The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 25, 1897, Image 3

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Daily DinnriiT
o.uu per advance, 30c per month
not in advance. By carrier, 10c pet
week. 10 per cent added if allowed to
ran over 3 months. Single copies 5c.
Wly, $1.25 in advance; $1.50 at end
of year; 1.75 for second year; $2.00 fi t
third and rrwxlirw, imn. when not mid
in advance. Club of five w subscribe!
Tor $5.00.
Circuit court will convene in Albany
next Monday with the smallest docket
for a great manv years, only 51 old cases,
mostly of little importance an I in! 2i
new cases. Following is the da k l :
23 old cases and the follo.vinj now
A F Wheeler agt Collins V lkius et
al, recovery money; attachment.
A S Knox agt John Isom ex. al, rear, v
ery of money.
Lnther White, executor, M nSamer agt
J C Cox et al, recovery of money.
El L Cranor agt Jaa F Powe'l, recovery
money; attachment.
Peter ScMoeser agt T H DeC.'w, recov
ery mon6y; attachment.
S E Young agt T Henness, recovery
Wm V Baltimore agt Coliina Elkins et
al, recovery money ; attachment.
Mary Cougill agt Farmers and Merch.
Ins. Co., recovery money.
John Curaming agt C J Pittner and A
J Pittner, recovery money; attachment.
Farmers and Merchants Ins, Co. agt E
Z, Laforeet, recovery of money.
Farmers and Merchants Ins. Co. agt
ue roiey, recovery money
J A Crawford agt Albauy Ice Works,
recovery of money
28 old case and tho following
nettie Mi:ler agt James M Miller, di
J E Love and G W Simpson agt G M
Thayer, foreclosure.
J M Settle as ex
Settle, rec money.
John Settle agt J T
Jane Cornall agt Jas Cornal!, divorce.
Annie Dugger agt Samuel W Dager,
Melissa Ilozan agt M D Hogan, di
E F Wyatt aat E J Willonghby and
wife. Action to set aside deed.
Home Mutual Ins Co agt X M New
port et al, equity.
F M Raada agt E J Willoughby et al,
Crook County.
From the Review :
PrineviUe now has a braes band.
Prince and Warren Glaze, Adrian Crooks,
Milt ZelL, Otto Gray, Frank Elkins and
several others have been practicing for
some time.
George E. Porler, of Halsey, is in oar
city with a view of locating. He is an
engineer by profession and is looking for
an opening.
Mr. John Morgan and son, George, of
Plainview, Linn county, Oregon passed
through bere last Saturday on his way
home. He brought out a few head of
-cattle from the valley. He reports timei
in the valley as being rather quiet.
Messrs L. Scot t, son of H. W. Scott, of
: Portland. A. V. Swift and G. W. Gilbert
of Baker City, passed tbrouzh here last
'Thursday on their "bikes." These
young men have been attending the
State University and the lauer two are
on their way home while Mr. Scott is
'taking a few day's outing before return
ing to his home. Tt.e,- were guests of
Mr. Frank Stroud, while here- They
say as they crossed t'ie mountains, the
'Three Sisters veiled I oemselves and were
completely hidden from view as they
passed along by them.
- Tennessee Gatherings.
(By NictoPutro.)
tkas. Boss graduated at the Santiam
Academy and passed the examination for
a state diploma
Frank Skipworth was in this vicinity
Grace Umphrey was visiting relatives
in Tennessee last weet .
Chas. and Clyde McKnight took a tum-
line the latters new residence. The'
; former escaped -injury while the latter i
was almost fatally injured by striking'
!full length on the ground and as a result
he has been crippling bout with a
"broken" back.
Sherman Wallace and sister Allie have
returned borne tor tne snmmer from Vlc
Minnville college, after an absence of
-ziine months.
As we understand Miss Annie Black
law has been engaged to teach the fall
term ot School at the Gore district.
- The recent rains have been of great ser
vice to the farmers of this vimnity.
A card from C. C ITamon diecloses tbe
lact mat ne nas at last reached, bis new
abode. Following is an extract from a
letter received while be was in tbe Sac
- ramento valley : "It is so hot that we
are going to travel at night and sleep in
the day. We crossed the Sacramento
river on the bridge last night and the
wind blew so hot we nearly cooked. Tbt
country is completely burned op, and a
small fig orchard that we saw this morn
ing looked better than anything seen for
sometime. We tried to get some sleep
this morning bnt the flies and heat are
so bad we could not." Tbe above was
writtea at Cottonwood, Cal., and proves
to some extent that portions of California
awe bnrned np by th heat, a fact which
baa caused a great deal of discourse.
Tns EvasoBUCAL campmebtiso is in
aucce&ssful progress. The attendance
yesterday was very large, and the ser
vices interesting. At 10 a. m. the 8. 8.
was held led by G. A. Mansbardl, fol
lowing the 8. o. an able sermon was
preacneu vy oev, ouoppoa xne ureai-
ness ot unrist,
communion service fol
lowed. At 2 p. m. a childrens meeting
-was held, addresses were given by Rev.
Vincent and Miss Zua t-keels. This was
. followed by two Revs. Shupp
i ,r: . . . i . . 1 1
anu viuueui, a very euiuusiasuc testim-;
ony meeting followed, in which a hnn-
.idred or more took part. At 7 p. m. f.
,yonng peoples meeting was1 held led by
,.Mia Skeels which, was followed by
praise service and able sermon by Rev.
Vincent. Tbe large tabernacle was
filled to overflow and notwithstanding
the occasional showers during the day,
the attendance at every tervice was large.
Meetings continue nntil Thursday.
E. O. Towns. As considerable innnirv
is made about Eastern Oregon towns we
n,ve tbe following from The Dalles T. M :
.'"Max Vogt, jr., returned this morning
JIUU W"vi , " ' ' " ' "til, W i HI
'.. the intention cf opening a bowling alley,
bat was unable to find a building in the
city suitable for that purpose. .He says
Raker ia crowded with business.- everv
building on Main street being occupied.
nd all tbe ground floor rooms in the
three brick- buildings that are now un
der construction are engaged. Mr Vogt
returned by way of Walla Walla and
JPendleton. bat did not and as much life
nd business in either of those cities as
ait Baker.
Now in South America. Chas. Red
field, son of F. M. Red field, of this city, 1
is now in the Republic of Colombia,
Sonth America, np on tbe Magdalena
river, where be is working with the civil
engineer's crew on a raiiroad. On account
of the trouble in Gautemala, railroad
work was stopped there temporarily until
after election and be was tranaferied to
another continent. He reports a healthy
place bnt misses bis native tongue. The
cities there have all the b.odern im
provements of electric lights, motors, etc.
