The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 29, 1897, Image 4

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    THE MAIN MUIUULHn ourrun 9 n-
. by ician and surgeon. Office, First St.
Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem
shea, neuralgia and other diseases, with
galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry St,
ear 8d street.
Attorneys at law Will practice in all the
courts of the state. Special attention given
to matters in probate and to collections.
OFFICifi In the Flinn block.
Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery.
oUecaona made or all points. Loans
negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany
Attorneys at Lav,
Albany, Oregon
f J MHlTNKi '.' 7
Attorney at Law, Aloany. Or.
f auuurT,oMOM
VWPiaeldSat .
U&TT K1CHANQX aad totefWPtM Waaalar, oM
He York 8u nraaeaieo,CMaar. aa. r-otlavd
OLLECTIOHt SADS (aianM. tana
P A Qooawra, L. fuu .
O. 8. Puna.
Shirts and
Bookstore goods.
Please remembet
(He Puts the Prices Down
j. c. iimm
Ground Floor
Dental Office.
Broadalbin, St.,
Albany, Or.
Yard Littler, '
Boilt in special sizes for printing offices
and factories. State your wants and
write for prices and term-. Illustrated
catalogue furnished free upon app'ica
tion . ,
Amiricas 1tfk Fookdos' Co.
Portland, Oregon.
Honey to Loan.
We have a block of $40,000 to loan on
yood frm in Liaa and adjoining count-
If you have good aeearity and perfect
title, we can furnish yon the com without
. delay, as we make oar own examination of
security. ' -Call
on as or write
8. N. SraLsa-Co,
Albany, Oregon.
Dr Adams
Cusick Block
Albanv. Or
Painless work a specialty.
I at our expense
if you're not pleased
Xhrice-a-Week Edition
18 Pages a Week .. .
. 156 Papers a Yeai
For One Dollar.
rwhttekedc very AlteraateBajr exreat Saa
Tbe Thrice-a-Week Edition of Tas U m,
Tobk Would is first among all "weekey
papers in size, frequency of publication
and tbe freshness, 8 ecu racy and variety ef
its cot tents. It bis all the merits of a
great $6 daily at the price of a dollai
weekly. Its political news is prompt, com
plete, accurate and impartial as all its reis
ers will testify. It is against tbe monopo
lies and tor the people - - v
.11 prints tne news or ail the world b.
ing special correspondence from . all
portant news paints on the globe. It
4-illiant illustrations, stories by
sratnors, a capital numer pa ire, com
snarkeU, departments fer the house'
and women' work and other special
paramenia , . -
We offer this unequaled newspaper Me
th. Democrat together one year fer $o
Pupal UMni
jmerson or Belsartw
Cor. S,d and Washington St.
. t: . 1 ex .
Bejng Paaroer
If you want a good reliable watch
the jeweler.
(Bank of Oregon building.)
We have the goods, thequaiity
guaranteed and the prices are light.
that what the doctor said should be
borne in mind and acted upon. One part
of his advice was to have bis prescrip
tion filled at Camming Drag btore
Physicians like to have their patienU
given medicines composed of the exact
drugs called for in the prescription. Pare
drags are everything, and oar drags are
always pore. We are too careful to
make mistakes. Oar assortment oi
standard medicines, mineral stars, per
fames, etc., is oneqaaled.
J. A. Camming.
Always Pay.
No question about full and prompt
meat of losaes by fire on insuiaac plscec
with the leading agent of Albany. M. Sen
ders. . Don't allow yourself to be roped imo th'
varioos "Local Mutuals now being
pushed on you as being "cheapest In
surance. when you insure you do aot
want to worry about getting your money i
case of loss M SENDERS
Insurance. Hay, Grain and Wool.
Tie Oregon School Supply House,
Incorporated, of Altauj,
Has come to stay and is now prepared
to furnish school "districts with every
thing needed in the line of school furni
ture snd apparatus, such ss seats, desks,
maps, charts, globes, blackboards and
in fact ail of the necessary articles which
go to and are required in the school
room. We are alio general agents for
tbe famous Kennedys Dissecting Mathe
matical blocks for teaching ot mensura
tion and teachers instruction. The
blocks are indespensiable in the school
room, snd boards of directors will do
well to come and examine them and see
for themselves. These blocks are uni
versally endorsed by the best teachers
and educators in the land and are to be
seen to be appreciated. Give as a call
Our prices are the lowest and our terms
the beau Office Soahan Block, Boom 20,
ap stairs.
Abcgox School srppLT Hocss.
Commercial Printibg 0
On Good Stock
Qeclffft EiM Prices
Broadalbin St
Brown Block,
Successor to John Scnmee.
Liyefy at Reasonable Rates.
W II keep teams for 10 cents,
with feed -40 cnts, all night
Wholesale Retail
Pure Drugs and the. finest and Largest
Stock of Stationary and Books
in the Market.
3 Doors East of Democrat Office.
Money to loan on turn ket-ority, at
mall loans made on personal tecurity.
City, county and school warrants bnr rhi.
Collections made on fnvnraliU ten.
Fire insurance written in three of the
largest companies in the world, at lowest
The Magnolia
PriC68W0rk WOITantei
Wkt Mtvmmt
In six years tbe membership of the
spiritualistic societies f the United
States has increased 33 per cent. There
have evidently been a good many rap
pings during that time.
The Tammany candidate for mayor of
Greater New York, Mr. Van Wyck, ba
made some promise. Wonder il they
will be as reliable as those of Boss Tweed
tn days of old.
Daring the past year over 1900 railroad
men were killed by accident in the
United States. A man almost takes hi
life in his band when be goes into tbe
business, and yet it has a fascination for
many that few businesses offer.
Mr. G B Mrores, of Balem, today as
sames the office ot register of the land
office at Oregon City. Tbe opinion is
that he will fill the offioe well, probably
better than Mr. Gear would, and he has
plainly shown that he has bettor sense.
