The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 22, 1897, Image 3

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Daily Democrat, 25 cents per month
3.00 per year,in advance, 30c per month
not in advance. By carrier, 10c per
week. ' 10 per cent added if allowed to
run over 3 months. Single copies 6o.
Wkkkly, fl.26 In advance; $1.50 at end
of year; $1.75 for second year; $2 00 for
third and proceeding yearn, when not paid
n advance. Clubs of five new subscriber
for to.OO.
It will rain
A new assortment
A (food Ratteen for 50c, a itteel rod
slender roll for 75c a better ene for
$1. Ladies and gentlemens umbrel
las from 50c to 13.
Kid Gloves
New stoca at all prices
2 clasp gloves $1 00
5 clasp gloves 76c
5 clasp glove fl 00
5 clasp gloves 1 50
3 clasp gloves 1 50
New shades, new backs
Ladles Underwear.
New stock is now complete
Union suits from 50c to $2 CO rer suit
Vests, 10c to (1 25,cotton mixid goods
and pare wooL Lhe best of values at
low prices.
Wool Hoelery.
Infmta sixes
Childrens and ladies 20c U 75c per pr.
S.E. Voting & Son.
Albany Or.
A new bhipment of Plush
Capes at $5 to $10
A new let of Cloth Capes.
Anew assortment of two
clasp gloves, in green and red
at $1.00.
Come today.
Don t delay about
them if you are interested
Albany, Ogn.
Our new line of Ladies Waists have
arrived. They are in Velvet, Plaids and
The Ladies Bazaar.
Following is the docket for the court
which convenes in Albany on Monday
morning, Oct. 25 :
Fifteen old canes and the following new
Eugene O'Connel agt H M Backensto
and wife ; recovery of money.
G F Simpson & Co agt DM Cooper;
' recovery money; attachment.
M Alexander agt John Cunningham
and A Glrss ; recovery money ; attach
ment. E Wills agt Mona and A R Miller; re
covery modey; attachment.
J C Goodale agt Emil Schneider and F
Campbell; recovery money.
Samuel Nixon agt E J and E T Wil
loughby; recovery money; attachment.
Isabel McNeil agt J H and Jas Thomp
son ; leave to issue execution.
W J Van Scbny ver & Co agt T W and
J W Blew ; recovery money.
E F Sox agt Geo H Warren ; recovery
W E McPbereon agt Agnes M and W
BGilson; recovery moaey; attachment.
. J S Van Winkle agt J L Ingram; re
covery money ; attachment . i
T L Holmes agt N T Moore and L
Blain; recovety money; attachment.
H L Lassell agt I W Dickinson ; recov
ery money; attachment.
Tootle Weakley Millinery Co ; recovery
money; attachment.
P Cohen agt C D Compton; recovery
money; attachment.
8 I Shore agt E J anJ S E Daly; re
covery money ; attachment.
London and S F Bank agt J W Patter
eon et al ; suit on bond.
Martha Smith agt M Hofiich and J L
Ingram; recovery money; attachment-
E E Davis agt John Harder; eject
ment suit.
M Cunningham, admr, agt L Douglas;
recovery money.
R W Conn agt Joe Teeke; recovery
money; attachment.
G W Wright agt D F West; recovery
D P Miller agt E H Rhodes; recovery
Nancy JGitbens agt Maud Wagnon et
al; to correct decree.
Chas AtschnI agt Wm RIavens; re ov
ery land.
Albany B A L agt Jay W Blain, A M
Alba Jackson agt R Y Jackson ;divorce.
B F Brow et al agt Robert Smith ; to
correct deed.
Mary J Gordan agt E W Acheson et
al ; foreclosure.
Maria Twaddell agt David Hare, et al;
Board of School Fund Commissioners
agt Jas H Johnson et al ; -foreclosure
Mrs O W Rogtrs agt Jane Woody ei al ;
The Dundee Mtee & Trust Co. azt J B
I Board School Fond Com. agt F M
Kizer et al ; foreclosure.
Annie M Torey azt G W Elkina et al ;
J W Cook and J F Corwin agt Lnther
White; petition lor writ of review,
E J Morrison agt W J Rainwater
G A Snell; recovery msney.
Jacob Keen agt Eliza Jane Farrier et al
Luella Z Adams agt Will Adams, di
vorce. From the Cottage Grove Leader:
The fact that Albany has a lady nim-
rod by the name of Mrs. Marshall who
can wing the festive China pheasant has
been going the rounds of the valley press.
This leads ns to remark that Mrs. Dr.
Petrie of th'is city can and does frequent
ly bring down those game birds on the
wins, and though she is small in stature
she uses no toy number 16 shot gun but
an ordinary Mo. 12 and with deadly el'
feet also.
a man In Klickitat county .Wash.,
writes an Albany man that he would like
to trade farms. He would like to get
. amawl plase enea wares from 20 akers
no. His reasons for wontong to trade
are that he is trubeld whth hart falear.
and the whork is to much on a larg plas,
With a request to show to the editor he
says, for f uthea pirtickers rite. Some
people seem to think it doesn't cost any
thing to run a newspaper.
Ko-To-Cao rur Firty Cuta..
I ...inntoe J tobacco habit eurei marffcs .k
men strong, bloi-'. wire. 60c, JL All aruwu
! 6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book
5.00 buys a good new Gnitar with book.
1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gat" Banjo Is
1.00 buys 12 choice
cat gut" Violin E
4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow.
25cts buys one doaen steel Violin 1st or
2nd strings.
25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine;
high arm, light running ; guaran
teed 5 years.
fJT Prices on Pianos, Organs. Banjos
sent on application.
. U. Will
Liverpool remains the came. In the
east though there has been a drop. We
quote :
New York 9SJ cents.
Chicago 91 to 91)' cents.
Albany 71 cetits.
Death of Mrs. Robert Conn.
Another pioneer woman of Oregon
aieu mis morning, airs. Kobert Uonn
at her home in this citv. at 7:15 o'clock
passed away after a lingering illness, at
the age of nearly 76 years. She was born
on Christmas day, 1821.
