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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1897)
The missing link baa been found, was Btolen from butcher Bbop. Ik The very rare sound of thunder and lightning was experienced in Albany yesterday. Some people would like to Lave Mr Cleveland write an honest history of hie two administrations. There are a number ot good reasons why both Hawaii and Cuba should be parts of the United States. The Pope's poem, wnatever else may be said of it, is a hard hit at gluttony, and it needs hitting from the shoulder. It takes a mighty cool and level headed man to Btand sudden prosperity. It is easy enough when it is obtained gradu ally. An eastern exchange has discovered why the Cuban wir drags along ao slow ly. Both the Spaniards and Cubans smoke cigarettes. Because nature ia wearing bloomers no excuse ia ottered for woman to do so. The one bloomer does not justify the other by any means. Occupation is said to be the key note tx a cbilda happiness. Tnese vacation days it will be well for Albany mothers to make their children happy. If times really improve every honora ble man should be willing to admit The eay so of the national republican committee, though, ia not the best evi dence. Victoria has been queen for sixty years. That's a long time to rale over people. The mildness of her character has brought to England a government partially by the people. There was a funny bicycle incident in Washington the other day. Two broth era, one a resident of Washington, and the other fur the first time a guest in the city, were riding down Fourteenth street on bicycle?, and between them, atandin with one foot on their bicycles scorching bars, rode a little fellow of nine or there abouts, his hands in his pocketa and en joying the sport immensely. Just the trio reached I street one said, "We are going to the Xonnandle, 1 believe,1 but the other answered, "No," to the Oxford.' It was too late, however. The stranger brother turned into I street with a whiz, and the other went straight ahead- The little lad felt for an instant lice the baby brought to Solomon, as though be was about to be halved, but in tee parting of Ihe ways Le dropped to the ground with a suddenness that fair !y made the sparks fly from the a?phal tum. Be picked himself np and gat d around with a bewildered air, and aaid mournfully, "Well I don't stem to be going nowhere !" Poet. "When Mr. Bryan, spoke jn Lincoln last fall," said Mr T G Marsden, of the Nebraska capital, at the Kiggs in Wash ington, "he lost a piece of his coat, and I don t believe be knows now bow it , occurred. At any rate,I have never seen the story in print, and bat few people saw the incident. As Mr. Bryan left the platform a great crowd pressed forward to congratulate him on his magnificent speech. In the throng; there was a de mure little woman who was as eager to reach the candidate's side as any of as. She was right in front of me, and I saw a small pair of eciesors in her hand. Visions of an attempted assassination noatea tnroagii my mind, and 1 was preparing to distinguish myself by eav ing Mr Bryan's lifa. When the little woman was within a foot of Mr Bryan, whose back.was turned, she reached for ward like a flash, and seizing the skirt of his coat, cat off a bit of the cloth be fore you could wink your eye. I was so astonished I could not speak. She did not pause to shake Mr Bryan's hand, but pushed her way out of the crowd and disappeared. I hare always enter tained a high opinion tf that Iiitle woman on account of her nerve- She douotlets has that piece of cloth yet and values it highly." lio we Want Hawaii The New York World is often en the offside bence it ia not surprising that it does not want Uawaii.even if the Demo ceat would like to see it annexed. As we deaire to keep our readers posted a8 to public opinion we give the big World's reasons: 1. In a population of 105,003 there are less than 10,000 English-speaking whites German?, French, English and Amer icans. , ' 2. Tbe climate and tbe soil make it in evitable that the reputable white popu lation will remain about stationary and the disreputable population from Orien tal races will steadily increase. 3. There are now 40.000 Chinese and Japanese coolies, 43,000 ignorant and eh if tiess human beingi from tbe slums of Portuguese cities, 40,000 leprosy-cursed native Hawaiians and half-breeds. 4 The Government wi.l always be a Go7eroment of the few,holding the many in a subjection akin to slavery. 5. It will open the way of new extrav agances and dishonesties in appropri ation bill?, new and almost , unlimited jobs an -teals. 6.. It will open the way for other, re mote, useless iglaoda that, like Hawaii, will be troublesome and expensive in time of peace and indefensible in time of war except by an enormom outlay of money in ships and fort?. 7. I will mean one more crowd of po litical adventurer?, cue more mass of in digestible poDiiIaiion, one more rotten-. broiiih fcta'e, two more rotU n-borougb Senat. 8. It will not mean the slightest advan tage in tiadx nd commerce or tile ema-1-est outlet for American enterprise or ' colonization. There are thesu and many minor reas ons against the annexation job. What can be said for it ? Nothing except that a gang of Republican politicians who have money invested in Hawaii are airaiu wie Lioie uovernment will be up set and the;- investments lost if the United Ktates do not interfere. Ia that reason enough lor Mr. McKin- ley? Wool Wanted. At the Albany Wooleo MilU. highest n.arVet price paid. Call at mill and get wool sacks. All persoss knowin&r thunaelves in debted to the undersigned are requested to raak immediate settlement, a I shall close present business tbe 1st ot July. , B;-M. Robebtsow. Washington Letter. From our regular Corntponritnt. Washington, June 14tb, 1897. Oh yes, the Republican Senators are harmonious! ao harmanioua that it baa been neceeeary during the past week to bold no less than four caucuses, at every one of which there was red hot talk against allowing the trusts to dictate their wist es as' to trie schedule of the tariff bill in which they are interested, and about other things which are being crammed down the throats of republican Senators against their own wishes und against the wishea of their constituents. It came out at one of these caucuses that Mr. McKmley has a treaty for the annexation of Hawaii, ready to send to the Senate, as soon as the tariff ia out of the way. The statement was made to stop the fight that was being made for the abrogation of the reciprocity treaty with Hawaii, The report of the committee on con tingent