Geo Pullman.the famous Pallman car
man, is dead he will ride no mire. Men
do different things to make a monument
for themselves that will keep their mem
ory green when they are gene, bot prob
ably few leave those that will last longer
than to at ot Pullman. So long as people
ide in cars the name ot Pallman will be
Senator Thurston, the "hired attor.
ney" of the rascals who are about to
tMl th. Union Pacific railroad and rob
tbe government, declared in a speech in
Brooklyn, Sew York, a night or two ago:
There will be no mors republican presi
dents of the United Sta'e unless yon
elect Benjamin F Tracy mayor o1
Greater New York
Joe Simon and Harvy Scott are soo
to send a man to Pendleton to Uke
charge politically of our morning con
temporary, we are told. It is said Mr.
Middleton, now reporter on the oregon-
1. will be the man. Mr. Middleton
had eharse of the Tribune oa a former
occasion. He is needed now as mucb as
he was before, and we expect him to ac
complish as mucb as he did before. E.O
A correspondent of a big London paper
has just died in Havsxna, from starve'
tion. Now England is liab'.s to get ber
back up and make the feathers fly. We
would like te see Englaod again whip
the stuffing out ol that cowardly country,
expressing it in slang, which is good
enonith for ths occasion. Bat it will
end in smoke, if it begins at all.
At Seattle the hanks carry as deposits
$4,240,093 93. Tbe Portland Oregoniaa
calls attention to the fact that one bank
in Portland, the First National, has on
deposit 1 5358,127 82 and adds significant
lv:"and there are nine others." Money
n deceit in banks does not always eooat
as being of service to the community, A
deposit of $100.000 is of mors see to
a community U kept is circlaUoo than
a deposit of $10,000,000 if kept iUe in
tbe vsalts. E. O.
A Bogging Mfsr-
B.t. Chronicle.
Haggard snd decrepit, snd with just
enough clothing to cover bet limbs, Mrs.
E J Van Da ten, 70 years of age, was
taken to tbe Receiving Hospital yester
day afternoon and locked In a padded
cell pending an examination ae to ber
sanity. Although known as a profes
Siocal mendicant, when searched 14400 in
gold was found sewed up in ber under
For some time a woman baa been liv
ng in a bones at2lt Mealton aveou.
Thinking sue was without means, the
landlord. Mr. 8troog, made ae esTort
to collect tbe rent. Almost dally she
was seen parading tb principal streets
soliciting alms. Several weeks ago
Strong learned that she bad money, and
be demanded tbe back rent, which
amounted to $202.50. lire. Van Dusen
with tears streaming down ber chteks,
declared that she was penniless and was
dependant ea t&e jcbarity of strangers.
Convinced tfaet tae woman waade
eeiving him. Strong bad Attoraaf Wit
liam Tomeky brlog suit for ths money
due for rent- Bbs failed to answer tbe
sum moos, and judgement was entered
against ber. Then a watch was placed
over ber to learn where she bid ber gold.
bat she save no indication, and tbe
watshas were called off.
Convinced tbst ber wealth was about
ber pe-soa. Attorney Tofl?y yesterday
took out a warrant charging ber with
beinn insane. In tbe hosp'tal Mrs. Van
Dusen vigorously resented any attsrspt
o search her. She insisted toat she did
not baesa cent.
After considerable trouble the matron
succeeded in inducing bar to undress.
Her clothing wss then token from ber
and examined. Sewed np in one of ber
uuder-giraents, ass tbe gold she bsd
hoarded for years. Today an attach
ment will be levied on tbe money to
satisfy tbe judgment ohtaioed against
The bnsband ol the woman is in tbe
City and County hospital, suffering from
blood poisoning. It te aaid be does
not know of her wealth. Fbe rarely
visits him, and sppsrently does not
care whether he lives or dies.
Let everybody come to tne &er Baker)
and get 4' 'osves ol freh braad for Sl.or
- CMsvss.
Karl's Clover ft "t Tea. .or Constips.
tion it's th- Be'- and if after osing it you
don't say a . return the nackaae and get
your miney. -,Jb' Foibar A Mason
Boat Tobsec. 8it 4 Maws, toar 14ft Away,
To quit tobacco etml'j and torarer, be
netic. full of Ills, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Boc,
the wonder-worker, that mak n weak maa
strong, All druggist, too or SI. Cur. guaran
teed. Uoo(rjU$ jMtd sample free. Addresa
SMrJiae: Homed a, Uhieago pr New York.
Romona Teas.
oar expense it yon! are
" no
) th
not pleased sight flavors to
choose from.
r lavor
F E ALLm A Co..
'Pure Food Grocers."
Mothers Praise Hood's Sarssparilla,
because by its groat blood enriching quali
ties, il gives rosy ebeeks and vigorous ap
petjtes to pule and puny ebildrwa.
Hood's Pills are tbe favorite (amity
cathartic and liver medicine. Price 25c
for j weiiy. They
keep tbe beet.
Pictures from 75 oenls to $25 perd'.n
at Longs gallery.
Crawford & Harnish for photographs.
Prices tcota f 1 to f?Q per dozen.
D'S H. B. and O. K. Ben offices and
residence in' post office building. Speiaj
attention given to diseases of women.
If you want a Rood and clean
moke buy cigars miJ by our' Al
any clRar taatory.
Independence is trying to bay the
electric lights being run '
Japan and Russia are bustling up to
each other and alklng of war, but that
Is all It will amount to. They wont
England has practically rt jected the
proposals of tbe United Slates for a
bimelallio conference. Of course. No
one ever expected anything else.
Even the confirmed webfoot shrinks a
little when the first big rain comes
dashing down from the clouds like mad,
but it is only a little while before it is
treated without notice and with consid
erable respect.
The gold reserve Is now over $150,000,
000 having Increased rapidly lately. This
Is due to trade being in favor ot the
United States. It is a big thing for the
United States to be able to sell enough
goods to par for tbe interest on its
Plain little Brown university a day or
two ago came very near beating big
Yale at foot ball, aud a great cry ol
prise went up from all over tbe United
o.u.cs. The big colleges have all victor
ies preempted, and tbe small fry are
warned to keep their muscles in check.
