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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1897)
ll volxxxiii ALBANY OREGON. FRIDAY. SKIT-17. 1891. Kntered e.C t.e Feci at llbaay. Or. Malt Hallrii WT tnTTIS rabllsher sad Praarlclar 'SO. 7 JPJU CHI s ivlll ! mn I ij,."a am ia .. u u bi n f, .&Tcgctablcrrcparafionfor As similating thcroodandP.iila ling the Stomachs andl3cv..i3 of Promotes'DicsUon.Chxtfi!! tvcssandRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphinc norlliacraL Not Nakc otic. AMh SJtt IHrmStrd- A perfect Remedy Tor Constipa tion, Sour Stonvich,Diarrhoca, Worms .Convubions ,Fe verish ness and Loss of Sleep. lac Simile Signature cf TEW "YORK. 2 EXACT COPy OF WRAPPEB. . ;Aiyi At- f ATA 1 9 of. KEgP YOUR BOWELS BBBBBmW sANDY m L, .... 'mck rr jrrCTng; ; i . i i.TTi I f T i.T? fc W - s . - .H i Li T-a.- -,1V a Wl saw . - . F iV - s Yft 'ir:fOTI I - !-.J 1 v-stw "l-'VJ' -jKzttmtJM,mUmP&&f:A 1 ..!. now uid thl pmtli dirrhj-i. d.-nlrT.nll TOlfrwplll.nini'"I.";'"yi' lta7." d Sk fJ. Ad- STtKI.lNO KEMEI-fr Bo.lre.l. Co- or S. orfc . CT omis st its aoim shuol. ioifesi3os A Tramias School ForiTtfacliers- Reeular Normal Course of three years. Senior year wholly profeseional.,Tram in? department of nine grades with 200 children. Instruction and trainiug in Gymtiastics (Sweedieh system), and vocal music lor pnblic schools. The norml diploma is recognized by law as a State Life Cer- ,Lieht expense "tuition, books, board and lodging (approximately) $35.00. per year, students boarding themselves, $110 per year. Academic grades accepted from high schools. Catalogues cheerfully sent on application. Address ' . P. L. Campbell, or W. A. WAss, President. Sec- Facplty.. pgswi J select the Waverly because they have learned to know the dil Cvif lOfirpH 'erence between a wheel that is actually high grade and one tha E Apcl leilLCU in simply claimed to be. Some others maybe good but th RlflCfS Waverly is the highest MADS BY N DIANA BICYCLE CO. RD1ABAPOL18, ISD THOMAS All and Dealer in lie Ef i, V tf&SwA ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY t. ;om:iII. Proprietor SEE THAT THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF- WRAPPER Cx EYEET BOTTLE QTE? Si j Castais is pet vp ia onaua bottles only. It i Is net soli ia bulk. Scat allow assess to tell tr, yon anytiiaj else oa the plea a pracuaa tiat f. ' is "j-st as pood" and "will answer every ps' tl pose." 3-Ece that jot got C-A-S-T-O-B-I-A. r . ... V'amnui PORTIMDtOE STHUNti all oummtn i . a 1 m.m II r LAinAKilt ALL DRUGGISTS s!f Are built in tbe largest IIWI FA and Best Equipped Factory in f I "3 ON THE pvtef Cf fjgh tbe World of all bign grade. Conn & Huston, Agents BRINK, kinds of furniture bedding-, and it you want the most complete flour safe. has them and his prces the lowest. Nea) std sUqs in Crockery , . -a.'-:v..- 4,; Ware at COnri fi HUSTON'S See it ; i COUNTY COURT. (Geo. B urton, county judge; J II. Waters D. L. Curl, Cuiuiuiwionen.) A P Flory was appointed J P of Dist 9. v L Katnes was appointed road super visor ot dist 40. Bill II E Beers acct coroner, $6.40, continued. The sheriff was ordered to proceed and levy and eell all property delinquent for taxes for the vear 1895, on or after the 30th day of September, 1897. Bills allowed : Judge Barton, salary Clerk Montague, ' Sheriff Gaines " Recorder Hard man, salary Treasurer Morris, " .$ 11)0 00 . 16tf 65 . 16 65 . 150 00 83 35 Sunt Wheeler. . 50 00 42 00 . 50 00 6 00 9 00 5 00 Deputy Montague Deputy Levelling " Aid J W Cox " Alberts AlmaVil " Sarah Iliues 3 00 . 10 00 5 09 John Usher, janitor Aid Bamards ' Henry Myers " Mrs Adams " Phoebe Hendrirson " I Coleman and wife " A Keith " MrsJunkine " Mis Streithoff Jss W Larue, aid poor Mrs M V Tylor, aid poor Bla.n Clothing Co " " S. B Washburn " " Burkhari & Lee, " BFKamp. " " W M Kidder, ft W Willis, roads & bridges.. J B Tiilotson, " " R V Moees, " Hopkins Bros ' " J C DickinbOP, " Mover Bros, " W W Moore, printing P J Smiley, " F P Nutting " CF Swank, acct sheriff Wm Frsiier.act sheriff. . Or Tel Co L Gotlieb. acct jail J J hitney, acct insane Dr C'ara Davidson, acct insane. David Torbet, teachers ex K Wheeler, J S Smith, teachers ex . Oregon aet Jas Cox Inquest Wm Hunter Inquest John Duffey PreexJas Blackburn C C Kindisc, roads and bridges. . Ktherta Bios A Brown, toada & bridge T J Stiles, postage AU'sn- S earn Laandry, C II and jail P W Spinks, roade St bridges. . . . Oregon agt Wo Kulheford, pre ex P Cohen, acct poor F Hammer, acct sheriff Standieh and Arthurs.roads and Bridges B A Stafford, assessor Whitney & Newport, attys fees. Oiegon agt Fleener Mr iter of fees in injneetof Anne Eldredge, 8 75, continued M A Fitzgerald, roads & bridges Wm H Kirk, acct poor J S Smith, pribting Ewing A Peerr, acct poor ECKoees. " " " 4 CO 5 00 00 5 00 4 00 5 00 8 00 4 00 9 00 1 40 5 06 .1 40 16 10 10 00 4 63 J017 02 12 35 I 00 3 CO 60 1 fO 7 IS 3 50 6 00 1 00 4 35 1 75 0 00 5 00 8 00 10 00 10 00 9 '20 1 75 S8 0-5 37 85 12 00 83 92 34 25 2 00 55 66 36 75 8 30 10 00 5 00 2S6 00 75 (X) 5I 01 II -i 4 SO 54 OJ 1 SO 2 85 50 3 03 11 00 10 80 2 10 4 00 13 50 7 55 1 25 27 15 5 00 10 50 6 00 10 40 12 35 JohnKrnse. " " T A Ri?gs. J P B r j roulnisn, acct poor II C Hardman, roads A bridges. P G Morris.slalionerT Ash by Pearce. acct poor C M W'ood, acct poor Geo 1) Barton, acct rds brdgs J W lloberts. acct UU M C