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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1897)
4 iriit nTlr9 ill VOLXXXll. Entered r.4 tk.e Pont at albaay. Sr. at Seesaw-Class Mali Haltm ALBANY OREGON, FIUDA. 11 1897. r 9- ITTIC rakllsher aa rrewrletsr SO. 45 4 itr II II I I fl I ST" I slmilating tlicrd&d and s'u!a liHg theStomachs andi3ov;ois of RxinotesT)igesUonfc:erful Ttess and Itest-Con tains neither Ctoium.Morphinc nor Mineral. KotNabcotic. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca. and Loss of Sleep. Xac Simile. Signature of TEW "YORK. "1 ii nil null a i in n in i ; -is IT-? EXACT COPYOF VRAPFEH. Well Thirtieth -4 ALBANY COLLEGE. Calssdar fob 1898-7 189ft-Sept. 16 College Year heg5ns . . Wednesday Nov. 28-27 Thanksgiving Day recess, Thnre. and Fn. Dec. 21- -Term examinations begin . Monday Dec 23-First Term ends. . Wedneedav Winter Vacation of Twelve Days SS97 Jan 5 Second term begins . . . Tnesd- Feb 22 Washington's Birthday a holiday, Mooday April6 Term Examinations begin . . Tuesday April 8 Second Term ends . . . Thursday Arbor Day Vacation of Four Days April 12 Third Term begins . . Tuesday lane 8 Final Examinations begin Tuesday -Jon t- -Baccalaureate Sermon . Sabbath; torenoon lune IS Address before the Y. M. and f. W. C- A. - Sabbath evening Jur.s 14 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees Mondav Jnne 14 Junior Orations is Graduating Exercises c! Music June i5 Pcjular Entertainment June 16 Commencement June 16 Alumni Re-union Four Courses of Instrnctioa leading up to degrees. Well equipped Business and .Music courses, with appropriate diplomas. Catalogue free 4 For further information, address VVallaci Hows Lkk, President, Albany, Or. Best Work Promptness PRINTING Office Station Give us yocu- ALBANY SMI n r J t FT-. - V -Mm select tbeWaverly because they have learned to know the dif . Y i . ki that ia nnallv hiffh crrade and one that Etefleuced lerence ubiwccu : .i.:i tr Waverly is the highest MADE BT ;ndianabicycleoo. KOIAHAPOLW, IKD ' - MGL1SHanBUSINS KJ J Is PORTLAND :3 Bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy. id4 BOASDIKC DEPARTMENT'" LAMES j i i JEif THAT THE - FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF ON THE WRAPPER 0? EYEBY BOTTLE OB1 Cafteria la pnt lp la ima liie bottles ocly. It sot sold U Irclk. Doat allow aayaas to sell ytiiag elss ea tin plea at promise that h a rood" asfl Till saswer every vr- WSeo that yoo ret C-A-8-T-O-K-I-A, bta ersr wrapper. Year. alternoan Monday eveninr - the Uonservatory of Tneeday lorenoon Tuesday - evening Wednesdav Wednesday evening A Spiciaitf . Patronage. OREGON. K Arebuilt in the largest ifzyjCA Eft and Best ($J -555?PEel ade. the World "---- , . , . . ... Vw Rome others may be eood but the of all high grade, ..." - " I i Conn & Huston, Agents Wed and Elegant De sins in Crockety WafeatCOItq 5 HUSTOM'S Seen fist J fcaWu- OREGON Full English course. FRENCH AND GERMAN. BUSINESS BRANCHES. mm THTJKSTDAY Closing Exercise e. Following is the program for the grad uating exercises of the high school class, to take place at the opera house Friday, June 11. , Piano solo Joyce Brownell. Invocation Rev. Dr. Wire. Address Hon. G. M. Irwin. Vocal selection Miss Alderson. Salutatory, "Labir Conquers" Carl RJRankin. Motiveless Man Latie R. Sternberg. Vocal solo Loretta Stewart. Low Beginnings Sue Breckenridge. Life Stella M. Hughes. Instrumental duet Lillian Brenner, Lutie Sternberg. Character M Adalene Chamlerlin. Liberty Restrains Liberty O rah P. Harknees. Piano solo Lillian Brenner. A Stone Fit for the Builders is Never Thrown Away Mary H. Montanye , Literature Lillian Brenner. Music, selected A. L. P. S. quartet. Drill, Our Cadet High school girls under direction of H. J. Hopkins. Presentation of Diplomas. Quartet, "Till We Meet Again" Lo retta Stewart, Anna Marshall, M. A. Cbatnbe-lin and Orab P. Hsrkpneea. Benediction Rev. R. McKillop. Admission 10 cents.. Fire Notice. Alba.nt, Or., May 25, 1897. By request of Board of Delegates A. F. D., the members of Chemical Engine Co. No. 3 are he-eby assigned for duty as follows: Albany No. J A Barnes. 8 Crichlov. J F Hadlev. O Johnaos, O W Price, J W Reece, J W Warner, JooF Warner. Har lan Hulburt. Linn No. 2 A E Bloom. Wm Hamlin. C House, Casper Kropp, R N Morris, B r cuswari, siewart, a x t Heeler, J js Hoffman. R HAL No. 1 F E BIoom. W E Gilbert, A M Holt, J W Hedges, B A Kellogg, Geo Long, D W Myers, H Stewart, Fred Veal. J. L. Tomlixsos, Ui.iet A. F. D. They m luu Oct. An article in the Dejioceat several weeks a?o about the f 1000 calf received by U. P. Fischer, of Corvallis, was . copied in several papers and finally reached the eyes ot the man who shipped the blooded animal, away back in Easton. Pa credited to the Dfmocrat. Now the gentleman wants a dnzen copies of the original paper con taining tiie account of iu We mention this as an example of the manner in which an item some times spreads out over tne D. S. Thosi Urpsnes in ten wagons passed through Albany this forenoon, coming across the bridir and going down on the eaet side. Acting Mainnal Reece met tbem beyond the bridge and lode on the front wagon until the gang were out ol the city. Not a chicken leather was stolen from Albany. At least 300 people visited tbem while in ramp, and a guard was kept on