The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 18, 1897, Image 2

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    lite gnuorat
Mr. Corbett might as well come home.
Themiar trust Eeeins to have the
country by the th rout.
Commencement week, one long to be
remembered by the graduate.
A Lewiston, Me., saloon man recently
sat on a grand jury in hta own case. Ue
was not indicted.
It is being estimated that fool Ameri
cans win epena aoout fiuu. uuu,uou in
Enrobe this year on account of the
queen's jubilee.
Glass toys 1500 years old have been
taken from the jrave of a child in the
course of gome excavations at Rhein-
heesen, Germany.
Duing his eiuht yea's of Presidency
G.-over Cleveland drew $399,999.93 oat
01 uie treasury, it will thus be seen
that the U S owes him one cent. Better
pay n;, Uncle Sam.
Water insects use two Methods ol
breathing. They either come to the
surface to perform that function, or,' as
is frequent in the early stages of their
existence, breathe by means of peculiar
gills, which draw theoxvgen out of the
water and transfer it to the blood.
One of the quickest known ways ol
dispelling a headache is to give some of
the muHsles ihose of the lege, for in
stance a little hard, sharp work to do.
ine reason is oovious. . .muscular exer
cise flushes the parts engaged in it, and
depletes the brain. When your head
. aches take a stiff walk or a short bicycle
rice. Ex.
At Canton on Friday, October 2, Major
McKiuley addressed delegations from
West Virginia, and from Seneca and
Hpioo counties in bis own State. On
that occasion, among other things he
said: "Business activity will return,
confidence will come back, courage will
vase me piace oi tear, work will De re
sumed, and prosperity will come to b!ese
aod benefit us all." This was to occur
in case of bis election. Has it.
Fiona the Memphis Commercial Appeal
Speaker Reed takes the chair and says
' I will please come to order.
I don t believe in the efficiency of
prayer, so I will dispense with it today
"The records of the preceeding meet
ing are considered, read, and approved.
mere is no annmsuea Dasmess or.
hand, and even if there were, I do not
consider myself a quorum at this stage
of the game.
"Did I bear a motion to adiournt
Well, I should remark, for niy hearing if I
very acute, and when it comes to ad
jonrcing I am aquoram from Q-iorom-vill-.
"If I am in far jr of adjourning. I will
please signify it by saying aye.' It I
am opposed, I don't know myself.
"I have it. I stand adjourned."
borne Frets .
. A correspondent writes the San Fran
cisco Examiner, as follows, from Cleve
land, O":
Cries of iodustrat and commercial dis
' tress go op from every connty in Ohio.
The wLole common wealth is prostrate.
Iu epite of the absolute certainly that
the tariff bill will bscoms a law within a
iew jKrKs ttie times are growing worse
instead of better.
It is impossible to exaggerate the dis
tress in this etat. Farms hare actually
sbiunk to half their value, and the fig
ari"B actually show that ever Bince Mr.
McKiolev's election values have shrank
not less than 10 per cent. Tha depres
sion is so terrible (bat loan institutions
are holding thousands of overdue mort-
gafces, which they dare not foreclose, be-
cause prices have Bcnk so low that farm
ing land fiequently fails to bring the
price of the moitgage at auction.
Waea are being cat down in all direct
ions," factories are running on'y part of
the time and usually with reduced forces.
Thousands of idle workmen join with
the ruined farmers in the c y for pros
perity which was promised. Everybody
Vnowsit. Nobody denies it.
I wag at Canton and walked a boat
the very spot where hundreds of thou
sands of workingmen beard Mr. McKin
ley proclaim from the wooden stage
erected in front of bis bouse that the de
feat of Erjan would open the closed fac
tonee, raiso wages, give every body work
restore tbe days of plenty and security to
farmers and give the merchant a chance,
to live. I talked with many represen
tative citizens and they all told tbe same
story hard timet, suffering and bank
ruptcy Mayor Bice, of Canton, said:
There never has been anything iike this
in Ohio before. There are hundreds of
families in Canton today who are suffer
ing for want of food and clothing.
Things are getting worse. In three
rood'-ha this year I have spent oat of my
private puree for food, coal and clothing
to give away more than my year's salary
-as mayor.
The factories are cuttiog down wages
- and reducing their forces. Many of them
are not -operating more than three days
a week; moat of thtm are rnnning with
out profit. Farm land that has been
worth $100 an acre cannot be sold for $30
an acre. It is almost impossible to hor
row money on real eetate, because tbe
pr'ces eiok and sink.
The fat'oieis and woi kirgmau are de
epening the Republican party by the
wholeaU. The Republicans cannot
hide tbe evidences of distress here.
They arn to be seen everywhere. I
know of scores of men who are insolvent
and who cuutinue in business simply be
cause their creiitors do oat dare to act
fid, in rpiie of this terrib! condition
of things, (he Republican party contents
ittelf with the pavmect of its private
poii irai debts in the form ol a tariff bill.
"Why, I had a lialf-nakfd girl come
n m? to ask for relief for her penniless
father, an J a family of five children with
the exotana'ion that her father voted for
Mr. M -Kni!ey and thought that on that
wouol l tnigrht not fee) likf be'piog him
Of rosifsc. I helped him. We must help
i reiieve distress in such a time as this
regardless of politics But! cannot see
h .v Senator tJanna and his friends can
fool th people of Ohio at the polls this
yen r . '
Just received at the Lidie Bazaar the
lit! li;in of shirt waists for the auason.
ftmiH lvaudiome ones among tbem, size
fit 3 to i2, call early and make selec
tions. Jie t
led Cream
on the Coast
II. PfeifTers
d wild b'acKberries in one and
l-r, uuuap t
Oregon Prospects.
"Nothing more prosperous than the
coming season presents lias been with
tbe farmers of Oregon and Washington
during many years past," said Mr. R.
Alexander.of Umatilla county, to a Port
end reporter. "The crop is assur
ed of being of an abundance almost un
paralleled in the history of the valley.
Better still, we are certain of fair pricee
for oar grain, a shortage existing in the
other icrainprodncinz countries of tbe
"In the Argentme Republic, one of the
principal competitors of the United
States in the grain trade of the world, a
veritable plague exists, through tbe vie
itation of locusts. ' In witness of this '
take this clipping from an English
per," and Mr. Alexander produced
"A gentleman who has just come from
tbe River Plate tells me that the de
struction effected by the locusts in that
part of South America has been, as he
expresses it 'fearful.' He believes that
not more than 50,000 tons of grain will
be available for shipment. The locusts
he says, were in great fdtce last October,
and the visitation seemed then about
going to end ; bat in December, when the
eggs of the old visitants were hatched,
the plague became far worse than ever.
The insects have overrun most of tbe
country, and in some parts a-e to be met
advancing over the (round in a compact
mass of from one to three feet deep.
