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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1897)
jOtiiwrat. TERMS. aiit Dbmocrat, 25 cents per month ?3.00 1 per advance, 30c per month not ia advance. By carrier, 10c per . week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over 3 months. Single copies 5c. Weekly. $1.25 In advance; $1.50 at end of year; $ 1.75 for second year; $200 for third and proceeding years, when not paid la advance. Club of five new subscriber for $5.00. $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book $5.00 bays a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 10 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice' strings. cat gut" Violin E $4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 buys a 5-d rawer sowing machine; nign arm, light running ; guaran teed 5 years . COrrices on Pianos. Orsians. Banios sens on application . E. U. Will Albany, THE "4TII" Successfully Celebrated at Albany on July 3rd. THK WEATHER. Cloudy, cool in the morninsr, warming up in the afternoon, slightly. THE CROWD. A very big one, coming fro-n all parts of the valley, from towards ire ccean, from Eugene and intermediate points, from the Cascade towns, from the cities toward the north, from the farms of the country. How mam? We don't know. Probably Albany's largest 4th of July THi OPBSINQ. With 46 cutis at sunrise. Comrades Catlin and Wesibrook touched them off. IN" THE MORJtrXQ the crowd restlessly wandered hither and thither, riding on the merry-go rund, buying from the many stands, the public square and adjoining streets being well filled. This is the moat un easy ptrtbf a celebration, the restless, anticipating, expectant period. THB PARADE. It began at somewhere near the an nounced boar of 10 :30 o'clock, and was the best in Albany's celebration history. , It was led by uncle Sam and marshals j followed by the speaker, reader, mayor and Judge Hewitt in carriage. Harmony Concert band. Liberty car with 46 lovely boys and girls in red, white and blue, with Miss Alice Ross as the goddess of.liberty. A. O. U. VV. members, drawing be iu titully decorated carriage, iudioating protection, hope, charity. Knights of Maccabees, in cosiuiui. Protection to the widow and orphan. Fred Dawson leading his frog. M. Ludwig with darkies in bath tub and boys with banners. . Smiley the printer. Power & Tomlinson, with horse and excellen. make np. Albany Dressed Beef Co, with one of the best floats of the procession. St Charles Hotel bus. F. E. Allen & Co. S, N. Steele, real estate. Conn & Huston. A. W.& R. C. Stei'-maker, deliwry. Stewart & Sox Hardware Co, two'en gines and binder, with whistles blowing. Sodavill band. Fire depatment.two engines and hose cat t. Burkh'art & Lee, with bottle and clown. Bicycle club about 50 strong. THE SPREAD EAGLE PART. The parade ended at the public square, where the patriotic exercises of the day were held on & public platform surround ed by covered seats, a pretty outdoor paviilion. Judge H. H. Hewitt presid ed. The Albany quartet were loudly applauded. Miss iulia Taylor read the time honored declaration of indepen dence well. The jtavillo quartet of Monmouth greatly pleased the audience with a popular song. Judge McFadden, orator of the day, spoke for half an hour, delivering a patriotic oration of merit with fine elocutionary effect. It was a credit to the day. at home, in hotels, restaurants, halls, from lunch baskets, from everywhere, people ate, just as they do every day, only with more confusion, a little faster, but with an enormous appetite. ATHUmC AND FANTASTIC. At 1 :30 o'clock the platform on the court house square was surrounded by eeveral thousand people. A live enter tainment of an hour and a half was given. The Navillo quartet of Mon mouth and the Albany quartet, both composed of fine singers, were beard several times. The main attraction was the athletic exhibitions of Prof. Oviatt, trainer of the Multnomah athletic club, and Charley Chamberlain. They did eorae fine tumbling, performed on the horizontal bar and on the parallels, with young Chamberlain as clown. The work was expert and clean, rarely equal ed by amateurs. John Talt and Kobt Chambers, o( this city, also did some good tumbling, club swinging and closed wih a very live tour round boxing ex hibition, of a scientific character, both men displaying proficiency. The Taylor nisters of Portland appeared twice in nome artistic dancing, bright, nimble toed girls, with sweet faces and pleasing demeanor. People- generally declared this program a fine icature of the cele bration. MEXICAN TILTISG. There we-e seven entries in the con test among horsemen. Each man had fire chances, at the rings. Following was tbe result: Mr. uurrall l, Miss timales of the size of the crowd. Really we doubt if the ciiy has ever had a big ger one. Perhaps there were 6,000 from outside of Albany. A 4th of July crowd is like the height of a balloon ascension . People say Prof Haeal went up all the way from 400 feet to over 2,000 feet. The merry-go-round took in $342 on celebration day. It run steadily except during the exhibition of the plug ng- gnes. mat was the only thing ttat stopped it. iiie prize ior tne oest urait team was given to Air Pete Kile v. Miss Bertha Y orrel was awarded the prize for the best decorated bicvcle. Off for tub C. E. The Oregon Christ ian Endeavor train passed through Al bany at 8 o'closfc this morning ior aan Francisco, with banners flying. 