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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1897)
9 "V VOL XXXI l. ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1897. Entered cfi tke Feet Oltlce at tibany. Or. at Beeliwd-Cla Hall Mallet t W- r- tni(i rablUkcr aad rroarleler AO. 4 9 -V 1 Iff 'I? fit it ill ft r r r I Ia ,1 - ! m I ' - : VBclablcPrcnarationrorAs sinuiaung UiEFooaaruii: ling the Stomachs aMBcv RtjmotesDigcsUon,Ciccrful Ttess andRest.Contaias neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Nabcotic. JmmU JWf 4lx.Strvm A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Siomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions Jevcrish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature cf NEW YORK. EXACT COPV OF "WRAFPEQ . ampx-fjHj. THE OPENING SATE OF HLBHNY FOR Thirty-First Year 18 "September 15, 1897- Th3 facilities for a tine Higlier Education offer fiti tiY this institntion are of a M2I oriJsr. Tne irUs is tboroiM III allllS WQIi. lR iaCUliy lSmaatS in nnfn ti1 nlonoo-nf roTniDnpa fru vfinnfr rtannlo Wna r-nMorro offor8 tiioroii2li courses in musio, commerciil wori, norm! x academic and colesiate studies. l uipon applioation. Correspondence EilGlISMUSlMESS COLLEG PORTLAflD Cm BUSINESS BRANCHES. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. BOAKDlaS DEPASTAEHT'-LMIES . - THOMAS All and vou Dealer in Wall Paper, Uarpets, Lineoleum, Lace Curtains, Rugs, Portier3, Pillows J. U.1AAA WMix ; , Bedding. Picture Frames, Linen Warp Matting, . Oil Paintings, ' and Undertaking on ALBANY ORE80H STATE KOMAL A Training Rniriilar Normal Course of three years. Senior year wholly professional. Train i. nf ni no araAua with Instruction apd training in uyrau"w icwrauuu .i muoiu iur public schools. The norml diploma is recognized by law as a State Life Cer tsfiCttt& to tcftcli Light expense tuition, books, board and lodging (approximately) $35.00 per year, students boarding themselves, $110 per year. Academic grades accepted from high schools. Catalogues cheerfully sent on application. Address P, L. Campbell, orW.A. Wann, President. Sec. Faculty. i LB ANY CIGAR FACTORY i. lOSKPII ' Proprietor SEE THAT THE AC-SIMILE SIGNATURE -OF- 73 ON THE WRAPPER Ox EVEEY BOTTTiE Qr? CutsrU is pit trp is ossein fcottlas only. It is ret sell ia balk. Don't allow savecs to (ell yon aythkg elss m the plea or jrnaafca that it ia "jest ss good asd "will answer ev?ry rr pose." Sea tiat yac 8 C-A-S-T-O-B-I-A, 3 BOLkEBE THE UU Ui BJIBUJiiUS 1J Hiaaj JUltSS. TI13 new Calopemay ba obtained inyited. -wiy V allace Howe .Lee, President. Vi OREGON full English coLR'r. FRENCH AND CCX'-tAS. BRINK, kinds of furniture bedding-, and it want the most complete flour safe, lie has them and his prces the lowest. FURNITURE CO. SOHflOL. I0M05TH OREGON. School'For Teachers- 200 children. THTJESDAY CIRCUIT COURT. PKFARTMK.VT 1. O. II. BURNETT, JCDUK. In the case of John W. Patterson, ar rested for rape on Josephine Landers, a young girl of Scio, the jury after being out all night cuine in at 9 o'clock this morning with a verdict. It was "guilty as charged in the indictment." it is un derstood the jury stood 10 for conviction and 2 for acquit l for a long time. Not withstanding the verdict there is a dif ference of opinion aa to the guilt of the defendant, some thinking the evidence against him inconsistent, while others like the Jury, particularly Scio people, being confident of his guilt. The Ukmo crat has sought to only give the facts without going into the detailp, alwavs better kept from the public. A formal motion for a new trial was made and denied. The defendant waived a day for sentence and was sentenced by Judge Burnett to seven years in the .pen itentiary. As the maximum is twenty years the sentence is a light one. In the case of Ol Adams convicted of selling liquor to minors, the defendant was sentenced to 2 months imprison ment and to par the costs and disburse ments ot the cae. He has already served 60 days awaiting the action of tne grand jory. Jack O'Keili. Married. Iroin Wed nesday's Telegram : At noon today thde was celebrated in an unostentatious man ner a pretty horn? wedding at 73S Irving street, the home ot Mr. William Coburn, ot the passenger depart of the O 11 & X. The contracting parties were Miss Fannie Estelle Coburn and Mr J A O'Neill, trav eling passenger agent of the O R & N. There were only a few intimate friends of the bride and bridegroom present, but it was an exceedingly congenial and pleas ant party that sat down toa lunch about 1 o'clock and offered manv good wishes to the hapyy piir. Mrs. taudv Uris wold, a sister of the bride, from Omaha, performed the duty of giving the bride away. A number of business acquaint ances of the popular Jack" eeut re membrances. At 5:45 this afternoon Mr and Mrs O'Neill left on the Great North ern's flyer for Spokane and the east. Af ter the wedding trip they w;il return to Portland to live. There is no better kno-n railway man bere than Jack O'Neill. The bride is an Omaha belle, and is a sister of Mr. William Cobuau. A boet of Albany friends ot the groom will unite in congratulations. A Nkw Frfsidest. Gov. Lord and Secretary of State Kincaid came over from CorvaUis last night by carriage and ren ained at the depot hotel over night, going to Salem this