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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1897)
t-M'H It 1 1 t MM H HH'HUHH tt it It 1 1 Hit tltt II t Is'tso? 5 DonlidTe I-.,,!,,. NEURALGIA and ask, Jiiy.J BUT USE Oil f and" youH find out how quickly and surely it SOOTHES and CURES. JR. J. L. Hllili, nvcician and burgeon. Of PICK First St, Just Run House, Albany Oregon. OR. C, U, CHAniBERLIfl ECOnXOH OPATHIST Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem ibuee, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry St, near 3d street. WETHERFORD&Y.YATT Attorneys ut law Will practice in all the courts of the state. Special attention given to matters in probate and to collections. OFFICtt In the Flinn block. BLACKBURN & SOMERS ITORNEXS -A.T Xaj?a.'W All legal matters will receive prompt at tention. Office, First National Bank Build ing, up stairs. V- R. CILYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery, collections made or all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Oregon. M OKTASYE fc OACKLKH4M, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon, FIBST S4TIOAAL BANK, OF AUiST, OKSGOX P.esldenV. .. ... Vic President .. 'Ashler i, LFLINH S,K,1VlinQ K. W.LANGUOS TAK3ACTS A GMERAtbBl-iahMeS IG-rT gXCHANGB and te'etraobic tturfet, sod New Vork San Francisco , Chicago F-Mtiatd OL'jSCTIOSS ADR lormbl Urate ismni 8 K Vnr.nt X W Li1tO PAGoonwrx, t. Fum C. 3. Fuxa. J- WIIITSi.1 .. tlornev at Law, Aloany, Or. ALB MY ORCHESTRA i M BICKS1ST0. Conductor EESIE3IF&Q0KIgr INSTRUMENTATION I Vio., II Vio., Qar., Cor., Trom Bass and.Drums I(eet oife of XQv ifvjsic -Music Fuxaished For Concerts, Parties. Receptions a. Enter- tain men ta at reasonable rates. Correspondence solicited regarding ?n gagcnets oat of town. Address Bert Westrook, Badness Man ager, Revere House, Albany, Oregon S9 YEARS EXPERIENCE. . TRADE MARKS. OESICNS, COPYRICHTS ate. Anyone sendrns; a f ketch and description may ouicily ascertain, free, whether an tnTention u nmhahtt mwntuite. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents in America. We hare a Washington ofnce. Patents taken throngs Hum Co. recetT. Bpeaai nouee m me SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. bcaattfaliT .!lQtrstd, lartrest etrrolstioii of iit scieatitle nrrnal. weekly, tenxiiaJU yew; $1-50 an months, peeimen oes and liAJiO - MUNN & CO., 361 Brii, Sew Y.rfc. ' The entire outfit, bors?s. carriage, &c of the John Scbmeer livery stable is offered for tale. Parties wishing to boy please call at the stab'es and ccly those who mean business need apply. A bargain will tc given lomj bCHMsEit. Fire Insurance 'mi .",w"i 'RE YOUR PROPERTY with v le Old Hartford, the New York Un w i iters Airency or any one of the reli able old line companies he represents. Notes taken and plenty of time given for payment on farm insurance. All business will bt promptly attended to. OFFICE IN P. 0. BLOCK ALBANY. OR hrw fceer- K wi 4j AbMatelr l:,kw to the refund money If we 'in it"' Von can be treated at aotnefortheaameprtra V&?A 75d flie aanie naraa. tMM wltn tntMe who tL Z pieffirtocoiueXere fce will coo tract to care 2 liiynt or pAy e:p-iw; of nutu Veres in Lt vo Jo mi v. cufuiuic, .. .w - araq ri-.ilj oad and hotel gS V'j , r$tf ''. t-d we tail io taiwiymssfSf Tw.r l stjll here afid , ; -. : r, tc:c It WWl 1 : r- t ..: fd t-ijl. I , . - (. 1 r- jj .;...: "I.- i . .': v. anmrat ate - eaaiiM" " the t.'". 1 or ii., trm: i:.' fcavi: : fn.-r; l:d ll-s:i.:s C. A. AS FttEElU PROCURED. EUGENE W.JOHNSON, Solictor anflAtiyiii Patent Causes l Sew Turk Are., Wasblngtoa. D C Office eisiabliBbed KQg. Charges mod e-Hl Oorrfuponr'ence requested. SCaTfiatssn-lTrirls Karlobta!ned anil all Pat joDtbuaint a? conducted fjr Moderate Fees, i s nenaraouei,arwiaaori)!ioto. WeadTlseif inatentatile free of cbaro. Our fee not due till' (patcntiaaectircl. A. Pamphlet "llow toOb- Uin Patents." witli coat of same in the U. a. i and foreiga countries sent froa. Address, i c. a. snow & co. w. Patcnt Orner. WmiiiaTnM t 4 SOLICITORf? WANTED FOR DR. rALMAftES"The Karth Girdled," or hi fatuous tour around the world, a hri'ling story of avap and barbarous lands. Four million Talmage's books sold, and "The (Carth Girdled'' is his latest and tfi-rtmlesr. DEMAND ENORMOUS Rvrvbodv wants this- famous book; only $3 5Q. BIG BOOK. BIG COMMISSIONS. !!4 mine fnr workers. CREDIT GIV EX. t HEIGHT PAID. OOTFITFRRR. Dr p all Irash and sell the king of books sni maKe 5.i00a month. Address foroat- ht ai.fl terntorv. The Dominion Com- Im.v, r.'r tiuitainsr, Ucicago. L "ST. Cull with ahorse shoe button, i lease return to Democb at oUce. For Sale. tar Bakery Corner Broadalbin and First Sts CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR- -Deuer in- Canned Fruits, Canned Meat Queensw&a-o Vegetable Cigars, Spicea Tea Etc. Glassware, - Dried Fruits. Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee. Etc. verything that i afept in ood variety and gro . eery store. High est pr!ce paid for ALL KINDS OF PKODOCI Heaia Ds BsfoTa ? ? ! We're talking again talking to the hard- to- please , people who like particular ' printing. We are particular ' printers : we pnt in that little . extra-nice touch that pleases 1 yon. lie the lob big or little. 1 its big enough to be well done. I Our Particular Department is oar whole shop. Ask as to 1 prove it; we can please too . or give your money inca. Sxilet's Particular Printer. , Phone 9, Albany. SENDERS' COMPANIE Always Pay. No question ahont full and prompt merit of losses by fire on insniance pUoM with the leading agent cf Albany, M. Sen ders. 