expenses, against Senator Till man's resolution for an investigation of the charges that Senators had been spec ulating in augar stock since the tariff bill bad been under consideration, at tracted very little attention, because it was known that it would be against the resolution ever since the republican cau cus decided an investigation to be inad visable. , The report argues against an investigation because other investiga tions have been barren of results, which is about equivalent to saying that one or two criminals having failed to le con victed, it ia useless to bring any more on trial. Senator Tillman has been drop ping hints of sensational information in bis poaession on this subject, and there ia a rumor that he will make some char ges in a public speech that will make an inveatigation absolutely necessary. The minority of the Senate committee on Finance will have a vote on the tariff amendment prepared by them, which provides for an internal revenue tax for a period of five years of 2 per cent on all estates exceeding the value of $5,000, excepting those bequeathed to religiouB( charitable, educatmal, or like institu tions. Nothing could more cleat ly demon, strata the selfishness and grab nature of "Protection" as seen by the average re publican Senator, than the attempt of Sena tor Quay to get a good thing for two or three big concerns which are interes ted in Cuban and Nova Scotia iron ore, by offering amendment to the tariff bill, exempting from the duty of forty cents a ton, all iron ore imported by mannfact urers for their own nee. These friends of Mr. Quay are about all manufacturers in the country who import iron ore for their own nae. What a email figure consistency cuts with the moat prominent republican Sen ators, was shown during the debate which preceded the adoption, by the aid of two populists Joues and Stewart, of Neva da, one democrat McEoery.ol La., and 29 republicans, of the ao called "compromise'' sugar schedule, which is said to be even more beneficial to the acgar trust than was the schedule pre sented by the republicans of the Finance Committee. Senator Caffery, who, although him self a sugar planter, voted and spoke against the sugar schedule, which be declared to be entirely in tbe interest of the sugar trust, and quoted the at tacks made upon the sugar schedule of the Wilson hlil by a enmber of the re publican supporters of the present sugar schedule. These men attacked the Wileoa sched ule eolely because they charged it gave the sugar trust too much, and now they have the affrontery to jam through a schedule that will give the sugar trust three time as much as it secured under the Wilson schedule, or rather the schedule of the Wilson bill, which was prepared in the senate and was more favorable to tbe trust than the original Wilson schedule. The sharp rise in the stock of tbe sugar trust shows just what the Wall street speculator thought of the "compromise" schedule. Senators Cannon, Mantle and Petti grew and ex-Senator Dubois, have been appointed a commission by theexe;utive committee of tbe silver republican party and charged with the duly of visiting Japan and China and possibly India, for the parpoee of investigating tbe silver question in those eonntries. They will go as soon aa congress adjourns. From tbe Eagene Journal : Perhaps the shrewdest debator who has sat in the Oregon legislature in many years is Hon. W. 8. U'Ren, tbe nnterri fied, non-tangleable never-let-up peo ple's party leader from Clackamas coin ty. He visited the State Capitol recent ly, reviewing tbe scenes of his great pitch battles of last winter. He is not what I call an eloquent speaker bat ao effective one and an especially effective debater. He ia a match for about half a dozen men in debate. Last winter wben three or four of 'he brainiest and bright est young lawyers in the state were all right after U'Ken'a scalp he wonlJ lis ten patiently for a time, puffing ' Inter mittently at a cigar, then jurrp np and apparently more than get eve, with all opponents at once. Hon. J. N. Brown's catting repartee, Hon. J. E. David's lengthy reviews of the good record of the G O. P. and tbe direct and eloquent attacks of Hon. John M. Samers and Hon. A. M.Crawford seemed to have no effect on U'Ren. Wben they would think they had him killed, metaphori cally speaking, he would rise np and fight like a tiger and be more alive than ever. He ia a very plain, ordinary look ing young man and for some reason always put me in mind of Theodore Roosefelt, the political reformer of New York state. There! pending n Hie senate an amendment to tbe tariff bill, offered by Senator Pettigrew, to the effect that wherever any artice oo which a duty exist shall pass into the control of a trust, tbe same shall at once he placed on the free list. This amendment is causing therepabi'cans noend of trouble and a caucus has been called to consider it, and to devise some means of evading it. Tbe prediction is a safe one that tbe amendment will be voted down. Ex. The Democrat doesn't believe in truts but it would like to see one in opposition to the Standard Oil trust, as has been suggested, Armour and Pullman having been suggested as beinie at the bead of a proposed one. The trouble woold be the swallowing of oce or tbe other by the other and worse oppression than before. Lynching is a horrible thinv, but when one sees tbe law's delay-, one sometimes 'eels like doing some winking at some of it. ' ' ' ' " Notice. All persona iutenJinar to Dav their dog tax by street work are request ed to report to the street superintendent at once. The work must he done befo.e July 1. . That German washing fluid, which baa Drove i such a fine thing baa arrived at Parker Bros, in a large quantit. Oall ' and try a bottle. ' Bust the trusts- Come to think of it John Wannamaicer baa considerable sense after a'l. The startling fact is now divulged that K'itzsimmons did not attend the Maber Sharkey fight. "Who will succeed Fitzeimmons?" aiks an exchange. It is about time the U. 8. government did that Justice is what people wish, and when ever our courts of law mt te it out and promptly, Judge Lynch will d-.sappea-. More money is received In the I). S. for eggs than for wheat . This U a start ling fact but true. Hurrah for the hen . Eugene V. Debs is to devote bia time to socialism. Mr. Debs proposes to do something to keen himself before the public. A mau with poor health and posessing discontent is a poor man though he po 68663 millions in money. Example: Barney Barnato. A Boston man Is going to make light ning strike wherever he pleases, will Te well to keep on the right side this