
one is ahead o! It, showing what con
tinued cultivation will do. The ahow i
given une'er the auspices of Mr. J. R
Ream, Mri. J. M. Irring, Mrs. Capt.
Philli.and Mr. B. W.Cundiff, nd
confer credit on their taste and good
chrysanthemum judgment.
Wonderful flower from the land of
the Japs, adopted and Americanized.
There's the Mrs. E. 8. Adams, g'eat.
fluffy with it delicate hadin, I0U
inches in diameter; tbe Lord Mayor of
uuuiiuu, hu ua peculiar tints, same
think me noest of all; tbe Geo. W.
Cl.ilds, deep red, solid like Ita namesake;
the lovely Vivian Moral; tbe Lilly Lang-
try, wu.i ita beautiful curling petal.
reaoy io lascinate another duke; the
Mrs. Potter Palmer, a very command
ing big white flower tnat at onee-wttracts:
the Mrs. Geo. Pullman, seen in tbe front
window in immaculate white; the Por
cupine, all curious quills; tbe Good
Gracious, ibat make one exclaim the
name before seeing it ; the Irving, after
our own Sirs Irving. fine white; the
Cnild of Two Worlds, with its delightful
g-eenith tint; the Golden John Salter,
regular fot ball player; the Dragon
Blood; the Gettysburg; the Nivens. a
fine huge white; the Florence Davis; the
Prichard and Amanda, with iu two dis
tinct color on one vine, a rare freak ;
tbe J . E. logger and Mia Longbottum,
yellow enougn for any gold bug; tbe
Edna Press, speckled ; the Robert Ire,
a pretty bronxe; the Lady Salisbury; the
France Willard; the Lewis Bonbier,
and many others, all ere tbera. worth
tudying and spending an boor with.
Tbe show will be contisued tonight
and all day tomorrow, an admiauon fee
ot 10 cent being charged.
A lb a xt Pots Did It. TLe Telephone
Register say ot the McMtonville-Moo-
mouth loot ball Inin: For McMinnville
the playing of R. Thou. eon and Hunt
was ot a sensational order. Hunt's line
backing waa a bole feature of itself.
and Have and Thompson tackled like
panther; the only teult with them ia
ibat Have sometime tackle too btgb
and geta in on tbe lineup too slow and
Thompean I liable to lose bis temper
over trivial tbin. Hi runuing around
the end aided much in winning tbe
game Lair Thompson and Adams
played tbeir place well. Lair had a man
twice hit ie against him. but be boxed
him in every play. Lair i tbe prettied
tackier in tbe lean.
A W"rsTit. Change.- Beginning on
Tuesday, Nov. 18, the train on tbe weev
ide now running front Portland to Mc
Minnville. will run tbroqgh io Independ
ence .and will be called tbe Independence
Passenger. It will arrive at Independ
ence at 9:30 p. m.. and leave at 4 -JM a.
in. The matter u an experiment, end it
l not known bow long it will last.
New Sale Bask. Forborne dart past
an insistent rumor baa been going tbe
roonda that a new bank (national) is to
be opened flere at no distant day. To
thi niAV be added tbe farther current re
port that a prominent state official is
credited w ith being at the head of the
venture; that be ba organised tbe con
cern in so far aa ita personnel ia con
cern I, and that the guaranteed sub
script ioo to iu capital are said to be np
to a big limit. Suteeaan.
TV-e Roth maoe it Ert rip down
!rcu l hi moruing, taking 75 tmu of
wheat from tbe Farmers wareuoate.
Tne chrvaantbemum ahow will be
open tonight. A display of the merit of
this one deserve the encouragement of
cor cilizena. As thi is the last night
by all mean go regardless of the weath
er. Tbe Simonton Band fa requested to
meet at tbe ball at 7 :30 tonight, in order
to play for the Chrysanthemum Show.
Peter Riley, of Albany, waa in tbe city
today, enroute to Gervaia to attend the
funeral of h bro;ber-ln-law which will
be held Saturday. Salem Journal.
Congregational thorcb: Service to
morrow at il a m and 7:30 p m. S S at
12:15; Y P S C Eat 6:30. Preaching by
the pastor D V Poling. Morning subject:
I7T6-1S97: An Echo from UreaUr New
York. Subject for the evening: Life'
Mia Eleanor Rex, of Canton. Ohio, ia
visiting at the home of Dr. M. V. Lceper
at Well. Mats Rex came to Oregon in
August with tbe intention of making ber
borne some where on thi coast. Since
then she ha been visiting both Oregon
and California. Time.