The deceased with her husband an 1
young children came here in the early
'SO'a. She was a member of the M. E.
church for manv years, leading an ex
emplary Christian life, as a member of
the church, as a wife, as a mother and
eignoor ana citixen. a husband, six
sons and one daaghter survive her. The
sons are I. D. Conn. Samuel Conn. N. D.
Conn, Joshua Conn, and Perry Conn, of
this city and vicinity, and Richard Conn,
oi roruana, uie aauguter Airs J. A.
McCheeney of this city. They have the
sympathy of many in their loss. .
The funeral services will be held to
morrow at 3 p. m. at the M . E. church
and will be conducted by Rev. Wire
All friends are invited to be present.
A Bad Runaway.
Rev. Wyatt, of near Monroe, met with
a serious accident last night at Plain
view. He had been preaching at Ham
ilton creek in the afternoon and expect
ed to preach at Plain vie in the evening,
and had arrived almoet there just after
dark, when his horse ran away. He was
thrown out and dragged about 100 vard.
just bow is notknon,and was picked up
unconscious, remaining so lor a long
time. One ear was pulled nearly off.and
his lace was bruised in a savage manner.
It was at first thought he would die,
but it is now probable he will live. Three
doctors attended him.
C. B. Winn is now a notary public.
Mr. J. F. Powell went to Portland to
day on a several days vacation.
Mr. Geo. ilcliwain ieft on Saturday
evening for Glen Eliyn, 111., on a visit.
Wm. Itasmus and members of the
Engene K. of P. will soon play the "Con
federate Spy," in that city.
. K. Henderson has been appointed
acting poet master of Eugene, succeeding
J. S. McClure, who la moving to Seattle.
At a whist party in Prineville two
-former Albany people won the booby
frizes, Miss Materia Brink and Frank
W. W. Crawford and Geo. E. Fish
were at Independence several days last
week putting op a windmill for L. (J.
Mr. T. P. Hackleman informs the
Democrat that the report that he was
going to Hawaii to locate, was incorrect
He. experts to remain in Albany.
Rev. A-tbnr Cane, last night preached
his farewell sermon as pastor of the
Chris ian church, after a faithful service
here of two or thiee years. He has not
decided on his fuure location.
There are nine divorce cases in the
Crook count circuit court docket. Fol
lowing are the plaintiffs: A. A. Witham,
Mrs. Chas. C. Miles, Edwin Martin, Mrs
C. B. Baker, L J. Kemp, J. A. Elliot,
Geo. A. Circle, Mrs Geo. Clioeanl B.
F. Shepherd.
Mr. George W. Harris returned this
morning from Sacramento, where he has
been about three months working for a
brother. He says that is a lively city,
growing very fast. Mr. Harris left with
the Dkxocbat some fine samples of
grapes, a pomegranate and several figs,
nice Iruit.
Miss Minnie McEarland retired from
the P. O. this morning after a clerkship
there for nearly three y?ara. She will
visit Lion county friends for about two
weeks and tben so to her fntnre borne
in Hanford, Calif , takiug with her the
best wishes of a host of friends
J. N. Dolph, Jr., a very pleasant, as
well as talented young man, now Pacific
coast secretary of the Janior Y. P. S. C.
t, , held a rally yesterday afternoon in
the U. P. conrch, at which he made an
entertaining talk. Mr. Doloh is a son of
Gyrus Dolpn and nephew of the late J.
N. Dolph. He passed two yerre in the
Rochester theological seminary, and ex
pects to attend the third and last year.
A pleasant family reunion was gather
ed at the home of Hm. M. L. Cbamber-
lin Ofl Seventeenth street, East Salem,
this afternoon. Four of Mr. Cbamber
lin'ssistera' met at bis borne for the first
time in twelve years. Those present
were Mrs. O. A. Waller and Mrs. Sallie
E, Morris, both of Salem ; Mis. Ollie L.
Belt, of Sokane Falls, and Miss Ellen J
Chamberlm, late of Seattle, Wn., but
now of the State Normrl school, of Mon
mouth. Three sisters were not able to
be present, Mrs. Lvdia E. Crockett and
Mis. Julia L. Sceufz, both of Seattle. and
MissNorahJ. Cbaniuerlin, of Spokane
Falls. Salem Journal.
The Woman 'a Home Miarionarr Society
of the M E church will meet in Albany on
Wednesday and Toursday, Oct. 20 and 21.
The new state officers of the Rath bone
Siaters. K. of P. are: Mrs Mary Ransom,
Forest Urove, GC: Mrs Susie rarmenter,
Salem. G S: Mr J R Smith. Pendleton,
G J; Mrs B Riddle. Roseburg, G a; Mrs
N J Ungerman. McMmnville, U mbl;
Mrs Alma Domen, HiUsboro, U M f ; Jars
Lillian Brock. Wasco. U f ; Mrs ftaua.
Sbinn, Portland, 0 G; Mrs S Hochstedier,
Albany, GSR.
William Sch wader was on Saturday at
Salem appointed administrator of the es
tate in Marion and Linn counties of Geo
Link, who died in Shelby coonty. Missouri,
on August 23d. The value of his Oregon
property is placed at anout azuuu, suojeci
to distribution among the following : Le
vins. Link, aired 81: lobn Link. 80: Eliza
beth Will.58: ami Louis Sch wader. 48, of
Aurora; William Link, 50, Hubbari;KAt!e
bower, oz. Dehtel, JUlssoun; uavia juiub,
38; fugene. '
BURKHART KING. On Oct. 17. 1897,
at the residence of the bride's father,
Mr. Alva Kins, bv Rev. C. R. Lamar,
Mr. Arthur Burkbart ana miss Maine
King, both of Linn coonty. ,
Ohio Woman Suffered Great Agony
From a Terrible 8oreHer Story of
the Caae, and Her Cur..
