The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 12, 1897, Image 2

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The Pioneers of the Pacific is thename
of new order. Peed ie ton haa one.
The woman who mafries a man to ie
toria bim will bave plenty of time to
repent at letsnre.
Not having any big suits on hand Mr
Havermver, the aagar trust man has
secured a email notoriety by having an
operation for appendicitis.
A seventeen year old Seattle girl ha,
just made a burgular throw up hie
banda There ia a sirl for you that
wouldn't scream at a mocae.
The Youth's Companien ia running
a tall page advistieement in some of the
big dailes. Notwithstanding its present
enormous business it wants more, and
it knows haw to get it.
The invention of Mr Geo Mil'er, of
Eugene, of a machine for melti ng i
path to Klondike, ia as impractical as
flying machine. It won't do the bnsi
nves according to tbe Democrat's prog-
bpain is getting mad, and now tome
one aaya tbe fur will fly. 8pain bad
better keep just cool as possible. She will
need all the nerve she possesses. Really
t Spain will not get very mad
ust enough to'make a showing.
A combination is already being ar
ranged to defeat Banna. The feeling
ia so strong that the reelection of tbia
great boss is a menance to the country
that many people in Ohio will be willing
to bave anything done that will get bim
out of tbe Senate.
The President of Brasil now bas
opportunity to be known. An attempt
has been made to assassinate him. That
is about the only way some of these
South American presidents have of be
coming known.
. Mara Twain will now have material
lor another book. He wae present at a
session of tbe Austrian legislature in
which the members called each other
such pet names as liar, disgracefulscamp
drunken clown and others not pennies
ible in a familypaper like tbe OaMOcaaT.
TLe scene ie said to bave been tbe most
disgraceful one on record.
An enthusiastic church member of
Philadelphia has just contributed $1 to
tbe church on bis birthday, pledging
himself to double the amount on each
anniversary of his birth for ths rest of
his life. If be keepe bis pledge and lives
long enough tbe church will have plenty
of money, for the amount of his offering
25 years hence will be something over
From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat :
American machines cf many kinds are
making their appearenee in Eogland. A
London trade journal aaya thy are
found ia the English factories devoted
to boots and shoes, eoap, rubber, bicycles,
and paper boxes. American printing
presses, type setters, and type writers
are common in England, and steel rails
are going forward by ship loads. Our
agriculture machinery also ia admitted
to be superior to any other, though the
decline of agriculture ia dreat Britaa
limits its application in that quarter.
From the Philadelphia Bulletin.
A sommittee of tha Board of loca
tion yesterday elected thirty men and
five women at 2 a day to go about tbe
town aa truant teachers and ran into tbe
acboola all children between eight aad
thirteen years of age wbo are not now in
attendance at some school. Just when
they will begin their work, if the board
abould confirm their selection, ia not yet
known ; and it ia still more uncertain
what tbey will do with th. youngsters
when they catch them. If tbe city real
ly cotitains so many children not goiu g
to school that a corps of thirty-five men
aod women must be employed to gather
them in. where will room be found to
put them all ? Better first look after tbe
many who are not aow properly cared
for ia the schools tban to erowd tbem
with those whom tha eity must pay Its
truant catcher $2 a day to fore, into the
class room.
Lived in Luxury.
If r. Pullman loved luxury. His Chi
cago home was a paUca. After it was
finished he spent about f250,000 improv
ing it. . a railroad track cam. up to a
rear door, so that ha could atep from hia
dooratep into bia private ear and be
whirled to any part of tbe continent at
the expense of tbe railroads. Most of
his correspondence be carried on by tele
graph at tbe expense of the telegraph
He owned an island in tbe St- Law
rence and had a palace there. He
brought bis daughters np ia luxury and
his sons to work. Oae of tbem, em
ployed in tbe New York office in tha
Mills Building, got $8 a week. But bis
father paid bis bjard at tbe Windsor
and gave bim au allowance sufficient to
iosnre hisd eeeot comfort.
He had a band in many enterprises,
all successful . He helped to build tbe
elevated roads in New York and his com
pany built the ears ned on them . It is
one of the biggist ear building plants in
tbe eonntrv. He bouuht real estate
which multiplied many fold. He was tbe
intimate of many men of national repute.
He did not care much for society. He
was food of an excitiog game ft draw
poker. Yet he was inclined to be reli
gious and when one Saturday night tbe
gam. .ran over tbe midnight hour he
sent $300 to his church in the nam. of
"J. Pott," sod was greatly amused when
tbe pastor read out that name before tbe
congregation and said he would be glad
to make the acquaintance of the gentle
Shedd Items.
Wintery weather at present.
in. creamery will run Ihree tines a
wees during tne winter. .
Mr Frank Thrift left lor fjotithern Cal-
liorme sae era.
W. hear rumors that on. of our bach'
lore who baa almost reachad fort
mere, is to be married about New Years.
NcKinley "prosperity" most bave made
gun cnangee.
. V W Robnelt and J A Couey expect o
H W Davis haa been engaged in tl .
appl. busines for some time past, Al
bany bas beea bia priocipal market.
The i W O. T. U. will Rive. "Hot
Tomalley" sociable on Thanksgivine
evening. Sandwiches and coffee 6c- iel
cream and cake 10c. A short prog'raro
will be given and hot Tomalley's will be
furnished free to young and old. Ad i
mission 10 cents; children under 12 free
A shiver went down the back of east
ern Washington on Monday. A sncw
torm did It.
Mr. Pennoyer is again buiug mention
ed for governor of Oregon. H is very
doubtful if he would run again, but if be
1.4 mftlm & red hot run.
UVUIU W TV J aaaws
He has a way of doing things in mat
Tha Cincinnati Enquirer has just ar
rived in Albany with an immense rooster
on the first page in honor oi tne oetea u.
Banna, and so it looked 10 Ohio wnen
ih- n.n.r was tmblirtied. but the aspect
toon changed. Anottier roonr
hatched, we are wry to say.
A New York choir has refused to sing
because the pastor of the t hurch worked
in, the election of Low. The leader of
the Choir is a Cuban, and it is declared
that Low opposed the recognition of the
belligerency of the Cubans, the cuoan
leader was mad, and the choir stood in
with him. The incident bas a humor
ous as wsll as a serioue eide to it . .
Tk.'Mt Standard Oil trust some
time aso was ordered dieeolved. It pre
.ativ -
tended to disband, but didn't do anything
of tbe kind, and now it bas been cited
for contempt. It will probably not go
any further than that. These million
aires generally hav. no tronble in set
Uing these littie different es like con
tempt without any disagreeable feat
A good many people are beginning to
fear that tbe price of wheat ie down for
rood. The Dkmocr.vt bas learned from
experience that it doesn't know any.
thins about it. Its only hobby on the
wheat Question ie to make a practice of
..lHnnn the first hia-h market, and
that a man bad better be caught
up than with it down
rith i
a bruit a vear and a half ago a man
bet a red apple that uorrant wuuia
never be banged. It looks now as if he
will lose Lia wager. The noose la light
ning around the ieck of tbe moat noted i
murderer in tbe history of tbe racta
coast, and only suicide can save its being
stretched according to tbe present out
look. A great deal is being said just now j
again aboot a special session of the I?gie- j
htture this winter. It ia being figured
out by some that if one is not called and
a senator elected tbe reen'.t of the next
year's election will be such that the re
publicans will not get eooogir votee to
fill tbe offire. There are s gns that way.