Gains, acct Ira Hair ley, roads and bridges. . DLCurl. " - D L Unrl. coant v com J M Waters, county com Fred Dawson, acct poor WHEA r. The market today is film the Chicago quotation as 1 This noon cent higher than yesterday wbile tnat of Liverpool was 1 cent lower, doe to speewtauve in fluences. In Albany the quotation is SO cents and perhaps more for big shipments Live Rcxaway. The team of H. J. Moore, of Benton coootT ran away las: evening: just as the Dexocut ww out, down Broadalbin, np First and across the br.dze. In front of Gilson's barber shop they ran into Jndge Blackburn's biifrey, and on tbe bridge into tbe wagon of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brukman, break ing it almost into kindling wood. X. s. tiruckman was thrown out out escaped withont any injury. The Moore horses fell down on tbe br'dge and were stop ped. It was a decidedly exciting run away experience. Gilbert M Douglas, of Maxwell station registered today and will attend Albany college this winter. Last year he attended lbeuoi O. Mrs. Davie, wife of the new president of Philomath College was in Albany yes terday. Mrs. ivis is a graduate oi bealon College, ill. The Albany Orchestra will give a social dance on Saturday eight Those holding invitations to last season dances myrt be admitted to ttis. Tbe cMeet son of Marion Orabtree. resid Ing et of Lebanon on Taesdaj was killed by a bone, bis knee cap being fractured. Mr Conrad Meyer returned this morn ing from Newport after a two months sojourn there. Governor Lord and family returned home this morning from their outing at Seal Hocks. Dr. Davis was in Harrisburg this week to atttend Mr. L. Douglas, who is dan gerously ill. John A. Moebnke and sifter Ada of Oregon City, will attend college this year, W-Gifford Nash, of Eugene is the city on a short visit. Tub Pbopeb Tiiura. Beginning on Monday the Southern Pacific R. R. Co, will sell through tickets to or from San Francisco and give the rebate at Albany, thus saving the trip to Portland, now necessary. Look Oct. Five houses were robbed in Salem last night. A gang of rounders shipped froja Portland are going south. . i a. intV am wait KM-tniA are aavibeu tu its uu nou night's as it may be Albany'a tarn next. BUns on fire with torturing, is""si Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, and pimply humors, instantly relieved by a warm bath with Ccticuba Boar, a single application of Ccticuba (ointment), the great skin cure, and k full doss of CcnouRA Kksolvxst. itticiiift It told th roufhoat tha world . Tormjt. ft iC. ComF-,J JrropfU, DOnB " MOW ioorw avrasMssAat EftBY'8 SK1H XZZ?XZZtotr To Car Constipation Forever. If C. C. C. full to cure, drugs-mis refund money. AFTER A THIEF. Siveraldayi ago the m3u tioned the daring escape of Cal. Cornell wanted in California lor cattle stealing. His partner Frank Meridith was arrested and was placed in jail in Kugene pending developments; The escape was made from T. 8. Frowlev, a deputy sheriff from Mococ county, Calif., and was a very desperate affair, Cornell's horse being shot under him. This noon Frowlev ar rived in Albany hot on the tracks ot Cornell, whom he saw and recognized ahead of him, but having left his war rant with a Juncti in "constable, had to get another out of Justice Hawkins court. Then with Constable Strainey started this afternoon for Jeffeison in tending to head him at tbe bridge. Cor nell is a decperate man and there is li -ble to be trouble. Henry Lyons, of Lvons, was in the city yesterday on business. Miss Rose Marshall has been employed by the Albany Farmers Co. as assistant secretary. Webb Wight, brother of Bert Wight, of the senior class in the college, is in the city preparing to enter college. Prof. I. M. Walker, 4he new principal of the commercial department of Albany College, arrived in Albany this moaning, accompanied by bis wife and child and is ready for business next week. Prof. Walker was formerly president of the Ha v ward collese and commercial acbo-l of Fairfield. Ill, and is highly spoken of r au lumrucuir in mis important lino of education. Dr. Lone, the well known optician, of, uregon, bas been elected lecturer on Physical Optus in one of New l orks' leading colleges, therefore, he will not return to Oregon unt 1 next spring at which time he w ill make a pro fessional tour of tbe state and be better prepared than ever before to serve the public in tbe capacity of a refracting op tician. The first of a number of monthly so cials was held at the U. P. church last evening. Besides the usual sociability and a lunch a snort program was render dered, of which the feature was a series of scenes representing the title of prom inent books, the most ditticult of ten be ing a very pretty baby in a high chair, repieseniing "Tbe Greatest Thing ia the World." Married, on Ml. Glenn, September 1. lS97,Mr. W. B. Seott and Miss S. E. Bull, tbe bride's father, Rev. F. Bull performing tbe weddini ceremony in a brief but impressive manner. Tbe bride and groom, alter spending a short honey moon at the toast, will return to Mt, Glenn and lake up their residence on Mr. Scott's farm, he being one of tbe rrosper ous young men of tbat community. Eugene Register. Many friends were at tbe depot this forenoon to say Koodbye to Mrs Prof. Strauband son'Vinnie.'wbo left for Al berquerque. New Mexico. They leave Portland tonight for Salt