K it Hi I'M M H HH HHHH M It It II It MHHHH Is'tso? Don't idle BUT USE Ull st. iir Jacobs I!! URALGIA, g ana you u iiiiu out uuw quiULiy auu iwvt i. tvw a 11 .w auu x Star Bakery Corner Broadalbin and First St? CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR It. J. L. HILL, anaSnrgaoo. OFPICK-Flrst St, Ru House, Albany Oration. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS The Klondyke fever rages vnabated with the temperature at 105. Should the next steamer from there confirm the already bin reporta, the kettle will boiW over. just In Perilous Alaska SR. C. U, CijAr.iLicIiLlH liOMOEOrATECIST TrwnU tumors, strictures, facial blem- soea, neuralgia and other diseases, with ,-a;vanic electricity. Office on Ferry St. i iear 3d street. -Dewe in- Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits. Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Canned Mot Queensw..- Vegetable Cigars, Spices Tea EU. WETHERFORD&WYATT Attorneys at law Will practice in all the courts ot the state. Special attention given to matters in probate ant to conecuqna. OFFICE la the Flinn block. everything that is rept in good variety andgro eery store. High est pe paid for ALL KINDS OF 'PRO 1) (J CI 77 Were talking again" talkinz to the hard- to please people who like particular j printing. We are particular ' pnuters ; re put in that little extra-nice touch that pleases vou. Be the job big or little, 1 its big enough to be well done. Our Particular .Department is our whole shop. Ask us to 1 prove it ; we can please you or give your mouey back. Smiley's. P-irticular Priatery. Phone 9, Albany. 9 W.R. B1LYEU. B low n.l Solicitor in Chancery. auviurj , , collections made o an points. n.Htd on reasonable terms. Albany '' r Oregon. . Speaking of gold, 75 cents for wheat, 23 to 50 bushels per acre, will bring some into Linn County, obtained with out excitement, on an even pulse. Men may net tons of oM but the man who lives an nonorable life, pays bis debts and is willing to give every body a chance, obtains what is better than gold. To bad, an Albany man returned home to find that bie wife in whom be be lieved, had been unfaithful to him. He has left her, and now there is a broken family . - Why can men and women lose their reputation (or that which goffers nothing in return. - . . . m m mr mm m a a OKT Aa w H as a. a. , Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon J Attorney at Law, Aloanr. Or . The big strike continues in the east Men held to the grindstoue by, capital are desperately striving tor living priv i leges. It is a poor war to do it, the Democrat doesn't believe in strikes ; bat sometimes ore's sympathies all the same go out for those who have been oppressed by the onfeeling hand ot the monopolist. From the New York Tribune. Many people who have been in Alaska are not dsssled by the report t from there, and oce man who has lived there and whose business interests have brought nun in touch with the mining region re cently opened, when asked bv a would- oe prospector how to go to the gold fields, gave the laconio, if not original answer: won't." According to this man's story, the camp is owned b? a svndicate. and has oeen staked out to such an extent that most of the country which might yield gold is in its possession, and the peo ple who work there will be working pri marily for this syndicate, and not for themselves. 'The treat mistake that Is made by Doopla contemplating a trip to Alaska,'' he said, "is that thev are an. acquainted with the distance of the'min ing camp from that part ot Alaska which lain tee beaten track. Thousands of tourists have gone to Alaska In recent years' but they are unacqnainted with the condition of the country in which these gold finds have been made, because the point at which they landed were hundreds ot miles removed trom the al leged gold fields. TLis will be demon strated to the men wbo took passage last week. Those who go to-morrow cannot by any possible way reach the Klondyke region before September 1. The steam- A Marion county tanner has mortga ged his farm for $1000 and will start for Klondyke. tool well, we'll wait till be gets back before completing the remark. EAST AND-SOUTH THE -VIA- SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. California Saprsa Ttalas ;Mn Portlan. Dally "66 r. a. 1 L -:'), 1 1 Mm I At Portland Albany Su Francises Jkr 1 S3 M Ar 6 6. a a Lt 1 8 oo m Abjve trains atop at rations be tween Portland and Salem Tur ner, Marion. Jetfcrsoi Albany Tangent, Shedd. Hh?ey Eugew Cottage Grove. Drain. Oakland and al. ,,n.mtmit RnaAhurcsJuth to and in cluding Ashland. SENDERS' COMPANIES Always Pay. No question about full and prompt incnt of losses by fire on insurance plicec with the leading agent of Albany, M. Sen ders "Flat's wliatHetairesPeoieFcr Don't aliow yourself to be roped into the various "Local Mutuals" bow heme pushed on you as being "cheapest in surance," when - vou insnre you do ool want to worry about getting your money ir case ot loss. M SEN UEK: Iosurance, Hay, Grain and Wool. IT Is SO WRITTEN ami none can dispute it. We lead tnt wau paper iraue. we were never mcr in the van than now. More designs; newer, brighter, fresher, and more orie- nai ueHigns; a greater variety rj de signs; finer qualities of paper; and lower prices for fine qualities of paper than can ue ronna at any otber establishment theee are onr many and solid claims tc your patronage. When yoo see what we sell for 15 cents a roll and that we only ask la cents for it, you'll be very invi"h surp.istd. J. A. Ciimmlng. REMOVED Smiley i Printer to the Brown block, where he is ready for' business. His work ia the best. Similiter Wiii In- l-ppt on tap at the store of B F Ramp. Mmerft) water from Waterloo. BuUviil and Findley, ior ea e bv bo tie or doju-n or delivery to family, at fiO; per l(z. Orders taktn from anv part oiOrpgon and prompt shipment's made. OurGO Minebal Watbh Co. M. W. Wiikins, manager. MONEY TO LOAfV. OX FARM PROPERTY. J ONG TIM E AND LOW RATE OF IN TEREST W. B. RICHARDSON, Agent lor j(na