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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1897)
J. VOL XXXI 1. Entered tC tke Fee at tlbany. Or. aa Beesad-Class Hall Matlett ALBANY OttlisGON. FK1 OA Y. JUNK 35. I89T. r r KITTIIU raklUker an Pra M.47 c I j y C 17 Inn r 7 V j Ll!L!l: umwwj.ii. j WU'iiwirimawJ- w i iff: i it; ; 7 ' i I" JgctoblclVcparation for As similating thcfoodandRcgula tiig the Stomachs and Bowrts cf ftowotesDigestion,Ch:eTful Ttess andRest-Contains r.cithcr Opium,Iorptiiive itorJllaciaL Not Nahc otic. -.ft fiirmJttd Apcrfect Remedy Tor Constipa tion, Sour 5iomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Fevcrish ness and Loss of Sleep. lac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. Irrm i EXACT COPT OF WRAFFEB. t54 Thirtieth Year. ALBANY Calesdar for 1896-7 1896 Sept. 16 College Year begins . Wednesday Nov. 26-27 Thanksgiving Day recess, Tburs. and Fn. Dec 21- -Term examinations begin . Monday Dec. 23 First Term ende . . Wednesday Winter Vacation cf Twelve Days ;97 Jan 5 Second term begins ... Tnesd-y Feb 22 Washington's Birthday a holiday, Monday April 6 Term Examinations begin . . Tuesday April 8 Second Term ends ... Thursday Arbor Day Vacation of Foot Days dpril 12 Third Term begins . . Tuesday June 8 Final Examinations begin Tuesday June 13 Baccalaureate Sermon" . Sabbath forenoon Tone 13 Address before the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. Sabbatb evening June 14 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees - Monday aiterno3n June U Junior Orations . Monday eveninir Jaue io Graduating Exercises' of the Conservatory of Music . . Tuesday forenoon June r5 Pcyular Entertainment Taeeday evening June 18 Commencement . - . . Wednesday June 16 Alumni &-union . Wednesday eveuing FouT Courses of Iastrnction leading up to degrees. Well equipped Business and a-Iosic coume, with appropriate diplomas. Catalogue fiee For further information, address Waixaci Howa Lee, President, Albany, Or. JGLISMUSlfSESS ALLEGE POBILWiD Full engush Course. french and german, business branches, bookkeeping, shorthand, j m TPTfiMAS a m y ti i rj and Dealer in , VOU as ne Wall Paper, uarpets, Lineoleum, Lace Curtains, Rugs, (Portier.3, Pillows Furniture Bedding. 5 Tture Frames, Linan Warp Matting, Oil PaiDtings, , and Undertaking Call on ALBANY FURNITURE CO. O&E&ON STATjB KMAL -A Training School For Teachers Regular Normal Course of three years. Senior year wholly professional. Train ine department of nine grades with 200 children. Instruction and tratniug in Gymnastics (Sweedish system), and vocal music for I public schools. The norm! diploma is recognized by law as a State, Life Cer- tlficate to teach. Lieut expense luiuon, dooks, uuaru auu iuug:ug approAimaieiy; fJO.Uu perl year, students boarding themselves, $110 per year. I Academic grades accepted from high schools. Catalogues cheerfully sent on application. Address P. L. Campbell. President. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY . .p. .JOSEPH SEE THAT THE FAC-3IMILE SIGNATURE OF 7 ' 13 ON" THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTXE 035 CastorJa is pet sp ia 0&ahs bottle only. H I. V-TV Tt..X. .n l 1, Jyoa asytiai- else oa ths plea or promisa that f. "-rt "jsst as pood" and "will answer every pv ?i,,TKt." -- thai voc ret C-A-fi-T-O-S-I-A. COLLE OREGON RRTN a jlvjll 1 JUa. zz : IDS 'P "? fa m IIP i! All kinds of furniture beddinsr, andii! , , , 1 , 4i x, I Wallb TjJlB IHOSL 1 -l j rrT n COmpiete IlOUr Sate, . -m . -. - - . 7 I nas cnem ana nis , . . prces Due lowesu. SUIUOL, MOSffiOUTH OBEEON. or W. A. Wanw, Sec. Faculty. Proprietor COMMENCEMENT. MUSICAL POST GRADUATES. The Congregational church was fillet' last night on toe occasion of the concert by the post graduate students in the con eervatory of moaic, Messrs. Maurice Akers and A. W. Luudell, two young men who have made many friends dur ing their sojourn of two years in Albany. The following classical p rot ram was ren rendered : Overture "Elisabeth." Rossini First piano, Mr. Oundiff and Miss Sharp; second piano, Misses Perry and Johnson. "Condemned Was I" Rossini Mr. A. W. Lundell. Anthem "Rejoice in the Lord," com posed by Mr. Akers, by choir. Anialia" Millard, by Mr. Akers Duo "Presto, Concerto in C Hat Ma jor'' Weber, lirst piano, Miss Julia Perry; second piano, Miss Laura Sharp, "She Alone Charnieth My Sorrow" GoonoJ Mr. A W. Lundell. "In Distant Andalusia" Buck Mr. M. L. Akers. Anthem "Sing Aloud unto the Lord," composed by Mr. Lundell, by choir. President Lee presented ths two stu dents with diplomas conferring on them the degree of bachelor of music, and speaking in high terms of their attain ments and the work of the conservatory. ALUMNI RECXIO.V. There are other more important com mencement events than the annual meeting of the fastly increasing alumni, but none so full of social - enjoyment. The one last niht was particularly a pleasurable one. It was held in the college with the art room for reception and the west room for the banquet. There were eighty four present, a com p iny of cultured but lively people. At ten o'clock i he large company of mem bers and their guests sat down to a ban quet spread bv ths ladies of the Presby terian church. The appointments were elegant and the service an excellent one. The menu was as follows: - Salad, Orster soud. Chicken.ham.pressed meat, olives, cheese Pickles, assorted case, ice cream, Coffee, cocoa, Fruit. An hour was spent ia partaking of the delicious repast, when Mrs. E. F. Sox, president ot the alumni, delivered the address of welcome to the new members and the gtwsts, a talented effort. Cia'e nil I, the , valedictorian, responded in a very bright manner. Mr.