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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1897)
ALBANY OREGON. FIUDA. JUNK4, 1 89 T. VOL" XXXI I. Entered e,6 tke Foot Omte at llbaar. Or. aa Beeawd-Claaa Mall flatten W r ITTIfC rak-llaker satf Proprtctwr M 44 hi - AXfcgetablc Preparation Tor As similating iherood and tjpg theStomachs andBov;cis cf Romotes"Di4esKon.Chcciful uessandRest.Contains neither CMumIorphine itorMuxraL NotNahcotic. " fnf r - fjfi i Apcfect Remedy forConstipa lion. Sour Stomach .Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish Dcss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of TTEW "YORK. Ji .'..5 rii j s-i 1 1 53 ULe C1 EXACT copy OF VRAPPEB. Thirtieth ALBANY COLLEGE, Calendar for 1898-7 1896 Sept. 16 College Year begins . . Wednesday Nov. 28-27 Thanksgiving Day recess, Thura. and Fix. Dec. 21- -Term examinations begin . Monday Dec. 23 First Term ends . Wednesday Winter Vacation of Twelve Days '."387 Jan 5 Second term begins . Feb 22 Washington's Birthday a holiday, AprilS Term Examinations begin April 8 Second Term ends ... Arbor Day Vacation of Faur Days April 12 Third Term begins . . Tuesday Jane 8 Final Examinations begin - Tuesday Jane 13 Baccalaureate Sermon . Sabbath forenoon ' " - Tone 13 Address before the Y. M. and Y. W. C- A. - - - Sabbatb evening Jane 14 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees -' - Monday afternoon June 14 Junior Oration S) , lit-! i Graduating Exercises of Music June t5 Ft-yular Entertainment Jane 16 Commencement Jane 16 Alumni Rtvanion Vnnr Coarse of Instruction leading np to dgrees. Mnnic courses, with appnpriate diplomas. For farther information, address Wallace How Lee, President. Albany, Or. EWGLISMUSINESS rOTLAND FUtL ENGLISH COUPSr. FRENCH AND GERM.AN. BUSINESS BRANCHES. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. W BQABD!i& DEFARTAET'LAIIIl:S THOMAS BRINK, II All kinds of furniture Baler in WaJl Paper, uarpets, Lineoleum, Lace Curtains. Rugs, Portier3, Pillows Furniture Bedding. "Picture Frames, Linen Warp Matting, Oil Paintings, and Undertaking a" " ALBANY FURNITURE CO. JL da . "Z.t. - V ' ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY ,1. .JOSEPH SEE ' THAT THE FAC-3IMILE SIGNATURE OF "3 OIT THE WRAPPER OF EVERT BOTTILE OJP Castoria is jrot up ia ose-tus bottlaa ealy. It act Boll ia balk. Coat allow aayosa to sou job aayuuiur else oa tns piea er promis uat 1. ia " jtst as good" and "will answer every w pose." Sea tint yoo fst C-A-S-T-0-&-I-A, Rb6- sau .3T 'J' Year. Tuesd.. Monday Tuesday Thursday Monday evening the Conservatory of Tuesday forenoon Tuesdav evening Wednesday Wednesday evening Well equipped Business and Catalosrue free OREGON 1 mm and bedding", and it you want the most complete flour safe, he has them and his prces the lowest. Ned and elegant De crockety WafeatCOiw 5 HUSTOH'S Sec it Proprietor THTJESTDAT He Struck Oil. From the Corvallis Times : The fa'fc that they once borei for oil on the Wyatt farm west of Corvallis, without favorable result , is brought to mind by the experience ot feter Mangas, father of Henry Mangas, this city, l'eter Mangas is a rosident of Ohio, and was out to Oregon on-a visit to his son and other relatives in Benton county a couple of years ago. He recently struck an oil vein on his farm, and has at this lime five wells in operation, four of which are excellent wells. He is now engaged in drilling two more, and if these turn out to be as good as expected, it is likely that his farm will be connected with the great pine line to Chicago and the ac cumulation of a handsome fortune will be the result. It coat Mr. Mangas $3000 to oore ins nrst tnree wens. A curious fact connected with Mr oiangas- on line is mat the tarm on which it was discovered fell into his hands against his wishes. At the time he was oat here he held a second mort gage on ihe farm, and his departure ;rom here was hurried by complications in the matter, lie wis hnaily forced to tafce the place at a total cost of some thing over $1,100. It was a swampy sort of land and was wunout a redeeming feature to cause Mr Mangas to feel proud of his owners -up oi it. t here had in the past been borings for oil a few miles distant and at other places in the vicinity, but rone of the drills ever opened an oil ve:n. Finally the notion to try for oil seized Mr Man gas, and after sinking a 1,600 foot shaft, oil was struck. An immediate offer of $3,000 for the swampy farm was prompt ly refused, and now many times that sum wonldn't touch the property. Oil now sells to the Standard Oil Comtanv at 10 cents per barrel : It used before that com nan r swallowed nn enmnetimr concerns, to bring a dollar per barrel Mr. Mangas was to have come to Oregon this spring, bat his oil find has caused a change of plan. Oakville. A large crowd of our best men and women met at the church vesterdav and proceeded to cleanss the temple with water and soap. Mr Ike Watson called at home veeter- day, he ia very much disappointed on act-oust of he anion picnic being set for the9th as that is Decoratiou Day and he can't take in both. Some handsome young ladies invited us to a tend a praver meeting at A. S. Uamill's yesterday evening ! ' We ac cepted ! . , ..