. . ' ' TERMS. Oailt Democrat, 25 cents per month I 8.00 per year, in advance, 80c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over S months. Single copies 5c. Weekly, $1.25 in advance; $1.50 at end of year; 11.75 for second year; $2.00 for third and proceeding J ears, when not paid in advance. Club of five now . subscriber for5.0O. $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book $5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 16 choice"catgut" Banjo Is strings. $1.0dbuysl2 choice."cat gut" Violin E strings. $4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts bays one dozen steel Violin 1st or '2nd strings. $25.00 buys a 5-dmwer sewing machine; nigh arm, light running; guaran- . teed o years. iJCF Prices on Pianos, Organs, Ban job sent on application. -, E. U. Will Albany. Capes i Jackets - The new line of Capes ami Jackets are now ready for your inspection. 1 h-i latest style combined with lowest prices will bi ike the subject interesting. They are not alt here, but the new things never stop coming here. v. , Braided Kersey Jackets Plain Kersey Jackets Boucle Cloaking Jackets Beaver Jackets Alelton Jackets Capes of Boucle. Kersey and Be.'.ver. Ladies' Walking Hats Plaid Cloth, Plaid Corduroy Iain Cloth, Plain Corduroy "5c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25. S.E. Voting & Son. Agents for Battricr Patterns. BEAD, PEACOCK & CO, Albany Or. WHEAT. DRESS GOODS You should see oar new thirgs. You'll tfind them np-to-date in Cravenetie, Ottoman. . . . Soliel, Costing Serges, Wool and Silk Mixtures, And Novelty Effects. JACKETS for ladies, misses and chil dren Very stylise and at reasonable prices. Have you bought your winter suppl of SHOES? If not, why not save a few dollars by purchasing them of as. Won't forget our special sale of men's underwear and furnishing goods next Tuesday, Oct. 12.h. The Liverpool ni arret presents a slight improvement naving uncreasect a 4 ot a cent -since Saturday noon. The eastern quotations are as follows: Ckicasro, 89 3-8;ceuts. New York, 91 4' cents. -San r rancisco,;SG cents. The Forger Jackson . An interesting experience occurred at tne first .national Bank last Saturday afternoon. A stranger appeared at the counter and asked for the cashing of $13 certificate of deposit on French's bank of The Dalles. Mr. CUm Irvine, wbo waited on him hesitated and he said if h could get fifty cents enough to take mm to Liebanon it would be satisfactory, Recently at The Dalles $341 was paid by French's bank on a check raised from $11 by a man named II. A. Jackson. A reward was offered for his arrest and descriptions vent out to all the state bankB. - Mr. Irvine at once recognised the man as the one wanted, and con suited with the cashier in reference to it. The man saw that he was recognised and when told that he could have no money on the check skinned at full speed as pale as a leaf. The first impression was to arrest him on the spot, but know ing that this was not lawful the sheriff was notified. After taking a wrong man at the Rues House it was learned that be had crossed into Benton county, and could not be lound. TTJESDAy THE STATE FAIR. Linn county has been doing itsslf cred it at the state fair this year. It tnay not bring back many premiums in the horse races, out in the exhibits it has been heard from very emphatically. As was stated yesterday the county exhibit blue ribbon comes thisway. The beat indi vidual exhibit has gone to Mr. Alexan der J-afollett, a member of the state board ol agriculture from Marion coun ty. He-owns a 310 acre farm, and beat Mr. Douglas, who was awarded second ptemium, only on varitty. Mr. LaFal lei ett had everything one could including many kinds of dried and can ned fruit and all kinds of cereals. Watch for the Santiam gardener next year. Charles Burkhart was awarded the first premium for the best Poland China pigs. Mr. u. D. Bates was awarded two or three premiums on . white Wyandottes ne was one 01 the assistants in the ex nioit, and bad failed to properly enter his fowls, so that after the blue ribbon had been placed on several they had to be taken off. D- O. Woodworth received three premiums on silver Wyandottes The Journal gives the following as the big things worth see'ng : The flax industry. Chehalis. The three county displays. Fourteenth Infantry U.'S. A. The art Gallery. The one farmer price exhibits. The atylum exhibit. Agricultural College display. Indian School exhibit. The poultry and pet stock. Natural history museum. The balloon ascension. The dairy department. Bicycle trick riders. , The Journal potato exhibit. In the nacintr race veaterdav one'Alhanr uune came 10 we iront ror a momenta rec ogmtion John A. Crawford won the tin., heat in 52: 22 1-1. lh second and "lira c"ttig were won nv rrunn 11 2:18. In the third heat Crawford was only a tew inches behind the winner, and a lut e more urging would have brought him in first. The race was continued un til todav. $200022 Any baking powder will lighten your cake, if that's all you want. Some are stronger than others, some more whole some. Schillings Best is both and more too. A Schilling Company bail ! rancitco KOI JURY LIST. READ, PEACOCK & CO, Albany, Ogn. Jnst received another line of our popular dress skirts at $1-75 and J3.Z5 each, . Call nd get one before they are all gone The Ladies Bazaar. THE STATE FAIR. Linn County Gets the Coveted Blue Ribbon. At the state fair this afternoon the "blue ; ribbon was placed on the Linn county exhibit, the best ever made at thJ state fair. Polk county was second and Union county third. The decision i tbe universal approval of the int. Tbe Journal Bays : Tbe linn county exhibit occtSpifrfhe xnoet conspicuous place in tbe grand pa viUioc jnst at tbe main entrance, and al ways has crowds of interested spectators eking questions and expressing surprise at the wonderful variety and extent of the displays It occupies 8x35 feet floor room and back wall space 14 feet high. 