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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1897)
HI it ii VOLXXXIIt Entered iC tte Ccui omee at llbany. r. Be4-CU Mall Matwit ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1891. V F: BCTTIX6 raklUhcr aad frearleier 15 THTJRSDAT PEIDAY REAL ESTATE SALES. J5VrgtahIc Preparation for As similating iheroodandRcgula Uqg the Stomachs andBovcls of PromotesT)icstion,Ch"CTful r.css and Rest.Contains r either Opium.Morphinc nor LxraL Not Narcotic. 3 A perfect Remedy rorConstipa tion.Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea. Worms ,Convulsions.Fc'crish- Dcss and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of TEW "YORK. EXACT COPT Of WRAPPER. THE OPENING DATE OF ALBANY FOR Thirty-First Year is September 15, 1897. Hie facilities for a fine Higher Education offer- eribY this institution are of a high order. Ihe c liege is thorough in all its work, lh? faculty is maie up cf specialists in man j lines. Albany is a safe and pleasant residence for young people, the college nffors thorough courses in music, commercial work, normal academic and collegiate studies. upon, application. CorrespondmiLe umtei. Wallace Howe'Lee, Penmanship' mmwf, Wall Paper, oarpets, . . Lineol9umf Lace Curtains, Rugs, Portiers, - Pillows Furniture Bedding. Rf'-ture Frames, Linen Warp Matting, . Oil Paintings, and Undertaking l "" " ALBANY FURNITURE CO. Best Work Promptness PRINTING (Mice Slalioneij i Specif Give us yoav Patronage P THOMAS BRINK, Dealer in he ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY EE THAT THE fac-simile SIGNATURE -OF- tS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERT BOTTLE 013 Castaria li put ct li ono-siis bottles only. Ii it act told in bsDs. Don't allow anyone to tell yon anything ebs oa the pica or promise that it u "jest at ffocd" ana will answer era? pr pose." See tbat joe get 0-A-8-X-O-&J-A. wasaytvjt hub f i iu CuliLEGEI THK The new Ca-alogae may b3 ol)iaiB9d President. A. SMILEY All kinds of furniture and bedding-, and it vou want the most complete flour safe. has them and his prces the lowest Proprietor COUNTY COURT. (Oso. Barton, oountr Curl, Commissioners.) Judge; J M. Waters D. L. Property of J J Dubruille sold for tax, al lowed redeai ption on pay men t of (10.70 Feet of witnesses before the grand jury were ordered allowed, also feet of 'wit nesses in state cases. Bill H J Breeae, acting coroner. (36.10, again continued. Petition of Gertrude Holmes for rebate of tax denied. Also petition of 8 King. Application of Mrs L E Propst for plac ingsin in deaf and dumb school, con tin; ued." Petition for aid ol Robert Gilloeh, con tinued. S3 IS tax paid twice ordered refunded to L D Carv. Report cf F J Miller on bridge near Gates was filed. Bill of Jos Kearns, work on Stajrton bridge, disallowed. Bills allowed : County officers salaries. Aid J W Cox, 6 00; Alberts, $9 00; Alma Vail, to 00; Srah iiines,3 00; Henry Myers, (4 00; Mis Adams, to 00; I Coleman and wife, (5 00; Samuel Keith, $5 00; J V Larue, 4 00; Mrs Jaukins, $5 00; Mrs Streithoff, 8 00: Pouts, $9 00; Henderson, 5 00: Edward Bowen. 110 00. John Usher, janitor.. . YY W Bradley, acct poor DECheadle, " O A Archibald, " " Burkhart&Lee," Judge Barton, incidentals. Or. Tel. Co John Catlio, acct fuel J B Smith, " " Pa rick & Co, stationary Smith & Dugger, printing l- L Alexander, O H Warren, CH Work on assessment roll, E O Neil, 127; G W Rice,t30 00, A Umphrev, (30 00; F O Stanard, $30 00; A E Bren ner, (33 00; (J M Davidson, (38 00 H C Wataon, acct poor ( Wm Nealy.acet fuel Santiam Lumber Co, rda A brdg A F Gooch, roads A bridges .... Roberts Bros & Brown, roads A bridge Harrisborg Lumber Co, roand and bringes W H Roberts, road and bridges Fred Rock, " " P W Klock " R R Humphrey, " " 16 00 3 00 2 00 12 00 9 95 3 25 10 35 10 50 70 00 2 60 43 00 31 00 1 00 19.1 00 10 50 5 8 00 59 92 V 1S3 00 21 0 2 00 3 25 21 20 6 00 20 00 13 00 B rJuddlesoo, " " D Robinson. " " Stewart A Sox, " W Spinas, " 15 78 Stephens, deputy sheriff. . 24 00 26 00 24 00 4t 00 Phil Ritter, w H Milhollen " " .. A J Layt -n. ' . . Wm St John. " " 30 00 22 00 U b HaJburt 1 3d B btartevatt. " " .. 29 00 VJurU d bridge. ' Oregon aetGscheman HeroFarlhem'I," mc gw & son., roads' and AiKuVuii". o"ii 34 CO 3 3b 11 55 23 40 4 20 9 71 20 00 3 00 10 00 34 50 35 75 as 70 75 00 172 00 3 00 11 07 6 70 25 00 b l i r isher, surveyor Dr Chamberiin, acct poor Miller A Turner, roads & hridees Carl Roberts, deputy sheriff. . . . Oregon agt Shelly Cornell U vr Hantin, roads bridges.. Work on Stavton bndee S W Gaines, asct poor J M Waters, roads & budget... F J Miller, acct Stayton bridge. A LeweHing, acct sheriff K W Jtoses. roads A bridges.... Harrisburg Lumber Co, roads A 2i 00 bridges PJ9mily, printing 2S 80 5 25 4 22 C E Clark, roads and bridges. . . Albany t ar Co, acct poor 16 00 5 80 Oregon bgt JeanCoddy U L, I nr!, roads and bri tges P 11 Marlev. paid for land 10 35 7 21 Mrs Bnveis and Gilmore and Griffin 11 00 9 45 B F amp, acct poor tUrrisborg Lumber Co, roads and brides 13 44 B F Trout man, acct poor K K Monueue, .acct clerk 10 00 25 00 7 2 50 2 28 2 00 O H Preston, roads and bridges L