-wy.'a A ttranger gives na the following item : As I was passing through Oakville and t iking in the sights. I saw something new in the way of cultivating pot toe. A large man was riding a small horse and a small boy was holding the p!ow. we tbonght of the maxim of Poor Kich- ard: "He that would bv labor thrive mast either hold the plow or drive ' We will add that this was near the larze fruit drier in orth Oakviile. The names of the parties were not known to our informant. The family of O. W. Stoae will eo ts Nevada soon. Mr S. has an interest in La gold mine in that state. We will meet yoa on the 29th Y. A . LirrtK 3osk Ero. The First Ihrcshcr. Yesterdav Peter Hither and X. H. Bateman came in and purchased of the Stewart A Sox Hardware Co. one of the most (ompletethreehing outfits ever eo!d in ihe valley. Ihe engine u a com pound, and is rated at from 16to20horte power : the separator is a 33x60'Cyclone" of the very latest pattern, with a power ful wind sucker attached to it. Besides this they bought a mounted water tank, and taking it all through there isn't better-threshing rig in this part of the counlv. It was manufactured by Rnseeli A Co. of ilassillon, Ohio, and this fart alone is sufficient to prove tbat it will (rive satisfaction to the purchasers and their customers, as these separators and engines have been sold throughout tbe valley for years and bare been built es pecially to meet the wants of our people. Messrs. Bitber and Bateman are two of tbe most prominent farmers m the coun ty, and live on the Calapooia about 3 miles below Brownsville, ond t'le new outfit will be run in that locality. Leo Ehokes. Dr. G. W. Maston was cal'ed early this morning to J. H Poin dexter s place, in the forks. tos-tthe leg of Mr. Jaa. Horsbargh, who bad been working on tbe Poindexter place. Mr. Horsbargh was logging, when a log loll ed against him breaking the lig, causing a Pots fracture. J. A. Beard, of the U. S. custom office, was in Aluany to-day. Prof Barzee, president of the Normal school at Drain, was in Albany to-day. Next Tuesday the K.ofP. of Albany and Corvallis will give an excursion to Detroit, which promises to be a delight ful affair Aseeisor Alexander. Recorder Waters, Robert Huston. Pete Callahan and sev eral other Corvallis men were in the city to-day to meet tbe remains of the late J. R. Bryson. Mr. J. W. Day left to-day for St. Helens, where be will form a pirtnersnip for the practice of law with Mr. Dullard. His many Albany friends will hope for bis success. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nickerson are now located on tbe Nickerson place in our southern suburbs, and tbe bappy groom has returned to his delivery wagon. Tbe Presbyterian general assembly ia in ession at Eagle Lake, 111., the C P's at Chicago, tbe U P's at Keck Island. 111. The Southern Pacific has reduced its rate between Portland and San Francisco to $10 first class and 17.50. Tbe war is on A fccbeme u on foot in Portland to move the Corvallis wagon factory to tbat city. Certainly the northwest ought to be able to support a carriage factory. The College Club and Bots Club Tester - I day afternoon played their third and con cluding game of baseball, each having previously won a game. Tfaecolleee club won 11 to 4. Aldridge and Booth were the battery for the college and Ashby and Weatberford for the Boys Club. K. VS'eath- lerford umpired. Tbe 0 C & E is hauling out heavy trains of piling, ties, etc, from op the road for ane in repairing the road, most of the pit ins iroinz to parts west of Albany. Ibe I company is also dumping rock by the car load, from the rioneer quarries, tnto tae I South Santiam river to strengthen their piers at tbat place, and to prevent tbe water from cutting away the banks. n a jyuM - Most Torturing, Disfiguring, Humiliating Of itching, burning, bleeding, scaly skin and scalp humors Is Instantly relieved by a warm bath with Cdticdba Soap, a single application of Cuncc&A. (oint ment), the great akin cure, and a full dose of Cuncoju. Bksolvbxt, greatest of blood purifiers and humor ares. Iticira Bkkbdibs speedily, permanently, and economically core, when all else fails. Porrsv Dura in Cm Coar., Sol Prop., Vettoa, mr"Uv to Con Enr? Skin ud Blood UuawrVlna, PIMPLY FACES MSbM?, " 1 he Reason . Mr. G. F. Skipworih in the Eugene Guard tells why Mr. Bryan will go to Lebanon. He says : I nollce an article in the Daily Guard of May 24, relative to W.J.Bryan's visit to Lebanon, and I think you do Lebanon a great injustice by saying "the appointment should have been Albany or Eugene instead of an out of the way place like Lebanon." Certainly Mr. Editor, you were not con versant with the facts or you would not have made the above statement. Mr. Bryan's appointment was made at Leb anon without the intervention of any committee whatever, hut was secured through the personal efforts of Hon. M . A. Miller himself. Mr Bryan wrote Mr Miller a personal letter to the effect that he had intended to go through from Ashland to Portland without stopping at any intermediate points, but inasmuch as he hal person ally promised Mr Miller that if he ever name to Oregon,he would make Leban n a visit, therefore he would spend Sunday here and apeag to the people on the tol lowing Monday. Now these are the facta in the case. You can readily see that it was through Mr Miller's efforts, unaided by any one. that Mr Bryan was prevailed upon to speak in this part of Oregon, ami had it Pot been for the personal friend ship that exists between Miller and Bryan the people in thi seclio.1 would not have been permitted to hear the great orator without going to Portland or Oregon City. In view of the above facts I think the newspapers and public generally, should do everything in their power to make the meeting a success. The citizens of Lebanon will entertain their guests in royal style on that day. Let everybody come and bear the great advocate of bimetallism. Respectfully. U. F. kifwoktii. Albany Will Celebrate. A meeting of