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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1897)
ciuortat. TERMS. Daily Democrat, 25 cents per month $3.00 per advance, 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over 3 months. Single copies 5c. Weekly. $1.25 n advance; 11.50 at end of year; $1.75 for second year; $2.00 foi third and proceeding years, when not paid m advance. Club of five new eubscri tor fo.OO. $1.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. K5cts buys one doien steel Violin 1st or 9nH MnniM $25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine ; high arm, light running ; guaran teed 5 years. aST Prices on Pianos, Organs, Banjos oat on application. Special lot of muslin underwear received direct fro manufacturer at prices that defy competition. See the display in He east show window and come ii side and tee the goods. S.E. Young & Son. $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book $5.00 bays a good new Guitar with book. Rii.ii la $1.00 bays 16 choice "cat gut strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice' strings. 'cat gut" Violin E Syracuse. E. U. Will Albany. READ, PEAOOCK & CO. Albany Or. xou win una in our stock of winter weather goods such as Blanatets, Yarn Gloves, - Umbrellas, vt j Hose, Underwear, Macintoshes. Capes and Jackets. Plenty to select from. . An up-to-date assort merit and as low as the lowest "Your trade solicited. .HEAD, PEACOCK & CO. Albany, Ogn. Special sale at the Ladies Bazaa r of fancy covered down sofa cush ions at 50 cents each for three days, Monday, Tuesday ana Wednesday . ORCUIT COURT. Hamphrey & Berrikan agt the Evan gelical cnurcn ot Waterloo, Ur; confirm' atiwi. Sale confirmed. J M Pierce agt H J Hand ; motion for present anerin i0 make deed. ; Deed or dered made. For trial : Oregon act Samnel Nixon : escneat. State of Oreson act Samnel Nixon : es cheat proceedings. Verdict for plaintiff ior a.xu.ou Q F Simpson & Co agt D M Cooper: recovery monev : attachment. Judgment ior piainun. At Alexander aet John Cunnmsham ana a. utrss ; recovery money ; attach menr. Settled. E E Davis agt John Harder; ejectment suit, settiea. R W Conn agt Joe Teske ; recovery money; attachment. This was a suit for board. Defendant et up counter claim against the father of the plaintiff, claim ing that he was boarding with him and not with the plaintiff. Tried by iurr: A Blevine, Scott Ward, H C Miller, H Y Kirk patrick, Geo Cum mings, Grant Bel linger. Thos Follis.G V Kn rrin. K Erixnn. Chaa Kirk, W3 Guyer, A L Richardson. Attorneys, Kelly & Uurl for plaintiff, Weathe. ford & Wyatt for defendant. The iurv brought in a verdict for tha defendant. x. lJavia agt John Harder; eject- Jieni sail, wregon Mtge (Jo substituted tor defendant. L Funn, as receiver of the A W M Co, a corporation aet Adam Grant, et al. partners under firm name of Mornhv. Grant &Co; recovery mooey; attach ment. Settled. R L Saoin agt J G Gross ; recovery of money: attachment. Uonunaed rend ing settlement. ugene O'Connel azt H II Backensto and wife; recovery of money. Judg ment ana oraer to sell attached property. W J Van Schuvver A Go aet T V and J W Blew; recovery money. Continued. r Lm Holmes agt M T Moore and L Blain; recovery money; attachment lodgment and order to sell attached property. S IShore aet E J anJ S E Daly; re covery money; attachment; Judgment by default and order to sell property. Martha Smith agt M Hoflich and J L Ingram; recovery money; attachment Settled. WHEAT. A litt.e of a slump today, but it prom, isea to go up again. Liverpool 2 cents lower. New York 96 cents. . Chicago 934 cent. San Francisco 89 cents. Albany 71 cents. Installation Service. The case oi the f-tate against Samuel Nixon, ex. of the Costello estate, asking that $10,000 in his hands no t distributed, escheat to the stale was on trial with the following jury : L H Fisher, Z L Tom linsjn, 11 Snyder, E Erixon, Chas Kirk, Lon Stone, S L Jones, Thos Folii", A L Richardson, G V Kutnp, W G Gayer, J 1 B Barker. The attorneys are S L Hay den, H C Watsoa and Anderson Cannon for the state, and Wcilherford & Wyatt and Blackbarn & So uers for the defend ant. The grand jury brought in a true bill agt Jaa Blackburn, charged with assault with a dangerous weapia on Wm Maher. At 9 o'clock this morning the defend ant plead noiguilty and the trial of the ease was set for 1 o'clock this a fternoon. After investigating the case the dis trict attorney consented to a plea of guilty of a simple assault, which was made by the defendant, and sentence will be pronounced tomorrow at 9 a. m. The attorney in e.nne:tion with his statement said that it was' the intention of the defendant to leave the county. In the case of the state against the ex ecutor of the estate of Mary J . Costello, who died in 1887, brought to escheat the sum of about $10,000 left after the pro visions of the will of the deceased had been saiiefied, be jury this morning brought In a verdict in favor of the state. The defense was conducts J in the inter est of the claimants to the money re maining in the hands oi the eiecutjr. The verdict is a declaration that they are not legal heirs. Mr. Nixon as execitor did not content it. He appeared with his attorneys Weatherford & Wyatt simply to protect the interests of the trust in hi hand?. For the purpose of disposing of the money properly he had made a trip to England to ascertain if there were any legal beirs to the estate. J. M. Someis attorney for the claimants gave notice that be would file a bill of exceptions, and was given until Nov. 22 to file the same. Circuit court convened at 9 a m with Judge Burnett on the bench. The following grand jury was chosen Geo C Stanard foreman, Walter E Yates, Henry Klnm, G C Cotton, Z R Sudd, Samuel Sawyer. W H Warner. A B Woodin and G O Glover were appointed bailiffs. The following business was disposed of beside the usual arrangements for bearing motions, ate. Saah J Elder agt J A McBride, et al ; naatition. Continued. In the matter of the'assignmentof The Ttank ot Oreeon. Continued. James Nanney, et al. agt Lonis D Set tlemire, et a'-, partition. Continued. Laura A Caldwell agt Ella C Caldwell; nartition. Continued. Tha Altman Co (incorporated) art Wm Rchneidei : recovery money. Dismissed without costs. Thna Charman A Son aet W S Sood crass, et al; recovery money. Jndg- hv rlafanlt. S M Newport set 8 Williams, et al Rattled John T Hoffman agt Joseph Bilyeo, et 1- recover money t attachment. Judg ment and nonsuit as to part of defend a na " L Dadee est Perrv Bilyeu, et al ; recoyery money ; attachment. J udg ment and nonsuit as to part of defend' nta John Cummings agt C J & A J PUP'? i recovery money ;- attachment. Settled. ' Frank Keermnn agt J B Stearns; con firmation. Confirmed. E Wills agt Maria and A R Miner: re covery modey; attachment. Settled. 