The recent eaeb-rn elections bave been
somewhat of a straw in that direction.
Notwithstanding th!s fart it is probable
that Governor Lord a ill not call the leg
islature together. He ie eet in bis ways,
and is not blown by every wind. At the
same time what ie done io Washington
with tbe appoint mem of Mr Corbett will
bave considerable to do with the mat
ter. Perhaps the greatest senatorial e'.ee
tion in tbe history of tbe United Sia'es
will be that in Ohio, when Marcos
Hanna comes bp for reelection. While
he bas supporters that will du aoyth:na
that money will command be also has
enemies, and they are bister one. Some
of them are in his party, and tbey wil:
fight to the last ditch to defeat him. He
will only be elected after a hard struggle.
Of course there will be an effort to bave
(he caucus eettle the matter, but Mr.
Banna will probably not be able to get
enough in it for that. The result though
the Democrat predicts, will be tbe elec
tion of Hanna, based purely on bis rep
utatton forbuyicgnp men that no one
else can touch.
A Big Task.
The monetary commission back at
Washington is trying to settle the finan
cial question, aad for tbe purpose ia te
ceiving plans from acyone wbo thinks he
knows tb. proper way. Tbe result is a
good many responses. JobnG Bullitt
of Philadelphia, has shot tbe followiog
at tb. romasisuon,a plan evedently ic the
interact of tb. monied men, and aa it
haa attracted more attention than any
others we give it for criticisms and con-
rderatioo :
Tnat all outstanding currency obliga
tions, amountiug to about $800,000,000,
shall be taken np and canceled, being
replaced according tobuisnees exigencies
under th. direction cf a currencv board
commission, composed of tbe president,
secretary of tb. treasury aad controller
of tb. currency), by t per cent bonds.
There is to be but one kicd of currency,
namely, national bank notes, redeem
able in gold at tb. bank of issue, and a
selected bank of reserve, and these nutes
are to be issuid gradually to replace
United States obligati ons as tha latter are
retired. These notes are to be aecured
by a deposit of IS per cent in gold in tbe
treasury, by 15. per o-nt in gold ia tb.
ha iik vaults, and by firt-t lieu opon tbe
bank's assseta, aa welt aa by special
provision giving tbe government the
right toasses all na'ional banks, wbec
needed, to make good the notes of de
faulting bank, tbe notes of which would
then be redeemed by the government.
A tax is to be laid upon tbe baukt to
carer tbe expenses of the currency board
and the balance held to secure redemp
tion of notes in gold; but if this exceeds
$10,000,000, the surplus msy be covered
into tbe treasury to pa7 interest on
United States bonds aod for general
purpores. This tax should be ol 1 per
cent, or 1 per cent per annum, as the
commission sbali e'ect. Power should
be given to banks, under permission
from the curiency board, to increase the
note issue when there is a demsnd caus
ed by an unusual financial emergency
such increase to be subject to a tax(to be
determ'ntd from time to time by the
oarrency board, opon the notes while in
circulation, the tax npon the notes to he
at a rate which would not put pressure
npon tbe banks to take op the note
when the emergency bad passed .
Silver and subsidiary coins should be
redeemed in gold by tb. United S'ate
goverment when demanded. These
amount to about $100,000,000 No notes
should be isrued for less than t5 Na
tional banks should be constrained to
exchange notes now out of tue by
surrendering notes ae they receive them.
Customs demands and taxes of all
kinds dus to the government shou'd he 1
payaMe one-third in gold and two-th'rda
in bank notes. Thi is necessary to sup
ply the government with the gold re
quired by it to pay interest npon United
States bonds, redeem silver, and for oth
er purposes.
Th. legal-tender qnalitv of gold and
silver should remain ae now provided by
law, and they should be the only legal
tender, except to the ex'ent of two-
thirds of eu'toms duties and taxes dr.
tbe gavernment, wbicb should be pay.
able In bank notes, as above stated.
The Astronomy of Ufa.
When an astrono
mer foretells the ex
act minute at which
two planets will cross
each other, we know
there ia no magic
about it. The whole
nnimu ia governed
by laws. A man who studies these laws of
nature carefully and reduces them to a set
ence, can count on exact results every time.
A doctor knows that certain remedies
affect certain diseases.
When a disease seems to nave no remedj .
tt, doctors nronounce it incurable. All the
time Nature may have the remedy right al
hand, but it will only be discovered by the
doctor who has studied longer and deepei
than others into this particular disease,
rnn.nmntion seemed for a Ions; time with
out a remedy, until Dr. Pierce made hit
wonderful "Golden Medical Discovery" je
Tfn m- It has Droved to be a marvelous
and almost unfailing specific for consump
tion and all forma of lung, bronchial and
Its effects seem almost magical but its op
eration is based upon simple natural laws.
It has the peculiar property of enabling
the blood-making glands to manufacture
healthy, red blood and pour it abundantly
into the circulation. This nourishing, vital
effect ia ranidlv manifested ia the
lungs and bronchial tubes where it stops the
wasting process and builds np healthy tissue.
It is readily assimilated by stomachs which
are too weak to digest cod liver oil, and it
ia far superior to malt-extracts as a perma
nent and scientific flesh -builder in a:
wasting diseases.
Twenty-five years ago eight different doctor
told me that I would live but a short time, that 1
had consumption ana must air,- wnra wa m.
Coope. Esq., of Myers Vslley, Pottawatomie Co,
Kins? I finally commenced taking Dr. Pierce'i
Golden Medical Discovery and am still on th
land and among the living. I have nith to be
lieve that it bas lengthened my life for the la
twenty-five vears, and I have no much ntith in mt
of your medicines that I want one of your ' Com
man Sense Medical Adviacra."
