The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 23, 1897, Image 2

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    Gold, whit will not
get it.
meu undergo to
What will Oregon do without John F
Caples in the coming campaigns.
Get out of debt and stay out of debt,
and don't leave the news paper until the
last ore.
. In Waeco county tba warrants are paid
oily to 1S93. A mighty poor way to run
a county.
Crop prospects were never better in
Linn county, and the tendency of cereal
prices is upwards.
Nw York and Brooklyn owe $57,000,
OJ. Debt is as poor a policy for cities as
for individual".
50,000 men, it is estimated, will rush
icto the Clondyke mines. There will be
some bursted bubbles.
Seattle is wild over the Clondyke
mines, and men are giving up lucrative
positions to go. 99 out of 100 will return
diepusted and sorrowful.
Heres grit for you. A. man in Lewis
ton, Me., had an arm sawed off. In ten
days he was in the mill running the
same saw.
The bicycle thief stands no chance, as
most judges ride the machines. A
Brooklyn thief has just gone to the pen
for nine years for stealing two bicycles.
10,000 to 15,000 people who have pass
ed through this Willamette valley le
cmtly, will go east to sing the praises oi
Oregon and particularly this part of it.
Better keep cool about those Clondyke
mines. Remember that distance lends
enchantment to the eye?. Where one
man makes it hundreds do not, and a;
for solid mountains of gold they do not
exist, and what is there has to be thawed
"As we go to preea," remarks the
Caldwell (Kan ) Advance, "we hear tla
the price for harvest hands is $2 a day
so, if you don't get your paper next wee
you will know we have gone to the bar
vest field to get tnocey with which to
buy onr better half a calico dress and a
sack of flour."
The Oregonian, or rathsr a reporter Of
the Oregonian, is going to have Bon. Jd
A Miller of Lebanon r:n for vice presi
dent with Mr-ryanon (be grounds that
he dees cot want an eastern man. Tbe
reporter is very facetious and no doubt
thinks he has gotten off a good joke. 1'
soenda very much like one of FranK Mid
dVtou's jokes.
From the Po?t:
The Mouse took a recess yesterday
until to-day. Mr. Diogiey used a new
formula in moving the recess.
' I move that the House suspend busi
ness until to-morrow at noon,'1 be said
Instantly Jerry Simpson arose. "A
parliamentary inquiry,'" said he. "How
can the House suspend business if it ia
not doing business?"
The Speaker smiied blandly, did not
answer, and presently the Hon?e ad
j turned.
From the Atlanta Constitution.
The co-called "national Democrats'
have deserted the Democratic Party, re
pudiated its candidates, and denounced
its platform. Consequently their nseof
tbe tit'.e and designation of "Democrat'1
13 a fraud upon its face. Tbe most ener
getic and enthusiastic of the boltere
have already made a public confession
of this by supporting McKinley on a
high tariff platform at the last election,
and all who elect to remain out cf the
Democratic Party will before long find
themselves compelled to stand with the
Republicans on all tbe issues which
divide tbe two parties.
a. Portland salesman recently in Rots
land, B. C in the interest of bis house,
returns a victim of the following story
He went into tbe leading hotel there and
icgia ereJ, desimg dinner, a night's
lodging and breakfast. Next morning
the bill was presented $7.50. "Is this
right?'' he asked, m surprise. The
landlord replied that it was the regular
charge, and the traveling min fithed
out a $10 bill and received the change.
Before the man left, a stranger came
along. "I see you are troubled with
Tit?," he remarked, after a time. "I
have picked up a first class tecipe;
now whit would it be worth to you?
It'il drive out every rat in tie hotel."
"Well," said the landlord, "I'd give
$10 to get rid of the varmints."
The stranger wrote out the recipe
received the $10 bill and disap
peared with the grip before tiie hotel
man recovered from read;ng the follow
ing : "Select tbe largest rat hole ;
sprinkle bread and cheese on tbe floor
near it and charge every rat who eita
17-50." Our salesman was avenged
Washington Pcsterg.
The gold Democrats ate
vigorously coached ty the
being very
A Texas murderer ia t i have a brass
band at his execution. He should no
the whole length ai)d have fireworks in
the evening.
JioiCorliett ihon'd be careful iha'
Some wily pitcher doesn't land an in
shot rijjhl over his so'ar plexus.
The Chicago Chronicle is another gold
Demrcrat ic paper that is growing tired
of carrying tra'er for the tariff elephant.
It do3 oeem itiange that the doctors
and lawyers are able to make their livirK
when there ii so much free edvu-e to bs
If Japan re!ly wants an argumet ;
over the Hawaiian o.atter all she l.ea to
do is to push a small etack into the
The local election at Annapolis show
that tte Maryland towns are rehearsing
for that Democratic majority they ex
pect to put up in November.
"In order to have prosperity," declarse
the Republican editor, ''we most have j
confidence." And then he works in the !
"c fi.lence" bv trying to prove that the
foreigner pays the tax. i
ia what we use lo clean clothes
at our laundry No destroy
ing aclde or chemicals.
Give us a trial.
t C. Simpson & hos,
Near the wagon bridge.
Cboise fftrdlnes
C E BnowNKLi'a,
Utah's Celebration
Salt Lakb City, July 15, 1897.
On Tuesday next bigiasin this' city
'he rei'tat celebration the west has
-ve r ki;vii. The Jubilee program cov
err ti.. days During it at time the cty
will i- given over to merriment and jub
ilation. The celebration in commemo
ration of the fiftieth anniversary of the
arrival of the pioneers of 1847 in tbe val
ley of the Great Salt Lake. Over $50,-
000 has been expended in preparing the
Jubilee. A synopsis of the program
givts but a faint idea of its magnitude,
There will be five maanifioent street pa
rades. Th Pageant of Progress will il
laetrate Utah i'roni 1S47 to 1897. The
Children's Day parade will contain 10,
000 children and will have miniature
floats of wonderful beauty. The illumi
nated night parade '"Great Salt Lake-
Real and Fanciful'' will be a moving
dream in crystallized salt It will be tbe
most unique parade ever attempted in
Among othor features of the Jubilee
will be:
The unveiling of Dallia'e statue in
honor of Brigham Yonng and the pio
neeis. A public reception to the surviving
pioneers o' 1S47 in the groat tabernacle.