lereck, rebate tax M Sternberg, acct poor A Pearce, acct poor 2 00 14 00 26 On 37 50 6 50 r red L)r9on, stationary A toor J A Mankers, acct sbe'iff Weddle Bros, roads and bridges. J adze Barton, road and bridges. Jas Van W inkle, acct exhibit .. M Waters, per diem and mile aes 10 40 D L Carl, as commissioner 6 00 5 00 Orphans borne, sect poor 1 he Gesner Discovery. Hon. Alonzo Gesner. of Salem, yes terday filed slaiss for himtelf and friends in the new discovery about eight miles from Anidem. as follows, all in township 11 ii K 3 and 4 E. each covering 206 acies: Alonzo Gesner. D. G. Draeyer. Geo. W. Ross. George F.J add. George Johnson. Jr. B. F. Frohmsder. B. W. Macy. Stella Gesner. Tbe mines are to be known as tbe Rboda, and it is tbe purpose of the men in nnite and snsh the work of develop ment next snrinz. Thtre ia said to be a mnnntain of ore. how rich is vet to be ascertained, but it ia eaid to be good. In Meinoriam. F.rlL on satnrda morning Oct. 9, ISB7. Hirce. infant son ol Mr and Mis Hir.m J Karvell. of Shedd. after a short illness of lung fever, aged 9 months. The WmiumI m a. hriirht little boy. loved bv all who knew bin-, ana me toss u am parent is a great one. With Horace Farwell lies buried tbe hopes of future hut in hit nirents hearts be will I live lore vei. A Fkieso, Kiirht at ten Albany boys with lanterns, list night, went out into the fields south of Albany a mile or iwo l.ftor anine While tsrt of them held tha thnnth.rt ilrnva DD iud duiito It was a poor night lor suipe, ana me catch was nit. These boys thin tney had heaDSOf fun. Sniping has Deeu lairnritJl inks in AltWnV BinCS l kliua when J. U. comely iooiea ids y i.i.nH onH made them tro several mile to get home, down through mon Seitenbacli and George lrina aninincr to the present days. nerson who gets taken in deserves all be get a aa the world goes. The Webfoot season has set in, ac- cordingto tbe present indications. Bpiibt eras Taaavaarr for torturing, dUSg nrlng. Itching, burning, and scaly salt aad scalp dtacaws with iocs ot hair. Warm baths with CO Ticca Boar, gentla applications of Ctmovaa, (ointment), and fall doses ot CtrriouB Basoi tut greatest of blood ptulflort and bomor sorts ItiClEfSl safJt T mtftA twynwrimit titm vjarli. Paitll . Dltrro sk Owm. Cobp,, 8o) Pmpa., Boajfam. 90T Bow to Caw Itching kin Plum," tn RED ROUGH HANDS i." .WHEAT. The market ia somewhat down in the mauth today, looking blue. In Liverpool there is a droD of 2 cents. Chicago offers 94 cents. New York P8 cents. San Francisco 88 cents Albany made its first change for some time, and ia now 70 cents. Jrcgon the Best Dr. Maston in a letter of Nov. 3rd, '97, written from San Francisco, says: I have spent the bett part of three weeks in San Francisco, Oakland, Ala meda and the surrounding towns and find everything quite as dull a it is in Oregon and especially in the Willamette valley towns. 1 have met since coming here several former Albany people, J. A. Anslyn, George Ridinsr, Dan Lame and others, and they all say that tbey can do no better here than in Oregon and Mr Aqslyn says that bis wife is crasy to get back to Albany. Miss an slyn is teaching a country school eight miles from Hanford. A former Albany drnfrgist, O. C. McKaKand, is doing well in Hanford in a racket rtore. look for me home about the 25th of this month. Very respectfully Dr. G. W. M ahton. Lebanon. From the Express: John M. Dou'aca and wife will leave to morrow for California, where they expect to locate permanently. Mrs. J. F. Ilendrickson and child ren have moved to Philoaath, to reside with Mrs. Hendricson's father Rev. M. C. Aldridge ha returned from Los Angeles, where he has been holding meetings, tie did not go to Texas as be bad intended, owing to the yellow fever in that section. At the close of the first month of the public school there were 73 more pupils enrolled than at the close of the brat month last year. This indicates that the is city rapidly increasing in population. Dr. Lambson tells ut that Chta. Mil ler, of Tallman, ia dangerio3ly ill with stomach trouble, ard that be. assisted by Drs. Wallace and Davis, of Albany, and Dr. Booth, of this city, will perform an operation on Mr. Mi.'er this atter noon. Dr. Lamberaon says Mi. Miller is very low and the chances for his re covery are doubtful. A Big Judgment. From the Eugene Guard : The jury in the case of Miss Jennie Smitson vs the Southern Pacific, in which the young lad sued the company tor (o0,5i5 for an accident at Springfield on juiy 29, 1S97, in which she suffered the amputation of both legs, one above the knee and the other just below, came in at 1 :4o o'clock this afternoon with the following verdict:. ! in the circmr court of the state of Ore gon for Lane county. ! goJenaie Smtttnn, plaintiff, rt The southern Pacibc Company, defendant. We, the jury duly empanelled to try I the issue in the above entitled action find a verdict for the plaintiff and her damages at the sum of (10.000. The audience present liberally ap plauded the jury for their verdict. A motion for a new trial was taken under consideration. Burned to Death. A ton of Win, Jacks, living on Dee Creek, was burned to death last Wed needay, says the Roeeburg Review. . It seems that the young man, who was 29 years old. was iul.tcct to du. and on that day bad been left alone :n the house tor a time. When the family returned at noon, be was foond lying in the fireplace. horribly burned, and already dead His bar ning clothes would soon bare set ere to the bouse had discovery of Ihe trag edy been long postponed. A bock lying near tbe chair told toe simple story oi the , yoot.g man s awiul death bow be was sitting by the fire reading, when tod- den attack of bit malady causd 1 im to fall helplessly into the fire. G. A. II. bsTErrixKf?tT.