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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1897)
THE MAIN MUSCULAR SUPPORTS OP THE BODY WEAKEN AND LET CO UNDER ACICACH EE OR LUMBACO. TO RESTORE, STRENGTHEN, a awis 0 irn4n kii ur J. L. UILS,, nvcMan and dargeon, 03TICK-First St, Just Russ House,Aibany Oregon. DR. C, U, CHAMBERLIF. tlOiaOBOFAHIST Treats tumors, strictures, facial b!em ts'aes, neuralgia and other diseases, with gralvanic electricity. Office on Ferry St, near 3d street. WETHER FORD & WYATT Attorneys ut Jaw Will practice in all the courts of the state. Special attention given to matters in probate and to collections. OFFICb; In the Flinn block. BLAGKBURFJ & S0MERS 1TOENBTS .A.T Tvr Al! legal matters will receive prompt at-' tention. Office, First National Bank Build- ing, up stairs. I V7- R. dILYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery, collections made or all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Oregon. OKTANTE fe II ACKIaEII AW, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon I7.IRST NATIONAL BASK, or ALBAKT, OKXOOK P Mldent . fioa President , LFLINS S.K, YOUNG S7. LANODON ffcahtor.. K. TXABSACTS A GKJf BRAlrnltlimaaiii ACCOUKTS KEPT subject to aback. IO EXCHANGE nd te'esfwWc tranaar, aoM a Ne York Sa Frandaoo.Cblcajro aad r-wUard Ot.t.ltCTIOSt aUDSon fa.ora.bla tjnra Btaaonaa S E Tcw E W Uhioi FAGoodwtx, L. lull C. 3. Fuss. J J' WUlTSEt V-orney at Law, Atoany, Or. J.CLHTLEB SSI Dentist 6H In Brown block, Broadaldin street, Albany, Oe. On ground floor. FOSHAY & MASON -Wholesale & Retail-- DRUGGISTS ASDEOOmiim ALBANY. OREGON. Pure Drugs and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. CHEAPEST POWER ...HERCULES UAS AXD'GASOJLIXE Built in special sizes for printing offices and factories. State your wants and write for prices and term-. Illustrated catalogue furnished free upon applica tion. Amekicas Itpk Founmbs' Co Portland, Oregon . The entire outfit, hors?s, carriages, &c. of the John Schmeer livery stable is offered for ta'e. Parties wishing to buy please call at the and only those who mean busicesi need spply. A bargain wilt b given . Jobs Schmkeb. FOR SALE. A span of iron pray mares 6 and 7 rears old. will weieb 1200, good travelers, for particulars inquire or write to red Arnold, Shedd. Or. K.O.T.M. Sleets every Saturday evening at K.O T. M . Hall. Visiting Knights invited U end. J. S. Yak Wiskle, Com. BO YEARS EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS C Anyone sending m sketch nJ description mmj quickly ascertain, free, whether an tnTention ta DrobabjT p&tentable. Communications Btrtctlv confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents In America. We have a Washington office. Patents feJcen through Mann fc Co. receirs pecuu uouce in uie SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beatrtlfulty Illustrated, largest circulation of any avteutiflc journal, weekly, terma MiU a Tear; f !-'"! h.x months. Hpedmen ouptea and llAJin jjuuk os J'ATentb aeut tree. AUOreas MUNN & CO., SSI Braadwar. Sew York. COLICITORS WANTED FOR DR. O f AlAlAGE'S "The Kartb Girdled." or ni famous tour around the world, a thri'linir story of iaya?e and barharous lands. Four million Tal male's books sold, and "The tiartb Girdled'' is his latest and (rrandent. DEMAND KNJRMOUS Kverybodv wants this famous book; only $3 50. BIS HOOK, BIG COMMISSIONS. trold mine for workers. CREDIT GIV EN. FKEKiU TPAID. OUTKITFREE. Dr p all Lrash and sell the kinjr of books and make 8300 a month . Address for out fit and territory. The Dominion Com pany, 8'ar Building, Chimso Dr Adams Cusiek Block Albany', Or; Painless work a specialty. FOR RENT. Six room house iu upper ward for rent at $4.00 per month. Inquire of ti. W. Wright. WOOL WANTEO. Will pay the higbcwt market price, (all on M Senders. Insurance scent and denier in wool andgriin, Ferry St. WANTED. A few more ments by the day to ew. Mhs R. K. euijage- OWEK. WANTED. A position to do general housework or nureinar. Good ref erences. Leave word at the Dkm For Sale. "V- J r SENDERS' COMPANIES Always Pay, No question about full and prompt ment of losses by fire on insuiance placed with the leading agent of Albany, M. Sen ders. That's wltatHe InsnresPeojIe Fot " L m.V. Tl T- i-. pushed on you as being "cheapest in surance," when you insure you do not want to worry about getting your money in witxr vl lues. .u oCiii ULKu InanrfinoA. TTflV. firflin and Wruil REMOVED. Smiley $ Printer to the Brown block, where he is ready for business. His work i3 the best. "How To Get Rich." $25 will earn von 27 weeklv. with our plan of investment ; vou cannot lose. Two men made $500 and 650 last month on $25. Vou can do likewise, if you don't invest. and keep your money in your pocket, you will be ooor all your life, try us with F25 and see what we can dc. Absolutely no risk. Write for particulars to "Guarantee Brokerage Co .' Offices 213 and 215 Byrne Building', Los Angeles. California. IT IS SO WRITTEN and none can dispute it. VVe lead toe wall paper trade. We were never more in the van than now. More designs; newer, brighter, fresher, and mors orig inal designs ; a greater variety of de signs ; finer qualities of paper ; and lower prices for fine qualities of paper than can be found at any other establishment: these are onr many and solid claims tc your patronage. When