Tag A. L. P. 8. male quartet will give
a range of three octaves in singing their
first selection on the program, Saturday
evening, June 26. Mr. Akers taking with
ease high D, while Mr. Lundell will role
.up lower D. Come early and hear tbera.
$6.00 buys a good ManJolin with book
$5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book.
$1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is
$1,00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E
$4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow.
25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or
2nd strings.
$25.00 buysa5-drawersewing machine;
I. : i. .
iii;u arm, ugiu running; guaran
teed 5 years .
Trices on Pianos. Oraans. Uanios
sent on application.
E. U. Will
Oifioers of the Day:
President Hon H II Hewitt.
Orator Hon W S McFd.).n nf
0 irvallis.
Marshal Mr James VanWiukle.
Reader Miss Julia Taylor.
Yice-Preeidents. John Burnett. Oor-
Ydlis; J R Davis, Shedd; Frank Frisljy.
H ilsey ; R A Rauioy, Harrlsborg; O 1
O how, Brownsville; George Findlev,
orawfordsville, M A Miller, Lebanon ; T
L Dugger, Scio; G W Humphrey, Jeffer
on ; J S Cooper, Independence; I)r H P
Eplev, Monmouth ;Henrv Lvons, Lvons;
EL Bryan, Philomath.
A novel and exciting firemens contest
will be one of the big attractions Here
is about the program : At p. m at the
tap of the tire bell No. l's engine will
leave Calipooia street on First and JSo
2's Baker, each drawn bv horses, and
accompanied by hose teams, and dash
towards each other. At Ferrv street Xo.
l's will set at the cistern and at Ells
worth street No. 2's Two hundred feet
of hose wU be laid and water thrown.
The company petting water over a line
in the middle of Broadalbin street first
will win. As arranged it gives each
company the same distance to run and
throw water, and will terminate with
the nozzles about 200 feet apart and
water squirting towards a common cen
ter. . The parachute jump, sui-nming con
test, base ball, acrobatic performance,
life saving crew exhibition, tug of war,
Mexican ring contesting parade.plug u$
g.ies, music bv band. XorviHa and Alps
quartets, grand concert, ball, etc, will
come off as advertised.
It wili be possible to ccnie to Albany
on the 4th at half fare from anv direct
tion ; op the S. P. from Portland to Eu
gene, on the O. C. & E. from Newport
on the regular train, from Philomath on
a special that will leave at 7 a. m., and
from Detroit on a special that will leave
in the morning, back u, to Scio, and g.t
here in time for the sights, the specials f
returning in me evening.
The 4th f July committee are collect
ing the amounts subscribed, and they
wish to thaak the subscribers for their
promptness in making tin payments.
A Bid Kick.
feter Karsten, of Benton county,
ther of Mrs A. W. Stellmacher, of this
city, returned home baturday eveninj
from a trip to Albany and immediately
afterwards went to drive a yoang horse
in from the field. The hose stopped to
eat, wnen Mr Karstens, who was behind
him. slapped him. Qaick as a flash the
animal raised his hind heels, smoking
Mr. Karstens square in the face, knock
inir him down. Dr. Maston was sent for
and dressed the wounds. It was found
that his nose, ripper jaw and cheek bone
were broken. Fortunately Mr. Karstens
was near the end of the kick, or the re
sult would have been even worse.
A Pectuab Case. From the Guard :
The many iriends of M. Witfcins, the old
pioneer settler of Lane county, will be
pleased to learn that recently his con
dition has great I v improved. Several
years ago Mr. Wilkins was stricken with
paralysis and he has been.untii recently.
unable to bear ordmarv conversation, or
articulate language thai could be under
stood, from some unknown cause the
facnlty of bearing has been restored and
he is now able to recognize sound, and
the meaning thereof.wbich before was as
jargon and gibberish to his partly para
Ijied brain. With this return of the
sense of hearine, and understanding Ibe
meaning oi tbe sounds that constitute
the words, comes also a partial restora
tion of his vocal powers, and he is able
to speak an occasional word. Mr Wil
kins is 79 years of age.
Ratheb Peccuab. Jud?e Barton re-
turned from his home at Oakville this
morning, and reported that only a liftle
rain fell yesterday afternoon and nor
last night. The roads were dustv. He
ran into mad several miles this side. It
is a peculiar fact that the recent rains
have all been in belts, no. general.
George U. Piper, of Portland, is in the
Seth McAliialer, of Euzene. came to
Albany SatoHay on his bicycle.
Miss Woodin, of Tacoraa. is in tbe city
on a visit the guest of her brother A. Ii.
w oodin.
Marshall Lee has returned -from Inde
pendence and has resumed his duties as
chief of police
Prof. Wbitehorn and family leit Salem
today for Astoria, where the Prof, will
organize a class in physical culture.
Mift Temple, rec?r.1v of the Albany
schools, has been tlecus! i a oaition in
tbe Salem schools, receiving the entire
vote of tba board.
Mr. Sid DorriB went fishing in the
Breitenbosh yesterday. He caught one
trout, and brought home a 19 inch fel
low caught by Joe Eeasley.
Jabe Ditmer, of Seattle, wondered into
tbe Democrat oliice today and left his
card; here at is: "How the republiken
wave nv prosperity oprating round here.
Got any gold standard in yer pokets?
Wal ye orler hev more confidence, and
let em skin you some more. You mout
git yer ize open, ef ye a;n't got to much
j prejuJice to investugate."
A big rain fell in 'ortbern California
Eleven car !oads of peop'e from tbe south
and thirty one from tbe no-th attended tbe
annual conductors excursion at Salem yes
terday, besides large numbers who reached
Salem by other means. It was a success.
vlslrs Laura A Cleaver, wife of Dr Lon
Cleaver, former reenter of the La Grande
land oliice. died at her residence, 514 East
Uurnside street, Portland, at 11:45 f'riday
night, after a long illness. She was about
40 jears of age.
A boys stick Saturday night caused the
bucking of one of the horses in the merry-go-round
on the public square, so as to
throw the lair rider upon it to the ground,
breaking ber wa'ch. A slight commotion
was caused.
Art the Mettengert of Seme, ttie Telegraph
(system of the human body.
Nerves extend from the brain to every part
ot the body and reach every organ.
Nerves are like Ere good servants but hard
N erves are fed by the blood and are therefore
like it in character.
Nerves wU be weak and exhausted If the
blood is thin, pale and impure.
Nerves will surely be strung aud steady if
the blood In rich, red and vigorous.
Nerves "nil a true friend in Hood's Barsapa
rllla because it makes rich, red blood,
Nerves o their work naturally and well,
the brain is unclouded, there are no
neuralgic pains, appetite and diges
tion are good, when you take
The One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood - Co., Lo ell. Mass.