man. Now the earth is to be used for trans milting messages . There will be some confusion when a hundred messages are sent at once. Tbe eastern papers are having a great deal to say about John vVaonamaker, He is getting about enough free adve Using to stop nis pay ads. Again it may be remarked that Web' foot is itself again. If ih" m any cor ner in Linn county !.. rain did not fall a report will be in order. There have been a good many earth onakea this year, even in the U. 8 All of the home affair have been light ones though . By the way this is another thing that has always skiopsd Oregoa. Jerry Simpson's district is the largest congressional district in tbe U. B. the population being 278,203, with 57,000 voters. It take some rustling; to get around and shake hands with everybody. From the EvansviHe Courier; Mr. Bryan's reception in New York on Satarda was a testimonial that few Americans have ever received. It proves that East as well a West he is looked upon as the great political leader of tne hon-. Here ia tne Pendleton E. O'a view of a prominent current matter: Because an effort is being mad to ra!e tbe state university at Eagene above the level of a high school, more or less conducted in the interests of the towo of Eugene, a considerable portion of tbe population of that place are clamoring for the removal of tbe president of that institution. If any thing is to be remov ed it had better be tbe university itself, to some other point where local influen ces will not interfere in its work, and it can grow to be something more than a high school conducted in tbe interests of the few people of Oregon who are in its immediate vicinity. From the Washington Poat : "I bave been highly gratified in my travels in the United States to see the people at large so temperate in their hebite, remarked Mr. Georga H. Cow ley, f England, at tbe Ebbitt. "I bave eeen bat one intoxicated ma a since land, ing in tbe country. From what I bave noted and gleaned by conversation I am positive that drunkeneet is much more common in England tban in America. I live in a manufacturing towo, and on Sundays, when one takes a walk through the streets, it is the role and not the ex ception to meet any number of laborer who go reeling past so full ot spirits that a child coo Id tell their inebriated con ditioc. "Nor doe drinking intoxicating li quor appear to be tbe custom of your wealthier people, for I notice at the ho tels where I have stopped very few guests who order wine with their meals. On the whole I should pronounce the Americans an eminently sober race, and I trust that tb-s great virtue will cot be allowed to decay." The amount of liquor drnnk in the U. g. does not fully suvtair. the opinion of tbe gentleman Garden Pests. Eorros Democrat, Can any of tbe readers of tbe Demo crat tell what will destroy the small bugs that are so destructive to squash and melon vines, alto beans. Tbey are about one-fourth of an inch in length and half aa wide across the back with stripes on tbe back and sides and can fly at pleasure. They are very destructive to vines and other things which they at tack There is also a green worm which is destroying cabbage plants, especially those which are beginning to bead, tbey go down into the center and work in the inside leave. If anyone can tell what will destroy them without injury to the plants, will confer a favor upon maoy who are trying to raise gardens in tbe vicinity of Tangent. Lat fall tne bugs at t acted the pumpkins after tbe vines were killed by frost or otherwise de stroyed. They woild begin on a green pumpkin and literally cover it all over, and finally eat it np. It saems as though the farmers, gardners and fruit raisers will soon have their hands fall fighting, the different kind of pests, which are becoming so numerous. I have seen no signs of codliu moths in the orchards ao far, but still I presume i hey are there or will ba bjfjre the sea son is over. There is also a very small b'ack bug which jump) I ke a fUa.whieb is working on potato vines, they cause I the vines to turn yellow, droop and the leaves all curl up. Tbey will certainly injure the prosiect for a large crop of potatoes if they continue their work very long Please let us hear what success anyone may have had with any of the above named pest. Just received at the Ladies Bazaar tbe .ast line of tbirt waists for the season. Home handsome ones among them, sizes from Z'i to 42, call early and make selec tions. Beat lea Cream on the Coast at F.II.Pfeifters. Canned wild blackberries in one and wo quart jars, cheap at V E Browkzll's. MISFITS. Only 25 new cases between two terms of circuit court indicates something. S.ippoae you solve the example your selves. An Albina preacher is named Rev. L Pozybylskl. Not a very sweet name for a minister or auyone else; but whata in a name. Jar. W. Ivev. of -Portland, has teen appointed collector of customs at Alr.ska, and will now twine around the ports of this northern territory. John I. Blair, the great mlllionaue, once heavily interested in the Oregon Facitic is dying. Mr Blair's u. r. losses evidently did not affect him aa he will leave about fou.uuu.ouu. Judge Terrell, of Marion, will need to introduce bis foot ball sou into the rinsr and set him after the Salem editors. The Journal and Statesman afe both show ing up the county court with some very plain ngurea. The 4th of July committee at Eugene could not collect funds sullicient for a celebration and itfhas been given up. In view oi tne boasts, ot supremacy lu all things, of its papers, this must be hu miliating. From the Eugene Guaid : There should be no quarrel between Albany and Pendleton over commercial supremacy. The salaries of tbe post masters in these two cities have been reduced from $1900 to $1800. Aa usual Albany people have very little to do. One of the unemployed counted forty-seven swallow nests on one brick business building the other day. Eu gene Guard . Hope tbe Guard man feels better now, after such a splenetic effort. Tbe Review says the new P. M., Gfo. Summers, received bia appointment on oruera irom roruana. tie bad no peti tion ana it was not even known be was a candidate. A. B. Wade, 8. 1. Belknap, M. R. Elliot and J. L. Lnckey. with pe titions, were entirely ignored. The Review Bays there is general dieeatisttct ion over Portland running everything. A few days ago according to the Yreka Journal Mrs. G. B. Anderson waa arrest ed charged with defrauding a hotel keeper out of a bill. Andtrton had left, but waa apprehended at Sissona. