Ill HHmillHHUHHHH aaiBUt XT f 1 fl BUT USE VII ,w and youTl find out how quickly and turely k'ti Fhvsician and surgeon. Office, First St. 0R. C, U, CHAWBEBLirj v x oaroiiOPAf: . ..Treats tumors, strictures., facial blem- v ui( teeuralg-andVothen diseases, -witlr gal vanio electricity . . Utnce on r erry bi. . mar Sd Rt.rftfit. . .. vt - g 5 t ;.r v ,.a a a r a WETHERFORD&YIYATJ, Attorneys at law Will practice in all the courts of the state. Special attention given Ia. matters in, probate and to collections. - ; Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery, collections made or ail points. LoapS negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Oregon. Attorneys at Lit, - ; J- HMlTflEl k , , s i . Attorney at Law, A'.oany. Or ?lRST-ATM2IAftrBKTn.' 1' i - P.wtdant . i. Vkcnaldoit... ..LFLINI1 8,K,VOD0 W.LAMOBON K. V .1 ItfTClCHiKQt IM W'Wpua I OUCTIOS eaOSoo forbl twin . s K Tnirm K W. listen rV, V- PAGoovvra, U. tu C. 8. Fuitn. . THE Is the best andyet , simple) tyre -witter fipf$(ursi the Mn9nim.atinyf of the invpntors art. An expert stenographer, after using many machines, says. "I con ter.U If oat Writing Machine far super, ior-o any 1 have yet usef!,'' Call at the ' Tksioc'a't office" aid see one of the' f ype- .wrMersatatbas. -to hare a perfect- ailign- ir(rt. ., . . . , . Ali Tipwvrt.W'siirpries ordered.' . I i.a i .,,.. it1 ..Kcnrso.. Acent. AN"" oniiasrcial Piiaticg On Goqd Stpfei QM lri EiiM Prices - j THE PRINTER .. Broadalbin St Brown Block, Will te kept on Up at the store of B F Bam p. Mineral water from Waterloo, Sodaville and Findlev. for sa.e by bot tle or dozen or delivery to. , family ,, at. 60c per doz." Orders taTfcen, frona , any part of Oregon' and ' prompt ebipmentJ maae. uaBoon jiinebal. ir.iHiiu), . .. M.W'j W Hkins, naxiager, FOSHAY-& MASOH ry .... . c 'J HFSSetafiK-i 1 1 DRUG&IST&AP A LB A ST. . OBEGOH. Pore Drugs and the finest and, Largeef Stock ot stationary ana iiooss - k the-Market." ' "" -"Ki-OTi'M; Meets every- 6atnrday evening at K. O T. M . Hall. Visiting Knights invited IIEAPE6T POWttV ...HERCULES Boilt in special sizes for printing offices and factories. State your wants' and "write for trriceff-arrd- term.' lllostrated eata.logae.fncnihed-.freflpon..japplica- tion - ..-. i -.';..- " V: AWKBiCAnTn FobiSDKKg'C.'; :. 1 Portland-Oxegoft...... FRANK SKIPTOH - ti i i pa i 1 MM u' cessop to John SchmeBi?.- Livery at Reasonable Kates Will fee p teams-roi1 10 cent? wiilV leeil W oehti, all night ,$100 LOOK RERE:V The Crego School ,pplyEoasB Incorporate LXM Albasj & Hub ni.n,. tn stnv knd ib now crerated to fu'DisU school "idistticts witJj'wSry tbing needed in the Jipe of scd'oo! 'fiirm- tnre and apparatus, such as seats, aesks, rn a D.-chi't9." elabea: bla'ekboards ' and in fact ail of the necessary articles which go to and are required in the school room. We tie al60 eeneral aeents for the famous Kennedys DiesecUng Mathe Diaticat blocks for teaching of' mthsnrai tiorr-anrH-twacberr fn8tfnCtlone'.'"'TUb W!ie are indeBDeusiable in the school rf.l hnrd.if . Jicectors.. will- a well o come and examine tbem and see f.r i.wiixh1(j Ttiee blocks are ant' verssll endorsed by the, best, teacherB twit in i aDoreciated. Give us a call Our pric -are tle lowest and our terms Hie lct. oiiice a,ranan, jnouui OlIliGOS 8CHOOI.BDPPLT HOUB. iiiiiiiiillliiln HI I lilt 1 I.JH If It It illlj II BlVTWI y '-1T it SOOTHES and CURES.. -T y ' B 5 i Boots, Shoe's, tl "J Shirts and i n ; V 4 ' i k J- ' - DOOKSiore guuus. "PleaseTemeriiber t 2 . ..tUe Puu the Prices Down Star Bakeiry Corner Broadalbin and First St I -SHRAD-HEYER PROPRIETOR? -Dm u- Canned Mct Glassware, ' Queens..- Dried Fruitn. Xeetl tTi -Torjccoi" ; Cigars, sLv'O. Sugar - VSplcee Coffee. Tea Etc. Et. erything tbal U avpt a ood variete and gro-; ery store Bigt-Vtpi'-c paid -v-for 4LL KIND OF PKOOUCI WATCHES x If you want VrVcd reliaMe vattLa on French the jevelen (Bank of Oregon building.) ,, We have the eoodn,' theanauty guaranteed and the prices are ughfC' SENDERS' CQHPMIES r; vi Always Payv t i .:. ?To'qbestIon"'atibnt lull' and prompt inent of losses' by fire on insmaace plscee with the i leading" ageat of Albany. M. Sen- aers. -Kill ll 1I !e For A k A . . Don't allow yourself to be roped into tb various "Local Mutnals" now being pushed en you as being "cheapest In surance, when you insure yon do bo want to worry about tretting voor menev i case of loss. M SENDERS Insurance, Hay, Grain and Woo). 4i tsvni Hr. -' ,;V;:: J. . ,( jj .ja W. p.- ' - "" " we sre tbe authority fn the -city . " The barie of our sutborityisoar Btock, which leaves no ' doubt "of our position' in' the wall peperjtrade. B-lf yna only took- at onr prices vou'-li tbintthem- ur msin fea ore. .when -vou- oxarame otrr ttocK oi 30-,000-rotlS m different' patterns, yottL onderfcow-we- managed to get'so much together, and think our price mum 'be hieh.for such goods,nntil you're etnini!- ?d. that. they're only 12 oents a roll and 1L , ,n7 '. . ..r... Ii. i.' a-: t" A J. tCi0 0..., -,.Tesa ...i. ' 5picea ''Extracts jfar.expense e -.Baking Powder ,,..(8). .-.ii, F E ALLEN At CO.- 1. CuetcUBloclt e "ATbanyiOi'' Painlees work a speclaltV J. C- LI1WS ...i. i t .. Gronad., Floor. Dental Office. , , DroadaiWn.St J m& .... YvoJkh ... 'iiHCj v,ft UiM I 'VwV ' "' VSrcl Littler. afri-itant. . 53 fitt itf fJtf fr "Miss' Eva Stout, ot Hustings, Neb., is author of the following;, Ofi. Mr.