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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1897)
Must Aavertlse . - A man may bet, And a man may svt eat, And a man may puff and blow ; But he can't get trade By sitting fa the shade, Waiting for business to grow. 361 days to another 4th of July. The Jefferson republicans bave asked for the resignation of Judge Terrell. Ibe Democrat will wager a bean Judge Ter rell will not resign. People who came to Albany to cele brate the 4th will not be noticed person ally. We lack space to mention 6000 people, more or less. The men in tbe recent big boat races weighed from 4 to 6 pounds lees at the finish than at the beginning. Think of the effort that would reduce weight that much in 20 minutes. Albany's celebration as a modern affair was a success, the beat in Albany's history. The celebration of the day is not according to the eariy idea,and there may not be much patriotism, but II brings a big crowd together and the majority speed tne day peaceably and well. It is a small minority who da the carousing. Tbe recent victory of Cornell over Har vard and Yale was not merely an aquatic victory, but it was one for the masses, which Cornell represents, against the arietrocracy, and pride, represented by Yale and Harvard. It means a great deal to American educational institu tions, and the Democrat man not mere ly from state pride, but in love of the common people feels like shouting long and load. - A Frenchman has found a method of extracting the perfume of flowers with out crushing or killing the blossoms. It consists in immersing the flowers, in water, which, as it becomes charged with the odoi, is gradually withdraws, while fresh water takes its place. terward the perfume is isolated from water with the aid of ether. It is m4 that by this method some flowers whose perfume had never before been extracted bare been successfully treated. The process has been notably efficient in the case of the lily-of-the-valley. Another Butte man got roped into a losing game. A Chicago dispatch eays: James Arnold, a mining man of Butte, Mont., reported to the police today that he had been victimized cut of 96,900 by Charles Dunn and William Metcalf, who the police say are noted gamblers and ex convicts. The money was secured by means of a faro game Arnold says he met Dunn and Metcalf yesterday at tbe Palmer House, where he was a guest. By professing to be capitalists in search of a mining investment, tbe men became acquainted with Arnold, whose visit to the city was for tbe purpose of disposing of some mining property. By engage ment, Arnold met the men at a hose at Twentieth street and Wabash avenue. After a short bubiness talk, in which Dunn and Metcalf agreed to purchase property, a game of faro was suggested. Arnold lost all he bad. After making unsuccessful efforts to regain his money he reported the matter to the police. Washington Letter. Frcm our rejrulw Correspondent. Washixgtch, June 21, 1S97. Secretary Sherman doeen't know what Mr. McKinley'a Cuban policy is to be. He so informed a close personal friend. It has leaked out since Gen. Woodford, the new Minister to Spain, has been in Washington that he isn't in any particu lar hurry about getting to Madrid, and that he has no idea that be will actually open negotiations with Spain in tbe Ruiz case, wbicb is to be made the stepping stone to the introduction of tbe McKin ley policy towards Cuba, before the fall. He will probably start late in July, but it in not certain that he will go either by tbe nioet direct or the most apeedy route. Czar Rcied has made out his list ! committee assignments and nniess some of his kindergarten, otherwise known as the U. 3. Hoote of Representatives, do something to offend him between now aad then, be will announce them after the House has adopted a resolution set ting the date tor the adjournment of the eeexion. The new Commissioner of patents, Hon. Benj. Bntterwortb, is plying tbe new broom or pitchfork which has been long needed. Within two weeks be has disbarred eight patent attorneys for fraudulent practices, end has ordered John Wedderburn & Co. to answer why they should not be diebarred. jr. McKinley and Bon Hanna Lave concluded to abandon tbe idea of trying to get Congress to authorize the appoJgft ment of a currency commission eesion.x Nearly everybody except tbe aplieaflt takes the refusal of the committee of Privileges aad Elections to vote on tbe report prepared by Senator Hoar, favor ing the seating o! ex-Senator Corbett, Of Oiegon, on t'.e ce.tificate of the Gover nor of that Slate, to mean that Mr; Cor. bett will neyer get the cunvetd seat. He might hava gotten the seat hac not ex-Senator Mitchell acd his friends been using their influence against him on the qniit, although it is by no means certain mat a majority wouia nave voted to eeat him, anyway. , Same of the applicants for consular appointment are beginning to regard themselves as being np against a bunco game that is being run by Mr. McKinley, end they ere kicking as moch as they dare to as long as they allow themselves to cheritili hopes of getting a government berth. These men say that every time hey go to the White Oonse to try to push along iheir application, they are told that Mr ..McKinley isi't ready to make up ttJ9 appointment of consuls, and yet tlir.y see the nominations of consuls sent to the Senate almost every day, and some of them have been young fellows whose only claims for recogni tion were the pocketbook of their fa thers, or the social '-pull" of their mo thers. It is not strange that this slate of affaire should cause kicking. YES: The counters of people still crowd the f 13 SLAIJT CLOTHING COMPANY' for bargains, and never go away disap pointed. . r 1 he reduction sa'e is still on. All lines of goods carried by thi ) com pany are moving right alone, tuken by eaiiHtied ami eager purchasers. The pn,e selis, them. Call and see. . ; Dr. T. ice's Baking Powder VVorld Fn'r Highest Award. The Hag of "55.' 