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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1897)
NO miSTAKE. NEURALGIA LEGAL DIRECTORY Albany. W R Bilyea, Foehay & Mmod block. J R N Blackburn, P O block. H Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon, P O block . J N Duncan, P O block. T P Hackleman, Peame block. O G Hawkins, Cuaick block . Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. N B Humphrey. Kelly & Curl, bank building. L HMesUnre, Pearce block. J C Powell, P O block. J M Somen, P O block. H 0 Watson, bank building. Weatherford & Wyatt, Bank building. Whitney & Newport, Cusick.block . Q W Wright, P O block. . Lebanon. SM Garland. Brownsrille. A A Toning. Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem saes, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry St, soar 3d street. DR. J. L. HILL - sirian and surgeon. Office, First St. IKST RATIOS A l BAHK. OV 4UJIT,OBatKHI ..LFUHH V. Lajiqdoh m m .Anna TtAB84.Cn 4 SKNEBALbaa! AOOOOKTS KKFT sabVK U l . in II I ifini una ..if lalaa lank-Li K. York lu rnMhn.Mace r-MOw OLtsxmoira ustH twbu t I TWH' .1 - l C. 8. Pun. Albany TradingCo R. IV. Morris, manager. Here are a few of our bargains: lRlha erannlated sugar ..$100 Anmsvltle flour, per sack.;....... 1 OS 20 lbs rice 1 W 1 gslloa beet vinegar , " 3 cans 6ne cove oysters SB 5 gallons kerosene 3 bottles extract, lemon or vanilla SS Try or new Koyal Java coffee. better tnau ArbacKM or uoa, two papers 20 ounce bar battle Ax acap S large 14 ounce ban soap 36 Cw 3 1 long Dar tones soap 1 box concentrated lye 3 lbs of soap extract 3 lbs of Gold Dust No-1 lamp chimney No. 2 lamp chimney 3 bottles of bluing Beat axis crease, can Ot OS 39 Sd Os 10 24 2 papers Lion coffee , -3 ,! Arbuckle coffee 60 lb sk salt... '4 pa good corn starch -4 r J gloss- 3 cans mustard, cinnanxn, sage, pepper, cloves or allspice 8 lbs cboice beans ... Large 10c cake Rising Sun stove Dalian -. . 3S ' I 2 2ft I 7lbsbuJc A AHsoda.... 2 - S papers Anvil sods SS 6 cans deviled ham.;'.... ' 2 beans sardines z We have tbe best broom, nice . painted handles ior... H Beet Gunpowder tea 3t Nice corn fed bacon IS Nice hams........ 11 Slbcaa Lard 6 Leaded shells for sals 60 lbe rye flour 115 . Whole wheat flour. Graham floor in 5, 10 and 25 lb sacks. We have dry goods, bran, shorts sow chop feed. Come and see us. TERMS CASH. A full line of tinware. - Butter and eggs taken in exchange CLE Commercial Printing On Good Stock Quiet M Bill! Prices SMILEY THE PRINTER Broadalbin St Brown Block, Dr Adams - JtCusicE Block Painless work a specialty. j. c. Limm Ground PIwr . Dental Office. , Broadalbin. St Vard Littler, Assistant. Albany, Or. OF PERFECTION m e HiAit fS AEt ) at our expense if you're not pleased ' F E ALLEN at CO. FOSHAl & -Wholesale V Retail - - drusgMo isoeoomum ALBAWT. . OBKOOH. Pure Drugs and ths finest snd Largest Stock of Stationary and Books . : '. j in the Market. , j. Mi RALSTON -J ' imoKEitv : 3 Dms East- of Democrat Office. Moii'-y to loan on farm ' seenrity,- si mail loan nde on peraonal security. - '.ty. county and school warrsntabonghi. Co actions mode on favorable terms. Fire mifurance written in three of tW lurg st companies is tbe world, at lowest rotes. .-4 . ' Kinau Tens Bowels With Casearata. Cac'iv CBthsrtte, . win l urv wmBupMioD forever. If CL O. O. tall, druggiautrafunS ouite wsdsj srrwsBMwsam . sums raaStai ,, .. . . a. ktatjsaaaaasa Coffees Spto Extracts Baking PawAtr Thousands have been cured promptly of BY isSNNe WATCHES It you wnta t ntiiV.i wt' on French the jeweler, (Bank ol Oregon building.) V have the goods, the quality guaranteed and the prices are iighu fcmn PR0f5' .AtfD CLEfitt. 1 at our expense jlfyou'renotploaseu F E ALLEN Ss CO- Sell Them Tloney to Loan, w- him block of $40,000 to loan an good farms in Linn and adjoining COUnt lSe. - - . r . If you have good security ana pene title, we can furnish you the com without delay, as we make our own examination of security. :- tall on us or wnte 8. N. Stsxlb Co, Albany, Oregos. REMEJ1B. R that what the doctor eaid should bt borne in mind aad acted upon. Due part of his advice was to have his prescrip tion filled at Camming Drug Store' Physician like to have their pUienU rinn medicines eomooeed of tbe exact dna called for in the prescription. Pun; drags are everything, and our drugs are always pure. We are too careful to raakn mistakes. Our assortment of , standard medicines, mineral w stars, per ft ' fumes, etc. is uneausled. J. A. Camming. SENDERS' COMPANIES Always Pay. No ooeation ahont foil and prompt mest of losses by fire on insurance plaoec with tbe leading a (rent of Albany. U. ben ders. 'Haft ilatHe Insures People For Don't allow vonnelf to be roped into th various "Local Mutual" now bein Dashed on tou as beinK "cheapest in sarance." when you insure you dosoi want to worry about getting your money i' case oi iom nsciuLit: Insurance. Hay, Grain and Wool. LOOK HERE. Hie Oregon School Supply House, Incorporated, of Albany, Has corns to stay and is now prepared to furnish school "districts wilb every tatug needed in the line of school furni ture snd apparatus, such as seats, desks, snaps, charts, slobee. blackboards and in fact ad of ths necessary articles which go to and are required in the school room. Ws are also general agents for the famous Kennedys Dissecting Mathe matical blocks for teaching of meninra tion and . teachers instrujtion.. The blozks sre indespeusiable in tbe school room, and boards of directors will do well to come and examine them and see for themselves. These blocks are uni versally endorsed by the best tescherc and educators