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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1897)
ia at least being Baltimore leads base ball leaftne. in the international The pestiveroua grasshopper is doiug deadly work in Eastern Oregon. Who can be trusted it "police officers, postal clerks, &c, unite to rob tbe peo pie. The TJ S treasury reserves dropped $10,000,000 in a month without any ef fort at all. Bradatreet and Dunn, equally wise, give oppsite reports about business. What's the matter. We don't like that word autonomy, even if it does suit the President and bis immediate predecessor. tlavmeyer and Searlea are sweetened with millions and bence can do as they please ; but let the erring poor Btand from uuder. The present administration . lowers itself when it pots such men as Ben Killin into office, though so small as to be mere picnic exsursions at a big salary. We blush every time we thins: of the appointment. The Statesman asks if free silver 16 to 1 would not be grave robbery, referring to an item about the robbery of Ladd's body. As a pun the question is possible. but there ia no logic in it. Tbe ratio that served the people for half a century is an honest one. Tbe statistician of the United States Mint in San Francisco haa just forward ed the annua? report of the gold and silver production of California, which covers the yield of 1S96 The gold yield last year was $17,181,562, an in crease over-lSSS of $1,847,245. The yield of silver wa9 $422,436, a decrease of $177,353 Tus (Vestingbouse Air Brake Com' pany, at Pittsburg, Pa., has posted noti cei in its foundry department announc ing a redaction in waxes ranging from 23 to 40 per cent. In some cases the cat equals 90 cents a day. There ia coneid erable talk among the 500 men affected of refusing ro accept the redaction. The igoorence of some Eastern peopl about Oregon ia astounding. The ex perienca of a former Albany young lady illustrAes it very well. While in the East the remark was made by one per son to another that sha wai a nativ o f Oregon. "Oh then," said tbe ignoramoss "she is an Indian, is she." Upon another occasion, upjo being referred to as a teacher, she was asked how she liked teaching Indians. The person was astonished when told that she dii not teasb In liaus bit white chil dren and remarked that she thought there were none here but Indian children Poor ignoramau- The young lady who brought an eastern friend here on a visit was actually unable to find an Indian in order to show ber hoar they looked There are fewer Indiana in Oregon than in Naw York State. In this enlight ened age there is no ezcnse .'or such im becility. Bimetallic Union. Following are tbe main points in the constitution of tbe National Bimetallic Union, of interest now in view of the meeting here today of 'he Oregon Bimet allic Union : The object of this Union is to reeatab ish in the United States the bimetallic system of money as H existed from the foundation of oar government down to 1S73, instead of: the present unjust standard of gold alone, and to preserve the regulation and control of a' I currency in the hands of the General Government . in order by these means to stop tbe eon tioual rise in the valus of money nd ia;i in tti prices oi propt-rty, wan eon- eeqnnl loss of employment and decline in the eri,iai3 of labor, and to remove tbe uojist and naaataral advantage to tbe people of ei.ver using countries in competition witb our farmers and man ufacturers conditions that must forever attend cur present system, and necessar ily prevent the return of prosperity to onr peop!f. Any person who is in favor of this objwtt, and of immediate action by the United States, without waiting for otber countries, to restore the unrestricted coinage of both gold End silver at the ratio cf 16 to 1, is it existed prior to 1673, and who holds this cause to be of paramount importance, and will labor 'earnestly for its accamplishment, may become a member of tbis Union npon agreeirg to this Constitioo and tbe pay ment of an annual fee of one dollar, which shall entitle bim to all the publi cation)! of the Union. The Union shall hold one meeting annually, tbe date and place to be fixed by the executive committee; otter meetings may be ealled when deemed " expedient. The executive committee shall have the general direction of the affairs of the Union. It shall hold meetinas quarterly in January, April, July, and October. Other meetings shall bif held at thecal I of ! lie President. It shall be the duty of the President to call pD:cif.l meetings at Ihe. request of a majority of the members ofvhe execu tive committee. Five members, ioclud ing the President shall constitute a qnoromtodo bnsinets. 'The executive committee shall bj chosen at (he annua meeting of the Union. The committee shal (-elect from its members the president and first an recondvice presidents and shall' appo-.nt the general treasurer and gen eral secretary. The executive commit tee shall have power to fill alt vacancies. All otSsers shall bold their offices until their successors shall be duly elected or appointed. Ten or more persons lavoring the prin ciples of tins constitution may organize a local Union and elect officers thereof. When twenty or more local Unions Inve been formed in aov Stat", a State Organization may be formed, to be known as the Bimetallic Union, the State organization to conform generally to i he organization of thn American B' metallic Uniou. with su :h modifications as each Stae Organization may deem proper The President of each organiza tion shall be entitled to represent bis Bute at all meetings of the National OrtMU'zttlion. We Lead, Others Follow. . atd that is the r.1 vti ilopkins Bros, are the first to dis pKv a ;;ill line of the famous 1897 C'es cs . . ii Craford