Farms have been devastated on all hands
and many of tbe farmers npeet by the
terrible plague, have committed suicide;
in fact, suicides have become so common
from this cause that they are not now !
reported so freely in tliefpreas as they
were at first. Attempts have been made
in certain parts to stop the insects' ad
vance by lines of fire; but they pass over
the fire, hundreds of thousands bring
consumed, and practically extingnishicg
it, the others passing safely over and con
tinning the onward march. At times
tbe locusts fly from place to place in
clouds, and my friend save that one of
tbe clouds was estimated to be not 1 .ts
tban 15 leagues long and ten leagues
"Tbis would seem to be in a -measure
a repetition of the awfnl devastation in
Kansas during tbe 'TOs," continued Mr .
Alexander. "I was in Kansas daring
those years, bat, thank heaven, I bad tbe
sense to emigrate to Oregon, to a country
where droughts arenokoown and neither
grasshoppers nor locusts prevail '
Farm and other Items.
Taxukxt, June 15.
A fine atiower of rain fell here on Sun
day eveuing which bad a livening "(Text
on all kinds of vegetation.
Fall grain looks well in the central
pait of Linn county. It is nearly ail
beaded out and promises well.
The early spring sowing is coming on
nicely, but what was sown late was
needing rain very had.
The late showers has been a great ben
efit bat there was not near as much as
Gardens look well where they have
bad proper attention, bat we see some
where tbe boe and plow have been al
lowed to rest and as nv.ght be expected
they present a sorry appearance.
There will be quite a lot of fruit of all
kind, bat not near as much as was ex
pected earlier in tbe season.
Cherries are rioe bat the supply is
Early apples will be quite plentiful
and manv otber varieties wiil be abund
Prunes, plums and pears will be a fair
Berries of all kinds will be plenty
where they have received proper atten
tion. From present indications the farmers
bave little room for complaint, as the
present prospects indicate there will be
plenty of everything and some to spare .
There has been quite a lot of sorgnm
or sugarcane planted in this vicinity tbis
season which looks well. We are going
to try the experiment of making ocr
own syrup.
The school which is being taught by
Prof. Wood of Benton county, will be
closed 'next Saturday. Tbis makes
nearly eight months of school taught in
this district by the Prof, and he has
given excellent satisiaction. ids onty
fanlt he baa he lets a little attraction
in CorvaHis call him over there almost
every week, but all teachers tbe same as
anyone else have their failing.
A series of revival meetings held at tbe
Oak Creek Baptist cburch by Eld. C. R.
Lamar, assisted by tbe Kev. Snider of
Portland, closed Sunday night, Tbe
meetingslwerVvery interesting'.and well
attended throughout. Visible results
were eighteen baptisms and one re
claimed. Tbe church has been greatly
revived and we ;hope good results wi:i
yet folio m.
A suuday-school janior cises and a
young people's union ae now in working
condition with earnest workers In the
Tbe people of Oak Creek deserve much
credit for tber good behavior and re
spect sbown tbe ministers during tbe
time the meetings were ia progress,
which was three weeks.
"Tbe Republican majority in tbe House
must certainly ft el embarrassed by their
present attitude upon tbe Cuban ques
tion," remarked Congresfman Ball, Of
Texas, to a Washington Post man . "On
April 6, 1896, more tban a year ago, by a
vote of 247 yeas to 27 pays, the concurrent
resolution recognizing a state of war iz.
Cuba and aocordinig belligerent rights
to the Cuban forces passed. For that
resolution Mr. Dingley, Mr- Hitt, Mr.
Groevenor, Mr. Dolliver, Mr. Uepbnrn,
Mr. Payne, and tbe Republicans gen
erally voted with tbe Democrats.
For weeks the democratic minority bave
tried to secure action upon the senate j
resolution, and yet the republican ma
jority will not permit a vote to be taken ;
It is no answer to cay they are waiting
upoa the president. If they thought
war exieted mote than a year aio, when
they voted that way, why not say so
now. If they were willing to throw the
reeponbibility upon Mr Cleveland, why
not upon Mr McKinley? The skirts of
the Democialic parly are clean. They
voted for Cuban belligerency urder
Clevelaud and are ready to vote for it
now under McKinley. The repub'icana
will yet be driven to it And the coun
try will hold them responsibly for the
wrongs and outrages on American citi
zens and the crimes occasioned by their
criminal delay. A deathbed repentance
will then be too late to save them.
Congressman Payne, of New York, has
a hoodooed postoffice on his bands.
About a year ago tbe Democratic post
master of Palmyra died. Subsequently
bis widow was appointed to succeed him.
She died. On the first of the month
Charles P.Kline qualified as postmaster,
and today be is a corpse.- Mr. Payne is
wondering whether he will be able to
find anybody to take tbe job.
A treaty for tbe annexation of Hawaii
will be presented the senate. Annexa
tion will be the proper thing.
Mr Andree is on his way to Mie north
pole. It seems foolish ; but the man
who reachee the north pole can' sweep
the earth with his name and command
the purees of millionaires.
The Servants of the U. 8. back in
Washington are making the sugar trust
present of $12,000,000 How do yon like
that kind of robbery of tbe people's
F.oin tbe Pott:
"Nearly every one has heard of Max
Pracht, of Oregon," said a western Hen
ator in one of tbe cloak rooms yerterday ;
for be has been traveling all over the
country for tne last four years shooting
for McKinley and a protective tariff.
Max is what we call out west a bustler,
and fc has hustled prettv lively, building
np McKinley sentiment prior to the St
Louis Convention, and working for votes
subsequent thereto. Max has bad the
confidence of the leaders in Oregon and
elsew here, and was prominent enough to
be given the position of assistant ser-geant-at-arrus
at the St. Louis Conven
tion. In ail his hustling he has had one
eye on tbe personal future of Max Pracht
in th9 event of Mr. McKinley's success.
Jnst after the election nothing bat a
$5,000 a year job would dd. Ever since
then lie has been coming down, until I
see b the papers that he has finally
landed m a $1,200 year job in the In'
terior Department.
"How was it that he was transferred
from the Treasury to the Interior Depart'
"Why, that is simple enongl. He held
a position in tbe "Sreao y Department
under Harrison, and w i old soldier,
so he was reinstated ; but there being no
vecaney in the Treasury Department ha
was shifted to the Interior. Pracht has
always enjoyed the pertonel friendship of
Mr, McKinley, and it is a clear case of
tbe President baviug some influence
tbis administration."
Sodavllle Sittings.
Oar town is unpleasantly quiet since
tbe college closed, and the exodus of the
Boyd, the photographer, has taken
his traveling gallery to Waterloo and is
now making shadows of the beautiful
things of the chipper little city.
Tbe Sodaville ecaodat drags wearily
on. Why don't our decency-loving citi
sens invite all dead btats to leave towc,
and if tbe invitation ia not promptly ac
cepted, emphasize it with a coat of tar
and feathers.
Several of our sportsmen are sniffing
mountain air at Clear Lace and angl.'og
tor trout.
The Vlaccabee picnic at Scio oi tbe
1 1 lb inet was largelv attended by oar
people who report a good time, but think
tbe weather was rather moist for swarm
ing bees.
Our genial friend, Al Oeddes, is spend
ing a few davs at Spicer visiting with
the bays and T ?
Prof. J. E. Love, of Sodav.lie and Mr.
Tate of Lane connty bave purchased tbe
Jonas Davis drugstore at bedd Station.