in the land and are to be seen to be appreciated. Give us a call Our prict-s are the lowest and our terms tbe best. Office Surahan Bl ck, Koom 20, 0 stairs. Oregon School Supply Hocsa. FRANK SKIPTON " Successor to John 8cnmee". Livery at Reasonable Hates W 11 keep teams for 10cent9, with feed 40 cents, all night $100 DRESS-MAKING. Ladies wishing learn cutting and fitting by the Mo gas system, call an Mrs R. E. Owe Dresses made for 2.00 and up. Cor 3 nd Ualapooia. Half Price Store Would be an appropriate r.ume for my stock of Bool-s fur old snd younsr, office books, off Oft fixture, filee.tnkstands, draw, ing tools, inks.g'ucs, mucilages, art novel, ties, ecvelopes, cheapest to tbe very finest; writing paper, taoleta. a larire lot of both; calling carof.ticke's, S 3 cards cheap, pen hoi lers, pencil, pens, notion, blotting pad, tissue, etc, at the rat of $1 0. worth for SO cent. W R. BLAIN (He puts tLe prices don.) The Magnolia C SinIPSOW 5 SON Standard Prices Work Warranted mm I T - CuHsea Extrwcts An exchange refers l a recent mar liaire as a very dramatic affair. Wonder what that in. California will insist on havinic a member of the Supreme Court from that Sate. She has gotten so used to it, yoa know. WhohasOreironwbo could fill the position-well. The Democrat predicts that Blanco will become as infamous as Weyler. A the Cubans have promised never to (rive up, his pathway W bound to be an unenvailable one. It onlv took three lines to announce seou.uuu aiviueuu ior -" at Roasland, but w hen several miners briogdown $50,000 from Alaska it takes columns and many illustrations Henry George, jr. received about 12, 000 votes lor mayor of Greater New York. The young man was not his father and the voters knew it, an J yet as a man he was far abova the man electeJ, a young man of excellent character and considerable brains. A man lft Chicago on Tuesday for the Klondike on a bicycle. He will go to San Francisco and come up through the valley, but when he gets to Seattle he might as well throw the machine in the Sound. The election of Van Wyck means Crokerism in New York city. The man was not known until Croker said presto, and lo. and behold he became tbe Tam many candidate for mayor. That is boeaism with a veogeoce, a kind ol boss (sm that is dangerou. Befere the election tbe Piatt men bad it all figured out that Tracy would get over 200,000 votes, whereas be received only about 100,000. Plattism. received a derervedly hard blow, aod it is to bs re gretted that Crokerism was not bit as bard. There sre being euuogb nctt discover ies up the Santiam to materialise even tually into several big bars of gold. VTbile reports of rich Sods are Uken with a good deal c4 allowance, yet there is enough in the air to indicate torn thing more than smoko In ths end. The papers are toiling about a coo pis of men in Wallace, Idaho, one without legs and the other without arms, forming partnership. Tbev accnmulated fax) tn-J then the man with ths legs skipped Mil with all of the foods. We are glad to report (bat be was arreaieJ aod made :o i:vide. Another example ot human leprarity, or pretty e!oe to it. An Oregon paper is getting tired of bear ing everything that is supposed to bave any money in it called a Klondike, and it does make one sort of weary The Old Klondike is being ron into tbe round. After all there has been more was ed on the K oodike than has ever een brought out, so that tbe expression ,s as yet misleading. Tbe word doesn't oeereaaiily mean good luck, in fact it is probab that it wilt more frequently mean death and hardship. While bathing at Loog Beach recently youth dived in shallow water and bur ied his bead in tbe soft sand, bis legs sticking op in tbe air. Had it no been (or bia father, who was standing close y, tbe youth would bave been drowned. Is it was the sand crept Into hit ears And burst tbe drums, making bin stone leaf. Some idea of the six of Alaska may be formed when It is known that it coo tains as sresol 577 .300 tquars miles. This is more than twice the area ot Texas. TweWe stales the sis ot Peoo svlvaunia con d be carved out of the Territory of Alasta. with enough left over ti maks a sta'e lite Soith Caro lina. Prof. Ansel save: Chewiog gum is productive of wrinkles The incetsaot action of lbe jaws throws the month out of shape, and most sooner or later, bring out the wrinkles of ths face. Tutti-frutti girls will take warnins aceording'y."' Of the 250 stamps which bave been issued, the values have ranged from ons cent to 15000. rive dollars ts ths highest value among postage stamps, but news paper stamps reach tbe hundred dollar mark, wLi'e a reven le stamp may rep restnt 5000. With a young lady apraring as a wit ness for herself wltb both legs off it would be bard to find a Jury that would not give her daxeg. 