'Tliafs tatHe InsiiresPeopIe Fcr Don't allow yourself to be roped intotb varioos "Local Mutuals" now being pushed on you as being "cheapest In surance," when you insure you do eot want to worry about getting your money i case of loss. M SENDERS Insurance, Hay, Grain and Wool. IT IS SO WRITTEN and none can dispute it. We lead tnt wall paper trade. We were never mors in the van than now. More designs; newer, brighter, fresher, and more orig inal designs ; a greater variety ni ae signs ; finer qualities of paper; and lower prices for fine qualities of paper than can be found at any other establishment: these are onr many and solid claims to your natronaze. When yon see what we sell for 15 cents a roll and that we only ask 15 cents for it, yon 11 be verj much surprised. J. A. Cumming. FOSHAY & MASON -Wholesale & Retail MUG GISTS 15B00I8SUEES ALBANY. OBEOOH. Pare Drugs and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. M. tudwig Leads in bath tubs, while others take his ideas and copy. Call on him fortheorigina uo nUOOD POISON 7 uary eypn u is permanently cured hum ooasja, i on can do treataa at notne for the same price under sams guaranty. If ron prefer to eoma her we will contract to pay railroad Xare and hotel bills, and no ebargs,ff we fall to curq. If roa bar. taken mer- nry, iodide potash.. and tlnm atlU bar. aches end oalas, Pimpl lmples. Copper Colored Spota, l lcers on noconri tehst In mouth. Sore Throat, any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrow. fAlllnc out. It Is this Syphilitic BLOOD POISON that atutrantee to care. We solicit the moat obsti- nate easee and c ha lieu eaMArMMnnnnt.nA 'I te easee and challenge the world for a 'ibis disease has always pamea the .kill of the most eminent physi cians. 500,000 capital behind onr nncondt tlonal (roaranty. Absoluteproorssenteealedoa 80s atweooVt a ample. CHlCAAitTlXJ application. Aooreas VUUH KKMDV tXlm CHEAPEST POWER . . . HERCULES AS ANDJCASOXINE Built in snecial and factories. State your wanU and write for prices and term-. Illustrated catalogue furnished free upon applies- Amibicah Iypb Fodndkbs' Co. Portland, Oregon . T OST Stem winder to gold h Return o Dehockat otfice. iilHrfiPit! Congress it busy nowadays in the in tertst ot the trusts, particularly the sugar trusts. Let everybody rustle for better- times. Oue good way is not to talk hard times all the time. A runaway horse m Washington dashed tnto a crowd of office seekers. Their cheek saved them. With big prices for cattle and a great many tales good times are claimed in some parts of eastern Oregon. Tnere it to be a Chinese bicycle race in Portland, another sign that the Celestial is catching on to the American ways. A youDg man from San Francisco says there are live men there, wanting a job te every position, and that wtgea are (rightfully low. The republican press is giving John Wannamaker fits. Even Judge it cari caturing him. Mr. Wannamaker it to be congratulated. The effort is being made in Wasniug ton to pot a stamp tax on bank checks. mortgages, &c. This would be going backward and would be an outrage. A St Louis woman had a guardian appointed (or her husband on proving that be spent all of bis pension money $30 every month for patent medicines. Gold miners in Alaska get $15 a day four months in the year, but board is $10 a day all the year round. Ex . Accord ing to that a man would receive about $1,800 and be out $3,650 for ooard. The statement is probably a fait, one. Speaker Reed gazed over the Houae yesterday and his eyes fell upon Repre entative Shafrotb, of Colorado, the chest champion of the House, says tne Poet Soon a page came down the aisle and told the Coloradoan that the Speaker would like to see him at the desk. Mr. Snafroth went np behind the clerks and received the congratulation ot the Speaker on account of the game fight he bad made and the success be bad achiev ed as one of the House team in the in ternational match. "Yon are to be con gratulated," said the Speaker, "for win ning the day, but yoa need something more. The next time you want to get off one of those raging 16 to 1 silver tpeechet yon just give me notice and Ir will let yon in." And the Speake, smiled one of those open-faced grins with which members are familiar he it in one of bis pleasant moods when From the Poet : Ten or fifteen of (he ninety U S sena tors ride bieydts. Among others pitch fork Tillmao. Senator Tillman ia a most indefatigable rider, ianoring the street cars altogether except on the rainiest of rainy days Senator Warren, of Wyoming, is a new recruit, bat man ages to pedal aloug quite scilllully,!hi.e Senators Bacon, Chandler, and Elkios are all old stagers and enthusiasts, al though Mr Bacon it noted for nis extreme carefullnrss. Senator Cbaodler baa nearly 500 miles to his credit, bat this il becaate be spends his entire summers riding over the New Hampshire roadt. Atnon the Populists Senatore Batter and Kyle are good wheelers. Senator Fanlkner looks like a promising mem ber of an athletic dab when be dont bit abbreviated trousers and golf bete, with a nobby cap, but be will not ride at night. The daylight, be says, is good enough ior him. Senator Perkins, of California, osed to ride one of the old fashioned high front big wheel machines, bat when he moanted a low safety the other day be mattered the art of cycling under new eonditiontin lees Intn half an boar. Stnator Wet more and Senator Waleott ride fioe wheels, and are tne best dressed cyclers in 'the senate. Senator Lodge can ride a wheel, but doesn't, and Sen' ator McMillan bat also ceased the sport He was riding down the Boit d'Boulogne in Paris one day when he bad a bad fail, and eiace then cycling hat lost its charms for him. Remarkable Bicycle Accident A very remarkable bicycle accident occured in New Jersy state on tbe Stb. While turning a .harp corner at the foot of a steep bill, 20 riders in a five-mile road race near Passaic, N. J., ran into the month ol big stone quarry, and every one of the racers wat injured and every wheel waa wrecked. That none of the riders wat killed is extraor dinary. Sixty cyclists had entered the contest, and by tbe time the steep bill was reached 20 riders were bunched. They did not slow up for tbe hill, but dashed down at full speed. As ttey reached the sharp corner they attempted to turn into tbe river road. Tbe momentum was to great, however, and each man lost control of bis wheel. As tbe leaden went down amid their wrecked wheels, their followers ran into tbem amid tbe wildest confusion. A cry of horror went np from the spec tators on tbe bill, and several women fainted. Half a hundred men were soon at tbe scene of the accident, and tbe work ot extricating the injured wat be gun. Several of tbe ridera were drag' ged out unconscious. George