The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 15, 1897, Image 2

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    Fat mere had better not count on the
wheat going too high . You cant always
sometimes tell.
Notwithstanding the big attendance
the receipts ol the state fair laeked $2700
of being enough to pay expense!.
The Boston base ball club deserved to
win thecnampionship, because they pat
np decent base ball, while a number of
the clubs did not. People who do things
on the square deserve success.
The butchers of New York ought to be
olid for Van Wick, the Tammany man
for mayor. He is the champion beef
eater of New York eity. At a club con
test several months ago he actually ate
fix pounds at a sitting.
Ftoaa the St. Louis Globe Democrat.
The four adjacent States of Missouri,
Iowa, Kansas, and Kebraska, have raised
over 950,000,000 bushels ot cor this
year. That Iookb like good times, and
it is only on of the items.
It is being said that the office ot may
orof Greater New York will be a step
pin? stone to the presidency ot the United
siHifa. upana on me tact un no
mayor of New York will ever be able to
fit! the president's chair. The office
will do almost any man up.
An Albany amateur photographer has
just taken a picture of Ah Swill and hie
palatial residence in the eastern suburb.
An injunction should be issued restrain-
ing the printing of ti , as the picture
would certainly be a slam on Albany's
pleasant honrea.
Geer says if he is not appointed collec
tor of customs at Portland he will know
the reason why. This man Geer it
seems to us is getting somewhat obstrep
erous, just a little childish. He talks
as if he had a right to dictate when the
political mooa shall rise. Geer bad bet
ter go back to his farm and finish sow
ing his wheat.
A 99 pound young man back east has
n st ridden a bicycle almost 33 miles in
an hour. It takes a fast train to go 33
miles in an hoar. The average Oregon
train doesn't do it. The Dbvocxat man
doesn't have much breath left after go
ing at a rapid speed for half a mile, bat
this young fellow goes 66 times as far and
end3 as fresh aa a webfoot morning.
From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Nine years ago the'world'a production
of cane sugar was larger than that o'
beetsugar, but for 1897 the estimate is
4,773,000 tons of beet sugar and 2.432.00C
.tons of cane eugaf. It will pay the peo
ple of the United State? to secure their
share of this great indastry.
Some more men have arrived from
Dawson, coming over the Dalton trail,
and they all tell the same story a boot
starvation being sure to occur at Dawson
this winter. The Dkmocbat right hero
will predict that there won't be a single
case of starvation on" the Klondike this
-winter. There is being a lot of cheap
talk. Oue object seems to be to get the
government to make a relief appropria
tion. From Harper's Weekly.
This season, in the great wheat grow
iu section of the San Joaquin Yalley. a
gi-u't harvester has been in use which
cut, thrashes, and sacks the wheat
growing oa 100 acres dally. The m
e;iin vUeu all ita sickles are in use, euta
lie enormous swath of fifty-two. feet.
K.iitor ten men are able to handle it
eas.iy, and it turns out from 1,400 to 1,
800 earka of wheat in a ten boar day.
Frcm the Post.
Tif adulteration of flour by a great
man . ni.iers is something that few peo
ps Ltve any conception of,'' said Mr. D
J 1 ckt'ord of St. Louis, at the Norman
die. "Th- adulteration, bowever, is no new
thing, and it is practised on a b'g scale.
The crafty miller simply mixes a lot Of
corn Soar with that made from wheat,
and as corn is immensely cheaper, be
gels a handsome proSt out of the trans
action. The customer ean baraly be ex
pected to analyze bis sack of floor, and
as it look 3w bite and tastes well after be
ing made into bread, it may be that be
would not object very serionsly to the
mixing of the cereals.
Bat the use oleomas an adulterant
- does not stop here. The towers are
buying it in large quantities to employ
a a substitute for barley malt. The
beer tbat is made from corn is, if any i
tiling, more palatable than that manu
factured from malt, bat is said not to be
as wholesome. No doubt we shall soon
eee some efforts to legislate against this
nse of corn by the millers and brewers.
It weuld be only fair and honest if there
was some way to let the public know
whether it was baying pare wheat floor
or a mixture, or was drinking lager
mads ot barley malt or a substitute "
From Nebraska comes the news of tSe
discovery of a new kind of wheat. It
differs from the old varieties by growing
seven heads in place of one. It seems
tbat it will grow on any land on which
ordinary wheat will grow, and tLat tacb
of the sevt-n heads is the size of tbe
ordinary head ai d contains well de
veloped trin. It naturally follows
tl at if this viieat meets future expect
atiois, it means connJerable to the
growers of the country. It seems this
new kind ( wheat was discovered in
Ca. lorma about three years ago, aot it
has ooly beeo grown on a small scale
since, s the farmers had but little faith
in it, and were disposed to regard the
stories about ts wonderful yield as fll
yarn. In Sew Mexico the farmers ha
ak- i i;( the new kind of wheat, and a
la- ' hi mt their expectations. I'
on .1 flers from ordinary fall wheat ir
Kri. Bti aeven heads in place of one ai d
; one J these heads is the siz j of r.
oul . rv Imad of wheat. If this varie
f - at inrns out all tbat is expected .
it, t:' , i oo doubt that it will tor.
ak place of all other kinds of wi;..
t-t h it. -Ex.
Cost of Yellow Tever
i h? New York Herald.
itiioiigh the loss of life In tbe fev .
k seetion in tbe South is anwt d
r' :- :' i he cost of the contagion ".
- f is assuming an aspect ti at
!' fvn graver concern. It is
mutii that ip New Orleans alone (..,
lo ;.l w $25,0CO,000 while the loss -v
othfct .i. ructions and the cost of maip
teinu!.! tbe quarantine will run tbe l
tal a;, to 133,000,000 People fn more
t&o'i d eeci ions may well extend thi-ii
sympathy to the people of the scour :
trickeu section.
The Correct Thing
From the New York Wor'.d.
To break braad, muffins or biscuits at
To moderate onV speaking voice and
to enunciate clearly and distinctly.
To answer at once an invitation to any
social function, or declining
To sign one's christain name to all
communications. For example: "Sin
cerely yours, Henrietta Jones."
To speak of trouseis and waistcoat.
For gentlemen to walk on the side
nearest the curbstone when accompany
ing a lady.
f o eat with a fork whenever possible.
Iced crea-ve, water ices and berries are
eaten with a fork.