'In a perfect stockade of of grain sheaves and grasses artistically arranged rises a pyramid 01 green lrnits and a pedestal of fruit in glass jars. In front and on the shelves are tbe vegetables. . Tbe entire right band ror ner is filled with a medical display. Tb work of putting np the Linn exhibit was entireljwa charge of C. W. Watts, with tbe help of a force of men, and tbe re sult is a perfect Success. Watts is a beaver to work. He is on deck from 8 o'clock a. m. to 10 p. m. and no one leaves without knowing that grain and fruit are king and queen and their joint throne is in Linn county It is a school of information and one of the moat commendable featuies of thin state fair. AIjo it is correct in nom enclature, every vanetv having a label giving its name. - It then gives a list, and adds : Judge Barton ha been at the Fair, working hard to see that each apple has its best shine on. and its brightest side ont. He informs us that Lion county appropriated $300 to defray the expenses of collecting and exhibiting tbe collec tion, $250 of which will be expended by tbe time the collection is returned to Al bany. He ieels highly gratified with their splendid and complete ehowing. So far as public appreciation g les, Linn county is already awarded tbe first prize and ber people can feel p"Oud of this ef fort to encourage ber. producers. Thb Douglas Exhibit. From the Ore gonian'e Salem correspondent; The competition for the best ehowing of div ersified farm products, for which a Port land firm has offered a Studebaker wa gon, is pronounced by many the best feature of the state fair. Tbeprodnctinn of so manv different articles of which an Oregon farm is capable is a revelation to many . J . E. Douglas' display, which is second to the LaFollett exhibit in point of variety, comes from a 40-acre farm eight miles east of Albany that six years ago was covered wun sianuing timoer. Last year he secured a $50 priza, second money for the largest onion grown in tbe United Statee.from a Philadelphia comp any. He sent a fiharplees strawberry to the world's fair that measured 9 inches in circutn ference. His exhibits ibis yea r number 100 varieties, prepared on three days' notice. In bis exhibit are zii pounds of potatoes which were produced from oue pound of seed. Two potatoes, wsigbing 56 ounces each, produced this year, were sent to an eastern nrm. An Oebgon Isvektiob. From the Prineville Journal : George W. Swalley of (bis city has been granted a patent on an improvement he has made on tbe or dinary violin, which, it is claimed, great ly adds to the volume of sound besides sweetening tbe tone and rendering it ab solutely perfect. The invention is a small hole, scarcely discernible, under tbe finger board, at the junction of the neck with the body of tbe violin. Mr, Swalley has been experimenting at times on old and new violins for tbe past three years, with the above result. He has "taken common, cheap instruments and by the application of bis invention. me . amorphosed them so tnat the original manufacturer would not know them. The value of the invention may be ga b- ered from tbe fact the inventor has just accepted the-offer of a 8outb-Bendy Ind., firm tnat oners 10 put np me tunas to have the invention patented In tbe great countries of Europe in consideration of ' receiving iO per-cent of tbe loyalty. The Bend firm writes to Mr. Swalley that in one European country alone the profits coght to reach baf a million dallars. . Mr, Red A. B. Seal was in the city to day. Mr. Bartges. of Davton. W'b., father of Walter Bartges, of the O. O. & is in the city. The Misses Aimee Collins and Licnie Baltimore spent Sunday in SodavLle vis iting menus R. L. Burkhart's new milk wagon is very metropolitan in appeareuce and is attracting attention. Mr. Harry Crawford went to Salem to day to play with the Scio club in a game of base ball at tbe fair. Mrs. R. R. Find ley returned last Sat an 1 .y night from her visit with her sit ter Jennie in Portland. Joe. Sternburg has entered the medical co!)ege at Portland, with the intention cf having M. D. added to bis name. Mioses Ada Morris and Marv Stewart. of Albany, are in the city, tbe guests of k : I....... ii.r: 1 nal. " i The Ladies Magazine club will meet to morrow afternoon with Mrs. P. A Young, the first meeting of the fall and j winter season. Mr. J. H. Scott, ot Tangent, has the Democrats thanks for a bottle of eorz- bnm, made by him. Considerable oi it is raued and made around Trngent. P-iof Louis Barzee, president of the state normal sjhool at Drain, has jnst gotten out a little pamphlet entitled X Rays on the public schools, that is very creditable. Presidert Barzee never sleeps. From tbe Dalles T. M.: "W. H. Mansfield, foreman it this office, took the early train for Portland, and from there goes over the . P. to Coeojopohs, vtaeb., where next Monday morninz at 9 o'clock be will be united in marriage to Miss Henrietta Oven, youngest, daugh ter of Hon. H. C. Owen, rf Eugene. Billy's many friends in Tbe Dalles and tbroughont tbe state wish him "much joy" in advance." Mr. Manefleld is an old time Albany printer. A! Knykenail, nf Eugene has been ap pointed a3sutant drug-gut at tbe state in- aane asylum. Tbe president appointed Byron T. Pot ter postmaster at Baker it v. and Scott Wing at BiOdiietU tk-nton county, Uregcn. Prosperity has wrack E. M. Rnwley. a Salem grocer, and hi stock is now in the hand of thr aheriS Aggregate attach ment $1792 35. - Geo. Xea! Dow died at his home in Port land, Me., on Saturday afternoon at the ae of ninety three years- He was the fath er of the prohibition movement. j The report that J. V .