- -A pleasing entertainment was given at the G.A. K. bail last night. The program con sisted of music by tbe Mandolin Club, piano solos y Edna Howard and Ella Torbet, teciUfons by Mildred Gotlieb, Grace llardman, lira Uarkness, Grace Payne, Ada r K kinger and Bessie Cam eron, well rendered, instrumental music by Missss Palmer and Murphy and a spelling match that was a live affair. f ostmaster U tea stood op tbe longest when Prof Torbett called off Ibe words. and Prof. Torbett when Mr. Stipes called them. Tbe attendance was good . Mr. Fred Dawson has returned from a holiday trip to tbe mountains- Ed Whitney went to Albany today and will bant Linn county pheasants for a few day a. His fine bird dog Leo, ac companied hiin. Engena Guard. A letter received recently from East Ploomfield. Naw York, states that Mr. G.L. Blakman continued helpless from his paralytic stroke, and that be was about to be taken to Rochester for treatment and care in a hospital. Judge Hewitt severed the bonds of matrimony in five divorce suit in his department of tbe circuit court in Salem yesterday, viz: Regna Adams vs Asa Adams. Ilelroa cuitvs w U won, Viola Nordyre vs Emanuel Nordyke, Nora A Card va Levi Card, Fred W Baker va Malinda Baker. Mua Elma Weller. of Salem, starts this morning for Nsshville. Tennessee, where she enters the musical conserva tory, conducted bv Prof Eroil L. Wink ler. formerly of this city, btte will nmsn tbe course in instrumental music under tbat noted teacher, having been one of bis pupils during bis residence in baiem Statesman. This afternoon to night and Friday rain stationary temperature., niver. l tool. Tbe Western Union will hereafter ate the O C ie E telegraph linet for their but in Bs. A big freight basinets is reported on the Southern Pacific, beavj trains pasting through. Revival services are txrng held at Ihe Methodist and baptist churches. Albany is big enough to fill both. Ed. Cbay. a logger, was killed one day last week while engaged in moving a I donkey engine near fresco t & Veones't logging camp on tbe Lackiamute. Tbe trip to Chinatown last night look two hours, long enough for any entertain ment. It was a funny business from be ginning to end. Tbe company it ecu- posed of thorough comedians and tome good singers, sometimes they border oa th-! loud out altogether an audience rarely gats more that it laughable in an eveuiug t entertainment, ibe large audience pres ent seemed well pleated with tbe perform' an co st a comedy entertainment. Tbe Lebanon Express speaking of the Coitello Escheatcaaetays: When such suits ars hroueht tbey are generally decided against tbe state. The large amount in volved in the Costello case made it of much interest to those acqiinted with it, Tbs state's victory brought much praise to the attorneys who reoresented her. Mr Wat- son, who hat bad special charge of tbe case, Mr Hayden and Mr Cannon received the congratulations of their friends oi their remarkable success. A Bklic Rev, W. 8. Gilbert arrived home on the afternoon local from nearly a week's sojourn in Albany where preached last Sunday. While there ecu red a little old trunk tbat was bought croea tbe plains in 1853 by bia father in w, Mr. D. W. C. Davisson.then a small I d. Rev. Gilbert brought the trunk me as a reuc tor toe tnira generation enjoy .Eagene Register. WHEAT. The market is decidedly demoralized today. Liverpool dropped 2 cents, and our eastern cities nearly as much. The quo tations are: New York fBc. Chicsgo93?sC San-Francisco 8".'c. Albany 70c. A letter from San Francisco thown tbe Dbmocsat makes it plain wby tbe Albany market bat beeu affrcted rewnfiy. It ttatet that tbe great delays in receiving wheat makea it poor polic. to ship to tha t . city, tb principal market of tbe crnut. and therefore there are p radially no ooWinir. Until there it a better freight service for wheat, one that ia prompt, according tot this we must look fur breaker, in tbe ahea market of Albany. Claud McIIargucx Doings I Some time sgo Claud McIIargse es caped from tbe reform school The fol lowing tells about bis doings. It is from tbe Monitor Miner. Last Friday evening M tnhal Church -man had a merry chase and a shooting match after a young strip of a boy whom be hrd taken in custody at the instance of some parlies who bad been swindled by the fellow. It seems the biy had gotten a suit of clothes from Angle A Plymale alto a pair of shoes from A. C. Taylor, upon the promise of an order upon Weeks A Orr for whom he claimed he bad been working. But the order did not materialize, and after the boy had been taken up by (he