subscribers to the 4th of July fund was held !ast evening. C. G. tJurkbart presided, witb J. M. Vomers as secretary. F. M. French, chairman of the (tatietription committee, reported $o23.50 raised for the celebration. Upon motion it was decided to celebrate on Saturday, July 3rd. Upon motion of H. J. Hopkins a committee of seven was ordered appointed with C. G. Borkbart as chairman, with power to appoint tab committees. The. committee will be ap pointed in day or two. It is desired to increase the amount of the subscription as it is yet too small for the most effective work. Jrnr.g Fryoox's IUmain. The re mains of J. U. bry son were taken tb rough Albany this noon for Corvallis Mrs. Brvson was met in Portland by her ton and Judges Burnett and Mc Fad Jen, and at this city by several other prominent citizens. The funeral aervicw will occur at the family residence to morrow at 2 p. m. and will be under the au'picvs of the Masonic to Ue of wbhu be was a member. Before bis death he led in struction, among other things akin for a short burial service, and tbat IW French make remarks at his srve. The Corvallis bar wdl attend in a body and will pass appropriate resolutions thowini the high respect in hi,h Judge Bry son was held. verl Albany lawyers and brother Masons will attend the services from this city. mo Paiia Albany pcofle werej given a musical trrat last evening bv the Columb.a Opera Company, in tbe presentation of Said Panha, a very live.y and np to (,ate opera. Tbe company baa some fine voires. Miss Ethel b'aich. formerly with the Boetoniaits, has out of the sweelst voices ever beard in Albany; Mr Da vies as To ran no diplavs an ex cellent tenor, Mr Kroner is particularly gooa in iieeeen Key. beorge Kunkle as liadad and Jack lien 't-reon as Nockey, area show alone, and the entire cast fs'a good one. Tbe audience was a satisded one when life performance closed. The company bare an open date next Tt-esdav previous to leavinc for Calsfor n a on the Faral'on, and have been in duced to return U Albany and present the opera Mascot, if a suiticieM eturantv is given to justify it. Mr. Warner will take the beard around. Fixa (imxm. W. M. Toner, ex press meeseng t on the U. C. A E. rail road, was in Salem yesterday, going from here to Portland by tbe afternoon train He b roue tit over a splendid sam ple of gray irantie from bis claim on Rock Creek, in Lincoln coanty, f-r the purpese of having II. G. Laker, the stone cotter, of this city, test it It it out of a ledge which is located only sev en miles from Nashville, the nearest railroad point, and is absolutely ream- less. It resembles tbegray hootch gran ite ana is, doubtless, a valuable find. Mr Toner expects to develop tbe ledge ano put his granite on the market soon. SUtaeman. The Democrat has seen some of tbe stone, a very pretty rock. Tut: Cattlb Makktt. From the Fos sil Journal: "This week R. E. Wrenn purchased of Vim. Kays a bunch of ex tra good cattle, mostly Herefords, f jr which he paid about $3 per bead better than tbe best prices paid in tbts country heretofore this seiton, or for great many seasons, for tbat matter. The prces were: Yeailings, $13; twxi, $24; threes, $28. No cutting was done at these prices, and Mr. Wrenn offered to pay $2 per head more if allowed to reject a lew o tne interior onea " Thohb Gypsies. fhat band of gvpsies, or rather Spaniards, arrived in Albany this morning much earlier than was ex pected,ha7ing made forced marches from Drain. They were informed there that the state fair was In session at Salem, and they are in a hurry to get there ltiey are "had eggs ' all tbe way through, an otnery, cultis lot. Aptkb Rev. Ross. Charges have been preferred against Rev. E. A. Ross, tbe evangelist, by the presiding elder of the M. E. church, Suth, of V isalia district for preaching in bis district without hi permission and againnt his expressed wishes. The result will be that unless the charges are withdrawn Mr. Rosa will be tried at the next Quarterly conference of that district, and will lie compelled to A..I 1 l: ii--it r ... Journal. Woodmen's Emotion. The serai-an nual election of officers for the Woodmen of the World was held last evening, and ramiea as ioiiows : L. V lereck, Consul Commander. w. A. Mcclain, Advisor Lieut. F. T. Blount, Escort. Jaa. Mcllargue, Watchman. W. H. Davis, Sentry. C. C. Uogue, Manager. A Clam Bakb The Albany lodge of Elks are trvincr to arramre for m. iriml clam bake lor the members of that order at Newport on the 26th of June. If ar rangements are made a very low rate will be given from all points, ard it is expected that some ISOO or 600 Elks will be in attendance. Toledo Leader. On Nyb BitooK. Newport is enjoying quite a boom. The prospects of erecting a Urge auditorium for a summer Bchool has sent real estate up so that people in the vicinity of Nye Creek are atktng twice as much for lots as last year. Cor. journal. Spring Humors, eruptions, hives boils, pimples, soies, are perfectly and per manently cured by Hood's Sarsapanlla, tne oeai spring tueuicino sna une irue Blood runner. Hood's Fills are the favorite family cathartic, easy to take, easy in effect. 