-Dinal? frames lawi k M kivwnrtrt it. Uciear. i Providing for a famine '- ? In India evervvear . . : ii And lobby tbrougr a measure, too, Compelling thaMost High ; Jo let itratu on n alone, While other lands go dry. -For 'with a tariff in the skiee, Audk single Standard, too, f We eurely need the hand Tit God To help and pull as through.: It looks as If. the tate fair., would get itSlpromi8"ii-,wttiDg 5 Boston's signal victor J ovat Baltimore ihenld raise the price ot twani. ' The Lipn county exhibit ' Ti bound to attract atUotioo-.It has the- make up for an eye opener. It ta'sai MrT'Cjeer wishes - now that he hai not refused". . Tb result will be that he-wiH get soup.Hhat isnothing. , Several cities are boasting oj the eee? end crop of strawberries. Albany began doing this first. Oregon ia the great strawberry state of the U. S National flowers have been adopted in various countries, as follows:. Greece, violet; Canada, Sugar maple; Egypt, Intna: TCmrlftnff. nun! FrtnMH flilAr da .i , n,... .... shamrock; Italy, lily; Prussia, linden; Satooy, mignonette; Scotland, thistle; Spain, pouegranate; Wales, leek. According to a German -ulhutlty turbid. beer can, be,;'cjarifid,. by.' electric liht... It ie said that jt .auirio lamps are suspended in the fermenting ' vessels tlii) yeasty matters are rapidly deposited ith the resinous,' aJbaminoos sad glut inous subetanoea that are ai ways present. The result ia due to the light itself,' not to temperaioje... T)r. D G Brittton, ' the ' VrcbaeologUt, said in a recent lecture ' that in North and South America no leas" that 120 or 130 languages exist. As the growth of tauguage ls very elow," be ' thinks- the fact of the existence of so great s variety of speech on the' western .. continent proves that the native ral.tT.eii bave,su babited tbem for many. Jboosjutds o years. A Cook county farmer recently went to a real estate agent and. ogered to to trade bis farm (or , city - lota. .The agent was all baainees and. was in W he aiT,-a block of the finest "lots any wnere in " Chicago;" They sire centrally hvaifd ar,d cheap a fn.w.'ust, .liet into ny hngiT and I';!. Jake too, out. to see ,ti ui. inev drove uu, and .iooced at bvioie and 4ht '-expatiated-, at ri loiiKtb rpoo tl.e ivan'aire' of their locaim aud EnaPy :""Nbw wben can I have a look at jor , fa'Bif" - "I'll elinw .it t;. yon pito;ii',''a!d the far- uir. i about ten mi n hack on the nitiwm liere ami on-" '' " - Curious Facts' ." "'. K til ways in Holland are so carefully managed that the accidental deaths oa tbem average ealy- one m year -for the en tire country. ' .'" " " It is no unusual thing tor a vessel ply ng between Japan and London to. carry 1100,000 fane of all kinds as a single item of its cargo. " ' " "' " " Egypt's population, according to tbe census just taken, is 9.700.000, an increase of 2,900,000 since 1S82, or about forty- two per cent in fifteen years. In Franc;, some of the ' hospitals ' for infections direasea are furnished "with telephones, so that the' sick may con verse with their friends without dange of communicating disease, "-- The'earliest discovery of iron in thie countrv was in western North Carolina, and the first mannlaetnre of it was made in Virginia in 1619. Tbe foundry was destroyed by. tbe Indiana in ltii. ... . Tbe cowboys of Cheyenne river,' Sooth Dkot' r speedipg. their .iierds an bicycles instead t n tne tough little bonxhoa so characteristic of the West: "ilnTTSS .there were only twenty-nine bead ,of shsep in Ne w Sod a Wales, - bat now the rtsck has reached '00,000,000. Ansrralis; New ZeaTand, s'ndTssmania together' possess about 130.000XX1 sheep. "The thickest known coal seam "Ih'.ths world is the Wyoming, near Twin Creek, in tbe Grten River coal basia, Wyoming. It is eighty feet thick and upwards of three ti'andred feet of eofld coal' underlie four ihoutand acres-, ,.,. -Near Boise "City; 'IdaV Totlrf' hdndred feet below the earth's sarface, tjiere is s sabterranean lake of hot water of 170 temperatore, It has - preteure' enough to ascend to the top 'floor of most of the houses and wilf be "piped ti vtiiem ..for .beating purposes. ,-..,i-,jh . i " There Is still on tha pehBioii "rbllsf tbs names of .. seven widows . and .. nine daughters of soldiers who fought -in. tbe Revolntionary war.' 'The widows receive 112 a tooDlh each, ,'nbder a general act,; the daughters a sum stipulstsd.byan in dividual act passed by congress for each one. , ..A, sea captain .has found, tbat the sails of a.ship when Et'ed with -a-nnrober -of hsmall hole bear it alohj more rapidly fh'an when ."they j 'are ','peyiectly , whale. Hfi sajsthat. an., ordinary . sail, cannot -receive tb foil force of 4he wind, owing -to tbe bulk of stationary air thst flilsfp the'hollow of the concave canvas. .'' y'. Tay.Tour 'Clfy Taxrt' T"', . Tlie city taxes bave been due for some time., . The money is needed inthe city's bi siness and tax payers are urgently re quested , to. pay i as prompt as possible, by order of tax collector. ... a'.'Bomona'L Baking Powder, t.Ap'iw cream .tartar, powdu., Jps ".teit and best,., . , 'tet'everylSba'y'cbme to trie Star Bakeri md"g;et y ''ViftV of freth bread for Jii.of. es'ah ' .-'' EveVTboay Say., J Cfit'itifl-i-M randtT'CaaiarUe', the rhnst won tori, a i!i..lii;ul-ilta'overr of ttie aire; pleaa--i.,t .iml rirfr'Kliing to the taste, act gently iiiil,K.'livr,!y iu kill ney a, livaBiind tiowels, .-aimOtr. Un entire svstip. dpel fplos, eiimlinjilaoiin, levi-r, tiabituid i-niiMlpallon Tnittl' frii'mno-'i. ' TlcaSe btty an'' try at twt . ";:t vtrxdny. ttt, S Nicenia: " "Hold and guroiteid lirly nil druggists. ASTORIA ror lahaU and CMldxen. '" r t Tilt fit- itmit tuuiit Tn CarwCoawtlpatiaa rw,:"' " TalrrtMreta Catnlv Catbartio- Me er W J t .V r. n,l n,iiM lstMl rftfltnd mimm -4 4Vs time they werAAtl-'mnrrinK' People have gone wtthont el'OlKes long enough The yellow fever continues to sue in the 8oub, the terror ot the inhahitaWs of that parof the United States That ji nt"dlaee- medical skill seeme udable to cope with . There ban cot be as much prosperity with wheel t C8 conts as with it st 60 cents That Is a fact worth digesting. And yet 69 centals 60 per cent ...better than fear egoT It seems as if the law of supply aod demand has something to dorthpT&8TerUji after all. 1 ,.t-;. The report started in London that the United States wants Greenland is a fake of the first waters , .We don't want it ncTwoTiTdrrk nowlilii a t to do with it if we had it - Before ;t. United States tackles 'Greenland it had better dispose' of Hawaii and Cuba. Mrs. Jonie-13rown: ''My husband and r quarrelei bvJore. we were married ." Mrs. Brown-Jones: "About what ?'' " Mr. Jnnee-Brown r "He 'didn't be- iteidre would qoairsl alter we ..weie married and, t dij.:!rrre York E vening ..4i immmmmmmmmmmmtm- - The foot halt season- has ' opened, the era of long hair parted In the middle, the great , game of on-elaagbta . on weak points, the most raring, teefit.g game -.In existeaee.