marshal it was ascertained that he had escaped from the reform school at Salem some time ago, and Mr Churchman was going with tbe boy to tbe telephone ollice to talk with sheriff Bames at the time he gave him the slip. The boy's name is Mc llargue alias Keeney and his parents live in Albany. From all account the boy is constitutional tbief . When last seen be was going East at a gait of 2H)7i. Illustrate Lecture The lecture by tbe distinguished elo cutionist and dramatic reader Misa Helen Keiletier will be given at ihe opera bouse on Friday. Nov. 12 It is an elaborate and irteresting treatise on tbe Beautiful and Wonderful in California, with spec ial attention to its famous winter reeorts. Tne illustrations comprise 200 realistic scenes A large number of California's most charming acd sublime scenes are included in this election, projected on a screen 20 fet square. Tbe dissolving view limelight stereopticon need ia this exhibition is the largest and mot pow erful oa the Pacific coast, reproducing scenes surpriaingly true to nature. Admisstun 10 cents D. E Kenworthy, tbe reuaaranl man, was in Salem yesterday. Mrs. W. C. Swan and Mrs. Dr. Huoter. of Haltev, are in the city today. Mrs. Geo. Helm, of Corvallis, it in the city tbe guest of Mr. N. II. Allen. Mr. A. W. Steelmaker !tas announced himself as a candidate for maishalat the coming city election. At their hall tomorrw evening the Maccabees m i;! give a smoker, to which a large number of invitations have been issued. Ia Portland a few davt sgo Mis Frank Peterson, formerly of this city, waa gran'ed a divorce from her husband, and has since maaried a barber of that city Tbe Whitney brothers. J. R. of ibis city and J. M and E. B. of Eugene.weat to tbe mountains yeatetiay after the festive bear, deer "and elkand will be gone several da . Hon. H. H Gilfrey of Washington. D.C , where he has been reading clerk; of tbe U ft. senate for nearly tceoty jeers, passed through Albany yesteiday noon, lor l-ane county on a vitit tJ bis patents . I jfe has been made endurable in tbe capital city by the weekly receipt of the Democrat. W W. Rowel!, of ibe Rues, went od tbe Santiam yesterday on a hunt after coagars, bear and such small game. As Mr. Kowsll is the gem Ir man who mi sed fourteen Chinese pheasants straight we feel like congratulating tbe animals on tbe safe time Ibey will have doling nis stay np It. ere. On tbe evening of November 19th. M:ss K. Beitha Ellis ai.d M,s Dorothea Nash. of tbe O. A.C. musical department, will give a recital. Tbey will be assisted by W. Giff wd Nash, of the musical depart ment of tbe state university. Lovers of good music can expect a rare treat Gazette. Benton county has a divorce case that was once tried in this county without success. It is as follows in the Gatctte list: Melissa I sues M D Hogaa for divorce. She charges the defen Jant sub cruel treatment and with falsely ac cusing her of improper conduct, lie charged her falsely with working in the bop tields for immoral purposes. Tbe Woodmen last evening gave an en tertainment lor themselves and a lew in vited friends. A program was tendered. consisting of duets by Chas. Wheeler on tbe vtoltn and C L Power on the gnita'. warmly encored, a reading bv Justice Hawkins, a Dutch recitation by tbe head chopper, L V'ereck, an encore bring answered by aa original poem, an Inim itable address by Mr. Mark Brownson in darkey costume, a vocal solo by Mr. Joe Duuruille, a violin eolo by the musical barbrr, Mr. Wheeler, followed by an in strumental solo never before given tn Al bany by the same gentleman. Refresh ments of sweet cider.cake and doughnuts were served, closiog the entertainment. William J Lehigh'secreUry Merchants Fx.Aaaoeiation committed suicide in bis office yesterday by thcotirg binnelf in tbe head. Me leaves a widow, who is a dau ghter of Ex Governor George A Ccle o! Spokane, Wah Financial reverses anl despondency are given as the re&ou for tbe act. HORN. ELKINS. In Albany, on Friday morn ing. Nov. 5, 1897, to Mr. and Mrs. Col tins Elkins a girl. All doing well. "Just as Good Scott's and we sell ft much AS ,t,-., ; a statement some timet huvarw , . C..MJ.1"""1 made by tne oropeist wn awn Emulsion is called tor. i nu snows that the druggists tnemseives reg-aro Scott's Emulsion 0f Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos - phites of Lime and 5oa as tne standard, ana tne iwrcaaser wuo ristires TO Droturo i' hrcause he knows it has been i4 kni;. should not lor one instant think of taking- the risk of usinsr some untried prepa ration. The substitution of something said to u just as good1 for a stand ard preparation twenty- five years on the market, he he should not be permitted the intelligent purchaser n. vou tret RCOTT'S Emulsion. tbat tba man and ash ars on tha wrapper, nc. and t.oo, all dmggltta SCOTT BOWNB, Chemltta, New Ysrk. Reported by the Linn County Abstract Company, for the Dkmochat, for tbe week ending Nov. 4tb, 1897. P H Marlay and wife to R Cart wright, Qt cl deed, Sec 12, T 10, 2E. 16u acres.... t I Anna I Crouch and husband, to Martha Smith, Wty deed, email tract. Tl 2.4 W 100 U 8 to R Cxrtwright, pateut, 8 E . Sec 12. T 10. 