25c. Mrs. Yiereck has connected parlors with her summer garden, where she can serve tbe public in all kinds of weather witb her delicious ice cream. A LINN CO. EXHIBIT. The following letter baa been sent out to many prominent Llun county men : Office of County Judge, Albany; Oregon, May 25, 1897. Dear Kir? It is an undisputed fact that during tha coming summer and autumn large numbers of immigrants win come to Or egon for tbe purpose of purchasing homes; and we, in common wuti every taxpayer in Linn county, desird to locate a portion of them, if possible, in this county. We know of no better manner to advertise our coun:y than to forma collection of its resources, and that we are preparing to do. e cannot do this successful! v alone. however, and bene by this Jittle circu lar, we ask your unreserved assistance. We have engage" a room near the postotfice, In Albany, where a competent man has been p'.avd to properly care for the articles seiiCrh. We have Bint 60 of these letters to as many of you gentlemen, all equally in terested in the wellare nf our county, ana it you take an equal interest with us the result will be one of the fioest col lections of the kind ever seen in the state. Bring or send good specimen of all kinds oi cereals, (trapses, fruit, berries and vegetable and take an extra care in raising something unusually large, if possiblo. Write on each article sent in plainly its name and the name of the raieer so that due credit may be given and no mistakes made. Now, in conclusion, let us avaia ask you to take an active interest in th a matter in every way possible, reraem bering that tbe labor and expense is amply repaid if even but one wealthy man may be induced to locate among us. Hoping to hear from vou soon and often, we remain yours, for th poo l of the county. Je t, Gro. D. Babton, D. L. I'i'KL, J. M. W At ets. County Court. Frank Hastings cime down from the mines to-day . Dr. Parvin iud t'!;a. CundifT went to Salem to day to give a musical recital. H.M.Holieubeck, of Berry, III., is in tbe city, the guest of J. W'. Cuakk, coustn. The golden wed ling of Mr. and Mr. L. J. Hollislei.ot Slaytoo.watcclebraied on May 23. The Camera Club wiU meet in the Y. M. C. parlors at 8 o'clock tonight. All interested in amateur pboto-raphv are invited to be present. Mrs. J. F. Troutman went to Browcs til!e yesterday on a vitt with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Edwards, tnd will be one two weekt. W. R. Bilyeu. H. V. Watson, J. M. Somers, J K. Weatberford and S. M. Garland went to CorvaUi to-dv to at tend tbe f jceral of J. R. Brysoo. Mrs Marci M. William. 310! her of Mrs. Dr. W A. Cueick. of am.died at tbe home of hr da:g iter oa May 27:b, at the age ot M) years. Mr. Al.'rrd Wheeler has been cociined to bis h me by a partial paralvtic stroke for several days, tboub not gene-al yet of a serious character. Mrs. Newman, mother of Mrs. Dr. Adm, arrived 'n Albany ytsterday fnr.m Aorta, lUk., an ! will prob';y mase 1111 ctsr ter fioaie. Sfc k.e n greatiy Pleased with Oregon. Jadfi Brysoo selected bis on p;l bearers as follows: JuJe McFadjen, Prof. French. Tho. Caiiahan, K. M iKvias-.n. M. M. Davis, KoWrl Huston, Lewis Wilwn and Cbaa. Clarke. The BaKist young people's Ocsetv w ill give a social this evening at the homeoi Mr. H.O. Cbamberiam. All $oang peo ple ot the cbnrch and ccnregiilioa are cordially invited. Mrs. W. II H-.lbrook, ce Margaret Grace Scriber, of Helena, Mont., is in tbe city visiting her parents, Xlr. ar.d Mrs. C. W. S.rioer, of xu'.u HAjem. Salem Journal. Mr. A. B. Hammond, orenident af the Astoria A Columbia R ver milroad. le!t for Attoria last evening. Mr. Ham mond leaves for MitmouU toJav f.r tbe purpose of bringing tier children to Ore gon for tbe summer. Oregoman. Prot. J. B. Marks left t'.i week for Davisville, Calif., where his sisler, Mrs. Rev. Eccleston. retides. with the inten tion of teaching in that state. I'e re cently obtained a state diploma and is a competent teacher. R. E. Reams, the tombstone man of Albany, was over on Tuesdav. He brought over and set np a monument for Mr. Landis, in the Newport cemetery, and one for Mrs L. W.iUib. in the To ledo cemetery. Toledo Lender. A letter from "Gene Simmon, received this week, slates that he is in San Fran cisco, but is as yet a gentleman of leisure. Bert anCleve, be found, was assistant stage director at the Auditorium theatre and a leading member of the cat. Ga zette. Forrest B. Fisher, of The Dalles, is in the city on a visit to his cousins, the Mioses ( reigbton, and to several friends. tie is at borne in Oregon on vacation, being a student at the Ltland Stanford. Jr., university, it Palo Alto, California. .Mr. r tsher is a noted loot had Plarer. having held the position of left hail-back in tbe Stanford team during the past year, rrui MeUdian. Jr.. who was a room-ma'e of Mr. Fisher, at Stanford, for a while, speaks enthusiastically of the latter gentleman's prowes and sk'll on tne " gridiron.' sa ftr statesman Fisher is a nephew of B. F. P.aniD of A! banv. What HammondSaid. Mr. Hammond remarked in Corvallis to a Gazette man that the rumored extension to Boise would be but a fancy nntil the govern ment signifies lla intention ot completing the improvements at Yaqulna bay. He was at Washington receotly and the outlook was f r from encouraging The eneitieerinn department is decidedly ad verse to ietitrg the au'iiorizea contract and the Oreiton delegation has, so far made but little impression upon the de partment. La Grippe If you have had the Grippe, you know its aches and pains, the fever, the chills, the cough, the depression you know them ail. The Grippe exhausts the nervous system quickly, lowers the vitality. Two things should be done at oncet the body must be strength ened, and force must be given to the nervous system. Cod liver Oil will do the first; Hy pophosphites the second. These are permanently and pleasantly combined in Scott's Emulsion. It lifts the despondency and heals the inflamed membranes of the throat and lungs. But you need not have LA GRIPPE. You can put your system in a