8o loog as Jen nie Smttton of SprinttfielJ, can secure a rial before a jury of men it may de pended upon that she will get ilamare. If she is emit ltd to damages tlO.OoO is none too mnrb. Deserves a Pa i don Joseph Sedgmor, whe is eerviog a S'x year sentence in tbe penitentiary for the crime of forgery, has asked for ex ecutive clemency, -and has one of the strongest recommendation') from Sup en intendent Gilbert ever sent up by the prison superintendent in behalf of a prisoner, so a s ih Journal. Superin tendent Gilbert savs' "It has been full? understood by both myself and the wardens of tbe prison that the crime for which this man Is being punished was committed aa a final ending of taro weeks drinking and debauchery. No person ost a cent, nor did any injocry fall on any person. Ihi act was not that of a man who wasdoiog it for gain, but rather of one who had lost his head and kn:w nothing of tbe const qnences. He was admitted to tbe prison February 28, 1895, aad made a ticsty September 16, 1893. and will be regularly discharged May 26, 1808. His services to tbe state as carpenter bave have been of a mmt valuable character. He has in the two years sapriotended and directed the building of barns, flunue, bead gates and fences, and lu hit shop daring the rainy sesson he has mads for the use of the prison, tables, desks, com modes and closets, aMof the mostmodern s;yle and workmanthip To such prbv oners as this one, the help of executive clemency ought to be extended. Tbe man has no Iriends to interceJe no lawyertoplead.bat his faithful services to tbe state and the position of trust bs has held enti les him to reapect, reward and and recognition. I would therefore recommend that his seotence becom mut ed to expire November 15, 1897, with the restoration to citizenship, and to do this with the utmost cofidenoe that the man will renew bis citizenship, becoming again a use'ul and Indnrtrious man." o-Tu-c rut- f iliy Coats. Outran teed tobacco babU cure, manea wans men strong, bir Mire. ado. IL Ail druavtu W'ashlnKton Litter. rma our ratrulw Oorrwpo nttant Washington, Nov. I 1807. Secretary Gags now oana up to the gild bond scheme, which to many repub licans took the trouble to danv when it was publicly stated a short time auo that it would form the foundation of lie ad ministration's attempt to secure financi al legislation f rout Congress at the com Ing session. Mr. Gage's statement to the Cabinet has been made public, prob ably with the hope that it will meet fa vor with the people to a sufficient ex tent to influence Senators who are nat urally opposed to such a scheme, which, for bamboo in purposes, Mr. Gave calls anti-radical in character. . Ttiis country fought the greatest war of mod. err times without finding it necessary to ssue a single gold bond, yet, uow in a time of peace and amid boasts of contin ued and increasing prosperity, the ad ministration will ask Congress to author ,se the issue of sufficient gold bonds to refund the entire bonded indebtedness of the country snd to aJd a hundred or two million to the gold receive fund. Mr. Uaite repeats tbe C'.eveland-Car-liale recommendation that th green barks and Treasury Notes be retired, and f flT'M at a substitute the probable in. crease of National Bank notes that would follow the adoption of bis recommenda tions to allow Natiocat Banks to be es tablisLed with a capital of J 25,000 In towns of leas than 2,009 inhabitants and to allow all- National Banks to Usoe notes on the par value of the bond they have deposited with the government to secure their circulation. Taken all in all, the Soancial recommendations of the present administration bear a close re semblance to those of tbe Cleveland Carlisle regime. How the Diogley tariS law acts lo re duce our trade with Mexico trade which naturally belongs to us, Is shown by the following remarks of E L Slillson. now n Washington, who has been in Mtxio for fifteen ) ears, as manager for a Phil adelphia silver mining company : "This country, I think, is not pursuing t xactly ths right policy in its relations to' Mex ico. We ought, by right of contiguity to bsvs slmoet s monoply of the trade of the sister republic verybody knows that instead of buying the bulk of its im ports from ths United States that Mexico prefers to get them from l ranee and Germany. Tbe reason for this ia that we have put a high tariff on Mexican products, aod so ths Dial government thinks it proper to ret back st na by lev j ing a stiff duty on A merican wares. The gooia of France and other foreign countries are not so heavily taxed, and therefore crowd yankee products out of tbe market. As loog as we levy such high ttibute against them, we may expect to see Ibeir trade moccpolised by trans Atlantic countries." The New York Mayor. Mr. Van Wyck, tbe new t'am jisny mayor of New York talks very nicety. He promises ss follows : "As ws begin this first year of Greater New York there ia saueh to do. Liberty must be restored to tbe ciu-ns ; the protection ot bis rights must be resumed ' tbe pillage ot the public money matt cease; and extravagsocs must be discon tinued ; waste most stop; schools mutt be built; the streets must bs reclaimed from chaos ; taxes Drought to a proier level. Private interest bss too long gov erned this city ; it mntt give way to public good. "The government of the city, as I un derstand it, lias naught of sentiment about it, it ia ths merest business. We mast get ths most good for the least money. No mas can be oppressed, bis libertrmust pe Inviolate; bia life aod property mast bs prelected ; ths broad parpoee of city government most be carried out; the greatest good to the greatest number must ever be the star to steer by. '"City government is the mere.t bot nets, snd to make it successful an I to reach tbe end at which we aim all the officers of the city, whether they be may or, jadies, pliee or what you wiil, mnr serve the city not role it; the people role ; the t fSeiaU must eiecnte lbe p-o pie's will. 'To maketbe bunes of theciiv gov ernment a iriomph, it is tulher nercef ary tbat every officer must t.e honest and fit; be must know bisdatv, he most bring probity aid faith and honor fir ward to their discharge. We are- over taxed. 