32 were from Portland, about 15 from Salem and smaller numbers from other places. At Alb-ny 17 tickets were sold, part coming here from neighboring towns, loose from the city were Rev. J. W. Smith, Miss Ava Baltimore, Miss Ellen Foster, Miss Alice Temple, the Misses Geis endorfer and Albert Sternberg. The train will go through by day light, atop' ping tonight at Ashland. At Lebanon. A gentleman who was at Lebanon estimates the size of the en tire crowd at 4,000 people. Other fig- ' ures have been given lower. Hon N L Butler delivered an excellent oration. The base ball game was not played, the money being put nto the hose race. In this Lebanon and a picked team called Eugene, contested. Lebanon won in 36 seconds. Eugene made no time, the coupling made by two Lebanon men being defective. There were small races and other attractions, but not many. Another Cobvalus Boy has met with a bicycle accident in Portland. SaI Blumberg. son of Jacob this place, was crossing Madison street bridge on a wheel Tuesday afternoon, and the draw was about to be opened for a pass- iuk i learner, wnen some one called out to Sol to hurry through. He bent over the wheel and pushed through at a hicrh speed when the closiug gate struck him, indicting a severe wound over his eve, and fracturing his skull. He was taken to the hospital, and it was at first thought that his recovery was impossible, but later reports indicate that he will pull through safely. Blumbers; has been in Portland several months working in Merrill's bicycle store. Gazette. C. Schmidt is now running the Cor- vaius street car. Mr. Brown, of the Brownsville Times. was in the city today. Miss Louise Weber, of Corvallis, was a welcome visitor in Albany for several days. Mr. Seth McAllister, of Eugene, was in the city today. He has a 92 Stearns with him Mr. Geo. W. Harris has resigned as miil carrier and P. J. Baltiniorebas ac cepted the position and duties. Dr. G. W. Gray, of San Jose, Calif , is in the city on business, and will remain two or three dajs. Mr. Train and Miss Whitney went down the river this morning to hdp cel ebrate in Portia I. - - W. C. Tweedaleand family will start the summer outing ball to" rolling to wards Yaquina tomorrow. Mrs. H. C. Watson is expected to ar rive in San Francisco on Wednesday of this week on her way home from 'her Tennessee trip. -v William Mack, Frank Cujimin aad brother and John laom will leave at 3 o'olock' a. m. tomorrow for Beliknap Springs on a month's outing, camping out. Mrs. A. A. Tossing, who has been vis iting her parents and friends in the old home in Ohio, is expected to arrive home the first of next week. Brownsville Times. Unc!e Frank Kitchen arrivel in Al bany this noon f'orn Ft Stevens, on a short vacation, well tanned by the ieroc iona sea breezes fiat blow in at tint point. Rev. E A. Ross, the evangelist, is at Myrtle Point, where he intended opening np on the devil but had to postpone the eueaceoiett on account of being attacked with measles. Ashland Record. Misses Letha and Isa Duncan and their brother-in-'aw.Joha Standard, lesve for Albany on a visit with friends and lelatives after the Chautauqua. They will make the trip on bicycles. Ashlard Record. Jim Cooly, an ex-O. A. C. boy, well known foot- racer, now living at Browns ville, was married a few days ago to Mies Ethel Sparrey,also of Brownsville. The young lady attended the O. A. C. at one time. Corvallis Times. Rev. Curtis R Stevenson a recent graduate of the Allegheny Theological school has been engaged as pastor of the U. P. church and will arrive ibis week to begin his work. He soent Sunday in Portland. Mr. O. C. Maxwell has been engaged as principal of the Mitchell school for term commencing in September next at salary of $50 per month. Prineville Journal. Mr. Max veil is nor in the val ley spending the summer. r t. , . -r- x-. j uea:n, oi l'o;ouse tJity, Wash., has been in the city on a visit. Mr. Beach was one of Albany's pioneer merchants; bnt has been a resident of the Paloufe conr.try for nearly 25 yesrs. co is a umiuer oi dirs. ueoree. Mr. Herhcit Ames, sune-intendent f the Albany mines is in the city to meet pis iatner ana moiner, who are expected in Albany tonight from Misaonrri on a visit. Mr. Ames will return to the mine probably on Saturday. He reports' the mill runnnz whenever ore i cntten out for the purpose. J. J. Hecker, of Wells, and Miss Viola Spry ix Cohvalub. Suey, a diminu tive China boy anil portege of Jim West- fall, is paying Corvallis a visit and is a bright and well-mannered child of eight vears. who has more lun in mm man many kids of his age. He inaugurated the new Fourth of July by generously donating a pack of tire-crackers lor some bad boy to attach a stray dog to. It was a howling success. Times. A HoMu Madk Bcggy. Dr. J. P. Wal lace now rides in an Albany made buggy. one that would be a credit to any factory i in the U. S. Mr. P. C. Anderson was the manufacturer of it. The wood work was done by Mr. A. H. Martin. A bug gy like this one will last for years and may be depended upon. Things Stolks. The new flag of the Maccabees left in their float on the 3rd was stolen. Who did it? At Toledo a man named Johnson was knocked down and robbed of $20. There were suspicion as to the jobber. Thoss Gypsies passed through Jeffer son at 10 o'clock this forenoon on their way to Scio, and Albany will thus very fortunately escate them. It is prooable they will go to Lebanon and Brownsville striking the S r again at fcugene. 400" not $200 Two San Francisco grocers Ring Bros, and T. Salomon won $100.00 each because they sent the most yellow tickets before June 1 5th. But grocers and clerks can get more tickets than other consumers; so we also paid $100 do eacH'to the two persons named below : Mrs. Wm, Fmlt, Wltmemucrs, Nevada, 13s tickets. Mrs. L. During; It) Bryant Street, San Francisco, 7a tickets. Mrs. During got a number of friends in San Francisco and near by (one keeps a boarding house) to give her their tickets; and she used the tea herself. By the way, she uses Shilling's Best baking powder and extracts too bad she doesn't know how good Schillings Best spices are 5 But she says the extracts and baking powder are wonderful. A woman in Stockton, irho keeps a restaurant, came very near getting t prize. She deserves one for supplying her customers such good tea. Better read our advertisements every day some contain suggestions how to win the prize. By the way, grocers can't compete for the two f 150.00 prizes offered for the most yellow tickets in one envelope between June 5th and August 31st. They can, however, compete for the iooo.oo prize. B 4 SCHILLING'S BEST TEA SAN FRANCISCO SO0IAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Dr. Davis and mother left today for Snowden Springs for an outing. J. M. Ralston and family went to the Bay today for their summer outing. Mr. Wash Anderson yesterday after noon leu irom a cherry tree and will be laid op several days. Mrs. N. J. Uenton returned this morn ing from her eastern trip. She was met in Ashland by Mr. Uenton. E. Rice, one of the aaaialanta at flans Foulweather, returned home today altar several uays visit in Albany. S. A. McDonald, of Brownsville, has been engaged aa principal of the Harris risburg school, with Misses Stafford and E.