The DeMoM family have given no tbeir
proposed trip east tbta fall and Henry
and George are now advertising that
they will teach all kinds of music in Sher
man county this winter to any one de
siring such knowledge.
R. W. Fsber, of Sodaville, baa been
summoned to appear before tbe U. S.
court, io Portland aa a juryman for the
court convening on ov. 3U. Mr. r. M
French, of this city, baa also been sum
tunned, though hi name doe not ap
pear on the list published in the Oregon
The Democrat, has received a copy of
The Oracle, the paper of Monmouth, 111
college. The namee of two Albany young
men appear several lime, r loyd Doms
is athletic editor, ia orator lor the society
contests and at tbe Eccritean ?eanut en
tertainment delivered the toast on "Our
Ladv Friends." S. E. Irvine is the Ec
critean society man for the debating con-
ten and played center In afoot ban game
against Knox in which Knox won 12
to 6.
A person from Spokane relates that
V. W. Stumlem, wbo has prospered at
the pratice-of law ince he went to po
kane three veara ago. baa a kidney ail
nieut that threatena to break down hia
health. Some time ago Mr. Sanndera
underwent a surgical operation in San
Francisco, but relief waa not secured
a trin lo Texas is to be undertaken as
on as Mr Saunder'a health will permit
FiRt Views. At the opera house last
mailt Miss Helen Ketleher. in a delight-
fuf manner, with excellent elocutionary
effect, oresen ed to a fair sited audience
nntwitnstanning a ternno rainstorm
nearlv two hundred view of California
sceuerv, from the Siskiyoua, ud and past
Mt. Shssta, down through Sacramento,
San Francsco. San Kaiael, Berkley,
Stanford University, San Jose, Santa
Crux, Loa Ahgelea, Coronado, etc., to
Sandiego, and then up to Lake Tahoe, a
beautiful trip with stops at many won
derful hotels, for being in the interest ol
the 8. P. the hotel tor traveleas had to
be presented, and the eight of grand
scenery. The Democrat would suggest
that tbe start begin up the Columbia,
takin ita unsurpassed acenery In and
tten come down through the beautiful
Willamette, and a few viewa oi Yaquina
and aome ot Southern Oregon, belore tbe
preaent start with a view ot Asblan 1.
. Fo0T Ball. A lively game of foot ball
UM -,yetl yesterday afternoon between
) the Madison street and Central school
I foot ball teams. The former won 22 to 0,
Vernon Ramp.Emil Howard and Charles
Stewart played the star game for the
Madisona and Oliver Koweil and Charles
Bilyeu for the Centrals . Reach Weath
ford officiated as referee and Fred
Weatherford aa linesman.
On Thanksgiving day a juvenile team,
to average not over 140 pounds, ia to play
a Eugene team at this city, and it will
no doubt be a live contest.
The cook finds her
hot biscuit come
out always just
right when she
uses ROYAL
Baking Powder.
A Congressman Meets u ith Albany
Coo freeman Tongue came from Portland
last night and wa joined 07 Congressman
Ellia this noon, and went to Yaqnina to
inspect the bay, and get tbe acta&l situa
tion there This 1 good and proper.
A repreeenUtive of tbe cute the peo
ple of tbia valley are entitled 10 their
beat effort in the interest of tbe Bay,
wboee improvement mean a great deal
for Western Oregon.
At 10 o'clock a number of prominent
citizen met with Mr. Tongue in tbe
council chamber, to conaider this very
important matter. Among tboee pres
ent were :
Mayor C G Borkhart. 8 E Yoocg. W
F Reid. C B Mtnugue. J A MeFeroo.
Perry Conn. S S Steele. D B Monteith,
air cioogn, 11 j Hopkins, r M French. J
A W tlaoo, J W Coick. J N Duncan, M
Sternberg, J Henton, J S Morgtn.
rercy neiiy, r J Miller, U A Weetgate,
O T Porte-. J J Graham, C F Glover. W
C Tweedaie, Wm Vance and representa
tive of the HeraUI, Imprint aud Demo
I poo motion of S E Young, Mr J W
Cuaick wa elected chairman and N M
Newport, secretary.
In a few painted temark the chair
man stated tbe neceeeity of the continued
improvement at Yaqnina and ita great
importance. &. particular fact of great
moment waa tne statement that Mr
Hammond ot the OCit bad said that
te extension of the road coa'd not be
made until tne improvement at tbe Bay
w as compietea.