2 E. 160 acres. . J H Brarowell to W H Kaltrider. Wt. deed. T 13. 4 W. ft acres... 75 E J Kitchen and husband to Jason Wheeler, wty deed, lot 13 in Wheelers home farm tract, T 11, 3 w. 2 acres ' 100 W A Paul and wife to Milton Hale, qt cl deed, See 14, T 11, 2 W, 7 acres 35 U S to l)e Angeli Denegre. patent. r w ,'4 , tsec 20, T 10, 3 K, loo cres De Angeli Denegre to A H Olsen, wty deed, N W J. Sec 20, T 10. 3 E. 160 acres. 1 John Ungerto L E Miller, et al. wty deed, lot 6, Sec 36, T 9, 2 w, 7 acres 60 M E Farrell to Alhtnv B A L, wty ueexl, lot 8, bl 125. Hackleman's ad. and lot 1, bl 8, Hackleman's 3rd ad to Albany first .-sat dank to. K otewart. wty deed. Til, 2 W.SOacrtt... 1203 U W Goff to lason Wheeler, wty deed, tract in Waverly Frnit Farm, Til, 3 W 10 A R Smith and wifu to Anna Crouch wty deel. small tract. T 12. 4 W. 100 Inez I Wilton, et al, by sheriff, to cnesiice at Kuikey, T 1Z, 4 W, 45 acres . . ; 779 U 8 to A E Murphy, patent. Sec 23 and 33. T 14. 1 W. 1(0 acres J no Poltx and wife to Mary Irene lUfsterer, wty deed, T 10, 1 E, 142 acres 10 Jos A Rettterer to Mary Irene Reif ter, wty deed, T 10. 1 E, 60 acres. 10 Anthony Bender tn Wm II Gross, wty deed, small track for ceme tery 1 J W Turner and wife to J H Cald well, wty deed, r 11, 4 W, 30 cres 525 X P Crume and wife to Shedd Logde A F A A M, small track in Iowa of Shedd 20 Columbia Jones to Lewis A Scott. wty deed. T 12.3 W, 83 acre 625 S P Crume and wife to Dora Davis, wty deed, small track in town of Shedd 5 State to A B West brook, confirm atory deed. Sec 33, X 9. 1 W, 33 acres... David Sylvester and wife to James t ii n water , wty Jeed, Sec 36, T 1 1 , 1 W, " acres 1 America Price and husband to Ja cob Roth, wty deed, T 11. 3 W, 47 acres 1600 Wm al. to A U Holt, wty deed, lot WooJles River side ad to Albany 00 r Crume and wife to F H Porter, wty deed, small tract in Shedd Station 15! J r. Koss and wife to Conrad Myer, wty deed, lot 7. U 26. Albaiy.. . .'00 Rboda J Hudson to M E Woud msnsee, wty cred. Sec 12, T 10. 2 W, 2 acres 175 Emma B Miiier and husband to Linda Miller, wty deed, lota 4 and 5, bl 2, Allea A Hawkins ad to Albany Th Sasaaab James to T H B Schooling, qt ci deed, a!l lot in II K School ing D L C, T 15, 3 and i W 2300 A National Convention. Eotrua Dekocvat. The city of Beffelo has been thronged with White Kibbooers. and no conven tion has excited moreinteieat. Miss " 1. lard's address was broad as tbe worlJ.with all its wants. optimistic in th future she looked lor, and practi cal in the efforts she rcorocneo.ed- K noting that recruits to drunkenness come of necessity from the army of mod erate drinkers, it is this army tbat needs disbanding. "It has bee a of ioca'-cala-Die gain to make drunkenness a disgrace instead of an amiable it was in the memory of the oldest inhabitant; or a necessary evil, a it was a generation back. lb forces tbat have worked to this end are precisely the same that must now be directed against so called 'moder ation.' We must stoutly maintain the position tbat there ia no moderation in the use of bat is harmful. Happilv , ia taking this position we have great allies. of which the greatest is the dictum ol the modern sciences. L. Crook Co. Court Scene The Crook County Journal tells the following: "There was a little scene in tbe circuit court room last Saturday tbat was not down on the bills ad did not appear on the docket. The court was taking a little recess, and the judge was holding a tete-a-tete with on of tbe at torneys. A horse race was about to com oil on the track a few rods on, and a co terie of jurors and witness out in the lobby were anxiously looking out 01 the window toward tbe grandstand and wisb ing they were there. Presently someone proposed tbat a petition be got op and signed, asking tbe judge to adjourn till alter tbe horse race. It was no sooner said than done, and Squire Bell, tbe court bailiff, waa selected to present it. The squire, nothing loath, approached tbe judge and said: oor honor. 1 have tbe pleasure of presenting you with a petititton signei by the jurors, wit nesses and officers of this court, praying you to adjourn court for two hours, to enable ua to attend a horse race 'Your petition is rejected,' responded the judge promptly, 'and yon are noeo so lor con tempt of court. Mr. Sheriff, take the bai itf into custody and feed him on a diet of Ochoco water until tbe fine ia paid, Tec Sam Max. From the Potland Telegram, Nov. 3: Tbe name of S. W. McCormick, aa a 'simp e drunk.' ap peared on tbe police arreat docket thttlcnlckMT Md ire business, going in morning, but in connection with that name is a bloody tragedy, of which M: Cormick is tbe survivor, ua the -"bin day ot October. 1892. la was con Ticted of the murder of Keynote cmitn, at Mitchell, and sentenced to the pen'-tentia-y for life. But prior to Governor Pennoyer vacating the gubernatorial of fice, he commuted the sentence ot Mc- Cormack to expire on the 1st inst, upon the recommendation of tbe judge ana dis'rlct attorney who were instrumental in his conviction. The pardoned 'lifer came here yesterday ana toog a lew drinks. After five yeara abstinence a small quanity of liquor eatily benumbed bia brain, and be was taken in as an in offensive drunk, to be out oi harm's w,y.'