Lake City where they wil. spend two days, thence on to Colorado Springs where tney will visit four day, and from there they will go direct to their destination in New Mexco which will doubtless be their home for a year or to. Tbey go in hopes tbat the change of c'iniate will re store Vinnie to health. Eugene Reai- ter. An old time social wan given by the Epaorth League at the home of It A. Stafford on Wednesday evening. Sept. 8lh . Some persons of note were present wearing evtomes woro 50, 60 and 130 years ago. igs, knee br-eches, spike tai! coals, hoop, bustles and 'rains were toe prevailing style. The following pro gram was rendered : Quartet, "Cousin Zebediab," Axariah Hopkins Huston. Sophia bort Wacdail, Fliander Green Concklin, Geo. Washington Littler; readme, "Samantba in A- T. Stewarts Store," by Tirub Ann Allen Clifton; In strumental solo, "Dutch Warbler and Variations" by Cinthia Brown Mead; "Lecture on Woman's Rights" bv Jtr usha Philkins Suffcrd ; trio, "Go Tell Aunt Nabbie," Steam Caiiiope. Re freshments were served consisting of gin get bread and milk. At half pan eleven tbe party closed by singing "Auid Lang Syne." Huldah Ann Walker, Humility Blossom Chambers, Grandma AI.en Vaughn, and her daughter Samantba Allen Needham with her family. Thomas Jefferson Allen Chambers, and Tirtah Ann Allen Clifton. Rebecca Jane Cham bers, Deborah Dobbins Gard, Atariah Hopkins HuMon, Jemima Jane risber. O-beJo'ful M on tan ye, Rachel Mebita- ble Concklin, Belinda Ann risher. Lo ci ad a Ana Worley. Kebekah Jane June Bridget ilaloney Chamberlain. Jeroeha Pilkios Stafford, Martha Washington Newquist, Durucia Corn Cobb Harkuees, Drucitla Ann Stanord, Alexander Moon, Luanda Jane Henton, Katbni.e Snodd flannels, Obadiah Peppergrass Harkneaa, Dr. Ichabod White Jones, Sophia ebon Wandeil, Cinthia Brown Mead, Betsey Ann Littler, Jermimah Ilayee, Betsy Robbett Chiswell, Jane Ann Mariab Mevpelt, Nancy Ray Gard, Swackbam- mer Hoskins Wilkins, Eleanor Parker, Geo. Washington Littler, Goliah Staf ford, Zacbaria Harknces, Malinda West- fall, fricilla Jane Chambers. Dennis Mc- Carty Chamberlain, Ben Franklin Rme- hart, Amanda Maria O Biian, Oliver Twist Lee, Nellie Bite Stafford, Filander Green Concklin, Jeremiah Montanye, Matilda Priscilla Newquist. All voted the evening a great success and very en joyable. WEtSS Wl.N'KLBV WEDDI.VO. One of tbe prettiest weddings took place twelve mile st ti e residence of Mr. ll. winkley on .ept 8. it being in lienor of bis daughter Emma J. to Charles C. Weisa. Promptly at eight o'clock th bridel couple accompanied by the brides sister Gracie L. W inkley as bridesmaid and Mr. Williitn Bochner as best man took thsir places under an arch of ivy and roses, while Miss Trout- man, ot Shedds, played the wedding march, after which Rev. Sperry, of Brownsville, pronounced them man and wile followed by an elegant lunch. About forty of the relatives and friends wit nessed the ceremony and spent a very enjoyable evening long to be remembered by an those present. The presents were numerous and costly, showing the high esteem in wbih tbe young couple were neio. i tie groom is a prospeons mer cbant of Palms. California, but has many friends in this county where he formerly lived. The newly wedded couple left on the noon train for their future home at Palms, California, with the best wishes of their many friends. A Gvemt. Si Perkins is approaching. Albany now lead tbe Walla Walla wh?at, market 3 cents. A man in Argentina raises 66,270 acres of wheat, lie is tbe wheat king of tbe world Next Saturday night the Salvation Army will have an auction sale of children- Tbey intena to make ll ot great interest. Threshers generally began running tbis morning, it is thought ten davs will fin ish tbe work. As there have been tbirtv days run already, this means that three fourths of tbe crop has already been tbresbfd. Mr Lawler is now in the mines, and it is hoped that he will, with a full torce of men, betrin operation in the near future. This is the intention of Mr Lawler, if the ore continues to hold out as good as a present. Dr. A. C. Smith of Portland bas return ed from Alaska, and he denounces tbe in ordinate booming of the country,. Wbile he admits that the Klondike is oood. hn says it is folly and suicidal, for persons lo attempt to get in now . Professor Charles Freidel returned on last nigbt's overland from a shoit business trip to Portland. While there be purchased tor ine university or uregon a quadri polar direct current Edison dynamo. It will have a capscitv of over 160 61-candle power incithdencent lights. He also purch ased 25-horse Russet engine. Eugene . UUBjra, WHEAT.: A little belter still today. 80c to 81M cents in Albany. Liverpool, the great market of the world, tnis noon had ad vanced 2 cents. Quotation this noon: New York $1.01 gj Chicago, 98 cents; San Francisco, .978. Lebanon. W.J. Koyre and Mrs. Baeumle ar rived home Sunday from their visit to Crook county. Miss Ida Ulndman re turned home with them. Mr. A. Cowan arrived here Saturday from the Waira Springs agency, where he had been stopping wi.h his son. He ctme over the mountain road. Mr. Cowan and Mrs S. II. Cowan left yester day for Corvatlis and Dallas to visit rel atives Tbe 20-year old son of Marion Orabtree was driving a team Tuesday evening, wben he gave one of the horses a cut with the whip.aud the animal retaliated ov kicking the young man, striking one of his knee caps and breaking tbe same. Tbe physicians have to wait till the swelling goes down before they can set the limb . Advance. There will be five students go Lorn Lebanon this year to the State Univer sity at Eugene. Tbev are J. C. Booth , wbo win enter the senior class, and . 