- ' This is the" game that thrives On' Idcklog, the great drawing card o college, life. Wa.are watching (pc the Albany boys to begtn raising , a crop ot chrysanthemums ' ' , The. Oregon editors will meet In Baksr City next month when Baker City peo ple propose to Viow what they can do in the way of euter.Uiuiog editors. . Broth- er, B-ll will be there as nsoal and deliver the address of welcome. ' Mr. Bell' ha rung at fetery editorial convention . yet held, if we ' are not mistakeo, and i wouldn't seem like a convention without him."--" ' ' '--- The state fair ia in session . at Salem. Whi)eiVU customery hit tuie instita uoo, yet If . ne" stops to -consider the matter the fact will be realised that the state cboatd have a fair, and that it bss to be held eonaewbeM and can't be held everywhere, bence tt is the duty of all sections to nnlte in making it a snccess Lirn county is ' doing that this year, and the fact makes oarciltaeos more 'later esud in seeing it successful." The" Woman's Christian Tecaperanee Union.. closed their- conrention today after very -interesting serin tX' meet ings.' Some people "may think that tbere meetings are dull sairy, tiuian a'trnd acre will dispel this .notion. -Ihrr ate full of Lfe, and there u t.nrt'r a dot motnecit in ihcm. ' Thu-rcoold nut tw anything dull with ik , ioavMupar aMt- Urf Kiunsy in the chair.'. Old ladtea to be sure, but nearly -alt cf ll.eui are mothers end they' know ' they want. ' , "'. .'. .' . , - - . - ... Popular Science. I'he oia meter of Jopitet ia about eighty five thousand miles, or nearly eleven times that of tne earth. Its volume U 1233 times that of the earth . . . At Too '.on, Um bed of tha tea was light ed up fro a balloon attached to a tug. in tbe hope tbat a lost torpedo would be detected. Tbe experiment was success ful. Id France the sex ot sUkworms is now determined, while taev are yet in tbe cocoon, by meaoe of the Roentgen rays. Tbis determination, which U necessary in tbe separation of tbe sexes preparatory to breeding, has hitherto been carried oo rather uncertainly, usually by weight the fmale cocoons being generally slight ly the heavier." ' .' . . It bss long been a riddle so the rut o mologist to find out ' how ' moths, ee pecfally ihoM of the , larger varieties, es cape from the tough, coooon. which in closes thero during the grab stage. Prof Oswald Leatter", s member, of the London Entomological Society, has been stodvica the cocoon method of tbe moths. aDd in making his slodieopened np the cocoons sdon trv the tnaecuCand not the Imago into artificial, ilg bags, with an Opening at. tbe end. ; When tbe time ar rived far the imago to sp?ly hltsilvent tbe Hqnid escaped Into Tittle gists tube instead. Careful, analysis was made of this,' and i was . found to be a pure solution of caustic 'potash. Tbis dis covery tj " a 1 tie w one in entomology. Caustic potash will destroy tbe human skin,' and it is at least passing curious tbat It should be distilled In an Insect's month. ( ,' 4 " . .'.'.' . . . Tha most, important featuro of the present Anglo-Egyptian- expedition a gainstthe Ma"bdi is the successful Kick ing of wells in the desert between Wady Ualfa and Abn-Hacned. The presence of water at such a distance from the Nile has never" Teen- suspected, . .either, .by Europeans or natives, and bid fair to revolutionise not only tbe desert tribes, but tbe entire conditions Of "desert" life. Indeed, the" prob'em ' of coovertiog the grest African deserts into fertile territory seems to be at length io s fair way to ward soltrtlut.'bot by means' of letting In the ses, as proposed by Couot ds kt seps. but by the. sinking ef wells. Wstf r is evidently to be found every where in tbe African deserW, providing one digs deep enough.- There srs 110 mountains in Colorado whose peaks are over twelve thousand feet above tbe ocean level: Forty of these are higher than fourteen thousand feet','a'ud more than halt of that number are so remote and rugged that no one has-dared -to attempt 'tar climb them. Boms of tbtm are ' massed.' with' snow', and other are merely .maues . of jagged tjcks..... .... ..- '-""; " ' Plant useful . to man are estimated to Dumber about fiiteso thonsnnd. Among tbem ars five tbonsand ' roughly ' classed as economic andfood plants. The above includes eleven baqjred. edible , fruits spd bern'e.. and three hundred edible seeds- Fifty are reckobed among lbs .cereals.'snd '(orM.9d'ctiitivats4. )dible graminaseou seeds, .. Four hundred and twenty are classed as -vegetables 'and ssladr, and 800 are" list among the tub' . ,,,..i ... -T era .'"''it( yon dumped a cart-lod T Bold at Mv fett tt would aofr brlng-" FREE tucn joy ana giaanesa intomy llf." So write a prominent man after uttug the method of tall-treatment that has restored to, many hum , who had been wrecked by sicette. ever-work -er.evil habits ef youth.. A llttla book that. TP. .All MEN tnaYeV tt ill' plain may be had without charge bnwrittosv' '."