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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1897)
Wkt Ifcuwrmt This it John Dm vs.Richrad Roe week in Albany. To many times the case nw adays ii entitled Sally Doe ts Jobn Doe. Pendleton is said to be the most ex travagantly managed city in the north west for iu sice. It seems to be geared up to 125. George Pullman and his company made $9,000,000 year clear, and yet who is there who wishes now to ex change places with Mr. Pullman. A new chainless bicycle is getting ar immense sight of free advertising. Be cause a new idea the company is chnrg ing $50 extra for it. That is the spirit of the age. Get all you can. The greatest joke of the season is that Russell Sage is about to buy in the Union Pact Be. It is safe to predict that he will do nothing of the kind, particu larly from pariotre motives, giving full value for the property, to wit : $75,000, 000. Ruesel Sage never does anything except from selfish motives. A man from Klondike became indig nant because a Seattle man wouldn't buy bis mine, paying $400,000 for it with out examining the properly or learning anything about It. These Klondike fel lows seem to think that all that is neces vary fa to say Klondike and the suckers will bite. A large heading in the Chronicle is "To Regaia Oregon Trade. Merchants Wilt Ftght for Reasonable Rates." which shows that San Francisco people really believe Oregon trade amounts to some thing. Well, it doea for a fact, and it is increasing at a fast gait. This state of Oregon is about to see a rapid stride for ward, mora tLan ever before. Eastern people an jnst learning what kind of a country we hava here. In the mean time it is about time Oregon reached out for California trade, and the trade of all the the adjoining: states. Opening the door in res ponce to an insistent knock, the lady behe'.d the Ag ora of one she remembered, says the Indianapolis Journal. "Oh, it is yon is it?" she said icily. "It is me," was tie tbeacswer. "Your long-lost husband ; who came back to tell yon that be is sorry that he ran away two years ago." . 'Maby you are sorry yon went," re torted the lady, "bnt I ain't. What did yon come back for?' "My dearest, I hava been to the Klon dike, and last suumsr I accumulated fifty thousand "Fif ty thon-sand dollars T" shrieked the loving wife as she fell on his neck. "No. Motquito bites." It was a moment Uter only tbat he ell on bia neck himself. Cleveland on Wealth. It is easy to talk. The following waa said by Graver Cleveland at the Prince ton anniversarv: "The merits of the successful man who has struggled with difficulties and disad vantages canst be judged by the kind of anccees he has achieved; by the use he makes of it and by its effect upon his character and life. If his success is clean and wholeseme; if he uses it to make bis fellows better and happier and if be faitb- f nlly responds to all the obligations of a liberal, public spirited and nsefnl citizen, bia strnggles shonU add immensely to the faonor and consideration he deserves. If, on the other hand, bis success is of the grasping, sordid kind : if he dutshee it cloeely for his selfish gratification, and with success he is bankrupt in character, sordidly mean, nseless as a citizen or of evil influence in bis relations with bis fellow men, his straggles should not save him from contempt. Wealth sboaldy no means be disparaged as representing sac- provided it is accompanied by reasonable realisation of the obligation it imposes. We cannot expect to fix the extent of these obligations, bnt we. are entitled to insist that In the race fo: riches, the feeling and eentimsnt that makes good citizenship should not be tided, and tbat the neb, directly by charity and beneficent or indirectly through their liberal enterprise and active thrift, shonld do something for humanity and the public good. If wealth is the best tbat can be exhibited as a remit of success, it ongbt to make Its fair contribution to the welfare of soci ety. This bordea shonld not be alto gether shifted opon those who, though without riches, constantly give from the resale of their nobler loccesses, gifts that exalt humanity. "We have aright to complain of tbe rich, iffter spending their lives in gath ering wealth, tbey find m its pseession t , . . , no maoaste oi auty ua aa pieaeure,ave in in inactive ana sordid conte b- tian of their hoard.' Oregon CJemiul & EASTERN R, R. CO. -YAQUINA BAY ROUT? Connecting at Yaqoina Bay with th San Francisco 5 Yaquina Say STEAMSHIP COMPANY. siiaiiFFaialloH' Sails from Yaqnina every 9 days for San F rancieco, Coos Bay, Port Orford Trinidad and Humboldt Bay. Tassm&bb AoooMODATioar Uasuarassij Shortest route between the rVHIaro tte Valley and California. Fare from Albany and points west tc Ban Francisco Oabi g 0C Btkzbagc 6.0C Bound trip good for 60 days 17.0C To Coos Bay Cabin $8.0C To Humboldt Bay and Port Orford, Cabin $10.01 River division. Steamer "Albany" between Port Inn and Corvl lis, through villi tit lif-.ive Leaves Albany 8:00 a. m. Tnesria Tbnrtdays and Saturdays; leaves Po land. Yamhill street dock, 6:0C a. u Sundays Wednesdays and Fridays. EowivSto-, 'OMi'o, Manager 8upt River Li. T(iASCRE3'5 NOUCE K0-5 Notice is hereoy clveoXhat fnnds ate on hand tc pay city warrants Nos - 2 'A to 203 Inclusive of the issue of 1897. In teres ton ?aid warrants will cease with the date of this notice. Albany Or. Oct. 13, 1897. . A. Pabkeb. City Tieasurer. Educate Yoar Hovels With CunreU ' "JSS' i'f-ii'i ?,ur? con.tlpatlon forever. KW.Z9C. 