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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1897)
THESE FIGURES ARE YEARS, YEARS IN WHICH, IN SINGLE INSTANCES, PAINS AND ACHES ! Rheumatic, Neuralgic, V A I HAVE RAVAGED THE HUMAN FRAME. ST. JACOBS I . . S , Vlll Oil. CURED THEM. NO BOAST: THEY ARE I X fl X i V SOLID FACTS HELD IN PROOF. I W W 9 J It. J. E,. IIIL.L,, iiyHcUn nd dorp-eon, OFF! CI First St, just Ru-s House, Albany urefron. DR. C, U. CHAMBERLIN QOMOBOPATXIXST Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem Uues, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry St, near 3d street. WETHEBFORD&WYATT Attorneys at law Will practice in all the courts ot the state, bpecial attention given i to matters in prolate ana to collections. OFFICfc In the Flinn block. BLACKBURN & S 0 LI ERS ' Al! legal matters will receive prompt at tention. Office, First National Bank Build ing, up stairs. W.R.BSLYEU. Atlorney at law and Solicitor in Chanoery, collections made or all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Oregon. jy02VTANYE afc HACKLEH4N, Attorneys tt Lav, Albany, Oregon, MUST NATIOSAli BANK, F ALBANY, OR BOOS P.esbient.. Vim Prestaeut . ... lfuhii S.R, YOUNG K, w. LAN Q DOS T tUSSACTS A OKS KRAL baakUMttbastaea AG0OUSI3 KEPT rabjaci to thack. W T SAC HAN OS and t egraphte trans'. , vol o Ke York San rrandaso.Chlcaco nd r-wUard OL'.SOTIOXt UOKon favorabla turn S E Tor' P A Goodvtc, C. 8 K W Laioh L. ruu Fuss. . . Attorney at Law, A'.oanv. Or. ALB&NY ORCHESTRA S BiCKSSSTO. Conductor EBairaifKOOKHgPH INSTRUMENTATION IVfo., II Vio..Clar., Cor., Troru Bass and.Drums Jepet oife of ne-v? Aisic Music Furnished For - Concerts, Parties. Receptions a. Enter lainmenta at reasonable rates. Corre-poudenoe -solicited rejanlinr- ?n Ifjgpmeta out of town. Address Bert Wes;trook, Business Man ager. Revere House, Albany, Oregon SSaTOtsandTnrle Harts obtain ed and all Fat f eat basinMi conducted, for M odcrate Fees. Sid model, drawing-or Moto. We, ad viae if SoatrasblfT-eof ciwr:" Onrfeenotdnetill i ijawntiaswTired. A Pamphlet "How to Ob-' f tain Patents." with cost of eameia the C. Sand foreign countries seat fleet Address, C. A. SNOW & CO. Orr. Patct Omcc. WasMiweToa, D. C, Fire Insurance 'RE YOUR PROPERTY ' with leOld Hartford, the New YorkUn. w i iters A srency or any one of the reli able old line companies he represents. Notes taken and plenty of time given for payment on farm insurance. All business will be promptly attended to. OFFI0E IN P- 0. HLOCS ALBANY. OH. 'ff'- COPVRICHT8 AO. Anrow sendinjr a nketoh and description may quickly aicertaiii, free, whether an invention ta protral'lv pte?. table. Com m un teat .on ajtrtctJj oati-ientiaL Old em atreucj f-renir.nT patent to America. We bare a WasfainjrtoQ office. Patent taken through Munn Co. receive wpecml Zkotioe in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beantlfallv l!in.T rated, Innwrt drpnlation of enr scientific Journal, weekly, terauS&O a Tear; JS-V! Bix months, bpecimen copies and iLuiO imun. os Patkvts aeiit free. Addreaa MUNN & CO., ' 301 Broadwar. Kew York. Odt Advertising. Burning words naver did set the world on fire. It is our policy to repress all sen astional statements, to deal in facts, not figures of speecti or exaggerations. Every word we print weighed, and w vouch for its exact truthfulness with our personal honor, fne integrity of our word of mouth is uoj'ieUoned (') The integrity of our word of type must be just as substantia. The object of al I our adrertixing is to tell yoa about our basiness c'eariy, plainly, otvmcing'y aione man talks to anotber It cos's some money, but done intelligently, it pays. You try it. Smilby, the Prirter. profel.,tt. rmunt Cm in 1 toadaVaT We refund money If we do pot c,tn. Yoa can bo traMad as home for the tame price BafJ and tae uw samnl. ?' "'"f '"VJf 11 pwfertocomelT; will contract to eura I tnatn or par expnue of " hotel """""""Ti r"r'1 ed Hairta, Vlwrmoumuj Krebrewa ralllaa; ent, rWM4aT or TerUMrr iflapIe,Coar. partof thebrjdr.l lit la till, PrlaaarT. Halror I Bloed Palaeai tnat wi atte eaace and ehanenarl caaaet Pom 'i uia dTs I Kufaahte tocure. We IHOllclt the nuwt efcerJa. the werld for a eaae we eaw tut ajwa., feaMeel ue aklll or the moat I or manr yimsa we Iulvm I eailHl paralelaaa. made a fim i-iajty of treatujsr th) iieae wltu our CYPHILeSb and wa have a&00 00 capital behind our ancondJtlonal Kuaranlcc. Write IU f.,r 1 AOace hk and aKaelato ft'1 !:' t m.h. Tiki rr" OV Mnaonte Temnlei. CblcMto, llliasta. Prof. A. STARK Of Will & atark. Optical Specialist Graduate of the Chicago Opthalmio College. 1 ttiti prepared to examine scientifically mitl accurately, br the latest and improvl niethi(ls of modern science, any who de Sire to hae their eyes tested. Onsick Block Alpant.Orbooh. Or Adams Cnsick Block A tVtftn v . Or . Paiuless work a spocialt. ft-IM e YEARS ' , 1 t EXPERIENCE. V V VwaawaeawawJ fi Sciatic, Lumbagici tQ9909994 Star Bakery Corner Broadalbin and First St CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR? Dmier In Ca"ned Fruits Canned Meat QueenswAJw VeetfcJe Cigars, Splcea Tea Etc i inassware, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. everything that ie Kept in Rood variety and gro eery store. High est pi'-oe paid for ALL KINDS OF PkODOCI SENDERS' COHPANIE Always Pay. No question ahont fall and prompt ment of losses by fire on insmance plaotc with the leading agent of Albany, M. Sen ders. TOiat's wiatHe InsnresPeopIe Fcr Don't aliow yonrself to be roped intoth various "Local aintuals" boW beint pushed on you as being "cheapest in surance," when, yoa insure you do do want to worry about getting your money it case of loss. M SENDERS Insurance. Hay, Grain and Wool. JTIS SO WKITTES and none can dispute it. W lead to wall paper trade, wo were never iwr in the van than now. Mors designs; newer, brighter, fresher, and more orig inal designs; a greater variety of oe signs; finer qualities of paper; and lowet prices for fine qualities of pap' tnn c0 be found at any other establishment; these