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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1897)
SPRAINS S St. Jacobs Oil the foil. Use g AND w- a w v m ' L jWi aT AIIN.D V. aH, but wsw J Ki Ji li. HILL., evcMan snd Annreon, O .'FICE First St, just Una House, Albany Oregon. DR. C, U. CHAFilBERLin EIOaSOXIOX.TJBIST Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem isues, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry St, near Sd street. WETHERFORD& WYATT Attorneys at Jaw Will practice in all the courts of the state. Special attention given to matters in probate and to collections. OFFICE In the Flinn block. BLACKBURN & SOWERS 1TOENBT8 -A.T Xs-W All legal matters will receive prcmpt at tention. Office, First National Bank Build ing, np stairs. W- R. B1LYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery, collections wade or all points. Loans negotiated on reasouable terms. Albany Oregon. jygOKTANYE fc HACKLEBAK, Attorneys at Lav, Albany, Oregon IKST SATIOHAL. BARK, or ALBABT, OBJSttOBI P.-ssidenl.. .. Vie President i-i LFUNU S,K,YOtJNQ JS. W.LANQDON T9AB8ACT9 A OKNERAtbansflinelnesB ACCOUNTS KKPT subject to sneck. 1GHT EXCHANGE and te'egranfale transfer, soM Hi) York Su rnBctaoo.CUracoaa Poitlard OLKCTIOKS ADEoa favorable terms. S K Torrwe F A GooDsmr, C. S. x w Iammw L. Fuu Fuss. .1. Attorney at Law, Aloany, Or. TRAD MARKS, OESICNS, COPYRIGHTS AO. AnTmesendrns; a sketea and description mar ooickir ascertain, free, whether an Invention is probably patentable- Commnnieations strictly eonndentiaL Oldest aaency foreecnring patents in America. We hare a Washington office. Patents taken through Mann Co. rsoerra. special notioe in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, BeatrtlfnllT IDujTTmted, ranree eirenlation of an, scientific journal, week j, terms SJ ayesx; : jO BiX months. Specimen Copies and HAJin Boon OS P atkxts sent tree. Address MUNN A CO., 361 Bruiwii, New Vark. SOLICITORS WANTED FOR DR. TALMAGES "The Earth Girdled," or his famous tour around the world, a thrilling story of savage and barharous lands. Four million Talmage'a books sold, and "The Earth Girdled" is his latest and grandest. DEMAND ENORMOUS. Everybody wants this famous book; only $3 50. BIG BOOK. BIG COMMISSIONS. A gold mine for workers. CREDIT GIV EN. FREIGHT PAID. OUTFIT FREE. Drrp all trash and sell the king of books and make $504 a month. Address for out fit and territory. The Dominion Com pany, Star Building, Chicago. rAimuo PROCURED, EUGENE W. JOHNSON, Solictor aailAttyiii PatentCanses 1K9 Mew 1 erfc Are., Washlaglsn. D C Office established 1868. Charges mod ate. Correspondence requested. FOR REST. Six room house in upper ward for rent at $4.00 per month. Inquire of G. W. Wright. OOL WANTED. Will pay the highest market price. Call on M Senders- Insurance agent and dealer in wool and grain, Ferry St. VV ANTED. A few more engage ments by the day to sew. Has R, fc. Owes. AT THE MINES. Boarding, lodging and meals may be secured of the sub scriber at the Santiam mines, at bis place f the mouth of Dry Gulch. U. W. Whiti. Notice to Water Consumers. TH T WE MAY BE ABLE TO MAIN tain a good pressure in all parts of our system, consumers are prohibited from nRing hoee without nozzle and from allow ing water closets to ran at all times . The water will be shut off without notice from premises where it is allowed to run to waste. A lb as y Watek Co. FOR SALE. A span of iron gray mares 6 and 7 years old, will weigh 1200, good travelers. For particulars inquire or write to Fbed Arnold, Shedd. Or. FURNITURE FOR SALE. As we in tend to move to Spokane will sell our household furniture at reasonable prices. Call at residence in 3rd ward. Mas. W. S. Teaisok. WASTED. A position to do general housework or nursinsr. Good ref erences. Leave word at the Dem ocrat office. TWO RIGS. If you wish to take a drive see J W Roberts' for a first class rig cheap He has two ready for use. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. Bed room set, book-case, couch, pictures etc. Call at residence of C. W. Elkms'. FOE SALE. The meat market furni ture, tools and slaughter house tools, the Emerick market. Call on Louis ruckman or William Flickinger for par culars WANTED FAITHFUL WEN OR WOMEN TO travel for responsible established house in Oregon. Salary $780 and expense. Position permanent. Ref erence Enilose sell-addressed stamped envelope - 'i he National, Star Insurance tldtf., Chicago. DKE3.S-MAKING. Ladies wishing learn cutting and fitting by the Mor jran sjstem, call an Mrs. R. . Owen Dresses made for $2.50 and up. Cor. 3rd and Calapooia. IADiBs asd Gentlemen who wish per . muncni vstw at .......J ...... u....l J ..J .... ... n vi a. Ul gMI VV S!i"'iHI UM- I drtn Gtiueral Manager care Democrat, I A Ibanv. Don't write unless yci uif an ! ANTKD. A.second hand bictcle. Must be in good condition. Address 1 , Jons 1. Thompson -P0Box21,Sbedds0r. si". Cuff with a honse shoe button 1'iease return to Democrat office c AMPELS ATTENTION. Dr. Adams ! ne dentist, has two good wall tent y at each en1, for sale at a bargain 4jt. eo TSARS r it ana promptly feel the cure. That's & that is something sure. REMOVED. Smiley Printer to the Brown block, where he is ready for business. His work is the best. SENDERS' COMPAHIE Always Pay. No question about full and prompt ment of losses by fire on insuianre placed with the leading agent of Albany, M. Sen- den, WswliatHeliisiresFeopleFer Don't allow yourself to be roped into tn various "Local Mutuals" now being pushed on you as being "cheapest . in surance," when you insure yon do not want to worry about getting your money in case of loss. M SENDERS Insurance, Hay, Grain and Wool. HeaiuIlsBire??1 We're talking again- talking to the hard-to-please DeoDle wno use particular ' printing. Wo are particular printers; we pnt in that little I extra-nice touch that pleases i yon. Bo the job big or little, ' its bis enough to be well done. I Our Particular Department is I our whole shop. Ask ns to1 prove it; we can please yoa or give your money dace. Smtlit's Particular Printer. - Phone 9, Albany. IT Is SO WRITTEN and none can dispute it. We lead toe wall paper trade. We were never mere in the van than