Insurance Co OlHre. B-oida!bin, between 2d and IS i. Aitmny " tsra I b tar Albuy at 3ra Lt I 13 .10 ra Lw I 1M A man could not be lower than by set ting fire to a trestle io order that many human lives might be put in jeopardy and railroad property damaged. The inclination is apt to be to ascribe a fire like that near Marion to the malice ot some one, when aa a mtt'o- ot fact the chances are that it w 1 u accident, in some form just what cannot be figured out. The Chinese are to be given the cold shoulder in Hawaii. Wages are dropping in Klondyke. Water always seeks its level. Affections are high in Lane county In a breach of prom ice suit $10,OCO i given aa the price of a Miss Pierce's. The wealth ot a New York grand jury was estimated at 1123.000,000. the real criminal will 2" free. Lear AUhb Itr Lboa Arrin al Albu from Libaooq TSO Lcava Atbur tor Lahanon Arrinat Albuijrlrom Uba 4i Or Lht6 Albany tor Woodson ti W-odbom brmnen Arrive at Aibmnj from Hoodbore essrn Lara Albany tor Natroa Artiv at Albany from aatroa 1 tie a Get out of debt and stay out. Bi crops and good prices suggest that this is a good time to do it. PULLtiAF BUFFET SLEEPER. AKD Dinine Cars on Ogisn Routt SECOND-CUSS SLEEPING CARS attached laall ThnsikTralii ryeat te Mvlslra. SVKTtTKU rBTLAB AB SVAII.I Man. vaai aani (Bzocpt Sanoay aoaacaa axi' . fcaifcT A)aa L UOAral Ar ortland CarraUla Arts SO r LTlluSr 730 r P.rtiml Ar i-f m t.tia Direct eommt-Oan at Sn FraKiaw, -:tbO rila, PV1 vtl Cdl a SuUoi Ut4 apriicat-a 4 ti ttl r-i-;) c 4' - j ; ani K'jrr JVt. C 1IV. H ITI.U 9i Uirtt - a Maoaitar PoniacA OrrgA RKHASf. llCen F 4t r A Portland ORTHERH a! PACIFIC R. R. 1: I? Piulman Sleepin? cJars, Elegant Dini&g Cars, Tourisf Sleeping Car St Paul Minneapolis Duluth fargo, TO Grand Forks Crook ston Winnipeg Helena and Butte THROUGH TICKE S,. TO Chicago Vashingtoii Philadelphia -Nwork Boston and al . Points East and Ponth Through tickdta to Japan and China, via ficoma and Northern Pacific .steamshii Co., an American line. For information, time cards, maps anC ticVete call on or write C Q Bnrkhart Agent. Albany. Or. Or A D Charlton, Ast Gen Paat Agf Portland, Or. T m CareataandTrade Varksoritained and all Pat! out DnsinrneondnctedforModcrata Fees. . Bnfl iiioilrl, draw! nfl; or photo. WaadTiaelfi patentatjlfrcof cbar-o. Onrfmnotdnatlll patentiaaixTnre'l. A Pamphlet "How to Ob-1 uis ta tents," with eot or aamela tbe V. B. audforeieneoaiitriaaaentrrca. Addreaa. C. A. SKOV & CO. ; 0i. PjkTrftr OrnesT. Vf Am4intitsm Ti. ft i AT UOST. I : . nti , 1 i . i all my new goods, consisting . iiin ltv j;oid, crockery, boots h fOHt, and all old goods at a tii-v. : hose wanting the best i ' !" t.e secured in Albany can 1 fli at my store in the 3rd ward S. E. Rscksv. X MNTED.- V V - merits by the day to new. .A t; j; iui r, fc,. ei ga.se- OWES, CUBAPEaT POWEB ... HERCULES liH A!D GASOLINE Built In special sizes for printing ofllres and factories. State your wants and write for prices and term". Illustrated catalogue furnished free upon applica tion Amsrican Typb Founders' Co Portland, Oregon The physical labor preformed by William McCioley in discharging bis duties as President of tha United States since March 4 last, and the results ac complished, are given in the following carefully prepaired table, based on sta tistics obtained at the Executive Man sion by a World correspondent: Working days since March 4.... Number of holidays Number of day absent from ihe e'ty Dave spent in private office Public .-eceptious held Pablic receptions abandoned. . . . Average attendance at receptiens Highest attendance Lowest attendance Average of visitors daily to East Room -w Average of visitors daily up stairs Average daily calls from Coo -gressmen Average comher of office sees, ere seen daily Shook tiaods witb office ceekers bioce March 4 Shook hands wi:h visitors at ruolic receptions of visitors at East Room Total ascending main stairway Total visits from Congreee- men Total nnmber ot handshakes- Total number of nominations Failed of confirmations Disappointed personal cilice seekers Approximate ratio of sncceee. . 17 U2 60 10 934 428 700 712 50 675 72,225 49.200 71,400 72,624 5,105 125.920 tttH 20 71, CM 1 in 1 niE PLACE TO BUY Tour Groceries and Baked Is at Parker Bros. Everybody Goods kutws where their place is. They keep a freah siocs 01 groceries, produce and oaked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all aiike. You may regret some steps yon take in life tnt none taken into tbe store of Parker Bros. . It is a great thing to be well fed. Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf oi bread is not mncb but too want it well made. Try Parker Bros. er stops at the mouth ol tbe Yukon River, at St. Michael's Island, and there the responsibility ot the carrier stops. rom that point the man who is looking tor gold has to travel hundreds ot miles np the river, through lord, over carries and trails, and all along tbe road he will find toll gates, which have been erected by the endicate, where tolls must be paid and baggage is closely scrutinized to see that no provisions are being taken into the counry, because selling provis ions is tbe prerogative ot this syndicate. No man could travel along these trans without a guide, and the Indians who act in that capacity charg enormous prices for their services. ' But even after a man has overcome the difficulties ot the trio he will find himself beset with obsticte greater tban were encountered by miners is any ol the gold fields that have yet been dis covered. The winter season begins about September 1, and lasts "ight months, tbe average temperature lor moat of that time being 5S degrees below aero. After that long season is there are two months of spring, during which time the prospective miner may make ready for work by staking out bis claim or getting things to right,' and then eomea the working season, which is only two months. Do ring tbe eight months of positive id!enee be has been maintained by tbe svnlicat. to which be paid 1400 on entering tbe camp