In the Luegert case in Chicago just
one man hung the jury. The defendant
undoubtedly murdered his wife and then
dissolved her body in a vat, and if any
one ought to hang It is this man. The
life of this twelfth juryman wilt not be
an enviable one hereafter.
Tbe government is experiment ing on
eoontrv delivery of mail daily, and baa
elected Turner as ths center of opera
tions for Oregon. Before it arranges for
a country daily mail it should first bave
one for towns between one and ten
thousand inhabitants. There has al
ready been aa experiment on this, and
why not settle it first. Let's hear from
Mayor Harrison of Chicago, has been
clear back in New York to talk for Van
Wyck for Mayor of Greater New York,
and Secretary Bliss came np horn Wash
ington to talk for Tracy. All of wo ice
shows that tbs election is being made
national on ss for ss its importance
ee. This Is an assurance that it will
be a rotten one. All manner 01 corrupt
influences will be used to carry a
A dispatch says that: "Because of tbe
taiff la w s of the United State, and Cana
da. U Q Lever, tbs big scan manufactur
er, baa come to ths UnPed Stales to es
tablish a factory, and bs will go to Can
ada with tbe same project for that coon
try. Mr. Leaver bae aa enormous ff 10,
000,000 soap factory at Fort Sunlight,
England, where be employs 9J00 per
sons, From this place be baa hereto-
iore sspplied tbe trade of foreign coun
tries. Tie prohibitive tariff against
foreign soape.bsays( forces bim to erect
factories ia these eosatriee.
From tbe Telegram.
fj E fields, who bad an accident sev
era! moetbe ago, by which be lost a
portion of tbe large toe on one ef bis feet
feels very important over the sixsot bis
majl sines he baa recovered. Even before
be wss oat of bed bis mail began to in
crease alarmingty,Bnlii it was feared that
it would be necessary to hire a special
carrier for bis benefit. His mail bas
bean increased by tie many letters which
srs pouring ia from all ot er the Uhiud
States, offering to furnish bim witb a a
artificial limb to supply the oneb. bae
lost. He bas receive great packages of
testimonials, sad among them be noticed
OSS from a maa who said hs was more
pleased with the two artificial legs be
bad received than be was with bis natur
al oaee; they never had the rheumatism,
and so one trod oa bis corns. Some of tbe
letters asksd Mr Fields to send a deeerip
tion of his injury and )tom maeb of bis
leg was gone and all about it. Another
Ira writ, this ibat their agent
will be in Portias J in few days, and he
will call oa bim and fit bio with ''mb.
Mr. Field, is expecting tbie agent a
any time. . It may be said that Mr.
Fields bat no nee for an artificial ilotb.
Tbs small fraction of bis to that was lost
does aot int-rfere in tbs least with bis
The FovDejcrf ptin5.vUJc.
From tbe Dalle. T. M.
Barney F Prine, an old pioneer and
miner who reside near Weetoo, i in tLe
city. Barney will turn bis face toward
tbe northern lights next spring, and
fears not tbe rigors of Alaska, for most
of bis lafe has been spent in the moun
tains snd h is familiar with cold and
Mr. Prine came across the plain In
1853, 44 years ago, with ths Eliott party.
This followed about tbe same route as
the immigrant train led by a b -other of
Jos Meek, part ol which, some 45 wsgons
became 'oat and wa. deaerted by th
guids, whom the tenderfeet threatened
to bang after they learned that they had
been led astray. Moat, of them got
tb rough after spTering many hardships,
and these reported tbe discovery of tbe
Lost Bucket Diggings,' which bay
never since been .found sgsin.
This occurred in 1846, and it wss seven
years later that the Eliott expedition, of
which Mr. Prine wss member, crossed
tbe Rockies. These peop'e also gat lost
and swor venegsnce on the guide, who
followed Meek's example and forged
ahead, leaving th wanderers to get out
ss beet they could. They finally worried
through. Mr. Prine is firmly convinced
tbst tbs rich diggings reported by tbe
preceding party were no myth, and
still egtst. His theory is that tbey lie
some wbeie between Uwyss and ths besd
of Crooked river, bat be has hunted for
them unsuccessfully.
But now Barney (who founded Prlne-
ville, Crook county, by tbe way) wil
abandon tb "Lost Bucket Diggings,;
for the richer promise of the Klondike,
snd baying mined for mors than ti
third of s century snd being of ppwer
fql frame, fsals tht be w)l stand a fair
chance. Hs inlands to go overland
next spring tbrough tbe British posses
sions, with several other parties, who
ts!k ot forming sn expedition. Mean
time information will be secured from
aatbeptic sources about the route.
DtooiMO. If you want a yell dug, c a
on E B Davidson., He is ready to do tb
work on short notice-
The offioe tbat does high grade printing
on good slock, for the price of tbe o'her
kind. Smiley, the printer.
Tm ParmrtBT. best and ohespest air-
tight stoves you ever clapped your eyes on
can now be seen at toe seme oi ine eiew
art ABox Hrdrs Co. You will feel
ikerkfcking yourself if 'ou buy without
first seeing tnsm.' i ' a
to Car. CemaiMMtioa roravaqn.
Tab. Coaearata Candy Cathartic. lOe er SRo.
If C A C. fall to cum, druggiaU refund, roottc.
During th. week an old LI n count-'
school matter has received a coveted ap
poin'invnt in Portland, that of Judge of
tbe Circuit C'lurl.and will now be for the
first time Judge Genrre. Mr. George lia
had for a nootl many yara the title o
Hon. before his name, secured by bring
in t'ongress, and now in the prime of
I'fe he eecures perhaps a more honorable
one. Mr. George' career from anon
political standpoint bas been an honor
able one in nc any respects. His person
al character has particularly been above
reproach. This should be the case with
a judge. His record should be clean,
and just as soon as he arsames bis posi
tion he should drop politics entirely, so
that there would be no occaaion for pre
judice. Will Mr. George do this? Per
haps. The comparatively low price of wheat,
71 cents, during the week, had tbe effect
to make a material difference in the liqu
idation o! accounts. It makes a good
deal of difference in many respects
whether wheat is 71 or 81 cents.