bicycles. Call and see theu John Wane maker heard from . JohnR. Bryson. From the Times : John R. Bryson was born in Linn county, August 9, 1S54. He was tbe ion of Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Bryson, whose homestead was in the vicinity of Browns ville. The father died several years ago in Multnomah county at the age of 73, and the mother died in the same locality only a Tew months ago at tle advanced age of 76 years. There were four brothers and four sisters In the family. Three of tbe first reside in Eastern Oregon, while of tbe latter, Mrs. Aubry resides m Alb any, Mrs. Cleaver and Mrs. Richardson, in Portland For a playmate in bis youth, John Bryson bad James K. Weatheford, who came to Oregon and resided with his uncle, whose farm adjoined the Bryson homestead. Young Bryson received the rudiments of an education in tbe common schoolst and finally drifted to Corvallis, where he became a student at the agricultural college, from which be was graduated in 1S74. . His classmates were Emmett H Taylor. Thomas H. Crawford George A. Grimes. W. C. Crawford arid hmma Thayer After bis graduation he studied law, and was admitted to practice at tbe De cember term of to eubreme court in 1876 Shortly thereafter he became city recor der of Corvallis, serving two terms, and later on in life, he served two terms as mayor. He was at one time a candidate for county superintendent of schools, and from 1SS2 to ISSU was county Judge of Benton county. Beyond those here enumerated. Judge Bryson never held any official positions He was always regraded as a most avail able candidate for any office within tbe gift oi the people of bis commonwealth, bnt he disliked tbe responsibilities of official positions, and presistently and peremptorily declined to allow his name to be used for any other poeition. He was for many yeafs identified with the important legal interests of the On iron Pacific railway company, where bis clear head and incisive judgment gave his opinions and his arguments great weight. Besides the extensive law practice that fell to him. be was engaged from June 13, 1S93, to last year in set tling up tbe badly tangled, insolvent estate of tbe Job bank, and tbe manner in which he dis:barged that trnst, so far as known to the eminent satisfaction of every creditor and debtor, is a monu ment to bis business capacity and integ rity, for the varying and hoeti'e inter ests involved in that assignment, tbe excited state of public sentiment when the work was undertaken, and withal bis former connection with tbe bank aa its attorney, made tbe task both aggra vating and laborious. In lS75Jobn Bit son was united ia marriage to Miss Marv St Cltir. who with two sons, Edward and Boecoe. sur vive tbe deceased husband and father. Two other children were born, but they lie in tbe cemetery beside th newly made grave victims, several years ago of diphtheria. An incident in the career of the de ceased was narrated b Judge McFadden in bis remarks at the funeral yesterday Tbe first attempts of Young Bryson to establish himself in the law practice were discouraging. At the spring term of court in 1876 the young lairyer had but three cases, and these were unim portant. Discouraged and disheartened with his success, Young Bryson went to Jndge McFadden and asked bim to take charge of tbe cases and represent the clients at the near approaching term, declaring an intention of removing to Pendleton, where be hoped better suc cess would crown bis efforts. Tbe ar rangement was made and Mr. Bryson began to prepare for bis departure, but a sudden rise in the Columbia river made navigation impossible, and by the time tbe water bad subsided his business was better and, Mr. Bryson determine to remain in Corvallis. The circumstances changed, perhaps, tne whole course of bis sareer, bnt no difference of location or environment, would have made bim any less the man. Bimetallic Union. At tbe Marion county Mass convention at Wood burn L.W.Guis D.C- Sher mann and A. B. Huddelson were elected delegates to tbe state convention to be held in Aldany tomorrow afternoon. Tbe following revolutions were passed : 1. We demand a People's Bimetallic Union in Oregon. The people have lost confidence in party machinery and de spise boss'stn and dictatorship in any form. 2. We believe tbe interest and wel fare of our country, at tbis time demand a onion of forces, and that the onion be on tbe two vital issues of finance and tbe method of legislation. On finance we demand the free coinage of both gold and silver at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1. And that when tbe government needs mre money, instead of selling nontaxable interest-bearing bonds, tbe government shall issue full legal tender money, good for all debts, both public and private, that tbe government issue all paper money, and that we favor a law prohibit ing the making of contracts demonetiz ing any kind of legal tender, be it gold, silver or paper. - As a basis of legislative j reforms, we favor the initiativs and ref erendnm. ; 3. V are opposed to tbe secret cau cus method now prevailing in politics' parties, from Precinct caucus to organiz ation of Legislatures. We demand that all nominations for public offices be made by the people. There can be no reforms or responsibility to the people so long as nominating conventions are man ipulated by managers and office-holders, 4. We demand tbe state guarantee to every child a good common school edu cation. We believe it tbe duty of the State to provide for the orphans and ether helpless classes, properly subjects of state care, but demand abolition of all boards, commission and nselees pol itical machinery. 