,. the best family cathartla
IlOOa S FlllS and Uvet stimulant. 25c
Real Estate Sales.
J II Stephens to J E Waggoner,
160 acres $
Cril Burkhat t to Svlonia Burkhart,
. 1-6 of 213 61 100 acres. .
A A Kellev to Percy R Kelley, 2
lots, bl 31, Albany
J W Edwards to Francis Bellinger,
174 acres
Geo L Meyer to M Deutsch, 80
Jas Miller to R W Fisher, 152 45
acres,12 w 2
W A Calder and wife to F H and
Jennie Calder, 2 lots, Browns
Wm P Small to Geo Kees.-Oacre.
Jas Blakely to GeoS Miller, 116.48
J H Whedboe to John and Mary
Gnnn, 107 acres
G A Dsou to J B Howe, 2 lots;
J B Hove to R A Landers, same. .
Harlan Hulbertto Fred Hotsapple,
lI3Vi acres, 12 w 4
J B Gross to Brownsville Bank, 1
lot, Lebanon
II M to E J Archibald, 20
acres ,
C L Frost to J L Nye, 160 acres. . .
Martha liendrix to Fred K Lane,
1 lot, Harrisbnig
Jos Sander to L A Jones, 2 lots, bl
43, M's 3rd A, Albanv
Robt England to Lizzie Lee, 8 23
F M Jack to A A Averill, 1-6 acre,
Fiist X Bank to J R Morris, 53
acres adjoining Albany,conHid-
eration 3100 bushels wheat. . . .
J D Alkire to Q B Skinner, 25
Archer Rice to Mrs M F Tarner,
. S20 acres
X A Btodgett to Laura Burkhart,
2 lots, Shultzhd, Albany
Annie Miller to J P Wallace, 2
lots, B'a ad to Albany
H W Goff, ot Jobanesbu-g, to J S
Morgan, power of attorney.. . .
A R Cyrus to A R Murray, 30
Oregon to Francis Gay, 20.80 acres.
" Jas w Gay, 40 icres
L II Lewis to Wm 1-each, 2 lots,
J F Penick to S M Gar.and, por
of attorney
Olnev Fry by ex to John F War
ner, 1 lot, bl 2, E A A.bany. ..
A J McGowan to J a jet B Wyatt,
40 acres .-
H J C Averill to Wm H H Averill
et al, 2 lots, Brownsvills
John Leedy to F H McGongh,91 .7S
Annie J Brumlev to Annia Dunn;
1 lot B's adAlbany,
Alfred Wheeler and wife to Rich
ard Wheeler 32S.S9 acres and
320 acres
P L Kobnett to Maggie Kobnett 80
W B Donaca et al to G A Sturte-
vant, part of lot, Lebanon ....
John Harder to W II Goltra, 15
?cres near Albany
1 be Boys Club Won.
t About the m st interesting game of
base ball played this year was that of the
j Boy's club versus the Firecrackers, yea
j terday aiternoon. The former won 7 o
fa- i 3- The Boys club had their full nine
w itn one or two exceptions, with Layton
in the box and Weather ford behind tbe
bat, and played a splendid field game.
1 tie battery work was first cUsa. It is
doubtful if there is a club on the coast
under twenty years that can ciual tne
field work of this one. Ramp at short
made the two star plays of the a-ne.
Kev. old time player, played at
first well, but couldn't fit-d Farreil, strik
ing out three times. Cusick, at J" nd,
Thompson If., Asbbv c. f. and Galbraith
r. f. completed the nine. For the Fire
crackers Fuller c . Farrell p. did splen
did work. Farrell throws the four carves
as wide as any one in Oregon. Frank
Stellmacher played first in professional
style. Downs at 2nd. formerly of the
Forest Groves, is a thorough 'base ball
man both in the field and al the bat ;
Rufns Thompson of the McMinnviilej
college nine beld down the 3rd base care- '
fully ; Westbrook is good nt short, and
the field watt filled by Sa'.lmarsb. Miller
and Zeyss. There is splendid in
dividual material in the nine, bat the
club not having practiced together at all
of course does not do team work, which
is the secret of success in base ball A
third game will be played next week.
From Rosslandl .
Mr. Harlan Halburt r- turned yester
day from the Rossland mining district,
with confidence in its pro? peons tutor;
hut believes tberewill be no show there
for a poor man for a couple of years, when
tbe mines wMl be bet'e.- developed. As
it is there are only a few mines well de
veloped and there is a big crod of idle
men around. There are now about 8.00ft
people in Kossland.- A good many men
have gone to tbe bills prospecting. Tbe
sno w is off and the field is open for them .
The Le Roi ia yielding about $5,000 a day.
a few other mines lees amounts, but only
four or five mines are pain; now. At
Trail he saw Joe Klein pegging away in
a small place with hisjnmily in the rear
of the shop, determined to make it arain
if push and work will do it. Mr. Hu!
burt expects to go back in tbe fall, when
there will be more of a show.
Harry Craw ia visiting relative in Eu
gene. Mrs. Wallis Nab, of Portland, was in
the city this noon on ber wsy to Cor
vallis. .
Mr. H. W. Harnisb of the 14th infan
try at Vancouver, is visiting his brother
C. S. for a few days.
License has been issued for the mar
riage of Jas L. Le is and Ida Jordan
and Ellis Coolay and. Ruby Grace Myers.
Miss Mary Sedgwick, recently of the
public schools, and one of the bst pri
mary teachers in uregon, lett today lor
Redfield, South Dakota.
Mies Marguerite Alderson, left thia
noon for Salem to spend the summer.
leaving a host of friends and admirers in
Judge Barton ami CommissionersCurl
and Maters will leave this week on a
tour of the county inspecting bridges,
consulting with snpervisors, etc.
Rev. Reid. the new nastor of the Pres
byterian church, will be in Albany next
F'riday, June 25, and will probably preach
bis nrat sermon on next fcunday.
Miss Rotte Trumbull, of Astoria, form
erly of Albany, has been engaged to
teach the department rf elocution and
music of McMinnville College, an acqui
tion to that institution.
Walter Davis leaves Salem this morn
ing on the overland train for Annapolis,
Maryland, to attend a preparatory school
there in the interts of his appointment
as a candidate for the naval cadetship
secured for bim by lion. Tbomaa II.
Tongue, the formal examination for
which post comes on at that ancient city
on the 1st of September next. Salem
Tiik A. L. P. S. This popular quartet
will give one of their fine entertainments
at the opera house next Saturday even
ing. They will be assisted by Miss
Helen Crawford of tbe Q, A. C. and by
other local musical talent. It
will be under tbe auspices of the Ep
worth leauneof the M. E. Church and
should be given a big house. Admission
iu and lo ceats. Keeerved seats 25
Tbe Boys Club will pluv Lebanon at
Leoanon next Saturday. Lebanon will
have Alilricb and Booth as battery.
ccttsr Id.nt.