you see what we sell for 15 cents a roll and that we only ask. 15 cents for it, you'll be very much surprised. J. A. dimming. ALBANY ORCHESTRA i M BACSE5ST0. Conductor BEIT WE3TFR00X figr,, INSTRUMENTATION I Vio., II Vio., Clar., Cor., Trom Bass and.Drums jeextoiie of net Afusic -Music Furnished For- Con certs. Parties. Receptions a. Enter tainments at reasonable rates. . Correspondence solicited regarding m ggemeta out of town. Address Bert Westhrook, Business Man ager, Revere House, Albany, Oregon HeariDsBslB??1 we're talking again talking to tbe bard- to please people who like particular I 1 printing. We are particular 1 printers; we put in that little . extra-nice touch that pleases ' you. tne joo Dig-or little, 1 its big enough to be well done. I Our Particular Departn.entis I ' our whole shop. Ask us to 1 prove it; we can please you or give your money back. SMtLkT'B Particular Printery. Phone 9, Albany. nUDiUO PROCURED, EUGENE W.JOHNSON, Solictor anlAttyin FatentCauses Sew Yrk Ave, Wihlocfoa. D C Office established 1868. Charges mod- Biew ftiaCTct K44M4 Atsswfmelr rakirw to tne Irrafesttfloo. Femsuet Curat in IS to X tixyn. V refund money if we du not You tan be tinted ai borne tor the same price BrSKg end tbe nanx sruHrnn iMI with Uiotie who I B prefer to ooma bie w wiii contract to core I tUem or mj uh- o. com In t. pmmy,-yCAj m mr- rtilrox' end hotel Ii Jlr FCinXTiL rsV f at ii-ii MfiJD a a 4 uji a ,lw, ,. " II fl &fjK?il on . ii on hare UM-en jm r. I i-ur; , aun;,. .t , t aUII hare afbna and 14 7 rln . SIt..K , . tut M In mouth, Hon Threat, fcT i'lm.-.lo.f.,,,, r-f.ij, MHMta, tic r ou anjr fXZZ' r"':-cf It.a Uuir" ryrfartjw, fttlDng out. aZT-S it 1 th PrLnary BtMaaarror lertlvrr H ' ! Fms i Uu.t ft '.t in ha akIU r i!ie mo l 3 f- 9 m r n i r e. . vi'r we hit. . e .V -. i. nife diufciAtjo v-i:.t mi f i i- ? rortDtuiy yt have s50U,Mt,0 ..! 07 MasionlG 'i'fci'j?-. ! Caveats snd Trade Harks obtained and all Pat- en( traaineas conducted lor Moderate fee. 6endinodel.drw1norphoto. Weadvlaalf patentable fro of cbirga. Onrfeenotdnstlll patemiaaeourei. A Pamphlet "How tot tain Patenta." with coat of aame In tha V. 1 i and (orn countries aent free. Address, c. a. snow & co. . Paraarr Omec, WaMmoTon. D. C. FOR SALE. Tbe meat market ture, tools and slaughter house furni- tnnla the Emerick tnarkst. Call on Louis ruckmau or William Flickinger for par- Will it rain on the 3rd. They are after impure FianciBco. Skim it. ini'k in San Mr. Debs will need $7,01)0,000 to start his socialistic scheme . Too big a price. The Washington Post march was played at the queen's jubilee, one of the most inspirit) things about it. A veraacope view of the mystics on the 3rd would make a show for the future. The actuality will also be all right. The State University matter has been settled for at least a year. The good of the institution would suggest that the fight be stopped. The student in Albany college nets a splendid intellectual and moral training, free from factional fights and political intrigue. The national C. E. Convention la bringing over 10,000 young people to the coast. Some of them will so through Oregon by daylight. In the Willamette they will see the finest valley the sun shines on. An old gentleman in MontvUle, Me , who said he could not see to sign his name until given a pair ol glasses, was given a pair from which the lenses bad been removed. lie eigced the paper nicely, and declared he could see better witn those than any other be had tried St Petersburg has a population of 1, 250,000; Moscow just under 1,000,000. Xineteen other towns are returned at 100,000, and the couip.-.'ai.vcly modern Lodz, the Manchester ot Poland, ranks filth Thirty-five towns have 50,000 inhabitants each. It doesn't take much provocation to commit suicide. In England recently a well-to-do master builder informed friend of bis, tOso a prosperous builder. and some other persons, that be could not endure life, and walked away, later in the day jumping into s canal. His friend was so depressed at his statement that he at once went to the town reser voir and drowned himself. The bodies were recovered at nearly the earns time. Oregon should have an inheritance tax law. The state should share in the estates of its rich men. In the nature of things great fortunes escape, under our forma of taxation, their just share of the burdens of government during the life time of their owner. At death the very rich can best afford to give to the state what they have denied it during life. At death the great fortunes pass into the hands of those who mve bad no part in creating them, and something is received for smthing. E O. The Baltimore American, a republican paper ct standing, declares that: "Pro tection, as understood br the rank and fi'.e of the republican party, means the care of legitimate industries against the inequalities of foreign competition. Ii does not mean tbe bestowal of annual gratuities to an arrogant monopoly which already has in its vice-like gip all tbe grocers io the United States, and through them every man, woman and child who caa affjrd to boy a pound of sugar. EJucatma and Politics. W j give tbe following from theCorvalll Times because there is something is it to think about : The story that Governor Lord is for cing the agricultural college into polities and politics into the