-niS'SSnl UrntciL Co.. ' '"""" -'''ot'KfagaraSt.BuBao;. fe.' b. sohetne j no patent mydtctnas tutt ta boos unar plain letter - Xhe Ofgott wwjlsnin1IIffVrr alTrun SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS' - WaUootLas been himself aga'u. TLe water Las come down and lodged in the k roil ml and soaked It ready for' tne far mer. Now if H would let, u p for a few weeks we would be much obliged. The rainy season is the mak-rnic of Oregon and the person "U Very inconsiderate' who growls at Webfobt weather. , JDuring the week , about, seventy five at upright women as ever lived have been In the city in convention. People may disagree with them; tmt no one can honestly deny the' integrity of their purpose to help mankind. . It sometimes j look as if imall , bead way .was made, but nevertheless the influence of this and kindred organizations ' is greater than many are williog to admit; ' " . During the week back east 25,000 peo pie , went to t a base ball game. Did some one tay the great American, game, was dead. ' It Is not, in tact it has the vitality tliat uieaus long life.. A' nation needs a national game. Base ball is tne. beat of .alLaocfr i same, incomparably above Eoinand'a cricket.' "" There are people, who kick,, at , every- thing. It become, so much a part of J tbem that they would not be able to navicate were it not ia kicks'.' Tbe near ' ber though Is small, and '.it pleasant to' contemplate that moat peoplt are - re markably reasonable-beings, 'who ate witling to go half- way 'on "any propor tion. Oyer seventeen years ago. the Demo-' Csat man quit rnnmog a - type writer. At that time be tbooght he was some what of an expert on the crcde . roactiiua of that day. This week he-again began forgot teu tbe location of the keys entire ly.-so welt was the general action fixed in bu mind ' that in a day's time he could write about fifty p-r cent faster than ordinarily, with a pan. This is staled merely as an iilnetration of the way ia which a thing once "gets a lodg- trig tn a perron's experience . it becotue in a measure a fixed fact lor hie. Tbepat werk bi ee-n a decided tumble in the price of h-st Candidly tbis was to ba expected. t e say this freely now that it has occurred. It is ..r t .marl ltr an kir-nt It i. acn-oi?u inu ior sererai jears J- Dewochat ' has ' advorattd the rale 0 wheat on the first high market A - talk ' with a few faimers who Lava - tried l f convinces us that there is money in it in a series of year To ssy the least tbe ca.usaru:.aNi.y.ia.iavar. nraftica. Tnia mr Irom nremat In. 11- r s u ion t it wc-oid have worktsi well W ntiilnxttHi t-cttvr . ftMm car nal' Crrm4i. . 'Washington, tp. 77. 17. Mr jScKin!e an 1 Ikm Pratt hav n.a-!e , deal aliich wi'l kill itU Lo eand-d. acy f.jr mayor of Urrater K-w Yk, snake ex-cretary Tracy tbe rrpub'ican candidate bacced bv ail tbe infiaeoce . , : - , , .... , . . . . . 'unless present shipping airngementa t hisbenebmsa to th nest Repubnean ehsnged, herealter laoguiah.-C'orvaHt a'ational Con reation a Mchtinlpr shoot- (Times ere. Bjs Piatt did not iatierf - " - - part of tbe programme, bnt it a aca- of "most" and Mr UcKroley knew it at well at he dil. and knowing it would ac- cept nothing ibort of an ironclad t l?dt of snpportio exchange tor the admnls - . .i t a i , . -v , trstion influence in tsvor of Tracy aod against low. llie oal was kert eery , quiet, but it leaked out area before Mr Tracr, who bad previoasly declared tbat be would not b the candidate, an- noonced his willingoes to aocent the repoblirao uominatioa. According to. democraUc advice, it will make no diff - ereoi who the repubtcan nominee is ; a euiociat will be elected. It is noder-. stood that Vice Pretidtnt Ilobart i alto in th.dl, and that the next republican ticket U to 0, if the psrtte to the deal bats their war, the same a the latwl McKinl-y and ilobart. Hi -also said f tbat Piatt go! Mr McKinley promise to make bim Secretary of tbe Treasury, the" position he has .vainly sought tor to many years, if b is reelected Although no cfSicial admission 'hs been made, it is known that lbs ad ministration U much dLstuibed by Its latest advi es front Hawaii. -The ratifi cation of the annexation treaty by the Hawaiian Senate has caused much, ex citement among the Japanese residents of Hawaii, and tbs administration fears tbat a stale of insurrection may be pre- cipi wen ai a mosi any moment, toe re-1 suit of which may be the .overthrow uf the .preaent government. Information in the rotate Department leaves little doubt tbat many ' Japanese toldier are on the ialand, baring gooe there in the guise of lalwiets. It is also very clesr that these soldiers sre armed aod thai tbey have talked among tbemtolve 0 wbat they Intended to do after overthrow ing the government aod taking possession of the islands. New and urgent orders have been sent to the 17. S. MinUUr to Hawaii, aad to Admiral Miller, in ' com mand of tbe U. 8. vessels' there. The feeling of uneasiness oo the part of the administration la not about th final re ult of a tcrap - with Japan,- bnt about what might happen to American and American interests on the ialand boold Um Japanese make an attempt to bver throw the Dole goerDtne'nt..''".',y,''..' ' The dispoaition to poit fun at. ex-sen ator Edmunds , and his ten associates, wbo have met in Washington and organ ised themselves into a so-called mone tary commission, has been more pro nounced than ever since Mr Edmund- issued sn exptalnation of why they j re ia session, lie sJuiits that they have no authority aod that they, cannot" even approach CongTjssjith ssoggestiojjns to legislation, except iiiroug" ngnt pf petition, possessed by every, citizen. In th fact of that admission, the, star ch"amG'ermeelings of these agents of the Indianapolis Uold .Banker's. Convention of, at. winter.sppearjo.. be. .lawiqal...ln the extreme, and the result pf. their det liberation is likely to be juet.',ahnu a ibfluen'tlal with Congres as would b a resolution 'sdopted' by the Thomps n Street Prkr Cub.'" -"' """ vln"enIerprfsW ' f rovrdence,' R. I.f man gilded a large lump ot gbldilabeled 'Klondike nugget, value .0,000,' and waaUsplee)sed-w-itli-4itniel n Hl-the morning he went to bU place ot bumness aodlouhd'hls'b'laU-glae's window' smaiU ed auathevctfar mllng'.' The', window was thsreal-thlngand it "cort'is'pretty sum to rsplae it'. - -1. i.i . ... .1 II. W :i)AY.. TO CURE.A iC'JLD I N.OXX Take Lax.tive Brmo Ojinlne rablet,. All drug Jtstk refunJ the uiney if It frtilt toCure, -.