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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1897)
( VOL XXXI i. Entered tC Cke Fcn Offlee at tlbaay. . aa Beeead-CIass Hall N alter i ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY. MAY 28, I89T. r P. XCTTISe rafclUaer ana rrerifer AO 43 V V ) J x 4' imjUtlSS, AVtgcbblc Preparation ! sltrrilaUng thcroodandlkuL-! f ! id! ting the Stomachs arulBowels cf ftomotest)igesKon,Chcerful "ness and Rcst.Contains nciKier Opium.Morphine nor MjotroL KotNahcotic. JimimllmSJt- 1 Magna A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions.Fevcrisli ncss and Loss OF SLEEP. lac Simile Signature cf H"EYV "YORK. S-jj TT Vsl i ? " V4 EXACT COPYOT WRAPPEH. H j let! I Thirtieth Year. ALBANY Cauksu foe 1898-7 1896-Sept. 16 College Year begins . . Wednesday Not. 26-27 Thanksgiving Day recess, Tburs. and Fru Dec 21- -Term examinations begin . Monday Dec 23-First Term ends . Wednesday Winter Vacation of Twelve Days :S87 Jan 5 Second term begins - . . Tuesd- Feb 22 Washington's Birthday a holiday, Monday April 6 Term Examinations begin . . Tuesday April 8 Second Term ends . . . Thursday Arbor Day Vacation of Four Days April 12 Third Term begins . . . Taeeday Tone 8 Final Examinations begin . . Tuesday Jane 13 Baccalaureate Sermon . Sabbath forenoon w lane IS Address before the Y. M. and Y. W. 0. A. - Sabbath evening jvH-:- Jonf 14 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees ' Monday afternoon Juno M Junior Orations . Monday evening Jjua 15 vrraduating Exercises of the Conservatory of Music . Tneeday forenoon Jane c5 Poynlar Entertainment Toeedav evening Jane 16 Commencement . . . Wednesday Jane 16 Alumni Aevanion . Wednesday evening Four Courses of Instruction leading up to degrees. Well equipped Business and Unaic courtes, with appropriate diplomas. Catalogue free For further information, address Walla cb Hows Lee, President. Albany, Or. NGL!SHANoBUSiNS OLLEGES POSTWJO. m BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, shorthand, Telegraphy. BOAE'iKS DEPASTAEMT' LAMES THOMAS All ealer in he Wa)l Paper, Carpets, Lineoleum, Lace Curtains. Rugs, Portiers, Pillows Furniture Bedding, - Picture Frames, Linen Warp Matting, Oil Paintings, and Undertaking Call on ALBANY FURNITURE CO. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY j. jom:ih SEE THAT THE ; facsimile SIGNATURE OF- "3 ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERT BOTTIiE OB , Castana 1 trat sp ia one-siis bottlse only. It iteilTiill I3S saaai , .vjla act Rid la balk. Cost slier Anyana to sell 'v'v. - -v5 -; Ja aaTtfcimr elsa ca the plea or Brain that It is "just as rood" and "will answer ergrj psr pose." that too est C-A-8-T-0-SJ-A. pose.' rcala baa er -kUsH COLLEGE OREGON mm Full English Coup??. FRENCH AND GERMAN. BRINK, kinds of furniture and bedding-, and it you want the most complete flour safe, has them and his prces the lowest. fled and Elegant 0e slgfls in Crockery WafeatCOItH 5 HUSTON'S See it ;ivonrictor TidL U liSTD. Probaic Record. Final account in estate of R G Cochran filed and approved. In estate ot Jos T Weaver, Mary E weaver w-s appointed administrator Bond $1400. Appraisers appointed. In. ventory filed. Inventory filed in estate of Feter B Calkins. Sixth annual account filed in estate of K Findley. Inventory filed in estate of J C Myers. Final account filed in es a'.o of Rachel Modi. S H Newman was appointed admr ot Mary A Newman. Bond $200. Person al property $100. Personal pioperty or dered sold. Oakvllie. Yesterday a queer procession passed through here. A tombstone man went first and a short distance behind was a doctor. W never saw them travel that way before, the doctor generally roes first and the tombstone lollowi in a d.y or two. We took a short stroll for our health la lew days since and as we did so we took in the sights. We found an abund ant fruit crop, especially cherries and pluint. As we crossed the high bridge near the residence of J udge Barton we heard what we supposed to be a minstrel troop, sioging that grand ' old melody "Suanee Kioer." Our thoughts wan- tiered back to our childhood days and we stole quietly up to the gate and joined in the chorus, for it was the accomplished daughters of our estimable judge. We were invued in and Miss Ethel showed us sc-nie of as nice roses as we ever gated on, also as fine a garden of vegetables and three nice young porkers, also a beautiful rabbit which belonged to Miss Edna attracted our at'ention. We ob served a fine garden and vineyard, and abundance of nice roses and other flow ers. As we were takintr our depattnre we were presented with a irallon of nice gooseberries by