5. Whereas the general gove'nment contributes $100.00 a year to the support of each veteran at a State Koidiere Home we denounce as unjust and demand re scinding of the action of tbe Soldiers Home Board in requiring a surrender of nearly the entire pension of veterans as a condition precedent to gaining ad mission. Put it down For tucure reterence so when )Ou are in need of pure, fresb drugs, ) u can get them of Burbbart & Lee. They make a epecia'ty of compounding prescriptions. Summer Readmc The Fair has added anew line of books which are for sale at about half tbe reg ular prices, also can be read ar.d ex changed. Please call and acquaint your self with our plan. Bespt. J. A. IEATEB. P. S. Can eet yoa any book or naga sine published. Tangent. Tangent, May Slat, 1897. Mrs W II Reed of Lebanon has been here visiting at the residence of Mrs s E Eills during last week. Mr Victor Moses of Corvallis was seen here yesterday, be is deputy county clerk of Benton county. Most all the citizeus of Tangent have decided to spend the Fourth ia Lebanon this year, as Lebanon people always have such a fine program. Mr While of near Plainview was seen upon our streets on Suudav. lie is working on a milk ranch near that place for Mr Fletcher. There are two more weddings on the tapis in or near Tangent. Mrs X E Olin was called to Dallas some time ago on account of sickness amongst relatives. We thank Little RoeebuJ for a treat on licnic day of a 'bottle of strawberry sodapop. We bad a sociable chat with him . We were looking for Cumtux or Belinda Jane, but in vain, tbey were noi present at the time of roll call . Saturday we donned our best clothes and attended the union school picnic which was held in a lovely grove on tbe Hulburt farm. A large assembly ol people were present and a fine time was bad. The people of that vicinity know how to get up a good program and the little folks recited in a becoming manner Below is the program. Music by Albany College band . Song of welcome, bv Riverside school. Address by Prof W E Yates of Cor vallis. Essay, "The Prairie Don," by Claud ie Anderson, Dixie school. Recitation, "Tbe Bine and the Gray' by Alice Hulburt, Hulburt school. Song, "Forest Echoes," by Bell Fat erson. Oak vtlle school. Exercise, "Days of tb Week," seven children, Dixie school. Band. Recitation, "Nimb'e Pat," by Claud Davis, Hulburt school. Recitation, "The Goblins will get yon too,' by Nellie Patersoo.Oaiviile school. Recitation, "The Gingham Dog and Calico Caf" by Forrest Smith, Dixl school Song, "Women's Rights," by Hulbart school. Exercise, "National Holidays,'' by five Oakville scholars. Band. Recitation, Miss Ray Toole, special, " The death of the Scoffer. Recitation, "Two Magpies, by Marquis Bntler, Dixie school . Recitation."ATnbute,"by Pearl Bates, Bulbnrt school. Solo, "Old Uncle Sed'by Ralph Wade, Oakville school. Recitation, "Robert of Lincoln" b) Edith Berthold, Dixie school . band. Recitation, "The Gingham Jumper,1 by Floyd Wade. Oakville school. Song, ''Spring," Dixie and Hulburt SChOOlS. Recitation, "Saving the School." by Etta Grimsbaw, Dixie reboot. Recitation, "Running a Rice," Willie Dougherty, Hulbnrt school. Bsnd. Dialogue, "Doctor T-ist,"' by five pupils, Oakville school . Exercise, "Mr Favorite Hero," by seven popile, Dixie school. Recitation, "Tbe Fire Bell's story," by Roilo Halburt, Hulburt school. Band. Recitation, "Tbe Sew Church Organ," by ray Banks, Dixie school. Duet. "My Old Kentucky Home," by Alice and Vesta Hulburt, Hulbnrt school. Recitation, "Peter So'ghom ia Love," by Ernest Stone, Hulbart school. Song, "Johnny Doolan's Cats.'' by Claud, Eddie, and Rolto Uulburt and Ernest Stote, Hulburt school. Band music Dinner being announced all dispersed for tbe same, afternoon exercises con ducted by the Riverside school, which program was as follows: Mosic by tbe band. Recitation, "The Lonely Grave," by Effie and Maude Watson. Recitation by Fred Hoflicb. Class song, "Our Flag," Recitation, "Mr Mother's Grave," by Jennie Freerksen. Recitation, Lolo Palmer, "Memorial Day." Song, "Welcome to Spring," by four girls. Recitation, by Jay Palmer. Song, by tbe Misses Palmers. Music by tbe band. Song and drills. Recitation, by Lena Stellinacher, "Dotty's Thought." Recitation, "Polly's lecture to Dolly," by Meda Caldwell." Boys speech, "What a little boy can do," by class. Recitation, "A problem," Jane Cald well. Song, "I wish I were a fairy," class. Recitation, "And so would I,'' M-ljj Dyer. Song by Arthur Palmer, "He didn't do a tbiog." Recitation, by Leslie Btelmacher. Song, duet, b- Maggi and Jennie Freerksen. Recitation, "A little girls opinion," by Maggie Freerksen. Closing recitation, by Jennie F reek- sen. OxHIood how (or ladies just received a tbe ladies Bazaar. Also a full line of fast black and tan colors at popular prices. Mrs L VierecV is prepared to furnish ice cream in any quantity on short notice at ber ice cream parlors ar-d summer garden. f r . ... . . 0 ivb cream a sau ivc a uisu The price of genuine Oliver chilled plow shares has been reduced to 60 rents, lie sure tbe name Oliver is on every share. For sale only by Hopkins Bros. One half of the ground floor of the new brick building now being put np just north of the Democrat ofhee, will be oc cupied by Dr. J O Littler, dentist, about June 1. Tne Crescent was tbe first to net The other factories the new copy. D tnbing. Let everybody come to tne Mar Bakery Midget 4' '-sves ot fresh bread for fi.oc :ash . . OMivii. Whiskers that are prematurely gray or fadod should be colored to prevent the look of age, and Buckinghim's Dye excels a 1 others in coforing brown or black. Hopkins Bros have received a full sleek of 1897 Crawford bicycles. Tbey ars im mense. Come and see for yourself Shaving 10c Hair cutting 15c At Mack's barber shop. fee Cream, Soda Water and Fruit at A. O. Beam' MISFITS. Most people think Durrant's banging will be a just one, Frank Hodgkin has secured