now. More designs; newer, brighter, fresher, and more orig inal designs ; a greater variety of de signs ; finer qualities of paper ; and lower prices for fine qualities of paper than can be found at any other establishment: these are onr many and solid claims to your patronage. When yon see what we sell for 15 cents a roll 'and that we only aek 15 cents for it, yoa '11 be very much surprised. J. A. Camming. "Hoi To Get Rich." will earn yoa weekly, with onr plan of investment ; too cannot lose. Two men made $500 and $650 last month on 25. Yon can do likewise. If you don't invest, and keep your money in voar pocket, yoa will be ooor all your life. Try ns with $25 and see what we can dc. Absolutely no risk. Write for particulars to "Guarantee Brokerage Co ," Offices 213 and 215 Byrne Building, Los Angeles. California. FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale & Retail-- MUGGISTo ASDEOOXmLRES ALBAlTT. OREGON. Pare Drags and the finest and Large! Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. CHEAPEST POWER ...HERCULES UAS AIVDTGASOIsINE EXGI.HE!5 Built in Boecial sizes for nrintino- nffir-oa and factories. State your wants and write for prices and term". Illustrated catalogue famished free npoa applica tion. Amebic as Type Foundbbb Co. Portland, Oregon. The entire outfit, horses, carriam. A of the John Schmeer livery stable is offered for tale. Parties wisbinu to bar nlAsun call at the stables and only those who mean uusioess neea appiy. a bargain will tt given Iohu Schmeeb. sji''i'i'iii'Vt'iJri-ii-iii,isajis msiaa CaTeata an d TnA. Marks obtained and all Pat- out business conducted for Moderate Fees, Bend mod el, drawing or photo. Waadriselfi pwnDisuiBiresoicDSTRo, irarreanotauetui patentissecnre'l. A Pamphlet "Bow to Ob tain Patents." with cost of same In the P. 8. snaioreiga countries aent free. Address, C. A. SNOW & CO. O . Pstskt Orn.r, WasHiHoroN. D. C. Mew oan Beaeeer Akeslatelr L'akaewa to the profession. Feresaaest Cam In IS U) u dars. We refund money if we uo not rum, Von caa be treated at lome for the same pries teesi with Uwse wbo sriU eoatraot to ears I and the same umm. prefer to eoiaeliure we tiawm or pay exiienge of eaalaf, and botel Kaka mm m foil to iraiirosn bills, autl Chargo, if on re. if on baTe tsjiea atiil oaee aches ami In month. Hen Threat, ad apeis, Uleers on say Krearaws faliias; oat, iieeeaaary or Tertiary i oil 7r, itiklAr. freUi-W a uo Erisie,t "ia i- tlt v Pl'tot l. fciH..f,:f.i vJ 3!i is iiaj rr)K- -rr, liiMrf i'ufeft t: and eaalleaa sre. 'fills dii (be skill mt the tor many voar we Lave (e-.t . i-it ireauna; this disease wlta p ;-,r. i. &OV.OVO caDllal Jund tr li - i.f.i.i li u' 't 1 1 t guarantee, writ us for 1 fto.t, Addreas S-rw-.L- f. tr u w' For Sale. Mt jBtvumiA. Mr. Ilanna is by odds the most con spicuous republican in the U. S. just now. Fred Dubois, ex-U. S. senator of Idaho has a new bracd for his cattle- Here it is : 16-to-l. The 4th of July orator tuis year has a great deal of material over which he may spread himself. It ie settled at last. The New York World publicly declares that there are rascals in the XT. S. senate. Good. Faderewski will charge only $5000 a day this . year. He ia having soma consideration for the public. Hon. Billy Mason of Illinois is getting more notice in the funny columns than any other U. S. senator. The four leaf clover luck idea has been exploded. An Illinois tramp had fifty four of them and continued a tramp. Several states Have bosses very em phatically, New York Piatt, Pennsyl vania Quay, Ohio Ilanna, Maine Reed Considerable fuss is being made in Washington over the fact that Jerry Simpson recently had a gold tooth put in instead of silver. From the Manchester Union. President McKinley put an ex-Confederate soldier in the place of a Union vet eran as United States Marshal of West Virginia the other cay. Such an- act would have called forth a howl of rage a tew years akO. but the wounds of the war are at lust pretty v. I: !.c!ed. The following is said to be genuine poetry: "Little Willie, from the mirror. Licked the mercury all off. Thinking, in bis childish error. It would care tbe whooping cough. At the funeral, Willie's mother Smartly said to Mrs. Bron, Twas a chilly day tor Willie Wten the mercury went down.' The statement is made by Prof . Wil liam Crookes ol Ixmdon that to count tbe molecules in a pin-head space at the rate of 10,000,000 per second would re quire 250,000 year. The smallest par ticle tbat the human eve can detect measures about oue-one-hundred-tbon- andth of an inch on a side, and such particle is composed of from 60,000,000 to luu.OOO.OUU ol melecnlea; one one hundredth of cubic inch of gas contains 19 OCO.000,000,000,000,000. to 6,000,000, 000,000,000,00X000 molecule. From the Poet. It appears tbat the Christian Eorleav orers are responsib'e for the tmpeet in a teapot between tbe Nary Departmen and Representative Lewis, of the iUtt of Washington . Tbs battle ship Oregon has been ordered to Tscoma instead of to Seattle on the Fourth of July, as desired by Mr. Lewis, because tbe Eodeavorera were indorsed by many prominent men, among them Senator Haona. It is stated at the navy department tbat sen ator Haona d'Uh nothing more than to express the hope tbat tbe department would be able to oblige the Christian Endeavorers. No discourtesy, it is said, was intended to ths representative from Washington State. On the contrary, a letter has been sent to Mr. Lewis, stat ing that vhils-rt isipualissels ie change tbe orders concerning the battle ship, its commander ha been ordered to take tbe vessel to Seattle at soon as practicable after the 4th and to remain there tor some days. As Jnly 4 ia on Sunday, and as Seattle's celebration ia to be held on tbe 5th and C:h, it is deemed that this may prove satisfactory to all concerned. Satue is only about forty miles distant from Tacoma, and under tbe latest orders iesned tbe battle ship will undoubtedly be in the termer city by daylight on the 5th . Curious Facts. Tbe common house sparrow flies at tbe rate of ninety-two miles an hoar. nearly one minion telegrams pass through tbe Geoeral Poetofficeof London every week. In Spain the goat is tbe substitute for