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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1897)
ft if if w iii if If (i if iiilP VOLXXXIIl Entered e.6 ts.e Fco at Ubaey. r. at ecead-riaas Mali Halter t ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 5. 1891. WTi MCTTIXe Millikcr m Pnarlttor M) 14 AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF TMU WORD "CASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CV. OB I A," AS OUR TRADE MARK. 7, DR. SAMUEL r!TCHf?, cf Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator c PiTCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and docs r.oiv yrfjaT on every bear the facsimile signature cf wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA1 which has been used in the homes of the Iloihers cf America for over thirty years. LOOK CARET ULLY cf the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bourtt and has the signature of per. No one has authority from me cept The Centaur Company of which President. on the wrap- to use my name ex Chas. H. Fletcher is March 5, 1S97. Do Hot Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he docs not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF THTJRSTJA'y REAL ESTATE SALES. Reported by the Linn Coun'y Abstract Company for the Democrat, for the week ending Wednesday evening. U S to John E Carle ton, patent, Sec 21, T 10,6 E, J60 acrea $ E E Aldrich et al to Carrie A Al drich, qt cl deed, undivided J of lots 3 and 4 bl 4 Wm Rations ad to Lebanon 1 Carrie A Aldrich et al to E E Al drich, qt cl deed, lota 1 and 2 hi 4 Wm Kalwton'a ad to Lebanon . 1 Carrie A Aldrich et al, to Mand U Aldrich, qt cl deed, part lot 1 bl 2 Lebanon 1 Carrie A Aldrich et al to F O Al drich, qt cl deed, lot 6 bl 4, Cow an's ad to Lebanon 1 W U St Jonn to W F Githena, qt cl deed, Sec 19, T 13 4 w 8 acrea. 100 Isaac Govro and wf to ON Bass, wty deed, smalt tract in T 12, Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. TWC CKNTAW CMMNT, TT ". RAT (THCCT, MCW MTV. THE OPENING DATE OF MMi BOLliEGE S FOR THE First Nat Bank, Albany, to C An thony, wty deed, 121 acres. Til 4 w Betsy Brown to Jane Miller, qt cl deed, 1-14 of 54 acrea, T 10 3 w T M Witten and wife to Jaa Mat chdtt, wty deed, lot 1 block 43 Waterloo TM Witten and wfto Jaa Mat chett, wty deed, lots 3 and 4 bl 43 Waterloo ChasE Smith to Jaa Matchett, wty deed, part of bl 43 Waterloo Octavia Stieri and hoaband to Jaa Matchett, wty deed, part of bl 43 Waterloo G W Griffin to Jaa Matchett, wty deed, part bl 43 Waterloo Olevia Ileal et al to Abner Lewie, wty deed, T 12, 3 and 4 w 283 acres F L Klum to Nellie M Klnm, wty deed, undivided 1-5 of S3 acres, T12 2 w Elizabeth Isom and hosband to J. D Isom. wtti deed. N K DLC of J Isom and wf and 40 acres in Sec 17X13 2 w J L Hill to J P Wilson, wtv deed. tot 7 bl 7 Hills add to Sodaville. Lewis McAllister and wf to Wm Lewis, wty deed. Sec 34 X 14 1 w, 50 acres m Lewis end wf to J M Sloan et al, assignment of deed, 8ec 34 T 14 2 w. oO acres Jessie A Baird to Isabell Williams, wty deed, lota c and 8 block 5 Hsnsman a second ad to North nsville S Glass et al, by sheriff, to Peterson, sheriff's deed. . , 6 and 7 of Sec S3. Xp 12 70 acre Davis and wf to J J and E B Cale, wty deed, T 12 4 w, Mac 25 3645 75 100 65 220 100 . 4000 200 13)0 0 100 200 250 663 2000 ORCUIT COURT. London and S F Bank agt J W Tatter son et al; suit on bond. Afteraeveral demurerrs continued. William Worth agt W J Moore; re covery money ; attachment. To be tried Monday, Nov 1, at 1 p m. Nancy J Githena agt Maud Wagnon et al; to correct decree. Motion overruled. State agt Jaa Blackburn; assault. Fined foO, with 25 daya commitment un til paid. Defendant to pay costs and dis bursements W I Cochran agt Wm Cochran. Mo tion to amend sheriff's return allowed. Coiyt adjourned until Monday, Nov 1, at 1 p m. Ttie grand jury adjourned without making any report. X- . m& ininv-rirst Year I The report of the chief engineer of the is September 15, 1897. Tlis facilities for a fine Higher Education offer- "be project and" LKt thi JSZ 7n m ujf tills uioidiiiiuun aru ui a mga. uruer. ine cyiiegB is ifiorougn doesiometbi - ig in all its work. 1Kb. faculty ismaae up cf specialists in many lines- wornndeVthe extended project, or Albany is a safe and pleasant residence for young people. The college ?ing ofaconuoning for nffn.(l, nnTi,no in v-,-imn B,,-1 mnJ this work, haa not yet beeo approved by iwuio iiiiuiuugu ouiuoco w mamu, uuiuiiiDibiAi wuii, liUllildl olUUirJa.&rh the secretary ot war, and no appropri ation was made for this work by the I sundry civil act of Jnna 4, 1S97. There fore no estimate is presented for this work for the year ending; Jnne 30, 1899. "The amount of freight received and Ishioped from Yaqntna Bay in the calen dar jear 1S96 is reported as 17,883 tons. toe receipts consisting principally ol general merchandise and salt, and the shipments of grain, Hour, potatoes, build ing stone, cooperage and cord wood. This la a decrease of 7000 tons from previous calendar year, academic and collegiate studies. The new Catalogue may be obtained open application, uorresponaence inmed. Wallace Howe Lee, President. QPVJJURt RAGTIGAli V loU poRmimoii Best Work Promptness PRINTING Miss Alderson Appointed. Lale vesierdav evening; Gov. W. P Lord apoointed Miss SJarguerite Aider- son, ol this city, as teacher of music at the Oregon school for the blind.vice M isa Bertha Hubbard, resigned : Miss Alder- son's term of service to commence on Monday. November 1. 