--- -;" 6. , . . ; i. , ." ... ... c ..,w...J 'CarB"C(iyed. A' clear. n ad and weet breadt secured -with. -Suilo'i's 0 a rrhlitut)Jljr: tiid tv t' .i i - Jtu) . MISFITS. A new name to attract attention ia Klondike spda. ; . A Roieburg peach meatlred V,4 Inclxa ' in Albany peach. ..w....u, , nni, ucniu ma uitF The assessment roll of CI niton county shows a decrease of about 1,000,000 in a year. - What's the matter? There sre signs of a Salvation 'Army war in Portland. Ualiingibn Booth and BoottfTurker, leaders oi rival (actions, are lotli in the city. A man hiintipe up the McKenzie lost a$2oO watch. The next nicmiog be made a hunt for it and found ft on a bush.. That's what we call luck. -' . Brother Fletcher, of the Salem .Iad pendent, boasts that, tbongh tbe flies may light on him they can't sav. .That's more toau some oeople caa say..t ,.. .. - Several Corvaliiu men invested t1,C00 with some Portland stockbrokers. W beat fell and the brokers kept the mon ey . Suit has been- brought for it. W. A. Welle invested $1200. ;" The Journal says Tom Buford it to be appointed agent at biletx becaase be cm cpuiwand live Indian vmo.. -If so that is a sample cf modem. politics. Messrs.' II; B. 'Moyer, ' Tenj. Hoover and Geo: Gentry of this cil'v, and Ed. Mover, of Albany, have contracted the Klondike fewr and declare itieir inten tijn of starting for the gold Gelds with the first spring breeze that blows. Brownsville Time. " , j ' According to the Guard a Eugene girl thinks olie doesn't jteed to vet married. ' H"e is the very good reason for it j "l have .considerable money ot my own, 1 bave a parrot tbat swears, a pet rabbit tbat chews aod a stove tbat eoiokea. so yon see l am not 10 need ot a boshanil very badly." " L, A man may bt, i.. . And arnsan may sweat, -And a man may puff and blow ; -. But be can't get trad - By satin in-the ebede, , Wailing far basioees to grow - hx. A man in town earns 7 a month. He has decided to give np civars and to- decimoo. bw ..(.howed fciw a row of j figures proving .liial hf giving np the habit be would save ll.;S3. ia a year. U fact tbat hit income is only C00 a . Aorim Buj t Grant's. Pa has. (urnithtd anottvr eoauoa. wbch is nttfetv nn in theaa narta. I ln lal mnta-r j local t. cnnicb baa preterred claiming tbat she dieeovered her j. I,.,i. ..iT,,.. ...t .t. ' W IHtl t VI WWUIWSBJ tgaaS XSW V 4atIIICU , I L "U u. ,v.u. .UU M V U. , .V I ing investigated by a eommitscs appoints in oy ine pastor, vow sjaes are rpri ! ,nteit by counl and the evidence ad- t dacnl i rh and racr. Times .1 Later news received from the sale in . the vast of Itregoa ;rn frait emphssias j the aia;emeot made Uut growers ara at tha mercy of Uansnorta iAn and com - u.iakra cumpames, and that tinder ex- Tatatiug mu-iiiiviw nn-uinirta imiv Wil , , . i r . : . . . ' . . . . , . i li povr snow to Tp a j.,rv..i .iiom theft ut-r anj eiitrrr.r.e. njaflry Ibat proo,il to tpricg up and f tiourlsli. and tiit rooM sliij be built op of," transpotat. .." coapai.i would give : liiw Kroawt half i num io live. Mil. ' . . fltW Kcwanl IOU Tee reader of U.U par PI be pie i j f r ut there ts ai teatt m dreaded lirf. t-t c trace h been able to cn'e i," 'A' j'! ' '"d .J1 " Csxarrb. i Ha I Catarrh Core i tfce o'y pottive lea,. kno !oe lai i,,Ult,. cure Catatrl) being a tstitullonal dixtv, re ooires a conttUu' tonal tr-ament Hall's Catarrh care is taken ia eraally. VS:ng d rett r apon the blond am mncoov sar taoet ot the va!eia. lrreov d'roylng the fruBdatloo ol the dia-, and girirg thi PLet Mreogth by baildisg op the con dntinand aig aainw in )Jg it in ... r,. , bev one ! t4,.m,AmA fA-iI... eT n..iLat ;sl.:u tiuHuiini tvs'iU S WAJl -S"--WT ia"l IV o cure. J m lt wwMrt.monia, Ay lios 7 ' " rmt, p,u, u h tM . .11 1 t ti ftl t V g- a- . t wr . 1 . WILL & STABK for jiwriiy They keep the best. . Bet . .:, . ....... .- . Ice Cream . . .- Anywhere ..,..-- At V. U. Pfeiikr. ..... IVliciout ice creon toAa at F. H. Pfetf fer'a. Picturt from 73 ccaU to 25 per dot. a at Longs gallery. . ... Crawford & Harnuh for photograph. Price from l to fJO per down. ;lj-tn til tilt til tt ji a' tt VW;i'i oHi'ttilHii'firl'i. I , cream, 5 and 10 cent a dih. D t H. L. and K. Hr office and rwidence io t! cwtios building, i-peciai '. attention given to dieraae of women, j " A Laundry NtiRgct Laundry patron wbo want fi-et class work done without paying exorbitant prices - should patronise tbe Albany Steam Laundry which havs employed regularly five of thebrst hand ironerson the ' coast for shirts, dresses, and hirt waists, and Un cents is the bighest price charged for any of these articles. pays .. .. ' . ...,.' To buy your groceries and prodnce- of Conn A Mutton. They keep the best and freshest ard are all right on prior. ..They will help you to prosper ia dull times. . ,' ee their fine line of crockery. ,.... ' A large stock of printer stationary Jeral blanks, wedding card, Ac. .. Beat printing at low prices. , Smu-xt. the Printer.. . Karl's Clover Rl Tea, lor Constipa tion it's thi Bett and if sfter niog it yon don't say s return the txteiage- ani get your manpy . SU br Fthav A Mason DoatToWfO Salt aad Siaek iwUA Sway. . To qnlt tobacco e&sl'y and forever, be mag netle. tullof Itlo. nertaand vwcr. take No To ll ao, tbe vondcr wiu-iicr, that ntakea weak men strong. All druggists. Wo or tt. Curaguaraa. teed. Booklet and sample frco. Address Sterling Keinedy Co-, Chtca9 or New York, " Kline,... Yonr llowola Wiib. Caaeaiwta. . 