Miss Gien. Many thanks ladies. "Curotux" you are too awful rouch on "Aunt Belinda," give her a rest and go ter some one nearer Your own aee. trv Young America or Little Rxse Bud. you are too far away from the center of at traction anyhow. Why not travel around some and see tne sun set? Mies Long of Hul hurt's, made ns a call yesterday, she was riding her wheel. Uall agai Miss L. Mr. A. T. Davis has boucht crorjertv in Sodoville and is making preparations to reside there in the future. Sbeep shearers are on the road everv day, some on horseback and tome on foot . A few more warm dava and the wool will all be harvested. Knox Haight the meat market man. will accept our thanks for a nice piece of veal. e ad vise our friends to bay their meat at Haight Bros, opposite the Dem ocrat office. A school picnic: Saturday. Mar 29. has been decided on at picnic day and four schools in this part of the eountv wil meet at Hoi burl's rtove and enve a grand literary entertainment. There will be an abundance of music, perhaps two bards and as we are acquainted with the people we will warrant an abundance of good things to eat. Come and have a good time. "Aunt Belinda" von are one ahead and frorr the way you write we suppose job are aoie to xep aneaa at least ot Mr Cumtux and if the. editor will allow it we will give vent to our feelings in the ancient Chinook and ay : "klash bias klash." But we wish to say right here that we are always prepared for "Chinook." We have been kept st home st clo-e while we were planting our spuds that we have not bad time to go anywhere but we expect to be at the picnic and hope to see soiae of the other correspon dents th?re such ls Cumtux, Aunt Be linda, Joshua and last but not least our cear friend. Young America, and we ouldliketo see many others of the Democrat family Last year Mr Holer of the Capital Journal was one of the s teakers at our picnic aod we would be glad to meet him aga:n. Come and give as a La k Holer. Jadve Barton drove down State street last evening but he was in 103 much hurry to be interviewed. John Holman. was in Portland vester- day. . Mr. E. L. Thompson came no from Porland this noon on a short business trip. Rev. Dr. Gibson and wife, parents of Mrs. P. A. Young, arrived in Albany this morning from San Francisco, on a several weeks visit. Geo. L. Blackman is now running a drug store in East Bloomfield, N. Y., tbe same store run by bim previous to bis coming to Oregon. Dr. Cbeadle. of Portland, was in the city today tbe guest of bis aunt, Mrs. Al- trea n neeier, while on bis way borne from California. He will go to Lebanon tonight lo v'sit his brother Dr. Cbeadle, tbe dentist. Mr. Elden W. Pollock, editor of the Mt Vernon. Wash . Post, was in the city today on bis bicycle, having come no the West Side to Cor vail is and cross ed over to Albany. He left on tbe East Side road for boms. He is seeing the country. Tbe Ladies Auxiliary will meet to morrow afternoon in tbe Y. M. C. A Rooms at 3:80 o'clock Tbe subject to oe stuuiea is "Anonymous." All ladies are earnestly requested to attend and bring a quotation from some such writ ings. Last evening tbe Y. P S. C. E. of the U. P. church gave a social party at the home of its president Miss Ava Balti more. It wrs a deliuhtful affair. A pleasing arrangement was the division of tbe company by a system of cards into nve groups, in five different rooms, changing every fifteen minutes, one change providing for the refreshments of the evening, thus keeping the company mixed. Contests were indulged in in word making and poetry writing and games were played. The Coron-ebs Jurt last evening after a complete investigation; of the cause of death of John Schneider, the drowned deck band, found that be came to his death by drowning. The remains were taken charge of by Mr. Flannagan on be half of the Oregon Steamboat A trembly of which the deceased was a member, and were buried in the city cemetery, Rev. Manshardt, an old friend of the sis ter of the deceasd, Mrs. Anna Buehler, conducting tbe buriat service. The expenses of bnnging tbe body to Albany will be paid by Mrs. Buehler. Ml V illl Id Instant relief for skin-tortured babies and rest for tired mothers in a warm bath with Ccnccaa Soap, and a single application of Cdticdba (ointment), the great skin cure. The only speedy and economical treatment for Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, and pimply humors of the skin, scalp, and blood. JltiCTO IiMkJ th7airhotltj vrrritl. Pottii Dstro ajtd Clan WAi. ConpoitATioaT, Proprietor. Boattm, mr How to Can Jtwy babj Uujnx,mfltc Am, 1 IIS BABY BLEMISHES "GR&s&'SSA A Yankee Musical . Rev. and Mrs. Poling entertained