For many years I was afflicted with a
milk leg, and a few years ago It broke out
in a sore and spread from my toot to my
knee. I suffered great agony. It would
burn and itch all tbe time and discharge
a great deal. My health was good with
the exception of this sore. I tried a great
many kinds of salve, but some would
irritate the sore so that I could hardly
stand the pain. I could not go near the
fire without suffering Intensely. Someone
sent me papers containing testimonials of
cores by Hood's SsrsaparUla, and I told
my husband I would like to try this med
icine. Be got mo a bottle and I found it
helped me. I kept on taking It nntll my
limb waa completely healed. I cannot
praise Hood's Barasparllla enough for the
great benefit it has been to me. It
.ienea the blood of all impurities and
iama it rich and pure." Mas. Anna E.
FUiriEW. Whittlesey, Ohio.
You can buy Hood'a Sarsaparilla of all
druggieta. Be sure to get oniy nooo s,
are the favorite family
FlOOd S PlllS cathartic. Price 2Sc.
Takobnt, Oct. 18, 1897.
The health of Tangent is not very good
at the present. The following persons
are down with Typhoid lever, Mr. Mar
ion Simpson, Clarence Scott, Mildred
Sham and Earnest Cochran.
People in Tangent can move around
some if they can not do any thing else,
Mr W W Powell has moved his family
into Mr H W Settlemeira new house just
back of the M K church and Mr K
Moses has moved bis family into the
house just vacated by Mr Powell.
Mr Claud Beard, of Tangent, a son of
Mr J J Beard, has got a situation on the
8 r K K it McMinnviiie as agent and op
era tor.
Mr Delmer Smith, a son of L F Smith
is at home visiting his parents for a few
davs. He has been at work in Wash
ington for several months and will return
again in a few days.
The farmers all say the ground is gt!
ting so dry that they can hardly plow
and it is bard on the horsej.
We bad the pleasure of taking a bicy
cle ride to Salem some few days ago dur
ing fair week and to passing Syracuse we
got a glimpse of "Belinda Jane" and we
shook our hat at her.
The nurserymen have commenced dig
ging an shipping their fruit trees. Mr
H W Settleraier, who owns and runs the
Old Reliable nursery, has made the first
shipment of the season. He has been in
the business ever since Tangent first
started out to be a citv.
Bon. Little Kose Bud. of uakvuie, the
rustling merchant, made a short visit in
our town one day last week. One that
trades at his store will get value received
for he makes a first class store-keeper in
every respect. 1 ocno Amuuca. .
Sals or Prune. Last Saturday Laa
salle & Sons shipped to Portland about
50,0u0 pounds ot prunes that they
had dried for themselves and other.
and J. F. Feebler at the same time ship
ped 16.000 pounds, dried tor himself
and others. They, are to be graded in
Portland, for which these parties pay
60 eta. per ton. They are to get 4.23,
$3 75 and 13 00 per cwt . according to
sire. This will bring about $3500 into
uie eounty.
The market remains almost unchang
In Liverpool it is cent lower.
In New ork it is cent higher.
In Chicago it is the same.
In San Francisco it is i cent higher.
In Albany the same, 71 cents.
Tbb Anscal Mimsa of the Salem Dis
trict Womana Home Missionary Society
will be held in the First M. E. church of
Albany, Oct. 23 and 21. The program is
as follows:
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, de
votional exercises led by Mrs. Rev.
Peart. Address of Welcome, Mrs. N. J.
Henton, president of Albany auxiliary.
Response, Mxs. P. L. Kenedy. "The W.
H. M. S.. Its Influence on the Local
Church," Rev H. B. Elworthy. "The
Krlauon of the Mercy and Help Depart
ment to the W. H. M. S.." Mies Marzret
Geisendorfer. "What We are Doing."
Mrs. free. uawiey, baiem.
evening, V :3U. Opening exercises.
Addiee. lie v. M. C. Wire. Exchange of
greetings between w. t. al. H. and W.
H. M. S.. Foreign, by Mrs. M. C. Wire,
Home, Mrs. W. R. Winans. "Tne
Heathen at our Door," Mrs. Prof. Coch
Thursday a. m, 9 o'clock. Devotional
exercises, Mrs. W. P. Moore. Reports of
committees. "eeds as seen bv a Preen
ing Elders Wife," Mra. T. L. Jones.
"The Relation of Temperance to Mis
sions," Mrs. Black well.
A cordial invitation to attend these
meetings is extended to every body.
" Dr. J. W. Watts, of Layfnyette, ia in
the city.
Mr. Terry O'Brien returned this noon
from a several days business trip at the
Mra. W. B. Goisness and daughter re
turned last night from a several months
v.sit in Minnesota
Rev. F. S. Longbottom, a former min
ister of Albany, ia in Portland seriously
ill with cancer oi the stomach.
The Ladiee Society of the Presbyterian
church will meet with Mrs. D. P. Mason
tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock.
License haa been issued for the mar
riage of Edward C Wetxel and Lydia
M. Asche.of Syracuse precinct.
Mies Mtrzaret Cundiff baa the Demo
crat man's thanks fur an apple measur
ing 16 inches in circamfereoce. Will
some one please beat it.
W. W. Crawford this week ia at Craw-
fordsville putting un a wind- mill for the
Oregon Hoiel. He is having his hands
full erecting A er motors.
Mr. Jonaa Davit, wo daughters and a
friend left today by carriage for McMin
ville, to attend the meeting of the Bab
tist association.
Marshal Lee baa just erected some
steam baths in the rear of C. Meyers, so
that he will have all of the advantages of
a hot springs and stay at borne.
Mr. 3. K. Combs and tamiW, from Al
bany, have taken op their residence in
Ashland, occupying Mrs. snoot s dwell
ing below the south school. Aanund
Dr. Barker and Miss Msggie Barker
returned last evening Irom the Breiten-
bnsh hot springs, and confirm tbe ek
etory reported recently in the DxuocaaT.
The Doctor takes tbe credit of frighten
ing tbe animal to death.
James Hammond left this morning for
San Francisco to take a course in Lyceum
school of acting. He possesses much
histrionic ability and by close applica
tion to work will one day be prominent
ia dramatic circles. Eugene Gnard.