Mr-Tate will bave charge of the drug
business at present while Prof. L. will
continue teaching.
Uncle Jeese Parrisb was prostrated
with heart failure on tbe 13th inet. He
has since revived somewhat, bat is s'ih
very weak. His eon Alex (nd daughters,
Mrs. W H. Reed of Lebanon and Mrs.
E. Sonica of Waterloo were sent for and
are with bim at present
Ouryonng friend. Wayne Starr, is
buildisg a neat cottage on his sightly
property here. He sari the e is nothing
particularly significant about bis actions
just preparing a place to go to wben
he can't stay anywhere else.
Work on the Lebaoou Waterloo rail
road baa been resumed. Micawber"
Wilkins rosy tinted picture of oar town's
fata re, when tbe railroad will bave been
completed, has set oar people to baiiding
castles, which, boxrever, like Mr. Mc
Kinley's prosperity air-ships, are still
in the air, and will doubtless rema:n
there nntil a cable long enough to reach
to the ground is found for that airship.
L. A.S.
Miss Ilattie Gillette of Coryallis who
bas been visiting Nellie Haley, returned
home Wednesday.
Mrs Ada Conner of Albany is visiting
her mother, Mrs Elizabeth Newman.
Tbe "World" says bicycling causes
albuminuria, but Bert Crooks says bis
bicycle gave him tbe chills.
Our grain, garden and geese ned rain.
We learn that Miss Ivy Haley has bsen
emplored to teach tbe remainder of the
term of s:bool of Miss Bod ine who was
injured recently.
Mr Fred Laverick is erecting a com
modious barn which will be arranged
so tbat feed and stock can be kept safely
during bigu water.
Jeff Creel, our popular woodyard man
bas invested in a life sizsd portrait cf
himself. It is br a very clever artist and
therefore true to life.
We are going to tbe picnic at Jefferson
next Tuesday and if Cnuatux, Liltle Rose
Bud aod Young America are present we
will gladly eat ice cream with each of
Quite a number of our young people at
tended tbe picnic at Bidders grove last
Saturday, which ia situated just across
the river In Benton Co. A large crowd
was present and enjoyed tbe addresses
by tbe Hon. Tolbert Carter, J. L. Hill
and Pres. H. B. Miller of the Agricultur
al College of Corvallis,
It seems strange to us women that
those middle of the road populists should
retard the cause of free silver, which
tbey profess to champion by tbe arbi
trary course which they have assumed in
refusing to unite with men who for
principles sake have broken party ties
in the bonett and cemmendable endeav
or to restore the white metal to its for
aier place. Such a course is illogical
and inconsistent.
Belinda Jane.
Turner Convention.
The annual convention of the Chris
tian church at Turner is appointed for
the 18th 20th, this year. The several
programs of the different departments
of the church work are full of good
things. The grounds about the groat
tabernacle have been much improved in
the past year. Reduced railroad rates
are offered. Men of wide acceptance
will occupy the speaking hours on the
two Sundays, 20th and 27th.
J. B. Libteu, Cor., Sec.
Albany Market.
Wheat 03 cents.
Oats 36.
Ega 9 cents
Butter 8 to 10 cents.
Potatoes 30 cents.
Hams 8 cents.
Sides 7 cents.
Shoulders S oents.
That rain vesterdav. thought limited.
did an immense sight of good. It was as
welcome a visitor as Albany ever nact.
According to the Sa'em Journal State
Superintendent Irwin is a stickler for
employing relatives for everything, and
doesn't give any one else a chance.
The Welcome declares the Carnival of
Madrid in Portland last week to be a
errand fake. Even tbe Oreironian at
tached the box receipts and an tne time
puffed it up, according to the w eicome,
Independence has organized a brass
band comnosed of ladies. Albany had
one sixteen years ago and knows all
about ladies bands. The Albany band
was all right.
Readers of the Dkmocrat may expect
considerable college news this week. It
is commencement wees, an era or great
interest to the public, as is always man
ifest by the big audiences which attend
all the exercises. Tbe Dbmocbat's pol
icy is to boil things down and this will
be done as much as possible.
The U. 8. senate, slow as molasses in
the winter, is to give an exhibition of
energy rarely witnessed. It will hold
early sessions. It proposes to meet at
the very early hour of 11 a. m. In Ore
gon that would be mighty late.
Roy Craven and Mrs. Oscar Rennie of
Salem were arrested for adultery on Sun
day and placed in jail. Craven is a
nephew of Mr. Rennie. Mrs Rennie's
defense is that young Craven was simply
remaining at tbe house during tier Hus
band's absence in the countrr. The
Democrat predicts the prosecution will
Director Pague in bis report says more
rain ia badly needed. That is just like
Oreonians. Nevet satisfied. Tne val
ley has been having delightful weather
(or crops.cloudy with occasional showers,
and a wonderful impetus baa beau given
to the growth of spring grain, regardless
oi rague.
"If I wanted to go to hell tor a trial I
would bo to San Francisco. Those who
persecuted Dr. Brown are a dirty, sen
soal, wretched crowd. Tbe Chicago as
sociation should be in better business
tban Uking np tbe washing of their dirty
linen." said JJr. ueoree allace. ol ini-
caco. formerly a sensational preacher of
Portland, Or.'
Judge Collicot, a prophet of Wash
Valley, Ind., preached h is last sermon
on June 7 preparatory to the ending of
the world on Saturday June 12. The
sun was to go down at noon, and the
world was to be darkened. Yesterday
there was to be a new earth. But it is
Monday the 14th of June and the world
wags on. The fools are uot all dead yet,
A wonderful change bas come over
Astoria according to ll.e following from
the Budget : The receipts for fines and in the police court will run
behind this year aboat $7000 as compared
with last year. Tbe estimate by tbe
council mad np teat February irom tbi
source was $3300. For A pit and May
last the receipts were $79 and A0. Last
year for tbe eame months fines and for
feit area amounted to $$56 and $771. In
July and August last year tbe total for
tbe two months was f 22J7. Tbi year
tbe two months will probably bring in
not more than $150.
Tour Groceries and Baked Goods
Is at Parker Bros. EverYbody kt.ows
where their place is. They keep a f reah
stock of groceries, produce and baked
goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable
pricee and treat their customers well, all
Ton may regret some stepe you take
in life bat none taken into tbe store of
Parker Bros.
It is a greU thing to be well fed. Par
ker Bros Keep good groceriee.
A loaf of bread is not much bat yoa
want it well made. Try Parker Broal
We recommend Pabst Malt Ex
tract, tbe bett tonic to build up tbe conval
eaoeot, strengthen the weas aod over
worked, to conquer dytpepsta and relieve
indigestion, to build op and feed tbe
nerves, to prodoM sleep and build up tbe
blood. Price 23c
Bcr.KHHT A Lex. Druggi-U.
Ice Cream.
Soda Water
and Fruit
A. O. Beam's
When Traveling
Whether on pleasure bent, or bumneea.
take on every trip a tott'e of Syrup of Figs,
as it acts most pleasantly and effectually
on tbe kidnera. liver, and bowels, p revett
ing fevers, headache, and other fomn of
sickness. For sale in 60 cent oot
Ues by all leading drueaiirfs. Manufac
tured oy the California Fix
byrup Cotu-
pany only.