a job for his son in the insane asylum and the Journal is after bim red hot Pasadena. Calif., has 12,000 people, one policeman and one saloon. A rare town, particularly for California. Capt. Barker displays good sense in not taking the $3,000,000 Oregon up the Columbia and Willamette to Portland to receive a $4,000 punch bowl. Union county ad vertisee to pay al' warrants stamped "not paid for want of funds" previous to Nivemher, 1892 nearly five years behind. How much better to keep out of debt. A Salem butcher says tie had rather sell 10 cents worth of meat and get his pay than ou cents worth and not set it A brilliant preference that could only come from tne capital city. "Pap" Anson, the' veteran base ball player baa retired irom tbe Chicago team and base ball generally after thirty years of steady service. The Democrat man saw htm play 21 years ago. Papers down around tbe month of the Columbia have got it figured down close, Huntington recently visited Astoria be cause he is after the Asiatic trade and must get a footing at that city. Eureka, Hark, ha-k, hark. The dogs do bark, The gypsies are coming to town. Lock yonr stores And bar your doors, Lave nothing of value around." An effort is being made to get Presi dent McKinley to continue his western trip to tbe coast. Every president some time daring bis administration should make a trip over the whole of the U. S. It is to be hoped President McKinley comes to the coast. The yourg ladies in the graduating classes of the colleges at Monmouth and Forest Grove, will very eensiblr wear black gowns, in keeping with tbe serious character oi tbe occasion. The innova Uon ia startling. Ben Schuyler of Marabfield, is ambi tious. He has issued a sweeping chal lenge to fight any man ia the lightweight or welter weight class for championship of the Pacific coast, tbe fight to come off at Jsarsnnei". lor a parse of on the Fourth of July. Never heard of him be fore. Mrs. Durrant in declaring that she will be present at tbe hanging of her son may be displaying lota of nerve, but not tbe kind of nerve tbe DemocxVt wishee to endorse. Tbe act will not be a very motherly one. T. M. Hermann, a son of Binger Her mann, Is chief-examiner ia tbe pension office. Minor offices at Washington are -Lfilled with tbe sons of promineat officials. o a manner to cause discontent among tbe masses and particularly the office seeking masses. From tbe Journal: State boose nepotism has been carried too far. The junior members of ia mi lies cf tbe official aristocracy are imposed as attendants at the insane asylum. Mere minors oi stale othctals are forced onto tbe state payrolls. IV have it times criticised Governor Lord's appointments and policies, but he has not appointed any of his familv to state positions. He could just as well have a few of bis chil dren on the payrolls as others An electric railway, Htsndard eauge, 31 miles long is being built frr-m Marion to Anderson, lad., in 100 days, nnder big bonds. If don. it wi I be ibe worlds record. It includes 22 bridzee, the cross ing of 13 railroads and passing through several towns. Tbis is occurring around tbe former bom. of Dr. Littler. The countv clerk of Marion county is evidently mad, judging from tbe follow ing notice which be baa had posted : "Notice ia hereby given that, by tbe or der of the honorable county court of Ma rion county, Oregon, from and after Ihe first day of Jane, 1897, no perrva or per sons will be allowed to take papers Irom tbis office, or enter tbe vault where tbe county and circuit court records are kept." It ia doubtful if anv state in the V. S has more newspaper for the population man uregon. A ceo -ding to a new com' pilauon just made by Mr. Toiier there are 206 publiratioca. Of this number there are 17 daily papers, 9 semi-weekly and 145 weeklv newspapers. There are two semi-monthly and 33 monthly put i;cauon ana one quarterly, since Au gust 1, 15 papers have suspended and 17 new efforts bave been launched on tbe sea of journalism. Here it considerable of an Enoch Ar- den story from the Uepner Gazette John Simon, better known as ' One- armed John," left yesterday for Phila delphia to see bs wife and children. John relates a peculiar story. Thirty' nve years ago John left bis wife and ba bies in Philadelphia, coming west to seek his fortune, intending to r it urn to tbem and bring them to "tbe land of the set ting son," when bis means would permit Drifting down into Aricona be hired out as a government teamster and to make a long story short, John lost his right arm arum an Apache s nne. John is a pecul jar man and he reasoned tbt be would be a burden to bis talks at d be resolved to make bis own way in tbe world, and so turned sheep herder. And now an old man, be goes to see his familv before he dies. He said that perhaps his wife had mamea again be could not blame ber u she bad. Canned wild blackberries in one and two quart jars, cheap at C E Brows ill's. potsomia the fountain. If the fotin- tain of life is its very source, 00 health in the body, woman has any weakness of special organ sex, the fount h r physical poiaoned at there can be anr part of When a disease or the delicate ism of her sin-head of existence is she cannot any rtspect of isoaed and healthy in until this one tal trouble is cured.,men ,!C The' &mlly physician may make the very com mon error of ascribing all the trouble to super ficial causes; he may prescribe for neural gia, indigestion, in somnia, or headache. when these are merely symp. toms of some deep-rooted malady of the distinctly fern inine organs. Any woman suffering from these delicate com plaints may be com pletely cured right ia the privacy of her own home (without recourse to mortifying examina tions and "local treat ment") by Dr. Pierce's Favorite PrescriDtlon. It gives health to the special organism of womanhood. It purifies all diseased con ditions; gives elastic strength to the liga ments, and vitality to the nerve-centres. It promotes good digestion, sound sleep, and freedom from pain. It is the only medicine devised for this one purpose by sn educsted, skilled spe cialist in this particular field of practice. It is the only medicine which insures pro spective mothers against the dangers and euSerinirs of motherhood. Dr. Pierce's thousand -page Illustrated book. "The People's Common Sense Med ical Adviser" contains several chapters de voted to the special physiology of woman, with advice and suggestions for self-taaat. tnent which every woman ought to read. A naner-bonnd coot sent abaolutehr free-on receipt of si ons-cent stamps to pay for wailing- omy or. clota-bound. tr atamns. Addxaas Dr.Jt. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. Mi TELEGRAPHIC. The Tariff BUI Washington June 1. The senate made good progress on the tariff bill today, ad vancing to the important metul schedule Dnnng the day the paragraphs coveriu. marble and stone, china, glass, brick and tiles were completed, with a few minor exceptions. Niemrs. Vest nod Jones o' Arkansas, in rwhalf of the minority of th finance committee, proposed numerou amendments which were defeated b majorities of 8 to 14. The votes were on party lines in the main. The Sew Hcaale WAsniNOTow. June 1. John L. Mc- Laurin, the new senator from South Car olina, was sworn In at the opening cf tbe session. The personnel of the new senate is now established, and will remain for some time as follows; Republicans 411, Democrat 34. populists 7, Silver .eps 7 Vacancy (Oregon) 1. refine Washimotoh June 1. In the case of John E. 8earls. the sugar trust witness Judge Bradly ordered the jury to bring in a verdict of acmntial. nomine tneouecuons asked by tbe senate committee to be net pertinent, and if so not witnin the juris diction of die committee. Tbe Judge's opinion was inexhaustive, The Ia4iaa Tiwable Washington June 1. Secretary Bliss tonight wired instructions to Indian Agent Slouch, whose reservation lstbe seat "of tbe Cheyenne Indian trouble, directing bim to immediately notify the department of tbe situation, and to twe every effort to deliver tbe Indian fugitive to tbe civil orBcers showing satisfactory credentials This de cision was reached after a conference be tween Acting Secretary of the loterior R)ao, Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Smith, and Attorney General Mc Rennaand his ajutant-generl. Hew IshIsIsms' Washington June 1. Tbe president oday sent the following nominations to the senate: William Uaywood of the district of Col umbia, to be secretary of tbe United Stab at Honolulu. John J. UeHaren, United State district judge for tbe north district of California. A Terrible ASTalr Ciscisxatt Jane 1. A special from welch, w. assays: rive children were burned lo death in tbe rrsiience of J. ii White near keystone, last night. The agm of the chitdrea ranged between 4 and 12 year. Ihe children had retired wbeo the tire was started. A bite and bis w was away on a visit. Enemies of tbe fa ily are believed to bave fired tbe house. CrlllaS la a Harry Wasiuxgtos. May. 31 .Secretary Gag has returned to tbis city from Cincinnati, where be was a truest at tbe banquet given last Criday by the Commercial Club of the city to toe visiting club from Chicago, Boston, and St. Louis. Mr. Gage said lo usy that a feeding of impatience seemed to b general among the people at tbe delay it a passage of a tariff bill. Tbe country was in a condition approaching stagnation, arraal Has Sacbahknto, May 31 Governor Bad J has dead! not to interfere in tl e tratb sentence of Tbeadore Dorrant and Salter D. Word a. To former was convicted of the murder of Blanche Litnont al Em man nej iiapt ist church, and Wordeo was found guiliy of wrecking a train daring the A. R, U. strike three years a4?. wb-n Engineer Clark and three United States soldiers were killed. Aa Cartt.a.aakc' Ci.K4Ut bo, W. Va., May 3. A se vere earthquake sbocc was telt here tbis ttwroing at 2 p. m , Ustinir aiwut 12 are or.ds, followed by a ercnd bo k. milder and of shorter duration. Ibe most tu'j- siaauai iHiitaiOjf in me a'? rxUtst per- scepuUv, and some of tte ic upsot were noabie to keep tfonr fa t. This was the erst earthquake reported bere More tr.e rwt..u..sW.. HiEuuta. Mont. May. 31 . Ibe excite m,t coaunoes t coejenoe .u.,., ' - a utMit;. sa m ij - men in U-e Upper Rosebud have afl ter ted their homes. Su companies of c-ih.T from r'crts Keogb aad Vaster are ea route to the agency, a is also the sheriff Coster coaoty. with a large number of deputies. ( Tbe sheriff has a warrant for toe arres ct Indian Agent rtocb.. charged with inter- s fenog with oiEorrs la tbe discbtfg of their duties, and also for three Indian mur derers. Caaa Ihe law. New Yom. May 31 A speciil to the IferaJd from Washington tars: From now until June 10. when be will start on bis tnp to attend tbe Kashsilie e position. President McKinley s at'eotjoa will be drifted almost exclusively to the Cuban quetjoo Important developments may lie l.kel fnr witaia that period. A new minister to Spain and wobahu a new consul general to tiaraoa will be appoint- ed. a1e SVassaaa. WanirGTox. May SI. Pension bave been Issued to tbe following in the state of Oregon: i'en-ioes have beea granted as folbws: Oregon Restoration and incresse Car'ton F Hall, dead, of Turner, Marion roanty, Original widows Kather Sinclair, of Eagle Point, Jackson count; Judith P Hall, of Turner. Increase Daniel F- Ihff, Grant's Pass. Will BUBS Saciumksto, May 30. Theodore Dur rant will le hanired on June 11. one week from next Friday. Governor Bndd this evening telephoned that much iu effect to Warden Hale, of San (jueoiin, at tbe same