1 bit must be looked to and the taxes trimmed down. Wheo every need of tie city baa bea met. of tbe omiorts and luxuries ws will get what we ran. "There is notbiogin the line of imrove meet 'hat can make this city belter to live in tbat tbs people ars not entitled to and do not want. The New York public is not niggarJIy; it wants every benefit, every advantage, and is willing to pay for them- What the people do object to is waste a -id robbery. The efforts of t'osts and monopolies, of com binations, whether corporate or private, to cootrol trade, rhoke competition and rob the citiuot by btgh prices must he beaten down. Every child must have tbe rUM to go to school. Nor shall the school system cease of snlsrgmeot nn til every pupil can find fulle.t stcotn mndatious. A big shortage in potatoes make the prospect good for high prices this wii ter. There wtl. be a big demand for potatoes from California particularly. It is said that the state trill take al Oregon can send her at good prices. Though the state legislature of Ohio ill probably be republican yet it is said it will rot be Hanna, that is, Banca bas not enough votes in it to elect Mm, If true this is good news. When the time comes tor voting it will probably he that Mr. Hanoa has things sofflcienlly fixed to rave the tolal republican vote. Tbat is Hanna't style. Statistics of tne French population fo, 1805 show a decreaae of seventeen thou sand. Ths birth rate in France, which at the begianing of tbe ceututv was thirty three per thousand, has now de creased to twenty-two. Several rel'ef expeditions are being arranged to be tent to Klondike. An Interesting feature ol these expeditions is tbat tbey are money ma' ing affair. They 'are gotten uo to relieve the ple thoric condition of pocket books, ana ars not bumats affairs in their i bar ter. Ons sensible thing Oregon women might we'l do is to wear reasonably short tllrts during tbe winter uonthr. There it a big justification for it. New York statement strongly dstno oratic, reversing matters in a very de cided manner over the Isst election. In tbs long ran New York voters ars pret ty apt lo keep on a level ICR IRUILUliT OK TRIAL To Any Reliable Man. UarrvlottB ttpplliine and one month rtmfJI of raraj power will btj cent on li lui. utuHout any almne payment, to the fur-smitm company m tit Cfiurawed from effecta of excM, worry, over wutiq in in irMM nieni, u m u uiss, vw- work. &a. lUppT pmrri b emirwd. outuplH roa t oration or dplopmut uf till robut condition. Ths lima n thin ixtlut 1 limits!. No V. O. achtMnai no dcpl.nt no txrnr, A1drHi i ERIE MEDICAL M.;t&tSW:' SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS The past week lias been a spotted one so far as the weather went, ii'it it about the klud the farmer needed, and the kind everybody ele ran 'olerate very easily. The week wa also a sp' tied one for wheat. It gradually weakened uutil it became almost panicky. The market Is now in somewhat of a dilapidated condi tion, decidel) ineaeily. No man can tell its future, though there are generally plenty who think they know something aoant such things. This reminds us of ou r smartuees on the subject For y ?srs we have advocated 'he sale ot wheat on the first high market, aod have tbe hut loess settled, and the books closed. There are men in Llou county who have tried it and report that 't has been a paving thing for them. Others resolve todo ao, but every year they make up their minds that this particular year will be an exception, and they do not do it A small election but big it. its ictereet has taken place in the east this week. It wan not even a general s'a'e election. It mas more of a municipal election in its character, taken as whole Bat it wrs full of snap. Altogetter h- are signs of somewhat of a slap for M- Hanna, eveo if tbe Ohioe.ection dtr es ill in bia return to the U S Sena - Oh, Liberty, wbot will a i!o lo obtain it, p,rticutatly h- i. 4 -p rived of it. At fttletn l.i- w.ek a convict in the face of a gur. t-artMl . climbed upon the wall, and -.''l to flerj when be was shot d-o. '-! bound to follow. The Independence rx'ph have resolv ed to nave an open river, -u- iha- w Ml keep open during the eutuuw and g-v-tbstn competing rates. A hnv will gladly unite in any wove ll a about each a reeuU. will bring ' I I, v j a -t- It may be predicted thouti wben we have high wate " tation C3trpani'S wHlcombi. s l erp op thi rates the satre aa l ld s' winter. There will probablv he uo com petition. A man who left tbe penitentiary this eekimmedialety went off and gotdrunk. tie was pulled and pot in tbe cuv jail at PjrUnd at ooee. The recompense for strong drink. A clean tongas is as erotial lu a. persou at a clean knife ani fork. Csean lines istioduness aod appl e jal as macb to tbe tongue at to anything e e. A good memory is a Cn th;o.-. hut it is often a splendid tbtog to b ab e get much that one bears. lo for- floo Keward HOC Toe readers of this paer iU be pnw J fo learn that there is at least ra' dreaded diseae that science has been able lo cne ia ail its stAges, and that is CaUnh-Ua-I's Catarrh Cure t lbe o 'r positive core knows to "he medical fraternity. Catai'b befng acO'Wtitutlonai diteaae, re quires a constitutional irea'ment 11 til's Catarrh core is taken IneroaU.r, vtlng drect-y opon tbe blood ana rancous sur faces of tbe system. teret; desroy!nff the frundatlon ot tbe dteM. nod siting thi pt:et strength by buildnir op tbe con titution and assisting nature ir dolg it work. Tbe proprietor, hare so much faith iu .ts curative poer, that ! offer une Huoorod IXn'ar- for any rae tbat it Isil o cute Sod rf flt of tentimOaiaU. AJdre. F H CUKNEY O , To edo. O. SJd by Diuir.i sjic Hall's Kara-I IMUtre 'befc-t. A Ijiundry Nu&ict Laundry patrons who want ti-st elaaa wotk done witliout payiog exorMlaot prices should patronise the Albanv t-tesm Laundry