Dr. Pierce's medicines are recognized at
standard remedies throughout the world
la "Pleasant PeUeta" cure constipation
Gov. Lord's Thanksgiving Proc
As the year draws to a c'ose, it is fit
ting that the people nl nr e'ate render
grateful ackoowledguicuts to the Giver
of all Good for the many bleeaings and
mercies vouchsafed to ne during the past
year. The financial depression which
so long afflicted our country, and bore so
heavily on the courage and energy of oar
people, ia speedily passing away. We
are on the threehold oi returning pros
perity. Confidence in national integrity
ia atimulaling industrial activity, reviv
ing gainful foreign trade, and Improving
business !in general. Our workshop
; are rapidly opening, to meet the increas
ing demands of trade ;eor pasture ranges
are dotted over with flocks and hsrds,
and our farms have yielded bountiful
crops, which bsve been socceeefnlly har
vested and profitably marketed. The
labor of the artisan and ths husband
man is receiving more generous reward
Public peace bas beeu maintained aad
social order pievatla throughout theetate
We bave escaped famine and pestilence
and every form of public calamity. Our
school system is enlarging the domain
of knowledge, and our charitable in
emotions are extending relief to th
needy and distressed. We live under
conditions that are favorable to educa
tional nrogree., axial reforms and polit
ical advancement that secure equal
rights, and the blessings of civil sod
religious liberi'y; that preserve tbe
public order, and mantain tbe national
, credit, that a in.ulate itskistriaraititity
j and encourage commercial entirpriae;
that forser self dependence and individ
ual worth; that ofler opportunities for
intellectual achievements aod material
prosperity, and that insures th. advan
tages of a free aod enlightened govern
ment. We have every reason to rejoice
and raise our voices in praise and thanks
giving. Ia conformity, therefore, with
ths ' proclamation of the presi
dent of tb. United State, and in
compliance with time -honored custom,
I, William P Lord, govenor of tbe state
ot Oregon do hereby deeignat. aod set
1 bureday, the 25ih day ot November,
1893,to be obreserved as a day of tbanke-
giving and prarer. In heartfelt recog
nition of abuodant meicies, I recomiiied
that tbe people of tbe state refain on
that day, aa far as may be, from their
usual "ocatioc, and that they assembb
in fbeir customary places ef worsbip,
and offer devout thanks to the Ruler of
tb. Universe, aid implore His contin
ued care and protection. Ll old and
voung gather beneath tbe rooftrec ia
thankful obseivsnce of th. dsy.snd tind
more clceely the bonds of affection aod
family ties, so important to tbe well
being of tbe slate: let those who bave
been blessed with abundaoee remember
tbe Door and unfortunate, with geneoua
contributions, to enable tbem to par
ticipate In general thanksgiving.
It ail devote tbe day to awakening
of patriotic sentiments and rega.d for
social order, to the doing of charitable
deeds sod strengthening of ties of
friendship, to tbs enjoyment of hospital
ity and innocent amusement, and to
such other acts as will testify to our
sense of duty to the Supreme Ruler aod
our appreciation of His manifold bless
ings. Done at the Capitol, in Salem, Oregon,
this ninth day of November, in tbe year
of th. Lord one thousand eight hundred
By the Governor;
H R Kincaid,
Decretory ol Stat.
Blanco bas offered to parJon all tbs
rebels in Cuba, but tha rebels don't,
wish to be pardoned. They 'want lib
erty or death ; tbat is what they are af
ter. It is war to the hilt.
'-uiUnan rfleepin? tJars,
Sle at Dinirg Oars,
' ouris" Sleeping OarF
dt Paul
t argo,
i . Grand Forks
Helena and
New York
Boston and al
Points East and ftoutb
. Through tickdts to Japan and Ch na, vis
Tscoma and Northern Pacific steamshir
Co., an American line.
For information, time cards, maps and
tick-eta call on or write O G Burkhart
agnt, Albany, Or.
AD Charlton. At Gen Pass Agf
As the prospect of Mark Henna's
election increases the price of wheat goes
Eugene came very near having, a hu
man watch. A two year old child swal
lowed part of a watch spring. Prompt
action by a doctor prevented the child
from stopping.
Some more people are happy. The
blind school warrants are to be paid, and
the officers of that school will not now
be intereeted so much in a special ses
sion of the legislature.
Squire Farrar of Patera has been ap
pointed a member of the state board of
equalisation, a pretty good man for a
very poor position.
The backbone of the Illinois coal strike
bas again been broken. It has now been
broken enough times to oe ready to feed
to the chickene.
At least two men in the state house of
Oregon are eclipsed in fame 'by their
brilliant sons: J J Murphy and T W
Davenport. Journal.
When Dan Lamont reached San Fran
cisco the air is said to bave turned chil
ly, for which the Examiner is authority.
The Alaska Thawing and Heating Co.
was incorporated veeterdav at Salem
with three Portland men as incorporat
ors and t?5,000 as the nominal capital
stock. Thus ia nature to be overcome
and the frigid winters of the north made
nearaoie. it cannot man do.
Alice Johnson, a former Corvallia oirl.
said to have an unenviable reputation.
was recently marrid io St. Louis, Mo., to
a widower aged 52, with three children,
ana worcn .w,uw.
rrof. L. II. Bailev. of Cornell, bas
written a book on Garden Making. This
book ebouhl be eagerly perused by Kdf
tors noier ana r letcber, ot Salem, men
noted for their SDud and strawberry
The year 1854 was an eventful one for
Oregon. In it there were born in Ore
gon Col. Robert A. Miller, U. 8. Senator
Ueo. W. McBride, Jodire R. S. Beaa.
Judge Taylor, and ex-State Printer
Frank C Baker.
Prof. Fred Dunn, of tbe WUkmeU.istfls
University, at Kalem last niaht. lectured
on Tha Frogs of Aristopbone. It is to
be Doped be lettled iualfrc t natness,
nearly as important as Mark Henna's
Next Friday night at Jefferson Editor
Fletcher, of tbe Salem Independent, will
lecture oft Tilling the Soil. Tbe envious
Journal man, who is onlv posted on
strawberries snd grapes, says the lev-tore
ia a very humorous one.
It is an Interesting and commendable
fact that whenever tbe Indian boys ol
Coemawa play foot ball tbe papers after
wards speak of their gentlemanly ways.
That is food for white hoodlums who do
not play foot ball to reflect upon.
Theodore Durrant nioet bans. Thet
supreme court rendered a decision te
terdaythbt settled the matter. It is
bich time it waa eettlMi too. I--
. M m i U A 1 : v , - , . . i
nearlT thTZ !
J mordeT "nm,l,d
A word to business men : A transient
advertiser cones along and sweep hun-
dreds of dollars out of the town for "cat-
endar" or "busine men's guide." What
uwiwranrarii; comeiomg mails
mhlJ.h U K. m w
: ;: ' f"
tasat. fail... .ml . .1. iV. Arj:,
it make tiaht in th. JIeoraa,,nr'-.,n b,c0 credited with
Th. wild goose ia going, and, as an
evidence that they are thinning out. tha
Willows. Cal. Review aaya that 20 years
ago tiogn uienn paid out lor - wages to
gooes herders, 40 in nnmber, for one
.ana to suddiv loetn witn am
munition, lb. snug sum ol f 12.000. Now
It takes but 10 goose herders on tbe
Ulenn ranch and not a 22ad part of dam
age is done to Ue growing crops.
The Not tbern Pacific Railway Com-
pany has collected statistics as to ae
number of persons going from Poget
Hound alone to Alaska since the steamer
Portland arrived Joly 17. with her re
port of rich strike, on th. Klondike.
The nnmber ia 124S. These fignres are
exclusive of those starting from Portland
aod San Francisco and the overland
ronte.wrich aggregated manv thousands.