To use a knife only lor cutting meat,
fowl or ame .
To place a spoon need for tea or coffee
upon the saucer as soon as it has served
Ita purpose.
For a gentleman to remain standing
until after ladies have been seated at
table; to assist the lady whom he has
escorted to the dining room
To serve all matters pretaining to the
toilet for the privacy ot one's dressing
room (the care of the teeth included).
Tn accent a first invitation when It is
possible to do so.
For people in deep mourning to decline
an Invitation to a social function without
i written explanation. A card sent with
liackDorder conveys its own reason.
To take toup from the side ct ibe bowl
ot the spoon.
To drink moderately a small quantity
at a time.
For a gentleman to throw away his
Clear, or at least remove- it irom ma
month, when bowing to a lady.
For a gentleman to remove his hat
when offering a lady bis arm.
To hold the fork in the fight haad
when eating, with the tints forming a
bowl shape.
To raise the fork to the mouth with
the right ban4 so that the fork shall be
almost parallel with the mouth,
rr is WBONQ
To eat sliced bread, biscuit or muffins
To roar orscieam, even at one's family
or aervanta.
To answer an invitation to a luncueon,
breakfast or dinner in a doubtful or hes
itating manner.
To make nse of a title as a signature.
For example: "Mrs Colonel Jones," or
"Mrs Hannah Brown."
To speak o! pants and vests.
For a gentleman wben accompanying
a lady to permit ber to walk "on the
outside." When walking with two
ladies to walk between tbem.
To eat anything f rom a spoon which
can be properly cooveyei to the mouth
by the aid ot a fork.
To nse a knife for cutting lettuce, fish
or vegetables.
Toleaveaspooain a cap ot tea or
To take salt with one's knt'e tiom a
general salt cellar.
For a gentleman to seat himself at table
before ladies have been seated and to re
main seated after ladies have made tbe
first movement towards rising.
To nse toothpicks in public ; m pardon
able table.
To decline a first invitation without
giving a satisfactory and legitimate ex
ense for doing so.
To send invitations 'or o'dioary fane
lions to household during tbe first
month of their sffi etion. Weddiog
ooy are excepted.
To make a noise while eating soup, or
to blow bnt liquids wi'h the object of
coniiog them.
To d'iuk 'he entire content of a glass
or cup at on attack Tn bold glass or
ra:t -V 'b bowl.
- For a g'Di'emau to fpeak to a womau
with a tiger iu his mouib, or to smoke
in ber presence without asking aod re
ceiving her permission te da so.
For a gentleman to seixe a lady by the
elbow with an intention of aiding ber
To oil f-d ti tl.e back o' tbe fork
hu'd'tii it npiv do 'i for this pnrpote.
TV-jerk ih har-i itti r- forkaronnd
to the mooch with aua toward bed ol
the el!jow and o bring tbe fork directly
opposite the month.
Of Treating Dyspepsia and Indi
gestion by Dieting a Barberous
and Useless One.
. We say the old way, but really it ia a
very common one at present time and
many dyspeptics and physicians as well
consider tbe first step to take in attempt
ing to cure indigestion ie to diet, either
by selecting certain foods and rejecting
others or to greatly diminish the quan
tity usually taken, in other words tbe
starvation plan ia by many supposed to
be tbe first essential.
The almost certain failure of the star
vation cure lor dyspepsia has been
proven time and again, but still ihe mo
ment'Dvspeosia makes its sppearance a
course of dieting is at once advised.
All this is radically wrong. It is fool
ish and unscientific to recommend diet
ing or starvation to a man suffering
from Dyspepsia, because indigestion it
self starves every organ and every rerve
and every fibre in tbe body.
What the Djspeptic wants is abund
ant nutrition, wbkh means plenty of
good, wholesome, well-cooked food end
something to atsist the weak stomach to
digest it. This is exactly the purpose
tor which Stuart i Dyspepsia Tablets are
adapted and this is tbe method by which
tbey cure tbe worst cases ol uyspeoeia.
in other words the patient eats plents of
wholesome food and Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets digest it for him. In this way
the system is nourished and tbe over
worked stomach rested, because the tab
le's will digest the food whether tbe
stomach works or not One of these
tablets will digest 3,000 grains of meat or I
gYo'ur druggist will tell you that Stu- At the meeting of the Eugene city
art's Dyspep-ia Tablets is tbe purest and ! fcncl1 D'ghti l'.1,1,"?, P
eafe-treieSy soid for stomach troubles I for 10. .m?,, 'eJ trsinps who one more friend 'f 10 thc,tyJ!1 ?anc th
for this excellent preparation. Sold at n,.on,th of September. This does not in
SOcts for full sized package at all drug ' d,ca'c s very large expense to the city.
gUre, re as the meals cost onlv an average of 13
A little book on stomach diseases mail- cn' eachjbnt it does indicates very
ed ree b addressing Stuart Co, Mar ! Urge number of the non-working class
Mi'i Mich ' are taking advantage of an opportunity
' to secure a bed and a meal at the ex-
pence of tbe c ty. Register.
UK I iTTIl, U( JtAl 'tldpest air; i
,,:'. .t -jv yon ever lcipt-d vo ir "yes on
.d do ie wu v i 'ne st ue of the Htew- i
it k S)i Uiri' am Co YU will feel,
li'-e ki;m jL'-irwilf if you buy without j
s. ; ' !'.
R imoi.a I cub.
' " t-xr-n4 it vou are
i, -. plfe'.je4 -,9;hl 3vt'r to i
hoov? 'iwm !
H At,! r J;. Co.. ;
"iir ?.,! 'i:vcers."
't llnvs to Run You can !
i 'K.itt vijT.ii into Tiurkburt !
.-. .
I. ...
IS 'I.i- r J
Talis i if.-
.-i . :li t. j .1. J
wliere ; :i wi!! find the
'neci'- Parluondo
r-'. i:?. ofiitHaj-Ha-
i 1.
P ;iiTIVBI.T, Sl'd
with- nr misreoreat.
i-;s- ti.. 'r -i" lfc:' t bit
the finest lot .
of MtovH we feavei-vsr se:iii ibe vsJwy are
ie, i. ir;' op'-?.-:'"- pp bt tr.t 8ewsri &
S'ns Uuniwars Co.
a jfjT(f;"' Cromi ln,i!Oi' "'ib'etfi
, i-,
y If t tali,
Rev. E. N. Condit's Address.
