The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 03, 1897, Image 1

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ALBANY GflEGON, F It 1 1) A Y S K PT- 3 . 1897.
Entered c.C tk.e Ccu lee at ilbany. Or. as Bee.wd-riaia Mall MaMcn
r p- itntic
5 ( loremK'
. i i greeni
i arrivi
was the originator
c(U4 nud iuzio umi
6ear ie facsimile signature cf AT7&ZUt( wrapper.
This is the original M PITCH ER'O CASTORIA," itfet ias 6cot
sei w the homes cfio J':ihcr3 cf America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY ct i.:o wrapper end see that it is
the hind you have alwrys hot;
and has the'ire
per. No one has auwrily
cept The Centaur Company cf
Mnrrh ,? 7?.Q7
- Do Hot Be Deceived. -
Do not endanger the life cf your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on ii), the in
gredients of which even ho docs not know.
The End Ton Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed Toil
The Portland Flouring Mills
Have leased the Red Urown Milt in thL -113' and will
operate the same during the coming season, doing a gene
ral exchange, warehouse and storage business.
'f hey are now prepared t " lurmsh sa-ks and
wheatin store, paying the highest mirket price ."or
any time storers conclude to sell.
The Portland Flouring Hills Co.
Red Crown Mill
Thirty-First Year
is Septemtar 15, 188!- fit futilities
. .a. A 1 1
Bib? this mstinmon ara 01 a mgn orcer. ins c "UBgu is uiuruugu
in all its work. 3 fac jltj ismaae np pf spacialists in many iines
Albany is a safe and pleasant residence for young people. The college
offors thorough courses in muao, comnurciU work, normal
acaaemic am coueaiaiie siuaie3.
npon applioation. uorrespondn.e
1 mwmmm
j i red out l inn. jjmiirt . .
i'-l iitizensl 10 .TIlHftiiL!. ' Z'lkMZlL ALL
? pbuiidi25 50 -l-l?.'lir Tg"13 DRUGGISTS
I fiH'pk- " . i"! j1".!" A- l?Tt:.ttljl''(i "KaKI'y CO..;mciw. Muiitrl. Un.. or Hmw -1.1
!- ' live t:
..-3 AlbV;
X : S eent
VI inent;
ll- dealer iu
1 gratt
V whe,"
TO; ,
r Ait
l .
; . - - ..
" '.il, cf Iujamis, Massachusetts,
.VCHER'S CASTORIA," the same
.-y . , v,
r s or creni
on. the
to use my name ex
Chas. H. Fletcher. is
am 3t
By F S Kellej-
for a 6m Hijler naucation oner-
3 Hi. . 1 1 . ma ( I V AMAH K
ua n3w ui-aiu'is aiij up uuiHiiuaa
Wallace Howe Lee,
t 1 t
kinds of furniture
and bedding-, and it
you want the most
complete flour safe,
he has them and his
prces the lowest.
Wheat is firmer today, with upward
indications, at least stability, but with
enough of uncertainty to induce some
selling, where the top notch ia secured.
isO cents was being bid. At the Farmers
the regular quotation based on the
standard market was 73 cents.
In New York it again reached $1.03 at
. 1 ! Sll.! - - 1?
ZCi-'Ll "'V'Y""
."11 ' " V 1
here, at the Farmers 90.0J0 bushels with .
v . . " . una oiuiou
1 50,000 sacks out.
Sam Case Dead.
Sam Caw, the pioneer hotel man of
Newport, died last night at his home in
that city, of cancer ol the Btouiache, after
a lingering ilbiess. He was one of Ore
gon's well known pioneers, and has been ,
identtued with Yaquina Bay since its
earlie t days. His death will be greatly
Oregon's Greatest Fair
Can be attended for one fare for the
round trip from any point on tte lines of
the Southern PaciCc in Oregon.
The fair opens on September 30, and
closes October 8. Nine days. Every
day will be the best. Fraternal order
day, October 2, Oregon press day, Octo
ber 4, pioneer and barbecue day, October
5, Salem dav, October 6, school day,
October 7, free lor all races, last dav,
October S. School day, October 7, child
ren under twelve years of age free
School children over twelve years of age
ten cents.
After harvest yoa will want a rest, so
come to thestate fair and enjoy yoorse.'f.
One fare for round trip. Popular ad
mission of 25 cents.
Tut First Car Load. The Oregon
Frui. and Produce Co. sent out their
first car load of fruit last night from Al
bany. It consisted of 276 boxes of pears
and 400 crates of prunes. This fruit has
to be packed right in orJer to command
the. best price, and this is being done. A
good price will be a great etimulous to
tbe industrr in this county. The Jour
nal says: James Kyle, mauager of the
'regou Frmt and Produce Co., went U
Albany to start the first cars east. His
company is employing fifteen bands
packing at Albany. Nineteen pactera,
and about twenty other hands are work
ing at tbe Salem warehouse. Tbe mark
et continues good but all loosely or poorly
packed fruit goes at sacrifice price. Mr.
Kyle has been the recipient of numerous
letters recently from various sections of
the suite ageing the reason whv his irnit
is selling at such favorable prices. The
oily reply Mr. Kyle makes is that he al
lows nothing to be shipped but that
ich is packed exactly as tbe fro t is
packed in California.
Milm: Wox Is a public school
teacher a public officer in the eye of tbe
law; jouge tears decided that question
this morning in aa interesting su't be
tween E. A. Miiner and Russell Bros.
The latter sought to attach the salary of
Miiner, wbo was a public school teacher
at Woodlawo, but who has since been
elected to the mathematical chair in the
city high school. Milceriasked tbe court
to issue a writ restraining the attach
ment, which Judge bears made perman
ent in his decision this morning. Tbe
court dec-idea that a public school teacher
is a public othcer, and that his salary
cannot be reached by any process.