8AM U BIMrSON IN BUDGET. Dull are its stripes of white and red And tbe silken stars are pale Which eret, in the years a long time dead, Flashed over the battle trail. Out of the dusky past they seem To shine with a wistful glow, And tell, like a dark and haunting deam, The story ot lorv ago. Serene are the sweet blue skies that bend Where the Northern harvests bloem, And the purple mountain ranges lend JNo hint ot remembered gloom. But this worn old Ban a wierd tale knows Ot that regions mocking charms Where the blood once spilled by savage foes Was a crimson call to arms It recked to God like an angry flame And the dawns were d:m with tears When lo, like a hurtling tempest came The rush ot tbe volunteers . . How well they fought our annals tell, And the red Jane roses blow Where the rifle's ring and Indians yell were music they learned to know. The? were then in their manhood's lusty prime And bad dreams ot love to leave When tbey heard the harsh war cymba's chime, But never a man would grieve. In its silken sheen this flag was new When is bright folds kneed the air, And it named to those brave men and true From tbe hands of tbe ladies fair. On the Stars and Stripes wild years bave stormed In the rack of war since then. But no truer hearts to its cause have warmed Than those of our Western men. And never a flag was better borne At duty's resounding call Than this, so faded and frail and worn, That hangs on a poor man's wait. - IU day is done and Its story told, And few are today alive Who stood by its colors, (tern and bold. In the days ot '55 . So its stars from the dusk) past still seem " To shine with a wistful glow And tell, like a dark and broken dream, The story of long ago. A Bright Detective. From the Eugene Journal : A bright-eyed young fellow ot about sQediaa. height and weight with thick Mil m4 jJeaaant txprew M9 fw watM tot U 4erifiNJ ef Marie (tea fdket 4m m4 ked the privilege of lodging a prisoner when be bad ia charge, in the Marion county jail lor a few hears. He said 1 is name was Samuel . Lowe and bis pris oner was E B Soper, wanted in Cass connty, Missouri for snrdering bis own wife and child. Mr. Lowe then visited the governor's office here at tbe elate hoase where be obtained what is known ae a " warrant ot arrest" aothorinog him to arrest and take E B Soper out of the stace. Lowe ia a smooth-faced young leilow and "had bis nerve with bun" as the slang; expression goes. Having heard of a man answering Soper' de scription at Ashland, Oregon, he came all the way out from Missouri, went to the pjach ranch near Ashland where 5 j per was at work, where, dreoeed aa a tramp, the yonnz detective applied for wotk and did work all day Hioeins in a peach orchard mst to be able to get a good look at Soper who was known at tbe ranch as Homer Le. That night Lowe slipped out from tbe ranch bouse aad went to Ashland. The following morning be hired buggy and drove to the peach ranch, made Soper get into the boggy and go to Ashland and from there come with him to Salem. Soper dii not seem to realus that Lowe bad no authority to take him nntil empower ed by the governor after tbey reached Salem. Detective Lowe looked to me to be about 23 years old. He began life in Chicago ae a bootblack, drifted out west to Kansas City, got onto tbe police force. was soon made a special in citizen clothes and is now said to be one of tbe brightest, nerviest detectives in Mis souri. He told me be wonld get $750 reward for Soper besidee having all expenses paid . He said be bad been fter Soper for eix years. Shoemaker Sbaw ot Dixon is possessed ot a phenomenal memory. It is at once pheaomenonally good and phenomen ally bad. In tbe first place, when be measures a customer's toot for a pair of shoes be Fever puts down a figure of all the numerous measurements, but be hae them for all time. It is never nee enary for bim to measure that foot again. Years afterward be will recall them on an order and make a perfect fit. ibat is tbe only thing Mr. Shaw ran remember. A short time ago be was standing at tbe depot in Dixon talking to a friend. Tbe passenger train pulled out for San Francisco, and still be talked away. Suddenly be exclaimed : "By George! I was going somewhere on that train. Where ia the Dickens was I going anyway ?" He felt in his- pockets and found ticket to Suisan. "Now, what was I going to Suisan for?" 4sspB lit. Shaw searched bis pocket. ftfc 4tt&&imA,1l ol!f Vbrt'9 It, I mm wtrfwteeel as a witaese." He bad to hire a team to get to Soisue in time. Ex Some people think tbe Independence of the 4th of July nnder the present hilarious system is not celebrated ; and yet notwithstanding tbe fact that many want it to make money, there is a spirit mixed np with it that savors of a love of country, and the celebration of tbe day ae a whole helps to keep np a national spirit. Let us keep up a remembrance of tbe ("ar, if possible improving on the plan. Mr. Bryan, the next Monday. The will be immense. great crowd commoner, at Lebanon Save Your Grain. Few realize that each sauirrul dm'rov $1.50 worth of grain annually. Wake- eesoquirrci anu vropner cxwrmuiiior . ie most effective and economical poion k:iown. Price reduced to 30 cent. For a' by Fochay & Maon, agenig. Xotics to Patrons of Husbandry Notice is hereby that as agent of the Patrons of Husbandry I have made ar rangements w:th W II Ooltra for the pu.