are our many and solid claims tc your patronage. When yoa see what we MTl for 15 centa a roll and that we only ask 15 cents for it, you'll be very mucb surpsiaed. J. A. Cumming. Heart Us Eire?? ffo'wj ta1Vinr talking to the hard-to-piease I nennla whn like rjarticular I I printing. We are particular ' printers; we poi in turn uum extra-nice toucn tnat pieasea won. Rn the iob biff or little. ita big enough to be well done. I Onr Partifular Department is I nnr whnln ahdTI. Ask US to ' prove it ; we can please yoa or give 0iu oivue uki. Sxilky's Particular Printery. Phone 9, Albany. VIEREOKS SHAViNG AND HAIR CUT TING PARLORS. HEADQUARTERS FOR D Whites Jse ITqi G(io-vvei. A head of hair or no pay. Cure al diseases of the scalp. Address Box 421 tor Free Treatise on the Scalp. Razors Honed and Bet and Put in ord er on Short Notice Lud wig Lf'ads in bath tu'is, while othe's take bis td"a auueopy. Call on 111 m f or tne origina ub - FOSHAK & MASON Wholesale it Retail- DRUGGISTS AHD E00KSEUEE3 ALBANY. OREGON. Pare Drugs and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. CHEAPEST POWER ..-.HERCULES UAS A31DJGAOIiINE Built In special sizes for printing offices and factories. State your wants and write for prices and term". Illustrated catalogue furnished free upon applica tion. Americas Itpb Foundkbb' Co, Portland, Oregon. ilfl k tmiuL Come to Oregon . The crop prospects wre never better. There will be considerable fruit, ex cepting cherrleB, and more cherries tban many think. Five inches of rain fell in Kansas in fourteen hours. Oregon is a ary climate compared with that. Albany will.celebtato the 4th. The make the committee will endeavor to celebralion-a good one. A letter to a Eugene real estate firm published elsewhere indicates that most of the igneramuses live in the east. Items beaded "presidential nomina tions'' are frequent, which reminds us that the President has our sympathy. Ani,x. aays: After holding its own for a hundred years, the stovepipe bat is threatened with extinction. It is the the plug-ugly of the century. L?t it go From the Statesman : It is not generally known, but it is fact, that H. W. Scott, editor, and H. L. Piltock, manager of the Oregouiau, are stockholders in a company with pa'ented silver mine claims situated in the Ur'een- horn mountain section. Roland Reed, tne actor, gets $2,p00 ; tfre. Meyer $4,000, and Miss Rush $1,- 000. all of the Roland Reed Dramatic Co., for injuries received in a wreck on the Southern Railroad in Georgia . That raa certainly a paying house. Let the pessimist rtad the following: Where, today, do we find savagery T Our Indian wars are over ; Africa is be ing civilized War is possible only nn ler extraordinary conditions and among nen not completely civilUd. Within a romparatiYely few years the duel has en abolished among most people c( enlightenment. The vies of kings are to longer regarded by their people with Himplacency, and kin- themselves tave but short tenure of their thrones, ecause the world is strengthening i'seil or self-government. Slavery has been rept from nearly all the earth, yet, only orty years ago the slaves were counted y millions. Piracy has utterly vanished rom the seas. Charity has taken oo a icndred forms. The standards of edu cation are higher. Churches are more practical. Man is improving, not because be force fcr betterment exists in nil aws, or in bis training, but in himself, ie is reaching toward bis ok, poasibili iea, not merely for his own ake, but :'or that of his race and the world. The following extraordinary comptt- -nent comes from the Rainer Review : Columbia county is to be congratulated n the good fortune of having a circuit ludge who expedites the business of the nrcnit court at the least pos:ble expense to the county ; a district attorney, who ioea not have any frivolous indictments made ani who dea not pile up useless ieea for himself at the expense of the tax. payers; a county judge an I two commit - ionre, wbo use every honorable means ta save the county useless expense, and who have the courage to refuse to allow many useless and unlawful oil's sent in by justice of the p?a, constables and a-itnecses ; a clerk, ho dispatches the business of bis office in a way to bring he greatest income to the county; a tberiff wbo, by bis energy and ability, i Electing the ounty's funds as they oe ver were collected before, and wbo turns such funds into the treasurv every day, thus preventing the possibility ot loss by default and giving th county the full use of the funds belonging to it. Verily if we can get above political prejudices and consider the personnel of the officers ol this district and county we caooo help but congratulate tne people on their good fortune. Deciaedly Inquisitive Real estate men are continually re ceiving letters asking for information about tbe sou n try, and some of them. too, are rather peculiar, says tbe Eugene Guard. Here is one just received by the Engeie Real Eitate & Investment Co., that is a mcde' for, its quizzing charac teristics: "Is there" an Odd Fellows lodge out here? Ho much butter, eggs, bogs, cows, bene, sheep, hens and turkeys? How muc'i do all tbe fruits and nuts which can be raised there sell for? Can you raise strawberries and corn? Do tbey have landslides, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions near this place and do the wild and ferce animals ever come down as far as that? What are tbe taxes on this place and what is the legal in terest out there? "How many inhabitants has Eugene and are thing at cheap there as in Chi cago? What is the matter that all the people want to sell out and how far is the nearest neighbor and what in his name, from No. 16 ? Describe the bouse, are they plastered or near, are tbey log or frame? How many bushels of grain can you raise per acre on tbe average 7 Have they green houses there and bow much is board? What do you have to pay to secure tue hired help of men and boys, and of women to helt in tLe house? I! a man went out t.iere wbo was not Uzy, could he make a living and not starve to d-satb? Hv yoi a pocket map of Oregon which you could send me? How much do -6 it ost t" - from Chica go to Eugpne? Ucjw tnticlt r-re farming implements of all kiol? Oo chickens and pions and turke thrive out there? What in th trtii.jrnlit of the majoritf of the inhabilaiit'? Ii it cold enough h .