-ns anu auotiier young lady a as sistants. There will he a Christian Endeavor sociable at the Congregational church Friday evening, a good program will be rendered and ice cream and cake will be served. Admission 10 cents. This morning W. II. Taylor left for Sodaville, Linn county, where he and Mrs. Ta? lor will nril th They went to Sodaville about a month ago for the benefit of Mrs. Taylor and daughter's health, but the change was not seoenciai to Mies Taylor, lience she was compelled to return home. The Dalles T. M. A CALIFORNIA LETTER. The Salem a defeated the Portland Mono grams 10 to 4 on Saturday at Gervais. The Boys Club of this city will play Phil omath at Corvallis on Thursday or Friday. Ho Til Ford, of Silent, delivered the orti?o at Stayton. In the afiernoen there were small races and a literary program. Sheriff Gaines lat week presented Mra Sina Cummins with fS for giving the in formation which prevented the recent jail has begun bis breaa. TLTESDAy Home from Hood River. F. Co. arrived borne at 3 o'clock this morning on a special train from the summer's encampment at Fort Jackson, Hood River, State of Oregon, U.S. A. The members report a regular arm v ex perience without the fighting. There was no blood shed, but there was army grub, army discipline and close confine ment. Tbe members of the Albany com pany conferred credit on the gem city of the valley. Only one member was in the guard honse, and he only from pot knowing a pass word. His confinement was only a few moments. Tbere were about 1S00 men in camp and hundreds of visitors. Three or four hundred tents made quite a town. Yesterday the Wester Oregon companies arrived in Portland at 11 o'clock aqd helped out the celebration, marching until tbe men were tired out. The men are sun burned and looked the better off for tbe exper ience. It didn't take verv much to get in the guard house, as will be shown by the close call General Bee be himself bad as told by an ex.. his experience being somewhat like that of tbe Albany man : "Wednesday night was the first night of close camp '(that is tbe first night a ctnnterfign wa required to pass tbe line) and Corporal Dean Shnll was cor poral of the guard. The brigade com mander, General Beebe, bad been in specting the camp after "taps," and, while returning to hu quarters, was baited by a sentinel and required to rive tbe countersign before bing allowed to cross tne line. The general had forgot ten th pitswoid, so the sentinel held him and called the corporal of the guard who was Corporal Shull. The general was unable to give a satisfactory expla nation of bis presence wubout the coun tersign to the corporal, so tbe corporal pia-ed him under arrest and, at the point of a bayonet, started with him for tbe Fuard house. The general was saved this ignominy only by the timely arrival of the officer of the guard. Santa Paula, Calif., Jane 30, '97. Dxab Democrat: It has been four years since I came to this state from Oregon. I have often thought I would write a short letter to the Democrat as it has al ways followed me, thus keeping me posted in regard to matters in and around the city of Albany. It is always welcome 1 cordially and is looked over the first of the many papers we receive This is a great country. A land of snnshineand flowers. The climate ia all that could be desired. It has bad tbe happy effect of restoring Mr. Stew art to complete health. Were it not for the perfect health that we all enjoy we would prefer the Willamette valley for a home. We miss the cherries and straw berries and have learned tat oranges and apricots do not take their places. Our town ia 65 miles not tb west of Los Angeles in tbe Santa Clara valley of the south. This is the most productive val ley we have aeen in Southern California, It ia the great bean producing country of California; tbe Lima bean nourishes here as in no other country in the world, Mr. Dixy Thompson grows eighteen hundred acre in a single year. Oranges, lemons, apricots, peaches, apples, figs, prunes, pears, a1 moods, En glish walnnU, etc, also Boorish ia oar valley. The largest lemon orchard in the world is situated near Santa Paula. It contains four hundred acres ard baa sixty five thousand seven hundred and fifty trees. The Santa Par la lemons and orange command tbe highest prices in the eastern market, A former Albany boy, Frank Stewart, has a position at the above mentioned lemon farm. It was a mistake as stated in a former number of your paper that be was at Ls Angeles "in a restaurant and that he had been to see the Corbet and Fiusimmont fight. He bas never been to Loa Angele. neither bad he any intention of going to see tbe fight as stated. He has a good postion aa lemon ricker and is doing well. Occasionally I see some one from Albany when at Lfs Angeles. Some tetters from Oregon sak if it is not very warm here. Well, no. 1 have not seen what might be called a warm day this season, the mercury scarcely ever rise above 90 at d after 6 p.m. we always feel like donning our heavy clothing. We are only eighteen miles from tbe ocean, farther ia the interior it is very warm at times. California is a peculiar country. We have all kinds of climate durins all seasons of the year, it differs according to elevaUon and distance from tbe ocean. J. F. Stewart. Hammond's Doings: Tangent. Tasge-vt, July 6, 1897. Most all the farmers are busy in tbe bay fields. One can bear tbe clicking of the mower catting the new crop of bay. The crop is net overly heavy this year. We are sorry to hear that Miss Clara Blevins is sick with long fevei, but she is improving slowly. Mrs Anna Vaughn and daughter Lulu of Portland, were here and stayed two weeks with her sister Mrs S E Milk who bas been kick for a long time, bas re turned to br borne in Portland. Mrs Kobineit is down with typhoid fever. Code John Luper was qoi'-e tic't but week. Mrs Searles, of Dallas, has been visit ing her siater Mrs X E Olin. Mrs Minerva Walker and children, of Forest Grove, are visiting with their rel atives Mr and Mrs Knigbten. Mrs A Hie Andrews, one of Tangent estimable youn women, left but Sunday night for California for the benefit of ber health, Mrs Swank, of Portland, is visiting with ber parents Mr L Knigbten and wife, Mrs P arena Reed and ber niece, Mrs Elbe Bod well, of Lebanon, were here yes terday visiting