Following is the Hat of letters remaining
in the Postoffice at Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, June 22, 1897. Pereons calling
t ll I.1L . . . .
ior vuee leuers mu give tne date on which
iney were advertised.
Giluerseleve, Jas
Kurston, James W
Ruseell, J II
Staynen.T H
Thomas, E A Mrs
Howard, J W
KeebUr, Mrs
Sharp, J F (5)
Toddl R B
Workinger, Mollie.
T. J. Stitks, p M
TheGoblins'llGitvou." if von dnn't
attend tbe A LPS concert at tbe opera
home Saturday evening, Jane 26.
The Linn County P. S. Convention
will meet in Aloany next Friday and
Saturday, when the following program
will be c irried out:
Friday 2:00 p. m., devotional exer
cises. Address of welcome by Miss Lil
lia Kobinson. Response bv Rev L C
Taulman. Enrollment of delegates and
appointment of committees. Methods
of conducting a Sabbath School, 1st, Du
ties of Superintendent, by Kev 1 M
Davenport, D D. 2nd, The Teacher Be
fore Ilia Class and Away from His Class,
by Rev Roland Mclvillop. 3rd, How to
Teach tho Uteaon, by Kev G E Hender
son. 4th, The Teacher and His Quali
fications, by liev T P Hayues. 5th, The
Teacher and His Bible, Rev H L Hood.
Reports from the Field.
Evening Session Ketulta in Sabbath
School Work. 1st, In its Relation to
Good Citiz?nship, by Pres W II Lee
2ud, As tho Nursery of the Church, by
Rev M J Wire, D 1). 3rd, In the sal
vation of the Children, Rev Isaac Peart.
4th, Duties of the young People to the
Sabbath School .
Saturday 9:00 a. m. Devotional Ex
ercises. Teachers' Meetings Their Im
portance, and How to Conduct Them,
bv Rev J W Smith. The Attitude of
Church Merolera to Sabbath School, by
Kev D V Poling. How may the Parent
Assist the Pupil in the preparation of
the Lesson, Mrs Heurietta Brown.
Question Drawer Reports of commit
tees of resolutions, nominations and
election of officers. Time and place of
next meeting. Adjournment.
Provident Kev W A Smirk. Secretary
Mrs II L Hood.
Crop Report.
When the following report was made
the present big rain wa not in the air:
The rain baa been most beneficial,
though moie would be of greater benefit.
There has not been sullicient rain to in
sure gi.od crops of late sown grain ; oats
aud wheat, sown after May 1st, are not
more than 6 to 10 inches high and heads
are forming. Fall and winter sown
g-aln havd been greatly improved by the
howers. Tne grain sown b. 'fore March
1st now promises o be a good average
crop; that sown after March l?t will not
make an average, though it condition
will ha imnrnv! hr mats rain. The
,N)rre;nnndi'r.ti all reivirt an imnroTCd
i appearance in the grain crop, though
more rain is uesireU.
Haying has commenced ; tne rains
have delayed the work, and some hay
has been 'wet. Tbe hay crop will be
short ; a few localities in the coast coun
ties report a large bay crop, but ele-
here it is reorteJ to bea short crop.
Tne rains bare been of benefit to the
hay not as yet cut and will materially
imnmn it. but no amount of ram or
other weather conditions will uow make
the hay crop an average one; the crop is
not a failure, but it is not a full one.
A brief sno mary of conditions, as they
at present show, is: Fa;l and winter
sown grain a good crop; spring grain
improved, but yet poor; vegetable, in
cluding potato. s, a good crop; small
berries fully an averare; fruit of all
kinds, on the who e, a fair average; hay
a fair average.
A Thistle Flight .-
Mr. Jolm Richardson is Canada this
tle eommiesioner in one of the districts
in tne rorxs, on ;ne iTauiree. Among was in Aoanv in IS" and 1S70 and not
others he ordered Mr K Arnold to cut 'since then, and hence a great It tur
his thistles down as provided by law. priced at Albanv growth.
Mr Arnold refused to do it, to Mr Rich-
arila-in and hia Kin Will, vesterdav went I
to the place and proceeded to da it as
Arnold objected, and tbe result was a j
fioailaetic contest between him and the j
nuior Richard!ou. Richardson rut a !
ide swath and Mr Arnold's fa show- j
ed it in a very viable manner. He was in ;
Aiwiny today o Mveuw wonnas g.e.i ,
by a doctor. Mr Kicbardson was alw in
and was advised to eo ahead and do bis
du-y as Canada thistle commissioner
and exterminator.
. !
returned I
A Prize 0vt-t. ProL L'
thia noon from OorVillLs.
served last night as one of the judges
in i he O. A.C oratorical contett The
other judges werr Prof Balkan, of Mon
mouth and Kev Kantneroralera. The
first priz $40 was given That. Medley of
Col tare Grove, subject, "Ancient and
modern Oratory," the sond $25 to Wm.
J. Gilstrap of Junction. The splendid j
training under Mist Crawford u reported
to lure been noticeable
Houston is Galveston's greatest rival
in nmiMm. There ia macb Womt
between the two Texa citiei. A few
tivki alter Galveston baI made her big
splurge, gettinz her came in ad the big
pape, the Texas Editorial Association
met in Houstoo. Theatre parties, ban
quets excursions and tbe like were given
the reentry editors for mere than a week.
Finatly the day :or departure came. Geo
W. Cleveland, s. wholesale merchant
and cotton factor in the city, concluded '
that he woold give the visitors a farewell
Inoch. Notices were sent to the ao- j
ciation that every msrobcr snun lie on I
hand at his establishment at noon on
the day of bis departure. Tber were
there. A magnificent lnnch was spread.
Aa the editors came downstairs they
were barded a sealed en ve ope by a cleik
stationed at tbe entrance. It was an or
der for a half-column advertisement for
ona year from date, payable monthly.
Thete was no price fixed. The dailies
got tbe vear's contract just the same as
the weeklies, ft ell, it came near uking
the breath away from some of the edi
tor, but a happier crowd never Ilt
store. For more than a yet r aftersard
the Texas papers teemed with praises
of the Cleveland establishment. Two
vears later I met Mr. Cleveland in
Washington. I asked him if the adver
tisements had pat'l Into, "l aid me:
he exclaimed. "I don't know abcat
that. But somehow I received for com
mission sale 20,000 more bales of cotton
that year than I had ever done before.
and my grocery salea in tbe oggreitate
exceeded the previous year's record by
more than 1000,00",
Paid me?" N. V.