wbich have employed regularly five of the Orel hand iro tiers on tbe coast for thiru, dreesee, aod blurt waists, and ten cents is the highest price charged for any of these ankle. niF. PLACE TO BUY Your Urocerics and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros Everybody kows where their place is. They keep a fresh stock of groceries, produce and baked goods, of all kind, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all a. ike. You may regret some steps you take in life tut none taken into the store "4 Parker Bros. It ia a greit thing lobe well fed. Tal ker Bros keep good groceries. A hraf of bre id is not much bnt voo want it well made. Try Parker Bros". What Or A E Salter Says. Brjrri. N Y. Oents: Fron my personal knowledge. ga:ned in observing the effect of your Shllob's Cure in cases of advanced Constipation, I am prepared to say it is the most nnu'k'iln Itemed) that has ever been brought lo my atten tion. It hat certainly saved many from Consumption. Sj'J by Kobay St Ma son. Magnolia Llcyators. The undersigned have rented the Magnolia Elevators at the west end of First street, Albany Oregon, at the ap proach to the steel bridge, and will co i dtict a general grain warehouse business. Persons wishing to store or sell wheat or oats will do well to see us before mak ing their arrangements. Kt (iotva, W. I.. Vam-s S. K. Yocso. Mosic. Miss Milord Btirmeatet taacher of piano or organ. System tht Mason touch and technique. Utsidenc Fifth street, opposite U P chutcli. TO CURE A COLU IN ONK DAY. Take Laxative Brorn Q ilntni Taoiv All rr;igifii re'und the in ny 'f It fall a to Cute 25 To Cure Cun.taiuii forev.. Tiike ram-areta t'lindv Cutliurtic loo or SSo It O. tl. C. lull lo eur. r-in:tfmiH refund nirmv A stylish line of fur collarette, canes, muffs and childrent sdts ju received at the Ladies Bazaar. Have You Sxkn ths new display of cutlery at tbe Stewart & Rox Ilardwaro Go's store. If you will call you will say that it is the finest you ever saw. Home first. The World afterward Oil tfod grcoeiiea for your family. Conn & lius- ton keep tbe beat, which thev soil at the lowest possible prices. Frinh vegetables and fruitt according to the season, always on band. A fine line of crockery. J W Benlhy. tbe pioneer boo and shoe men, does first-class work cheap. Call on 1 him, just north of the Dkvocrat office , MISFITS. A Corvallis man liards lor ladies. advertises free biL Mr. Zoeth llonser will he nonsed as U 8 marshal of Oregon on or about Decem ber 1. A tramp printer In the -i v yesterday is said to bave beaten several Albsny men out of sums amounting to about a dollar apiece at three card tnonte. Three farmers were gazing into the exhibit rooms this morn n in such an interested way that a passerby remarked that they must tie iuimigran.s. Instead they were the Marion county court. Hen on counly man says a neigbiwr is tunning odihisiiiou to ths marble dealers. He recently buried a horse I with fec-t ctaoding up through the ground live some (omosiones, ana there u uay :e seen by pasaersby. Tonight at I'orllan J Mr Ueer.a Marion rountv farmer who recentlv refused a three thousand dollar job, will preside at a poultry meeting. MrUe't's crow sill yet be heard in Oregon. He ia undoubt edly building a governor's chair. Bishop Mills iu an address at Corvallis said that in Africa you can buy a wife for $15. Tbat is pretty small, but there re wives in well in California that are not worth aa much as that. mlmm Great ia C. M. Riddle of Tacouia. He has just hrokeu tbe cocked bat rtrord for tbe Pacific coast, making 87 out of a possible 90. A B. Croasnun, of Port land, had held the record at 46 for some time, bl has been made in Albany. Seattle is said to be fitted with gamb lerr, wb run things t.ixh. Recently at that city Fatty Nitkerson rot ahead of the experts fSGOO Th Klondiko ex citement baa taken a great many to that city, aoJ they bave found plenty of gold. Thd government has been paving; Ben ! Killin, f Portland, stvVral h-jndrel do)-! ars a month to go up ' taska and ' learn the fei.1 that v i . . an an- ! cultural couutry and - not need ao agricultural station. Tr government can beat tbe world acii h- foul. Theeditoi uf the '-...-m I ndrp-n!.ut ! says: One of lbe .- of p:oenty al-ock us lbe other d and nearly put-; v.nreii us. A fel ow aid u- H cents on j subscription, and on .ir - lima we' found a nickrl on the . . . I he next ! morning the old ca ad -line kittens, j We are strictly in it." 1 j Items like this are n -w fr-queet in .o.-iursi paoers: au sne a reiiou-es 10 Pullman, rt athtng ou.arr overflowing. I and the gram it being etarte-1 on the outside and roofed over The yield is grra'er tban ever before fcooan in Whit- iu tti coottty, and will p- valuation eqoal to that a' whicn , eu i- Co July was aaeeeaed last j ear Now, that the elect tot are over, let us once more try lo apply ourselves to business. Oregon Ex. Tbe Demo. sat has failed to see aay one ,n Oregon stop business on accot nt of the eastern elec tion. Here in Albany we bave kept ploddicg just the same. Frirn the Salem Journal Phil Metscban ought to be governor. He got t J0CO out of the Irgislalure of li5 to protect lbe safety vaults of the slate trearary. Tht a expended for fine furniture and a Mitchell buffet and now Mtschn aaya be can't give out the amoun'i of mnnetr in tbe e'.ate treatury because 'lie Viollt are not tafe. A great loss I fallen apoo Scio. told by tbe News as follows: The rascal toal sto'e John Brock's pure bred pointer, Mctiiotv. has new been located. He was a dog that wou.d attract attention in j anv company. rietaad tlaoocn, with true note and excellent bird sense, he was a great lo, being lbe only on ot the kind in this se tion McUioty was marked with two black ears and bloe ticked body. Mr. Tongue says positively that be is frieodiy lo Y equina, and that he wiil do all he can to aavance its interests. The lirMiKKtr hopes he will do something, and we will gladly take back any thing said about bis lethargy and bs siamiini: in with Portland. Now Mr Tongue show us bow too can act for Ya - quina. It is a oi kl time lor tbs Bay. " The street commUsior.erof Ashland has broosht suit to collect noil lav from ; tt h.i. Th. I....