agricultural college is not without foundation, and tbe ngly fact is to be regretted. Educational in stitutions are only fitted for training the youth, when the influence that surround them are pure and noble. At best ths teaiptations that surround young people are an eternal menace to their safety, and, tbe institutions set a part for ed ucating' them should he resplendent with good io&uenee and noble example. In the days of Governor Pennoyer tbe fair fame of the agricultural college was never clouded by any shadow of political methods Pennoyer may have been queer, be may have been erratic, but (be college, nnder his regime, never smelled of political trickery, never suf fered from political bargains. Oa the contrary, it was cherished acd guarded s sacredly as a home, and thus conduct ed, it widened and extended its useful ness, and was tbe pride o' a satisfied and harmonious people. It is thoroughly known that tbe gov ernor arrogates to himself the privilege of selecting the man who shall preside over tbe college and that those who owe him political favors are at least expected to subvert their own judgement and yield to his dictation. It is humiliating, but it is neverthelsss true that a year ago the choice of a president ot the col lege was made in a secret council in tbe governor's office, rather than, as hither to, in tbe open board meeting with a full attendance of members. Nobody denies this; nobody denies the mattei was cut and dried after the method of ward pol itics, and that the formal election was merely a delivery of the goods, j Of course this system cannot always continue'. American pupMc sentiment is a dangerous playtb ing. Tbe magnificent endowment of the agricultural college has a higher destiny than to serve as an influence builder to be hawked about in exchange for tbe other man's support In time tbe practice must become od ious, and then there will be rebellion. There will either come an end to this sort of manipulating and conniving, or the people will demand withdrawal altogether of governmental support of agricnleural col'eges. This is the ine vitable end to which a mixing of ward politics and higher education leads, and the sooner his excellency makes official fitness rather thah political ob. ligations the test in selecting college officers, the better for all concerned. A - NEW NECK-BAND makes many good as new. for 15c. a useless shirt We put them as on W'll care for all your laundry so well you'll never miss tbe darning girl of ths old home There's . really no necessity of collars, cuffs and shirts dying of anything but , ripe old age. Broken bands and edges prematurely f ray ed are the result of careless work and poor machinery. Why don't vou try an up-to date, careful laundry? Our collectors call any where, any time. C. Simpson & box, pp St Charles Hotel, City Laundry. If you want a good and clean smoke buy cigars made by our AI hnnv cfgar actcry- Tomorrow is the day we celebrate the glorious 4tb . How many will do so with a patriotic purpose in view. Da not expect to see a wtrld's fair, but a live celebration. The committee have done their beat to give the public their money's worth and who can do more is none. It takes the crowd as well as the committee to make a success of a 4th of July celebration. H. B. Chamberlain, formerly of Den ver, Col , who died recently in England, made a failure of thirty-six branches ol business before he started to boom West ern real estate. He conducted bis oper ations on such a large scale that when be died he owed $15,000,000. Were the Dkmocbat to publish a per sonal like the following from the London Mail it would be in trouble at once: Among those who were seen about in the streets are Mr. and Mrs. Lancelot l-owther, who were walking together, and she, althougn seldom well dressed, is extremely pretty, and was looking ber best in dark b'nt." From the Burlington Free Press- Mr. E. V. Smalley, in a letter to the New York Post, sava that a real estate man who goes about Chicago good deal informs him that there are today in Chi cago 30,000 vacant flats and dwelling houses, and that on West Madison trtet alone a thoroughfare that is the chief business artery of ths West Ride 300 empty stores can be counted. A little way out of the business by cable or electric cars you notice tail buildings and small buildings on either hand that are speckled with signs of "For Rnt. Chicago baa been about as badly over built as any of the new towns of Kansas or of the Pacific coast, and it will proba bly take four or five years ef steady de velopment to bnng the population np to full occupancy ot the existing facilities for housing. The result of this has been a heavy decline in rents. For fiats and small stores the doclioe ranges from 30 to 50 per cent and office rent in the tall building has gone down about 23 per cent. Owing to the heat in the senate cham ber yesterday the republican senators bad great difficulty in maintaining a quorum to carry 'be frequent votes, which senator Vest, with grim, perspir ing pertinacity, insisted on having taken upon motions to strike out the specific duty and replace it with aJ valorem duty, npon every item, sys the Post. At one time there was some delay in announcing the result of tne vote, owing to tbe desire on the part of the republi can! to have it appear that a quorum bad