- Roberta had sold ! his dray bni-iners and wou'd return to ! Xebrasta waa not correct. lie ili re main in Albany. Mr. Long, vf lorvaliie is simply running bis dray temjoiarily . . Bchl'8 FrxEBAL. A'tout twelve mem bers of tbe Jiaifabees went to Lebanon ! yesterday to attend the funeral of the1 unfortunate Jos. buhl, killed in a gnn accident Saturday morning. The at tendance was probably as large as ever at a funeral in that city. The bnrial services were onduHed by tbe Macca bees. Mr. Bubl was highly respected and expressions of regret and sympathy lor his heartbroken wile were general. Lena or Gold,- L. S. Ladue came out from tbe Santiam mines on Saturday, and reports a big go.J discovery in the new Vandalia mine, t wo miles south east of Anidem, and declares the rock assays $1200 to the ton. Mr. Ladue stated that he believed that there is ore in tbe ban- tiam district that will equal anything in Cripple Creek or Lead ville.';May the San tiam LAdue have a Digger Klondike than tbe i ukon man. - The Statesman says : IT. J. V. Bailev. Of WDOrt. orutnl the original organizers of the state fair at uregon Uity in 185 was the occu pant of one of the chairs in the inrlrca' siana yesterday, tie will be 78 years oiu tomorrow, ine doctor came to Cor vaius Saturday and while there bad the misfortune to Call on a dilapidated aide walk quite severely injuring his right d ana causing mm considerable mis ery for thexime being. With the ex ception of a single limp he was o. k. yes terday and was heartily greeted by tbe "old timers" on tbe grounds. Mr. P. a. Marshall left for tbe Bay 5 esterday noon on business. Wro. Hoag, of the Albany Water Works Co., is in the city today. Judge F. A. Chenowitb, one of Benton county s pioneer attorneys, was in Al bany today. Kev. Cane and wife, Mrs. P. B. Mar shall and Mrs. Frank From an left on the morning train for tbe fair. Mrs. Ted Piper and daughter are in the city on a visit previous ta going to Seattle to reside. Ashland Record: Mrs. B.J. Pengra, who has been visiting ber brothers tbe Messengers, left last week for Arizona. Major Marshall, of tbe Salvation Army of Chicago, is in the city and will con duct the meeting at the opera house to night. Two Albany bom r-re members ol the McMinnvilie base ball club, R. and'C Thompson. They will play in Salem this week. License has been issned for tbe mar riage of J. C. Householder, of Benton county, and Mis Lillie E. Loveall, of j Leoanor. James McHargoe, a pionee of 1S47, father of Mrs J. A. McFeron, of tfaiacity is tying dangerously ill at his borne in Brownsville. The marriage of Mr. Perry Wright and Misa Iena Meyers is announced to take place tomorrow evening at the home of Mr William Meyers in this city. Married at the residence of tbe bride's btotber on Oak Creek on Wednesday, Sept. 29, 1897, by Elder Silas W illiama. George K. Green and Lila Berwick, all of Linn county. M r. P. J. Baltimore is in Salem, where to morrow he will compete In the trap shoot His frieuds confidently think be will win first prize. Mr. Pete Montgomery has returned to Albany after an absence of several months spent in California He recent ly met Ed Scbmeer and bis wife at Bed ding, where they are at work in a res-tasrant. The following jury list was drawn to day for tbe circuit court which will con vene in Albany on October 25: Tangent A Blevins, J B Barber, Geo Onmmings. Waterloo Grant Bellinger,Josb Lind sey. Albany J L Tomlinson, Z II Rudd, Harlan Hulburt. Lebanon Henry Klum. G T Cotton, George Cheadle, H Y Kirk pa trick, TO reeoier Kingston Thos Follis. Scio H C Miller. B E Berdan. Larwood A L Richardson. W J Guyer. Plainview M Schneider. II L Laasell. scott ward. Sweet Home- -Charles Kirk. Ho! ley Samuel Sawyer. Crawfordsville Eliaa Matters. Waller E Yates, U V Kump. uakviue 1 L, Jones, uoa btone. Brownsville Geo Stanard. Foster B Erickson. Peoria L U Fiaber. 20 farmers: 1 harnesimaker. 1 clerk, I mil.er, 1 abstractor.! hotel man. 1 ware houseman, 1 dentist, 2 merchant, 1 in surance man. . WHEAT.. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs Rebecca Small, Albany; bed spread, 1st. Mr. frank Stellmaker baa returned from a months stay in Newburg, where he worked on a fruit drier. Mrs. Cl.is. Fields and daughter re turned to their home in Portland today accompanied by MissLydia Iiatnbaugh. John Gage, of Mitcnell. passed through here last Saturday on his way to Albany for the purpose of placing two of his sons in the Albany College Prineville Re view. Mrs. W. W. Rowell. of Albany. ii. companies by her daughter, Miss Edith, is in tbe city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Judab. Salem Statesman. Mrs. T. J. Wilson, and Mrs. C. B. Watson and thirteen months old rlan,i. E..n. f I.. 1 . toi i iauvnpvi Eugene, nave neen visit ing Aiuany iriends several days, By general consent Mrs. Hallie Parrish Hinges remains the finest ninanr nn 11,. Pacific coast. Her rendition of tl. raims sunuay was encored ami Pi Parvin feels proud of bin distinguished pupil. Journal. Mr. C. E. Hawkins was in Kim "o appeared before the supreme uourt, and was examined for admission to the bar. In a class of about twenty, ine list 01 successful candi date will probauly be announced on Friday. Rev, C. S. Stevenson and Mr. E. L. Power returned last night from Portland, where tbey bad been to attend a meeting of the Presbytery cl tbe V. P. church. On October 25, Rev. Stevenson will be A decided improvement is shown in the eastern market this noon. In Liver pool a rise of 2V cents is quoted. Tbe other quotation are: New York Chicago 91.', San Francisco SS. Tbe Albany market continues the same, not yet having been struck by the upward tendency. Very dry weather in the mid dle west has had a hand in the rise. It affects the corn crop materially, and that means more lor wheat. Fred Fiak left last night for GrinneH, Iowa, and from there goes to Washing ton and Lee university to take s course in law. Fred is an exceptionally bright young man for whom a brilliant tutue i s predicted Eugene Guard. Oakvlllc. We have not gone to the state fair yet. Mr. Sam Bowen of Alsea is risi'.ing friend here. - Tbe prune crop is about all dried some ot our imit growers didn t save more than half oi their crop. Airs, .ancy smith who resides near here bad tbe misfortune to fall and dis locate her shoulder last Thursday eveu mg. Dr. xarra I Uorvalns was sent to and tbe fracture was soon replaced. Mr emitn t W year old and very neshy Mr. A. B. Hiett of Tangent -called at our residence last Monday morning. Mr a ib getting his winter supply of wood near here. "ictoFutro" we would like to yon but when we were in that part of the world we failed to find anyone who knew where Tennessee was; moot of the peo ple we enquired of said it was on the other side of tbe river. We will be over there again some time so