the bridge last night until midnight. , Cahpkectisg. Tbeannaal campmeet- ing of the South Willamette District of the Evaogelisal church, wilt be held at Albany in Hackleman's grove The meetings will commence on the ltn of June, under the leadership of Rev. N. Shupp, of Portland. Ministers from Sa.em, Jefferson, Corvallis, Monmouth and Portland are expected to be present. There will be three daily the morning at II. alternoon at 3:00. and evening 8:00. David Link, of Eugene, was in the city today. Lord Duncan, returned today from a several months visit in Astoria. Mrs. C. M. Woodruff of Portland, is in the city the guest of her sisters, Mrs. R. K. t indley and Jennie Olayton. Mrs. Pennington, Miss Vera Smith and Miss Marie Thomas, of Portland, are in Albany, the guests of H. B. Sacrey. S. 8. Myers and R. H. Liggett, of Hal sey have returned home from a three months trip In California, greatly satis fied with Oregon. Mr. Jonas Davis.of ShedJ, has sold his drug business to Tate et Love, two relia ble young men, the former a pharamist the latter the well known school teacher. Miss Joyce Brownell has been engaged as instructor of tnusic by the Lebanon Academy for the coming season. She baa also been invited to play et the com mencement exercise) of the O. A. C. at Corvallis on June 23. J. r . Powell returned today from a trip to Philomath. He attended the picnic yesterday and reports an immense crowd. The two men who won at Albany won the wood sawing contest in 46 seconds and the women drove nails like men. It was all right. There were five prominent newspaper men in attendance in the bimetalic con ference yesterday : O. W. Dunbar, of the Astoria Budget. Cbai Fisher, of the Koseburg iteview, Lib as Mckell. of the Jacksonville Times, H L Heath, of the McMinnville Telephone Ksgister and Hon. E. Hofer, of the Salem Journal. Twenty or thirty years ago Dunbar and Dr. iliil set type together in Albany. The medal contest has been postponed for two weeks from tomorrow. it is reoorted that the Grants Pass S P round house is to be removed to Roseburg. Two hundred beople will be allowed the privilege of seeing burrant. banged. We oeg to oe excused . A 100 acre park is to be established in Astoria to be called Hammond Park. Great is the nam Hammond at the termin ousof tbeA&CR R. Itching. Irritated, scaly, cnuted Scalps, dry, this, and failing Hair, cleansed, putted, and beauti fied by warm ehempooe with Ccnoum Boar, and occasional dreaalngi et Cutictjsa, purest of emollients, the greatest skin carta. Etlcera Treatment win prodoes a clean, bsaltny sealp with luxuriant, instrou hair, whan all ih rails, Sole eiieoa-heet the world, renssDaoeAifBCasit. Coar., nolo Prop., Boa too. a1' Uov e prodaw Luarleat Hair,' auuad fro. CtflVQ AM CIOC with Berama hntaaa nllned oMliO Mil rlilE tj CuncsstiUasDiaa, U A 0) AlMUui HURflOttS THE UNION. Albany the Birthplace Party. of a New The Bi-mot ilic Conference adjourned at 9 o'clock last night alter launching upon the political world a new party, the idea of which was conceived in Yam hill county in the June election of 1896. The following business was done after the Democrat went to press yesterday : RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED. To the members ot the Union Confer ence: ve demand the free aol unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the ratio of 16 to 1, independent of the action of any other nation. That the government shall issue- all money without the intervention of banks and in quantity adequate for the needs of the people; that all money issued by government, whether gold, silver or pa per, shall be full legal tender for alt debts, public or private. That no contract or law shall discrim inate against any kind of money issued by the government. We ar- opposed to the issue of U.'S. interest bearing bonds in time of peace. We demand the redemption of Oregon from rings, commissions and corrupt methods and demand honest ele :ttons and election laws including a stringent registration law. We demand that the people shall have a veto power over all legialative enact ments by the use of the referendum. Wereonimend that this party shall be known as the : Union prrty.and we invite all reform forces of this state to unite with o in localising those princi ples by a united effort and we pledge ourselves to tinite with such refotui forces in carrying out this bond of onion, for union is strength and strength is victory. Signed oy J J) Stevens, W 8 Crowell, D P Thompson, II B Luce, D C Sherman, J O Booth, L W Guise, M A Miller, J G Stevenson. An appeal for unity. Tothote who believe ia the declaration of independence that all men are created equal. To those who believe in equal rights to all and special privileges to none. 10 inoee who prav with Lincoln "that e government of the neoole bv-tha eODleand for th nwin'a ahil nnt n..-l -ul . 