at tbe residence of Mrs S E Mills, also Mra DrU F Crawford, of Albany. Tbere will be some more weddings take place in tbe near future in or Dear Tangent. Mr McNeil Howell, who bas bees in Salem all spring and summer studying for the ministry, bas returned toTaneect and has been stopping with Mr L B Luper. We spent oar celebration in Albany and of coarse met oar fellow scribe. Lit tle Rose Bud, and be treated ns to a fine dish of ice cream. We looked all ever the crow i for oar worthy sister scribe. Miss Belinda Jane so we could eat ice cream together but she did hot show np. We sincerely thank ber for an inviutiwo to Jefferson picnic, we intended to- go hat since tbe celebration vs . aiight of been afraid she would of treated o at the picnic like she did in Albany. Young America and Little Rose Bad ate dinner together at tbe w C T U ball and bad a fine time together Torso America. Mr. Bryaa's Trip. W.J.Bryan will arrive in Albany next Sunday morninz at 0 o'clock on the ovetlandand will take breakfast at the St Charles hotel at 7 o'clock. He will then be taken to Lebanon in a private conveyance and spend the day with Hon M. A. Miller. Probably tbe biggest crowd ever gathered in Linn county will bear him at 8 o'clock Monday mornintr. Albany people can make the round tup for 70 cents. The train will leave here at 1 :30. earlier if possible. Those de siring to come back in the forenoon can do so on the Bryan aecial by paying the regular return fare. The coram; of Mr. Bryan is attracting a great deal of attention. Probate Record. HOME AND ABROAD. S P directors went over the Oregon ian road today. See tbe fountain pens at Will & Starlcs, tne beat to be secured. Will k Sta'k al ways have in rtock latwt novelties in ail hae of jewelry. You will alwny find a fine liwi of jew elry at Will A Starks. Do not buy before examining their good. Cbo'ce ugar cured bami at H. Brodcn only 11 cenu per pound. Call 00 him for choice meats of ah kind. Ice cream and soda aod soda pop at Mrs V iere:k' parlors and turnmer garden, ice cream, 5 aiid 10 cents a dib. At Lowell, Mass, jesierday Bernard eien oroxe tne worirs record by run ning 100 yard in 9 3 5 a conds . Col S B Ornmliy. f tbe Knldier Tlnme board, bas been anoointed timber inanec- ujt ior uregon, at it salary or Ice cream and ice cream soda, soda pop and all cooling refreshment at Viereck's summer garden. Pure material in all of our drinks, no acid used. Knecht & Veir have the best assort ment of fireoriss in Albany at prices that defy competition. AIoee them for flags and bunting. To nwkwtho Lair grow a natural color, prevent baldnem. and keep the scalp bealrby. flal.'s Hair Kenewm ed, and bas pioved iUeif sucoteoful. Ladies wikbing their ex blood, chocolate, green, brown or tun shoe polished please call at tbe stand on hntl aimer Mmn Morgan tbe champion russet shoe polisher, r irt clans work guaranteed. Give us a call. Halem school board placed the salary of lbs city superintendent at $85 a month for 12 month, new lady teachers will recehe f -W, old teaeber. Tbe principals of tbe schools wi I get too. The San Fiancisco Athletic dbb or. San day defeated Benida 22 to 15. Connoay of this city made tbe only toon; run, put out 2, assutd 8 times, maoe 4 errors and a&fUited in two double plays. E L Thompson, a Portland insurance ponroasea a Mietland ponv from tbe Myer Vk k firm of Ashland lat w-!r ..i shipped northward Saturday evening for uie uhs ct his little son wbo will dnbtle highly appreiiiit it, Ahland Tidings '.;... : X. stTZl the y- SU - '1 l -t , DsJr G'.h account in estate of Marv A Con ner, filed. Final account in estate of Samuel Dow set for Aug. 2. Final account filed in estate of A D Knox. In estate of John Nelson, personal property was ordered set aside for widow. In estate of John Morgan, real proper ty was reported sold, bale confirmed. In estate of Jas, George. Clara and Lena Drinkard, minors, al.owa&ce g. act ed for their education. In estate of Alfred Butts, report of su e of personal property filed and approved. In estate of Lore n 10 Hasbroock report of sate of real property filed. Con5ru,ed. 41 Years Ago. Forty one yean erilast Saturday, on a pleasant jiuy asr, aa impressive event took place in Eugene near where Dr. Patterson's residence now stands. It was the mustering out of Company (', Second recruiting battalion, Oregon vol on Seers, that had been mostered in at Eugene, March ?i.b of that year, to help quell tbe Indian outbreak in tte River vallejs Tbe volunteers bsd seea service, tbe Indian outbreak bad been settled, and they returned to plate of en Itsrment to lay down ttiearmt, which tbey bad taken op in defense of the then rpartely settled country, agsieet tb dis contented Indians, that wre mating r-ce , tst b.aal stand in toe hope oi rescuing their banting gtoands from tbe steadily encroaching tide of emuration. A vain and useless effort. "ITmir race was doomed, tbeir country lost. Tbe white man was here to stay. It was tbe Indian who was doomed to subjugation and final extinction. Hi race is almost tun. A few more decades and tbe once eameroas tribes will be remembered on ly ia history. Guar J- THE JONES LEVER BINDER 3Iade by Piano 3Ianufacturing Co. Best Binder on Earth BIMSCLL EXGIIsES AXD SEPARATORS The only threst ing machine that gives complete satis faction in Linn County. STEWART & SOX Ildw. Co. WILL & STARK for jewelry. They keep tbe best. List of Patents. All A, " I , . - " ' ' Kiley 1. Mrs. I N G-oves 2. Charles Hill yiDretn, otindependence, were united 3. F Thompson I.Lee Morgan 3. The 1? Wednesday afternoon at the lirst prize of $7 50 was divided between catholic parsonage, this city, both of Hill and Morgan. the contracting parties are well known Mrs. Groves was given the 2nd priee. m Corvallis and many trienJs wih tbem In running through the last time a lance ?acce88 as they go hand ia hand through in tbe bands of a man beside tbe track le. Corvallis Times. The Democrat woo. struck ber in the face cutting a bad gash and causing the loss of considerable blood. In the bicycle contest Joo Sternberg lanced 6 rings. Vernon Ksmp 4, L. L. Swan 3 and Walter Irvine 3. ENGINE CONTEST. No. I's and No. 2's got an Iven start, but the latter got water nrst bv 40 sec onds amid the cheers of its members. BABB BALL. A very hotly contested game of base ball was plajed between Scio and Philo