A gentleman from Spokane this aeek
wss giving the Dshocsa? iran a good
illustration of what a country boy con
siders a city on his first visit to it. A
couple of cousins went up to Spokane to
Uke in the recent Iruit fair, by the
way a howling success. They had heard
of the live ways of the city, and immed
iately went to a second haul store and
bought revolvers for each, in order to
protect themselves. It was only a while
a'terwarde tbat ooe of them was stand
ing on a corner with his coat tail thrown
back, his revolver is full view, when a
cop espied it and took the youngster to
tbe cooler. His brother luiseine him
began bunting for bim and finally asked
a policeman if he anew anything about
such a fetiow. Yes, he knew snd Tou
have a revolver too bave vou. Yes be
bad oce and away he went to the cooler
a!eo. They were fined S3) aDlere. the
Toung innocents. Tbe geotlemau had
some influence and it only cost the boys
$10 and costs.
The New York et .y election continues
to rage with bitterness aoJ fierceness, so 1
red bot as to attract the a.tention of the
world. The Corbett Fiteimmon Egbt
was nothing compared arith it. At the
present writing Van Wyck ia in tbe lead
by a good head, and will probably be elected-
Ot all the candidates be is tbe
most unfit personally for tbe place. Bot
such are politic at tbe end of this nine
icenlb century.
A year ago on Manhattan field a
young man was one of the centers ol at
traction before an audience of 30,000 or
40,000 people. He was the ceoter rash
of tbe victorious e.e expert a team
of foot ball players as ever fed upon a
ball, and came in for his share of the
glory. This week he was ia Albanv.and
no bowling mob was arouod to -gaze at
bim, sod the Democbat man did not
know such a celebrity was bere until
just before he wet gone.
Th rrvattoo of the coming city elec
tion suggest the fact that a fall ticket
ia to be chosen. There are minors that
it will be just about the
live'iet in tbe ;
history of the city ,
"Aif)lnKtun Lcttvr.
Frcm w Ksiua, CotttttCfui
Washington, Oct. K;b, 1S.7.
Tbe PlatuMckinley deal, first shown
cp in It is correspondence, hs been fol
y proven by the administration, public
snd private, within the past few days.
It was to wbip sl sdminiatratiou re
publicans into line for Piatt's maa Tracy,
tbat Mr. McKinley bad Secretary Biia
writ that gushiog letter ic Tracy' faror
and announce bis intention to personally
take part In the New York campaign.
The fate of other national aomioielta
tion candidat-e in New Yo-a should warsfd Mr. McKinley
Accndtng to prwat Jelter received
from tboae who raot io diplomatic cir
delta London,' Mr. VrKinley beexme
very much afraid about (he time the
governor of the Bank of "-Inland made
that silver bluff, that bis own bluf, tbe
international bimetallic cotumiraioo, was
being eeriootly taken by tbe British
government, and csaeed it to be un
officially intimated to Lord Salisbury
that this government had no teal desire
that soy fiieps shou'd be taken tha
were likely to tesd to lead' to' internet
tional bimetallism, as It vsa slowly ba
sorely paving tbe w sy to make the siogl
gold standard permanent in the United
It is no tooger a secret that Uen. Fill
Lee, who has been much before the pub-
"ic since he became Consul General to
Oobd, wji; b a candidate for the seal
now nejd by Sesator iiaftn7 it is also
folly understood that Geo. Lee ailb
when he returns from Cuba, probably
early next year, begin a personal canvass
for tbe Senatorship, which he Intends
shalj cover tne entire state ot Virginis,
even to its rem&tegt corners.
The administration fully
tbe danger of a big Treasury deficit
during the next financial year, added to
tbat which is bsiog piled up during the
current fiscal year, and at tbe last Cab
inet meeting it wae betertainpd that the
departmental estimates (or appropriations
to be submitted to the cosing session o
Congress, should be cut down as low as
possible, io order to get tbe expend
itures down to tbe receipts of the govern
ment. This is confirmation oi tbe ar
gument presented by prominent demo
crats while tbe tariff bill wai before
Congress, tbat tbe bill would not raise
sufficient revenue.
No oue In administration circles has
denied tbe statement that Attorney Gen
eral Mcjeong is to bave the vacancy
made by ths retirement of Justice
Field from the U B Supreme Court, on
Dec. 1, although there I" one special
and particular reason why Mr. McKenna
should never sit en thw Supreme Coart,
he is too friendly to the big corporations,
jthis was known before he cam to Wasbf
Ington, but addttioual proof was given
by bis ay'dity to ratify the bargain made
uo(ler the Gieyeland administration for
the sale of tbe Union Pacffio Railroad to
the Huntington reorganization commit
tee, under conditions which practically
shut out competition In the bidding,
Aa attempt Is now being made to get Mr
McKinley to interpose bis authority in
sous way to, stop the sale of the U P at
least until the condition of ths sale pan
be changed so as to make them as
lair ,
to one set of bidders as to another, but
tbeia seems to bs some doubt of bis
authority snd mors of hi. inclination to
Interfere, after Boss Hanna had told the
Huntington ring tbat tbe sal. should be
pot tbrough under the old agreement,
although tbs gQfsrnmeot will lose mil
lion's of dollars by tbe sale" under tbs
present conditions. '
mm who utter from tb. err net, of HImu.,
wort, worrr, from to. follies of routb or ta. ex.
eexft, of manuood, from unnatural drains, waak
oau or lack of daralopniant of any organ, failure of
vital force, unntneea for roarrlace, all aco nan
abouid "oome to the fountain bead " for a eriantiso
method of marrellon, power to nullie. develop, re.
atore, and .uauin. We will mall chart.