From the Seattle P. I.
Is higher education a potent factor in
tbe civilization ot mankind?
The answer to this question, as found
in an address delivered last night before
the Presbyterian synod by Rev. N
Condit, the negative. Mr. Condit's
theme was "Higher slitrtian Edu
cation." In the course ot his address,
he declared, with eloquent force, that
men are not made bettor through know-ledge-that
science is not a reformative
agent and that the Uw does not purify
men's heats and souls.
In the course of hi address the speak
er said :
"What can be done to secure a larger
spirit of power in the Christian minis
trj T Many think that the loss ot power
is due to the inferior quality ot the col
lege men who go to our theological sem
inaries. I think this is a mistake. These
men who enter the seminaries are of a
higher grade than ever in the history of
theenurcb. Among them are our bast
college graduates.
"The theory of secular education ig
nores the existence and functions ot con
science defining conaicenceas a belie! in
a personal God and tbe dread of Divine
displeasure, and reverence tor God's
laws. If you reject this idea ot educa
tion abd religions conscience, you place
virtue under tbe domiuion of the pas
aions, controlled by the fickle will, and
passions rather tnan the intellect dio
WerTfie'freaC mTslaeof "the Chris
tian church U that she has allowed her
sons to be trained in secnlar institutions,
gaining no acquaintance with Christian
fart and Christian, methods, that lead
to the holiest of Christian activity and
Christian duty, and altogether hostile
to those powerful impulses which have
more to do with the saccess ot the min
istry than all the training ot the semi,
"The Christian clinr -i ouxht to em
phasize that it djes n lie in the power
ot education to purify or reform men.
Science may enlighten, but it cannot el
evate tbe humane nature, which is sin
ful. There is nothing essentially re
formatory in knowledge itself."
Tbe speaker referred to several con
spicous figures in history, including By
ron, Burns aud John Stuart Mill, the
famous authority on metaphysics. The
Uvea of these men proved, he said, thas
mere knowledge did not convey purity.
"Modern ssience, as taught in most of
our secnlar institutions of learning-
there are a few notable exception ai to
gether eliminates God from His creation,
as well as denying to man his moral na
lure. The church oagbt to arise in ber
might aod by tbe munificent endow
menta ol ber own institutions provide
for the development of scientific thought
by a leadership that wnold conduct tc
ence to the altar of Christianity, where
the may be baptised in Christianity's
spirit and with authority and power
from on high.
''The stability of our government ia
founded on the moral convictions of the
people, not simply in their enlighten
ment. The statesman assumes that the
stability of our country is doe to the
genius of ber laws, lite theory ia tbat
vice grows out of ignorance and tbat
virtue spring from knowledge ,and these
come out of pnblie justice, which ia turn
grow ont of a wise and liberal govern
ment. Ail biatory proves tbe contrary.
for the law has na element of purifica
tion as a law, whether divine or human.
E'se every prisoner in our penitentiaries
would be virtuous eitivj-nsaod onry Inst
ocl in hell an angelic spirit. The beet
men have been produced urder tbe
worst forms of government, while the
wisest governments have given life to
the vilest men. Witness the a post lea
under Nero and tbe Puritans under tbe
"The Bible ia the foundation head of
the moral convictions Secular educa
tion ia good as tar as it goes, hut it does
not go far enough, aod it expects stabil
ity while it pegUacta the cultivation of
the moral conviction, of the people out
of which it grows."
Wben Mr. 'A'illiaiu Wax married Miss
Jennie Gum In Kentucky tbe other day
tbey dispensed with tbe usual osculatory
performance. Otherwisw tbe report
would bave been heard this far west.
A Georgia editor wants a war with
Spain to raise tbe price ol Lownes Coun
ty sirup. Georgia and Florida should
not wait for a war to raiae cane. Tbe
success pf the Industry can be made to
depend on natuial, not abnormal con
ditions. Ex.
Tbe Pennsylvania broke its record
between Louisville aod Indianapolis
on tbe 5'.b, tbe train left Louisville at
2pm aid reached Indianapolis at. f p m
a dietauce of 106 miles in 101 minutes
Five full stops and two slow downs were
made. Tbe train was a special, carry
ing Louisville commercial bodies.
Tte Siate Press Associsti ra will soon
meet in Baker City, It is supposed to
be made np of editors, the Hamlets of
the press, but tbe truth is most of tbe
editors sre too busy to go off on sueb
jaunts, so tbey wring in their friend
who hsve time for such things, and the
resalt is tbe Bute Press Association is
made np of men who don't know tbe
difference between a column rule and a
shooting stick Here is a sample from
tbe Salem Journal: "Jefferson Myers
and Peter D'Arcy are to represent the
Capital City at the Bute Piess associa
tion at Baker City. Innocence and gal
lantry should hardly be ailowed so iar
away from borne unattended.
Wait Or A E Salter Says.
rctjFgM, i . lienis; rrcn mv
peronai knowledge, ira'ttd in observing
the effect of your SUU'iu't. Cure in esses
of advaocod C 'tutipatloo, I an) prepared
to say it it r;e laoft r.-ma'Ui'ile itemed)
fmt . ev t irn brii:'. o my atten
tion. Ji hat certainly aavd many from
0nnu nption. 8 'J b' Kohy .AMa
V Pan I r
Mow and Better
?r'eeries. provision, srlwware.'fcrockery
war-, lamps, wonienware, tinware, bard-
wa stow, sta, for.
Aaa M Anas a
mimt Wliu V
' of F B Allen k. Co tban elsewhere.
l or Appetite, brtaitb and vigor nse
tat Extract It hHs digestion, produces
sleep and res, whilst it is a food to tbe
most delicate stomach, it Possesses tonic
properties of the first order. Price 25c,
'Bdskhart Lis, Druggist!
The Southern Oregon district fair
opened at Roseburg yesterday Among
the side attractions are the man who
ivtsinatsnk of water, the Martelles
trick bicycle riders and Hon. T. II.
Tongue, who will deliver the address.
Governor Fletcher, ot the Independ
ent, is one of the funniest men in Ore
gon. Albany D imocrat.
He is the Bill Nye ot the Oregon press.
He is tunny and can't help it. Salem
The greatest piece of newspaper enter
prise of the present day was the rescue
by the Journal-Examiner of Evangeline
Cisneroe, the fair Cuban, unjustly im
prisoned. It was a daring thing to do,
but it was successful and proper.