look for us. hi James Morgan the popular prone oner was inspecting some silver prunes that a young lady had brought. He didn't want to buy' them so he said : "They are not fit for anything bat to make vinegar of. You had better lake them borne." This made the young lady angry and she said : "Mr Morgan we nave a barret 01 rainwater at home. yon come down and look at it and it will make vinegar enough for ot and you can dry the prunes." Jim wilted. The many friend of Mr Aoams made him a friendly call last Friday evening. We see by the Herald that, the smalt children are employed in picking tbe prone while men bacdle them t tbe drier. This makes na feel small for four of is are over 16 and we are not too big to work. Little Ross Bro. Anotucb Docolas Prrr From tbe Statesman: Tbe display of fruit and vegetables receiving second prize with LaFoCet is that of J. R. Douglas, of Linn county, consisting of over 100 varieties, gathered in three days and in some re spect he beat the world. !n vegetables be especially excela and in onions be bss no competitor. He baa eighty of these bulbous product on exhibition that weigh 2C0 pounds, while hi seventeen variiies of pumpkin and squash, bis eleven varieties ol cabbage and thirteen of melons cbalienge comparison. 11 shows also an arlic'e of vine maple honey that would make tbe apigot of a vinegar barrel shed tear, it is so pore. formally ordained and installed as pastor of the church. Cha. Schmidt and W. W. Fry have returned to Corvaltia from Skaguav.with a mountain of experience Schmidt rented hi restaurant for tb winter at $75 a month . Knthvvn Tumor mmiin. d to look after the interests of the Cor vallta men. j Rev. Mr. Speer. In charge of the mls fsion at Warm. Springs, and Rev. Mr Jiurruw. missionary at Mmnuhn. vra in the city today n routed to Waitsburg to aiwuu iu rresoytenan svnod which convenes tomorrow, and will remain in session one week. The Dalits T. M . Chas. Ford, the popular tenor, who eft Salem on October 17, 1896, under a contract with the Wizard 0.1 Concert Do, returned jeaterday, having severed bis connection with the troupe' which is heading for the Atlantic coast, whither Mr. Ford did not dmire to o While im wio company air. torn aamr in sixty of the leadlmr cltiea of f'.l ifitrni ji and all of the leading towns or Nevada'. Statesman. AT THE FAIR. In the trap shoot this forenoon Albany wept the fie.'d a completely a in the county exhibit, getting everything worth getting. Among those conbtstiog Irom this county were Phil Baltimore, George and Grant Froman. D. B. Monieith, F. H. PieiSfer. Tom Waller. W. E. Baker. John Winkley and Henry Williams. In the principal contest lor the $75 meda1 and t-j0 to be divided D. B Monieith and Geo Froman tied lor first place. brakin2t apiece. Upon fhootio it of! Monte ih won. Tbe Albany meo 1- j so took the minor events. Baltimore 1 completely cchapeed. A b g eagle was placed over the Linn county exhibit yesterday in honor of the victory in securing tbe blue ribbon. Hurrah 11. S. Giles, wbo is gjing east selected tbe linn county exhibit and bad pirture taken of it to show while gone. This is oonaidered another feath er in Linn county' cap. llagal balloon caught ure an2 was burned. Tbe Boston Bloomer Girls aided by th nmpiie defeated Scio 10 to Two bioe ribbon were awarded Worth Ho ton 00 horse and two Charles Burk hart on noes. Other premiums wet awarded Lino county poel as follow : A. Mensbaw, Albany, boar. and over. d. Rajral aakca tb food para, - ,wlloaas4dllclo. "ISi F07DEI Absolutely pur torn, tuam wwn en., utm w. REAL ESTATE SALES. Reported by the Lina County Abstract ijo. 1 tne uiMocaaT. D W Bridges to If B Washburn, part block 1, Bridge ad to Shel burn $ A Cowan and L Elklns, by sheriff to Luthtr Elkins, tax deed, T 12 V 95 acres E J Daley and wf to Gertrude Rey nolds, two small tract adjoining town of tscio. T 10. 1 W O P Card et al, by sheriff to Mary G Ward, adjoining town of Waterloo. T 12 W 103 acre. . . . . V D and O O Awbrey to L E Chamberlain, lot 6 bl 45 Albanv- J N and 8 J Comb to Eliza Willett lot 4 block '25, Hackleman' 2nd add to Albany W R and Ju'.ia A Kirk to 0 B and Jennie B Tjreer, block 6 Kirk' 2nd add to North firawnavilla. . J L Uiil to S. E ChamberUiala. part of block 36 Albanv i L Hill hllU Chamber lain. See ' Z4 l 4 W.25 acre las B Barber and wf to W M Kay. T13. 3 w53 acre u E and 11 C Chamberlain to V D Awbrey, part of block 00 Albany Bonner A Hammond to O C A E R R. all property of O O B K Jo and W V A C K R Co Jason Wheeler et al to C Sollivan. X of w X of N E M of block 3 Eastern Addition to Albany.... U 8 to Marion Leach, SEt'gec 28.T13 1 w L B and B A Witzel. to Sylvia M Green T 2. w 181.45 acres W W and Sylvia M Green to Sarah V Owenby.T 12 4 w 100 acre.. M Mclntyre and wf to A J Chance mall tract in Brownsville Jas X Smith and wf to H H and M LDirr, Secl8.T92, K65 acre U S to J H McConnell, lou 1. 2, 3 and 4, See 10, T 10, 4 E, 150 acre U S to tV McConnell, Sec 19, T 10, 4 E. 160 acre - O ACK RCoetal to L M Cary, Sc21,T10, 1 E.80 acre.... J D I torn and wife to R Uarroa, See 11, T 13. 3 W, 80 acre. . . ft Beall, by Sheriff, to Cha Well. tax deed, X i, Sec 36, T 13, 2 E, 220 acre U S to Jno Prewitt and wife, T 9 and 10. 