.Mrs r. loans U.iowed in the aajie
line and pUced the value of a completed
improvement at the Bay at a: least 1 100,-
a year to ui country.
Mr Clough. of Lane cooatv. spoke en
coaragiogiy ol tbe desired improvement.
coi c B Montague f poke enthusiasti
cally on tbe subject. Twenty-five year
ago be waa one of a committee on tbe
project for re ting a road to tbe Bay.and
noped the work would be continued that
oold give the improvement deeded.
Coogteman Tongse spoke for a few
rr omenta. He had come to lewrn rather
tfaaa to talk. He thought the present
need wa to do something that (ball
cvetcometbw present dithcnlue. Tbe
iroaoie now t that a continuing con
tract baa been passed, it is not appro
priated, but io it are the word that
tne secretary mat do so and so." The
engineers having reported adversely to
tbe project tbe aecreiarr baa seen bt to
act againat it, and it ha been left oat of
the list ot appropriations to be made.
Tbe impression in coagrxesis that the
commerce of the Bay does not justify it,
bot tbe coogreetman put it very cicarlv
that it ia not tbe present commerce, bot
tne entire product of Western Ore
gon that would be affected by the matter
with a good harbor at tbe Bay. and this
ia what should be presented at ash
ington. A good harbor woald increase
the price of every bushel of wheat in the
valley 4 to 7 ceota and everv specie of
product correspondingly. It must he
kown that it is something demanded by
the whole people and not merely by tbe
people of Yaquma Bay t j get tbe monev.
Tbe Corgreeaman staled emphatically
that the representative are thoroughly
in earnest atd that it will be poor policy
to allow any impteeeion to get oat that
they are half hearted. Tbey will uke
their coau off and do whatever is pos
sible tor the project- It is not a matter
of personal responsibility but ene ot
united effort.
Tbe Dcwocbat was called npen and
poke in tbe line ot what can be ac
complished with tbe improvement and
not wiui the harbor in iu present condi
Mr. u. A. ttestgaus. the wheat man,
bowed tbe lack of facilities fordoing
buaineea through the present Yaqnina
vessel w.tb tbeir amsll capacity, ana
bow we are handicapped in tbia respect.
D B. Monteith auted that the Ore-
gonian was now compiling tbe statistic
of the valley s prolucu, wbica could
soon be used.
Mayor Burkhwrt stated that a list ot
resources was compiled on a former oc-
J. N. Duncan spoke rf tbe propriety of
giving tbe resourvea of the country across
the niouoUm in connection with it-
Remarks were aleo made by F. J. Mil
ler. T. L. Du.-ger and S. N. Steele.
A committee waa appointed to secure
sutistcs on the reeourcea of th coun
ty, affected by tbe improvement at the
Bay, and corner with the representatives
in congress a follow: S N Steele. D B
Monteith, C G Burkart, N M Newport, J
N Duncau and J R Wbitney.
lion. Jiobert Clougn was appointed to
take charge 01 tne work in Lne county:
Congreaemen Tongue and tins were
accompanied to the Bay by a number ot
men attending tbe meeting.
A ooug;tt which seems to hang
on In soitc of ail the remedies which
you have applied certainly needs
energetic and sensible treatment.
f or twenty-tire years tnat stana
&rd preparation ot cod-liver on,
has proved its effectiveness in cur
ing the trying affections of the
throat and lungs, and this is the
reason why t the cod-liver oil, par
tially digested, strengthens and
vitalizes the wnoie sys
tem; the hypophosphites
act as a tonic to the
mind and nerves, and the
glycerine soothes and
heals the Irritation. Can
you think of any combi
nation so effective as this?
a mi yoa art SCOTT'S Emubisa. Ss thtf tba
Sua and 6h are en th wrapper.
50c and f t.oo, U dnigjUtj.
SCOTT A BOWNB, OMmbls, New York.
No other Baking
Powder works like
Royal, or makes such
pure and wholesome
food, or is so rich
in leavening1 gas, or
so economical in use.
Smiley e'eaa printing.
Romona pure spices.
Romona Romona pure extracts .
Try Scmiling-a Beat tew and baMoc povaer.
Shirts kad collar a specialty at the Mag
aolia Laundry.
TMe holder of No. 71 will please till at
(Rd Oawaooa.
Will ft SU k always have ta rtock
latest novelties in all luee of jewelry.
Taxe tbe U C ft E cteamer for Portland
down river cnSanday, Tuesday and Than
If you care for sooi bread aak for "Red
Crown" floor. Ever, irrocerynian in town
oaa u.
