The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 02, 1897, Image 2

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    Don't read trash.
Accoidiog to an eastern paper Dr,
Perkhurat is to retire to the ministry.
No place for thoee Gypsies ; bat plenty
of places if they will behave themselves,
200 Detroit socialists have denounced
Debs. Now Mr. Debs what will you
There will be a big Yaquina Bay
ing this year, probably larger
before .
than ever
The most agreeable people in the
world are those who mind their own
Judge Lynch is doing a live business
east of the Mississippi in the wild and
wool east.
The eagle has Lis throat cleared up
ready for a terrific screech on the glori
ous 3rd of Joly.
Tu is special session of congress is
drawing to a close. It will be a relief to
have the tariff job finished.
Big Chicago speculators have been en
gineering a scheme to raise the price of
wheat. Its permanence is doubtful.
The Albany program certainly indi
cates a live 4th of July. Una doesn't
need to go to Portland to see something.
A Boston paper beaded an item "Bar
nato Suicided." This murdering of the
English language has caused great in
dignation in that high toned city.
John Sherman has been' telling how
he would restrain the trusts. A proper
law is needed ; but bow is this possible
wiib the senate made up by members
of tiuats.
It is reported that Senator John Sher
man is lodng his mind. lie can lose
considerable and still have more genuine
brains than Mark Hanna, though much
lets gall and assurance.
That money baa wings is proved every
day. An eastern man who at one time
had $3,000,000 in the bank is now glad
to gel a salary of $1200 a year. Our own
Willamette valley is full of instances on
a email scale of a like character .
A school teacher at Port Allegheny, N,
Y-, the other day received the following
note : "My bo tells me when I trink
beer der evercoats yrom my etummack
gets too thick. Please be so kind and
don't interfere in my family affairs. '
2ow a disiwguielied man bubs up
and says the moon is a planet and not
a satellite of the earth. Some of theee
ecieutietg do not fslir know what they
are talking about.
We will have eastern oysters in Ya
qnina Bay, that means great bit; fat fel
lows, beveral mouthtulls to an oyster
Prof Washburn says thoee planted are
doing well, 95 per cent being alive .
They are trying to introduce the Chin
ese pheasant into California, and are
telling about the times when this grand
bird's beautiful plumage will be seen
flashing through the woods and fields.
That has been a common sight around
ATbanyTor many years; wts
with the times on the Celestial bird
From the Republic.
Estimates furnished Saturday placed
tlis year's wheat crop of Missouri at
12.000,000 bushels. Ia the Southern part
of the state harvest ia over, and in all
the important wheat growing localities
it is wellnnder way. From the figures
obtained eaterday there will be a falling
off over last year's crop in this slate
of about 6,000,000 bushels- These fig
ures, of eoucBe.tre approzimate,and show
an locreaee over an estimate of a month
ago of 2,000,000 bushels. In southern
Illinois, particularly in the district about
Cairo, the yield is said to be as good a8
for many years, but further north it is
Yamhill forms a Closer Convention
The union mass convention
the court bouse last Saturday
tended by 150 to 200 men from
beld at
xaa at
parts of the country.
Dr. Erneet Barton, member of the
populist state committee was elected
chairman and W. V. Spencer secretary.
B F Sparks, J C Cooper, Chas Jack,
Geo Bradthamit and T W Perry were
appointed a committee on resolutions,
who reported the following :
"We would recommend that the dec
laration of principles accepted at the
Albany conference of Juno 2, be accepted
as the sentiment of this meeting, except
the referendum clause, for which we
offer the following ay a substitute there
for We demand direct leuislatioo'by tbe
people, the initiative and referendum !
and the imperative mandate. Tbe ini
tiative wliich is the per.onal of all laws
by the people and the referendum which
is the exprebsion of the will of tbe peo
ple on any and all measures submitted,
id trie iui;ieraliTi mandate which is
he right and authority of the people to
remove any rind all officials when in
their j-i.l.nent th9 officials are remiss
in their duties. The people alone are
the sovereign j,ilt'esai to what lairs and
what officials ahull constitute the gov
ernment and adminiHter the laws.
"We recommend that the present
friendly party organizations be main
tained and that ibey be combined in tbe
union party movement. That tbe sev
eral state, c unity and precinct commit
tee men of tbe populist, democratic and
anion bimetallic be hereby appointed
and eeoiiiizd as committeemen of the
anion party in this county.
The resolutions and recommendations
were adopted unanimous.
J D Stevens of Clackamas county, Dr
Barton, H L Heath, C W Talmage and
several others were called out and all
were hearty in favor of a union of forces
in the onion party. X,
McMiunvil'e, June 23.
A la' ire assortment of carden nerds
white r InvM", timothy and blue grass seeds
juu receirea iresm at
C E Bbow fell's.
That German washing fluid, which bas
orove i kucU a fine thing has. arrived at
r.trKer uros. in a
tnd try a bottle.
large quantity. Call
Bet Ice Cream
on the Coast
F. II. Pfeiffer a.
Young Men.
Rev. Smith last evening preached a
sermen on young men, of which, in
view of some figures given and the strik
ing character of the effort, we give a
synopsis :
"Remember thou thy creator in the
days of thy youth." .
Greece and Rome stood victorious so
long as tbeir young men remained moral
and strong, but as toou as they became
immoral the nations fell, and so in history
since then. In all times the young men
have played the most important parts.
Christ, Paul, Augustus Caesar ApUn-
aeius, Constantine, Charlemagne, Wil
liam the Conqueror, Martin Luther
JohnCalvir, Charles V., Louis XIV,
Charles XII of Sweeden. Napoleon and
William Pitt, were all young men when
they played important parts in histoiy.
The leader of the bouse is only 33, Wm.
Bryan is a young man, and Willian of Ger
many and the Czar of Russia are under 40
So the young man leads the world, and
there is no limit to bis possibilities if be
will get up and work.
What are the boys doing. There are
more boys in the reformatories than men
in the penitentiaries. Young men are
ruining themselves witn arms, one
out of ten or eleven persons drink, and
90 per cent of them are young men.
121 young men out of piobably 500 in
Albany by actual , connt ou Saturday
nignt went into four Albany saloons in
one hour.
Rev.Smith wiote to a number of
prominent men. h read the answer
from President Soovel, of Wooster col
lege, though recei 7ing them from a num
ber of others. Here is the letter:
"What the World demauds of young
men in the war of moral Character" is
very partial, defective and selfish. It
demands that the young man shall work
hard in order to gain a hold and rise
step by step, but this mainly because it
is very inconvenient to have laxy people
hanging about the skirts of any business I
great or small.
The world demands honesty in the
handling of moor r; but mainly because j
honesty is the best policy, and because
confidence ia a most ammirg. conven
The world demands a semblance of
purity and absence of scandal in the
young man, but easily condoned secret
vice, and discriminates in favor of the
vicious young man as against the young
woman be victimizes and shrugs its
shoulders at inhuman selfishness of bis
in and cries out something about
"young men of spirit," "sowing wild
oats," etc., etc.
In short, the world demands just
enough of a young man to make him a
successful scoundrel.