Portland Tribune.
Mr. John
Holman was in Astoria
W . H. Raymond is in the city for a
few days.
Rev Smick and son and Ed Stewart
returned last night from Alsea.
Prof. Torbet and family have returned
from an outing at Sodaville.
Prof. LanU and family returned this
noon from their Yaquina outing.
Judge Wolverton and wife and Miss
Price, returned this noon from Seal Rock
the favorite resort of state offic.als.
Judge Barton and Deputy Clerk Mont
ague have retained from tbe mountains,
wnere tney made tbe trout scarce.
Jas. Marks and family. Mrs. W. R.
Blain and son and Mrs. Chamberlain
have returned from the Cascades.
Misses Ella and Mary Purserville and
Cora cteel left Monday for a month's
visit with friends and relatives at Al
bany. Oregon Ci;y Press.
Mrs. C. E. Hawkins returned last
night from xdahoand Washington, where
she dm been organizing lodges of Wood'
men under tbe new arrangements.
Mrs. Emma Croeslev.of S in Francisco.
Cal., is in tbe city on a visit with ber
sister, Mis. Major Johnson. They bad
not met for over 20 years and the meet
ing was an enjoyable one.
Mrs. M. E. Farrell and children left
ibis noon for San Francisco, where they
expect to reside. Mrs. Farrell has
taugbt music in Albany lor a great many
years and will take with ber the respect
01 our citizens generally
C. F. Stephens is home from visit to
Gates and Newport having arrived on
the I o clock train this morning. Mr.
Stephens reports having had an enjoy
able visit, with the exception of an acci
dent that befell Mrs. Stephens at Gates.
in which one of ber feet was badlv in
jured. Mrs Stephens is still al Mew-
port, where she will visit for several
weeks. The Dalies T. M.
Chas. Cusicx, recently drueeist at tbe
asylum has closed bis labors there, nd
on Monday instead of goinir to the frigid
go-.a neias ot Klondike will start south
for the co flee plantations of Nicaraugua
He will go with Isaac Manning and wife
and Phil Metschan, Jr. Mr. Cuaick baa
ben maaterioK the H Danish laneuase
and already knows something about it.
Aioauy people generally will wish bun
success. He will be at Matasalpa. sit
uated 2200 feet above the sea, with a nice
temperature ranging from 65 to 89 de
grees. Barrows Bros Del Norte, with a nvrtrri
of 28, is now at the state fair grounds.
8o00 in improvements have Iwnintrn
a Salem l-owlmg alley. A new hard maple
aney is a leature.
Eugene is quite a hop "center. Twelve
'Hop Pickers Wanted" notice armour in
yesterday's Guard. From 30 to 40 cents ia
The Southern Pacific will mim a n
fare rate from all point on their lines in
Oregon to tbe Oregon sta'e fair which
opens September JO and cioses October 8.
Wood Wanted.
Tbe Albany Woolen Mills want from
lou to zoo cora s ot big nr wood, in ex
change for goods of the mills. Here ia
a chance lor some dealer in wood to
make a good bargain.
Doa't Tobacco Spit aad Kraoka Toar Ml A nay.
To cult. tobacco easily and forever, be Dur
notlc. lull of life, nerve and visor, taka Ko-To-Bao,
the wnnder-worlier, that make weak men
strong. All druggists, too or II. CuroBuorun
teed. Itaflklet and sample free. Addreas
htcrimn Remedy Co, Cblcago or New York.
Albany Market.
Wheat 80 cents.
Oats 25.
Kgga 13 cents.
Butter 10 to 15 cents.
Potatoes 60 cents.
Hams 8 cents.
Sides 7 cents.
Shoulders 5 cents.
Pat "Thot's Ividintly a bag av goold
some roomers dhrapped, but to the divil
wid it; Oi'ui goin' phwere it's t'icker,
begorry !"
The tie-walking actor's opportunity is
apparent at last not only in lie qualified
to walk the distance, but the public
can't throw anything at him up there
but money.
Wearv-"No ue, pard. of us trampio
ter Klondik: dere'a rioho.iv ter touch up
:f i .. : i,..i.L.. i i
uoQt uni, ovcu uunm 10 iiv unm iiiuvruvt
J op dere."
Ci'stomir "What's- the matter,
man? You look worried."
Boss Barber (dismally) "Who
wouldn't, with the business outlook, and
all my customers iettin' their hair and
whiskers grow long t' go to Klondike in
good shape?"
Mb. IIookxtkin (reeding a Klondike
price list) '-Abie, my poy, ged oud all
der ear muffs lefd ofer from lasd year
uml n ark dent ub two hundred per
Jones "I've changed my niinJ-alxjut
going to Klondike."
Smith "What caused jouto change
Jones "I se that the suicide club
has voted to go there in a body."
First phofkcsor "Do you think it
would pay us to send a reseerch com
mittee to Klondike?"
Second fkofkskou "Of course. Think
of the anatomical ttone-tinds we can le
gitimately get ! No more high prices for
skeletons.' ' J udge.
lavs Corxrv Pom A shipment of
150 fir poles for the Salem A Suburban
Railway Company, reached Salem Tues
day night. They were shipped from iier
ry, on the 0-0 Si E. railroad east of Al
bany, and are excellent material. TUey
were purchafeu bt tfatacer F. K. Anson
who recently visited this section of the
Santiam country, combining busines
with pleasure. All electric tight piles
on Twelfth street south of State and on
the emir length of Oakstrtet will lw re
placed with the new ones. Journal.
A LaseCostrmt. Thecoramistioners
court convened at 4:30 this afternoon
and opened tbe bids for iLe court house
foundation. They were a foiioai:
Langford fc Laneien 0.2"-0
L N lioney 9.057
Fred A Erixson bfiSi
Mr. Fred Erixsin r?UfU leave to
withdraw bis Did. No anion was taken.