Tbe Albany Dreaaed Berf Co. are run
ning a bone mill for mating chicken feed.
Call and get some.
Do von tne eracken? Jni well
me oet. Tbey cost ao more. Fmh one
at Kenton's Gah btore.
Yoa will alwrs find a Em lino of wm
eiry at ill & Stark. Do not bay before
examining mar good.
... 1 . , .
" nea yon wast a ceoice steak, a nice
roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry
uiuuexm. ne aeeo toe nest.
A fine ironinv board, mad hw Vr VA
Davidson, may be at Hopkins Bros.
It has folduur legw.U cbeao and ia inat the
Uting for convenience- Get one.
Tbe best meat of all kind and eeod
treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef
Company 'a market, jtut dwn Second
treet. Good weight and prompt attend
tAZA war Oa dVsosit in the aa tioa
al banks of Oeson according to tbe las
statement. There are thirty soch banks j
Tne showing i a good one.
Ed Scott, tie roong deaoerado. of Cor-1
rail's' was this week sentenced to four
Tar in tbe penitentiary. Ilia case ia a
pitiable o-e. and bould be a warning - to
boys wbo are gradually slipping utloa law
less life.
A man who gave hu same Will FJk-
chaaer, wa brocght befure .! entice Wheel
er yeaterday eventeg and fined 25 and
costs, or (40 for cnaainjr deer with nonad
in the Camp Creek couetry. Several otbe'
men. who were with hi 21. "eie not arres
ted, as evidence could not be aecared.
Lugene Gaud.
Yerterdav rcornin tbe craw I ia.-v re -
turned an indictment asaiost J.w incU
ot Philomath, cha'giog him with forgery.
1 ne indictment 1 an outgrow to ot tbe act-
ion broagbt against Nkbois and Haim.soe-t
ins them lyr O'er $7.0)0 and doting their.
store uoer attachment, prec pitatinj- an
attachment . G xeKe.
The College Student.
Albany eoliege ie displaying more
spirit than ever before in iu history, and
aa well ia doing splendid work. It has a
live, progressive lotjof students. One of
tbe evidences of iu spirit ie the new col
lege paper. The College Students. The
second number ia iaet oat, beaatitaUy
printed and eparkling with college news
and life Tbe staff a follow: J. p.
Smick editor, J. E. Tyree awocia'e edi
tor. Marguerite Hopkins. Jos. Torbet,
Marios Marcellns. Dora Pace. Ella Mc
Coy. Mary Stewart and C. E. Sox asso
ciate editor. Owec Beam, bosinees
manger- r'rem it we glean the fullowine:
of general interest:
Mr. A. W. Lnndell, a graduate oi the
conservatory, and wife have a boy.
Among the new scholars is Chester
Psrvin, of Salem.
Mue Olga lie it t is ukioz a coarse
with the Normal seniors.
Tbe Erodelphian officer are: Dora
rage, president; urpna ruber, vice
president; Nolta Gray, eecreUry; Cora
Alexander, treasure.-: Marguerite Hop
kins, critic; Ada Morris, sergeant at
On October 27 Lewi E Lee. a former
student of tbe college, was ordained as a
minister ol tbe Presbyterian church at
Cincinnati, O. .
Five graduates of the Albanr college
are now teaching in the Albany public
scnoois, the last to f ecur a position be
ing Ansa aiana Crosby.
A Musical Treat. .
For some time past the Mandolin Club
has been making enorta to bring Alfred
A. rarland. the world renowned, banjo
soloist to this city and they now an
nounce that he baa been engaged to play
at the opera bouse on Saturday eve Dec
4. It will certainly be an artistic treat
a Farland stands unrivalled in bis line.
playing ou the banjo such music
Beethoven s sonatas, the Uvertorn to
Wm Tell, Mendelssohn's great concerto
op 64, Chopin's Nocturnes, etc with
complete success. He will be assisted by
tbe best local talent obtainable, tuner
particulars concerning the program, etc
win be given later.
F. Company.
Theie are now 56 members of the com
pany, and a good deal ot spirit is being
Indoor base ball ta now tbe rage. Tbe
companv will plav tbe first game in tbe
Salem-Albany series on Thanksgiving
night at this city. A good team is being
organised for the contest.
A social dance ia held every Saturday
The boys sav that Capt. Phillips is
the best captain in the state, and that
Tom Rhoades is the beet quartermaster.