- Anderson Cannon, the toast master, then took charge and in a very pleasing and prace fill manner called for the following toasts : Troubles of an Early President by Judge Hewitt, who by the way was never a college president; College Culture by President I-ee; College Colors, respond ed to by Mr. P. A. Young with a witty original poem ; Wheels,-by Miss Lilly Robertson and My Opinion in the Case, byJudgeC. E. Wolverton of the su preme court. All abounded in wit and humor and were brilliant affairs. Ir. Gibson was called upon and responded in a happy manner, when the company adjourned with Auld Lang Syne. Another year of Albany College thu closes. The school has been ia the baad of a splendid faculty, whose ambition has been to do thorough and lasting woik, work that will tell in the live of the students. The reputation of the college is excellent, and notwithstanding the very hard times we look fur contin ued progress for the school. It deserves the best support of our citizens. Try It Yourself. Seven or eight horsemen were out last night trying to spear rings in practice for the Mexican lance contest, for the 4th. Bicvcle riders are also practicing for the sport It causes considerable fun, but tbee will be more on the 4th. Here are some of the other attractions for the 4th : Balloon ascension and parachute jump, by Prof. Hag, the world renowned aeronaut, of Chicago, who wiil make the leap from a Height of i.OUU feet. Acro batic and gvmnaatic performances under the direction of Prof. H. T. Oviatt. II. F. Copland and Geo. W. Picket, trainers in 31 ultcomab Athletic Club, regatta, tug of war, finmen's contest, swimming con test, base bail, bicrcliog. pow fays and all the sports and games so popular in the Kast. A biz parade, pony and dog shows, merry go-round. . Misotic ELKTiox.Grand Lodge of Oregon, Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, met in the Masonic temple in Portland yesterday Thetrost import ant bnsiness was the election of officers. which resulted as follows: V H Hobeon, of Stayton, grand master; J B Cleland. ot Portland, deputy grandmaster; J M Hoi son of fcugene.senior grand arden ; W F Butcher ot Baker City, junior grand warden; J Mayer of Portland., grand trustee; DC McKercher of Portland, grand treasurer; James F Robinson of Eugene, grand secretary. The grand lodge of the Eastern Star also elected of ficers, as follows: Mrs Madeline Conk line of Rcseburz. srand matron : Rev. C. C Polirg of Portland, grand patron; Mrs K Lutke ot .Portland, grand assistant matron ; Mrs Jessie Cavanna. grand sec retary; Mrs M tickle St Helens, grand treasurer. - . A B.W? Fau. Dr. 3. N. Smith, re turned this- afternoon from -Oakville. linn county, wtntuer tie was caned last evening to attend bis aged mother who fr i - -,-r-fi c. n t..mj.. n-t.:t buiiucu a uiiuiui tail iucou,t, h uiio walking about the orchard with a tin pail under tbe left arm Mrs. Smith fell p '.'? ' 1 tuns 01 one no auu uauiy uruiaing me left arm. Mrs. Smith is io her eighty' first year and weigba about 200 pounds. hue has been in feeble health of late but the doctor left ber resting quite easily tuis morning. Jonrnsl. The Ixd'.aw Wab Veiebans elected the lollowing .officers ; T A Wood, unani mously re-elected commander: W C Painter, of Walla Walla, senior vice- I commander; A J Frost, Tacoma, junior nee commander; Otto Kleeman, -fort- land, grand adjutant; Captain Jason Wheeler and A B Howard, first and second assistant adjutants, resriectivelv: I . . . . : i ' a at rarnsb. chaplain : T A Mai onev. grand maribal; Captain J H McMillen, paymaster; Dr Richard Sanford, eur geon; and John Storan.captaln of guard. ! Received $100. Miss Harriet Shrum Carothers, of this city, a graduate of the Oregon blind school, who remdes with ber sister Mrs. Salt marsh, in this city, a few days ago received a check from Au gusta, Me.,of $100 first prize for tbe most words gotten from a long word or sen tence. Miss Carothers spent about a week in preparing the long list of about 1700 words. The enort is very commendable in view of ber blindness and the large number of persons in the competition. In all ths world there Is no other treatment SO pore, so sweet, so safe, so speedy, for pre serving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, ac&lp, and hair, and eradicating every hu mor, as warm baths with Cutkjuba Soap, and gentle anointings with CUTiouaA (oint ment), the great akin cure. cira la sold tbraavhawl fha mU. Votvib BT " ALL About thai H kin, Bclp. and UaLr,fr. JJVERY ILTJMOB "ZS&SXSES HAITI S'Cl 1. rati A Considerate Father. The fol'owing is from the Call. The Oliver Williams is a former Corv&liis man : "Three weeks ago a young couple ar rived in Redding and registered as Oliver N. Williams an 1 wife of Medford, Or. The young man seemed to be an enter prising fellow and soon obtained employ ment in the Temple Hotel. He was steady and industrious. "Tne Oregon express last night brought in an elderly man carrying a double barreled shotgun. He inquired lor the Tempie Hotel. At the hostelry be in quired for a room, and was disappointed when the landlord would not allow hin to take his tirearm tohisroom. He took a seat on the pavement in front of the hotel, his shotgun across his knee, and vigilantly kept watch of all entrances. "The ltmlord finally persuaded him to yield up the gun, and then the stranger told him thtt he was J. S Stormer of Fort Klamath, Or. He was away in the mountains viewing u.iuing property when the news reached him that Wil liams had tun n&ay with his daughter. Without s'opping to even change his clothes betook his shotgun an i started for the railroad, ninety miles distant, lie followed the eloper to Medford, then