'ICC.C. fall, irmirv- refund money In the New 1'ork Centra! wreck this week about half those killed were China men. Really we are glad they were net white men. in 911,000,000 terra cotta trust is being organised back east. It will be a 7ery earthy affair. The government should proceed to break it. The sausage man in Chicago who i supposed to have murdered his wife and d.onlved her body in a vat, want to be dchaiged so be can exhibit himself in a museum. If he is ever allowed to sli.. hiweeil itouht to be with a suit of tar and feathers on him. Eii-h week rnskes history. Four im portant parsonages passed off the public stage last week. Chitf Justice Field of the snpo-me court retired. Chailea A Dsn i, a New York editor, died. Geo. M Pnitman passed away. Gen. Weyler was recalled. Ex. Tr;-. ! s bet n a y ar of railroad ac liiku'e l!.ckand fast they have been c uiiihg. Here one day, there anoth er Sunday it was on the great New York Central, with its four tracks, where coilissions almost never occur. A track gav j way aa-1 the train ran into a river and twenty five people were drowned. Rule a d regulations to lessen them, are badlv needed. It i quits probable that Oregon ba( the finest for big split rud fishing in the world, tbat is wheie the fishermen can fight with a big fish on even terms, or as near even terms a surh a tbieg is possible. Tbat is at the Ba . It is be ing developed this year particularly tbat it offers remarkable advantages f-r this sport. Thirty minute contests tbat try tbe skill of the finest fishermen are frequent. Millionaire Rouas of New York offered $1,000,000 to any man who would rest ire his eye-sight. A Burmese doctor has come all the way. from India with the hope of winning the fortune. After a week's treatment Mr. Rones says be ran faintly sea objects held within 15 inches of his eyes, bnt he has no confidence tbat his eyesight will be restored. A good pair of eyes is worth $1 .000,000 to any man. Ex. More men have arrived from tbe Klon dike. They have a little gold with them, perhaps $20,000, earned by harder ipe probably not experienced any wnere else in mining regions. There men say that hunger stares tbe miners in the face, and tbat many are trying to escape by way of the Yukon. Those that bave grab, thocgn, are all right At Dawson city tbe man with grab is k'rng. Gold is a minor matter compared with it in the middle of tbe winter with the mercury down to 50 below zero. A jealous eastern paper says that tbe Journal's account of the escape of Evan gtlioa Cianeros is a fake, and declares that the trnth is that she waa permitted to leave, that Weyler waa glad to get rid oi her. While it is probable that Vey ler really did t't care much it is tin donbtedly true that Decker secured the escape practically ai narrated. It is al so a :act mat as a newspaper scoop it has no parallel. It waa to be expected tbat the big papers of the east woold be jealous and make all man ner of reports in reference to iu For Yaquins. The following petition is to be circu lated in the valley and sent to Oregon members in Cougrets. It shonld be signed by every body: "To tbe Oregon Delegation in Cong ress: We, tbe undersigned citizens cf tbe state of Oregon, respectfully eallyour attention to the matter of the improve ment o: Yaquina bar. for whien an ap propriation of $25,000 was made bv the last congress to apply towards tbe com pletion of the orignal project ; and the same congress anthorized a continuous contract of $1,000,000,000 in addition for the exUnuoQ of the present system in accordance with the plans as recom mended by the special board of engin eers appointed by tbe presidentnnder act of congress to examine and report upon tbe need and feasibility of the project for securing deeper water on the bar at that place. Althongb nearly eighteen months hsve passed since tbe act became a law, not one dollar has been expended, nor has a step been takfn towards tbe letting oi this contract; while other and less im portant points where tbe contract were authorized in tbe same bill, tne con tracts are let and tbe work is now in progress. Now, in tbe annual report of the chief of engineers it is announced tbat the sec retary has not approved tbe Yaqnina project and therefore no ejtimatts ars submitted for tbe coming year. Tbe work of improvement so far has cost a large snm of money, tbe success of tbe work, and the bent fits accruing have justified tba expenditure. There is need for deeper water tbat the transportation facilities may be enlarged. A compe tent board of engineers bare reported tbat tbe project is entirely feasible, and tbe bay worthy of the improvement. Congress has authorized the necessary outlay, and notwistaoding all thin, tbe money is withheld and the improve ment already made allowed to go ta des truction. This is a matter of vital importance to tbe people of a targe portion of Oregon and adjoining states, especially the pro ducers and shippers, and we urge tbat yon as wur representative impress opon. tbe honorable secretary of war the im portance of this harbor as a natural out let for a large territory and insist tl a be corap'y with the law, and order this contract at once.' HoB'BS for Sal. Eliih'' head of Western borei, at I C Adltins ratare. tw i miles east of Albiov liiq iir ot A Ii Morris, Albany, or at Mr Adicins. r A Hand all. i Your Doctor i Fights- Disease with mediine. If' tbe medicine is not right be can not conquor dtseaee If I the druggist does bi outy the ' medicine will be rigot. and vour ooctor will stun a fair I chance of winning th victory 1 You can he'pjo'r doctor by r-)n' your prescription b:l- sa a our store at Lee. Many a man who would be of poi- son, allows himself to be regularly and poisoned day after day by accumnla- ' tiona of bile the blood. When the liver falls to do its reirular work of filter- 'ing this bilious poison ont l, J ot tne circulation, u goes on jfrS poisoning the entire constttu "r tion just as surely as if a man was drinking prussic acid. Every part of the body is polluted. The digestive juices are suppressed and weak ened. The kidneys and skin are clogged with impurities and the langs and bronchial tubes overloaded with morbid secretion which eat away the delicate tissue, and bring about bronchitis and consumption. All the diseases caused by this subtle pro cess of bilious poisoning are cared by the marvelous alterative action of Dr. Pierce's Onhlrn Medintl Diaeoverr. It directly in creases the liver's natural excretive and purifying powers ; givea the digestive and blood-making organs power to manufacture an abundance of red, rich, healthy blood. It drives out all impurities, and vitalizes the circulation with the life-giving elements which restore perfect nutrition, solid mus cular power, and healthy nerve-force. Tn Anarmt isk. I was taken down la bed with a burning and severe paini in my stomach and nnder my shoulder, and dixxinest In mjr