The contract will not I e let until Judge
Potter returns from the upper McKenur,
which will be three or four davs. Guard.
Fox Diem. John O. Fox, tbe man in
jured on the new trail beyond Ielroit,
last week, by being burned, died in !
lem yesterday. A.'ter improving a short
lime he gradually crew worse until hi
death. He was about 50 ytars of age,
and came from Canada here about mx
yean ago, taking up a claim crr ie-
StTTKPAV Mobmvo. Congressmen W.
B. Hooker and J. h. Sherman wi'.l ar
rive in Albany on the overland Saturday
morning, and w ill probably be taken to
the front on a special train. On account
of the tug being away from tbe Bay
there is no boat there for shown e them
tbe Bay.
CrRiosmc at the exhibit rooms are a
cup and pitcher of oak giub, the
of each, and shapes, being very natural.
Tbey were h-ti by Marks tbe nirh-r.
Albany mertbantt are 6k-urir on a
fill and winter trade. Let it come
Your Groceries anJ Baked Goods
Is at Parker Bros. EvervboJv kows
here their place ia. They keep a f reh
stock of groceries, produce ana baked
goods, cf all kind?, sell at reasonable
prices and treat their customers well, all
You may regret some steps von take
in life tot none taken into the store of
Parker Bros.
It is a grett thing to be well fed. Par
ker Bros keep good groceries.
A luaf of is not much but yoa
want it well made. Try Parker Bros.
What Tommy Said
Uncle John Ve I, w at do vou mean
to b when yoa get to be a man 't
Little ommy (promptly) A doctor like
Uncle John (quizzically) lnde'-d; and
which do you intend to be an aUopa.h cr
a bomo-ipatb ?
LUtle Tommy 1 dont know what lheru
awful hi words mean. Un -Je John; but
that djr.'t nuk-oo differ.T.ce, 'ea'i I
ain't grin to be ei'ber of 'e I'm jut
8"oin' to b a family doctor an give a!i my
patients HooJ iarninir li i cau my
pa thai if he i a d ctor, he' 'bligel
to n up ibat llood'a SarnaprUla l tie
bM fum ly meci'-'ne he ever aaw in hi
What Ir A E Salter Sa vs.
BcFrAi, JJ Y. (ieoa: Frm my
perorat koowiedgo. ga:ned in oU-ering
Ibe effect of vour Shilob't Cure in cae
of advanced Constipation, I am prepared
to say it i tha moct rmit'kM ll'm d
that haa ever been brought o my atten
tion. It hat certainly aavd many fpm
Consumption. SjU by Foby & Ma
Regardless of Cost.
Juliu Grudwohl in'ends to go out of the
crockery and glaaxware buxinnut, eomg in
to some other line of buine. and hen.-e
wid sell bin good of this kin. 1 rt!irrdle
of coft. When ou cad and gi?'. hi pn-
ou will be convinced that he m-iins btot
nts, and will believe what be uv
Drain State Normal School.
The Normal begins its fall term Sept
13. Excellent faculty, loctiire studies,
senior year highly professional and per
fect training department ol eight graces
and 150 children. The new ntyle cata
logue and suide book sent free. Address
Louis uarzee, rres, uraiu ur.
J. Gradwolil
Inform tbe general public that ho
sell as low as anybody in the city for
cash. Come and get prices before you buy
April It, 1897 . J. Upadwohi..
Sick People Need the best. re yon
as Darticulai in the choice of tour drug
gist as you are ot your aoctor. i our pre
scription at r ur store will be tilled accord
ing to tbe doctors orders.
JiUKRHAKT & Lek, Druggists
Mosic. Miss Mildred Burmestei
teacher of piano or organ. System ths
Mason touch and technique. Residence
Fifth street, opposite U P chuich.
That German washing fluid, which
proven such a fine thing has arrived
Parker Bros in a lurga quantity.
md try a bolr,e.
Knecbl & Meiaer have the best assort
ment of fireworks in Albany at prices
tbat defy competition. Also see them
flags and bunting.
Last evening just after the Diuockat
press had begun running the team of
Jas. Auderway, ct Tall man, became
frightened, while standing behind the 1'.
O. block and ran east to Kllawortli St.,
down Ellsworth to the railroad switch,
and along the track east, until they fell
down near the bank of tbe river, else
they would have gone in. Mr. Auder
way was thrown olf and his pants ripped
from top to bottom.making it impossible1
ior mm to ioiiow iu i-ui
. , , J
I inn murium? wuoul a o riwit a van
exciting runaway took place on First
street A young man was driving the
team of Mrs bherer, of Tangent, and
wasaoout in front of the liluiuberg
block when a singletree canm down, and
soon the tongue. The borees ran, while
the young man ued hi be-t efforts to
Hop them, lying tUt on his bak and
pulling with all his st &ngth. In f rout
of Park or Bros, they strurk the wagon of
Tlioa. Kisley ana tore one wheel com
pletely off. Mr, Risley's trains dsn-
Flayed good senre and lemalued quiit.
n front of the Misses Bail tbe wagon
stopped against the telephone pole while
the team turned and ran up Ferry street
towards home. 1 he young man was
jerked about twenty feet off the wagon
upon the irround, but was not injured.
He displayed rare grit and presence of
JefTMyer! on Hop
Jeff Myers returned la-t evening from j
Sio and other point in Liun
When seen this morning by a Journal
rt-porter, Mr. Myers did not consider the
bop out-look lor this state and in part.c
utar for Linn county an j alo all sections
east of the ibataette river, to be veiy ,
Mr Mvert has about 60 acres of hops
under cultivation near Scio, which he
visited ednesdav. besides a large num-
I.,, ..a- n .... . . . t . : : . ts
are about 200 acres in hops in ti.e vi. in- 1
ity .f Scio, and from that immense
acreage not over 40.CM) pounds ot g od
baps will be handled. It waseum-'
ated that tbe yieid of this section of the
state would be lully :i0i,0itO pounds, but
the li e and mould have comp.eiely
ruined some varis wiiiie a nutnbrr of (
yards will uot lie pirkeI at all. Ttte con-
ditions as a love outlined are not local
but are enetal tbrougtiout tiie bop-bell I
eat of tbe Willamette river
The Lranon aad Eugene districts are ,
in very bad condition, moot discourag
ing to tbe grower. Mr. Mers does not
think the yield train this state wiii ex
ceed :5,000 ba!es. Journal.