7.r:.r" " f 1 sa i rum toe earin. ' e ursre vou to rm a closer union. To the six and a half million of voters ho stood the combined aaaanlta of the tnoney power, we appeal to yon as pa triots to remain united : We appeal to roa in the interests of your homes and soar cniiaren to Keep your ranks no j Token, and kindly receive ethers that are coming to our aid. " e call upon candid people to witness hatallalonK the centurv now closing be people have toiled westward build tar and leaving numberless homes and industries to the tax gatherers, the ut- rer and the financial adventurer, while 1 between the ocraoa, legions of their nared lie in unmarked graves. They have conquered the wilderness taey have been relentlessly pursued despoiled of their substance. Thev gaiLered two thousand million in gold from the mines of the west, which has gone into the coffers of Wall street to maintain an idle aristocracy. Our chosen servants have made them selves our masters and have bound as and oar homes in bonds to endure for generations tt come. Our demand for an equitable financial system are denounced as repudiation. All appeal; to our oppressors are in vaio, and though we are of the same blood and fibre that established and maintain ed the glory and honor of oar republic from the beginning until now, our prayers and peaceful demands are brand ed threats of confiscation and anarchy and are met by the combined hosts of greed and apprehension, who break party ties and rise united against ns. It the patriotic and humane statesmen of the past were right our cause is right. If the great father of mankind is righteous our success U sure. M e ask yoar invocations in behalf of human neb's and trust vour sober judg ment to give a friendly and helping hand in the cause of a brighter and bet ter civilization. With a firm reliance in the God of na tions whom w ask to witness the earn sstness of our appeal, the hooeaty of our purpose and the justice of our cause, we declare ourselves ready for a renewal o' the conflict for the preservation of that sturdy, independent American yeoman' ry, toe crowning glory ol the ages, upon whose prosperity depends the diversi fied business interests ol the nation. Signed bv Cbaa Baker. O H Ketns, J D, H L Heath, J J Whitney, 11 D Norton. Committee. The committee on plans for the onion of forces in the s'ate and in each county, reported as follows: We favor the leaving the selection of committees and all party management to the people at the primaries and until this is accomplished the following plan is suggested : That the name ol the political or jam sation shall be "Union Party." The forma' ion oi union state central committee by the conlerence ot one tnesrber from each county who shall be county chairman. That 3 metrbers of a nnion county committee and a secretary be cuoeen at a mass county convention, to oe conven ed within 30 dav . for that purpose, at call of the county chairman, shall con stitute the county executive committee. The uni3n county executive iommittee shall meet and appoint a nnion precinct committee of 3 voters in each precinct, who shall have authority to conduct the nominating primaries. The county executive committee snail have full power to call all county con ventions and fix the basis ot representa tion by delegates or to submit all nomi nation for a county ticket to a union primary election to be called by them. Signed by A 8 Barnes, W H Strsyer, Jas H Jewell. O W Dunbar, J D Matlock, Eugene Palmer. This was adopted unanimously. Tae following resolution was passed : That the slate committee of the union bi-metallic party, of which the Hon J C Uooper is chairman, be and they are hereby authorized to proceed with the organization of the reform forces in the stats and in each county in accordance with the recommendations of the com mittee on organization, and on the prin cipies submitted by the committee on declaration of principles and resolutions and that they are hereby intrusted and empowered to take charge of the union movement, and combine the present friendly organizations into one harmoni ous uuiuu pariy. A live speech was made by J D istov ens. of Clackamas county. Judge Cro well, moved that the members ot the conference go home to work, the secret of success. The following state central committee was appointed : Washington J H Sewell. Baker ML Olmstead. Josephine LO Brownell. Douglas John W'i'-S)?, Benton Eugeue Palmer. Clatsop O W Dunbar. Lane J G Stevenson. Linn Dr D M Jones. Wasco O II Kerns Multnomah J T Milner. Jackson A S Barnes. Polk J R Shepherd. Clackamas J D Stevens. Union W II Strayer Marion -E P Morcom. Baker M L Olmstead. The following was passed : Resolved that we recommend to the enpport of the silver forces and friends of reform measures all the newspapers of I the state friendly to our cause and urge ! that such newspapers be given heartfelt ensouragement and financial support In ' preference to the gold standard and gold aided press of the United States, f Tut Bkkby Case Mr. J . C. Roe re turned from Salem last night and went up to his home at Berry today Yester day we gave his version of the affair with Mr Zum wait, as published in the Statesman. Laat evenings Journal con tains a column communication from a correspondent at Berry, which' verifies Mr. Roe's version. According to this account Zumwalt drew bis revolver be fore the encounter, stumbling and fall ing as he did so, the revolver being dis charged as he fell, the ball passing through Roe's clothes. Zumwalt bad a knife in one hand and then attempted to use it. Ros grabbed bis hand and in his endeavors to strike Roe he cut his own face. Then Koe choked Zumwalt until be begged for mercy, and the re volver and knife were given pp. Ed Smith, said to be a itsiutereated