An rxciting naval bombardment on
tbe Great Salt Lake.
Tbe destruction of tbe historic steamer
"Uarnela by a batter? ot Utah's ar
Sightly concerts in the great Mormon
tabernacle by Utah's celebrated choir of
1000 voices.
Band, ch al an 1 solo contests for
f 1000 in priiec
The Hall of Relics (the modern Far-
thenon), containing carious and historic
articles used fif 'y years ago or more by
the Mormon people.
Revivat of pioneer plays by pioneer
a 'tor nightly in the historic salt J-ae
Base ball matehe.,rooVa!l games, field !
a ort ar J champion b:ccle races daiiy
Hovel attrac'ions at Sa'rair and Gar
field, the famous bathing resorts on the
shores of tbe Great Salt Lake.
Uintah and Bannock Indians in thril
ling arar and ghost dances.
B!'v!i asc?ofion anl parachute
jam pa daily.
0:'t:nU'.us tree open air concerts
Free iijht'7 vitascope exhibitions of
pha-s in tbe lives of pioneer.
A faithful repwvlnction of the original
pioneer traia of 1847.
Free pvrotechnic display prepared by
special importen artists, and pirtnnng
in T:al fire 'ffcts evenU and leaders in
Mormon history.
Sid Hasean B"n Ali, and bis celebrated
troip of Arab.
The? and many other features will be
presented. It is estimated that over
10 0OC people will attend, and that the
celebration will fittingly illustrate the
io - . f ti e Dttpla of the net at the in. I
p ions c'ose ot the first bl.y
ions close of the first fi.'iy kw of
Call's wonderful history.
What Judge Burnett Thought.
Ed Times : Saving listened to Bryan
a' Lebanon, Albany, Saiem, Gladstone
Parle and Pprtland on tbe twelfth lost.,
I will give yon the impressions made
upon mv mind from bearing and seeing
ihi-t lender of the populacs and "idol of
his party."
Comparing him other great pop
olar orators, io appearance upon the
rostrum he moat resemhlea Ceecher; the
same large mouth, massive bead, noble
presence and commanding attitude
He appears to be some taller than the
famooe preacher, and gives bia weight
at 210 pounds. His leading character
istics as an orator are summed op in the
following terse langoaee of Mr. Webs'er
Jin describing the eloquence of John
Adams, to wit: "Clearness, force and
etrneetnesa are the qualities which pro
duce eonvictton.'
Among all our popular orators he U
the most American, and in that partic
ular resembles Henry Clay. The fol
lowing description of Mr. Clay's elo
quence will very well apply to Mr. Bryan :
"Mr Clay's eloquence is pre-eminently
that of exalted statesmanship, exer
cising which, in diffusing light and
liberty throughout tbe world, be rejoices
as doea tbe brave 'in hia keen flashing
sword, and hia strong arm's swift swoop.'
Strongly imbued with tbe sentiments of
country among all oar public men, many
tbink him 'the most American. Tbia ia
undoubtedly hia bigheat merit. Abound
ing litt'e in learned quotation, ciawical
erudition or literary decoration, be is
studded all over with the richest veetuee
of patriotic genius, 'racy of the aoil.'
He is eminently tbe orator of humanity ;
less logical and less e'evated than ooe or
two of his compeers, but more insinuat
ing, more potent over our hearts as one
listens, the warm and invincible master
of sympathies. Hs baa measured weap
ons with tbe mightiest and proved him
self equal to any arm "
I have had the privilege and pleasure
of listening to OI. Baker, Henry Wrd
becber and onr own DA.tia Saith,
the p. er of the best and brightest, and
a'! mntrs of tbe high art of oratory, and
I tever wilues&ed a greater effect pro-
"..- d by either than that produced by
hti jrj of Mr. Bryan at Multnomah
'ii.d ;u the evening of the 12th inst.
C,TaIi' Ju)y 14, 1897.
'' it !; Cream
on the Coast
F. H. PfeirTars
-(ui:tors in the Ulooo, boiis, pim
r't . s"&t'J,i, are p! y eradica
.. T MorA't Saras pjrilla, the One True
hi ,..i TunCer, uerAe touic and health
ti t jo a Pills are eay to take, easy to
!.c it-. u;e .niligestion. tiliousnm
onlw Kued ths Vie'. Are you
it t...r .-.uf.H the cboice of jour drug
ti: at c:: ar or" your dix.tor. Your pre
f j. at cor store will bo filled accord
i"lm t" "t HTcfora trd ts.
'.'JBTwrA.v.T 4 Lb, Druggis'a.
. f.1 -viid b'acxberrKs inrmeaid
' )ivt j r, cheap at
. . ! K bKOWNtM.'s.
Y f. if pa
! ot w ir grooenea and produce of
A, i.iHiri lhev kiep the best and
-''Mi. are all right on pny. Tbey
i y.-'v you to prosper in aun times
- t "ir fin iino-of crockery.
' Fiye cant buyersr-At our ton re
ri j '.j ir e -cii,sidrtfH.n as $5 buyers.
n :. x -s-. ia soi u not gaug-nd by tbe
' . ; rifjy yon spend. Our prices
"'".;; Rc :ordanco with the iimfs.