-chase of twine for the eeaaon of 18S7. H . Pabkek, agent. Wild Blackberries. H'uj crop of wild blacklierries on E. Wills farm at Black dag this year. A fins place to pick. Onlv 60 cents per day pur pemon. May bein on June 23 Consider your ways, think before yru act, and then go to Haight Bros, wbeie yw will find a chni&i uto-r of a. eat ofail kind to ordar from. You are bound to be pleased if you order of them. i '. c r , i i r . . TTOtt SALE. A good organ and boase- J hold furniture for sle cheap. MBS. . II. iMMliBOft', 4tb and Washington St. No more $100 bicycles. Japans bluster will Ham nicch . not affect Uncle The hot weather will do more to induce congress to adjourn than anything else. The Chicago directory man claims a population for that city of 1,828,000. These directory censuses are very uncer tain affairs. John Hall a San Francisco barber, on Monday committed suicide in a barber shop by taking carbolic acid, and with rasora all around him. A Syracuse New York minister has attracted considerable attention by at tacking President McKinley became wine is served at the White house table. It is reported by members ot F. Co., that at least two of the Albany boys while at Mt. Hood shed tears from home sickness. That sounds decidedly war like. FiUsimmons and Sullivan were not allowed to fight; bot a couple other staggers were in tbe same State on the same day that Fitx and John L. were to fight but did not. From the Lewiston Journal. The messenger boy ot the Western Union office in Brantlord, Conn., is eighty-seven years old, and recently walked twenty miles to deliver a mes sage, for which be received tbe sum t $1. Doctors, yon know, dont believe in ad' vertiaingf?) One ol them in St. Louie though wotked np a big business by it in a cute way. He was i :c man there, and immediately attacked the bicycle particularly for women. Tbe result wai a bis notoriety, and a large business, and it didn't cost him any thin? President McKinley did not sign the tariff bill on tbe 4tn of July, nor will he for several days. It is a fct for con gratulation that it was not signed on independence day, tor some tbe pro visions are decidedly against tbe inter eels of the masses, tor the benefit ot tbe taste- Several pieces of the body ot a man ere found in Kew York city in different placet. Tbe man bad evidently been murdered. Tbe World offered $500 to the person clearing np tbe mystery in reference to it. Tbe Journal went tbe World $500 better and offered $1000. A sample of modern metropolitan journal ism. A one sided kind ot a man from Pen dleton was in the valley acd then wrote totheE.O. ibat he woul Jn't want to live here becauee some things, (mostly in his mind) made him think of chills. and then tbe water ia awful and lots of quinine is used. We wiltguc-se that s much quinine ia used in Pendleton aa in a town of like six in tbe valley, and that the water there is not as good as that used by most people in the valley. The truth is the Willamette valley ia a gar den spot both a to health and product iveness. Tbe death rate is low and our crops never fail. Folly envies tbe rich. Philosophy langhs at them. Folly stores iU stomach . Philosophy its mind. Foilr shrinks from death. PbiloeopLy is ready to meet it more than half-way. roily goes bankrupt on high-toned drinks. Philosophy tarns water into wine. Folly clamors for a palace. Philosophy make the.hnmblest shelter a palace- Folly pampers its body. Philosophy educates its soul. Folly cringes before miefortuoes- Pbi! osopby makes friends oi them or tram ples them under its feet. Folly listens to the uineic of tbe pree nt. Phrioeopby hars!Le happy chimes of the future. Folly is a bird without wings. Phil osophy is an eagle, at home on the bigb est peaks. Folly is ever on tbe lookout for friends. Philosophy needs no friend but iteelf . Folly is the fly on tbe wheel. Phil oeophy is the wheel itself. Folly is disheartened by defeat. Phil osophy makes victory of defeat. Ex. Wonderful Find in Idaho. An Idaho man engaged in placer min ing walked into the miners' borean yea- teraay ana alter looking around lor a few moments stepped np to George Tay lor's gem counter and, pulling ont a piece of blue crystal, asked Mr. Taylor if he knew what it was. Mr. Taylor nearly lost his breath as be recognized the fact that it was a sapphire of tbe purest water and tbe largest he bad ever sen. Tbe gem was neatly a cube, being about one and one-ball inches thick, one and one-belt inches wide and two inches long. It was much water worn, show ing plainly ibe pebbly conformation geedoftlly mmm4 v gems formed in tbe beds ot mountain torrents, the edges being very much rounded. This is tbe first sapphire of any size discovered in Idaho. Tbey are frequent ly found in Montana acd some very fine stones have come from there. The own er of this stone is operating placer mines in Idaho and the stone was louod in tbe tailings and preserved on account ot its bright blue color. News of the find reached New Yorc and an agent of Tiffany, after examining the stone, offered $3300 for it. The owner decided that if it was worth that in the rough it Is probably worth roucb more and is now on his way to London, where he expects to realize its full value. Tbe stone is almost perfect, tbe only blemfsh being a fracture on one aide ex tending lees than one-eigbtb of an incb into the stone. Mr. Taylor, who bas a long experience in handling gems, says that in his opinion it is the largest known i sapphire in the world, the weight being 20 carats. Sapphires are valued accord ing to their purity, perfectly clear gems bringing high prices, the price, like that of diamon ia being increased per caret in p-oportion to the weight of the stone. Denver Republican. Beam or Ohio, citv or iolkso, Lucas Couxty. FAir 3. Cbbkby make oath that he la the senior partner of tbe Arm of F.J. Chunky &Co., doing badness in the City of Toledo, Connty and State afonMald, ana that said Arm will pay the sum t ONE HUNDRED DOLLAK& foremen ad every esse of Catabrh that csneot secured t the use ot Haix's Catarrh Curb. , FEANK 3. CHENEY. Bworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1806. SBAI.1 A. W. GLEASON, Notary Publle. Ball's Catarrh Care Is taken Internally and acta Irectly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces of t" t"-"H. Send for testimonials, free. (7 i- CHENEY CO., Jwledo, O. ; V. d by DroBgists. 