4 C Goodale agt Emil Schneider and F Campbell j recoyery money. Judgment bv default . ., Samuel Nixon aft E J and E T Wil loughby; recovery money; attachment. Judgment by deftult. Isabel McNeil agt J Hand Jas Thomp son; leave to issue execution. Contin n1 for service. E F Sox agt Geo H Warren ; recovery jaw Tn si arm Ant hv default W E McPherson agf Agnes M and W B Gilaon : recovery money : attachment. Seti led. JSVanWinkle agt J L Ingram; re covery money ; attachment : bettled. M Cunningham, admr, agt L Douglas; recovery money. Judgment Dy aeiauit G W Wright agt D F West; recovery monev. Judgment by default. D P Miller act E H Rhodes; recovery money Continued In the matter of the assignment of L E Blain. Continued. Chas Atschulagt Wm Slavens; re ov er viand. Continued. Robert Harrison et al agt. John Har rison. Recoyery money. Continued for service. Peter Schlosser agt T H DeCew ; con firmation. Sale confirmed. Rev. Curtis R. Stevenson will be form ally ordained as a minister and installed as pastor of the United Preeterian church tonight, services beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Following is the program : Voluntary, Mies Burm ester. Psalm. Scripture reading, Rev H F Wallace, DD. r Prayer, Rev G E Henderson. Anthem, choir. Sermon, Rev. T J Wilson . Anthem, choir. Address to -Congregation, Eev H L Hood. Address to Pastor, Rev G E Hawes. Ordination and Installation by the ?rsbytery. Doxology. Benediction. Deatn ot W. R. Munkers. At his home, four miles east of Saiem, at9:3C p. m., Fri lav, October 22, 1897, W, B. Maskers, died, aged 76 years. Decease! is an old pioneer of Marion county, coming across tbe plains in 1846, locating on a farm east of this city.where he has since resided. Deceased leaves nine children, five daughters and four sons, his wife pre ceded him to the grave in January, 1886. The children are Benjamin Munkers, of Montana; James P Munkets.of Wash ington ; Frank Munkeis, Msrion couutv ; Samuel Munkers,- Polk county; Mrs Anna Hayter, Fresno, Cal; Mrs Fannie Herren. Salem Prai-ie; Mia Kate Herren, of The Dalles: Mrs E Walker, of Salem Prairie, and Mrs Joaie Johnson, Salem Prairie. Thiee brothers also sur vive deceased-via: benjamin and Thomas Munkers, ui i..nn count), and J M Marion county. Mrs Jane McDonald, oi L.on county, and Mrs Lix- sie Eates, of Sleu Prairie, are sisters of the deceased. Ot tbe party that crossed tbe plains with the Munkers brothers, still living. are W B David, Ben and lames Simps n, and David Uutbrie. Journal. Syracuse, Oct. 26, 1894. Editor Democrat. As the correspondents fiom this cor ner of the county are taking a rest I will send in a few squibs. Jeff Crell has finished docking hit big lot ot.wood and is awaiting the arrival of the first steamboat. P W Haley and family bare moved to his Polk county farm, except Orion who ia left to run the ranch in hls county. S F Crooks finished baling straw a few days since. Quite a good many farmers have plowed and sown a large area of fall grain dry, but we are blessed with plenty of rain now. A J Zimmerman hat erected a com modious woodshed and machinery barn. Mr John Tweedia who left here four ytars ago for Maine arrived back a few days ago to make Oregon hii home. Wm Bowman is erecting a fine wind mill since his arrival lrom Coos Bay. Three of our bright young lads went down to Salem on a pleasure trip a few days since on their wheels. After taking in the sights in the capital city they mounted their wheels for home. As it is against the law to ride a wheel in Sa lem after night without a lantern, tbe youths soon ran against a policeman who took tnem back to the city nan and gave them a new start. For particulars in quire of Bert and John Crooks and Chris Jenson. Mr John Congers little hoy who has been so low with pneumonia and scarlet lever is slowly recovering. une week ago last Sunday a vonns gentleman arrived at tne Dome ot bis best girl. On being informed that she was spending a few days in Albany with her sister, he spent a good part of the afternoon in riding around with tbe girls brother, then getting the loan of the rig, setting tbe kid afoot, going to Albany at a break neck speed and in a short time arrived back with the fair one, where her smiles had greeted him every Sun day evening for almost a year. Tbe young gentlemaa is at present batchiog, but the indications lead us to believe that he is thinking of changing his mode of living. Mr Graham picked all of his hops and dried the same in fine snaps. Ike Miller Jr made his annual round with his wood saw. A couple of Syracuse's most popular young people ere united in marriage on the 17th in Albany. Those mostly in terested were Mr Edward Wetxel and Miss Lydia Aacbe. Ed opened up his heart to the serenade party, after they had broken out several Danes of arises . Good luck to you. Y. B. J. Oatville. $2000- 1 1 says "Look at me." "Try me." Money-back says Schillings Best baking powder and tea are because they are money-back. Mrs Mary E Smith of Tacoma ia viait- iting frienda here. tale we were in Tangent last week we bade good bye to our friend "Young America," he will start to Californiajeoon. Bon voyage. Our prune grower took their dried fruit to Tangent last week and put it on tbe cars, they bad almost two ear loads. Ed Davis was on the road with his binder last week. However we learned that ne wae cot looking tor a job of har vesting out was taking bis binder to a shed to store it away for the winter. Mr Ike Jones will soon start to Sooth- era Oregon to look for gold He will be accompanied by Alfred Blevins. 