. For Disti-bbimo thk S. A. Upon com plaint of Mr. Edward Goin, rred West- brook last evening waa arrested on a warrant issued out of Justice rowell s court, on the charge ot disturbing tbe nieetiug of the Salvation Army on the evening of Sunday, October 24. The de fendant nlead not eniltv and will be tried J before. Justice Powell tomorrow morning . x Chaiuwok. The Madison alreet i toot pan team uereuy cnauciigco tuo of Central toot ball team to play a game on i rnuj. , -- v o o cuici p. ui. Ykknon Ramp, Capt. One Corvallia paper gets even with the other two by showing that tbey at on be1 tbe delinquent tax list. It was repo.-ted at the depot today that Charles Hills, a brakeman on tbe Shasta division, bad fallen under tbe cars and by lost both legs. Mr. Bills was formerly O C & E braketnan, and is wsll known in Aibnny. Tbs report baa not been tuny verified. to Cm Conat-.patlon torevor. Take Cacorla Candy Cathartic. lUo or Ho. If a C. C fall to cure, drukglata refund ioa.u. y, Set "Should be la the hands of every housekeeper," Woman s Home Journal. The "Royal Baker and Pastry Cook," By Prof. Rudmani, late chef New York Cooking School. The best and most practical of all the cook books. Contains nearly iooo tried receipts for all kinds of cooking from soup to dessert. Will be mailed FREE Royal Baking Powder Co., New-York, N. Y. "Anything produced by the Royal Baking Powder Company, whether a cookery receipt book or baking powder, is always perfect and the best 0 its kind. " X. V. Eve wise Post. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mica Nellie Kizer baa gone to Med ford to spend tbe winter. t M ias Idelia Mark! returned to ner home in Portland after a two or three weeka visit in Albany. H. Bryant, better known aa "Hob," of Albany, waa in the city yesterday. Sta teaman. Mr. Dan Lamont, made famous by Grover Cleveland, is in Portland. He is vice president of the Northern Pacific. Mrs. Chas WilierUnee Misa Joaie Ar chibald,) of Pendleloo, who baa been visiting with relatives- ia this vicinit since July, parted for her home Thurs day morning. Brjwntville Times, After much negotiation, tbe ofGcia. board the Centenary Methodist church' at Portland, has made permanent ar rangements with Prof. R. A. Heritage, of Salem, to take cnarge of the music of the church. Statesman . Mr. W. E. Chandler. of Lebanon, dis appeared three days ago. aad her where a louts cannot be learned yet. Her fa tber and mother and brother, ol this city, are there helping to hunt for her. A short note left only partially explains tha matter. Mrs. Chandior is an excel lent tad v, and ber many friends in Al bany wul hope for her safe return home. Henry Queener of San Francisco, for merly of this city, ia visiting friends snd relatives ia Sdo. Her rv is coo doctor on aa electric car line in San Francisco. hiring worked there for nearly two tears. He has lust recovered from a spell of sickness, and ia taking this visit to recipe rale his health. lie expects to goto Nicaraogaa in tbe near future. a here he will act as foreman on a conee plantation. Scio Presa. At tbe O. F. hall last evening a re ception was terdered Mi Minnie Mc- Fatland previous to her departure for ber new borne ia Hanlord, Calif, next week, by tbe Rebeccas. For severs. year Miss Met arland has been tbe or ganist of the lodge and this was given as an expression of appreciation for ber servkea as well aa for ber worth as a member. A silver jervice consisting of a Iruit dib. cream aad sugar bolder. was presented her on behalf of ber warm friends in the O. F., bv Mr. Stiles, who was eloquently responded to by tbe re cipient. A pleasing program was ren dered, coasisung cf a piano solo by Mis Lilly Brenner, a reading by Miss Gard.a recitation bv M s Minnie Merrill, a gui tar solo by Dr Collins and a vocal solo by Mr. C. U. Lee. hooabuiiy ruled. The sUidents of the roller last even ing gave a very entertain'og Sal Magundi affair. Sal Magundi meant mixed pick els or a mixture generally. The pro gram wa pleasing mixture of vocal and instrumen'al music, recitations and drsmas. Mis Alice Porter preoded gracefully- Tbe Presbyterian orchestra lormsbaatotne exxneni music, mere were recitation bv Flo Nutting and Ora Simpson, a vocal solo by Eva French, warmly encored, a cornet solo, nicely executed, by Mr. Simon ton, leader of the Simonton band, a duet by Misses bed- field and Porter, a drama given by spec ial request, by Misses Hopkins, Page, Morns and Mcuoy. ana toe larce, on bv Strategy," in which Miss Marguerite Hopkins. Mr. C. Parvin and Mr. Mar- callus got ahead of the old gentleman. represented Dy jos. loroet, in area style. A social followed, in which all present were served witn pickies oy cat Magundi herself, well represented by Misa Allen, and an immense amount of taffy waa disposed of. Notwithstanding the'verv disagreeable weather there was a large audience present to enjoy the well managed affair. Bids will be advertised at Cotvallis for new indexes for the records in th record er's and clerk's offices. It will b a sev- i several hundred dollar job. Regardless ot Cost. Julius Gradwohl intends to