-re to hav a fire at niitb';? What is thesa'ary of a professional nurse there? How many sal-jous has Eugene? How many months in the year do you have to keep up a fire tc Keep warm? "What are the drawbacks to Oregon? What will cheese, butter and milk sell for? Are the nouses out there cold or warm? What is the nearest station to each of thee places and what are their names and bow far ae they? Wbat in the nearest river and can you catch any flah iu it? Can you raist oranges and lemons out there? Please answer all questions by return mail if possible as we are very anxious to leave here and 40 Into the country. VIGOR HEN Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored Weakness, Nervousness, Debility, ana an im train ef evils from earl errors or later eaoeaeea ; ue reenlta af "wwora, atonnen, wor i rr, eto, Full atrenath, .development and tone fa t every areaa and ponton of the body. Simala. natnral a.tkiii(. Jsnmed late improvement seen, failure uapoaetble. A0M refereaoea. Book. iplaneUoa and proui BUM ERIE MEDICAL CO,. 64 NIAOARA ST. BUFFAIA, N. V. 0 tear Sam Stmpfon Redivivus. - Someone, under the name of the "Pa ciUo County Publishers Co." has started a newspaper down at Ilwaco, named it the Pacific County Tribune, and en gaged Sam L. Simpson a its editor. The first Issue ot the new paper ta filled with poetical fancies in prose and verse. Fi lends gave a dinner party, In cele bration of her 80th birthday, to Mrs. Hannah L Eaaterbrook, relict of Capt. George L. Easterbrook, at her home in Ilwaco, on May 3rd. Mr. Simpson writes up a report of the pleasant even! a history of the family, and concludes the article with the following lines, which show that his mind retains some of the poetic fervor of the time when he wrote "The Beautiful Willamette," cel ebrated the world over, catching its in spiration on a spring morning, after a protracted spree, as be viewed one of its stretches near Albany, Oregon, in a walk along its banks for the purpose ot shak ing off the effects ot his crapulence, says an Ex. I. Eighty years of sun and shadow. Eighty years of smiles and tears! And we only pause and wonder In our swift and short careers ; Elahty years of love and dutT, Eighty yerre of hopes and dreams, And the chaplat they have woven On tbymeek brow softly gleams! II. On this height ot time triumphant Thou canst see the promised land. And the long path of thy journey, Guided by the Father's hand ; la the Under dusk ot gloaming Linger mornings gold and rove, And through falling, fading vespers Morning mosiu gently flows. III. In thy bosom sweet affections Still exhale a fresh terfume. And thou emil'st at youthful ardor. Grateful for its summer bloom; For in true hearts wistful yearnings Never wholly past away. And the children of remembrance Never wander far astray. IV. Cherished, honored, slowly passing To the dim and mystic shore. Loving life, yet blandly listening For the silent boatman's oar. Surely is the day worth living Whose evening is so bright and calm, Hope and memory incense bringios rom the shores of bloom and balm. v- . Here tte gray sea, throbbing, singing - Bongs tby sailor loved so well Mingles requiem and paean. And no doubt with thee can dell That, with signals set to welcome Thee to guerdon and to rest ; Still hi spirit bark is waiting Near tbf.tsiand of tbe blest. A Good Letter The following it a letter written by D. K. Warren, of Astoria, in response to a gentleman wbo is making inquiry about this country with a view to investing here: Tbe letter is much to tbe point : L-C. Stewart, Ft. Myers, Florida DearSn: Yours of tbe 10th lost came to hand this morning, aod in reply will say I have been trviut- to think ot some of the "disadvantages" of Oregon since receiving your le'ter, and to be frank, I must say that 1 am sorry yoa could not b ive given me something easier, for have lived here only 4o years, which is entirely too short a time to gather snffi eient data and information In regard to tbe "disadvantage" of Oregon aod pecially of this locality from which to foimulate a readable letter. I will there fore merely note a few objections that I have to this country, as tbey have oecur- ed to me within ths brief time above mentioned: We have to much rain in winter. Well, let me see. We have no cyclones and thunderstorms to purify tbe atmos phere. Can't grow oranges, can't keep alligators, except in alcohol. Have very few flies, no maequitoes, no rattlesnakes J nor venomous reptiles. No fever and ague, no malaria, no drouths, no fai.ure of crops, no excessive beat, no blirxards, and not so cold by ten degrees as it was in central Florid when your Orange trees were frozen. That's about aU I can think of along that Hoe. aod I will now note a few things tbat ws bav. We have the tallest Umber, the grand est mountains, ths purest water, tbe finest wheat, ths most charming valleys, the choicest fruit tbe largest salmon and the most beaithtol climate on the North American continent. As for tbe society, will say this country contains a large preponderance of Eastern people, and you will find the morals, manners and customs very similar lo those of tbe Eastern and Middle states. Tbe needs of the country are, principally capital, backed by sufficient brains and energy to make it active. We have work for a million men on this coast, if we had the capital lo develop tbt dormant and (.latent resources of this country. Our principal productions for export are wheat, lumber, salmon, fruit and wool. There follows some timely words for Astoria and surrounding country. Albany has somewhat of a baseball fever, at least the measles. Music Mitt Mildred Burmeeter teacher of piano or organ. System pis Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street, opposite U P chuicb J. Gradwohl Inform the general public that he will sell aa low a anybody in the city for net casb. Come .nd get price before you boy. April 1st, 1897. J. Gfadwobu Send our mintiie. Care and intelliirence in laundering slothes h't had its effect it is responsible for the succeHs f tbe Albany Steam Laun dry. Send along your bundle to the beat laundry in the valley, or let Merril D. Phillips, know and lie will call fur it If you aie not a patron of the Albany Steam Laundry tell the proprietor at onof to Mid fx vour bundle. Once a custom always a customer. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. asf. Hull, b ss snrr WW JUS mors ef Wool Wanted. At the Albany Woolen Mill, highest market price paid. Call at mill and get wool sacks. They Caa't Fade. If you Mud your fancy colored hirf to the City Laundrr. opp the St Cba Hotel We can give you high or medium gloss or domestic finish on your linen. C. SlMPSOX ft StIf. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awarded M-dal Mkdwtater Pair. San Pra SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS Tb week closes with the graves of old soldiers decorated with a profusion ot flowers, rich in their btauty. touched by natures lavish hand, enriched by Oregon's peculiarly well favored c'irnate and yielding soil. Loving hands I avs placed them there as well as over the last resting place of departed relatives. The custom is a pretty one that deserves to be perpetuated. A young Benton county man wbo married an old woman is not entitled to mucb sympathy because life became so burdensome that be decided to commit uicids. There was no excuse for his marying, and any way marriage is too serious a matter for such foolishness as be displayed in marrying without con sideration. Why, a man will not even buy a horse without seeing whether it is ringbonedor spavined. More marriages would be successes if men would become manly husbands in stead of merely selfish beings incapable of appreciating the rights of others. There should be absolute equality, backed by forbearance and sensitive consideration of each other. Tbe home strawberry has come into the market with a rush and Is queen of the tea table. Tbe most delicious berry in existence. Curious Facts. It is the testimony of almost all cap tains of ths ocean-going liners that chil dren are rarely if ever seasick a fact that ought to prove of some suggestive therapeutic value to those who attempt to prescribe remedies for this dreaded but inevitable affliction. A fact worth recording is tbat the fe male employee of many German factor ies are forbidden to wear corsets during working hours. The Japanese language is said to con tain 60,000 words, a symbol for each be ing required. A well-educated Japaneee is familiar with about 10.000 of there symbols. In the west lodiao islands, Nulia and Soudan, is found the whist ling tree Itbas a peculiar eh iped laf and pods with a split or open edge. Tbe wind p.tng through these makes tbe odd sound that gives the tree lis name- Io the Barba does there la an island filled with these trees, and the wind passing through, lives rite to a cooataot moaning sound vry ocpleaaant and nerve trying. The following from Port Townsend ie equal to ths storie of fiction : On May 26 white cruising in the neighborhood of Cape Flattery, the attention of Captain Clinger, of the tugboat Holyoke, was attracted to a great commotion io the southward. Steaming to tbe arena, the captain aod crew of the Holyoke wore awarded with tbe spectacle of a vicious fight between a canoe fleet of lodiao cl one side and a large whale on the other Tbe Indian bandied tbeir raorw well, and from every point of tbe rompa an attack was being mad, barpo after harpoon sinking from eight 1 1 ths aid of the monster, which lashed the water high into tbe air in it vscius attempt to crush the canoe and drowt. i' tor mentors. Tbe Indian we- t -o wary, however, and finally tired 'tie title nut. Then a well directed barpu thrust finished him. Having disfa'-hrd 'heir ! 'heir hiru washed tuaote to stand game, the Indian were in a q j-ndary a J ofl tbeir deUaJ heela. lo getting the big fella, but! , , " , . . Z,,. ... 1 A sleepy proof-reader is responsible Captain dinger was equal to f he emer- J (or uule errxjr, in lh. ,t gency. A small hawser was pa-d into s this paper. a letter desert twig tbe a canoe and taken to Ibe dead whale, northern part ot tb roootv was headed, where it was attached to many harpoon ''TJ" -ni Section.' lb same . . , , territory waa mentioned a being "con ropes. Numerous canoes then booked Ug.ons to Albar-v. As Albsnv is on to one anotber behind the whale, aod "catching" most of that e tton'a trade, the procession started for Nub bar, perhaps the word used aa rewllv a where it-wa met with great rej oicing ( 0'!OJ,,"tVCOaU,t,,O, ou,', hv by the natives who had remained at J ' boms. Tbe whale was beached and the I , . . T" ... .1 An interesting and novel feature of the Neab baX tribe of Indian, are no. enj y-1 w ,hwlJ, of,u,nlMrj. ing a b-g hlubber social. The dad whale measured 62 feet io length, being the largest ever captured in North Paci fic water. RuweU Psg bat been accned of w ear- . . tfl TS.nitnf,.. Th. V V mg Herald gives tbe incident io aa inter view: "I often kavsocfssioo to go info fl big drv goods (tores, because I am in teretted io the bank from wbict. they get credit, and I want to see the men in their own tlorts and observe b-iw tLev do business- Well I was ia ne ol the places the other day.and tbey had a line of clothing froa some, manufacturer who wanted money, and they were aelhng suits for $5 75. I looked at them, and ., . , . . pay ia ana ior. x ooagai two. out O that I wanted any more clothing, for I bad eight or ten suits at borne, but be cause I wanted to say that I'd bought two toils good suits for leas than I used to psy for one suit. It's tbe same with shoes and other things. I bought a pair of shoes of a well known make the other day for $2 that used to sell at $3. Well, when thing are so cheap, people won't pay so much to ride on the rail roads. Travel ia lees and railroad earn ing are less, and there ia an enormous shrinkage in values The Gazette tells bow Ann E'iza Hol comb't husband came to join the Salra lion Army: 8 ay he came io town resolved to follow Lahao and qui' 'his world where Eliza-Anns are - .