math. Two umpires nearly resulted in a disagreement that could not be settled. but finally was by Scio generously giving way in favor of Philomath Scio won 8 to 4 . The battery work of Dugzer and Miller was excellent. TUX PARACHUTE JUMP. One of tbe best done events of the d-y was tbe parachute jump of Prof. Hagal. It was his 161st successful jump. The balloon went np about 2000 feet and tbe parachute opened at once. The Prof, struck tbe ground at 4th and Washing ton and the balloon only a block away. SWIMMING AND BOAT BACK, There were two entries for the swim ming contest, A. Hensbaw of Benton county and Frank Snyder, goirg across tbe river and returning. The former unites in congratulations. At the regular monthly meetine of the Baptist church last Saturday an invita tion was extended to Rev. W. W. Davis to accept the pastorate of the Browns ville church for six months. Mr. Davis is an able minister and an excellent mu sician Brownsville Times. Mr. Davis is a brother-in-law of Mrs. L. Viereck, of this city, and once resided here. Thursday Johnny Goina sold hia bil liard parlor to Ray Hazelton, of Scio. Johnny will go to Albany today and see anout working in tbe employ oLhis fath er who rans the Red Crown Flouring mills of that city. After about a week Johnny will come borne and take bis family out into tbe mountains for an outing, after which be will move to Al bany to reside. Corvallis Times. A farewell reception waa tendered nev. J . W. bmith on Friday night, at the residence of R. M. Robertson, pre vious to bis departure for tbe east. A large number of tbe members of the U. P. Church, over whinh ha haa heen a faithful pastor for about five months, called and paid their respects. A light tea was served and a pleasant time had socially. Rev. Smith lett on this morn ing's C. E. train, taking with him tbe respect and best wishes of many for a successful ministerial career. Oakville. Mr A T Davis of Sodaville waa visiting friends here tbe lore part of this week. The late rains are doing good for our gardens, especially potatoes. Mr Geo Davenport returned from a visit to Detroit. He was there tbe 3rd and heard the eagle scream but he saved his fire crackers to use on the evening of the Mb. According to our promise to the lady correspondent of Syracuse, Miss B.J. W e rigged out in our beet apparel and procured a horre from a friend and early on the morning of July 3rd we were on our way to Albany. After we bad secured a safe place to leave our horse we wre soon in tbe procession and ss we march ed around those squares our mind ran back to tbe time we marched into At lanta. "While we were marching throngh Georgia." But today we were looking for a lady friend and we made inquiries of anyone who might know ber but without any success, tired and hun gry w left the procession and west to tbe eating bouse of tbe W. C. T. U. and while awaiting our turn we met Young America and he too was looking for a i. We took dinner together and spent the afternoon in sight seeing and "cream' ating." v e ascertained that B J had red hair and we expect that we saw ber, but ber best fellow was with her. Did you mean to "rubber neck-' us Belinda? Meet ns at Lebanon on the evening of July Uth. James Morgan was in Albany the 3rd Was be alone? Oh no! But don't say we told you. i Miss Ethel Bartoo went to Albany Monday in company with the Judge. Little JIosk Bud. From tbe Badft: Tbe filing of tbe deed a few dava by which the Flavcl Iand & Develop ment uo. transfers to Mr. A. 15. Ham mond tne title to a long stretch of water front property, com prising about 2.000 acres, at Flavel is of great significance in showing what is being done toward bringing important enterprise to tbe mouth of the river. For sometime ef forts bsve been made to induce tbe North Psciffc Elevator Co., tbe Ladd Flouring Mills and Balfour.UnLhne A Co. to move their plants to ibis point. It is now learned upon what is considered reliable authority that with the execution of the above deed, contracts were entered into between Mr. Hammond and these par ties, where sites are furnished tbem free of cost and tbey in tarn agree to erect tbeir plants as soon as the railway is completed. All tbe above are Portland firms but tbty realize that with tbe building of the road export business must leave the inland village and come to a point nearer tbe sea. Granted to Pacific states inventors this week. Reported by C A $oow A- Co., patent attorneys, Washington, D. C. A W Dowe, San Francisco, Cal, safety bank cbeck, draft, etc; A Fleckeostein, Portland, Ore; fraiudrier; J A Flint. San Francisco, Cal, pneumatic overshoe; il C Hutchinson, Wood vibe. Ore, porta ble sawing machine: W Knox. Hay , wood. Cal. stone-grapple; C T Pelton, ' T, : r-v. 1 . : I . &: K err iw, vi, veil mi amui4irp , vy e Pen field. Spokane, Wash, folding camp stove ; C Petersen, San Francisco, Cal, conductor for underground electric rail ways. P Selleg, Valley, Wash, Spring brake and upgrade propeller. J T Stock ton, Santa Rosa, Cal, wheel ; E D Stod der, San i-rmncisco, Cal, powder disinte grator and distributer; 8 Taylor. Win ters, Cal, plant-protect r; W G Tower, Murrietta, Ca. washboard ; J E Uren. Auburn, Cal, fire-ladder; T R Vincent, Salem. Ore. permutation-padlock : C H W amngton, ban r rancisco, Cat. natton fastener; F A Zeiger, Lot Angles," Cat, miter-box. For copy oi any patent seod send 10 cents In postage sumps with date of this paper to U A fcoow A Co, Washington, I). C. Some Placer Mining. Mr. Tom was down from tbe Sooth Santiam today. He bad been at tbe Lawier mines for nine months, bat re cently was placer mining near Fosters, where be did well, taking oat as much ss a day, f2S in about 7 days. As a rule 3ia have made from $1.50 to t- a day. He thinks there is a bright prospect there when tbe right field is struck. It is a pecaiiar tart ana not a creditable one. Pfeif. Best Ice Cream Anywhere At F. U. PfeifTers. See Smiley about it . Smiley's j inters are in. Dawson sells Liverine. Liverine S0c at Dawson's. Dahlia bulb, at F L Kenton's. Apples at C E Baorn jfeu'h. Smiley does the best printing. Delicious ice cream soda at F. 13, ter s. Picture from 75 cents to 25 per do jh at Loaga gallery. . F H Pacifier's ice cream bas stood tbe test. It is Ail right. Crawford Hamuli for photogracbs. Price from tl to f.'O p dozen. Water white txub hoBv from