1 W. 825 acre W U Bid!, by Sheriff, to P H Mar I y, tax deed, bee 34,T 14, 1 W, 40 acre Arena Bozartb. by Sheriff, to P H Mavlay, tax deed, Sec 20, T 14, 2W,80acre Eliza Evans, by Sheriff, to P U Marlay, tax deed, See 27 and and 34, T 14,2 W, 70 acre J Haneoo, by Sheriff, to P H Mar Uy,Uxue0,acl8,T13,l W, 120 acre.... Dan Hart, by Sheriff, to P H Mar lay, tax deed. Til, 1 W, 100 15 7C0 1400 890 1000 700 . ftQO M0 1600 800 10 MitfM. ' e '''''nfHTrmflrm tfffiffiffin; I We are receiving a large new stock ot I seasonable Clothing, for men, youths and i I boys, which has been bought lor cash at I low prices. Our expenses are minimum, I and we can sell these goods at such low J I prices as to satisfy the bargain hunter, I giving splendid quality for the money. I I Our old bankrupt stock is nearly all I sold, but there are a lew suits left which j will be sold at a sacrifice. ' 1 THE BLAIN CLOTHING C .iUlUiUiUiiiiUiUi lfWitt-"wWwWwwWWJ iiiiiuiUiiiiiiiiiiiii:1 350 1 1000 1200 320 1200 11 IS WHEAT- - Tbe eport today continues of an en couraging natur-.with a marked advance in Albany from 67c to 69c and 70c The eastern nuotati na are aa follows : Liver pool Ji cent be-tar, New York 9oc, Cbicaeo 95 2 8c. San Francisco 89 cents. An increase of 3 000,000 bushels is re ported in th visible supply. HOME AND ABFOAO. a uceiosity. vv bile banting near Tangent a few days ago the son of J. H. I Scottfound a meadowlark that is a freak of nature. It was wingless'.and could not fly. It has been taken to tbe O. A. C. at Corvallia and may be seen in -the collection of curiosities of tlyu college. Bass Ball. The Boy' Club will play the Boston Bloomer Girls lnb in this city on next Thursday afternoon. The Dioomer giris are piaying in toe state ana have arranged to e here on tbst day. In New York citv tonight Maud Hoffman will make her first appearance in a star part. Her career will rjow be watched with great interest by bit. Ore gon friends who b lieve sbe poasesws tbe talent to succeed, if not to become aaecond Mary Anderson.. i : At tbe state fair ground today th( Scio baseba'l club defeated the Chemawa 22 to 18. - Bishop Barklsy. of political fame, was : in Albany this poon, on his way borne after an absence of two month in Cal ifornia. He think a good deal of thi gold excitement is gotten np to fleece tbe people, and that it will do a soon deal more barm thau gxd, and there is something in the supposition. A pleasent farewell party was riven Messrs Roedell and Fred Combs at tbe residence of Mr. Frank Froman last eve. Those present were: Rose Marshall, Josie Maring, Eia Stewart, Stella Hughe Bessie lyree. Jessie 1 rites. A ma Marsh all, Ona Hognes, Edna Froman, Rhetta Stewart. Maud Froman, Vira Stewart, Bertha Bloom, Mrs. and Mr. Froman, Dell Combe, Joe Tyree, Fred Comb. Ray Needham. San ford Laselle, Lemra Barnee. Frank Stewart, Maurice Pavne, Allen Stellmacher.Walt Wailace,Wa'yoe Dawson. Judge L. Fliun, president of tbe First National Bank.anddaughUr, Miss Ruth, returned this morning from their east ern trip. While gone they were as far east as tbe Judge' boy hool Mate, Ver mont, and as tar south as New York city. Tbey returned bv way of San r rancisco and visited two dsvs with the Miees Annie and Ora Fllon of Stanford university, who came up to Han Fran cisco lor tbe purpose. Judee Flinn re ports a general revival in business in tbe it, and then consider that this display comes from a farm of forty acre only fir years in cultivation from virgin forest. Rasc Baxx. Tburtday afternoon at 4 o'clock tbe Albany Boy's Club will play the Boston Bloomer Girls on tbe re liege campus. Admission 25 cent. Tbey are said to put ap a strong game for ladies, and the hoys wid have to bottle to beat them . The bloomer irirla travel in their own special car. Following is their nine: Maud Kelnn. pitcher. Georgia Gorman, Ita baae. Annie Jennings, 2nd baae. Eu'iah Roberhton. 3rd baae Nel is Bly, abortstop. Jiilia Milowe, right field. CarrieJEIIer. left field. Lulu Mc Bride, center field. Mim Williams, catcher. Mr W p Needbatn is the captain. Jcst in Timk. J. 3. Schrag, wbo hold the title ot preacher among the ilenon- ites, was arrested al-oui li o'clock last night by Constable Sidney Scott as be was about to take the train for Kansas He was charged with larceny by bailee. and John M. Williams was the complaint- ant. It is alleged schrag had mortgaged a crop of giowing grain to a widow, and when harvest time came threshed tbe J F Johnson, by Sheriff, to P H Msrlav. tax deed. Sec 4, T 12, 1 I- lAft years j Herman Koeun, by Sheriff , "to" P H Wm. Darren. Albany, lifer of pi.. fr"' 1 not lea than , and under nine , ltiM MirtinTbv SbenffV "to" P H E.X. Morran. Albanvf aow !M lh. ttCTM cc oo, m, 1 year, 1st. Ciyd Daniel. Albany : sreatt vari ety of blacksmith aork, not let that six piece, 2d. Johnson a Phillip. Scio: Urntl and beat disn'ay of manufactured floor, 2d. aterioo woolen mill, w aterloo: larg est and best display of Oregon manufac tured textile, 2J. J. R. Douglas, Albany: display of on ions, not let than two bushe Is, 2d. Johnson A Phillip, Scio; flour, fifty pounds, 1st. The Journal Lot ice the exhibit that received the second premium aa follows: Polk county's exhibit, consisting of a pyramid of fruit and a collection of di versified farm and garden product oc cupies lea pac than lion county', and is situated about th middle of the pavtllion, on the wtsule. The pyra mid of fruit la very attractive. It con tains 17 varieties of pears, seven of grape, five of prune', three of peaches nd a large variety of apple. One r pw, ot lue awing variety, measures n.t inches in circumference. Grape, apri cots, cherries and vnnce of pod size and quality are also shown. Th dis play ot grain and grasses and garden product com nnse specimens far above the average in sizo and quality. Polk county would bave made a still larger exhibit bnt for a delay in getting speci men to palein before the Hu e tor en tries closed. Today more people went to Salem to attend the lair than any day yet. Not for years has Linn conntv shown tb in terest in tbe fair that has been tbown this teason. Extra attractions today were the great Chehalis. a trap shoot and the entire city of Salem. 