A large assortment of garden seeds
white rloTrA timothy and blue grass seeds
just received fresh at
C E BaowNMx's.
Choice sardine
C E Bnows ill's. pays
To buy your groceries and produce of
Coun A Huston. Tbey keep the best and
freshest ard are all right on prices. They
will help you to prosper in dull times.
See their fine line of crockery.
ROSS. On Wednesday morning. June
16, 1897, in Albany to Mr. and Mrs.
Wren Rasa a boy, weight 8 pounds.
A young- woman about to be presented at
court receives the fullest instructions as to
her behavior. She is told how to dress,- how
to manage her train; how to courtesy cor
rectly. Every incident is carefully rehearsed
ao that she may commit no blander in the
presence of royalty. If all this trouble is
worthwhile for the satisfaction of one brief
moment, how infinitely more important it is
that a yonng girl about to enter into the
sacred precincts of womanhood, should be
properly Instructed ia ail mat concerns
: of possible happiness, or possible
Bvery mother ought to see to it that her
dauehters are healthy and strong in a wo
manly way.
She ougl
lect or 1!
nt to maze m
lit to:
tiem aware
that any neglect or irregularity of the spe
cial functions of womanhood may result in
life-long weakness ana disease.
Any mother or daughter may write con
cerning these delicate ailments, with the
ntmost confidence to Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief
consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical Institute, of Bumuo, N. Y.
Her letter will be answered free of charge
with aiurg-estioM for self-treatment at home,
by which these complaints may be overcome
Without need of mortifying- examinations.
Dr. Fierce has had over thirty years' ex
perience in the treatment -of women's dis.
eases, and is an eminent specialist in this
particular field of practice. His " Favorite
Prescription " cures completely and perma
nently the most obstinate ase of feminine
weakness and disease. It heals all inflamed
conditions, strengthens and tone the nerve
centres and the entire womanly organism.
For prospective mothers and nursing
mothers, the "Favorite Prescription " ia a
perfect strength snstalner. ,
Will Wall
Washinotok. Juno 15. All the mem
bers were piesent at tbe cabinet meeting
to day. the matters under discussion
were tbe projected . annexation ot Hawu
aod Cuban atfdirs.' It can hi stated that
no important action reiatung to Cuba will
be taken until the new minuter to Spain
bas been appointed, and is at bis post. '
This means weeks must certainly elapse
before the president will take any action
whatever iu relation to this government
and Cuba.
Bat be Wat
Chicago, J jne 15. A Washington dis
patch says:
Unless General Wevler is withdrawn soon
and there is a charge in the policy of tbe
c-pamnh eorernment so tar as ine treat
ment of noncombatanU u concerned, tbe
president of the United States will indicate
to the Spanish in forcible and unmistakable
language tbe displeasure with which he
views the atrocities that are being practiced
upon the helpless pacihcos of tuba.
Tha TarlST Bill
Washington. June 15 The sena'e
made a great strike forward today by com
pleting the consideration of the sugar sche
"lie of tbe tariff bill except the provisions
relating to Hawaii, which went over. The
schedule bas been the storm center of tbe
entire bill, and with it disposeed of there is
a better prospect for speedy action on tbe
bill as a whole.
Beuer keeCMl.
Washington. June 15 Few offices
seem to be sointr toward Oregon For
state that cast its vote for tne republican
party, it bas not received very much recog'
nitton. No one knows how to account
for it. but tbe presumption is. that tbe sec
atorial lifrbt U in some vat mixed up in
tne matter.
(uiblei ea4
Baker Citt, Or., June 15 Jamei
ihurpbv. a well-known irmtler. who used
te deal faro in Al Sterrett's aaioon in Port
land, was found dead in Mrs. Sbenpard's
lodging boose tbis afternoon lie was
very wt-altny at one time, and bad a itn
ing bgure. bu big white miiartie attract
ing iuiuie-Jute attention. His age was e
tioiated at 75.
Bis Sale at Wttl,
PasDtBTOM. Or.. June 14 The larir-
est sale of wool recorded on the coast In is
year was msde by Fred W. Hendiey. who
sold on com m Union 500.000 pounds raised
at fcebo. In tbis county. Ibere are l'JUU
ucki, and thev Sit ;W cats The wool
booght by t. Y. J odd for the Hartf 3rd
wool house. Tot id amount paid u nearly
132.000. which would give clow to 7 cents
a pound.
Three aUile4 fcy Ufcllx
BkixaIRE-O, June. 14. TLe lives of
three voon? ladies were blotted out yeer
day evening by lightning The victims
are Minnie McOoire, Alpha Tit lor. ar
Lmma Whi'e. each aged IS. Sarah 3ohr
ing was badly stunned and may die. They
were reaiceou 1 1 Jacomtmrif. II rule we.
of this city, and were walking home from
church wben struck by luttitmnir. It U
believed the Uwl corsets worn by tne three
that were killed was tbe chief caate of
their deatn.
Lea las Cahm
New York. Jane. 14 A dispatch to
the Journal from Havana says, Spanish
troops are returning pain at the rate of
2000 a month. This week's steamer will
carry back over 600, free of cot to the gov
ernment, the expeoces being botne jototlv
by the Marqois de Comilla. president if
the Transatlantic line, and the fpanito Red
Cross society ber .
Ta lieeSI Mmmry.
Lojtdox. J one, 14. A sptcial di patch
frr-m Buchal. island of Madeira, iff the
west coast of Morocco, sirs that n tbe ar
rival there todav of the Biitih steamship
Soot, hich left Table bay (Cape Town)
June 2, for Southampton, it was annooo
ced that Barney Baraato, lh South African
diamond king, who was a in on? the pas
sengers, had committed suicide by leaping
overboard . His body was recovered.
a . fthawlas.
WasBtSGfox. June. 14 Tbe monthly
comparative statement of import and ex
Jtt Unied by the barean of tatitt.
treasury department, shows the exports of
domestic roerr hand ice during May to hare
amounted lo 76.9K.PS2. acairwt IM.S-7.
491, for Slav laid year. To import of
merck:andie dano May hut amounted to
9.321 ,.7. of whkh 3tf,63.770. was free
of duty. Tbe uteres ia tt total imports
of merchandise over May 1SS5, was oter
Madtf Sceae.
Sax FaASciseo, Jane 14. Bain show,
era raited this section of the state Ibis
morning anexpecUdiy. and were general
from Santa Grot and Stockton north. Tbe
heaviest fail recorded so t'T w at Ku
reka, where .6 of an inch was legutered.
Paris Juae 12. An attempt was made:
today to amauanale relix raure, prwident
of the French republic, wbiie he was en
rocte to Long Champs to witneso tbe tirand
bile M . Fanre's carriage was pasvnng
a thicket near La Cascade retfanrant. to the
Bois de Boulogne, a be nib rxploded. No
one was injured by the explosion. A man
in tbe crowd smpcted as the prime mov
er, a arretted.