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were in Albany in April getting out special newspaper edi tions. In Yreka tbey could interest no paper so they got out a directory. Col. Alley in tbe Baker Republican says: Col. Hofer seems to be very much exorcised about a title given us. Tbe very anxious Col. Hofer may be assured that we got that title In a very petty service long after the warcloeed, about tbe same way Hofer obtained the same handle. If everybody deepieed it as we do they would drop it at once, aa we htve never prete-tded, claim el nor ia tbe least given out that such a position, nor any other belonged to us in the s-r-vice of our country. Speaking of the hie; Junction fire tbe Times cay: The buildings ba-neU were old structures mud thi block completes tbe destruction of Front street at one time or another, some of the blocks for tbe third time. Some of these have ben replaced with brick and the other rew building will be of tbe same material Tbe Odd Fellow were much interested in their goat which was chained to the wall in the preparation room. Hi skull waa all that was foend in the rains. The Mfonic goat fo;lowe 1 Lute Moore down the steps the evening before. Mr Eddy, ex-raiiroad commissioner. of the Plaindeaier. eavs editorialtv: "There i a rumor current that the Southern Pacific will take charge of tbe properties of the Oregon Central and Eastern railroad on tbe first proximo. But inquiry anion the officials ot the latter (ailed to verifv tbe rumor. It it ia so tbey know nothing about it." Tbe Eugene Guard asks 'President Cuapman tbe following red hot ques tion : iwtor Chapman, stand np and answeJ ! How was it that you did not drop Regent Bellinger' son from the university rolls wben be bad but 3 point to hi credit, then remain silent while s.ndent Howe, Cherry and Whipple with 7, 9 and 12 point respectively, land other with 4 to 12 credits! were forced to quit tbe univeraitv ? How was it you refueed to put the motion to suspend von eg Bellinger lor lark of credit? Judge Bellinger wis his guest while in Eugene and the Guard aak ia it tood form and propriety for the accused to privately entertain the judge and jury who must pass upon bia cave 7 All Humors ot the f lood. from the small pimple to the dreadful scrofula tore, are cured by Hood's Sartaparilta, which thoroughly punbes, vital net. and ear ic net tbe blood. Hood Pills cure nau ta, sick bead ache, inligetion, billiouanes. All drug ista. 2c The Ical polish is polishing tbe world todav. It ia given up to tx" tbe greatest poiith on earth for gold and tilrer plated ware, nickel, hraat, ccpper.tin, xinc, Ac. Every package guaranteed by hurk bart & Lee, Drugt-utt. Price Mr L Vie reck is prepared to furnish Ice cream in any quantity on abort notice at ber ice cream parlors and summer garden. Ice cream S and 10c a u:b. Saiuso Notice. Steamer Farallon is due to tail from Yaquina for ban Francisco inunday, June 24tb. rasaengers for this beat should leave Albany Wednesday noon 23rd, to connect. Choice tardines C E Bnowitrf.t.'s. HORN. HOLT. On Saturdi'- evening, June 19, 1897, tn Albany, to Mr. and Mrs. Arch M. Holt, a boy. Beauty it tbe powei which capli vates ttf strongest na turet. A woman't personal at tractiveneti la the weapon with which she conquers be world. Almost every woman bclievca thai she postettea at least some one attractive feature and strives to make the most of tbat 1 But mere regularity of feature ia not th most attractive form of beauty. Mankind is more influenced by tbe brigh glowing vitality of perfect health. A clawiic cut of countenance, will not make a womar attractive and captivating, if she is pale, thin, weak and nervous, or hat a pimplj complexion or unwholesome breath. These complaints are due to Imperfect nutrition. The digestive and blood-making organs fail to extract tbe needed nourish' . ment from the food, and the liver ia too slug gith to cleanse the blood of bilious impurt tics. The entire constitution becomes wcai and poisoned. I Tbe only perfect antidote for this state ol ' things is for. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis co very, it gives power to tne digestive ant nutritive organs to make an abundance ol , pure, rich, highly vitalized Wood, wind 1 permeates the whole system with the sweet 1 nets of purity; the beauty of womanly viga land animation. It creates solid, healthy flesh and aatura color; clears the complexion ; dispels wrin k let; rounds out the form and imbues tut whole physique with the irresistible natura ! magnetism 01 pertcct neaiin. Mist Tdl iwritMl "a is Sills, of TsIth. McLean Co.. Kv. After suffering for a long while with 1 I lingering; daseaac, I was advised to try Dr. Pierce', medicines. I took seven bottles of the ' Goldei Mtdinl Discover ' and 'Favorite Prescription and fcund relief. IJfe It now no longer a burdei to me. I weigh ito pounds, A year ago I weight) 91 pounds, J shall Iiumw T ma. T , i tball praise Dr. fierce t meaicinc My health waa very muck, impaired, and I fet that I owe a great deal to your wonderful Weill does, I truly believe they saved my life. I than! you for the advice which you so kindly gava m While taking your tatdidnet." I Jeel belter intn ever oeiort J! -LLf TELEGRAPHIC. A Great lay. London, June, 22. The last stroke of 12 had not died away ia th midnight air when from a buodrei metropolitan steeples a tumultuous peal of bells announced the diamond jubilee day. The vast crowds that filled the milos of streets anil squares answered with ringing cheer mid here and there with singing of "(iod Save the tyieeo." The rod that peop'od the streets and squurg ai! night in the hope of a god view of the procession today were amazing in their sublime patience, waiting for l- 14 and 16 hours. The event was tbe greatest of its character in the history of England. Held I p Nashville Juno 22. The Louisville & Nashville express train running between this c'ty and Metnpnta was bold up by a lone robber at 9 o clock tonight near St. Bethlehem. The robber who was supposed to have boarded tbe train at Clarksville, entered tbe express car and compelled the messenger, L. C. Brandon, to open the safe. After rilling the safe, the robber pulled the bellcord, and when the train slackened its spt ed. he , jumped off and made bis escape According to reports re ceived secured from $2000 to' $4000. WmI I p. Washikotox, June 22 An exciting debate marked tbe consideration of tbe wool schedule, which began in the senate today. It developed ihe first aenous dis agreement on the republican side of the chamber, and led to a warm personal ex -change between Carter and Foruker on one hand, and Aliiuon, in charge ot the bill, on the other. The ddty on lint class wool was agreed to at 10 cents per pound, and cn second-class wool at 11 cents. Haaaa Is Bv. Toledo, O., June 22 Tbe republican state convention assembled here today and ill continue tomorrow. Tbe occasion baa been one of bitter factional fighting for two days. Tbere is no oprosion to tbe indorsement of Senator 11 anna, for both tbe long and short terms as senator, and here is no opposition to tbe renomination of Governor Uusbnell and o'her state offi cers who bave had only ore te.