But Jesus says to the young man an
all-compreheuding "Follow thou Me,'
and that means love of mankind, busi
ness energy, purity, a borne of happiness
and Heaven. May God help our young
men to follow Him. Yours sincerely'
One out of every GO is a criminal and
90 per cent of them are young men .
There are over 100,000 tramps in the U .
S. and nearly all are young meu, most
of the convicts are young men, three-
fourths of our criminals are native born
In Chicago last year over bait were na
tive Americans, many of them clerks
73 per cent of the young nam never
enter a church. In Albany there are
only 60 church members among the
young men. Only 3,1? per cent of crimi
nals have been church attendants. The
criminals are made up from outside the
enurch, from all nations. Oat ot 31 CO
bo s in the Elmira reformatory only 2S0
came from homes where there was any
christian training.
Within the last year only 60 volumes
of history and scientific works were
sold in Albany and perhaps 40 sent in
while 'he sale of trash was big. 165
Oreetraians by carrier and mail and 35
San Francisco dailies are brought here
among other things.
Crime has increased in tbe U. P. 300
ner cent in the 25 year, because of the
young men going astray. If the young
men are to be built up tbe church must
be more active.
From the Poet :
Representative Champ Clark, of Mis
souri, who has just returned from bis
speech-making at Roanoke College, was
very much struck with the interest which
Bryan created in Virginia.
"The great, overshadowing, irresisti
ble thing in American politics to-day,"
he said yesterday to a Post reporter, "is
the tremendous personal popularity of
William J. Bryan. I found this to be tbe
case not only in Missouri but in Virginia,
Shortly after the election a smart Re
publican editor, in an effort to belittle
Bryan and the cause for which he stands
said: 'In six months Bryan will be so
completely forgotten that be will have to
fall ont of a window of the third story
or have himself bitten by a dog to get
his name into (he newspapers. Yet,
contrary to tbat prediction and tbe hope
which produced it, Bryan's name leads
all tbe rest including McKinley s
when it comes to a question of popularity.
Tbe people bave a personal affection for
him such as they bad tor Jefferson, Clay,
Jackson, Lincoln and Blaine.
"While campaigning in tbe First Mia"
soon District lately 1 found 'bat the
thing moit certain to bring down tbe
house was the prediction that Bryan
would be Inaugurated President in 1901 .
I thought, however, that perhaps local
causes accounted for that peculiar and
onusnal enthusiasm for a defeated can
didate. But as I was c;miug back t"
Washington from Roanose College I wit
nessed scenes which convinced me that
his popularity is not only widespread,
but growing. He got on the train at
Charlottesville. A multitude of people
accompanied him to the depot in the
traiu. At every little station crowds
yelled for bim till be appeared on the
platform. At Culpeper he left the traiu
and at least 2,500 people were waiting
for bim there, though it was almost
raining frogs-
"Oue young lady, who waa on tbe
train and whose pretty dress bad been
(polled by tbe rain while she was get
ting a good look at him, said to ber com.
panion: 'I never want to travel on the
same tiain with Bryan again. People
are so eager to see him they run right
over you.'''
Some new things picaed op in tbe east
and a large stock of clan stationary.
Soon fir a little money,
Sm rLET, tbe Printer
In our new building after June 25. 'Phone
If you want a Rood mid clean
smoke buy cigars made by our Al
bany cigar factorv.
Ice Cream.
Soda Water '
and Fruit
A. O. Beam'
Canned wild blackberries ia one and
wo quart jars, cheap at
C E Bbowbell's.
Washington Letter.
From our regular Correpondant.
Washington, June 21, 1897.
The eugar trust is playing a shrewd
tariff game to get what it wants while
pretending to the contrary, and It is
bound to win. The original Dingley
sugar schedule, which gives the trust
an Increase of four cents on each hundred
pounds over what it now receives on
ninety six degree sugar, is all the trust
expected to get from the beginning. In
the first senate schedule, the increase
was made nine cents and in the schedule
which was last week adopted by the
senate, the increase was pit at ten cents
a hundred pounds. When the bill goes
to conference, the house will insist upon
its sugar BCtifedule being adopted, with
the tcbances in favor of succeeding.
Then it will be announced with a great
flourish of trumpets by republicans that
the sugar trubf has been knocked nut,
while the members of the trust will
chuckle over having got as much as they
expected to get, besides having made a
lot of money by speculating in sugar
stockjwhile the several kchedules were
pending. That's the game. Of course
the trust would gladly take the ten cents
a hundred increase given in the senate
schedule, or anything between that and
the four cents of the bouse schedule that
the house conferees can be persuaded to
give, but it does't really expect to get
more than four cents, which added to the
thirty seven cents it now gtts, will give
it forty one cents a hundred. As its
profits have Been $25,000,000 with thirty
seven cents, it will ba seen that it is not
playing for a small stake even to get the
increase of four cents a hundred.
There was some talk of a caucus of
democratic senators to adopt a resolu
tion to oppose the ratification of the
treaty for the annexation r.f Hawaii, but
so many democratic si-;urs have said
that tbey would not be bound by a cau
cus, because they intend voting for the
treaty, that the idea has been abandoned
There will be less democratic opposition
to the treaty when the senators have bad
an opportunity to learn the sentiment of
their constituents.
Senator Morgan continues to take an
occasional shot at Ciar Reed's idlers.
His latest was a pointed reference to a
"legislative body that ustd to sit at the
National Capitol, about two hundred
feet from us." He added that tbe mem
bers of this body were now men ot leis
ure, meeting only twice a week, in ac
cordance with a rul of their own adop
tion and in defiance of tee constitution.
Mr. F. Wolff, president of an iron
shipping company, at Portland, Oregon,
who ia now in Washington, says of the
political situation in bit section: "If an
election were beld now for president, the
whole Pacific slope would vote tor Bryan
over any man tbe tepnblicans could
name. It waa a bard straggle to bold
j Oregon In line laet year, but today it
would be impossible."
The civil service commission is invest
igating charges preferred against Public
Printer Palmer, who has been making
removals of democrats aod in every case.
giving their places to republicans. Inas
much as Palmer would not bare dared
to .ct witnout tbe consent of Mr. McKin
ley, at whose pleasure the civil service
commissioners hold their places, there
is little probability tbat tbe investigi
tion will amount to anything practical.
Here is another Bryan incident
the Poet:
rikv 1
T.I Will).
to our city and bis lecture under tbe au
spices of the Cbautauqua-by-tba sea
have resulted in a revival of talk on the
interesting money question," said Mr.
Matt M. Tunis, a lawyer ot Norfolk Va.,
at the Snorebam last night. "He spoke
to an immense crowd at Armory Hal,
an i tbe enthusiasm was great, The
people had been looking forward to his
lecture lor months, and were more than
anxious to bear the man whom most oj
them soppord at the polls last Novem
ber. "His talk was a mccfse, and I am sure
be converted several people over to his
views on free silver. To give yoo aa
idea of bow the people down our way are
inclined to look at the condition of the
coonry. I'll relate a little incident tbat
occured in Norfolk. Three prominent
men went on tbeir way to tbe Bryan lec
ture. One was a go'dite aod a Repub
lican, another was an ardent !iee silver
advocate, and the third, a physician of
some note, was neutral between the two
great parties. The eilverite was gloomy,
and kicking about tbs condition of things
over tbe country since McKinley's
election. Tbe doctor half way joined
this general protest of the Bryan man,
where-upon tbe Repuhl can immediate
ly spoke up saying: j
" V by doctor, you should not complain.