Telia It All. Nothlna a,t unaaked. Mo aapo.
ore, no deoeutlon. Address
--" - .in.IT, BUFFALO. IS V
Astoria has a Push lub. It has a big
field fur work, and might well spread
itself out over the state.
It takes a slate to do business in a slip
shod way. Oregon with its treasury full
of money is paying inter! on the money
it owes.
it a recent cniriran in Syracuse pre
cinct the boys tired so ninny guns under
a window that it broke out every glass in
the window.
A round trip rate of 75 cent between
Lebanon and Albany will be greatly ap-
E reciated by the people and particularly
usinese men of this city, as well as by
tbe people of Lebanon . U it tbe proper
For a great many years an effort has
been made to ascertain who struck Ikey
Patterson. An exchange professes to
have learned the name of the offender,
and says it is Dr Harry L tne of Portland
Gov. Fletcher, of the Salem Indepen
dent, has undertaken a great task, lie
proposes to slop the leakage in tb
sute fair. You'll have to pot on a new
roof. Governor, in order to do it. Tbe
present pesky old thing is chuck loll of
boles. -
The funny man of the Sa'ern Inde
pendent geU off the folios ina: "The
fcugene boys did right, and any club
mat wouia allow those bloomer fake to i
defeat them, thou'd be rue out of the
Bismarck drove over to Albanv caiur
day to attend tbe Salvation Arn.y. He
complained to the officer that h- bad re
ceived no letter. "Oh, keep Ulievine." j
answered tbe lieutenant, an. I no other
ord spake she. Cor vail is Gazette.
The Herald says Mr. W.H.Worrell
will probably be the candidate lor mar
shal at the coming city election on the
republican ticket. This will mean a con
test between htm and tne present offi
cial. There is time yet tor several ether
candidate to appear.
D W Hopkins.of Lane county, by uite
tke cut seven tree on government land,
a fact that probably no one would bave
found out, and yet Mr Hopkins at once
notified the U 8. district attornev and
offered to pay for tbe timber. H meet
Mr Hopkins.
A Maine paper tel!s of s rea.arkablv
thrifty fa-mer in that at. He hired
two boys to help him cut his bar. When
the job was finished he save 'each ot
them a cent. Then be offered to bar
nee bis team and haul the boys borne
for a cent apiece.
Mr. Colons' fsroraule report of his
trip to Alaska ha caused the "gold
fever" to run high in this neighborhood
egain, and some tbat had thought of
going before ai.d had given op the idea
J now declare they wi'.l go in tb epring
Minto Cor. gialreoian.
) Charles E. Vest, of Portland, has tost
started for th Klondike with 3S13 doaen
!gr. If be get there with them all
right snd tells them for tbs market
sight. The eg;, are to be taken in a
knockdown co million.
Elater We'tman, of Cove, Union coun
ty, reports ibat wbije recently out book
ing for stock in tbe Mmam scctloc he
found tne bnneeol fifteen head of horses
which perished in that county last win
ter. The animals had eaten half war
Ihrwogh pine tree eighteen incbe ii
diameter and ib keitoti cf a corotc
m a iso found mixed ap with tbe bone
of the borer J.
CJorvailis Times t
The Tme is io receipt of information
loth effect that Will Lee, the former
O A C etodent, who left tVjrval!is verv
hastily, has deserted bis wii and child
in Oakland, Call for uia, tearing them in
a destitute eond lion. Mrs Le was for
merly .Mrs E'la Catterltne, postmittress
st Monroe. She wa married to Le at
HanforJ, California, last January, and
they look up s rrtidence at Oakland,
wnere iee operated for a Km as paint-;
er, ana later as a clerk to a store: -
Petitions have be sent put aU over
the United Suie as.ini for Uie etab
liabment of a new department ot the na
tional government, deroted to corcmerc
and industry, as provided for in ne
bill 621, 55th coogreas. extra eeestoa. It
I neeced about a much ae tb fifth
wheel to s wagon. Tbe field ie already
covered in other departments. Tbis
seems to he a scheme to provide more
Jplums for tli horde of politicians out of
A Chicago man write from the White
pas mat iheie Have been six swcides.
three hangings and eleven killing, be
sides a number of deaths from exposure.
it costs i to get a letter through to
r-kaguay, and 10 cents to get it mailed.
Trices here are very high. Flour at
Lake Bennett brings ftiO per rack :bacou,
li per pornd; beans, tl per pound.
iiorsestios naits o-ingsy rents apiece.
v pair ot noes win bring any price you
want to ask overalls, 5,
in nuciiing poets nave been remov
ed from 2nd street as per order of the
council. A faro er who is a prohibition-
ist and who was wont to tie his team in
front of a aioot on thi street, says be
presumes the tity fathers were so solici
tous regarding the welfare of himself
and some other prohi's that frequently
tied their horse there, that tbey made
a sweeping order so as to show no par
tially, and thus had this particular
bitching place torn away, thus removing
much temptatiou and unjust suspicion
that might otherwise have fallen to the
lot of these men.
Complaints are made to this office by
patrons of tbe public schools tbat a pho
tographer is besieging the schools to take
pictures ot tbe pupils and teachers of
each room. Tbe children are then re
quested to bring 25 cents lor a picture.
Parents are objecting to these drafts on
their purses these hard times and do not
consider that the time of the schools
should be token up for sny money insk
ing scheme. A reporter went to one of
the board, who is in tbe photograph
business, and he denied any connection
with the matter, but admitted that tbe
pictures were being finished at his own
gallery. Salem Journal. They didn't
bave to buy, did they.
Three years ago when in bard luck II.