The Taylor sisters.who were in Albany
on the 4th of July, are said to be in a
dance house in Skaguay, dancing tor a
fancy price, haviug been placed there for
tbe money there is in it. They are said
to be nice girls, and deserve a better fate
than tbat.
Mrs. Fleming, the woman tried in
New York City on the charge of murder
ing her mother, an! who was discharged
after a sensational trial, of which the pa-
wio wbiv luii. now in iiawnnn ;i w
That will be the place to go to find those
irjnwa vj aoueiT. neroaner wnen
ror'e disappear thev will be looked for
on tbe Klondike
They are very accommodating at the
state treasury. Thev stamp your war
rant not paid lor want of lunds.and then
kindly tell you which bank tbe money Is
at to pay your warrant. Journal.
Tbe Linn county champion exhibit
will be shown in the old place tor anoth
er month. It a a good tling to keep
before the people. Could it be uken
through tbe eastern states in a special
car it would attract attention towards
Linn county in a particularly emphatic
All State fair premium warrants are
being paid in full. Labor claims were
all paid in full. Expensee of advertis
ing, management, speed parses and
special features have not vet been or
dered paid. While tbe receipts are three
thousand dollars ahead of last year, tbe
total is still short of all demands. Jour
According to the Teles-ram Lovd
Stone, a young man, has been hypnotis
ing people so that they can have their
teeth polled without experi'neing any
pain, btone went Irom Ashland to
Portland The Tidings says be used to
Hypnotise the boys in tbat city, but tbat
they got ft or 10 cents for doiog as be
told them, which was the siie of hs
hypnotic power, and intimates that be
nasn t any more now.
Here ia bow the Salem Independent
annibuatee a member ol the late Oregon
legislature: "The Hon. J. K David, of
Gilliam cortnty, has undertaken to argue
bis case with becrelary Kincaid. Mr
David wiL be remembered as tbe elder
ly gentleman who eat in the front row ol
seats to tbe speaker's left, and who
snooted away a large part ot his time for
which he now demands pev. It is well
that be awoke in time to draw bis sal
ary. Mr. David is a gnat man in bis
own estimation."
in j sexton county tbe . v. was rs-
$10,000 per mile on its property
and $S0 per mils on its rolling
siock, wucn isaouoie tne uno county
aasensment. ui
asked tbat it te redurvd, but Ihe board
decided that a fair valuation bad been
placed on tbe property, and refused to
do so. Mr. Kohler showed tbat under
this assessment tbe road will pay 23.7
per cent of tbe taxes ot that county.
There certainty ought to be more unt-
Kwmuv tban exists in tbe diSerent parts
of tbe state in this matter of railroad
Chemist Fnlton, of the O. A. C ears
tbat the pipes in our fire eogine were
ean by solpuuric acid in tb waie
The Herald aays tbey were not. Tbe
Dkmockat doesn't know personally, but
so long as prominent chemists have any
opioiona on such an important subject,
will publish tbeon. Sulphuric acid which
would eat a boiler after lying in it would
probably have no effect on ibe stomscb
in tbe quantity in which it would appear
in the water. When Mr. Fulton'a in
vestigations are completed tbe Dkmocsat
will give tbe full text of them just as a
matter of news. In the mean time it
you are in tbe habit of drinking ditch
water you will not need t stop it. unlees
compelled to by the rainy season.
Corvallis Gsxette: Andy Tayloi bai
quit the bartering business at Eogene
and is now in Corvallis. Although bis
actions do not sustain bis theory, he ar
gued vehemently the other day tbat Eu
gene was a better place for business than
our city- Mr. R E. Gibson took up the
cudgels for Corvallis and tbe debate was
warm. It occurred at the store ot F. L
Miller. Presently Taylor mentioned
something about a bridge screws the Wil
lamette at Eugene, and Gibson denied
there was such a bridge. Both men were
in earnest and backed their opinion with
a $30 gold piece. Repairing to the tele
phone office, Gibson called up Eugene
and found tbat be had lost the wjger
Taylor took the $40 and apologized to
Mr. Miller. "Why" said Miller, "1
don't see that yon have anything to apol
ogise for." "Yes I bave," answered
Taylor, "I take back all I aaid about Cor
vallis as a business place. I find tbat it
is all right." pays
To buy your groceries and produce of
Coun k Huston. They keep the beat and
freshest ard are all right on prices. Tbey
will help yiu to prosper iu dull times.
oee toeir une line ot crocaery.
LEINEKGEK. On Sunday, Oct , 10,
1897, tn Albany, to Dr. and Mrs. H. A.
Leineoger, a sou.
When an innocent i: an
Say crime he doesn't !w t
yen appeal from one
court to another.
They are bound to
save him, if be can
be saved. It ia the
same way with a
good doctor wben
bia patient seems
condemned to death
bv disease.
gat uoctors mace
mistakes some
times; they lose
heart too soon.
After tbey have
tried everything
they know and
the patient ia
no better, tbey
think there ia
nothing more to
be done. They
dost always
get at the root
of the disease.
They frequently
give a patient
up to die of con
sumption, and
are afterwards surprised to see
strong sod well again.
Mrs. W. P. Duncaa, of Arlington, Phelps Co..
Mo., writes: "My husband took four bottlss of
Dr. Pierce ' Golden Medical Discovery when he
was (as he thought) almost intocoosumption, and
ws were very thankful that such a medicine could
be maud. I wish all persona troubled with cough
would take it. hoBg may the 'Golden Medical
Discovery' and 'Favorite prescription- m
road. I shall always recommend and praise
these medicines."
AH lung and bronchial diseases are cured
by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
because it supplies the system with healthy
blood. It puts the vital forces into action
and fills the circulation with the life-giving
ted corpuscles which builds up solid, mus
cular flesh and healthy nerve-force.
Aa a medical author, Dr. Fierce holds as
eminent place is his profession. Hia great
thousand-page illustrated book, "The Peo
ple's Common Sense Medical Adviser" is
one of the standard medical works of the
English language. Nearly 700,000 copies
nra aotd at Si. so each. A oaoer-bound
copy will be seqt tbsoluUly frtt for the coat I
tA anailinsr onlv. ai cmacent atambS I OT, I
I cloth-bound for 31 stamps. World's Die.'
pessary Medical Association, Buffalo, M.Y.