condition unfavorable to it. You can have rich, red blood t resistive strength t steady brain and nerves. Scott's Emulsion prevents as well as cures. And whether you send or go for Scott's Emulsion, be sure you get the genuine. SCOTT tt BOWNE, Nw York, Base Ball. The butchers "never did a thing" to the barbers yesterday afternoon, but bash them to pieces 32 to 16 in five innings. In the early part of the game the barber? led by 1 1 to 2, but it is aa'd tbe butchers saw some blood and the manner in which they cleaved the ball was a caution. Mack was knocked out of the box and Fuller put in, but in tbe fifth inning they madrt sausage in long links, 14 straight. Farrt.ll, Benders, Ramp and Mctrnevy threw for the butchers, the latter enly iu the last Inning, giving a tine exhibition of carving, only one run being male off him. Farrell did Ire best general playing for the butchers, and Fuller for the barbers, the latter makinir a home run. Frank Kitchen, with Ihe butchers, did some remarkablobare run ning, making several grand stand sprints. Art Holt, a former Jefferson catcher, nlaved first 1ihm !! f tlm tttthsra ami was good at the bat, and tbe barbers had a good man on this base in Boxer eii. Tbe sides were: Butchers Senders an 1 Farrell. e ; Penders. F-rrell, Ramp, McGreevy, p ; Holt.lst b ; Newportnd b.; Saltmarsh, 3rd b. ; Shuitz, 1. 1 ; Wagslaff, c. f.; Kitchen, t. f.; Ramp and Senders, s. e. Barbers Fuller and Mack, c. and p. alternating; Neil, 1st b.; tsom, 2nd b ; Slimptnn, 3rd b; Holmes, 1. I. ; Borum, c. f. ; iereck. r. f. : Grandna Crawford. s. s. The gnie- between the lawyer and printers was postponed until Monday, ip p. m. Next L". of O. Bgt Monmouth. The game of base ball between Mc Mionvtiie and Monmouth on May 15, won by McMinnville 10 to 2 has been given to Monmouth, the protect against Littletield nd Scott having been sus tained. This has causnl a storm of in dignation at McMinnville and Prof. Glen eets even with Monmouth by publishing tne cectition on the protest, written bv a Y.onmoaih man. verbatim. We eive it below as a literary curiosity, suggesting at tbe time tbat President Campbell hereafter inspect all letters sent out from that institution: The protested men at the last came has been carefully looked into. And we. according loour constitution haito de cide against yoa. It lias been clearly shown tbat Mr. Scon and Littlefield are not bonatied students of yoar college, even though ther take m jsic at tbe college Profs. Their profession is that of teaching school and not of a student 1 oa 111 agree with us '-here I am sure. i neretor we declare the O 8 N 8 team winner at tbe fame blared on your grounds May the 15th ISSCj 1 am sure if yoa look at the constitu tion carefully you will agree with as, see what a bonafied student of a college means. Does it mean that he can lake music after the regular school boar and still be a student of that colleg? fpeakieg for mvself. am sure that I as Pre, of the league hare acted with oat any prejudice what ever. Irugtinit that we have did wiiirhtin this matter 1 Remain, Respectfully. C. t rank Fisher, Pres. of 1. B. B. L. Wf oi u comic to market. Pric 10 In 12.'i cecU. Ltra W Howard has been appoint! d P. M. at Newber. Tbe Salem loornal poblisbet ov-r a col umn 00 a wroHw by Eev Cply, formerly of AiUkor. ak'nnrt bop rauiog. JeT-Trfcin and . io hare o'ared six exo- qset ma:c3. Jr.?-oti vinoiog f re oat of is anil tha Uie cbampi jothip. Ibe intereiA! fiefd day will be held al S!em oa loije S. Five coHecvs will mo-p-te, the U oT O. O A C. Monmauth Xew Urg and Wiiiaciette. 1 h Votm.n far th m of tue U:e fw?v. M. M. Lewi, ha been rwil. and will be formally soveiived in a ek or two by tbe Albany lodge. Some 3!l bor t Ere to eome straw in toe bam of J W BUyner U-4 night, and but for the timely discovery by George N liila tlaere would bare bee j a imall con- tl Aeration. A large bind of younsr cattle t&ed over the bridge tfsy for IrooB county. Al thotigh only 25 beif are allowed on ise bridge a: one time, th-re mut have been Uiree bondred on at one time. Eugene baa elected all its teacher but tne urerintendnt for the enninz Tear. Siteen in alt. A ninth erade has been eUblvhed to be under the superintendent. wbo salary baa beea reduced from $1300 to $I-W. Report has reach) this office tbat when he g iy caravan that recently honored tnis nctottv with its presence, was yvw.Dg uiroui;ti 11 bar one or the gypJ babie. aod tbev were nnmernai. f-ll oat of a w.igon. wa ran over and killed. Uindealer. SATTJBDA" SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Ronald, of Seattle, a brother of ex-Mayor Hoc aid, was in the city today. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Btakely. o Brownsville, were in tbe city to-day Mrs. iilakeiy went to Salem on a visit. Mr. Louts Galbrailb. wbo died this week was a member of tbe United Artizana, car- rymga$3!00 policy. This ia tbe firrt death in tbis order in Linn coanty. Lester Ilulin died at Euirene vesterdav afternoon at the age ot 74 vear. of dim. oetis. tie was the lather ol S. A. Ilulin. uiroieriy oi ai ny . The En worth Leaeue's lawn oartv at the residence of Mr. N. M. Newport was ments were setved. The College Band, about 25stromr. in white uniforms, went to Hulburts grove this forenoon to attend the bir nicnic. They were accompanied by a number ot Aioany peop:e. The young people of tbe Baptist church spent a pleasant time last evening at the uouiu oi ri. j. t-iiamoeriain. uames were played, a program rendered and re fresbments served. Tbe directors of the North Side school district this week elected teachers for the ensiling