voted. Senator Vest instated oa a speedy announcement, remarking that tbe suffering country could not wait for republicans to muster a quorum. Upon the lack of a quorum betog aoo-aoced, Mr. Vest dertstveiy said: ' And tfcts with tbe (country just wallowing and dying while the hill waits.' "The sen ator Is out of ord sr," remarked Senator Chandler, jocularly." "And so is tbi countrr," added Senator Gray, of Lela ware. A call of tbe senate brought Efty two senators to the chamber, and Mr. Vest's amendment was quickly voted down. After that tbe republicans took more pains to maintain a quorum within hailing distance. Curious tacts. Bees, according to statistician, must, in order to collect a pound of ctorer hoo ey, deprive 2,000 clover blossoms of their nectar. Tbe average number ol novels issued one hundred years ago in America; and Great Britain was sixteen a year. Now ths average is two or tbee a day. It is said that land crabs ot tbo West Indies oa every year Ibey leave their native horns in multitudes, and la reg olar order marct. down to tbe sea, pas sing o'er, and not around, any and every obstacle tbat may come in the way. At the battle of Trafalgar, the heaviest gun used threw a projectile weighing only ih'rtytwo pounds, which wa 6.41 inches io diameter; tbo modern 110-ton gun need a shell weighing two thousand pounds of sixteen inches dimeter. Bank of Eogland notes are made iron) new white linen cuttings) never trom any thing tbat bas been worn Ho care fully is the psper prepared that even ths number of dips into the pulp mails by each workman is registered oo a dial by machinery. Only two mines shafts in the Lake Superior districts reaching 4900 aud 44.V) eet respectively have yet been sunk below four thousand feet ; but four mines in Germany, two in Belgium and one in Austri-Hungary range between 3500 and four thousand leet in depth . Ibe deep est British mine tbe Pendleton, near Manchester is 3474 feet deep ; tbe deep est in Scdtland tbe Niddrie, at Porto Belle is 2130. Steel cables hoist load of six tons at the rate of a milw in a minute and a half at the deep nnn-s ot Caiumet, and in England tbe speed has reached fty-seven miles an hour. Nature provides a series of hook on ths front edge of hind wings of insects, each hook fitting into groove ou tbe bind edge of a front wing. The front and hind wings are thus fastened to gether on each side while the insect Is flying, and ars unfastened at other times This explains why you have occasion ly noticed one of the species flvicg, ap parently with two wings, and have seen him display four upon alighting. This arrangement is extremrty convicnt for such little creatures as ths honey bee, which has to enter una I holes, where a large expanse of wing would bs use less. Sir James Cricnton Browne, the ex pert ou brain diseases, holds that in somnia is not attended with sucn dis astrous oonsequences as is commonly supposed. It is not as dangerocs as the solicitude of tbe sufferer. H suggests that the brains of literary men, who are the most frequent victims, acquire ths trlca of tbe heart, which takes a dose of a fiction of a second after each beat, and so manages to get six hours rest in twenty-four. Some brains, in cases of insotuia, sleep in sections, different brain centres going off duty in turn. pays To buy your groceries and produce of Conn & Huston. Tbey keep the best and fresbfst sM are all right on prion. They will help you to proper in dull times See their bne line of crockery. The celebration cn Albany is going to be all right, so aie be prices on gold filled watches al Eiench' ewelry stor.-, call snd see them. We recommend Pabst Malt Ex tract, the, bet t tonic to build up tbe conval escent, strengthen tne weak and over worked, to conquer dyspepsia and relieve indigestion, to build up and feed the nerves, to produce sleep and build up tbe blood. Price 28c Bukkraht & Lkb. Drnggiids. Much in Little Is especially true ot Hood's Fills, for no rftedl. clue ever contained so great curative power In so small space. They are a whole medicine Kloodn chest, always ready, at- aaaa,, sj ways efflcleut, always sat- fS Ulactory, prevent a cold 111 or fever, cure all liver Ills, sick headache. Jaundice, constipation, etc. 9fle. The only Fills to take with Hood's suraaparllla. MISFITS. The defunct railroad commission seems to be taking a rest. Saturdav. Julv 3 will be the dar. Al- bany the j.lace. E. B. McEirov. instructor of logic. Some of our exchanges are treating this Humorously. A Portland ntner wants ex-Governor Pennoyer to pose as the goddess of lib erty on the 4th. The cash business is what brings pros perity savs anv an exchange. Don't leave the newspapers our. The whole matter is settlvl by the Journal. "Binger Hermann's frieuds demanded Harry Miller's scalp and got it." folitios of the modern stripe. Scio people declare that not half, nor a seventh part, has been told about J. w. Patterson. If the stories that come from there are true it is no wondtr tber wish to get rid of him. - The two monitors Monterey and Mon odnock are in Portland ready it make a show lor that city 's 4tti of July cele hration, secured by the statesmanship of Mcunue and Tongue. The amateur photographer will be out on tne 3rd. anere is a rumor that l'roi Hsgal will give a price of $2.50 for the beet picture of him as be leaves the eatth. The