Of Local Interest.
Mr Max Baumgsrt yre'erday was
circulating a petition for the libera ion
of Evangelina aao Cisneros, the beau
liiul Cuban girl, at the mercy of tYeyltr.
Everybody signed it and Mr. Baamgart
bad several patrea of names. It ba ten
reported that the girl hat ln tnteni !
to -J years in Ceuui, wisereno woman j
nas ever ieen,nj wricn wouij no worte s death, but Ibis is denied I r tv- :
ler. rbe at least is U-ing confined ujjjcidge..
jail pending sentence. Tue stjry i an ': Clerk...
iotreung one:
CUnero wa arrested wi'.h her father
and sister on the charge of rebvllu-n and
exiled a year fr to the iaie of Pines
Tbetforernor of the Isle of Pine was
she Spanish Culooel !ne Beri. He
saw the beautiful gtri and fril in lure
with ber. He wrote tfqauu to
her and finally iupoed a ron,iitton
worse than death. Anering oie of
bis letters, she told him to be al her
: home on a certain dav. Then.: she toll
! cer friend, and ihev fi-cresed themeeirrt
in ber parlor on the d-y tbe governor
was to via I ber, aad be was bound banJ
and foot. Jest then tbe pat rot pard,
aad the Colonels cries wero heard. The
solciers rushed into tbe houw, ard he,
ber father and nearly ail her friends
were captured. They were thrown into
prison, and then Col.' Berris visited Gen.
Weyler, reporting be had discovered a
conspiracy in tbe Isol Pines, whereas
she was s.mply defending ber hom-r. No
wonder tbe world u indignant at the
treatment accorded ibis beautiful aad
virtuous Cuban young lady.
A Dkmaiux Pi-AtT. R. Knbne is in
the valley looking for the local ioc for a
beet sugar plant. He arks a guaracty ol
3.000 to 3.30 acres of beet, for w hich
he will agree to pay fl to Via too ac
cording to amount of matter.
Beets already anaiystd at the O. A . C
bowed 19.9 per rent of suga-.
Goto is AlBANT. Dr. lltii and a u.ine
were pr-wpecting Uxlay in tha gravei
near the Micolia null. Thry lound
several colors. A fact. No claims have
yet been staked.
lsev. Metayer was a; Gerva'is and St.
Louis yesterday.
M'ss Mary Cond.fT today returned
from a months outing at Newport.
Bailey Ilayden a brother of Hon. Den
Hayden. died in Salem yesterday.
Geo. Smith retumed today from bis
outing Hi father J. S. Smith, of Hai
sey, is alo here.
M. W. Wi.kins brought downs big
load of Wterloo water todav, and left it
with B. F. lUinp.
A.'B. Paxton. of Astoria, is ia tbe city
on a visit. Albany people are always
glad to see bim.
Mr Grant Althnuse. of Missouri, is in
tbe cite visiting his relativt-s and is the
guest of Mr. John Althoufe.
A.J.Pitner yetrdav purchased of
Mrs. Ltubner at Haley the hotel prop
erty, and was in the city today and filed
the deed. He will hereafter run it.
P. E. Kenworthv, an experienced r -
taurantman, a resident of Salem lor
some linn, will open b lunch counter in
the Mranan block alKiut nt l. tie is
fixing the place np in a neai manner.
Miss Audie Chamlierlain, who has
Wen visit iiiu M in Clora Pooler for the
pat two weeks returned to Albany last
nmlit She was acconipinied home by
Mi P,Kier who wil. visi in Allmnv lor
liouttwo weeks. Salem Journal.
Our denial friend of the Salem Journal
is coilmtix IV ie-eivinK coinpnnienis
Ibe Journal aid Newptirt needed a gool
oancr and now the Newpott .ews sv
lioivr limi wiwi it' i.hhhm.o
iiuet with plenty oi ins long eareu
brethren" there."
Mr N. H. Allen whs taken seriously
ill in Portland yesierday afternoon w tb
heart tou!le, b'lt was well enouuh to
net home on the V AU train. U pon ar
rival he was taKn to Dr. Wallace's of.
lice where he grew worse on ffcccunt of
his trip home. He spent the night ft
the St. Charles and today wns taken
home. Mrs. Alien returning from the
Hav to take care oi mm. lie is consul.
erably improved this evening.
D.S Tutliill. a prominent Portland
banker, committed suicide yesierday.
Three men neur Grama Phk in 54 day
cli'.ineil up $'2000. making $12.50 a d.ij to
the man, which is ao-tueaiy good pay.
Some line plate glaa windows are being
nlHoed in tbe Read, I'eacock ft IVs front.
nlding ma'eriaily to the appearance of the
Here is wheat that can't be beat.
Chinaman sowed two bushels on S. N.
Lil v s place last tall, and ibis week Mr.
Lilly threshed 1-1 'u' buxlieU of the fiiio.Ht
wheat we ever saw from it yield. It was
irrown on river bottom laud. Corvallis
O R Jeffrioa informed the Eugene Guard
of the following sales of fruit shipped by
him : Twe cars of Burtiett peara from
Rofeburg, sold at New Orleans for f 1.70 to
$1.90 per D0It; carof second grade Bartletts
I MaIii,... snlrl of rinrinnall Ia. tl 4fl.
irUUi ..... ' I . i
a car of scabby Bartletta from Portlaud
(old at Minneapolis for $1.40.