Physicians always do a good busi
ness.' " 'That's true, said the silver man. j
,'You ought to bave your bands full car-
,ng for tbe people who bave grown sick
waiting for prosperity to bow up.
" 'Yes,' replied the physician bitterly.
'But tbe trouble is that people afflicted
that way, stay sick so long that tbey
cannot get out and make enough money
to pay my bills.'
"Weil," concluded Mr Tunis, "that
was loo much, for tbe Republican, and
before we got to tbe lecture tbat tame
Republican admitted tbat were there an
election beld tomorrow, tbe reenlt
would be vastly different from what it
was last fall."
Your Groceries and Baked
Is at Parker Bros. Everybody
where their place is. They keep a fresh
stock of groceries, produce and baked
goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable
prices and treat their customers well, ail
You may regret some steps yon take
in life but none taken into tbe store of
Parker Bros.
It is a greit thing to be well fed. Par
ker Bros keep good groceries. '
A loaf of is not much but yon
want it well made. Try Parker Bros.
YES: The people still crowd tbe
counters of
for bargains, and never go away disap
The reduction sale is still on.
All lines of goods carried by thh com
pany are moving right along, taken oy
satisfied and eager purchasers. The
price sells them. Call and see.
"1 he Weal polish is polishing the
world today. It ia given up to be tbe
greatest polish on earth for gold and silver
plated ware, nickel, hian, copper, tin, cine,
&c Every package guaranteed by liurk
bart & Lee, Druggist. Pi ice S5c.
Yes, it pay
To buy your groceries and produce of
Coun & Huston. Tbey keep tbe best and
freshest ard are all right on prices. They
will help you to prosper in dull times.
eee meir une una in cruvawy.
Poet Laureate Austin will never bo
come famius. lie lacks cream.
The wsather has boon elegant this
year for a bin crop of Chinese pbeatants.
Jack Warner is catcher on the New
York league team and is one of the best
in the U. 8.
The Salem Statesman yesterday gave
Judge Terrell the hardest hit yet. It
published his picture.
President McKinley baa mide a poor
start in Oregon in giving the first federal
patronage to Max Pracbt and Ivey, in a
state, too, tilled with good men.
From the Portland Tiibune:
By actual count this week there were
found 187 places vacant where business
men ten months ago had "McKinley and
Prosperity' posters hanging in their
Again the bicycle triumphed. Two
tandems ridden by two young ladies and
two men, on tneir way to ooney island,
on a narrow road, were chased for two
mile by a runaway team before they
could turn out.
"Is this the county judge" said a stran
ger to county clerk Montague. "No"
was the response, "be is iiot as good
looking a man." "Then God help the
county judge," replied tbe stranger.
A lane county hoy was sentenced to
the penitentiary for one year for stealing
50 cents worth of tobacco. A man who
helped himself to 12100 not belonging to
him was acquitted, in other words white
washed. That i modern justice.
The biggest fiasco in the sporting world
is the proposed fight between John L.
Sullivan and Bob Fitxsimmons. Instead
of being anything serious it is a scheme
to raise a little monev for the run down
John L. The exhibition will be a farce.
A Marion county official is about to
put some castors on a table, whereas be
might have don as usual hired it done at
an expensA of $10. That's nothing: Linn
county s juage mows the court house
lawn lamseu and do" a good job of it.
The session ot the errand jury was the
shortest on record. There was only one
case before them, that of J. W. I'
tereoo, which waa finished in a short
time. Tbeir work was finished the first
afternoon ; but they were not discharged
until today.
In the Statesman, an account ot a case
in which the public waa excluded, the
queetion is asked whether it would be
according to law. whereupon the section
10 oi article l, oi the constitution ol Ore
gon, is quoted. It reads: "N'o court
shall be secret, but justice shall be ad
ministered openly and without purchase.
completely and without delay, and every
man anaa nave remedy by doe course
ot law for injury done him in person
property or reputation.
The nearest the Democrat man can
come to fame is through some one else.
Hon. W. B. Hooker, ia booked by Speaker
Reed for the very important position ot
chairman ot tbe river and harbor commit"
tee. He and tbe Dkmooui man were ad
mitted to the bar in tbe same class and
sat near each other in tbe examination .
Anyone wanting special favors will
please report. Brother Hooker will
please give Yaquina 11 boost.
Among the soldiers who passed
through Albany today for Camp Jackson
was Lieutenant John M. Williams of
Eugene, whom the Demotkat man met.
Mr. Williams is an enthusiastic Chap
man man in the local fight at Eugene.
He says: "Tbe impreevion has gone
forth tbat President Chapman has no
friends in Eocene, but any one who ac
"f Mi wprcaetUU as traU I. . j
badly' mistaken as f o a question of fact.
President Chapman bas a large number
cf friends in Eugene, friends who recog
nize hs worth as a roan and an educator,
and who realize tbe fact and Lake pride
in it.lhat there bas been a vast Improve-
njcunn neariy an mings at uie unlver -
eity since
President Chapman took
charge of it.
J W bentljy, the piooorr 00c and shoe
man, does tint-dam work cheap. Call on
him. just north of tbe Dewocaar offio?.
SHAW MILLOY.-In Albany, on Sun
day, June 27, 1S97, at the home of the
bride's brother, Mr. Brvon Millov, by
Rev. D. V. Potior. Mr. Rnrort kh.
of Mill City and Miss Caroline Millor,
oi uiayeiie.
Tbe groom is a steady, reliable voong
""" v u cuy ana trie onae is a
beautiful young lady as well as one of
moat excellent accom plishtnAQta.a mem
ber of tbe family of Dr. J. W. Waits for
many years, a resident of Albany and
'w in Aioany college one year,
ney oesenr. life's best blessings and will
nava me neat wishes of many for them
ounaay evening, June 27, 1897, by
Rev. Robert McKillop. Mr. Henry E
Frona and Miss Katie B. Winkler
both of Albany.
.uAirge circl? of 'nends will nnite with
w aockat in wishwglMr. and Mrs
r ronk happiness and prosperity.
unnus.-To Mr and Mr Cmr
t; , . uao '"t an o pound boy
Ail happy and doing well.
titu-un June 28, 1897, in Albany
to Mr and Mrs Fred Veal a boy. All
SKELTON . To Mr. and Mrs Ned Kkel-
ton, in Syracuse prectjet, June 23, an
6)4 pound girl .
All doing well
FOREMAN. To Mr. and Mrs. Hiram
foreman, of Syracuse, J une 27. 1897,
a boy.
HUGHES On June 24, 1897, to Mr.
and Mrs. George Hughes a son.
Cupid, tbe Beggar.