11. Rues who will enter the sophomore, and Ned Carlton and Mr. Gamber, wbo will enter the freshman class, and Harry Randle, who will take a special course. The report has been circulated that tbe farmers who had their wheat ilored at tbe mill would bao to lose what wheat was damaged. MrEdAldiicb requested us to say tbat this report was untrue, that no one who had wheat stored would lose a cent as the would stand all the lose themselves. Mrs. Phebe Miller Carlton was born in Brooklyn, N. Sept 29. 1833, where she resided until her marriage Sept. 23, 1S63, then lived in Conn two years. In tbe fail of 1865 she went with her bur band to Missouri, where the lived some nineteen yeaas, from there moved to Linn county, Oregon, where she lived until ber death, Sept. 7, 1897, and would have been 64 years old on her next birth day, Sept. 20. J. S. Hugbee.of the Electric Light Co., bas obtained a device by which he is en abled to place noon bis system the latest improved incandescent lamps, from one to one hundred candle power. Mr. Hughes has spent much time and con siderable money to obtain this device, and be will soon be iedy to supplv bis patrons, thus giving them the bt n-fit of the very latest improvement. Mr. Hughes propose to Make the Lebanon iigbta inferior to nue in the s'ste. Ex pre. Committed SuiciJc. Mr. John Unger and family l.-ft Leb anon last year and located at a little place called Clair, wbtch is Sbout 30 miles from Los Angele.wberethey lived opto a few days ago. Mrs. I'nger re turned tu Lebanon today and give the particulars of her husband's sad d-af h. Mr. I'nger bad gooe . Lo Argeles to dispose of bis crop of beets, etc. He re mained in the city for several days, and wrote bis wife a letter dated Sept. 1st., telling her that he was much discouraged, that he was yetting old and coal j not now hope to improve his fortune, and tbat he intended to take his lite. I'-y the time the letter reached at 1'ieir home in the country, Mr. Cngrr's dead body was found in the park at Los An gelee, where he bad drowned bime!f in a pond; b.s body was touod last Satur day, Sept 4. He was buried on Sunday and his wife returned to her children bene today. Mr. Unger was an int'at trioos and honest man, wbo stood high in this community. The sympathy of the people will be given to his bereaved wife and family. Expteee. Miller's New Suit From the Lebanon Advance: Hon. M. A. Miller was this wxek pre sented with a fine tailor-made suit of clotbe. by the bosiness men of tbe city, as a token of appreciation for bis action in getting Hon. Wm. J. Brysn to come to this place, and for arranging and man aging the great demonstration on tbat occasion. Mr. Miilrr s our mot public spirited cititeo, always taking tbe lead in matters of public interest, and this pres ent is a fitting recognition of his loyal service and devotion to tbis community. He is much pleased with tbe present and aata Le will ever continue lealoos in the interest of bis own town; also that be will war the suit to Washington lo at tend the inauguration ol Bryan in 1901. Mis Gertrude Il.vmM of Holmes Bus iness College. Portland, is in the city. Prof. John Fulton of the O. A. C. and Miss Martha Avry were married in Cor- vaifis last W ednesday. Henry Maine is emp'.oveJ painting cars for the O. C. A E.. at aquina. tienry is an artist at bis trade. News Mrs. F A White, wife of the editor of the Springfield (Minn.) Aovance, arrived nere nday evening and is the RUesl of r r Aiiermatt. Mrs. Rev. J.T. Abbett will leAve in a few dajs for the east. Mrs. Abbett will visit her relatives in St. Paul and In diana for a few months. EogeneGuard. Hon. T. J. Stiles will leave tomorrow for opriogtleld III . to attend the Sov ereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. r. if the C nited b tales as a delegate Iron Oregon. Mrs. Enni and son Henrv departed for Albany Monday morning, where Hen ry has accepted a position as assistant teacher oi penmanslno in the Albany College. Newport News Prof. A. 0 Schu.itt srrlved in Albany last night from W isconsin. ready for work in Albany college next week Tne Dimcc-rat bas already published a splen did word for him from President rinley of Knox College. He promises tc be a strong man in ihe faculty. C. W. Watts, of Albany, came to Sa leiu yeiterday tor the purpose of select ing space in the pavilion at the state fair grounds lor tbe Linn county exhibit to be made at the coming fair . Mr. Watts, who will have charge of tbat exhibit, is enthusiastic over the matter and says that Linn county will .naxe tno best dis play of her products tbat has ever been made heretofore e talesman. Lasell's pruned rier began running last night and will run night and day for three or four weeks. The Lasell.s have about 2500 bushels ot their own and will dry tor others. Complaint is made of manner in which the boys are using their bean shooters. Msisbal Lee says tbat it mutt be stopped It should be. Tbe model voung lady in II 3 Sowers' I show window is attracting much attention on account of her graceful appearance and stylish clothes. Call and see her and any questions about ner tasty outfit will be cheerfully answered in the store. 