. The eastern wheat market this noon
showed the bears on top with a slump of
5 or 0 rents. We quote as follows: Chi
cago H3 cents; New York 98,'c; Kan
Francisco 03c. Tbe Albany market had
not jet felt the decrease Mere the quo
tation is 78 and 80 cents. Should it con
tinue down tomorrow a fall of several
cents Will probably result here,
V .'. Koyce and Mrs Ella Baenmle
le!t this morning for Camp Polk, Crook
coun'y, to visit ir. and Mrs. Hindman.
C. If. Vehrs informs us that in the
Iicck If ill neighborhood horses a e dy
ing from some unknown cause. Mr. V.
lost a valuable horse and a few of bis
neighbors lost eotni.
Straw hauling to the paper mill is
over for this vear. The big stack U 460
feet long, 75 feet wide and about 70 feet
high and contains about S000 tons. The
straw costs the company about 10,000
Mr. Fred Fortmiller and wife, of Port
land, are expected here tomorrow on a
visit to relatives.
Mrs. Mary Ewing, wife of Thoma
Ewing, died at her home seven mi'es
east of this city last Friday night, Aag.
20 at the age of 60 years.
Sheriff C. H. Gray and Deputy John
Lurkey parsed through here Monday
with Oliver Cornett whom they were
taking to tbe asylum from Prineville.
A. M. Smith and wife of Salem, ar
rived in Lebanon last Thursday and have
rented the Courtnev residence which
they now o-canv. Mr. Smith will onen
a store here tbe first of Sept.
Miss Bertha Huddleson received the
merTy.Kaad at Waterloo last Sunday
Slte vUss ,d WM detlf.
goiu watcti given away by tbe steam
the most
popular young lady
" m Tlr , , ""J1 XFV
f .... s .. ....
til0 counlT. Nevada, where
mfLe thelr fu,nre ho'
"1 s b' Dr,vve conveyance.
'r. abb reteraon naa another
ivi.c siroKeon lunxiar anu is now in a
critical condition. Dr. Peterson ia an
old pioneer of this place and his friends
hope he wul soon recover
The Express editor had the pl'-aanre
of meeting UnnJmt Simons last Friday
at tbe home of ber eon. Mr. D. Simons.
near Sodaville. Grandma Simons will
be 103 years old in October. She is al-
inot petfectly hfcii.lej-s and has to be
waited on tike a seven-tnontbs-old baby.
l inn and .Mai ion Couutlc.
The Journal his compiled a compara
tive statement o the expenses ol run
ning the counties of Marion and Linn
for Ibe year ending July 1. 1SV7. Linn
county is larger in area than Marion and
ouuitie Sa'em and Albany have e boot
tbe tame population. Lion baa the
most Ftniaii la bridge. We give the
ngures a an mtereelit.g Item:
1.1 x.
ll.-VX) 00
4.6IS 6
6,040 43
lOO 00
2,1X3 00
1,250 00
4,40 70
46 00
V 10
7,632 68
446 20
I JO0 00
. S42 21
. 1.000 23
. 1,H) &)
. 1.127 W
. 2,873 M
. 215 SO
. 137 4-
. 3,7--i2 4S
. 2-VJ 9 i
. 612 33
. 6
. 15
. 2.070 70
. I.SV7 S7
t 20
7 60
'. s.ii'40
. l"i 00
. 1.331 '.S
. 2.714 83
Recorder .....
Com m iiocr .
Iit Attv
Road and brides. .
K a l Mivervi.or .
Staly and Ptg
.-ea'p Ikiuiily
I5 00
9.V04 M
II K31 00
3t9 40
5.IS4 SO
l.Vs 00
3s2 20
864 29
19 55
I.SrtS 22
363 00
1,515 M
6,791 05
Fscitos rue Move. Tbe O. F. A P.
Co.. of tin city, last night sent out an
other car of Barlietl pairs and pi unee,
making twenty-six for tbe season. Mr.
Kyle has shipped two cars of tbe same
kindoi Iruil from that city this week
He was looking through the orchards in
the vicinity of lehanon, yesterday, and
returned ti Albany last evening, expect
ing to cime to ilem this morning. He
receive! tbe following telegram yester
day while at Albany: "C. F. X. 8.001
!Kid, Montreal, yesterday, average tI9
box. This means that a car of Bartlett
jar. shipped from Salem in refriger
ator car No. 8.001 averaged that price
ier tx at Montreal, Canada, lueeday.
Sla:eman. Another ear toad will
leave the city to ni;ht as Salem fruit.
In it will be some crates of as tine Han-
gat ian prunes a one ever taw.
Reim; Rfc-rAiBEo. The "Albany" an
"Wot M. Hoag," two river steamers be
lonaing to the Oreon Central A Eastern
railroad company formerly tbe Oregon
1 acitic are moored at the company a
dock near the foot of State street, this
city, and the work of placing them in
shape lor the next season a ron on the
W illamette ia in progress at present, un
der the supervision of H. B William
eon, ont of the company's principal em
ployes. The Prmihtbat baa just received an ele
gant edition of Ridpath's History of tbe
V S. published by the National Book
Concern of Chicago. It is decidedly np
to date, for it comes do n to the pres
ent year, giving some excellent Illustra
tions of lh inaugural cf president Mc
Kinley. Kid path is the U. 8's best his
torian, and tins book is certainly a gem.
one the bova and girls bad better be
reading in prefeience to the cheap trash
o! the day.
Scio. Miss Grace Gill returned home
the first of tbe week after a several weeks
euv in Albany.