bead," writes Ira D. Herring-. Esq, of Need more. Levy Co., Fla. " My home physician waa called and h id my symptoms were more use coaanmpuoa than anvthins- else. I linirered in this way months trying different kinds of medtdne. Moth tag that I at would digest, and I bad great dia tress in my sumach. I was persuaded to try some of Dr. Pierce's remedies or to see what be thought nnin of my case. I wrote him ana recetvea sn answer stating that my suffering waa from Indigestion and torpid liver, and advising me Sa take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Tfc first bottle gave pleasing resorts. I bsvs taken ftmr bottles of the 'Golden Medical Diswrrery' and three small vials of the Pleasant PeSkta lam ante to do my work and cat what I could not before I took these medicines." The great London Times, which always requires a week ot bard study to sea tbe point, so conservative and stupid is it. says tbe United States is producing a crisis, and it is going t. bo things fly The suggestion is no djubt father to the wish. There is a hi lottery to everything connected with the Alaska mining ex citemenU Hern's a case. A man start ed in with a drove of cattle, iiad hs succeeded in reaching tbe diggings there wonld bave beed a fortune In the sale of tbe bef. But he threw a low number and failed. 64 of bta cattle died and he bad to turn back. The papers bave bad considerable to ay about tbe Taylor sisters dancing in Staguay for $15 a night. The Democrat thinks this fancy daucing is a poor way to earn a living, bnt really it is do worse for tbe girts to dance the, re at a high price, if tbey behave themselves, than it is in Albany at a low price. It woold be too bad though to subject them to tbe rigors of an Alaskan winter for a little money, if it was to endanger tueir lives. Whether tbe people of Dawson will starve this winter or not seems to be the most absorbing question befoie the hole United StaUs, and the result is a lot of random shots that will hardly hit tbe side of a barn. Toe judgment of the DKX0CBAT,taking both sides Into con sideration, is tbat there wilt be no star vation there this winter, that while some things may run short tin re will be enough to keep the crowd through until next spring when tbe first shipments go in. McUinnviila Transcript. tieorje Gilson is bappy. Last wstk ha received returns from the prunes hs s'lippnl east There were 51 crates o them, and he netted on tbe lot 46 cents. Tbat is, this was on the shipping. Crates cost 17 cents, and 51 of them woold costld.67. Tak 46 cents from $8 67 and ha is oat $8.21 besides his fruit, pick ing and packing, which would probably amount to $15 ; so Oeorga is really out about $35. Verily, lock bas been against the Oregon shipper of fruit to tbe asst. Dr. Wright also informs a reporter tLat be has been ont about $300 A Biz Seattle Advertisement. Mr. Allen B Slaason.ln tbe P I, shows how well Seattle bss been advertised by tbe Klondike excitement. He says: Jobn W Thompson, one of tbe wealth iest ani most influential bankers and capitalist of this city, who recently re turned from a visit to tbe Pacific coast, speaks most enthusiastically ot Seattle.of its present activity and of its fatnre pros pects. 'The Klondike gold excitement has been a wonderful belp to tbe business men of Seattle," said Mr. Thompson, "bnt tbeir greatest prosperity will come from tbe immediate resources of their own state. The excellent yield of wheat this year and the good prices which farmers will obtain therefor, will pat tbe a ost of them ont of debt and fully re tore prosperity not only to the agricul tural sections, but to th cities as well. I am considerblv interested in property in Seattle, and I am well satisfied with my investments there. ' Indirectly, too, the Alaska gold ex citetuent has been of a benefit to the city of Seattle. It bas advertised that c:tv all over the world, for nearly (very dis patch about tbe golden treasures of tbe Far North has been dated at Seattle, and these marvelous ta'es of discovery have been flatbed by cable to tbe utter most pasts ul tbe earth. Seattle is known everywhere as the principal outfitting point for Alaska. Foreign capitalists add foreign prospectors have 8eattls as there objective point when tbey come to this country. "I was surprised too, at tbs readiness with which tbe Seattle merchar ts adapt ed themeelves to the outfitting of the small army of go!d-seeking pioneers Nothing that a gold digger wonld find neccesaary was wanting there and lbs out-fits wern packed expeditiously aud welt. Seattle is a wonderf and there- is no better place in the world for ayoung man to mate a start in life fhere are ample opportunities there for fortunes to be made.'' Similar 'alks with Mr. Thompson have been printed in the lo:a! papers, and it is easy to understand how mush better than ordiuar; advertising aro such words from a rut n wh charai:tnr and bus ness standing has been recogoueed by the people in the city in wliinh lie lin lived during many yearn. It is hard fo coi ceive of snv man or woman who has read a newspaper any where In this country during ihe pal six months who does ' not know where Seattle is, and also tbat it is the best po.t from which to make a start for Alatka. All the scbemss of the board of trade, backed by unlimited mean1, could not so thoroughly have advertised tba city throughout the United States as bas tbe Alaska gold excitement. Besides, every person who visits Seattle becomes not only an admirer of the city and ber pros pective greatness, but, to nse a compre hensive slang baseball term, a "rooter'' for all tbat is in him. It is bard to pick np an eastern paper nowadays without finding in it somewhere a good word for Seattle. t iL.jv I ' .ill itfTV, startled atthe NBSVU I I I E&fbarc thought -fjKSJ-trTpi lof sitting, rjr" Mjfl 1 I I I Idown and f 4A 1 It I I deliberately 1 li dose fJj 1 ' sOFrL MISFITS. It is a rare dav in Prineviliethis month that does not see a borse race. Look out tor a red hot city election in December. That's tbe street rumor. The deposits in the Piineviile bank are $130,000, a good showing for a city of its site. Salem is to have a 50,000 club to rustle for tbat city. Better start with a 10.CO0 