; . - in .1 fu
.i law-
-rfVV av . i
1 1 crA-i 1
him get
1 si' sal 1
ratal lUw
Subkidan, Or., Oct. 12. A muiderous
row took place Sunday night, on tbe
Grand Romin reservation, in which about
20 Indians took part.
It is reported that the InHiuns broke in
to a bouxe and seized a biuret of bard
cider, and went in for a "hivu skookum"
time. During the nighr a pener.! fight
took place, in which clubs und axes were
freely used. Jim Young was s true a in
the fare by Joe Do J, and died in less
' than 30 minutes.
A number of others were more or jess
Weal Demaeinlte
Indianapolis, Oct. 12 Tnomas Tug
garl, a democrat, defeated W N Harding,
republican, for mayor, by a plurality tbat
will reacb 5000. The republicans gave up
ngbt early in tbe evenincr conceding
a democratic victory of from 3000 to 5000
At one o'clock 123 precincts out of a total
of 195 gave Tapgnrt a plurality of 3100
It this ratio keo s up, tbe official count ill
show a plnralty for Mayor Taggart of 5000
The rest of tbe ticket including six council-men-at-large,
i elected . lie was nomin
ated on a silver platform.
Will strllie
New York. Oct. 12. A Washington
dispatch to the liera'd sys:
Aasocaate Jus'ice Field, ot he supreme
court, bas made formal application to
President McKinley to b retired from the
bench under the law allowing members of
that court to be retired when 70 years of
age. This statement is made on high au
thority. and a'so that Attorney-General
HcKeDna will be nominated to succeed
. At CaleUaa
GaLVISTOM. Ort. 1'2 Thn ailtiafinn in
OavVestoa at ttsis hour ia hopeful. It is
agreed that tbe fever is of a mild brand.
and not to be feared, l et there weae 60
cabin passengers bookel to leave on the
New York sbeamer this morning, chat be
ing the only way to get out of tbe ciy.
Thirty of theae canceled there engagements
and did not go.
gala! kirk
Pb-idlbtos Oct , 12. Fred Wheelei,
aged 22 wrs kicked in the stomach by a
horse ihia morning woile feeding horses
at tbe Peebler ranch, near Pendleton lie
walked to bis house, but died two hours
later, after much suffering, before a pby
siciaa could reach tbe scene Wheeler
lived ot Junction City, his relatives bave
been notified.
TSe VeJtew rerer
Niw Okleaks, Oct. 11. Vrom the re
ports there ia little hope in tbe yellow
fever situation. Tbe board of health U
raily demonstrating that with a fair show
it Is possible f T modern science to restrict
and stamp out tbe diabase. But he people
who must suffer from a strict application
of scientific methods reM. li'K it begits
to look now as if from 30 to 40 new case
and trotn four to six dratbs wou'.e Im daily
reported until Jack Frot puu in an ap
pearance. The t kllrM Baa
Tacomh, Oct 11 George B Dodwell,
of tbe two PaciSc-Asiatic lea3uaip lloea.
aai Hugh C Wallace, vice preeieest of
tbe Washington k AlakSte msbip v'otn
pany, bave organized tbe Cbiicoot Rail
road k. Transport Company, and today a
contract was let to the TrenUn iron works
for 17 miles of inch wire cable for tte
tramway which is to be ia operation by
lanuary 15. Construction work has be
gua on the railroad, wbich will be eigtt
mile long.
a Sheep Bolllr
Dexter, Oct. 12. A special to the Re
pab'tcaa from Pocatello, ldho. yt:
News just recie red from Long t alley, ia
A ashington coontjr. tay then bas been a
battle letween settlers and sheep herders,
and that three men were k 1'ed, none
dangerously injured. Partem !ars are
- , y, owTjgw, oui i seems inn me eiier wain- i
KBnJ!.ti.P-o " I the aoi
wben tbey ret used made aa atuck t n tte ;
rtaaa rh lakt
Powr Towcsssd. Wash., Oct- 11. As
aa evibence tbt go d is found e'newhere
thaa at Klondike, tbe steaner. City of
Tcpeka, which arrived this evening from
Alaska, brought down as aggregate cf
t200.&0. in gold dut. ail from Cook".
This smount is distributed anionic jv5 net.
Sssae Ass4alaal
Washivjotos. Oct. 11 Fbe President
today made the tn'owtn? aprointmeois: i
11 C afcGrew. Pb?e-iii, Aril , to be rir;s- j
terof the Isnd cfSce at ha:t Late City.
L'ub; F H Spriirgs,cf New York, to t
agent of the Indian at tbe Kavada agency.
Nevada; Edward C&berg, of Wichita, Kan.
to be aaent for tbe Indians of the tjoapaw
sgeogcy, in Indian territory.
A4bev r tea ax
Cobvallh. Vt ixt. 11. -The heavy
uKnesoemeat of Ibe grain crcp has made
additional steamer service 00 the route be
twern Ysquina and Sao Iranci co nects
arr. a ad arraegeoienU tate been pertwt
ed for a veswl to leave Yaqaina every five
da a. Trucke and tbe Protection are bow
doing tbe work, and a third steamer, soon
to be completed ia San Fraacuco, ia to he
added to the rervice.
a Jacauavute iie
Jacksoxviixs. Ur Oct. 10. A very
etLitmg fire occurred here 9:39 o'clock
last night- It tarted ia a di-mbie brick
buiidicg occopied by Wen lt k I'ubi. as a
barber shop and variety tiom. Mr. VVendt
was closing his shop for tbe night, and
while standing on a chair timing out a
larve coal oil lacip, it fe-l to he Ust and
broke, scattering the burning oil, which
filled tbe room with a mass ot dime. Ibe
fire company responded promptly to the
call, atd soon bad tbe fire under control,
but not until tbe enure contents of the
shop were a total lose.