the cow, that country having 4,530,000 goats. Tbe most wonderf r I statue in the world l$ in lokobama. i is a seated image of tbe god Dia-busta, and its height i aWty-three and one half feet. Tbe tola weight o: this great statue is 450 tons, five hundred pounds of which is pare gold . In Germany when the vote ot the fury stanaseix against six the prisoner is aquitted. A vote of seven against five leaves the decision to the court, and in a vote of eight against four the prisoner is convicted. On the street railways in Germany tbe carriages are painted according to tbe colors ot tbe tickets of tbeir respective classes. First-claw carriages are painted yellow, second class green and third class white. Tbe most curiously decorated graves in tbe world are tbe negro graves in South America. Some of these mounds are garnished with tbe bottles of medicine used by tbe departed in tbeir final ill ness, and the duration of the malady is easily guessed by tbe number of bottles. Dr. Charles Fredrick Wollgnhs, tbe o'dest physician in Ohio, still keeps np his practice,) despite his ninety-three years, and bis name. He says every member f bis family for tbe past three bncdred years has lived over 100 years. and bis grand father, at the age of 106 cradled wheat for three days ia succes sion. Some years ago, on one of the Prussian railways, a barrel which should haye contained silver coin was found, on ar rival at its destination, to have been emptied of its precious -contents and filled witb eand. Prof Ebrenberg. be ing consulted on the subject, sent for samples of sand from all the stations along the different lines of railway through which the specie bad passed, and by means of bis microscope indenti tieel the station from which tbe inter polated sand must have been taken. Tbe station once fixed upon, it was not diffi cult to hit upon the culprit among tbe rmall number of employees on duty there. -kvKsrs "oo wmm m ssenersnu ono asifj "'t fT tt001 poa ssouali tni "sees, sno so; ev -pea itSaejte pas peSjsiae 4 pes, eat e saettjod see II y Sqt iq pesoossj asa SS Q SulsSf Deqsi iKiin, HIMS TOMey. esje h peaeaiM ej peuaeia lodsq s S(sqe iiue pepae sessof pus sarurt n-ieeq pas pnrsi xpoa at . Bsnj Saoais San e jiesiaei JUM-J Q04M 'iwp XWAs) iptBM ni Xp ftua tin MiMrj -mf tj nojt p Dttanir paoatoq 9 ww oqi wsaa itaOf psj-iM sttt dt n3L'JiOSS3I!lU3A stCZIWM Killing Canada Thistles. Tbe following has been handed to the Democrat as a timely topic in view of the number rf thistles scattered through the country : Probably two thirds of tbe farmers in tbe United States bare either had, at one time or another, or are now experi encing trouble with tbat noxious and troublesome weed, the Canada thistle, and would give much cool J they find some effective remedy for its destruction. Those wbo have made a study of the thistle say that this species is a perenni al weed, and tbe root most be destroyed in order to prevent it from producing itself the next year. Tbe Canada this tle is more tenacious ot life than any thing tbat grows out of the ground. In regard to its tenacity of life, it holds the same place in the vegetable kingdom that a cat does in the animal kingdom, and therefore nothing short of a power ful material will destroy it. Dr. J. E. Tibbens.a prominent farmer of Beech Creek, near here, claims to have discovered a compound tbat will effectually kill and distroy this pest, and without doing any temporary or permanent injury to the soil. This, in itself, is a good recommendation for this thistle diatroyer . Tbe formula is a veiy simple one? and consists ol sulphuric acid (oilol vitroil) aull oil of turpentine, in equal parts, which forms cne of the most powerfnl solutions for destroying vegetable life that can be made. Even large trees can be destroyed with it. Sulphuric acid is stronger than any of tbe mineral acids. When it combines with water it generates an intense heat. The thistle contains a targe percentage of water, and i ia tbe htmical action produced when the acid and water unite that burns the weed to death as soon as it comes in contact with it. Turpentine is chemically a carbo-hydrate.and is more antagonistic to vegetable growth than anything tbat can be extracted from tbe vegetable kingdom. It ia very searching and penetrating, and having these qualities it leads the acid deep down in to the roots of the thistle. Tarpentine alone would destroy them, but it takes too much and is too expensive. Sulphur ic acid alone would destroy them, but it is notes sure as when in combination with turpentine. This compound will not only destroy the thistle, hot it will destroy any other specif s of weeds, such as burdock, plan tain, backborn, etc. and there is no reason why it will not deetroy the Rus sian thistle as well, for it is a prepara tion most powerfnl A perton might naturally think that it would destroy tbe soil too. for raising crops, hot it milt not. It becomes disseminated through the ground by rain, and, in fact, be comes a fertiliser to a short time. Farm ers boy sulphuric acid when they buy fertilizer especially dissolved bone phosphate, as manufacturers ue this acid to dissolve tbe bone. This compound was applied to a patch of thistles last year shortly alter tbe grain was cat, and this year there was as fine a crop ot timotby on tbe ground as one could want to see. Tbe eolation resembles oil of tar, and as it destroys muscle, tendon, bone, etc it mast be handled with care. A num ber of farmers bareaiffd it ia ex peri menting the last few y-rs, and not one act! dent baa resulted therefrom. Ex. Julius Whitehead was not bad at heart, bat sim pry mischievioae. When he heard ta'.k cf revival in tbe church at Utss,, plain, Tl. J .. tr U. ! 