- t p ploye, w ho resides with bit familv iu Ashland, but whose duties take him In to California, lie refuse to par on the ground that he has alread v paid a like tax in S.skirou cruoty. A in umber of other railroad men are in the tarns con dition, and the outcome of lbs case U watched with considerable merest. Grace Elliot, of San Franciaro, who is reported lo hare inherited 135,000 000 bas already given or promised to give 145,000 of it to Bible wciety Uener out girl But by the tune she gets the fortune, if it is like most such t onuses it will not amount lolbe f io.000 alone. Such fortunes around here have always dwindled to nothing. Col. Sladden, of Portland, lays coo deosed fruit will be tbe salvation ot Ore gon fruit men. and tbe beet -war to gel their money out of their fruit. He bas eight carloads learfy for th:pment. Give Oregon a maiket for ail the fruit she can raise, one that can get ahead of tbe e norm ons freight rate, and not be eaten up by middlemen and f-mt raising will secouiesn industry here of Immense magnitude. An Eastern young man on returning home took bis sister to a base ball game aod beiran telling her how it was played. A two bagger was knocked oat the short stop, when the youtg ladv jumped npon the teat aod shouted! "Yah, Yah, Yah! Wasn't that a hot toniale? Ss-es-es-ea-tc-sxx-get that short stop a seive. Go it Iiemsey you're a peach 1 Oh Lord, v, bat a daiay cutter !oet bim a basket? Whoop ee, don't that make yoor whiskers curl? Yah, yah, yah !" The brother collapsed. A Kansas farmer is said to have writ ten the following, but probably some professional poetaster did it: Just a baulin' out the stuff - From the plains o' Kansas, Railroads can't get cars enough For to empty Kansxa. Ort to see the farmers grin Stroke the lilacs on their chin, As the cash comes rollin' in, Over there in Kansas. Women singing son 'BoiiloP fruitful ns o' g'ee. Kansas, Babies ctowln' nirrrlly Everywhere In Kansas. Putty girls a buyin' clothes. ' Tom gin' out from head to toes. Htylp? You bet your lite she goes, Over therein Kansas. Wlirn lbs caret o' day it done, On ths plains o' Kansas, An the kids began to yawn, hleepy like In Kansas, Farmer wipes his glasses blurred, lttmda a chapter o the Word, Then k net-Is down and thanks the Loid That he lives in Kanaa. It is Rkmakkkd by those who know that the Stewart & Sox Hardware Com pany has the finest disp'a of stoves and ranges ever soon in the Willamette val ley. They csrty the celebrated "Jewel" line and they invite you to call and see them. - Poa't Ttfeaeee Spit aai Mmokt toar Mik Awsy. To quit tobacco east! and torevar, be nas nolle, lull ot 11 To, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Itao, the wonder-worl(rr. Hiot makes weak me a strong. AH druggists. Mo or tl. Cars guaran teed. Booklet and s:mvl3 tree Allrrsa Sterlins; Heoievtf Co, Clilf . ' Nev York. If you want a ftooa and clean mita huv cmiri nmia by Al any ulnar factory- TELEGRAPHIC. la a Tarmatl New York, Nov. 6. The Herald's cnrresponCent in Rio Janeiro telegraph i bat an attempt hits been made to as-aemr.-ate lbe president of Mrazil, Dr. Propenie Jcse de Moraw. The presidenu's brother, un army ofticer, was probablv mortal wounded whil shielding tbe chief exe o tive. ( tenertfl Belanciurt, minister of war who was one of the presidents party was shot and killed. Rio Janeiro is now under martial law, every soldier having been oruered to arms and is feared tbat h not her revolution is at band. The vsiiiMk Mew York. Nov. 5. Bradstreet'a to- mo-row win say : quarantineembargoea in nearlv .11 .I.e. ' K 1 1 1 1 n IV I rtm t m UnniL . I . ' ( E I J L - ' -i .... uj iu, tbiiow lever, the re- uiup.iiin oi iramu ana the prospective niin iwiirmuii lor staple mer- cnanoue constitute lbe trade leatnrea of lie week. Kains in Central Western and elates, followed bv cold tl,r have favored farmers snd stimulated tha i uecasna from Interior storehouses. A Big retlUaa Salem, Nov 5 A very lengbty petit ion to tbe Oregon delegation in congress is being gotten op in Salem . Tne petition asks tbe delegation to use its influence in having carried out the government impro- icniniHii iiqoiDiimjr, ine petition u on paper with rolings. tbe same width ss ' foolscip. U is now 21 feel long sad st'. 1 groa-ug. Weyler ! be Tried ' Madsio Nov 5. Tbe Spanuh govern ment, as a result of lbs deliberations ot tbe ministers over the utterances of Weyley, tbe former captain eeneral of Cnba.-nas tome to a dxUka to try him by court marshal, no matter where be lands, if be confirms tbe accuracy cf the report of hu The osu Etrritea Colcmbcs, Nov. 5 Tbe Ohio legi a ture stands 74 republicans, 70 democrats and one doubtful on tbe ofndml returns received op to tonight, with a doz n or mote of tbe 88 counties very cloe. There bave been ao material change. 