7Se. Hi! I a Family Pills are '.tbe bent. AixrKRSONs knowing themselves inj debtcd to tbe nndereieaed we requested t make immediate settlement, an I shall c!oi I present business tbe lntot July. R. M. BoBERTSOV. . MISFITS. A Eugene man advertises to repair bi cycles and build sewers. Portland's celebration is a big one, to wit: The Monterey and Monodnock, but not so big as tbe Oregon . Klamath Falls boasts ot the best opera house in Southern Oregon. It has mod ern equipments, like electric lights, etc. "Don't read trash," eays the Albany Democrat. There's a chance for some rival co temporary to make a remark.' Welcome. A Bnan shot is said to have been tke n of one of the Albany married men ot F Uo. while taking a stroll wun a nooa River lady. Prof. llsiral nnon comioz down from his balloon ascension was asked what he saw. He responded: "Lebanon, ana there was only a small crowd there. If TTarvard collate keens on the down grade in athletics much longer it will be lorcea to me numiiiaunKpuaiuuuui w fining itself to educational matters. Will Durrant hang next Friday? Not in California, lb it ie nor, aiuo'Dia style. Depend upon it, though, that his case will hang on tor months, if not tor years. The Corvallis Gazette is after Gover nor Lord with a bot stick, and declares that his action in reference to educational institutions has been "coarse, palpable and brutal." The Salem Statesman says the "(rear ing" on the big river bridge there is out ot order, and Salem people are trying to find out what bridge. Bearing is. There is none on the Albany bridge. Albany also bad a government boat at its celebration, tbe Mathloma, mat about as big a name as Monadnoca. and it didn't cost several thousand dollars extra to get here, and there were other at' tractions. Xhe men who put Prof. Gatch in as president of the O. A. C. are Messrs. fJilliarv, A p person, Yatee, Irwin. Keady and Weatberford. Ignoring politics they put a college man at tbe head of the institution A novelty on the 4th. probably seen by no other city in the world, was tbe booting of bine rocks from a wagon Mr. P.J. Baltimore was tbe wild west man and broke nearly every rock, and not a pereon was killed. Just wbeie the shot came down has not been learned. Several Albany soldiers while at Mt Hood are reported to bave done some gennineforaging,getting several chickens. Tne othcers agreed before band to wink at it if tbev would agree not to be caught. Really what wonld army life be without foraging expeditions. That silver service has at last been presented to the battleship Oregon, after enough agonv to sink a dozen batvle- tbipe At last it was done in Portland mile a a at from the ship A great re lief should be le't. An awful aospenee has Men raised from the people. According to the Woodman the fal lowing are the biggest Woodu.en lodgee in Oresron with the numbers: Webfoot, 517; Pottland.363: Salem. 339: Ptndle- ton, 275; Multnomah, 215; Albtna. 1?2; Paoepect, 160; Ecgene, 177; McMion ville, 121 : WiUamette Falls, 101. Cornell again waxed it to the big col leges, Columbia and Pennsylvania going down btfore the Courtney s.roke like a Kansas barn in a cyclone. Cornell is tbe most cocmopolitan college in tbe world and deserves to win. One ef the Col ombia crew is . P. bhattnek, a Port land, Oregon boy. The Democrat acknowledges a pleas ant sennade about 11 o'clock last nigbt by the A L r o quartet, and several others were as well remembered by this popular quartet previous to the:r die banding on account of the A L part leav ing for Heppner in a few days. May A LPS mean for each one : A Life of Prosperity and Success. A mncn abneed editor ot a weekly pa per published in Ohio, bas drafted the following game law. Book agents may be killed from September 1 to October t ; spring poets. March 1 to July 1 ; scandal mongers, any time; wbalee. August 1 to January i ; the man wbo never pays his noecnption, ae well as tbe antiquarian, two-penoy-btuineee-man, wbo thinks ii doeen't pay to advertise, may be killed from January 1 to December 31, witboct recourse or any relief from valuation or appraisement laws. i Tbe "chair of Ethic and Pedagogy" in the State University, created for Prof. McEIrov, has been abolished by the board of regents, but the professor does not lose bis job; a "chair of Logic" has been manufactured for bim, at a cost ol $'2,000 a year. So long as tbe profeeeor is enabled to draw a ealary, it makes very little difference whether he is seat ed in a chair of Ethics or Logic, Peda gogy or demagogy. When Irwin's term expiree, be might be furnished with a chair ot English Literature or probably be wonld prefer one of Theoretical The ology. These ereat educators must be provided for. Welcome. That German washing fluid, which bar proven such a fine thing baa arrived at Parker Bros, in a large quantit. Call xod try a bottle. HORN,, PARKER. On Friday nieht July 2 1897. at 11:53 o'clock to Mr. and Mrs. v irgu rarker a girl. All doing well except brother Roy. MILLER. On Sunday morning July 4, iwii i i:u, to mt. ana fire, t . j Miller a boy. Weight tr) pounds. id vrbea s an falls oui ten -story i n a o w you'd nam. rally say he is a dead man. Well. perhaps be is and then again, per haps not. Something may save him. There may be a friendly awn. ing that wilt let him down easy, so he maybe sound and