time ordering tbe death watch placed upon tbe prisoner. Immediately after telephon ing tbis message to iiaie, the governor was driven in a hack to tbe depot, where be took the train for ban Francisco. Will aie Uke a Waa Pa Qcrstis. Cat., May 30. Theodore Durrani has made the declaration that if be most meet his fate on the eal'oarm. h will die like a man. Tha mra mu,iu. of suicide is repu'sWe to bim, he savs. He also declares that be will die' in the presence cf bis parents, who will insist on attending tbe execution aa bis invited guests. Tbe elder Durrant says thai bis wife is a woman of determination, anc she will press her legal rights to the limit. A Careless Driver dksvek, toey 30. At 8 o'clock this afternoon a spring wagon driren by Henry Manwu, a oarpenter. and contain ing eight childres ranging from 3 to 6 years, was struck by a special train on tbe Denver & Rio Grande railroad, and as a result four children are dead and the others are terribly injured, two su badly that they will die. MaiBte t Caslera Weather Milwaukkk, May 30. Many points in Wisconsin and Minnesota experienced the novelty of a Decoration day raiw storm today. At Menonince Mich., it snowed at frequent intervals all day, soiuetimta quite bard. At Bayfield, Wis., snow fell lat nipnt to cover the ground, and the ther mometer droned to 30. At 0likob. Wu, snow fell some, and at noon the therniorue rr registered the lowest in many ears at this season. The atrlkias taavlrls Saw Francisco, May 30. The riotous convicts in tbe San Quentin puniteutiary caused no serious trouole today, but there are still defiant and vague tnreals llmt tbey will yet compel tbe authorities to yield to there demands. Warden Hale is confidant the strike 1 1 ... . urosen, ana declares ne will starve the un ruly men into subjection. Tbey are closely waicnea every moment ALL PEKSON's Itnnwinir themselves in debted to the undersigned are requested to make immediate settlement, a I uball close present business tbe 1st ot July. B. M. KOtlBtlTSON . Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fr Highest ward. Notice Land Oitici at Orkoon C'itv On April 27 h. 1897. Wot ice is hereby gfen mat tne np proved fractional plat of survey of Town ! ship 13 south, rane 8 aat has bt en re ) dived from the surveyor general ol Ore ; gon, snd on June 3rd, i897 at 9 o'clock. a m, ol said date, said plat will he fbed in this office, snd the land therriu embraced alllbe sutject to entry oa and alter said date. I a Mm,. WkGallowit Kegist'er. ' Receiver : THE .1 FOURTEEN SOLIDATED COMPANY" Limited Liability or Kossland B. C. resdent Col. W. W. D. Turner, president Le Roi Gold Mining Company.-Rossland, B. C Vice-Pn sident ler, Grower, of Caliiornia, owner of B. C. mills, of Secretary and Mayor ot Treasurer E. consulting Engineers--Messrs Brady, Rossland, B. C. Bankets Brink Rossland, This company owns the largest group of properties in the famous Rossland and Trail Creek mining district. Its holdings being approxi mately Five Hundred Acres located about one mile south of the city of Rossland. A limited amount of TREASURY STOCK in this company until further notice at ioct per share of PAR value Si.oo eachstock non-assessable. The Company would be pleased to haveall parties who are intending to make investments, to visit Rossland that they may be Parties doing so should take the Northern Pacific Rail- i way, as it makes I r 1 1 C. M a-1. Tuiib tx iuriiicrii mation regarding prospectus, maps, Rossland, B. C. JUNE 1, 1897. H. F. MclLWAIN, CASH STORE. -bHOE UEPAR r.V.El Mens H 00 Os Blood fine shoes Mens 3 00 fine calf shoes.. Mens tl 50 sal Un calf fine shoe Mens $2 00 standard fioe sboee ... La-ties patent leather tip fine shoes... Ladtea i 00 tine kid needle' to shoes. . . Ladies shoes, assorted lot, good value. Children school shoes When you want Boots and Shoos remember Mellwain's Cash Store can ave you mouey on eveiy pair of bcts or shoes and will guarantee each and every pair as reprefent ed, as Mcllwain'ss la?h Store buys direct cf the largest fact riea and pays spot cash ho saves money and will tave Ii is customers money .remember this whet, you ar in want of boots and shoes. McIIwain's Cash Store is the People's Friend and has saved the people $1,000.00 in March, April and May as we cut prices on ail lines of merchandise and sell pood reli able poods at prices that are in reach of all. Yours for bargains 11 F MclLWAliPS CASH STORE- OREBJN STATE KOHIL SCHOOL. KOSIOJTH OMOX. A Training School For Teachers j Regular Normal Course of three years. mg department ol nine grades with, JW children. Ins. ruction and trainiiiK in Urmuasiics (Sweedish system), and vocal music for public schools. Tbe norinl diploma is recognised by'law as a Statc Life Cer tificate to teach. Liaht expense tuition, books, board and lodging (approximately) 35.00 per year, students boarding themselves, fill) per year. Academic grades an-epted from high schools. Catalogues cheerfully sent on application. Address I. L. Camitikm., or W. A. Wass, President Sec Faculty. Select the Waverlv ttecause thev have learnt! to know Ihe dif EXfieflenCed ,(,re,,e letwien a wheel Dli.... ...... - . (ttllv-Yi IV claimed to n averly is the highest NAM BY iN DIANA BICYCLE CO. NDIANAFOUB, 1ND T70U SALE. The moat niaiket furni- I' tnre. tools and slautthter huuse tools. the Kmerick market. Call on Louis ruck rim n or William Flickinger tor par culurs TSkES5-MA KING.- Ladies wishing to !