club. SJTbe picture of Mattie Mitchell Roche luucauld appears in the October Munsey. Thus is Oregon honored. lohn W Backus, of Portland, has set a good example for worthless husbands. With his life insured for $5,000 he jump ed from a six story wiodow in order to give his family wtiat he did not have tbe ability to earn for them. Tbe Salem Journal givea a sketch of Judge Murphy, but fails to mention tbe tact that he is the father ot the celebrat ed quarterback, Chester Murphy, of Stanford University. The article there fore is very incomplete. An ex-marshal of Pendleton feels in' iiiix because be has been indicted for gambling. He thinks it isn't fair when the city is full of tin horns who sre un- mo'eated. A man writing Irom np the Yukon says: " tVe bad not heard from the out side world until yesterday, when we heard the news that the United States snd Jspan were at war. Next Friday night at San Francisco Wolcott and Lavigne are to fight, in the same city too that raised its hands in horror when it waa proposed to have Corbett and Fitasimmons fight there. A couple of Albany men are arranging to hunt geeae in a decoy cow. Oeese are not afraid of cows, bene a big kit: ing is anticipated. It is also anticipated tbat una cow will be mora sought after than spotted boreee. Two students were expelled from tbe nniveaity yesterday for gambling. It is said that a third student did not care to stand trial and left to avoid the action of tbe faculty. We are told tbat tbe U of O grand jury is ii session and tbat more "true bills" may be found. Register. Tonight at Salem Editor Fletcher, ot the Independent, is to Iscture to the students ot Chemawa on farming. Tbe coarse will be complete when Editor Holer tells what be knows about spuds and Editor Uendruks elucidates the feasibility of raising cabbage on pump kin vines. Wben it cornea to terming matters the editors of Salem are in their elements. Tbe Eugene Jonrnall said : "A gentle man who formerly lived in Corvetlis, in speaking ot tbe Williams runaway affair tbe other day said: "Corvallis is a wicked town. She is rotten to the core. Among higher circles there is more 'naughtiness' going on than in any other town of its sixa in Oregon. made the Gazette mad and it replied: rk.t .. .;.:.. i;ui ii.:iJ Tr. That is a malicious libel. While Cor vallis has more lite and enterprise than any other town in tbe valley, ber moral condition ia as good as any and better than most. Tbe Ashland EJectric Light Company baa a peculiar but at the same time a very commendable system for charges for lighting reside ncew. Tbe monthly rates are advertised in a standing adver tisement in tbe papers aa follows : Bitting room, 16 candle power 35c Kitchen, Id 30c 15e Sfc 35c 30c 25c 15c 10c will be Bedroom, 8 or 10 " Dining room, Id " Parlor, 16 Hall, IS Porcb, t6 " Pantry, 8 or 10 Bathroom, or 10 " A limited amount of wiring done for one dollar per lamp, hich in clodes everything complete and ready for tbe current, and ia much below tbe actual cost of doing tne work. From tbe Telegram : "Jake" Wilson, who hat been adver tised all over tba U 8 as tbe king of tramps, and in whose favor a judgment for $400,000 against his dead father's es tate has recently been rendered in New York, is again in town. When he was seen this morning coming out of Lawyer M J McMahon's office, be was fashion ably attired, and said thst he leaves for New York this afternoon and take pos session oi bis fortune. It is claimed that ho signed awsy all that is coming to him from tbe estate brforw his interest war judicially awarded to him But Wilson ts t pretty good theoret cal lawyer him self, and will likely set np the plea that he signed awsy most of "his patrimony under duress. Liscben Maud Miller in the Woman's Empire, of Portland, gives the following, i toat sounds pretty and is occasionally actual experience : It sometimes happens two will meet. Who all the years hava waited apart Unsaikned, yet still discreet Enough to bide the hungry heart. It sometiires happens here on earth, A perfect friendship buds and flow ers. Without one blemish from its birth It grows and deepens with t'ie hour. It tometimes ha poena how or why What mortal of us all ean aav? This perfect flower will droop and die. The gold will turn to sodden gray. It sometimes lrsppens two will part. That lips will grow tooco'd to kiss, And then Ood help the aching heart, For death is not so hard as this. Tbe dispatches are telling of a new con sumption cure. Dr. Joseph O. Ilirsh felder. of San Francisco, ia the inveAtnr. and tbe name ia oxytnberculine. Here is tbe way it is made. Brace no ve con sumptives, as ye read it: Veal is soaked in water and its Juice ia then expreee boiled and filtered; glycerine, peptone and salt are pot in the liquid, which is made slightly alkaline with carbonate of soda. In this liouid the BTCrmk of tnrxr." culoisare grown. When they are fullv grown the liquid with the germs is boiled ana niterea. ine resultant liquid is tu bercnline. Tbis tuberculine is the basis of tbs preparation. Peroxide of hydro gen is added to it and the mixture is nealed for 130 hours, at the end of which it is oxytuberculine. This is clarified with a caustic sqda solution, snd 5 per cent of boracic.acid Is put in to prevent decomposition." A medical college man says it is the greatest discovery of modern Times. atrailll win. adai ssrasi XOa - AaiSXH 9tOO. sssappv -J San pu v aa-eet jojaUM 'MnnU S t ac aa, pov aj(1IHJA. m Hit IP iiui Sonaui sflaa seaaisss ...if mm uwi .mm in . f iiivs si Sfj tivafv svq ssvs sa m sm ptM aa WS tsooi sin istlM tr "ri aveis lijsaii j inn i jp wit i Sasls;a pa nM ia Iu ajiiaoSi4aae XjstuX JO InpsMf 2"nrj 4win WMU H 'mnom hi pira atqav Mq mil "11 SASH tut P,H'EII "t' JOMvd l.-.a0tSwJ S1rf ! 'uid pay asatas iipm Urn a " llJ a sssai lion puv 'Suimoe P" snw I M PsoJiiaj ssaawi o ssusdz lad M mstn sa sjsv aaKia oi jsm eases auras sirt pus svestssii sa ess not m waiiuoa ma on ssoqi ! soutf m sa u 01 stuoa 4mu ioa op sa ji snoui punjof III -ViTvD at IM St VI MMB.1 fl mi OSveats and Tra4s Harks obtained and all Pat ant basiassa oondoetad for Meaerate Pees, i eebdmodel.drawingorpboto. WsadrUs If patantsblafreaof eharsa. Oar foanotdastlll patsntlssKursd. A Pamphlet "How to Ob tain Fetenta," with eost of same f n the P. ., atutfaieigaeaonBiaa seat fees. Iil iresa, C- A. 8N07 & CO. Ota. iVsTlsrf Astsmas 'sVaSisa taaaaa4s n tf i Im slsiw A Bliaer Bed Washington, Oct. 26.