-uiici in evidence, lie determined to ii" hat night. While waiting for dt't-neaa to fal'. he chanced to enter the Sanation Army barracks- Something hl u-en- ant said waa nertinent to bis cat-, and he I became absorbed in Ibe .rvic-. Me stayed alter the meeting aud cor f.-x- d his intention of quilling tt-i- val- o tears. He wat earnestly Ubor-d with and prevailed upon to Uk a n view of life- And so he marches with tbe army now. At the head of all of the btst known headache remedie stands Mamc Headnche Tablet. Take a maller dose to prod'ice better result, while at the uue tli.e it is perfectly harmless and safer to uo than most remedie. Every box guaranteed by Burkhar Lee, Druggist. Regardless of Cost. Julius Gradwohl intend to go out of the crockery aod glassware busine, going in to tome other line of business, and hence wid sell his good of thi kind regardless of cost. When ou call and ge his prior aou wilt be convinced tbat he mean bUi ness, aud will believe what he say Albany Market. Wheat 66 cents. Oat 86. Egg 9 cents. Butter 8 to 10 cents. Potatoes 30 cent. Hams 8 cents. Sides 7 cents. Shoulders 6 cent. MISFITS. Salem feels ington was in menta. better, President Hunt that city for a few mo- Judg3 Barton began baying ye.terday on the Court House ranch. He knows how. Ju lge Fullerton has decided in the Engene school case thai the women had a right to vote. Certainly. East Lynne is being p ayed in Port land. Though good it has become a decided chestnut. A mounted policeman of Oakland.Calif. was held up a few nighu ago ana rubbed of his revolver and handcuffs, by two footpads. W hoopla. The American Urocer.editoially says: "We paid last year l,00O.12i,:iO0 for drinks." This is the worst tntance of editorial thirst the Chicago Times-Herald can recall. "Said Pasha" is very timely because it gives one a fine idea cf the Turkish cos tume about which so much is bein said, the genuine bloomer. Now let us have a Grecian opera. Portland ie in agony. The Oregon will not visit that city. It will celebrate tbe 4th at beattle. What about that punch bowl? Tbe wbole affair has been a silly one. "Thou, too, sail on.O Ship of State! Sail cn, ob Union, strong and great! Humanity's will with all its tears, With all the hopes of future years, It hanging breathless on thy fate." A Benton county young man is said to have gotten even with a rival, of whom he was jealous, by sticking twenty-one pins in bis b'eycfe tire All efforts to re pair that tire have proven failure. Gov. Lord left the Portland companies out ot tue oraer tor tne coming encamp ment, causing great di appointment in tbat city The boys wsnted a vacation at $150 a da; . When It comes to an editor'eexchaair i lyiug arounu in nis sanctum it shounl always be remembered that he ha no rights which tbe public is bound to re spect. This statement is based on ex perience. A Linn county farmer asr:t that he drink up the receipt of ouly five a:re of a year. A he has been declared a common drunkard iy the cttv council and is nearly always drunk when he come to Albany inert are fear that he baan t figured exactly right. The Oregon City Pms say that Magooe, the leader of tbe robbers cf Ladd'a grave, is a free silver advocate and bra idea is of unsound mind. What ha that got to do with robbing a grave. A paper gets very smalt when it rings politics into grave robbery. After all this grave robbing, as bad ays it is, i not mucb worse than a good deal of this rust robbery of the day. Salem paper are rrrallr disturbed ; over the following from the Seatt.e I'oat- t Intel tgeocer.ioiicaiing that they do not PPrevaie i.eorgt a.birsgtoo : t. W . t Pnat nalnrnail wm,a.v .Am . Post, returned yesterday week's trip in Oregon- !t of hi journer was made awhevt. Tbe quietest town of the tweuty or tuore he stopped in was raiem. After quoting an arttcW in "he Dcwo caat tbe Budget ear : -'In Astoria ser vant girl w bo earn bat e-iht ticlEar per month will pay eve dmiars f:r month for installment and spvttd the other three dollars fur rwiairs. Young men who ha vn'l a second suit of clothe to their name and go to ImmI while tber Ia via, now on trial before Judge Coffer, ; ln '""n Fianciero, is the fact that the enes 01 uie w mow 01 ire tevtatnr, in closed in a neat little metal casket, with a circular lid or rover well soldered in, have been introduced in evidr-ece. and dur eg the session cf Ibe court the box occupied a rouspicn u t.:;on on the.! desk near the witne.a. Brsdstrvet says: "Results of tbe sprirg trade in staple, which is now over, are disappointing. Nearly all central, wevlrro and southern trade centers report business verv quiet. Dry good convince depressrd." " Dunn say: "People are actually doing more busi ness tban they lealize. Thev reckon by Values. I'Ut lhe ire milch It. . in any previous year of prop ril". and , leave little margin for profits. In qoan- V? ' business being done a in tbe wars of crrate-l the yi Tke your choice. DIED. WHEELER. On Friday night. May 23, 1897, at 11 o'clock, of paralysis, Mr. Alfred Wheeler, at the aire of 65 years. Tbe deceased was born in Vermont and came to Linn county in lisVi, and has since resided here, lie wa a grad uate of Yale college and alwars took a great interest in edcational rod literary matter. Mr. heeler wa a roan high ly esteemed building up a good reputa tion as a citizen, father and husband. He leaves s family and several tons and daughters, among the.n County School Superintendent Richard Wheeler Alnion Wheeler the well known lumber man of Springfield it a brother. Tne deceased was a member of tbe I O. O. F. Funeral services will b held at the residence at 2 p. m. and the burial servi ces will be conuueted bv the I. O. O. F. HATCHER. On Saturday morning, May 29. 