Newport News calls the election of Geo Lilly to a prolessorsbip in the U. ofO. as "Perfidity Reaarded." Just what that is we don't know but jndge it is something connected with the Simon Bourne rule. Tbe Mill City correspondent of the Pcio Press is a hot number. He says: Some festive lad plared dynamite nnder "Reob," Lewis's "bach sbanty." and blw it np. Keub was on a celebration at ths saloon at the time. Tbe next move ought to bo the btosriog op of the saloon. Marion county has a style of its on. one not to be courted : A correspondent who seemed to speak by the card dis- c'osed in tbe Journal for the first time that Marion eonntr. is not onlv navin? two rents of t!5 a month eavch for militia companies, but is paving 125 a month (or an additional armory and some heavy bills for extras. The effects of hard times are to be seen at Salem where repairs to the big wagon bri ige acroas the Willamette are being made. Many farmers relate to pay for transpcnation across the river on tbo ferry, and grt their pro! ace into Salem by means of wherloarrow over the bridge. Ex. Prof Pierce in stepping from tbe biph calling ol teacher to editor of h Urant Pas Courier, says "the field is a good one in which the opDorluniues are many lor os to exercise our talent as an educa tor." Tbe idea is do doubt a good one. but when it come to getting one bread and butter tbat part of the jb lose its poetry, and yet, the newspaper is an ed ucator. Tbe Corvalli Times sars a gentleman who is well poet. I in aftairt in Portland states that everything is very quiet in the metropolis of Orryon. Tbe residents of the city expected that times would begin to improve about the tirsv of May, but instead of relief they seem to get harder it anything. A few years ago there were killed daily in Portland from 335 to 340 head of cattle for tbo local market. Now ths dailv kill is only about forty bead. U:her business show a similar decrease. A big heading in the roads as follows: Astoria Budget Water Letel Railroad Nearing pltion. Cotu- Trains for Astoria Will Kan Down Grade trom tbe backbone of the Kocky Mountains to the Pacitic Ocean. A Koal that Will Drain One Thousand Miles Sqoare in tbe Columbia Watershed. The Completion of tbe A -ton a and Co lumbia River Railroad Will Make Astoria the Great Steam and Rail Terminal of the Pa cific Northwest. Sorre evening since just as tbe O. B. A N. No. 1 was pulling out of the station at Walla Walla bound for Spokane, re lates the Union, a man rushed up to the porter and placing a baby in his arms stated breathlessly: "Take this baby to Spokane. Someone will meet vou at the depot there to get it." The asloniehed porter took the baby and the man dis appeared in the crowd. At Spokan a man came forward as tbe tr-in pulled in and made inquiry for tbe baby, tie signed the name "Phillips" to tbe por ter's note, acknowledging the receipt of the child. It developed later that the child was to be adopted into the family ot a rich Spokane couple and that "Phil lips" was enriched too for procuring the child. The child's identity here is not known. The trainmen claim that it was a little girl about two years of ags and exceedingly pretty. The whole affair i shrouded in mystery. fHE PLACE TO BUY Your Groceries and Ba,kcd Goods Is at Parker Bros- Evervlody kuows where their place is. They .keep a fresh stock of groceries, produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all adke. You may regret some stent yon take in life Lot none taken into tt e store of Parker Bros. It is a greit thing to be well fed. Tal ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of t)red is not ronch but yon want it well made. Try Parker Bros. YES : The counters of people still crowd the THE BLAIN ULOTI LING COMPANY for bargains, and nev er go away disap pointed. The reduction sale is still on. All lines of goods tarried by thh com pany are moving r1 4ht along, taken by satisfied and eag r purchasers. The price sells them . 2all and see. Considi-r our w lys, think before you act, and then go to liaight Bros , v.'hee you will hud a choi ce st-ws: of meats of all kinds to ordjr fror i. You arn bound to bo pleased if you ordi jr of tbora. Bet Icq Jream ,im the Coast at F, H. Pfeiffepai. TELEGRAPHIC. ' rrmperlfjr Teiiuk IIautk. July 1. The Kxprets ill say tomorrow: Next Sunday, or prior to that day, cir culars will be placet! in the bands of all the bituminous miners in the United States, calling them out on strike. It is eaumated that 250.000 mm will be involved. Penn sylvania, Ohio, Indiaona Illinois, and parts of West Virginia and Kentucky will contribute to tbe movement, lb strike is to enforce the Columbus sntle of iro cents per ton for Pennsylvania: GO cents for Ohio and Indianoa, and 55 cents fot Illi nois. The MeBfaaaa AaU Cambllag law Butte wtnt July 1. Tbe law prohibit ing gambling in Montanna went in effect today, and as generally observed. A'l games shut down at 12 o'clock last night, and the nickel-in-tbe slot machines were stored away. Tbe law even prohibits shaking dice for drinks, and, according to the attorney-general s construction, makes playing cards for prizes in social gatnenngs unlawful. A Big rae Irtairy CisciN.NATTl. July I. Ornament is a triple Derby-winner. He won tbe dis tinction today in the Oakly Derby after one ot the most exciting struggles ever seen ou the local track. 