L".o AMiTtATKP. At Philomath yes-
teaday one of the legs of the seventeen
year old daughter of Mrs. G. M. Mc-
lona!d, was ampuiatea at me img".
made necessary by a luaercoioscs aisease
at the knee. The operation was per
formed by Dr. t. W. Maston, ot Albany,
assisted by Dr. Per not of Corvallis. The
patient waa left very weak but waa ex
pected to recover from the effects of the
Beautiful eyes grow dull and dim
At the swift years steal away.
Beautiful, willowy forms so slim
loe (alrneM with every day.
But she atitt la queen and hath charma ta
spare . -
Wbo weara youth's coronal beautiful
Preserve Your Hair
and you preserve your youth.
"A woman ia as old as eh
looks," says the world. No
woman looks as old as she is
If her hair has preserved its
normal beauty. You can keep
hair from falling out, restoring
Its normal color, or restore the
normal color to gray or faded
hair, by the use of
Ayer'S Hair .Vigor.
The sooner you begin to
use Schillings Best tea, the
bigger your chances at that
Siooo offered for the miss
ing word besides the ex
tra prizes for the most tick
ets sent in.
Schilling's Best tea is at
your grocer's.
Rules of contest published in large
advertisement about the first and middle
cf each month. aii
Conrad Meyer jed family ret nine J to
day from the Bay.
Hon. J. H. Mitchell is in Parts, hav
ing been sent for by his wife, io i
H. W. McElmurry has returned from
the Bay where he aught 150 trout, more
or less.
Miss Agnes Whitaker, of Cur vallis, nd
Miss Helen Kehoe. of Portland, are
guests at the MbUsia Acaueiuy.
' P. J. Smiley has begun moving his job
III. J 111, it.-.. v , buij l ' .
J. C. Littler will mve Monday.
J. M. Shonp, cf Idaho, has beea ap
pointed U. S. marshal of Alaska. The
present marshal has not ferved lour
Mr. S. A. Dawson, of Albany, state
senator from Linn county, is registered
at the Esmond. He returns home this
evening Uregonian.
; Alias ura t-pangier and t-.rma Uiwreuce
formerly of Corvaiiis have bet n reelected
teachers in the Oregon City schools at
I salaiies of $15 jer tuuutu each.
Mr. John Hinman last evening fell In
the alley in the rear of his home and
had to be carried to his room. Heart
disease was the trouble
He better
E. W. Hadley. former O. P. Saperin
tendent, is n.-w residing at Sao'a Bar- j
$35,000 residence.
Misses Bertha EI is and Mary Cundifl
went to Corvallis yesterday to attend
commencement. Prof. Carlton Sox and
several college students went up this
morning by carriage.
Mr Georze Chamberlain returned
yesterday from Union, where be was en-
gaged during the week as attorney io a
damage suit against the O. R. A S . Co.
-Oregon un.
John P. Jones of the Northern PaiSc
and Edwin Stone of the U. C. A E. both
enthusiaauc Elks. pa,d .through this
afternoon on a tr.p adverting the big
clambake at Newport Surd.r, Sunday
aad Monday, lune 26. 27 and 2i. Ku-
gene Guard
Mr Albert Sutro, of San Fraccitco,
is in the city t'ie guest of hi sier, Mrs.
JuUua Gradwohl. Mr. Sutro ia a
s of San Franciafo'a ex-mavor. Vt. haira
In Small Butac.
A very silly S)uabble has been goiS
on back east to r-l the worship Orrfoo
asa4lh ol Julv attraction for "jme
hie C3n 0W)O lo iuc!l ,mal, ,U)ff.
mantJ,lp u niaftra.frJ ia the laUoiog
"KpresentaUve James Hamilton j
9 wonderinj wheUjer the V-cre-!
(rv of ll Nar nimn.1 Ituim or
Long. j
IiIim; imu 1 Inrll M, Ia..
where liut,iii..i..t.;n ,..i,.t i t
to Seatt.e on Fourth of July eelebra-j emankment, ra!ting "in the dicleca
tion occadon and the neoecaary order i tion ot one of hit sboa'ders and tbe
was made. Some bitch occurring, Mr 1 break'ug ol an arm. Dr. Maston a!
Lewis visited tbe navy department a day j tecded him.
or two ago and saw Commodore Crown-1 ,
inshiekl, tbe chief of the hurra a ol ca i- j
aMin 11a , Im.,.1 ,., .....
hLl ked for an H tor Port-
land. Ur.. and one forTacon a. Kb-
for Fourth olJaly. and as the re?ueet !
for the three vrwe!s bad bwo grantej j
titers was nothing Settlor Seattle. Sir i
Lewi, baa informed hu cc-ntituent ol j
the reason why their celebration i:l be
I minus a ship of war " 4
This ia real! y a victory for McBnde ;
and Tongue; ba". it ia ail very smail bu- ;
ioess, and the -hole crosd ought lo t
ashamed. j
I he 1th.
The 66 men wbo have agreed lo join
tbe mr.tic order of Plu Javs for the 4 .h
will meet at . l's engine houte tctighl
at 7 :30. when they will gel their place in
the procesion
C.U. Stewart. Judge BUckburn and a
third man to be chosen bv them U1
have charge of U-e Gremens contest.
i.-T;,-. l,fi.ri-Kl lli-l
wbo will make the btK tump in Aioany
oa tbe 4th of July have already I ecu
started for Albanv on the river sieamer,
and wi'l be bere ready for business.
The old mania are warned lobe on
tbe outlook.
Ti:e MeuLCoxtaT of tbe W.C. T.
U. at their ball last evening, was an in
teremirif event, listened to by a fair
sited audience. There were six contest
ants, the nnmlr reiuired, bo recited
In Ibis ot :er: rio. biting. vra riaip-jn, pointed.
Floyd Ramp, Mabel McCoy. Al.bicj The reduction sale is still on.
Hyde and Mary Gaton. The judges ) All lines of goods carried br th! i coin
sere Rev. McKillop, of Ibis city, Prof, pany re moving right along, taken by
Bundy, of McMinnvill, and Mrs. . A.
Calder. of Brownsville. Thev decided
in favor of Floyd Ramp for first priae
and Ura Simrson for second, the former
hoitK i point ahead. Rev. McKi"op
in presenting the and a hook to
each contestant complimented all highly.
UesHc the recitations .there was a duet
by MiasesMida Slaston and Emma Sox.a
vocal trio by Mi sees rionieii, nueu uu
Skeels. a piano solo by Miss Mane Par
risb and iw vocal solos by Prof. Parvtn.