fall and winter team. They are: i rincipas v a oaluer; assistants Mrs R L Miohener, Miss Bassett and C E Smith. Mrs W A Calder, wbo baa taught so successfully in our school for the past six years, did not apply thia time, preferring to take a much needed rest. Brownsville Times. Will Holman. graduate of the aim- cultural college and former teacher in the Corvallis public schools, was in town yesterday for the first time in eight yean. He is now in the drug business in Masonic temple, Chicago, and two weeks ao arrived at the home of his father, W iley Holman, in the north end of the county. He expects to remain in the west a montb.after which he returns to Chicago. Corvallis Times. Tiib4th Committbb. Mayor Burkhart, chairman of the committee on general arrtngements for the coining 4th of July celebration, to-day appointed the follow ing associates on the committee, all live, active men : F. M. French, . E. Allen, A. J.Hodges, N. M.Newport, D. B. Monteith and J. S. Van Winkle. They will appoint all sub-committees and su perintend all arrangements. Tt is being suggested that Lebanon unite with Al bany on the 4th and Albany with Leb anon on tbe 12tn at Bryan's speech in that city The idea is one tbat deserves to be carried out. Tub Mascot. This will be an operatio treat which many will wish to see next Tuesday night on the return engagement of the Columbia Opera company. The character of the performance in Said Pasha will insure a good douse. Tbe admission has been reduced to 60 and 35 cents. Seats on sale at Burkhart & e's. PI fffl 1170 Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great leavenirg strength and beaftofulnesa. Aanurea the loca agatoat alum and all forms of adul teration common to tbe cheap brands. KotalBakiso PowdkbCo . New York. HOME AND ABROAD. See the Parker fountain pen at French's. A magazine u V be published in Ea gene. The best fountain pen on earth, "The rarket," rencb tbe jeweler has them. On luly 3rd the Olympic athlete of San Francisco will meet tbe Multnomah of Portland for athletic honors. That Bo'tingtoo railroad is again being built to the coait. One branch is to ter minate at Portland tbe other on the sonnd. Perhaps Steamer rales between Portland and San Franao hav bjeo reduced to V and f 3 and railroad rales to 910 and $0. The war is on. Tbe AOL' W Wneficiarv nf Joaeph i-ane ha been paid in full. Thus tbe umot f-ljOO is added to the $36,00)3 already duouoed in thia eommnnity by mat benevolent order. Guard. See the new tea her belt b'okJal French' Jjwelry store. Boa have oa vwq that new line of en gagement and wedding rug at French's jewelry store ? They are theprojer thing. Bert Ice Cream J Anywhere At F. 11. PfeiSera. See Smiley about it . Smiley' p inter am in Dawtoa e!U LtveHne lirerioe 50c at lU-rvmV Dahlia baib at F L Kenton's. Apples at C E Baow jeu. Smiley does tbe best prinlng. A good second baod tewiosr machine for VJ. t,&AWrOBX ItARXfSH. Deliciotu ice crem soda at F. H. Pf,-if. fer'i. Picture from 75 nu to 125 twr drn n ax Long gatiery . . - - r Coaa Button have said sixteen W.ter- Uea tbu cprieg, F 11 Pbeifftr'a ice cream ha stood the I tet" It i ail rijfht. I A 1 fi 1 , j,, .IP"L He arrived at hs home only two Fresco's jewe ..... j vu.irx umM 1 , -"JUT- I Del and klrt ttsDonrjn. new x! F reach's jewelry store. For a mod on. .ic tki IJtmu. f V. I by Dwoa. the "pUl autocrat-" I Crawford Harnuh for rbotograth. Pnoea from f I to "J per doaea Ca 1 . i-... -1 , , V.. t., 1 " . - - . t " r WM IT-. "skt wnitecomDOonevrromtUoraia. Jtwt la at oh B bo ws ell's Tbe Rath le -ye f.T Portland at 7 a m on Uialaya, WeJaelay aad Fridays. Try C. Simpeoa t Son's City Lanndry or m oaa wors -opp St. t ha hotel. 73 ladies were el.xtin dnws and shirt walat root's yesterday t P. Cohen a. at one time. Two packagM of tr&rden aoedj for Set. according to their umal cotom at Stewart box a. Hair cutting 10c, f having 10c. at the Bom barber hop. Fuller A lom rro- pneiTra. it. v. v. Maston. ptDUoaa ana sur- gieon, A-biny Or. Cui aofwered prompt-! ly m cut or country air tenca baa opened ner ice cream pat lor and summer garden for tne season. ice cream 5 and 10 cent a dish. Information that is worth its weight in god: let yoar meat of ah kinds at Hen ry Broder'a. oa Second street. Drs. H. E. aad O. K. Beers offices cc rendeace us tbe post office building. Spec ial aiseouon given to aisease ot wonea- Tbat German waching Said, which ba proven such a fine tbing has arrived at Parker Bros, in a larae ouantite. Call ana try a oouie. J. orcroaa has moved to lost east of Schmeer's tab.e, 2o I street, where be will keep tn market fine nab, game and poul try, (jail on him. Mrs L Yiereck ia prepared to funiish ic cream in any quantity on abort notice at her ice cream parlors ard summer garden. foe cream a and luc a uiih The price of senuine Oliver chilled plo share has been reduced to 50 cent. Be rare the nAtne Oliver is on every share For sale only by Hopkins Bros. One half of tue ground Boor of tbe new brick buildinir now being put np just north of the L'kwochat citce. will be oc cupied by Dr. J C Littler, dentist, about June 1. Keep going until vou leach the shop of tbe Albany Dreed IWf Company, where vou will find a fine tine of meats nf all kind. Tbis company keeps the best and .. 