morning. They had aiteuded the meeting of the board jf re -gents of the O. A. C. The board not withstanding the governor efforts in favor oi President Miller, elected Prof. Thos. Gatch president aud Prof. Moses Uraig to suceeea rrot. Hedrtct. uatcn has taught in the U. of O., Willamette University and the Washington Univer sity and is a man of sterling worth as well as a fine educator. The O. A. J. is to he congratulated. The vote for president was five for H. B. Miller to 6 for Prof. Gatch. Baker Cocstt Mct "Pav In l&U the state of Oregon brought suit 'gainst Kaker county for back taxes amounting to about $14,000. After five years of lit- igaticn, Referee B.F. Bonhain, appoint leu - by tee enpreme court, baa rec- dered his findings to the effect that Ba ker county mnst pay alt hut about $3000, barred by the statute of limitation. Af ter adding interest and costs Baker coun ty will probably conclude it had better have piii without litigation. Ten thousand basbela of Leat at Mow-w Idaho, wre sold the otter day for M i tents per bushel. Tfce fane wheat -cou'd have been sold for 3 cents lat tail tut lbs owners were not batUSed with that price. wanting 74 cents, and have lo $"2650 by their holding for a raine that would hae m vjotei to ouly $100. Mr. George Smith ia at his home at Ualsey on a visit. G B Kead v. of Sa em his been elected pi inter of the O A C. Hon. L. II. Montanye ha been ap pointed U. S. commissioner for the dis trict of Oregon for the term of four years. Miss Oda Chapman, who has been vis iting Albany friends several weeks re turned to her home in Salem yesterday. Mr. J. R. Stockman, of Portland, bat been in the city as a witness in the cae of J. A. Crawford against the Albany Ice Works. Hen. M. A. Miller will accomptny Hon. W. J. Brvan from Lebanon to Salt Lake Citv, to which city he is a delegate to the Interstate Commercial Congress. The board of resentav of the O. A. C. showed their appreciation of the splen did work done by Prof. Helen Crawford by increasing her salary to f luw a year, toe deserves it. Mr. C D. Bowles and three children arrived last night from Yancouver.B. C. on a visit and are the guests of Mrs. Bowles parents Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Thompson. Miss Ethel RedfieJd left latt night for San Francisco, where she will attend the National Y. P. S. C. E. and afterwards the College Y. W. C A. at Mills "culi nary lor ten days. The Alumni cf the Albany College have elected the following ollicers for the ensuing year: Walter Peacock, presi dent; A. M. Uannon, vice president; Mamie Allen, secretary and treasurer. Ju'lge Barton and Commissi ners Wa ters and Curl went up to Gates today to inspect the new br.dge at that city. The Marioa county court Lave already mane their inspection. Je loyd Dorris, a lormer Albany young man has just completed bis sophomore year in Monmouth. Illinois, college. In the liitcr-society con tee 1 1 loyd made bis brst appearance as representative ot the Ctitereane and won the prize for the best essay, the on.y prize won by his society F. P. Turpm baa been appointed P. M. at Waterloo. Of 458 graduate from the State Norma school at Monmouth 258 are now engaged in teaching. The Mascot Gun Club will have a priA shoot on the 3rd on their range. 1 hey will back a member ot the club to snoot against any Oregon man for $25. Daniel Magone waa sentenced to two years in tne penitentiary ov juugecie- Dhens. ot rortiana, yesieruiy morning. ihiH is tne maximum penalty mr grave- robbing. Magone robbed W b Ladds grave, lbe sentence was ugnt enougn. It ia a live week when there is not a bank failure in Tacoma . The Union Trust and Savings batik is the last to fail. Pimples, blotches, blackheads, red, rough, oily, mothy skin, itching, scaly scalp, dry. thin, and falling hair, aud baby blemishes prevented by Cuticuba Soap, the most etlective skin purifying and beautifying Boap in the world, as well aa purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. era Boir la told thronrhoot ttw world. Pott Dsea AM ( CUKKL VOBr,, EH1 ITOpt., HOttOO V. B. A. Huw to invent f tcm iiumon," nuutal IVtft rroTB Pimpln la RfTroftiU Qr4 FACE r If Mm 111! A. Hush Home From the Journal : A. Bueh, who has returned from a two months' tour in New England statos.dur- ing which time he also visited New York and Montreal, was seen by a reporter. At the latter place he witnessed the cel ebration of the Queen's Jubilee. Mr. Bush brought home a beautiful badge that everybody wore on that occasion. Ue says the Canadians packed the city full, and seemed to be very numerous and extremely loyai. In all it was a re markable demonstration, well worthy of seeing, Mr. liunh says. He noticed the English, Canadian and American Hags, with occasionally the tri colon In New York he met Mr. and Mrs.Corbett. Mr. Corbett expects to get his seat in the sen ate when it comes to a vote. Senatorial courtsey cute no figure, but Mr. Oor5ott will get some democratic support. There U some building being done in the east ern states, and there is some improve ment in business, but everywhere the complaint i of hard times. Business has suffered some diminution and values of proerty have declined but not nearly so much as in the west. Mr. Bush is glad to be back in Oregon, and considers the summer climate in this part of