1 be young men of this communuv. (the hoodlum element) make a practice ol gathering on the hill near tbe church about two hours before the session of the babbatb evening prayer meet'eg and while tbey arw waiting tbey practice pro fanity and a few of them not satisfied with prolan ity and Sabbath breakinr. slip around and throw clnba and gravel against A Y Smith's residence. imitb keeps a small stock of goods which he finds scattered over the floor, lie is a law abiding man and a very conscientious observer of the Sabbath and will try to have the laws executed. . Boys, you who respect roar parents be careful and shun bad company and yon will not bring disgrace npon tbetn and yourselves. Remember the "Golden Rule." Stop and think before doing an unlawful act. Ask yourself it you would like to be treated in this manner, and again baa Mr Smith done you any harm? If he bas go to him lide a man and tell hiui of it and tben if be don't make it' right use tbe law. A niot to the wise is sufficient. Lima Roes Bn. What is the missing wordr-not SAFE, although Shilling's Best baking powder and tea are safe. Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out the ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket in tlie tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st. Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket ; after that only one word for every ticket. If only one person finds the word, that person gels f jcco.oo ; if find it, I2000.00 will be equally divided among them. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest Those sending three or more in one envelope will receive an 1898 pocket calendar no advertising on it These creeping babies and pocket calendars will be different fi om the ones offered in the last contest Better cut these rules out. 81 Address: MONEY-BACK, SAN FRANCISCO. MAT SCDTT NEARLY DROWNED cattle buying expedition Matt Scott of this city was While on a yesterday Mr. nearly drowned in tbe Santiam near Jef ferson . He was on horse back when the animal got into deep water, and it was only after a deperatt struggle that Mr. Scott saved himself. The horse wss drowned and the saddle lost. Mr. Scott was taken to tne home of Mr. Geo. De- aney. where he was well cared for. and hT .... . . an ettort is being made today to nod tbe norse and saddle. It is reported to have oeen a very close call for Mr. Scott, WHEAT. It continues to 1 In Liverpool 1 e. lowrr. In New York lie higher, 97 c. In Chicago 1 e higher. 94 c. n ban t rancisco 84 Sc. I In Albany 71c Visible increase in bushels. supply 4,000,000 Driver on tbe Sound. Murphy was the Star. Speaking of the Standford-Reliance foot ball game of Saturday, in which Stanford won, C roach Brooke said : ine star features 01 tbe came were aiorpny 's brilliant runs." Tbe Ubrooide says : Tbe feature of the game was the kick ing and tbe little quarter of Staudisid was tbe star. He's a natural born doJger. The small boy had aisco up Murphy ot Stanford, after his great run of forty yards yesterday, when be circled the right end of the Reliance team and slip ped through the fingers of every man. ex cept Carter, who made a fair catch at the extreme ride line. In tbe Reaction Park standi 20u0 people were standing up aod bowling with delight. It was such a run as makes famous tbe ridiroa star and tbe little quarter fairly earned the ap plause which come from field, stand and covered seats. It was not his first or hut run. cither. With a desperation worth t of a match game be wan at tbe trick of running all the time md once ajram took tbe same distance before being downed. But it was not alone the running that was the cause of tbe shooting. The way Murphy went in and out among the big men. with a sport when it was necessary and a duck or a twist when called for. was enough to set sut foot ball crowd cheering, and the one at the second game between tbe club and varsity wa not lacking in entbnaiaatn. Powo the field like a man who sees his chance to get a free seat at a show tbe little quarter would dash with the pick at his beels to bead him off. Murohv is a mnch prettier punter than Wyckoff.'aod wita the sane judgment in placing his kicks, be will easily outrank any one now playing here. of Ths Snips Siasos. This is the time of year when tbe fest:ve snipe is supposed to put in an appearance. 1 he best way to catch them is in sacks, by lantern light, at night. Willie Harris and some of the boys opened tbe season Saturday night. With a lantern in front of him Will held the sack, and waited lor tbe snipe while the other boys drove tbem np. tie patiently continued bis part 01 the hunt until bis fingers got cold, when he left the field south of tbe city. Not a snipe put in appearance. A Bad Fall. Mrs Dr W S Miller yts terday was descending from the U P church after the morning service when sbe fell three or four steps to the side walk below. Sbe was picked up and taken to tbe home of the Dkmockat man. A bone in her right arm was broken, her nose badly bruised and one shoulder strained. As she is seventy-seven years of age the accident is a serious one for her, but having a strong constitution she will pull through all right. Tbe name of tbe S;io paper is now The santiam news. Wray k Kingsley, of Portland, have opened a marble shop on Fir it steet, near rer Rev. Driver hat berun a aeries mous or addresses in Taima. "Although a mident ot Oregon, said Dr Driver to a Ledger man." I have alwats been a great believer in tbe future of Pa get Sound. In February, 1874, 1 delivered a lectire on the Pacific coast to Horaos Greeley's club in Cooper's Institute. I then predicted that in suo years tbe biggest aty on tbe earth woa'd ttand oa Puget Sound. Joseph fjook in bis lertare on 'l itimate America,' put it at 200 years. "The New York ron aaid 'stop; you're 100 lar rrom ew ior.