party, saw the affair aad it is said srives this version of It. The Dkmocbat lacks space to give the whole article ; bu: ia glad to give both sides, it wilt take a trial to bring out all the -evidence- and finally settle the matter. - A GcxEaors Bicyclist. There is so much talk about bicyclists running down pedestrians that the casual reader is led to the belief that they rather enjoy see ing an inoffensive citizen roll in the dust. The other day a couple of lady cyclists in fcugene upended a man in a suck of tin ware in front of Loog's hardware store and they wheeled on with the onlv re mark "is my hat on straight?" there are looU on wheels the same bp on horse back, but the majority of wheelmen will respect the rights of others. Some time ao a traveling man stopped in this city and borrows! a wheel to Uke a spin over the city. In roundiag a corner he col lide 1 with a lady and knocked her down. Instead of wheeling out of tigot, Itt helped her up and noticing her divas badly torn, presented her with i". We have omitted names by rtquest. Junction Timee. Is Favob or Dams. The cause of J. H. and I. M. flowed ve George W. Da yman 1 the Pointer Stone Companv, a corporation, wm on for hearing Iwfore B rcuit Judge Geo. II. Burnett at cham bers yesterday alternoon on the rule against defendants to show cause why s ten-porary injunction should not iaoe in behalf of the plaintiffs After argument ot counsel the application for a lempo ary injunctioa was overrule.!. The court further ordered thai platottds have until and including June H;h to serve and file an amended complaint ami baed thereon to make further application to the court for a temporary injunction. The attorney for defendant, G. G. Bing- nam, iin niea a motion for a change of venue to Lincoln county fro-n Marion county. Mailman. The Comnexcxkeyt ExnttJtES of the college will begin on Friday June 11, 3 p. m. with a wu!u recital by vou us pupils. Hev. Dr. Hill, of PortUcd. will deliver the baccalaureate h-rmon at the U. P. church at 11 o'clock on tjedav. June 13 Ob Mondar June 14. at 2.M. Messrs. Lanuell and Akers will give a re cital; in the evenit e the ianor orations will be pronounced. Oo Tuesday, Jane 15, at 10 a. m. the gradualics exercises ol the conservatory of music wiii occur. Tuesday evening a popular entertain ment with an admission. Wednesdav t 10 a. m. regular commencement exer cise. Wednesday e renin a'uiuni re union. Miss Shaver left yesterday noon ior Sil. ver City, Idaho, to reside. Wm Emeiick returned this noon Lam a trip to Victoria, B. C. A. B. Paxton. of Astoria, initio! Mr. Pax too. in Albany today, on a vie it with Albany friends. Ex-Countv Commissioner Enoch Mil. ler of 1! alter, w in the city yesterday, a welcome visitor at the Pkkocxat of fice. Mits Allha Kes'er has the honor of be ing the first graduate from the eighth grade in the Denny district. iUancn Advance. J. W. Acbison. father of E. W. Achi- son, who has been living at Crow. Lane county, a couple ot years, was in Albany toaay on his way to fort. and wr.ere he will be two or tiree weeks. A telesrram receid veeterdav from Mr. Jas Marry, who recently moved with bis mother to Daluth. Minn., an nounced tUat she was danseroalr ill and was expected to die at any lime. Mrs. Minnie Arnold and her son Jack arrived in Comliis Saturday and will re main in Oregon durin? the summer They were cordially welcomed by their many friends Corvallis Gazette. Rev. Dr. George Whittaker.once pres ident of Willamette Inirer.ily, has been transferred from the Detroit con ference bt the New England, and ap pointed at Beverly, Mass., eighteen miles from Boston and two miles from Salem, his former home. Dr. Frank Kitchen left a few days sgo for the mouth of the Columbia, 'where he h-8 accepted a position under the government and will work during the summer. His steady habits and indus try wiil make him a valuable addit.on to LncI fam a force of hands there. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Brien a-e guee'a at the Imperial, on their weJcing tour. Mr.-O'Brien is one of the promi nent young (armei a ot Polk conn.y, liv ing near Indeierdenc, and his bride was formerly Miss Mollie Giblin. well known tn Albany social circles. Ore- gooian. Ttav Pau 1 1.. . : 1 . K -www, UO TCIIBailUUHl TiJJt-tO, has been conducting services in Ashland this week, beginning last Sunday, at the M. E. church in the morning and Chau tauqua in the evening, and afternoon and evening services at the church each day since, and has attracted large audi euces and created considerable enthusi asm Ashland Tidings. In the recent examination held In W. U. law department to' determine the winner of a set of law books valued at 2j0 offered by an ha item Publishint boue through the university. Carey F Martin and A. G. Orissar; tied. A second examination wi'l be given Messrs Martin and Cti8an tins evening, and the one making (he highest grade will be award ed the prize. Journal. The Stewart Sox Hardware Co. have already sold 'M bicycles this season. The Corvallis creamery will be rendv for operation about toe Drsior nuxt week. The Democrat has received a neat pro gram of the graduating exercises of the Marsbbeld high school. A llulsey man tells the Dkmohbat the .reamery at that city is doing a h'n bui ness, receiving about lO.OuOpoundi of milk