1897. Miss Al derson ill unquestionably nil tne po sitim admirably, her long; and eloborate training in botn vocal and inetnimentai musi j standing; her in excellent stead and guaranteeing to the pnpils and the state a service at once adequate and cred itable. SI any Albany friends will extend congratulations, and win unite in endorsing tne selection. When They Expire The following is a list of the "presi dential postoflicee of the first Oregon congressional district, and salaries at tached thereto, and da:e oi exoiranon : Albany. Linn. January 4.1899 $1900 Ashirnd. Jackson, Nov 6, 1897 1500 Corvaliis, Benton, Ang 11, 1S98 ... 1600 Dallas, Polk, Jnne Z, 19W 1UUO Eugene, Lane, July 20, 189S 1800 Forest Grave, Washington, Feb 15 1100 1100 Grant's Pats. Jotepblne, Jan 4.1899 1500 Hillsboro, Washington, April 30.1WU 1000 Indepencence. Polk. Jane 2, 19UO. 1000 McMinnville. Yamhill. Feb 13. '97 1500 Marshfield, Cooe, April 11,1893... 1400 Medlord. Jackson, ueezi isw two Newberg, Yamhill, Jnly 1,1900.... 1000 Boeebnrg. Oouglas. March 7. 1898. 1600 Oregon City Clackamas, Jnly 9, '98 1600 balem, Marion, July 9, 1898 Zow 91 OO WHEAT AGAIN. In New York City thia noon wheat again reached the dollar mark. In Chicago 97c. In San Francisco 90c While in Liverpool there ia no change. In Albany the lethargy continues, 71c. Lebanon. From the Express : Mrs. S. M. Garland ia visiting at Mra. II. O. Wateon'a in Albany. Several of oar ciUteoa are in Albany this week, attending circuit court. Jaa. Matcbetteand wife, of Waterloo, left Saturday for Washington and tdaho, to spend the ainter visiting their child ren. Evangelist W. A. Lindsev and wife will arrive in Lebanon Saturday and will continue the revival at the Baptitt church for an indefinite time. Loa, the Chinaman, left on yesterday evening's train. He will probably not return from China for about a year." Dur ing Lou's long residence here he haa been very industrious, and has proven himself to be more of a gentleman than some of the white mm in this vicinity. Prof. Carl Baker, who ia teaching school seven miles west of this city, and boarding with his -parents here, finished the first school month last Friday. Dur ing the month Mr. Baker has ridden over 400 miles in going to.and returning from the school, and on no morning haa be ar rived at bia school later than 8 o'clock. Judge Lovetee this week received a letter from the county clerk of Loa An geles county, Cal. The letter staled that in the trial of A. E Davis, formerly of this city, the jury stood nine to tbrte for conviction. It will be remembered that Mr. Davis was arrered several months go, cnargea wiu oemg concerned in a fraudulent transaction in real estate. We are told that work on thai railmt bridge across the Santiam river, between Spicer and 8cio ia progressing rapidly. All the piers are now completed and the other work ia being poshed forward aa ripiaty as roast ble. Our iaformaot tays that when the bridge ia finished it will be the beat railroad bridge ia the Wil lamette vallev. wilh the exception of tha steel bridge at Portland. A Bear Experience. From the Times: A bear akin banging displayed in front of tbe areat market of James Taylor yes- leraay attracted mnca attention . Passers- by strapped to examine tbe shaggy bide, and Al rygttil answered thirteen billions of foestioos concerning when, where and by whom the trophy was captured. Tbe slayer of brain was Poo derson Arry, and it was while the ani mat was crouched on tne limb of a tree on the farm of John Rickard, near Keyes nui, tnai ire cou lead irom tbe bnnter a Winchester punctured him. On the hnnt Mr. Awry waa accompanied by Jeese Brown, and with dogs Ibey bad been soountg the county in tbe Soap Creek country and elsewhere in search of bear. Brown waa tbe first to discover the animal, bat though bear bonting, ne bad loaned bia gon to another man, and tbe yens be raised to summon bis com panion scared tbe bear out of the first tree. Again on tbe ground, bia be irsbip was quickly attack! by tbe four dogs, and be soon took to another tree from which be was sot. WHEAT " Liverpool comes to the front today with a rise of 3 i cents. New York 99 cents. Chicago 96 cents. San Francisco cents. Salem 73 cents. Corvaliis 72 cents. Albany 71 cents. f ix Davsi"obt is N. Y Hon. T. W. Davenport, who has been examining the farming lands in the mountainous por tions of New York state.writes to friends here that some of their best farms would not be accepted as a gut oy the average webfooter. Enough rocks are picked up off the land to bnild tbe fences. Thirty or forty head of sheep almost keep one family, the fleece tinker the present tar iff yielding about $1 each annually and a good fat lamb turned in for mutton brines four or five dollars In tbe sreat city of New York. Journal. That atone part comes pretty ciaee to oeing true, a fact familiar to tbe Dsmockat man. Am Art Exhibit. The Albany Cam era club has jan reveived from tbe east an elegant collection of amater photo graphs, all receiving prizes at a big art prize eon t eft in New York City, in which amateurs with an experience of less than two years competed. Th Club have secured the 'oan of