A Blaetoblraa rie4
Meridax, Miss, 13. News reached
here tonight of the murder of fire negroes
in tbe extreme Lorthwetern portiou of
Femper county. . A nert named Sibley,
while crazy drunk on blind tiger wbuky
ecu red a gna and started out to ki'i every
person be met. The first be came arma
happened to be five nexroes, three women
and two children, and the fiend shot tbem
dowa and left tbem where ibey fell. He
also shot at six otber negroes, who narrowly
Tac latflaa State
Wash ts; .-ox lone, 13. -Tbe Indian
office bas received from Captain S touch a
detailed report of the recent trouble there.
animr trom tbe murder of tbe settler.
John Uoover, by David Statnly. a Chejenne
brave. Sam Crw and Yellow Hair, are
now lodged in jail at Miles CUy and will
oe irieu or ue civil cocris.
A Wert tlrclala jelaae
WnlKUSO. W. Va., June IU. A severe
cjcJone struct we town of fclkios todav
and did considerable damage. Trees were
uprsoted, roots were blown off teveral
houat lifted from beir foundations and
tbe walls ot new buildings under construe
lion were wrecsed. 1 tie honsa occupied
oy itetiry nay was blown from its founda
tion, and bis wife and children were seri
ously injured,
A Bam4 1 ar Aretdeat
PonTLAND, June 13. A west bound
special train cn tbe line of the Orerou
Kailroad & Navigation Company collided
witn a band car half a mile west of Rooster
Rock at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, in
stantly killidir Robert Dunne, tbe 5-year
old son of Section Foreman Dunne and in
juring Charles A Katbbone so that he died
within half an hour. Both Rathbone and
tbe boy were passengers on the band car.
Mr. Br; a la Sew far
Washikcto!. June 13. lion W J Bry
an paid a hurried visit to Washington
today, arriving herefrom New York this
morning, and leaving for Norfolk this
evening. There were many callers al tbe
hotel wnere Mr. Bryan stopped He at
tended services at tbe New York avenue
rresbvterian church, aad later in the dav
dined with Senator Jones.
Comb axd Pkk mv line ut ladies and
childrens hats. Children's all trimmed
for 75c. A complete line of fine new
flowers also received yesterday. Any
number of dozen egtrs taken in exchange
for hats at Mbs John X. Hoffman's.
J W lientljy, tbe pioceor boo and shoe
msn, does first-class work cheap. Call on
him, just north of tbe Democrat oilioe.
Mrs. Viereck bus connected parlors with
her summer crarden. where she can serve
tbe public in all kinds of weather with her
delicious ioe cream.
CftANoa o Time. Owinir, to low water
the 0 0 & E steamer Albanv for tue pres
ent will leave Corvallis at 6 o'clock a m
and Albany at 7 o'clock a m-.
If you want a ftood nnd clenn
moke buy cigars made by our Al
oany cigar tuctorv
Let evervbodv come to tns star Bakerv
and get 'oave) of freh bread for t.o''
O vim
Book Store Goods
. Closed out
Immediately, consisting in part of:
Beautiful Books
oy ropular Authors.
issue Paper
A great assortment '
Lovely Works of Art.
Bankers Inkstauas.
Blank Books-
Office Fiitires.
Inks-great slock
Pens-qu'te a varie'y.
Gold Pens and Ho.dsrg.
Lead Pencils by the 1000.
Envelopes by the 10,000
Wrftinif. Paner bv th inn ftfin.
Some other pretty and useful articles.
Near the Opera House,
Mowers ... Harvesters
Osborn Nextris.
Deering extras.
Oliver plows, hardware, tinware
and Stoves.
-A Training School For Teachers -
Regular Normal Court of three years. Senior year wholly profeeeionaL Train
iog department of nine grades with 300 children.
Instruction and training- in Gymnastics (Sweedish system), and vocal music for
public schools. The norm-1 diploma is recognized by' law as a State Life Cer
tificate to teach.
Liht expense tuition, hooks, board and lodging (approximately) (33.00 per
year, students boarding themselves, f 110 per year.
Academic grades accepted from high schools. Catalogue cheerfa"r sent on
application. Addrees
P. L. Campbkuu. or W. A. Was.
Ribbons Desirable oolorm, more. taff
eta, sxtia. A bargain Hoe of satin
for & aod 10c per yard.
Veiling The correct tvie. the proper
qauity. the right price.
titovea A dollar glove that i great for
wear, a eeren'y five cent g'oe. and
betttr glove.
Chiffon eveiifr Woe pink,
Mouseclin de Soir cream, jol ow.kack
all at 76c per yard.
Lace t ur stock is large, our ; ry short.
A good line of black chaaViii). cream
and wbife silk Lace at low price,
VTlenciones. n rrow edp lc and op.
lieavy cnttoa tars suitable for trim
uiing ah good.
S. E. Young & Son.
Agents for Botlrick fctterat
Shirt waist sets and belts
(Villi every shirt waist sold during the
week commencins June 14th rnd endine
June 19th ae will give free a shirt waist
set or a leather belt
Tbe value of the set or belt wiil be in
With nil
on to the value of the waist.
waists worth 1 rr over wesiva
tbe purchaser choice of any set or
la stock.
All our waists, waist sets and belts are
new up-to-date goods no old plugs
This is an gpportonity wortn investigat
ing Come early and secure the beet se
lection. READ PEACOCK & CO.
Special "Friday" sale at
This Friday great hn renins all
over the house dont mi?s this one.
Notice for Publication
Land Office at Orkoon Citt, Or
Mat 18tb, IS97
Notice is hereby given t-at the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support of
ot his claim, and that said
proof will be made before tbe reg
ister and receiver at Oreeon Citv, Oregon,
on July 6 h,1897. via: William B Ashley;
H E IOT49 for the N of N K $4 of Sec
17 and S i ot s E li of Sec 8,Tp 10 S R 5
Lt tie names the following itnee
to prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation cf said la d, vis: Edwsrd
OPrkt, of De-roit, tir-jrun. Ja.nea
Monroe and Joseph II Harlaw, bo'h of
t'erry, Ogn, and John A Fox, ot De roit,
RUBER T A. MILLER. Register.
Notice to Water Consumers.
1 tain a good pressure in all parts of
our system, consumers are prohibited from
I UHimr hose without nowles and from allow
Ing water tloaeta to rnn at hll times The
water will oe souiPH wiinqur. no-ice irom
I premises where it i allowed to run to
wast. Albakt atbr Oo.
About Half
Given Away
Boots. Gaies, etc
Summer Vacation.
Professional Men
Lots of notions for children.
Tvpe writer extras.
Showcases, Baskets, Cabinets, etc.,
(He puts the Prices Down)
1st Street, Albany, Oregon.
Sec. Faculty.
Hem and
Elegant De
signs in
Ware at COan
See it
rv 41 a(-"
a tie Ore I Ctmrt a tie Mo ft Orrtm
r fit caaajr of Lma.