1807, in Albany, after a long illne, Mr John L. Hatcher at the age of about 85 years. Mr. Hull-tier was an er!y comer to the Pacific coast and resided in Linn eounty for a great mane years, lie leaves several children irrown to man hood, and many IrieixN to mourn his death. GALBRAITH. Ia Albam, Or., on Thursday evening, M 2nti. 189, of tubercolosi. after a liiitwrimr illness. Mr. Lewis Galbra'.th, al the age of :!0 years. Tbe deceased was a sin of J. P. Gal braltb and has resided with hi parents, spending most of bit life -i Brownsville and Albany, where he worked in the woolen mills, coming to Oregon from Knoxvillo, Teun , when about ten yeart of ago. ItORN. BLOOM. On Monday, May 24, 1897, to Air. ana wis. r red Bloom a boy. Lives- ills Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, tour stomach, indigestion are promptly cured by Hood's rills. They do their work Hood's easily and thoroughly. rj Best after dinner pills. ! II If wcenta. All druggists. H B W Prepared by C I. Hood ft Co., Lowell, Mass. Tb only P1U to Ink with Hood's SartanarlUa. TELEGRAPHIC. Eaalaad the Troable. Paris May 28 .There were 300 dele frates present at the annual meeting of tbe National Bimetallic League. Deputy Foogoirol presided. M. fbrev. SecMarv of the league, read tbe leport. The report said; Tbe English horizon is less dark than as serted. The presence of the American delegate" in Paris may greatly hasten a so lution of the question. France and Amer ica could eaiily come to an agreement if England was inclined to make a serious tffort in favor of silver, and Germany would follow her examp'e. . A Bis Funeral CtJKVAiiisOr., May 28. An immense concourse of his old friends and acquaint ances paid tribute to bis memory at the funeral of the late Judim Br v son this ftir- noon, and the longest line of carriages seen in many a uay lullowed bis remain to Crystal Lake cemetery. it it ousinees nouses were closed, and flags in tue city noateo at bait mast. 3 la Baaser London, May 28. The Post' Constan tinople correspondent says: Today (r'ri- uayj tne eraras:eg received word from tbeir respective ruuusfer at AUiet that ma poaiuon 01 me ureeK royal taruly Is now critical KinrrGeorire is rractiijtll barricaded in tbe oalace. and it u renorted be is making preparation to leave Athens in oraer to evade ibe fury of the populace. Meaa Baalaraa t . . . . . ii.TTE, oioni., ay, za. At a mass meeting tonight, a committee of 100, was provtuea to assist the regular authorities in tbe suppression of the lawless element now in Butte and vicinity. The names of the committee and style of tbe work will not be made piblic, bat tbe selection will be such as to strike terror in the rank cf the criminal ciasae. A Baak PreUdeat la Jail Ixoiaxapolis, May 23. John F. John son, late president aod cashier of tbe State National hank ot Ijogamport, was aenten cea to ten years imprisonment today by Jude Baker, of the United State court. Jobosnn received fau sentence without tremor. The Craage Adjeatrae UavALj3, Or.. May 28. After tte-cia-iOK to favor of tLe free and unlimited coioe of botb gold and silver at tbe ratio of lti to 1. and demanding the initiative a iretereoddm, the Oregon State Grange adjourned this morning. A feature of the aeMioo was the address of Mr. Hitlery wife of tbe master, describing a trip to the tesabn of the National Grange at Was-iing-ton. A Terrtfcie Wreck Bois. May 27. Tbe meat disastrous wreck in the bUrory of the Short Line railroad orcurred at American FUS at 4 JO thi morning. A runaway freight train era bed info the paaroer train. Nine men were killed outright and eight others erixM'y injured. Botb engines were de moiubed. tite station building wen shat tered to pieces and IS or 2-J car maabed. The dead are: C. W . Shield, reside&ce unknown. D. L. Thompson, of Dayton Vah. . Jobs R . Cooper, of r4isrill, Utah. J. fcieffaa. cl Dillon. Mont. tive unknown men. Excepting Cooper, the men were teat J iog uoai way 00 tne Height, fewcw SeswUaatM, Loxoos, Hi j SS. Thecorrwpondent cf tbe Time at Athens say: Tbe dispatches which the goTmtnent baa received from repreaectalives of Greece abtaad. aJI indicate that the pcc negotia tions have taken a turn more t v. arable to Greece . Tarfc-j ' proposal to Ot-cspy.Tbes-aa'y no lootfrr rt-cene obliteration, owing to England altitude, while tbe rjrnpcwai to abolish IB capitulation ia toe case of Grt eiufe-n in Turaey t rej-ted and the aagjresied rxtraJittoa treaty is appor eaily aido. The pow-r btvn fixed 6,000 0CO a tbe hiht linjit cf ttK'eoioJty. I wder Ik rfcleagw rtalfawaa SpJK.aa. Jaay 27. it is rated u-sa rehab aa'-iKirilv that tie Wdra rrf ih dvmocnatic party in tbe atai oooteaiplate cuttta looefrxm the other fusion eiemeat ct tu yer; that tbey wi,t reoreaniie tbe dt-tuocratic foroe. and Sght in tbe future under the demom'ic tanner txire and MtnpJe, with she Chicago platform as their creed. To this end. a meetins cf 'he 6es - wtuc .e central commf.iev win be fceid in poke June 14. Tk Ta-tw tvefcwiw Wasmsoros. M.y 27. Tee raa good pr-yr?e on tbe lanff biil todty. dipto of $oas 10 pigy. Ser-1 v'e were takea. the fiaasce coosmitfaee beiog soa:aiaed in eca ca-e by taajitiea varying from x to 14. The drug trbedaie waa aader dtcuiM, and the debate was largely technka. tXMionalty. bowerer. it oraocned f-3 to garai phaae of the UnS. thooii at bo lin d jr.n the das waa were a peech of ow t: ul dura'.i ja. ta fire mis- lll lin i ! !ilia-M,i. O . Mar 27. J f! flrw, the owotfr of tie !atj.