well to morrow. Von never know what may save a man who seems to be aa good aa dead. : Many a man who seemed to be dying of consumption, and whom tbe doctors pro nounced Just aa good aa dear), has got well and strong and hearty agapin by nsin- Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Thia wonderful medicine bas shown the doctors that consumption isn't always a fatal dia. ease. It can be cared If you ret at the germs of it in the blood and clear them out csoughly. That ia what this " Discovery doea. It makes new blood, healthy blood. The germs of consamption can't exist in healthy blood. They simply let go their bold and are carried out of the system ; then the new blood builds up new tissue, new flesh, new power, new lire. It carries vitality to the lungs, the bronchial tubes and every other part of the body. It cures people after cod liver oil has failed, because their digestive organs are too weak to digest fat-foods. The " Discov ery " makes the digestion Stronsr. " makes the 'or thin and For thin and nale and etnsclnted sennit- there is no flesh-builder in the world to compare with it It doesn't make flabby fat, but bard, healthy flesh. It builds nerve- power and force and endurance. It ia never safe to pronounce any one dying of con sumption," or any other wasting disease, nntil thrs marvelous " Discovery " has been given a fair trial. Dr. Pierce's thousand-page illustrated book. "The People's Common Sense Med ical Adviser" will be sent free paper-bound for the cost of mailing only, at one-cent tamps. Clotb-bound, to stamps extra. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buftklo, N. V. A TELEGRAPHIC. Tirrllile arririmt Haktsvillb. Tenn.. July C. A friaht- ftil boiler explosion occured on the farm of w A Allen this aneinoon, by which nine people were killed and five Imd'y injured. Tbe dead are: W A Allen. James Allen. ' Liodsey Allen Mock Turnstrll. Asa Uurr. Porter Averill. Bolton. Len Barksdall. Will Allen. Mr. Allen and his men were concluding tne work ot threshing wbeut, and were preparing to leave the field when the ex plosion occured, from what causa is un known. A rilUbarg Accident Pittsiiubo, July. (5. Four people were fatally injured and 28 or 30 others morer lens injured in a tnt-car wreck tonight on the Forbes-Btreet line of the Consolida ted Traction Company. The names of those serious'y injured are: Aicbet Doyle, wotorman. W A Mantly. Mis Smith, will die. O C Roger, will die. air. Mary li V ilaou, may recover. , Final Vste Today WaBIIIKOTOS. July 6. The final tote on the tariff bill will be .taken before adjourn ment tomorrow, i tie agreement it as fol lows: 1 hat the debate on tbe tariff bill ball proceed under tne five-minute rule after 1pm tomorrow, and that the final vote on tbe bill shall be taken before ad journment tomorrow. Allison did net ask tha: thn linnr fr tne vote be nxed . The strike Prrrsncno. July. 6 fhestriicn order of tne executive board of the United Mine worker of Ameatca was obeyed by from 10,000 to 15.000 Of the 21.000 minor, in the Pittsburg district today. Tbe great struggle i now on in earnest and the de velopment of the next few days will deter mine toe success or t allure of tne tight for sauurm mining rate. A Maria Eaabrulrmral AsTOaiA. Or.. Jatr ft. fount Traonr Bb ward, one of tbe moat orominent business mea in this city, U short 112,050 in nil account with tbe county. The stock in the store of Howe 11 A: Ward and considerable property be'onging to Howell nam nave been tamed over to the Dondnien. Tkeeali Antarw Samm. Or.. July C Tne mandamus suit of LI) Sbattuck vs fl It Kincaid. brorjfbt to compel the secretary of st .te to audit cl-im aguinrt tho tUte and draw warrant upon the tr urj in piyment thereof, was arjrued lf rw ibe ut.reme ccert and submitted today. The sirtke Bcaaa. Pitts iicito. July 5. The great wage struggle of coal miners was inaugurated throughout the Pittsburg district today by a preconcerted arrangement of the district executive board of tne United mineworkets Meetings were held today in nearly every mining sottlement that was represented at Saturday's convention in tbe city, and miners were Instructed nt to filler in tbe great struggle that haa begun. . tery . Cincinnati, July 5. There was 12 fa talittee from ial today op to 10 o'clock tonight. There were 35 prow! rat ions of which oSicul note was taken by the police conveying the victims to homes of botpi tal. and faliy as many minor case in which the iictim were able to gi how withcct. Kryaa ml . Lm Aaxrlrs. Vt Axcaxx.4. Inly 5. Tbe cb?rs of i 20,000 reople greeted WiUium J. Bryan at t ics! a i sm ttu afternoon, where bei spnke (or 2 hour and 'JO minute, and hold the close attction of tm audience, which I was very liberal in its demonstration of ; approval whenever the speaker made a1 telling point . j Chlrase ratrMtM i Chicago. July. 5. Patrick m claimed ' Eve bve today, and there was an oauaai!y ' large list of maimed and injured people aa a result of tbe celebration Tbe dead are: -. Jaiaee W Kean, struck in the bead by i a strav ballet. ' ic:iu r. i. . 