to Ashland and then to Sisson, where he learned that theV wee stopping at the Temple Hotel in Redding. He was quite cool, bu determined, and said the young man would have to marry his daughter or trouble would follow. "Wiliiams was found andbroflght be fore Stormer, to whom he promised to marry the girl this morning. The old gentleman insisted on guarding Wil lirma until morning came. Before the sun arose Williams gained the confi dence of his prospective father in-law and requeested to be perm'tted to go out for a walk. The youug mao, once free, fled to Keswick, eight miles away. "Stormer was soon on the tra.ii with his shotgun, finally locating WiUiams in the Keswick Hotel. There he laid siege again. Williams escaped thiough a back door in his shirt sleeves and got to Red ding by takug bypaths through the woods. I "Friends persuaded Williams to pro cure a marriage licence and keep h i promise ttthe father an J the girl. He did so, and telephoned to Stormer to come back to Redding and witness the wedding ceremony. "The couple we're married at 4 o'clock this allernjon. aod the father, who is quite well to do, is pacified and says he is now ready to do the handsome thing by his children." Annual Institute. . Notice is hereby given that the anunat county institute lor teachers ot junn county wid be held in Albany Or., begin ning luly 13, ISO. and wiil be in session for two weeks. Teacher and those who expect to teach are required to attend at least the first three days of the institute. Those wbo expect to take the county examination for teacher's eerti Scatea will be greatly aided if thev attend the en tire session of the institute. The insu lation will be conducted by Prof kcker mia of PortlanJ and Prof Tvree of Al bany. Richmond W beelcb. County Sapl. Deuxqcbst. In oor weekly just out will be found 'he notice of the sale of prcpertv for delinquent Ux due the city of Albany. Tbe sale will take place on'saturday, July 17. Those interested in seeing the lut can secure copies ol the weekly for 5 cents. W. P. Wbitlock has been appointed P. M. at Berrv, up the Santiam. O. S. Pollock will move hi store into the lileiSer block about tbe 1st of July. Miss Lena Haopert of Sodaville has been in the city the gneet of Miss Emma Smead. S. X. Steele has bten appointed agent of the Underwriters Fire Association, recently held by Jos. Tall. Lyle and Clayton Speer left this noon for their home at Warm Springs. They expect to return in time to attend college in tbe fall. Mia Rose Train returned to Portland yesterday alter a several day's visit with her brother S. S. Train and friends. R. M. Rohertson has sold bis feet! bnsiness on Ell-worth street to Mr. N. Southard who wiil hereafter run it. Mr. Robertson aod family will soon move to .Spokane for the benefit cf Mr. Robert son's asthma. The Rufs Hou i receivii.g a neat coat ot paint. The State horlieultoral soci!y will meet at Newberg on June 29 and 30. Nine men bate lot their lives fitting in tbe Columbia at Astoria to it season. The annual camp meeting of the Evan c (.Ileal church was began today at Hackle- man a arm e. in K Dxtnv eastern suburbs. whtre meetings will 1 held to the 'i'nl . This morning iusl after Css Morgan bad arisen a tramp entered his home with out any ceremony. He wiDt cut head hint One of Mr Morgan a Knuckles is somewhat brniaed. The Annual Stale Sunday School Con vention will be held June 2-oU, in tbe il E church at Tbe Dalles. The program has been prepared with the view of giving tbe greatest help possible in the time allowed to the delegates in a'tendance. Tne fare will be full going and one-third returning. Basb Balu The Boys Club and Fire crackers played an interesting game of ball yesterday afternoon, tne vracaers winning 12 to2. When the game started only three of the realar nine of the Boys Club plsyed. Two arrived in tne second or third inntng, leaving (our short. As it was not considered a ttst another game will be played J.ondty. The sides were: Firecrackers Fuller, Farrell, Stell maker, Dawes, Barrett, Weatbrook, Nickerson, Holt, Smick. Boys Club. Weaiberford, Ashby, El lison, Thompson, Ramp, Crawford, Whitney, Tyree, Galbraitb. That easterm colony that is to Ve lo cated upon the Crabtree, and which is to bring 1000 people to Linn county, is receiving a great deal of advertising over tbe state. A Salem paper says: The eastern colony who will locate in Linn county will each umiiy be allotted a cer tain portion ot tbe land to cultivate. The company will operate two large saw mills of their own, to furnish lumber for building purposes. The colonists will plant 1000 acres in hops. They will set out 800 acres in prunes, all of one variety, and will have 100 acres in strawberries, 100 acres in raspberries, besides a large amount of other small fruits and vegeta bles. They intend to purchase 500 choke cows for a dairy. Thohe Sooavillk Mines. Jas. Cor nell, who has obtained so much notoriety at Sodaville, was in Albany this week and reports that he has not yet l-een kicked out of the county. Instead he is doing .some mining In the new Bed two miles from Sodaville, and was down to get some crucibles and other supplies, lie declares the prospect is rich, and says he has already pounded out an ounce and a half of gold. Enough Now. The Oregonian says : "Corvallis Is to have another paper, and it needs it. As purveyors of news the Times and Gazette are unsurpassed among country weeklies, but their cours es in politic! are very uncomplimentary to the intelligence and character of the community." As matter of fact Cor vallis doesn't need another paper. The two there fill the field well. They are lively, progressive newspapers. All the same this is a great American free coun try and Mr Daly has a right to establish a Corbett organ there if he desires, and It will no doubt be a readable paper. Lebanon. From the Avance and Express . Trof. H. II. White passed through Lebanon a few days ago on hirway to Eastern Oregon. W. B. Donaca Iihb contracted 10,000 pounds of hops to Faher A Neis. I). An drews has contracted 5,000 pounds to the same firm. The price to le paid is 7?4' cents.