-c stwrniU near town t is maaiog arrasgetneaa lo bgio operat ing hi mill at iu fail capactlv. He will "P0 between 43 to fifty tuea io tbe "v i 'g tatnp and toe mill, which ha been id djrreg the greater part ol the last two J ears. Is tank Qaake I M?trxau Mav 23. Thjre was an eartbqnake shock here tonight at 1 :15. j r rom use time the rumble was peroeptia'e 'in toe tooc waa over was to eeconds. t c rn.w-k it-i ustd iu fcvw.K. 1 ete-1 graphic rerrt Pxwed bere indicate that' ioe quiae was ten ati novo ire i.ittawa "t nu luxvuga rsmo orr, itrdtMr. - , tv c . . - r - - - ice unu Kin was ut&en in me senate louay. It cme after a two hours debate oo tbe --. " -.tjtu coropannvetv unimportant, asorded an ' afforded opportunity for the first aliimment of the various elements. Senator Vest, a demo- crstK- memlier of ice h canoe committee. moved to make tbe rate on boracic acid 3 cents instead of S cent per pound, as pro vided by tbe committee. Phis presented a direct issue between tbe committee and the opponents of the bill. Tbe amendmeut was defeated, 31 to 20. Madera Bate Ball. Pmsnrao May 28. I'ranire Hurst was io toe hands of a mob after tbe game I and was saved from serious injury by the f ituburg p.avers dragging him into the clubhouse. The general sentiment after yeeterday' same wa that Hurst's favor gave tbe Orioles tbe victory, aoo a repeti tion today capped the climax in the muds of the crowd, and about 500 waited aroun-i ! the ciub house for 'he umpire after the game. Hurst V-ecame incensed and struck one of tbe crowd, and was immediately jumped on by the mob Ten policemen were call! to escort him to his hotel. Blawdtfctraly ladlaaa. Ml i.e. Citv, Mont., May 26. John Hoover the miss injr saeephenW from John Uarrin-r's ranch, wat found dead alMit tao miles frnm the ranch with two bullet holes through his body. His dog lav by l.i aide. Bo' h were killed by Indians. Indians are making preparations for trou ble, and settler ate growing uneasy. Attacked by Robber. Lcttk Mont., May 26 William Kroe ger and his brother, Henry Kroeirer. were attacked by ioblers while on tbeir way home late last night. They refused to throw up their htid and the robbers be gan to shoot. William Kroeger was shot twice, tbe wounds proving fatal. The rob ber escaped. A vigillanta committee was Rt'crwards organized. Tk rasnlaa t hamplea. New York, May 26, Fully 6000 people passed throueh the turnstiles of the Palace Athletic Club tonight to see the fight be tween "Kid' McCoy, who leceutiy re turned from South Africa, and Dick O'Brien of Boston. McCoy-was by far the better general. He simply wore down hw opponent, who, despite his gameneas, was outclassed, and. after they had gone nearly half way throueh the 10th round. Referee Charley White stopped tbe tight and declared McCoy the winner. , Barnats Fraal rated. Los Dos, May 26. A harp drop In tbe Barnato group of South African securities was occasioned today by a disoatch from Cape Town, stating that Barney Barnato waa inrtering from aervout prestation and hi friends had found it necessary to. place him under restrain:. Shaving 10c Hair cutting 15o At Macks barber abop. Lebanon. The achool directors have engaged Prof. Baker to act as principal of the public school for another year. Tbe professor gave good satisfaction last year and all are glad that he has been re-engaged. The family of John P.lan1 wilt SrVrtl move to The Dalies. Mr. Bland it now usving went with his brother iew week ago. Lebanon that looses snotber excellent family. K. Thorn and J. A. Sturtevant, who have been nlarwe mining ci. Hantiam, above Foster, during tbe past mnntli I.. ... V... t i " . . . ., urcu 1 amy successful, ana came to town Monday with about 190 worth of gold. Tbey will return in a lew days. Postmaster Smith ;. rni la-iiiriii - t rtv 7 . 1' Cart7' caihier of the Market Bank of Knoxv.ile, Tenn.. who is now r!Vn.5"KeU?' regard to the latter gentleman opening a bank at thi p ace. Mr. Cartv writes Trv fa vorably in regard to the matter, and will probably visit our town soon. Advance n,.n.' L'. Fo'ey and little daughter v, mnie vistea a couple of dysin Al bany this week. Last Thursday R. W. Fisher bocght the Ja. filler farm ontaining 152k acres, situated one-half mile west of this city. W. O. Peterson made tbe sale. W. H. Klum and Mr. Julia A. Peurdy wci uuuea in marriage at Corvaltis yesteraay. May 2, 1837, Judge W. S. uui.ora omcialing. 0f. K. H. Curl, tbe dentist, has had a portable dentist office built on wheels and will move the same to Lebanon aoout tne i.ho 01 next month, and will rem, in until alter the 4th. Express. Scio. From the Pre. : Mies Maud Froman.of Albany, came over last t-riday aod visited her friend Mies Stella Crawford until the following Monday. 6 Dr. Brown moved hi h?ceebold good down from Waterloo on Monday and is now a resident of Scio. He ia living in one of Grind ma King's houses. As time for court draws near, we bear of a number of other cases that might be bropght against John Patterson, sim ilar in nature to the one for which he ia now tie.d in jail. A party wbo bas taken tne trouble to look them np has stated to us that there were seven vounr riri in this vicinity tbat be bad attempted to or bad succeeded in debauching. If any or all ot these accusations are true, Pat terson ought to epend the rest of his nat ural me behind prison bar, or if liber ated should be shot down as we would exterminate any wild beast that is dan gerous to human lift. Patterson may be uuuixiit, vci luc cirrumstansiai e urnca eeema so numerous, that every doubt it dispelled and he stands out boldly a tbe worst of human fiends the deepoiler of the virtue of childhood. Salem Journal. Salem ia a hot town in som. respects. We never take aotne thing mildly. For instance out of 1700 scuoot cnudien 830 took measles. The mannei in which bard times has struck everybody ts well illustrated in tne following statement of a Portland DootoiAck to a Telegram man: "For several year I cleared between 1300 and $400 a month'" said the gray- uaurcu BuiDcr, wiixi a van-nned no- - - 1 . . ie;i. uui 11 aui went ior wine, women and cards. Wheal closed rrp my shop in the evening I no longer was tbe boot black of the day. I had at elegamry laruKoea rooms as any in town, in Sooth roruaod, where my business waa not known, as small as this city is, and von would be surprised were I to tell yon the class of peopte I entertained with small, eteganMy srvd suDDers. etc and also bow high the games ran late into the J r a. W i niirni. jow 1 oave a room in one ot tbe Aortn r.nd bote!, for which I pa; S$ a month, and ur board coets me twice as much more. Ye, in thnwditi I ai five ux as