for ooe year's 'keep,' and the average man, with only a little money io hie pn-"k" to begin business with wheo tbe summer seaton comes, usually tries to make the sum larger by gambling. It is safe to believe that when the eight montna ol enforced id!enes are over aod the time for actoal work begins, not ooe in ten ot tboss wbo go to the gold fields with a little fund will bare enough money to bay a pick aid shovel if they should on have ooe. Their only remedy then is to walk back; or to engage as workmen tor the large corporation. In Sooth America, ia Africa, or in the various dis drictsofthe United States where gold has beo discovered, men have bad the opportunity, when they failed to fine gold, of goiog to farming or making a living in many ways. Bat in the Alas kan country there is absolutely nothing to do during two-thirds ol the year, and to return wood be an tmpoetibility io tbe winter time, because the snows wipe out and obliterate every vestige of the trails that lead aloog the Yakoo River. I look npsn every man who goee into that country aa not only fool-hardy, but one who ran the rik of exchanging h" liberty for absolute slavery. "The mines may yield tljO.OOO.OfO. like tbe Anlder Gulch, in Montaan, but that money went to tbousanls of peopl". while this would go to the syndicate, or those who bought land from them. There are mistaken nations alto as to staking out claims in that country. A man Kas a light to a claim 100 feet square, and he may eake out a piece of tha tixe on I any creek, hot be is ent tiled to no more, and if he finds o gold on any of hi claims of ttat site, and wishes to work further be will be compelled to buy from the syndicate, which bas land laid aside or that especial purpose ." Magaolia Elevators. Tbe undersigned have rented the Magnolia Elevators at tbe west end of First street. Albany Oregon, at the ap proach to tbe steel bridge, and will co 1 duct a general grain warehouse business. Persons wishing to store or sell wheat or oats will do we'l to seen before mak ing their arrangements. Ed Goinh, W. L. Vaycg. S. E. Yocng, CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. Tha he- elfutare bos ew Hecrert Urmetr A bewlntclr La know a to tha profcanlon. Permsmeat Cure In 1ft to 3& ttajs. W ret u ri money if we ilu not rare. Yon nan be treated at Homeinrtoe nine toet with those wjII contract to com in ir, and hotel Malta we tall to 701s bav taken mer. hum oavv mcacm ana in moath, ftor Throat, 4 Knot, tripcm onaa Kje&rewa fiailitiff at, Weuadarjr or Tertl7 ajaaraatM tocure. We ate eaaea and eaalltsaaTt' eaaaot ?are loin tiu the aiatii af tha aaeat ; Kot many years w have nce anwi ana who 1 mm Prel care I --mSm lama. - ? s TisaaaBBarwTasuaBBBBBaB Uil toa aaroe nsru. fer to come he r wa or pay expense ot I rauroaa bliu, and CkarecU our, if eury. koiltue ! and paina, M aeoaa fatchea PlBipla,eaper;lr. -panof thebuay.Hairor : it la thla Primary, Hlooa Pauwa Uiat wa HOllclk the nwat aaatlej tba warld for a eaae wa eaae baa always aaSled aaalaaat ahraielaaa. made a arxK'Ialty of Moaic Miss Mildred Burmester teacher of piano or organ. System ths Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street, opposite U P church. To Care Constipation Poreeer. Take f 'mcarets Camiv Cathartic. lOe or 2ftt If C. C. C. fail to cure. druKKiHta refund money I'.'.eryliody Saya ao. rft,iirl 1 f 'ati1 v CTathartic, the most won derful uu'.il iiifico .erv of tho age. p eas ant :i"l " 'f I'.nnir to the tome, m l gently anil ihmMIv 'f on kialoeye, liver mill iKurela, t'l'-anxiii ; H10 entire ayatom, di'l folds, cum lift iiiolip, 't, luibltuul 1 onatlpation 3nl l ii(i)n""f. l'kfajto buy nml try a box ot ;. (!. in-iiny; 10, sr., U)wnv. boldaad guaranteed to i-iii-.) by all druggists. Health meann a perfect condition of Ihe whole sys'em. Pure blod is essential to perfect health. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes purft hlocd snd thus gives health and happiness. That German washing flu.d, which ba Drovei "ich a finu thing' his arrive4 at Parker Brn in a larg untite Vnl tnd try a bo"le- Rdneata Vonr Itowala With Citararata. Candy Csitmrlic. cure consi I nation forever. 10c, 4J5e. ' I C C. C. fill 1. rtHiuiilKUi re'und money. To a ton.uiuiun roreeer. rakeCiiKcmeta Cnudy (Jathartla lOo orZiia. It U C. C. lull 10 rare, unicKiut refunU money. From tbe Sew York Trihaoe. Tbe questien is easily and often asked, Where is andree? But, like many o! the most eaeilv and most often atkrd ques tions in the world, it is unanswerable. Tbree men alone, so far as the world knows, can answer it, if inJeed they still be living Andree, Strindberg, and Fraenael. For the rest of mankind con jecture is all tbat circumstances afford, and it is of tbe most haphazard kind. Yoo may build up your most symmetrical scientific theories until they seem rased on truth and towering to omniscience and a single puff of contrary wind will send tberu all a tumbling ioto hopeless ruin. Now this is all wa know. The three set sail from Spitsbergen on Sun day. July II, at exactly 2.35 p. m. in a balloon theoretically capable of carry. log them for a month, with four months supply of food and a seaworthy boat The sky was cloudless and a nioinu breeze wan blowing from the south. At exactly 3 o'clock they passed beyond tbe horizon out of sight straight toward the pole. Aud then the impenetrable curtain of the unknown came duwn npon tbe scene. What happened nxt? Where are they now? Pat Brenner From the SodaviUe correspondence in the Lebanon Advance. Patrick H.enner (proverbially well known as Pat by tiia fr.ends in Albany) came up from Albauy to Solaville last Saturday to take in the town aud the soda water. Pat was born March 16, 1808, in "auld sweet" Ireland. Ue will be 00 years oid bis next birthday. His health and strength are marvelous- ly preserved for an individual of his age, His wit is long in line with the wittiest Irishmen, and be has a wonderful recol lection of the many interesting Incidents thatbave occurred under his observation through his protracted