a day. ine receipts or ine uuues f u wore $.507 more for the year ending March 31 than is necessary to make a second class 001C9. a meeting ot ine ponuusr. central com' uuttee will be held at Albany on June 8 at lp. in. a meeting tor which bits been called bv thirteen members of the com mittee and two of I be executive committee. The funeral of Dr. Graham, who diod Tuesday night, took place yesterday after noon at iOivaiiis ' ut ueceasea wtu oorn in Ireland, January 1, 1814; removed 12 years la'er to Suiamerfield, )., and arrived in Corvallis in October, lsuo. The commencement exercises of the Moo mouth normal school will begin Sunday, June 13. Rev Rasmus will deliver the baccalaureate sermon. Regular com mencement on WedneMay at 10 a. Class day is Monday, field day Tuesday. There will be a public meeting in Union hill tomorrow evening toconsider tlw mat ter of securing a bank attbia plare. All interested are urged to attend W J Carty, the Tennesieean who is thinking of m barking in ths banking butinem at this place, will be present. He would like for some ot our citizens to subscribe for part of ' the stock. Lebanon Advance. Slo. From the Press : Mrs. Madge Neelandi, of Albany, wss visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Miller the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins of Albany came over and finished organizing the Ladies Circle last Saturday evening. - Mits Grace Wylie who has been study ing in Albany for the past few weeks. returned to ber home in this city last suntl.iy. A g'and anniversary picnic will be given by Scio Tens No. 37, on June 11 , the anniversary of the founding of th Older. Great preparations have been made and Maccabees from Albany, Sa lem, Corvallis, Lebanon, Sodaville and Jefferson will be present in force. It is thought that two or more bands will be present. Dr. J . L. Hill and Bute Com mander Van Winkle will deliver ad dresses. Last Friday Mr. M. A. Lang, one of the leading managers et the proposed new colony, returned to this city and was followed on the following day by Topographical Engineer, Mr. A.Ohl hoff, Mr. Fritz Bente and others, all of wnom went immediately to the new purchase on the Crabtree. and are now engaged in making an accurate survey of me enure tract. Mr. Lang informs us that the colony will give its attention chiefly to hop aod prune culture end to dairying. Captain Jack, the Irish Outlaw W til be presented at the opera house next Tuesday evening, June 8, by the Boys Club, with the following excellent cast ol characters : Capt. Edward Gordon Robert Ashby Squire Shannon Lair Thompson Barney Donovan Carl Rankin Teddy Burke Harry Cameron Tim Burns Walter Emerson Lieut Rogers Joseph Tyree John Driscoll.Capt Jack D V Poling Aline Driscoll Lillian Crawford Nellie Shannon Nina Kline Kate Kelly . Anna Willis Mary Minnie Merrill The tHACTAryra Assembly will meet at Gladstone Park July 13-21. Among the prominent sneakers from abroad will be Edward Page Gaston, of Chicago, Ida ueoiy, of e ork. Dr. Lamar of At lanta. Jessie Ackerman, of Chicago, Ray I-rook, of Oaklaod. and Joaquin Miller, of San Francisco. The Oregon speakers w ill be the leading educators of the state. The different departments will be under teachers ol recognized aoiuty. Base Ball. The Bora club veeterdav afternoon defeated the combination dub S to 4 in one of the best games of the sea son. Hut for a sinzle error the score would bsis bien changed. Bove club eatherfori and La r too, batterv. Ash- by, Cumce, Crawford. Ramp infie'd; afjrailb. Ellison, Whilct? outfield. Combination Fuller and Goins battery ; .tutting. Moil, uranm and rarrell in field; Miiier, Stimson. Swartx. outfield. mpire, r'wacli Weatberford. The printers and butchers are to play . 4 o'clock to dav. Hrr by a Base Ball. CaaL Harry Green came over from Lobster, on the Alsea yeeteruav. He left home on Sun- ay and was six miles the other side of Philomath when a young man on horse back caught tip with him and informed lam that hi child bad bad lis besxl crushed with a base l!l. He retutned l-orce expecting to find the child dead, but it was aiive aod is dotnf well.thoazh badly injured. Mrs. Green was sitting under a tree watching a game of bsue ball with her seren months old child on her lap, when a fly came down through re limbs etrikiog the baby on the beaa. It was feared at first that it would die. Mr. Green kft it doing well. 0b StPE or It. President Ormsby of the Soldiers Home board declares that the rale ahoot which there has been so much opposition in Oregon, compelling inmates ot the Soldiers Home to give np I their pension money bat SI a month is in force in soldiers homes in 22 states and bas been declared legal and proper by the pension board. That is that side ot the ewe. Co.vsjccasjNas Excrsiox, There is talk jf securing the annual excursion of con- uct rs to Albany in August, in fact an gent was tn A.bany today with that in view. The conductors will come if suit able grounds are arranged for the pur pose This would bt ing about woo peo ple to the city. An effort will be made to meet the requirements and get the big excursion for this city. To? result of a contest among the law student ot Willamette univeraitr for a -0 law encyclopedia was announced yes terday. 