How Lore
goes a beg.
fing for a
little kindly
Bow mariy
women turn
tbeir back
on tbe little
fellow! Tbey
1 give freely
of their time
and attention
to fashion or
social pleas
ures, bnt
seem to re
gard happy
wifehood and
motherhood as
a mere second
ary considera
tion. Tbey take
no end of
the St of a gown or the success of a dinner
party, but think they have no time to bestow
upon the health and physical soundneat
which are absolutely necessary to happy
wifehood and motherhood.
Any weakness or disease of the delicate
special organs of her sea totally unfit wo.
man to be a wife or mother. It Is a woman's
primary duty to be Strong and healthy in a
womanly way. Careful living and judicious
treatment will certainly and completely
eradicate these delicate complaints.
A complete and practical treatise on this
subject with careful professional advice and
suggestions for aelf-treatment are contained
in 11 The People's Common Sense Medical
Adviser," by R. V. Pierce, M. D., chief
consulting physician of the Invalids' Hotel
and Snrgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. This
looo-pe illustrated book will be sent paper-bound
absolutely free for cost of mail,
ing only: n one-cent stamps, or cloth-bound
for 31 stamps. Address Dr. Pierce, as above.
Dr. Pierce has given a life-time to the
study of women's diseases, and bas had as
wide a practical experience in this particular
Beld as any living physician. His rt Favorite
Prescription" is a perfect and scientific
remedy for diseases of the feminine organs.
It ia the only medicine devised for this
,.,,I?c?,ar. PyP0 "y an educated and
killed physician. It Is a positive and
permanent cure as attested by more than
ninety thousand gruteral women.
1 ' r
Ohio VrmorraU
Com-mium, O., June, 29. There was a
larger uttendance nt the stnto democratio
convention than has ever been known on
such occuMions in Ohio. It was thought
today that a fusion would be perfected with
both tbe silver republicans und populists,
out me committee an rules, 'o wbicn the
question was referrtd, could not agree to
night U a report to give places on the
ticket to both of chew elements, and, tuere
tore, the question of f jsion will be ruturncd
to lue convouon tomorrow without recom
mendation, i
Tbe platform is for free silver, and notb
log else. I
Flgel irrealcd
San Fuancim'o, : June 29. Theodore
A. rioel. who was arrested last nluht on
four charges of felony cmlH'r.islement, pre
ferred by E. S. Rothchild partner of the
late Isaac Hoffman and released on $12.
000 bail, furnished by hi father and moth
er, was arraigned tbis morning.
The four charge of embezzlement are
merely tbe first of t series of accusatious
which will be made! against hioi. For
gery is one of the crimes which will be
Brf aa ('slug
Lircoln, Nob.. June 23. W. J. Bryan
left this morning for Hastings, in company
with several state oilicers, to participate in
ex-Ccngresnman MuKeigban's memorial
services. From tbat poiot Mr Bryan will
go to Salt Lake and thence to Califoreia.
He will be in the latter state for four days,
beginning next Saturdry, and will speak
at a celebration in Los Angeles next Mon
day. He will also visit Orvgun before re
turning ro Salt Lake to attend tbe trans
Mississippi congress.
Nw'i laua
WasntsoTO!, June 23 Tbe report
prepared by Senator Hoar, in the case of
11, W. Corbet, claiming a scat from Oregon
by appointment by the governor, has been
printed for tbe use of the committee.
lie ends as follows: "We think, there
fore, that the governor of Oreiron was en
titled to make tbe appointment, and that
Mr. Corbet is entitled to a seat."
MMWUn Affray
Astohia. Or.. June 23. A terrible
shooting affray occured last night between
8 and 9 o'clock, in a tithing boat, as the
result ot which uom Spina is now lying
at the po nt of death atSt. Mary's botpital
They bad bean drinking hard.
A Bis Trasse
Chicago, June, SS The Western road
bave come to tbe conclusion that they will
ce about swarnpea with tbe amount of bus
inert to the Chmtun Endeaver convention
to San Francisco. At tbe time of tnakinir
the rate, the (r?onu opinion wa that it
would not bring a lare amjuat of traffic,
but some road are now in s-rAiuto eet
necessary equipmest to tuadl4 Uh tr!hc.
Several of Ibeai bare made urgent call up
on tbeir connection for all the cr that
caa he spared.
tatfeMnred Trlbaie
Havasa, June 2$. Captain-tieaeral
Weyler, after a stormy pamage on a coast
ing steamer from Jkanunillo, arrived at
Santiago de Cuba yesterday afternoon.
The steamer wa tn-t by a number of tug
having on board the municipal authorit
ies, provincial au'horitiea and Cieneral
Liuarea, tbe military commmder of the
district. The port and shipping were pro
fusely decorated ia honor ol tbe captaia
generat, and he wa chewed by large nam-
hers oi people who used the route.
SroKAXE. Yah., Jane 2. William
Perrelt lie at the Lorpital su&riog from
a ballet wound that wjil probably prove
fatal. Bewa shot by Mrs. Alice Barker,
into whoe r.m be had forced hi entrance
aod whose life he was threatening to Uk.
I 5 boU were deed by Mr. Burkey, but
only one took
Baa Brl4 1 1
Omaua. JoneS. A iwctI to tbe IV
from Iteadwood aa attempt wa made
to rob tbe Uutte County bank at UelMoar
cbeatnoos. Four maked mo esiered
the bank with revolver drawn, aaJ order
ed the customer and bank oSktalt to hold
up their band. Hi hewitation drew a
hot from on of the robber, which dipped
off a large portion of tbe ctbier's right
Mr. K.i IhM rrannluwl with ltuiMmm,..l.
Tee afe and court wr rlier.l of j
wbat lhY contained and tbe robber rsle f
away. ery little wa got tea.
Aui!fCTos, Jaoe 2s. The enat
made (rood rrogres on the tariff bit! to
day, ditrpotinir of the paraeranb rWatioir
I to bides, which bave beta tbeaoarceof
nracn oomjoTeray. nt snaiiy agreed on.
tiie duty on hides 1 place! at 20 per cent
ad valoiem in place of 1 4' cents per pound,
a originally reported by the finance com
mittee. Tbe dueucs'oo waa rrotr- led in
to a (fold debate on trj.t.U and from toat
back to tbe tojnr trut.
A Tnii AtTatr
Dails Tex.. Jane 2S. On r f tie mot
snaUonJ tngidies ever enacW in North
Tela took plat in the Met bo-lint church
in Pleasant Valley. Dallas county. 22 mile
north of toiscity in tte courx ct the wrvi
ca tctterday. Aamralt iosrjs'nj jr-
riton and Frank J one are dexil and Tbom
a Jones fatal'y woaodl. It wa over a
Tbe Oht raatpialaa
Coi.c wsc. U , June, 27. Altbougn th
democratic state contention does not begin
on'il Wedoeaay, a haif-daen candidates
for the nomination for girrcrnor opened
ead'iuarter here today.
It i conceded that obn R. McLean,
proprietor of tee Enquirer, ba cared
such a large mainritv of deletes that ru
can be indorsed for secator if he desire
endorsement now.