In view of the fact that Seattle bas been
advertising and claiming rtgbt alcng
tnat wwu bad been ootfitted iroiu tbat
city alone this sutemeot is of great in
It has i it been learned at Tacoma
tbat tbe smooth swindler who. about a
month aeo. worked tb. local reoreseota-
uvee oi in. oiaodard UU Company lor
about 11000. representing himself f be
tb. Iravelina- auditor of the comDanv,
and inducing them to indorse his checks
and to vouch for him at tbe banks, was
a noted confidence man a bo. about two
or three weeks before he cam. to the
bound waa discharged from th. Oregon
penitentiary, in which institution be bad
served a five year's term for pretty much
toe name sort oi a "graft" lie worked in
Tacoma, and bia photograph was at that
time adorning tb. walls of all police
headquarters on the coast. Telegram.
Rev Sheldon Jackson, tbe well known
Alsska missionary, wbo was in Portland
not long ago, was elected moderator of
the general assembly of tb. Presbyterian
church last summer, notwithstanding
bis 10 jears in Alaska. 11 is election is
credited to a speacb of Dr. Spinning
wbo in conclusion said: " if tbe Apostle
Paul were here, he might be asked to
meet distinguished men like ex Presi
dent rJsrrisnn, or John Wansrnsker, or
eminent divines, but he would reply :
'Yea tbey are good men. but isn't there
a little, quiet, home missionary like man
named Sbelton Jackson on some of the
back seats?" Tbia waa too much for the
assembly aod Jackson was electa J at
once. Ex.
John A. Willard, a Minnesota million
aire, has jost fsiled, owing .00,000,witli
a lot ol real estate on band which the
returning prosperity lias failed to make
of valua. This boasted millionaire will
probably not pay 25 cents ou the dollar,
and so the world goes.
Tbe supreme court of Oregon lias just
decided tbat a marriage within six
months of a divorce is illegal, no matter
where performed. This knocks out the
Vancouver tiick. Asa matter of tact
though, marriages bave been performed
riaht along in Oregon within the pro
hibited eix months, without any notice
being taken of tbem.
Jacksonville Timee:
J6ns Nelson, who left Jacksonvilletwo
years ago for Cook's Inlet, Alraka, re
turned recently . He was one of the two
thousand people who went iuto that sec
tion in 1895, and he does not speak in
flattering terms of it; in fact, he does not
intend to go back to the frozen north at
all. Mr. N. says that very few of the
many who hav. gone to Alsska have
been repaid for the troubh , and that
there is much exsggerat.oa in the le
ports that come from there."
eastern papers just reacmrg line
quite generally call tbe recent elect'on
a great democratic victory, there are
many things to indicate that the country
doesn't wish to have Mark Hanna quite
so eoospiucous.
People wbo read tbat Hkagusy a lo
become a great metroplis had better not
get excited . Tbere is pretty good reason
to believe that Skaguay ia th. greatest
fake of tbe age, and a good place to
keep awa7 from for a permanent residence.
Tbe It arrant Case
San Francisco, Hcv. 9. District At
torney Dames appeared bete re Judge
Unbra today and sUued that he had received
official notice that the supreme court of tbe
United Slates bid allirmed the decision of
the Ioer court in the Durrant case,
Judge bah re there jpon raudn un order that
pun-ant be brought be f did I'iiii tomorro
ia order that a new ditto may be set for
carrying out the sentence already imposed
upon the condemmed miirlerer. It was
rumored that Friday next nisy be selected
as the date cf the execution.
Tbe Fever
New Okmcaks. Nov. 9. Tlio yellow
fever continues on the decrease, as today's
record indictee, the board of health ia
elated over the early dermioation of tbe
scare The health boird's working forces
have been reduced to a minium, hut there
is an abundance of work for those re
Kli Fisare
New York, Nv. 9. The executive
committee of th" Chicago & Northwestern
railroad met in this city today for the pur
pose of forruellv executing ;he refunding
rnorgage of $lii, 000.000 against tbe raid.
It could not be ascertained whether tbe de
finite action will be taken by 'he executive
committee. On tbe stock exebangn a bet
of $1000 even was offered that the Chicago
& Northwestern rond would increase its
divides 1 ai the next declaration.
Beat Ike Bla Slant
Carhon, Nov. 9. The entire state bas
been startled and shocked at th murder
late this afternoon of Chan. A Jones,
United States district a'torney, by lulisn
Guinan, tbe 10 ) ear-old son of a well-
known physician. The prominence of all
connected with tbe affair, the peculiar
attendant circumstances, and the sudden-
ess or mo irageuy maae it one or me m'.
sensational bappentnga in the hutory of
Nevada. louog duinan said Jones was
too intimate with bis sister.
UaaMala llupeM
Wallace. Nov. 9 It is believed here
that Daniel Lamont, vice president of tbe
Nortbern t'acihc. will, within two month
succeed t'resiuent Hill at the bead of tbe
Ureal horthern svttem. The belief it
based on the tone of a memge which pa
d between Iuiont and Hill when the
former was here recently.
kllln Twa Hew
Graft's Pami, Nov. 8. As a south
bound freight train approached Urare-
creek trestle, two miles north of Leland.
this afternoon, tbe engineer noticed two
men walking on the tretle. In reDOt).e
I to a warning whUOe from the engin. they i
j got on a prticUnir bent so that in train i
left the ber-t and trii t r.. .k-
trestle, bot wae struck bribe eoeine. and
burled to the botom of Use creek, about 30
feet, striking a bent in tbe decent aad in
stantly ktihng him. UU name was II H s
Davis. i
The same train, while switching in
Grant's Pass this eveniog ran over and 1
killed a tramp, who attempted !o board !
it. r I
M Ike rank Trenbte
Wasntso-iv, Nov. 8. Senator Mc
Bnde was at tbe White House tL.r fnr a
short time, but did nt seethe president J
Business rnattrrs in New York nare pre- J
reaUd the wnator from joioing the corn- f
mere committee, wtich is iareatigatlng!
im- uwg(irim U.e Mllippi rirrr,
, lommiMiooer nermann aod tleoton Killin
o- i oniano, were also caller un tbe
pr.w- j
bn-.u .... . . !
rrU4ralUt SvswtalaMBIa
WasrttsGTox, Nov. S Tbe president!
tfdiy made the follow appointment: C j
W Uodfiey Uontrr of Kenttu-kr. ;
extraordinary and minuter pmpot-
j .ti.ry to Goatemal.; Edw.n M Yean..
Jgrat far the Indian t at Lemhi. Idaho;'
j Edward M Bartlett, rrgwter of tha land s
! oSic L Uande, Or. ; Mijot Lwis!
' Marvfcal. corps of engineer, to le a uk-ti-
j her of the Miswxm commuaioa. :
j a.rtai.a ., .. !
fViiMti- v i. i
LOLSMBl. OT. S. A local
newsnaoer Drinti an nimi .m r v
' rotary ol tbe detaocratic central
j saying lb at at a conference of dexsocrattr
leaders et the state it a decided to j
wedge tbe vote of as many densocratic !
meniLers of tbe democratic asoerobly a I
could be controlleJ, to Govoreer BushnII i
for reoator. on coooition that tbe liovemov;
coo a owumsna enougb rcp!Jb'uao vote to
' uske Lis election poiaible.
a Math Walte?
illBiD or. 7. Tbe chini toansil
b s approved th rl?ia of rxMitical ainni,
for Cuba aad the i'failipptan.