tbe photographs for only ten days, and will give an exhibi. tion ol them tome night next week. The date will be agreed npon at a meeting of the club to be held tonight. The codec, tion is a fine one, and no doubt our citi tens generally will wish to are them. Tn Woaun's GakATtvr Ba.vjoist The Mandolin club are making efforts to secure Alfred A. Farland, the banjo vir tuose for a date here. Farland is classed with such artists as Paderewsai, Ysaye, etc., and no one who baa never brard him can have the least conception of the exqniaiie music he produces from that instrument. Those who wish to help bring him here will please leave their names at Burkhart A Lee's Drog store or E. t. w ill's Music store. The Public Schools. Tbe increased attendance in tbe public schools baa made it necessary lor tbe board to employ anew teacher. Ac- cotdingly Miss Mand Crosby baa been empl-tyed to take a 5th grade at tbe Madison school. Grades 5 and t Cen tral school being greatly crowed, pnpils nave been ordered tracsl erred to Mad i son school. Never in the history of the schools haa tbe attendance been so Urge or greater interest shown. Albany is second to no city in tbe state fir educa tional advantages. Office Stationery A Specialty Give us your Patronage P. J. SMILEY WauAMsOnmos. From the Gnard: lion. beo. a. Williams tbia morning presented a very able argument on tbe demurer to tbe plaintiS a complaint, in tbe "court bouse eauare case" inter posed by the attorney for tbe city of Eu gene. He ia a careful and powerful rea- soner. in the court bouse case be aava that it ia a public square and not a court bouse square, and that the erection ol the jail is againt tbe wording of the don ation and tbat tbe county cannot build a court bouse on the same if an objection s i i . - . i . WoodHckt. Oregon hardwood ia ., lh.,Vh i. .inn.1. us demand, rietcber unn, oi tne ure-1 . . - -. -t--i"" " Probate Record. In estate of Jos Buhl Inventory filed Also petition for aale of personal proper ty and to aet aside exempt property for whiow. v aiue property about 3,uuu. Accounts filed in estate ot Elizabeth J Du:kett, and Tbos J Harols. Will of Isabel McNeil filed. I N Mc- Aeii executor. Bood $8,000. In estate of Mary Ann McHargus. G W McIIargue appointed administrator. oond MSOO. Appraisers appointed. 10 estate oi oeorge Link appraisers were appointed. Value -of real estate 1450 Will of Clariaa Brown admitted la nro- bate. G M Brown executor. ADoraia- appointed In estate of Lolia Westfall a minor, re port of sale of real property made. Henry George Dead . New Yobs, Oct., 29. Henry George candidate for mayor on the democratic ticket, died at his home in thia city this morning at 4 :30 o'clock, of heart disease. His death will play an important part in the city election to take place on Tues day. . Dibplated Grit. Tbe Gaiette aava of the Corvallia-Albany foot bali game: The visitors played earnestly and die laved enough grit, agility and endurance to show that with practice tbey will make a strong team. The Corvaliis Loys showed tbe result of good training and at times bad to work very bard. The day was a very disagreeable one, but still 250 people, mostly ladies, witnessed tbe game. DeciDEOLT Khabbt. At Prineville the other day Del Shields played rather a shabby trick on hia bondsmen and tbe sheriff . He was bcunl over on a charge of arson, having burned the city jail at Mitchell, awl waa indicted. After bis case had been reported by the grand jury he mounted bia horse and rode oat of town, leaving bia bondsmen to foot the bill. At last accounts the aheriff bad been unable to locale him. T. M. There is no Substitute for Royal Baking Powder. The "Royal" h shown by all tests, official, scientific, and practical, stronger, purer, and better in every way than any other Baking Powder. If some grocers try to sell another baking powder in place of the "Royal," it is because of the greater profit. This of itself is good evidence of the superiority of the "RoyaL" To give greater profit the other must be a lower cost powder, and to cost less it must be made with cheaper and inferior materials, and thus less healthful and of less value to the consumer. Royal Baking Powder is pure and wholesome; you are not sure of other brands. - ROY At BAKING FOWOCR CO., NEW VOSttC A Recent Indictment. From tbe Times : Daring the past weeks Brownsville so ciety bas been considerably "torn op" over the escapade of several young ladies and gentlemen who one evening recently engaged in a spree in which intoxicat ing lienors figured quite promiacaonsly, (Causing all tbe abame and trouble as us ual) the result of which bas been tbe in dictment by the grand jury of Charles Smith, one of tbe teachers in the North Side pablic school, on tbe charge of giv ing liquor to minors. Tbe Indictment was made public Wednesday. . Mr. Smith evidently received intelligence of what waa in store for hi ji, for Wednes day mprning h was missing and bia present whereabouts are unknown. Tbe witnesses summoned before tbe grand jury to tell what tbey knew of this affair were: Misses Alma Dabl, Bose Spencer, Nora Averill.Beseie Bale, Clyde Snyder, Ol. McDonald and N. B. S land lab . gon Furniture Manufacturing company, rortland, was In town Monday buying everything in tbe shape of ash and ma ple lumber tbat he could nnd. .ven 20C foot lot