1 1 .i . i . un cTOa, imnmi uj m npw., ion of a giant fire cracker, and fell out ol a seoond-story window. John Uoffoler. and John Thomas, killed by the explosion of powder in a glaKS bot tie William Alen, clothing fired by re erackers, cauAsng fatal burns. A Trvrtkxe Death. Oakland. Cel., July 5. Betram Hill, a six-year boy, was carried op in a balloon at Blair park today aad fell 1000 fret lo his death . Five tbonsand awe-tfrickf n peopl ww tbe tragic spectacle. It is believed the tbap carried ont a childish notion in ! making tbe ascent, fat He srat not eetangi- ed wun tbe balloon and was clearly ren to catch the rope when tbe montler was I released from it raoonng'. J tswrlnsi tsnss. I Paris, July 5. Tbe America Chamber of Commerce gave its third Independence bay Kinqtwt this evening Covers were bud for 00, and tbe company included many ladies. Among toe guest were, H Hanotaox, the foreign minimer, Cbaan ceyM Depew and Mr. IV Young, wbo presented Genera! Horace PorW, th American ambassador. Ambawador Por ter presided, M de Grai, M Ribot, Mr. De Young and Mr. Depew made speeches aay Btewa Chicago. Jul. 4. Eight people were drowned in Lake Michigan today wbile bathing at various points along tbe beam. Tbe dead are: F R Cummingf. Harry Nelson. E Rida. lobn Sodernan. lames Sullivan. John f prawka. Au untuden'i&ed man, drowned at the fo t of Gray street. Ueorge Wallace. ftalride ar Weik Sale. Or., July 4. Wbat in all prob ability was a suicide occured tonight about 8, o'clock. During church service the congregation was startled by tbe sound of a shotgun. Upon investigation a coat was found on tbe Eighteenth street bridge with a note inside, bidding the world good -bye and stating that no work could be secured uuring the McKinley administration. No further particulars could be ascertaiued at a late hour. rrakably aillra Astoria, Or. '. "July 4. David Beasly, an ex-pjiiceman, and well-known citizen of Astoria, was perhaps fatally injured at Seaside today. He wai watching a horse race, wbrn one of the horses ran out ol the track. Beasily endeavored to avoid the animal, but was unsuccessful, and tbe horse fell on bim striking bim a on tbe temple, lie was rendered unconscious. Physicians state that ibe man is bleeding internally and that his chances for recovery are suiai:, Decidedly Uet C'-ncikkati July. 4. This bas been the 1 hottest day in the present torrid spell. The weather bureau record showed 'be mercury at 97 from 2 to 4 p m and was at its mux imam, 08. at 5 Din. While there were 50 cases cf sunstroke that required removals to hoopitac or their homes, it is estimaeed that there were 50 lighter cases, tbe victems of which went home without insistence. Tke Strike PiTTSBt'RO. July 4. The coal miners' strike will be on tomorrow. Tbe success of the struggle for higher wages in five states depends largely on the miners in the rmsburg district. If tney fail to retrain from woi kimr. the movement will be a failure. Fully 100 mines were represented at the miners' c invention on Saturday, by 55 delegates. Ia Ban faaelsee San Fiukcihco. Over 30 accident caw were handled at the receiving hospital be fore sunset today, and several more came in at night. Carelesinesa with fire works cauwil most of tbe injuries, and nearly all tbe victims were cbi.dren. Ladles m Idling an up-to-date shirt tvalst can get one at a greatly reduced priecat the Ladies Bazaar T OST.bnnch of keys, somewliers in city Please leave at the Democrat ollice. OSBORN Mowers Harvesters Osborn extras. Deering extras. Oliver plows, hardware, tinware and Stoves. CRESCENT BICYCLES. HOPKIYS BROS., 1st Street, Albany, Oregon. Wail Paper, Carpets, Lineolsum, Lace Curtains. Rugs, Portiers, Pillows Furniture Bedding. P.ture Frames, Linen Warp Matting, Oil Paintings, and undertaking Call on ALBANY mm stats soRXiL s:huol. mqsmouth oreeos. -A Training School For Teachers Regular Normal Course ot three years. Senior year wholly profeeeionaL Train ine deoarttnent of nine eradea with 200 children. Ins. ruction and train iu;r in Gymuastica I public schools. Tbe norm! diploma is tlticutc to teacu. Liitbt expense tuition, books, board year, students boarding: theuiaelvee, 1110 Academic grades accepted from high application. Address P. L. Caupbhx, President. select the Waverly w . . J f.Mni Uimui ar i HYTtpr irnrrn . .. - i timMV claimed to claimed to ' Riflcf C, v Waverly is tbe highest AN DIANA BICYCLE VO. VOIAHArOUS, IXD VV-.W Best Work Promptness PRINTING JOB liBG-ATi - 3C03SL. Office Stationery ft Special. Give us yocu Patronage. P. J. SMILEY ALBANY eHGUSMUSINESS m I DnOTI it'll mm BUSINESS BRANCHES. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY, BQA&DIXG DEPARTMENT'" LAMES THOMAS Dealer in For Sale. Tiie entire outfit, horses, carriages, Ac. of the John Pchmeer livery stable is offered for ule. Partiea within to buy please cull at the stab'eft and only those who mean hiimiiesM nwl npply. A Imrgnin will b given Ions Scum rich. FOR SALE. A span of iron gray mares 6 and 7 years old. will weieh 1200, good travelers. For particulars inquire or write to Fred Arnold, Shedd. Or. FURNITURE CO. (Sweediah system), and vocal music for recognised by law as a Sitate Life ter and lodging (approximately) f3o.00 per per year. schools. Catalogues cheerfally sent on or W. A. Wans, See. Faculty. Heal and Elegant De signs in Crocker? Ware at COM Si HUSTOH'S See it Are built in . 3 Al 1 ifTYKlFS. and Best Equipped Factory in a because they bave learned to know Ibe dii KmI that tm u-inall K t.H rul a n.1 nam thi , . . . be. Some others may be good bot be. J-ome others maybe good bot ia ot all bigb grade. Conn & Huston, AvenU ORECON, mcrnu Pull English Courk. FRENCH ANi UtRMW Ha BRINK, All kinds of furniture and bedding, and it you want the most complete flour safe, he has them and his prces the lowest. K. O. T. XL Meets every Saturday evening at K.O T. M . Hall. Visiting Knights invited tc end. J. S. Van Wikklc. Com. v. a. av r tn riiimuu PROCURED, EUGENE W. JOHNSON, Solictor aiiitljlflPaleDtCaiises Ut Mew Vara. Avo., Wasblaataa. D C Office established 186?. Charges mod ate. Correspondence requested. T70R SALE. Tbe meat market f urni - X hire, tools and slaughter home fools. v. ..i.t n.11 T ruckmaa or William Flickinger for par-' edm, TAX EXECUTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of a warrant for ibe collection of delinquent taxes of tbe aseesiimentof IS9C in and for the Citv of Albany, In Linn coanty and Sta'e of Oregon, which