Fever la Calvestoa
Galvksto!. Oct. 10. before a meet
ing of tbeGsJves'on board of health today
Dr. Uutteraa made tho following state
ment: "I have reported to Surgeon-Oeoeral
Wyman and communicated to Health Of
ficer run. County f hystcian Wartield and
Acting Mayor tkinner that there are five
casrs of yellow fever here, and three
eve, thtt bave recovered from tbe dis
ease. There is so doubt la my mind as
to the correctness of the diagnosis.
la New Crleaaa
New Oki.eans, Oct 10 .The fever sit
uation here ia no better today. Karly in
the evening there was a promiw that yes
terday's teoord woulJ be equaled .if not ex
ceeded . New ca.v appear in various por
tions of tbe city, nvuiy of tbetn, however,
being reported iu houses where there was
alreabv infection. There were aeveral
deaths, and in one instance tbe fatality oc
curred not long after tbe report of tbe
case wa brought to tbe attention of tbe
Afart'aad Hald-Fp
Portland, Oct., ll.-The Kast Side
Rail way Company's car, Ooa, bound for
Portland, was bold up at MeUrum station,
four miles this side ot Oregon City, at 6 Ad
lat evening by two highwaymen, and from'
tbe X passengers on board $97 was Uken.
Both tne robbers were armed with revolvers
earn had his face blackened and ea;h acied
with perfect calmness during the robbery.
Jail rram Klondike
Fkaouav, Oct. 0. via.. Seattle, Wash.
Oct. 10. Several parties are just in over
tbe Dalton trail from Klondike, and all
bring the same story soanuty of provisions
snd possible hunger and starvation is the
portion of manv Here this winter. Tne
laiest arrivals, James Clsik and C A 13 sown
wbo have been mining on birch creek,
reek, j
having left Dawson City reptember
A Seattle accldeal
Beattlk, Oct. 10 This afternoon am
electric car on Third avenue jumped tbe
track and plunged down a 10 foot embank
menf. The car cotitasned aliout 25
parsengers, but none of 1 hem were seri
ously injured.
Cti'arrb Cured. A clear head ano
i' hn-ih iimmI with Sbiloh'a Ca
T 1 1 fcn 'y : so J ' 1 & Mason
t. u riita nmmn Onlutna Tanleta.
All Prugslita refund the mony If It falls
to Cure 25
Stop tKat Cougb! Take warning. It
mav lead to ConsjmDtion. A 25 i bottle
of Shilob's Cure may tave your life, fold
by Fothay k Masou.
Kdaeaai Tear Bowels With Cssearats.
CanOy Cathartic, eura constipation torevaa
10c 86c. It O. a. O. tall, drugglata ro'und moaegr.
Three Valuable Booh
GiYen Away
"Art and fancy Work," "Nursery
Rhyme," "Home Dyeing."
Mra NhIU Daggett editor of Tbe Homo,
bas pub taheil a new ndi'lon of hfr r pa
lar book, "Fancy Work and Art Denore
lions." that gives prart-al .'n Iruotlons
for making dolllja, table covers, tcars,
tray cloths, pin ouablons, eto. eUi, with
fifty illustrations. This h-nik, together
w tb ' Nuianry Rhyrn a" ( 16 page
pamphlet wU'i a mds iiii" colored ri ver
dmdgn ol tbi Old w man who Lived In a
hoe), and 'Huooeful Home Dyalng "
will be sent free (o anv reader of tr.e
Dkm mjrat who forward the fallowing
coop m Pi wolis, ttioiiHrdnoa A Co., Bur
llngion, Vt.
This entitles any reader of
Albany Democrat to one copy
ot "Fancy Worn and Art Dec
oration," "Nursery Rhymes"
and "Successful Home Uve
itis" The ftbovs liberal offar Is In mA
veiUae tbe o'd relaum liinnnrf
ana to get tbelr hook upon -borne tryeing
into tbe banda or woui-n wbo want to
dreaa w; by maklaar Uislrnlrf n-mhi
look like new. "
Diamond Urea hava arwi.l ,l. r
cotton, d liferent from thoae tbat are uaed
lor wool, and are the only package dvaa
on the market that can be rolwd u po to
give colors that will not f.te or crock.
The fact that 1 lamond Dea have, been
tbe atanderd uomsdye for n-arlr tw'utv
years aod that tbelr sale ln:rsos from
vear to tear la proof poaiuv that tbey
have never had an eqoa1.
Kotue is hereby gien that the co-fart-nerthip
heretofore esitlng between LH
Montanye and T P llackiemau is ihia ly
dissolved by mu'oal consent.
A'bany, Or, Aug 3ls. lf-97.
L H Mostaxyk.
P Hacklkmax.
Foster Bik 1st
It is not a straight trade, til it is aa intermsOiak patent at
moderate price which fully ueu and satuoea tbe Hemand
of that Large class of people wbo use only oee grade of ft mr
fur all purposes. Is other words, it ia tejet flwr for "all
round" use that can be found aavwbere. It makes good
bread an J it makes good pastry. Our dealer can recoro mead
It for n thin from pancakes to angel food. ( We refuod
voar m-nj if unsatisfactory. Forsa'e by all deaiers.
Aumsville Milling Company.
Aumsville, Oregon.
Best on earth.
Everyone knows the Oliver
plow. Sold only by
Albany Oregon.
23 30
tlo and th.n will prevent llUrrlicp.
Dealer -in
v --4s T rrrpaajw mtmmrr'. lsviii
In tli Cutm.t Ciurtof Ihe Stain oj Orrgtn
fat the county of Lino .
MrsC W Rogers, plaintiff.
Jane Woody find It B Woody her bus
band.lobuC K'dcr and Elder bis
wite, James fcl'ier and Ida Elder his wife.
little A h dnr, L A Elder and Happylona
&iuer u's wiie, ue eouani.
To James KIcV. Ida Elder and Lottie
A Elter.
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon, You are hereby required to appear
and answer tbe complaint of the above
plaintiff. In tbe above entitled court, now
on file with tbe clerk of said cour, by tbe
first day of tbe nett regular term of tbe
above entitled court to be begun and held
in the city of Albany, linn county. Ore
gon, on the a5th day of October, 1897, and
you are noi ified that if you fail to appear
and answer said complaint as hereby re I
quired, the p'aintiff wilt ask the court for
a decree toreclot lng plais'iff's mortgage
given by K L Elder now deceased, dated j
the 18th da) of Hay, 1896, upon tbe (ol I
lowing described real estate towit: All
my undivided Interest in and to all that
pat t of the Donation Land Claim of Rob
ert Elder and wife, claim No. 5i, ibat lies
west of tbe Calipooia Creek, situated in
township 13 South, Bange3 West in
Linn county, Oregon, and containlrg 58)
Being for tbe sum of $00 and recorded
in Book of Mortgages vole me 32, on page
I65 and directing that tbe real estate dea
cribed therein be acid aa bv Uw. directed.
and the proceeds arising from said sale to
be applied, first, to tbe payment of the
costs and expense of said sale, and the
costs of this suit, including attorney fee:
second, to the payment of the plaintiff's
claim, principal and interest, ant the
overplus to be distributed as may be di
rected by the court and for tbe costs and
disburse menu of this suit to be taxed.