sojourn. The writer has known him for at least twen ty fiv9 years. Pat has always been kindly regarded in Albany by all wbo are acquainted with bim. Al the sick rojm bis tender hand and presence have always been rudy to administer to tbe wants and necessities of the alllicted. In time of need he bas never failed to be a friend indeed. For the last twenty years be bas scarcely failed to be at the city ol the dead when new-comers are joining the mighty army wbo have gone before, lie bas made it a special trait ot his life when tbe death knell was an nounced, and especially a stranger, to immediately go to tbe scene and offer his services to the bereaved, and was ready to perform any errand at their command. Many wbo were strangers in Albany, and wbo have beeen the vic tims of sickness, can testify to the fact tbat Pat was the first admiwistrring angel at tbe time when help and eyn patby were so acceptable, and whose kindness will ever be fostered in tbe minis ot the favored aa a living monu ment ot human love and charity. lie has not only looked after the wants Of the aick and the dying, but baa marked and ornamented tbe resting place of many who have passed over by plant- log flowers and evergreens around their graves, and in a number ol instances without remuneration. Judging tbe tqture by the paat, Pat will ere long take his Sight to that celestial clime. Yes.be wiil take up hislabitation in tbe silent city of the departed- Hi body has been often bathed in perspir ation w hile toiling under a parching sun setting out and cultivating tiny flowers over tbe inmate of iLe 'utile ear'.heo home that Cwmpoee that uia;ive city. When he step off the s.-eoe of action bis kind and familiar voice will not be a over ( stranger here. vt ill til successors remember biro as kindly as he ha those who have gone before? The earner history of hia lili ba been one ol adrentareand romance Became from Ireland to Texa wheo quite a young man. 1'exat w an inde pendent government at that time. From Texa to Louisiana, aod from there to California in 1S), where h enjoyed tb California gold fever. In 1S54 be went f the great Ca-aboo go'd excitement Ii some respect that excitement re sembles the Cloodyke of tie present in A lata. While some men made weal'h at that time tboucacd made poverty, tie spent about two year in Cars boo aud vicinity, which wa comic in the extreme. Some liaies lie was rirh, at otber time poor. He gate a great deal ol the time to pro-pecttng on Ute tribu taries of the Missouri and Colombia river, lie became almost a lami-iar with the mountains, hiusacd alley ot Yeliow-stooe paik a he 1 with tee Albany prairie, lie remember with the keeneat recollection t!e many ssir mihe with tbe Indians, tbe Luge drove of elk. deer and antei-pr, the miai iot ot jack rabbits, aod tbe targe dent ot rat lie snakea about the aacd bar at t'Je head of tbe Columbia river. All of the adjacent coublry wa inhabited only by In J. so aod 1 reach. It 11 mo.e inter estiog to bear bim relate the story ol thoee times and country than io lead the history, lie wa an eye wiioeea and bas tbe Irish wit and snap to take you back and almost trake you I eel ibal yoo were an eye wane with bim io the scenery. He came from that country to Oregon City, wheie he work ed on the lock for 'o yar. la about' 1S73 he came to Albany, wbere tie li at ' ever since resided, goon alter the com pletion of tbe building now kooan a tbe Bed Crown mill, while eoj,aeJ in running tbe elevator io the upjer story, be tell a dirlanceol thlrly-eix tret to tbe ground, tils doctor Informed bim that ooe or bo to leg most be amputated, lie told them no; that Pat would go whole bog to the grave or nooe ; but be out grew all uj'Jiie sustained thereby, except the stove-op wbirb may have made bim three or tour inches 'hotter He ba ao iroo-c-'ad constitution, and from present indications will tip the cte hundredth notch in tbe scale, aod then be a man of more activity tban many are at 60 years. Individuals whose lives have been perpetuated to aucb length are worthy ot investigation. Pat ba been engsged in tbe common pursuit of labor, and during bis residence in Albany j bas provided himsell with all of the tommon comfort of life. Ue ha always been an ouudoor laborer, aod w hile food at time may have been scarce, the sop ply of fresh air has nerer been wanting We olervs io almost every instance of longevity a similar routine of circum stances associated with the irdividoal'a life, and they are never subjects of a strictly systematic hygienic discipline, but appear to be led broadcast by the Instinct of nature. While to take this law at large and apply it in all cases would certainly be dangerous, but there is 00 doubt that there might be some of the richest gleanings extracted from the common law of hygiene and applied to the scientific tbat would outstrip any thing that has been obtained from the scientific ; misfits; Uyea is liable to become a great win ter resort. How to get into the Klondyke country is the question now. In a few months it will be now to get out. rhe most popular place in the world for the dog is between Dyea and Dawson City, lie is master of the situation. There is a decided difference of opin ion as to how high wheat will go, Borne say to 80 cents. It is to be hoped so. This is tl-e time of the year when tbe completion of the Astoria and Goble road was to occur. It wilt be many months yet. The report that the Elder was quar antined at Olympia proves to have some foundation to it, fur tbe passengers all had the gold fever bad. The Riddle Mite is no more. Itmiglrt have been but for a lack of financial sup port. It takes money aa well as ckeek to run a newspaper. Marion oounty is right no on every thing. It cost (93 in a month for stock inspecting, more than the co:t lor an en tire year in Linn county. J. 1). Thocard, weighing oOO pounds. ia on bis way to the Klondyke. His card is headed : "The biggest thing that ever started on the trail to Klondyke." Now it is declared that every claim within 150 miles ot