-m. The context has been on the state campaign chairmanship. The ( ly Wm. Klamath Fauj. Or. Jun 22. In the case of James 1'obin against Klamath coun ty, an action to recover $25,000 damage on account of injuries received in trumg a defective bridge, the jury returned a ver dict today tor the county. The Tartar Kill Washisotos June 21. The senate made giant stretihes on the tariff bill to day, covering 66 page and eUblihing a record for progress during Ibis tariff de bate. The lait two schedule of the du tiable list, covering pper and mannfact ured sugar-, were completed. wi;h the ex ception of the paragraphs on bidex, gloves, coal and some le artie'es. wbica west over. This advanced the senate to the five list, wbicb waa Ukeo ap at 2 r. . tn. and (Ompleted in three hour. will he Touno 0., June, 21- Although the 'e puhlican tle convention! doe not assem ble till tomorrow evening there are many delegate her. There is no opposition to tbe tndoremrnt of Senator llanna for tbe re-election cr to the nominatKm of Gov ernor Bosboeil and tbe rest of the state officers, but there is a Ssbt pcnd'ng be tween Major Dck. secretary of the rational ; C3aimittj-e, aud Chartc Kurtz. lor bair man ot tbe state committee. .MfMkraw Ilrrall from Wahinirton tats: I A tor is current that the sugar trad ha evolved or accepted an amlitioas tug getion that Cubt u suWunliaiiv i saUe, at d mifiht as weil become a sugar planta tion for a gigantic corporati.o sapported ! by the sympathy aid the interest of ojr cocntry. In other word, that we might ', bave a VVet Indian Company, a hcgUm' ' had. 1 A Tll- rvr)UaMS Des .'oiiw, la , June. 21. the demo- crats, silver recuhiicacs and ropuliMs, who : ate to bold tbeir state conveti n Wedo- i dav, have bei,un to aawmbie. Tberandi - dales f.e nearly ail on t'ut ground. rbere i much tpecnUltoa aa to how is-. antnuot vui cwj in'o one ponucai oooy anu oockv ot canai iat'. 1 be levy ing candidal for governor are Jud W.t-rW aJ I. R Hr.- ,.f i:i..m - Wi. A Stlra ttarvr. BKta Citt, Or.. June 21 Dave! , , L aricheau came ia tbit morning with a Jm C!rr" ' Cwt " kat V Of-jf dean-op from nis placer mine on Bo ml nver, fire mile too'b of rjtptv. The ciean-np waa in a porcelain gravy dih. nich waa half biicU wt'h planer iroid. val fwsl at at'Yk nnKun. Ik rtf ' two men for 10 weckt. tlx of which -pent in preparing tbe ground and diuut. Taw rl f m R stui no, Or.. June 21 AU-rt Pool, held here on the cbarg of rubbin;; the eirresa at Cow cretk canyon in July, 1 wat arraiiroed befor justice Ham lin this aftmon, and bit preliminary examination continued until Toundjiy. at 9 am in order to ttenre witnMa, The cScert claim to bare obtained new evid ence, aioce Jack tV-e's da'h at Tacoma, tbat will convict Albert I'ocd and an ac complice, -yet to be arretted. CalTwwta Sharked 8s Fnaxcisco. Juoe. 20. Two sharp and severe abocks of eartbdake were felt here to day. tbe official I ime of the fiit, as taken by tbe United Hate weather human being 1214.04 It wat followed a I moot imaiediately by a second tnock The vi brationtwere fiom wett toeat. Clock were -topped, and tpecdej lamot and decoration were brokea in torn plaea. but no real damage it nportl. Tbethockt were the most severe experienced here for many year. Tbe earthquake waa reneral throughout the state. Wood'artta laalrarlUa LoNDOit Jut-e, 2l-Ibe Wtuhington cnrmponiient of bo Cnronicte reiterate hit statement as to alleged instructiont given by t'reident McKinly to lieneral Voodford, minister of tbe United State to Spain, and add: Spain will be permitted to exercise merely a titular sovereignty ever Cuba, fcbe will be compelled to withdraw her troop and permit the Cubans to make their own laws; to ran their own reveoue an 1 to cottrcl their own expenditures. "i'rwident McKinlcy believes that Cul niurt ultimately be annexiHl to the I mtcd B'.atcs. The tatiea Jubilee London, Jun 20. Qui?n Victoria be gan the celebration of her jubilee t-xUy, wat befitting bor entire career, before tbe altar of her f albert . Through London, the United Kingdom, and tbe empire, in very cathedral, church or chapel of the Ktablbincd Church of Knirland, were held tervicet similar to those at St. George's cbapcl, Windsor, whwe her majesty paid ber devotions anb offered solouin thanks to God. 3E3 A t aefal tmbrella Okeoon Citt, June 20. A 12-year old daughter of a section foreman fell tLroogh tbe railroad bridge at the Clackamas lxt evening, s distance of fully 12 feet, to to tbe jagged rocks below. She was ourying un umbrella, which opened at tbe fll, and served as a Darochute to eaie her fall, and ber injuries consUt merely of bruiseii, from j wnicb the will recover, t A m fro Latah Wash , lune 20. Mrs. Know, wifeofj. W. Know, living near Latah, gave binb this afternoon to three girls) and one boy. Each chili' is well farmed nnd "eight 4,'j pound. Mother and children are doing well. A Virginia Cyclone. Nkwpoiit iSaws, Va., Juno 20. A cyclone today wrecked several butinms houtes and aid much damage to Rrowing crops. Considerable dumago also was done to the small craft lying at antbor in the James r.ver. J. Gradwohl Informs tbe general public tbat he will sell as low as anybody in tbe city for net cath. Come and get price before you boy. April Iut, 1o'J7. J. GtADWOHt. Stve Your Grain. Few realizi that each squirrel d'roy $1.60 worth of grain annually. Wake lee's Squirrel and Gopber Exterminttor Is the most effective ana economical poion known. Price red"Cd to 3D (jonts, Fr ale by Foehay & Mason, agents. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World' Fa'r Highest Award. X $3000 In Book Store Goods TO BE Closed Oat Immediately, consisting in part of: tBiilllliQl POKS by Popular Authors. Tissue Paper A great assortment tovelj Works of Art. Bankers Inkstauds. Blank Books. Office Fixtures. Inks-great slock Pens Quits a variety. Gold Pens and HoMeis. Iad Pencils by the 1000. Envelopes by the 10,000 Writing paper by tbe 100,000. Some other pretty and useful articles. Hituate Near the Opera House, OSB Mowers ., Harvesters Osborn extras. Deering extras. Oliver plows, hardware, tinware and Stoves. CRESCENT BICYCLES. uopkixs sitos., i 1 r m . -T-a s . at - sr-aLyvTi it t i 1 . i ;v.