-Altbougb the government officials decline either to affirm or deny tbe report of its acceptance of the new proposition ot tbe reorganization committee of the Union Pacific railroad, there is no reusonable dnnbt of its acuracy. lhis preposition is underwood to tw an in creane over the origional voitianty bid of $45,000,000 of a sum sufficient to cover the amount ot tbe governmedt's claim against the Lnion Pacific, which aggregated $58,057,3118 A 1 alal Disaster Portland. Oct 26, Without a mom ent's warning a cofferdam, retaining a wall of water 28 feet high, gave way in tue Sta tion ii canal ot tbe l'oriland Ueoerai Elec tric Company, at Oregon City, at noon yes- terday, burying beneath it tbe 10 men who were at work in a maxa of rushing water and flying timber, itv a miraculous chance eight etcaped. Two of the num berAnton Naterlin and Jacob McOomu never came to the surface . Brnwa again) Chicago, Oct. 26. Hie lCib offiuial in quire into tbe conduct and diameter ot Rev. C O Brown, once in San Francisc bnt now paUor ot tbe Greeu- street Con gregational church, tiiis citv, began today Numerous delegates from California and prominent dignitaries of tbe Congrega tional church bad stated their intention of amending th trial, and the local Congre gational minuter seemed greailr interes ted. Scarlet Fever Epidemic Palovse, Wash., Oct. 26. Palouse has a genuide epidemic of scarlet frver, snd there is great alarm because ot tbe ma lignancy of tbe desease.anb lb lure num ber of cases In town. Vemie, tbe 5 -j ear old daughter of Mrs. Ellen Mckenzie, died yesterday. Every boose in which the disease ia known is qcarrentined Tbe scbools are closed snd no children are al lowed on tbe streets. aa Wrtaber Blluar Denver, Oct . 26 A severe snow storm and high wind from tbe north began last night, and continued itn increased fury this morning. Trolley-cars wtre unsble to run today. Wiaea generally are down went and south, and traits are much de layed. In too city, telegraphic, telephone and electric poles are down. Cettlag Wsiui New Oblkahs. Oct. 26. Past tbe. hair century mark to 59 tbe noniber ot caw had gone by nightfall. Tbe deaths reached eren. Tne new cases were from vanoot sections of tbe city. There is no longer n attempt to eatabhsh foci. They appear where they have never been before, and the doctors say the germs are firing around, and tbe eases are not to be restricted by mu'uai organization. ffwssi Bwwsaa ABEKnssjr, Oct .'. The schooner Novelty arrived Saudav from t. Michaels with 25 ret uroiag miners, nine ot vhem are old-timers on the Yuron. moat of tbem from Seattle All looked like trpical min ers, strong, robust fellow, in the best of condition and health, sad all unite in say ing tbat Alaka ia a gool place to go to for one who will wotk bard and rustle, but a poor place to go to dodge haraAbips and avoid work. Tbey all tell about the scarcity of j ro vUtoaa at Circle Ci'y and Dawson, and give that aa their reason tor leaving for tne "inter. Ttev neartv all bave caiiu. and bring money back with them, tut were very rerueat aa to toe amount. 4hla let WAsntsoTos, Oct. 25 it i ttated XVJrlUv Hon- and stafe tv?f2i lJ' ! anr to the L cited Maiei tad not reavh ej the president nor Secretary Sherman. nor baa tne JUtW-worl caMe commuBica tion which, it is aaid. Minuter woodford seet boa Madrid last Saturday. Under tbe circumstances, it b impossible for for mal cotwioeraUfw to be given ly tc ao- tnoniie nere as to toe next mote on th part of Ibis government- j AeMher tp-Ula Saw Yona. Oct. 25. The ll-rail says j Porto Kicaas of this citv are talc teg ! aootber npnnng in cr-i s minor CMoey in tne et Iedie. Tbey throw out dark hints about aa expeditions that is daily expected to laad, and Ulk with confidence ot being able to sweep Captain General Martin and p-oio regular trocp i to tbe tea. roe paiin volunteer, who number about X aa tbe island, sre not takrn ia con nl ration, hot are dUmimed by the plotters as men wo? tseri r 5fit. ia Noatoia, Oct. 25. The lieavy uorth aater developed eariy last nmhl a full ; Sedired born cane. Tbe bigb ti-iea iater- rutted street car travel and injured goods on low wharvea. Two men met death by live wires. There bab been BO wrecks. Hhsblaicds N J Oct 25 Owing to tbe beary wind at sea lonighl, the tUniog vu hage t-f Sraaide. formerly Parkertnwe. i underwater. The vil'tager are rowing throogh the s'reels. Tb government Jrr tle was bad y !amgd. Tbe trestle con nects tbe mtinlnd with Sandy Hook. Wr star f es Kkw OaLEAS. Oct. C5 Numerirallv. this baa been the wor.t lay in toe fever !! nation bete. As early aa 7 o clots this evening the board of health bowed a totaJ of 52 new cases, and ;bere bad been 1 1 death Tbis i the highest number of deaths in a single day. A tenrtb'e AeeMel Gakhisox's. N Y Oct. 24. From the s'eep tbat ruos refrvsbment a jJ ret to the slep tbat knows to swakening plun ged in tbe twinkling of an eye this morn ing vs souls, men. women and children. In tbe slimy lied of tne Hudson river a train laden with a!umbenn himacity D.owed, dragging through tbe waters tbe paeugers . The scvident was caused by tb bed of the railroad being washed away in som exp'icabte manner. In tbis undermined condition the track as soon as the weight of toe train was put on it. anu the em bankment giving way the train was, of course, precipitated into the river. Ja.l Kreea Dawse SkaTti.E. Oct, 24 The steamer Fsral Inn arrived from !. snd Kkaguay at 1 -.30 tins siternoon cringing izt passengers. 