Mrs. Anna Hawkins, of Albany, grand
manager and general organizer of tbe Pa
cific circle, W. O. VV for the state of
Washington, was in the city today an
route to her fitld of labor in our neigh
bor state, for which she left on tbe after
noon train. Salem Journal.
The Degree cf Honor members last
evening tendered tbe A. O. U. W. a sur
prise after tbe regular meeting that
waa greatly enjoyed. A fine lunch was
served and an excellent program render
ed, when the remainder ot the evening
waa spent in sociability.
A letter from E. L. Campbell, brother
of the Guard proprietors, who bas been
on tbe mail route between Portland and
t'pokane in tbe railway mail service for
the past seven years, states that be baa
teenred a transfer to tbe mail route be
tween Wood burn, Marion county, and
Natron in this county. He will change
bia residence from Eaat rortland to
Woodburn. Eugene Gnard.
Ex-senator Chas. Coggswei). of Lake-1
view was in Asbland last evening on his
way to Portland to join his family. Mr.
Coggswell reports unusually prosperous
times in Lake county. The bank there
bas doubled its deposits in tbe last few
weeks and people have been paying o.d
bills and mortgages. Ashland Tidings.
A somewhat weary bicyclist arrived in
Pendleton Friday evening, alter a ride
through tbe sand from Umatilla. He ia
D. E. Flory, a young man from Albany
wno is on bis way to Uoltax to locate this
winter. Mr. Flory came by boat to The
Dalles, and by train as far as Umatilla.
He will stop over at Athena to visit his
sister, Miss F. E. Flory, who is teaching
in tbe public school there. rendieton
E. O.
Tbe sixth class of nurses of the train
ing school connected with the Good Sa'
maritan hospital, will hold their gradu
ating exercises in the lectui. ball of the
medical collette this Monday evening at
8:3C. There are five graduates: Miss
Barbara Scott, of Edinburg, Scotland;
Mrs. Robinette Blake, of AsUria, Or.,
Miss Cora Bushnell, of Eugene, Or. ; Miss
Maud Canrn.of Junction, Or. Telegram.
Henry McGrady fell from the roof of the
dormatory of the s'ate university at Eu
gene yesterday, and sustained in juries that
win probably prove fatal.
The First National Bank of Baker City
bas on dtposit over (600,000, a big amount
for a city of its size, made possible though
oy its nig mining interests.
The Albany Nurseries on Saturday
msue meir nrsi snipment ot the season.
It consisted of twenty five large bails of
fruit trees. The nursery has a good many
orders ahoadand will now be shipping
ngni aiong.
Orr roR Toronto. Mrs. M. A. Ramp,
a prominent local W. O. T. U. worker,
leittms morning lor Toronto, uanaua,
where she goes to attend the internation
al W. O. T. U. convention as a delegate
from the Salem union. At the conclu
sion of the Toronto convention, Mrs.
Ramp goes to Buffalo, New York, to at
tend the National W.C. T. U. conven
tion. New York City will next be visit
ed, after which Mrs, Ramp goes to points
in Illinois to spend several weeks with
old acquaintances, naving resided there
prior 10 coming to uregon. Airs. Kainp
will be absent from home about three
months, returning home about January
1. Salem Journal. Mrs. Ramp is the
mother of B. V. Ramp of this city, and
recently attended the state convention
A Kixa at Astoria. from the Bud
get. Alex McDonald, the king of the
Klondike, is in the city, and looks as
natural as he did three years ago when
he left for the frozen reaion. His home
is at Westport. where followed the black
smithing business. Formerly he work
ed in the mill of J . O. Trollingnr. One
WMild ecarselv recocnise Alex, from the
pictures ot bira in the Examiner and
Chronicle. He owns'a good interest in
fiive of the best mines on the Klondike
and is worth a a rest deal of money
Three years ago when he left here he had
to" soak ' bis timber claim to get money
enough to take him to the mines.
Onca of Linn County. The death of
Mrs. Margaret, A. UcUov. a pioneer wo
man of Oregon, occurred Sundav. Oct.
10, at her home in the Ealst End of
Umatilla county, this side o the slate
line. Mn. McCoy, who was 63 veara
and 6 days old at the time of her death,
was born in Sangamon eounty, Illinois.
She crossed the plains in 1852, her hus
band. Thomas K. McCoy, havine Dre-
ceededfcer two years previously. He
first mined In California, and afterward
located in Linn county. Orecon. where
be was joined by his wife noon her ar
rival from the east. They came to Uma
tilla county in lS58.-rend.eton E. O.
At Statton. On Tuesday tvnin.
October 28th, a new Rebekah lodge will
ue msuiuiea in biayton by Mra. Jessie
MintO, of this citv. a taat nobis irranrl nf
Salem Rebekah lodge. No. 1, she having
"wd appointed a special deputy master
bv Claud Gatch, grand master of the I.
O. O. F grand lodge o' Oregon. Tha live
little city of burton baa had a flourish
ing Odd Fellows' lodse (or manv veara.
and ths institution of a lodge of Rebtk-
as an auxiliary to tha older hrrh
ot the order, will be of great and lasting
benefit to the fraternity in that section,
as welt aa to the neighborhood. States
The Editors. At the state press asso
ciation's meeting in Baker City, Geo. B.
Small, of the Baker City Democrat, was
elected president; first vice-president, D
M C Gaolt, Independent, HillsLoro;
second vice-president, J S Stewart, Jour
nal, Fossil; secretary. Albert Tozier.
Pythian. Portland; treasurer, Charles
Nickell. Times. Jacksonville: historian.
George Haines, Christian Record, Port
land; sergeant-at-arma, a w Patterson,
Gazette, Heppner. It waa decided by
the association to bold the next annual
meeting jointly with the oreaa associa
tions of Washington and Idaho, at Snok.
ane Wash
Ax Obkoox Man PazsiDaar. From tha
omvem oiaiesman: Albert A. leaeap
.vbvuM virvwu prrvHivai h use -v l-Psi-Phi
Fraternity, of the Chicago Col
lege of Dental Surgery. Lambda Chapter,
be being a student of that institution.