, l'tnKriiiT & Lbr, Dror3iaa.
r.' f SOX1S.Fcr any kind c f frnU
'. .v'xef 'isivi your orders with the dunr
. i tu Mill & fixture Co.
The Dalles barbers have agreed to do
Sunday shaving.
Portland ia
figuring on , getting
Nothing like trying.
Yukon trade
Baseball is the great American game.
other game equals it as an all around
If some ot these sugar kings will com
mit suicide it will be a good thing for
the country.
Tacoma is to rave a practical news
paper man. Anew tiling for Tacoma
according to our exchanges.
''The primary purpote of the Admin
istration at Washington," saya the Kan
sas City Star, "is to advance taxation on
the iiaceeearies of life . In its judgment
currency reform, and everything else for
that matter, ia secondaiy to the great
object of exacting tribute from the con
sumers for the benefit of the trusts and
manufacture re.'
Reports from the country are that
Linn county will have the best wheat!
rmn in it hi.tnrv. v ha had tiller I
wheat, and oerh&Di a binirer acreage,
k . .ui hiu.1 nn .n.i I
, - ,-. , . T i .i : 1 1 1
plump. The qualtty is A I and tbe yield
per acre will be large.
From the Manchester Union
The Republican Party is responsible
'or the creation of new States whose
Repraeotatives have proved to be
menace to tbe country. The Senators
from these email elates bully the Senate
. . ,. , . i
uu .ores mo iiiwi .uCu..u.
and bargaining. It is to be hoped that
be R'pub'.iciea themsa'.ves have Lad
enough of it, and that no more eruda
Territories will be raised to the dignity
of Statehood in a hurry.
Twin babies, born o0 and togeth'
er weighing but two pounds eleven
"birlb' re t the West Pena
Hospital, Pittsburg. Aitincial means
had to be resorted to to keep the twins a
live. The babies were kept at hoaie for j
fourteen days. Then tbe mother and
children were taken to tbe hospital. Tbe
babies were dubbed "Pink and Blue" by
tbe doctors. Tne babies were unable to
generate enough heat to keep them
alive, owiog to their amall bodies, to
they were placed on a hollow rubber
blanket filled with hot water, and cov
ered with blankets- They were fed
every half boot from a medicine dropper
holding 20 drops, and are now so far
along as to give ground for the belief
that they will live. They have each
gained one ounce since birth.
r om tbe Knoxville Tribune:
A correspondent aeka the New York
World "which is the finest university?'
The norld replies, very protieriy, that
there is no greatest university. Some
excel in one thing perhaps, and some in
" "'n,",uiet,rl rai-cia
j university in the country claims to be
toe rest, and tne graduate oi each are
apt to tbink that their alma mater is
superior to all others. Tbe university
having tbe largest endowment ia Chicago
University, a comparitively new insula
tion which has received larse cilia
from Rockefeller, wbile in the matter of
age Harvard ia the oldest and the Col
lege of William and Mary, in Virginia,
ia the next oldest. As to the lt col
lege The World sat: "It all depends
on the boy. I ia easily conceivable that
a particular boy m'gbt be ruined at a
great co'lege who would become a scholar
and a gentleman at a email institution
and vice ver- '
''Uncle Sam spends thooaanda of dol
lars annually on hia Indian wards from
which they get no benefit worth speak
ing of," said Mr C. B Brougbtoo, ot
South Dakota, at Willards, to a Post
man. "For instance, the Government
senda cloth iog and blank tes galore to the
various agencies to be d;stributed among
tbe red men. Now, I've been in contact
with the Indiana in the West for f be
past twenty years, acd can assert tbat t
ia a rare thing to see any indindnal of a
tribe wearing a salt of c'.uthcs paid for oat
of the United State Treasrry. Nor will
tne Indiana use the blankets that reach
them trom tbe tame source. Instead of
utilizing these things they sell them to a
trader for one-foirth their vulae and
then buy garments better suited to thir
tastes. The trader baa a good thing of
it, for be can dispose ot tbe goods re
jected by tbe proposed beneSciariea of
the Government to row boys and farmers
who are glad to get tbem."
"Tbs average Government blanket
doesn't suit the Indians for the reassn
that tbey can't stand rough usage. An
Indian wanta a blanket that will wear
tike leather, for be make it serve a var
iety cf uses. It occurs to me that it
would be a far wiser plan to give tbem
thecabb outright and let them spend it
asth-yllke. It would be far more econ
omical for the Government, in the lorg
rnn would be be'ter for poor La.''
1897 Politics.
Prom tbe Poet.
Although the President sent a goodly
batch of minietere and consuta to tba
Senate yesterday, there were many Bor
rowing hearts, for the left.overa far out
numbered these who bad been remem
bered. There waa Juliua Goldachmid,
of MUsocri, for instance, who bad been
promised a Consulship and who ia here
awaiting it. Then there were quite a
number of aspiring Pennsylvanians ig
nored, but this, ao rumor had it, wjia be -ciose
Senator Q lay is holding op the
tariff bill until be gets a wojl schedule
that satisfies the Phitadelpha carpet
manufacturers. None of the disappoint
ed ones, however, ma le the acne which
Cnarles L. Melon, of Chicag occasion
ed in the marble room of the Senate yes
terday. Mr. Malon had been In the White
House with Congressman Milla to eee if
be could get one of the Swiaa Consul
ships, and had met with the stereotyped
reply tha. hia case would be taken under
consideration. Tbia did not please htm
alii lie bit, and forthwith he proceeded
to argue tbe raie ao noitliy with the
President that I e was forced to retire.
In a wrathy state of mind he went to
the Capitol and sought Senator Mason.
Very fcxcitedly and loudly he took the
gentleman to ta-k. In vain did Mr. Ma
sou try to soothe Mr. Malone'a pertur
bed spirit..