Peddy, of Lindburst, wat thrown twenty feet away, half dead, between pilet of stone, with a broken leg. He nad been among tbe first to strike the obstruction. Tbe stone which the leaders struck weighed fully 10 tons, and upon all aides of it lay bleed ing and bruited riders. Parts of wheels and racing suits were scattered all around. Tbe men were freed from the wreckage and assisted to a shed near by, where tbe spectators bound up their wounds. Peddy wat tbe only one ser- ously hurt, but none escaped without some injury and many of them had to be taken home in carriag e. The wheelmen blame the officers of the race for not warning tbem of the danger ous turn. When Traveling Whether on pleasure bent, or business. take on every trip a bott'e of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on tbe kidneys, live, and bowel, prevent ing fevers, headaches, and other toms ot sickness. For sale in 60 cent oot- tles by all leading druggists. Manufac tured cy the California Fig Syrup Com pany only. We recommend Pabst Malt Ex tract, the best tonic to build up tbe conval escent, strengthen the weak and over worked, to conquer dyspepsia and relieve indigestion, to build up and feed the nerves, to produce sleep and build up tbe blood. Price 25c. Burkhabt A Lkb. DrnggUls. Social dance at 'he opera house under auBpictsof the Albany Orchestra, met Satuiday night. All those holding invi tations to last winter's dances will be wl-come. Lynching and the Law. From the World : There It never any exeats tor lynching. Linching It a crime, and there ta never any excute tor crime. - But there may be an explanation. And it ia alwayt worth while to contider the explanation. The horrible affair in Chip waa only a conspicuous illustration of tendencies that are manifested in other occurrences J which The World groups with it In a startling exposition of truth to-day. Fortunately this roost horrible ot re cent lynching! did not occur in the South, where certain forms of Crimea by negroea are tuppoeed to be regarded wit:) special abhorrence because of race prejudice Fortunately it did not occur in the half civilized parts of the West, where intem perate public opinion is accustomed tbua to aatert Itself. It occured in President McKinley's own State, where civilization hat wrought ita will for about a century. An occurrence of tbis kind meant some thing, as do all the other occuirencet which The World in its newt columnt ba grouped with it. It means that the people are discontent with a law which does not make a capi tal offense of the most infamooa crime that any man can commit. It meant that the people are impatient ef the lawyera' devicet for defeating jus tice. It means that the criminal lawt, fram ed by criminal lawyera in the interest of criminals, so far defeat justice that the people the ultimate source of all law are disposed upon occasion to rise in their wrath and set aside the law in be half of justice. The remedy for alt this is plain. The laws ot criminal procedure should be made, not by lawyera accustomed to de fend criminals for Lire, bat by honest men accustomed to regard crime with abhorrence. The "law's delay" should be abridged. It should be the object of the taw to punish crime, not to excuse it on technicalities, and until this princi ple ia embodied in law and In court prac tice we shall have horrible lyncbinga at incidentt in onr administration of jo ttce. So long at the most infamous crime conceivable to the human mind it not made capital, so long as a man guilty of that crime is offered freedom if he can give a paltry bail of $1,000, at in the case of the Ohio criminal, so long will the nltimate lawmaking power the peo ple wratbfally aatert its authority to punish tuch crime by the high band. We are not asserting or defending the right of lynch law . We are not apologis ing for ita exercise. On the contrary, we deplore and denounce it- We are ex plaining it as a phenomenon. When law prescribe adequate punish ment for Infamooa crime, and whan ex perience snail have taught the people the courts may be depended opoo ia spite of the wiles of the lawyers to enforce the lawt, lyncbioga will cease. Cnti! that time thai I come we must expect tuch lawless out break i at those recorded in The World's columns to-day. Curious Facts. The cheapest lammi-r resorts are in the monnlaint of Japan. There are mineral tprings there to which peasants I bring their own bedding and rice, paying only three cents a day for lodgiog and : ate of tbe water Dr. Brierre, a well known continental scientist, declares that he bat often heard mice tiog. He says tbe "music'" generally begins about sonset. One evening be noifleetly epened a cupboard, and observed for a tout ball a minute the movements of the throat of a moose, which, be aayt, emitted a song !ke that of a wren, tbe snoot being elongated.and held no in the air as a d jk does when i t bowls. Telephones are in common use on Swedish farms, and even in Fioiaod- A traveler calls at a farmboase, and if bis lan go age is not understood, be rings np an interpreter. Ia Augusta county, Virginia, a co-nplete system of cheap telephones bat been introduced, reaching to farmt as well at vilagee. People who expected the present ad ministration to do anything forCaba are being fooled. Here ia bow the great president maker stands on the subject as told by the Post : "There is no news in tbe statement that Seoator llanoa is opposed to what be calls tbis agitation about Cuba, for bit effort a to prevent a vote m tte senate on the belligerency resolution are still remembered. The other tUy, however, be was expressing bis opinion in very emphatic termt to a fellow senator. There isn't the least bit of interest in tbequsstioo in Ohio," asserted Mr Haona, "and I do not think tbe country is bait as much concerned as some of tbe agitators tere woald have tie believe." "Well, Henna," said bis colleague, -I still bet yoa $500 that your state conven tion declares (or Cuba . "Very likely," a1oly assented Mr. danna, "because some fool will gel np with a resolution which nob.dy a ill care to oppose." "And the country is foil ot just such fools," was the other teoator't parting kot. There is