1 illo. tne great 3-year -old from Turney Bros. ' stable, ran tbe great son of imp. Order to a bead in tbe big event today, and in one more jump the race would have resulted in I illo s favor. Over 10,0(10 people, witnvsted the running of the Derby. WwraeThM Wfekkey Braisakd. Minn . July 1. Five In dians, including Chief Wee Sug. are dead al M alone s l'oin. ilille Lac lake, and several othars are expected to die, s the result ot drinking painkiller, uatr oil ana other perparations containing alcohol. Indian payment has been going on there' and the redakines gorged tbemaelvM witn this staff, which was bojght at Malone's trading post. Babe City, Jul. 1. Tne Don Juan mine, Kelley A: Allen, proprietors, . wa sold today for f 10,000, part of which sum was paid In craah, tbe balance to be paid soon. A B Hammond, a Mr. Smith atd another gentleman, of Denver, are the purchasers- Vbe Tariff Bill Washixoto!, July 1. The finance com mittee suffered several onexperted lever during the pmgrest of the tariff bill deb iia toaay, being defeated on term impnr'aol vote. Cotton bagging wa placed f a tbe free 30 to 23, and cotton tie alio, by a vote of 28 to 33. fbe doty n i wnita pine lomber was redacH from to CI per 1000 by a vote of 32 to 31 . A SUUj-awal itdatal. Boikk. Idaho. June, 30 Six people, who ere injured in tbe Clean's ferry acci dent last night, wer brought to the hos pital here today. None are bably hurt, there being no bones brcken Then brought to tie bopi(aI are: Mrs- B. T. Major, of Ugoen. Mr. En re! hart, of Portland. a'r. McDonald. Mrs. W. D. McDonald and Mia M. E. MclbnalJ, of McUioviile Or. lob a SimoL. of Newton. Utah. TraJaa raxIMrat. Cntcafio. 111., lane. 30 In a rear-end oolliaion oo the Chicago A- Northwetfern road, thirty mile out of this c-ty at 2 o"cSo-k this morning. Ihrws ptManger were kiUsl octriaht and twenty more or Ins enoualy injured. Toe deaul ars Mrs R. Sbipman, ot AppMoo. W laconun ; John iKKkiing, of Aastio. Nev., and aa unknown trim p. The colliding train were section 4 and 3 of the ChricUaa En learorwV excurtien . Maaijr raaolaa Kssas Citv. Jan). Kirht ltootnd people, de leg-ate to tbs Chritian En deavor content ia t San Franrico, who have takea adraniare of the cite? exenr ton rate, literally swaxuied toe onion de todiy. WuVkiI aa etoep'.ion train from the Eut wtre run in fwr and Ere ! wcKt. 11 lar.-rt deriiios ounej j Irenn Sew Jerj la It iepet. Ia ail j stout 3)0 carloads of prop' have pasted j throorb here Mooe yesterday. Caal ta YvfXsrowx. O.. June 33. -Every mill in tbe United S'!e where ge are oa oer tbe jurUdidtJa of tbe Amalgamated AaeocukUun of SUwl Wnrter will shot down tonight- 7be miU altogether era tJiy i'l.O.O member of tbe Amalgamated Association, betd) tbote who a?e oot members. Tbe abut down will take place on account of tbe failure of tbe Amlra- maled scale cwuaiitte aad Use maaa ac tarer to agree on a puddling rate. CoLfMBf. Ohio. Jans 30. Horace T. Cnapman wa Booainared far governor today oe toe second balk, by tbe state democratic convention. Ibe lex lowing were candidal: Paul J. isjtg. AUee U. mailer. A. W. Tburman, D. 0. Doo- : van, R. T. Hough. Horace T. Chapman. S al. HuaUr. 1 M. Yanneter. A W. I'at nck and Jaaue F. R- Before ike ballot pruceedfld, R. T. Uougb wa withdrawn. Big ateraUry. Baker Crrr, Or. Jone & Burglar entered the paa'o&oe hers last night aad broke ooen tbe safe, willing about Sl'XXl. fT.VJ ia gold and 30 in ttamps of I. 2. S and 10 real denormnatton. About 30 reg istered letter were uken, their taloe be ing unknown. ieui arat-si wsnsia uinti Sammsry. Station, Atbtaj, Or. Month Jot. 1S97. Kleyation abov a lent. 214. Maa temperature, 62 56 M iitmaQi temperature, &3; dt 30. Minimum teinprratore, -I I; data. Sad. Meanot maattnam temperature, 74.06. Meaa of onioimam ternperatare; 51. 06. Number lime maximum trmperatfr 90 or aboirn, 0. h amber titnoa moimam temperature 32 orhelew. 0. Number tiint minimum tmpertaa 40 decrees or below, 0. Total precipitation 2 73 mcbe. tiieatetit pmupltation to S4 cuaaecctira bo ir. ud date. O.SS. '-2nd . No. of clear day. 10 I No. of pa.tly cl-Kjil ilaa,C. No, of cloorly day, 14. Namber of day on which .01 or mor of jr-cipitatioa fell, 9 Number ofaay on which .04 r mors f preoipttatioa fall, 8- Date of light frost, 0. Date of killing fruat, 0. Dates oo which snow (all, 0. Dateaoo which bail tell, 0. Iate oo which slset fell, 0. Date of thunder atortna, 0. Aurora, 0 Prevailing direction of ths wind, N. C G eCRKHAST, olunteer Ob Btats or Onto, nrr or toltdo, t Lcca Couhtt. Paair: J . Chickbt make oath that he I ths senior partner ot tbe firmot F.J.CHKxar A Co., doing business in the City ot Toledo, County and State aforeaald. and that aaiit firm will pay the cum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLA R.H tor each and everv oe ot Catarrh that cannot ooeund bv the oa of lliu'i Jtahh Cvk. FRANKJ.CHKNEY. Sworn to before me and ubcribed iu my praenos, this SLh da ot December, A. D. UNS. A. W. OLF.A80W, A'otary Public aaAl Ball's Catarrh Core t taken Internally and acts directly on th blood aud mucous aurfaoes of 4heyatem. Hend for textimoniala, free. F. J. CHF.NKY & UQ.