Postmaster Sheltou is collecting the
"Forks" exhibit to be added to the
countv exhibit at Albany. He has some
ot ih tallest tlax specimens we nave
On Tuesday morning wheat was quoted
SI cents per bushel at the mill. In the
afternoon 77 cents was all that was of
fered. A drop of four cents per bushel
atone swoop is not often in our maiket.
t ress.
Dips'tStbikk It. Crook county baa
on ex-Kloodiker mat we wot of but he
isn't going back; at least not this fall.
Bill Ooulihard of Beavsr creek wrestled
for f mr or five years with the rigors of
a Yukon winter and a country where the
"rivers freere tolid to the bottom, as
Bill puts it, isn't exactly thw kind ot
w inter paradise that suns urns present
fanty. Journal.
Most Torturing, Disfiguring,
Of Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly akin
and scalp humors is instantly relieved
by a warm bath with CuTicvaA Soar,
a single application of Cuticdwa (oint
ment), tho great skin Cure, and a full doso
of CcTicua Rksolvbxt, greatest of blood
partners and humor sums.
Rkmrpixs speedily, permanently, ana
economically core, when all else fails.
Absolutely Pur
Celebrated for its great leavening
strength and ha!uiluln-wt. AaMirea tte
toed against alum and all forms of adul
teration common to the cheap brands.
Rorai. BAKixoPowDKaCo , New York.
. W. A. Cox and family will go to Inde
pendence next week to pick hope.
Harry Cusick has retumed froa tbe
mountains, where be killed a deer.
Mrs. D. B. Mnateith and son returned
this nxo from a trip to Portland.
Mr. Clem Jones has resiirned as clerk
with H. F. Mrllwain in order to open a
racket store in another town.
Mrs. Rev, Irvine. Mrs. L. E Hamil
ton, Mn. A. D. Barker and Mse Maggie
Barker returned from the Bay today.
Robert Niles, a former Albany barber,
but for two yea's a resident ii Baker
City, has accepted a position with L.
The condition of Mr. X. H. Allen is
about the same It was found imprac
ticable to take bim home as reported and
be ia yet at the St Charles.
U. G. Hayce, w ho has been at Fort
Stevens during tbe past year, is in the
cur maa win siart his Iru t dryer next
week, drying prunes.
Mr. Leonard Douglas has accepted a
position as fireman with tbe S P Co. He
has made several trips this week but has
not yet been assigned to a train Har
iaborg Keview.
Tbe son of Thoa. Jonee, the barber, of
Portland, woo is visiting at Mr. John
Briggs, yesterday fell from a pony while
playing circus and broke one of bis arms.
Prof Robb, of tbe reform school, was
in the city today looking after Claud
McHargne and tbe Robinson and Oust
land boys, the two former from Linn
county, wbo recenUy ran away. T..ev
were all trutties, and Mctlarxae would
have been discharged on account of age
in a short time.
O. X. Denny and Prcsi.-ent Gatch.
From the CorvalU Tim s:
Jo:e O. ". Denny, of Lafayette, was
in Cur rail is 'h'-a week on a vnit to ".he
Oregon Av'r.cuisaral ol!ege. His prin
cipal ob)ect w as to welcome Preside at
Gatch and family lca to regon. Judge
Denny is an oid'pnpil cf the president,
having attended t ihamette ontvertilvin j
the early fjO e. and is dei;gite-i that "the !
professor is ajain in char e of an im
portant Oregon inlitntioa Botn gen
tmen grealSy enjoyed tiie meeting.
Jadge Denny ms that the selection. of
Mr. Gatch as president has made strong
friends for tbe ins'atution ail over the
state. '-He is one of the most eboUriy
and capable men Lat roali have heen
selected for the plat." aid Mr. Deunv,
"and while be it at the head of the in
stitution it iil in no way be tainted with
politics." JuL-e IVnay owns a Urge
ranch in Ya:uhi!l county and this Tear
has s crop of 4000 bushel's of wheat be
side several hundred bushels of oats.
He is also going in to orcharding quite ex
tensively and now has 1J5 acres in prone,
wcres in royai acn cnemes ana sev
eral acres in other traits. Judge Denny
will long be kind.y remembered by Ore
gon sportsmen as the introducer of the
pheasant known variously as lb Denny,
China, Mongolian and ring neck.
From bkaguay.
The following letter was received yes
terday from an Albany man on his way
to Klondike :
Sticcir Bar, Alaska, Aag. 17, 1597.
Mr. E. F. Sox Dear Sir. We are just
about unloaded aod the boat will start
back soon. I and my partner, a young
man by the name of J.D Kenton, ot
South Dakota, intend to leave here to
morrow morning and pack onr outfits it
tbe loot oi tbe mountains, a distance of
about five miles, and keep on working
taenia snort oitanca at a time, the
trail is reported to be ve.y bad. and that
hone are being k lied nearly every dav.
The rate for packing: is all the wav fnro
25 cents to 50 cents per pound An
kind of a Ibt.e pack horse is worth from
150 to $250, or sells for that, wbe'her it
is worth it or not. There are about 3000
men camped here. Some have been
here for three weeks or more. A good
many are turning back and 1 am doubt
ml w-iether much more than 10 percent
of the men landed bere and at Dyea will
ever get to the Yuxon.
J. bKcimx.
Brttk yt it Continued com lain! is
made of tbe hoodluumm at th 9:40 cigbt
train. Marb Lee is doin ail be eta to
atop it. but it seem impossible to prevent
it entirely. It went so 'ar tbat the con
ductor of one of the trains said be would
appear peronally Wh.ret e city council
Ladies going through on lo Ainu out have
beea in?uit ;1 in an inexcusable manner,
with coarse and uugvni'emaol remark
DaciPCPLT Bto. I. R. Dougl.18 has
left at the exhibition room eight differ
ent varieties of onions which weigh 17,
poinds The betviest weighs 44 ounee,
which is 4 ounces h savier than the .V
priae winner last year. Thee onions
will be taken to the state fair.