their church choir and a tew others at their home last evening in a Yankee Musical which was a most unique affair. On entering the residence the guests oeneid a large number 01 articles, each representing some musical term. Each guest was given a souvenir card and the guessing began. Each person represented some well known song and neit was to guess what that song might be. Some of the repre sentations showed skill and imagination in their preparation. Miss Minnie Mc Failand received the prize as champion gueeser and Mr. Woods received the booby prize Some time was devoted to instrumen tal and vocot music and at a late hour a delicious and delicate lunch was served. At its close Mrs. Swan very happily toasted '"To our Hostess," saying among other things "the time is passing and we must part. But still still our hostess will have our hearts " Rev. Poling re sponded with thanks for the kind ap preciation. Those attending and the songa they represented areas follows: Mies Eva McFarland, "Twenty 1 ears Ago." Miss Minnie Alcrarland, "Maid 01 Athens" , Miss Lillian Farrell. '.'She Gave Me a Pretty Red Rose." 1 Hiss Jovce Brownell, "the Owl." Miss Addie Fuller of Independence, Daisy Bell." Lana Seeley. "Two Little Girls in Blue." Miss Taylor of Portland. Mrs Steele, "Bab Mine." Mrs Tavlo-, "Pausy Blossom." Mrs Lundell. "Red, White and Blue." Mrs Woods. ''Silver Threads Amone the Gold." Mrs Poline. "The Flaz Without a Stain." Mr Steele, "Tne Tack Song." Mr Lundell, "The Owl." Mr Woods, "Ben B.dt." Mr Beam. "The Girl I Left Behind Me." Mr Akers, "White Squall " Mr Swan, "A Little Bo- For Sale " Mr Simonton. "Afterward." Mr Poling, "Yankee Doodle." Pioneer Picnic. The annual picnic of the Linn County Pioneers will be held at Brownsville. June 9, 10 and 11. lbe first two days will be devoted to tne pioneers, and the third day will be la charge of the sons and daughters 01 the pioneers. A very interesting program for each day is being arranged and no pains will be spared to make it the grandest picnic of the season The address of welcome will be delivered on Wedneeday at 10 a. in. t-v Rev. W. J. Gardner. 'Hon. H IL Hewitt, of Abany, a pioneer of i&M. will deliver the annual address for the pioneers on tbe second dav, Thursday. Hon. R. A. Miller, of Oregon City, will deliver the annual address for the sons and daugh ters of pioneers on the third day, Friday. The eons and daughters of pioneers are invited to assist in commemorating the deeds of coura.e, adventure aod bard ships of the early pioneers, and thoe who are not pioneers, so have a good time. Two good hotels furnudiisb meals as cheap as can be offered to ihoe who do not wish to camp. Also lunch with ice cream served on giounds at the low est poaiible rates. O P. Couow, see. Sc:o Commencement. The commencement exercises of the Scio pub'.u schools will take place 00 May 21 at 8 p. m. Following is the pro gram : Invocation. Sxlutatory Edith L. Lnkenbach. Ev Rain and It Uses Lora X. Powell. Mns:c. CK history Sylvia Munkers. Oration The American Indian Ia M. Abbott. Music CUss prophecy Nellie P. Morrow. Valedictory Edward Myers. Music. Address County Sapt. R. Wheeler. Conferring diploma. Music Organ solo Mrs. Ivy Abbott Organ Accompany men t Mrs. E. Cy rus. Scio male quartet W. J. Crawford. Will A. Abbott, A. N. Fulkereoo, Roy Gill. Mandoln solo Clias. Young. Vocal solo Miss Mona Daniels. Vocal tolo Mrs Jane Go in 9. I. O. O. F. Omcaas- The Grand En campment of Odd Fellows eterday elected tbe following officers : T W Rich es, of Silverton, grand patriarch ; W W Francis, of Halsev, grand high priest; A W Bowersox. of Corvallis, grand senior warden ; E E Sharon, of Portland, re elected grand scribe; J G Wright, cf Sa lem. grand treasurer, re-elected ; T O Barker, of Salem, geand junior warden ; Richard Scott, of Milwaukie, grard rep resentative. The grand patriarch made tbe following appointments' T F Rysn, of Oregon City, grand marshal; William tricsou, el L4t urande, sentinel; It Howard, of Pendleton, grand outside sentinel. Died. Mrs. James Mcllsrgue died at Brownsville on Tuesday n'tit, May IS, 1897. She was a pionter resident of Linn county, a woman highly esteemed by all knowing her. one whose death will be regretted by a large number. Tbe deceased was mother of Mrs. Jas. A. Mo- Feron and Jas McHargne of this city The funeral services occurred this after noon at 2 o'clock at Brownsville. W. J. Bkyas. Hon. M. A. Miller, of Lebanon, received a letter yesterday from the Hon. W. J. Bryan saying the tatter wool a spend Kanday. July 11. witb Mr. Miller here, and would address tbe people ol Lebanon the evening pre vious. In such a case Mr. Brvan would