- Married, in Lebanon, June 15, Mr. 8. D. Titus and Miss Minnie Alptia De Vaney, both of Linn countv, Oregon. C. R. Lamor olHciating. F. Bowdcn has sold his interest in the grocery and feedetore to his partner, R. B Wilev, and left yesterday for his old home in'Michigan. Mr. Wiley has em ployed Willie Booth to clerk for him. At a meeting of the board of directors of our public school held last night, Miss Mabel Carson was elected to fill the va cancy caused by Miss Elkins resignation. Miss Rice, wbo 1ns had charge of the musical department at the Academy, for the past year, has accepted a like posi tion in the Pacific College of .Sewburg, but she will jpend the summer in Leb non. . Dr. "Lo" Jones, of Sodaville, has rent ed rooms in the Courtney building where be will soon open an ollice. The doctor is a sen of Dr. D. M. Jones. Miss Ilda Elkins and Miss Abbie Fry, two of Lebanon's popular young ladies, have accepted positions in the Albany public school. M tss Klkirs was born and raised herein Lebanou where she his re ceived her entire education, having grad uated at the San tin ni Academy She has taught two years in the Lebanon public school and wa re-elected again this year, but resigned for the Albany school. Hhe has given the best of satisfaction in this city. Mils Fry is a graduate ot Albany college and alo ot the State L'uiversily of Eugene. She has also taught in the Iebanon public school for one yar. Both Misses KIkins and Fry are good teachers, and we congratulate the Al bany school loarl on securing their ser vices. Ma. Lawik. H was reported that Mr. Lawlcr left Paris about May 15 for Albany, but the following from today's Oregonian indicates this was a mistake: "Mr. Wiliiam B. Lawler, manager of the Lawler gold mines, who is now in Lon don. iil return home shortlr, accom panied by Mrs. Lawler. !n a letter re ceived yesterday, it 'a learned that the company be represented in operat ing mines in tbe Ijuartxttiie district has been entirely reoranixed, and be will soon return to take rsonat chagw of the work, to be earned on at Anioem. his visit abroad, Mr. Lawler bad his eyes treated, and the sight of one of them has been greatly improved. ' On their wav to Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Law ler will make a short stop at Salt Lake City." G. A. R.trrtcess, The following of- ficeni we elected at Independence yes terday afternoon : . A. K. I otPiBimifr, l rank Utwner, of Eugore; S V C, H V Gates, Hi!'boro; J V C, J S Vos, Portland ; medical dir- ectar. Dr Bradehaw. Sa.eni; chaplain. Rev N r. Parsons, Mil :on : counci'menof administration.! W Mathews, Sa'esa; G Mr Cruson. Lelaanon; J A l.urlineame, Eugene: J E Bot'er, Eugene: K W Dil lon. I'nioc. Delegates to the National Encampment. M L Pratt. Portland : TC Smith, Salem ; W J Gaodrock, Mi!tu. Sons of eterans Colouei. L W Oren : hVC, Wta F EisaoUce; J V C, AQ Desart. Woman Relief Crp? IVei-lent, Mr Snsaa Gwilt, of Pon!.attJ ; is V J. Mrs J I. fciockton of Independence: J r, Mrs Alice Verney, of Tb Dallvs; treas urer, Mrs Okion, of Portland. To Givixfcs frank Recnie and Clarence Irvine went on a bicycle ride on Sundar. At Amity a collision k noosed out Mr. Irvine's from wheel and for a time il looked like a case of waik. Be tween them and the two wheels a threwheelfri tandem wasriggeu up and Mr. Rennie pumped tbe two ncuin- and Mr. Irvine into town in just 40 min utes. The arrangement of the two wheels to make the tandem was u census and a picture of the machine should be taken and sect to the bicrtle journals in order to show the construd've grains of wastern young men. McMtnovia T. J.. Mr. and Mrs. J. I red Ya'e,of Corval lis.bave returned from their eastern trip. Miss Wrenn, of the Arlington schools, i"fn tbe citv tbe guest of her sister Mrs. A R. McCoy. Conrad Meyer and laniily have ln at the Bay several days for the beretit of Mr Meyers health. Harry Dodder, wbo has been f working on a farm near Independence, is in the city, and intends to get a position in this county. Tbe Oakland correspondent of the Koceburg Review says: 'Mr. Court -wright preached two remarkably impres sive sermons to large and apprecia'.ire congregations on last Sunday. ' Capt. Jason Wheeler wbo returned home yesterdar from the meetings ol the Indian war veterans and piouecs, sivs he had an immense time. Tbe meetings were decided successes Prof. Parvin went to Salem this morn ing. He will return on Tuesday and or ganize his summer class and arrange fvr normal classes. Names may be kit with E. U. Will or Prol. Lee.