war rant is now In my Land and i in words and figure, as follows, towU: STATE OIT OKEOON, Us. COCSTT OK USS ) iK Tar. mams of the city or a leas v, ORKOON. To C O Lee Marshal of tbe City ol Al bany, Oefroi, Greeting: In the Name of tbe City cf Albany, Oregon, You are hereby commanded tbat yon levy upon the goods aod chattels of the delinquent ta payers named in tbe foregoing list, and if none be found, then upon tne real property set forth therein. or so much tbereofas rhatl sati-fv the amount of taxes ao charged, with cos's and expense, and that von pay over all moneys so collet ed to the fMtv Treasnrer of said city, and make due return of this wsrrant aa by law required . By order of (De Citv Council of tse city of Albany, Oregon, made the 25th day of may, . w ltiitiS my hand and tbe official tigna tore, and the seal of the City of Albany, thi 31t day of May, I897 . ' , Signed. I seal e X 3 Bestow, 1 ' Eeeorder City of AJbany. Which warrant is attached to the list of enpaid on delinquent taxes for the year 196 in said city of Albany, and not bav Ing been aole after diligent search to find any personal property within said city, oat of which to make tbe taxes herein men tione.1, 1 bave levied upon the following described real property, towit: Aooey. lots i. z4, '. 26, 27, . 29, 30 and 31 n block 2 Ab bey's addition to AlSanr. Or 2 67 Acbeeon. G S, the E 50 feet of tbe ' west 100 feet of block 4 in Al bsny. Orecron ?. firt Adcoa, ane. lo's 9. 10. 11. 12 in M a in Abbey's addition to A'-basy, Or' Ill Albany Strict Railway Co. the S E in Albany. Orccn 23 13 j Awbrey Vanen, lot b in block 45 1 .,1 ' a'uauj. ukpji 8TJ0 Barnes, barah vJ. ?fce K of kt 1 ! and 2 in bl 23 in liaekieman a 2d addition to Alban v, Or gon - Beard Jno A. lot 7 in block 8 In Hackk-man'a 3rd addition to Al bany, Oregon S3 Biadiey Josepti, estate of . the mi of tbe SEJi" ol block 103 in Hackteman's addition to Albany, Oregon 3 70 Brldgeforl M J. tbe S E J of bioik &3 in Albany, Or gon 7 20 Carey Sadie, lot 1 ia block. 2 in Al len and liavk'o's addition to a1 bny, Oregon 33 Ci chraa Ro'jt etae of. w J of X )i o' block 52 in Hackleman's 2d audition to Alban v. Orezon 2 72 1 Conn Sam"l.ucd: viced in'-rretin me a t ana the t J4 the w '4' of block 113 in Hackeman a addition to Albany, Oregon 6 43 Geo D Coe. truMee. wharf lot 2. 3, 4. 10, li. 12 in Albany. Oregon, lits 1, 5 and 6 in b ock ?0. blocks 79. bO. 61. &6. 67, t. 63, 101, 1S 103, 104. 105. and fractional bl &i. 95 and 96. ia Mor.tei'b's sotah etn aJditiju to Asbary. Oregon.; Also Ue endi;idtd interest ia loU 7 aad & in block V!. lo's G. ", and 8 la W 64. S 4 of lots 7 ind in block 70, 2. 3, 4. aad 613 block C3, black 21. and k 3 in bUrk4in Albany. Oreem 12S60 Crania I C C. lot 5 U 1 8. Albnv. Or $00 Croope hmiiv. Mom b!o-k 1, in A; en and Hawk'a's addition to Aln 2S CoSver Uargaret.tbe E lt ol bl S3 in Uacklrman' 2nd ai j:ion to Al bany, Orcera 4 1 Dejoe L W.S E of bl 106 ia Hick knan addtua 'M Aibany, Or. . 7 20 rarreil M E ilra. lot 1 in kock 21 in Uackletraq's 2nd ad to Albany, Urearoc and lot 1 in bl 6 in Hackee man's 3rd addition to AIbanv.and M S ia bl I2 in Htckleman s ad d:titja to Albany. Oregon tLSe l Horace, ea'ste ol. tbe w 10 00 of tbe N w of U 36 in Hack maa's 2d aJdi ion to Albanv.. Fromaa I R. X w of tSock 27 in Hactlemanc2d addition to Al 5 09 j tny. Oregon .. 6 40 Genh J F. iota 16, 17. IS, 19. 20. 21. 27.23. 39,30. Si in Bryant s to Alaany.Oregon 4 63 46 ray U O. lot 23 in block 2 in Ab Hammer Fannie S. lot 3 an: 6 inbl 29 in Hackiemaa's 24 atidilion to Albany. Oregon 4 60 Harris Geo W. East 3 feet of the S - hi of block 1 in Hackiaaaa s 2d additiooto Albaav, Or 6 00 Qaktn C E. rbe S',- ef lots 7 and . 6 ia bl 10 Hajck.emas s 21 d ditioa o Albanv. Ot-sti 5 55 Un Harriea. lot 7 in blxk 25 Al be.Oreuro 4 00 Hotr-n E . 6 la n:k 52 in It eajan's 2nd adviitinn to Al bar-T, Oroa : 1 39 Hasten B M. nndividtrd S icrrt la lots 5. 6 and 7 in block 1 13 ia llackieman a ad to Albany. tr. . . (40 Johnson E S. M 5 in bl 13 in Hack teman's 3rd ad to Albany, Or 93 Eetchum W M and J J Pubruille.tro tee. X W I4 aoJ w 4 of the S w 4 of block 13Cin Hackleman ' sadiuoa to Albany, Oregon 2 7S K ine A. tbe et 45x100 fe-t vf tfce east h of btock 1 ia tt . . . -?'a addition to Aibant.Orccou. ... 4 fiT a.iine a. tots o. 7. 0 in Woc ;.J ia tiacklemaa s til ,0 Albany .Or 3 S3 tvnnJ -wpphine. tot 7 in bUxrk 14 a toWifte a addtUon to Albany. . 6 40 ivmrnne Aa ust, lot 1 1 and 2 in bl 5 in Hackteman's 4th addition to Albany .O egon 3 20 tanning r. j. 10 1 and w or Let of lot 2 in block III iu Hack'eman s addition to Alharry, Oregja 5 55 lAugneaa t; ti, & , o Kt 1 in biock 2 in llacklemao rd ao Jision to Albeny.lHegon 3 20 McBridge Kate, lot 1 in bines 77 in Monteith s southern adiition to Aloany, Oregon 1 60 McGregor DJesld. lot 1 'n b ock 1 in Jonea" aJJi'ian to AlbAnv.Or. . 47 McGuire W ro, eaot 24 feet of lot 3 In block 10 in Albary. tireyon. .. 7 20 Meyer Wm. w of lot 3 in block 9 in HacMeman a oni addition to Albany, Oregon 4- Milier Emma B, lots 4 and o in block 3 in AUen and Hawkins addition to Albany. Oregon 56 Montague E E, tut 1 in block 120 in Uacktemaa s ajditica to Al bany, Oregon 4 00 Montanye Kate B, lots 5 and 6 ia block 6S in Albany.Oregon 12 go Monieitb Xttie. lot'l and west H of lot 2 in block 26 la Albany. Or 16 00 Orton Cordelia, estate of. lot 4 in llack'eman's addition to Albany, Oreacn 6 00 Palmer August, block 9 ia Hack e man's 4th addition to Aibmv. Or and lots 1 12. 14, 15 and 16 in 6hroeer 's addition to Albany.Or 6 40 Patterson Geo. Stj( of block 10 ia HackWman's 2-d audition to Albany, Oregon, and lot 0 in bl I In Hackleman's 2nd addition to Albany. Oregon . 