"I will expose you,'' shouted the irate
Chicago man. "I will have you shown
op in all the Chicago newspapers for
making promises and not keeping them "
And much more to tue tame effect did
tbe angry Mr. Malon threaten.
"Oh." said Mr. Maaon, "if you want
to make threats yon can do so, only I
tell you now that jou will not get your
Consulship for I will see that you ate
not appointed."
The man's blustering talk ceased a1
once and be began to cry . Tbia melted
Mason' heart and when the Chicago
man departed tbe Uanator bad promised
to help him nil be could.
a peculiar sight in Med ford wna a
young man on horseback with a bicvcle
on mis back. The horse will not down.
Good, the Salem bridge is now fixed so
that neither Editor Flagg uor President
T 1 ! .. . i . .
il annua i:u iuii mrougu me cracaa,
The Salvation Army was thirty-two
years old yesterday. It la fighting
harder than ever and has a wonderful
tooiuoid in the world
Jean Ingelow died veateniav in Tjin
don at the age of 77 years. She wrote some
very nice poetry, even II the Democrat
man cann't appreciate it
Where fifteen or taent men have.
made strikes in Alaska three or four
thousand men are grubbing for a living
in perpetual snow and experiencing hard-
luips tew can a'anu
The following com en front Jarkann
vine, tlonda. The Times of that c tv
says: A Portland Oregon man has been
married nine times. He must have lih.
ored under the impression that be was or-
8u"ing a basoDall team
lnonsaade ot men will rush for Daw
on Citv, the frozen camp on the Yukon
in th RondTke district. Vedr.natchej
irom an parts oi the U. S. indicate an
immense stampede that wav. It will be
a big thing for the tranartortation com
Bryan ia said to have remarked that
he addressed the largest crod at Leb-
anon he ever addressed outside of ai.u: .i.u t- j. i
large city, and that he would alwaval
i " " , , . . -. i
. , " B " I"P
came early to avoid tbo rush.
Thirty tram loads of excursionists
through tbe Willamette valley in the day
time in a week. The biggejt on record.
and an immense thing tor the vallev.
Albany did more than any other city to
spread the fame of the va.ley.
We anxiously await word from Mr.
Andrei who started bvthe balloon route
I on a little journey of several hundred
miles to lne north pole. It Mr. Andre
gets over all right be will be the biggest
fellow in existence, worth 1000 a ntchr
on the lecture platform.
One Salem paper ia red hot because
copies of another d iner of that citv were
distributed among the excursionists, de
claring that It ia not a fit advertisement
and give strangers an inaccurate im
pression oi tue city. .na yet this ia a
free country. Reading between tbe hn a
it ia real funny. Our Salem friends are
taviog a regular picnic of a time.
Don't get excited over the Yukon solid
mountain of gold. It is an exaggeration
on the face of it ; besides it can only he
gotten by digging through two feet cf
snow and building bonnrea on tbe ground
to thaw the'earth so it can be dog. When
a man ia willing to leave a diggings with
only $10,000 there ia something tbe mat
ter, itie output la email for so much
From tbe North Yamhill Record: The!
fu, !. , . -
of auch matters and ia in a poii ion to
know whereof he speaks: "It ia a
shame to tbink that the peoole of this
state are being robbed to tbe extent of
16.000 yearly by thia diagracelul com
bination of dishonest old drunks."
Reference ia made to three Profeesor
in tbe State Uoiversitv .
The following is from toe Medford
Mail: A S Haromood: "Myself and
l-mily have been having a Utile outing
upon the Santiam rier. I have heard
teil of fiah actually extending invitatioos
to be caught hut I never believed it until
last week. Near where we were camped
is a small lake and from it, in two data"
time, I took 500 mountain trout, tbe
fish would actually jump out of the wa
ter to catch my book. This ia no Fred
Karneburg fih story, but an honest tact
The New York Sun has reports from
different parte of tbe U. S. that prosper
ity ia already bere. Here ia the head
need by the Chronicle to announce tbe
Prosperity ia Already Here.
Unfailing Signa Prevail in All the
Great Western Males.
Tbe Mortage Blifbt la Being Rapidly
Lifted and Money Lies Idle in tbe Vaults
ot the Lender.
Here ia one of the reports:
Portland gives the following: "Tbe
farmers of Oregon. Washinton and Idaho,
owing to tbe good price of wheat. bve
been able to pay off most of their mort
gagee, and this year will get almost en
tirely out of debt." The Democjit
wishes this were true, bnt it la ft false
hood. The farmers have not paid off
tbeir mortgagee, in fact Drobablr owe
more than a year ago It will be a great
aay wuen people get out of debt and
every body should rustle that way; but
it is not going to help matters to lie
about it.
Bran or Osto, c,tt or :asoo,i
Lcrta Cocjrrr.
FaAmJ.Caninrmtkea eats Uuit ba U tbs
nior Prterol Ui. arm of f.J.t t Co.,
Mac tmsiana In tba City ot Toledo. County
and Stata aforcaald nt ih.t ... tu . 1
UwRUn ot O.VB HI JtDHEU DOLUA1..H toreici
ad erery case of Cmiu tbat caanot ba cured
-J ut uu.-a caraaii Cci.
Bwora to before me and aubacribad to my
presence. Ibis Kb day ot December, A. D. Ube.
Xoian, Public,
Han'g Catarrh Core b takes internally and act
wiv mwa ana nocoot aarfaoaa ol
? f . J . CH ES E Y CO. , T-jlaOo. O.
i a by I)roia. rac '
Ha'i't Fvnily fill e Ihi bsrf.
All PBaaoKa knowing tbemselvea ia
dthted to tbe nnderaigned are requeued to
make immediate te'tlement, at I ahall cloae
present bosineu the lt ot July.
II. M. RonRRTooir .
GITHENS. On July 19, 1897, loMr.
ana sira. i. U. Uithena, at Peoria, an
8 pound girl. All doing well.