- 1 answered we are no fuitber from New York than New lork is from us. aj rrienas in oreson say. 'why are you alwajs talking up Pag Sound '!' 1 tea meet 1 musi be nonen 10 my convictions, no matter what ne cot. qofnees may be." 1 be doctor will confer a favor on Oregon 11 oe win move to mat country. A loeso Sals Tramp. From the Journal : Jeff Waymire, the 15 year old eon o' r red Way mire, formerly of Ibis city but now residing near San Francis co, alighted from tbe blind baggage ot inesoutn oouna overland last night, alter an absence of exactly seven months. On March 23 last Jeff left Salem going directly to Denver, Colo., where he found employment washing dishes. Tbe young Salemite viaited Leadville and other p-nnts in the vicinity of Denver. ue leu ior eaiem aoout two weeks ago and succeeded in working his wsy tbe entire distance. This youthful "Knight 01 100 roau maae tue entire trip by train and did not pay a cent for trans portation. Arriving ic Salem last nieht he learn. ed that his parents had removed to Call lornia ior wbicn place be will leave in a few gays, proposing to ride the blind baggage or the brake-beams the entire distance. Sucb pluck and perseverance applied in a proper way would be productive ot a successiui lite. erry. 34 to 0. That was the score by which the Albany College boys were defeated Dy tbe u a u etevsa. In loot ball that Is not a very bad beat, for tbe boys declare that they made tbe farmers rustle for every foot they gained. Tbe team had absolutely not practiced outdoors at all and only once on tbe signals Once dur ing tue game tney came within four feet of scoring, when tbe ball was carelessly uroppea. Rev. E. A. Ross, the evangelist, was in tbe city today on his way to North Yakima. He bas just closed a series of meetings in uamsburg. Mrs. D. Mansfield, a former oioneer resident of Albany , bas been in tbe city en a rt 1 . a visit, air. jnansneia was one 01 the county's first county clerks, and was afterwards secretary of. the Albany Farmers Company for a good many year". Mr. F. M. French's forty-fifth birth day was remembered in a verv pleasant manner last Saturday evening at bis borne In the first ward. A number of friends spent the evening with him, and were enterta' ,d royally. Progressive crockinole va. tbe principal game and a delicious lunch was served. His friends generally win wisn mm forty nve more as pleasant birthdays. A nurse in tbe Portland Hospital writes as follows to an Albany relative about Rev. Longbottom, who is in the hospital for treatment: Tbe Rev. S. F Longbottom bas been a patient since Sept. 2nd. H;s physician is Dr. Brown who sars be is getting along very well His trouble is nicer ot tbe stomachs. He only weishs 90 pounds. He is able to sit np only a very little at a time and is very low in spirit. Inhn P Mc aTanns. editor of tbe Peodle tan Rannblican. was indicted Saturday and arrested last evening, charged with printing s criminally hbelousarticle attack ing Homer 11 nauocK, buiuh ui wo xny nne, in the issue of September 10 last THOSE TAYLOR SISTERS. The papers of been full of the affair about tbe Taylor sisters under their father. Dr. Taylor, danciog in Skagnay for $15 a night. Tbe Telegram further says: A friend of the Taylor family requests the Telegram to say that Mrs. lay lor knew notbing 01 the visit ot ber husband and her daughters to Skaguay till she was apprised of that fact in the columns of this paper. That friend adds that when Taylor and bis two little girls left here, Mrs. Taylor remained at home, and was given to understand tbat ber talent ed children were to be exhibited in the Sund cities and towns. The subject or a visit to tbe dreary Alaska region was never broached. Hence when Mrs. Tai lor was informed, through tbe medium of this paper, what the lot of her little girts was, it is stated that she became prostrated with grief, aad Bailed on the first steamer tbat subsequently lelt fur Alaska to bring ber children home. Mrs Taylor is spoken of as being a very good and exemplary woman, whom no sum ot money could influence to allow her daughters to exhibit in such a place as a kaguay variety 'theater.' Tbe Eugene Gua-d justifies the whole boeiiMa as follows: If Dr. N. J. Tsylor bad paid several hundred dollars for advertising be could not have secured such notoriety as. is given bits free by the Portland pre. We believe, however, Dr. Taylor baa not receired justice. His daughters have often appeared before the Portland pub lic, and we cannot comprehend wbv Dr. Tsylor should be so severely censored for allowing them to do in Skaguay what was considered proper ia Portland. It is a distinction without a difference. IV. Taylor ia a poor man. and so long as the girls are allowed to appear on the stage we fall to reaUae why they should not be allowed to make I'.O in Skaguay, where tbey could make 10 cents in Portland by their talent. We do not believe Dr. Taylor ah on Id be too hastily condemned. CITY COUNCIL. Tuesday evening, Oct. 28. Present Maror Burkhart, Recorder Henton, Chief of Police Lee, Street Su perintendent Westfall and Oouncllmen Tweedale, Dannals, Hopkins, Hogue, Dickey aud Martin. The following bills were ordered paid: P W Spinas, $18 30; Martin Ludwig, 85, 8 W Reece, $1 60; N J Hentou, l4 75. . The reports of the treasurer and record er were found correct. Complaint was reported tbat there were several closets in the First wsrd not connected with sewer. The matter was continued. The street and public property com mittee reported the progress on the 9th strtet improvement, and recommended the use of the timbers taken from the bridge, for water to pass under. Pipes were recommended across Montgomery street just north of the 8. P. track, also tbat bridge be cleaneJ. The three re commendations were adopted. The sidewalk opposite the Trumbull p-operty in the 1st ward was ordered lowered to grade wilbin ten days. Councilman Hogue askel for a com para live statement by tbe recorder of the expenses this year and for several years. Plan an1 specifications for a new city jail were presented by the Albany Iron V orks, and discussed without action. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL McKee, of Lagrande, ia ia the iwyer.f A Crook County Mine. William Wg!e bas informed the Crook Couotv Journal tbat Professor Hurley, at one time conductor ot an as say office in uewistoo.Idaho, bat lor the last ten vears a prospector in eastern Oregon, has struck what he claims to be tbe third largest body 01 gold bearing ore in tbe known wor.d. Tbe find ia in the Camp Creek country, in Crook county, about do miles lrom moevtiic, and is in the neighborhood of the "silver wells" ot eight or ten years ago. The ore is free mining, sou, porous roc a. iowjp 130 feet wide, aod bas been traced lor a mile and a half. The professor claims to have burned and panned out as many aa 500 "boms" of the ore, and every horn' gave ftm 10 to 20 color. He estimates tbat tbe rock at five feet lrom the sui face contains 120 a t"n in gold. Tao others are interested in the discovery, ex-Representative A. B. Webdell and J. J. fans, ibis is tne urst puoiic inti mation of tbe find, but if tbe discovery is half what Prblessor Hurley claims it is, there will be 1000 men in tbe Camp Creek rouotrv before tbe idee of Decem ber, and there will be emu an, it it were equally divided, to make tbem all rich. ObDIIXIO AXD INSTALLED. At Hie V. . church last night in the presence oi a large audience Rev. Unrtis li. Stevenson was formally ordaioed as a minister auo installed as pastor of the Albany church. by tbe Presbytery of Or-g.m. Kev. T. J. Wilson d reached the oruiuaaon sermon. Key. Ueo. fc. uawea, 01 l ortianu, Deliv ered the address to tbe pastor and Kev ii. L. flood, of Sthedd, tbe address to tne congregation. Neat souvenir programs were distributed, with a picture ot tbe church on the first page. v The Lin-col Coc.vtt Casb At last a decision bas been reached by tbe Supreme court in the case orougnt in uncoin county to decide how tbe county officers of tbat county are to get their pay . Tbe decision el the lower court was amrtnea. which means that tbe officers will re ceive fees. and not a salary This was under an act ot ,1893, which the court construed meant tbat fees and not a salary shout 1 be paid in tbat county. Rev. city. Sirs. Dr. Pril of &cio. was in the citv last evening. A. A. Tossing. Brownsville's bas been encoding court. lodge Walton, Eugene's pionevr law yer, was in the city yesterday attending court. K. IT. Scott, who recently died al Wood burn, left property valued at 152.- 500. County Commiaatoner Waters is at Staytoa superintending ths repairing of tne Bridge at mat city E. S. Irving of Albany, bas accepted a position in David Link's shoe store. Eugene Register. Mr. Pogue. a nephew of Mr. Andy Hunt, is ia the city the guest of Mr. fiuut His borne is la Illinois. Rev. U. L. Bars ley. of Oregon HOME AND ABROAD. The Ulaia Company recied another large shipment of atylisn clothing yeater day. See it. Smile) 's clean printing. Romona pure spices . Romona Romona purs extracts . Macintoshes at St Louis Racket store. Try SchUllng'a Bat tM and baalas powder. Shirts and collars a specialty at the Mag nolia Laundry. Boots and shoes a specialty at St Loui Racket store. Underware a leader at the St Louis Racket store. Tbe delinquent tax list for 1895 will ap pear ia the Peopl a Press this week. Will ft Sta k always have la stock latwt novelties in all luer of jewelry. Our new line of children! cloaks, sizes from ooe to four ytars hate arrived at the Ladies Bszaar. Yon will always find a fina lis of im elry at Will fc Starka. Do not boy before examining their goods. W hen yon want a choice sbsak. a nice roat or meat of any kind, call 00 Henry oroaers. lie keeps tbe beat, fte beat meata of all kinds aad mod treatment 7at tbe Albany Dressed Beef Company's market jut dwa Second street. Good weight and prompt attend moo. .... .. looMoeryour ways, think before you act, and tben go t Haigbt Bros , where yon will nod a choice atnek of meats of all aiods t order from Too aje bound to be pleased if you order of tbem. As lbs overlani reacted Albaav last nigbt ooe end of the smoking car was d s crrereu to be on are; baring caught from a very hot soe. A stream wss pot oa it from tbe depot hose and it was quickly extinguished. Mr Edward Fore-, rsceatiy from the east, is la Eugene f r the parpoas of se curing a fraaduas for aa electric light plant, which if granted win gin that city tr plants. He will use tbe mrtrr mtem aad make residences a specialty. The first installment of the G C i E freight depot was plaosJ ia pottioa todav opposite tbe baa-gage room, and tbe rrt will follow to morrow. Tbe wbUe will be painted red. Oa Nov. 1st the O C E will take mail to Corvallia oa tb eveoiog train- Tbe I mail will leare the past oce at 5 o'clock. s ui m oe a graii convenience 10 many, f raaMiog our people to answer correspond I race received on the Boon train. 