( Toledo, O. ar Sold by DrojrgUt. TSc Hall's Family Pills are tbe best. Canned wild blackberries in one and wo quart jar, cheap at C E Brownbll's. Fine quality, new up-to date shirt waists going at ii tegular price at Read, Peacock & Go's. VIGOR mi Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored Weakness, Nervousness, Debility, ua ail w traw ar aril frvia awl; error er lata 1 1 wa MaaiU of erorwork, MokBaoa, or , tr. . U alraaath. IaaTolopraoBt aad taao t ry orgaa and porUou of Ika body. Simula, uaaaral aaaikod ' laamodiaaa lasnffovamana aoaa. Falluro laapoulbl. t,0UO wtaranaaa. Book, osplanaiiou aad ptool aaaalad (aoaladj (m. ERIE MEDICAL CO., fctiVJ. The Ideal polish is polishing the world today. It is given up to be ths greatest polish on earth for gold ana surer plated ware, nickel, brass, copper, tin, zinc, &c. Every package guaranteed by Burk- bart k Ie, Druggist, i'rice 25c. Wild Blackberries. Big crop of wild blackberries on E. Wills farm at Black dag this year.. A fine place to pick. Only 50 cents per day per person. May begin on June 23. That German washing fluid, which bss proven such a fine thing has arrived at Parker Bros, in a large quantity. Call indtry a bottle. Choice sardines at C E Bkowhbll's. Let everybody come to tne Mar Bakery and get 4 Waves of fresh bread for $1.00 cash. C UtTII, $1 25 shirt waists reduced to 63c a Read, Peacock tc Co'. $1 50 shirt waists Read, Peacock 4 Go's. reduced to 75c at i .1 ccTnc coast r ftl ta. t. .. n i-pilna the Pasta f .F.''y .awilw aa4 aaaa. i " - t. irra le Hainan a) ... r :! ilmlM -a tM-i. an4 wtwmrm -r i i im ii ! i. fl4 - v. - "li'Hn , rv. Ru!l4lBa rZ U ILY a !a Fit - t .... t j ..i .) Mr:) cf ii i 1 1 . 1 1 y. - i si t:: M u . t - 4.4 .a I ASSIGNEES NOTICE. Notice i hereby given that L E Blain, of Albany. Oregon, on tbe l&th day of Fcbraarr. 1S37. made a general assign ment ot "all hi rroperty for tbe beneSt of !l bis creditor; and that tbe unde signed ba been duly arpointed assignee in id al)rEment proceeding. All crediters of a d L E Biin ate hereby required to pre sent their c'aitas to me, e'uly erified, ai my office In tbe postoftice building. Albany. Oregon, within three months frcr the da'e of this notice. Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 23rd day of March. 18o7. H C watsok, U Bbyakt, Atly for Assignee. Assignee Special for Friday a TflE FAIR This week 20 per cent discount on Dinner Sets, Lamps and Chamber Sets J. A. WEAVER. Notice for Publication Land Omc at Orkoon Citt, Or. Mai ISth, IS97 Notice is hereby n-iven that the follow ing named settler ha filed notice of his intention to make final proof in snpport of ot his claim, ana mat said proof will be made before the reg ister and receiver at Oretron City, Oregon, on July 6 h, 1897, vis: WilHsui 11 Ashley; II K 1(579 tor the N X of N E of S 17andStf oS E of Sec 8,Tp 10 S K 5 East. He names the following ,itnese to prove his continuous residence open snd cultivation cf said land, vis: Edward OPerkett. of Detroit. Oregon. James Monroe ad Joteph H Barlow, both of Berry, Ogn, and John A Foi, ot De'roit, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLER. Register. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Omoos Citt, Oa, May. 18, 1S97. Notioa is hereby givsn that the follow ing named settler ba Bltd notio of his intention to maks tinal proof in support of hi olaim, and that said priof will be mala before tha regis'er and receiver at Orecn Ciy. Oun, on July 6th, 1S97, via: Edward OPerkett; HE 11377 for the north ot the N W U, 8EolNWX,Sw of N E U of Seetlen 21. Tp 9 S R 6 East. lis am the following witnesses to prove nts continuous residence upon and culti vation of said land, vis : William El Ash ley, James Monroe, both of Berry, Ogn, John O Fox, fohn M Uollingworth, both of Dotroit, Oregon . Robert A Miiam. Register. f t 1 II t Sep tki Flag bunting Paper napkiis Basket lunch biskets Brownie lunch boxes A big reduction in shirt waist prices Entire stock at one-half price. A closing oot price on ox blood and tan shoes, all new goods. Notice prices in east show window. S.E. Voung & Son. Last Call on shirt waists The price on all our new 1897 shirt waists, regular price of which was (1 .23 and $1.50 has been ifxed at just ha,f their value, that is 63c and "."c and 50c for your choice of all the f 1.00 and nnder values. We have a few otfer at 23c each, early. 1S96 waists which we Make your selections We have just moved our large stock ol Mens Furnishing (ioods. fehoes and Hats from our Lebanon branch to oar Albany store and will make especially low prices on same. You will do well to investigate. IAD, PEACOCK & CO. ADMIKISTRATOS'S K0T1CE. Notice i hereby iHven that the under signed adminirtor of tbe e'a'e of A D Knox, deceatcd, has ieu his nal account in aid ea'a:e in tbe count- coort ot Linn count. Oregon, and tsat tld a.nrt ta ffxed tbe third day of Aagust. 1-97, at tbe hour of 1 o'clock in the afiemom of said day a tbe time of bearing all objec tions tbertto and aef Ung the ame, there tore, alt pen on baring any objection to said final acconnt are hereby notified ad required to appear and ale the same in aid court on or be'ore a.d above tuen tioned dtte. Dared this l!h da of Jone, 157. W R Bst-Ttc, P V Dcsca.v. Attorney. Admin -'ralor . Notice for Publication Ljuco Orrics ar Oek;os Crrr, Oa. Jne 22ad, 19T. Notice ta hereby gin a Xhtt th fol'owicg oaaned senior ha bled not ee of hi iatea Uoa to make caal proof u turort of hb cia. anl ual sue prod wui b ttad be- for u awatT clerk of Lia cns:y at Al bany, On, oe Aawt , ., 1S97, fix; Wil ham hli: Ii E 67S1 ior live lot 4 of See M Tpl'jsRS tt, lie Bm-.h iaJiow. ing taa-ia to peoy fas cxol nooqa refi- deace apea acd CTJiliratio i r ft aaid Usd. v: J H Payne. Krak V D.riory, FS Buakirk, 'l of JeSrn, Cga. aa i A B Boadcf A 'Out, Ccn. EftKsT A Millxk, EAST AND-SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Soutnern Pacific Co, OaliSaraaa taa Ttalaa ,aa fartlan Pally i 1 Sort' ar ' aa ir S M a ar i.TfcSr ir.a.Lt .