owned by n. N. Wilkina waa ourchased. In all he secured in Corval iis three carloads. Mr. Linn, it ia said. visited every town along the weataide snd purchased the sme sort ol lumber. wherever he found it, Times. ly a park under the donation. W. L. Watkins, of Yaquina City, ia in Albany. Lawyer Wyatt went to Eugene thia noon to attend court in session there this week. Iiiley Hulburt went to Portland today THOMAS BRINK, All kinds of furniture He was accompanied by bia father. and bedding, and it you want the most complete flour safe, Th Stavtoj Bridge, County Com missioner J M Watson was at Stay ton on Tueaday for tbe purpose of inspecting tbe repairs being made to tbe bridge serosa tbe Santiam river at that point. Tbe principal work was Jone on tbe pier oa the Marion county tide and it was completed on tbat day. In junction with one of Linn's commissioners. Mr. Wat- ton examined tbe other pier, wbtcb bad been damaged by tbe high waters of last winter, and decided that it needed some attention so tbe work was begun without delay. Statesman . Dealer in Hon. S. Moss, of Lakeview, ia in tbe city en a visit. He bas been a resident of that place for about thirty years. Mrs. Fannie E. Lounabnrv. depart ment inspector of the W. A. C. Port land, waa in the city yesterday and Vi a Viaa f V am a vi rl Vi 4 a lMt ni8bt visitei the lodge of this city, M"wu cavi. ui At spelling match in Salem last night the governor's private secretary. W . S. Dunniwav. stood np tne longest. Mrs Judge Wolverton, oi this city, was oneot the last three. Del Knykendall and Herbert March of tbe U. of U. have been selected to con test to see who will represent tbat col lege In tbe state oratorical contest to be held at Albany tbe second Friday in March. prces the lowest. Wall Paper, Uarpets, Lineoleum, Lace Curtains, Rugs, Portier3, Pillows Furniture Bedding. P;ture Frames, Linen Warp Matting, Oil PaiD tings, and Undertaking W l ALBANY FURNITURE CO. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY i. lONKI'M . Proprietor Wimple, blotches, blackhead, red, rough, oily, Bwthy ekln, ltchlog. eculy eealp, dry, thin, and falling bilr. r'A Baby blemishes prevented by Cbticuba Boap, the mot effective skin purify. Ing and bcautUyitg soap Id tbe world, as well as pnreat and sweetest tor toilet, bath, and anisary. h Mid throarfeont tt wnril. Torres. D. inC. 0, ourropL,Bo.u. a'HowlaaeuUQrUMSklaV'D BLOOD HUMORS CUT1CUBA RIMKDIW. Test from MiAsoFRi. W. D. Koiter and family arrived in tho city this morn ing with a car load ot furniture, farming utensns, norses, etc. Also lour opossums lorrrea iteiss museum, ibey came from Springfield, Mo., and are relatives o nr. ueorge KOgers, residing ner Sanderson's bridge. It waa interesting to watch the mouths of old Missounans watsr at tbe sight of those opossums. The Examiner-Journal have succeed. ed in getting the U. P. sale poatoned until Dec. 15, which will mean a higher i i i price tor tue roaa. The Truckee arrived at tne Bay Ih's morning, with several passengers for tbe vauey. Tbe O A 0 and Chemawas will nlav foot ball at Coivallis next Saturday Bitarnnnn. The Democrat suggests tbe probability of viciory lor in v a u s. A Supreme Cor rt Case. D B MonUith. respondent, vs. E A Parker, county treat lire et al., appellants; ordered on stipu lation tbat respondent have until Decem ber 1st to serve and file brief. W T Emery's steam flouring mills at Oakland burned at ,3 o'clock yesterday morning. The loss is $12,000. Thev car ried 10000 insurance upon tbe building and machinery. About 9000 bushels of wheat were stored in the building, be longing to tbe arm and farmers. Ashland Tidings: Tbe trial of the stats vs J A Walters of (i rants Pass for assault and battery on Rev Robt McLeon waa con tinued in the court of Justice Ora Brown at I Wiidervir. Ibursday, and a jury retirer ana returned a veraicior. "not guilty. ' Walters bad already plead truilty of tbe offense and been fined 110 for it before tbe U rants Paw police judge. Educate Your Howais wish Uaseareta. Candr Cathartic, eura eon.tln.tlnn fAMm 10o,2Bo. t a O.O. fall, draggtaarfuod money. The Magazine Club wilt meet tomor row afternoon with Mrs fcd Cusick. License baa been issued lor the mar riage of Samuel Fleener and Nora Kose. T. J. Buford expects to asanue tbe duties of the office of sgent at SileU on Nov. 18. C. W. Watts returned this noon from a trip to Baker City, Walla Walla, The Dalles and other Eastern Oregon cities. Mr. Lonner Ralston and family, o' Olex, arrived in Albany this noon, called here by tbe serious llnesa of Mr. Rale ton's mother, Mrs. WKliata Salston. Mr. and Mra. John Propet left yester day on a trip to Spokane and Olympta, Wash., on a moutna trip, their first jour ney out ol the sute for forty-five yeai a. A. I. Waaner Is about to reti-e from the W.llamette bowl at Salem, after run ning it for seven )ars. Mr. Wagner is ss rooch a railroad com nistioo eras any body. Dr. E. J. Thompson, of Corvaliis, was in the city todav on bis wsy borne from Salem, where be bad been to condoct tbe installation srrvice of Key. II A. Ketcboui. District Attorney Yates. Judge H af ford, A. C Woodcock anl A. M Craw- lord, are all candidates for the oth-e cf Circuit Judge of the second district. itb others to hear from . Mr. and Mrs E. A Parker will return tonight from their trip to Spokace.where