- Mr. Raiph Knapp, formerly of this city, wrote up the commencement ol McMinnvtlle col' eg s in a readable man' ner for the Telephone-Register. Mr Knapp will graduate nest year end will enter the ministrv. Uncle Jesse Parrisli. k well known pt oneer citizen, ia ill at his home near nodaviHe. He had an attack ol heart failure last Sunday, which leit him in a bad condition, and it is feared that bis end it near. The old geotleman has many friends wno wiil be sorry to learn ot hit serious illness. Advance. An interesting little medical lecture was enioved bv several Albanv matrons yesterday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. M. Banmaart. Dr. Myron fc Kot n. of San Francisco, made some In- teresunir exn anation. wincn iniorma tion it is hoped will teud to decrease the sick list ol AlbAny. Is Your Throat Weak? Your throat is weak. Any unusual exposure or quick change in temperature causes roughness and un easiness. Sometimes you have a feeling of tightness as if some foreign body were there. You can treat it with troches and washes, but you don't reach the seat of the trouble. Throat weakness is a symptom of more general disturbance. Scott's Emulsion of Cod liver Oil does cure weak throats by nourishing and strengthening the system. Book about it sent free. SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemLtt, New York. Scld. From the Press : Mrs. Dr. Cole went over to Albany las; Friday, being called there by the illness of her daughter Mrs Ida Veal. A. J. Johnson and family started on a tour through Eastern Oregon on Tues day. They contemplate visiting The Dalles, Milton, Baker City, Walla Walla and other points, during their two weelts trip. C. I). Compton informs us that the flax crop wilt be short this year on ac count of aa insect that ia working upon the young plant. There is always some thini; to interfere with prosperity. Reiurring to the contests at Macr-abee picnic: Blue rock, gents shoot 20 birds; class 1 silver cup by Kcio Tent; class 2. silver cup by Scia Tent 1st won by P. J. Baltimore of Aluany ; 2nd by J. A Dick son of Albany. Aa a matter of fact both of these gentlemen are pmesional shooters, both having shot in matches for money, and shiu d have Wen barred from these contests. It was intended that none but amateurs should participate. TmfiiXDOr Gytou that have in flicted themselves upon the city for the past ten days are now camped at Carson Heights, just outside the citb boundary line, near Riverview cemetery. There are sixty three of the wanderers and they form quite a colony. Since their advent in South Portland they have captured that eot:re section of the city and make ncrase to nouse visits lor donations Between telling fortunes (and a gooj lortunacAn be had for the reasonable sum of 10 cents), and stealing, the band apparently are making a verv coinforta ble living. Tribune. As there were just sixty-five at Albany the above confirms lbe report that two of the kids were bur ied on tbe west side. Livouls Corvrr Taxc. The fullow ing from tbe proceedings of the county court of Lincoln county, in the Leader, will be of interest to the many Albany people owning property at the Bay: In the matter of extension of taxes: Ordered that the ISM Ux roll be con tinued in the bands of the ahenff under original warrant tor collection of taxea uutil August 5, 1S7. Tut State Faib. Tbe premium list for lie Mate tasr, printed by tne state print- er, is out. The fair will open on Sept. 30 anu ciose oa Oct. s. A tout irj.OOQ la cash premiums are offered. Tbe admis sion will be 25 cents, with lOeenlafor grand stand. except for women. Parsons orrheitra will furnish music. As Alakm A fire in a tar barrel at the Albany brew err this morning caused a fnghl that resulud in tbe fire bell be ing rung. The flames scorched the roof over the barrel. Tl.e flames were quick ly extinguished. The for m al order for the encampment at flood River ha been isueL F. Co. and the Hospital Corps wjll leave APwny a day earlier titan has been extiecied, to wiL, on Monday morning Jane 2. in sted ol on Tueadav morning. There i I go about fifty. 6 re members of F. Co. and twenty membe- of the Hospital Ox j-8. 9 (its was paid ft woil is IVnJtctm yetterdat . L W Mwoch. of this cit v ha,t the coc tracf for tii manufacture of tome pews for the Eraogehcml church in PorUaod. There are 47 swallows aests nnder the east ettts of the i'arruh Utck at 1st .and r'errv sSnet. A very pretty sight. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL A linn county farmer in the citv to il a r is named Ben Davis. He is kept busy telling people that be is not the fa i&ous apple. Orviiie Dinwiddie has been engaged by the Souih Side school board as one of the teaches for the ensuing year. i.row nsvue limes. From the Corva'iis Times : Mrs. Loo Cleaver is to undergo a surgical operation ia a romano Hospital today toe is a ister to the late J. R. Bryson and her riiment is not unlike that which affected hiui. Mrs Bryson is at the bedside. From the Marsbfield San: Harrv Backensto. at one time a resident of Marshtield, is out in an Albany paper to give instructions on the violin, guitar and mandoiio. Harry was instructor of the Marshtield hand 17 years ago and has not ieen tiearJ Irom for nearly as many years. Not Eus.-A badly decomposed bodv lies io dough's undertaking parlors on Slate street awaitig indentification. It as found in the illamette nver at a point about three miles north of Salem aad the general su no it ion that tbe re mains are those ol m. Kriens, cook on the steamboat Ramona, who luel his life in this city by drowning on the morn:ir of February 2?,last. There are no a eans of Identification other thau the clothes found with the badly decomposed body. The bodv was discovered abou: 9 a. m. today by Wm. Hughe and a companion. Coroner Clougli held a conversation this aflercoon via the telephone with tbe fa ther and brother of Eclin, the Corvallis liveryman, when be eltcU-d the informa tion that the man found in the Willam ette toil a v is tot Eglin. When he die appeared the Corvallis man was atliied in a white shirt while his pants were of a blue material with white stripes. He als? wore toothpick shoes while those found with the remains are indeed quite ujir.u Ml m m utt3 Bmrt tun alia to ird today wore a blue shirt dotted with lute, while his pants are a dark ma. tenal. 