25 acres of white Russian Out on f he farm of W. W. Crawford made 1.250 bushels, an average of n) bn. per acre This was raised witnout tne use of a wind mill hot all tbe g"ld is in . C. Klondvke News say: "By courier from Circle Olty we learn tbat a party of 21 men struck rich ground on Manook creek, 300 milos northwest of that point. James Langford who was first to bedrock took out 125 ounces from a box and a half. Manook creek ia said to emoty into tbe Yukon. Tbe new occasioned much excitement at Circle City." Tbis is considerably inside tbe U.S. Postponkd Tbe Seaside excursion to Newport next Sunday Sept. 13 has been postponed, mere win prouaoty be an other excursion about the 20th. CORNELL ARRESTEE. A. Strainey Does It In Approved Fashion The Democrat last evening mentioned the fact that Cal t ornell, tbe California cattle titter, had passed through Albany and that Deputy Mberiff Frowley, of Modoc county. Cs . with Constable A Strainey, of this city had fo' lowed him, expecting to intercept the daring cattle unci nt jeiiftrson. un the way lojeuer son Mr Strainey posed as a tramp and lean ed from a tramp whom be passed on the way that Cornell was behind and intended to get into Jefferson in tbe eve ning in time to catch tbe freight. In the evening Frowlev and Strainey stationed themselves inside tbe railroad bridge near the east end. Frowley had known Cornell well for eight or ten vears. Straney stood ready with his six shooter while Frowley bid behind the timbe-s with a 44 Winchester covering tbe track About nine o'c'oik Cornell came down the trsck with a club in his thrht hand and looking down at the ties as be passed through tbe bridge. W ben even with him Mr btrainey stepped out covered him with his revolver, grabbed bis club, putting his own revolver in his nocket and slipping his handcuff on tbe right hand, noticing Cornell's revolver be pull ed it from his belt and ordered him to show his other band, which he did and both fists were inside tbe cuffs. It was done so quickly he did not realize it. Tben Frowley stepped out. Frowley showed pretty well he did'nt care to get in slose proxmity to Cornell for he knew he was a desperate man Cornell said afterwards that he weuld rattier have been killei than to be captured and in tended to die when the attempt was! made io arrest him, or else kill his man. 1 He had told his partner Meredeth so. Cornell is about 6 feet, 3. a very fearless man and bis arrest is a decided feather in the can of Constable Strainey. Cornell was brought to Albany and kept in the jail over night, today he was taken bv Constable Strainey to Eugene for preliminary esamination. last evening's Eugene Guard gives a very long account of bow Cornell come into Eugene, ate at a resturant and came on north. Here is its opinion of the Deputy Sheriff. "Deputy Sheriff Frowlev is still after Oorneil, tat it tie uses the same due caution be is reported to beve exhibited at Pine Cpenings. Cornell will likely es cape,, or be captured by some official who disp'ays a little more "sand." Yes.erday Marshall Lee found Cornell on the banks of tbe river, and irdered him to move oo. Awhils afterwards he 'earned tbst it was Cornell from a de scription of him. The Astoria Road. Attorney Iell. oi.e of Astoria's suun:besl freods, arrived oa tbe R. R. Thompson yesterday morning, says tbe Budget. In an interview as to tbe rail road sii nation, he expressed the great at confidence as to an early acd gret move in A tori a valors. "All tbst is needful, at tbis moment," he said, "to an a mot magical start in Astoria's growth is the demonstration of the fatt that tbe Gobi road, now Bear ing completion, will be used by tbe four American transcontinental railroads to make this tbe exporting point of the Pa cific northwest That urli is their parpose is bevond a doubt to all wbo have lent "lab" on railroad movement for tee past two vear. The selection of officer for the U. R. AN. Co. last week prosed clear) v that all those roads have acquired an In terest in tbat line. " at liberty, coo id urn tbe boom locaeatonee. But I doobt it the conservatives behind him will let him talk "T a month yet." Tbe Turner ccrresnonuent in tbe Statesmen save: Will and Clara Perrv eo to Albans Thursx-'ay to reside during the winter it bieng ur. I'erry tolenuon to attend tbe Albany college. S ATTJEDA" SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. E. Thrall bas returned from Phil omath where she visited friend. Hon. J. M . Somers hss returned from a several weeks sojourn in tbe capital. Mrs. Winn and daughter returned last night from a two weeks visit ia Portland. Mis Or Spangler, of the Oregon City schools, is in the city the gaet of Mies Luper. Harry Schlatter went to Portland to day to enter tbe HoIohs Business Col lege. Mies Haiti Warner bas arrived in the city from Drain, ready for ber work in tbe public schools. Mrs Marie Davis, of Portland, is m the citv to assist Mrs. J. N. Hoffman in her millinery business Mrs Mortis and daughter. Miss Psg and Mies Maud Crorby leturoed this noon from Yaquina Bay. D. J . Hayes and family ot 11 alee v. have moved to Mjro, Sherman county, after a residence there s'.nco 1853. O L Coltcn and wife.of Earlville, X. Y. are in the city, on a