-i ' : i Iff l , e-4t tlie Warerly becauee they have learned to know the dif f Cvspr iPrtrPrl frence btwn a wheel that it actually high grade and one tha t Apci icuctu iainipJv claimed to be. Some others maybe good bat th 5 rtlQCI W averiy t tlie tlghejtoi all nsgn grade. MAPI CT N DIANA BICYCLE CO. ' aiwaaaroua, lo I SUMMONS Jar lie f r of Lior. J Ourney Fow'.er and W J tt3 Caear. p'asn 1 Mofg-o. a adminirira!t.r of the ft of lmat Morcui Sere-ed; J-ne ! Mirtan at ,l r.lmrat J- or h Vate ot Lvuia MO'an oce: t add (,rr. Frank tirav her baobanj; Asmo McNeil. Jonn SfeNei! ber hoband. John X Uorg.n. Bath Mo'frn bit ife; Jatae W Morgan. Morgan bit wife; .V G Moij.o. Margta hi wifr; Jo-Mor gu, EA UiD. Morgan hi. ifr; Mtr garet l'Bcen, ' IVanaa tier hatband; G L Snder and lUttia J Strjdei; ljna Co. XUoul Bank . ( tJftrporatKw) W II G I A Bch. Trt-: Firtt Sul Baok, ; -trporuop) acd Md 00 Hale, IMewlaoU. To John Jf M -gao Uuth Morjrw. bit wife,and Mtrart Do: can at Duo can, ber hosbiol. DeteadaoU. IS TtlKNAMKOFTllS STATE OF OKEtjON: Vmi tic beret.y repair. d .0 .p prar and nt cr ih onmpUiot tile i giol yua to the above eat it 'ed tint, b the tiit UT ul to ncit nam f Jb-sooort ( ki.ns the evptr'io o' tsd jerovr.,toit: by t. (4j, m wd.y 10 JorlS9T;e-nthe 2S b dty of taid month; sod it y Ul o to ape to answer, fjr w.ot iheiewt, tbe lainl.d wii! apply to th- cart tm u re i-t prie.t for in tha e. aipla Gt hied ;IRt J OJ Cor-- in. towit: Ku a i'cr-e f jtrci -mi a ..MrtjM atmi!nl tv ore 1 ninia urat i .1 ri l.,dia Uihi-1. his Vile, f -HI" h die la id) to th Jm '' Aio'tsisa Tru-t Com i-an y, to trciiro lb . of $lf25 llh intereat, .n,l the iuither umif$IOO attornevt Ire. Sa;J im.nKae hrina npoo real oaWte situ .te Io the couuty f Liar.. Stat of Oregon. r.d parlicn'a'ly bounded n.t deae ilw.t as loV.nw. t.wi: . The W K of th I L C ol 0v:d W Al linghsro; uaa-rc' in Sec- 53 and 34. Tp 13. Huih. lUoge 4. W VV M vooia' 159 acrvrt ni'ire r leas. And directing aala .f aaid property in the tutooer pri'td'd by law and application of the proceeds theref on tu payment of the claim of the p aint n hoin, inclu.line 03SU. disbu'temea:a of suit and attorney' fee This ammnt ia pnlili hed bv order o' the Honorable It II Hewitt, jcdrofaid coo t. Made a..d dil ca tbe 21th dy of Feb msrv. 1897. Geo V IUzbn MoMT.t!tvaaHarKt.KAV, Attoiueyt for I'isiuiifT NOTICE OF FIHAL SETTLEMENT. Xotic is herebv jriven tint S E Yonng, the sdminislrttor with the will annexed of the estate of Jane Fanning, deceaed. ha rendered and presented for settlement, ani 61ed In tbe couutv court of 'be state of Oreuon for Linn county, hit tinal ac coui.tof hit adininistra inn of fid eUte; nd tbat S(urcay, tlie 10th day of July, 1S;i7, Ix'inc a day of tbe July term of Ra!l court tr 1897, at 10 o'clock a m, bat bjen appointed by the judge of aid court, for thetcttlementof said account, at w -ich time any persxJn interested in said etate may appeal and tile his object'on to said ajneunt and prevent the same for herin. Dated at Albinv, Oregon. June 2. lS97. Ki.KtNd & Caknon, S E Yot so, Attyt lor Admr. Admr. STREET TAX. N tioe it he-eby given that tha tax io!l tf tha uiir of ASbtnv, Or., fr ri ad and street U far the ver 1897 haa hoen p aced ia my hauds for colleotioo Such taxss are now due, and payahio st my cflioa in ths city council chamber in said olty. An tax payer who wiha to erfona lah r upon the s'.ie t, either in person or by aulxiitut. in Hiu ol iMiyioa said tax iu inoncv, mutt notify me in writiug on or Rehire tl e 1st nav of July 1897. Junil2h,l97 OOlitK, Mirelal of the oily of AUv. La dim and Grntlkmkm who wish per manent wora at good pay should ad drt General Manager cure Democrat, Albany. Don't write unlaw, yot mean business. $3000 About Half Given Away AT Wholesale and ' Retail. Boots. Games, etc for Summer Vacation. Elegant GIFTS for GRADUATES Supplies for Professional Men f-ots of notions for children. Trpe writer extras'. Showcases, Baskets, Cabinets, etc., bf U.K. IILAI (He puts the Pi ices Jjowp ; ORN 1st Street, Albany. Oregon Red and Elegant Ce signs in Crockery Ware at COnn 5 HUSTOH'S See it - & -r- 1 A re built in the largest a HKMim and Best (l-J Equipped Factory in Hi5fc?tc? Mich Bfgfiei the World 1 j-a- 1 - Conn & Huston, - Agent AOMiti.STRATQS'S KOTiCE. Notice i bereiiy given that the uaJer- KlKJI. de.-eal kaa fi!a hia a-rmrl intuidea a-.einthe cmat' co-art oi Vnn moctv. Orrgoo, and tiat c.ld cort Ka ffxed tbe third day tf Ao,.ut. 1?37, at tbe boar cf 1 o'c'ocs io the altera j m of taid day at tne time of rearing a!l oky? c tioos thrn'o and "et,;ing ire anje. there fore, all pr-r on baring ary c4jjc'ijnlo std 6nl account are terror nouded a.d rrquired to rp(r an "V tbe uceio ttatd court ,a ? o.- M.i men tioned d-t". luted ibit iiJi U ; J.ine. 1S97. W R LitTir, ' I V I'txcA. Attr-mry. Adminarator. ASSIGNEES NOTICE. No'ice i hereby given "fcat L. E B'ain. of Albany, Oregon, on the l?!h day of February, 1S37, ma Je a general assign ment ot all hi r-ropert j for th ber.t of !l bis creditor; and that tee unde' signed baa brendav appo;ntmi a ignee in aid a'gr,mrnt procredicg. Ail creAite tf a ignee in id a d L E KUin ae be'eby requited to pre wnt thpir c'aim to me. Vu!y venSJ. at my effioe In tbe po'oSce building. Aitany. Orezxm. within three mon'.bs t'rr trie d.e of t?M notice. I'el at AHnT. Oregon. tbl 23rd dy j of March. l!g' j v AT&-S. j Ally f..r Aigne-, 1! BrTA!TT, Assignee Notice for Publication Lsd Orrtca at Okeov Crrv. Or Mav 1Mb, iS97 Notice i hereby given tat the follow ing named settVr baa filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of oi hi cUitn. and that said J proof will be made before the reg ister and receiver at urceon citv, urcgon, on Julv6 h.17. vix: William ll Ashlev; H E 10749 lor tbe X K cf N K of Sic 17 and S i of S E of Sec S.Tp 10 S R 5 East. He names tbe following itnees to prove hit continuous residence upon and cultivation cf eaiJ land, vir: Edward t lVrkett, of lle roit. Orcsron, Janes Monroe ar.d Joseph U Barlow, both of rry, Ogn.and John A Fox, ot, De roit, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. Notico for Publication. Land Orrtca j.t Oreoos Citv. Or, May. IS, ist7. Notio? is hereby given that the fjlkja inc nmd settler hat filtd notion of bit intention to m final proof in tapport of hiie'aim.ami that said prtof will be mtle before iha reg's'er and reeiver at Orecn Ciy. Om, on lulv 6th, via: Edward Orerkett; HK 11377 for the north of the N W I4, S K t4' of X W V. S w f N E of Seotlen v?7, Tp 9 S K 5 East . Hsntnif. the following wltnessna 10 prove bis continuous rttidence upon and cuhi vatioa of said land, via: William B Ash ley, Jimes Monroe, both of ll?rry, Ogn, John O Fox, John M H jllingwor'h, Uth of 0troit,Onsron. Kobkrt A Mills a, Regv&ter. 7"AXTED. A second hand bicycle. M uit bo in gooil condition . Address JoitsT. Thompson. POBox2I,SheddsOr. - J LOST. Culf with a horse shoe bnttrn Please return to Democrat otce. 