- learn cutting and Bttintr by the Mor gim system, caII an Mrs It. E. Owen. Dresses made (or f 2.50 and np tnd Uitliipooia. Cor 3rd T70R RENT. Six room house in uppor P ward for rent at $4.00 per month. Inquire of O. W , Wright. AIT. TOOL WA NTED - N ill pay the highest markot price. all on M Sendors- Insuranr siren t and dealer in wool and gr.iir, Kerry St, XrANTED. A few more engage WANTED. A few more roents by the day to sew. Mus, II. . Owen. GOLD MINES CON- OFFICERS. Louis Jaffe, Capitalist, Distil Rossland, B. O MamigerHarry White ex- Seattle, Wash. D. Carpenter, Rossland, B. G of British North America B. C. shown the Company's properties close connections ri. l"i a J kv. r'ariics uebiriiii; iunner inior the company will be furnished with etc, upon application to the secretary .M W id 1 50 I 25 I 25 2 00 1 00 .72c, tl, fl 15 I 25 Senior year wholly professional. Train Are built in the largest GYGim and Best Equipped Factorv in JilgllCt 0? pigb MZ$. World that is actually high grade and one that IU. l-V'11117 I'HICL a uihv w w vvri uui tuv be. Some others of all high grade. Conn & Huston, Agents L OST. I'ttrso containing $16, a few pennies, note for $30 and a few other things, between Mrs Reams and residence at 4th and ashington. Please return to Airs Uraitain and receive reward. An old $5 piece of 1836 was also in .the tocket book. TWO RIGS. If you wis. to take a drive see J W Roberts for a first class tig cheap, tie has two ready for use. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE.- Bed" room set. bookcase, couch, pictures etc. Call at residence of C. W. Etkins'. L- OST Somewhere in business part of Albany a purse containing $50. , Will give $10 reward fcr recovery, ' FBD BOHEIM. FMMITCIEL continues lo actM agent tor the Pacific School Desk and Furniture Co., of Portland. Orders sent to bim at Albany, Or., will be promptly attended to. 4 Moynahan and and best locate with the Spokane l1 NOTICE. Notice is hereby givea that by order tNe circuit cur of tbe state of Oregon, lor Liaa county, depa'tmeet Xo. 2, aft claims against the Afaany Woolea Mill Co, a ctrpiraiioo- that have not klreadi been prewn'ed to th aadergned receiver or filed w iib the clerk of said court, are re quired to be presented to the oadtrsignec ivceirer withia three moetas from tt. date t-eer, iu"y veriStd. as by law re quired Aed that objection to claim- aip: d Albany Aoolen Mi lis Co. If any there be. be .ed with Ue c'-erx cf sid court wittia three months fron the eipir atko of :be time allowed bv law for the rresectatioB of said claims, as above m- Uoned. Dated Apr!! 12, 19?. Fv order of th court. L FLIXX K.ceitt. ASSIGNEES NOTCH. Notice is hereby given nt i. F B'sin, of Albany, Oregoa. on tbe ISih iay of February, 1S97, made a general assign ment ot all his property for the benefit of !i bis creditors; aad that the undesigned has bren duly appointed assignee ia said assignment proceeding. All owiitersof a d L E Blam are hereby required to pre rut 'heir c'aims to me. c"o!y eried, ai my cos n tbe postcSice buUdiog. Albany, Oregon, within three months from the dae of t?i aotice. Daied at Athatiy, Oregon, this 23rd day of March. liT. H C Arsox. II Bbtaxt. Atty tur Assignee Aaijrnee KOTICE CF F1XAL SETT1EHEMT. Kotic is hereby pi ye a tht S E Toang. tbe administrator with the will annexed of tbe estate ot Jane Fanning, deceased, has rendered and presented for settlement, snf Eled in tho county court of 'he state of Oregon for LUn county, his anal sc count of his administra ion of said estate; and to at Saturday, the loth day of July, lSi7. beinsr a day ot tbe July term of sa d court f r IfOT, at 10 o'clock a m. has bjen appointed by ths judge of said court, for toe settlement of said account, at wMdb time any person interested ia said estat may appear ami file his objections to aaid ajocunt and present the same for hearing. Hated at Albany, Oregon. June 2. iS97. Klkiss Cassox, S E Torso, Att ys tor Aduir. Adrar. Notice for Publication. Land Orrica , tOrjsoon Citt. Or, -.ay. is, is?,. Katies is hereby give that the fr-Jiow ing nmd settler has tilni notiee of bis intention to make tinal proof ia sapnort of hit claim .and tht said prxl will be male before ihe regVer and receiver at Orexc City. On, on lulv 6th, 197. vis; Edward OlVrtett; HE 11377 for the north ot the N V 8 E 4 oINWV.Sw of N E i ot feectWn 27, Tp 9 S R 5 East HEqamt the following witnesses to prove his continuous rtsidence upon and culti vation! of said land, via: William B Ash ley, James Monroe, hoth of B-rry, Osa, John O Fox. John M II ollingworih. -both of D ttoit.Oreson. KoButt A Mill , Register. WANTED FAITHFUL WOMEN TO travel for MEN OR established house in Oregon. Salary $780 ana expenses. Position permanent, lief erence Enclose sell-addressed stamped envelope. The National, Star Insurance olug., Chicago. UEOEFISM THE PLUMBER Tin roofing and plumbing, he opera heuse Oppositt AT THE MINES Boarding, lodging and meals may be secured of the sub scriber at the Santiam mines, at his place ta the mouth of Dry Gulch. M. W. Whits. LOST. Stem winder to gold watch, near centrJ I school building. Return to Dsmoc-at office. suv.woxs. th Circuit Court State of Ortm.for Lin Department No. 2. C C Jackson, Plaintiff, vs Sarah I Moore, Mary I Yarbrooah. Da vid W Ysrbroogh, Howard W Y.rbroogh, Pemly M J Yarirnogb. Geo W Yarbrougb, bos J iartrougD, sou isrtiroogh. Defendants. To Sarah J Moore, Mary J Yarbroujfb, David Vv Yarbroogb, Howard W Yar r,crh. Pemlr M J YarbrooBh. Geo W Yarbrocgb.Tbomas J Yarbroogb and Le vis Yarbrougb,tneoeienoanwaje naroca: IS THE NAME Or THE STATE OF OREGON: Yoa and each ot yon are hereby required to appear a ine score ca ll tied court on the fi'it day of tbe Beit regular term thereof, on Monday, the 28th dy of June. I'sai, v iu- wiup -ici of the plaintiff aoove named now o file iu said court in saio c". sou j aau ach of yoa are hereby notified that if yoa fail to appear ana bwc w wm- plaint as riexeoy requirca u F'"1'" w" apply to said eour. for judgment against yoa as prayed for in bis aaid copUint, towit: For a decree of said cowl declar ing plaintiff to be the owner in tee simple ol all tbe following