When the appetite fail, there la no nse in
trying to tempt the palate with delicate food.
No matter how good and well-cooked and
"appetmng" the food nay be, it cannot
five any nourishment unlet the atotnach ia
able to digest it. Nature indicate the state
of the constitution by the loss of appetite
This is an unfailing indicator. It shows
that something is fundamentally wrong
with the nutritive functions.
The only true natural relief must be at
searching and fundamental as the trouble it
aims to overcome. It is the thorough deer,
searching character of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery, which causes the mar
1'". efficcT in bilious and digestive
difficulties. It creates that healthful vitalitv
of the entire digestive and nutritive organ.
Ism which produces both the natural desire
for food and the organic capacity to assimi
late and transform it Into nourishing, reviv.
ifymg blood and healthy tissue. It gives
appetite, digestion and sound sleep, and
build up solid muscular strength and
vital nerve -energy.
Thmron, Esq., of P. O. Boa ,
Blair CO.. retin a, wriln: "I had bean troiiwfd
with extreme vomiting In summer aeaaon. at
wayssftereatlnRi had to be very careful at time
to get anvthio to Uy on my stomach at all: had
been takinar other mtlr!nt4 nv...."Vr "?
Medical Discovery, and thought I would give it a
trial. I used about five bottuVs of it and think it
ia the onlv medicine that AiA m. .n . " i
I a splendid appetite now, and am not uaina
medicine at all and don't tbink I need any
A man who is suffering from the evil
effects of constipation doesn't feel like
work, and can't even enjoy his leisure
hours. Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are a
sure, swift, safe, and permanent cure for
constipation. They are tiny, sugar-coated
Enules. One litUe "Pellet" is a gentle
ative, and two a mild cathartic. Tbey
never gripe. Dishonest druggists try to
getvout6 Uke a substitute for the iai.
pf the added profit "
la (he Senate
WsAniNoroN, July 20. The tariff con
ference report was reported to the senate
today, bnt little progress was maJe on it,
beyond the tor mat reading of about Iwo
thirds of it. During tbe day Tillman op
enly threatened a filibuster until next Dec
ember if cotton baggu'g and co loo ties
were not restored lo to the free lint, hut tue
threat was reg arded as somewhat facetious,
l'be sugar amendments occasioned a long
lladley DUekaraetl
New Yokk. lulv 20 Receiver E. W.
Hadley. of the Oregoa l'ncific Railway
Company, will tomorrow, by agreement
of the attorneys, have his reports of the
comptny' affairs accepted, and be dis
charged on bis jurisdiction . lne sun oi
me tanner ' Loan lrunt company,
trustee, against the Oregon Pacific Com
pany, the Willamette Valley & Const Kail
road Company and T. Egerton llogg
will at the same lime m eiatuusea.
The road was projected to run from 1 a-
quina bay. Or., to Boise Idaho une
hundrea tni'es oi tratlt irmn laquioa nay
eat were ctoal I v constructed. More tbao
$12,000,000 was expended, wtiu h tbe bond
holders Iot, for I be road, when o'd a
auction, brought only tlUO.OOO.
A Mjraiaeaat Fart.
Sam Francisco, July, 20 That here
is an actual shortage of wheat in the Ar
gentine renublis baa keen demonktraltd
by the cbrtering of two big sbii.s to carry
wheat to Braxil. One of them, tbe (Joru
liebank, 2179 tons rebutter, is alrady
loaded and ready for sea. Tbe other, the
CreMtingtoa, 2000 toot, is ready to begin
loadicg at ooce-
HalfOalary t eleb'alUa
Salt Lass, July 20. Today mark (be
'LT.LP, a..,. V"t ""STT? '
. L .
ceieunueu in manner wuicn leaves no
doubt about the reverence in which those
pioneers are
be'd ly ti e pie of the
' Ka4 Vraau fau firm
G bants Pass. Or., July 30 About 11
o'clock today tire wax discovered in the
pumping and power elation "f the new
electric hgot and power company's punt,
which standi) on the river bank about a
mile and a bull from tbe business part of
town. Tbe fire bad made ucn headway
before it was discovered that the entire
p ant waa totally destroyed befors the fire
department could
Tke Sew Crmp
Pkcdhtox, Or.. July 20. A ebeat
dealer said today that 60 oecta bad bei
iffered bere for tbe new crop of cluu
wheal: o sales have b-n reoded.
So-e wheat was !d at
So cen's sjvera'
days ago.
. Thealrilie
PiTTBtBo. July, t'J. fbe strike lead
ers are maintaining tbe greatest secrecy !
regarding tbeir movements.but it ia believ- j
ed tney contemplate calling on tbe railway ,
organizations for a&tuunce. Secretary j
Warner gave out today tbat a Keeting of :
railway employe was held yesterday, at
which tbe situation of tbe miners' strike
waa thoroughly ducufaed Resolutions
were adopted pledgtogsupport to the tnk
ers, and each member was aseied $2 for
the strike fend .
tttftbt la erra
Baser CiTr. Or- July 19. Soperin
teodent Melter, of the North Pole mitr-.
brought la thu evening T.'i nraindc nf trmA
1 equal to SOO.ftX). Thw is tbe heaviest
ciMo-up -m inai mine tail lar. and it
about tbiee week' time 1 be
gold bnct will be bd I for leuodei
Barring's iepectioe. lie U tbe Loodoo
owner and u expected ber early at il
Losrxis. July 19. Tbe leWifaph
enntan correpotdent learn tbat tbe
uh government has demaaded an ininiedi-
a"e coercion ot Tor key. Rttia oo ite
otter hi ad, has dVeiartd that the moment
f JT coercion has not jet ams-ed. and thai i
the sitoatioa tnott not be omt licaid.