He is the first "Western" boy that ever
held the office and it gore to show that
those on this side of the Rockies are
holding their own with those in the far
east. Albert is a son of Dr. and Mra.
Jeesup, who rank among the prominent
citizens of Salem.
Tnis is the denial college which Mr. A.
J. Hodges of this city is atunding.
Cibcttt Cocbt. The lot .owing new
caeca nave Deen oegen :
Robert Harrison et at agt.
John Har- '
neon Recovery money.
Albany Building anu Loan Association
agt. W. A. Laugbead. Foreclosure.
The Frawley company, which baa been
playing ia Portland, haa cancelled their
valley dates, and will not be in Albany aa
Salmagnodi and ITome Made Candy.
Albany College.
FrsJay evening, November, 5, 1&97.
Do Yotr Eat Chick exs: Well if you
want a fine fat one. leave your ord-r at the
Star Biaery. and C W Tank the deaief ia
choice poultr) will Sit it promptly .
The Weather.
To night and Thursday continued rain
stationary tempert ore. Kiverlfoct.
f. M.Kaisca. Displayman.
Price on wheat are advancing but prices
on groceries, hardware, stoves, tin ware,
glass ware, crcckery, etc are still very low
and quality better than ever at
F E Allsk A (Vs.
That clean sharp effect on our printing
is bad by knowing bow to do rreas work,
and by nsing the beat material, still tbe
price is no
higher than the other kind.
Smiley, tbe printer.
Hood. Pill are easy to take. eay to
operate. Cure indigestion, biliousness.
At Cost! At Cost!
I have concluded to go out of the croca-
erj businessaod sow oBet to tbe puolic my
large stock ot queensware, glassware and
pocket cuttlery at actual cost. Country
rerchants will do well to tall and stork np
aa mct of tbeae goods were shipped direct
from Eng'and and ror price ri'l be way
down. rUwpeuifnily,
C E Hkownelu
Slop that Cough! Take warning. It
mav lead to 'Coosumptioa. A 25 1 bottle
of Shiloh'a dre m ly av your lite. Sold
by rosbay & Masou.
Romona Teas.
our expense it vou are
) tb
not pleased eight flavors to
(boose from.
F E Alls' a & Co..
'Pure Food Grocers."
You Don't Have to Run fou can
'stroll, walk or saunter right iuto Burkhart
' & Lee's drug store where you will find the
. best 5 cent cigar in the city. Partuondo
is tne name. Also a tu'l lit
i line of clear Ha-
vana cigars in stock.
"Romona" Baking Powder,.
A pure cream tartar powdti
Toe latest and best.
Let everybody come to tne Star Bakery
and get s 'oaves of fresh bread for ft.oo
J W Bentby. the Pioneer boo and shoe
man, does first-class work cheap. Call on
him, just north of the Democrat office.
Albany Market.
Wheat 71 cents.
Oats 80.
Eggs 13 cents.
Butter IS to 22 cents.
Potatoes 60 cents.
Hams 11 to 13 cents.
Sides 10 to 11 cents.
Shoulders 6 to 7 cents.
, ; t . j . , . .
- .notice ia uereuy given inac Hinds at
on nand to pay city warrants Nos. 2U
to 263 Inclusive of the issue of 1897. Tn.
teres ton said warrants will cease with tbe
date of this notice.
Albany Or. Oct. 13, 1897.
. A. Pabrkr,
City Treasurer.
zenuung s vest tea is the
best you can get for anything
like the money it costs.
Schilling's Best baking pow
der is the best you can get at
any price.
San Kraticicti
J. M. Nolan, one of Uorvallis s live
merchants, waa in Albany to lay.
Miss Sadie McBride returned to Port
land yesterday, and wtll spend the win
ter there.
Rev. W. A. Lindsey, who has held sev
eral revivals in Albany, is now traveling
organizer for the Maccaoees. .
Rev. J. T. Abnett. of i-ueene. was in
the city yesterday afternoon to assist in
the funeral ot Mrs. noueri uonn.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Brien, Inde
pendence,are in the city the guests of the
falters father, Mr. Giblin of the St.
Walter Fair 11, who went with his
mother to California a few weeks ago to
reside, has returned to Albany, prefer-
ing it lo that state.
Henry McGrady, who fell from the
cohege dormatory at Eugene, died yes-
erday afternoon. He was a member oi
the W. of W.
Edmond Gillnar, of Salem, baa been
appointed cierk ol the senate committee
on coast defenae, and wilt go to Wash
ington at the proper time to assume the
duties of the office.
Jesse Tunnicliffe. the well-known and
efficient electrician and machin;st, has
retired from the position he haa beld at
the electric Kght plant for so many years
Hia resignation took etlect Sunday, and
Monday he started with Roy Raber for
Snake River, where he will superintend
tho mechanical arrangements ol the min
ing operations beng conducted by Mr.
Raber in that section. Corvallis Times
The Magazine club last evening, at the
residence of Mr. William Vane gave a
function that proved one of the pleasant
eet experiences in the clubs happy ex
istence. The arrangements and decora
tions were tasty and novel, artistic in
conception. The feature of the evening
was the representation by the young
ladies of prominent books, and the se
lection of partners, which mas done in
library atyle. There were other pleia
ing features, and a delicious lunch was
Many of our tanners are busy patting
ia their crops, they can't watt for rain.
Mr. A loo to Conger and family of Sac
ramento, Cat, were visiting I N Smith
and family last week.
Mr W N Smith, who has been at work
in Eastern Oregon, returned today.
As we passed through Syracnse recent
ly we looted for and enquired for oar
I 1 Vl I I . I ' .
riena oeiinaa jane, uai wiiooui success)
for we found no one who knew her.
We were invited to an old fashioned
house raising this morning at the home
of Mrs Fattiaon in West Oakville. Of
conrse we accepted aa we always do when J
inere is someimng lo eat on lop.. e:
found a jolly set of men and a fine din
ner. We also found that niue-teolb's of
the men were natives of Iowa apd ooe
tenth waa a native of England. We
soon Lad the bone, in position.