have to be in Albany from noon until the 4 o'clock train, which will insure Albany peopie seeing ana Hearing ntm. Will Locate Near Scio. Dr. Hinz end Mr. Lang, the Minneapolis men here in the interest of a big Minnesota col ony, are in tbe city this afternoon with non. jenerson Myers making arrange ments for tbe purchase of about 3100 acrea of land near ocio for their colony having selected that location aa suitable lyr tbe needs of the colony. Fkoit Pbospects. There will be plenty of fruit this fall. The aoole cron is big. Tbe Italian prunes will be about bail a crop, and more of other kinds. Pears good crop, plums big crop, cherries small crop. This ls not taking individ ual cases; but reports Iroin the county general!. Do Yoo Want a 4th. The 4th of July committee report that unless the busi ness men subscribe promptly and better than during today it will be necessary to drop the celebration The last effort will be made tomorrow morning. Don put the committee off, it will be accepted as a reiusai. It has been definitely settled to have new court house at feugene. The contract will probably be let this summer, but work will probably not begiu until next Spring The stockholders of tbe Albany Farmer Company yesterday afternoon reelected tbe old and efficient board. M Payne. M H Wilds, Sylvester Cannon, A Blevins, W P Anderson, J W Piopst and J S Archibald. This is one of the best managed institu tions in the county. Ralph Moody, attorney for the parties that have iustituted mandamus proceed ings against tbe secretary of stale to com pel the auditing of claims and issuance of warrants, was in Sa'em yesterday, and perfected the appeal from the circuit to the supreme court in each of the cases. Commencement exercises of Mineral Springs College May 22,21, 23, 20, 27 and 23. Among the exercises ot the week are Baccalaureate sermon Sunday May 2J: graduating exercises 01 preparatory department, Monday May 24; graiuat ing exercise of business department Tuesday Ma" 25; graduating exercises of the normal department Wednesday, May 26 ; lee .u re by State Supt. Irwin Mav 27:lecture by Rev. G. A. Wair.Portland, May 28; alumni program and banquet Mav 28. bveryootty coraiauy invited to be present. J. R. Gkpk, Pres. Tub First Homk Stbawbkurixs. Mr. Wm. Peacock is again on top on the strawberry proposition, tie brought tbe first box of home strawberries t Al bany this morning, marked for the Dkuocbat man, large solid berries, a prince among hoboes compared with the California article shipped here. The crop this year will be a big one, and Albany people will be able to tevel in this best of all berries. Most Piiominest R. R. Max. C. P. Huntington, the most promint roailroad man in the (J. 8. will be in Albany to nighton a special train and will remain awhile perhaps over night. He is ac companied by his family. Manager Kruttschnitt. U. K. tlua'insand others. They will go to Portland. DisMisssn. The rase against May Burris, arrested at Ablany for polygamy came up before Justice Johnon al Salem yesterday, and was dlsmised want for of any evidence ot first marriage. Thc Huntington Party. President Huntington and party, of the Southern Pacific, arrived in Albany last eight and in their elegant palace car leit immediately for tbe bay in company with the Hammond party. They re turned this forenoon and left for the frotiC Tonight they wil be in Albany and will probably eo to Portland tomor row morning. The event baa raieei a general report that the Southern t'ai'tuc is about to get potaesion of the OCA E. and extend it into Eastern On gon. The DaMouuT W reliah'y imbrmed that aa a matter of fact the road wid not be transferred to the S. P. but that the pres ident wbbes to inspect the lumber and other industries along tbe road witb a view to getting control of some of tfaem i and with future busineee in view. Mr. Hammond recently slate! emphatically to the Democ rat's informant that be would not sell the road to the Southern Pacific, in fact that it was not for saie. Has! road propositions are always un certain ones sod rarely materialise ac cording to program. A Popular Binder. Tbe agency for the famous Jones Lever . Binder snd the Jones Chain Mower hxM been placed with the Stewart A Sox t Hardware Uo.. of this cite, and tbey are lso distributing scents tor the factory lor all points in the central val'ey and south of here lo the California line. ; Twelve or fifteen of these binders were ' sold in this county last season, and every 'Grant county. McMahan, a resident of one gave complete satitfac Jon. The re-1 Baker City, heard that stones deroga suits were so good and tbe news spread f l-.rr of the character of