1 Tbe Pendleton Tribune tel bow Geo. Wiboa. woo s e-Bpkmd oa tbe extra j bridge gang oa tbe O R k X Cos llnes.oa oa Fnda) fell S5 feet from a bridaeat H 1- gard aod did not hurt himself aoaciewt to caoM lameoeM. He sprained ooe of bis toes a little but sustained no other injury. Many Cases of New Goods at the Blain Clothing Company's. Seasonable and Nobby Suits for Men. Prelty and Durable Suits for Boys. An elegant line ol Furnishings in the Latest Designs The Best .Underwear for Winter. Stylish Hats and Caps. The Styles and Prices Will Satisfy You. WHEAT. Up all around but here. 2,Hc higher in Liverpool. H4c higher in New York. ISc higher in Chicago. lc higher in San Francisco. Alnany is waiting for a firmer market before responding. It continues at 71 cents. Tbat Stone. Spifccr Chaff. Kprroa Vkhocuat. Since my last writing Spicer bas lost a merchant but bas a bran new postmaster idstead. Mi. Noah Bobioeu now does the stamp licking and other little capers io connection with the mail servke at this place. W W Bailey, our former postmaster, and his estimable wife re moved to Brownsville last week where j they will reengage in the mercantile politi-: business until spring, when Mr B will go cal fame, leas than forty years of age.' ia : 10 Klondike unless be finds something to aaid to b the yoangest bishop in the allay the mining fever from which be ia world. I bow suffsnng. Married, ot tbe residence of J. M. El- The Modus from our community bas liot on Crooked liver 00 Oct. 19. ISvT. !Dot J5'.1" BT writing Mr. J. . Circle aad Mrs, Gladys Severn, i 00 . f eois. and lamiiy have Rev.J.C. Uedgpeth, officiating. gooe to Cottage ttrove. Jaa Maggard JrjuZXZlinY lriead, btn "h tb V' success ana SK?. aLl'V ! hope they will find thei" Klondike. ill c J "I Tbe railroad bridge John Cyrus. PnncTiii. Review. C eek lh-. lh. From tbe Register: Some time ago the Junction City Times published an account of the find ing of a rare stone, by Mr. F. W. A. Crain, of Junction. Tbe stone was of tbe appearance of a mora agate and con tained an outline of a human face, not unlike that usually found in pictures of tonai. 1 tie account was copied lrom paper to paper until tbe Eastern press took it op. and tbe New York World published quite an item about the won derful freak. Eastern scientists have now bad their curiosity aroused and Prof. Thomas Condon of the C. of O. haa. with in tbe past week, received two letters from the East, ose from New York and on from Maaaachnsexts inquiring about "the atone with the reproduction of the lace of Christ on it. recently found near Junction City." The Associated News Boreas is also making inquiries about tbe strange find, aod something of con siderable interest will probably be pub lished before long. The DawocmaT baa a photograph of the stone which may be seen by any one interested. S Bs-is-tsc roc r: emu. r.r8i-S tolo aaiui rose. na;M je sxra sums; t-c- nee. sue (1- Ail 4rci It is Bemakked by those who know tbat the Stewart A Sox Hardware Com pany baa tbe finest diep'as of stoves and rargeeever seen in tbe Willamette ma- ley. Tbey cany tbe celebrated "Jewel ' line and tbey in rile you to call and see them. . A strlish line of fur collarettes, cape. maffa and chi dress sets jot received at tbe Ladies Bauar. Go to F. H. Pfeifler'b for the Best Pacific Coast Oysters. He Keeps Them. The Fair was at one time in an Albany shop. A c xi cert will be given in Eogene by Mr. W. Uifford Nash, asaiated by Mrs. R. C. Brooks, sjprano, Mr. Irving M. Ulen, baritone, Mies Benelta Dorris, pianiste, on November the 6th. at g o'clock in the Congregational church. i . V. Finck. who coached tbe U.of O. of Eogene last ysar ia this year playing with the Keiiaoce team aa captain. I he Examiner goes for bis playing aod de clares tbat be is a iegu:ar pugilist at the business in last aatnrday s game ne nearly twisted Cheaper Murphy's bead off his body. Mr. Mstt Scott arrived home last even- fog alter hi wet experience in the San tiam. His horse instead of beiog drowued ss reported, succeeded in getting out of the water further down the river, and was recovered yesterdsv with tbe saddle. Miss Msrgnetlt Alderson. of this city. the Salem Statesman says, is suggested for the position of teacher ot music for the Oregon achool far tha blind at Sa lem. worth aSO a month with room and board. Also Mrs. Frank Whitman and Miss Beatrice Shellon. A coo Die of fine pictures of a general view of tbe Warm 8priog agency build ings anu tne agent a resiueuce separate. were received today by Mr. J. M. nal eton, and are of particular interest to many. The faces of Agent Cowan and his family appear In one of them. and breakwater. building on the Santiam near here, is progressing rapid ly. Tbe piers of tbe bridge are now ia piace and a construction train is carry ing stone for tbe breakwater. There are now about twenty hands employed on this work. L. A S. The DaxocxAT tomorrow will publish a live letter from the correspondent on observations from a trip atroog the farms. Revival Mektixos. Revival meet- logs will begin at the M . E. church gun- day evening, Oct. 31. Rev. J.F. Naugle, of Portland, wilt be bare on Monday. ov. 1st, tie is now pastor of one ot oar Portland churches. He has been a suc cessful evangelist for several years. He is a man wbo attracts interests wherever be goes by bis pungent and persuasive preaching as well aa by bia personal ec centricities. The public are cor jally in' vited to these services. M. C. Wrat, pastar. Coixiy.e Social. Tbe Y. M. C. A. of the Albany Colleoe wilt have a "Salmon gundi social" next Friday evening in the college ouitding. Admission ten cents. ah cordially invited . Uome. Yocxo Baptists. la tbe Bantist Young People's Union convention at McMinnville Saturday, tbe nominating committee reported the following : For president, G W Swope ; recording tray; DO Williams; corresponding sec retary, O P Cosbow ; statistical secretary, A W Foshay ; .members of the executive committee, i E Donsldson, H E Uuiid; ainuu uasto, I U Ulark; editor ot Pa cific Baptist correspondence, Ralph L Knapp Tbey were elected. Th Pbopkb Thing. The freight deoot of the O. C. & E. railroad is beine raised resdy to be moved on cars to a place near the ticket office. 