a chance of an improvement in tbe weather service. Balloons are 1 be used. Just bow that ie to do any good in prognosticating a storm that is sweeping inlsnd from the ocean we do not know; but TJnc'e Sam bas some mighty tmatt men in hit service and It it no doubt tte proper thing. It will at leatt belp keep np tbe deficit. henry L. Wilson of Spokaoe ia to be minister to Chile. Having been let down politically in bit own ttate he bad to be provided (or nationally. Tbia It a sam ple ol 1807 politict. Men with money are getting great sorafort from that speech ol Gages. What about the common trash with empty pocket -hookt. Lets do somethlug to give them comfort. Paris continue! one hundred years be hind time. Two prominent men have just fought a duel over a little renters that amounted to nothing, though taken as an insinuation. Murderer Durrani bat managed to work the courts for another stay of six months. Justice out iu California trav els at a district messenger boyt gait. Washington Post. Tbe finaoce committee should go and shoot itself after providing lor a bank check atamp. This it going backwards Perbapt Ohio will down Mark Hanna, It ia to be hoped to. Conn & Huston have sold sixteen Waver." lies this spring. i - 1 Mosic Miss Mildred Burm ester I teacher of piano or organ. System--th Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street, opposite U Pchuicll. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS During the week a bank man skipped out from an Oregon town. He was an old bachelor and hence left no one but his creditors behind ; but it as unkind to do so lu the midst of returning pros perity. It it also to be reg-Kied that a former Albany man is probbly a ioeer by the disappearance of the Forest Grove banker. Amateur photography Is one of the crazes of the age. It it a very pleasant one too for the novice, this taking snap thott at all kindt of tcenee and pi people in tverr dav nositions. The Dkmocbat man hat a camera ia his hi-a l and is touching the button tome. We are glad Mr. Smith secure J a $1000 piece ot bullion in a five days ran of a tmall mill up the Santlam. Mr. Smith bat bad hit eyes on the Santiam country for twenty or thirty yeareand It entitled to a find if anybody. What do promises amount to anyway. Up in Umatilla county a man was re elected assessor on the promise to cut expenses down . Did be, not much ; the first year is just past and his expenses have been over $5000 for one year. He charges fi a day for himself and all deputies and then pays bis deputies $2 60 a day. Things are not done that way in Linn county just now. Washington Letter. From oar rarular Corraspondant. Washington, June 7ih,l897. If Shakespear were alive and writing about the eugar trust scandal he would probably make Pact say, "What cowards these Senaters be" instead of "What fools these mortals be." The Tillmau res olution baa not been reported to the j Senate, but it ia dead-killed by the feart of some Senat rt and the absolute cow ardice of other. An investigation is not wanted by either the sugar trust or its legislative servants, and there are enough Senators so wrapped in what they are pleased to call conservatism and reapeC (or the honor of tbe Snate who wilt join in voting against the resolution when it is reported to the Senate t defeat it Senator Jones, of Neva la, a ho i Chair man of tbe committee to aluctj the res olution was referred, hat acted rather queer! t. He first told Senator Tillman i hat tbe committee would report the res o'otioo favorably, bat now be is oppoeed to that action and has fallen back on tbe stock excuse that it ia too important a saatter to be burrie Jly acted open. Thete it, however, ooe coc eolation in the situ ation . The sugar trust may eeoape the exposure that woald follow a thouroh investigation, bat it will a 'so looee much ot tbe money it would have gained by the agar scbejaie U bad inserted id tbe tariff bill by tbe republicans of the Se nate Finance committee, at thatschedule it as dead at a last Tears birds nest. Uov favorable a schedule the trust wi 1 be able to secure it yet to be even. It is fighting bard, and the subject it one up o which crooked work ran easily be dooe at a aogar schedule it of such a technical nature that it reqairea earful ttu Ir even on tie part ef experts t- understand, and is Greek td ordinary foa. Republican Ex ing about any old I comet within the The latest catches in ibis I in were Ev - Cooareesman Andrew, of has been nominated t 1 be be Treasury depaitinent. nd Ex C-a- greeernaa Brown, of Pa , has bren nominated to be Au liur f r ihr war Department. Tbe Tillman bill giviag elates the ame control over Hqaort imported ioto their bjrder which they exercise over hqaor ot domeet'e manafactare bat been favor ably reported to the Senate. It it in tended to in part meet the recent de cision of a Federal court against tbe Sonlb Carolina dispensary taw. Representative Champ Clark, of Mo., bat been booming Representative Bailey, of Texas, for the Presidrocy ever sicca a democrat t3 fill tte varanc in the Missouri delegation in tbe house. Mr. Bailey sayt he has no Presidential aspir ations and is in (avor of the nomination of Mr. Bryan ia 1900, but withes to serve ooe term as speaker of the bouse, and then to become a member of tbe senate, which he declares to be tbe great ml legislative hody ia tbe world." There bas eatarally been much talk about the very bloat warning given 'O Bats Hanna by .Senator Mantle, of Mont., in a speech on the wool id an o lac tarert wanted tbe cream and were not only willing but anxious that only skiai milk should be served to tbe wool grow ers. He told Mr. Hanna that nnless tbe wool schedule wat made satisfactory to the wool growera be would be retired to private life, instead ol being returned to the senate. Hanna ia beginning to thow that be hat (ears of its turning oat that way regardless of what the tariff bill may or may not contain. Here it tbt Gags scheme in a nutshell, one that should not operate: In outline, the scheme will embrace tbe gradual retirement of the greenbacks and tbe tubetitution of national bank cotes notes therefor, allowing national banks to issue at tbe full