go out of the to some other line of butiness. and hence wid sell his goods of this kind regardless of cost. When oa call and get his pneat f .,, , i . AOU will oe convinced inai ne nrauw nets, aud will believe wbat be says btsi- Taa ParrrtEST. best and cheapest air tight stoves you ever clapped your eyes on can now be teen at the shue of the Stew srt& Sox Hardwtr Co. tou will . feel like kicking yourself tf yoa buy without first seeing them. J. Gradwohl Inform the general public that be sell at low as anybody in the city for cash. Come and get prices before you boy April 1st, 1S97 . J. Uradwohl. NO CURE NO PAY. That Is the wty all dru-is9 soli GUOVE'STASTKLES CHILL T 'NIC for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is imply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless r rm. uniMten ovei'i. aau.ia oreier I 10 bit'er, nauseating Tonics Prtje. 50o Quit Gaowuxa about badly cooked dinners, and o and buy one of those fins new cook stoves of the Stewart & Sox Hardware Co. C ASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. an As fifr ttatli ttru'.tu - st swy vwjjai Ednrate Your tiowala Wttii Vaaestrata. Candy Cathurtlc, euro constipation forever. lOo, 'Sxz. faO.C. full, drgg i ratuud money to every lady sending her ad dress to the publishers, HOME AND ABROAD. Smilet 's rJeaa printing-. Romona pore spices . Rotnona Romona pure ex tracts ; Try ScfalUing-a Bat taw aad baking powder. Shirts aad collars a specialty at the Mag Doua Laaadry. TVUI k Sta k always have ia stock lat-at novelties in ail Itar of jewelry. Ton will always find a fine line of jew elry at Will 4 Starts. Do not buy before examining their goods. " nen yoa want a choice steak, a nice roast or meat of any kind, caiioa Henry nroaert. tie keens the best- 1 ne roecjoers ct tbe Boys Club are re quested to meet at their rooms tonight for oosineas. A fine ironing; board, made by Mr Ed Davidson, may be ssea at Hookins Bros It has folding legt,is cheap snd ia just the thing tor convenience Get one. The best meats of all kind aad good treatment at tbe Aibxnr Dressed Beef Company 1 market, jo&t d)wn Second street Good weight and prompt attend tioa. some rorvaod sporting men cave pro cured tea wild turkeys from Indian Tem- tnyy. and last week tbey were turned oat in be woods on the bead waters of the Uop qua river, in Dojl u county . Lebanon Adrancc Items. J. m. settle am rred Hotst are pre paring to build new farm residences- Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Read, of Albany, are visiting thtir t aaghter, Mrs. W. . Cb and ler, in this city. it. u. il j one removed a cancer from Mr. Starr's chin last week. It waa very successfully dooe. Lincoln Hennee and family moved from Sodaville to Albany-a few days sgo. Mr. Hennesa is well known as agent ot tbe Oregon fm Keiiet Association This association is co operative and j gives safe insurance for a very little j money. J. A. Roberta, of Springfield, writes to l. i ragb about a very successful deer bunt tie and his. brother "tin" had re cently. Tbey went an into the moan- tains, along the Wi'Lametie.and in three day's bunting killed eight deer. -"Art' killed six of the eight, and four of them he kilted without taking tbe gun iron hi shoulder. Mr. Pugh feeis- somewhat "broken np" because ha visa'; along on this bunt- List of Patents. Granted to Pacific Coast inren I ora thi weak- Renn-rted bv C A Snow A Co. patent attorney. Vash- ingtcn, D.C. M L Akers. Gooeeberry. Or, belt and slat fastener: C Christeoeen, East tKk land. Calif, voting machine; H S Grace. Saa Francisna, can Labeling macniae; F M Graham, San Jos, air compressor ; T Jones. Tacoma. railway aw.tch lamp; W Lam pert, Sacramento, bicycla handle ! bar grip: E W Lincoln. Paaadet-a. Cal: F Ring. PorUand. trestle; J B Rosen, San Francisco, machina for indelibly marking value on checks : J H Therien, San Francisco, reversing gear; J M Trot ter, Alma, Cat, motor lor vehicles. For copy of any patent send 10 cents in postage stamp with data of this paper to C A Snow A Co-,W aatungton, 1 C Thi Akt EiHtBtr.-It is anticipated that a o-rvut mini arill wian ta - the nrize I I exhibit of photographs recently brought from the east here by the Albany Cam-1 era Club, next Tuesday evening, in their I rooms ia tbe Y. M. C. A. block. Be-1 sides the interesting display by the mem-1 i ber of tbe club the Albany pbotograpn-1 ! ere will make displays, and there will be I other work ot art thowo. It will also I be a pleasing social event. An expense I admission of ten centa will be charged. ThiSaxtia BaiPOt Rot William who ia at work oa the Southern Pacific railway bridge over the bantiam near Spicer, spent laat oanaay at Home, re turning to hi work Monday morning. He aav that it will be about a month yet before the bridge is finished and in hape for the crossing ot the trains. Time. Killed tx Niwport. Two deer bave been killed thia week within the corpor ate limits ot th citv. Sunday morning Charlie Emigh shot one, and Monday mornins Tracy Davis shot the other one on th Jeffrie's place near the ball g ronnda . Tbe animals were undoubted- driven in from the country by dog. News. A lotxT Skssiox. Tbe Marion couaty court, consisting