visit with Mr Oley Wood worth, while visiting tbe coast Billy Maher. the voune man aerionslv stabbed two weeks sgo, was on the streets yesterday. He is doing remark ably welt. Cbas Miller, after a verv long sir vice wan tne u. r. and u. C. & r... has urea as agent at laqmna, being suc ceeded by J. II. Roberts. Mr Riley passed through here enroute home lo Albany, tbis morning, w.lh a four horse height team. He has been at work in Southern Oregon. Guard Mr George Hart, who bas been pract- mg law at Ureecent City the past year is in the city the guest of his brother A S Hart and will remain for a month lor tbe benefit of bis health. Card are ont for the marriage of Mr Bert Johnson, editor ot the Corvallis Gazette, and Miss Lillian Hamilton at one time a resident ot Albany. Tbey are to be married on ednesdsy Sept A small hurting party started for Bear Creek yesterday. M r. L. W. Deyoe, w ho headed the procession, goes principally in search of health. He bas been sick for some time. Elk City Cor, in Oorval Us Union. The Nickell Magazine for September in a series of pictures of American ac tresses who have achieved fame in Lnn don. gives a splendid one of Maud Hoff man of Corvailis.wlio is now on ber way to New lork from tbat city. Senator S. A. Dawson, ot Linn county, was in town on Saturday ard paid us vii-it. Wears glad to count bint among our friends. He is a stalwart re publican and an honest man. Oregon Uuion of Corvallis Postmaster Stites on his trip east to the Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. is accomp anied by Airs, elites. Besides attend ing the grand lodge at epringneld, III. they will visit at Coateeville, Mo., sev eral days among relatives not seen by Mr. Stites for thirty-five years. tf. f T 11 Ik I U n, UL OHTCIi IIUIII,. &.IUU county, was in town yesterday looking T Will.!.. - c n . v over the field lor an available bouse to be occupied by himself and family. He desires to send bis children to the O. A 0.. and if he comes will be able to fur nish that institution with six students. Corvallis Times. J. A Cumming and Clyde Bryant of this city, and Roma McCulloch, ot toda- ville, returned last night lroru upper Soda, where they had a very satisfactory outing, regardless of rain. They killed seven deer, towlt: Cunming2, Bryant 2 and McCulloch 9. The former Drought to Albany three of tbe deer and some as fine Jork venison aa one ever tasted, as tbe Dkmocbax man can verify. Reyai saafcas tba load pun, who! aul 4llcioas. IP FOVDER Absolutely Pur wmt WIWIWllrW, WHEAT. Tfce market is weaker today and we are obliged to report a drop of 3 cents in Liverpool and about 2 in New York. Chicago and San Francisco. 60 cents is tbe biggest reported in Albany. HOME AND ABPOAD. Romona pure spice . Romona Romona pare extracts . Will k Sta k always have in rtock latest novelties in all luer of jewelry. the N . Southard has moved bis Feed Store to Robertson's old stand on 2nd street next door lo the Democrat office. Yon will always End a fine line of jew elry at Will A Starks. Do not bur before examining their goods. J W benthy, tbe pioneer boot and shoe man, does first claa work cheap. Call on him. just north of tbe Democrat office. W hen yon want a choice sbsak. a nice roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry Brodera. tie keeps tbe beet. Mr. John IWhfel. oa hit wa to firm dyke, bas acceped a joo at Skaguay at 5 a day and wilt wort till a boat February and go ia on tbe ic and snow. H. V. Brunk ba sold the Yaqatna bouse to Mr. and Mrs. Casteel, ana left butt Satan'ay for tbe Valley, and will locate at some point here. Tbe S atrsman says 97 per cent of tbe bop crop of Polk county will be saved: lo Lun county it may be placed as low a 50 per cent II Rjiiin I informs os that he bopes to effect a settlement of tbe afirs of C B Rowland Co. in a few days aad reopen business for himsc f. lefferson Reiew. Bring the little fo'as to airs John Hoffman's opesing next Wednesday Sept. 15th. tbey are not fortrtttea. Special pues. Trimmed hala tl.iO Two Portland yoong men wbo bavejot returned from Japan say the Japs are spoiling for a fight with tbe L. S. and waist wr declared at oece. Tbe mn wbo paid $ Y apiece to go to Dawsoe City ra the Eageoe. which bas returned, wotll like their money back; but are tavicg sotue dsSeu'ty in gsUing it Tbe beat meat of nil kind aed atod taeatment at tbe Aibsoy Drewed Beef Company's market, jat djwn Swnl street. G kx! weigbt aad prompt attra- tioo. C. S. District attorney Hurphr and Marshal Grady bare been appointed ad interim, tbe name sent to President UcKta'ey bing ignored. Tbis la said to be a Corbett move lor lime. Lidi wishing Ibeirr-xbiooJ. cnocolate green, brown or tan shoes poiubed please call at tbe stand on bra street. Henry Morgan tbe cbaaoioa rn-t sboe polisher. First class work garantee-d. Give ns a call. C Simpson k Son have empliyed aa ex pert irooer for skirts, dresses, shirtwaists. etc. and ladies will do well to send socn articles to thai tanndrr. Blocks for cbil drea t bats and bonnets, r irst St, Washington. Orlando Needlatds and wife aad Arch ioms and wile, oi A:banr. were over Monday. Miss Emma Warner, ol AlbanT. is vis iting ber brother's family, C. A. Warner. ot this city. Wash Phillips has pkked bnt about 75 boxes of bop from his two yards and from another one that be purchased from j. Daley. Ihe ace. moid and wet