12 of wtiom are from Dawson City. Tbe party brought gold not exceeding in amoubl 25.000. Nearly all the restaurants are cloaed at Dawson, on account of tbe food shortage. Prices of provisions are not advanced over regular prices, but the company's store hsve refuted to lake orders. No strikes bave been made at Dawson and only tboe owners that have food for tbeir men will be able to do much work this winter. Aa lews Bank Bebbcs) Wrhstrr Crrr. la.. Oct. 24 Three maitktd burglars robbed tbe State bank of KlairiiLurg this -morning at 3 o'clock. Thev uaed dynamite, ani the explosion unaltered the large p!ate-glaa windows. badlv wrec ked tbe b nk building, ibev secured $6000 worth of securities and small amount of caih. In escaping tbev snot and probably fatally woun led KJwaid Gillicoin, who was on of their pals, whom they mistook for an cfhorr. Three rerseas ereed Oil Crrr, Pa , Oct. 25. Three persons were burned to death and seven severely injured by a fire that destroyed the Hotel Brooklyn at Kellettville, 25 miles South east of tbis city, at an earlv hour this morning. The building waa a three story wooden structure and burned like tinder lbe Bre oriirionated on the second floor, and shut off a' I retreat from the room above F'eelas I'lim The Frver Sklma, Oa., Oct. 24. Today has been the liveliest Sunday Selma hs seon since tbe raid at the close of the war The day ooened with the departure of a 'rain for Rome Ga , with fullv one thousand people on board. The exodus bas continued uo abated, hundreds going to tbe country Three new cases developed today, nil t there are six iipi siis canes. STREET RAILWAY NOTICE. The motoi on the Albany trcet rail wsy will connect promptly with all trains to and from the depot, day and niht. Special trips will I n ad at special ate. i.K Conn. Coeduefcor, T70R SALE Horses, vVairon. farm machinery. Inquire of and Amis, 2nd and Main Sis. Albany, Or. K.O.T.M. e's every Ssturdsv evening at K. O.T. hall. Visiting KnighU inviied to at-d. ADVICE TO THE W.C.T.U. Physical Culture Lecturer Endorses Paine's Celery Compound. Mis Lucy H nttctiCK-lc, lecirror .1. rtTirm-nt ol physical rtituiro. u im's intisuao Tempvranoa Union. Wr.oot. wwie oi. stay is, la-u affords tn pleasure to a 'd my tea U irony with oibers regard ag toe haallnc; erTacis of Fai tea's ery en-npnond upon no exhausted nemua sya eai." Aug 12, ls97.sbe wroe: Aa s role I do at enoocaa medic oca bat I be leva fame's ewiery c-rjpurl to be of a differ ntordawt rota the otdicary medicinea. Facts cannot he li.i uie-t 1 havs derive J so b.aeh benefit Cmia tbe eoupaani tba 1 am ala to brl:y rw- meoi it, bop tbat Ing others similarly flitted m.ybre tievsd. Any medlcta ihal will riive suffering humanl y la a btea lngto the world." A bbadngto tba world! Paine r-arv oompoood has Uea proven to be tbe mi vra! r rly that rewliy utskwa people wait. Ibis estlm ah woman, wbaae Christian work ts earnewUy direct a lowtrj u bsUerment at cabers, and wbo emioeoosi In tbe w C T II tnake-s ter adros of grant ratoe. plain iv endo am Palos'a celeit cum pound Tbe amount rf poir he 1th on every band ssaorcwbisg shocking to ers.jtxw woo au.p, lo U. ink. Hdadred ot men and woinei In everv gbhrrfaoo4 are tJav cam-ring about waa the in a nwd ! I a I of aim-ma tbat a ibomugHre s m ui ir miT -s, t punry ngoi : iunr m rw ,im atJ m rw rega urrty lo the b iliiy lun tKro would ! emP! y away wiih. Iin'ciery wopoasg vi i an ti jr sick ani al ing men an worua A 3 i may do O'Brien's New Clothing store the Oregon p?!l:ng from in the market A bij; line of mens and boys boots and shoes, trunks, valises, suits. An exten sive line of mens and youth furnishings, hats and caps. All the above goods have been bought at low prices. We ill not be undersold Foster Blk 1st St. . Albany, Or PL OW Oliver Best on earth. Everyone knows the Oliver plow. Sold only by HOPKINS BROS. Albany Oregon. CANDY CATHARTIC NCURE CONSTIPATT I0c sLf MXTIiTZ THOMAS All eaa and Trnn Dealer in JWU .other leant die: Paine'a fcelerv compound is Mat sinown from tLe moultaa of men ani wotiico whooa It bat mai well (bev ars in every city, town ana village in the country. Mo one ean pass the aewaceper bulla tins without being rwm'nded oy how siigbt a thread lb oeat of men bold ont j Iff. The alight opt and dtwna ia nee lth from wbteh popa recover make tbem forget tbat utre ia a limit to tbe body's elac.icitv and eoduranea. The nabitoaSfy ihsurist Bsnaot ivstsm mt lmat In. ! its power of recovery an J offers no re 1st aa" to dbaaftae. "Prevent disease,." is the watchword cf the baa msdicu thong at of today. Care lul mea and women do not wait nnui tney are fla oa Uteir back as people ooee did. Tbe m-- re imelligwot pan of each oommaotty has foaodoot tbe inestimable benefit to be derived fn m Fame's celery eompoaod, when ooe la wore oat, nerve tired and -oot ot aor a." The Itato ilia, tbe Meianlngef ixmrt; Ji and rbeuroaUarn. the -jjl s-ooen anil tired faeilngs abow tbe ltr mediate need of punijtng tba btood and refreshing the nerves, lne direct and eaargvSJc way Paine's eetery eompwad or ere aim etck and DfTtM beatdaebca, dtepepaj and be.rtroubie.h H duearll otaer ner vous disorder, bas compelled tba admt rwtot of tbe mextijsi world from tbe atari. Uaadaohea. rcsomuw.o. nerrslgts, iieiaaa laeiing. ana asoUky esnnot per siat asta inlaMtigwauy met and corrected by tbfcs greatest of nerve aad brain afeoetbeoers No remade ever kern tba i orofl ieos of so large a body of inquiring fjH J w-aieo. Try U, We are receiving another large invoice of all wool Pints, vr!ii 'Ii we are $9.00 to $ I J C the ler t value lltllltf SSIIII tl Plows ALL DRUGGISTS BRIN kinds of furniture' ask ass ash a bedding-, and it.r ttto iff- 4-Vsa i. 1 1 WtUlU UUO lil,Ua U;scriber at the 8antiam mines, at faU compleite . flour safe, he has .them and his prces the iowest. SUMMONS a tte Circuit Court of the State o Ore jom for the County of Lam Msry J Gordon, Plaint ff. vs , E W AcLenn ant S V i.ku. i Vermont Marble Lnmtunn m,tn. defendants. -----. To tbe Vermont Marble Com nar.v. a corporation, one of the defendant. named: Id the Name ot the State of Ore gon, xou are hereby required to apptar and answer tbe com plaint of the above plaintiff, in the above entitled eonrt has on file with tbe clerk of aid court, by tbe ur uj ui iuc next regmar ttrm of the above entitled court to be begun and held in the city of Albsny, Ijnn coun'y.Oregon, on the 25th day of Oatobet. 