bis sist T, Miss to last among the tanners that theacents i now have easy work telling them, even binders nd four mowers have already been told by them and the season has hardly cofrmenced. One custom fol lowed' closely by this firm we ran heart ily recommend they never sell an im plement list is not brought out to the roatt by the factory that makes it, and in such case extras can always tie Uad in cae cf an accident. Our people should pay more attention (o this point, as Ore gon seems to be the damping ground lor an immense, amount of machinery sold by revivers of bankrupt factories. Mr. Collins Elktns went lo Portland this morning oa the Ruth. Ike II r man. the well-known clothing! d rummer, of San Francisco, is in the i city. I Miss Jessie Milloy has returned home; r, 1 .(..,,- i. ' i- ... tending the seminar. 1 j - Prof. II. S. Strange has been . , f Seie ' as principal of the Jacksoeville pul-lic school fur the ensuing year at a salary of Mrs. X. J. Henton will join her brother on the conductors excursion and take a trip to Chicago and her old home in Iowa. Miss Man I Henderson left this morn ing for Pend.eion, where ber father ia ill, and will probably remain during the j summer. a SAtvATiox aaKT wepdiso. About four hundred people gathered at tbe First M. E church last nigM to wit ness the pleasant ceremony that was to unite Ensign Harry P. Nelson and En sign Phoebe Salisbury, of the Salem pott 1 the salvation Army, in the bonds ol holy matrimony. 1 he comrades of tbe young couple bad decorated tbe rostrata lavishly and pret tily, the conspicuous feature being a handsome arch of ivy and roses, I rom which was suspsnded a "weddtnn bell." done in snow balls, with glowing roses for a clapper. The edge of tbe rostrum being deeply lined with varigsted roses and the display having a tastefjl and pleasing efljrt aisior Mepnen Marshall commanding the department of the North Pacific (Was-iington, Oregon and Idsho, with headquarters at Seattle), officiated and the local post was in evidence, accom panied by its guests, Stan Captain lig- nev, Adjutant Wasbturn, bnsign Uliap- pell. Captain bheridan. Captain Moys. Captain and Mrs. Davis, Captain and Mrs. weiby, Lieutenants iSelson and Clausen, of the Portland, Oregon City and Corvallis corps. lbe wedding ceremony 01 tbe army. as portrayed last mgbt, is beautiful and impressive and of a sort lo urge upon Hymen s votaries a realizing sense of the gravity, as well as the joy, such a step involves. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson will take a short honeymoon trip before returning their labors at this post. Statesman. The bride was at one time captain ot the Albany Army, its most popular head officer. We congratulate. 50 lbs. of Coal A day would keep your rooms warm in winter. But that small stove will burn only twenty-five. Hcnce,discomfort and misery, A certain amount of fat, burned daily, would keep your body warm and healthy. But your digestion is bad, and you don't get it from ordinary fat food. Hence you a chilly, you catch cold easily, you have coughs and shivers; while pneumonia, bronchitis, or con sumption finds you with no re sistive power. Do this. Burn better fuel. Use scorrs emulsion of Cod-liver Oil. Appetite and digestive power will revive ; and soon A warm coating of good flesh will protect the vital organs against the cold and the body against disease. Two slits, 50 cts. and $1.00 Book free for the asking. ; SCOTT BOWNK, Nw York. , , THEY ARE COMING. The tide has started towards Linn county. Last evening Dr A. F. Hinz and Mr. M A. Lang, of Minneapolis, representing the St. Nichols Colony Co., filed with the First National bank con tracts and deeds in escrow for the three big farms ot H. Shelton, Thos. fitch ford and estate of Wm Cry us, on tbe Crab tree just above Richardson's gsp, about four miles from Hcio, in one of the pret tiest VAl'eys in Oregon. This property was s leeted after visiting many import ant p- iats in Oregon and suited the men the b"St. It consists of 604 65 acres of Harvey Sbelton's farm, 484 acres of the Thos Pitch ford farm and about 1200 acres of the Wm. Cyma farm, 2470 acres in all. and will cost about S35.0O0 in ail. Dr. Him left today for Minneapolis and Mr. Lang for the Crabtree valley with a surveyor to plat the property. It will be cut up into tracts of only 16 acres ar ranged so the four bouses and gardens will come together at the Intersection. The colony will consist of Hungarian- Austrians, catholics, and over one hun dred families, representing about five hum' red people from Minnesota and ad joining states have already agreed to come. Dr. Hinx says that eventually 800 to 1000 