1 be prin was won by Kobexl Crofan. fbe test wss made on book 2 of li lack stone. Carey Martin tied Crossan on the first examination. The Contract for furnishing wood for he school district was let to-day. Ed beol bad the lowest bid and was let the contract tor 110 cords of oak grub wood at i. w; reter Kiley io cords ol body fir Dischakieo. David Svlvester. Gelia M. Hart and Ursula Goulding. commit ted to the asylum from Linn county.have all been discharged. The latter was there only a short lime. Laat Tuesday the O C E railroad com pany replenished the county treasury to the extent of $1,492 C4, that being the total amount of taxes due from that corporation. Lincoln ucunty Leader. II al Emery covered the distance bet ween Anhland and Kingsburry, 7 miles, on his wheel J uesday evening ot this week, ZiH minutes, breaking all previous records, Hal aad bis 'Yellowfellow'' wear ths bat Ashland Tidings. A Soap Creek man traded for a b'.cvcie a few Sunday's ago and La bad trouble with it ever since, which he considers a warning. Ask Your Doctor! Of all the nerve-tonics bromos, celeries or nervines -your doctor will tell you that the Hypophosphites are best understood. So thor oughly related is the nerv ous system to disease that some physicians prescribe Hypophosphites alone in the early stages of Consump tion. Scott's Emulsion is Cod-liver Oil, emulsified, with the Hypophosphites, happily blended. The re sult of its use is greater strength and activity of the brain, the spinal cord and the nerves. Lat us nd you a booh all about It. Sant Dee. SCOTT BOWNE, New York. yg'ttMusi : Pi Absolutely Pure Celebrated fur its great leavening strength and bealtnfulnese. Assures the toed against alum and all forms of adul teration common to the cheap branda. RoTAi. Bakiko PowDKa Co., New York. S ATTJRDA." SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Chandler Bloom, the machine man is tn the city today. Prof. Lee will arrive borne from the east oa the overland tonight- Russell Wallace, son ot Pr. Wallace i seriously ill, with appendicitis. Lieut. Den tier, of the O. A. C. of Cor vallis, was admitted to the bar this week. Dr. W. T. Williamson, assistant phy sician of the insane asylum was In the city today. Mrs. E. L Power and son returned to day from a several weeks visit in Port land and balem. Miss Mattie Swan, of Crawford viile. has been in the city on a visit with ber brother L. L. She went to Polk county today. F M French and A J Hodzee of the 4th of July committee went to Salem today to get attractions for an athletic exhibition here cn the 4th. Geo. Pbillioa was over from Scio San- day, and Rocky Willis was down from Albany, both on the same mission, but Geo. got there first. Jefferson Review. Mrs. F trans and daoghter and Mica Esther Cohen came up from Portlsnd this noon accompanviBg Miss C'ara Cohen borne, and are the guests of Mr. P. Cohen. Hon. H. L. Berkley, the free silver champion of Marion county, yesterday was elected BUbop oi the United Breth ren church for the Pacific Coast, Bishop Diiloa will publish the Christian Con servator. Closing Exercises. Tne echo 1 in district No. 114 in which Mies OHie Baltimore bas been teaching. closed Friday with a rerv pleamnt pic nic tn the alt e. noon, anooa were plated and all uresent enioved themselves The foltowiog program was very creditably rendered: bong To Oar Schoolroom. Roll ca!i answered to by quotations. Recitation Jessie Smith. Recitation Dean Keasler. Recitation Gra--e Bridges. Class excrviic "What We Learn at School." Recitation Roy Thomas. Recitation Delia Bridges. Recitation Clarence Cart. Recitation Eva Weeterveit. Recitation Wallace Sumpter. Class exercise ia Physiology. Recitation IV! i ran Bridges. Recitation Vida Cornet U Recitation Sa villa Powell. Recitation Walter Smith. Recitation Horace Propst, Recitation Adron Bean Dialogue by six bors "Discontent." Recitation Melvin K easier. Song "Rig-a-jiff.' List of Patents. Granted to Pacific states Inventors this week. Reported by C A Snow A Co., palest attorneys, Washington, D. C. M P Boss. San Francisco, letter copy ing press ; F G Creetb, Los Angeles fold ing support for cans; F L Diets, Port land, negotiable paper and means for preventing counterfeiting thereof; L Do- que, ban t rancisco, telephone receiver support; W 11 Fargo, ban Francisco, electric fas lighting attacbnent; AW U,m. . p.i ' i: . M Jensen, Astoria, Or., machine for making nets :W L Johnson. Pico Heights. drop weight for vehicles; G Le Sage, Los Angeles, revolving rub iron; J T Mo Cortnick, San Francisco, folding gate; E o -uclcbcr, lxs Angeles, non-renllable bottle: F A Redmoo. San Francisco, wheel tor bicycles: B L Ryder. San Joee. uau, speed indicator, r or copy of any patent send 10 cents in postage stamps with date of this paper to C A Snow A Co., Washington, D. C. At iRi GovERXMKTra Extkn-s. Prof. G. W. Sbaw left veeterday for a three month's trip east. His first destination is Vermont, Ihe land ot his nativity. where relatives and old friends are to be visited. Later he goes to Washington, where he ia to spend several weeks study ing soils in the laboratories of the de partment oi agriculture. Tne trip is by grace of the good will ot the board ot re gents who recently inaugurated a policy of sending annually two members of the facultp east to be brushed np tn tneir particular lines, andl'rof Shaw is the urst man on whom the favor falls. Cr vallis Times. Boogs is Tit Fas Edward Bocgs has just been placed in the penitentiary from Wasco county for three years for bone stealing. Only "bout three weeks aao he stole a snan of horses and eloped wuu a wiuow ana cine couarvn xio went to Portland and sold the horses and wagon and went to B. C. He was in duced to come this side of the line and was arrested and promptly tried. Now it is declared Boegs is probably insane Certainly the signs are good. Boegs lonner.y lived in Linn county where he Bask Ball. The butchers (3 butchers. 