the Wiliauietie .valley unsurpassed anywhere in the world. "r ' ' Who Got It. A. Schilling & C. are doing quite an unusual thing. First, by giving the thousand-dollar missing word contest, which is an oiiginal and interesting method of advertising; but they are alio managing it with such generosity as to win the respect and admiration of most critical observers. For example: they agreed, besides giving a thousand dollars to tho.iewho found the missing word) to give (100 to each of the two persons, who sent in the largest number of yellow tickets bef it a certain time. Now it appears that these prizes wera is by two grocers in San Francisco (T. AkWmon and Ring Bros.) who sent in a very large number of tickets. But A. Schilling A Co. did not think this fair to the consumer, because they had no chance wtiatever against the gro cers whose opportunity for collecting tickets is so great ; so besides paying this $200 to those grocers, they paid $-00 more to Mrs L, During. 8N Brvant SU, San Francisco, Cal.. and Mrs W. Funk. Winnmucca, Nevada, who headed the list of consumers. "Money-back if you want it' seemed fair, and a little mof, but this doubling up of the prixee is te-liy altogether too much to expect. Next thing we know of, that thousand dollars will turn out to be a million. A Busy Business. One of the liveliest pacee in town ia Smiley's printing otfice, just ncrth of the i'aoi rat oraee in tne new Brown one Tbee rooms were especially arranged for this we I equipped plant. A growing trade made it neary to have more room and light, which 'is here well pro vided. Parlies in need ol printing can not do better than pia. their work in ; k.n,l. li ... . ? .... V prices are alwavs right, whik h s work i H.-i.t.ll .1,,1 .Vf o ,;,ir,.. ! turned out'in Albany. A fair coa.pari- S son is the otlicii. , prograia for the ce-e i oration jnst out today. Itemember the location, ground thor New B.own Clock, Proadabin Street. WILL & STARK for jjwelry. They keep the best. Best Ice Ova in Anywhere At F. H. Pfeiffer. See Smiley abopt it . Smiley's piutent are in Dawson tells Liverine. Lirerine 50c at Dawson's. Dahlia bulbs at F L Ecnton's. Apples at C E Bno cell's. Smiley does the best prin'.iog. Delicious ice cre-.m coda at F. II. Tfeif fcr's. Pictures from 75 cents to $25 per dot. n at Longs gallery. F H Pbeiffer's ioe cream has stood the tett. It ti ail right. Criwford & Ilarnish for photographs. Price from t to i.) j-r din. Water white couab honey from California. Just in at u K Bkowsku-'s The Ku'.h for Portland at 7 a m on Mbnlayi, Wednesdays and Friday. Try C. Simpton & Son's City Laundry or first claaa wors opp St. Cbaa hotel. J W Benlfjy, the pioawr hoc, and shoe man, doe fert-claJi work cheap. I 'all on him, just north of the Democrat office. Mrs. Yiereck has connected parlors with ner summer garden, where she can wrve the public in ail kinds of wta'ber with ber deucions ice cream. ur.u. w . Mas ton. pbjsician and sur geon, Albany Or. Caiis auswered prompt ly in city or country. Drs- H. E. and O. K. Beer offices aot" residence in the post office building. Spec ial attention given to disease of worieo J. itforcross has moved to just ea.t of Schmeer's stabiea, 2nd street. r here be will keep in market fine fib, game and poul try. Call on bun. Lcuia Viereck has -ct!-ed a rvice of George E. West, an ei k-ccc-J tentorial artist, first cla work guaranteed at Viereck s shaving and hair cutting parlors. You make a score every time you buy yous meats of the Albany Drewied Beef Company. Only first class meats are kept. of all kinds, and prompt and careful at tention is the order Just d wn the street. High Grade L unJry Work The Albany Steam 1-aundry. M.. P. Phillips proprietor, does work that speaks for iuelt. It ia high grade what ever the article. Now a specialty is being made of ladies hirt waists, which aie lanndried for only 10 cents. Delicate colors retained and goods handled with great care. You can depend on work done by this aun'jry. Notice to Patrons of Husbandry Notice is hereby that as agent of the Patrons ol Husbandry 1 have made ar rangements with W II Goitra for the purchase of twine for the season of 1897. Jl . Pakkeb, agent. At Pougbkeepsie yesterday the Cornell Freshmen redeemed themselves by winning the boat race, defeating Columbia and Pennsylvania by only part of a length in 9:211-5. Hurrah. . a A Mar uti am. ot r resno. has been ap pointed asHiilent general passenger agent at Portland, to succeed E P Rogers, who has held the position tor T. years. Mr. Rogers will be given some other position The present county officials have served Must half their terra, excepting the county judge, whofo service is one fourth of hii term. Mrs L VierecC is prepared to furnish cream in any quantity on short notice ner ice cream parlors and summer garden. Ice cream a and 10c a umu. Some new things picked up in the cat and a large stock of clan stationary. xoprs fir a little money, Smiley, the Printer. In our new building after June 25. 