1 he State I niversity At a meetinf oi me ooara oi t events ot trie u niversity ot uiegon field at bugene the preparatorv and business department of the univer sity was ordered dropped, Prof Narregan tuus retiring, rrot j u Letcher was re one elected in his p'ace. Ma rie Louis Baright, professor of elocution was removed and rrot 1 . tilenof Mc Minnville elected. The services of Miss Murch and Miss IVIashmutt, tntors. were dispensed with. The chair of modern languages was created and Prof Schmidt, of Mt. Vernon, Iowa, elected to it. Chas. C. Burden of ale was elected director of phvsical educati n at S0O to succeed 1 rot. Wealherbee. Salaries were raised as follows: Prof F I, Washburne from tl.600 to $1,S00. Prof Chas Friedtd fromt,.ri00 to fl.800. prof KG Young from $1,500 to f 1,800. Associate Prof Ed ward 11 McAlister from $1,200 to $1,400. Clinton E Woodson, a graduate of this years'a clnss, was elected an assistant to Prof F tl Young, professor of econimirs and history at a salary of $600 per an num. Ths 4 til Preparations for a big time continue. Monday morning the finance commit tee wid call on subscribers for the amounts due and it is earnestly desired that the payments be prompt, as it is no more to tlie committe than any one else. Considerable of a rivalry Is reported in the matter of a tine exhibit for the ar ade. , - Turner Convention. The annual convention of tbe Chris tian church at Turner is appointed 'or the 18th 20th, this year. The several programs of the different departments ot the church work are full of good things. The grounds about the great tabernacle have been much improved in the past year. Reduced railroad rates re offered. Men of wide acceptance will occupy the speaking hours on the two Sunduys, 20iM and 27th. J. R. LisTEH, Cor., Soc, mm Absolutely Pure CnlebMted its great leavening itreni'tii aoj liKahnlulneM. Aaatires the loed uL'iU-iht alum and all form of adul teratio., common to the cheap brands. R'jyal Baking I'owdek Co., New York. HOME AND ABPOAD. The ALPS quart .t gave a concert at Brownsville I ant night. The plug u?glie will meet at No. l'a engine boise Monday evenidg iU 7M0 o'cloca. Go on with tbe crowd to the Combina tion Barber shop for a clean shave, hair cut or shampoo. Cbo-ce mgar coaled ham at If. Brodr only II cents per pound Call on him for cuoice meats ot all kind. Ue cream and soda aad soda pot at Mrs lereds's parlors and summer warden- It cream, a and 10 cents a dib. IS fcr round trip ,are lo national C E convention in ban rrancisco. An) buoy j iAe aaraciage Ol it. t-ourboysin Brownsrille were arretd lor bring drunk and disorderly, the first ween alter the new aaioea aUrted in the Ma i s eg..-uUe Sicilian Hair RerMwer ua restored gray hair to iu original color ana prevented uaidaea in thousands of caea. it will do so to yoo. IheNa'ive bocsof Oregon have been organised io Portland with B K iekman a. . J I ! .... i(iraiim, juuge ueo ti uarneu vice preiaect and J U Lee ecre'ary. A PorUaod man has ba sued for S2C4 6J, for pew reof ia tbe Trinity Epitcapai church. The owe will be an in't-mttin? ow use oeieoaanu ngtil it. cm -X-1 wno IS la tbe IVnlnn r.,,nl. jail, has fcardly eaten anytlins for two wees, ana is said to be adta; stxangWy. About his only remark is "I'm all nam.'" It is thought he is fe-gniog infinity. titdeon r.iy. tte l'ortiaad uuimr b oeen matclted to hgtit lye, the champion lightweight of lb ccast. fr the title ud atrophy. Ihecootewt wiil come cf? Inlr S at Sn Fraocico. Ely was a resident of Albany strteral monies a toap'e years tgo. A new kind of a hi ln discoerd io Sjo;Le-n Otvirtn. Tbe Menifd Mil tciis aoot i'.. frtjf E P Hammond, tbe welher progncsti'ator. waskearato remark lat Satiirdat : I tell yoo. it u in the atmosphere. All these runaway mean smethin. and that one thiog means rin witcin three davm. The atrnospbere is faU of electricity." The oc eacioa which broaghtoat the s'jot eniirk was a couple of tasn raaiwxis which had occoied during Satorday. Best foe Oram Aoywhro At F. II . Pfeiff?r. See Smiley about u. Smiley's r inters are in Daw ion ttrlU Luetic. Liverioe 50c at Dawson'. Dahlia ball at F L Kestoo's. Apples at C E Brow xeu.'. Smiley does tbe best printing. A good second Land tew-in? mit-iiln S. Cbawfobd H Afixisa. rVlkioas iae cre-an soda at F- H. PiVif. fer's. See tbe new lea her belt hxk at French's j jwesry store. See tb toootaia vnt at Will i Starts. tee bet to be sacured. Will & Su k alwavs have m f t.vk th Utt DOV'ttte in ail hier of ieweirv. PtcfO'f from 75 reo's t.i ISS mt dsn n at Longs gallery. F II PbeifTWs ioe cream has atood the test. It is ail riebt. A beantif?! line cf l.n'fr A French's jewe.7 store. Bel's and skirt unmrim uw .iiU .1 French's ieweby store. For a eood ohtsic Uk Lirrli f.v mu by Dawton. the "pill autocrat-" Crawford Ilarnieh for Prices from ti to fc0 per dosea. tail at French's iwh-v tm and M u iaiw and eewet uirt waist sets. Water white comb lwnT fmm r!ibn;. jutt in at j K Brown Kij.- The Ka'h le ;ves for Portland at 7 a m on Mondays, neJaesdays and Fridays. Try C. Simpson f Son'a Citv Inndi-r 1 or first da worx -opp St. Chas hotel. j d ladies were selecting dress and shirt waist gWs yesterdav t P. Cohen s. at one time. Two packages of rarden awd ..