1 fish Uian. 1 marble man. 3 members of the Boys club, 1 deliveryman) defeated the printers (all connected with othces but one) veterday afternoon 8 to 4. Farrell and Weatberford did fine work tor the butchera and Layton and Mil'er and Crawford tor the printers. The strong pitching kept the score down and made the game an interesting one. The butchers ma le 4 in the first inning to the printers sorrow. .but after that cou'd do little with Lavton'a curves. Next Monday the bookkeepers and F. vo. will play. As U.vrclt Baoscuo. R. L. Burk- hart this morning w a riding an ob streperous b'onchi in the eastern su burbs of Albany when the ani mal threw him in an unfeeling man ner upon the comfortless errth and left Mm tnere as ne epea onwaru. air. Burkhart uoon picking himself up found a toot partly knocked out and a nolo or two in his face He rode to a dentists on a bicycle. No. l's New Officers. Albany Engine C No. 1 elelected the following otlicern lat night. Percy A. Young, president Bert Crawford, recording secretary: C H. Harnish. financial secretary; O. P. Dannala, treasurer; R. R. Findley, tore- man; G. U. Turner, 1st assistant; Man ley Stewart, 2nd assistant. The ladies of Christian Church will give a strawberry social at the residence of Mrs. F M Potts, on First between Railroad and ckson streets, Tuesday evemn g, June- HOME AND ABROAD. See the new lea' her belt hook at French's jjwelry store. See the fountain pens at Will k Starks, tne best to be secured. ' Will 4SU'k always have in stock the lat wt novelties in ail hoer of jewelry . You can b-jy a good reliable fountain pen for one silver dollar at French's jewel ry store. You will always find a fine line of jew elry at Will A Starks. Do not buy before examining their goods. A beer war has bean going on in Salem, and as a result the Salem brewery has re duced the price from (11.09 to 17.50 per barrel. The 6th, 7th and 8th grades of the Cen tral school went to Knox 'a Butte today for a picnic, accompanied by the Boys band. They anticipated a big time. The intercollegiate field day contest will Uke place at Salem today. There will be O'er one hundred, contestants. Sevezal aliened from Albany. Louis Viereck has secured the services of George E. West, an experienced tonsoriai artist. First class work guaranteed at Viereck 's shaving and hair cutting parlors. For the G A R encampment to be held in Independence the O R & N wilt make mund trip rate of 60 cents, good going, Monday June 14th returning June l&m exclusive. , George Cauffman, of Sterling, Ills., on Tuesday night was placed at his father's granary to protect it from thieves, who killed him at bis poetnd then to conceal their crime set fire to a straw stack and burned bis body. The body was recov ered before it bad been entirely burned, and it was found that that bis throat had been cut and he had been shot be sides. The senior Mr Kauffman ia an old schoolmate of E. ?. Sox, of this city. Best Ice Cream Anywhere At F. H. Pfeiffers. See Smiley about it. Smiley 's p inters are ia. Dawson sells Uverine. Liverine 50c at Dawson's. Dahlia bulbs at F L Kenton's. Apples at C E Baoa a ell's. Smiley does the best prin Mug. A good second band sewing wctiing for tRAWroiD UaaxiHH. Delicious ke cream soda at F. H. Prof fer's. Pictures from 75 cents to (23 per does, at Longs gallery. Conn at Huston have sold sixteen Warex lies ibis spring. F H Pbeiffer'a ke cream has stood the teat. It is ail right. A beantifol line of butter dishes at French 's jewey store. Bel's and skirt supporters, new styles at French s jewelry store. For a good pa; sic take Liveriee. for sale by Dawsoo. the "pill autocrat-" Crawford & Harnwh for pbotojfrarhs. Prices from (1 to lJ jxt doiea. Cad at French's jewelry store and see the latest and newest shin waist seta. Water white comb honey from California. Jaat u at UL Ebow ell's The Ruth leives for Portland at 7 a m oa Malays. Wednesdays aad Fridays. Try C. Simpsoa ft Son's City Laundry or first ciaaa wore opp St. Chaa hotel. 73 Ladies were selecting dress and shirt waist goofs vesterdav t P. Cohm at . time. Two packages of nrden ael tew 5.