'i'bone i9. Comb and Pkk my line of ladies cbildrens bats. Children's all trimmed for 75c. A complete line of fine flowers also received yesterday. new Any number of dozen eggs taken in exchange ' for hats at Mas John li. Hoffman's. SOCIAL ANI PERSONAL Bernard Jackway came up from Port latd last night. v - Mrs. M. 0. Wire will entertatatLe Kp. worth League this evening. , Mrs. O. Collogue attended a meeticg of the 13 club at Corvaltia this week. Hon, Claud Gatch, of Salem, son of the new O. A O. president, will deliver the oration at Gervals. The Taylor Siste-s and mother came up from Portland this noon and are the guests of Dr. V. 11. Davis. Mr. Meville and Frank Wire returned home jesterday to spend the 4th with their parents Dr. and Mrs. W ire. Prof. E. B. McEiroy has goneeaaton a trip. While there he might do well to study logic, in order to be'readj for Ijis new duties in the U. of O. Mr. Win, V. Baltimore and daughter Miss Ollle went to Portland this morn ing and will go to the Cascade Locks on the big 50 cent excursion. They will be joined in Portland oy MUa Mildred Burmester. Dr. J. C. Littler's new dental ofE es in the Brown block, just north of the Dem ocrat othce, are among the neatest and most tasty to be found anywhere, i new dental chair cf the '.atest'patern with fountain vpituon is a feature. Rev. H. L.' Reed, the new pastor of the Presbyterian chnrch was entertained latt night by Judye Klin n, eeveral young people being prensut to meet him. Rev. Reed and Judge Flinn were Vermont neighbors, coming from the same city. Fred Ross left for sa!em this morning where he will play with the Sam base ball club in a series of which club ia matched to play. Fred will oc cupy the pitcher's box", and he will sur prise some of their crack batsmen over there in the valley. Toledo Lender. Mr. Martin Payne returned lan night from a trip to Eastern Washington and Idaho, visiting a son near Moscow. At Moscow he met Judge Piper, formerly of Albany, now circuit judge there. He" re ports times about the same aa here, with 1 erliajn; more money around. Mr. Homer Keeney, of the class of 87. I". f O. left for his home in Linn coun ty Wednesday morning He expects to atten t Cooper Medical cotU-ae next year. He was accompanied home by Mr. Clyde" og:e, a;so ot tlie clats ot 'y., who will make a short vs. I there. Eugene Reg ister. Mr. J. li., wno lias acted as postmaster in the city since May 19, lUS, steppi d doa n anI out litis morn ing and ws succeeded by Mr. 8. II. SherriU. Mr Beunett has given univer sal satisfaction during liis luag term of oilic Marrishur Revier. Charl-y Chamberlain, son cf Hon. George E Chamberlain, of Portland, a native cf Albany, came up on the r?oon train and will spend the Ui Itrre. Charley, now a young man, belong to the athletic luni which iil exhibit here tomorrow afternoon. llonipr Smith of the fSrai of McAtee A "jaiilh, the Yew Park grwt-r. aui May Plait were united m marriage i aiiutit 9:i0 o titk last evening by Rev, ?rn!w. residence on 1-th street, near Oak. The bride is a 3a'r of b. pwperwis farm- t living nw.. i n I , M mish. m ! ' f"l i l V i I i v. HMP Jii'irt in I inn M'.on, r 1 tlie irowji has been a resident of Salem for (everal years Mate man. .HcUon ILtnssd. w Le;nud W. Melxon was !isged at Grants Pa this forenoon, dispatch stating that the execution wss aeoc iuHy carne-1 oat. Me son was srrestel aiioot a year ago lor the mu'der of a man. tnch occurred near the line t t ern Josephine and Curry counties, and, after a quarrel between the two counties as to where he eboaU be tried, which qaaml w as decided in favor t f Josephine county, ;e waa tried and convicreJ epon purely circumstantial evidence An f! rt was ma'le tu secure a rwpite hot wishtiut avail. Ausk is Crstos. Perhaps the larpett and most e!egant collection et Alascan cu'ios in Oregon is that owned tv Hon. O. T. Porter, and collected by him dur ing his four years residence in Alaska as l, . . marsbil. It includes a.l the odd freaks of workmanship of the natives of that country, unique tu construction ret neat sod attractive in appearance. The collection is worth a good mary hundred dollars and is one worth seeing. It is on exhibition at F M. French's. Making a Escutn. Mr L E CarS, a cvclist from Roeebnrg. tassej through this city Monday evening on his way to Seattle. The gentleman is trying to make a record for long distance riding and when be passed through here his cyclometer registered 112 miles for that day, expecting to make Albany a dis tance oi 30 miles the same dav, making 142 miles the first day. ifarngburg Review. At Camp Jackson. a letter from Hood River announces that the encampment is s great success. The boys are having a fine lime- Not a peron had been put in Hi guard house, lhe camp waa sit uated in a delightful manner with the white tops of Hood and Adams on either side. The only accident was a (all by a cavalryman re ulting in some bruise". Tub Tunis Ocabby. It is rcpoited that Messrs Toner, Kenredy.Crosno and Jones, ot lbe tioct ureeK uranite xiaar- rv, have been awarded a contract wun Portland parlies to furnish granite from their quarry. These gentlemen own nearly a section of granite land on Rock creek, which in the near future will be another great iadustry in our mi'im. me only drawback at present is that tne granite is nearly seven miles from the railroad. loledouor. tmon. Notice. Property owners are request ed to clean up the streets adjoining their property previous to tne sin ouuiy By order of the street commissioner. A Fat-Food We know that Cod-liver Oil is a fat-forrning food be cause takers of it gain rap idly