weather destroying tbe balance. Onr much talked of prosperity has lis- aopeared as quietly as a mortgage draws interest, iloat farmers in this locality wilt e in no better shape financially this tall than tbey were a vesr ago, ex cepting a few wbo were fortunate enough to save tbeir crops. It now looks as though there would not be more then 200 bsdes ot bora saved in this vicinity. I CoRyau.aT ErcENB. Constable Strain- ev returned from fcugene this morning He reports a great deal ot excitement there over tbe Cornell case on account ot the conduct of W .A. Chamberlain and A. W. Gilbert, two men with whom Cornell rode to Eugene, and knowing bis identi- t v il i.l win MnArt Ia I'rnvW. whom tbev bad also brought to bugeoe before. I uere wsi Ulk ot tbeir arrest. People there generally commended Deputy Sheriff Frowlev and think be is entitled to great credit (or the arrest of tbe daring cattle thief. There was talk ol arresting Chamber!ain and Gilbert. It will be about two weeks before Frowlsy can get a requisition aad start for California. Two Mobb Wisn Maw. W. W. Crawford has iust sold to Fred Lyons fortv foot ralvanixed steel lower ana n eight foot "Aerrootor" to be erected at bis country residence on twnox s ouue, Mr. Craw lord and Geo. r.. risn eoia to Mr. V. H. Caldwell, this afternoon, a 12 foot reared Aermotor and Grinder with a pump and salvanixed tin tank making one of tbe most complete outfits in the countnr. The Aermotor ta tne pest turn mai'e. Growing Children One-third of all the children die before they are five years o'd. Most of them die of some was tin gf disease. They grow very slowly; keep thin in flesh; are fretful; food does not do them much good. You can't say they have any disease, yet they never prosper. A slight cold, or some stomach and bowel trouble takes them away CSOOTTS EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos phites Is just the remedy for Cwino; children. It makes d flesh; sound flesh; not soft, flabby fat. It makes strong: bones, healthy nerves. It changes poor children to children rich in prosperity. Book about it free for the asking. UT No substitute for Scott's Emul sion will do for the children what we know Scott's Emulsion will do. Get the genuine. ror sale cy au oruggiHs $1X0. SCOTT h BOWNE. Nn York. A SPOKANE LETTER Cfcirr Hoise, Spokane, Wash., September 8, 1897. Editor Democrat. It is about a nr.ontb since we left Al bany for our present location, which we j reached in our usual physical condition. From Portland we preferred the O. R. A , V ,nl. .j ... ... .vuis bum iiu umg wonny oi note oc curred by the way more than a sand storm as we followed np the Colombia and an hour's delay at Walla Walla The lest we might unwittinjy nee som. r,f !&Twf-ff i expressive but not so appreciable bv some of your reader! of more tender conscience. Leaving Walla Walla about midnight we were at daylight next morning saber ed into the great Paloose country; and a srreat country it is, appearing boundless in territory, tbe rolling bills either cov ered with yellow bunch gnus or better still fields of wheat and other grain seemed to have no limit, the ear'y click of tbe binder, tbe whirr of the thresher, the clean and well kept tittle nark at tbe various stations indicate thmt anJ prosperity. Ibe farmers coant their bushels often by the twenty thousands, their acres, averaging from 40 to 60 bushels in wheat and some claim 75 of oats. All tbe larg-1 er irniis also are very abundant- Applea are not yet injured by tbe destructive moths and other evils tbat have become common in the Willamette orchards. We are having tbe finest peaches at 35 cents a box and shipping fruiv by train leads eastward is reported now in oar daily morning papers constantly. Tbe people here toot: much like others in the northwest only there are more of the younger generation, or rather feer old people. Tbe white man predotni na is, although there are a few Jhineee, a few Africans and an occasional red skin. Tbe city is gradually growing away from tbe late born and boom and tbe oratory of tbe "cal.mity bowler" is less pronounced than in some other places w think of. There seems to be much less inn airy for some kind of bus iness that will pay a living. Tie de mand for laboring men bas been brisk and any man. minus the professional hc bo, can get a job by ealliugat the em ployment agency. All lines of basin ess from tbe chimney sweep to tbe Bon Ton department store are welt represented here and almost every day we drop on some of our acquaintances from Oregon. Among those most familiarly known art ex-Postmaster Tbos Monteith, Mr Pike, formerly of the Red Crown Mills and Thoe Overman, besides maa others leas prominently known about Albany I was prompted to write today on ac count of a veritable web foot rain which has fallen all day and we bear to much damage) potting me in mind of borne as we boy said to tbe man to wbom he loaned a eolphnr match to light his pipe. Brownsville. Mr. Wm. Cbristensen. onr oonoiar hardware nterchant, has sold a one half ia.ereet of bonne to Mr. A. U. Ban na rd, of Portland. J. B. Jillotson. tbe contractor wbo ia to build tbe new bridge across tbe Cal- pooia at Craw tor an vuie. commenced work ttiis week by tearing down the old etructore. Dr. E. E. CaUe and left tor Albeqoerqne, New Mexico. last Wednes day evening, w here tbey expect to reside. Tbey bare