- according to their usual csstom at Stewart et Sox's. flair cutting 10c sharing irv. . tk. oura DartMT auop. oiler at Iran prietira, pro Dr. G. W. Miston. iht siciaj and geMi, Albany Or. CaiUaaswered prompt ly ia city or country. Mrs Yieriek has ocesed ber ire rrmm parkrs and summer garden for tne season. Ice cream 5 and 10 cents a dish. Information that is worth its wirfit in god . Get your meats of ah kinds at Hen ry Binder's, on Second street. Dri. H. E. and O. K. BeenofBoM residence in t be post office building. Spec ial attention given to diseases of women. That German washing fluid, which has nroven such a fine thing has arrived at Parker Bros, ia a Urge quantity. Call and try a bottle- J. toreros has moved to just east of Schrnesr's stabies, 2nd street, where he will keep in market fine fish, game and poul try. Call on him. The price of genuine Oliver chilled plow share has been reduced to 50 cents. Be sure the name Oliver is on every ah are. For rale only by Hopkins Bros. One half of the ground floor of the new once building now being put up just Bono or me l'emotbat emce, wiu be oc cupied by Dr. J C Littler, dentist, about June 1. You make a score every time you boy your meats of the Albany Dressed Beef Company. Only first class meats are kept. ot all kinds, and prompt and careful at tention is the order Just down the street. Consider your wars, think before you act, and then go to H sight Bros., where you wiil find a choice stock of eaeaia of all kinds to ordw from. You are bound to be pleased if you order of them. Mrs L Viereck is prepared to furnish ke cream in any Quantity on abort notice at ner ice cream parlors and summer garden. ice cream a aad luc a nith. Carvivax or Madrid. On June Sth and 10th the O. C. A E will make a round trip rate to Portland of 32.40. Good 3 das for returns. Account Car nival of Madrid. Both the method and results when Syrup of Fisra is taken; it ia pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta Ontly yet promptly on the Kidneys, ver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasinsr to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial :n its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs, is for tale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may ltot have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one -who wishes to try it. : Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA HQ STSUP CO. SAM FgAMGISCO. CL LMStuu. ax rone, x ALBANY TRADING CO, B. N. DBMS, MANAGER - We will sell goods as long as they can be obtained on the market at pikes a3 fol lows 8 bars best Savon soap 3 boxes blueing , qt bottles blueing '..".' 5 pkgs corn starch J i 'inegar, try it 1 gal best syrup, bring your jog... 2 SSI good fTTlin in Yx,rlct 25 25 25 25 15 50 75 10 t A , . " vita wwfc uie v i 4 caoa rat, ' Morning Giory corn. good. . . . 15 1 lb Corn Caka tnhayn aiut nino 4ft 4 lbs best crackers 25 1 gal peeled peaches 30 1 sack Aumsville floor 1 00 7 pkgs Arbuckle coffee .-. 1 00 7 pkgs Lyon l 00 I paper coffee, ground to order 15 8 lbs rolled oats, good 25 3 lbs Gold Dust washing powder. . . 20 1 Can beat Iwkin ihwiIm a.1 n f " . .......... . v S lbs Arm & Hammer soda 25 i can salmon l 00 S cans best core oysters 25 3 cans spices 25 3 bottles extract lemon or vanilla . 25 I lb beat Gunpowder tea 40 1 lb best Japan nncolored tea 40 0 lbs fine salt an 12 packages good ttMchei . . 10 Good stock working gloves 30e to 80e s pair which we wish to close out. The above prices are strictly cash.; Albany Trading: Co., Cor. 2nd and Main St. Star Bakery Corner Broadalbin and First St CQXKAO UEYEfi PECPSIETW Canned Fruits, Canned Seat QrjeenswrtVf Veetc Cigars. Spices Tea Ext. Glassware, Dried Fruit. Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee. -Etc. everything 'bat i. Kept u a good variety andgro eery store High est pte paid for ALL KINDS OF PKODUCI SENDERS' GOMPANLE Always Pay. No qoeetioo about full and prompt meet of losses by fire on insurance pEaoes with the lending agent cf Albany. M. Sen ders. Haft ilatHe IiPhoi Iff IVwt allow vmrNslf to be rrmed inrathw rsriooa "Local Mutuals" now being pushed oa you aa being "cheapest In surance." whew you insure yon do not want to worry about getting your money i case of loss. M SENDERS Insurance. Hay. Grain and Wool. ALBANY ORCHESTRA JIBlCmSTO.Ccsdiictar BBTWISIFECOIIgr- INSTRUMENTATION I Vio, II Yio., Oar, Cor.. Trom Bass and Drums Iepei toiie of seiff 2(vj sic -Musie Furaished For- Coocerta. Parties, Receptions a. Ester tain meats at reasonable rates. Corresnondeace solicited regardlar na- gage-neU out of town. AuuresS Den n estnrooa, ouaunea aau S4r, Revere House, Albany, Oregon Fire Insurance ''RE YOUR PROPERTY te Old Hartford, the New York TJa. imnnr anTOBSof the reli able old line companies he represents. Notes taken and plenty oi time given for payment oa tarm insurance., au owww u promptly attended to. nvriPa? iv p. a Funnc VaxtViU lit a v. wuvwm ALBANY. OR. CoccctBicS Ottf BdTenisiii4- Burning words nsver did set the world on fire. It is our policy to repress all sen ationat statements, to deal in tacts not figures of speech or exaggerations every word we print is weighed, and we vouch for its exact truthfulness with our personal honor, fhe integrity of our word of mouth ia unquestioned (r) lue inieguir nwr i c , . inat aa anbstantla.. The object of all our advertising is to tel you about our buainess-e'early, plainly, convincingly as one man talks to another It costs some money, out none imauijwi; , it pays. Yontryit oaiuiWiiii" W TANTED FAITHFUL MOOR W tx?nin TO travnl for resDOBSlble established house ia i Oregon. Salary $780 and expense, rosiuow fwraamu. , erence Enclose seli-addressed stamped envelope. The National, Star Insurance Bldg., Chkago. T NEW HOME LAUNDRY. At North eel of, Ellsworth Street. Family wathing taken . Particular attention paid o bundle washing and mending, 6atis ction guaranteed. Ma- Cbrmtbk