37 y : m , v uru uni rcv uiuv vvuio llirrviieu iu east and a sentiment of encouragement gni ad spirited it away, and repre on account of . the farm piodact. Increased price for Ml Talks At the meeiing of tbe C P Presbytery at Bodaville, D M Jones,. MD of feodaville, tendered his resignation as a member of the board of irusteea, which was accepted, and Rev L R bond, of Woodburn, was elected to fill the vacancy. - Rev W V McGee, of Albany,, was ap pointed to preach the specipl sermon on temperance at WaJla Walla, at tbe next meeting of tbe synod, -o ' ' 'Merit talks" the Intrinsic value of Hood's Sarsaparllla. Merit in medicine means the power to cure. Hood's Safsaparilla possesses actual and unequalled curative power and there fore it ha true merit. When yon buy Hood' Sarsaparllla, and take ft according to directions, to purify your blood, or cure any of the many blood diseases, yon are morally certain to' receive benefit. .The power to cure Is there. Yon are not trying an experiment. It will make your, blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out the germs of disease, strengthen the nerves and build np tbe wholesystem. Bessie Rankin, an Oregcn bone, has beeu winning many races in California re cently. - 8. X. SUele, has moved into bis new real estate office in 'the Blumberg block, which be has fitted op in a neat mannea. Tbe attendance at the public schjols yesterday was 592, tbe Urgent in the his tory of the school for the same time in the term. . Rev. James Tliompsni., a Presbyterian minister at Brownsville, fell from a bicycle over a raping alongside a walk near the vaupoois river oaturaay alternoon laat, and now lies at his home dangerously hurt. Solly Smith, of Los Ange!e, was given the decision over George Dixon in a twenty round fight at San Francisco laat night. Tbe match was veritably for tb ebamr-ion-abip of tbe wel'er weight claaa and Smith ia now at tbe top. Mr ClautlTunk, of this citv, has start ed a poultry businesa, which he intends to make a convenience to oui citizens. He will buy and sbip poultry of all kinds, and besides take orders for weekly delivery of dressed fowls, or at any other time desired, giving a service that can be depended np- sented to the widow ttat tbe vield was only ten bushel per acre, while it was 25 bushels per acre. Schrag was arranged before Justice Wintermeir this mornlns and immediately settled the case by pay ing off tbe mortgage together with ac crued interest and costs, lie was then discharged Irom custody, and in company jFitb Peter Graber left this afternoon for ivausat. Jbugene Kegister, Miss Smitho.v Oct. Miss Jennie Smit son, of Springfield, was out yesterday lor the hrst time since the terrible ac cident on the railroad which deprived ber of tbe use of both lower limbs. Sbe came over to Eugene and visited her un cle and aunt, Mr. and MrSr J. J. Poill. A number of friends called on ber and she has pleasant remembrances of the visit in tbe shape ot flowers and other presents. Eugene Guard. Is a Minnesota Paper. Mr. F. M. French proposes that hia Minnesota friends thall know about our wonderful game bird, the Celestial pheasant, and so sent theChatdeld Democrat a picture of a pair of birds, an explanatory letter, and several cuppings irom the Albany papers. The Democrat published them in full, covering a column and a half. If more of our people would f jllow suit our coun try would better advertised. A Sxagcat CcaiosiTT. The most curious thing at Skaguay, says Mr Frye to tbe Time man, is the postoffice. Tbe government has no otlice there, and th mail is brtUKbt to Skavuav lioti. tbe reg ular U. S. postoffice at Dyea nd cared lor. by an individual wro "nictate as postmaster on his own book and by gen eial consent this new species of post master is paid 5 cent and for every let ter delivered a similar fee la paid. For newspaper a similar toll is levied, and all of the perquisites go into the 'pocket of the self appointed official. Hundreds and hundreds of Utters and papers are thus passed in and out of his bands and the estimate is. that be baa a better thina than even a Klondike placer claim Sometimes when a man calls for his mail tbe independent official says,Come attain tomorrow I haven't time to look now." And, there is nothing to do but to wait. 1 K. SO E E Montagu, by t'herifT. to P H Maria, tax deedec 12and 14, Til, 4 W. acre E E Montgomery, by Sheriff, to P H Marlay tax deed. Sec 3, T 10, 1 W, 316 acre P J Murray, oy Sheriff, to P H MarUy, lax deed. Sec 16, T 13, 2 E, SOacrei W J McCausland, bv SheriSf, to P H Mariav. tax deed, See 20, T 10. 3 E, 160 acres Eliza Rodger, by Sheriff, to P U MarUy, tax deed, 44 acre N P Tomlinson. by Sberiff.to P H MarUy. Ux deed, Sec 14, T 9, 1 W. 130 acre Wood, by benff.to P H Mariav, tax deed. Sec 1,T 13, 1 W. 18o acre Robinson A Weat, bv Sheriff, to P it Jiianay, Ux deed, Sec 2, T 25, 1 E. 200 acres Newton Lewis to Alice M McClary, a , o c. iv Bcre W Simpson and wife, to US Smith, f 10. 2 W. 15 acre.... no Isona and E J Lanning to Jno Looser, assignment of trade mark and machinery, e'e - K Fronk and wife to J L Hill, Exr, N lot 7 and 8, bl 12, eastern add Albany Susan and llenrr Zimmerman, to U. r Looser, T 10, 3 W, 46 acre. D S to W M McBride, Sec 19, T 10, t, jw acres. . - II Yantia and wife to-T E Wil son, roadway Fannie and J B Cox. to Lizzie Goan. part block 4, J M Rals ton' 3rd ad. Lebanon Isabetl Wheeler to Cha E Beagle TI2.2. wlO acre 7?.. R K Ohling and wf to AM Holt, N si of S E i block 46 Albany. A A keesto M McCormick, part L Kee D L C, T 12, 2, w 10 acre Mary A Groe by sheriff to S O Powell, ux deed, E M lot 2 bl 3 Brownsville Brownsville B A L to L Tycer, lot C 1 .1 . I i. .1 . ii -. . . . u mu o uiuck uaipraitn add to North Brownsville W B Donaca et al trustee, to B M Donara, 5 lots Leoanoo S Cochell and wf to Nettie Cleaver. T12. 2. w 10 acre Lee and Dora Bfiyeu to G M Wtst- ia.il, Lebanon property 11 Z9 30 7 V food's Sarsaparilla .Wast a Wifb. Prof. liana! has been marrieO twice, hi wife No. 2, dying about two years ago. He authorizes the X Ray daily to say that he wants a .flu'e He is a master of his profession which is aeronaut. A good faithful wife will find him a gentleman of good habits, a good business man and perfectly ami able Journal. ' . Anothbb Onk. Tie Aermotor con tinues to spread itself out among tbe farmers. Yesterday W. W. Crawford and George E. Fish sold one to Wm. Bowman, of Millers, and it will soon be revolving. It is a great thing for tbe farm. i Oca Frcit Pbykb. The Hayna fruit dryer finished its season's work-yes-tefday. It dried 1800 bushel of nrnne. in a very saiisfartory manner, a credit to tbe drier and city, very marketable fruit. Prunes will brine a paying price this J vear. and it U beinir dcmnodnM Is the best, In tact the One True Biooa runner, about the only way to make them do to Freparea only by CL Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass. to j .y tbem wei,f Tyg Mf gTDe a, 0... Vo not purge, pain or knows