gooe higher with the hopes of obtaining beneficial results for Mrs. Cable's wealth. Time. Five Coav ahjs Graxa were in the city yesterday afternoon on bicycles . They remained until 9 o'clock at night and got to cutting np so, and becoming to noisv Night watchman i aliens ordered them out of the city and advised them to gJ borne, which tbey did. Their fathers should nse a whip on them or keep tbtm at home. CossoixoATKD. T. L. Pa ever, ol the Scio Press and J. S. Smith, of the Im print, tave formed a partnership and the wo papers will be consolidated on Oct ber 1st and ran at tbis city, tbe Press being discontinued. A Chess Tocbsawbst Next Monday evening at the armory a chess tourna ment will be began between eigrt mem bers of t. Co., with uestie tereck bar red. Mr. Wreck will act as referee. Each man will play three games each e resting, and ine contest wul taat daring the week. lt promises to create ccnaid arable interest. Niw p. O. A postofSce has just been established at Hoffman, Benton county, three miles northwest of Albany and a nMi .1 mail arYtf f mm Alhanv to that point wrondetL. miss etue nonman is the postmistress. MiLuxntT Orxxrso- On Wednesday next. Sept. loth. M rs. John 5 . Hot! in an will open her braocb millinery store next door to I. A. Cumming "s Drag store oa First street, with the finest display of trimmed hais and latest novelties, 1 am better prepared to serve my customers than ever before, having secure! the ser vices of a hrst class trimmer from fort- and. Call and be convinced. Lavrra. Misa Kate DePeatt, secre tary and lecturer of the Oregon State Secular Union and representative of tbe Liberal C niversitT. will lecture in Al bany, September 15. Subject of lecture "A Glance Behind the Curtain." ao mission free, all are invited. Kortrs. Owing to the some confusion which has resulted from a similarity uf names we have deemed it expedient to change tte name ot oar laundry; and hereafter onr place will os Known as tne "M ague lis Laundry." Respectfully C Simpson & ton, Lucky Rabbit-Foot Charms. Our rabbits' feet are all hind feet taken irom raoDita killed at midnight in a country Church vard bv a ercae-eted red oeaaea negro, and warranted to core all ills, accomplish all good purposes, and to nu a long-ieit want. Everybody should have at least one ot these or life is not worth living. For sale at trench's Jewelry Store 25c A Grkat Rkdcctiox ia all kinds of goods, indudinir a verv lanrs. well select' ed stock of shoes. Cad and examine prices before buying elsewhere and voa will find it to your great advantage by doing so I'lease don t forget to change purses when you change dresses, which is the most ee senial thing to me. Tbe be-t selection of the latest style and colors in Ladies capes and Jacket, misses and cbildrena plash, sealeU, astrachan and clottt, just opened anu win oe sold at reduced rates at P. Cobss's. Romona Tens. Purity Strength flavor at our expense it you are not pleased eight flavors to j cnooserrom. P K Atxra & Co "Pure Food Grocers. The Democrat ana Examiner. The San Francisco Weekly Examiner next vear will give to its subscribers 1 10.000 residence in San Francisco rent ing tor S60 a month, a I3.S90 U. S. bond. $1,500 gold nugget and hundreds of other things. You can get the Examiner and . WsKKtv Dkmocbat for f 2 50 a year, with I the Daily Dbxocbat by mail for ti.25,by carrier 5.75, in advance. The Dxmo ; cut will order only on combination pay ment. Given Away to the Lucky One. A 10) Piece Dinner Set of tie CcleDrateil JlaYlmlli tmiCIl dim. BMBBtefl. tie latest desip, with. Bold IiiminiBgs. Call ca n and Post yourself' now jon maj get this Beautiful Pre--gent. ALBANY Auction Go. Will Open f'p Sep. 1, 1S97 Dry goods, - Boots & Shoes, Clothinp;, Groceries, etc. A gen eral auction store will be conducted. Auc tion or pr ivate sale every day, Great money can be saved and good value given. Gall early while stock is complete. Albany toon Co, Auctioneer ftis ME erf. at oar expense ifyoa're not pleased F E ALLEN & CO. FRANK SHPTON Successor ta Jaha i'duser. Livery at Reasonable Rates- Will kep teams Tor 10 cents. with leed 40 rents, all night $100 Dr Adams 51 z Cnsxck Block Albany, Or Painless work a specialty. iimm G round Floor Dental GtTtce. Broadalbin, St., Albany, Or. Vard Littler. Assists nt- kA SO VCAKS aUPCCUtsKX. COPYRIGHTS SO. a tastcfe and JliiJn nr VvUmW pnMQiable. IVnuBatrteMMis sencur T9Jtr"wi ancx? focMcmrtn wa taAawncm. M. tear a WalmMru PuTouukMi threat Has Co. nam SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, tfiw ramssrms. tare rtrrelattow SltfKX aMUh. sBe oeSDalla Btwa OK e ATS2CTS su tm. Sitilrws MUNN & CO., SSI Bi ST. Kew Ynra. COE.PEST POWER ...HERCILES WAS AKDTG.1SOLIXE Built in special sixes for printing offices and factories. State your wants and write for prices and term. Illustrated catalogue furnished free upon applica tion. Axbkicax Ttpk Focndws Co. Portland.Oregon. Inllfaiei' Will be kept on tap at the store ot B F Ramp. Mineral water from Waterloo. Soda ville and Findley, for sa e by bot tle or doaen or delivery to family, at 00c per dos. Orders taken from any pert of Oregon and prompt shipments made. Orsgos Misksal VVaTsa Co. M. W. Wilkins, manager. FOSHAY 4 MASON -Wholesale & Retail DRUGGISTS ISD BOOKSELLERS ALBANY. OREGON. Purs Drugs and the finest and Larjeel Stock of Stationary and Books ia tha Market. 88