in weight under tts use and the whole body receives vital force. When prepared as in Scott's Emulsion, it is quickly and easily changed into the tissues of the body. As your doctor would say, "It is easily as similated." Perhaps you are suffering from fat starv ation. You take fat enough with your food, but it either isn't the right kind, or it isn't digested. You need r f r.. . . s ice at iai prepares iur yuu, i ui u Scott s bmuiston; Let tis send you a book about it. Free. SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemlsU, Ntw York. and BRYAN AT LEBANON. From tWe Advance: Hon W J Bryan will speak on the campus of the academy Morning, July 12th, at 8 o'clock, sharp. The procession will form on public square at 7 :30, under the direction of Col O B Montague, chief marshal, assisted by Marshals A Uuiph rey, M Weisuer.W II Money, Ed Kellen Iwrger, Phillip Ritter, John South, E Keebler, A T McCully, Wm Royce and Frank Settle. At the conclusion of Mr Bryan's speech the pr iceasion will march to the Fourth cf July grounds, where addresses will be delivered by the following well-knowa men : Messrs L Bilyea, Eugene ; W J D'Arcy, Salem; John Bnrnett, CorvaUis ; and J K Weatherford, Albany. Let everbody come and hear these able speakers on the great I-seue of the day Bimetalism. This will undoubtedly be the greatest demonstration ever wit nessed in the Willamette valley, and fully 25,000 people are expected. Mr Brran has no equal on this or any other continent as n orator. D W Hardin and Henry Smith nave been appointed a committee on camping, who will provide suitable and convenient places for those who intend camping out. Vf 11 Mnncy, B Burtetishaw and J C Bilyea were appointed a committee to provide the sixteen to-one team Bixteeo white and one cream-colored horse. The wagon carrying Mr Bryan will be drawn by four white horses two be longing to George McCurdy and two to Tom Smith. P M Smith will be the driver. The wagon containing the singers will be under the management of J C Bilyeu. Oakvillc. Mr. Sanford of Salem made ns a pleas ant cal last Wednesday. Call again Mr Sanford. Miss Peterson and Miss Wider, both of Albany, made a pieatant visit to the home ot Mr. A S. ilauiiil of Ibis place this week. Mies Elsie Long of Coi vaiiis made at a pleaant call the fre part of the week. Slid L will teach at the Hulburt school houe this fail and winter. The late rains have found some of onr farmers with hay down, but we have not heard of any being lost as yet. Ed Thrall passed through here yester day. Ed is a tuoceefi.l business man. A nice photographic view of the farm residence of li. A. Wade can be seen at Smith's tore. It was taken by A. S. iiamiu ana is gena pel a re oi air tVade's house, barn and famiiy. We have plenty of moisture for the present, and our garden wi'l do for another ruon:h without any rain and we think the grain can do without any more. Lirns 2os Biro. Religious :crvfcc. The pa-tor of the Baptist church will speak Sundav evening on tberjoeslicm "Dos the World Grow Worse." The ordinance of the supper will be observed at Ce close of the morning set vice. The following services will be held at the Christian chnrch July 4th. Preaching 10:30; S S 11 :30 a. m. In the evening epeoiiJ Endeavor services will be held and the tollowing, program has brea arranged : Opening sonc, "Sunshine in the Sool" "Send the Ug!jt. congregation. Prayer A. Barnes. Quartet Central Society. Ten minutes talkoa leston topic G. Mver. D iet -Lorett Stewart, A Marshall. Solo W. H Uds. -Scripture reading Lenora G rover. LaJiea trio Grand Pnune Society. Solo Loretta Stewart Addrese on "C E. Work." pastor. Song "tjI be With Yoa ' congre gaiion. "Mirpah." Services cjmaieuce at 3 p. m. Every one invited to attend Coxmittce. Service in the U.-P. chnrch Sabbath. Preaching morning and eveniug by Rev. Muitb. Scrvtvc at the C. I'. Church. Friday 8 p. m. Saturday 5 a. m. Sunday 11 a. ro. and 7:.10 p. m. The services for Torssdary S. p. m. and Friday 10;:j0 a. m- have been good. The other services we desire to be made better by a fuller attendance ot the church and as many friends as can at- temt. The Lord.s sapper will be administered at 11 a. m. Sunday, and all the Lord s chrdrea are invited to lake ia memory of Him. e desire lj make the 5 o clock ser vices Saturday morning especially help ful, prayer, song, and consecration, pre paratory to the taking ol the Lord's sup per Sunday li a. m. The pnlilic cordially is invited to at tend these services. Come! By the Oregon Cent nil and Eastern Railroad. The Oregon Central and Eastern R. R. Co , in connection with the San Fran' Cisco and Yauitia Bay Steanishiy Co., opers ting the steamer" Farallon between !i equina fc; aim can iM.,-r, ai a.l ratAnfl.o ini-l.nlinit m.l, nil !erth. for the round trip from Aibanv or CorvaUis to San Francisco and return for parties desiring to attend the Chris Ian Endeavor convention to be held at San Francisco. Tickets will be good going on the next voyage of the Farrallon, which is due to sa.l from Yaouin on July 2nd, and returning good until Aug. 10th. r or further information appiy to any agent of this company or to fcpwix &TONB, manager. Business Men: Take Notice. You are hereby notified that the 4th of July committee wfll not pay any bi'.ls contracted by anyone, unless