This summons is published by order of
the Hon 11 ti Hewitt, judge of the above
entitled court, made at chambers in the
c ty of Albany, Oregon, on te 10th day
of Sep'emr, 1897.
Atiy a for Plaintiff.
We are receiving another large invoice of
the Oregon all woal suits, which we are
sailing from $9.00 to$10.00,thebest value
in the market
A bi line of mens and boys boots and
shoes, trunks, valises, suits. An exten
sive line of teens and youth furnishings,
hats and caps. All the above goods have
been louzht at low prices. We will not
be undersold
St. Albany, Or.
You Will
Look in Vain
For a fljur tbat is more uaiforut
or Ibat will suit ail clauses of
people better lhaa
Fancy Patent.
, orntw ior.a.v
kinds of furniture
bedding, and i:
you want the most
complete flour safe!
A Ti n CS S-V 4w. A M Jl m. J
prces the lowest.
that what the doctor said should be
borne in mind and acted nnnn. One nart
of bis sdvice was to bave his prescrip
tion filled at Camming Drug Store.
Physician like to bave their patients
given medicines composed of tbe exact
drogj called for in the prescription. Pure
drugs are everything, and our drugs are
always pure, ffe are too careful to
make mistakes. Oar aAaortment of
standard medicines, mineral waters, per-
uuicb, tic,, in unequaiea.
J. A. Cuiiminj.
the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon
for the C'cffUf of Linn
Mary J Gjrdon. Plaint If.
W Acheon and 8 E Acheson, and the
Vermont Marble Company, a corporation,
To tbe Vermont Marble Compar.y, a
corporation, one of the defendants above
In the Name ot the State of Ore
gon. You ar hereby required to apptar
and answer the complaint of the above
plaintiff, in the above entitled eonrt. now
Ion file with the c'-erk of aid court, by tbe
first day of the next regular Una of the
above entitle! cou't to be besrun and held
in the city of Albany, Linn eoon'yAJregon,
on tbe 25th day of Oobe. 1&97. and von
are notified that i you fail to appear and
answer said complaint as hereby required.
the s'ainciff arid take j figment and de
cree against tbe said W Acoeson for the
sumot 1749 40 with accruing interest
tnereon at 'he rate c 8per cent per an
nam from August 27th. 197, and tbe
further sum of 70 00 attorneys fee, and
for th ) COJ'S and disbursements nf this suit
to be taxed; and for a decree of this boner
able court toreclosi.ig the mortgage made,
executed and delivered by W Acheson
and S E Actwun to ;le p'aict'ff herein 00
the I5th da of July. Ir2, ard d reeling
tbe prrm'ses described in said ffioi(fa.
loaif 1-ot No. Sin block No-8 in llsck
le man's tfirJ aidilion to tbe city of A I
bany, 1-ina connty, Oregon, aa tee saa.e
is marked, numbered and ieacibed on the
( maps, plats and surveys of aaid cltj and
aoamon now on na 01 record m tne
office ot tbe coun'y recorder in and for
Linn county, sta'e of Oregon, and alto
described ia plaintiff's complaint, be sold,
as opoa execution at required by law. and
directing the proceeds of such sale to be
1st. To th payment of tbe costs and
disbursements of this suit, including at
tomey's fees and expanses of sal.
2nd. 1 o the payment of ihe amount
due pi alitiff. principal aai interest.
3rd, The overplus, if any. pyto the
defendants and that ihi defendants and
each and all of tbem and all persma
cUimfog any interest by,ibrougi or noder
tbem or any of tbem la or loo tbe real
property herein atwe and in said cots
piaint described by. tbrougb or under
jou or each of you be forever barrred and
foreclosed of an right or redemptioa or
asserting any right, e'&im or imerest ia
or loo said real property or aay part thereof
1 his Summons U publubed la tve Al
bast Dailt Dsmocsat by order of the
lion H 11 iUsntt, adg ot tbe Circuit
Court, made at Chambers in the city of
A'basv. Oregon, the ckh day of Sept em a
ber, iS37.
UTBuroto k VVtatt,
Attys for Plaintiff.
Xotre is bfhT r'w
1 nifj lTauhi Inien-ae in tne
vvi :."J pi r' lLVif-itJ la tee mtr
of the estate of U 1 hahaa, deceased that
tbe undersigned administrator of said es
tate ba fi'-ea bU fiaal account la aaid mat
ter ia tbe coaot court of Lina county. Or,
and 'bat said cputX Las fixed Moodav.
October. 4th, l-97. at tbe boor of 10
o"cotk in ihe forecooa of said day as the
ti"re 'or bearing a I oHectiona to said
J Sill account and the settlement of the
same, therefore all persons in' erected tn
aaid estate or having any c'aim against
the suae are hereby notiaed and repaired
to file tbe same ia said Mart ca or befoe
tbe sid '.b day of Ocoher. 1S97.
Dated this 6:h dy of S-?t?mr. 19
Jam's Sh as, A ImiiUtra'or -
SCkreatsaslTMe Erietlsed sal Ul Pt
baataescwJsrtdjrMderaM Fees. 1
Sn4Ba!4.snv!:iarpbikx w.adTOt:!,
rrat-Blatrirrr.c(c&m. Onrrwaotdsaci;
ppASmii.fwcvra. a nasiHi -mv ww
I sua hMat" wiA eot of nsl th CS.
E aJfaTcflanitisraaeatfrea. dLnaa.
a A. SNOW & CO.
Wm X.AAAAA00wm
mTSTAXTED -Giri to
f Y and bundling. Also ouui to
to tate full charge of wasu room.
City Laundry.
C. Simpsaat Son- First St.
Wanted-An Idea
VTka am tklsa
ISrr r m iMli.rt
Jww. t xt M: tv naf Iwiac t vnvjia,
Wi t" ;mic. P. ' ; tawr ai vtim oSat
M .- " ' ' -innr -.
Or. Price's Cream Baklaa; Powder
WorkT F.r Hisbcst 4vrard.