4 -r-.W boyish way. "Tell you what I'll do fellows." he said with a chuckle. "I'm going into one of them meetin'e an' pretend I've got an attack ol soetiin " It was about ten days ago tbat the youth pot his daring to test. White head took a back vest and began to sueeseaa if be bad taken snuff. Hie pretended eneexea came thica and fast The pastor, seeing signs ot a ditgracefol ending of the meeting wound it op quick- ly- As the audience rote to go they saw youog Whitehead standing at the bark ot tbe room, a look of horrible agooy oj his face. At regular intervals be sneexed with a violence which threatened to snap his bead off. He could not stop. Tbe joke bad become a terrible reality. Everything snugested was tried, bat without care. He sneexed by night anj day ontil exhanstion came aod there was danger of dying irom weak o ess. Sanday young Whitehead was very weak. It was plain that he could not mocb longer survive tbe wear and tear of constant enetxing. From tbe Chicago Times Herald. Senator Mason's son Roderick, a lad of 8 years, called bis father op on the long distance telephone from Chicago today to tell him tbat tbe Globe Savings bank bad failed. Tbe youog man Lad $18 in tbe bank, which be was saving to boy a bicycle. This is the conversation which pasted as nearly as tbe senator coold remember it: "Papa, the bank has busted." "Yes, Roderick, I read about it. Ho is your mamma?" "My $11 ia note, papa." "Yes." "My bicycle is gone, too." "Yes; that's too bad, Roderick " "Well, do I get a bicycle anyway? At this point the wires began to bnxx and tbe senator told bis son that he couldn't bear. "Do I get tbe wheel?" the young man screamed over the wire. "Well, Roderick," answered tbs sena tor, "yon get the Indorsement of your congressman and I'll bee what I can do for you.'' A woman now residing in North Wsl pole, Vt., not long ago was employed in a rag room at Bellows Falls. One day she found a sum of money stitched into the lining of an old coat. She quit work at once, and no one has ever been able to ascertain the amount of ber find, but she has erected a neat and comfortable house and is prosperous and contented. Hurry op Mr. Gage. High Grade Ltundry Work The Albany Steam "Laundry, M. D. Phillips proprietor, dosts work that speaks for itself. It is high grade what ever the article. Now a specialty is being made of ladies hirt waists, which aie. laundried for only 10 cents. DJicate colors retained and goods handled with great care. You can depend on work done by this anndry. Noricg. Property owners are request ed to clean up the streets adjoin ing their property previous to the 4th of July. By order of the street commissioner. Save Your Grain. Few realize that ech squirrel des'roy $1.50 worth of grain annually. Wake lee's Squirrel snd Gopher Exterminator Is the most effective and economical poison known. Price reductd to 80 cents. For ale by Fo hay St M ason, agents. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS Frequently people laugh at the idea ot the boys who make np our O. N, G. companies ever doing anything in esse of actual servise ; but it was just such boys that went Into tbe thickest ot tbe fight in the rebellion, in fact in all fight since the beginning of fights. After ths first smell of powder they often become herses. Certainly a college president should be a good organizer and business man, but above all things he must be a man of superior education, without a superior under him, except in special lines. No man before the people occupies a more important position than the college president, and it is well if he is a man of exemplary character, net only in his official position: but as well in his pri vate life, an all round man. The Democrat believes Mr. Miller, president of the O. A. C, a nice man personally, would make a good consul to Munich. The Democrat gets a big paper from New York city tbat is making a crusade against noises. That tickles as. People go to big cities to be in- the noise and bustle, and those there are heartily tired of the clamor and would like to be rid of it. Come out here at the feet of tbe Three Sisters atd hear the chirp of the robin, the crow ot tbe celestial pheasant, the purr of the cougar and the roar of the ocean. Batter, the arch fiend murderer ot Australia has already been tried and con victed though in Australia only a short time. No wonder he wanted to stay in California where justice is slow er than a boy on an errand and a mur derer grows gray before being banged. It is very bard to get just enongh rain to salt everybody. It wont fall tbat way. The Hood River Encampment. The trip ot the O. N . G. to Hood River is one of general interest. As a military affair it is not considered cf tntt.-h im portance by most people, but a aa event it is one that excites atnli ir. . 4s sev enty five of onr own yonng men will go It is t articnlarly of local interest . F. Co. Is made np of a live body of young men who should do credit to Camp Jack son. The folio ing is a list of the officers and privatee: The commissioned officer are : Capt M II Ellis, surgeon of 2nd iufsotry, in command of Hospital Corps. Lieut J A Camming, commissary ot subsistence, 2od regiment. Njn commissioned. Lieutenant Chas Sears, betallioo ad ja'anl 1st bauilion. John Concklin Jr., commissary emi grant, on staff ot Col Ysyan. F. Co. Captain. M D Phillip; 1st Lieut, C A Sears; 2nd Lieut, F E Bloom : 1st Sergt, S U Clevenger; Qa, T H Rhode ; Ser geant, Cba Fatirr, F C Stellmeher( L Love. J V Wymao ; Corporals, M D Mor tis, J A Finch, M D Brink, A Camber; Lance corporals. Silas Couey, F ! brook; Privates. Alhngbani, Acheeon. Brown, bration, Boyle, Cyras, Conn Clement, Corrigon. Dickey, iiuoa. Ham ate!, Heffron, Harnieb, Hamlin, Hyland. Jewell, Kearns, KoIxt. J Li lie, 8 .. tUes, lUCi.ts.. MarufielJ. Nixon. Neeland, Patterson, lUrrp, Sa crey, tl Saltmarsh, R Saliuiersh, Smith, Tiereck, Worrell, Wngbt, Wallace. noerrTAX Coar. Steward, J L Tomlinson ; Asst Stew ard, A Graham; Privates, Smick, Wiley, Horkhirt, Merrill, Powers, Kd Stewart, Marseilas, Gottlieb, C Peacock, A Pea cock, Hand, Rose, Geo Smith, Howard, Torbet, toehay. AT CAMP JACKtC N. First cail for rereiile 4 ;30 a m Kevei.le 4:43 a m Ateembly tor roll call, immediately af ler reveille. Piable call Meet call for breakfast... Assembly Sick cai Drill call . . 5 .-Oil a m . 5.15 am . 5:30 a m . 5 :45 a ru . 6:10 am Assembly for roll call aod for mation Recall from drill First call lor guard mounting. . Assembly for formation of de tails Adjutant call for guard mount in Drill call Assembly for roll call and for nation 6:15 a m 8:15 a ru 8:30 am 8 33 a m . 8:43 a m 9:45a m ...3:50am .. 11. -00 am .. 12:00 m .. 