endorsea or ordered or the finance committee said coinmitue consisting of F M French A J Hodges and C U Burkhart. By or der of the general committee. N M Newport, Secretary. icttsr List. Following is the list of letters reruaiuing in the Postorlice at Albany. Linn county, Oregon. June 28, 1S97. Persons calling for thete letters must give the date on whicn they were advertised. Conner, .t Lnts, Hurley Morris, Yeda Yance. James Weyers, Dell T. J. Stitks, P M Kcnrdlcss of Cost. .Intiill rtmilvnlil inttmt t.i trn out of crockery and trlaHwiire business, going in to some other line of bnine, and hence wid sell his goods of this kind regardless of cost. When jou cad and get his prices Xou will be convinced that he means btai nesa, aud will believe what he vava J. Gradwohl Inform the general public that sell as low as anybody in the city he will for cash. Come and get prices before you boy April 1st, 1897 . J. Ueadwohl. NoTrcB. All persons intending to their dog tax by street work are request ed to report to "the street superintendent at once. The work must he dona before Julyl. m mm All pkhronb knowing themselves ia debted to the undersigned are requested to make immediate settlement, as I shall close present business the 1st ot July. R. M. ltoiiKUTSoa. Pa iWU Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great leaenir(t strength and bea!tbfu!ne. Awnre ti.e toed against alum and all fur ma of adul teration common to the cheap brand. Royal Baking I'owdeb Co., New York HOME AND ABPPAU. Only 900 Lnxhels of wheat remain- in the Lebanon warebouw! . Call at French's store and see the latest novelties in jewslry and sterling silver. $100 shirt waikts reduced to 50c vt Read, Peacock A- Co'a. See the fountain pen at Will tc Starks, tne bent to be secured . Will & Sta k always have in thick the tatt noveltiei in all hes of jeweiry. The Eugene Register will probably be gin the publication of a daily on July 15. The price of 1p'97 Colombia bicycle ba been reduced to75andof Hartford to J W Patter-on on Jane 30, f-rmally tendered hi resignation a constable of district i 1 Yon will always find a fine line cf jew elry at Will A Stark. Do not buy before examining their goods. Cbr;sce ugar cured bam at H. Brxler only II cent per pound Call on him tor choioe meat of all kicc. Ke cream and soda asd soda pot at ilrt Viere;k' Dark and summer garden. Ice cream. 5 and 10 cents a din. Those eotfagvtnent and wedding ring t Freocb j-we!ry etare are gnariiteed to biod lbe contract for tl time to come Sheriff Gaine loot J W rt'enon to tt.e peoiten iary tfc' m-Tuieg. IVtenoi protetsd his innocence aii the ay to the pen. The governor ha ied bi csod prae tarnation for the prctectioo f timber a. required by Us ; bat tie timber will barn all the fice. The ToVJ s-z&T give the young men who Kot a ducMng'oa b E k eicor-icn a pretty bard hit, oae bardty Ji-liiied a Cordirg to the rvpof bt-re. Ice creaA acd c cream soda, oda pfp and all CKiIirg r-freueiil at Viereck' tsmnvr garden, l u-e mter:t ia all of oar dunk, r-o aiid o-ed. Hall' Ha:r Renewercnre iland sff and scalp aff-tiior.; a o a!l cane cd laidneM wbete tne gUsn w fan a ft ed the roots of the Lar are no, cl-au-d op. Knectit Ve-. r htve t'-ie beet irt mect cf retwis in Atba&" t prfce thai defy mrcpet iticn. Alio ee tbe:n fjr rLi and buoticg. The Aawbor S Cbemlca! Cc of tLi city, have stscceeO d in etaKIUhicg aa ageac? for Liverine ia IVnx. 111. and Bed Oak lows Lebanon Kxpres. Lidie wibioz their rxHU4.'ctocaUte, green, brown o-1?n boe. poiithed please call at the s'rid on fem ' 'rrct, Henry iiorgas lbe chamaion russet toe coluber. Fim chus work iruraa'.erd. Oive n a call. IVronir the P pa'ar I. monad s'aod at Viereck' icecream lactctr giJen oa the 3rd tt Julj. nothing but pure material otvd to crrre the (vbiic, at I ici bere to Uy S'elmacaer Br" delivery wtgjn will layoff on the 4th of J Jr. Yale notice cd order roar gucds on Friday for Sacday, toe boys like to nst oo day cat ot the year. Mr I W Fowler, aa expert arbr o' Salem. h Uen engaged by Wm Macs and may be found at the bop prepared to give the public first class wors. Corral! U new paper The Oregon I'cin. Hon John D Daly, eaitor and paUidier appeared today. I s motto i tn1 for revenue, incidental prstectloa and soand money. Evertbodv remember that too get tie cheapest and bet dinner in town, at the W V T V halU ttnrds. July 3rd. where you will be served with the bet in the market for ob'j 1 j centa. Come co, corneal). If yoa want anvtbtng on toe 3rd, ice cream, refreshing drinks, trnita. confec- tiocary. e . you will End a fine npply at tbettcse or stand of F M Pfeiffe'e, and will receive as good treatment as on an? day. jSrmnctuietils are being made to run'ao excumion from this eoun'y on the 1 1 ill if July, thereby giving thoe who desire, an opportanity to hear Moo J Kryan sreiB at Lebanon en the rith. Toledo tor. Union. At a meeting of the board of trustees of Santiam Academv, last week, M. A. Miller was elected president, . H. Booth vice president, and J W . Menses secretary. Jos t kins. D. Andiews ana M . nson were elected directors. Lebanon Advance President Gedde announces that the fall teim of the Sodavide college will be in Sent SJ. JS. He has ecured the servi ce of an eastern lad.? to teach elocution rhetonc and voice training, tshe is a s'.u- dentofthe Bo,ton schoot of oratory. Press. Mot of cur citizens will attend the At bans 4th of J ulv next Saturday, a few in tendinis to m to lbanon. 