'tnK'iy Cnthnrile, cure, conml)tioo forever. JOc IB . tf',CC full. dr.ieeliMrfnin1 money. MARRIED. WATEttS-SMITlf.-On'Sept. 29, J807, ' at the office of Justice Hawkins, by the Justice, Mr. E. W. Walters and Mrs. M..E. Smith, both of Albany. - - . KERNS-GRIFFITH. Oh Sept. "29, 1897, at the home of Frank Tharp, 1 Si miles north of Albany, by Rev. Rufus .Thompson,- Mr. M. R. Korns and Mis Jennie Griffith, of Benton county. They have the hest wishes of many friends - " " ' BverlDIs .. Like biliousness, tieadacne, eousu. natlnn anil stnmBJn ITtlll ITiMtLlf Itl awTfl nrillllDlJY cured by Hood' Pill. H easily and thoroughly. Best atter dinner plus. ., All drueirlst. Prepared y C. I. Rood ft Co.,,liowen. Mas. The only riU to Saks with Rood' Sawowllla. rrrC The. do u,;., wrk".. wniou annget m pric. n Pills TELEGRAPHIC. . , Tke Vever Spreading New Oblkaks, Oct. 1. TodaV ' was I m,.. ,.t 1 . t : . the matter of new. cases.. They cropped up in au.oirevuon.. uni un toe o'clock inn death record was still low, -1 he fever is rapidly spreading ia. many directions, but the large majority of eases. are proving to be of a hsrmles tvps. Tbe weather is warm and tbe conditions excellent for new canes, but the death percentage has fallen conaiderably below tbe record of 1CT8, Twentyrpve new cases . were reported to -.... .,;.,.. Hodem Traaaaellaa St Louis; Ocf. T, .ccording td the IVst-Dipch, John A Truitt, a conductor on the Northern Ceutialdecvric streetcar line, vnu aold by bli wife for $000 to a wotnan: The at was the sequel to tbe fetlowing- remarkable statement made to Mrs-Trurtt by a MH ftf-evens, who lives in this city with her father: " "Mrlruitt:l love ybLT lunband, and 1 wan: him: 1 tave traveled the wod over, and te js the first man I ever loved. I will give you $4000 canh fr bim if you wilf grvehioi up. 'I . "r. w. a. 4s . . . Madmid, Oct. l.Snor Saganta says is willing bj undertake the oooitrucUon a cabinet. It ia taken for grated tbat win lorms cabinet, of. which Senor Ga mazo wid be mininter of .fon.iin Senor Morily i'recdergaat uiuu-r of the colonies, and General Cornea minuter for war. ...-.. . -, -..." - --MSrrelaier'Kiac " '' "' SrsiMO-rrKLb; III.,' Oct. 1. Is a raee' mat was witnesaed by at feast W00 peopij. Sur Pointer, on the track f tne Liinoia rtate fair grountU, this afternown, not only maintained bis reputation a the king pacer hy defeating Joe Patobeo, bet be al io lowered tbe world's pacing record in a race by half a second, making a mile in 2."tX)J, the record io a race having been - " ... " .''"' tradlag lh Law " SAJt Faicisco, OcU , 1. About 400 Ctio Uborcrs bave befn landed in this city duriog the last five months, end have bn giren free entry in the guise or ebanV and 'students " . i tey sre i '"erfc Lev are now w- ri:.j ir. tne orchards in tma rni nanil ot tt e ttate. in tne sal moo canneries on the O' urn tiii. river and' tn dozens of small ' Uiawtown factories of variout liaJ. ' an 4rl' peat. r AIHHltEX. Vah.. Oct. l.rhari Tu't-n. an dmpioye of the Pacific Coast mill here, was isstanllv kilW abont o'clock this afternoon, w bils working on aa eager, in some way not .dearly ex plaiaed a piece of sharp timVr was pro jected from the machine with - tem'ole toroe, striking bim in the abdomen and pairing clear through hi body. A w larW raaaksaastoa New Your, Sept 30Tte democralie etty eoarentioa tmigbt nominated these candidates for cSreer of Greater New Tirk: - Maycr-Bberi A. Van rTyck. of Han batUn. Contro'ln Bird S fJer, of Brooklyn rretidmt of tne council Jacob Rappert, jr.. of Manhattan. "The ticket had been agreed upon by the Tammsny executive ewmou'-tee beiuse the coaventtoa met. " ". " taw straa latcta Tan BAlTiOBB,Tept. ao. lne gncst o-r s chance tha Baltimore ba-i to win the j-3-waat oo longer exult. It vaaUbed early in todit'f game when tt Scutera f:i i upon Hr." Pond's curve, batted bim from Ua bos, and too, a irood lad in focrtb taunir. aftor which te OrioUs tmd to ! twart. and ptaywd liotletety aid witb oot ambition. Ia tbe meaaiim. tha mm tk-t jnowug now eati y BoAan at taking a game Iraoi Urootiyn. a rw SVSjraae PoaTuaso, Ser. Ampie ftiiitie; far lite r-.irti-o of freigbt aad pa-" aer cxer t K.'.-rv. rv. -ist . , videi by the Portland company, in time: ior tie nut to tbe 1 okon n-xt -sa ,.A'1" iotorfs-Xio(r the le - K5o - diae TranpcrtaUon Oncran wm &il hw y enlv by E F a'L U-car R Meyer and ) N Teal. ( b lane a raem a - Skattxs. Sept. 30. The Cbicese of SHtitie are greatly arooaed a acconnt of Sue actions of tht eatiui anttwvituM EaHy-lbi wk Intpector Jossey, to see if fce could find any Chinese who were illeg - azty in una country, went through all the store, aa well as wathhortet. aad. after he fin:sbd his exauunatijn. tout between and ) certiScate with him. and then it that number of Chinese who are wa -deling where tbey are at a IVra'tar atMa Tacoma, S-pt. 30 Chieoftbe retalts uf the Klondike excttemeat. that witi : - i a larye number of ma!I tow n and yihagea In the wwtern part of tfce ttate, tt that wriT an roe cats cat talcea out of j erner -75. in advance. The Iteno-C4r'c- rrT penny "o'd be I CKxr wW oricf onl, oocomDlnation pay- " ' tut utc (rwiuwracsw. , . Wertrr stealgn agala Xsw YoaK..Sept. 30. A Specea to tbe Hrald from Havaana tay that Gen eral Wtylez baa rwtgwrd. a Ike Svalaavhe URcnoK Cttt. Sept. 29 -Ernest Hiek- wbo left here for tha skew oa the i tirtttnpof the Georg U. L!or. n,,h,t ha, ever been brought to my Septembrr 21, giring aa account cf tbe atalanche ia Chilooot pas, where nei was at tbe time. He aod his companion en aroofld from their camp by tba terrific noise, and bad barely time to escape, from the 'ctltrul track of the descending mats. It swept away their camp and all their be longings. Hickman having merely tbe r'othe on bis back