Germaay, the ccrrespenUrnt tUie. hat '
concurred in tbi view. I
osnox. July 19. In the hoo-ebf tvta-1
mona today, in tie cour. of a debate on
the foreign office ote, bir Ctr'- IhlVe,
radical said
Tae graveat foreign n jwlin at tbe
preheat iscmeot groara oat el oar relations j
with the United rtalea, and tf the matter!
is not dwelt upon, it it heranae tbe govern I
meet iconacioo that io t difticn! I
matler It cannot coant on tbe support of
it... . k. i
rMHNl llM-
WwHiFOTOJC. July 19. Toe conference
report on too bill was adopted by th- knoe
shnrtly after midnight by a vote oi K tt
1 IS. and at noon today tSe report wjil go
to tne senate for action there. 1 hi echpae
ail prvviooar cord. Tiiis reu't wa ac
com, lubed after 12 hour cootinuout de
bate liat two speechea were made by th
rpou'tcasa, ooe bv ltogey, in openio
tbe debate, and bjr Payne, in douog it.
A lea Caart
Ccokxe. Or.. July 19. Hie coonty
court ba decided to call lot oid and let
cmtrstl for tbe construction of tbe round-
anon K-r a new court fcmie. a oon a tbe
olao are acoeptnl. It i intended V
build only toe foundation tbia aeaaon, tbe
taperal ructure to be baid nest snaitner.
realisli Ilea
StUTTUt, July. 13 One hundred men
tooa paaaage today on tbe steamer Al-Ki.
most of tbem startiog on what u ca'led tbe
overland trip to the Cioodt ke. From Jun
eao they will go 100 icilea further, by water
to I 'yea, then -e over ihe moontain paaw.
down Lace Lindermao and Uooet to lh
Yukon River and down that rivet to tbe
near diacoveriea.
Among tbe number are many men well!
known in bcntMe.
Ta Mrtkers Ike Warpaik
f iTWBt-Ro, July, 13. Tbe event of to
davinthe Pittsburg coal-ninin; district
indicate that thore ia trouble ahead The
strike has been on for two week without
rue for aittrtn to any quarter, but todav
the paog of bunget and mothTtng of
diacceteot have taken tangible form, and
before morning 1000 miner will have
msrvhxt on Cannonsburg, tbe objective
D:i nt bring tbe Boone and Alikon mine.
Tba Tartar
Washisotos, Jnly. H. Tbe indica
tions toniitbl are the tariff bill, as airteed
to by tbe republican coiferee yeterJy.
probably will have pawed both houce of
congreaa and be a la w at tbt end of the
present week.
. it ia not believed there any dixpstition
on the pirt of the democratic member of
the conlererce to delay the bill in full com
mittee, but tbe democrat have bad no
meeting in determine their course of ac
tion n tbia point.
Will be aarry
Xew Yotk, July, 18 This city ha
been touched with the gold fever, l'be
past 24 nours haa seen com to the f ront
at least 2000 Argooaota, ho will be on the
way to tbe Clondyko legion just aa soon
a arrangements can be made tor trananor
tation. Thia city furnished more 'VKts
than any other state in the Union.
Will Arbitrate
Yokohama, Ja'an, July 19. The
officers press states that it is probable that
the Japunese government will agree to the
proposal of Hawaii and submit tbe dispute
between the two countries to arbitration.
A Weaaaa xtlaatag
Salem, Or., July, 18. iHrs. Martha
Ueruld, of, Missouri, who has been tbe
sueat of ber sinter, Mrs. K. F. Goode,
disappeared shortly after noon yesterday
and ber whereabouts is a mutter of much
concern to bur rotative?.
A large assortment of garden seeda
white clovt. ?, timothy and blue grass seex'a
juiit recoiled fresh at
C E Bbownkll'r.
$100 shirt waikta reduced to 50o ft
Read, Pe.kcock & Co'.
hiTu'l:uc for Ully Cenls.
Oubi-untscd tolmcco habit cure, make weak
men strong, blood puro. We, 11. All druegiMs.
To Cure Conn 1 1 tuition Fnrever.
Take Ciisrareta Cuiuly Cullmruc. Ho or SRo.
If C C. C. lull to cure, uruiiimtu rwfuiiil niuucy
FUL gentlemen or lad'.ea to travel
lor reiponsible, esiablahed bouse
in Oregon. Monlhlv tCS.OO and expenses
Position ahaily. Refeience fcncloe
elf-addressed atamped envelope. The
Uominicn Ct-n.pany, Iwpt. H, Chicago.
J. Gradwolil
Informs the general public tbat be
aell aa low aa anybody in the city torn t
n . 1 (Mat AAil lafANI VVl Ksas
1 ..STiSui ' " r j T,wnwnsii 7
April 1st, 1897 . J, ikadwobi,
The Biggest, Greatest Grandest, Mightiest Circus
3 Ring Circus,5 Continent
m j j . i tti
s aii auu ungiaai xjux upectu intiuou wuu. octtsb uuuw ia a cir
cular fSteel-barred Ponderous Caf?e
Ileal Koiiian Hippodrome
on One-third Mile Track
Arabian and Kentucky steed e ridden and
driven around the great eclipse by
scores of the most undaunted,
fearless, intrepid, skillful, ex
alted riders and drivera
thTmighpt BOVALAPOS!
The Ocean' Awfullest Treasure. The
most frightful, uncouth. horrit.U
horn-bearioK, clover-hoofed den
izen of the trackeese and
treachons deep.
Captl'ieire Perrier who flings hinufclf
backwerda from the most perilous
height in full view of tne aud
ience, somersaulting aa he
decends. An awe-inspiring,
terrible descent.
Earth's Supremist, Mcst
Giant Camel, Longest Mancd and Tailed Horse, Surprises, Wonders, Featares
Grand Free For AH Street Parade !