-tc according to their asual custom at .Stewart Sot . Yoa can b ty a good rehab'e fountain pen for one silver dollar at French's jewel ry store. Yoa will alsnrs 6nd a fine line of jew elry at Will A Starks. Do not buy before examining their goods. Dr. G. W. Maston. phjsiciao and r ireon, Albany Or. Calls answered prompt ly in city or country. Mrs Vierick has opened ber ice cream parlors and summer garden far tne season. Ice cream 5 and It) cents a dish. Information that is worth its weight in gold: Get your meats of all kinds at Hen ry Sroder's. on Second street. Drs. II. E. andO. K. Beers offices ac residence in the cost offios building Spec ial attention given to disease of women. J. Worcross has moved to just east of Schmeer's stabies, 2nd street, where be will kep in market fine tih, game aad poul try. Gallon him. Lmis Vioreck has seciired tbe services of oeorge t. exf. an expoaenced tentorial artist. First class work guaranteed at Viereck's shaving and hair cutting parlors. You make a score every time you buv your meats of the Albany Dressed Beef Lompany. Only bnt class meats are kept, of all kinds, and prompt and careful at tention is the order Just dwo tbe street. Consider our wavs, think before yoa act, and then go to llaight Bros , where you will hn i a choice stock of meats of all kiuds to ord st from. You are'bound to be pii-asea it you order ot inetn. rain inut seemed to i general was falling this afternoon copiously. Depend npn it. it wil! not be for want ot rain that ciops are short. By special request a social dance will be given by the A'Oany Orebeatra, Saturday night. A cash prize will be given to the couple waltzing best. Those holding last winter's invitations wiU be welcome. Now Is the Time to purify your blood and Hood's Sarsapanltn is the best medi cine for the purpose. Thousands of great cures prove that it is the One True Blood I'urifior. Hood's Tills are the favorite family cathnrtis and liver medicine. Price 25c. The Ideal polish is polishing the world today. U is given up to be the greatest polish on earth for gold and silver plated ware, nickel, brass, copper, tin, zinc. &c Every package gunranteed by Hurk tiart & Lee, Druggists. Price 25c. Oakvillc. June 18, 1897. Rev. Smick of Albany is conducting the meetings at the U. P. church. Some of our people attended a picnic at Springer's grove yesterday. We did not hear of it until it was too late, how ever, it was too cold a day for a picnic. We were presented with a package of nice ripe cherries by a young lady friend, who said "don't put mv name in the paper" and we will do as he requests and et more cherries. Mr. B. F. Crow of Baudon, Coos coun ty, ia visiting friends here. J W Barton is painting F M French's house. II M Stone invited ns to take a ride with him and see his garden. We find that he hts a nice field ol corn and squashes and his potatoes, although planted late are setting there. We vis ited the old saw mill but found that the machinery had been taken away and the large boarding house had been destroyed by fire. We asked Mr Stone if it wai the work of an incendiary, bis reply was "no, some rascal set it afire." There was no insurance on tte building and no one in it at the time. Mr Wade ia now at work trying to Im prove tbe condition of the high wa vs. We would like to avcept the kind in vitation of "Belinda Jane" abd attend the picnic at Jefferson but we are not able to walk so far, however, we bare a brother there, be is an M D and bas a large mustache, "but d..n't say I toll I you so " Perhaps Young Aiuerica wilt be there as he can get on the brakes any morning, but as for ice cream we doubt if he has any nickels to spare ss he is very fond of candy hearts and soda pop. Meet ns at A t'Mny on the 4th Be linda; sure we will be there and yoa wiil know ns. If yoa can't find as ask the editor of the Democbat and he can. Lima I2o-a Ben. List of Patents. Granted to Pacific slates inventors this week. Reported by C A Snow A Co., patent attorneys, Washington, D. C. W W Beach, Los Angeles. Cal, ship attachment; L Bowles. San Francisco, diaper; E Campbell, Dayton, Wash, de vice for transferring mad; H Carr, San Francisco, Cal, recoil operating rearm ; l. vunningnam. can Jose, usi, frnite gradiog machine: E T fcarl. Oakland. Cal. ventilator for refri2erator-cars; C P sogn. Ran r ranciaco. Cal. awning; W If Fuicher, Stockton. Cal. Excavator; B F Franklin, Ore, farm-wagon; W N Ley, Wilbur. Wash, sign; P LiUer, San Fran cisco, Cal. separator and amalgamator; W L McCabe, Tacomv Wash, derrick crate; J G McCoy. SaleanCity, Cel. animal-trap; C E Manson, Los Anzeles, Hoee-spice; W C Nelson, Santa Rosa, uas.pan-uiier; w a rapoon, BakerCi'-y. Ore, non-re tillable bottle; O Pederaon, lm Amreies, la:, rectal speculum; J H Sutthoff. Seattle. Wash, tea-infuser: W A Woods. San Francisco, Cal, ore-grind ing marine: w u Wneht. San Joee. Cal, apparatus for treatinr food prod acta. 1 or copy ot any patent seed send Id cents in postage stamps with date of this paper to C A hoow it Co, W ashmgioo, X. Ca Tub Blaecb Casii. From the Salem Journal: Alloroens J. K- Weatherford aod J. R. Wyatt of Albany are in the city to try a damage suit brought by one outer, wao tea red in a wheat-etealing case at Albany. Fleming bmith, Neai SbedJ and Frank Porter wbo are in the city were parties to an effrt to have Bisker in Isrted for Uie di-appearaaee of 9,000 bosheis of w beat. M cCai a was dis trict at torn y at the time and a not true wa was found. Now Biaker sues Smith et al for damages for unlawful arrest and fabe imprisonment, reeling he could nn make the case stick betook a chamre of venae to Marioa countv. The cae will not be reached until next week. Borerrr Mast Cattls. M. L. Barrett passed throng h CorraUU Wednesday en ronte from Aibanv to bis home at Mon- 'oe. Mr Barneit and A. B. Goodman have Kea engaged ia cattle buyiug all reason and have just made their last shipment for this year, at Albany. Sat urday they shipped lOta) head, 900 hevl their own. Tbev were suck cauie and went to L.M. Cornelius, of Montana. Mr. Cornelias has purchased, all told. over 3000 bead of cattle in the Willam ette vallev this rear. Times. Miss Kkabjckv's Address. A good sized sodience beard the krtnre of Mist Kearney