limit, instead of 00 fer cent, aa now; reducing the tax on national bank circulation from to '4' of 1 percent, and limiting the denomi nations of bank notes and all other paper money to $10 and substituting silver tor all below $10. There will b- probably a provision for braoch banks, and there t a suggestion that state and municipal bonds may be uted at a basis for not to exceed 50 per cent o( tbe note circula tion. HORN. SAMUELS. In Albany, on Saturday morning, Jane 12, 1817, at the home of Mr. Wm. Fortmiller, to Mr. and Mis. K. O. Samuels, of Dallas a girl. All doing well. "Complete Manhood aim How to Attain IL" A TConderful lfsw Uedkal llook, written for Men (July. On. copy may ts bad free, sealed. In slain .oval ope.ooappllcaUou. ERIE MEDICAL CO., 84 Niagara St. BUFFALO, N. Y. STREET TAX. Notioe is he thy givm thatlbe tax toll of the uity of Albanv, Or,, fur and street tax for the year 1897 has been plaoed ia my hacdt for collection Such t-xas are now due, and payable at my cftios in the ..4,m A..nn:i -i i - i l.l a.,i. ..ha wi.heatn nerfr,. labor upon the stieets, either in person . r 1 i . ; . i . i . ' y uoautute. in lieu oi najiDir saiu sax ( in money, mast notify we io writing on or s bsfors the 1st Av ot Jaly, Jons 12th, 1897. .'COUt, : Marshal of the city of Albany. thing ol an office that .L '.'"M ?-. ir reach the- data. tck oJ ,a,. ,,. , on j -" "'o kuwuns MISFITS. The Lane county jail has been empty since March, a remarkable occurrence. It takes as big an effort for it to rain here this summer as it does for it to stop tn the spring. It is being reported that Jonathan Bourne will go east to live. Some people will consider this a humorous item. Other townt will not be able to make a showing with Albany on the 4th. We wilt have a regular circus of a time. A weed called California lettti'e has appeareu in Jackson county. California will please kept ita pests at home. Fifty bodies have been stolon from Lick Creek cemetery near Imlianoplis A man's body it not safe nowaday! even after death. . M. Kenshaw. of the Hoffman House, Eugene, wat lined $ .0 for selling liquor to college eludm., Served him rigiu. An eiuhange in a neighboring town being hard up for items wrote: "The local and freight trains passed here this morning." Wonder w hy every body askt the Dhm- t rat man if there has life a a fire. Ao use of a (ire with clothing as Cheap as ran now he gotten at the bljin Clothing Co't. A darkey prophet back ea-t predicted that London waa to be lurni-d vestsrday and all the bad people in the U. S. to day. A young man named Looney received a wheel from the east yesterday that cost 32..r0 laid down. It waa u.ade of such cheap stuff that the e pokes bent beneath bis weight. $2 50 would be a deer price for it. The moral need not be stated. It is understood that John Dale wi'l ahort'y sun a paper, backed by and iu the interest of Joe tiimon . The Gazette "'v"-7 e"M7 iinw icrwruug to brother Daly. Corrallia Gazette. Tbe big, fat editor of tbe ilen InJe pendent, ia a verv ohiloeorihical wan Not owning a wheel be takes gr- tt co'n- tort in .be tact that be gets all u,e exer cise be wants in dodging peo..i wo"o do own wheels. Magistrate Cornell, of New York City, thoaid move to Nevada. When Shar key and Mah-r were arrested for rrcze righting, though they had knocked each other down and slugged in prize ring ttyle, he declared it was only sparring, and discharged both men-. Portland should be happy. Two war ships are to visit Portlandthe Monterey and Monodtioek, and tbe pancb bowl service is to be presented there. Tbis was all secured throush the herculean efforts of Senator Mr-Bride and Repre sentative Tongue. These men are prov ing themselnra etatecmen of the first magnitude. Col. Jim Martin, for maov years a deacon ol the Presbyterian rhurch and SopU of the Salem Water Works, ears be aaw a rig tree in Arizona ten he was down there recently that.' vat 116 (eel high, measured lit) (ert around tbe trunk and marketed six carloads of & gs last year. Mr. Martta wears the belt i among Prest-r lcrian. J alera Journal. f Mr. Looney ahorecenUr received a bi. j bit ion to pr ve il in vie o( the neiue in i 7 . . . .-. -.-" t halt a ouSe in width. Ai N. br. who, he Albany piper. The cr in.l,., fnr nly hopes he will get his mocej. worth. j The tiles; railroad umr i bat the i Oresxian track is 'o be lorn un aud ned in the extension of the U CAE into Kat-rn l irexoa. it i declared that the construction of the bridce washed out laet winter has been -sojne.1 tn antici pation of tbe (act. This pratwibly is as well founded aa most raiirwad rumor. at-J it will be safe net to believe it. In riew of the big paracha'e jump on the 3rd of July the loi.owirg (rim Nash ville, Tenn.. will be of imereei: This morning i'rofewsor Barnard to trj another voyage balloon ad been too whea awav up in iu urscrpa rapujiy, tne twMioon burst, but the parachute apt -l:anors en - aOitM (he prolessor to lasa tale y A farmer ot this county, who before tbe election wat told by the man who held a inorigage on bis place that if tt . - .. I 1. - . 5 1 I. -. . lie without delay, but if KcKialey was circled he could have plenty o! lime, was sold out by the sheriff a short time ago. Tbe said farmer is a democrat, and . u " . nnMu uv wuutu ,w iu art., was tbut toerced into votinc (or the Mr. J. A. Falkenburg is malidg a tour o( the Pacific coast, lecturing on ood craft and endeavoring to inctecee the membership oi the order. He began in San Dteo, Cal. last January, and in ten weeks over 1,000 applications have been nt into the various c m.psol that state lie has been nine weeks in Oregon, and in that time 1,013 applications is the re suit. He has yet to visit F.asiern Ore gon and Washington, where he expe-ts to meel with a corresponding drgrea of saccees. He state that in Oregoti there are now 7,000 oodmen. Astoria Bud get. Edward I.. SchelUer, the miner who founded the town oi Toinbetone, Arix , stid died last month near I'anyouvHle, made provision in his w 11 lor hia lat reeling place as follow! : "it is my wish, if convenient, to be hurried in tbe garb ol a prospector, my old pick and canteen with me on top of the granite hills about three miles