Many thanks "Angeline" but tetnen
ber what we told yoa and we will watch
for you. We are srlad to learn voor
name and bad already gnened it but we
leu on tbe "in.." nat a in a name
anyway? A rose vy any other name
would be as fragrant.
Mr W L Armstrong passed through
here last Saturday. Mr A is one of the
early reUlere of this valley and still re
sides on hia old claim and manages the
A Y Smith baa harvested bis epods
and reports a good y W Id.
Mis Sarah Morrison, a student of tbe
O A C, as visiting? with ber ptrenta and
frienda last Friday evening and Satur
day. Dr R A Jayne. of Sbedde, passed
through here hist wn k.
Mr H M Stone haa graded his prunes
and is now preparing them for market
We have I tid in a large supply of wood
as we laok for a cold winter and lots of
anow. j
Mr Ed Davis went to Albany today.,
He ia now residing on bia farm. i
Little Rok Bro.
Cnas. Bacsa nas Sraccx It. The
Spokane Review ot the lUb gives an ac
count of a rich discovery in tbe A ins
worth camp abov. Roesland, by C. L.
Brush, formerly of this city, son ot Mr.
John Brush . Tbe ore is silver bearing,
and assayed all the way from $644 to
$2312.91. Hs haa three pa -triers and no
doobtedly a rich thing in the mine. His
Albany frienda will bope so.
SaucAGCKoi. A Salmagundi Social
under tbe auspices of the college V. W.
C. A. will be given Friday, Nov. 6lb, at
tbe college. All are cordially invited to
come and see what a "Salmagundi" is,
and have a royal good time. Admission,
Remember, thatC W Tuna, dealer in
choice poultry keeps his yards full ot tine
fat fowls. Try him this week with your
order. Give him Toor name aud be calls
every Friday for yoor orders. Leave or-
ersat the star Bakery.
Stop It. The boys of tbe city through
the suburbs are in the habit of building
res evenings, causing a big smoke and
lots of annoyance. The C hief of Police
says that if it ia not stepped there will h.
some boys who wui gel into trouoie.
Rheumatism is due to lactic in tbe
blood. Hood'a Sarsaparilla neutralizes
tbe acid and completely cors tbe acbes and
pains of rheumatism. Be sure to get
Letter List.
Following is the lixt of letters remaining
in tbe i'ostottice at Albany, Linn county
Oregon, Oct. 19, 1897. Persons calling
for these letters must give the date on which
they were advertised
Buck, Mrs Louise
Haley, Miss Iva
Kelley, Mrs F M
Logus, Mr Wm
Cole, H B
Kelley, Airs Frank
tee, L E
Martin, Mr Thomas
Powers, Lew A
Rex, Mra A J
Moore. Mies ivy
Predemeir, Mr M
Robbing, Mrs E L
Skipworth, Mr
Schanun,MrGustaveStoneback,MrG L
Spencer & Talmage Waugh, Mr
Jones, Mrs Marie Young. Miss Ellen
jasmann, air a noaina
T. J. STrraa, P M
New Stock
Mens dotting . . .
Yonths Clothing
Boys Clothing
Bought before the advance in
woolen goods, and will be sold
on basis of purchase price.
The market this noon was:
Liverpool, cet higher.
New York, 9b cents.
Cbicao, 91-i cents.
San Francisco, 88 cents.
Albany, 71 cents.
Red hot mince pies at Parker Brothers
Smile) 's clean printing.
Romona pure spices
Romona Romona pure extracts .
Macintoshes at St Louis Racket store.
Try Beaming's Beat tea and baking powder.
Shirts and collars a specialty at the Mag-
uuim Lnunury.
Boots and shoes a specialty at St Louis
racket store.
nUnderwarea leader at the St Louis
Racket store.
Will b Sta k always have in rtock
Iatut novelties in all li-ser of jewelry.
Pa'- a lamp on your bicycle and save ex
penfej. By order of Uie Marshal.
Th.i First National Bank of Corvallis is
o be moved into new and elegant quart
YOU Will alIV And fin linn n
eiry at Will 4 SUrks. Do not buy before
naminiUK lueir gOOOS.
iav your orders for dressed chickens
. Meyers at the Star Bakery and C.
w. onk will fill them promptly.
When yon want a choir aUak
roast or meat ot any kind, call on Henry
urouers. lie keens the beat.
John Henderson, of I.tnnuinr r
county, haa a herd of 800 turtle, which h.
expects to selifor turtle souo. rh.y are
worth about 60 cents a dozen.
Dont foriret to order rnnr Hnwal t.;.v.
ens of O. W. Yank, dealer in choice poul
try. Give him your nameand h wiA -ail
every Friday for your orders.
The minuters and elders who attended
the synod of the Preahrtorian rhnn .t
Grants Pass have retained home. The
jaw wui ue neid la Albany next year. j
am neat meats of all kinds and good
treatment at the Albtny Dressed lieef
Company . market, just djwn Second
street. Good weight and prompt attend
Ladies wishing their cxblood. chocolate
green, brown or Un shoes polubed please
call at the stand on first street, Henry
Morgan the champion russet shoe ooliaher.
r int chus work guaranteed. Give ns a
Consider your ways, think before yon
act, and tben go to Haigbt Bros , where
joa will fiad a choice stock ot meats of alt
ainJs to order from. Yoo are bound to be
ple.ied if von order of them.
ProbtUc Record.
Second semi-annual account filed in
estate oi llaeti Mctpreoti.
in estate of Mra Anna Laboyteaax.will
admitted to probate. Chas Wolver-
ion appointed executor.
4th account filed in estate of B X Hard-
Inee'.ateof E R Chea.i: nhwii...
filed to distribution of proceeds of sale.
iu remi-aonuai account Blied 10 1
tate of Richard Fin lev.
In estate of Louis K.lnser,final account
ing set I or nee. c.
, ln eaUtaof . If- Allen, petition for
uwuiuuuan Diea.
in estate oi r M. Carlton, inventory
filed. Kal property 1 4O00
In estate of Anna 'M airy, petition fcr
probate of will filed .