1S97, sod yon are notified thst if you fail to appear and anawer said complaint ss hereby required, the plaintiff will take judgment and del cree against tbe said L W Acheson for the sum ot 1749 40 with accruing interest thereon st the rate of 8 per cent per an nom from Augnat 27th. 1397, and tbe further sum of 70 00 attornevs fees, snd for tb costs and ditbursemen'ts of ibis suit lo be txd; and for a decree of tbis honor able court foreclosing the mortgage made, executed and delivered by IS W Acbeson and S K Acbeson to the p'.aicUS herein on tbe 15th day of July, I&92, and d recting the premises described in ssid mongte, towit 1-ot No. S in block No- 8 In Ilack ieraafl's toird addition to tbe ctty ot Al bany. Linn county, Oregon, as the same is marked, numbered and Jeacnbed on the maps, plats and surveys of said city and addition now on file and of record m tbe office ot tbe county recorder In aad for Linn county, sta of Oregon, and also described in plaintiffs complaint, be sold, as upon execution as required by law. and directing the proceeds of such sale to be applied 1st. To tba payment of the costs snd diborementa of tbts suit. Inc oolne at tomey's fets snd expenses of sal. 2nd. lo tbe paj merit of 'be amount due plalntiff.prin j?al aad intereV. 3rd, Tbe overplus, it any, pay to the defendan'a and that tbe defendants and each and all of them and all pers-ms cUim'ng any interest by.tbroogi or nudes them cr any of tbem in or too the real property herein abo-e and in said cosr pisint described by. throngh cr nnder ou or ecb of yoo be forever bsrrred and foreclosed of aav right or redemption or ameiting any right, claim or inierest m or loo said real property or soy pin t -ereof This Summon U pub'u-hed In theAl. bast Daily D' by order of tne Hon H H Hiwiti. Judge ot the Cfrenit t'ontt, msde at ChantBerr in the city of A bane. Oregon, tie gtb day of beptem ber, IB97. A'eathlkpokd t Wtatt. Attjs for Plaintiff. SUHafOi.5. Im the Ctm-J Cutri of the btaU oj Orjm. Jot tie county of Linn. XrsC V7 Rogers, plaintiff. TS Jane Woody and R B Woody her has band, lohn C E'drr and Elder bis ante, James t-Her and Ida Elder bta wife. Lottie A E dev. E a E'der and Happylona Oder bs wife, de'eodanu. To James VXiv, Ida rT-derand Lottie A Elder. Ia the Name of ibe State ot Ore gon, Yon are bereoy required to appear aad answer tbe com plait.!, of the above plaintiff. In the above entitled court, bow on file with the derk of ss'd cour, by the first day of te nest rezu'iar term of the above entitled court to Le began aad held n the ci'y of Albany, Una coob't. Ore gon. on the 2oth day of October. 1S97. a id you re notified that if yon fail to appear and answer said ccroD aint as hereby re quired, the p'aintiff will ask the conrt for a decree torsdortng plaisUS s mortgage givea by R L K-der sew deceased, dated the ISth da, of May. I $96, upon the fol 'lowing dewcnHd real estate towit: All my nndivided hitereet ia and to all that pait of the Donation Land Claim of Rob ert Elder and wife, ciaim X.. St. inat Iks west of tbe CaJipooia Creek, sitaated in towwbip 13 booth. Range 3 West ia L'nn county, Crrgoa, ad cootaintrg 5S9 Being for toe snm ot cO0 aad recorded ia Book o Mortgases volcme 32, oa page 16$ sod dtjectir.g that lbe real estate dea en bed thereia be add as by law. directed, and tne proceeds arisitie from said sale to be applied. Sit, to tbe payment of the costs and expense cf said sale, and the coats of this suit, including attorneys fern; ecood, to the payment of the plaint i2"i ciaim. principal and interest, ani tne overplus to b dirribated as may bedi rected by the court and for the costs nod duburaemeau of th's suit to be taxe i. Tfcia eummoos is puhiibed by order of the Hon U H Hewitt, judsre of the above eautled court, made at chambers in ike C ty of Albany. Oregoa. on ts 10th day of Sep'emV'. IX- sATHtayoso at Wvatt, Atrys for Plaintiff. Notice for Publication Laxo Omri ar Oassox Crrr, Oa. Oct 13th. 1S97. N :ic k beteby given that lb following named set Use baa tiled not c of his iaten tioa So snake heal proof ia .u. ro-t of his C a m, snd that Slid proof will be xlt be fore tbe coeaty clerk of Line coosty at Al bacy, 0, oo Nc rem her 27ta, 1S97. vix; Eilaa Morley; H K 11432 for the lot 5 ot See 14. To 9 S.ath & 1 East. He aasaet toe fo l iw.o wimewwa to prove ais eon tiaaMs retideno spoa aad cwltiratiow of, Sld land: v'i: Charles Swank, Henry Lvojs, Jaaoa W Tennev, Aad wa't, all of Uy.a. Oiu. drew X Zim- Koas:T A Mruis, Kegute NOTICI OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hen by given that tbe under signed executor of the lat will and testa- meat of LooUa M Kinxer. deomsed. has filed with tbe derk of the connty court for Una county, Oregon, his tinai account and tbe court has set Monday tbe 6 h dav of the hour of 1 o clock p tn of said day to hear objections to said nnai accrual and to settle said estate. This the 9th day of October, 1S97. Hxsav Kixzkr, Executor of cstaUs af Louisa M Kinxer, eat i a. IXfANTEl-TRCSTWORrBT AC- f j Uve gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established house in itrefron. Montoly fbd.UU aad expenses. Position steady. Rererence. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope. The Domia- on Uompapy, tept. Y Chicago. F OR SALE. A man at little Elk to sell his 40 acre tract, eon listing of 20 acres cleared, 10 to be cleared with 18 or 20 tone of hay, 150 bushels of potatoes ia tbe ground, 100 fruit trees,aad some cattle and sheep, in a nice location, lie tor aiuiRj, TJR SALE. Cne span team horses. 1 one rouble set harness, one wagon, Price $90. Cail on EC Sacry, UEO E FIh U TUB ft I'KIOlH Ha roo&ng and oluaibioir. Oproeih he opera house A1PLES WAMED, three car loads of revert! varieties Cash paid, at high eit prices tall on lUiutu tian-'.oppo. tte tvuss House. WANTED-UPR1G HT AND FAITH FUL gentlemen cr lad:ea to trav ior responsible, establisheti bouie Oregon. Monthlv fj65 00 andexpeBses. TXMilion steady. Kefeience Enclose selfaddressed stamped envelope. Dominion Company, ilept. H, Chicago. F corner of Fourth and Qalipooia streets tfl TB sO W BV W -waV0 S Vtf v a.Te nr..