westerly from the city ( Totnlistone, Ariz.; that a monument such as prospectors build when locating a mining claim be built over my grave and no other monument or slab erected. And that none ol my friends wear crape. Under no circuineUce do I want to I buried in any cemeterv or graveyard." The will was filed at Oakland, Cal.. (or probate. All of his estate, valued at 75,000,is given to hit widow and brother. From the Harrisburg Review : Last year la putting up bops Mr. J. L. Bartholomew of tbis city placed a note in a bale, requesting the party purchas ing the same to inform him of the prico paid. Mr. B. after holding the hops (or some time finally il is nosed ol them at f'u cents. Last week Mr. Bartholomew received a letter from a firm in Michigan staling they had purchased the hops, found the note and that they had paid 12 cents per pound (or 10 bales. Say the bales averaged i'00 pounds, Mr. B. real ized $90 on the 10 bales, i'lte ajeat buy ing the hops sold them for $240, and af ter de luclliig the f'.K) and $28 freight he had a clear prolit ol $132. (Choice sardines at 0 E BnowitKi x's. Constipation Causes fully half the sickness In the world. It retains the digested food too long In tha bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, uidt Kloodl I gestlon, bad taste, coaled , tongue, tick headache, In- Pills .nmni. to mii. .ureeonstination and an its resulta. easily and thoroughly, asc. AUdrurjtsts. ITepared by a I. Hood & Co., Ixiwell. Mum. Th0 only TUU to take with Hood't SarsaparlUa, ibea'r the machine i n-ntt f r . ....:! "advance aeenl of t, ." nnlw i l"wJ,l'" "'-r be sold out as told arxe. Xlany thou-1 ?ha? Cbu ljn anhipe fanes wore weie humbeggrd in the same ! cra"i of tfc,n- c'n ,A . i i I Oale spronir rp. and of sv.ral TELEGRAPHIC. Cerbrt Mast Walt WAsniNOTOsr. Tuna 11 THo Wl i ton Post says: "Senator Corbet has been assured cf a favorable report from tbe committee tn privileges and elections, but has been to!d that he will have to wait until the tariff biil sout oime way betore the case can be brought up in the senate, It is pretty gen -erally understood that congress will adjourn as soon as the tariff bill is out of tbe way. Tie rraat ea Tap Washihotow. June 11 The first tea1 vote on th sugar schedule waa taken In, today, resulting in the republican caucus amendment, inciting the doty on refined sugar from 1 0875 to 1.0M5 centt per pound oy me cioko vote or ayes 3 noes 30 Tbe aiuruiauye vote was maoe up of 29 wpnb i leans, 1 democrat (Mc finery l 1 silver re publican and 1 populint. The negative vote wus made up ol V democrats 3 popu lists and 2 silver republicans. D.aa'a Eesert !!EW YoBE JjD0 11. R- G. Dunn & Co. .weekly review of trade tomorrow will say: The gain in bnaimva mntinrA r,,.t ;ti. out Hunctuations and at the best mod-rate. u."w-i. ii is sun in quantities, rather than in price, although in some branches koajlvance in prices appears, but on tbe -uoie me numoer ot bands employed, the volume of new ord,is and tbe amount of work done are slowly increasing. Vise Flsal rresBecS New Yotk June 11. It is announced on nood authority that Bradyfbaa .offered a purse of $14,000 for a fight to a finish be tween Maher and Sharkey, somewhere in tne vicinity of Carson City, The data of the meeting will probably be late in August or Septerauer. bharky will lea re on W ed nesday next on a trip to Ireland, where be expects to remain about six weeks. Blllea sty a ttattlesaake. Akmxotos Or.. June II. Fred Cooper, a young man living on Rock Creek, this county, was bitten or a lares raltlesnakf. today. The fangs entered tbe young man's wrtrt inflicting a dangerous wound. When lrt hrard from be was in a precarious con dition. A Baak rrealdeat lUp, !. Fosrwr Gove, Or . June 10. fbe For ei O ore bank cloted its doors at noon to- Oav. uecaose of an order to tha'- effect re- e,; f cd by Cahier F . T. Cane from Anton i noner. the president of tbe bank. Tbe order came in a registered tetter to Mr- Kane, from Portland, in which u-titr was alao aa tmipnxnml to 3 Hashes and A ii in man. made bv Mr. Itanner frr th f . ne fit of ail hi creditor?. m -ns itvr, Jai. I'tanner said that be felt that he bad reached the point where be feared to go on wifh but boainees affairs, as be did not feel that be would be able tc sand toe meetal strain: that he intmdad tc. go off among strangers for quiet, and if be wen, ce would return; if not, he would ate amsog straogn. Uhle ftirle. UiRitisoHAM, Ala, Jane 10. Han'mile may be the scene of a bloody riot before to motrow's sua riaes. A mob from Decatar it bent on lynching Louis Thompson and Walter Neviila. the two negioe who as saulted Nslie Lawtoo. a 12-year-uid girl at that place, and who were taken to HanU vilte far safe-keerBg li-t nigr.t. They miv bow ia jau at usnumzie. The rreaMrwl's Trip. Hot Sr-uscs, Va , Jane 10 Before any of tha rest of tbe peesideBtial party had ria-a tLis morning. Mr. McKink-y was en-j-nyiBgthe rw of t be encircling mrmntain (rota the oppr veranda tf the ho'H. He aad .Mrs McKiniey breakfAsted aloceatSl o'clock a law a Cjrlwa Ma-os Cut, Ia , Jane 1) At 6.3 to a'trht a cjcJoee trock northwest of Lyle, Iowa, takicg a oa'hajJer!y course. Sev eral people are reported kilfcd aad icjored. Tbe eyej-.e tor Cp boose and other boikl iog in its coarse, and Use t-ntory i bow bane. Ta pata .f tbe storm was a Vint 1 telegraph Hoes tx-r on sidings Warder Will .Btjtr. V. Jon 10.- S E 1jrr. of j an La.(rrn dtedive agency, left here on j T B!o -" .mJla , Hcr arreted bT bin, r,r A-hlaed last Miwri. on a rearre cf murder in iji It t ahevied that six year aco last April Soper trsof.i-rd fci -,fe and two ciiksren. at Archie Ca county la Missouri, by fcawsVatte Weiler. J Xkw Yokk. June 10. i dispikH to toe' iieriia irwa :uvaca salt: It i i-'hcT.J Here , powr 1 ate au rf4 far It tTasajjccro, Ian 6. At tbe reqisM of Sittor McBride and K-presecU;ne Kilis. j the Monadoock and Monterey snU order I ed to Portiaad. Or lulv 4. Th! of the Orrgt n will al be orurnd thsre to I t ra"e S1,TW m ,oe- j . TM..ku v. n F t T v ' A " C . Jane S.