Letters insoed to G L Gray aa guard-
" l. uray
In estate of Albert Bntla. flrat arencint
In guardianship of Lola Weetfail, cn-
uertatice lor sale o: real estate nled.
In Mate of Joa Bahl, inventory filed
Total value of property, $521.18 .
Siur pro to Ataajrv. The old mooiJ
ing machine that the Sugar Pin. Door
ana Lomoer company of brants Paaa at
tempted to sell for tbe sum of $300 to tbe
A en choral College has been shipped to
Albany. It went last week and waa con
signed to the branch boos, of the enter
pnaing Grant's Paaa concern that en
deavored to drive the bargain. The poor
old machine lid on the station platform
from Jaly Srd noti.l lat week, and al
ways teemed to be ashamed of its condi
tion and sppeai an Times. The Cor
vallia papers have had a good deal lo say
about this particular piece of machinery.
Cax HaaoLT Live. Rev. Exra Wyatt,
recently injured near PUinview, it is re
ported, will undoubtedly die, there be
tog hardly one chance in a band red for
him to live. One cheek is literally torn
from bis face, one ear ia torn completely
away, tbe jaw ia fractured and the bas.
of tbe brain, the doctors say, is injured.
There are al internal injuries, the ex
tent and mture of which are not known.
Bcsistsa IxcRa(UNO. On account of
bis increasing bosiness, J. A. Weaver, of
the Fair, haa rented bia store foe . term
of years, and also tbe twenty feet ia tb.
rear of his preeot room, into which an
arch will be cot. He intends to make a
specialty of house-fitting goods of all
kinds, and baa on tb. way a larg. stock
ot new goods to add to hia aired large
stock. Un their arrival be will grv. an
opening, showing one hundred feet of
room toil of goods.
Pullman Sleeping Oars,
Elegant Ding Cars,
Touris?" Sleeping Carp
St Paul
m . Grand Forks
Helena and
New York.
Boston andal
Points East and Sooth
Through tickdts to Japan and Ch na, vis
Tacomaand Northern Pacific steamshij.
Co., an American tine.
For information, time cards, maps an!
ticketa call on or write O G Burkhart
sgyot, Albany, Or. -
A U V-barllO". uen imm
Portland. O-
1 J- WHITflEi
I "
Attorney at Uw, Aloany.Or.
Caveata ana Tra4s Marts obtained and all FatS
Et bulnr conducted for Moderate Fm.
BendmoUeUdrawinRorphoto. W sadU HJ
natMiUblerre.or.cBWK'i. irarn..m.
S!ll.utd. AlWht-Bov toOV
uin PtnW." with eo of tha u.
adflgaoouatieaBt tne. liinm,
a A. 8NOV&CO. ;
The motor on tbe Albany treet rail
way will connect promptly with all Iraim
. hnm tha rienot. day and nioht.
Soecial trips will be made at special
Btes. t. V. CoitN, Cordactor,
.fT7ND A boy's
macintosh, almost
1 new. about eight miles from
Call on J W SodIU
Many Cases of New Goods
at the ,
Blain Clothing Company's.
Seasonable and Nobby Suits for Men.
Pretty and Durable Suits for Boys.
An elegant line ot Furnishings in the
Latest Designs
The Best Underwear for Winter.
Stylish Hats and Caps.
The Styles and Prices Will Satisfy You.
The Fair
Wishes to speak
today of the new
Lamps, China and
Glassware which
for beauty and
cheapness far sur
passes anything
ever offered in the
To ill Points East
Solid vertibule trains, confuting of pal
ace sleeping car, loxa ioos dining car,
elegant day coaches, magnificent tourist
cars ind free colonist sleepers from the Pa
a&c to the Atlantic withoat change,
eorr Dtaacr ajto caaapasr aoura r
District I
aochs cm,
All point i the Okasagaa Country.
Ge a pamphlet sriving a fait descriptioc
of this wonderful country. Atk tbe aent
lor a copy or tbe mints? Un ot Bntur
Lowes rates o and from
Atlantic eteamabip ines.
Canadian Pac. Ry. Uo 's
.Royal Mail Steamship
line to China and Japan
CaXADtA avstbauak traaxxa us
0501XLC, rui ajro acsrmaua.
Tbe shortest lice to the Cclooies. These
steamers carry aa experienced medical
man. and a stewardess on every voyage .
For time table, pamphlets, or any in
ormation. call oa or address.
S N STEELE CO. Agenta.Albaay Or.
KJOOlLfc. An t, 1 Tbird St- 1 ort-
and. Or.
Vancouver. B. C
Oregon Cexthal
Connecting at Yaquina Bay withth
San Francisco 5 Yaqaina Ba?
Sails from Taquina every 9 days foi
San Francisco, Coos Bay, Port Orford
Trinidad and Humboldt Bay.
Shortest- rout between the Willam
ette Valley and California.
Fare from Albany and points weet tc
Ban Francisco
Cams 8 0C
Bvazaaoa 6.0C
Bound trip good for 60 days 17.0C
To Coos Bay
Cabin ." IS-M
To Humboldt Bay and Port Orford,
Cabin 110.01
River Division.
Steamer "Albany" between Portlan
and Corvallis, through w ithout 1 r-o ve
Leaves Albany 8.-00 a. m. Tueeda
Thursdays and Saturdays; leaves Po
land. Yamhill street docK, 6:0C a. m
Sundays Wednesdays and Fridays.
fcDWlS MOM, 4 v mito,
Manager Supt River Div.
iniwuu PRnr.iiRFn
Motor afliltliiiPatefltCaisK
tm Me Tert Are.. Washiest. C
Notice is hereby given that the so-rart-
neiship heretofore existing between LH
Montanve ana l l tiaciiieman is 'ois tuy
dissolved by mutual content.
A'bany, Or, Aug 31st.
RES3-M A KING. Ladies wishing
learn cutting and httipg by tbe Mj
n system, call an Mrs. It. K. Owe
reuses made tor $2.50 and np. Cor 3
IT 7 ANTED. A few more
ments by the day to sew.