The government deue that tbe action
to be taken with regaru to tbe remark
made by t;o-ral Weiler to tbe drnutafm.
,d In bi hnrtly before he Wt
Havana is the remit of anv sumtiiui
tbe sodjfet from Washington. No com- I fawnes in abundance f-ir family oe. JXI
munications bave been nvvirnl from tbe rods ol worew wire fence and everything ia
A mr can gorcremeat t a the matter. good repair
Trataav'!. i Aim hare 2 ra:lch cow and oae Wife
, . befn-A in Feb.) alt high grade Jer-
A mcrCEtiqrT, N M ho-. 7 Tbi.t- fcr sale cbep . C D B its
ik m up a urani. vu
mile wet ct here lat met t at 7:50.
reache AlbU'iuevite at 11:30 this nicrn
leg. None of toe train crew nor pasen
gwrs were kiUed ncr injured. Tb eiprem
ccmpant 'a low cannot he btarned. but it is
stoan to be large. The Santa ie fan 5c
Company lost a combination aod npro-sa
car. a day coacb, and a chair car.
The hold npof the train was Ub
ed by two men.
Cuccixxatti. Nov, 7 R
and party trU tonight lor Waobinirtoa
.r. Mcless bas beea considered tha deaK
ocruic candidate for senator, and his de
parture i regarded aa an indication lhat
he comedea tbe legislature of tbe reoutli
rane, notwithtandingthenurueron notices
rf cont. Before bis departure Mr. Ms
lan held a cvnference with t'hairnmn
McConvillH nd other democratic lead-
a Baw Wrerk
BrrFALo, Nov. 7. Tbe utearoer IJ iho.
of tbe Western Trannt Line i NVw 1 nrt
Central), foundered in eioht fatlmm.
water at 4 M0 this mr.roimj t,tt I,,-
on Lais Erie. This point jo's out imn
tbe lake from the Canadian (bore about
sixty 6ve miles west of Buffalo, and it.
viainitv has been the scene of manv disas
ters, nineteen were drowned, brint, li
but two on board.
A Spaltaae Kabbrry
FrOka.VE. Njv. 7. Three mssked mon
enbfred Ueurm Weeard's room at it..
Railroader's .otel. tbia ( Mohdav
covered bim with a revolver and robbed
nis pants of IS 50. Under his pillow was
a vest containing a wallot with $70. The
robbers took the vest but the pocket book
and money dropped oa tbe floor unnoticed,
and Wcgard found them later.
Sale Palpaar4
IKsvxK, Nov. 7. Mastir in Chancery
V D CornUh arrived here todnv from
Omaha f jr the purpose of postponing tbe
le of the Denver Pacific branch of the
Luion Pacific, wbtrh was to occur tomor
row. Ibe tale will bepos'pontd until Dec
20, Ibe intention being to delay the dispo
sition of the Ueover branch until after tbe
four Kansas branches of Ibe system hare
ben sold.
Just Across the Way.
At F II Pfeiffr's vou can iret the best
Coas. and Eastern oysters to he found.
He also keejs the bent line of confection
ary in the city.
Call on bim for tbe be', or even thmtr in
his line.
Try our taaaiftings utlOc. Extra quality.
C. K. Brownell.
THtfi 3 EST CMhes racks end ironing
boards are trade by E. B. Davidson.
Sample sf HopKius b.-oi., where order
may be If It
S. P, SCIf LEB k CO.
Oarrv tbe largast and
most complete stock of
Ulotns ia tne vaJiey. .
Oil Siaoi ia Flinn Block.
the Uregon
H3ll!ng from
in the market
be undersold
Foster Blk 1st
Best on earth.
Everyone knows the Oliver
Sfll OTllV -TV
Albany Oregon.
am I i.i v?rr
3Iillfot Sale.
Vnr ai r tl- rxchanc for improved
, rral isute. a Ur-. well ! i:psd aawrutil.
n good running "dev. i oi-mill I u
? ,le 5 adiareot U a Ur. timber belt
areot U. a urir timber "l ana
bas fne shipping filiue. Here
k.a ihinnin. f lilt IM litre la a
1 h.m annw. on rr farther rar
uculara require of Ti Stewart A Sox
Hdw to., A'baoT, ar.
YAKIRiNG tosrire my whole at tea-
! I J Una to iwoPrv rain I offer all ex
to poal'ry raiung I offer
I cept 10 eces i4 my
CTra v-a-v fs Clin
sAIrll IUI -'"''
I I; i the Ut located small farm ia tbe
fcooo'y. ooe and one half miles sooth of
Albany oa Taogent road. Have guod well,
'rrr.lnita! It baildiof. brica cellar with
Lxicr-te flir. apple. re!v,ploms.qiefles.
Sramnt. bWkhrmes. ratobeme. straw
Notice is ben by given Ibst the under-
j signed executor of 'be lat will aad testa
I meat o' lAHita M Kinder, deCMd, ha
I filed with the clerk o( the coanty covrt tor
! Una county. Oregon, bis anal accouat
iaod tbe cort ha set Monday tbe 6 h da
of December. W at the t o-ir of 1 o'c'-ock
' P m ot swd dav to bear objectroas to said
final arc. unt aad t- t'e said eta'e.
This Ihe 9.h day of Oottjr. 197.
Hsnsv KiNrr.H.
Esecjtorof csta'.e if Louisa M Kieter,
f live gentlemen or latti lo travel
for tvnnbl. establiabed hoc in
Oiwu. Moatbly 165 W and expense,
Petition steady. Reference. Knclo-e self
addrased stainpetl envelope. Toe IVmin
on Company, IVpt. V Chicago.
FOR SALE- A ma i at Utile Klk
w.shea to sell bis 40 acre tract. c"n
sitting of 3rt acres clearwl.ltl to be clearec.
with 18 or 20 tons of bay. 150 buchelsof
tot a toes io the ground. 100 frail trees.and
ome cattle and sheep, In a nice location,
for l(C0.
STR Y ED 1 1 bead of sheep, m ar
with M. One nad a bell on it.
turn to or notifi II. Brodere.
Tin roofing and pluoibiair.
ne opera house
APPLES vVANTED. thres car loads of
everal varieties Cash paid, at high
est prices Call on WillU-u M.inoppo
te Kusa House.
FOR RENT. Good house of five rooms
in :$rd ward. Convenient lo school.
Enipitre at Morris's store.
rroit SALE- Horses, Wagoa.
V farm machinery. Inquire of
Amis, Sod and Mam Sis. Albany, Or.
ANTED. A tew more engage
ments by the day to sew, "
Mrs R. fc. Owe.