Dawson City has been taken, and that ofter all only f2.000.000 all together baa been sent to the mints, $16 gold at that. The goddess of plenty for a Walla Walla festival is to be chosen at 5 cent a vote. Of all farce chosing goddesses at so much a vote ia a Utile the worst, and it is a mighty poor way to make money. The great law of demand is in I . e at Cbilcoot. The Indians now ehuAO 27 cena a pound for tranapottitv outfits over the pass. That if $-'.40 a i0o. An other Ti cents is charged lurii.er on. TELEGRAPHIC. A laa-treveaseat Nbw York, Aug. ti.R G Dun A' Co.'s weekly review of trade will say to morrow: Four years ago August 6, 1893, a num ber of Dun's review was Usued reporting failures in that month amounting t over $60,000,000, while in the month juit closed failure have been only $7,117,727, tbe smallest in any month since 1892. Last month was the first for fVinr vnars j in which the volume of business rpported ; by clearing-house was larger, tban in tbe same month of 1892, and tbe telegranbic 11 icpHicn.es irom an parts ot tbe country for the week show a gratifying improve ment. stlgbl la Washtagtoa Skattlk, Aug. 6. O B Henton ar rived in this city to night with over tlOOO worth of gold nuggets, the result of 10 days' work on a William creek plarer claim in the Swauk district, Kittitas county. Ooe nugget was worth 1200, an other I20; others $50 and $00 and down to very small pieces. He ha been work ing the claim since January, and since that time be ha taken out 15000. A Snrprlae YAQUINA BAY. a as Its new Attractions, etc, etc. Obkoox City, Aug. 6. Robert A Mil ler today completed hu four years service as register and the local United State land omce, thoogh hu commission was da ted ia June. Today .ame a telegram from Secretary Bliss, instructing hi in to turn bis office ovar to A 8 DresW, upon pre sentation of tbe prof er credentials. ftllppiac ( af II Lo.ndon, Ang. 6. The British govern ment has informed the American himeta lie commission that it will probatly reply to tbe proposal of tbe commission on be- uali ol tbe lotted b tales in October. While tne postponement of England's decision delays the work, tbe American envoys do not consider it discouraging. The PeverCoaUaaes Seattle. Wash.. Aoir. 6. Tne tteam- hips Willamette and Queen are scheduled Greatly reduced rates are now in ef fect from Albany, Corvallis and a'l Hoatti ern Pacific points to Yaqnina Bay and aewport. It may be added that, in addition to its many natural advantages as a sum mer seaaide resort, the Seaside Educa tional Association will open on August 2nd at Newport, in tbe new auditorium built especially for this purpose, and continue in session for 6 weeks, thus affording to students, teachers and oth ers a rare opportunity for combining study with pleasure. For full informa tion as to special courses, etc, apply to Mr 8 (i Irwin, President of the associa tion, Newport, Or. A lare and commodious tug "Reso lute" is agaii in service on Yaquina Bay, and will take fishing or other par ties to sea and return , The fare for the round trip is only 50 cent. The Second Regiment Band and orches tra has been engaged for tbe eeaeon, which will give daily concerts on tbe beach and furnish music for tte evening bops. Every -visible convenience has been arranged for the comfort of g nests, and the rates at the bote are very reasona ble. For farther imformation apply to any agent ot tbe Southern Pacific Co, or Or egon Central &- Eastern R R Co, or ad- fill, f tTT I I - TO THE E A oivx Tax choicx ot TfO TKANSCONTUSESTM. ROUTES GREAT UfflCK HORTKERfJ PACIFIC VTA A SALT LAKE SPOKANE DENVER feUKfiAP3US JD OMAHA aD drees. Ebwis BTosr, ilanager O C & E R R Co, Corvallis Or. To The Public ST M.UL KAMSASCin AKD CH CACO f OWRATR TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS EAVE PORTLAJiD EVERY DA We have ever been on tbe look oat for tbe beet tbe market afford, and with that object in view have secured tbe sole control of the Kamona Pure Food Com pany's Products lor this locality. These zoode are packed in strict con-1 ; fortuity with the nesiv inaugurated Pore Food Regulation of san Francisco. ! Their Puritv is abeolute, and Quality j and Flavor the highest. To those who': have lieen using the goods usatll band-i ed to ton over the srrocer a counter tte ! ! great strength of the "ROMON A" goods win be a reveiauon j We have always found the Bet to be : the Cheaoesr in the Ion run. and take pieaso.-e in plarirg before yon a li ne that ! combines highest quality with economy. "ROMON A" Teas. Coffees. Spices, to sail tomorrow for Dyea and Skagnay, carrying between them nearly 1200 paeo ger, of whom SCO will be on the ' ulaiu ett. While tbe latter is advertised to ail tomorrow, there ia little likelihood of her getting away btfor; hondiy. Meaaa t'aaapetltlaa Sas Faascisco, Aug. 6. Articles of io-cr-porationof tbe Spreckel sSogar Comp- have been bled. Tbe capitol 1 i5.un0,l00. Of this amount tbe organizers f 1 be comnanv. J 1) Streckela. A B Snrecke!, a F Morrison, M H Weed aod ' Extract. Baking Poader and r-oda are W D K Gibson, have each subrcribed ! guaranteed to please or money refunded, flOOU. ' and win ii.ake us a boet ol new mends. SAN FRANCISCO tar tall informatino Jal: CoiAA At MoMttTH, A'bsny.Ot ttiDtaw: W E HCBI.-ifl ALMobxer. . i-t. .iSIIT Vat piesiitfer.t and general ruarager. P-wi'iand Ol . The actuary of tbe tre. sury tare the present population of tbe Cutted States is . ..OOO.UX) and that toe per capita of holdings ot money is $22 53. In this money holding business there are several men who each represent atxrut 1 0o0,0u0 pple tio have nothing. "I'm not going to Cloodyke," said an old Orrgoman. I've been through two gold scares aod I don t want any mure 10 mine. I wouldn't go it tbe paper said nugget a large a a tub were laying around on the top of the gioud." Jour nal. A Portland man wa about U fail and wa getting read; to go to te financial wall, when the Kkndke lever came. He had just tbe thing m anted and (Old completely out at a big pr ril, and is now on a solid tooting. A Portland man give tbe PrxocaaT Uii as a fact. Three Lot- Anjeles men trub staked a friend with the provision that they shoU'd keep bi wife and chi'.Jren while he wa gone. Thev let the wile shut lor I A Fatal Frolle i Cisnssam, Ang. 5. Three men and j ooe woman Icrt their lives early this mora-1 ing in a fire which consumed a frame,! dwelling on Elm ttrvet, opposite Charles . street. Their names are: Ezra Rouse. Ar- i tbur Gutb, Roy Carr aod Nellie Bennett 1 It sems that it waa a wedding frolic. 