1 h'-re win be two coaches for the us ofcititin ot this locality who wih to go on the excursion Scio Pre. Couie alorg. We'll do ur best to give ou a gd htw. W. J. Cartv. of Knoxville. Tenn.. will arrive in Lebanon the last of the wtek and will open a bank at this place. Our citizens bve the fullest confidence in Mr. Carty aud w ill give him their heart iest co-operaiiou. The bank building will be repaired immediately and Mr. Cartv will co-iimeuce business ss soon as possible Lebanon Advance. '.Prrf., the balloon man who will make the parachute iutnp in Atbary on the 4tb. was in vjbanuu yestemay s&e about makinif arranEenienta for a bal loon ascension lu this ci'y on the Utb uie dav that Bryn will be in the city,. It seems to u lint jui tliing of that kiud for the afternoon to h l.t tba crowd would w tine thing fr L.-banoa. Lebanon Ex I re. Wli.-ii Traveling. Whether on pleasure bent, or business. take on evervtrip a bctt'eof Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly aud effectually on the kidnev. live.- and bowel, nrevent- ? ing fevers, heiulsiches. and other fofns of tha tsic.nesa. For mle in 50 cent oot- ties by all leading druggists. Manufac tured oy the Caliiorai Fig Syrup Com pany only. Eastern Ticket.. Albany to Omaha. Kansas Cily. St Loui and Chicago daily wit hunt change of cars quick time, no traniders p3ronttll.v. con oucted tourist cars, erery convenience, net For rates reservation of berths and information, addre or call on C U Winn at Wells Fargo & Co's office, Albany Or. A large assortment of earth n seeds white clover, timothy and blue grass seeds just received fresh at C E Bbowneu.'s. pay Music Miss Mildred Burmester teacher of piano or organ. System the Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street, opposite U P chuich. ALBANY TRADING CO, E. N. HOBRIS, MANAGES We will sell poods as long as they can be obtained on the market at pi ices a3 follows- 1 dox best jar rubbers Co 1 dox i gal frnit jr is 85 1 doz yt gal fruit jars 65 5 gal keg pickles 7f 1 gal choice pickles, bring yonr backet 30 3 lb cartoon crackers 20 10 lb choice beans 2-i 8 bars best Savon soap $ d br xes blueing 2-i t qt bottles blueing 2? 5pkgscorn starch 23 1 gal best vinegar, try it 15 1 gal best eyrnp, bring your jog... 60 2 M ai A 1 eyrt p .............. .7. . . 80 1 box beat axle g -ease 10 2 cans beet tomatoes 15 2 " Morning Ulory corn. good... 15 1 lb Corn Cake tobacco and pipe... 20 4 lbs best crackers.. 25 1 gal peeled peaches 30 7 pkgs Arbuckle coffee 1 00 7 pkgs Lyon " I CO 1 paper coffee, ground to order 15 ; lbs Gold Dost washing powder. . . 20 1 can best baking powder 40 5 lbs Arm & Hammer soda 25 12 cans salmon 1 00 3 cane beat cose oysters 25 3 cans spices 25 3 bottles extract lemon or vanilla . 26 I lb best Gunpowder tea 40 1 lb best Japan un colored tea 40 50 lbs fine salt 40 12 packages good matches 10 Good s ock working g'ovee 30c to 80c a pair which we wish to close oat. The above prices are strictly each. Albany Trading Co., Cor. 2nd and Main St Headquarters For Everything. o ALBINY'S GBEATET ST0B1 BIG VALUES Hitched to Little Prices That's the way ycu ficd it all through our store. LilloPayairMloSaTe Our qualities, oar values, oar prices, ocr strong bold. ALBANY'S CnEAFLST STORE. KNECHT & HEISiB . S. f, SCH1FFLER k CO. Merchant Tailors Carry the largast and most complete stock of Cloths ia the valley. 0!I S'M iaFlMBM. Hit ffista. El Tiej Got things spelled wrong and ail mix ed up display wss poor type old ft shtoned press work bad pares cheap nothing as it oeght to be? Well take yoor next jab of printing to Smi lev the Printer sad Will Eg Dose BiitL P. S. (Important). The price i'or c!c ing t will be right, too . T THE MIXES. Baardtng. IMging tt and meal may be secured of the sub scriber at the Santiam mines, at his place a the mouth of Pry Galch. H. V. Wbttb. Xotics to Water Consumers. X tain a good pressure ' ..twi cur v-tem. consumer are prohibited from . -.Mn.A-u dH rvsmhirxfAil Sov.rrt nsirff hewe witbout BviXie alMl frouaal'ow- In water tl sets to run at all times The water will be shot off without notice from nremi-ea where it 1 allowed to run to waste albui v, aifcK .v T7CKXITURE FOR SLE. As we in-1 1 tend lo move to ! pokane will sell oar I htMicehold furniture at teasonabie prtves. Call at residence m 3rd want. Ma-, w . S. TbadcOw. TiVO RIGS. If vou wisbto takes X drive see J W Roberts for a first class ng cheap, tie has two ready fur use. B' AKGAIS3 IX FCEXrrrRE. Bed roomet. booxcaae, couch, pictures etc. vail at residence ot u. vr t ukibs . -f r AXTRTW FAITHFUL VEX OR VV WOMF.X TO travel for responsible establUhed house in Oregon. Salary f 7S0 n.l ruin9oa. 1'oaitiow permanent, tkei- ennt-e enclose eii-waaressea naniimj . .. , i j envelope. The Xational, btar Insurance Bldg., tbicago. TvKPSS-MAKlXG. Ladies withing 1 J learn cutting and fitting by the M-.w ma stem, call an Mrs. tt. E. Owea Presses made for 2.50 and up. Cor tndCalapooia. Sid "I AlUKS ASD G BSTLKMKS who Wish per- 1 . mantnt wors at good pay sbouia a drs General Managir care DK-vocaaT. ailn. lVm't write unless tot mean business. Vi TASTKD. AwconJ hand bicyde. ..UUM W I si ajrv . I mix T TllOMFSOK, r O Eox 21, Sheddi Or. FOll S LK 40 acres of land situated about 2 blocks north of 0 C R R de .wv , iuUt Linn county. This valu able property, suitable for residence lot or agricultural purposes will be sold at a great ...rifioa ntuke me an ctxe. Apply for t M 1 McMabon. attorney at law, McKay bldg, Portiand, Or. any UEOEFIM TUK PLCMBKR Tin roofing and plumbing, he opera house OppoaiU i" STRAYED. One bead of cattle, M a old heifer, light red, un marked, v, ill pay for trouble. F S Docohtik, ! Spicer, Or. Star liakery Corner BroaJalbin and First M COKHAD MEYER PRCPHIETD? Canned Fruits, Glassware, Irled Fruit. Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee. Etc. Canned Me' Queensw..- Veget? j)e Cigars. Spfces Ta everything tbat i. sept in Brod variety and gro eery store HigH et pt'-ce paid for ALL KINDS OF PkODUCf SL'MVOHS. tint Ciren Clwri of tie Stait oj Grrgem Jar tie county of Lin. J Govey Fow er and W J Caear, p!ia tiffs y v G Morgan, as administrator of the e tateof Thomas Morg.n ieceaced; Jnie Morgan aad-ninirat.ror 'he estate of L;dt Ho't'n decea-ed; Ma-y Ann G-ay. Frank Gray her boabaoJ; Ague vj Neil, John McNeil her husband. Jubn X liorg.n. Rath Morgan bis ife; Jaices W Morgan, il-rga bi wife; W G Mn.a. Mr.B ku wiie;JM Mor u, E A Margia. Morgw htm if; liC grrt llatcsa. Darcsa fcer kubiad ; G L St ) Cer and Hkttu J SU-jde.; L-na Co. .Saiioul fcaak . (a corporal-) W JJ G t t a, A Bcisa. Trwstee; Frrst Kuool Bask, ; sdvpormaot) wed Mil oo Hle, aVfcdaats. To John K Mrgaa asd EaUl Morgan, bi w ife.aa4 Marssre Da&caa mtii Ia cam, her hubuiL Defesdaat. IS THE X AM EOF THE STATE OF OKEUOX: Yaw ue hereby rcqaird 10 p prwr and ass-er th eofaptaiat hlei gioct ytw ia the above esitttled mt, bv the tint dm j ol th acxt term it thi camrt foilowitig tb exptraHuw mf aud swae,towit: hj th t k M dj ia Jaee.lS9?;teingtk 2S-h da 4 sm1 natc; asd it vow hi: o to pexr to anawrr, for wist thereof, the pUioiiff wi.l apply to the eoort f-w tse re it praved for ia the e tnU DC filed agaaawt yoa ber ia. tjw it : Far a deere f rrciairfc a ce' tla sortgage exrcwsrd b ov Tkoata Uorgac ud Llia aaMra. ni wife, (-' h deeeaa vi to'ihe JarvuCowkha Aiorcase Tm-t Coaraay, to acear tis (atatcat cf SIC25. with iatare, sad the faiter cwsa if J10O axtoraeys fes. Stl wiortgae briag wpow real est Kiaite tw ite coaaty c f Luc 'ate of Oregoo. ad particalarly bowiuted ad dewe ibti as foii'ow, town; The W&of UmDLC) D.d W A! iiagh: Sliwaied ia See 33 mtA 34, Tp 13 wata, Rasgw 4, W W M. cewLisg 159 AaO oireetiBs aale of sail property iw the r pr)dcd by law wad aupiKmtm et the proceed thertf oa to py wcat cf too of the p am VtT, ktrnn, iadaciag Co la, dbwrsBeats of sail asd attorney' fw Tkis pcsaanaa ia mb&Bed ty order of the HoBOToila H H Hewitt, jedi" cf aid ooort. Madeaad dated oa iSe 24ik dy c,f F rwrr. I!s37. LGbo W U.zx a MosTAXTt aHacxt-txas AilaciiH for P ai&i U STET TAX X 4ws ia hs-tty rio that tke tax :oT lb care of Aibaav. OrM for rx-ad asd stres tax for to year was Koew p aced i ay bawds for colieclioa Sack taxes ar wow doe, asd payable at my cfSce in ta city eoBwcii chamber ia said city. Aar tax ya;er m bo wrtbeato. jerlcrra abac apwi the treta, uhor in pcraoa or y swbaritwte, ta new ot royisg saiJ tax mosey, atwat notify ( n wiiusc oa or before t la day of Jalj. 1S97. Jaae 12 a, 15SJ. vj lbt. Mmtal cf the city of Albaa.-. KOTICE CF F1KAL SETTUUEKT, Xetic- is hereby civen that S E To-ne. the dminitr.ti-r with the wl l annexed of the estate of Jane Fanning. eeceaed. has rerdcred and presented fcr settlement, sal filed la th coonty coart cf 'ce state of Oregow for Lien coonty, bis tinai ae cour.t of his admioistra KHi of sid otate; and teat Sitar-iay, the 10;h day ot Ju y, 1S9T. being w day ot ibe Jcly term of s d ...... court, for I r r r ' the settlement of eatd awut, at w icq time any person interested ia id et"t may appear file bis ol j-tfon to said a.v-unt and pent the same f r tearing. Dated at Aibanv. Oregon. Jane 2. S9t . Elkiks Ossos. S E Yocno, Atty for Admr. Adrtr. STEEtT EA1LWAY .KOTICE. The mote on the Albany ttrcet rail- ary wid connect promptly with aU trains :o and from tne aepoi, oay aaa Special trips will be a aoe at special a.e. i. r . -OH2, twiumiui. 3. C. k E. H R. CO v Willamette River Division,; Steamer ALBAXY, dpt. J. L. Smita Leave Albany for Portland S-indays. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Unsurpassed accommodations and schedules especially for the needs oi np aer Willamette travel. Picnic parties tan avail themselves ot this schedule for wv desired point between CorvaUis and ialem, leaving in the morning and re tnrnimr in due time the same evening. Special rates for special parties of 13 ot more. U. U. At DCS, RED RASPBEKRIES. May be had a theearden of F II Mukhsoa for S cents a box by picking them yourselves. 1US I . iSrOWB TOO, ctiui"" -- miinla fiw vevetaUes and berries. Return to Dbmockat office. COW FOR LALE. Jersey cow, fresh milk sooa. Call oo W m inger. Front and Pine streets. wilt le Flick- GIRL WANTED To do general house work. Call at residence of P C An demon. WFTED Girl to do general house work. Call at office or res'.decce of Dr G W Maston. CAMPEKS ATTENTION. Pr. Adams the dentist, baa two good wall tent ' with fly at each enc , for sa e at a bargain EVERY HUMOR