hortO do, nOOd S PlllS gripe. Alfdruugiatti.26. , - . - Letter List, Following is the list of letters remaiuing in tbe Postoflice at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Oct. 8, 1897. Persons calling for these letter must give the date on which they were advertised. Davis, L UPr. . Dick, Eva , Green, Harry Hayes, Z G . , Kelsey, Thos. . . - Parker, Frank . Rydman, lohn . Smith, Minnie ,. Store, Ed Mr (2) , T. J, Stitxs, P M What is Scott's Emulsion? It is a streog-tixenino; food And tonic, remarkable In its flesh-form, in? properties. It contain Cod Liver' Oil emulsified or partiaUr digested, combined "with the wefl known and highly prized Hypo. phosphites of Lime and Soda, so that their potency Is . materially increased VJhniVJHlit Do? It. will Arrest loss of flesh and restore to a normal condition the infant, the child and the adult. It will enrich the blood of the anemic) will stop the cough, heal the irrita tion of the throat and lungs, and cure incipient consumption. We make this statement because the experience of twenty-five years has proven it in tens ox thousands oi eases, & nymt tH scorrs ii. . joe and li.oo, all druggists, SCOTT BOWNB, QMrnktOaMakTark, 10 IS 200 1000 700 Romona pure apices . Romona Romona pure extracts . Macintoshes at St Louis Racket store. Try Schil line's Beat tt aa4 bakias powder, Shirta and collar a specialty at the Mag nolia Laundry. Boots and shoes a specialty at St Louis Racket store. Underware a leader at tbe St Louis Racket store. Will Sta k alwart have in rtock latt novel tiea to all luer of jewelry. Ton will always find a fine line of iew eiry at Will A Stark. Do not boy before examining their goods. J W Beatl y. the pioneer uoot and thoe man, does nrst-ciacs work cheap. Call on him, jnst north of the Democrat office. hen yon want a choice steak, a nice ro4 or meat of any kind, call on Henry Brothers. He keeos tbe best. The Salvation sror had a bisr time at the opera bouse, a bur crowd belnc present. Major Man-ball delirmd the speecn. alive as air. The best meats of all kinds aad good treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef Company's market, last dwn Second ' . . f i : i . i , .. J Uoo. Ladin srikhiag their rxblood. chocolate green, brown or Un shoea polished please call at tbe stand on bm street. Meary Morgan tbe champion rosxet shoe nolUber. r int daas work guaranteed. Give as a call. Coeajderyour war, thiak before yoa act, and then go to Haigbt Bros . where yon will find a choice stock of meal of all cind to order from Von aoe bound to be pleased if you order of them. The regtttar meeting of the Ladies Aid Society of Albany will be beid at the res. ideaceof Mrs- A. H. Martin on Thursday Oct. 7 th. at 2. 30 P. li. The jury home in the case in Portland of SX likuts v a afreet railway company. It as said eight favored ginag damage to Mr Wilkin and the other four were tor tie curporatiosj. Tbe case will be tried gain, ii-nea The ecclesiastical court of tbe Preeby- teriaa church of tne state meet Bext week. ! On Toed, v at 2 p m the Presbytery of "i!lametie meet at Albany and on Thurs day at 7:30 p m, th Syncd of Oregon convenes at 0 rant's Pas. Sodavilk 200 ISO 1300 100 Eorron Dkmocb.it. HtDui Sib: Since my writing of last week I have taken a flying trip to Sjodaville, I foaod that sprightly little bars; ove-flowing with clerical taieat,the synod of tbe Cumberland Presbyterian church of this state ha vine been in session there during past week. I looked in vain for "Caeleb ' and the rest ot that joilv crowd of camper and boarders '-hat 1 saw there in August. They bad all do parted and in their place 1 found a bright, enthusiastic throng of col kg student. In their midst I caught a glimpse of tNe smiling face of Miss Lin ne Baltimore -of Spicer and Miss Amy Collin of Albany, who were spending the day there renewing old acquaint ance and giving their best wishes to the students of Mineral Spring College. I also learned that tbe two young ladies had a thrilling experience and a slight accident on the grade near Solaville on their way to town. The one bore boggy in which tbey came being rather heavily tnadel when tbey reached the grade they decided that to make the ascent more atv for tbe horse tbey should push on tbe line Snd otherwise increase hi peed by gesture, command and forcible t -.- i i . . i per las ion. ins oaru pusuiog oo iuv line or something else disturbed the horse's equilibrium or something else and caused him to suddenly atop hi as cent and begin backing down the grade, but before he reached the capsizing point the young ladies sprang Irom the buggy and succeeded ia stopping his downward career. z A. a. H. F. Mcllwain, Cash Store 10 New Styles Ladies Capes and Jackets arrive j this week. Our full line is her,"' call and examine them and eet our f prices, xuu cau xuuiiey on la- dies, misses ana cniiaiens capes and jackets and get the correct thing You Will Look in Vain For a floor that is more aaiftna or that will rait all dasee of people better than Fancy Pate at. 1200 70 Shot ia a Boy. From the Register: Monday afternoon, about five mile below Coburg, on tbe river roada care lee hunter came near ending the earth ly existence of Nelson Hulin, son of C. 1 S. Hulin. Tbe boy was in hi father' earn . field shucking corn: and was standing behind a shock when he hsard th report of a gun and at tbe same time felt a stinging sensation about the he ld. He looked np and saw a man named Tp'er about SO yards distant, and it was he who had fired the shot. Mr Tyler at once went to Mr Hulin, and explained that he had scared up some quails and shot at one of them. Mr Hulin was bleedingquits profusely and immediately went to the bouse, and Dr. Mackey, of l larrisburg, was sent for. On examination it was found that 70 No. 8 shot had entered the boy' head, breast and arm. Tbe main charge passed in front of him and entered the left arm just below tbe shoulder. 