J tSorev Fowr aod W J Cear, p'sia
v G Morgan, a sdmieUtrator ol tbe es
latent rticciaa More.a decead; Jame
V M 'T! a .d-nlouTitjr or ! estate
of Lydia Uj r dtwiM-eo: M-y Abb
Gav. Frank tirav I." habaaJ; Arne
MfNeU, Joon McNeil her husband. Jab
X Morgan, Rath Morgan his if; Jame
W Morgan, Morsaa his wife; W
G Mnrgaa, M jefin his wife; Jan. Mo
gas. K A Morgin. Morsaa his anle;
g UaMu, DaecaA bar hmHiad; G
L Strjder and HaitM J Slrydei; L Co.
Nauooai Bank . (a eonwrsttoa) V II G l
t a, A Bosti. Troxtee: Fir N'auooa! Bank,
fa mrporauoe) aod Mil oo Hale,
To JoHo X Mo-Raa aad Rath Morgan.
hit m i',oi Marzaret Datoan ad Daa
cm, her habto 1. Defendant.
OKEliON: Ya are hereby required to ap
rar aoJ oer b C'mpljiot died .gainst
in ll.a ftSnta enltt1.! anit hi th m
j .lay el tha nest tern t f this court following
tha -pir:i n ot sta trnK.toait: by tua
4-h M D1y to;'7;eiatb.-J5ih da
of said month; and if yoe laii o to appear
to answer, f r tut thereof, lb plaintiff
mill apply to the eoort for the rei-f prat ed
for n Ui e bi.ila'Dt tiled asaintt too here
to, tiwil: F a deer foreclosirft a ce'talo
tnoitsw eircated bv on Thntnas Morgtr
id l.Kl-a M.Mfra". hit a ife, (ti'h deeeae
tl) to lha Jarrii-Cooklin Alo-ltfage Tra-I
Comrany, t secara ite payment of $1625.
anh interest, and iba farther .am if (100
.Hornet fee. Sid mortgage being upon
ral Ua sitB'te m tbe oanty of Ltan,
ftta of Orriran. and ttartienlarlv fcoandad
an.t dew: ilrd a fol'oan, towit:
The W S, of the D LC of Uar-d W Al
hnghain: .iiaated in Sec S3 and 34, Tp 13
oath, Range 4, V V M. containing 159
eras more or lets.
Aod airectsa ale of aaid property ia the
manner pridrd by law and application of
the proceed theref on to payment of the
claim ot tbe p ainttflj barvin, including
OMta, di.bnrseraeot of suit and attorney's
This rnmmnns is pnbli.hed bv order o'
the Honorable 11 II Hewitt, jadgaofsaid
Made ad dated oo tha 24th day of Feb
iurr. I5y7.
Geo W tlrsNA Montanyi aHacklk'sas,
Altornejsfor 1'wiuUtTi
Notice is hereby given that the nnder
signed administrator of the esVe of A D
Knox, deceased, bas filed his final account
in said estate in the count' court of Linn
county. Oregon, and tbat sld ctnrt has
ffxed tbe third day of August. 1897, at
the hour of 1 o'clock in tbe aftcrno'm of
said day as the time of bearing all objec
tions thereto and eettling the ame. there
fore, all perton having any objections to
said final account are herebr notified and
required to appear and file the same in
said court on or be'ore sa.d above men
tioned date.
Dated thM 18th day of June. 1S97.
W R Bit vtu, V Y Di'sc!,
Attorney . , Administrator .
N jtios is he Thy given that ths lax toll oi
the uity of Albanv, Or., for mad and street
tax for tha year 1S97 has been plaoed ia
my hands tor collection Such taxes are
now due, and payable at my effioe in ths
city oonncil ohamber in said city.
Any tax payer aho wishes to nerform
lah r opon the straeta, either in person or
hy tubstitnte. ia Ilea ot navine said tax'
10 mooev, most notify me in writing on or ths 1st dav of Jnly 1897.
J nae 12rh, 1897 . O O Laa,
Marshal of tha eity of Alhaay.
i tbe dentist, has two good wall tenti
with fly A each ens', for sue at a bargain
virtue of a warrant for tbe collection of.:
delinquent taxes of the assessment of 1896
in and for ibe Citv of Albany, in Linn
county and State of Oregon, which war
rant is now In my bandt and is in words
and figure, as follows, towt:
im Tne nams of th city cf albaht.
To C O Lee Marshal of the City of Al
bany, Oregon, Greeting:
In the Name of tbe City cf Albany,
Oregon, Yoa are hereby commanded that
yon levy upon tbe goods and chattels of
tlie delinquent tax payers named in the
foregoing list, and if none be found, then
opon thereat property set forth therein.
or so much thereof as . hall aati-fv the
amount of taxes m charged, with cos's
and expenses, and that yon pay over all
moneys so collei ted to the City Treasurer
of said city, and make doe return cf this
wsrrant as by law reaulred.
by order of the CUy Council of bse city
of Albsnv, Oregon, made the 25th day of
may, iji.
Yt itness my hand and the official siirna
tore, and tbe teal of tbe City of Albany,
ttii cm ay or iay, 1097.
. c . I
i' I 'K"". 1
- Kecorder City of Albany.
Which warrant is attached to the li.tof
enpaid on delinqsenl taxes for tbe year
186 in said citv of Albsnv, and not hmr
tng been aole after diligent search to find
a.iy per tonal property within said city, out
ui wnicn 10 mae tae taxes nerem men
tioned, I have levied upon the following
described real proprtvf towit:
Abbey. J R,loU2. 24,25.26,27,
ia, at, oo ana n n block z Ab
bey's addhioa to AlSany. Or f 2 67
Acbesca, O 8, the K 50 feet of tbe
wast 100 feet of block 41 in Al
bany, Oregon 3 60
Adcos, aoe. lots 9. 10, 11, 12 in W
a in Abbey' addition to A bay.