A Treawatfaa SUIa
Pomekuv, Wib , J une 27 . The Hcav-
r. r-ia 01 ma kiwd .ruc mm Vicinity
at 9:.'X). and was almost a cloudburst.
wr ran oown we rwt three to six in-
dj . , . , . " .
" ' r - - r n. aiaa
casement and cellar. anl did a mil
deal of damag". The niillraca burst its
bants in several places and the water raji
down the hill into the old Knapp-tJarrpil
bniHtnir frm tbe rear and came out at
tbe front, pouring down tbe step and
making a perfect waterfall.
Setra kvlllrd
Kaks Citt. June, S7. Seven coffins
were forwarded to Kt. Loni toslay from
MicKonri City. Tbey contained tha re
main of the victims of last night's wreck
on tbe Wabash road. A list of the dead is
as follows?
W. 8. Milk postal clerk. O. M. Smith,
postal clerk. Gnstave A. Smith, mutui
clerk, Charles Winter, p dotal clerk. P.
n.finnk. postal clerk. Eiwant Crinhnvlo
baggageman. Charles P. Ureaslcy, brake
man, all of St, Louis.
The Sioreraaaeau ahaw.
Astobia, Or., June, 27. The warships
Monadnock sod Monterey arrived off the
river late tbis evening. The former passed
in, but did not rearth tha cilr. anrhnrinir
off Flavel. Large crowds lined the docks,
and tbe reception committee was in readi-
ness to receive them. Thn tmw i aril ar
rive off the city in tha morning. Tbey
will prc-bably stop here tomorrow and thi'n
proceed up to Portland.
The Jap INmtllea.
Wasuinotos. tune 27 Tb Japanese
position on the annexation of Hawaii by
the Lmtec State has been made known
from a very high source. The Japanese
base their opposition to annexation almost
entirely upon the ground tbat it is an in-
iciurcuue wtin tbe treaty ngtira ot Japan,
and complain especially tbat the treaty was
negotiated in tha fac of tha mo-st fricndlv
proleatatians bom japan.
A Cemetery Baal.
Pleasant Vau .. Tex. Juna 1
Augustus A Garrison and Frank Jones
were killed and Tom Jones mortallv
ounded in a b'oodv hat tin which took
place in the Methodist churchyard this
morning. Garrison killed Frank Jones
and Waa then ahnt hv Tnm .Tnnoa Hnfnru
dying be mortally wounded Tom Jones A
young laay naa been wmnginl by r rank
Jones, and Garrison determined to avenge
the wrong.
tati op Onto, City or tolido, I
iucas jjoumty. i . ,.
Fuin J. Cmmr mibaa fuilll thill tie I tha
Senior partner o( tbellrinof K.J.CiiBNay&Co..
doing; buaineaa In the City of Toledo, County I
ana mate aroreaaid, and that I1 urm win pay
ttaeium of ONE HUNOltKD DOLLAKH for each
and every case of CaraaaH that cannot be cured
by toe una of Haua Catasbh Cukb."ll.
Sworn to barnm ma and a!aribe4 in ni
presanos, tbis tth day ol Uvea u ber, A. D. ISSd.
irt A. VT. 0LEA80S.
Hall's Catarrh Cars ia taken Internally and acts
.7";' j
P. J. chrney a CO?, Toledo, O. '
ai 11 111 I 1 atar. :
Hall's Family Pills are ths best.
Made by Piano
Best Binder on Earth
The only thresb ing machine lhat gives complete Eatis
faction in Linn County.
(Vlowers Harvesters
Osborn extras.
Deering extras.
Oliver plows,
and Stoves.
1st Street, Albany, Oregon.
1 2 !i
tJhr Hir!Pf' rJ Ilfrtfi Rmrr?i)! the World
xini r
lousirou, iso
In (A Circa t Cwf of tit .i-V
Jar ti tommj of Li"o-
J (Jurev FowSer and W J Cear, p'ain
W G Morgan, a administrator ot tb e
late of Thomaa Morcia decel; J m
W Murzaa a adnlnutratdr or 't estate
of Lydia Morgan deceased; MaT Ana
(irir, Krnk (tray her hutbaoa; Agnes
McNeil, John McNeil her husband. John
N Morgan. Ruth Morgan bis aife; Jam
W Morgan, Morgan hi wife; W
G MifKa. Maryn bt tilt; Jo Mor
-M, KA Mafn. Maresabu aaife; Mar
garet Daaoaa. Daavaa bar basHind: G
L 8lrjder and HatiM J St-idei; L'aat.
NOool Bank , (a erfTor-'w1) tV II G'l
tja, A Bach. Ttle; Fit Nauooat Bank,
(a nrporatHc) t4 Mil ou il!e,
To John X M pan and I'.uth Morgan,
bi a ifv.aihl Mra--t llaixua attd Dad
I eui, ber hoibin j. Defendant.
OREGON: Yoo ate hereby reqairrd 10 ap
n!d agueat
1 - ,v. ..,'i .,. k th- ii,.t
dmu ttia nrtl trrm 1 1 taw coon luiionnir
11 . r... . ... k.
I lUfl w a u a iir v im m w -
4b M wday in Jm,lS1J7;bnth 2S h da
of said mootb; aui if yo tl o to rper
to anrrr, tor w-ut thereof, tha pUinun
will apply to tb- cwtirt inr tee ra'it prayed
ftw in tha e iuila'ut tiled a;iot Oa hsre
io. towit: Fur a der forrclnuna a certain
morti;ae eca-d 1-v or Thnuta Iirc
cd Lydia Moifra". hit a ife, (hi'k deoea
d to'ths Jarvu-Cnokhn Mo'uaia Tra
Com nan, to utan tta prnent of
with intercmt, and the futther amilJHW
attorney frc. Sul mortgage bcio apon
real raUta aiiote tn tie couuty of Liao.
lata of Oregon, end particularly boanded
anl deao tbed aa follow, towit:
The W Ji of tha D L C of David W Al
lingham; uaaed in Sec 33 and 34, Tp 1.1,
ooth, Kaoga 4. W W M. eoabaulng 159
soma mora or lea.
And rtinrctinx sale of aid property in the
manner preidrd by law and application of
tha proceed thervf om tn paymeDt of the
claim of tha p'aint tft herein, including
ooU, diabursttueota of suit and attornay's
Tl' rumninns ia pnbli-htd lv ordpr ot
tha Honorable II I! Huwilt, jud(rofaid
Made aad dated ou the 24th day of Feb
rnsry. 187.
Uko W HmXKN a Montanvk aHacklkvan
Attornrykfor Piaiuliu
N'ltic ia hn-eby given that the tax toll of
the lit? of Albanv, Or., for nad and street
tax for tha year 1897 has been p'aoed ii
my hand for collection Such taxes are
now due, and payable at my rfhee in the
city council chamber in raid city.
Any tax payer who wihi to perform
ab r apn the streets, either in person or
y tnlwiitate, la Iteu of rating said tax
money, most notify me in wilting on or
before ti e lt day of July 1SH7.
Jansl2-h, 1SU7. C O Ler,
Marti al of the city of Albany.