FL"L gentlemen or Ud;s to trave
for re'rounbie, ea-ablubet bouse
in uregon. Monthlv S5 00 and exrerses
. u-b.i j . acintuca r.acios
self-ailr.n-?d statu? J rnreiop. T
a 1. -i J u -.. 4, : u:o
Clubbing Rate?.
The San Francisco Yek!v Examiner
next vear will eiva to its subscribers a
(10.000 residence in San Francisco rent
mg for 60a month, a $3,390 V. S. bond. a
11.500 gold nugget and hundreds of other
things. ou can get the fcxammer and
aeklt L'SMOcaAT tor I2,oO a vear. with
the Daii.t Dkmoout bv mail for
carrier 5.75. in advance. .The Dkmo-
Cbat will order only on combination pay
ST LOUIS RErCSLIC. semi-wklv.
ois of tbe best papers in tbe United
S ates. and th Democrat paid in advance,
for onl,; $1 7a.
FOR SALE. Two houses, central!)
located in lb&av.with 6 and 7 room
each, cheap, in ecod repair. Good wheat
farm with good building. 4 milts from AI
banv on count v roar. For particulars call
at residence of W T Baker. 2nd St, be
tween Baker and Montgomery, Albany Or
I Y Y tive gentlemen or ladies to travel
for responsible, established hous. in
Oregon. Monthly 165.00 and expenses.
t'osiuon steady, heierence. hnclose self
sdilwsed stamped envelope. Tne Dvuun
nn tVimnany. IVi't. Y Chicsgo.
lvr hem. A
" ... U A . ... T. ' . '
. uww oa tuasningtoa
Call on Art Holt for particul
J ' street
FOR SALE Horses, Wages,
farm machinery. Inauire of
Amis. 2nd and Main Is. Albany, Or.
ytUAitu. A jearliog jersey beifer,
1 vJdark yellow color with black: roin.
Aovooe Kivina intormatioa to lead to hr
recovery win be rewaided.
John Lennox, Oak crk.
Tangent road.
FOR SALE. A maa at Utile Elk
wishes to sll his 40 acre tract, con
stating of 20 acres cleared. 10 to be cleared,
with 18 or 20 tons of bay, 150 bushels of
potatoes ia the ground, 100 fruit trees,and
some cat'le and sheep, in a nice location,
i for flOOJ. .
arvts TUB CMOICB o,
.. ton
for tall infos BEalioB call a
CnKAX AT MoTStTH, Albany. Ot
e iDLesw:
Oia'L Pas. -As
Po.tInd Oi.
fo ill Fointi East
Solid vestibule trains, confuting of pel
see steeping ears, loxa ioos dining cars,
eieinnt day coacbea, masaiSceat tonriat
csnsiod free coioniat sleepers from tbe Pk
cific to the A tlantic without cbaa$:e.
Koolcnaj )
llininr )
All point it the Okaagaa Coantry.'
Ge a pamphlet eiviag a foil doautptioe
of this wooderfol cocntry. Ask the agent
for a copy of tbe mining laws cf ' Briti&b
Columbia. -
Lowvc rates oaadfrosa
Atlantic ateamabip ines.
Canadian Pac. Ry." Uos
Soyal Mail Steamship
line to China and Japan
aosouTLC , run aud ACsraaxiA.
Tbe shortest lloe to tbe Colonies- These
steamers carry aa experieaeed medicaJ
maa, and a stewardess oa every voyage
For time tables pamphlets, or say iat
onaation. call oa or addresa.
S S STEELE k CO. A?ntA.AIbarr Or.
E J COYLE, Ag t, 1 Third Port
end. Or.
GEO. McL. B8QWV. O P. Ar.,,
Oonnecticg at Yaqnma Bay with th
San Francisco 5 Yaqaina Bay
Sails from Taquina everr 9 davs fos
Pas Francisco, Coos Bav, Port Orford
Trinidai aod Humboldt Bay.
F ass causa, Accomoo attost UscarAsasi
Shortest route betweeai tbe TilXam
1 stte Valley aod Caliiomia,
Fare bom. Albany sad points west tc
Ban Francisco
Cabw 1 8 0C
Round trip good for 60 days 17.0C
To Coos Bay
Oabin tS-Of
To Humboldt Bav and Port Orford.
Cabin I $10.01
River Division."
Steamer "Albany" between Portlan
and Corvallis, through ithoat Ur-ove
Leaves Albany 8:00 a. m. Tnel
Thursdays and Saturdays; ieavea P o
land. Yamhill street docs. 6rOC a. -a
Sundays VVednesviaTS and Fridays.
Edwts Stoss. " J C Ma-o,
Manaeer Supt River Die.
rAinniD procured,
ITts S Vara Waaalaalaav C
DRESS-M AK1XG. Lsdies wishing
learn cutting and Siting by tbe Me
pan ststem, call an Mrs. R. E. Owe
Dresses at lit m fi.5Jail u? 0r t
Nice is ije'ebr given that the under
signed, the duly appointed, qoalined and
acting administrator of the estate of Jos.
C Myers. dexaed. late of Lisa rokntr.
has hied his final account as administra
tor with the county ckrk of Linn coaotv.
Oregon, and thecouatv court of sa d Lina
county has fixed for bearing aid account '
rnuay the 8th dav of October. 1S97. at !
o'clock ia the afternoon of saU dav- AH
persons bavintr any objections to said ac
count ar hereby required to present the
same at said time and place.
L'aieu tbis 7tb day ot bepiemoer, tvSJi
Whitsst & NiwroRT, t w Mtsss.
At ys for Admr. Admr est Josepa
C Myers, deceased.
Notice for Pubricacion
Land Orrici av Osxoon City, Oa.
juiy zath, iwi
Xottc. is hereby eiven that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his
inteniinn to make final proof andjr section
al R S in support oi his claim, and that
Sieail Mir
said proof will ne maue nerore inc reg
ister and receiver at Oresoa City. Oregon,
on September 24. 1S97. via: Napoleon ,
Bowdab H E S19-27 for th. S W H SW '
Sec 12, N W if N vv Sec 1SN H N E4
StcUTlOS. R4 E.W M he aamea
tbe following witnesses to pros, his con- 1
twa-His residence spon and cultivation,
of said land, vis: Roe well G Hibbard of
Detroit Or. Henn Carmody of Niaisr
Or. Frank Kibadeuof Msgsja Ur.Jl
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AWTKD. A tew more
V V meats by the day to sew.
alas K.
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