- I'HE MINES Boarding, ioumnu and meals may be secured ot the tub er at the 8antiam mines, at his place ia tne moutn ot itj uuicn. H. W. Whits. AGENTS get fifty cents on each dollar no experience necessary. Write fo agent's ou'ht. Address The Catholi! News, 5 Barclay St., New York. City Marshal's Notice of Tax Sale for Delinquent Taxes ot 1896. Notice Is hereby given that 1 y vlrtns of a warrr t for the rollectioa of delinquent taxes of the aa assi em of ia and f jr tbe city of Alb-y, In IJnn coonty and state olOiegon. which warrant la now in mr hands and is lo words snd figures, ss follows, towiu STATE OF OBKQOS ) as Connty of lion J In the name of the City tJl Albrny, Oregon. To Chaa O Lee. marshalof the Cay of Albany, Creg-M, Greeting In tba Name of Cto C$T of Albany. Orrgoo, Yon are hereby cSJtnandad that yoo evy upon to. gaoda adeaaltels of tbe delinquent tax payers nsweo la the foregoiug list, aad if nuos be tented, th u upon tbe real property set f rth vi-rem, or so moeb tbeieof aa a ball eetif tbs amoont of taavas so charged, w th rows and exDsoaes. aad that voa pay over, all .i ,A 11.. i'itm Trssfcnu of said city, and make tbe return or warrant aa by law required. By order of tbe C tv Council or tne City of Albany. Oregon. Made tbe tab day of, October 1667. ' witness my bead, snd tbe ofB dal signs-, tore, and tbe a 'a I tt the City of. al'any , this ISth day of O obr. 1837. signed Kecerrler of lbe eltv of Albany, which air m ie duacbed to tbe lis of unpaid on delinqoeut taxes 'or too year 1&J3 tn said ot Albany, and n-t bar log been able after diligent aeaueb lo find any peraonal property wabln said city, oot of which to make tb. taxes herein mentioned. I b've levied upon le fol lowing deecribed real progeny, towrlu Abbey, J R. lots 2. 24, 23, 26. 27. VS. 23. 30 and 31 In bioTJE Z AD bet a a4d.tioa to Albany. Or. 2 67 Adcor. Jane. loU 9. 10, 11, 12 i bl 1 in Abbey's addition to Albany, Orearow... i lc Alraoy Street Railway Co. the E W ot U 73 in Albany. Oteson ... 23 13 Baise. farah O, the X of lot 1 and 2 in M 23 in Hack'eman a Zl audit ioo to Albany. Oreson 600 Bradley, Joseph, ertate of , the w of the S E ot U 103 in Hackie man's additito to Albany, Ogn. . Carey, Sadie, lot 1 la Woes a in Al len and Hawkia's addition to Al bany, Oregon Cochran. RoU. eUle o. w of S w hi of bi 52 in ft sc-lemaa'i 21 addition to Albany. Oregon Conn, Sim'l. nndivided 14 tntrre ia the S E U nd the L of the 8 W H ot btk J13 in Hackie man's addition to Albany, Oga.. Coe, Geo D, irosUe. wbarf lota 2. 3, 3 70 33 2 78 6 40 4, 10. It, 1. in Albany. Orego. Una 1, 6 and 6 in block SO. blocks 79. 8y,8l,&6.c7. 88, t9. 101, 102, 103, 104 105. and lr actional U 'M. So and &6, a Mon'iths sonth crs audition lo Albany, Oregon; Also the nndivided interest ia lots 7 and 8 is block S3. lots 6. 7 and S in bl 64, 8 X of lots ', and ej in btk 70. tots a, 3,4aao6ia orck Ci. block 21. and lot 3 ia b:ock 4 in Albany. Oregon 123 60 Farreil. M E Mrs. lot 1 ia bock 23 -in Hacklemaa's 2d ad to A-ban, Oregon, and lot I ia block 8 i. rLukiemaa'a3rd ad to Albany. and lot 8 ia bl 125 in Backletnaas addition to Albaay, Oregon 10 oa Farweil. Horace, eataie of. tbe w of the N" w i ot W 36 in Uaeke man's 2nd d dt ifw to Albany . . Genisb J F. lots 16. 17 Id. 19, 20. 2i, 27,28,29, 30, 31 in bl 11 in Bryant's sd ts Aibanv. Oregon.. Ham mi. Fannie S, lots 3 aad 6 a bl 2d in Hackee man's 2nd ad to Albaay, Oregon Hawkins C E. tbe S H of lota 7 and 8 ia W 23 U UeekTenasa's 2d ad ditioB to A'baay. Oregon Hess, Harriett, lot 7 la bl 25 Albany Oregon ................. .... HortoB. E M. Jot 6 ia block 52 in Hackieman's 2d ad to Albany, Oregon Hostoa. B V. nndivided ia-erest ia lota 5, 6 and 1 in bi 113 ia Hackjerr-aa's ad to Albany. Or.. Johnaon. E S. lot s in hi Id in Hme. iemaa'a 3rd ad to Albany, Oregon Ketchnm, W M and aad J J Oa braUie, tmstee, N w and w t S 09 463 4 SO 400 1 33 6 43 93 ofthe S r 4 of block loO iaHack ieyna s aa to Attav, Or 273 Kane A. the west 45x100 feet of the east H f bl 1 is tbe Eas era ad to A'beny, Oregon " Kline, A. lots 6. 7 and 8 ia bl oO Hackiemans2d ad to Alhaav, Or Klia Joseohine, lot 7 in bt if ia tbe Eastern ad to Albany. Or.... McGregor, Donald, lot 1 ia bt 1 ia Jones addition to Albany. Otri.- 4 07 3 33 6 40 47 ILinnirg. E J. lot 1 and w 52 ft cf lot Z u bt 111 m Mactaemaa s aa to Albany Langhead. C H. S S of lot llabi 2 tiackiemsa's 3rd add to Abaav Mmtagce E E, lot t In U 10 in Hackleraaa'a ad to Albaav, Or.. Orion. Or-idHia, estate of, lot 4 in Will in Hackkmaa's ad to At kanT. Oregon : Palmer, Augusta, bl 9 la Hackle man's 4:had lo Albaay, Or, and lots 12, 14. 15 and 16 in ia Sca nner's addition to A basy, Or.. Roweil, Ella M. lot 3 in bl U ia Brv ant's addition 10 Albery. Or Baddick Q W, lot 6 and E oth 7 in bl ia ia the Eastern ad to Albaav, Ciga Bcpert. John lots 1, 4. i and 6 in bl 3 in the wes'era ad t Albany 5 329 4 ce 600 640 32 740 3 70 5 35 2 40 74 6 00 Scott. Koeella, estate of. E of W 44iaAltnr. Oregon Stewart, C H. trustee. 72iia feet iatneN E corner of block 116 a Hackieman's addition to Altan , Oregon Warulow, C F. lots 5 and 6 ia bi 1 Jo Abeey'a ad to Albanv, Or Watt. Emma C. loU 1 aud 8 n bl 25 AUjanr, Oregon : . . v iliianis. Elsie, E S of to's 36, 37. 08 and 39 in bl 2 in Abbey's ad to Albany, uregoo As the pcopesty of aaid deliaqaent 1 39 payers, aa ths same appears asteased on sal i dehnqoent tax red'; aad will oa Sa arday the 20 i dav of X jveaaber, 1S9T, at the front door of the eoart boost ia said city, aad at Ue hcor ot 1 o'clock, ia the afteraona Of said day, sell at pabiie aae ; tioa to tbe highest bidder fiar cask la hand, oa the day of aaid aale, all of the above described real propw ty, or so saach there of as raay be Beo8axy to pay aid satisfy the tax assessed aad levied against sach propertT. ia said citv of Albany, for tte year 1396, sogesker with accruing eost, aad expenses. Dtd at Albany. Or., this 221 dty ot Oct, 1S97. CO Las, City Marshal of the City of Albany. NORTHERN llll PACIFIC R. R. v H11 1 Im fn SlnomnT . !o -o Elegant Dintg Oars. Tourist Sleeping Gar' St Paul Minneapolis lnluth Fargo, Grand Forks Crookston rVinmpeg Helena and Butte to THROUGH T1CKE TO Chicago Washington Philadelphia New or k Boston and al. Points East aad South Through tickdts to Japan and Ch na, vis Tacoma and Northern Pacific steamshir Oo., aa American Use. .For information, time cards, maps ani? tickets call on or wrila C Q Borkbart ag t, Albany, Or. a u unantrw. At Gen Ps Portland. f ag FOUND. New pair gold rimmed glases. Call on Fran Kitchen at Bass House Cmke CsostlpetWe. ewrevwr vV? 9??t" Cno Catbartle. Me or So. II v. C tail to Cure, aryagiats retu&4 snoaee.