'OLICITORS WANTED FOR OrT. TALM AUK'S "The Earth Girdled."! or his famous tour around the world, a I .1 : n : n t . 1 ... I m 1111- hut; vi wsvt tmi oarnarous lin.U. Four million Talma.'. Wt. ,, ,.Ti,a o,i, 11 ., " l , . " "J S'fv'?? 'Vt".. )ilMIUVl, 1 I . .1. .il IS d.iin.uvu Kvervbody wanta this fumout book: onlv $3 50. BIG BOOK, BIG COMMISSIONS. A gold mine for workers. CKED1T OIV EN. FREIGHT PAID. OUTFIT FREE. Dr-p all trash and sell tbe king of books and make dUU a month Address for oat - - fit and territory. The Dominion Com- pany, Star Building, Chicago. TAX EXECUTION. NOTICE IS HKRKBY GIVEN that by virtue of a warrant for tbe col'ection of delinquent taxm of tbe aoessnient of ' 89C m and for the City of Albany, tn Linn comtj and Sta'e ot Oregon, which war rant i now In my band, and i iu words and figure, at follows, tow't: STATE OP OIIEOON, J I as ( OUST? OF LI.HS ) is Tin sAMg ok the city cr alhant. oEoojr. To C O Lre Marshal of He City of A! bany, Oregon, Greeting: In the Name of tb City cf Albany, Oregon, y0u aie hereby commanded that you levy toon the goods and chattels o tlie delinquent tax payer named in the ton-going iut, and if none be found, then upon the real property set forth therein, or so much tbertrof a . ball aati fy the amount of taxes w charged, with xoa'f and expense., and tbat von oav overall moneys to colle. 'ed to tbe CUy Treasurer of said city, and make due return of this warrant a by law required . Uy order of (be City Council of Ue city ot Aib-nv. Oregon, made the 25th day of VWtr;e my hacd and tbe official signa ture, am the ieal of tbe City of Albany, thi 31st day of May. 17 i X J Hex tow. Which warrant it attached to the lit of enpaid on delinqeent taxes for the year lt'S in said city of Albany, and not bar ing been able after diligent search to find any perwnaj property within taid city, out of wt ich to make tb (axes herein men tionei, j bave levied upon the following described real proprty, towit: Abbey, J R, 0u 2. 24. 25. 26. 27. .a, oo anu 31 n block 2 Ab b' addrion to Albany, Or....$ 2 67 ACDeon. u ft, tlie K 50 fit ot tbe we.t 100 feet of block 41 in At b.ny, Oregon A.lcox. ?ane, lo t 9. luj 11,12 in' hi 2 in AbU?j' addition to Aibtav. Orrg..r. ' A'banv Strrt Railway Co. the g E M of 1,1 T-i in Alban. Ureacn Ainun Fred. lot. 7 and 8 in block 18 3 60 I 11 23 13 In Hacklcman's 3rd addition to , Albany. Oregon Awbrey Vanea, lot 5 la block -45 A'bany, Oregon Barn. Sarah i. "be X of M 1 and 2 in bi 25 in H acki man's 2d add! ion to Alban t , Or gon .. . Beard J no A. lot 7 In Uock 8 In Hackleman' 3rd demon to Al bacy, Oregon Biadiry Joepn. estate of, ti-e w i of the HEJi ftfyock 103 in Hack'emtn't addition to Albany, Oreiron BrldgWo-J M J. tb S E J of block J3 io ibasy. Or gon Carey SaJie. lot 1 in block 2 io At lea and Hawk's' addition to a! 2 31 8 00 S3 bJny, Oregoa 33 , Ctcran Row evta'e of. w 1 of N 4 o' block 52 in Haxkieman't 2J aadiUoo to Aibtny, O.-egon 2 Ccnn Saral.nnd'vii'ed l$ interest in tbe S E H and the E of the S v.l of block 113 In Hack '-man t addition to Albany, Oreeon 6 41 Geo DCoe, tro-tee. wr barf lota 2. 3, 4. 10. 1 1. 12 in Arbour. Oregoa. M I. 5 and 6 in biock PO. blocks 79. bO. 61. . 7, h 101, 102 KcJ. 101. 105. and fractional bl &4, 's and in Moetci'h't sotofa .n additioa to Abar.y, Oregon.: ASwti- endijidtd in'.erett m lot 7 and S in block ZA. lota . 7 and 8 ia W 64. S of loft 7 -nd 8 in Llot k 70, ns 2. 3, 4. and 6 ia block 63. Uock 21. and lot 3 In block 4 in Albany, Oregon 12$ 60 Craala'l C C, lot 5 U Albaf. Or 8 CO Croope E-niiv. Uh 3 in bio-k 1, ia Alien and Eawkia't addiuon to Alanv 2S Cn;ve Uargaret.ifce E 4 ol W i3 in ILtrkieman's 2nd aJ Jrion to Al tany. Orcswn 4 17 Drjoe L W.s E X ot W 106 in Hack leraan't a-idiuoa to Albjnv. Or. . 7 SO Farrell M E Mrs. lot 1 in bioek 23 in Hecilerraa't 2nd ad to .Vhanr, Oregon and lot I ia tA in Hacke man 3rd addi'ion to Aibany.and lot 8 in bl 1''5 ia Hi-kicm-n's ad i':!ioa to Albany. Or eyon 10 00 F. rwe: florae, es'ate of. tbe w K of tt N w of U 33 in Hack e oant 2 id addition to Albany.. 5 09 Framan 1 E,.V i'cl block 27 In HackVman's 2d addition to Al bany. Oregon 6 40 Gih ! F. lota 16, 17. IS, 19. 20. 21. 27. 23.29. 2). 31 ia BrTant a auJiuon to Aibany.uregoo.. 4 63 46 4 80 600 5 55 4 00 . t G. 23 in tloca 2 hi Ab I : " : : iiaoimer i nnie hh . ancoinoi in Backleman's 2J addition to Albany, Oregon HarrU G Vt, East 0 feet of the S H of bkxk IS ia llac.ierain a 2d 4uil!oo to AlbatiT, Or Ill- kir.t C E. '-be S of btt 7 and 8 In bi I to Hack.eann'a 21 d 3it-B : ,.,l.: v. Orein i.-vi ;:jnr:t, lot 7 in block 25 bany, Oregon Horton E M. lot 6 In biock 52 Htckmaa's 2nd addition to Al Al bany, Oregon llodon B M, undivided interett io lots 5. 6 and 7 in block ilS ia Ilackieman's ad to Albany, Or.. . Johnson E S. lot 5 in bl 13 in Hack leman't 3rd ad to Albany. Or Ketchum W M and J J DubruiV trua tee. X W 4' and w 4 of the S w t of block lXin Hif'.k- n" .itii.-iji t. tlSanr ls-m.t. 1 39 6 40 93 2 7S 4 07 3 93 Kne A. tbe west 45x100 feet'of the east of block 1 tn tbe Eaatern addition to Albany .Oregon Kline A. lot 6, 7, S in block 50 in Ua.kieman 2nd t l .0 Aibany.Or Kline Jotcphine. tot 7 in block 14 n tbe Eater addition to Albany. . Knox a 1, N w J4 of block 25 in Ilackieman's 2nd addition to Ai bany. ttregon. Kmrnrie August, loti 1 and 2 in c-l & in Hackeman't 4:h add. tion to Albany, O egon Lanning E J. Io'. 1 and w 52 f et of lot 2 in biock III it. Hsck'e man's addition to Albany, Oregvn Laugbead C H. S t of lot 1 ia block 2 io Uacklemaa a ird ac'di'ion to Albany,"regon McBridge Kate, lot 1 in block 77 in Monteith's southern adJiUon to Albany, Oregon McGregor D.Yild. lot 1 ln b-'ock 1 in Jonss addition to Albanv.Or. . McGuim Wm. east 24 feet of lot 3 6 40 4 17 320 5 55 3 20 1 ca 7 S3 In blo-k 10 in Albaev. Oreon. . . Meyer Tm, w of lot 3 in block 9 in Ilackieman's 3rd addition to Albany, Oregon Miller mma S, loi 4 and 5 in bl.wkSin A'len and litwktn'a ad lition to Albany, Oregon Montague E E. iu 1 in block Ii0 in Il ackieman's aJditka to A I bany, Oregon Montanve Kate B. lotsS and 6 in 47 56 4 CO biocK oa tn rViDany .Oregon Monteith Xettie. lot 1 and west n so of lot i in block -"C In A I ban v. iit 16 00 Oton Cordelia, ette of. lot 4 In tiack eoiaii s addition to AlUanr. Oregcn Palmer August, block 9 ia Hack e man's 4th addition to Albinv, Or and lota tlJ. 14, 15 and 16 in tchmeer's addition to Palter-on Geo. S w of block 10 6 00 6 40 in Ilackieman's 2d addition to Albany, Oregon, and lot 5 tn bl 23 in iiackleman'a 2nd addition to Albany. Orea-on is ra Pennington J H, undivided 1 inter est ot w JS ot j w of b'ock 102 in Ilackieman's audition to Al- racy, Jregoo Rich) r It and Poill'ps, beg on ' w line of and 10J ft northerly froiu S w corner of bloek 16 in the Eastern addition to Alban v, Ore goi, t'nence easterly parallel itrt First street, ia- feet, thcBce northt-rly paiaUel with west line of said block 16 to point 8 feet souther! from center of t'ack of the Oregon and California R .lt 1 39 load Companv, tleocs wtsterlv parallel with, and o feet distant from center of said rai'road track to wet Une of taid block 16,thece southerly to beginning. 