'kept in Wood loonty, which w 11 hi claimed b bsth parties nntil tbe cooru n the actioo of tte supervisors. IhI Slatvcrwl aa Met4 fxsoo9i, Nov. 5. The Vienna poooeol of tbe Time savs: j Tne all-Btgbt sitting was the mot dis-j order y witoesied ia any pariiament. Some of lbe anti aemite expressions were of such an imroer oharactet as to defy rerrodoc tlos Samoel Cemmens (Mark Twain) wa. a vittor in tbe gAilery. C.lrt Kit Salem. Nov. 4. Otto Krohe, a convict is the penitentiary b-re. forfeited hia life this eventne at o o'clock ia a. d"f-rate manner, lie ciimijed upon lbe wan wttn a plank. A he leaped from tbe' wa?L the guarJ, J II McfJnrmic, fired low, hoping j to cbeck him bv wounding bim is the ley, j but miftJ. Tbe secoad shot bLercrd' bts bodv Iron the eboahier to tbe light si Je.and be fell dea-1 is bis tracks K) feet ; from tne wall. rmlsst PetTe4 Bi tfalo. Nov. 4. At a meeting cf Ite trustee ot tbe V C f U temple of Cnicagu toe resigsationa of several members of - tbe board were accepted. Tbe executive committee of the 'CTC met this evening to ronsid a- te next rteeting place. It was dscited lo meet to m-et in tbe Wert, but so place was aeleo ted. Otniba. Los Aag4e. an PcrtUod Or. are apokea vf, wiu Portland most tavcrvd. The OhU I West ms Con ner. Nov. 4. Uany talk styxit a crista ia Ohio. Some le'icve a crisis it impending. Tbe tax aboot a combioe ia a legislature against Senator rJaana bu subsided, pea hag tbe interest is the oScial roostiag of ibe vote in tbe dose couotis. As tte oSkial rasvaes oi the vote in 8s coostteis proceeded to "ay, lbe repabiicao plaralty in trie state ticket increased, and os tbe lesitlativa ticket it appeared to be getting d vo to a pretty cose it a re. M btietbe republican pfuralty on tb stale ticket exceed 2.lO0 tbe vote ia aboat as cose as it could be. ABU rats-Mace ?ew Yoas. Nov 4. Tbe Herald says: Mire tban 55.000 penoo wi: directly or indue, tly draw pay from tbe city ia -tbe first aJmiou'.ratioa of 'he major of Great er New York, lbessieriea of 33.0t 0 of these, whose names are actuaily oa tbe city patrili. will aggregmle 33,0(0-000 ran ot ui amount reprg'enia ine wem of other cS.-m elected on Taesday . Tke Tetsaw revee , New Oslkaxs, Nw. 4. The fever nt- . ustKB has not tmorsved aay since yer ' day. and tbe anfavorabie ture cf affairs fiowioe tbe cold wave and tbe Kt vott ' disappointing to Ir. Oliphant. i prenieot of lbe bnl of beaitb. fb-re ts so le no to lbe sew rats, there being 40, and setrn h The t Cta-rilM Cow stars. Nov 3. Hut hta bw day of antietv with tbe ObW politicians . It Ofeaed with the republicans and derno drats both claiming tbe rW'ioti of tbeir stale tickets aed a majority of tbe legisla ture. This af'eraofHi tLe demcrrata co -ceded the elect ioa of tbe re-pub ican atate ticket bv larger f. luralittes than were gives last sight ia tbe earliest of 'hum dispatches aa the c'aimt of the re pub leant. Tonight tbe democratic state commit! announced do definite claims on tbe legislature, and the republican state remniitw raised its claims to a majority of five on joint ballot. twSew Jersey TskjrTO!!. Nov. 3 The New Jersey assembly will have a republican majnnt? of SI on i"int ballot. Tbe latest returns Irons lbs different counties show that tbe democrats have elected sena'ort in Bar Hngtoa, Huntington, Middlesex. Passaic and Sussex counae. and tbat Kobert E Haode. republican, is e'ected senator from Cape May by about 150 uajoritv. With tne hold over senators, this wilt make tbe senat stand 14 tvouUtieans to 7 d mocrats Sew trk sVssweiwtlc Nxw York. Nov. S. Retntns from the U'e an I city do not change tbe result ao-ooonce-1 early last night. Keiornt from all the counties iodica'e a pluralty of more than 58.000 fnr Alton B Parker, the demo cratic candidate for chief judge of tbe court of appeals . His pluralty in Greater New York is 133.085. Things Beviseal Albany. N Y Fov. 3. The following cities have elected dercocratic mavors: ew York, Albany, Syracruse-Bingham-ton. Buffalo Rochester. Amsterdam, Scb nectady, Kingston aod Jamestown. The republicans carried these cities oa the mayoralty: Coboes, Rensselaer, Yonker. New borough, Gloveraville, Oswego and L'tica. tswa Bleiwsltsw Vft Mots, Nov 3. The returns by counties ars nearly all in now, and Chair man McMillen, of the republican stile committee, has complete returns from 4 and estimates from the 5 remaining coun ties, and figures a pluralty for Sbaw. re publican, for governor, of about 37,7.!. j Kebraaka far FsUsa Lmcoijr. Nov. 3. Returns during fbe day and early evening simply confirm what was evident at midnight last night, tbat the fusion state ticket bae been elected by a plurality fully aa large as that given Bryan last year, if not larger. Mrs Asnnv has just received a fine line of Stamped linens, perfect beauties Haudkerchiefa, hose, facinatort. Boas, mitts' fans, Chatalaln hav. Call and exituine the line offancy notions. TOCURRA C LD INOSi IAY Take Ltwive Brmo Quinine Tablets . AH druggists refund tbe money if tt fails to Cure. 25o. and (ret r Wves ot fresh bread for $i.oe cash . OMavas. Albany Market. Wheat 70 rents. Oata2S Kptrt 20 cent. Butter 15 to 22 cents. Potatoes 25 cents. Rams 11 to 13 cents. Sides 10 to 11 cents. Shoulders' 9 to 7 cents. I "aawN ST r sal Salsl VaA Ja BT a w , i asm tj av s mi' w ay se T I Va. 4 k ri. f i it i l r rx a m, s a, t svi 1 vii I A - Xi t fl I i JIl if. i 1.5 V 1 11 s w t' 11 1 11 U I X li i 9 w 1 1 V L 1 11-5 - KzrORTER. "That politician wouldn't talk to me. He refined to open his mouth." Cmr Editor 'Why didn't you offer him a chew of Piper Heidsieck? That would open it." Piper Heidsieck Plug for every one -who "vrants the best, , Ask for tlie Large New Five-Cent Piece of PIPER HEIDSIEGK PLUG TOBACCO (CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR) Ia Umatilla County i From i he E. O. j Tbe