Whitman of Portland, left hit wiiS for
parts unknown. There had been no
trouble.between them. Mrs Whitman
waited a long time snd finally deter
mined to get a divorce from her husband,
bits wens to San Jose. Calif., fop ti
' purpose. On a recent dav at 11 o'clock
she was to go to tbe court bouse and re
ceive the decree from the court. At 0
o'clock she received a letter from her
husband a. Dawson City telling her to
i inin him in tha minAa. ITa Ka.l i.
claims and had aU-nrk it rir-h Kh .1
once stopped proceedings, with only two
hours to spare, and started for Alaska on
""kra'aiT HZ, "
for you that ie a romance.
J W lienthy, the pioneer boot and shoe
man, does tirst-claa work cheap. Call on
tftm, juat north of the Democrat office.
i;i e t j
Weade-r.l SSimMIbc
Kablas Citt, t'ct. 22. With the I)o
pont cup and the word's wing-shot c-lriui-pionsbip
at stal-e, Fred Gilbert, of Spirit
Lake, ia., and I A K Ellio'. of Kai sn
Cily, made pbenrnienal recoHs io their
match today. Uilhert was rbe victor. Out
of 250 birds bot at by tbe two cracks, but
two were mimed Hix fell dead out of
bounds tlliot 79 bints without a
kir, missed bis 8Cth, and bi. 01st and 90tb
birds fe l dad out of bounds. At a shoot
off of 25 birds, Gilbert woo with a clean
H.I at Ik. Head
New Yobk. Oct. 22. Buasel Sge
U'ake an emphatic and soeebe denial of
the report that be is the bend of an oppo
sition pool to buy in tbe Union 1'acihc.
"Tfcere is nothing uncertain about the at
tituue of tou L'oion Pac'ttc affair." Mr.
Gage said. ' 1 tbink it is due to tbe reople
of tbis country that the (toverenment aboold
iret a lair return (or what it save tbe
Union Pacific, and if it shall appear late.
mat sometnina ainerent is right congress
knouiu see tbat it is done.
I.'sw Yobk, Oct. 22. brad.Ueet'
financial review of trade tomorrow will
Liquidation resulting from the recent
speculative excitement snhms to ba oer.
and tbe market bis week displayed more
or less aisposiuon to rally. 1 be tact Ibat
Mr. J P Morgan has arrived in London
aid, according to ail accounts, bas given
out favorable vi rws of tbe situation bere,
is regarded as likely to bave good effect.
B)aM. albauii'a tvr
Cbebaus, Wab., Oct. 22 -He city
council last Tuesday nigbt made the tax
levy for 1897. Tbe arooutt is 16 mills, 7
mills of which is for tbe bond interest
fund 7 for the current fund and two for
the indebtedness fond, fie Wry is tbe
same a. last year. Tb valuation ot tbe
property in the town limits bas been in
creaead about $100,000 over that ot last
year, being now 1531,000.
A rarsser Baatoal
Forkst Grove. Oct. 22. Lart night
about 8 o'clock, two men, disguised with
sacks over their bead, entered the bcuse
of Atutoa Buxton, about ooe and one half
mile, west of bere. and. e-oing to tbe silting
room, tn which Mr and Mr, Buxton were,
mi ue point of revolvers demanded money
'r. Buxton gave them ftf. all be had in the
flevelaa Then
PatKcrro. N J Oct 22 The one
hundred and fifty first birthday of Prirfc
ton university wa celebrated here today.
More than usual interest was manifested
in the commemoration on account ot tbe
preaeece of ex-President Cleveland aad
Lord Aberdeen, goveraxar-geaeral of C
SiawS rra:
Xsw Tona. Oct. 2 The World, this
morning say:
Russell .Sage created s sesaatJon in Wall
street laie Teeterday afternoon byaanoua
cing that be had been invited ty Presi
dent McKinley to form a syndicate to bid
oa the Union Pacific railroad on the ban
of satisfying tbe full goTemrneot claim ia
tbe Union Pacific. Mr. Sage'a repreaea
tative aoaoBDcad last night that be had
received sabscriptiofw for over $75,O0O,CO0
within his aanoaacement.
lemn', Cewc
Chicago, Oct. 21 A Adolpb L Laet
gert, who has been on trial oa a charge of
having murdered bis wife and boiling ber
body ia a vat, beard this morning from the
foreman of the twelve men who bare been
coautienng hi cue foe tin cast 66 boura
to words. "YY are unable to agree opm
a verokt," be was as imperturbable as
ever, evincing no joy.
Tkw re- aMMllaa
Xa-w Osleass, OU. 21. The fever sit
uation improved to sorae extent today.
Where yesterday there bad beea aome 30
case by 1 o'clock, today there were only 17
and at 8 o'clock tonight tbe number was
43. Yesterday afternoon's record wa of
six deaths; today at nightfall there bad
bee bat two fatalitie reported to the
board of health.
PrjrDurro. Oct. 21- Tne grand jury
exploded a bomt. today which bas been ia
preparation for soma time. aaJ ha been
awaited with more or lea anxiety. Frank
X Scbempp, a sailooa keeper, aad Thomas
J Means, formerly tity marabal. were in
dicted for rambling. Poker wa th trou
ble ia each instance.
A BUg Oriaae
MAbart). Oct. JI A au patch from
Leyte, Pbtlippia ulanda, car, that place
ha been almost devastaied ty a cyclooe.
(baa uiaey iwrtoos have been killed aad
tbat toe damage to property i iscaJcul
ble. The cyclone deetrrved the towns of
Tsiuba and fderDani. ba th pJaaa of
lyte. as well aa aererat viUagea. it la ea
timtted ibat 400 persons text their live a
j throogh the diaattex. "
Ttt BraePy lefiew Fever
Sew Oblrax, Oat- 9X All previouf
records a to ic w raaen were Uoka today'.
Krty in tbe eveou.,-, H pew csje had
bea entered oa the bout of th board.
At the same time there bad bean six death
These bad all occurred daring the early
morning hoars, aad it was characteristic
nfth day' events that, althougn there
bad been an deaths reported up to 7 o'clock
so one bad occurred since neon.