California. Ja in at u E Chow ell's Tbe Euth leies for Portland at 7 a m 00 atoalays, WeJaesdayt aod Fridays. Try C. Simptoa Sob s Ciry Lsaodry or first class wors-opp St. Chu hotel. J VV bntl?r. tbe piocm xA. and shoe mao, does tart-cia work cheap, fail on him, jtt north of Urn Dexoc rat office. Mrs. Viereck has connected parlors with ber summer garden, where sbe can fcerre tbe pabiic ?n ad kinds of w -' hr with ber deticioa ii e Dr. G. W. Mstos. pbticiaa and sor Eeoo, Albany Or. Caiaasa-erel proospt !y in city or coaotry. Dr. H. K. inJ O. K. Beers cce -k residence ia t ae port o$o? building. Spec ial aUenUon girea to diseases of wooea. J. Sokto hu moved to jart eart of Scbnwr s tab, '.nl street, wteere be will keep in market fine a, g-ame sod poultry- Call on bim. Lois Viereck has scored tbe service of George E. Wet. as experienced tceorial artist. Firt class work froaranteed al t rack's staving and hair cutting parlors. You make a score every time yoa bar your meat of tbe Albany Dreased Beef Company. Only first elan me&ta n krt of all kind, aad prompt and carefal at tention is the oris Just dwa the sf reet. H. F. MclLWAIN, CASH STORE. JULY 4th jMcllwaiii's Great Bargain Store Will Save You Money. - 4 122 Arcuciie or Lion CoHee, 50 cents SUnilard Erasd Flour per nzt 9 cents fee imnsTills Braai Flour. SI 03 13 00 lens Fma ilm, 12 00 Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, At cut prices. Cash paid for eggs. I. S. Crop Report. The showers have delayed baring, but mat tbere is not a sicgle pis re in Albany j otherwise tbey have been of beo- Rea.1 Estate Sales. J L Hill to Gale S Hill, lot 7, U S. Albany A K Cvros to John Bingenbeinser, 160 seres. 11 w 1 Edward S Coe to Arthur H Masten receiver, 3 deeds conveying all the property of the estate of Geo 8 Coe, consisting of Mag nolia mill property. acres adjoining Albany, wler front profrty, etc Joseph Keboe to Jas shelly, lie1,' acres Oregon to Lather While. 2.S6 S P Barger by sheriS to D M Os born & Co. 3.06 acres, Erowns Brownsviile - Cbss Ailschul to Jas Sanderson, Ui.K! acres, 10 w 2 1 C S to John Unger, lt$ acres, 10 E4 Patent Jas Elkins to Helen Eikins, acres 1 Johnaon White to Wm Micban, SIS acres. Oak viKe A M Austin to A J Chance, 2 lota, X Brownsville H Bryant to Sarah S Cocbraa, 6 lots. Sodaville U S to Thos Kosch. 320 sorts, pa tent dated Feb 27. 1ST Jas Sanderson to Cbas Alitcbol, 125 400 100 140 great Tin uyv r i . i . f ; ruritsuMuu'l HU w torn, li iiS to :nr;, ,, ,K . - , mtct be shipped snd returns awaited. jcroute ulohe F " 10 occurred since J one 10:h have nearly, or pi T! ' Letter " Hoiin A Ctscr Costs!. Mr. J. Henry Rice, f Quite, overcome the former injury. ftiZSZ H.rrisba advance agent of the Wait- F. Main Clover is over ripe, and baying has been r VhuWT. 7,o a ind 'l'g circus is in the city doing ta prelimin- delayed owing to the showers. Some h!! i2 " Wit? ii av ciean luair vunmi sw f;iuiu, sou iw mvau crvp Cabd or Thasks. Tbe officers and members of the Womans Christian Tem perance Union of Albany wish to express tbeir sincere thanks to all tbe friends who so generously and kindly assisted as with their donations and patronage of our dinner on July 3rd, thus enabling ns to clear our property of tbe debt that bas so long encumbered it. and giving us new courage to go on with our work, assured tbst tbe good people who bsve stood bv os in our adversity, will not denert us ia our prosperity. OrrciaLS or tub W. C T. U. In Linn county there are 71 sborcn. or ganizations. 4o edifice with a seating cap acity of 13.815. 21 balls with a seating capacity of 1,155; valuation of church pro perty $117,275; number of cummonicanta or member 6,i Jb. be boat race was won by Capt. Hatch. I s .. . ,- - -I of tbe Aiatnioma, tie naa one opponent. 1UO OF WAB. Jeffereon appeared ready for the pull but tbere wero no contestants and tbe prize was awarded tbe team bj default, THE MYSTICS. Tbe mystics were a great aggregation of rare tilings, me paraae oemg long ana interesting, creating a great deal of amuaemeut. This was tbe best plug uggly exhiDition ever s.en in AiDany (kfier the parade a program wai ren dered on tbe public square, consisting ot speeches and athletics by the mysterious characters oi me aggregation. OTHER THISGH. The Da'.l in the evening was well at tended. Peop'e generally declared li the b st celebrat'on ever held in Albany. The committee is entitled to credit for tbe splendid a'traclions as well as ihe man ner in which thing were carried out. The stards all did a live business' Though a mild day, an ideal celebration day, t"e uetnana tor cooi arinks was lark'O. There were a number of d.-unks. That is one way to celebrate the independence of tbe government, and a p-xir one. The Dkmockat bas heard different es- Made and Merit Maintains tbe confidence of the people in Hood's Sarsaparilla. I f a medicine cures yoa when sick ; if it makes wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond all question that medicine possesses merit. That Is lust the truth about Hood's Bar' sapariUa. We know it possesses merit because it cures, not once or twice or a hundred times, but In thousands and thousands of cases. We know it cures, absolutely, permanently, when all others fail to do any good whatever. We repeat Sarsaparilla : Is tbe best in fact tbe One True Blood Purifier. r-k-1 1 c,,re nausea, IndlgesUoOj llOCKl S PUIS blllnusness. 28ceuts. Mrs. Cbss Crowder came over from tbe Bay this noon. L. W. Hadley. one of the ex-O. C. & t,. superintendents, was la the city to day. President Gatcb. of tbe O. A C Das ed through Albany yesterday noon for Corvallis. Miss Maggie McFarland. of this city. who bas been in California several months, ia now at Calietoga for a few weens. Jtiarsnai u. u. Lee lelt tins mornintr Independence. Contrary to expectations he naa been unable to attend to his duties as marshal. Dr. J. T. Tate, of Portland, waa in Prineville, last week, and from there will visit Paisley, Lakeview and other towns professionally. J. M. Somers, one of Albany's leading attorneys-aula w and Linn county's rep resentative in tbe last legislature, is in this city for the purpose of attending circuit court today. Salem Statesman. Tba Linn county institute will in Albany next Tuesday with Prof Tyree of Albany and Prof Acketman of Portland, innbarge. The Albany this uinrning mada it last trip do