families will locate in tbe same vicinity. Forty or fifty of the young men will come this fall aod p'.ow the en tire section deep. They will be followed in the spring bv others and their fam ilies and daring the year, meetly in group. Three people are thrifty, econ omical; a family doing wonders on a small tract. Of course they raise n wheat, at least only enough for their own use: but will make a specialty (A bops, prunes and berries Messrs. Hinz and Laog were greatly impressed not on ly witb tbe land and lis surroundings, but as wed with our splendid transpor tation facilities an i cheap taxes. Lebanon. Ia the game of base ball last Saturday between the Lebanon and Sodaril'e nines, the Lebanon boys won by a score of SO to 12. There was very poor playing on both sides Dr. Mack Denny and w ife have lo cated in Arlington. Eastern Oregon. where tbey will practice medicine. Their many friends in this -ity wish them suc cess in the r new field. Miss Olive Armstrong bad tbe sad mis fortune to loose a fine gold wau-b. a gift from her mother, also a parse contain- ing vi snd a certificate of deoosat 00 Cutlet's bank for a similar amount Express, W e are sorry to lecrn that Real, Pea cock A Co. intend to close out their bas inets in this city. This ie now tbe lead ing dry goods br-Ui-e in Lebanon, and will be greatly mi aee I by our citisena. Lloyd M ulit w as called to Portland last week to undergo an examination by rail road USctals preliminary to going into the employ ot the company aa a station I aveui. Vt passed a ssiisfactonr eiam- inaiioo and was placed on the company's extra list. He was exiled f Sprinfield turjy evening to take charge of that station lor a lea weeks. Advance. Oiks. Woatt. John McMahao has iuu been placed in the penitentiary tor hie lor murder committed on Aonl Cectla McMahaa,, aged 19 years, were tn circulation, and be at one deckled that Louts (iuthridge, postmaster at Granite, was the author of them. He. therefore, proceeded to granite and on Wedneeday, April 2lt, tbe men met; trouble at ooce ensued aod Postmaster Gutht idge was shut through the heart by McMahae , dying instantly. Louis Guthridge, a brother of the tnfa-iated man's victim, attempted to disarm and apprehend tbe murderer, when be. too, was shot in the face, receiving a danger oua wound. The Ort Fauows The grand lodge yeeterdev elected the following of ficers: Grand master. Claud Hatch, of Salem; depety grand master, T 8 Wells, of Pendleton; grand warden, W H We- h-ung. of HiHsboro; grand secretary. E E Sharon, of Portland ; Grand treasurer, r 0 J? X"rtr " llcUd lo succeed L C Parker as grand repretenla- tir. T J Stil bj0' the holdover gand representative Tbe remainder of the . f ' i an innninlir. Iiul SM,.WI bv the grand master w hen be is installed. The Rebeccas elected the following of ficer: Mrs. Ida Foster, of Portland, president; Pauline dine, vice president; Ora Ccsper, of Dallas, secretary; Mrs. Uoiden, from Eugene, treasurer. JrrxiE Bktsox. From the Gaxette: Telegrams received here yesterday an .ounce that J R. Bryson, wbo ia now in New York city, is in a critical condition and that tbe worst might be ex pected at acy hour. Uoscoe tryaon,who ia attending school at Eugene, was tele graphed to go east, bat later received a telegram from bis father telling bim it was use ess to come and bidding him goodbye. A general feeling of sadness pervade the city, owing to these tnoet unwelcome lidogs. A xoTusa Stone Qcakbt. Wm. Toner, Fre. Wittenstrora and John Lucas left for Rock creek last Tuesday morning, to look after tbe granite ledge at that place) and to see what work will be necessary befoie market ble stone can be got oat. Mr. Waldenstrom is an old quarryman, and will look the ledge carefully over. Mr. Tooer was accompanied by bis wife and children, and to them the trip will no doubt be an enjoyable outing. Lead er. Tits 4tu or JrLV subscription commit tee have not yet raised sufficient funds to jumfv meeting the cit:sens as ar ranged for tonight, and hence have as sumed authority lo postpone tbe general meeting to W edneeday evening of next week at 8 o'clock p. tu. in the city coun cil chambers, when the subscribers are invited to meet with them. Oihcea Comiso. The Columbia Opera t o. will play in the opera bouse next Wednesday evening, after a two nights engagement in Salem. The company is highly spoken of. au h lor particulars. Tub Medal Oontkxi under the aus pices of the W C. T. C. will be held on June 9. It is proposed to give a fine program. There will be six or seven contestants among the young people, music, etc. Wiu, Be Bpilt. J. M Wallace and Thos. Kay say there is no doubt about the railroad