Stlg Caterry
WAsewoTOwQct: SO. Silver dollars
ars nuanag from tbe' treasury tbat mt
oamber tooasaad. Treasurer Kobert
bas employed experts to fcinV piece by
piece tbe 100,000,000 which ought to be
tn ths rauitx.
Berantiy the coin as ccaaul by U,
weighing process, but Roberta will not
give a receipt to bis predecessor, Morgan,
until be know toe full extent of th rob
bery, which be suspects baa been carried
on tor some time.
aVrreascel Far Fargrerr
Pisdletox, Oct. 20. Walter Stone, a
young maa sccused of fcrging and cashing
a number of checks in wla' WiHa,- w
arreeted her, tonight. Ween searubrd ?5
cherks, al for f J, drawn on tbe Pendlerqa
Savings bank, signed by J (J Ji ickbola,
ana maa payaots to unari roster, were
rouna in bis poteion. Btone went into
the. bank early this afternoon sad carried
away a pad ol blank checks.
Arrested far harae asealkmg
Osbooh Crnr, Oct 20. Charie Thorn p
or. Alts 0 Dreicksen. and Richard
auowen, were arreatea last ptgbt by pe-
putv cuerut tsom. oa id Charge of tal
ing bones, lbe otnoer bad been trailing
toe men several aaya, and most of last
night had passed before be had tha infor
mation be wanted, aid Ircked up both the
prisoners, ioaxy tne piTOner were ar
raigned oa seperate chargo in Justice
Schuebel's court, and both men pleaded
Silver Claa t a
New Yobk. Oct. 20 .The nrlca nf Kar
uiver ia ixmdon rose 3-16 of a penny today
to27 pence; in Hew Yon th prise
roaq cent to ou4 cents, ibis carries
tbe price above the rally of September 20,
when it west to L9 1 maos in lmlon ami
uvra cents n r ew jori, loctay s pnees
21, when it was 27 7 16 pence in London
and 59 oenls in isew Yof x.
Federal Iatexfr.a. .
Xsw YORK. Oct. 20. General Reniamin
F Tracr. candidate for miwir- Sa-iir,
of the Interior Cornelius N Bliss and
Governor Black addressed an audience of
loOQ P00' l tnceting tonight in Leno
Stop that Cough! Take warnlns-. Ti
mav lead to Consumntion. A rJV, Kniti.
of Shiloh's Cure mv ave your life. Sold
"j r usoay r aauu.
of Robt. Glass, in Crawfordsville, Ore-
w " evening, tctoher
30th. 1887. Mr. John E.-Smith and Miss
Ella M. Kewton, both of Crawfords
. villa. .
WETZEL ASCIIE. On October 17
1897, st the residence of J. F. Aeche!
In Syracuse precinct, by Rev. H. Ha
gist, Mr. -j. ). Wetrel and Miss Lvdia
M. Ascfas, two ot Linn county's most
worthy young people.
Tbey have tU beet wishes of many.
POWELL. On Saturday, Oct . 1897.
w San Bernardino, Cal ., to Mr. and
Mrs. Horse Powell, s girl.
Ik P U
U k y All II 111 1
in till i ii "v i n u i ii i i i ii 1 1
r a it i i I m i
III 11 V t I I 1 I i II 11 1 INI I VI 1 II
m fi
B:4lll.wrvTT-4H tfrrt-t at rsi-a I H
Eavnrfr. r - yjyaa
it : wfejxrm
Be sure to get M
mm . rsew ifio
ffvgg Five tMm
Ml Cent Ipl
jfiJ Piece , TM
fJt ? Toe titM of tha EYe-cent piece of PipCT llr-.i- Ljfjiv'Li
jJSTfJ ' sieck Tobacco baa bea aalarged forty per Jh1!5f
cant. Kedoced coat of production permit tin .JP
11 increai. qsaiity and flaroc better tfcaaerer )
vlOOKevrard HOC. ,?7rSTTT Ttt
Toe reader of tbis paper aiil be p eaaei
to learn that there is at least one dreaded that science ha been able to car
ia all its stages, and that is Catarrh.
Ball's Catarrh Cure is the only positive
cur known to he medical fraternitv.
Catai rh beJog a constitutional diseaai., re
quire a coostitu'Ional treatment- Hall
Catarrh cure is taken interBa'iy, v:ng
directly upon tb blood and mncoo sur
taoea of the idea, thereby destroying the
foundation of the ditea, aad giving th.
patient strength by building- op the cob
solution and aasiating natnre tn doing its
work. Tbe proprietor have so mocb faith
ia it curative poarers, toat tbey cffr One
Hundred Dollar for any cat that it fails
o cure. Send fnr !M of testimonials,
Addreas. F H CHENEY k C J. Toledo, O.
S ld by Drusnti "ic
Hall s Family Pills are the fc-t.
Magnolia tlcyatorg.
The undersigned bave rented tbe
Magnolia Elevators at tbe west end of
First street. Albany Oregon, at the ap
proach to the steel bridge, and will eoj
duct a general grain warehouse boaineae.
Person wishing to stare or eeii wheat
or oats will do we!l to see us before mak
ing their arrangements. Ed Goivs.
W. U Taxes
S. E. Yotsg.
Regardless or Cost.
-u!ia Gnd wohl in'eods to g oat of the
crockery and glassware business, going- in
to aome other line of bu-ineat, aad heaoe
wiJ set bis good of this kind regardlea
of cost. When jou ci snd get his prices
ion will be convinced that be mean btai
neas, and wilt believe what be ears
J. GradnroLl
Inform the general public that he
eeii as low as anybody intbeoty tor
cash. Come and get prices before vou bay
April lt,lff97. J.ukadwohl.
Mr sic. Mies Milord Saraeeter
teacher of piano or organ. Srtm the
Mason touch and technique. ' Residence
Fifth street, ipjxite U P church.
verro4r Sara S-a.