12:05 p m ... lOOptn . . . 1 :30 p m . . . 3 :55 p m ... 4 :00 p m . . . 540 p m . . . 5 :15 p ni .. . 5:20 p m (Recall from drill , Mess call for dinner .... i AeeewWy Officer's call First Sergeant's call Drill call Assembly Recall from drill Stable call Hem cad for supper Assembly 6 :35 p m lirst call for parade. . 35 minutes before sunset Assembly for roll call and formation.. .. 30 minutes before (onset Adjutants call for formation of battaliiona 20 miuntes before anet Adjutants' call for formation of regiment 10 minutes before snnset First call for retreat 15 minutes before snnset Assembly 'for roll call and formation 10 minutes before snnset (If there be no dress parade ) Retreat sunset First call lor tattos 0 -'0 p m Tattoo 9:3)1 p m Taps 0.45 p m First call for church. Sandfly Jn'y 4.. 10.45 am Church call 10:65 am Come asd Ssx m v line of ladies and childrens bats. Children's all trimmed tor 75c. A complete line of fine new flowers also received yesterday. Any number of doxen egsjs taken in exchange for hats at Maa Joum N. Hoffman's. Dr. Price's Cream baking Powder Awarded r-M iubi Midwinter Ssn Frsnrhua. MARRIED. 8UC KO W STROU P. Thu rtd xj even- - Bi a.1. lotrfa mm wiiw iroiucuw of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Barton, by no litriA l S 1UU7 sa e r A uta1siM. tiuage itarton, Mr. John buckow, of Portland, and Mrs. Martha Stroup.ef Aioany. The groom is a prosperous contractor and builder of Portland, father of Mm Hennings, wife of Parker Bros, baker ol mis city. The ceremony was followed by a delicious repast at the home of the j t ub"i' Jure. ,T vjurork, en joyed by a number of guests. Mr. and Mrs. Suckow have tbe best wishes of many. No Gripe When yon take Hood's Pills. Tbeblg, old-fash, loned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are not In tt with Hood's. Easy to take n n ni. InlOOtQI t vjsg.s jmsf I of Dood'a mn. .hl.1. lBBh i easy iv operate. IS rue I P to date in every respect, i 1 1 1 C 1 Bate, certain and .r. ah II 1 1 dmgnsta. sso, -a I. Hood ft Co.. Lowell. Mass. The only nils to take wjitu Hood's BarsaparlUa. MISFITS. In 1844, a juryman in Oregon received only 25 cents for tach case. Is costs only $2,000 to court house "Shirt Waists Off" Salem store. Don't. paint a Salem is a e!gn in a Salem has the best amateur bate ball club it has had for several years. The material is excellent. It costs about $1000 a minute to run Great Britain. The Democrat would be glad to retire on a days expenses. The Monad nock and Monterey are on tbeir way to Portland to serve as 4th ot July attractions. The government lain "big business." Ex- Gov. and Mayor Tennover says he is out of politics for good, lie is thor oughly disgusted with the treachery and rottenness that surrounds him. In this land of liberty W.B. Bradbury, a oan Francisco millionaire, will have to spend 24 hours in jail for spitting on a streetcar floor. The Journal says matters are conduct ed in a primative way in the Marion county court house. Perhsps this is due to primative surroundings. "At last Oreeon sets a federal nlnm. sadly cries an administration exchange. Think of it, Oregon had to wait 3 moe. and days lor a plam. Awful! loot ball is being plaved at Astoria and probably no where else ie tbe C 6. This is not tbe foot ball season at all : but Astorians have a right to play it now u tuey wish. Astoria is a foot ball town and those gypsies were kicked out tbe first day, Albany did better. It tackled them two miles beyond its limits and drew a line across tbe road . Linn county owns a lawn mower and it ia being pnt to good nse on the conrt bouse campus. The Judge gets out him self and helps improve lue appearance ol the surroundings. It cost 1 10.60 to lower a taKe in tbe recorder's office in the capital citv. A carpenter there offers to miit a whole table like it for 15.60. A email sample of the way tbe public is foiled. The Eugene Guard doesn't accept the report of the regents u' the Kute Uni versity on rreeident Chapman as con clusive, and is after tbat gentleman with more itrocitv than ever, in which it is barked by several prominent vallev pi pers, both Salem dailies joining in the hght The Corbett committee in the senate has declined to act on Hoar's report in tavorot westing Uorbett, hence it will be postponed ontil December. It means good-bye to Mr. Corous pne peels as V. s. senator. It is well Tbe people don't want him. Tli os. Townsend. one of the members f the Marion coocnty grand jurv, as soon as the jury finUhed its work, got drunk and was arretted by Ssletu'e mar shal. A por ex stable for a grand jury maa. Townsend was one of tbe three who whitewashed Jodge Terrell. Tbe O. N. G. toys at Hood River will becaUed SStiaies oay. The reveille will be at 4:Z0, and k-w-riUr. stable, mesa, driil.etc, calls will fo low every few momenta during tbe day. With the guard bouse staring them in the face tbe soliier boys are a!mct retting dixxy studying programs and ruU-s. AH eyes are on Qaeen Victoria this wek. A jubilee 6, (Ail nulee away is al most of iocal interest. Americans are not very enthusiastic over English mat ters, in fact are anti-Brttish in sentiment, and yet 60 years is a long time lo role m people. In the C. S. we err "halt" very loudly at the end of at&t years. In view ot the amount of talk about college presidents at CorralUs and Eo gene it may be remarked that a college president sboul-i te a tboroagb student, trained for tbe -ork, and as well should be a level healed financier, not only in his private affair bot in his official ca pacity. He should not be a politician but a man beam ly devoted to his pro fession. The name "Wllamet" appears ia all the old public printed documents instead of the word "Willamette" as now in nse in Oregon. The Willamef.e river was first called Multnomah river. The coun ties in Uregoa were first called "dis tricts." Champoeg district became Mar lon count r, Tualatin (Twaiity) district became Washington county, nd tbe county of Ioa-la wss formerly called Ump-jua. Journal. It seems tbat Oregon once had a pro hibition law. It was paased in 1844 and was eniilled "an act to prevent "the introduction, t aie and distillation ot ar dent spirits." This act absolutely pro hibited