Mrs R. fc. Owxh.
f Y FUL gentlemen or ladies to trav
for responsible, established bou
in Oregon. Monthly t55 00 and ex per s
Position steady. Reference tncl
self addressed stamped envelope.
Dominion Company, Dept. H, Oaio a
A big line of mens and boys boots and
shoes, trunks, valises, suits. An exten -sive
line of mens and youth furnishing s,
hats and caps. All the above goods have
been bought at low prices. We Will not
be undersold
Foster Blk 1st St. Albany; Or
OCTOBER 18, 1897
Big Value at Small Cost.
2 long handled brooms.... I 25
9 bars Savon Soap 25
Aumsville or Stay too floor pr sack I 00
10 papers matchee 05
4 papers beet matches 10
30 lbs good rice 1 00
30 yds extra E muslin 100
Mens beavv kip boots 2 20
Ladies Storm King shoes... ISO
C Our One Dollar Blankets 1 00
Mens fine witter shoes 2 35
8 papers Arbuckie or Lion coffee. 1 00
Z papers " " .
Mens and ladies
arrived and will be
ces also Rubber Boots and shoes.
Call at flcllwain's Cash Store for
great values at small prices.
Dealers in
Hardware, . Paiits and
wapn lateral 1
Iron, Steel, Goal Ctiin, etc
b tot as Wheat is a good price and
there is no reason in the world why yon
should not boy yoor wife a cook stove.
e can fit yoa oat with anything in the
line of stovea and ranges, having a large
stock of "Jewels" and "L'niversala"
constantly on hand.
Ocns and Ahhcxittox Hunting has
now commenced and we are prepared
for it with a fine !ine of gone and a big
stock ol ammunition. Ours'ock of shot
guns is particularly good and the prices
very low. Vil early ana get yoa? choice.
Bictclcs We still carry the two best
bicycles in the market theColunibia
ana mauioim. mere ten t any otner
wheel that will give aa good satisfaction,
and the people are beginning to find it
oat. W e also bave a repair abop, so u
your old wbeel needs any work, come
around and we will pat it in good shape
lor you.
JawtxDisK Hakrows Does your old
disk harrow rear np in the middle un
less yoa ran a rail into it? When yoa
get a "Jewel" yoa won't have this
trouble. It haa a solid steel frame, ia
the most durable harrow on the market,
nd if it doean't do as good work aa any
of them yoa can bring it tack.
Plows and Haows You can't raise
30 bushels of wheat per acre nnleea vou
get tne ground in good condition and we
nave tne implements to do it with and
want to sell them. We can sell you
plows that will be light draft and will
scour in any soil and we don't think any
one can beat us on price.
Tut Best Broav brought into the val
ley ia Studebaker'a "laser," and wo in
vita you to come around and take a look
at our stock. We have them in light
and heavy sises,brewster and end springs
quarter leather an 1 full leather tops and
tbe gears in tnree dinerent colors.
100 Bc9hkls of wheat is a common
every-da v load for a S1 Studebaker
wagon. It ia not warranted by tbe mak
ers under sucn a load, but it carries tbM
much right along daring the straw-Leal
ing season. However it ia warranted to
carry as much as a wagon of any
other manufacture. II you a ant a wag
on that wilt last you daring the rest oi
your life, bay the "Studebaker."
Scriwoa Drills
Wm Jordaa, E D Farwell,
JnoHutchins, Wm Walker,
J Arcuibald, B J Becker,
Al Perrv, S Freerksen,
Geo Edge, Z G Hayes,
Frank Trites, D Barrett.
If vou think the Superior drill ia
right at the top, ask any ot the above
named gentlemen, each ot whom bought
and used one last spring. We have just
received a car load for the fall trade, and
tbey are not old bankrupt stock from
Portland, but were shipped direct to a
from the factory Aug. 1st. Come around
and see the very latest and best drill
e are receiving another large invoice of
the Oregon all wool suits, which we are from $9.00 toflO.OO.thebest value
in the market
Mens Oregon wool suits from $5 to 11 00
? lbe Arm A Hammer Soda (balk) 25
Brightest A Beet tobacco, per ping 20
Crackers, per cartoon.. 10
Ladies 6 jackets and e pea . 4 00
Mens $1 50 per suit nnderwear... 1 00
FadorabatsfLSO grade for 100
6-4 cent bar Codahya soap and 1
paper Kex chewing gum 23
5 gallon keg sugar hcuse syrup 125
6 pr mens rio top socks 25
i lbe Mocha and Java coSee 1 00
macintoshes have
sold at small pri
Doxt Fobgr that the place to boy all
these articles and many others that wo
bave not mentioned, is at tne store ot
Given Away
to the
Lucky One.
1 103 Piece Dinner Set of ths
celebrated fiarilaiid French China.
Handsomely Decorated, lis latest
design, with 6old Trimmings.
Call on ns and Post yourself
now yon may get tnis BeantiM Pre
sent notice for Publication
Laxo Orwca at OaasoK Crrr, Oa.
Oct 13th. 1S97.
Kotice ia hereby siren that ! following
named settisr haa tiled notice of his isUa
tioa to mak. anal proof io aucport et his
claim, and that sid proof will be sad be
fore Ui ooantv clerk of Un coonty ai ai
bany, Oiio, oa'Kcvembar 27u, 1S97,
Eliaa Morlej;H K 11432 foe the lot 5 ot
See 14, Tp 9 South R 1 East. He aassea
tha following witnesses to prove kia en
I is a Ma teaideeea epoa sod ealtiya&oa of.
aaid land: vts: Charles Swaak. Henry
Lyoaa, Jason W Tenoey, Aadraw r isa
walt, all ot L.ys. Oan.
KegisW ,
APPLES WASTED, three car loads of
several varieties Cash paid, at high-
eat prices Call on uuam nm.wfpw
ite Russ House..
GIRL WANTED. To do general boos
work, ono who is willing to work.
Call at the reaideace ot M. Senders.
t i
OST. A green enamel wreath pin
I .The finder will be suitably
on leaving at this office.
ftpal Culture aii Moil
.Emerson or Dolsarte
Cor. Sid and Washington St.