16 00 1712 S2 7 40 3 70 RIU-PA,r h'o, k I'liii Hkl. marn , 1 O-Oc-a Id in dtvlkmiM 2d addition to A'bany, Oregon. . . Rowcll Eila M. lot 3 in block 11 tn Bryant's addition to Albany, Or, Ruddiek G W. lot 6 and eat j nf lot 7 in block 15 in the Eastern addition to Albany. Oregon TtnnArt -lnhn lft 1. 4 "1 and ft in Ki.u-b In tha wMatt-rn aJtliti on Ira 1 Aisn nreon Schmeer Jno, lot 8 and w Wot lot Scott Rosella, tabj of, E of bl 44 in Albany, Orero 5 5 Standard Mm J B. 28J4 per c,t of wejt feet of lot h and e 23 ;s feet or lot 6 in block 6 Albiny Tegon and 2SM per cento' the SwJof block i09 In Hackle man's addition tJ Alban tw ,; on Stewart C K.trmtee. xI&Q fV ir. thN J corner of block 116 In Ilackletnan's addition to Albany. Oregon 2 40 Stewart W J and D S, lot i in block 1 03 m Hackieman't audi tion to A'bany, Oregon. a fi.1 Thompson W 8, beg at 8 E comer o' block I :n riachietnan s 2nd addition to Albany, Oregon, ru north on E line of said biocfc i i-i feet, thence wea'eriy parallel with S line of aaid block to w line of A Hackleman' D LC th'ice southerly following sail DLC Hoe, to N line of 4th street, 'bente easterly to beginning Tillotson J B. lota 3 and 4 n b!o k ll 10 6 in Hackleman' 3rd addition to Albany, Oregon lyterLama B. lota : and2tnblocW 3 20 129 in Hackleman addition to Albany, Oregon and lot f in block 37 in Hackleman' and addition ta Albany. Teon 5 60 Wardlow C V, lot (, and o ia block i in Abbey's a-ii.iion to Albany, Oregon 74 WatU Emma C, i a i and 8 in block 20 Aiban v. Orecron 6 00 Weatherford S "K, and H U Beale block n4 in Hack-emao's ad dition to Albany, Oregon 28 05 Velcb W J Mrs, lot 4 in block 11O ia Hackleman' addition to Al bany, Oregon .7 6 43 WiJIUm Eitfe, E ol& 36. 37. 33 and 39 in block 1 Abbry' addi tion to Albany, Oregon 1 39 a tbe property of 'aid delinquent tax pay ers as tne tame appear amctaed 00 id d-linq--Jn'tax ro l. and will on Saturday the iTthdayof Ju'y 7, at the loot of thesttirw.y leadiirgto the City Council. Chamber of id city, and at the boor of 1 o'clock ia tb afternoon of taid da y, tell at public auction in V higher, bidder, for 1 eb in band, on tbe diy of ti'd sale, all the above dtcri bed real property, or o much thereof at may be rwcemry to pay and atufy tbe tax aateurd ar-d le'ied against said propertv In .aid city of Al bany, for the year 1 't'Jfi , tz-getber with ac cruing cofs and e?esp. COLn, City Manual of the City of Albany. "How To Get Rich." V witl earn yon 77 weekly, with oar 70 f plan cf lavtwtmect; von cannot lore Two I men made t-HJO and fGoO last month oa 123. 20 ! Yon cm do likewise, if yoo dzra't invest. will be ooor ail yoar life. Try ot with 123 and tee what we can dc. Absolutely no risk. Write fir prtirolart to Gnaraatee Brokerage Co ." OS 213 and 215 Byrne Building, Lot Angeles. California. FOSHAY k HASON Wholesale Rctaa - - rr t tw r ts a ttw w. a,fiii wa w a ALAAST. OKCCOX. Pure Drues and tbe finest and Itrgea. Stock of Stationary mad Books ia the alarket- Coucernioi Oar Bdmiisiii Boxning wordt sver did set tne world on Ere. It is oar policy to repress all sen aational statements, to deal ia facta not guret of speeen or eiggsations Every word we print is weighed, and we Touch for its exact tratbiolneta with oar personal honor, fhe ifltryofoor word of mouth it unquestioned () The integnrv o oar word cf type must be jnst as snbtt-intia. The object of all oar arpruung ia to tef yon about oor bosinees e'earty, plainly, convincingly atone man talks to aaotnes it costa some money, but done inteUigently, tt pay. Yon try it SmxTT, tbe Prirter. Ha53 Estaiss, EiJ Ti3j Got thinga spelled vrrong and all mix ed np diaylay wsa poor type ojd fxihkmed preea work bed paper cheap nothing as it ought to be? VVeU take yoar next job ot printing to Smi ley tbe Printer nsd WiD B3 M ffifll P. S. (Important). The prfea for dt ing U will be right, too Painless work a specialty. FCKXrrrBE FOR SILK. As we in tend to move to pofcaae will sell oat household furniture at r-atran-niile xsnces j Call at residence in 3rd ward. WASTED. A second hand earcan, chea'. for cash t-r -trade. Uiv disenptioa and price and address Buyer ia care of Dkmocbat nCce. "7"AXTED. A position to da general ww nooework: cr no rein sr. tiood ref erence, oc rat o&ce. Lea e word at the Pu- TWO BIGS. If too vrisito taken drive see J W Roberta for a firfct das) tig cheap, lie has two ready fur ate. BARGA1XS IX FCHXrrrRE. Bed room set, booccase. couch, picture etc Call at residence of C. W. Eikiaa". ETOR SALE. The meat maiket furni- J. t-ire. toots and atanshter boase tools. the Emerick e-.arket- Call oa Louis ruck m an or William Fltckiager for par calara. DKESS-MAK1XG. Indies withing -learn cutting and fitting by tbe Mor ffaa system, call an Mrs. R. E. Owen. Dresses made tor $2 50 and np. Oor 3rd and Oalapooia. WANTED FAITHFUL VEX OR WOMEN TO travel for responsible established house in Oregoa. Salary t7$0 aad expense.. Position permanent. Ref erence Enclose iwlrdreased sta-ABed' envelope. Tbe National. Star Itwnrani Bldg., Chicago. FOR REST. Six room house ia nppn ward for rent at H.00 per month. Inquire of G. W. Wright. rtXL. WAXTEU. Will pay the T T highest market prion. C alt oa M Senders. Insurance aeent and- dealer in wool and graie. Ferry St. aniku. A tew more enirage- V V ments by the day to sew. A1K3 K. t. Uvks. AT l'HE MIXES. Boardings lodging, and meats may be secured tef tbe tub tcriber a' the 8antiam mioetv at his piac:; t the mouth of Dry Gulch. H. W. Whit. fltasaiJta). Cav-ataaadTradS Uartnebtataed ana all rati eat bosineMoaoauclear ir Moderate Fee, f m.1 alrtJi-LdrmwiBfforphoUx. waadviaaR atnutil. frraof cliArc. OnrfeoaotdaatiU. (waieatitsectued. A Pamphlet "How toOb-S uun rasmia,- wita cost or uatlt ana li. B. sad turdfe-a ocxuilriea aea t frea. iuldrats. I C. A. SNOY & CO. tVw- M. aW- 3w2-W Dr Adams