1 in wkich (Snrh nn. nf tha AsaA n..n ,i ! the bridegroom, and tbe daugbter ol land ord Aider was the bride.' Truly ton re. t . fc. AU.ES & CO. Albany, Or. The State Normal School at Drain, has taken a great forward step in pro vid-nga training school of 150 children of eight grades for tbe express benefit of it graduates. The school bas adopted the plan of tbe beet eastern normals. -viz: devoting more time in making its students masters of tbe common brzn- autkera wiaaiac i chet, and les on college branches. The PrrrsBi Bo. Aug 5. -Oat of 2000 strik- new catalogue and guide book, owing to en who camped ai Turtle creek last Sat-I,he greatly improved manner in which orda, barely 300 now remain at Canip i 11 14 ruien, has received tte applause iKterininaMi. Inarf.liimf.tr. th ! of both people and pree. lt is sent free i5D S00 PACIFIC LIKE. . TaiflPclstzlait So id vestibule trains, cooHtic of pal ace sleeping car. Icxa too dxaing cars. citxrunt dux ishr- maiiniScent tourist i cars icd tree cosooist iwpexs from the Pa. cic to li AUasUe without change cost DtaECT Asr cHEAfiesT aot-ra t Kootenai V, to ail parties interested in practical nor mal school work. The Uriversitv of Oregon large number turned out of camp and stmt off from be free-lunch distribution yesterday, Imany were drafted to Plum creeck. where the gteat struggle for ssrremacy between tbe strikers aod the New Yora k Cleve aod Gas Coal Company will be earned on. At Turtle aaJ Satv.y creek lite nk- At Eigo.' opens Sept. 23. GraJaates ert bare praotica ly woo. from aocredi'jed scboo's who have com pteted vsi'l Be Fa-re 3rk amoonusg to 30 credits ate admitted New Yoaa. Aug. 5. A special to the I thoot examination. IaddetVai fee I0 a Wortd from Loodm aais: I J1' ,astlo Compete coarse lead- n permi' . : ing to Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of hereelf and it with the geeateat dsf-ternm'ot bas snbmttted any proposition to Sir 1 h-Mnas SaBderaxM. who i nn. at.rr n.t K .a. .i I Scn?occ, Btcbior of Letters and exceUeat vn Ird Naliahnrr in t.H tr-- r.S iJ i courses ia civil and cectrieal esgineering. bt tho World arreM,t - I Ah good Uistractwo in moiic. Board for -1 do not believe tnat tbe BritUh gov- J00"? ln V dormitory at 2.50 per Many an overiealous prospector who has started for the North expecting to come out next spring a millionaire, will meet with dissapointment when he reaches the British line beyond Dyea. The line la guarded by mounted police who turn all back wbo are not provided with supplies to last them a year. This action on the part ot Ihe Canadian gov ernment appears a little severe, but it Is a timely safe-guard ayalnst loss of life and suffering that would result if all who desired were permitted to go on to Yukon illy supplied with provisions. ticuity that ivid. He recently re turned wilb 1. 00 ,00 abich he txpected to divide, but ot C"or refuet to do o w ben be learned the state of affair. "Iid that car come from Noah's ark." asked a couple ol mldd.e-ageu ladir wbo bad just alighted IfOin a C E: excursion train al the S. P. pajeenger de-tot one day recently. The tnotormao to whom tbe oueuo-i was aJ Jic-d, did not pro pose to have tbe laugh on him and po.ue ly replied: 'I thrve the street car came from Noah' art shortly after you left it" Salem Journal. Considerable of a eensation was creat ed in OretToa City by the arrest of E. E. Martio, deputy county clerk, cn the charge of eniherxn liOOof the funds ol the Fidehtv Saving A Loan association, ot Denver. Colo. Martin is a young man of good attainment, who has been prominent in thurch work, in tbe Yong Meo Christian Association and in fra ternal S-K-selii. The Salem Journal i Irving to find j out where tbe monev lovked up in the (late treasury is. Tbe foilowtog indi cate that it baa ben onicceeful : Of course that dear jolly old boy in the state treasury wbo used to run a eaueage shop at Canyon City d -o't want to with hold the e on-annual rep rt of the con dition of the state treasury from the peo ple for a minute; bat Major Modgain, wbo knows more about tbat department of Ihe state government than Metscban does, won't let bun show the public where tbe public money is. Hodgkln, wbo is a jewel banded doru from Rocky Earbattdtnaety a sort of he'rloom of Oregon rolitic. doo'l it lieve in letting the public know anrthing about such a paltry matter as tr-e whereabout of a million or to of the people's monev. There is nothing small alout Hodgkin but bis leet, whuee instep Finely Perrine says, makes a hole in the ground. Of course this i ail said io Ihe kindliest spirit that preva lea the X Ray depart ment, and we trust neither jolly Phil nor his Sancho Pauxa wiil piy any at tention to wiiat is said. tru IttiiWVlB rilnuj.llift InrAt. I h.r. beard ttat a ei'et.eg wiil be held between ' Preid"ot M FiaSej-'s rommusiosers aod Lord tausbory. The sskea Warkrl Wau.i WtUJ, Wash. Aug 5 Tie wheat market was much quieter !odiy,aad the wain were email, realty tt'n mora, ing 75 reo's a bathe, was f eely o5ered by veler. but aboat svooo tbe price dropped to 73 recta lor bloes'em. About 25. OX) txnis-'f cbaaged hands. Oce lot of ?u00 boabel broeght 72 cents this morning. week with lodging, beat and light. la:al-gae turi-ol t."ve on appUcauoB J. J. W ALTOS, Secretary Board of RegeBtx, Eogie, Oregoa High Grade L tendry Work The Albany Steam Laundry, M. D. Pbulipe proprietor, doee work Ciat rpeaks for ikelr. it is high grade what ever the article. Now a specialty is ting mJe of ladiee 1 1.im w . . . . w . ..V. ... I J A Tv. - . . . . . .. , . , . ; ... .