tbey have been over three monibc.for tbe beoeflt of Mr. Parker'a health, which re- maina a boot the same. P. D. Gilbert, who Las bevo clerking for Gray A Soo for :be pact two years. i.aa accepted a position as a commercial traveler lor tbe brm of Cbase A Sanborn of Chicago, dealers in spices and coSees, at a salary ol fiuo per month and ex penses, tits Ismily will continue to re side in Eogene, we are glad to learn. bngene Guard. An enthusiastic Saiem boy at Stanford writes to tbe EvenineJoarnal aa loilos: "Chef Murphy, the hero of Palo Al to," is playing loot ball and incidentally keeping al tbe bead of all bis classes lie is sore of the team, tbe beat punter on tbe cam pae. and the same "Ctieea," wbo went to n illamette in "prep" days. Humor says be will be tbe captain of the 93 team. Wednesday evening at the CalhJMic church, Mr. J. Fred Oberer and Mi Lena Williams, both of this city, were united in tnartige. Father Juerek per forming tbe ceremony. Tbe church, which waa beautifully decorated for the occasion, waa filled with invited guests and others. Tbe impressive services of tbe Catholic church that united tbe young couple for life, were conducted with solemnity. Miss uortense urenoi played tha wedding march. Corvaliis Uazette. Tbe following ia taken from the min utes of the meeting of tbe Baptist asso ciation at McMinnville: "Tbe report of the committee on raising money to belp Miss Aona Meepelt ol Unn county, through ber last t ear in the Chicago Mis sionary training school was read and adopted.- On motion acommitte was ap pointed to confer with Meedames Vaton of the Home Mission Society, and Driggs, of tbe Foreign Missionary Society, look ing to the securing ol Hiss Aiespeu in tne Oregon field. Last evening Mr. snd Mrs. F. M. il- kins celeb.-ated tbe 23ib anniversary of heir marriaee. at their elegant home on West Ninth street, surrounded by their children and invited guests. It was a nleaaant event that will linger long m their memory. F. M. Wi kioa and Misa Emma Goltra were married in LAne conntv and have aince resided here, Mr, Wilkina having been the greater part of tbia time one of the prominent druggista of tbe statu, and both himself and wife have been well uown in cnurcn ana so cial circles.- Eugeoe Guard. Among those present were Mr. snu airs. n. Goltra'. of this citv. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bil yea, Kev. and Mra. J. i. Anoett, uz. ana Mrs. T. W. Harris, former Albany peo ple. Store Robbed. Burglar entered hs drog store of J. E. Hammond at Silver ton, last night and rifled tbe till of about $4 or 16 in change, and carried away some fine rasors and other arti cles valued at between $12 and 115. Smith A McCorkle'a saloon waa also en tered and robbed of alt tbe change in the drawer, and some liquors, probably by the same parties. HOME AND ABPOAD. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Smile 'se'ean printing. ' Mies Ida Maxwell, of Halsey, bas Romona pure spices. , Deen 10 lM c7 on visit. Romona Rontons pore ei tracts. I MiM Mattie Lee. sister of a O. Lee u,,t, , c. i- r, , . . and one ot Lane county's school maama. t " , ? . V St LooM ,tore-1 te city tbe guest of ber brother. Try ScbiUlna-s Lt t. and bakia peder. , y.H.C.ldwell ha. pnrch tbeNotth fchirta asd collars a sp-cialty at the Mag V" smhili drug store and ia now a resident J idge CEEsowrni's Fakv Tbe Chen oweth farm of 1,000 acrea in Kings val ley went at auction on tbe coort hence steps Monday. Tbe sale was by tbe sheriff and there were tw bidders, to wit: Joseph Brown, whose offer waa $-5,000 and W. J, Caesar, wbo secured tbe property for $5,944, or a boat $500 eee than tbe face of tbe mortgage and tuc cxpecae ot me sale. limes. CbOTEBOalJt Pbomktt. At sheiffa sale Tuesday J. J. Hhitner, of Albany, purchased twenty acres of land in Fair mount precinct. Tbe tale waj on judg ment in which Mary Wood ord t rack Wood on a claim of $00. The Woods were once hosband anrj wife, bat seme years ago were divorced. The price paid " for the property was 'f 140. CorvaiHa I Times. The IxDiaxg. The Chemawa Indian foot ball team paased through Albany thia roon for Corvaliis. to nlav tbe O. A. C. eleven. It will be a hot rarae. A good many think tha Indiana will win, bat the DnocxAV can only 6 gore it oat the other war. There are forty cine students ia the deaf mote school al Salem, of whom four are from Linn cooaty. Toe trial of tbe case of J en tie Smilaos agaiost the Soatnera Pa-iSj Company for will be began at Lcgeoe .tomorrow morning at 9 o'ctnek. The will of W R Monkr waa probated at Salem. The estate, vaioed t 118,000. waa bequeathed to tbe oioe children, and two sets of grandchildren. The fcaleta Easiness Mens Clab paed tbe following to!oUos: "Keeolred. I hat it U tbe sense of the Salem Chamber of Commerce, that the Oregon delegation ia contrives urge upon the secretary of war tbe importance of prosertrtiag the coatia ooas wore of improving the Taqaina bar bnr in accordance with tbe Set of congrna authorizing him to make contracts therefor not td exceed f 1.000.0UO. Tbe Grant's Past Ctnirier ecbliahes laiion adapted at a meeting of the citi of that p-ace condemning the proceedings in joftioe court mu'tisg in the acquittal of J A Walters, tbe aajooa keeper, foe await icg Rev. Root McLean, "as bring both ioto!erle sd4 incompatible with law and