of Judge Terrell and Commissioners Watson and Pans, con vened iu joint session with Linn county court in Albany this morning and select ed Mr. Frank Miller of thi city to sup. erintend the plarngof iron clamps on the bottom chords of the Gate bridge. The expense to be equally divided be- i tween the two counties. Ladies TaVe Notice Another ttvlish line of Jackets and Capes just arrived at tba Ladies Baaaar. Pomtivklt. and without misrepreeeat- in? the matter tbe least bit. the finest lot of stoves we have ever seen in tbe valley are now being opened up by the Stewart Sox Hardware Co. Everybody ftnya So. CaacareU Candy Cathartic, the moat won derful iiutlioal discovery of the ape. pleas ant and rerrt-slung to the tasie, act gently and ixwitlvely on kidneys, liver and bowelt, ctaansing the entire system, disl colds. cure lieatlaofte, lever, naniium roniupauoa and blHoiisneta. Please buy and try a box of O.C.C. Uwlay;lU,ss.MiceDia. boldaaa guartstovd to euro by all druggist. WHEAT. Liverpool Je lower. New York higher, 7Jc. Chicago 94c. San Frincieo S7r Albany 6&-, Sold In- fTBt L W Deyoe has vd bis stoie and suck 7I oods at Elk City to J. B. Msyt, of Glencoe, Wab , ingtcn county. Mr Maya is tbe father of E. M. Mart. who is already in business at Elk City, and we ondersland that both -tores will be -onso idited under tha management of father and son Mr. Devoe still owns the hot-I propert, at Klk City and will ren.ain at ha: place Ledet . Liw Co. Caei tut. have been t for heating in 'l-e -n-.-r-u - onrt tat ihe week af ler u-xt o.lows: I Mond-ty., November 13 W S Thomp n vs f) H Jan,e. . I Tuesday Linn County NationsBank ! vs E J Laming t al I Wednesday S Wicktnrsitz & Cots Farmer' and Mrri .is' Iu!irnc Co; Rubin Frntzky vs Fsit-r' Merchant luaursitce Company - Muxes' IsvaxTios George VI. Mil ler, of Eagene, m brother of Joaqatn Mil ler, wan is now winieimg in Uawson Ci'j. has come to tbe front with a uovel plan for the succor of the underfed and overfrozen inhabitant of that mow bound settlement. H proposes to drag' a hot stove, 'oik like an spbalt roller, over tbe surface of the powdery, yielding snow, making an icy pathway. DiacBaaGgn. Tbe case of Fred West brook, arrested for disturbing tbe Hal ration Armv was called before Justice Powell this forenoon. Tbe eomoUisU was) demurred to on tbe ground that it la tea that the misdemeanor waa com mitted on Front street instead of oa First street, and the ease waa dismissed on this technicality. . tfar-- TovflBA to ttaaaatat pn psawys ud u KM i. am waa I as I arena so eaaae aerawa a I -,ii rj " r i - BW3-a-aCaawaBBBa railrw yvm an CTFtUXEAg aad t . c-r.rc--h.rr o Ita . T tost: a: rook aCtraetv look Tr.,g. , Clubbing Rates. The Saa Francisco Weekly Examiner next year will give to its subscribers, a $10,000 residence in San Francisco rent ing foridOa month, a (3,390 U.S. bondra ( 1.500 gold Bogzet and hundreds of other things. 1 oa can get toe rxaminer and n fjEKXT lirnocxAT lor I-oUa vear, with the Dxilt Da-xocaaT oy mail for $-L2o,by car ner $-5.7d. in advance. The Dxao caar will order only on com hination pay- neat ST LOCI 3 REPUBLIC, semi-weekly. owoftne best pkpei-a iatae United S ares, aad the DaUtocauT raid ia ad trance, ha onlj 1 .a. THE Is the best aad yet simplest type wute manufactured, the coasammatioa of th in res tort art. Aa expert steaographer after using many machines, says. "I eoa- uder tbe t cat W nbag wactuna rax mper- rr o anv 1 baTe vet used ' CaU at the DxaocsjiT office aad sea one of the type writers that hat to hava a perfect atnga- Alt TTpearitert rtpphes ordered. f. P. Srans. AgeaL osatcna, corvsnoHTs an- ivww aandtaa; a abvtca aad taauUHlnn aaay MM-al. aw rratn hie, wl(Qtf an ibiw" SSS?awSblTOam.ica4wa atiMtly Pat SCIENTIFIC AKER'iSAH, aaawnrallT toxasmtcd. tansat ctmlatMai of nytsss, jjps aj. huua oa raraxTs w t. A llraat MUNN A CO., 3t BrdaT. Stw Vera. rAlDlUO PROCURED. EUGENE W.JOHNSON, tftete aiiAtljiaPatsitCaise ITTS Xe Tark At.. Wssklaatna. C Mi 3 1 Chvsats andTrade Marks of.diJ I rM-n tibia of ch--unr. tnrfBOtdatil! SSSruid. APtasptilet-Hoji JoOb-Cnratwta.- vitb coat of aaaaola C. V aadfoiTcounttatetittna. tonm C- A. SNOW & CO. a.aaawla CHEAPEST POWER ...HER ILES WAS AND GASOLINE TfifafuKHl Built In special siaa for printing office and factories. State your wants and write for prices and term. Illustrated catalogue furnished free upon app'ica- Amsbicax Itps Focsdsks' Co. PorUand.Orcgon. d Your Doctors P Rghtss m & Disease with medicine. If "J M the medicine is not right be T can not coaquor disease If pi i the druggist does his doty the J M medicine will be right, and Jf r"l your doctor will stana a fair rl V chance cf winning the victory 4 W Ton can help your doctor by M f1 haviag your prescription fill- f""j i ed ai our store M BurkJLart A Lee. rl toHUrtaca aa ian ceaWac. mm aaa haadlf ate aa! (aO as mh aaca, mi, I I 1 1 mrj, hMiaea-utaaaiaaat ttSMa-, flm-Kaasr a""-! ymnvt it-i? Ham tw t).fc... n-in--j a-M. ItaZj at tba rrlaarr, S m. fcMar Totaasr-r Mail Palnai aa a-aaaaaaaa aa-Ta. W lij kicx llit mom trim te fllar ta-a a-Ml t'lea . Boatman 1 Ik 1 i i li m I Mi, ntia r tmnn Wa w YCA Pfc ExytltgE"rl ,?TAOa MARKS. a