Greg". Ill
Albany Strvct Eailwav Co. the S E
Jffbl73in Albany. Oregon.... 23 13
aoja Fred. lot 7 and 8 ia block 16
In Hackle ti m s 3rd addition to
Albanv, Oregon 2 31
Awbrey Van en, lot 5 la block 45
Albany, Ongon 8 00
Barnes. Sarah v. be N of V t 1
and 2 in bl 28 in Hackie man's 2d
aJdi ion to Albanv. Orgon -
Beard Jno A. lot 7 ia block 8 in
Hackteman 's 3rd addition to Al
bany, Oregon $3
Biadiry Joeepn, estate of. the w
of the SE;4' ol block 103 In
Hackeman's addition to Albany,
Oregon 3 70
BKdgefor 1 M J. the S E f block
53 iu Albany, Or. g-on 7 20
Carey Saite, lot 1 in block 2 in Al
lea and Hawkio's addition to aI
biny, Oregoo 33
Ctcran Koj' esta'e of. w of K
'4' o' block hi in Ha' kleman's 2J
addition to Albsnv, Oregon 2 78
Conn Saro".nnd'.vi3ed t tntrrestfn
toe a fc 4 ana tbe fc of tbe S
w t-i of block 113 to Hackman's
add n ion to Albany. Orecoa 6 40
Geo D Coe, trostee. wharf lots 2. 3,
4. IP, li, 12 in Albanv. Oregtm,
i"t 1. 5 and 6 in b oca 90. blocks
79. SO. 81. S. iT.. iS. 69, 101. 102
lii. 104. 105. and fractional bl
94. 95 sod 96. in Montci'h s KXoh
ei a additiod to ASbay. Oregon.:
Also U nadirided I interest ia
lot 7 aod S in block .Vt. k-t 6. 7
and 8 ia bl 64. S of Ms 7 vad 8
i- block 70. lot 3. 4. sad 6 ia
block 63. block 21. and lot 3 t
block 4 m Albany, Orecoa 128 60
, Cran lal C C. lol 5 U iS. Albanv. Or 8 00
Uoope Leniiv. M 3 in b!crk 1, ia
ASiea aad Bawktos additica to
toiver Margarettbe E of bl 53 la
Hackiemaa ' 2nd aiiition to Ai '
buy. Orcsoa 417
LVyoe L W.S E . of W 106 in Hack
leman s addiuoo to Albany, Or. . 7 SO
Farei! M E Mrs. lot 1 ia b oek Zi
in Hackleirao s2ndado A:tny,
OreKOo and lot t in bl 8 in Hackee
man's 3rd addition to Aibaay.aad
lot g in bl V2s ia Htckleman'a ad
di'ion to Aibaay. Oregop 10 00
Fi ra-e'l Horace, estate of. the w S
of the X w of bl 36 in Hackle
man' 2-d addition U Albaey . . 5 09
Fromaa I B,N i of block 27 la
Hackiemaa 's 2d adiitioa to Al
bany. Oregon 6 40
Genwh J F. lots 16. 17, IS, 19. 20,
21, 27. 28,29, 30. Si in Brysnt'a
addttioa to Aiaanv.Oregon 4 63
! Gray O G. lot 23 in block 2 in Ab
bey adtitioa to Albany, Or -46
Hammer Fannie S. lot 3 aoc6iabi
29 in Hackleman's 2J addiuoa to
Albany. Oregon 4 SO
Hams Uo tt . East H) feet of tbe S
K of block U la Hackiemaa 'a 2d
addition to Albany, Or 6 00
Hak'CE.,r-eS?iof loU7 and
9 k bl ;5 1 Hackiemaa 's 2i rd
ditaia o Albany. Oregoei 5 55
Hess Harriett, lot 7 ia block 2t Al
bany. Oregon 4 00
BortoaE M. lot 6 In blocks ia
Hckmn's 2nd addition to Al
beny, Oregon 1 39
Huston B M, undivided interest
in lots 5. 6 and 7 In block il3 ta
Ilackleman a ad to Albany, Or. . . 6 40
Johnson E S. tot 5 in bl 13 in Hack
leme 1 3rd ad to Alhaay. Or 93
bet cham W H and J j Doh-w le tms
ee X W i aao w S
w 1.' of block ldDin Hackle
addition to AK-aay, Oregon 2 7S
Kline A. tbe west 45x100 feet of tbe
east S of block 1 m tbe Eastern
addition to Albany .Oregon 4 0'
Eliae A, lots 6, 7. S in block 50 ia
Hackleman s 2nd ad .0 Albaoy.Or 3 S3
hlme Josephine, lot 7 In biock 14 a
tbe Eater addition to Albany. . 6 40
Knox A D, X v li of block 25 in
Hacaleman'a 2nd addition to Al
hny, Oregon
Krnmrie August, lot 1 and 2 in N
5 in Hackicman 4-.h addition to
Albany, O-egon 3 20
tannine E J. lo I and w 52 f et of
lot in block III it Hack'eman's
addition to Albany. Oregon 5 55
Lsngbead C H, J ol wt 1 ia .block
in aiaosiemaa a cm kui iud tw
SdcBridge Kate, lot 1 in block in
Monteith southern addition to
Aloany, Oregon
McGregor D v-aid. lot 1 'n btock 1
in Jones' addition to Albany. Or. .
McGuire W m, east 24 feet of lot 5
In block 10 ia Albaey, Oregon
Meyer Wm. w i of lot 3 In block d
in Ilackleman s Srd addition to
Albany. Oregon
Miller nima ii, lots 4 and 5 ia
block 2 in A'len and Hawkins
addition to Albany, Oregon
Montague EE. lot 1 in block 120
in li cklemao a additica to A
bany, Oregon 4 00
Montanye Kate B, Ion 5 and 6 in
block 63 In Albany .Oregon 12 80
Monteith Nettie, lot 1 and west H
of lot 2 in block 26 la Albanv. (ir 16 00
Orton Cordelia, esUte of, lot 4 In
Hack eman s addition to Albany,
Oreacn 6 00
Palmer August, block H ia Hack e
man a 4th addition to Albtnv, Or
and kits .12, 14. 15 and 16 in
Schmeer's aJdition to Albanv Or 6 40
I'atter son tteo. a w ot block 10
in Hackleman s ad aadition to
Albany, Oregon, and lot 5 In bl
23 in Hackleman's Sod addition
to Albanv. Oreeon
13 60
Pennington J It, undivid;d Inter
est ot H ot & w y of b ock 102
in Hackleman's audition to Al
tary. Oregon
I S9
K1C 4 r J and i'nillips, beg; on w
line of and 100 ft northerly from
S w corner of block 16 in the
Eastern addition to Albany, Ore
got, tbence easterly parallel with
First street, 13 feet, thence
northerly parallel with west line
of said block 16 to point 8 feet
southetlj from center of t'ack of
tbe Oregon and California K-tti
road Com pan v, tleac westerly
parallel with, and ci feet dixtant
from center of said rai'road track
to wet line of said block 16, thence
southerly to beginning
Riley Peter, block IS in Hacskmans
2d addition to Albany, Oregon . . .
Rowell EUa M. lot S in block 11 In
ltryant'a addition to Albany. Or.
Ruddica O W. lot 6 and east S "f
lot 7 in block 15 in the Eastern
addition to Albany. Oregon ....
Rupert John, let l, 4 5 and 6 in
block 3 In tbe western addition to
Albany, Oregon ...............
Sebmeer Jno, tot 8 and w of lot
16 00
17 12
7 40
3 70
7 In block 7 In Albanv. Oregon.. 32 71
Scott Bosella, estate of, E of bl
44 in Albsny, Oregon 5 5,
Simpron O F, trcstee, E ht feet of
lot 5 in block 3 Altary, Oregon. . 40 00
Simpson 6 F, lot t at.d 2 In b ock
II in tbe eastern addition foAl
bany, Oreeon, lot Sin block 11
Albany, Oregon, and lota 3 and 4
in block 12 in Heckleman's 2nd
addition to Albany.Oreeon Ui
slmpon M A, undivided in ereat
latbeC4f feet ot lot 6 In blo.k
Q:0 Albany, Oregon gj
.-xanoara Mr 4 l. per cent of
west 35 feet of lot 5 ami east 23
Kfeetol lot 6 in block 6 Albany
t-regoo and 2!4 per cent of the
Svof block 109 In Hackle
man's addition to Albany. Or.... 15 en
Stewart C K, trustee, ?2xl50 feet ir.
the N H corner - of block 116 la
Hackleman's addition to Albany,
Oregon 2 40
Stewait W J and D S. Inti ia
block i03 in Hackleman's addi
tion to Albany, Oregon .4 63
Thompson W 8, beg- at S E ecmer
ot block 1 in Hackleman's 2nd
addition to Albany, Oregon, roe
north on E line of said block 1 i.'J
feet, tlence westerly parallel with
S line of aaid black to w line of
A Hackleman's D LC th'nce
aontberly following sail DLC
line, to N line of 4 b street. thence
eaateriv tobetnr.r.ino-. . .