n (.tream. On tbn O KAN line ir is prooace tne oypsy will run for sever al wtekx. It can run on lea water than any of tbe regular river steamers. ' Students of tbe University of Orepon will fhll be able to gaze at tbe stars and wander among tbe planets in the roarner prescribed in tbe college curriculum. Tbe transit instrument wbicb a month ago was stolon from tbe aniversity was found yes terday morning by G W Cocbran at tbe corner of Lawrence and Clark streets. It was placed in the gutter under tbe cross walk, with about a foot of the instrument bowing. Guard. Wasn't D.v. It was reported that a man died suddenly at the Kuss House. Here is as close as tt happened to it. Mr. H ester from up the Santiam was on hia way home f'orn Benton county and was crossing from tbe depot hotel to theO. C. A li. deoot when be fell over in a iaiut. It was reoorted that be waa dead and some one went after tbe undertaker. When be got tbere the train bad .est with Mr. Hester, who bad recovered. Litelv RcsaWAV. C. O. Beam bad a live runaway exrwrience last evening Hess driving oneof G W Simpson horses when it became trigliteneu i " Lebanon enmne on Kail road street ana ran away, throwing voting Beam out against a tree. His shoulder wss diiloc- ated and one of his bins oaaiy oruiseu Dr. Hill attended bim. The horse rau to tbe fair ground leaving tbe buggy a wreck on the way. The horse was stopped con siderably cut up. The Reaso. Members of Albany F.n gine Co. No. 1 ascribe tbeir defeat on the 3rd to not he-ring the tire bell. It only tapped once-and the company did not surt until tbey saw No. 2 s running. It is asserted that the latter company had 40 or 50 seconds tbe snart. It is to be regretted tbe start wis not such as to give satisfaction between the companies and maks an even race. A NEW NECK-liAND sny of the fake attachments. The ciicua ha been doing eastern Oregon and the press speaks highly of it, Tbe Pendle ton L. U- says : ".Never be lore haa been sees here such a fine collection of horses. ! everv one being of such excellent breed ing as to call forth tbe mot enthaei Sbtic p-aise from the horseman wbo were in the crowds that lined the streets to see tbe procession. Tbe principal mint to be msde is tbe clean appearance of everything, aod the evident attention to tbe smaller details, indicating thor nes in the management. The afternoon performance was up to expectation and earned for the management almost un animous praise. Polite attention and excellent treatment by all tbe employes was appreciated by tne people. A Cat Stout. From the CorvaHis Times: Fourteen or fifteen years ago, when the old Sol King Jvery stabie burned, a kitten escaped from the i)ames snd ran ojt amongst the crowd which bad gathered to witness the conflagra tion. The little feline was badly burned and its sppearaoce appealed to the sym pathies of a Chinaman present, wbo took it away with bim. A few days ago a gentleman happened Into Chinaman Oene s wash house and noticed a very old cat lying there. On making inquiry be found it to have been the kitten that escaped the flames of the old stable many years ago. It waa Gene who took charge of it at the tiro. Fixk Samples. Tbe fall wheat has filled out in magnificent style and tbe yield per acre will be very large. Aa a sample Mr Sam Brysn yesterday left at the exhibit rooms a bunch, one head of which contained by actual count 132 kernels, seven to the mesh. Sevrral othef fine samples may be seen indicat ing a big yield. Farmers having good samples of timo thy and other hny are invited to leave them at tbe exhibition rooms. crco win oe oettertnan tbe nrst. Timothy bay promise to be good. Wheat bay will be better tbsnwas expected Should the weather settle, having will be quick ly under way. Blackberries and dem ne-ries are Urge and very plentiful. Cherries continue to be plentiful, though t.e Koyal Anne are about over. Early peaches are rip ening, and some are now in the markets. The (rait prospects are much better than was reported in May. Hand pruning is necessary in most orchards, though in sections some varieties of apples and prunes are not a full crop; these sections sra small and will make but a small figure in the general crop. The wheat, oaU, and barley crops are moft promising. hi the DiviJc. 10.-0 2000 Holiev 12 John Leedv to Jacob Kees, 34 acrs 11 w 2... 6945 NanrT Baker to Albany Brewing Co acre Hamsbarg 6CO Walter Ketchnm to John R Eei- ley. 22 S acres 11 w 2 273 Georgia A Hannibal to Bert Cn nin. 50 acres 11 w 4 2000 L F Simmons to Geo Howe 2 lots Brownsville SCO J K Jooes by sheriff to Eleanx Sommerviiie 19 acres 3641 J M Beach to EN Eeach 131.6S acres 10 w 3 500 Minerva Trainor to V H Caldwell. lot 6 bl 45 H's 2nd ad 550 Louis Barlow to Frances McLane, 1 lot Lyons 400 J B Couey to Silas M Coney, 2 lots Mielbarn 40 II Bryant, assignee L E Biain and L E B.ain nd wife to H D Ter rell, Sr. 92 acres 14 w 3......... 1500 A dollar corset that leads tne pi occasion fpxial 'aloe, black aad drab. Good corsets for 53e and 73c ia Uack and drab. Better ones too for 11 .25, to fi25 . A special price on half wool cbailies 8e per yard. S.E. Young & Son. Last Cal on shirt waists . The priee on all or new 1S97 shirt waists, regular price of which was $1 .25 and $1 50 haa been fixed at just ha f their value, that is 63c and 75c and 50c for your choice of all the f i 00 and under values. We have a few 1536 waists which we otfer at 25c each. .Make Tour selections early. We have just moved oar Urge slock of Mens Furnishing Goods. hoes and Hats from oar Lebanon branch to oar Albany store and will make especially low prices on same, Yoa will do well to investigate. BEAD, PEACOCK & CO. Do You Use It? It's the best thing for the hair under all circumstances. Just as no man by taking thought can add an inch to his stature, so no preparation can make hair. The utmost that can be done is to pro mote conditions favorable to growth. This is done by Ayer's Hair Vigor. It re moves dandruff, cleanses the scalp, nourishes the soil in which the hair grows, and, just as a desert will blossom under rain, so bald heads grow hair, when the roots are nour ished. But the roots must be there. If you wish your hair to retain its normal color, or If you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use Ayer's Hair Vigor. makes many good as new. Tor 15c. a useless shirt We