ord-r"." aid the names of 3 wU kaowa "lUieot of Grants taa are attached to the dorrtueot and printed i h it. Quito a BAcaatioa has bees created in patois scbool ctrclea by a yoaatr girl, a popil, stealing teres books from her asso ctatrs. Alter stealinsr tbe books tbe girl sold them at a second band store. A a in vest igatioa by the superintendent and some of the tear hers resnlted ia a confession from Ite mrl. The books were rcov.ed by the girl's father, and she has been al lowed to go. alter makies? a rnblic coo- fewtoa of her crime. Lngeae Register. noli Laundry. Boots an 1 shoe specialty at St Lout neon store. Uaderware a ImiW at th. s rnni. Racket store- Will A Sla k alwara haw n rtv-k- latwt novelties to all' lues of jewelry. Tea or nneea car loads uf ealvM shipped from tlba-y today to ldahu. Ton will alwtrt Sad a fins lino of iew dry at Will A Starks. Do not buy before cramming their goods. When yoa want a choice steak, a nice roaator meat of any kind, call on Henry Broaera. lie keeps the best. 33eginaingsxt Monday tberouai trin rate bet wees Aloanr aad Lbanoa will bt only 75 cesu. Good fur two Un. The Wiurd Oil Co-npany will begin a wsa a eacs4rmat in RTaebara- next Monday. Tcey wUl be ia Albant in a w we-kr. The beat meats of all kinds and rood treatment at tbe Albany Dressed bewf Company's market, just dwa Second street. Good weight and prompt attend tion. Cocuudor vour wara. think vnn act. and tneo go t Hight Bros , where yoa will Snd a choice stick of meats of all Binds to order from Ton are boaad to be pleased if yoa order of them. Tbe president yesterday made tbe fol low ing appointmenU: Owes So samara, of PorUaad.apcraiser of mr:hAdise is dis trict of 4Viamette. OreTon Zxh Uoaser marshal of the C sited States for tbe disrrct of Oregon. O A Hall, of Eameitoa creek, returned 'at week from Sbernaa eonnty where be went to work tnrough harvest at good wagee. Mr Ha:l save there is now qaite a demand for farm laborers at S20 per month. Sbeepberders receive fJJ par month. A ragged looking train passed through Albany this noon. It waa made np of cars uts Iran tbe rcent wreck near Koseborg, Toere were tbirteea badly or completely Bathed np cart. WHEAT. Consumption wm scorrs emulsion cure consumption ? Yes a,nd no. Will it cure every case? No. What cases will it cure then? Those in their earlier it a ires, especially in younjr people. We make no exag gerated claims, but we have positive evidence that the early use of Scott's Emulsion The market looks firm today. New York 10C,t. f l wheat again. Chicago 9c San Francisco 90c Liverpool 4'c lower. Albany 71c SCIO. From the News. Born, to tbe wife ot Price Mnnkers. at M ankers Station, Wednesday, Oct. 27, sn, a boy. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Ilarniah were over from Albany Tuesday. Tbey came over to get some Iruit Irom their orchard here. Mra N T Biggina accompanied loem home lor a snort visit. Sam Dagger bas bought Jack Joneee interest in the Wigwam and will con duct the business alone hereafter, lie expects to move the business to tbe building now occupied by Dr. Brown aa an Office in tbe near tutors. Dr E O Hyde is visiting friends in Scio alter an absence ol one year. Ha travel ed through Arixona and California while away, but thinks there are no better people to be lonnd anywhere than in and around Scio. lie is now living at University Park, Portland. George Daley, who went to Prineville a few weeks ago, returned borne last Sunday. His horse gave oat on the way over, but he walked back, from Prine ville to Scio in lour daya. He walked from Upper Soda home the last daya walk, lie found considerable anow at the summit. The thef. ot a gold watch and ring from Mrs Ida Neal has iust been traced to Owen Hunt, a ooy who recently came here from Stayton. He has been In tbe reform school. of Cod-liver oil with Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda in these cases results in a positive cure to a large num ber. In advanced cases, how ever, where a cure is impossi ble, this well-known remedy should be relied upon to pro long life surprisingly. 50c and $1.00, til dnifgtat. ecATT . Bnunm N.tu York. Wo.s Bt Stratsot. Once upon a time there lived an old woman wbo bad a beautiful niece, there was also a young oi so and also a servant. There were many peculiar predicaments to which they got into to, but at last all is serene Come and see how it all ends it is 1 comical farce. Sal Masundi will also be accompanied by the famous Schliefarth Octet, which is setting the world upeid down with its inspiring music We congratulate ourselves upon- securing tbis octet on tbti its cm visit to our coast. There will also be music by the orchestra. At the college on Nov. 6th, 161)7, and many other attractions, all for ten cents . Remember the date. Camvsa Ctra's Exhibit. It a meet- ingot the Albany Camera Club last night Toeeday evening Nov 9 waa set for the exhibition ot the amateur photograph ic prints recently received from the east. Tbey will be shown in tbe dobs rooms in tbe Y. M. C. A. block. There ara 43 of these prints, as fine work as has ever been shown in the slats Tbey Have been exhibited bv camera clubs through the east, coming from an exhibition at Erie. Pa., here, and from here they go to Hartford, Conn., the cub merely paying the express charges for their nee, tbey being