Notic is hereby given that S E Young,
the ad:iiinttrtr with the win annexed of
tbe estate of Jane Fanning, dece&ed, has
rendered and preaen'ed for ettlement,
anl filed In th rouutv court cf 'lie state
Of Oregon fvr Libn county, his anal ac
count of his admioistra ion of fid eotate;
and tbat Saturday, the 10th day of July,
1SS97. being a duy ot the July terra of said
court fir 1897, at 10 o'clock a m, has been
appointed by the judge of aid court, for
tbe settlement of said account, at w -icb
time any person interested in said estate
may appear and tile his ohjoctlona to said
annt and P;eet the ssnie for hearing.
Dated at Albany, Oregon, June 2. 897.
l.'aaram. A. a,ta..u O l.t V .
i Klkiks & Cannon,
S K Yotjnu,
Attys for Admr.
Manufacturing Co.
hardware, tinware
Heal and
Elegant De
Ware at COnil
See it
rt Are built in
Y i the largest
i-i.crii:c anri Pot.
(j Equipped
r aciory iu
! Waxrty t cu txiey bava lt-rneti to know iLe dil
fereoce betwrvn a wheel tbat is actually high grade and one tba
is simply claimed to be. Some others may be good but th
Waverly is the highest of all high grade.
Conn & Huston,
Notice for Publication
Ld Omca ar OaEcc Citt. Or
Mai ISth, IS97
NutSce is rerby given t-at tbe follow
ing named sett'er has filed notice cf his
inleolioo to make Seal proof in support of
or ni emm, ari fv aid
proof ail! - n-a-l t. .' fhe ivg-
Wter and r-.v -?a Oiv. ireiton.
on Jalv6h.lS7. vtz: Ul (im If -Aul-r:
H E !J79 for tbe N of N K of ?ic
17 and S 54 of S E t4' of Sec S.T? 10 S R 5
Eat . He name tbe following itse-wea
to prove h! cominuou residence npea
and cultivation cf said land, via: Edward
O Perkett. of IV-rott. Oregon, Jaaea
Monroe ard Joseph II Bartow, both of
Kerry. Oirn. and John A Fci, ot Derail.
KUliLiCf A. MILLr.K, Kirr.
Notice for Publication
Lasd Omca at Ona-.ox f trv, Oi.
Jjbt 22ad. lSfT.
Notitf U brtabv airrn that tb followiog
aaaird e:ti3r h bled noboe of bis ieten i
tioa to snake tit, I proof ia aupport of hi
claim, and that sua proof will be -nad., be
fore tha county e'erk of Lino cnaerv at Al
Kur. OiB. oa Aajot 7 , 1S97. via; Wtl-
Iwoi Shal a; It K STSl for tha lot 4 of Sec
30 Tp 10 S K 2 , He names follow
ma; wttaeaaea It prove bta coot neon ret l-
droca apon aad cuitivatioj f, aaid Und,
vi: 1 H rn. Kink W D.norr, 1 S
Ruir, all of Jefferson, Ogn, aod A B
Bond of Aloany, Cn.
Notice i hereby given that L E Blain,
of Albany, Oregon, on tbe 1 8th day of
February, 1S97, made a general assign
ment of all his property for the benefit of
II bis creditors; and trial the undersigned
has been duly appointed assignee ia said
assignment proceeding. All creditors of
aid L E Slain are hereby required to pre
sent tbeir claims to me, c'uly verified, at
my office in tbe postoffice bulldlne. Albanv.
Oregon, within three months frc the
dale of this notice.
Dated at Albany, Oregon, th. 23rd day
of March. 1S97.
il C WAtson, II Brtaxt.
Atty for Ataignee, Asslgncr ,
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed administrator of tbe estate of A D
Knox, deceased, haa filed his final account
in said estate in the count' court of Linn
county. Oregon, and tbat s.ld ccurt has
ff xed tbe third day of August. 1897, at
tbe hour of 1 o'clock in the alter non of
said day as the time of bearing all objec
tions thereto and settling the Name, there
fore, all perron having any objection to
said final account are hereby notified a .id
required to appear and filo the same in
said court on or U oie said above men
tioned dtte.
Dated tbH 18th day of June, 1S97.
W K DiLvtu, P Y Duncan,
Attorney. Administrator.
Notice for Publication.
Land Ofuci atOrioos Citt, Or,
May. is, 1897.
Notioe ia hereby given that the follow-
inn nmd settler ha tiUd notioa of hia
intention to make final proof in support of
hi o'aim, and that said prxf will be ma4a
before tha register and receiver at Ore -co
City. 0,in, on July 6th, 1897. via: Edward
urerseti; nbiioir for the .rth u
H h 1 1377 for the north ii i
of the N NV H, 8 E of N V If. 8 w Xi
of N E i of Beotlen 27. Tn JSh'S
Hi names the following w Unease to prove
his continuous residence upon and culti
vation of said land, via : William B Ash
ley. James Monroe, both n n... n,
John O Fox. lohn M Hnllin
of Detroit,Oregon. ' ,
Uobkxt A Miuia, Ragistar.
virtue of a warrant for the collection of
delinquent taxes of tbe atement of JS9C j
in ana tor the City of Albany, in l.inn
coint) and State of Oregon, which war
rant i now In my band, and i in wcrds
and figure, as follows, towit:
To C O Lee Mrhal ol tbe City of Al
bany, Oregon, Greeting:
In the Nume of tbe City cf Albany,
Oregon, You aie ber-by commanded tbat
you levy upon tbe gocds and chattels of
the delinquent tax payer namtd in the
foregoing list, and if cone be found, then
open tbe real property set forth therein.
r so much tneroot a . ball sati ly the
amount of taxes ko charged, with cos's
ind expanse, and that von pay over all
moneys so col!e 'ed to the Ci'.y Treasurer
of said city, and make due return cf this
warrant as by law required .
By order of (he Cttv Council of tiie city
of Albnv, Oregon, made ihe 2oth day of
May, IV7,
V ItMr my hand and tbe official tigna
tore, and the seal of tbe City of Albany,
UU Jin dy ot way, IVJ
1 " K""i
X J Ha tor.
Recorder City of Albany.
Which warrant i attached to the lUt of
enpaid on delinquent taxes for the year
la'jrj in said city of Albany, and not bar
Ing been ante after diligent search to find
any personal prcrprrty within aid city, out
of which to make the taxes herein men
tioned, I bave levied upon the following
described real property, towit:
Abbey, t K, lots 2. 24, 25, 26, 27,
2H, 29, 30 and SI 'n block 2 Ab
bey's add I' ion to Alany, Or $ 2 7
Acheson. Q S, the E 50 feet of tbe
west 100 feet of block 41 in Al
hi ny, Oregon 3 00
Adcox, Jane, lo's 9, 10, 11, 12 in bl
i in Abbey' addition to A.bay,
Oreg. 1 11
Albany Street Railway Co. the S E
H of bl 73 in Albany. 23 13 (
Awbrey Varien, lot o in block t
Aiuaay, imgvn ow
Barnes. Sarah o. fbe X of kt 1
and 2 in bl 23 in ilackicman's 2d
addition to Albany, Oft goo
Beard Jno A, lot 7 in block 8 in
liacklrman't 3rd adcition to Al
bany, Oregon S3
Bradley Jooepn, estate of, tbe w i
of tbe &E oiyock 103 in
Hackieman's addition to Albany,
Oregon 3 70
BKdgeforJ M J. tbe 5 E of bkxk
53 ia Albany, Or gon 7 20
Carey Sadie, lot 1 in block 2 in A
ten and Hawkio's addition to aJ
bmy, Oregon 33
Cccran Rout, etta'e of. 1 of X
o block 52 in Hackleman 'a 2J
aaditlon to Albtnv. Oregon
2 73'
Conn Saru'l.und'viied interest In
the S E i and the E of the S
Tr of block 113 in Hackleman's
addition to Albany, Oregon
Geo l Coe, trurtee. wharf lota 2. 3,
C 40
4. 10, It, 12 in Albasr. Oregon.