- a L Mil lar aioar Abor train s'-op at s'a-ions be tweca Portiiad and Salem Tar sr. Marion, Jeffern, Albany Tangent, Shedd. llL-ey Eaeeee Cotuxe Grove. Drain, 0k td and all rtatoos fr-Kj H xtcburg sa-h to and in djdirz -Wiiand. fcJSaa L rwtakaai Ar (In lSraL. i:vu Lritjtu teSara I ar faaw Ll 7 aausos naJKli Laavar Abaa rcr Lebaanai T S J Aitixm al AitiaaT Cn Lslaawa St3 i tan Aitauoy M- Uhaix - r 0 r Ami at Aibant froaa Uba a iii5 r a Laaa Aitwf tat Woodbatra Tis Waodbvn nara liV.S a a ArrtT al Albany traaa WoedbiarB Ara Laara Altau,y for Natroa i. iS e at Aittaa; frvaa Itatnxa 1 i a PUUHAr EJrFH SLEEPERo. AJCD Dinintr Cars oa Ogtlen Routt SECQND-CU3S SlEtFlNS CARS Alurh4 all TbnukTratM ea Ml late. arrwra ratvi.As as ceKvatLi atau, raai aartScpi$aaay aasasca aut,uivT SO I Lt rorxlaaj email! ArlS Li I I y r ear ua Ira I Ar o r l. T. r I Ar r i v. a a Mcltinanlle Diraet eoan cUo ittSu Frjadiri w!th OsiJaait arwa-jtl ait Ptc.Si.' mul tamh:p 1im IVi PAS avl Citl Sailin; daw oa apr4rcalia ataaall;ii t eivr pmqi and Knr J.IH1, C USV. HOSOLfLP and ACSTR cw b ohiuM-i ti xa C kw FateSia, Afoot , avIBLKU Svutr rNjrt'aud OrgA K P RecsLsta. UK a f at 1 A Portland If Both the method and results when byrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta pently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Laver and Bowels, cleanses the svs tera effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers aad cures habitual constipation. Symp of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. isyrup of Figs is for tale in 50 cent, bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for anv one who i wishes to try it. T)o not accept any substitute. w rav i ' y m TTli o) BW TO THE EAST ervas ths choics ot TWO TKAKSCOKTIKEKTAI. ROUTES GREAT UfsIOfJ NORTHERN PACIFIC VIA SPOKANE MIKXEAPOUS ad via. DENVER OMAHA ST. PAUL KAMSASCJTV i.owba1es to all eastern icitieh ocean steam ee -j eave poetlaud evert 0v ..SOS... SAN FRANCISCO For tall deUii cJ CcXSAV ft McWilTH, Albany. Ot sa aooaaw: W H HDEI.KU Kl, Gt P .Aaa Ouegox Central & eastern r. b. co. YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Connecting at YaqmnaBay with tbe 5au Francisco & Yaaiua Bay STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Sails from Tannin every 9 days for Sa Francisco, Coos Bay, Port Orford Trinidad and Humboldt Bay. Fafsoxx AccoatODaTlosf TJjtscerASSax Shortest route between tbe WTHanv ette Valley and California. Fare from Albany and point west tc Ban Francisco Cabis SVXXSJkGB Roasd trip good for 60 days -tlOfX ... -0C ITXC To Coos Bay Cabin I Steeraee.... J To Humboldt Est and Port Orford, Cbia iteerage - 7 River Division. Steamer "Albany" between Portland and Corr; Iia, th roc eh witboct lay-ever. Leaves Albany 80 a. m. Toesys, Tbursdave and Saturdays; leaves Port land, Yamhill street doc at, 6:0C a. m nsdars rt'edneadars and Fridays , Eoww Stosi, J C MiTO Manager Snpt River liv. m S00 PACIFIC UHZe Is ill Fcsta last Solid vestibule trains, eonastiajt of pal ace steepins: cars, taxa-toos dmine cars. elegant day coaches, auasniikeat toorut car I rl free eotosm steeper trom ux i ciSc to tbe Atiaatic wiifcoat change COST DI1ECT A5B CHEATSET OCTSI T Kootenayl Mining District SAKDSr. slocax crrr, StXSON. KALSO. TSLAIL, KOSSLASTD AXO i All points in tbe Okiaairaa Coontry. Get a pamphlet giricg a full desenptiot. of this wonderful eoeatry. Ask the attest for a copy of tbe mining; lawsc-f Bntbf Columbia. Lowes rates to and froaa Atlantic steamsbip ines. Canadian Pac. Ry. O'o's Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan CAJtADlAX ArPTBAUA STXaJtX lVfW Boxotrxr, rut axt Australia. Tbe sbortest lioe to tae Ccloeiss. Thase steamers carry an experieeced medical man, and a stewardess on every voyage For time tables pamphlets, or any in ormatiOD. call on or address. S N STEELE k CO. A gents. Albany Or. E J COYLE. Ae't, 146 Third Su Port- and. Or. GEO. McL, BROWN. D P. A. Vancouver. B. C nHORTHERfl III PACIFIC R. R. Pvulman Sleeping o'ars. Elegant Dinii g Cars, Tourist. Sleeping Car1' St Paul Minneapolis Puluth (anto, Grand Forks Crookston rt'innipe Helen and Butte TO THROUGH T1CKE S... TO Chicago Washinutou Philadelphia New ork Boston and al. Points East and South t Through UckdU to Japan and China, wa Tacomaand Northern PaciSo steamshu Co., an American tine. For information, time cards, maps anC tickets call on or write C Burkhart Aeent. Albany. Or. tr A D Charlton. Ast Portland, Or. Instrumental Music. Mr. II. V. Backensto is prepared to give instructions In instrumental n.usic on violin, guitar, mandolin and a num ber of orchestral and brass instruments. Business placed in his bands will oe faithfully and conscientiously attended to. Wanted-An Idea SS3 fnan, yone tdeaai: h may brisn yni Wrtw JOHN WKOUEKlll RJi IO.. Pafcatt A" ana. Waatntoo. L- i roe h(r 1.) la ajTuaa kuaar. 1- -" '- CALIFORNIA F18 STSUP CO,