the sale of liquor far other than medical purposaa and even for these pur poses restricted the amount to leva quan tities than one gallon. The fine) for vio latiou were 50 lor bringing it into the territory, 125 for eactsale and $100 for" "moonshininir" Eocene Journal. The great, rt college boat race in the history ot th iCS was rowed on the Hud Hudeon reet erday by Cornell, Yale. Har vard. The r ace was won by Cornell, the shortest teai d and 15 pounds per man the lightest. It was all figured out before band I bat t be contest lay between Yale and Harvard. The DaMocttAT man ia glad Cornell won. His sympathies are always witli this cosmopolitan college on the beautiful little lake among the rag ged hills of central New York. The Sf at University is a common theme alL Oregon. Being a state institutio n it is bo more to Eugene than to any ot ber part of the state. Elsewhere we give a communication from Eugene on tbe subject, because we are in the habit c if giving all sides of important questions and letting the people have a hearini;. Personally the Dmockat man believed there is some reason at the back of the tight against President Chapman, tbat he is not a man of that breadth that should be poaseesed by a college presi dent, and that the regents have often stocked to political maneuvers that should do beneath regents. Leo Reilley, admitted to be when he is at himself the swiftest Mergenthaler linotype machine operator in tbe world, baa arrived in Portland. He is on a tour around the world from New York, his next objective point being San Francisco, aud thence to China. From there on he will go to Bombay and India, through the Suox canal to the Mediter ranean sea, thence to Rome, on to Paris, i I as i. a.".. 9 to Aionaon, ana jdbck to nis old case, or rather machins, an the New York Trib une. As ahowimr the remarkahla ansed which Reilley hiva attained on the lino type, in estven hours and tea minutes he set 105,300 ems. This feet was accorup on May 4 last at Leadville, Colo. Tele gram. J. Gradwolil Informs the cenera I nnhlin that hn will sell as low as anybady in the city for net cairn, uo me and get prices before you buy April 1st, 18U7. J. htsDWsiL, Noticb. All nersjans intendinir to way their doir tax bv street work are reo nest ed to repo rt to the street superintendent at once. The work must le done before July I. - .. . . A IX pi -jtsoKS knowing tbamseives in toiW to make imn lediate settlement, as J sha.U close resent bt isiness the 1st ot July. M KouajBTsoaT, TELEGRAPHIC. Telia tbe Train New Yotk June, 25, Bradstreet's to morrow say: The misrepresentation of tbe actual state of trade throughout, tbe country dur ing tbe past month, in an apparent endea vor to make the prospective improvement in business to appear to be ita present con dition, demands an examination as to tbe facts, and Bradstreet's present condensed results of interviews with lepresentative manufacturers and merchants at more than 50 important commercial and industral centers east of the Rocky mountains. Tbe demand, except in a few lines, is less pro nounced than it was two monies ago. hie Ityle Crystal Spbinos, Miss., June 25. The neirro. John M sea, who killed a man named (strong near here a few days ago, and who has been confined in a local j'l with a strong guard since yesterday, con fess -d to the murder this morning, and shortly afterward the guard was over pow ered by a mob of 300 men, mostly farmers. Moses was taken from tne jail, ana, wun rone around his neck, was drairtred through tbe streets to a tree near the rail way and banged. Calirarala Flaws Washington, June, 25. Tbe president has sent the following nominations to the senate: Irving B. Dudley, of California to be minister to Peru. Frank Dillingham, of California, to be consul at Auckland, N. Z. The Tariff Bill Warhwoto!. Jane 25 The senate today completed the wool, tbe silk and the tobacco schedules or tne tarux Din, ana with this accornplisnment, tbe tariff lead ers had the satisfaction of knowing that all the schedules of the bill and tbe free list has been gone over once. There now remains only to go through the bill a second time, pawing oo the items paased over. Theae are very numerous and important, includ ing bides, gloves, coal, tea and beer. After tha:. the internal revenue features will be all that remains. Shoal he Bsss Washixotos, June 25. The senate cot. mi tee on Pacific railroads today agreed to report favorably a resoluti n introdoced by Sen -tor Harris, of Kansas, expressing the w-ate of the senaU that tbe United Su'cs should redeem the Union Pacific r-i.way from prior lieas and take steps to .redoae toe government mortgage. Blasea m BeewrsI Tofeka, Kan., Jane 24. The worst hail storm known in this section of Kan sas struck tois city shortly after 6 o clock tonight. The shower of hail was terrific. Hail stones weighing 1 to lb ounce strip ping the trees ot their foliage, smashed windows on every hand including the finest plaie-giass store fronts; cut down tele graph and telephone wire, riddled awnings injured many persons and inflicted unprec edented damage throughout the city. So great was tbe weight of the falling hail tnat when it atrack: the asohalt pavement nan of nh hailstones rebounding to the height of 20 and 30 hwt. Dogs were struck in tbe streets and instantly killed. Uores were knocked to tbeir knees, t rise again and daah away in mad fright. Many run aways ocenred throughout tbe city. When the fury of the storm pd, those who ventured oat found deed birds everywhere, and on every hand was tbe scene ot the wreckage cf the storm. A Crete Kiss as Crrr. Jane24. A special to tbe Star from Salina, Fan., sayv: A terrible cyclone pwd 15 mile north of this city last night. So far as heard three are deal and a number daBgerooaly injured, the dad are: Jars. Anna Ueesey, aged 34. Nola Geetey, aged 13. Ida Geewy, aged 9. Poor memcr of this family were also badly hurt. Weerlstwa hta rsjr New Tone, Jane 24. The Journal says: Prwtideet McKinley, it is said, has tex:ided to appoint Terreoce V Powderty. formerly general nuter workman of the KntefaU of uabor. commissioner of immi gration at this port, to succeed Dr Joseph Ii reener. Carthwwake Iw avratwetjl Ilorai5vnxK, Ky. Jane 21 Daring a beavy storm here today two earth "jnake shocks were distinctly felt. Tbe walls of Urge baildiDg were haxn. and the shock was perceptible to everybody; the shock occored at 11.