described real proper ty, towit: Beginning at a roinr .12.72 coain a sua 57 19 cHaios W o? the S E corner of elaim No. 4$ in Td 14. i K 4 w of the WiiUm ette Y er .dian, raccir g tbeace S 7 e-aint, thence 4 28 chairs, thence X 7 chains, thence E 4.28 chains, containing 3 acres more or less, in Lion county. Oregon . A so bewioning at apotntoa ine east boundary line of tbe D L C of Ibos i Yar brongb and wife. Not. No- 2184. claim So. 49 in Tp 14 S B 4 w, and dalm No. 66 in Tp 14 S B w of Willamette Mer.. watch is Si.Tl eham a at tne rs t, comer of said 1) LC, aixi runn'ng tnecce w 61.47 chains, thence J 7 cnaw. tbeace w IXVA chains, tbenee Z$ degree w cbaioa. thence S ti tepee 30 roinu'et m 4.24 cbaiaa, thence east e SOcbaiaa.tbroco 3 22 degrees 4 minutes E7 chaine.tbesce S 12 degrees 30 minute E 9 70 chain, tbenee north 63 dejrrees 30 nvnutee E 13 16 chains, theae 5 70 degrees E 8 60 chains, tbeace S 79 Hrrees E 4 90 chains, tbenee S 65 degrees E 13 20 chains, tbenee onth 56 degrees E 12 60 chains, tbeace N 87 egres K 6.30 chains, tbenee son'h TSde erees E 5 30 chains, tbenee S 57 degrees 20 minutes E 3 16 caains, more or lea, to a point due south A tbe place nf begfa ntBg, theare acrtb 3-2 chains, awe or ten. to the plaje of bejr aaing; coataiaiBg 194 69-tOO aces ia Liaa coaaty.Oregoa- Aad forever barrieg and r joining aaid dcfadaata aad eaca of tbem Irom claim r aaseniag asy right or title ia or ta said Uads, ar anv part thereof; correcting tb errcaenas 4ej-rr'ptura thereof oetaiaed ia a eertaia dad cxacated aed dsavascd by Taos I Yarfareogh and Sarah J Tatbroega, bis wile, ta on 3 Was Laadreth. so aa to eoa farm to th trie deaerittica of said Iaads as shore set oat, aad reasoriag ta elood from p aiaaiTs txUe to said laadc. Th a: nmou is pabiisaed by order of tbe Hrn E H HesnU, judce of tea above entitled coart. Bvsd at chambers iaAibaaT Oregoc. this 23rd day oi Marea. 1 S97. Eiarss Cssrsos. Alt' s for Plsiatiff. SUUMCXS. a tie Ctrea l Ctmrtof ike SlaU oj Ortgom or tie cam mi y of Ins. J Game- Fow'er and W J Caear, ptaia ti-s vs W G 3f organ, as administrator ot the es tale of Thomas Morgaa deceased ; James Vv Morgaa as ad iaistratoror 'be estate of Ljdia -torgan deceased; Mary Aaa Grav. Frank Grav her bosbaai; Agaes McNeil, Joba il cNeil her b-tbaad, John N Uorgaa, Roth Morgaa his "lie; James W Morgaa, Morgaa his wife; W G Morraa. Morgaa his wife;Jaa Mar gaa, E A Morgsa. Siorgsa kts ife; Mar garet Dai scan. Dace a feer hash d ; G L St-jder aad Hams J Strjdei; Lma Co. Xa-oual Back , (a orpora) (? H Gal t a, A Bcsh, Trejaf; First Nat isal Bank, (a oorporatm) and Mil oa Hale, Drtm aa-s. To John N M S aed Eata. Mwjpa, his wife,ad Margaret Doccaa aad Daa caa. her h asbsad. Deieadaata. IS THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREUOX: Voa are hereby reqairtd to ap prar aad nsaer I ha eomp it tiled again t yea ia tka abova eati ed salt, b) ta -rat day U tha next terra cf this eoart f oi loving the ezpiratida of said sssssoes.twit: by the 4th Moeday ia Ja-e,lS97;bei-g-M 2Sih day of said month; and if yoa fail so to appear to answer, for waat thereof, ta plaintiff" will apply to the court for the reti-f prayed for ia the ecsnpUint igled aeainat yoa hes -ia. towit: For a deer forcciaai-g a eertaia mortgage exentd bv oca T-eas Usrgaa acd L a Morav. his wife, (hot. dfOHsa j6 ) to tbe J ami-Con klm -lortsxa Trast Coeaoaay, ta aacara tka paraat of SISSS. with latere, aad tbe farO-ar smsa ai $10O attorneys fee. S d snortgage br i apew real eeUt sttaate ta the county fl Ubb. state of Oregoa, sad partieat-Hy boaaded aad deae ibsd as follow a, towit: ' The W H of tha D L C of David W Al bngbaai: atiaated ia Sees 33 aad 34, Tp 13. xUt. Raage 4. W W M. eolaig 159 acres more or leas. Aad airec-aca la of said property ta tbe manaer provided by law aad apptatioa af Tbe paaceeds there! to payaeat at ta claim of the p'aia-S hereta, iad adias: cosu. diabarseBMats of salt aad alteraey'a fees Tbis nsmxsi is pebli-hed bv order of the HoooratU H H Hewitt, jsdgeefsaid Made aad dated ca te 24th day of Feb rear?. ISSC. Gao W B-c-s a Most-xt a Hac-t-M, Attorarjsfos- Pi -faffs. Notice for Publication Land Orncs at Olesov Citt, Oa. Mav ISth, IS97 Notice is rerebv given that the follow ing named setfer has led notice of hie intention to make fisal proof in support of ol hi claim, and that said prod will be made before the reg ister aad receiver at Oreoa City. Oregon, " oa Jalv 6 h.1887. viz: William B Ashley; H E 10749 tor the N 4 of N E H ot Sec 17sndS.S ofS E 'of SecS,T?10SR5 East . lie names the following itne-ses o prove ha continuous re ience apca and cultivation cf said land, vis: Edward OPerkett, of Detroit, Oreoa, Jaaea Monroe and Joseph H Barlow, both of Berry, Oga, and JohaAFox.ot Deroit, Oregoa ROBERT A. MILLER. Register, AID S00 PACIFIC LI!IE. To All Points last Solid vestibule trains, consisting of pal ace sleeoina cara. luuious dinins cars. elegant day coaches, magnificent tourist cars tad free colonist sleepers from the Pa ci&c to the Atlantic without change. COST DIRECT S0 CHEJLP ?T KOCTK T Kootcnayi wvaa, illiiiinsr ) 8LTT District A vt -ALSO. TRAIL aces roaa All points ii the Okansgan Country. Get a rauiiAlet civinii a full desenptioc of this wonderful country. Ask the etrent fiw a copy of the mining .laws tf British Columbia. Lowes rates to and from 3TTiO-?-! Atlantic steamship ines. Canadian Pac. Ry. CVs .Royal Mail Steamship io.3- o China and Japan CANADIAN AVSTBAI AN ST-a-Sa USB HONOLCLU, rijl JLST AVST AUA. The shortest lioe to the Colonies. These steamers carry an experienced medical man, aad a stewardess oa every voyage For time tables pamphlets, or any ia orm ation, call oa or address. S N STEELE CO, Agenta,Albaay Or. E J COYLE, Ag't, 14S Third SU. Port- and. Or. GEO. McL, BROWN, D. P. A. Vancouver. If. U.