U iO
TiHotson J B, lot 3 aid 4 in b'o k
6 in Hack em an 'iti aJdttion to
Albany, Oregon
tyler Lama B. lots : ami 1 in block
3 20
Win 0 cx leman s addition to
Albanv, Oregon r d let I in biock
37 in Hackleman's 2nd addition
to Albanv. Creeon a en
Wardiow C F, iota 5 and o ia block
1 in Abbey addition to Aioaay,
Oregon 74
W.tU Emma C, Uy 1 and 8 in
block 25 Albanv, Orearon 6 00
Westherford J K. and H M Beale
block n4 in Hack:amans ad
tilt ion to Albany, Oregon 28 05
A'eich W J Mrs. lot 4 in block 11O
ia Hackleman's addition to Al
bny, Oreiroo fi 44
Williams Elsie, E i of lots 36. 37. 3
and 39 in block 1 Abbey' addi
tion to Albany, Oregon 1 3,
a the property of said cViaqoent tax pay
ers as the same ar? a' assessed 00 aaid
delinquent tax ro t. and will on Saturday
the i7thdayof -lo y Jg37. at the footof
the stairway leading to theOty Council
Chamber of eid city, and at the hoar of
1 o'clock ia tha f :r 0000 of said da y, sell
at public aoction to t-"-e highest bidder, for
cash in hand, on the day of said sale, all
the above described real propertr, oro
much thereof as may be necesaary to pay
ard eatiafy the tax aaseased and levied
.gainst said propertv in said city of Al
baay, for the year 1896, together with ae
crjing cos's and espeese.
City Marshal of the City of albany.
Notie is hereby given that S E Yoenr.
the adminittratc-r with the wi:l aoaexed of
Uie estate of Jane Fanninfr. deceaaed. has
rendered aad pttaeated for settlement,
and filed in the county eoort cf 'be state
of Oregon for Lia connty, his ttoaJ ae
coo tit of hi admiaiatra-ioa of fid eetate;
and teat Saturday, the 10th day of July.
Iw7. beme a day of tne Jury term of a'-d
eoort It 1?37. at 10 o'clock a m, has been
appointed by tie judge of said eoort, tor
tne settlement of said account, al w -jca
time aay peron iaterested ia said estam
atay appear ani file his ofcjeetiow to said
ajornnt and peent the same forhearine.
Dated at Albanv, Oregem. Jane 2. S97.
Eixixs k CS30X, S E Tocsc,
Attya for Admr. Adacr.
Notice is Hereby given that L E Blaia,
of Albany, Oregon, on the l&h day of
February, 1S97, made a general aasiga
mest of all his property for the benefit of
all his creditors; and that the BBdeeigaed
baa been duly appointed assignee ia said
assigsment proceed irg. All crediteriof
aid L E Blaia are hereby required to pre
sent tbeir claims to me. c"n!y veriSed. at
my oSc) ia tbe post office building. Altaay.
Oregon, within three months fee the
da'e of ti notice.
Da'ed at Albany, Oregon, Uu 23rd day
of March. 197.
3 C WAtsow. I! BstaXT,
Atty for Asaiziiee. Aasigaee
Notice for Publication.
Laxo Orrica at Oksoos Citt, O.
atay. 18, 1S97.
Notice is keeahy giveai tbat the fellow,
ia aaad wttier ha filtd aosiee of aa
inleatioa to make tiaal proof ia aappert ef
aiseaiBi, and that said prwf will be male
before the regVer aad receiver at Oreeca
Ciy. Oin, oe JoJv rMn, 1297. vix: Edward
OFersett: HE 11377 for the ortb
of the X W Ji, S E H o X W V- S w
of S E hi oi beetfea 27. Tp 9 S R 5 East.
Hi lame tbe following; witnesses 10 prove
his catii3os resilience upon aad culti
vation of said land, vix : W ,:iam B Ash
ley, Jimes Men roe. hcth of Berry. Ogw,
John O Fox. loha M Hjltingaor h, both
of Detroit,Oreoa.
' Bobsxt A Hull, Eegistar.
Southern Pacific Co.
Caitor&m beaai Ttalaa :ae itliw Pmllj
Scvta 1
I Soef
Ar SI 4 a
Lt ( sS r
.-00 e. a. I Lt
Mil I At
Saa frtaetaca
Above trains stop . at s'ationa be
ecn Portland and. Salem Tar
ner, Hanon, JetTenon, Albany
langent. Shedd. Haleer Eneene
Cottage Grove. Drain. OakUcd and all
Mat 100s from Rosebarg siath to and in-dading-
n o,, i tl ill FWUtM At it'll
O -W tf:SI r I U AMmj te:iSra
xMm Ar oa-ar Lt I 111
j gQ saxaacai iiuik
Last AlbasT a.r UKaaoa TS
47 ante alAlbaav frost l!ao a
7 o- Leara foe Lehanoa trf ri
AitT at Albany ttnai Let a Wtra
La Albany for Wwdbon na Waodbara
j , araix-a lS15aa
' Airiraat Albaaj troai Vlaodbara s ra
Laae AlaahT toe Katraa J r
5 ArHe at Aibaar fraat Xatro ialSa
Oioinar Can on OgiJen Route
Altatbaa ta all Theamsh Trala
eVes i4e Mvsstesu
rrsvicKS reKTLAi aa Biaiaa
Man. tai kaaKKxaaptSaaaaj
aoaaacaa uit,uiu
-.Ma a ILt
liUl 1
ra Ar
lQ 1 I.v
TJsrat ar
ar 1 t 1. a
ft I 1.1
DiresievMwI-Ma Sa Frj wira iftOsMa i
al -rt-arat al PieiSj mu atdaaiAiB Haa t
VPAHaal CdlA SutiBaataoaappiicatia
ti-aal uexH fr- airl a l a aad ura
1 a b o!Mial Irn C si rSw. Arat
K. kvSHLKk P "- .
Maaacar AJtUFfA
rort aal Oregak Portlaad
1 G. & E. R. ft CO
1 Willamette mr Division,
Steamer ALBANY, Capt. J. L. Smith.
Ffcitaod Passenger.
Leave Albany for Portland Sondava.
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
TJnsnrpassed accommodations and
Khedales especially for the needs of up
er Willamette travel. Picnic paruea
an avail themselves of this echodni in.
iny desired point between Corvallis and
Salem, leaving in the moraine- and r.
turning in due time the same evenine
Special rates for special parties of 15 or
Lt 1 1 i2a