being extended from Wa terlooo via soon as the grad ing can be completed. The capital has been secured. Journal. The state grange will meet in Corvallis onluesday of next week. There are SOS telephones on the Sakm syrteiu. Two divisions ot tbe conduc'ors excur sions, now united, are expected through Albany some time tomorrow morning. Tbe train bat been delayed some. Redding, California, where the Zeis boys are operating an ice factory, is about tbe size ot Albany and has 32 saloons. One of them ; owned by two ex-Corvallia-ites, Frank Buchanan and Ben Zone. Gazette; A brain Biandt. ex-master mechanic of the Oregon & California railroad, died Wednesday at his residence, 100 North Eighteenth street, Portland. Deceased was a native of Lancaa'.er, and was aged 68 years. The interment will be Saturday, at Riverview cemetery Tub Lebanon 4th. Lebanon people mean business this year and will make tbe eagle scream with an attractive pro gram of contests, speaking etc. on July 3rd N. L Butler will deliver the reg ular oration in the forenoon and Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway, a special address in the afternoon. Miss Helen Ora w lord of the O. A. O. will read the declaration of independence. pYAn 0 PQVMR Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great leavening strength and bealinfulnes. Assures tbe focd sgatnst alum and all furms of adul teration common to tbe cheap brands. Rotal Bakiko Powdek Co , New York. SATTJEDA- NOTHING IN IT. fhe states meats being made that tbe S. P. was etting bold of tbe O C. & E. were completely knocked in the bead by Mr. Huntington in Portland, when be said taan Oregonian reporter: There is nnhing in it, so far as I am concerned. Mr. Hammond kiddly took me over bis bis line, as a matter of cour tesy, and I appreciated and eojoved it. Of court e, I dou't know wb-H is in bis mind, but be hra not ment'oned the sub ject to me. I failed :o find any partic ular place for that road, ft was built by eastern capitalists, and I think that it is sate o say that.f rom the time the ground was broken on that road, it cost not lees than $1,0X),000 and not one man wbo put his tnonry, into it originally ever got a cent ont of it. It has some rich timber lands toward te mountains, and open places for cultivation ; but it wants de veloping. Yaqn-na will never amount U anything as a port, because Portland is the natural i,lace for it, and aiawya will be; so tbato far aa I am concerned, if some ane was u offer to lay down that road to me (or $-50,00 I would not taae it op. Tbe DxaocauT was right. SOCI4L 4ND PERSONAL E. L. Power went to Salem this morn ing to spend Sunday with bis parents. Miss Ethel A yen went theoogb Al bany this nooa lor her borne in San Jose. lodge and Mrs.C E. Wolverton came np this noon on a Vitit to the tatters parents. Mrs. W. F. Hendricfoo, of this city is in Independence on a visit sntb ber daughter Mrs. A. J. Goodman. Mr. John Schmeer left for Crook coun ty the first ot the week behind two mules. tie will be gone two or three weeks. Howard Fellinser and three ottr student of the Sta.e University of L- reo' , are tn the cay on a bicyde trip. VI r. Ingalis brother of tbe celebrated correspondent of the Examiner for the Corbett-Filnimmoo fight,was in Albany today. Mrs. Jeese Barker aad daughter of Dunsmuir, CeiU., arrived in Albany this afternoon and are the guest of A. D Barker. Lkenee ha been issued for the mar riage of Guy L. Porter and Cora May CXji dwell. Mr. Alex Power baa been appointed P. M. of Haleey. He ts a brother of E. L. Power of this city, and ia a popular young man. Mrs. B, II. Robert eon, and daughters. Misses Lilly and Ina. Mrs. J. Noreroa and Miaa Law went to Salem this morn ing on a visit with friends in that city. Hecry McFarland went to Albany Monday morning, to be at the bedside of Louie Gaibraan, wbo is dangerously ill. Brownsville Time. L. L. Say, recently of Brownsville baa purchased an interest in a box factory, in Indianapolis, and ia secretary of the company and o, remands good wage. Times, Tbe interstate oratorical contest will take place in Portland this evening. Fred Fisk.of Engine, Oregon's repre resentative, was in Albany this week on tbe way there. Past Noble Grands T. J. Stitea and W. C.Tweedale, J. C Littl-r, Mrs. ceare and Mr. Burkbart, and C. C Jackson and W. W. Francis of Haleey, returned last night from tbe grand lodge I. O. O. F. at Portland. Rev. J. W. Smith. Prof Carlton Sox, Misses Ava Baltimore, Mildred Burmee- ter and Mary CondiS went o Onkville last night, where Rev. Smith delivered a lecture on r.dacauon, every enter taining and scholar y effort. David Froman. Sr., John Al .house ar.d