MO fien Dens of W-ld Beasts, 5 Bands of Music, Silver Cathedral Chimes, Steam Canicpc, Gold and SiiTer Coariote ana
Band Wagons, Mile of Spiced- and Wonder, Every entry morning at 10 o'clock sharp. fl
Doors ojen at I and 7 p. m.; Perfjrraances at 2 and 8
NoVGaniMing jr Swindlijg
ihe Walter L. Mun hov
!crowJ4 that attended Sterday
Mowers ...
Osborn extras.
Deering extras.
Oliver plows, hardware, tinware
and Stoves.
1st Street, Albany, Oregon.
-A Traialtii SchotdTor Teachers -
Regular Normal Course of three year. Senior year wholly professional. Train
ing department of nine gradaa with 200 children.
Ina.ruetion and trainiug in Gymnastics (Sweedieh eyatem), and vocal music for
public echoola. The noriu-1 diploma is reoognixed by law as State Life Ccr-
11 LUbt expense tuition, look, board and lodging (approximately) $35.00 per
year, atudenta boarding I 10 per year.
Academic grades accepted from high acho-ds. Catalogues cheerfully aent on
application. Addreea
1. L. Campbell, or . A. V ass,
Preaident. Sec Faculty.
- a . V, -ok
ZXfiiP' . , 2 the largest
t M tGYgLa and Best
tyl k fArii'j (pS Equipped
mltfjV S Factory in
Igpr tclighthe World
select the Waverly because they h.iva learned to know the dil
ElftCf P. flCCd fa"0 between a wheel that ia actually high grade and one tha
niAj.Zj-' iaaimpiy claimed to be. Soma others maybe good but th
F(lCierS"w Waverly ia the higbeet of all high grade.
ANTEO. Agent lo represent tbe
Singer Mfg Co. Skrv and com
mission. Apply lo G. J. Jackson,
St. Charlea Hotel.
RED RASPBEHRIES. May be bad at
tbeeardbn of F II Hukhson for 3
cento a box by picking them yourselves.
or Them All !
Menagerie.Real Roman
m tttsi T5
World-Famous, Universal
Devices Allowed About the
a source ol aston'shnient
Denver News, June 1.
Seats at Burkhart
Elegant De
signs io
See it
Conn & Huston,
' Agent
DOG TAX NOTICE. The do tax is
now delinquent. All doirs not tagged
will be taken up and dealt with accenting
tolaw. B B Dunn. Poundmsxter.
COW FOR LAT.E. Jersey cow. will be
freak milk aooo. Call on W m Ftick
inger, Front and Pine streets.
Hippodrome. Free Horse
- . a i i --
Renowned Aienic Male
i hs Only liaby Hippopotamus
r .
tver oor n on this hem:- ptere. A cote,
plraeicg, cuonice. winnin?. r.Iavinl
tricky, tetchy, ca'cbr, diminntive, e-
Hjuuui, qarung creature.
,'",aaaijaa.aaaaaaaM1a-.l,.i. i an u -
The only bore nding Loo. A circus
champion. Surely tbe only one of Ha
kind. A beautiful, intelligent
art she animal.
HerJ-iOf Will Beasts.
Llrs of Serpents.
Flocks of Birds.
Drove of l ame Feasts.
Dent of Vicious Kcp.ils.
ISO All-Star Acts.
lOO Exalted Champions.
1GOO Men, Women and Uiiljren
300 Finest. Aristocratic Horses
13:33 A ft ASD 6:30 P U
p. ra , rain cr Shine
Grouud. -
and aeii-tt tx. th iinaisnse
& Lee's.
I Notice is berely given thai be nnder
1 sifrra-d adtumiiTitor of tbe e4a-e of A D
! Knox. decaed, bas ied hie Sail aoon-t
1 in id e a .e in the coant- eoart ot L-un
i coartr.OresrT), and t-it s'.d ccr has
I ff led tb third div tf August. 137, at
tte boor of 1 o'c'vk in te at:ernj"n ot
aid oar a tt tiice rt tesnr-g a!! ot jec
iioo tbcrc'o and ef'tnar '"e "ane.tlx're
forc. :l pr nc i-arirg ary j-viu-n to
. ud !:-" i-c--unt are teretv rtouseti aaa
n.cvlto aprr anJS'-et'oe tame in
Uooed dtr.
pa'ed Ibis l&h da of Jure. 1S97.
W R Bh-yec. P T PrscAX.
AtsrnfT. Adam i r at e
i at duirqaect In ro r l now
tn my bacdt for colctiou ;a '-v od T
of the county court eieouti'n w ... iyae
foraUofsau tax remaining unpaid cn
Angcrt 0, ard tdiiitiora! cava d4-
ed on an.i afte said date
Sheriff and Tax OUreJtr of Lien Ce Or
Xotic is berebv pivea thst S E Yarig,
tbe iJuiin;!-tr r wi;n fne mhi -nth-Tel ot
ttie estate ot Jane Fanning, deceed. ha
rendered and rrwva'ed nr settieaient.
aal ied in th couutf d.;rt cf he state
of tlreoo for Lun voumy. Lis anal a
cour.tof his adoirnistra km of snd estate:
and teat S-itun'sj, the HVh day of July,
1S97. beine a dv ot i be July terra of d
court f-r 1S9T . at 10 o'clock a m, has bjen
sppo'nted b the judge ot aid court, for
the settlement of said account, at wMcb
time any peron interested in said esUt
nuty appea' file his object-oes to said
axunt and p'cent the same for bearing
Dated at Aibanv, Oregon. Jane 2, 1S97.
Euii.Ns Caxsos. S E YorNo,
Atty for Adair. Adrur.
Notice for Publication
Lasp OrncK at Okeox Citt, Os.