13 60 Pennington J H, nndividd i inter est ot w H ot S w 4 of b'o.k lCi in tiackleman audition to Al bany, Oregon 1 Richards and Pnillips, beg on w line of and 103 ft northerly from S w corner of block 16 in the Eastem addition to Albanv, Ore foi, t'uence easterly parallel -uh irst street. 14 feet, thence northerly paia lel with west line ofsaidblocn 16 to point S fet utheilj from center of fack of the Oregon and California Rail road Company, these wester 1 1 parallel with, and 8 feet distant from center of said rai'road track to west line of said block 16,the ce ..T Jr r'Jto Oegionmg 16 00 ftey l eier, oioca J3m Hacklt mans 2d addition to Albanv. Duum 1? 10 Rowell EUa M. I01 3 in btock 1 1 n ISryant a addition to Alr-am- 1 r S- riuddica U w, lot 6 and et la f lot 7 in block 15 in the Eistern addition t Aibtny. Oregon 7 43 Rupert Jhn. let 1, 4 5 and 6 in blk 3 in tbe etrrn uMi!i'n to Albany.Oregon.... 3 70 Schmeer Jno. loi 8 and w a of lot 7 in block 7 In Albanv. Oregon.. S2 Srot Rosella, estate of. of bl 44 in Alhsnv, Oregon..., 3 55 Stewart C h, trustee 72'30 frt ir. the corner of b'ock u6 in Ilackleman's adJition to Albany, Oregon 8 40 S'ewstt W J and D 6. lot t in block 103 in llackleman a addi hon to A'bany, Oregon 4 C3 Thompson v 8, Iwg at 8 E corner of bock tin HscUeman's 2nd addition to Albany, Oregon, mo norxn on t une ot said biocfc 1 13 feet, thence wererly parallel with S Hoe of said block to w line of A Hackleman's Ij L C th'nee sontherly following sail 1 L C line, to X line of 4th sireet,thence easterly tobetrinninor ' ,t ,a Tillolson J B, lot 3 and 4 in b o :k 6 in Hack. etna n str addition to Albany, Oregon 3 2(J lyler Lsoia B, tots : ana 2 in block 129 in Hackleman's addition i0 Albany, Oregon and lot f in hiock 37 in Hackleman's 2nd addition to Alliany, Cregon 5 go Wardlo C F, lots 5 and 0 in block I in Abbey's addition to Albany, Oregon Watts Emma C, lo's I and 8 in block 25 Albany, Oreeon A'elcb W J Mrs. lot 4 in block 1 10 in Hackleman's addition to Al bsny, Oregon Williams Elsie, E J of lots 2F. 37, 38 and 39 in bloc Abbey's addi tion to Albany, Oregon 1 39 a tbe property of aid deliEooent tax pay ers as the same appears aMcesed on said delinquent tax ro'l, and will on Sato' day tbe iTthdayof Jn y j37, at tr foot of the stairway leai"?to tbe CHy Council Chamber of rid en, and at the hoar of 1 O clock in tbe af'ernoon of said day, sell at public auction r te highest bidder, for eb in hand, on tbe day of said sale, all the above described real property, or o much thereof as may be neceoary to nav and satisfy the tax aaeetned ard levied against said propotv in said city of AI bany, for the year Vfjfi. together with ac cruing cos's and expenses . C O Let, ( ity Marshal of the Ci"y of Albany. mm ORCHESTRA i SBiCmSfO. Goadsctop I N3TRU.V nriTATICN I Vio., II Vfo., Clar., Cor.. Train SaHaaJ.Drnms Icpet toirc of ie'v lq sic -Music FaraUbed For- CVmcerts, Parties. Receptions a. Eetet tuinmenta at rea-caable rates. Corre-pondeere solicited reantiBf rrt ggeneu ot of town. Addnf Bert W-strook, Bsiaeas Has. r , Bevere Uoose. A I baaf. Oregoa teiOsBire??? VTe're talkise azain ! talking to the hard-to piesae J I people wbo like parttcniar I 1 printing. We are pamcnlar ' , pnetere; we pat ia that little . extra-cice tooch that pleases I yoa. Be the job bis or littie. ' its big enoogh to be well dose. , I Our Partkniar Department is I oar bo!e ehoa. Ask us to ' prove it ; we can p!eae too or give yoor taottey hack. Skutt's Pirticclar Priutery. Pbone 9, Albany. T-7 1 vA - - IT Is SO WRITTEN and eooe can dispute it. We lead tee wall paper trade. We were never mere in the van than nor. More designs; newer, brighter, fresher, and more one inal designs; a greater variety of de signs ; finer qualities of paper ; and lovrex prices tor ficeqnaiities of peper than can be found at any other establishment: these are our many and solid claims tc yotir patronage. VVben yoa eee what ae sell for l i cents a roll ami ;hat we only aek 15 cents for it. too 'II be verv much ccrpcieed. J. A. Cummin . CBtbouscuBJan4rarMdente Fees. S-tio2v"l.driBory!i!a. WdTairi pMtiacrsrl. A PaSBsiet "Ilov too-' na Fse. vita cot of saaala 1h Ci sBittarBfacaaBiessast tnsw C. A. SNOW & CO. SOLICITORS WANTED FOR IR. TALMAGES "Tte Ksrth GirdSed.- or bis famoas tear arc-and tbe world, a tnriiiing storr of savsjre aed bartvrona ldnd. Four million Talmase's books sola. and "Tbe Erth Girdled" is his late and grandest. DEMAND EXJRMOUS. Everybody wants this fa moo book, onlr $3 50, BIJ BOOS. BIG COMMISSIONS. A gold mine for workers. CREDIT tilV EX. FREIGHT PAID. OrTFITFRPK. IVv all lrh and sell the kin? rS bonks and make 8300 a month. Address for oat fit and tern tor v. Tbe Dominion Com pany. Star Building. Chirac Ha S3 plates, HI Ksi " vrot tamgs epeiiea wrong ana all mix ed np display was poor type old f c "b ioned press work bad paper cheap nothing as it ocg in to be? Well take your next job of printing to Smi ley the Printer and M E3 Bans EiilL P. S. (Important). The price Tor do ing it will be right, too 80 YEARS KXPtRICNCK. 4 DiatCMs. COPtRICHVS Ae. Annm semtftw s olwc a eerpU" "I um1 wvrtmla, tr, sa inMKi a Br0blT psieotabl. (aiHn.f,ll9Ji erKtl CunSOtll. UMM sevacT Hww patents to Amenot Ws mt a Vfr. rMrata tskra tkiuta . w SHKul DUtiW U tlM SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, (if, l"ATS-1Ta SOIU AWMVOi MUNN & CO., 301 Braarfwav. Kew Vrk RsSnkl woey U w io mo mt Bfll iMstilSsV. tt la w M With ttON Wh uoi 10 " -j Oil hr am I I I InuL wtl JUtmr f&ZSZlgj:? leal wie til'S'Ji SWsiMiue tocvu-tx W I V I solicit tba mtMt risrflsi mf Wan sand lW-aaa ll-itiasw Aa 41 ZZTZ tnuuur thin tlmum rOf majxyt! wtta oar CVf BUIXVK Qlail' av intviaJtv r.T T tsr ascoadiuowl ae sm. .xosi. ariitav t o, it Tr,te, S'kmw. lllla.f. 74 6 00 6 48 UAJV-:X name nnuormaipMiil 1 sSBBBSjsss4sMjsasBnssssM r.ilro.4 MttlktUl