ax.d $"J0 in money tha happened to be in his pocket. In one o his pack dettoyed was 1J iu moaey. Th revec SarraSlag - -Nsvr Orleaxv, ' Sept. 29 Today has been a record-breaker in the number of new caea of yellow fever, while the deaths equaled in number thoae of aay other day since the fever was first discovered ia the city . Then, are various reason given for the pread of the dieaae, bat the principal one are two that tbe weather turned warm again, and, owing to the mocn-wider fie d to cover, tbe board of health has bad some difficulty in getting every closely guarded. "" ' ''. ray.'" Sale, Sept,' 2J, By order of tne u prem court, a peremptory srrit was today issued ih the case of D ShaUnck rs. Harrison R Kincaid, secretary of state, t draw a warrant in favor of the plaintiff for $730, the amount claimed to be due as taiery aa circuit judg of the fourth .ju dicial district for the quarter--ending March 31. 1S37. Tbe writ was issneeV, and eerted on the se:reUry ot state, and tbe warrant drawn. At-rUI In attain . .- . Madrid, Fert. S9. The . Spanish cabi net has resigned. Tne queen has accepted the cabinets resignation, but has . anked General Azcarraga to continue tbe othca until a solution ot a crisis is found. H s majesty wiil sammon the leaders .of the various parties,' and the presidents of , the chambeta tomoirow to consult as to the situation. Senor Sagatta bss been , te'e graphedfor. km Cxaaaple .. Cbattasoooa, Teon , Sept. 29. A number of residents and property owners made application in the chancery court to day for a receiver for the town of Lookout Mountain. The applicants oha-ge insolv enuy, and mismanagement and fraud cn the part of officials. ... . - 4 rake Kknter London, Sfpt There is a rumor in Canadian circles that the government of tbe United States has made overture to the goverumeut of Denmark with the ob ject of acquiring Greenland from th6 latter country.' .... Regardless of Cost Julia Grsdwohl infends to go out of th j crockery and glassware business, going in to aoma othiu-line Of bufiaea. and henoa I ! wM h;s .- of ihj KgMtliMii - 1 1 . a 1 Xou will be convinced that he mean bUi- ntsa, aud wilt believe wbat be says J. Grfuiwolil-e". .-" 4 -" "' vlnform the general pubtiethat he"" sell as low- as anybody ia the city ' tor ' ' cash. Come and get prices before you buy -Apia 1st, 1387. - J.tvlABWOHt. .1 Bad .... It is news to you, perhaps,, that baking powder can be bad for the insides. ;; Good baking: powder, how ever; is not bad for thelnsides: j;:; 'Z - True, it costs more thian baking powder at 25 cents or 30. cents a pound ; but . it does better work, and more work for the money, than .'cheap" baking pow der does, and it- does no harm. Of the nght-price baking powders Schillings Best is the bestyouf money back if you don't like it at your grocer s. . -,. Our Ethlbtt- The . Statesman, compliments ' Linn county's exhibit aod taye: (V Linn coonty's exbibit of products con tains the following : 80 different varie ties of wheat; 76 d.fferent varieties of grasses ; 20 different varieties of oats ; 50 different kind of medicinal plants grow ing wild in Linn c nniy from which val uable medicines are. mannfactured, to gether with the manufactured products, including essential oils, bitters, balsam), liverine aod other medicines : corn 15 feet high; 16 varieties of cherries in jars; Vi varieties ot prunes aod plums a jars; 12 varieties of pears; many . samples of fine peacbes in jars ; handsome crab sp-". pies, botn large and . small ; mmberrres, t- both the berries and plants varieties of Wley ; clover five Ieet inches high; ooesUikof Defiaace wbeat, bearing 64 beade, 3,1 45 grains irotn one seed : buck wheat bC feet tiijh; 3 varieties of vetchee; specimen hope; 21 mammoth pumpkins and. aqoasbee; hn dieziUv of garden produce ; magnificent display of apples, bo vane ties, including the origi nal "Eiit Bed", apples: ea moles of flax: t 14 vttrtPtiiHl of motra broom corn ircld- .i,.. :' im .. : a u 31 prunes oo 6-inch limb; berrw-s of all kinds in endless varkties;. radishes 3 inches long, weighing 7 pounds ; sugar ! beets, vegetables of ad kinds, onions any ' old size, np to a bushel basket ; 12 vane- tits of grass eeeds ; fine specia-ien coffee ; berry; pea vines 10 feet long ; potato vine "' 9 feet long bearing half a bushel of po- j tatoea ; luxuriant sorghum ; bean with j green pods 2 feet 2 inches long ; attrae- i tire cabinet of ores, ores from tbe law- j ler mines, Albany Miking 4 Mining 0. f in tjoanxviiie district, and ifodarille mines ; one jar koyal Ann cherries So years old ; 6 potstoes weighing 9 pound ; f bark from a hr tree twelve incbea thick ; i German millet bead a foot long; ie specimens of Albany creamery hotter in different stage' of msnoLictore; fine, display by City Bottling Oo. ; bandtome fur skins snd leather by Albany tannery;: a magnificent display of dried fruits by I Linn coaaty rrowert; woo), tbe nnt- io ! the land ; flour from th famous 'Bed j ilr.B, wagon. L EcrLLart Las staxted a mtlk . f'ractice Economy ia buying medi dnot aa in other maUen. It ia economy to gt Uood's Samparilia becaofe it eon taint more medicinal value than any other 109 doses ooe dollar. . .. , ' Hood's Pills are the oiy pill, to take with Uosd't sanapanlla. Cares ail kver itlt. rnE - PLACE TOBL V . " .. . our OrtKcrics and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros Evervbodv ki-ows S here their place is. Thev keep s fresh 'stock of groceries. prdac and baked goods, ct ail kind?, teti at reasonable pHcee and treat their coetomers weU, all Yon mar regret toot steps yon take I in life tnt'none taken into the ttore j Parker Eros. ! It is s sre tt thing to be reUfed. Far- ! r Bros keep good groceries, i Aloafofbrad is not much but voo want it well made. Try Parker Bros. - The Democrat ana Examiner. - Tbe San Francisco Weekly Examiner next year will givw to its subscribers a flO.OCO residence in San Francisco rent ing lor o0 a month, a $3,390 V. S. bood,a ft t J4 .nM.l...l knnM.Af A1K.F j things, i on can get tfie txammer ano Wum DsatocaAt for 2 50 a Tear, with the Dattr Pwoout bv mail for menu What Or.VE Salter Says. BrrpALo. Jf Y. Geo: From my peTrca! knowledge. ga:ncd . ia oberiog tbe f Sect ot yonr MiH-mi a Cure in cases of adranced CnitipaUon. I am prepared to say it rs "ha mott renufkable Retnedy atten tion. It hat certainly avt wany from JMituaiptloo. told by iou.r Jfc Ma son.