Jjne'iiiJ, 1S9T.
Kotics is beiehy given tht th" ll'owicg
named settisr hs tiietl cot'ee of hi inten
tion to make tinal proof io (urjorl ef hu
ciami, anl lisu Siidproaf witl'be -wad., be
fore tha county e'etk .f Unn cnotstv at Al
bany, Oo, on Aasnst 7 r, 1S97. liz; Wil
liam Sbnh: H E STS1 tor th lot 4 of iiec
) Tp 10 S li 2 W , He eaine ha f.!low.
ing witneaaea to prove hia cant nuom rei
dence opoo and cuHivatioj ef, Mjj
via: J H Pyne. Krank W D-vnv. K S
Rujkirk, all of Cgn, and A Ii
Bond of AlUanv, Co.
"How To Get Rich r
s-iuran)TOi weetiv, witn our
plan of investment: von cannot lose Two
-. :it
men made saui and ftioO ias.t month on 2i.
V oti can do likewise, if you d.m't invest,
nd keep your money in your pocket, you
wilt be ooor all your life. Try us with
and se what we can UC. Vbsoiutelj no
Wiite for rwrtioularii to 1 Guarantee
Broaerage Co ,v Oifiis 213 and Byrne
Building, Ios Angeles. Culilcraia.
FOR RENT. Six room
ward f.w rent at
Inquire of G. W. Wright.
house in upper
i par mon in
T OST. Srown book, conlainiDg ac
I counts fvr vegetables and berries.
Keturn to Dsmocat otfice.
varvrrno wanti a tuition in
Y V Business college of Portland ?
at tbe Democrat orloe.
iti'iil w
WtU be kept on tsp ai the public :snd,
j as least of DMfKBAT (nee. Mineral
water from Waterloo. odaviile and
Findley, for sa e by bottle or dozen or
delivery to family, try case in 2 dozen
lots, at 50 cents per dozen to regular pa
trons, bottles renuen, let dozen to cents :
dingle dozen 60 cents, bottles to be re
turned. Ordere taken from any part of
Oregon and prompt shipments made.
M. W. Wiikins, Manager.
Star Bakery
Corner and ! fret M
-DeMT Ii
Ciii.i.cJ Frii!t.
I Tied Fruit.
"rryffciBi 'fcat i rpt
trood variety and gro
eery store. High
est pi- Palrt
lways Pay.
Noqoeetian a'tont fall and prompt
ment of ioaers by fire on inamaBce p?)
wits tbe leading agent cf Aibasy. U. &n
Don't aJ-oar yoarwlf to be roped into !&
rarioas Local Mntuals" aow heme
posiied on yoa u being "cheapest ia
su ranee, when yon i-i?ure yea do sot
rant to wottt aV at eetticir toot money i
caw of Iocs SENDERS
lafsrance. Hay, Grain and 'A a.
Ett. ,1
block, where
the Bro-xn
he is readv
or business.
His woik is the best
-Wholesale it Retail
Pore Droge and tbe finest and Largest
Stock of Stationary and Books
in the Ha'rkeU
For Sale. (
Tt.e entire oo'St. hs?si, carriages, tc.
of the John eVfcmeer livery stable offered
for sale. Farties wufaiik to boy please
call at tbe ab'es and only tboee wbo isenn
bailees need aptly. A bargain wis! b
given Iohs Scukxex.
Oveats as4 Tr4 at irks obiataed aad all Fkt
act bssisesaeoaUaeted f -r Moderate. Fees-
t-ca moUi l.crsmeorT'otix m a aj Tijw
mtmtablarreaorc&imk. OsrfeeaotdaatiU
Faaatiaaercred. A Paorehlet "How toOV
tua ltB.- ants cost ot sum ii tba C
b J f.Typi nonagwa aaat ftrq. ',Ti m
C. A. SfOW & CO.
Frfarawaryiijaa,tr-n. Toa eaa b Mad a-l
- -.jaeprv.- asi aaa u sm a ii ii
trM Ui k 7 nrnnMlmr
-u. m.nn n can m-M laaaarparaxiMBix.
man main 1
Xaka a
Jia feava 1 a ,
Uil kt ao&ea
la itwii. a.,, Tkraaa. t
tR.HT.oaay I
ww CaUIa m.
Kiaariar or TveCiw I
raaaenraiv ftaajl inMaew
w Tats ci I w bunoWM
tha aLUl r tk am. 1 1 I, a.irte.
lornuTTwsntettUJ, m vt
iraauas dbwaae tu or fHlLl NK aad w
kT tlMM eaHial Wktad w asnmiiuoaal
l f IMaut aifc aad a i ilafa
e aiaaeaile Teapl Oileaai. llllaata.
TALMAGES"The rrtb Girdled."
i or hia fatuous tour around the world, a
thrilling story of savatre and barharoo
lands. Four million Taltoaire" book sold,
and "Tbe &rth Girdled" is his latest and
Fvervbodv wants this fanoo evok; only
$3 50. BIG BOOS. BIG CuMM liQSS.
A cold mine for workers. CREDIT tl
Drop all Irash and sell the km of hoc
and u'ake SS00 a month . Addrees for ou
fit and terntor. The IViniitwn Com
pany. Star Building. Cbire
Dr AJanis
Cueick Elock
Albany, Or
rainless work a apecialt.
l tvta-iM.'n.iNU. Ladies aruuirir
iJ learn cutting and Si tint; by the Mor
gua system, call an Mrs B. E. Owen
Dresses made for $2.50 and up. Cor ad
e W V I MTPI a
iiianitu.-i tew mere
meets by the day to ew. T
Mks K. h. Owes.
T70R SALE. A good or? an and hoase-
JU noid tarnitnte tor sale cheap.
Mas. N. IL Laxbson,
4th and Wafaingtcn St.
' 1
E- i