mucti io one night occasion- anj m it costs nse to lire a wbo;e moth now " "You drink vet," waa aked of ! , aged, revrostiective shiner. ! quart bottle partiv filled ira, yes : cxciatmeo be. drawina- a tin liquor i imm n,. f k;. k.v.i..u: . , ' bat yoa s I alo am retrenching. I do not patronise the tar, but bay my bT the wholesale." AVhen Traveling Whether oa Measure bent, or basnean. lake ca every tnp a cott'eof Svrop of Fig, as it act 00(4 pleasantly and effectually oo ids tiaoey. liver, and bowels, prevent. mg fevers, bedacbe, and other funs of sicaaesa. tor aa tn 50 cent oot tiea by ail leadicar drufxbts. Mac.afae ( cred cy tbe Csitknia Fig Syrup Com- j pnj otuy. 1 ( C E Browszix's. THE PLACE TO BUT I Tour Groceries and Baked Goods ' I at Parrer Bros- Evervbodv kxows j where their place ia. Thr t "en a fresh stock of groceries, produce and Naked goods, of ail kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all alKe. . on may regret tome steps yen take m life tut none taken into the store of , a orviQ. I It It a crett thinr tn Im wII f..t Par- . keir Rma . i a loat oz ureud ia not much out von want it well made. Try Parker Bros. YES : The people still crowd the counters of THE BLAIN CLOTHING COMPANY" for bargains, and never gj away disap pointed. The reduction tale it still on. All lines of goods carried by thiv com pany are moving right along, taken by satisfied and eager purchasers. The price eella them. Call and see. I have just received 60 large cases of goods, which I am going to open for sale as rap idly as possible. W. R. Blain. Spring Medicine it a necessity which Hood's Sstrsaparilia grandly supplies. It purities ami vitalize the blood and thus gives tone and tr?-ngth to the whole ya teui. Hood's Pills are tbe oulv pill to with Hod'Saraparilla. Cure all ills. take liver A lage assortment of garden seeds, white clovw, timothy and blue grass seeds junnoniea irwtl U C E Brows six's. , f AJ,D f" niy line of ladies and- yuuurens nats. nuoran'a all trimmed iwioc a complete line of fine new uowers aiso received yeaterday. Any number of dozen egi taken in ev.-har.ol for hats at Mrb JqhwN. HorrnAsV : J w Hentljv, the pbceer boot and shoe uin, w nrsi-ctasa work cheap. Call oa mm, just norm 01 tne UKwocrat office. Best lea Cream on the Coast at F. II. Pfeiflers. Whiskers that are prematurely gray or faded should be colored to prevent the took of age, and Buckingham' I've excel a 1 other ia coloring brown or black. pays To buy your groceries and produce of Coun A Uuatow. They keep the best and freshest a-d are all right on prices. They will help you to prosper in dull times. See their tine lice of crockery. lul TO THE E A OITU TBI CHOICB ot TWO TKANSCONTI5ESTAI. ROUTES GREAT UK10H PACIFIC VTA SPOKANE UIKXEAPGUS Aim VIA DENVER OMABA tip ST. PAUL OMSASCrrr LOW KiTES TO ALL EASTEHN iCITIES OCEAN STEAUERH EAVE PORTLAND EVERY t DAV8 0 POst p ar SAN FRANCISCO For tall details call om CcxaAX & .'IgtvTXfTK, Albany, Ol k mm bvvubji; W H HUB Leu KT. G't Pe Aec ORTHERll h! PACIFIC R. R. ii V Puulman Sleeping Oars, Elegant Ding Oars, Tourist Sleeping Oar StPaal Minneapolis Dulnth rargo, Grand Fork CrookstOB Winnip: Helens and Butt T? THROUGH TICKE TO Chicago Waahinrton Philadelphia Sew xork Boston and al. PoinU East and South 1 Ttroogh tkkdU to Japan and China, via Tacomaaad Northern PadSc sttsamahii Co an American line. For Information, time cards, map aatf ticket call on or write C G Borkhart Agent. Albany, Or. Or A D Charlton. Asrt Gen Faaaj Agt Portland, Or. 0REG0X CEVTRAL &, EASTERH R. R. CO. YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Connecting at Yaqmna Bay with the Sau Francisco 5 Yaf4aiiia Bay STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Sauls from Yaquina every 9 days for Saw Francisco, Coos Bay, Port Orford Trinida-i and Humboldt Bay. PAf-si5cza AccowOdatiost OsrarasJiD Shortest route betwvjea the Willam ette Valley and California. Fare from Albany and points west tc San Francisco Cakw vlOOC ?TrzJLe n-OC Round trip trood for 60 days YiJX To Coot Bar Oabin Sleerage J To HnmboiJt tiay and ron trrjora. Oabin kteerage... 7 00 River Division. ;mer ' AlbanT" between Portland and Corvairia.throofrh without lay-cver. Leaves Albnuv 8a a. m. Tuesdays. Thursdavt and Satnrdays; reaves Port land, Yamhill street does. a)C a. m. nndavs Wednesdays and Fridays. , Enwts STOJOt, tj aiATo Manager. Sunt River Dir. EAST AND-SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE ur THS Southern Pacific Co. CaUrormia txaraaa Ttata :aav Da&i I Kr Ar'tttaa Ar US a Lv AS r m ) r. a. 1 1 Wsrtiaad ae I Lv AibMv 4a I Ar Above train stop at stations be tween Portland and Salem in Marion. Jefferson, Albany Tangent. Shedd, Halsey Eugene Cottage Grove. Drain, Oakland and alt station troa Rosebarg soath to and In cluding Ashland. Stain 830 a a L roruaaa Ar till tra I Li Albany LvljtSra tcmrw (Ar aua.-nt t,rt T t-a aaatana aaaaw, baava Albaav cr Ubaiwa T JO a Am re al Albaav from hebaaoa SC3 A Uav Albaav Ioe Lebanoa r r Arhva at Albaav true, hrba a SiU r a heave Albaav tur Woadkara via Waadbasa braBrk lOll a Arrive at Albany troea Wood bars Jtrm haawAlbakVlarNatraa i ' Arrlv at Aibaav iraaa Xatraa I at a PULLMAr EUrFFI SLEEFEEy ARD Dinintr Cars on Ogden Rout SECOND-CLKSS SLEIFIN8 CABS Altwckad la all Ttaraacb Tralwa rVeet atde Wlvtalaa. BkTvVkK rvBTLASB AftB CS)BAIL Bata vai iitti tkieep tgwaaay aeaaavaa aAtwaaAV T:M a a I Lv Uttl r a I Ar o t ti rorai Ar vniaad Corvailla Arltssra kvlieira Pardawt HcMiaBVille ar:a LT I a Dirart ea-cUat a S F roel w h OseM ar w Orieatal an.1 PeriSc at til ateaauhift Kaea ta SPA X and CHINA Seilinc rfa'e. ea appticat'"" Rate, aad tu-keta Aa -cipuiaa awl Ruroa) euJ AP.vX, CHINA. HONOLULU aa ACSTB. -Acaaba btaiaed traai C Sv rBOSB. Atwat Aloanr B. KokMLKh KPRafiSt, Waaaawr AM Off A Port'ac4 Ont rorUaa Save YourjGraln. Few realise that eath rquiirel destroy $1.50 worth of grain aanoally. Wake lee's Squirrel and Gopher Extejsainitor Is the most effective sad economical poiaoa known. Price redoc-dto30 cent. For ale by Foshay Si Mason, agenta.