1 1 1. . . i j ti i j uu txi m.H I u jou uon vui uu uctu Consider your wavs, think before yon act, and then g- to Haight Bros., where you will find a choice t-c of aseats of all kinds to ordjr from. Yon are bound to be pleased if you order of them, Stars or Owto. rrrr or rotsw), l.if-u Corsrrr. t FwAinc J.CwmiBV makes oath that he Is tb senior partner ot the tirmof F.J.Chcxbt Co., dointr buaineas in the Citv ot ToleJo, County and State aroresaid . and thai Mid firm will p I the um of O N K H l: N" I) R E l IH LLA for each and every cwae ot Cma that cannot be cured bv tha oa ot UAix'a Catarkh Cviut. FRANK J; CHENEY. Sworo tb before ma and aubacribed in my presence, thia 6U day ot Lecmber, A. D. ISbo. A. W. GLEASON. 1 ZZ I Xotai PaMte, Batl'a Catarrh Core U taken Internally and acta I directly on the blood and mucoua aurfaoe oil UllJIWia. DVOQ li'l imimuuiaii, inr. F. J. CHENEY & CO., TsJedo, O. W Doia oy uruKgwu. lac Hall's Family Pills are tbe best. Uubblng Offer. Ths Weekt kiv DBMocRAT ana vteetiy rill lie sent to subscribers for Kxitminer w '2.S5 a year. This includes all the priv ileges of the Examiners big premium irilt in May, the same as if you mit ie rest alar subscription price of t tO diiectlv o the paper. Isn't that a bargain. Weekly Dbmockat anil thrice a week N. Y. World, 2.00 a year. Instrumental Music. Mr. II. II. Backenato is prepared to give, instructions in instrumental mnsio. Us teaches violin, guitar, niandclin and a number of orchestral and brass instruments. Mr. Backensto is a musician of well-known ability in both practical and theoretical music,, and one of the moat successful teacher in the state. Biuines placed in his hands will be faithfully and conscien tioutly attended to. Let everybody come co tn Star Bakery and get ,- ve of fresh bread for $i,oe cah. C Mbtbi. . DECORATED. All honor to the dead, to the brave soldiers, to tbe fathers, the mothers, tbe brothers, sisters, the old and young, who sleep in their silent resting places. Dec oration day baa become one not alone for the veteran with tbe scars of for all. It was reu.embered in Albany to-day in an appropriate manner. Tbe two cemeteries were decorated in a man- loving bands wib Oregon's beautiful flowers bad jnale tbe cemeteries garden spots, a beautiful way in wbicb to keep in memory the dead. Promptly at 9 o'clock tbe formal ob servance of tbe day began, under tbe auspices of the G. A. R The procession formed with tbe Harmony Concert Band of twenty pieces in tbe lead, who played a dirge welt on the way to tbe cemeteries. They were followed by K. Co- 35 strong ander Capt, Phillips. Then came nearly 200 school children led by Prof. Tyree. 30 or 40 of the pupils of tbe feistei a Acad emy, a large de elation of members of tbe G. A. K.. W Ii, C. Ladies of tbe G. A. R.,A. O. U. W. and citizen,aboat 500 in line. Kecides were many hundred I eople scattered, not in line. "The grave of tbe last to die. Dr. C. C. Kelley, was decorated in tbe Masonic cemetery, aod the ritualistic service given, when tbe unknown grave in the city cemetery was maoe tbe place for tbe formal ceremonies ot the day. There was music by tbe band, a song by the male aoartet and the address of the. day by Dr. Thompson, of Ittrvaiiis, an able effort, characterized by lofty thought and patriotic expression. The graves of all deceased comrades were men strewn with bowers and the pro cession returned to tbe city. At tbe W. U T C. Hall a finerepatt was ee.ved the old soldiers and their families, and daring the afternoon open doors were the order in tbe G.A. R. Hail, where ex rcUee appropriate for the day were held. A Pobtlasd Sessatio.v. Yesterday Ju'ian E Epping. superintendent of the registry department of the Portland postotfice. was placed under arrest. charged with conspiracy, and, later in tne day, ueorge 1 Uataon. a depot y sheriff, attached to J nstice MeDevitt'a court; Charles A Watson, city jailer at the police station; John Simpejn, a blackt mitb, and Charles W Woiawpple. of the city detective force. It ia charged tbat they had made a conspiracy to rob the U S. registry office. The account in tbe Oregonian is very fishy, and tbe Dewocbat predicts tbe men arrested will never be convicted whether guilty or not. Dieu tx Isdiaxa. The L O. O. F. of this city received the sad intelligence of tbe death of one of its number last Sat urday. Tbe member referred to is Park Hale, wbo aeparted th;s lite at bis pa rental home in Richmond. Ind . on Fri day. May 21, 1S97. His death probably resulted from injuries received while at tempting to board tbe cars at Albany some two years ago. It will be remem bered that bu shoulder was tbocgh good physicians were consulted, his injuries crew worse until he finally kwt al use of the arm and the shoulder was sunken away, tie feit Oretron about one vear !he S1-1" part of the time since u?en being spent m ban rrancisco hos- u. . 1 . - : I . i r Tim. Totbl at FnsEra. The Pioneer stone quarry, in Lincoln coany r ia wr tewed to be tie-J np in litigation. A petition for a writ of lojan'tion. restraia- ing George W. Davis A Son from farther lUII.UUK Ui j uai I , UUKTQ UJCU 10 lnm.llmnH V 9 ..... Tbe petitioner are J U Howell and J M j Howell, owners of tbe quarry. The pe tition sets forth that Pa v. a A Sonjeseees, have not uved np to tbe contract ,rxl are yet operating ibe mine in violation of tbe lease, and that stone ia being taken from an adjacent qaarry and sold under tbe name of Pioneer stone, in violation of the feasor's trade mark. Sled in the o&ce of secretary of state. Jodge Bur nett will hear arguments on the petition next -neanesday. Journal. Ax Old Tag. C W. UeHenbraad who is a collector of carios, has just found one of peculiar interest. As he was dig ging ander an o'd rotted out sill below tbe warehouse behind his place of basi nets, be shoveled out a coin-shaped nickel tag with tbe following insert ptiop on it: W W. Sellers, 1211 Adams street. I'eora, 111 , K. P." It also