1-4 1. 5 and 6 in block 90. block
79. sO, 81. ht. s7, 83, 101. 102
. ICf!. 104. 1Q5, and rractiooal bl
4. and cJo, in Mooteiib's trtah
etn addttiou to Albary, Orfgon.;
AUofie nndindtd I interest in
lot 7 and 8 in block o-5. lou 6.
and 8 ia bt &t. S 4 of lot 7 sd 5
in block 70, lU 2. 3, 4. and 6 ia
block &. block 21, and lot 3 In
block 4 in Albany, Orwron 12S 60
Cranda I C C, lot 5 L! iS. AUwnv. Or 8 00
Croupe Enilr, lot 3 ia bloek 1, in
A'.ien and Hawkia s addition to
Co! ver Margaret.tbe E Vj of bt 53 ta
Uackkman s 2nd ajirion to At
oany, Orceon . . .
4 i:
Dtyoe L W.S E . of bl 106 in Had:
iieman' aJd;un to Albany, Or. . 7 20
Farreii M L Mr, lot 1 in b ock 23
in Hackleman's 2nd ad to A'bany,
(Jretron and let I in bt in Hackle
man's :trd addition to A: Lour. and
lot g in bl 1-5 in Hicklcman "a ad
dition to Albany. Oregon
Firwel Horace, estate ot. tbe w V
of tbe X w ' of M 35 in Rack
ran 2d aiditioa to A!bar..
Fromaa I B, X w of block 27 in
10 00
Hacclrmasa 2d aditrion to Al
ban. Oregon
.. 640
Geah J F. ks 16. 17. IS, 19. 20,
21, 27. 2?, 29. 31 in Bryant s
addition to A loany .Ores on
4 63
Gray U G. lot 23 in block 2 in Ab
bry s ad-ntioa to Albany. Or
.. . 46
Hammer Fannie S. lot 3 and 6 ia M
29 in Backman's 2d additton ta
Albany. Oregon
Rarris trco W. East H9 feet of the S
14 of biock 1 la Hackleman's 2d
addition to Albanv, Chr
Ha kt" C E. ".be S of kts 7 and
8 in bl 2 ia Haok.ciaan' 21 ad
ditvMi to Albany. Orearon
He Harriett, lot 7 ia block 2j A!
bao , Vnyr n
H- im K 5" , 6 in b ock 52 id
i-.4etna' 2nd ad&tina to Ai
bany, Oregon
Huston B M. undivided ,4 icierest
4 0
6 00
S 55
4 00
in lot 5. 6 and 7 in block lU in
Hackiersan' ad to Albanv. tr. . . 6 40
Johnson E S. lot 5 in bl 1 3 in Hack
leman's 3rd ad to Albany, Or
Ketcham W M and J J P-Jbruiite.trof
tee. X W 4' ana w S of tbe S
w i.' of block IJOin KacklemanV
addiuon to Albany, Oregon
Kline A. tbe wet 4CxliX) t- i.t 'he
east H ol b!ork 1 in tbe
addition to Albany .Oregon
Kline A. lots 6, 7. S in block 53 ia
Hackleman's 2nd ad o Albanv.Or
Kl tne Josephine, lot 7 in block 14 in
the Eastcaadditioo to Albany..
Kmrnn August, lot i 1 and 2 in ol
5 in Hackleman's 4th addition to
Albany. O-egon....
Lanning E J. lot 1 and w 52 of
lot 2 in block III iu Hict!emtn a
4 07
3 93
6 40
3 20
addition to Albany, Orvgon
Laughecd CH,S of lot 1 inkblot k
2 in Hav-kleman'a ird atidiuon to
5 55
McUridge Kate, lot 1 in block 77 ia
Monteilh sooth era addition to
Aloany, Oregoa
McGregor Donald, lot 1 'n bock 1
in Jones' addition to Albanv.Or. .
McGoire Vm, east 24 feet vf lots
In block 10 in Aibary, Oregon. . .
Mever Wm, w J of lot 3 tn block 9
in Hackleman's &d addition to
Albanv, Oregon.,
Miller Emma B, lots 4 and 5 in
block S in AUen and Hawkin's
addition to Albany. Orecoa
3 20
1 60
7 23
Montague EE. lot 1 in block 120
in liackfeman a aJdtiKn to Al
bany, Oregon
MontanveKate 1. lots 5 and 6 tn
4 00
block 6S tn Albanv,Oregon
12 SO
Monteitb Nettie, lot 1 and west l"
of lot 2 in block 26 ia Albany. Or 16 00
Orton Cordelia, estite of. lot 4 in
llack'etuan' addition to Albany,
Oreaon ;
6 00
Palmer August, block 9 ia Hack'e
man a 4th addition to Albany, Or
and lot tl2, 14, 15 and 16 In
chmeer's addition to Albany.flr
6 40
PiUteraon Oeo. S w V of block 10
ba Hackleman s 2id audition to
Albany, Oregon, and lot 5 in bl
23 In Hackleman a 2nd addition
to Albany. Oreron 13 R 1
I'anmngton J rt, undivided 1 inter
tst ol w H ot S w 4' of b'odt 102
in Hackleman's audition to Al
bany. Oregon i ."M
Kiohard and I uilUps, beg on w
line of and 103 ft northerly from
S w corner of block 16 in the
Estern addition to Albany, Ore
gov t'uence easterly parallel vitri
First street, l;?4 feet, thence
northt-rly paja'lel with west line
ot said block 16 to point 8 fet
aouthei 1 from center of track of
the Oregon and California Rail
road Companv, theaca westcrlv
PArallel with, and U feet distant
from center of said railroad track
to west Une of said block 16,ihence
southerly to beginning 16 00
itiiey t eter, oioca id in Hackiemana
2d addition to Albany, Oregon . 17 1
Rowel I Kiia M. lot 3 in block II Iri
llryant s addition to Albany. Or
jRuddick G W, lot 6 and eat l nt
I lot 7 in block 15 in the Kaxora
I addition to Albany. Oregon
! Ropert John, let I, 4 5 and 6 in
i blck 3 in the western addition to
' Albany, Oregon
7 4
3 7i
5 55
2 40
Sen nicer Jno, lot 8 and w ol lot
1 tn block 7 tn A Ibanv, Oregon . .