-cc, j i-ij s.iv isuiiunm ivs I -, ; , l " l Jr ur'-cm i only 10 cent. Iviicase colors retained and . 1 for dab. j coodg bandied witli great care. sVwta i You can depead on work done by this ou 'iini5,wi., aug a. li.iam i aanary. Leary, under steoce of deavlb for the; - murder of a swims at Monterey, ia lS-t'J. j and oce f tbe oldest inmate of tie state SKI LL- prisoo. died lb: morning He was re-j prjeved from time Io time on aconoot ot bis eeiSe coodittoo !--. j A I ER Nr.w Yoaa. Aug. 5 Kre-leruk Foster ha been appointed permaoeBt receiver for UuibTt Brot. t Ct , die$ in li;j cle, spurtit . j vnie ec . ia i ftxeedicg for a voiuntray di..i;'i-Tfi of tise corwv tioo. Tbe liahtlirtM art ei33 5f.X; c i- toai useia, t -nt.'.s.v; actsn wii. ?isj-. 000. j Dallas, Or.. Aug. 4. -John Bar r, while J U hat Or A E Salter Says, working to the narveat field with tbe Myers i BcrrLO, N Y. Giro' : Fr my crew was overcoro by the beat this aiter- j personal know-edge, gaed in observing boob, aad died at 5 o clock. He i abrotn- the effect of vour'SaiKiT Cure ia cases er of Charles Barr, of this city, aad was of adrtoced Crrtipa-.ioo, I am prepared about J year of age, and a fng'e man. j t. ,y ,t j the most remarkaye Eemedj ragaAraaa tat ha ever been brouiht to my a:tea- PrTTanr-nx kna A .Th- n,;M.r.lwn- I has certaisSy .! -"any from Min.iis District ) LOCA. CTTT. -xx?oy, t aatao. ) eosojid ajr All poicU in the Okaaasran Cooatry. Ge a pamphlet giving a full tie-sen ptioc of this wosderf cl coontrj. AUt the agent for a copy of tte mining law it Bnti-r Columbia. Losrea rsites to and froaa ETJEOPE Atlantic steamhip iaes. Canadian Pac. Ry. (Ja's Koyal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan CASAOLaS Atrrrratto: rrxa;ut ixv is what we ose toe)ean clothe at oar laundry No dearoy snj ar' ls or chemicals. Give es a trial. C. Strso!t A Sos, Near the wagon bridge. Consumption. So'd by Fo.- & Ma Regardless cf Cost. Stnke situatioa has not cbn--rd ntateriti- i Itfrnm , lor 4 . . m w. IV.m-lfciH, ; about the Turtle Crt-ek cjmp as qaiet, j tbe only ripp'e of exciteaient bein tbe i hearing of Preaideot lklen and otrer of- : aciaia ol the miners for boioiog an umasr i . fal assemblage. Tbe strikers claim 20 j Ja'iat Gradwohl in'ends to go out of the near accessions to tbeir ranks from tbe Jcrock-ry and piasesrare baoei, iro nif m Plum Creek mines todav. A careful eti-1 to some other tine of boins. and fcenoe mate of the men now at' work in that mine i M'l bi gvxida of this kind regardless allow 215 out of the usual total of S5. of cost. Woea jou cad and get his prices aou will t convinced that be rasan btsi- ness, aud will beiiefe whet be says From the Pendleton E. O. There are an army of newspapers in the EaU that are busy day and night bunting tor the first signs of prosperity. There are such signs In this county and Eastern Oregon, but they are signs that are entirely due to a big wheat crop and a big price to be obtained in foreign markets for it. Tte advance agent of prosperity has doo nothing to cause this prosperity to be attributed to him. treating tills disease wlta our C'YPRIXKNK and wa IKl OUT BI boAk a rasA. Address COOK KKSCDV O.. have 500.000 capital bshlnd our Btu-oBditlonal aa absslal KuaranUjc. Writs us for 1 OO.Ms7e aool msafs. Address frM.U KKMSC " aOT Maaonle Temple, Chlemro, Illinois. Yes, it pays To buy your troeeries and produce of Coun & Huston They keep the best and fiesh st ar- are all right on pric-s They will help y.tu to proper in dull time See tbeir fine li& of crockery Bicrcln in good condition, for sa'e vpry ! Eefore going ch ap. Call at once on Wm Ricba d get sn accident i Detroit. to hp fiaj or elsewhere icket in the standard of M Skndkiw Agent. ' "Complete Manhood in How to Attain It." A otiilerful Kew Medical Book, wrtttea (or Ua Only. Ons eopy may bs bad free, sealed, fa plain envoi, ops, oa application. ERIE MEDICAL CO., e Niagara St, BUFFALO, N. Y. , A good price lor wheat ought to pet a good deal of money in circulation this tall. There is a reliable market for it. Tho O.egon delegation back eat can not agree on Ihe big Oregnn offices ami hence no appointment are being made. It is stated that the Oregon, Railroad A Navigation Company will handle this year 73 per cent of the wheat of Eastern Washington and quite nearly all of that of Eastern Otegon Tins waa done lasf year and other railroads are just begin nlng to wake up to the fact. The Oregon railroad is a live concern, managed and operated by live men. E. O. Waal Be rede 4 San Kra.vckoo. Aug. 4--For itne days pat the batt!e-hip Oregon has been 1 in the esrvwc waiting orders to sail. "Jbef Monadock is ready to put to sua on .juitk ! notice. At Mare island, tbe Cnarlestoa f J. Gradvrolil From the Pittsburg Dispatch . The new civil service rules promulga ted by President McKinley are an inno vation because tbe extension of the class ified list is made at the beginning instead of the end of his term, and because iln new rules in regard to removals are in the line of general reform. The first or . . . i . t t , . i uwi vi sue oruer nas oeen w I'irow the hungry office-seekers into a state of pan ic. They have been hoping the PreM-j dent would retcind theorder of ex-f resi dent Cleveland, or, at least modily it enough to let some portion of the hun gry crowd In. Tbeir hopes are cruely j destroyed by an order that not only confirms the Cleveland extension to the internal revenue service, but closes the small customs offices against polite From 'ha Milwaukee Sentinel. Comparatively few people can go to Alaska. Every body who can raise a dollar may become a stockholder in a mining company. Lotteries are forbid den by law, but Iheie is insufficient statute enactment to protect foolish peo ple from buying handsomely engraved certificates of stock in mines yet to be discovered. Some genius, either from nsplration or by mathematical calcula tion from vital statistics, reached the conclusion that "a sucker is born every minute" Yet if the epidemic ot gold fever