put them aa on WVU care (of all your laundry so well you'll never miss tbe darning girl of the eld home . , There a really no necessity c-f collars, cuffs and shirts dying of anything but ripe old age. bands and edges prematurely frsy ed are the result of careless work and poor machinery. Why don t you try an up-to-date, careful laundry? Our collectotw call any where, any time. C. Simpson & Hom, opp Bt Charles Hotel, City Laundry. Letter Ll.t. Following Is the list of lotters remaining in the Postoflice at Albany , Linn county, Oregon, Ju.y 6, 1897. Persons calling for these letters must give th date on which they were advertised. Adams, Wm 2 Butts, lnk Collett.OP Lamb, Lucy Vincent, F T Rev T. J. Stitss, P M A Patriotic Bot. A small boy who lives in Corvallis, was seised with an in tense wave of patriotism Saturday and went to Albany afoot in order that be might fittingly celebrate our national independence. The father had been at Albany and was dismayed when he ar rived home to find that the child had walked the 10 miles in order to witness the exorcijes of the day. A friend who chanced to be down there telephoned up that he would bring the child home, which he did. Corvallis Times. Ju.y 6. John Grimes has bis fall wheat nearly all cut and bound. Harve Summerville ccompanied bv Courtney Otlicer arrived home last week from bis drive to Eastern Oregon. Irwin Grimes and his sister Mies Hat tie Dempscy who had been visiting with relatives near Prinesville for several weeks, returned home last week. Miss Msggie Grimes came in with them to spend the summer here. Miss Annie Turner, wbo has been vis- ting st Mr Mctirath's has been a great sufferer from coming in contact with poison oak last week, was entirely blind tor several days, but is slowly improving. Miss Lixxie Arnspiger and mother spent Saturday here at the farm. M r Stellma'cher accompanied by Newt Mc(i rath went to Albany Saturday. Charles Grimes and family spent Sa urdav in Junction. Miss Anna Grimes haa gone to San Francisco to attend tbe Christian En deavor convention and from there will go to Mills College to tbe l U A summer conference. Last Saturday a large number ot pa triotic and tua loving alliens of this community celebrated up on the moun tains above est Poiut, all teturned at a late hour, reporting one of the most pleasant celebrations ever spent by even the oldest of the party. The dinner spread waa simply "immense." A general invitation was given and ac cepted by the Harris Union S S last Sun day to meet at Mr Philpott's and spend tbo evening In singing, which was great ly enjoyed by all present. S. S. Music Miss Mildrca Burmester teacher of piano or organ. SyRtem ths Mason touch and technique. Residence - Died is Arizona. A dispatch was re ceived this week by Mrs. E. C. Rogers, that her son Robert Elder had just died in Arizona. He went there to work in a mine. He was taken with a fever from which he did not recover. Fiot-R M' It is reported that the Portland Flour Mill Co. have secured control of the Red Crown Flour Mills and that the recent management of the mill will run the Magnolia mills. Con tracts have not yet been completed. though, in either case. Tbe fool killer needs to strike Arlington, Yesterday at that city Prof J C McUrath tnmruvt fmm a born 45 feet to the ground with a parachute which did not open in the 1 A IT i It- Ka,!I l.Jniul SDOrt aiKUUlCe. m mbuijt iujuiw. ALBANY TRADING CO. B. i HOBBIS. MAGB We will sell goods as long as they can be obtained on the market at prices a3 follows C5 ft 65 75 If you want a good ami dean smoke buy cigarmndbj Thousands Celebrate With thankfulness their restoration to benbh by the ue of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Think of tbe vast army wbo have been cured by this medicine Men, women and children, who have suffered the consequence of Impure blood, who have been tne victims of scrofula sores, eruptions, dyspepsia, norvousnes, sleep lessne. Tbey havs tried other medicine and have foiled to obtain relief. Tbey tried Hood's Sarsaparilla and it did them good. They persevered in its use and it accom plished permanent cures. Do you wonder that they praise it and recommend it to you? A lares assortment of earden seeda white clovw, timothy aad blue grass seeda 1 dos best tar rubbers 1 dos S gal fruit jers 1 dox gal fruit jars 5 gal keg pickles 1 gal choice pickles, bring your bucket 3 lb cartoon crackers 10 lb choice beans 8 bars best Savon soap ! S boxes blueing Sqt bottles blueing Spkgacorn starch...... l gat best vinegar, try it 1 gal best syrup, bring your jug. . . Si gal Alsyrop 1 box best axle g-ease 2 cans best tomatoes 2 Morning Glory corn, good . . 7 1 lb Corn Cake tobacco and pipe. . 4 lbs beet crackers 25 1 gal peeled peaches 7 pkgs Arbuckle coffee 1 7 pkgs Lyon ' 1 I paper coffee, ground to order. . . . 3 lbs Gold Dust washing powder. . . 1 can best baking powder 5 lbs Arm & Hammer soda 12 cane talmou 1 3 cans best cove ovaiers S cans spices 25 3 bottles extract lemon or vanilla . . 25 1 lb best Gunpowder tea ..... 40 1 lb best Japan uncolored tea 40 CO lbs fine salt 0 12 packages good matches 10 Good stock working gloves -0c to ixA a pair which we wish to close out. The above prices are strictly cash. Albany Trading Co- Cor. 2nd and Main S w AFTED. Girl to do ceneral bouse- ork. Call at oihot or residence oi Dr G W Mast on. HAMPERS ATIEST10N. Dr. Adams V tbe dentist, bas two good wall tent Star Bakery Corner Broadalbin and First Sts CCXSAD UEYER PROPRIETOR -Dot'or la Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits. Tobacco, Sugar. Coffee. Etc. Canned Mca Queeusn ..- VeaetsiWes. Cigars, Spices Tea averytbing that L sept in a tood variety and gro eery store. Hig- et pt'cs paid for ALL KINDS OF PK0DUCF FOR SALE W acre of land situated about 2 blocks north of O C R R de pot at Halsey, Linn county. This vala able property, suitable for rfsidenos lots or agricultural purposes will be sold at a great sacrifice, make me an -offe.. Apply for particulars to M j McMahon. attorney at law, McKay Wdg, Port'and, Or. UEO E FISH TUB PLUMBKK Tin roofing and plumbing, he opera house Opposite STREET EAILWAYKOTIQE. The motor on the Albany street rail way will connect promptly with aJI trains to and from the depot, cay ana mgni. Special trips will be made st special iev l. F Cohs. Conductor, -URL WA NTED To do general house-