Gcitixis Rkady Shonld Albany be
attacked next Monday after 6:55 o'clock
it will be in an unprotected state, l-.very
well member of F Co. and the Hospital
Corps will start for Camp Jackson at
Haj river, to peeone uuui siier juiv i.
the orders aro verv strict, such as risinc
aH::;0, etc., but the discipline will no
rfnnht he s eood one. No exensea are
accettel except illness, and bth mem-
bers Ol cne Aloany mmn i-aaiu mil
have to roll their blankets, and go.
Tub fViviiiTT- The Linn County Sun-
srhout Association will meet in the
- J - . i. .. . i. , . i,
1st I resoyiensii cuuivn ui niunnj vu
Friday afternoon of this week at 2 o'clock
and mntinue its sessions lor one day.
The following persons are the committee
of anangements: Mrs. W. F. Read, Dr.
J C Littler, Miss t'um dcth, ;ure. iora
White. Mr. U. C. Hart, Mr. O. E.
Hrownell, Nr. f. " mr, Aaron
Barnes, Mrs. H.C.Watson and Mr. E.
W. Achison. All those who will enter
tain delegates please notify the member
of the committee from their church at
once as to how many.
litisincrs Men: Take Notice.
You are hereby notified that the 4th
of July committee will not pay any bill
contracted by anyone, unless endorsed
or ordered by the finance committee,
said committee consisting of FM French,
A J Hodges and 0 G Burkhart. By or
der of the general committee. ,N M
Newport, Secretary.
Fock Footeb Goobk. Henry Mathews
has a three legged ana lour looted young
goose at his home near Goshen that is
Ln.hit of a curiosity. The surplus
loir comes out back of the others and has
j two feet aiiacncu wit. iuo ieg nnu
I . . . a. In U TU 1 . .J
feet have ordinary ueveiopment except
the leg is short aud lacks about an inch
of being long enough to allow the feet to
touch the ground. Eugene Guard.
"kakob of Timk. Owing to low wale
the O 0 ft E steamer Albany for tbe pres
Bnt will leave Corvallis at 6 o'clock a tn
nd Albany at 7 o'clock a m.
A close call to a jail break was made
yesterday evening at the county jail, and
but for Mrs. Sina Cummins at least one
of tbe two pf isoners would have had his
liberty, probaby both. In passing the
jail Mrs. Cummins heard a noise and dis
covered a hole in the south wall of tbe
jail. She quickly notified Robert Mont
ague, Recorde- iiardmen and Mr. Veal
who were in the court house, who hast
ened to the jail and notified the sheriff,
who stopped further proceedings. The
attempt is an interesting one, as told the
Dkmockat man by the two prisoners, Ol
Ai'ams. of Brownsville, in tar u.liin 1it
quor to minors, and J. W. Patterson, of
ecio, lor rape, Adams take all the!Dumond 14 cents foot, J R Wilson
credit of it. He declares that ha had
been in sixty days, had no money nor
friends and could get no witnesses, so he
made up his mind to get out On Mon
day ho pried the caair.g off one of the
windows and got the heavy iron weight
out. It is 20 inches long, and 1 by 2
inches, with rather of a sharp end where
the rope holds it. He padded the blunt
end and with th-tanda jack knife began
makii g a hole in the south east corner of
the corridor, the freedom of which the
prisoners were allowed. He put the
btick in a blanket and Mondav niithl
packed w hat he had out into his cell,
placing a chair before the bole. Yester
day ne too his time and awhile before
8 o'clock was through to the last layer of
brick with a hole 15x12 inches, lie
lound the cement much harder than was
expected. In punching the brick out the
wiudow weight also slipped out and be
had to do the rest by hand. He made
one attempt to get through the bole bead j
first, but some thing in his rocket pro- i
'" x no evening meal and some
from other meals, of both nen, had been
savea and put in a package, a fact that
implicates both men. Adams iumsts as
emphatically as Patterson that the latter
naa nothing to do with it, that he nro-
tested against it and threatened to 111
the sheriff. The probab.Jitv is that
Adams will be discharged oy the grand
jury, as it ia (aid be only told some boys
where they could get tbe liquor and has
been pretty well punished, a fact he is
familiar with, while Patterson ia in on a
very serious charge. It is the opinion of
the sheriff ard his depov, as well as
others generally, that the whole business
was done in the interest of Pattrnn
1 tl,ou8' fe declares he would not have
ii uie uoie 11 au ueei ten feet in
Io't fail to bear litt Verl Sicry
at tut r-per boae Saturday evening,
Go on with the rmwd to th Cimlii.
tion Barber shop for a clean abate, hair
' cut or baopoo
Chc;o agar cured ham at ii
j only II cenu per pound. Call on
i choice meal of all kind.
him for
t ircoii curt will coorene nut Monday
at 1 p m inctead of at 9 a ta as ntaJ, toe
' ttuall calender justifying thu.
t, c,eam and aoda asd Mda pop at Mr
'lm t Mrto and r, ,. "
cr,m. 5 uj l0 cent, a dih.
... - . ,
tcaip a5!ction; a'to ail caa of baldneM
where tne gtandi whk-h fcej tb roots of
the bair are not dord up.
The ALPS coKrt at Ike opm hoom
Satoiday ermine, Ju 26. Briag y or
w-t sirt or tn'-niKT-i n-Uw and the iil
tberwaftCT hit yon
What itsi where are It ALPS?
Firt An exo:leot mule qired.
N ci WiU U at tne p-ra h ! Sat
urday rteciSjj Jaae 2"j. Rnjriii-r th
A K MUwr. aint of tiy 3 P at Cur
val.i waa arrvtnl'yiuday f jr dutriljot-1
icg biiU annotating excarioa ratef ovr f
d;nano. Tbe txm. tboogn, waa iot pro-
. j
A Dova Aciiotvr. The tea Tear old I
ton of II. J Ilarmnn nl ll . ,i i
tuna Ih-r bora out h!akhr-rino
yeierday afternoon oat beyond " the
n-mHiTT A vtMn: l,; .1..:..
inviJ ik. w. a ' .
fts: ALPS will lag tht
, .... . ,
well kauwa i
ll'd t'Tyon. tf T
t) "J. V, LI";.
Riley, "tht
don I watch j
Usem. Tait i
,;co 9m 9 tte
ot -
Tie DrwxBAT vesterday omiite-i the
name cf IVrtCrAwfW't. 3rl b;man. ftom
i;n. iiom ,
tbe tkw Ciob
Hsi. owi of the ciab,AT.-.l.Ll..:s:
bet and most rehab: piarer. ia
pU mg it remarkable fr"a boy.