increases but a few weeks longer there will be bait hung out for every fisU in the human family, by gentlemen who offer bargains in sold twines. is being fitted out in readttmss for diata service. Her decks were torn up aad guns removed, but now a larg tot ce of mechanics are rushing the repairs cn her under instructions from tBe naval depart ment to rrepsre her for sea with all possi ble sfeed. A SUat heek Nw tosk. Aug 4 Chamberlain & Cook ha receited from Kuho, Loeb A Co. a check for $10,615,251,61. in payment for tbe recent 10, 34.40( 62 bond ' issue with premium. Deputy ChamberUin Campbell said it wa the biggwt che.k that bad ever passed through the oSice. lt was drawn on the Rank of America. Starr Far enreavw Lacks Warlike ' 1.omh)X. Aug. 4. A dispatch from CotistHnuncrle ray the grea'est activity is displayed at the V itdix Kiosk. Minis ters are summoned to the presence of he sultan at all hours cf the day and night, Ihe military commission ia busy dis cussing special measure and ordering further supplies of war m.iterial, which, it is believed, are destined for Crete. A Maeh Seeded aat i San Frascisco, Aug, 4 Tbe river steamer Thomas Dwyer is to be sent to Al aska to p'y between St. Michaels and Iawon City, bhe ha been purchased by the Yukon Exploration Company, of which Burnette O Haskell, the attorney, is tbe bead . Tne vessel has been engaged in the river trade on tbe Sacramento for some years, and is wel fitted for the purpose for which she i intended. She draw but IS inche of water when loaded, and can carry a large quuuii y of freight. Informs tbe genera! public tliat he sell b low as anybody ie the city tor casti. Come and get prices before you bey April ft, 17. J. l.EADwosu H05jirLr, rui axd arnaaLia. Tbe ehortetiioe to the Cc loeir. Tbesr steamers carry aa experienced medical man, aad a stewardess oa every voyage For time tables parer-hkr. or aay in-orn)itic-n. call oa or addra. S N STEELE A CO. Agn,Albaay Or. J COYLE, Ag't, 146 Third St, Port and. r- I GEO. McL. BROWN, D P. A. Yaacvvaver. B. C Oregox Central & easter?. r. r. co. -YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Concerting at Yaquina Bay with tbw San Francisco & Yaqaina Bay STEAMSHIP COMPANY. siEEistiji 'FaMi' Sails from Yaquina every 9 days for San Francisco. Coos Bay, Port Orford Trinidad and Humboldt Bay, FA6xsaa A ceo atqn ino r Csstraraaaxr Shortest route betwea the WUlans etie Valley and California. Fare trom Albaay and points weet tc Ban Francisco Cabm .. lOOt S-ntxaaea 8.0C Round trip good for 60 days I7.0C To Cooe Eay Cabin S-0C Steerage -. 6 OC To Humboldt Bar and Port Orford. - Oabia tI0.Cf Steerage i OQ River Division. Steamer "Albany" between Portland and Corral lis,throcgh without lay-over. Leaves Albany 8:00 a. m. Tneedavs, 1 hursday sand Saturdays : leaves Port land, Yamhill street docs, 6K!C a. m nndavs edcesdars and Fridays Enwtx Stonk, J C Ma Manager Sapt River Catarrh Cured. A clear head snd sweet brea.h secured itu Shilrth' C torrah Keniedy; soKl by Fohy jf Masoa Knecbt t Meiser have tbe leet assort meot of fireaorks in Alttaoy at prices that defy tmpetitton. Also see them for U.ijs and bunting1. Fine qualittew up-to date shirt waists ung at leuiar price at Read, Peacock going & Co'. The Aumsvilli Fl3ur No Cripe When you take flood's rills. The big, old fash, toned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you alt to pieces, are not In lt with Hood's. Easy to Uik Tub At'Msvit.iB Milling Co. have on sale at all the leading grocer and baker the celebrated fancy patent Aumsville flour, made of tbe beet white wheat to be obtained and every sack guaranteed or I money refunded. 3000 acks sold in Al- j bany and not one returned. All cotn stimera 'of the Aumsville Hour are satif- j tied and will take no other brand that is said to be as good. Ak your grocer for the Aumsville, flour the Uet iu the market. Every sacs g-nar-anteod, and if you are ot satisfied your money will be cheerfully refunded. Shiloh'sConsuTip ten Care cores where other fail . It is the leading Cough Cure sad na home saau'd be without it Pieas snt t- take and tre right to tle spot . Sold by Foshay A: Msot. To muke the hair grow a natural color, preveut baldne. and keep the scalp healthy. Hah's Hv.r Renewes was iavtnt ed, and has pioved itself successful. S!o that Cough! Take warning. It ma lead to Con-imptioa. A 25a bottle ot S iiloh tCare tnty tav .your life. Sold oy Poohay & Masou. and easy to operate, ts true of Hood' Pills, which are np to date In every respect. leal applicants, without waiting for thai 8a'9 certain and sure, AH removal of Democratic Incumbent. I ttruggista. soe. G I. Hood a Co., Lowell, MaM. The only rtlls to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla- riTs Pills Icj ('ream on the Coast at F.H. rfruiTers. For Convipstion take Kal's Cover Roo Tea, the great Blood Purifier. Cares Headache, Nervousness. Eruptions on he ace. and makes the head clear as a bell old by Foshsv Mann. Mrs. Vioreck his connected parlors with her summer garden, where she tan s-tve the public in ail kinds of wea'her with her delicious ioe cream. FOSHAY & MASON "Wholesale A Retail DEEC GISTS 1ED EGGISSlim A LEAST. CRKGCX. Pare Progs and the finest and Largra. Stock ot Stationary and Books ia tbe Market, FORSAKE. . eery store snc dry eoods. Wwhing to depart for the Noth we want to sell our kftVPTV iMriArtmanl iwtf snr fnfaf stock." G jckI term's. Cheap rent. Best locata. S. E Pkcssb, Tea Sror Hatracta !atojrcx;e.: if you recoi'- Let everybody come to tnr a'ar Bakery and get v '"wi-e ol fresh bread for fl.or cssh CMavea. $1 5t ehirt waids Read, Peacock & Co'. rvduced to "c a F E ALLEN & CO- Sell Them CALF LOS f, Year aud a half oid "jeilow Jeraey, about June 28, six mUe from Albany. Plea inform F . M. Sharp oa farm near Tangent. Reasonable reaard will be paid. Filoeis, Youe Rowels With Caaearvta. I'nr.-i- fSithsrtie, eure eonMipation forever, tor USc. 1( CO.C. tail, Urut:Ki.sLsrt (uudmuut;y. IIEOEFIsn .THB PLUMBKK. Tin roo&ag and plutubieg. be opera housa Opposil.