17 shot enter ing within radius of three inches. Three shot lodged just above his right eye, and ten entered bis scalp on the right side of his head, while other were scattered over Ms face and breast-, ' The boy received no serious injury and will soon recover from tbe effect of bis injuries. Tyler is said to be a peculiar man, and was released from the asylum about a year ago. Wire Makuibd in tiozst. Here is a sea u el to an item in Saturday's Pemo- cbat. It is from the bugene Register: A wedding was performed in this city this morning by Justice of the Peace O. A. Wintermeier which flavors of the sensational. Last night Lyman Kelsey.Mlss Henrietta Clark and Charles Cirieve, all ot Corvallia, arrived in this City. This morning a marriage license was issued by County Clerk Jennings to Kelsey and Miss Clark and was wit nessed by Charles Grieve, wbo swore that Misa Clark was a resident of Lane county. Shortly aftorwards the conple were uulitni in luaniaicv 111 u a 1.1.-0 hih- termeier's office. Mis Clark formerly reaidee in Eugene. - Thecouple will leave tonight for California, where they expect to reside. - Dr. E. Jacobs, th noted Octjubt Op tician of Ban Prancisco, ha a fine dis play of spectacle and eyeglasses at the St. Charles hotel. lie i well prepared to scientifically test eyes and fit glasses to afford great reliet in using thia. All his lenses are made from pure melted pebblea or crystal, and therefore, can be re'led upoA as tbe genuine article. Thotn who desire eye tested and fitted for co"n- Dkath or Jas. McHarqc, At Brown- ville, this morning, James McHargoe died at the age ot 7o vears, alter a short illness. He was a pioneer ef 1S17, when he settled ner Brownsville, where be re sided the remainder of bis life. Mr. Mo Haraue had a large family, of whom three sons and three daughter are liv- inif. Oue ot his daughter is Mrs. J. A McFeron ot this citv. Mr. McHargoe was highly respected, and many will re gret hia death. Aftib. 38 Years. For S6 year Arthnr 1 - .. I .11. b . 1 ..n V. . 1. ...... M sufferer with a nasal disorder that made it impossible for niin to breath through his nose. ReuetiMy his case fell in:o the bands of a surgeon and one by one, pot ypt were taken awav from the diseased organ until 44 all told were finally re moved. Mr, Johns m 's now able to use his nose in breathing with perfect ease. Times. DisoRAczrcL ArrAiB. A gentleman from Brownsvilie tells ot a ditgraceiul affair that occurred at that city Saturday night.' Two young men and four girls, all the girl under 13,paraded tbe streets while drunk. One of tb young menu laid to be a tobool teacher, It is not A straight trade: bat it is an intermialc patent at a moderate price which fully meet aad eatufies the demand of that Urge das of people who nee only one grade of 8 anr for all purposes. In other words, it is Ue best floor for "all round' ose that can be foaod aBVwtere. It makes good bread aad it matres good pastry. Oor dea'-ereaa recommend it for aaytbiog from pancakes to angel food. We refoad TC-cr moce; if unsatisfactory. For save by all dealers. . AumsTille Milling Company. Aumsville, Oregon. STSWABT ASB SOI HD. CO, Dealers in Oils, Hardware, Faiitsaai wagon lateral Iron, Steel, Coal, Chain, etc- fc-rovts Wheat is a good price and there is no reason in tbe world why yon should sot boy your wife a cook stove. e can bt you ont with anything in the line of stove and range, having a large stock of "Jewels" and "L'niversaU" constantly on hand. Ocx and Astursmox- Hunting baa now commenced and we are prepared for it with a fine !ine of guns and a big stock ol ammunition. Our s'ock of shot guns is particularly good and the prices very low. Call early and get you? choice. Bictclks We still carry th two best bicycles ia tbe market th ''Columbia' and "Hartford." There isn't any other wheel that will give aa good satisfaction, and the people are beginning to find it out. We also have a repair shop, so if your old wheel need any work, come around and we will put it in good shape lor you. - - JiwblDisk Hairows Does your old disk barrow rear np iu the middle un less you run a rail into ltT n ben you get a "Jewel" yon won't bave thi trouble, it baa a solid ateel Ira me, is the most durable barrow on tbe market. amd it it doesn't do as good work a any ol them you can bring it tact. Plows and Harbowm You can't raise SO bushels of wheat pet acre unless you get tbe ground ia good condition and we have the implements to do it with and want to sell them. We can sell yon plow that will be light draft and will scour in any soil and we don't think any one can beat us on price. Th Bkst Bcooy brought into tbe val ley is Studebaker' "Ixser," and we in vite you to come around and take a look at our stock. We have I beta in light and heavy sizes, brewster and end springs quarter leather an 1 full leather top and the gear in three different colors. 100 BruiLa of wheat it a common every-dav load for a Studebaker wagon. It is not warranted by tb mak ers nnder such a load vbut it carrie thM much right along duritig the traw-Laul-ing season. However it is warranted to carry as much aa a St wagon of any other manufacture. It you want a wag on tnat win last yoa uunng the rest ot your life, buy the "Studebaker." Superior Drills Wm Jordan, E D Far well, JnoUutchina, Wm Walker, J Archibald, B J Becker, ' Al Perry, . B Freerksen, GeoE&dge, ZQ Hayes, s Frank Trite, ED Barrett. It you think tb Superior drill ia not right at th top, tsk any of tbe above named gentlemen, each of whom bought and used one laat spring. We have jus wk-U-' rif jrad for rW fail t-faSftad aad see the very latest and beet drill. Dox't Foacxr that the place to buy all these article and many others that we bave not mentioned, u at the store of tbe STEWART A SOX HDW.CO. Given Away, to the Lucky 0n& A 103 Piece Dmnar Set of the celebrated SarHani fraicn CMna, Hantaelj Oeconted, tne latest design, iM Boll Trizniiings. Call on us and Post yourself how job maj get this BeantiM Pre sent. KNECHT k HHSEB Tea Coffee 5Ka Extracts Baking Pvwi at our expense llfimn'ra nn. nl jac.vi (la) F E.A1XEN & CO- Sell Them Fbjsical Culture asl Bocslica Emerson or Marte., V J MARY CCS P IFF, Cor. sVi and Washington. St. DISSOLUTION N3TICF. Notice i hereby given tt at the co-partnership heretofore existing between L H MoBtanyeand TrJiackleBsa w'bw ! diaoolyed bvr"!,- -