War Cat Mkehno. A epecial meet
ing ' heiti? arrai.ged fir tonight at the
Salvation Army hall called War Cry
meeting. The parade and open air will
lie a novelty. A great bUssing awaits
every one tbat will come t'"" the meeting
To-morrow the Salvationis.s will goto
Waterloo fend Sodavilln tor aa encounter
with hlf titanic niaietv. consequently
! there will be no S A tneetmw in t wo
all uy Sunday. R. Krits, Cat.
Nxw MuxiNkRV. M's. J N. Hoffman
has enlarged ht-r millinery store in the
3rd ward and will carry the largest and
finest line of millinery in fall and winter
styles to be lound in the city, at prices
that will suit. A general invitation is
extended to call and see her goods.
Thk P. O. Shop Oban Fu'ler and
Geo. West have reined the Case bop ad
joining the IW otti'-e, and are ( rvpared
to terve the pubnc in h-et
Stop in and see then
clast niaunei.
A La nd r Nugget.
Laundry patrons who want first class
work done without paying exorbitant
prices should patronize the Albany
Steam Laundry which have employed
regularly five of the beet baud ironera on
the coast for shirts, dresses, and tdiirt
waists, and ten cents is the highest price
charged tor any ol these articles.
Mr. G. W . Franklin is at 2nd and Baker
streets, where he is prepared to renovate
feather beds and pillow in firat class man
ner, leaving them better than new. Give
hiuie a trial.
The Albany market today ia unsettled
and nc quotation is given Eastern quo
tations are mixed. W'hi e Liyerpo-1
this noon was 2 cents higher, in New
York and Chicago there was a drop of
another cent Quotations: New York
V7, Cbicagr 92, San FranHaco i
The Ba'.letin report a deficiency ot 380.
000,000 bushels in Europe. The Argen- .
tine and Australian crops, which will be ,
harvested in December and January, are
ig, and they will iben help supply tbe j
demand. In the meantime the U S
will be louked to The American output
will beanont 181 000,000 of spring train
.1 nan vm wi - m . , . . .
nun iw.wuuj ui wmur wneai,4ou,uuu,- I
000, some declare over -500.000,000
bushels, o' which about 185,000,000 will '
be available lot export. I
The Bulletin sensibly says it Is better I
that the average price be kept near 40
cents than that high values sbo Id rule
for a few month to be followed by very -
low ones two or three yean after, onto
count of overproduction caused bv the
high priced incentive. Tbete things
suggest a sale of wheat before that of
Argentine and Australia come into the
worlds market.
Romooa pure tpicea
Romona Romona pure extract .
r Coal oil has been discovered on tbe Mo
R ' Kiger, of Benton county, will bare
about 400u btubeU of peaches.
Sootbard baa oat hay f r sale by the
bale or ion "ree delivery.
Tbe Harrifburg Review ba been goa
peodtd, Ibe last iaoe appearing today.
Will i Sta k always have in stock the
latt noveltiea in ail Itee of jewelry
Yon will always find a fine line of jew
elry at Will A Starts. Do not buy before
examining their good.
Cbo'ce sugar cured hams al H Broders,
oniy 1 1 cents per pound (Jail on him for
choice meats of all kino.
J Bentljy, the pio'ew bo-j. aad shoe
man, does first claaa work cheap. Call oa
him, jt oortn of tbe Democrat office.
Tbe amount of gold on the Portland is
now figured at ll.C20.000. When it ia re
ceived at the mints it wid b nnr - tl .
000 000.
SC Pomeroy. aYualu, Calif, man
wanU two tout of app'e leave, for medical
purpores, for wbicta be pari 2K centra
the best meat of all kind and good
treatment at the Alban Dreaaed beef
Company's market, jnst d)wa Secned
street. Good weuht and prompt attea
tioo. Ladies within? their exbiood. chocolate
gmeo. brown or Un shoe polubed pleaae
call at the' atand on 6m street, '.eory
Morgan tbe cbamnion rmset shoe ooliaher
Fint chua work iarafitoed. Give n a
C Simpson k Sob have employed aa ex
pert irooer for kina. drtara. shirtwaiata.
etc. and ladtea will do well to send each
articW to Ibai lauoory Bbka for chil j
dra bats and bonnets r irs; St, near
A Hoe'e tre in th iwnrd rJ Mn i
Daiaba, on .Third strerf. Corrallia. thi
aow yielded ponnda ot Battlett pears.1
The fruit was picked Mooday, and ia to be
chipped ea4. If 1 cent per poand is reaS
ii the net profit from tbe tree will be 19.
Tbe appointment of Coicnel R W Mito-
eil. f Portland lodge, 142. of fclka. a dia
tr c. d-paty grand exalted roler few the
t ate c?f Oregon, has bees ofidally an
Bounced by Grand Exalted Kaitr Detwni.
er. of tht Elaa of the United Stairs
The expsimeet of breeding Chiixe
pheasants at tbe Plant raliey, f Y.
catchers has thus far proved a soccese.
Lare nnmbert of nr have beea hatched
aad the bantam motners are raising their
oroous witn tbe same care and sausfactinw
ooaJly bestowed a poo their car oral off
springs The yoan btrds seem to thrive
tn their captivity. Ex.
Browns ville.
U. L. Robe has been asiattng the Al
bany college in gahtering mineralogical
H. B. Mover went to Albany M one ay,
making the round trip in about 4 boors,
on a bicycle.
Sterling Hill, of Portland, is the goeet
of the Stanards Mr. Hill baa traveled
qnite extensively, having been in every
state and territory in the onion, besides
Japan and A'a.-ka. He was in the latter
place before the gold excitement, and ex
pects to return there in the spiing.
Attorney Martin has been in Craw
fordsviile a day or so this week, proeecct-
ag ime yonng men m. nail, ueo.