-40. Tbe vibrations were irom west to east . Mehhsrwiy taaseeSee Washifotox, Jane, 24. A stubborn ccntest over the duties on mannfactnred woolen goods occupied the senate today. It was a day of contest roll-caJla and of cross-fire debate on the effect ot advancing tbe rat es. ii any amendment were propos d tc reduce tbe rates, but they were re jected by decisive majorities. Less than lire page were disposed of daring the day. Trmcte steal. Ahlat Or.. Jane 21 - Fdwrd Wa!-t ker, 21 year o-J. killed near Oonants, I LJaznath counii. crrfiaj. Me asd sc other young man were rvitg cattle. al fcer Leaned from bis seat in the saddle to loosen a rope, when the horse began to bock and threw him. One foot caught in tbe stirrup, and he was dragged by the borse for ahout 100 yards before bis com panion was able to release him, killing htm. A Cms Baee PoconaEjerstE. N. Y. Jun C3. Icree crews of freshmen oo the Hudson this eve ning smashed into smithereens all previous records of freshmen oo a two-mile cocrse, and penp one of be hottest intercollegiate races ever witaessed ia this country. Acrew of sturdy men frcm Yale rowed tbe coarse in 9 minute and second: trine light er crew of Uarvard fresnmen fougnt bem every inch of the way and finished a trine behind them, and tne Cornell iresnmen. whose college record ia that none of its frwhmen crews has erar been beaten before finished a length behind Harvard in 99l Tbe best previous record for two miles was 9:41. ft pain's iery San FaAXctsco, June, 23. According to advices received tlay per steamship Gleosbiel, under da'eof May 17, the war in the Philippine islands is practically at an end, as only three outlying districts remain to be conquered by the Spanish troops. Governor-General Ritas has issued a pro clamation calling in the troops in CaTite. Tae JaMlee Loxixin, June 23. This day was one of the most fatiguing of the week for tbe queen, the official programme demanding the reception of several distinguished bodies of official person sges and the recep tion of addressee at Slough. Eton and Windsor. Tbe chief event of the day and one of the most interesting of the entiie week was the presentation to the qaeen of congratulatory addresses by both houses of parliment, wmch occurred at xiuckingham palace this morning. A Sew ranee 8M Grast's Pass Or., lune 23, The Rogue River Couiier, the pioneer paper of sophine county, was today sold and will turned over tn Price & Yoorhies July 1, who will be its future publishers. The paper, nnder its new management, will be kept on a strictly independent line. Ke Change Made RoBtBuno, Or.. June 23. The Soldier's Home board concluded its labors tonight. Rules 13 and 14 were neither rescinded nor modified. A steam laundry will be added to the home. Beeaeeea Belallve Sah Frascibco, June 21. George E. Morse, nephew by marriage ot President McKinley, is to be clerg of the United Stab district court for California. His appointment will be announced by Judge De Haven tomorrow at the opening of court. . Albany Market. Wheat 63 cents. Oats 36. Eggs 9 cents. Butter 10 to 15Jcents. Potatoes SO cents. Haras 8 cents. Hidra 7 cents. Shoulders 0 cents. Wool Wanted. At tha Albany Woolen Mills, highest market price paid. Call at mill and get wool sacks. Dr. Price Cream Baking: PowJer , World's Pair Blghsst lUeal asd Dtalsisa List of Patents. Granted to Pacific states inventors this week. Reported by O A Snow A Co., patent attorneys, Washington, D. C. M Anthony, Oakland, Cai, actoat ng device for station-indicators; E 0 Bart lett, San Francisco, Cai, bicycle-tinnier; G Cbristenaen, East Oakland, Cai, vot ing machine; J II Crawford,. San Fran cisco, Cai, spacing and punching ma chine; W Curlett, San Francesco, Cai, car ventilation ; J M Gaff ney, San Fran cisco, Cai, broom-corn-eizing machine; 6 Gates, Jackson, Cai, concentrator-belt; W H Hart, Vancouver, Wash, bicycle brake; J S Hughe, Lebanon, Ore., tool for cleaning severs; F von Leicbt, San Francisco, Cai, pneumatic tire for bicycles; F E Monteverde, San Francis co, Cai, ventilator for refrigerator-cars; i iu t nf w 1 i - F T Newbery, San Francisco, Cai, bond for electric railways; P Schoen, Oakland, Cat, frame and sounding-board for pianos ; W S Schuyler, Oceanside, Cai, ocean-power; K A Simpson, Florence, Cai, hayyrees; E M Sivils, Sacramento, Cat, finger cap or protector; J S Stewart, San Francisco, Cai, spparatns for man ufacturing gas. For copy ot any patent send send 10 cents In postage stamps with date of this paper to C A Snow i Co, Washington, D. C. Stats of Ohio, Citt of olzdO, Lcca Cocirrr. . , , v- i r.,rw mekeaaatli that he Is tbe an lor partner ol the firmol t.J.CHBfkT Co., .l.. boeineaa In the City of Toledo, Counts' and State aforesaid, aod tnat said Brra will pay r. urviiupfi f i 1 1 I .A krl for ea h and re err case of C ATaaaa that cannot be coxed by tne use ol kLau.-a usis Sworn to before tne and eobacribed Jo fn, presence, line 6U1 dajr of Lcciootr, A. I. lsae. , , A- W. GLEASOX, ( Soutrg Public Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally and acta directly on tbe blood and roocoos surfaces of IAS system, seaa iot lenimaiuua. F. i. CHENEY tt CO., Taiedo, O. AW Bold by Pntjtgista. . Hall's Family Pills are the be4. $1 9) shirt waists reduced to Read, Pt-arock k (Vs. 7-c at A NEW XECK-UAXD makes many good as new, a useless ebirt as We put them oo for loc. We'll care for all your laundry so wel1 you'll never miss tbe darning girl of the e!d home There's really no necessity of collar, cuffs and shirts dying of anything but ripe old age. Broken bands and edges prematurely fray ed are tbe result of careless work and poor machinery. Why don't tou try an up-to-date, careful taondry? Onr collectors call any where, any time. C. Simpsos & fcos, pp St Catriei Hrtel. City Lxaalry C ASTORIA Fcr Lufiats ard Children. We recommend-Pabet Mait Ex tract, the best tnoic to baild np the conval escent, strengthen the weaa and over worked, to cotvqoer dyspepsia and relieve indigeerion. to baild cp and feed tne nerves, to prodnce sleep and baild cp the blood. Price 3c BtTKKHAJrr A Lex. Drnggirta. A large assortment of garden seeds white rleree-. timotby and Uoe grass seeds just receit d frsth at C E Brows ell's. If you want a good and clean smoke buy cijiars made by our Al ban y cigar factor v- Tired. Nervous and weak men and women find new life, nerve strength, vigor and viU-'i'v in Hd"s Sarsapa ill, which puriSes, emi-he and vitalizes the blood. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy eperate. Core indigtsuoa. biiiiam.2 Ice Cream. Soda Water and Fruit at A. O. Beam Regardless of Cost. J alias Grid wool m'ends to go oat of the crockery and glassware baanees, go:ng in to some other hoe of bonne, and hence wid ceil hi goods of this kind regardless of cost. When oa csU and get his prices Aoa will be convinced that he means busi ness, and will believe what he tav Mr sic Miss Mildred Bormeeter teacher of piano or organ. System tbe Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street, opposite C P -nrcb. Business Men: TaVe Notice. Yon are hereby notified that the 4th of Jnly committee will not pay any bi'.ls contracted by anyone, nnlees endorsed or ordered bf the finance committee, said committee consisting of FM French, A J Hodges and C G Borkhart, Br or der of the general committee. N M Newport, Secretary. The Ideal polish i polishinsr the world today. U is given np to be the greatest polish oo earth for gold and silver plated ware, nickel, brass, ccppr,ti, sino. ic. Every package guaranteed by Buri hart t Lee. Druggists. Pike S5c. Yes, it pay a To buy your groceries and produce of Coun tt Huston. They keep the best and freshest ard are all right o pneesv They will help yoa to prosper in dull tim. See their fine line of crvvkery . YES : Tbe people still crowd, the counters of "THE BLAIX CLOTHING COMPANY for bargains, and never go away d;.sap pointed. The reduction sale is still on. All lines of goods carried by thit com pany are moving right along, taken by satisfied and eager purchasers The prica sells them. Call and see. Choice sardiuee at C E Brow3uu.s. J W Bentljy, the pioneer boo and shoe man, does first-class work cheap. Call on him, just north of the Democrat office. Fine quality, new up-to date shirt waists going at y tegular price at Read, Peacock co s. Best Ice Cream on the Coast at F. II. rfeiflers. When Traveling Whether on pleasure beni. or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of ins, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver, and bowels, prevent ing fevers, headache, and other forsts of siskness. For sale in 60 cent oot Uea Vit all leading drugicUts. Mannfao tured oy the California Fig Syrup Com pany only. Canned wild blackberries in one and wo qaart jars, cheap at C E BiofKiu, a. TO THE oivMTascnoita or TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT Ui,!0rl KORTHERi. PACIFIC VIA SPOKANE DENVER M.MKEAPOUS OMAHA I'D "D ST. PAUL KAHSASCIT. OW Ji ' T&4 TO ALL eastern .ttieh ock as steam kk-h eave p0rtlamh evert 5 .. roa SAN FRANCISCO For tali details eJ e Ct'AAA & MoMTITH, Albany. Ol sa ADtaasst W H HUKMtKBT. Uxa't Pa- -Aj 0UEC0X CEVTR.iL & EASTERH R. R- CO. -YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Connecting at YaqmnaBay with tha San Francisco S Yaqoiua Bay STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Sails from Yaqnina eve days for San Francisco, Coos Bay, Port Orford Trinidad and Humboldt Bay. Fassasoxx AcoojfooATiosr U.rTAsaxx Shortest route between tbe rVillam- ette Valley and California. Fare bom Albany and points west tc San Francisco Cams - -. W 3TsTAe - Bound trip good for 60 days To Coos Bay Cabin Steerage..-. . ; -- "XV? To Humboldt Bay ana ron vth. Cabin Steerage - River Division. Steamer "Albany" between Portland and Corvallis,throogh without lay-ever. Leaves Albany 8:00 a. m. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays; leaves Port land, Yamhill street does:, 6:0C a. m. andars Wednesdays and Fridays. , Edto STOjra, J C Mato Manager Sapt River Dir. S00 PACIFIC LIME. Ta ill Poiut3 last Solid vetibole trains, consisting of pal ace sleeping earn, loxn ioaa dining ears, elegastday conches, ntagniScent toeriat cars tnd free cotoniat sleepers from the Pa cific to the Atiaetic withoot aho-e COST DIKKCT ASH CHEAPEST KOCTE T Koolcnay) District r saitst. saw pes tan, slocas crrr, KALSO. TRAIL. EOSSXASO V5t All points in the Okanagan Country Get a pamphlet giving n fall deeenptioc of this wonderful country. Aik tbe agent for a copy of the mining laws t-f Brius" Coiumbia. Lowes rates to ani fron ETJKOP13 Atlantic steamship iaes. Canadian Pac. Ry. Ua's Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan CASAOtAS ACSTS-aJLtAS STEAWX IX aosoLcir, rut am acsteaxxa The shortest lioe to tbe Cclonies. Thse steamers carry an experiejeeit medical man. and a stesrardess on eve--y voyage for time U!4ea pf pbkts. ot any ia ormAljon, call on or adorees. S X STEELE A CO, Agents Albany Or. EJOOYLE,AgX14 Third St, Port and. Or- GEO. McL. BROWS. D F. A- VaaawBrrer. H. C I0RTHERH VI PAG 1 FIG R. R. IT N eV P oilman Sleeping cJars, Elegant Ding Cars, Tourish Sleeping Car St Paul Minneapolis Dtttuth Fargo, TO Grand Forks Crook ston Winnipeg Helena and Butte THROUGH TICKE S..., TO Chicago f Washington Philadelphia A New Itork Boeton and al. Points East and South Through tickdts to Japan and China, vis Tacoma and Northern Pacific steamshir Co., an American line. For information, time cards, maps ano" tickets call on or write C J Borkhart Agent, Albany, Or. Or A D Charlton, Aet Gen Taa n Portland, Or. Cooceriiiiji Oar BdverUsic Burning words n?ver did set tbe world on fire. Ii is our rolicy to repress all sen ational statements, to deal in facts not figurea of speech or exaggerations Every word we print ia weighed, and we vouch for its exact truthfulness wiih our personal honor. The integrityof our word of mouth is unquestioned (') The integrity of ur word of type must be just as substantia. -The object of all our advertising is to te'l yoa about our business e'eariy, plainly. convincingly as one man talks to anotner It costs some money, but done intelligently. it pays. Yoa try it. duilxy, tae rnrier. EAST BlsaisMs MM'