sent oat in the interest of tbe art ot amateur photography. The pic tures are large ones and not small photo graphs. There will also be shown a large collection 01 pbotngsapbs 01 tbe members of tbe clab as things of local interest, and other works of art In addition refreshment will be served. It is intended to make tbe evening a pleas ant one. Ia order to defray expenses a small admission fee of ten cents will be charged. A Trip to Chisatows. lloyt'a A Trip to Chinatown" will be the attract ton at the opera boose on ecneeoay evening Nov. 8. No farce comedy now playing before the American public has had a mors brilliant career than "China town." From ita very first performance, six yean ago, its career bas been one great success. It holds tbe record for the longest run in New York almost two years without a atop ar d was then with drawn because ot arrangements ana con tracts calling it to other theatres. All ot Hoyt's plays are popular, bat none more so than th'S tale of gay life in 'Frisco. Frank Lane, wbo haa been one ot tbe principal actors of the Hoyt farces for years, will appear as "Well and Strong" in which part be piayea tor two seasons, tie will be surrounded by bright, capable people. It is Remarked by those who know that the Stewart A Sox Hardware Oom- pany bas the finest disp'av of stoves and racgee ever seen in the Willamette val ley. They carry the celebrated "Jewel" line and tbey invite yoa to call and see them. Something Dropped. Hear It. Did You We will sell lor cash, Una round Roan Coffee aa follows : Our Superior Blend 12 lbs for $1 0ft " Best Rio 10 lbs for 100 " Royal Blend 8 Iba lor 100 Have onlv a few hundred lbs ot these coffees on hand and can not guarantee j these prices tor any lengtn 01 time. O. E. Bbownkll. of tbat place. Jefferson Review. Mr. Davis, an attorney of Kansas City, haa been in the city, preparatory to hia marriage with Misa Daisy Geiaendorfer on Nov. 10. Miss Edna Allen, after a visit with Mrs F. A. Helm and Miss Helen Craw ford, returned to her boms in Albany xnursoay. oorvauts rimes. Edwin Stone is confined to his room wuh illness in San Francisco. A trip 1 or u Decent cl has health into Mexico is to to be made as soon as he ia able to travel. Homer Griffin, son of Rev. I S. Griffin, died suddenly at uoldeodale. Wash Thursday. He waa the second oldest liv ing native Oregoman, C. H. Walker of this city being first. Messrs. George Gentry and Benjamin Hoover were at Albany Tneaday and brought back that boat which will be need on the Klondike trin next sorins?. Tbe boat will be fixed np for the journey in tnis city. urownsnus lime. Ure. Thoa. Hopkins last ereninr gave a tea in honor nf ber mother,Mrs. Small, of Saiem, who is hers on a visit. The terms waa delicate and alee, and a pleasant tone waa bad by that Horta nate in being present. D. S. Bridgefarmer and Misa Minnie McGbee ara to be married at Tangent to morrow tvalurvlay evening Tbe bride sa a sister of Mrs. D. M. Jones of Sodaville, and Dr. and Mrs. Jones will attend the wedding. Lebanon Advance. Brownsville dispatch of Oat- 39: The remains of Mrs Margaret Tbarp. wbo waa a boot SO year old. were brought hers from Springfield and buried tbia morning. Mrs Tharp waa the mother of Mrs. w. H Rowland, and left eight grandchildren and 23 great grandchil dren We learn tbat William Weils, of Sen na ista, tbe bop payer, has been strick en wun paraivji. lms gentleman is well known in Ddpendenoe. having an orfice hers in the Little Palace hotel. From later reports we learn that Mr. Welis is rapidly imrrovipg. Independ ence enterprise. The Ep worth League of the M. E. church Last evening at the parsonage held a Halloween social that was a sac- Several boars were passed in games appropriate to the occasion. The ieagoers snow how to mace things go on wen on naiioween. A very p'eaaant young people's party was given last evening by Mies Edna broman, at the horns of her father Mr. frrank Froman. Twenty or thirty young people spent the evening happily and proti tably, in am-isementa, partaking of a dencioaa lunch, etc. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stringer spent last week at Monmouth with their three children, wbo are attending the stats normal school at that place, tfthila at Monmouth Mr Stringer porch seed a net five room cottage, in which tbe children ate now comfortably domiciled. wild no rent 10 pay. wun enppuea lortne winter, and excellent educational facili ties.- -Lebanon Advance. xulovkx rsrncTiixjtDrr. Tbe Ladies ot the Maccabees gave a Halloween entertainment last evening that was one of the successes of the sea eon. A huge number of members and invited guests were present to enjoy it. Ths rooms were suitably decorated tor the occasion, Jack Lanterns with their unique faces taking the lead. A program waa rendered that wilt not soon be for gotten. With Mrs. Sears in the chair it 1 waa carried oat about like thia: Some fine music by the Mandolin dab, a piano so o nicety performed by Tbereesa Baunv part, a Hallowsen essay by Mrs. C C Hogue that told the whets story, a Hal loween recitation by Mildred Gotlieb. well rendered, resulting in a live encore re pood ed to with "McSwart'a Swear Off," Edna Howard sang "In ths Bag- gags Coach Ahead," which pleased so mu:h tbat she waa compelled to respond to an encore and did so with "Sweet Bunch of Daisies." A special feature then followed. Mrs. Craw as the tairy queen, with Fay Hogue and Bessie Parker aa the fairies, reigned. Her sub jects, members of ths order appeared bs- tors ner wiut appropriate verses which tney recited, and were rewarded with a present, one a diamond ring.and a happy response A gypey fortune teller did a big business, and a delicate lunch was served, partners for which were selected m a novel way. ' hen the entertain ment closed the verdict waa unanimous that it was one ot the beet ever given here. Albany TradingCo It. If. TJsrri, nanagei. Here are a few ot oar bargains: 1 lbs granulated sugar... $1 AnmsvlUs Hoar, per sack 1 10 20 lbs rice 1 9 15 2 Si 25 1 gallos best vinegar. 