Two masked burglars entered the house
of Brigbam Young, at King's Val'ey. one
evening this week, and demanded his
money. Lpon his letusat ttey piacea
him on a Hove, when bu scream ingoten-
ed them away. Fortunately the stove was
not very bot.
Hear It.
Did You
We will sell tor cash, TJnground Boast
Coffee as follows:
Our Superior Blend 12 lbs for f 1 0"
" Best Kio 10 lbs for ....100
" Roval Blend 8 lbs tor....;.... 100
Have only a few hundred lbs of these j
coffee oa hand and can not guarantee I
these prices for any length of time. -
C. E, Baowsiix.
Liverpool e lower.
New York Wc.
Chicago 8Jc.
San Francisco
Albany 69c.
Lebanon Advance Items.
There will be a change nf tim , -
Lebanon branch next week. It ie ru
mored that there will be littla if .
change in tbe time of tbe morning train.
"' wm W114 arrive
boot an boar later.
Geo C Davis is storing bis potato crop
2.000 bnahela in f Vi.t-J-'. .
tore room. From thee acre of land Mr
Davis secured 800 barbels of "pad,"
which is a good yield for thi year.
A Cmphrey.a administrator, last Sat.
orday aold tbe two farm belonging to bis
father' ewUte. One place, consisting of
about SSI acres, wa sold to Hiram Par
ker fcr 370; the other, consisting of
aboat 127 acre, was sold to Mike Oor
roao for $1631.
Steamer Kutta.
The O R ft X CVs steamer Rath will re
wra regular trip com ajencing- Thursday
Nov. 1 1th . Lsaving Aloany for Portltnd
aad wav ports on Mondav Vi,iiiln
-and Fndats at 7 A . h Leave Portland
io-' up river points on ruearlavs Thcr&Uy
and Saturday at 6 A M.
Dr Adams
api Cceiek Block
Paialesa work aspeciaH.
Gnrasrl Hoe;
Dental Office.
Broadalbin. St
Albany, Or.
Yard Littler.
jtiM mtr
VIS Mff-
at csrexpesss
ifyoo're cot pleased
I the best and yet mplet tyre wnte
manufactured, the consummation of tt
inventors art. An expert stenographer
after using nany machines, says. I eon
aider the Yost Writing Machine far super-
or to aav I have vet used Call at toe
Dexockav office and tee one of the type
writers that has to taye a perfect alUgn-
Ah Typewriters snphes oraered.
r. P.SCTtbs. Agent.
Clubbing Rates.
The San Francisco Weekly Examiner
next vear will give to-ita subscribers a
$10,000 residence in San Francisco rent
ing for r a month, a S3.S90 C. S. bood,a
11.500 gold nugget and hundreds of other
things, Yoa can get the Examiner and
WasKvr DntocwAT for S2.50 a year, with
the Dailv DkJtocmAT by mail for $4.25,by
earner S5.75. in advance. The Demo
crat will order only on combination pay-
ST LOUIS REPCBUC, semi-weekly.
oaeoftbe beet papers in toe L mted
Slates, and the DastocRAT paid in advance,
foronlj-fl io.
Are You Musical?
If so, send in your subscription to the
National Home
and Music Journal
Tbia ia a monthly gotten np in the
best pceibW style. Each issue
contains 17. pages of vocal and in
strumental music of the latest and
bet com positions.
Subscription only $LOO per Year.
The Music you get in the 13 num
tn would coat vcu about $20.00
at usual retail rates. Send 10c for
sample copy.
Chicago Book and News Co.
215 Vabash Ave- CHICAGO
copvaioHva ao.
Ai.Toae endtns a - and atmertpUm ar
SrMeertallTfrwa. ha u tn"
rClUtikTi ikiuestt Muaa a Cw. iweotv
peoal aotie ia taw
WMttrullf trrawnUd. rr eiieotaiww 1
au, .eMutise Journal. weoAij.terai. tJ.iuf.
SLieM WMtba. l-pwaiew mwI UaS
Jiuua. w fATum wm traa. AjMdm
. . Mt atrwwwwav. Hew Vera.
A Your Doctors
P Fightsaw Q
J Disease wita medicine. If LJ
M the medicine is not right he M
pi can not coaqnor disease If "1
aJ the drnggist doe bis duty tbe J
W medicine "ill be rigfct. aad f
rt year doctor will stana a fair f"t
J chance cf winning tbe victory w-i
w Yon can help yor doctor by M
Q bavin your prescription fefl- y
ed at oar store
O BarkLart ft Lee- f
CoSeS 1
laUacFWwdar J
W aa fc- f.