Cacarets Caadr Cathartic tbe most woa
dertul tutnix-ai ii-o err of the ae, peas
ant and refrv-ahme to the taete. act pestiy
tnd posilirHj oa atdueys. bver and boweia.
ckaastnir the entire avsteta. dispel raids,
cum lieadaoite, lever, habitual rocsijpaiioa
and bl'loiisness. Plewe buy and trr a box
ofC.CCWMt,T;a,ASOtis. bokiaod
gvar x-l t cure by ail draggista.
You Car Buy
-t .
More sad Better ?
groceries, provisions, giaware, ct.-.erv
ware, lamps, wooden ware, tinware, havd
sare, stoves, etc, for
of F K Allen A Co than elsewhere.
"Romona" Baking Powder
A pure cream tartar pQwdti
To latest and beat.
UoaE9 ro Sals. Eight head of
Western h or jot, at I C Ad tins 'Pasture
twi mile east of Albanv. looaire ot A B
azjrrta, ainaay, or at r. Aatins. .
Price op wheat are advancing hut prior
Hn groceries, hardware, stove, tin ware.
glass ware, crcckery, etc are still very low
ana quality ueuer tcaa ever at
F E Aixxx A Co'
Tbat dean sharp effect oa our printing
ie K . .4 hv k itonrint. ttnar A imm wa-
ud hj Qftinff titt be$t reaterim, still thi
pricAuno higb-tr thu tha otber kiw4.
gH !tM IL. aU-a
Take Lvxaliv. Bromi Quiutn Taolsea.
AU Druggiats refund th money ff It fail
to (.Dr Si 3.
xvti - V " v WWU. .u-jr wvief
dinners, and to and buy one ot ihoe rite
new cwa eiove. ut tuo oiewan A OCX
Hardware Co.
For Iifants and Children.
mmmmm-mmmmmmmm Aa,
swa a iisiv7 m -tv vvrtuu m Vrv I ivaAA
Hood' tfarsaoarilla baa cured of scrotal.'
catarrh, dtspepsie, rheumatism, weak
nerves.or some other form of impure blued
Hood s Pills are tbe only pill to take
with Uood'sSajraanarilla. (ii-m all
Eilarat. Tear Wltt .-...
aAh,5ri!c! PotllP' torever.
-i v,. v. iuii. trrainr"--etuaj aiotier
Him.od Ss the new "disnlav of
cutlery at the Stewart & Sox Hardware
uo s store. If you will call you wi.l sav
mat it is tne nneet you ever saw.
4 h. Ik
All DtugiiU refund tbe tuouey If 't fall.
el.. .1 r
A Laundr Nuict-
UkUUUIJ p - v'-' " "
work done without paying exorbitant
prices should patronize the Albany
cieam twuu' j .. -- "-i-;
regularlv five of the beet hand irooere on
tn coasa .u. uu
waists, and ten cents is the highest price
charged for sny of these articles. j
Toe reader 'of tbl paper .iU be p'-eateJ I I I I I ; I 7 Hv I I
crvtu ths cHoica o
Lowest Bates to all
Eastern Cities
Ocean Steamer s Leave
Portland Every 5 dajs
Steamers monthly from For,
lan4 to Yokohoma and Hong
Kong; via, The Northern Pa
cific Steamship Co. in con---nection
"arith O R an4 N
For rail iaior-eatioa 041
CcaaASi & Mos-ranrK. A:boy.
SB annas:
Qbxl, Pas. .Ass
Po.IaBd g.
Southern Pacific- Co.
QautdTaua txm ms Ttabas . FenieBe faBy
SO r- a. I L
a Ar
irttiit a
Above trains stop at a'ioa be
tween Portlaai aal Saleai Tar
aer, Maricaa, Jelrf-on Aibane
Tangent. Shedd. HaUey &a:e
Cottage Grove, Drain, OakUsd and all
stations from Roeeburg iM'h to and is
ctading Ashland.
sj a a t L
UStra I Lv
kfB far
AT '
L I rjr
carv Let I Jfca ;
, U a r
Laav. AtKav (or Uawwa T a
Amve at Albaav fnw Lseajjea tH . a
Laav. Aibaay toe Letaama rra
Amveat Albaayrroa Lec a I?,
Leare Albanv for Woodbora ti, Waaatbar
braork ltl5
Arrive at Aibaayrroea aodban Jir
Lean AlkaAT far K;ra SiW r
Arvlat Aibanfann Saeia I sid
i ? '- r
Dininwr Cars on Odsn Rout
anaehaa ta atl Tarvaah TvaJas
eVaa : MvMaa.
snwru raBTESJia asa' tasiaf M
Sui V. an,t(XxcptSwaay
UOI r I Ar
ar I ur r
t) I L
Buriiaa I
uA a
Direct coaaaisttcm at va rvwaelm vlth OceM. ,
ritatal aad PaciSe aai atwaataht. aa.
PAN aad CHINA Sailing tea oa appiKaUoa
atea and ttcktta iipt, aad Rarep ,
l J 1 tj VLFaad ACsTR -ea
t. thuittd ba - tk fBSS. Aat
. aocwLKa
Port' and Oregit.
, Vea r P A
t TlaDl Bfaaas,
. -4 OSSICNS. "
i.von. aeadiag a sketrk and dorlpia siajr
uVlcl Mwertaiik free, ahttier aa Iev!! u 4
, mbAblv itatantabla. CnmunttKm. ptm-ii
rxuHdeottal. oideet aaauev (tvaKutai aataata
la AiBrnc Wa bava a Waehina-tL'. XSc.
Patenta takaa ttuvoKa atuua a Co. saoaiv.
spueial Dolca to tha
baaatlfnliv- utuarratad. Urxeet dmhutoa of
am aMaatlrw toumal. waaAlT.tavmeSAgu a ,a,
SLJu iu V BKMiiha. erwmim otXHea and UAxa
Book fitmm aaat ttaa. nilraaa
3At Braadwav. Naw York.
The motoi on tbe Albany street rail-
wav wil connect promptlv with an train
to and from tb depot, day and night.
Special trips win be oaue at special
ates. . 1. 1 Uokx, conductor.