Pugh and John Ban ta for stealing Wi:.
liam Cochetl's whiskey. At last ac
counts bnt one had been apprebeeded
Wm. Hall plead guilty and was fined
f 10 and costs. Times.
Congressmen Hooker and Sherman
pu?eed down oa tbe overland for Safest
ibis morning. At tbat citv they were to
be met by Congressman Tongue aod
taken down the river on the Gypsy. On
account of being elected by Lincoln
county Indian votes it wooM seem as if
Mr. Tongue might look out a little for
Lincoln county s harbor. Perhaps some
of these men can tell why work is not
ordered at Yaquina while it is at Gray'e
harbor under the same kind of an ap
propriation "Marshal Lee, of Eag?ne,savs that tbe
curfew law will be bsreaher strictly en
forced. All eirlr nn-1er 16 and b jya an
d-r IS will be kept off the streets after 9
o'clock, end some o'der ones wi.l be ar
rested for disorderly conduct if the do
not t-enave tbemselvea. Oreeoais
l be oregooian is always getting Eugene
ana Albany ana Lane and Una counties
mixed up. In the above iem it should
have read Albany ins ead of Eogne.
Oar marshal's name ia Stiiee: and oar
youn j girls and bovs are not in the habit
of running a-ound on tbe streets after 9
o dock. kugene Journal.
From the Telegram :
Mr. R chard O'Brien, be' ter known to
his many Port laid friends aa "Dick
has returned on a visit to .his city after
a two 5 ears stay in Rowland B. O In
an interview with a Telegram reporter,
Mr. O'Brien "pooh-poohed" the rumors
prevaleu that Rossland, as a mining
proposition was on the wane. 'lt is
true." be said, "that namliersof men
who nocked into the camp, dt-rti.g ; e
first rush and excitement, and started
into busiuess, are closing their stores
and leaving, ont that is attnply tbe re
suit of overdoing a thing. There are S00
men employed in the mines, which are
gtadually being improved and are paying
big returns
Tax Sale.
The sale of property on delinquent
taxes, heretofore postponed will posi
tively take place on Saturday, Aug. 31.
By o.xler of the city marshal.
Instrumental Music.
Mr. H. V . Backensto is prepared to
give instructions in ins lmental music
on violin, guitar, mandolin and a num.
ter of orchestral and hrass instruments.
Business placed in his hands will be
aithfully and conscientiously attended
Stop tbat Cough! Take warning. It
mav lead to Consumption. A 25 j bottle
ot Shitoh's Cure may tave your life. Sold
ty Foshay A Maaou.
To Cat. Cotutlpwtloa crevw.
' Tak.Caacareu Candy CaUiartici 10c or Be
1IUCC. lad to cure, UruMiuta return! iuuuv
ao per cent dis
count on China
Lamps, Books and
Fancy Goods until
Sept. ist. Your
chance for a bar
gain. Respt.
Books, Stationary,
Tiseoe Paper,
Tablets, Pencils,
Notions, etc, etc
I have iost received nanta. armUm.
bkmeea, hat, straw ba e, shirta. neck
wear and other ioee. The peopU are
aoakinr a ra- oa them f r 23c bnvs from
f 1 00 to V.0Q worth of roods at former
(He Pub tbe Prices Down
We carry a compiet lire of Treo'on. X.
. and East Liverpool. Ofcio. Detxrated
and White Table Cfockerr.
Onr stock of Imported Crockery k com
pete in decora'ed aad white semt-ootce-laia
Havihud decora Vd and white Frewcb
China Dresden, and other makes ot Ger
man white ana decorated Clua.
Glaaware. tiaware, notions, books, etc,
ia eadleac varietiea.
Carry the largast and
most complete stock oi
Cloths ia the valley.
Oil Stall ia Fliii BM.
Thricoa-Week Edition
IS Pages a Wcvk . . .
... 156 Papers a Tear
For One Dollar.
rwfeiMM very alienate Bay exrewS aa4'y
The Thrice-a-Week Edition of Tax N rw
York World is first among all "weekly'
papers in use. frequency or publication,
and tbe freshnehs, accuracy ana variety of
its co t-nrs It nas all the merits ot a
great $6 dairy at the price of a dollar
weekly. Its political news is prompt, com
plete, accurate aad impartial as all its read
ers will testify, ft is against the monopo
lies and tor the people
It prints the new of all the world bay
ing special correspondence from all iru
port ant news points on tbe globe. It ha
jrilliant illdstraUoos, stone by great
authors, a capital nuuior pace, complete
markets, depa tments for tbe household
and women's work and other special de
partments We offer this unequaled newspaper and
tbe P km oca at together one year for i- 1 0.
CTtwtaa9dTrla Ma?oMataI and all Fat.
Btbainescoal acted lorMMcnta reea.
Seelmort.drawiTtorp!iotx W.a.lTi a
pteBtal4 fof ciiii-A. ir fee not due to!i
pates t is mcufM. A Paavpblet -Uow to Ob
tain rueeu, vita co or sati to.
aadfrcigBaouataa.aatfK. 4Ljua
C. A. SNOW & CO.
o. ...... rkM. wax.MM ri e ,
. tsidi ssaaaa.
At.vM aemthur a aketefc awl oeaertptioa laar
SaicklT certain, rrw. vaether ma lurwotioa t
SrotMr pmtvttw. CuBaulIlto. vtnetlr
euoaMll. Oldea attwaer furkeeanug pttteiua
ta Aaicnc. W. bar. W Htuwtoa oHk.
niwu taken tiuutitca aiaua a vo. reouTw
aaantlfalle mwrti. burt etrr!ll
.nr Mteatiac arBjU.Mai7,tflrmaSJ.tiU
buua oa f-ATixr mu (n. adaraaa
381 Brwadway, If ear Yarn.
T, -i V KXPCatKMS.