- ery raeasw i . . , -w si.i "t tro- j n ii a oeteii i apt. off ) terrible S hundred I j boats wbicb w, re out at tbe lime vrr f returned, tt is estimated ahoni Jail nu. 1 l t their lire. The Urm swept ov-r the ' entire archipe'sgo. Ssreial large junks' were lo-t, in wich scorrt perished. The Aaliaw Wad i London. Jane 9 The late advices! from Constantinople deny that the power are avoiding direct negotiations between Greece ard Turkey. In other respects, however, the ajprvt of affairs is rather worsa than heretofore. It appears that at Saturday's conleience the ambassadors de , ciined to accept either Assam Bey or Siaru iey as a lurtusn peace commissioner. I his, together with their refusal to discuss tbe retention of rheasaly, threw the Sultan in tuch a rajre that he forthwith summoned a meeting of tbe s(exial commLwion ap pointed to consider the terms. Was a tttv New Yowt. June 9. Peter Maher and Tom Sharkey fought tonight at the Palace Athletic Club, for a $13,000 rurae. At the end of the seventh round, I lie police inter fered and tbe contest resulted ia a most unsatisfactory manner. Never in tbo history of the prize ring has mere wd sucn an enormous attendance at a boxing bout in this vicinity. There were aooui iu.uw presept. Bw rraat reprieved Sax Fhaxci:co, Joae 9. Theodore Dur rani will be reprieved tomsrrow. Gover nor Budd lias decided upon tbis course, in order to settle the question of the rights of the federal courts to interfere m the exe cution of a sentence imposed by the state court. lie has named July 9 as the date on which tbe sentence shall be carried out. atyaaaalled. Havana, lune 9. The nasAnuM- rrain which leaves Havana for Mutant is daily at 6 a tn, was dynamited this morning about 12 miles from tbe cilv, by a patty of ln aurgt'Uta. Both engineers, one fireman, one conductor and seven soldieis were killed and three passengers were severely injured, while &! suffered more or less bruises. Btatb of Onto, Cirr or i'OLsno, I Lt-caa Covntv. ( Fsakw J.Cubxky make. oath that he Is lbs senior partner of the rirniot F.J.Chsmkv A Co., doing busiueaa in the Cite of Toledo, tunly and btatearoresairl. ami th&t said nrm will pay the sum of OS K it UN UKKU IKJUL. KS for each and every case of Catahhh that cannot be eared by tbe use of llaix's CaTAn.H Ccaa. . . . KRANK J.CIIEXEY. Sworn to before me and sutneribed (n my presence, this 6th day ot December, A. D. life. A. W. Q LEA SOX, A'otary Pubtie. SBAU nail's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and ads directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the ajrstem. bend for teatlmoniala. free. F. J. CHENEY LX1., Toledo. O. T Bold by DroirgUu. 760? ' Hall's Family Pills are tbe best. ArrkSTioN Masons For the Masonic convention to be held in Portland the O. It. & N will make round trip rate ot 2.40, good going June 11th and 14th and returning to June 22nd inclusive. If you want a gbod and clean smoke buy cigars made by our AI j bany cigar lactory. 1n th forr uin. undertook I rrvfd cew of tK i t . j t. m bit air-Uip. The i Uvn made public that i;trxral WerUr's ! big'j'r tnSated.and rrtars ta'm aiil. iuwi i A Hammond fctory. II. E. Chipman, a civil engineer for merly in tbe employ of the Oregon Pa cific Railway Co., tells tbia atory of A. B. Hammond, tbe lailrcad builder and owner: i Mr. Hammond and a party of gentle-' men were up in the Cascade mountains near the eastern terminus of the Oregon Central & Eastern examing the road and incidentally the available timber. The special train was stopped near a good section ot timber and all hands went out to examine it. Mr Hammond became separated from the others who soon saw all they desired and returned to tbe car. They thought be would soon return and so waited patiently a considerable time when finally, becoming alarmed, they went iwi into me timber again to find him. There be was, just where they had last seen him, bis bands clasped behind him. Handing with his bead thrown bajk and his eyes intently scanning np one ol those huge, majestic fir trees and hie mind completely engrossed and ab sorbed in contemplation of tbe giant fir and a silent mathematical calculation of how much lumber it contained, bow many more trees there were on that acre and bow much the quarter section or section would be worth. He jotuoed as trom a dream when they shouted to him for he had no idea bow long be bad been standing there. The incident is narrat ed to thow what kind of a business man Mr. Hammond ia. One who is thorough, accurate, practical and who can focus bis ecergy and tboueht to th pliabment of great as well as small mat ters. tugene Journal. See tbe new lea-her belt hook at French's joweiry store. See tbe fountain pent at Will k Star Its, toe Dear to be secured. vv in Ac sta k always have m itock tbe lavw novel lie. in all Iier of jeweiry. 1 oa can b iy a good reliab'-e fountain pen ior one silver dollar at French's jewel ry store. You will alwiys find a fine line of iew elry at Will Surks. Do not bur before examining their goods. Dr. G. W. M Aston, phjiiciaa and ssr geon. Albany Or. Calls answered prompt ly in city or coon try. L ois Yiereck has cured tbe services of weorge t. west, an eipe-ienced bsorial arust. t ml cias work guaranteed at Vwreck's shaving and hair catting parlors. Yon make a score every time yon buy your meats of tbe Albany Dreued Beef Company. Only first eias meats are kept, of all kind, and prompt and earefal at tention is the order. Just do wo the ttrext. Coniid.T your ways, think before yoo act, and then go to H light Bros , where yoo will find a choice sts; of seats of ail kindj to ord;r Iroru. You xre boond to be phased if yon order of them. A NEW NFXK-bAND makes many a neelesa shirt as good as new. We put them on for 15c. We'll care (or all y oar laundry so well yoa'll never mist tie darning girl of the old home There's really no necessity of co'.Iam, coffs and shirta dying of anvthing bat ripe oii age. , . Broken bands and edges prematorely frar- ru are toe result ot careless work and poor machine nr. Why don't yoa try an up-to-date, careful laundry? Our collectors call anv w here, any time, C Simpsos A So. Upp St Chariet boteL City Laundry. J. GraJwoM !ntjrmtnesirai nblx thai fc wilt l'm as aavbody in the aty tor net tmw mm get prices before yoa bey. April U,lr-J7. J. bFADWOHI.. Save Your Grain. t V worth of e-ii-i tnUillr Wake- S,itH aai G pHr ExtemiruLtor 'ir,,. i,; 1. 