The motoi on tbe Albany treet rail
way will connect ptomptly with all trsini
o aod from the depot, day and night.
Special trips wil! be n ade at special
!. t. V. Conn. Conductor,
AT 1I1E MINES. Boarding. iiMiging
and mauls may be secured of the sub
scriber at the hantmm minea, al his place
ta 'he mouth of Dry Uulch.
H. W; WmTt.
KUL gentlomen or lad'es to tmv
for responnible, e-abli8hl Loue
O'econ Mont hi v f 05 00 andexpeBses.
position Bttady. Refeience Enclcse
self-addresaed stamped envelope.
Dominicn Company, Kept. H, 'hic!tg..
FJR SALE. Cne span learn horses,
one rouble set harness, one wagon.
Price $90. CeJIon KCSacry.
DK M A Kl N O. Ladies wishing
learn cutting knd fitting by tbe Mo
gan system, call an Mrs. R. L. Owe
Dresses made for $2.60 and op. Cor 3
d (Jalap 0iii.
( v. . -k. .
We are receiving another Jarge invoice of
all wool suits, which we are
9.00 toflO.OO.the'iebt value
A big line of mftns and I boys boots and
hoe3, trunks, valises, suits. An exten-
sivo line of inenrj and youth furnishings,
hats and caps. All the above goods have
been tiouzht at low prices. We will Dot
St. Albany, Or
Star ltakerv
f tnrncr KrnnJalhin and Fl rat t
Canned Fruits,
Quecnsv ..-
. Vectle
Glassware, -I
hied Fruit.
rerytbiag ' tal L cjpt in a
rood variety and gr
eevy store Hig
et p"- r"1
1 ltrice-a-Wek Edition
IS Pages a Week . . .
. . . 156 Papers a Ycvu
For One Dollar.
rwbitkbrslevery llrrwatajeirM SwaS
The Thrice-a- Week Edition of Ta a K aw
?ork World is first among all "weekly -
papers in size. Frequency w puoucauoa
and the freshness, accuracy and variety el
its cot tenra. It bis all tbe merits of s
irreat S6 dailv at the price of a dollat
weekly. Its political news is prompt, com
plete, accurate and impartial as all its read
era will tesuty. it is against toe monopo
lies and tor tbe pec-Die.
It prints the news of all the world, hav
ia? special correspondence from all im
portant new points on the globe. It has
on liant illustrations, stones bv irreat
authors, a capital humor page, complete
markets, departments for the household
and women s work aad other special de
partments. We offer Ibis unenualed newsnsper and
ths Democrat togetherone year lor V 00
Shoes . .
"Cheapest in town."
"Splendid values."
"Have found none so cheap"
are some of the r urks made about my
ladies and childrens sboea, tbat I bave jus
placed cn s..le. W. R. BLAIN.
(He puts the pneet down.)
We have good stock, good and slew
type, good pre sen and understand how
to do good work and we do it at a very
reasonable price, lor neat and up-to-dato
job printing call on.
Cu'ery from Yaqninns Bay every day,
O . E. Bbowxki.i
.o-Xu-l,u lor utj
Ooaranteed tobaeoo habit euro, makes weak
lea siruwr. bioi-. -Hire. eUc.ll- AUUruaVMUt
In the Circuit Court of the Slate ol Orejem
fat the County of Linn
Marv J Gjrdon, PlaintH.
W Acbeon and S E Acheson, and the
Vermont Marble Company, a corporation,
To the Vermont Mable Compsr.y. a
orporstion, one of the defendants above
named :
In the Name ot the State ot Ore
gon, iou are hereby reqmea v apptar
and answer tbe complaint of the above
plaintiff, in the above entitled court, now
on file with the clerk of aid court, by tbe
brut day of tbe next regular Urm of tbe
above entitled court to be begun and held
in tbe city of Albany, Linn conn'y, Oregon,
on the 25tb day of October, 1S97, and you
ate nctified that if you fail to appear and
answer said comnlaint aaberebv required.
tbe plaintiff will take jidgment and de
cree against tbe said K W Acneson for the
sumot $749 40 with accruing interest
thereon at tbe rate ot X per cent per an
num from Angnst 27th, 1897, and tbe
further sum of 70 00 attorneja fee, and
for tbi cos's and diabarsementa nf this suit
Io be taxed ; and for a decree of this boner
able court torecloaiag the mortgage made,
execute and delivered by li W Acbcson
and S E AcLtaon to Ue p. air. tiff CTCin on
the fitb day of July, 1892, and d-recting
the premises described In said oiongage,
toeit 1-ot No.8in block No.8ln lUek
leman's toird addition to the cty of Al
bany, Linn county, Cregon, s tbe aao.e
is marked, numbered and jeaenbed on tbe
mips, plats ami sarvrys of said city and
addition now on file and of record m tbe
office ot tbe county recorder to and for
finn coontr. stae of Ort eon. and also
described in plaintiff's complaint, be sold,
as opon execu'-ion t required by law. and
directing the proceeds of such sal to be
P?1" .. . .... ....
1st. i o tne payment orinecoa "u
dUborsementa of tbia suit, inc udlog at
tomey's fees snd expenses of sal.
2nd. 1 o tbe payment ot ' ne amount
due clalntiff .nrin jpal aad intereV.
3rd, The overplus, w any. pay to tne
defendants and that the defendants and
each and alt c-f them and all perrms
eiaim'ng any interest by.tbrougl or nsder
them r any of tbem in or too the rem)
mwnr herein aboe and in said coar
plaint described bv. through cr under
ton or each of von be forever barrred and
foreclosed of aa right pr redemption or
asserting any ngnr cam or m ew m
or loo said real property or an, pjrt thereof
1 his Summons u puDitonea in icai.
basv Daily Doc at by order of the
Hon H H Hewitt, odgeottbe Circuit
Owrt, made at Chanibe in the city of
Albanv. Ore gun. the 8th Uy of Septem
ber. i(S5r7.
A t ATHLKVOtD A Wtatt,
Attys for Plaintiff.
the Circa t Cottrt of Jte klate oj Orrycm
Jar tie ctmmty of LinB.
MrsC W Rogers, plaintiff.
Jane Woodv snd R B Woody her bos
band, loan C E'der and Elder his
wile. James fcwer ana iaa tMcr ns
Lottie A E der, t a Ltder and LUppjkjea
Elder ha wife, de end an U.
To JameaEl?e.Ida fderand Lottie
A EULer.