- Wood Vanted. Tne Albanv Woolen Mills want from 150 to 200 cords of big fir wood, in ex change for goods of the mills. Here is a chaoco for some dealer in wood to make a good bargain. - Magnolia Elevators. ' The . undersigned have rented tbe Magnolia Elevators at the weet end of First street, Albany Oregon, at tbe ap proach to the steel bridge, and will co i duct a general grain warehouse business. Persons wishing to store or sell wheat or oats will do well to see us before mak ing their arrangements. Ko Goiss, - W. U Vavc. ... ... . .. .. .. -'' ' --S.--E. Yocsn. At Oart! At Cost! , " I have concluded to go out oi the crock ery busiaewand now offer to the puolic mr large stock of queeatware, glaa? and pocket cnttlery . at actoat cost. -Country r erchtnU wiil do well total! and stark np Mjnostof these goods weneahirped direct from Log and and aty prises will be - way down. -Respectfully, .Ct SKosrmu TO CURE A COLO INOXK DAY Tkks Lvtatlvs Bromt Qtiluloe Tablet. AH Drssirleta refund the mjsney If it fails toCut 25.- - - Stop that Cough lake warning. " It mav lead to Consumption. A 25c bottle of Shiloh'sCure may tave your life. Sold try Foshay A Mason. Mcsrc Miss Mildred Burmester teacher of piano or organ. System ths Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street, opposite U P chuich. TO CURE A COLOJX ONE DA. Take Laxative Broun Ouinine Tablets. LAll'l-aa rafuud tbe uvouty If it fail uynre. sjo.-- ... . NOCURE NQ PAY. ' 'That -"ta' tha "wty at!" drugtts sn Gauv'E's cuiuu Tt Kie for .Malaria, Chills and Fever. . It U simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless f'rra. Chlldien 'ova tt. Adults Drefer t to blt'er, nauieattng tiontcs Price. ' 50c Shitoh'sConsutup ten U ire cures wherv others fail . ' it is tht le ng Cough Cur and no home should be without It Pleas nt t- talre and Bev' rtgnt W tne-spot Sold by Foshay Mason. 1 .., Albany Market. tt aaaawaa "Wheat 67 cents. O.1US0. ' , v w :ygs lScentsv v Butter 15 to 22 cents Potatoes 6Q cents- ; . ; ; Hams 11 to 13 cenU. Sides 10 to It cents -Shoulders 6 to T cents. ' 2250 rr r-r I i iile TO THE E A OITO TiTS choics or T" TKAN8COKT1 S ENT A I . -OUTES ' BEAT OR SHORT .' ' : via . vi ' - t " SALT LAKE SPOKANE DtNVEh ST. PADl AK3 CH CAlO RAKSAS SIT O'.V RAT Ed TO ALL RASTERS CITlr iCKAX STEAMEES BATE POETLAJ.D EVERT ft OA '.. soa ..' SAH FRAIJC1SG0 Tie trD inf ortt-1 ioa cat- --m CrtlA A Movtwth, Atbn j , Ot a aooeaa: W H BUBt.r.V.Kl. ' Uxsl P :a- ; . .aid ..... SCO PACIFIC LIKE. ToillFcmt3laat Sotid vestibole traics. - cotmsting of pal ace sleeping ears, luxa ions dining ears, elegant day coaches. masaiSoent toon cartiad free eoioriat tlaepers from the Pa. ciSc to (be Atlantic without change cost DtasCT ISO CHKarssr socra r Uoofcnarl Uliiinsr ; District ; saxesr. trv nxsvs. SLOCAS CTTT, 5 "L.0 . . tiLn. TKAII, -aOSSLASD AS- All points in the Okaaagan Ge a ramphlet tiuSe -" oeao-iptioc. of this wcji?i!ul ubnnL.. Atk the agent of the minine laws 4 Bntit- Columbta. " Lowv rates o and fron ETJBOP1U Atlantic steamship inea.. Canadian Pac. Ry; Uos Kojal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan CAUDta ' aCSVBAlUN - STEAKES ' IUI swoine, rut at arsraaiXA. The shortest lioe to the Cclons. These " tteamers carry aAexperkasced nirdical man, and a ttewafdes on every voyage. for lime tables pantpnlets. or any ia ormation, call on or addreaa. -3 N STEELE t CO. A pew U. Albany Or. b WilA, Aft, liv auxru l, iv and. Ur. . . . tJEO. McL. BROWS. D P.-' A. : Vaueoaftr. B. C EAST AMD-SOUTH VIA . THE SHASTA ROUT OF THE Southern Pacific Co. JaUMaia St, hi Tnaa rniaaa OaU jtai f2? . Ar i S SS a" art Sa a Li i S3) r W 39 r. a. I L tlll Sa a I ar Atova . t.rai-1 . ;jp At ' taa be wen PjrUaad al Stle-n Tur ser, M Arson, Jel-TW". amany Tangent, Shedd. Halsey " Eugene Cottage Grove. Drain. Oakland and ail stations iron Roseburg smth. to aad ia dading Ashland. r 5 aOSSLASO Ae- imphlet yiua atJ!!Ll uonnt.. AtJ otacos fcMaalLt. PnrUaaa . a ItartlL. Aivuty Li I ItMrt fcSnta Aj aoavaarr Ul H . .utitntuiKa - . " - "". Uaiie A&tat tor lataaua . - . . T ! a An-iraal Alaaay troai L.baaaa . xS . . Lean AtkuiT tee Lteanea "- ti tra Atritaal Alaawjrttoea Utaa .... a Lam Albany for Wdaibora via WeodiearB braaea - - - M a w ArnraM Albaay traoa WwadWant .- r LeaTeAtbakTfaeSatroa "" "."".'' i r Arrive at Atbaay tnjas Wta - - 11 A PUllHAr BdfFIl SLEIPm. ASD Oinina: ' Crs ass' Oden , Rout SECOND-CUSS SLEIPINB ZkU AltaekeS la all Ynraash Tralaa tTee fttSe Mvlalaaj. ' xtoticu rexTuaan ah oavnia Ait ta Sant (Except 8aaay . aoamav naisaaiu. Mil It' rortlaaS CarvaUUe AT I J J LtllOtr lJdl r a I At 440t I. r ra Ar s . 1 Prtlal . McXiaaritte i li t I . Vimnt Tirm iltin l Tie rinniiierM alik Trnil im ritntal aad PaciSe saai ateaauhip tines PASandCtll!tA Sulin i tea iierappUcalk -ate and ticket it reteta aad Biime .. . I :r . JIU'Lll and AVsrKe l oluUtd tnai ., atrtSla.AeA . Mfll -iS.6gm.gfc MtSKRAV. Haaacer ......... UnfarA .. . rrvu4 Orcg A runlaad PATENTS . B-..S, ah ri PROCURED, EUG Sofic tor EUGENE W. JOHNSON, ITtS e Tark A v Waahlaatea. C WANTED-AN IDES thing to patent t Protect your ideas-, they mam brimr yoo wealth. Write JOHN WKDlEt BU KS c CO., Patent Atiorneya, Wtr'iint" U. Cm fur Uieir 1ha Drtaeuitar. lajwaav stSH JP spt-e.A japAiOd 2oPIr9 WT3J f.Hd 'JQ 5t ' f -