The tala.i:ia of property n
faa hu
aoder the ae-ment i 51.o02.9u0.
5 Tbe new brid.e at Gte
will be ready
; for trave! Ibis weea.
j Dos t faii. to bear the A. L. P. 8. male
I 1 Saturday evening, June 26,at the
. AImnwon, adulu 13c and
! children 10c. Reserved eeat Uckeu for
Burkhart A Lee's drug store.
j .... .,,
I .... .. nen irauiinjt
tt pleaaure ten I. or boMneaa.
take oa every trip a totl'eof Strap of Figs,
aa it act uost pleasantly and effectually
on tli kidneys, live,-, and bowels, presett
ing fevers, headaches, and other for is of
sicaoeta. For sale in 50 cent cot
ties by all leading druffkUts. Manufac
tured cy tbe California Fig Syrup Com
pany only.
YES: The people still crowd the
counters ol
"Trtir r.t itvi-t rrritivf: rviitPi vv
- ' s a ' V si- aa v H a a a
i for bargains, and never go away disap-
j satisfied and eager purchasers. The
price sells them. Call and see.
Instrumental Music.
Mr. II . y.. Backensto is prepared to
give instructions in instrumental music
on violin, guitar, mandolin and a num
ber of orchestral and brass instruments.
Business placed in his hands will be
faithfully and conscientiously attended
Your Gioccrics and Baked Goods
Is at Parker Bros. Everybody kLows
wl,iere their place ie. They keep a fresh
stock of croceriee. produce and baked
goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable
prices and treat their customers well, all
You may regret some steps yon take
in life tut none taken into the store of
Parker Bros.
It is a greit thing to be well fed. Par
ker Bros keep good groceries.
A loaf of brertd is not much but you
want it well made. Try Parker Bros.
Some new thine piexed up in the
and a large stock of clun stationary.
Voars liri little money,
Smii.ev. the Printer.
In our new buiiJir-g after June 25. 'Phone
A la an assortment of garden seeds
white clover, timothy and blue gnus seeds
just receued frash at
C E Brown kll's.
Yen, it pays
To buy your groceries and produce of
Conn & Huston. They keen the best and
freshed ard are all right on prices. They
will help yoto prosper in dull times.
See their fine line of crockery.
Noth-k. Property owners are request
ed to clean up the streets adjoining their
property previous to tne -itn otjuiv
lly order of the street commissioner. 1
J W Uentby, the pioneer boot and shoe
man, does tirnt-clans work cheap. Call on
him, just north of the Dkitochat office.
If you want a good and clean
smoke buy cigam made by our Al
bnny cigar factory.
Tuesday evening, June 22.
Present Mayor, Recorder, Chief of
Police, Superintendent Westfall and all
the cotincilmen.
The following billa were ordered paid :
Geo Fish, $6.00; Hughes & Trootman,
$2.50; Stewart & Sox Co., $4.00; O W
Watts, $12.75; Albany Iron Works,
$1.00; Ed Upharn, $4.00; Hopkins Bros.,
$4 10; r W Spinks, $30.85; N J lleoton,
$42 70.
The order requiring owners of wood
sars to clean up after sawing wood, up
on petition, was revoked.
Bids for sewer on the Salem street In
3rd ward were opened and were: J A
20 cents, John Cbiswell 20 cents, A
Becker 14V cents. Contract was let to
Licenses to sel! liquor wee granted
Williams Bros.. D Marks, Peler.Schloser,
GiLlia & Howard and Emit Kilter.
Pipes were ordered pnrchaaed by Ihe
committee on streets and public proper
ty for laying acroa streets to gutters.
Peter Anderson was granted a wteks
further time fur putting in curbing.
The pound mattter was granted a 20
days leave cf absence, npo.t furnishing
a substitute.
The time for putting in street curbing
was extended 10 days.
The street superintendent was ditect
ed to we that Hroadalbin street to
Second was cleined immediately.
Tn the DiviJc.
June 22. 1897.
Winfield Allingham has been confined
to the houee by sickneca for several days.
Mrs Caldwell and daughter of Baker
City are visiting with the former, Mrs
Irwin Macey.
Mr Davenoor has gone to visit a
brother at Mary's peak.
Miss Anna Turner, of Eugene, is a vis
itor at Mr Gratbs' this week.
Several families fom here attended
tbe commencement exercises l Eugene
last week.
A number of tbe neighbor of Harve
Sommerville met yejterdav and assisted
ia raising his large stock barn he it hav
ing built.
Tbe north bound train this morning
ran over and killed Mrs Arnspigers driv
ing horse.
The Harris Union Sunday school beld
its Children's Day exercise last Sunday.
The children gave a very interesting and
enjoyable program consisting of singing
and recitations.
The Harriabari Sunday school and
Harris S & have planned for a picnic next
Saturday on the Harris school groan da.
A very enjoyable time ia anticipated.
Miseea Anna and Zola Grimes and Will
Grimes came down from Eogene last
wee and will spend fie summer vaca
tion at borne.
Mr UcGr-th is now engaged tn erect
ing a barn for Mr Wil'Iamaon. S fc.
Th Elks of Albanv wUl an ex
cursion to Yaqnina on Saturday, Sunday
ana Monday, June 35, T, and -'. Tickets
good for going on Saturday or Sunday
and returning on Sunday or Monday, will
be only $150 from Aliny. $2.75 "from
Salem, $3 25 from Eugeie, $4 from Port
hand and $3.25 from Loaebnrg. A special
train will leave Albany Sunday morning
at 7 o'clock, returning in the evening
leaving ewport at 6 o clock. Tjere will
A train on tie -et til, w:!l con'neel
w ith t he Albany trairu B e preparations 1
i are oeing ma-le in Newport for the affair j
I !
We rccoinnicnJ Pabst Halt Ex-
ract. the bet Itnic to build np tie ec-nval-1
eacent. strengthen t'e weaa and over
workd. to eoojner dyrpepia and relieve
inieon. to buUa cp and fed trej
ierTs to prodoM tieep and buUd op tie
biood. Price 3c
Dc-CRaKT LE8,Dt0f;"iU.
Ribhons Desirable color, moire, taff- 1
eta, talis. A bargain line cf satin
for 5 and 10; per yard.
Vetting Ibe correct atvle. the proper i
quaiity. t's nest price. '
OloVcs - dollar glove that i great for
wear, s eeo'j mc irui r, w
Chiffon vej.r blue pink,
Mou:lin Je Soir cream, jel ow.biack
ail at 75c i.-r vard.
. . .-.. . u.
and while ailk Laces at lew price.
j vrk-ncinne. n rrow edg Ic and up.
' Heavy cot toa lc aaitable foe trim-i
i mirg wh good.
jS.E. VOUHg & SOH.