In the Name of ihe State ot Ore-
con. Yoa are bereoj rrqonrd to appear
aad anavrr the corn plai-t of tbe aboe
rvai stiff. In tbe above entitled court, aow
oa lie with tbe clerk of vd coar-, by the
irst day of te nest regaar term of tbe
above entitled conn to Le began and held
in the city of A'-baay, lira cooety. Ore
goo, oa the loth day of October. 1S97, and
yoa are ootiSed thai if you fail to appear
aad answer said tro plaint as hereby re
quired, the p aintiff will ask the court fcr
a decree torecloting plaisti5"s mortgag'e
givea bv R L Dder now deceased, dated
the lsth da. of If ay, IS96, upon the foi
lowing described real estate towit: All
mv nndivided hiterest in and to all that
salt of the Donation Land Claim of Rob
ert Elder acd wife, c'aim Kb. oi. that lies
west of the Calipooia Creek, situated ia
township 13 South, Eange3 West in
L'anconnty, Crrgoa.artd eonraui'rg 5S3
Being for tbe sum ol SiX aad receded
ia Book of Morf gases volcme 32. oa page
16s snd directing that tbe real estate dee
enbed therein be scld as bv law. directed.
aod the proceeds arising from said sale to
be antditd. 6. to the pavment of the
cost Tod excewva cf said sale, and he
costs of tide suit, iaclsding attorney fee;
second, to the payment of the puiatifs
c-aira. principal and interest, sal tbe
awmiua ta he distributed as mav be di
reeled bv the coort and for the costs aad
disharseinMi'B of thU suit to be taxei.
This summons is published bv order of
tbe Hon U H Hewitt. jode of the above
eaotled court, made al cbamoers ia me
ti oi Albany, Oregon, oa tSe lota day
of SeptemV. 1;57 .
VaTcaroaDlr Wvtt.
At'ys for Piaiauff.
Notice for .Publication
Lasn Omci ar Oaaaox Cm, Oa.
Oct 13th. 1S9I.
Notice is betebvgiren that Ih- following
aned aettiar has hied Bol-oe ol an lot
una to asak baal woof ia aupport of I
c aa. and tbat sud preef will be -Bad. be
fore tbe coanty clerk ot U coit as ai
bav. Qiv. oa Ncrsmwr 27, IS. via;
Eilaa Morlej: H E 11433 for tbe IctS
Se 14. Tn 9 Sjath R 1 East. He aaats
tb fbilowiaf witnsa to Dtort kis con
tu, Mia rideea arms aod ealiiratiow of.
Stld land: via: Char! Swank, Henry
L)oaa, Jason W Tenney, Andraw T Zam
waJt, allot Lt. ts. Oin.
Koaaar A Miller,
Vntieaia herbv eivon that tSe aW
rraed adnuaiatrator of tha eatata of Thos
Moraaflr-daceased. kaa fiUd his riaal a:
eoant aa sach admmistrator with tha dark
cf ths oonnty roan et I jo a conoty, Urrgca,
and teat tbe Honor D a Oao u uartoa,
iadfe of said eoart, ha ao pouted Satar
day the 11th day of Dtweaabar, 1S97, at
the hour of 10 e'oloek a m, aa tha time, aad
the e aunty eoart reotns at Albany, Crejtoa,
as the place, tor hearing objeotiooa to said
boat acooant. All persons are hereby
notified thai if they desire to make anv
objection to said tiaal acooant or sett la
atant thareof to be and appear at tha above
time aad place, or be forerer birred.
Dated Novembers, 1SS7-
Gio W Wright, VT G Moboax,
atty for Admr. Adsaioiatrator.
Notice ia hereby givta that Jxmes W
Morgso. as administrator of the estate of
Lydia Morgan, deceased, haa hied his tinal
acooant aa such a4mtntstrat wita the
olerk nf the county eoart ot Una coanty.
Oregon, aud that said eoart haa appointed
Saturday ths 11 in day of December, 1S97,
at tbe hoar of 10 o'clock in the forenoon
ot said dav aa tbe tints and tbe coaotv
eoart room ia Albany, Oregon, as tha plaos
fSf hearing and settling said account. All
paraona are actitied tlat If they ' have any
objeotiona to void aooount and final settle
aasot to appear at laid time and place anL
p react t then..
Dated Nov. 8. 1S97
Gao W Wright. Jas W IToReas.
A:tv far Scnr, Ad nun lat rater.
roleuloa. tVi mt la IS io as oara. Wa
rraad aaoaey u io oit rur
Toaa be trtmledewt
i vita uaaa waa
iU eaatime to ears
prprrr to csmm mc w
ihmior pavyxpecaoost
tall, aad
eare. rf
WWi taVIl wO Mawaa-wXwawMKanPMI
IsViatMk swarf. I o
ifc. W fkraai, rl 11
w rWiieks . U
rmn ol lt boOj Jlalruc
It to th frla'rr.
hJ l'.l,, Ui
r-w rWiieks sart.
awiaiafy or l tTMmrj
raw. w
BWa, TtlUI tliS i
vlK-it the mart
ft wUl r tm wmmmt
Of wany rrtaJw wrvb4a !
lacat ayc4a
m.Jo r.vtit oi
t-nit NK
hi. di:
kmwaa sCAaUA ISAA faasbtlMl OUT JKMlva
i iiiiw inia 11 t latiri issi sua wur r...
. write u Ur I
ZLmt: Yl JTvl. atw . llllaeSa.
Mas A an by has jost received a fine line of
Stamped linens, perfect beauties.
Handkerchiefs, hot., facinatort.
Boas, mitts' fans,
Cbatalain bags.
Call and examine the line of factj
City Marshal's Notice of Tax Sale
for Delinquent Taxes ot 1896.
Notice is hereby given that ' virtoenf
a wan-art for the collection of delinqnent
taxes of tbe as wa ent of 1894 in and for
the eity of Albary, In Linn county and
state ot Oregon, wblch warrant ta now m
mr banda and ia in words and figures, as
follows, towiu
County of Llan j
In the name of the City of Albrny ,
Albany, Creg-m. urerng:
o tbe Itameot i. vuj ot aioany.
n 'antk. Yon are berebv co emanded that
you evy upon inw jw un cbwwh vi
ih Jellnauent tax payers narr.e J in the
foregoing list, and if nun b loud thm
upon tbe real property eet forth therein,
oreo mocb theieof aa a ha II erf ib
amount of teo charged, w th ttmrn
and expeoeea. and that yoa pay over all
moneys se collected to tbe C lty Tret.orer
of said city, and make tbe return of inta
warrant a by law required.
Bv order of tbe C t Couocil ot toe Citjr
of Albany. Oregm. Made ibe lab day of
October 1697. , .
witoeaa my bead, and tbe offital sixna.
tore, and tbe al t ibe CHy .f al; any,
. . ... . r nv. iftorr vltmjbd
Krr !er nf u city of Albany,
wnicn w i riu . omwuw '
unpaid cn deiLi em uses 'or th year
ifeW in aatd e tj t .nny. and n hav
log bera able after dtlUeot aeuen to nod
any perwrfial property w thin aaid cit,
outofwbiobto make tbe taxes herein
nwmtkd. lata levied uocn th foi
lowing described real property, tow iU
Abbey. J R. lots 2. 24, 25, 26. 27,
28, 29. 30 aed 3l In block 2 Ab
be' addoioe to Albany. Or.... i 2 67
Adcox. Jane, lots 9. 10, 11, 12 in W
1 ia Abbey's addition to Albany,
f fcav-t eta .