bears the Pythian coat of arms, and was evidently nailed to a valise or trunk to identify the same. It most have been ander there nianv years u it required much polishing before the inscription roald be made out. Ofaarlie wi.l reler tt to the Peona. K. P. lodce and thinks it may be tbe key to some tc Tilery. Salem Jour nal. Tnoe-B GwsiBs. The band of gypsies camped near C lineman's place above Cresaell last msht and turned their horses, about So in number, into Mr Christian's wheat field. A courier re- porca inwi conaiuermoiv uuuw uma in sulted from it. They should be made to mov rapidly on. Eaeene Guard. The report that they bad arrived near Albany was a mistake, it was some other gyp sies from the north. Tub G&APCATtSG Exkkcisbs of the high school class p-omise to be of a high order. They will be presented at the opera bouse on the evening ot Jane 11 toe el ass is a bright one and consists of tbe following: Carl Rankin, Orab Hark- ness, Laue Sternberg, Lillie Brenner ae Breckenndge, Stella Hngbee, Addte Chamterltn, Mary Mo&tanye. A Ratt for the new O. G. A E dock at Salem was floated down the river. It consisted of 30.000 feet of lumber, was 24xS4 feet and Moated just three miles an hour. Both the method and results rhcn Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in iU action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, ita many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for tale in 50 cent bottles by all leadinsr drug gists. Any reliable druggist -who may not hare it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Lo not accept any Kk- 5tl w1 ak j saosutuie. CALIFORNIA FI3 SYE'JP CO. nIKI3C0. CAL. iwsruu. rQaXaHV ALBANY TRADING CO, B. K MOBEIS. MAMGER ye will sell poods as long S3 they caX. be obtained on the market at Iowa pikes as fol- 8 bars bet Savon soar. t 25 3 boxes blueing 25 j qt bottles blueing 25 6 pkgs corn starch 25 1 gal best vinegar, try it 15 1 gal best syrup, bring yoar jog. . . 60 2 sat good eynp iu backet 75 ! 1 box best axle 0 -ease 10 2 cans beet tomatoes 15 2 Morning Glory corn. good... 15 1 lb Corn Cake tobacto and pipe. . . 20 4 lb best crackers 25 1 gal peeled peaches , 30 1 sack AumsviUe flour 1 00 7 pkga Arbackle coffee 1 00 7 pkga Lyon " 100 1 paper coffee, ground to order 15 8 lbs rolled oats, good 25 3 lbs Gold Dust washing powder... 20 1 can beat bakinz nowder 4.1 5 lbs Arm A Hammer soda .... 25 Ii cans salmon 1 DO 3 cans beat cove oysters - 25 3 cans spices 25 3 botilea extract lemon or vanilla. . 25 I fb beat Gunpowder tea 40 I lb best Japan nneolared tea 4ft SO lbs fine ealt 40 12 packages good matches 10 Good s'ock workinz elovea 30c to bOc a pair which we wish to close out. Ibe above prices are strictly cash ' Albany Trading Co., Cor. 2nd and Main Sta. Headquarters For Eviything. ALBANY'S GREATEST STOBI Set of Charles Dickens 15 volumes on'y4J. New books continually added to oar Circulating Library 50-white wove-docble thick-envelopes only 5 cents. New Crockery and Glassware arriving every week. It is oar prices and quality that tells- ksecet & mm. Oar Mies every day are larger than ever, aa we sell goods so low no one can sell lower. S. f, SCHIFFLER k CO. Merchant Tailors Carry the largast and most complete stock of Ulottis in tne valley. OH Slant ia FM BIocl. SOLICITORS WANTED FOR DR TALMAGES "The Earth Girdled," cr his famous tour around the werld, a thrilling story of savage and barharoos land. Four million TaJmage's bocks sold, and "The Earth Girdled' is his latest and rrandest. DEMAND ENJRMOUS- Everybody wants this famoc book; only $3 50. BIG BOO. BIG COMMISSIONS. A cold mine for workers. CKtlMT GIV EN. F HEIGHT PAID. OUTFIT FREE. Drs alt crah and sell the king of books and soaks 300 a month. Address for out fit and terntor. Tbe Dominion Com pany, Star Building, Chicago. . K. O. T. M. Meets every Saturday evenins at K. O T. M . Hatu YisiUngKnigbu invited ts end. J. S. Vax lnklb. Com. rAlfilUO DnnniiRFn. EUGENE W. JOHNSON, SoEc tor ami Attj in Patent Cansss rm Sew Trk A, WaaalaaMa, a C Office established 1$6. Charges mod arate. Correspondence requesbxl. J.M. RALSTON BKOIiEK 2 Door East of Democrat Office. Money to loan on farm tecority, all mall loans made on personal security. City, coanty and school warrants bought. Collection made oa favorable terms. Fire utanranee written in three of the largest companies ia the world, at lowest rates. T OST. Stem winder to gold watch. near central school building. Return to Dbxockat oSce. 1C1 E. R.R.C0 v Willamette River Division,; I Steamer ALBANY, Opt. J. L. Smith Freiiht and Passenger, Leave Albany tor Portland Sundays. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Unsurpassed accommodations ' and Khednles especially for the needs of np aer Willamette travel. Picnic parties tan avail themselves of this schedule for tny desired point between Corvallis and Salem, leaving in the morning and re turning in due t;me the same evening. Special rates for special parties of 15or more. H. L. Waubs, STREET RAILWAY NOTICE. The motot on tbe Albany ttreet rail way will connect promptly with all train to and from the depot, day and night. Special trips will be n ade at special ate. I- F. Cox. Conductor, FM MITCHELL continues to act as agent for tbe Pacific School Desk and Furniture Co.. of Portland. Orders sent to aim at Albany, Or., will be promptly attended to. NEW HOME LAUNDRY. lit North end of Ell worth Street. Family washing taken. Particular attention paid to bundle washing and msndtng. Satis action guaranteed. Mks. Christkib 1 T70R RENT.-16 acres .P" Albany, for rent, Inquire of S N Steele- of land. immediately.