last night at the V P. church She is a cultured talker, forceful in ber areuments. presenting the evils of tbe liqnor tratho in a manner to convince and yet without bilterncs. Her ad dress made a strong impression. Ths A lps Atx Right. One of the best entertainments of the season happened at the t'reebytei ian church Thursday night. The attraction was the Alps quartet of Albany, whose singing de lighted everyone in the audience. Oa the program also were recitations by Frankie l'a u thorn and Edna Irvine. Corval. is Times. Makb $1000. If yoa want to make some money easily yoa had better trv that missing wore contest of A Schilling A Co. It ia perfectly fair ard clear to anv one who will read this paper. We would like to see the money won bv some 01 our reauen. a Tub Waterloo Road. Geo. liardr. of Lepanon, bas sold his telegraph plant to tbe Waterloo road. He was in the city today and says he believes the road is an established fact. The Medal Contest will be held at the . C. T. L. ball Tuesday evening of next week A fine program, including excellent music. OIVIS S1VIOYS Both tJia method and rosnlts when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and. agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to ail and havo mado it the most popular remedy known. fcyrup of Figs ia for rale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro euro it promptly for any one who w tshes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FI9 SYRUP C0 sa rumiiaGO. eu umruu, urn rots. it. ALBANY TRADING CO. E. K MORRIS, IMAGES We will sell goods as long as they can ba obtained on the market at prices ai fol lows 1 dox best jar robber 1 doz gal fruit iris 1 dozj gal fruit jars... 5 gal keg pickles 1 gal choice, backet 3 lb cartoon crackers 10 lb choice beans 8 bars best Savon soap $ 3 boxes blueing qt bottles blueing 5 pkgs corn starch 1 gal best vinegar, try it 1 gal best syrnp, bring your jug. . . 2 sal good eyn-p in backet 1 box best axle -ease 2 cans beet tomatoes 2 " Morning Glory corn. good... 1 lb Corn Cake tobacco and pipe. . - 4 lbs best crackers 1 gal peeled peaches I sack Aomsville floor 1 7 pkgs Arbuckle coffee 1 7pkgsLyon 1 1 Moer coffee, cronnd ti nrAor 03 87 is 30 20 25 25 25 25 25 15 50 75 10 15 15 20 25 30 00 00 00 15 25 20 40 25 00 25 25 25 40 8 lbs rolled oats, good . f ids 001a trust washing powder. . . 1 can best baking powder 5 lbs Arm A Hammer soda 12 cans salmon 1 3 cans best core oysters 3 cans spicea 3 bottles extract lemon or vanilla . 1 lb best Gunpowder tea 1 lb best Japan uncolored tea 50 lbs fine salt 12 packages good matches 40 40 10 Good stock working gloves 30c to 80c a pair which we wish to close oat. The above price are strictly cash Albany Trading Co., Cor. 2nd and Main Sta. Headquarters For Everything. albam"tet stobe BIG VALUES Hitched to Little Piices That's the way you find it all through our store. liltle lo Pay an? I0L5 lo Sare Oar qualities, oar value, oar prices, oar strong hold. ALBANY'S CHEAPEST STORE. KHKHT &HHSEB S. I SCHIFFLER I CO. Merchant Tailors Carry the largast and most complete stock of Ulotns in the valley. O'i Siaai in Fliii Elect. ' "How To Get Bleb."; 2S will ears von 7 weeklv. with car pbjr of investment ; voo cannot lows Two mew made foOO aad last moots oa Jb. Yoa an do likewise, if yoa doa't in Test, and keep your money ia yomr pocket, yoa will be ooor all your life. Try as witn tza and see what we can dc Absolutely no risk. Write for particulars to "Ooaraatee Brokerage Co 0aes 213 aad 215 Byrne Building, Los Angeles. California, FOfJSD. Near the college, a pair of sold rimmed spectacles. Call at tbe Democxat omce and d secure rr (property. FURNITURE FOB SALE. As we in tend to move to Spokaae wilt sell our hoaebotd furniture at reasonable Call at residence ia 3rd ward. Mas. w. s. Taaccoa. WASTED. A second hand orcaa, cheao, for cash er trade. Give , - , s 1 aiscnpuoo ana price ana hkirs Bayer ia care of Dkmocsat office. WANTED. A position to do general housework or aorsiag. Good ref erences. Leave word at tbe Dem ocrat office. LOST omewbere i Aloany a lady's fan. of delicate make. Return to store of Julias Giadwotl aad receive suita ble reward. FOR SALE, The meat market farai are. tools and slaachter hoase tools, the Emerick market. Call on Louis rockman or William Flickinger for pat culars. DKESS-MAKLNG. Ladies wishing leara catting and fitting by the Mor ns system, call aa Mrs. R. E. Owen. Dresses made for $2.50 and up. Cor Sid andCalapcoia. WANTED FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN TO travel for responsible established house ia Oregon. Salary t7$) aad expenses. Position permanent. Ref erence Enclose sell-addressed stamped envelope. The National, Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. FOR RE?T. Six room house i npper ward for rent at H00 per month. Inquire of G. W . Wright. WOOL WANTED. Will pay the highest market priest, tall on M Senders. Insurance agent and dealer in wool and grain, Ferry St. VV ANTED. A few more engage ments by the day to sew. Mrs R. &. Owen. TWO RIGS. If you wisi to taite a drive see J W Roberts for a first class lig cheap, tie has two ready fur use. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. Bed room set. booKcae, conch, pictures etc. Call at residence of C. W. Elkins'. OS r Somewhere in btmsees part of A Idaav t nnivA rvmtaiitinfy SL-kfi Will give $10 reward ftr recovery. Fskd Boheim. LOST. Stem winder to gold watcb, near central school building. Return o Democe.1T omce. AT THE MINES Boarding, lodging aad meals may be secured of the sub scriber at the Santiam mines, at his place t the mouth of Dry Gulch. H. W. Wm. If OST. Cuff with a horse shoe button. Please return to Democrat