Alfanv Street Railwai Co, the SE
V. o U 5 m Albanv. uieaon-.
s.e-. t arab O, the X H ot
and 2 Lo hi 23 io Uackiemaa a za
iiriilinn to AlbaiaV. OreifOo ---
6 09
Bradley, Joseph, esUte of, the w
ot the a t 4 ft
man's addiu-a to Albany, 0n. .
Carey, Ssdie, lot 1 la block ia Al
lea and Hawkin'a addition to Al
fcaay. Oregob
Cochran, Bout. eUte ol. w ol N
w H. of bi 52 in H-lrnan a 24
3 70
addition to Albany. Oregon.
2 7S
Bnciviel H tteret
iB g ; , E of the
SWUoi Llk 113 a Hackle
ffltOa aaJition to Albany. Oga..
Geo D Coe.trurtee. wharf Ms 2, 3.5
4. 10. 11. 12. ia Aloaay. Oregoa
lota 1,5 and 6 ia block 90. bweka
79. 80, 81 , . 88. t9, 101 , 102.
103. 104. 105, ana tract wal U
4. S5 and S6, Moo'titr s sootr.
rra addition to Albany. Oregoo;
Abo the ondirided Interest in
lots 7 aad 8 i-s Week h3, lots o
7 and 8 ia H 64, S of Wa I aad
8 ia tl ck 70. lots a. 3. 4 awd b
n'rek 63. block 21. snd lot 3 in
b'ck 4 in Albany. Oregon 60
Farrell. M E Mrs. lo 1 ia block 23
in Hacklemaa's 2d ad to Albany.
Oregon, aad lot t in block 8 ia
Tla-aWaian'aSrd ad to Albany,
and lot 8 in W 125 in Hacktemaas
l. ti A'.baaT. Orwoo
... 10 09
arweit, H araee. eataie of. tbe w ,S
of the N w 4 ot U 36in Hack e
maa's 2nd d xiticti to Aibaay . .
Genish J F. lots 16. 7 13-1
2i. 27, 28. 29, SO. 31 ia fai 11 1
Brvaat'a ad t3 Aibanv. Oregon..
ilammf. Fannie S, lots 3 and 6 rn
5 0
4 63
4 BO
bi 29 in Hacksemaa s 4nd aa o
Aibaay. Oregon -----
Haw kwa C E, tbe S H of WU 7 aad
8 U W 23 ia HcamB a 2d ad
ditiow to Albany. Oregon
Hem, Harriett, lot 7 in U i Albany
Honoa. EM,lc6ahack 2m
Hatikman's 2 id ad t Albany,
Oregon '"T:" :
Haatoa, B M. nadiided X la-erest
ia lota 5. 6 and 7 ia b 113 la
Hatklrrcaa's ad to Albany, Or..
Johnaon. E S. lot S i u 13 Hac
lemaa'a 3rd ad to Albany. Oregoa
Ketcbom. W M and aad 1 J la
brnilte. tntm X v)4 and w ,
ofthe S of block loO in Hack
ie-naa'sad to Alaay.Or ----
Kline A. the weal 45U00 ttet of th
east !4 of bl 1 in the Eaa era ad to
Albay. Oreacw - - - - -: -
Kline, A, Us 6. 7 and 8 a bl a
Hacklemans 2d ad to Alt-aay, Or
Klia Joseqhine. lot 7 in W i4 in
the Eaatera ad to Albany, Or....
McGregar,Honaa,lot 1 iabilia
Jones addition to Albany, Oga..
Lannirg.E J, lot 1 and w 52 ft of
lot 2 ta bi Hi in Hackkman s ad
to Albany
Irhead.CH. SKof lot 1UU
2 Uackletrtan's 3rd add to A'baay
Montague E E. lot t la M lin
HacklesBaa's ad to Albany, Or--
Ortoa, Ondelia, estate of. lot 4 i
W ltl in Hackkmana ad to A 1
banr.OregSB i"."; ".,"
Palmer, Angosta, N 1 a Hacale
man's 40i ad V Albary, Or, and
iota 12, 14. 15 and 16 in ia Sca
mecr'a addition to Aibaay. Or..
BoweJI. El'-x M. lot 3 in W 11 ro
Krr ant's addition to Albany. Or
Kadick G W,lot6aodEi"oflot
7 in bl i5 ia tbe Eastern ad to
Albanv. ttegon
Kopert. John iota I, 4. 5 awd w
W 3 in tb we:erwad to Albany
Scott. BaseUa. estate of. E J4 of W
44ioAlbsav. Oregoa ----
Stewart,CH.trnstee. 72xiS) ft
in tbe X E corner of block 1 16 ia
llacklemaa's addition to Albany,
B.iow."cFVtota 5and 6 in bi 1
tn Abbey's ad to Albany, Or....
Watts, Emma C, loU I a-d 8 n W
25 AibanT, Oreeoa - - --
Winiams. Elsie. E 5 of lo's 3. 37.
1 39
6 43
2 73
4 47
6 43
3 3)
4 CC
6 40
2 40
6 00
SSar.d39in bi2 in AbVj's ad
to Albany, Oreaon 1 39
Aa tbe property of said deiuqaeat tax
oaf era, aa the ram arpeara aateesed ca
j aaii delinqnent tax roll; aad will oa Sa
. arday the 20 Js day ef Xdvenbr r. 1SS7. at
I the front door of the eoart koaaa hs aaid
city, and at the beer of 1 o'clock, ia the
afteraona Of said day, tejt at pbje awe
tioa to the highest tedder for caa in kaad,
oa the day ef said sale, all of the abet
dese-ibed tea! property, or so ssach there
of aa may be aeot aary to pay aod satisfy
tha tax aasssstd aad levied sgaiatt each
propertr. ia aaid citT of Aibaay, for tie
year ISStS, togotker with accraiBg coat., aad
Dated at A!hnv. Or- that 2-ad day f
Oct, 1S97.
C O Lea,
City Mtrshal of the CitT of Albany.
Connecting at Yaqama Bay withth
San Francisco El Yaaiua Bay
Kails (Mini Vannina BTWrV 9 darS fo
(Vra Bav. Port Orford
Trinidad and Humboldt Bay.
Fasssseka AccoMODATio.vr U.fscarASSit
Shortest ronte between the Willam
ette Valley and California.
Far. from Albany and points weet tc
Ban Francisco
Cabix .1
trrlllfil O.0C
Bound trip good for 60 days 17.0C
To Coos Bay
Cabin 3,0C
To ttaruDolui oay ana rort uriorti.
Cabin tl0.0f
River Division.
Steamer Albany" between Portlaa
and Corvallis, throagh withoat larviver
Leaves Albany 8:00 a. m. Tneedsye
Thursdayaand Sundays; lea Tee Port
land. Yamhill street dock. 6:0C a. ro
Monday! Wednesdays and Fridays.
Edwin Stosi, J c Maro.
To Cava CeMee;:patiaa toronw.
-Take Caacareu Caad Cathartic loo or Sa,
It C C C tall to cure, druaKiau reftuul sacsa S
7 40
5 5