Ageota fr Battrick Patterns.
We ate receiving new goods from the
Among this weeks arrivals were Per
cales, Dimities and White Duck for
Decoration bunting, six styles.
Silk Mitts and Kid Gloves.
Ribbons. Ties. Hose.
Parasols, sciMore and shears.
Large peaH shirt waist seta.
A large assortment of leather belts.
We'll be pleased to show yon our
goods. Yon 11 find our
Prices always as low as tne lowest.
Pullman Sleeping Oars,
Elegant Ding Oars,
Tourist Sleeping Oar-
St Paul
T Grand Forks
Helena and
New York
Boston and al
Points East and South
Through Uckdts to Japan and China, via
Tacoma and Northern Pacific steamshir;
Co., an American line.
For information, time cards, maps antf
tickets call on or write O U liurthart
Agent, Albany, Or.
Or A D Charlton, Ast Gen Faaa gl
Portland, Or.
the dentist, has two good wall tent
with fly at each tni, tor sa'e at a bargain
mil Week
Paine's Celery Compound in High
Favor in His Family.
WASB1 VGTdX, l. C . April 9-Coo
gmnntu Peer J l ty baa dtiognUbf
ninue'.f by tcuve an4 honor, ble aerviee
in tbe boaa of rBrrmwMirm wbent he
waa aent from tba gtxh dtatrM of Vir
glnia. On the fl'or of tbe hoaae aad ha
ih committee ro-m r.e ia a cona?icuooa
advcateof meavanra f tt the a 1 vnre
ment of rood eovernmeut. In what hisrh
honor Paioe'a eelery is l:a id
in lb family of thia disuogaiabel leeis
lanw appears frm tbe f lowing leuat:
Dear Sirs: For year I have bee a
great sufferer from nearaliria. and daring
the put winLsr was kdvinel to try your
Paine's celery " spoaoi, ao1 1 nei two
bnoiesortt wttb arreat beeen. lsr cso
much p eased with It thai I praa".i
my brother. Joha Floyd, tt ate it He
bad beeo baring a bad form of nervotu
6 vsoeiMbi. and now. alter nuni be coot
I pound for two month. Is so mneh ioi
proved that we laei anre w inl.-a node
will eompMe hta care. Krery one has
pokea ol tbe marked rhaage for the bet
tar 'in hi appeaj-ane. EvkpwsTully.
Mra a.i! Ttoyd 0y.
TbU ia one of aom 15 or 29 ieci-jrt from
United ui4congTesmn or members
ol Ueir familixa, UiU
h-va recenur aa
D arad in lbs n nMiyri bere. bearulr:
recom .oamg Paiats'n w.err ooaioni
T'r?lV lVJtll
lr uitervwd by one of tbe
iPaine' dery compvmd makes a
tremendous atnds in Ibe core of ami!.
-No reavlv nsa ever saceuedsl in
drivmr oat the aaderivicc caastss of
oervoos end or;ane trtjaO.eJ so sorely
and rapidly. X j remedy rpwvans
eoi prebenie a know.edgecf nirvas
! I
Made by Piano Manufacturing Co.
Best Binder on Earth-
The only tbresting machine that gives complete satis
faction in Linn County.
Just tell them that you saw
me and saw me cut the
prices on
Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes.
For tbe next 60 dava I will place on my center counters the arove line of gocda
at cut prices. The Entire Center Counter in my store will be full of great bar
gains i?ali lines of goods and will be the ereatest bargain countei "
lamette Vallev. Kvervone ia invited to call and examine the great bargains
that are offered. All prices marked in plain figures.
The People's Friend.
Cash paid for eggs.
June ISth, 1S97.
New Glassware.
Please Call.
Notlce to Water Consumers.
tain a good Treasure in all parts of
our syntem, consumers are prohibited from
using hose without nozzles and from allow
ing water tloseta to run at all times. The
water will be shut e3 without notice from
premises where it is allowed to run to
waste. Albaxy Watkh Co.
exbaa ion. It cares where other mess
have been tried aad found fa Uie.
-There is lean hviHaUon now a lay
among iotailigent people in attenains tn
t bMpanintof por health. It is well
known tnataiww is proreasive aa i
cumulative, esij to drive on: at tbe art
bat a menace to tit wiea aliowal to es
trench ixjta.f In any r rau ot Ibe btdf. If
popia woold eondar naadaehet, rsea
matiam. neoralgta, sleeotceane, lidi
gestian and iangnid feelings in their tnte
hgb. and aa seriously a thay deaerre to
be and males a stand against them uoam
br mesas ot Paias'a eatery eoaipowod
tbera woald bj a w-jnilerf oi diriiaitka
In tne amoaat of kidney, liveraalhei t
Any one whs fa fs the heartfalt, em
pbaUleaera that htre appeared here
from man an 1 wooun wbo owe their
healU) acd oftea tbeir livei ta Paian'a
ee'rv ompoasl will b impressed sty
the rn'oeriir in every tins.
-thi craat mxJara etsaUS: lar'gy
war and htslth oaakw ia doin aanor
m-as ao-otiit of lasting good these spring
days. Its soeoass in malting peopS wo i
has had no paral 'M in the bjatorr of med
iciM. It has eared tboasands ot esaea of
rheomaiism aad nearaleia, miOT of tone
n iing tbas have oeaa despeiredl of by
inr agj us pir BW-Bn.
C-)mpvad wb other remedies, ha
permaaeot enren st-a 1 oat as a moantaiii
does beat da a a ols bill. If all thai
and somffl who fasva eniin iy got rid of
nervous btty, threatened nervoaa ex
-aastKNi, si eepteasnem and snch organic
'roobleeas kidi . iiver ana turnuch
diseases by iu help, donoc; tbe past year
alone, couid be brtnicht together, wnat so
a Try i4 graufal people it woald mak!"
0. C. & E. R. R. CO
i Willamette Rirer Division,
Steamer ALBANY, Capt. J. L. Smith
FfcUlitaud Passenger,
Leave Albanv for Portland Sundays.
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
TJnsurpassed accommodations and
ichedules eepeciaUy tor the needs oi up
per Willamette travel. Picnic parties
tan avail themselves of this schedule for
tny desired point between Corvallis and
jalem, leaving in the morning and re
turning in due time the same evening.
Special rates for special parties of I5ol
H. IWixs,
Wanted-An Idea
Vv aa cab tnituk
of 9om aJrap-k.
uoam wMM-tf
froMeC your ttb- my fcrtnj jot VMlia.
Writ JOHN WJUJDFLHbtJRN 4k JO-, PmteMft Aoc
Myi Wausfiieursoa, !
Ft ttwii r 4iM iA