1uat south of the S. P. depot, ibis will be a great convenience to receivers ol Ireigbt. To Cora Cotutiptstion Vorastor. Take Cs.scArtB runiivrjitiiBPiii. iiia-a-skm It C. C. C. fall to euro, rfruinrixt refund mono MARRIED. BEAM18 HEFFRON. Cora Heffron sister of Mr. Tom Heffron, was mar ried to Arthur Beamls Sunday at t o'clock p. m. at the residence of W. D Pretty man. Rev. Manshardt tied the knot in tne proper style. They have the beat wishes of msny. IjONU LEVERICK. On Mnnd.v morning, Oct. 23, 1807, ia Albany, by I Eugene Register. Judge Geo. D. Barton, Mr. 8. M.Long, ... , suu hubs wauu aevencx, pom oi Syracuse. Hides Stoles. Sixty dollars worth of bides belonging to Sbnlts Bros, were stolen yesterdsv. The matter was placed in tbe bands ot toe ponce, ut the thiet has not yet been arrested. A couple of Kussian Jews passed tnrougu jenerson afterwards with a lead of bides and there is little doubt that tbey were tbe thieves. Cspt. E. J. Leaning lelt today for the mines to be gooe several weeks. Billy Mack, the boss bsrber. left this noon ior Tacoma, where be expects to work this winter. Ladles will plesse take notice tbat another line of stylish jackets and capes have Just arrived at the Ladies Baiaar. W. II. Burns, of Arizona, has been in tbe city several daya the guest of his sis ter, Mrs. B. M. Huston Mr. Buros for fourteen years run oa an engine out to Chicago.and was in one oi tbe big wrecks. Mr. J. A. Finch Is the champion sbof of F. Co. At a trial shoot for the Gov ernor'a medal be made 42 out ot a possi ble 60. S. H. Olevengeris next with 87, Lewis Love 3e, Orlando Neeland 35, Claud Mansfield 31. Georae G. Day. better known to Eu KCIieiWI SS UITVUO iBl VI a- O. arrived in Eugene yesterday aod will spend a few days visiting with his brother Robert M. Day. This Is the first time Mr. Day has visited Eugene for sixteen vears. He owns large win in? interests at Rossland and is doing auite well. He and bis partner recently sold an interest to a claim for $52,000 roir-Ecra Elk Tsrrn M. B. Curtis tbe sctor, doing the Northwest, is a fiend far en eeline elk's teem, ne nau a col lation of S.000. to which at The Dalles k. ad ted 300. which be Dougntoi a crowd of Indiana. His teeth have averaged him 60 cents a piece, and ue nas tne ais tinrtlnn of having probably the largest collectlbn ol oik's teeth ia the world. It is needless to say that Mr. Curtis is some what of aa Elk himself. Cheap TixwAka. J. Gradwobl has Just recehel a fine stock of tinware. As it was received direct from the factory be win not allow any one to undersell him Social Dances. F. Company will give a social dance every Saturday evening during the winter. Only those noiding in vitation to ths social aud dancing school will he admitted. The danciog school will be held Wednesday and Saturday nights preceding the social. The socials win be select aud it will be useless to come ttbout an invitation. Poor and Weak KdnesMi Tone uuui. vsiib Caaearata. Camiy Cnttmrtlr, eura constipation forever, u js rllto are ins nest aner-dinner lOoKSc If ac.C.fall,drugKlsurfundmoBey. rlOOCl a flllS pim, aid digestion. Catarrh and Broncnmi irouDis.- Had no Appetite-Nov sower in Every Way-A Dellcata Child. Soma time since I took a audden cold nd could not get rid of it. Being subject to catarrh and bronchial troume i cougnea terribly. I lost my sppetite and grew poor and weak ana am no ieei uu work. I began taking Hood's Sarsape- flila. In a short time tne oougn uisap- peered, I slept well, haa a gooo appetite .7a x ... better la every way. Last twins-1 waa not feeling well, I had no ap petite and no strength. I resorted to ti'. Raraarjarilla and soon felt more ilka work. My little nephew waa a deli cate child and had a humor which trou bled him so he could not rest at night, n. hu taken a few bottles of Hood's Bar- un.,lila and now he has a good appetite .nrf 4. .hie to Bleep." MlHS ABBia J. FreemajJ, South Duxbury, aiass. Sarsa- parllla Is the One True Blood Purlnsr. All druggists, ay. 1A.1) - - " ood's For Tab b to Tff Tf tf O i ncMwaie Cash Store Great Baigain Store of Albany Aomsville donrprsack $ 1 00 8 It Arm St Hammer Soda (balk) 25 5 " " " 1 lb pkg 25 Mens $3 fine shoes 2 25 L-dies 12.50 fine 1897 shoes 1 75 20 lbs good rice 1 00 20 yds Standard prints 100 Mens macintoshes from $3.50 to. . 7 00 Mens Oregon wool raits from to to 10 0Q Fadora hats $2.00 grade for 1 00 Mens Clondike boots 2 CO Ladies capes and jackets at cost to close oat . Mens heavy underwear from 30c to 1 2s Trunks, telescopes and valises) ail styles Long and abort rubber boots, Wooen socket brand. We will make a greit cut in Boots & Shoes for the next CO days. Don't buy until you have examined our mens, ladies and childrens footwear as we can sare you money All oroui ladies capes and jackets at cost to close out this line at once. Examine them, their price guaranteed to please you. H. F. MclLYVAINiCASH STORE Think!!! 250 Envelop lor 15c One qt best Ink Ior 25c Granit iron cuspidors 15c Cur stouk of Lamps. Cnclery & Biassware is tbe largest in ilbanj to select from, azul the prices tte lowest J0 Eemember yoa can ret a chance I oo tbat Haviland Decorated French Chi j na Dinner Set for nothing. Call aad see a boat tU Albany's Cheapest Store OECHT & WM. STEIABTAID SOIBDf.CO Dealers m- Oils, Ink, Pencils, Books and Stationary. J. A. WE&YER. Ladies and Childrens Shoes . "Cheapest in town." "Splewdid valors." "Have focad aooe so cheap" are some of tee remarka made about my ladies aad childrens sbce. tbat I have jaa placed ca sale. W. R BLAIN. (Ue pats tbe pnera down.; New Stock Mens Clothing Youths CIotMng . . Boys Clothing Bought before the advance in woolen grods, and willbe sold on basis of purchase price ST LDI8 MET STOS. PooiTtvKLY. and witoont misrepresent- inn tbe matter tbe least bit. tbe finest lot of stoves we have ever seen in tbe valley are no being opened up by tbe btewart Sox Hardware Co. Miss Idella Marks will be in tbe city only this week and next, giving lessons 10 emoroiuery. one iiaa a una line oi point lace and Brattenburg patterns for sale. are ths best after-dinner Don't Run Any F iaks about health . Avoid coughs, colds, fevers, pneumonia, and all other similar ailments by keeping; your blood rich and pure with flood's darsapHrilla. Hood's Pllla are purely vesetablb and do not purge, pain or grpe. All druggists. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remaining in tbe Postofhue at Albany, Linn county Oregon, Oct. 26, 1897. Persons calling for these letters must give tbe date oa whicn thev were advertised. On. Mr Arthur Smith. Mrs Esther Cox, Frank Van Groos, J sines Mvlvanr, Miss Anna W interns, Dick ' Rassell, Emma Williams, Mrs O T.J. Binii, P M TAEslRlXG to give my whole attec 17 uon to pool'ry raising 1 oner all cept 10 scree of my Farm for Sale It is the best located small farm in the oonn'y, one and one half miles south of Albany on tangent road, tiave good wen nomlortatle building, brie cellar with concrete Hojr. apples, pears, plums.quinces, currants, blackberries, raspberries, straw berries in abundance for family use, 2U0 rods of woven wire f ace and everything in good repair. Also nave S milch cows and one heifer (will be fresh in Feb.) all high prade Jer se s, for sale coeap . U 1 IUtks Unlf Price Store Would be aa appropriate name for my stock of Books fur old and vounir. office books, office fixtures, files.inkstands, draw ing tools, inkt.K'ues, mucilages, art novel ties, envelopes, cheapest to tbe very finest writing paper, tablets, a large lot of both calling, S S cards cheap, pen' hoi lers, pencils, pens, notions, blotting pad, tissue, etc, at the rate of $1 00 worth for W cent. W. K. IS LAIN (He puts the prices down.) S. I SCDIFfLER k CO. Merchant Tailors Carry the largast and most complete stock of Cloths ia the valley. Oil Siail ii FIM Mm S00 PACIFIC LINE. To All Points last Solid vestibule trains, consisting of pal ace sleeping cars, luxu'ioua dining cars. elegant day coaches, magnificent tourist cars ind tree colonist sleepers irom tne r cific to the Atlantic without change. COST DlSKCT A SO CHSJLFKST SOCTB T Kootcnay v. Minlngr LT' District TRAIL, j aossLasoana All points ia the Okanagan Country. Ge a pamphlet giving a full descriptiot of this wonderful country. Ask tbe ajrent for a copy of the mining laws of Britisr Columbia. Lowes rates o and from EUROPE Atlantic steamship ines. Canadian Pao. By. Co 's .Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan CaHaDlAX AVSTKAUXN STaaHaa LOTS Hardware, Paiiti anl Wazcn EaicTial tan. Steel, Cca! Ciaia, ete- Stov i W beat is a good price aad there is no reason ia the world why yoa should not bay yoar wile a cook stove. We can fit yoa oat with anything in tha line of stoves aad ranges, ha ring a large Slock of "Jewels" aad "Lnivrsaie" constantly on hand. , Ocxs ajro Ammfmox HnatiDg has bow commenced aad we are prepared for it with a fine line cf gana and a big stock ol am monition. Oars'ockcf shot guns is particciariy good and the prices very low. Call early and get too -choice. Bicrcua Ws still carry the two beet bicycles ia tbe market the "Columbia" and "Bartford." There isn't aav other wheel that wUI give aa good saUsfactioo, and tbe people are bet, inning to find it oat. We also hare a repair shop, soil yoar old wheel needs any work, coma around and we will put it in good ahape tor yoa. Ja-wsxDisK Haaaows Does yoar old disk barrow rear np ia the middle un ices yoa ran a rail into it? When yoa get a Jewei" yoa won't have this trouble. It bas a solid steel frame, ia the most dortble harrow oa the market, aad if it doesn't do as good work aa any . of them yoa can bring it tack. Plows axs Haaaowi Yoa can't raisa 30 baabela of wheat per acre anleee yoa Iget toe ground in good cooaition aad we nav the implements to do it with and want to sell tbem. Wa caa sell yoa plow that will be light draft and will scour ia any soil and we don't think any one caa beat as oa price. TbbBbstBcost broazht into the val ley ia tadebakr's "Iruer," and we in vite yoa to come aroend and take a look at oar Mock. We have tbem ia light aad heavy siseebfeweMr and end springe quarter leather aa J fnll leather tope and the gears ia three different colors. 100 Bchels of wheat ia a com moo every -dav load for a SV Stadebaker wagon. It is not warranted by tbe mak ers under soch a load, bat it carries tbat much right along during the straw-La ul ing season. However it ia warranted to carry aa mach aa a SS sragoa of any other manufacture. Ii yoa want a wag oa tbat will last yoa daring the rest of yoar life, bay the "Stadebaker." Scraaioa Dbxlu Wm Jordan, E t Fanrell. JnoHatchina, Win Walker, J ArctubeJd, J decker, Al Perrv, S Freerksen, Geo Kdge, Z G Hayes, Frank Trues, D Barrett. If yoa think the Superior drill is not right at the top. ssk any of the above named gentlemen, each of whom bought and ostd one last spring. Wa have just received a car load for the fall trade, and they are not ok! bankrupt stock; from Portland, bat were shipped direct to a from the factory Aug. 1st. Come around and sea the very latest aod beat drill. Doa'r FoacR that the place to boy all these articles and many others that wa nave not mentioned, is at the store oi tha - - - HONOLCIX, VUl ASP AUSTRALIA. The shortest lioe to tbe Colonies. These steamers carry an experienced medical man, and a stewardess oa every voyage. for time tables, pampblera, or any ia- ormation, call on or address. S N STEELE A CO. A gents, Albany Or E J DOYLE, Ag t, 148 Third St. Port- and. Or. GEO. McL. BROWN, D. P. A. Vancouver, R,C. STEWART SOX HDW.CO. 5 Teas C-Acca PUR JUltD-CLBllf. at oar expensa j if you're not pleas-J Apices Extracts BaUaw Paw4cr F E ALLEN & CO- Sell Them DISSOLUTION HOTICF. Notice ia hereby given tbat the co-part-nership heretofore existing between L H Moatanye and T P Hacklemaa is 'his day dissolved by mutual consent. -Albany, Or, Aug &lst, 1897. L 3 Moxtahvb, P Hacxxcjiaji. DRESS-MAKING. Ladies with isg learn cutting and fitting by the M gaa system, call aa Mrs. R. . O we Dresses made for $2.50 aad np. Cor aadCaJapooia. W encase ments by the day to sew. Mas. R. is. Owks.