1 ' , . -xT . V" I I Let everybody come to ins ilr Baker, CMtvca. castor ia "cr I-fia's and Children. ttrttisss tt h ew 3st The Wee alt Dusotkat $1 a yeai and the Weekly San Francisco Kx arm Dei $1 Ma year, combined for only S35. This include all the privileges ia the $10, 00 p.-vmiurn U,t of the Cxamioer laciad 8 a 10,iJ rendeoce and a $4000 gol4 asel. Tbe price of genuine Oliver chilled plo a'e ha been reduced to 50 rears. Be ore the tume Oliver it on every share. or on'? Hopkins Bros. " ' Clubbing Offer. The Week lv Oavmar an.t YTa:T Kxaminer will be sent to subscribers for 15 a year. This includes all tbe priv ilege of the Examiners big premium rift in May, the same as if you sent the reg ular subscription price ot tl.SO directly o the paper. Isn't that a bargain. Weekly Dbmocbat and thrice a week N. Y. World, $2.00 a year. Regardless or Cost. Julius Gradsrohl intends to go out ot the crockery and glassware business, going in to tome other line of brisiaewa, and heaos wi.I sell his goods of this kind regardless of cost. When you call and gt his pnees aou will be convinced that he means btsi ntss, aud will believe what he tart. CoMKANDSxsmy lineot ladiee and childrens hats. Children's all trimmed lor Toe A complete line of fine new flowers also received yesterday. Any number of dozen eggs taken in exchange for hate at Mas Johx X. Hoffman's. liifth Grade Ltondry Work The Albany Steam Laundry, M. D Phillips proprietor, does work Ciat speaks for itelt. It is high grade what ever the article. Now a specialty ia being made of ladiee birt waists, which aie laimdried for only 10 cents. DUicate colors retained and goods bandied with great care. You can depend on work done bv this auudry. Canned wild blackberries la one and two quart jars, cheap at C E BROWSKli's. Mrs. Yiereck bas connected narlor with her summer garden, where she can serve the public in ail kinds of wea'her with her delicious ice cream. The Ideal polish is polishing th world today. It it given up to be the i greatest polish on earth for irold and ail plated ware, nickel, bras, copper, tin. lino, Ac. Every package guaranteed by Burk- hart k Lee, Druggist. Price 25c. Yes, it pay To buy your groceries and produce of Conn ft Huston. Tbey keep the best and ! freshest ard are all right on prices. They j wilt help you to prosper in dull times. See their fine line of crockery j 1 W Bentbv. the pioneer boot and shoe ' man, does first-claas work cheap. Call on him, just north of tbe Democrat office. Or. Tlces Cream tiaklnsr Powdsw World'a Calr Hig-st AvarC. ALBANY TRADING CO. B. I MORRIS, HAHiGIR We will sell goods as long as they can be obtained on the market at prices ai lot lows 8 bars beat Savon soap. 25 2 25 2 15 50 75 10 15 15 20 25 30 00 00 00 15 25 20 40 25 00 25 25 25 40 40 40 10 3 boxes blueing . 3 qt bottles blueing o pkgs corn starch l gat best vinegar, try it ; I eal best evrup. bring your jog. .. 2 gal good fyrijp iu backet 1 box best axle g-eaee 2 cans beat tomatoes " Mornine Glorv corn. good. . 1 lb Corn Cake tobacco and pipe.. 4 lbs best crackers 1 gal peeled peacbee 1 sack Aamsvilleflonr - 7 pkgs Ar buckle coffee 7 pkgs Lyon " 1 paper corfee, ground to oroer... S ibe roiled oat, 01 3 lbs Gold Dust washing powder. . 1 can best bakinz oowder 5 lbs Arm & Hammer soda 12 cans salmon .. 1 3 cans beet cove oysters 3 cans spices 3 bottles extract lemon or vanilla 1 lb beet Gunpowder tea ....... 1 lb best Japan nneotored tea.... 50 lbs fine salt 12 packages good matches Good stock working gloves 30c to 80c a pair which we wish to close ouu The above prices are strictly caeh Albany Trading CoM Cor. 2nd and Main Sta, TTT iixlo TO THE E A ST circa TB CKOICB OS ThO TKAKSCOSTlSESTAt. ROUTES GPaEAT union H0RTHERH PACIFIC na SPOKANE UIKXEAP3US AltO via DENVER OUAHA asn ST. PAUL ULSSASCmr I OW RATES TO ALL E ASTERS 1CTTII3 OCEAN STEAMERS EAYE PORTLABD EYEBT S DAT son .. SAN FRANCISCO for rail details call aw Ccaxax ft Mowrsrrw, Albany. Oi aa AbDSkKaa: W H HCHLBL'ET, GrVi Paa .Asks S00 PACIFIC LiriE. 111 Mai-it Soi-d Tesibole trains, consisting of peJ a skepiBg car, loxo ioas dining cars, eiesantday coaches. vsagaiSceat tourist car i nd free coioaist sleepers from the Pa eiSc to the Atlantic withoat change COST DIAECT A SO CHSJlPEST mOCTX T KootcnayJ TaW, Hilling f m m m-a t TBAO, ) aOS51A5D A5T Alt points in tbe OkaBagaa Country. Get a pamphlet einne a foil dewenptioc t this wendVrfui country. Ask tbe aarent for a copy of the miniag laws of Britiar Colambta. Losrea rates to and frooi -Hi U iiuirjij Atlantic steamship ines. Canadian Pac.Ry. Uo-'s ! Royal Mail Steamship ine) China and Japan CAKAOLA ACSTBAAIASI 9TKAXXS; USUI BajsoLnx, rut asd acstaixa. Tbe shortest lioe to the Cclooiee. These steamers carry aa experseoced, taedical man. aad a stewardess oa every, voyage. . For time table, pamphlets, oa any in ormatioB, call oa or address. S N STEELE k CO, A gpnta. Albany Or. EJCWTlAa'VMa Third St. Port-, and, Orv - 1 GEO. NcL. BROWN. H. P. A. Vancoa ver. B. C. Orego Cumral & EASTERN R. R. CO. -YAQUINA BAY ROUT? Connecting at Yaquma Bay with tbe Sau Francisco & Yaaaiua Say STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Steaiiii 'Far Sails from Yaouina everv 9 days for" San Francisco, Cooa Bav, Port Orfor Trinidad and Humboldt Bay Passaxexa Accomodatiost TJsscbfassxb Shorteet route between tbe Willam ette Valley and California. Fare trom Albany and points west tc nan (rancuco Cabis Stxsuiags Round trip good for 60 days. To Cooa Bay $10 a .. S.0C ..!:. Cabin $3.0t A aVV Steerage fw To Humboldt Bav and Port Orford, Cwbin 10- aian...ti.ttt . am Steerage. w River Division. Steamer "Albany" between Portland' and Corvallia.tbrooch ithout layover'. Leaves Albany 8X a. m. Tueedays, Thursdays and Saturdays; leaves Port-' land, Yamhill street dock, $rf)C a. m. undavs Wednesdays and Fridavs , Edwin Stons, J C Mato Manager. Supt River Div. STREET BAILWAT. NOTICE. The motox on the Albany street rail way will connect promptly with all traiaf to and from the depot, day and night. Special trips will be n ade at special ate. t. F. Cosk, Conductor,