total amount of mortgagee releat- ; ed during September was $109 5.J, while the amount placed on record in t the tame Urn was only 4B.T43 5-S, a ; decrease is the mortgage indebtedness '; in the county (or tbat month oi f 50,5i - 2o 1 The total consideration called for in deeds placed cn record ia fr!eir;lr. J amounted lo t.2.?ih. The total I MncLtMtinn r.f - 1 - f rw ifrAr I $II7.3Io45,or a total for tbe two months of $2S336 33. Tbe total amount of mortgage cancel -led during October was 94,429 71 while the total amount placed on record in the same time was only fCS.641 53, s decrease in the mortgage indebtedneee in tee county for Octooer of $o3,TSd IS; or a total decrease ia tbs mortgage in debtedness in Ihe county in tbe tao months of September snd October of $11613 79, siid this with only about three- fcflLi of the wheat crop sold. . i (ioeul Times nave come to ttiose whom ' flood's SampariHa has cured of scrofula, catarrh. dypepu, rbeuctatum. weak nerres.or sjaie other farm of impure blood Hood's Pills are tbe o!v pill to take wiijj Hood's &arapariila. Cures all liver Sjmcthins Dropped. Hear It. Uid Too Wt will sell tor cash, Ungrouod Eoan Coffee aa follows : Our Superior Blend 12 lbs for $1 0ft " Best Kio 10 11 for 1 00 " Royal Blend S lbs tor... 100 Have only a few bundled 'be of these effees on band and can not guarantee Iheee prices for any length of time. C. E. Baow siu.. Catarrh Cared- A clear bead- nu sneeibr-eih rrir-l arsta Itln ' .C aryh t a I: '-- tr Stop that Cough! Take warme. Ii niav leaJ to Coo J-nptioi. A Sis bottle ol Shiti'sO miv av y.ur iil. Said by Fohy Vims. That dean sharp effect on oiu- prir-tisg is bad by knowing bow to do rres-t work, aad by nsiag tbe brt material, still tbe price is ao bigcer tban the other kiad Smiley, tbe'p-jnter. The oSoe that d-)es high grade printing on good stock, for the price of the o"her kind . Sniiley, the printer. TO CURE A COLO IVJONE DAT. Tate Lac stive Bnxn i Q ..j o rsb'et. Sll Umg.ista refuaf tne a.-a f t fails Cars Sjc Karl's Clover RV Tcju for Constipa tion it's th- R sad if after oing it you don't say a return tbe Package aod get your miner. SilJ bv Fotaav Man Ths Oldest axd Labcost Music boose in the Nortb West, tbe v tley B AiWn Co.. of Porildnd. sella highest grades of pianos and organ. I ter have instru ment on saV, f a few day, at tte never House, Albany. Cheai- TivwAka. J. Gradwolit has just received a fine stock of tinware As it was received direct from the factorv be will not allow any one to undersell bim UMiisii.-it yo wait a wti djr. ca on E B Davidson. Ue is ready t do th work on short r.otioe. WILL S STARK forjsweliy. Thr keep the tvst. Pictures from 75 cnls to $25 per d's at Lnga gallery. Crawford Harmsh for pholograrhs. Prices from tl to eO per dosea. D s. H. E. and O. K. Bra offices and residence in pol oSSce boildinir. Special ... .: : . i. . aiiensiuo given 10 uiseases ot women. Good Money Saved On Mens Goods. Shoes, Boots mis, emus, nes ami ruspen ders. Never Hip Pants Overalls, Blouses; rloves, etc, etc. Clos ing Out Sale. Tiieywili soon nil be gone, W R BLAIN, (He Putt- the Prices Down S. I SCH1FFLER & CO. Merchant Tailors Carry the largast and most complete stock of Cloths ia the valley. Olfl Slant! Is niiin Block. FOUND. New pair gold rimmtd classes. Call on Frank Kitchen at Huts UiMse $ n Tobacco is the clxew SSO PACIFIC LINE. fo 111 Feints last Soifd vestibule trains. eoostrtiBg offei ace sleeping eat, tuxa iona dining car, ebrantday eoacbe. maxniSeent tonrisl cars md free colonist sleepers from fce P ciSc to ths Atlantic without rfeaage COST BISECT ASO CHEAFtST SOCTK Kootcnari HEW PS3TVXK. .lllninsr ) District t SLOCAS CTTV, SSXM)5. KALSO. BoaSLASPAjS All points ii the Okaavaa Cooatry. Ge a pamphlet giving a fall adscript ice of ibis wonderfal country. Ask tkeasent for a corv of the minise laws J Brit Columbia. lv rates o and frstn Atlantic steansnip ines. Cauadian Pac. Ry. Uo-'s Hoyal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan CASAOIAJC ACSTSAUAS STUXZ IIX1 HuuLn.r, rm ab acstsaua. Tbe shortest lior to the Cckmiss. Tbsie steawis carry as experieaced medical snan. aad a stewardess oa every voyage for time tables pamphlets, or any is orraatiea, call cn or addreaa. S N STEELE & CO. AgcnU. Albany Or. EJCOYLE.Ag't, 148 Third- St, Port aad.C. GEO. McL, BROWS. O P. A. Vancouver. R. C iu trie. EAST erves tbs cMOK-a 2 TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT 0REC0M NORTHERS. SHORT LIHE VIA SPOKANE MIMNEAPOUS ST. PAUL SALT LAKE DEKYEK OalAHA a!t ASD CHICAGO KANSAS CITf Lowest Rates to all Eastern Cities Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 days SAN FRANCISCO Steamers monthly from Tort land to Yokohoma and Hong Konc; via, The Northern Pa cific Steamship Co. r& con nection with O R and IS For tall infoncaiion omti oa CctRAN & Montsith, Albany, Ol a tupuffi: W H HURI.HVK1. Uat,LPaa..oas Po. Cmad Ot. r WS -. fO" re i uu iuuivum If so, sei.d in your subscription to tbe - National Home Alusic Journal and Tbis is a monthly gotten up in tbe .,.Kw mftflss. KdCn JS8U contains 17 F ot yoca and in strumental music of tbe latest ana best com positions. Subscrlrtln only t OO per Year. The Music von get in the 13 num nnl.l eoavou about $20.00 at usual retail rates, tfend 10c lor sample copy. Chicago Book and News Co. 215 Wabash Ave- CHICAGO TREASURER'S KOI ICE N0 6 XT nlii i. liArahv !,JT tKt tnSfll at on hand tc pay city warrants Nos. 264 to 2S3 Inclusive ol tbs tesue of 1S97. In- tereaton said warrants will cease with tbs date ot this notice. , Albany Or. Jvov. 3, 1S97. . A.PaMES. City Treasurer. 7T o) ft vt iiJoiiuo liio 4