3 cans fins cove oysters 5 gallons kerosene bottles extract, lemon or vanilla Try oar new Royal Java coffee. better tnan Ar buckle sv Lion, two papers 20 ounce bar battle Ax scsp 8 large 14 ounce bars soap 1 long bar toilet soap , 1 box concentrated lye.... 3 lbs of soap extract...... - 3 lba of Gold Dost No 1 lamp chimney No. 2 lamp chimney 3 bottlea of bluing Beat axis grease, can t papers Lion coffee 2 " Arbockle eo3es 30 lb ak salt 4 pa good corn starch 4 " glosa " 5 cans raostard, cinnatnen, sage, peppiT, cloves or allspice 8 lbs choice beans... Largs 10c cake Rising Son stove polish.. .............. 7 lbs baJ: A A H soda 5 cans deviled ham. ...... Scans tawdicee. ........... We have ths beet braces, nice painted handles lor. ...... Best Gunpowder tea - - . " ice corn fed bacon Nice hams 5 lb can Lard Loaded shells for sals 50 lba rye floor Whole wheat Sour. Graham floor in 5, 10 and 23 lb sacks. H s bars dry goods, bran, shorts and chop feed. Come and see oa. TERMS CASH. A full line ot tinware. Batter and egga taken in exchange 2i ts 2S Oa e 2V 2 OS 10 2S 10 23 25 4s 25 25 2 23 5 2 25 23 30 10 11 19 1 15 AYourDoctoffi P Fights- 6 J Disease with medic lie- If f the medicine is not right he caa not ocwqaor disease If F J the druggist does his coty the J M medicine will be right, and X f -1 your doctor will stano a fair f chance cf winning the victory Jr Yon caa help jotir doctor by M fl having yoar prescription L'i- f"1 "J ed at oar store m fj . RuxkLart A Lec fl Star Bakery Corner Broadalbin and First St COXXAD UEYER PROPRIETOR Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits. Tobacco, Sugar. Coffee. Etc. Canned J8ti Queensvcavw Vegetable. Cigars, Spices' Tea Etc Look Out. Small boys in the 1st ward who are out late at night and throw mud on houses had better look oat. I am coming. Haven t had a small boy in tne caliboose lor some time. City Marshal. Herb w abb again this week, with a lot of fine fat snring chickens. If you wish one tor your Sunday dinner leave your order with C Myer and C W Yunk will fill it promptly. Ce'ery from Yaquinna Bay every day. 1 0 E. Browkblu Rhcutriatlsni is due to lactic in the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla neutralizes the acid and completely cures the aches and pains of rheumatism. Be sura to get Hood's. Iluod'a Pills are eas to tase. eay to perate. Curs indication, biliousness. 25c. - HaybYooSkkn ths new display ol cutlery at the Stewart A Sox Hardware Go's store. If you will call yoa will say that it ia the finest you ever saw. TO CURE A C LD IN ONE DAY Take Lax.uvs UrraJ gunine tablets. All druggist refund tbe money it It fails to Cure. 25o Stop that Cough! Take warning. It ma lead to 'Consumption. A i5 j bottle of Shilous Cure may ave your life. Sold by Foshay Mason. DtootNO. If you want a well dug, ca on E B Davidson. He is ready to do th work on short notion. nllnuT forget that chicken that yon ara going to order of O W Vunk for your Sunday dinner. He keeps only ths finest kind. Leave orders with C Meyers. rnE PLACE TO BUT Your Groceries and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros. Everybody kbows where their place is. They keep a f reeh stock of groceries, produce and baked goods, ot all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all a.tse. Yoa may regret tome steps yoa take in life bat none taken into ths store if I Parker Bros. It is a grett thing to be well ted. Par ser tiros keep good groceries. A loaf ol bread is not much but von want it well made. Try Parker Bros. NO CURE-NO PAY. That la the w.v all drn clais sell GltoVICS TASTKLESs CHltO. TvMC for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It Is I almnlr Iron and Quinine in a las tela form. Children )ovet. Adults prefer I to blt'er, naasesting Tonics Pries. Mo verything tbat u svpl ia a good variety andgrc eery store. High est ptce paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODCCI Dr Adams Cusick Block Albany, Or ; Painless work a specialty. J.c W Benthy, the pioneer boot and sh oe tnan, does first class work cheap. Call on Sim, just north of the Democrat office. Kdaea) Tonr Bowels With Caaeareta. Caniy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c. 85c. K C. 0. 0. fail, druggiata roruad moae Catarrh cured. A clear head ano weet bresAh secured with Saltan's Ca arrhfitniir; t - & 51 ton Yard Littler, Assistant. XITTLES'S Ground Floor Dental Office. Broadalbin, St., Albany, Or. no-Ta-SHaai w a uvtf Centa. Gnaranteed tobacco habit ears, makes weak 8KB strong, biof -Hire. 60c (t. All drvgpwia I IT ANTED. A few more 1 vv engage ments by the day to sew. Mas. R. is. Crwxjj.