Scott Rosella, estate of ,E of hi
44 in Albany, Oregon...........
Stewart C K.truatee, 72x150 feet in
the N K corner of block 1 16 in
HacklvHuan's addition to Albany,
StewaTt W J and D S, lot I
block 03 in Hackleman a addt
tion to Albany, Oregon 463
Thompson Vv 8, beg at S E comer
o block i in Hackleman's 2nd
addition to Albany, Oregon, run
north on L hne of said block t.3
feet, tbence wes'erly parallel with
S Hne of said block to w line of
A Hackleman' D LC th-nce
southerly following sail I) L C
line, to N line of 4th street,tbence
eaaterlv tobeginning il i0
TtHotson J B, lots 3 and 4 tn blo-k
6 In Hack.eman s 3rd aJauien to
Albany. Oregon 3 20
iyler Lma B. lota i ana in block
1 24 in fiacKiemB" iw v
Albany, Oregon and lot I in Mock
37 in Hackleman's ar.d addition
ta Albany, Oregon 5(0
Wardlow C F, lots 5 and o in .''otk
I in Abbey a addition 10 A.-o'nyt
Oregon 74
WU Emma C, lo's 1 and 8 m
block Albany, Oreiron 6 00
A'elcb W J Mrs. lot 4 in block 1 iO
in Hackleman's addition to At
biny, Oregon 6 43
Williams EUle, E i of lo 36. 37. 38
and 39 in block a Abbey's addi
tion to Albany, Oregon 1 39
a the property of aid de'-ioqoer.t tax pay
ers as trie same appears assessed on aid
delinqu-yit tax 'O'l, and will on Saturday
the 1 "th day of iv y ifc97, at the fcotof
tbe stairway it-zr-i? to the Oty Council
Chamber of rtid en.', and at t"e boor of
1 o'clock ia ths af'ernoon of said da y, sell
at public auction to te highest tidier, for
cub In hand, on the day of said sale, all
the above described real property, or o
much thereof as may be necessary o pay
and satisfy tbe tax aVMrd ard le'ltd
against said proper tr in said city of A 1
bany, (or tbe year 1896, together with ae
crai.ijj cos's and expecse .
City Marsha! of the Clry of atbany.
Southern Pacific Co.
CalHonria bp TijIm
fnt. a. I L
:! If
: ar
ar t'ss a
L 1 - r u
Above fates atop at stations be
tween Prtla&d and Salem Tor
ner, Uarioo, Jeff'rson, Albany
Tangent. Sbedd. liabiey Eugene
Cottage Grove. Drain, OakUcd and ail
(tattoos Irra Roseborg iWh to and ia
clcdicg Ashland.
Ar (Jin
L i ittrm
Lti T --
I n 1 r m aia
Lear AitmSr t.r Lehaaov 7 W a
ArriT at KiOmMT traam tmtnaaa a
Inn AWr lor tru
Arrin at Aibuy irwa Lcba a r a
Laan A!baar for Woodbaaa vsa Waoabsca
srakeai 14dS a a
ArriT at aiaaay froot Viwdbara 3S
Lnn AJhaiby far 5na d r
Arn at Aibaay Sraaa Xatroa 1 xl a
Diaiae Can on OrJen Route
Attacaeal ta all Tknatt Tralaa
nl Ke MTlaiaau
inatu fsrraAjii Aaa (asiiiui
Iia rut aaaT(KxeetSaaay
aoaaarwa aaK,aibv
Ar I Si r
Ce 1 1 ear
rso ' iu'
T- ra i Ar
i a
L1 me-h' aui asraaia Saea f
Pk5ai C31SA Skifiar a&Maaapoueaua
as. a3i t e- -1 f avi
J-S. CdlSa. H.JSOf.l"LC aarl ACsTa -cu
a. Autl trjaa O Bl rsteStu Ara
E r tactl.
3. C. & I R. R. CO
iWillamece River Division.)
Steamer ALBANY, Capl. J. L. Smitb
FreUWaad PasseDer.
Leave Albany for Portland Sundays.
Tnesdaya and Thursdays.
Unsurpassed accommodations and
a&edules especially for the needs of up
ier Willamette travel. Picsic paruee
an avail themselves ot this schedule for
tnv desired point between Corrallia and
i Saiem, leaving in tne monung ana re
; nrninc; in doe time the esune eveobv.
i Special rates for special parties ollSof
H. L. Wiidis,
O TaLMAGE"S "Tbe Earth Girdled,"
or hi famous tour around the arorid. a
thri 'ling story of savage and baHaron
2 7S lands. Foot miiiion' book sold.
and "Tbe trth GinJ W is bis latest and
EvetTbodv wants this farooo books only
A gold mine for work-rs. CREDIT GIV
Drp all trash and sell the king of looks
and make (300 a month. Address for out
fit and tern tor. Tbe Dominion Com
pany, Star Building, Chicago.
iBBICmSTO. Conductor
I Yio-, II VIb., Qar Cor., Trom
Bass andDrums
jcpcttoiirc of qe"vCiftsic
-Musi a Furnished For-
Concerta, Parties, Reception a. Eater
tain meat at reacrwble rates.
Correspondence aoliaUsl recanltnr
Sjageuets oat of town.
Address Bert WeciNrook. Bosijiesa Kaa, Revere House. Albany, Oregoa
Maie Estates, Ei Thej
Got, things spelled wrong and all mix
ed up disylay was poor type old
feahioned press work bad paper
cheap nothing aa it ocgiit to be? Well
take your next job of printing to Smi
ley tha Printer and
fill Be Dose Blill
. ?. wuipurianij. ins price tor oe
ing it will be right, too
. wa St! ail :i Aaian4gr Uiam la lha
BPMMfc. INiMaaiat Cam ulisuu tb V. .
d a K .- .., Y."j ba u-Kr.1 a
Wlteaaunn lSrS i caana-
wiia lava iu a aa a iwtYluww b...
SiBaaauiB i llSa.n.Wr. rV,.-.j
.1..... ,ir . i ......
tail u atoaaaav rt . v a-T
r at w.a a.,'J IS -u
aull aar a. b ! .-, . v ,-
Kt "ll'ta. I J.. x' iv --.
Tar w tw:.aa asM. i? ! t .. .
Baaaarr ir Toii.r. tT
aaaiaal, it.--.. v r .
aMfa JJ vii..irM-4
' I 1'-."
Careata aad Trade lfarra obtalaed an.l all PaA
eat bu tineas eoa)tated for Medcrata Fee.
rna buhioj. arawmit or pnottx waadvlaeM
raifaitablatreoriur7e.- Ourfsaaotdaatill
palootiaaararnl. A Pamphlet "How to Ob
tain Patent. wttk coat cf aame in t Ha C. a.
aud forei oooiitriea aaat free. Addraaa,
C. A. SNOW & CO. 5
Os- Bat-yarsrw- Oaiwaaai Uf a... rs 0-
tlatf aLM .
bV fjl-ai . - t ; t
itiarini.'. . m. -,
aft? ? -ani - i - ..v. ,