Frank Froman, will lea re on Monday '. jT Fish Lake. They are Albany's oldest and most expert fishermen, the foraer two baring whipped una county streams lor over lortv vears. aod we wiu loot tor an immense lot of bar-stones. The Indian War Veterans. I Just thirty Indian war veterans met at the court boon this afternoon at 1 o'clock and heid an intereeting and pro fitable meeting. A feature waa a red hot speech by Hon W. R Bilyeu, chair man of tbe meeting, in which he paid a just tribute to tbe service of the veter ans and in favor of a pension for tbem oa account of the spl-ndid service tbey did tor this Pacific Coast civilisation. He was followed by Hon. L. U. Mon tany wbo gave some pointed statistics in reference to the service done in the wars for tbe protection ot our pioneer. The following delegate were elected to the state convention to be held in Port land on -June 15: Jonas Davis, WM Powers. Jason Wheeler. Sylve&Ur Can non. Chris Farlow. 8 W Crowder. Alfred Blevins, V H Jolwell. F M Wesifall, I D Miller, J B McFarland. Mb. Bbvas. William Jennings Bryan will arrive in Albany on Sunday morn ing, July 11. and will spend tbe day witb bis friend Hon. M. A. Miller, ot Lebanon. He is to speak at the Chautauqua As sembly at Oregon City, at 2 p. nr.- oa Monday. If a special train can be 1 cured to take him there in the forenoon he will speak at Lebanon at 8:30 o'clock a. m. when a special train will go from Albany. An effort ia being made to se cure the train, aud tbe etianees are that Linn county peoplo will have a chance to bear one ot tbe wonas pest xnown ana brightest men. Mr. Bryan will speak at Ashland on Saturday the 10th, at Oregon City on Monday at 2 p m, at Portland in the evening, besides at Lebanon aa stated, which ia the whole of hia Oregon en gagement. He will next apeak at Salt Lake City on July 14. Waa nt Albaxy. From the Statesman Secretary V alpole, of the city board of charities, of Portland, warns the pub ic againat Albert J. Crreen, age about 25; heights feet 3 inches: weight about 120. He haa curly black hair, eyes dark,amall and sunken His eyebrows meet over tbe nose. He is working the pastors of the Willamete valley, and bas been at Eugene, Junction City and Albany. He has the appearance 01 aa Italian and claims to be a converted Jew, except when appealing to the Jews. He is a Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, etc., according to the belief ot the person he approaches for aid. He gets the names of tbe ministers before he begins opera tions ana works systematically. HOME AND ABFOAD. The bowling Alley will be open Satur day evening at 7 o'clock for a big contest. See tbe new lea' ber belt book at French's jjwelry store. Bota bave too seen that new Hoe of en gaeement and wedding rtLga at French's jewelry store? They are the proper thing. Best Ice Cream Anywhere At F. U. Pfeiffers. See Smiley about it . Smiley 's piuters are ia. Dawson sells Liverine. Liverine 50c at Dawson's. Dahlia bulbs at F L Kenton's. Apples at C E Brow mkll'h. Smiley does the best printing. A good second band sewing machine for 96. CsuwroBD Habxisk. Delicious ice cream soda at P. H. Pfeif fer's. Pictures from 75 cenls to $25 per do?, ji at Longs gallery. Conn k Huston have sold sixteen Waver lies this spring. Grave robbery should be punishable by life imprisonment. The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows next year will meet at Roseborg. F H Pbeiffer's ice cream baa stood the test. It is all right. A beautiful line of butter dishes at French's jewelry store. Belts and skirt supporters, new styles at French's jewelry store - For a good phi sic take Liverine. for sale by Dawwn, the "pill autocrat-" Crawford k Harnuh for photographs. Prices from II to PQ per dozes. Cad at French's iewelrv store and see tbe latest snd newest shirt waist sets. Water while comb honey from California. Just ia at UK Baow ell's Tbe Entitle 4ve for Portland at 7 a m on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Try C Simpson Soo's City Laundry or first class wore opp St. Chas hotel. 73 ladies were selecting dress and shirt waist goot's yesterday at P. Cohen s, at one tune. Two package of garden aaeds for Sets. scenrdins; to their usual custom at Stewart A Sox'a. Hair catting 10c, shaving 10c at the Bora barber .nop Fuller A Isoco pro prietirs Tb prane a op generally will be good. but lighten on Italians. This seems to be tbe report. Remember whea yon want Hear thai AumsTille brand is the very best. Every rack guaranteed. Dr G W. Mist on. eb) ficiaa and sur geon, Albany Or. Calls answered prompt ly ia city or country Mrs Vierick baa opened ber ice cream parlors and summer garden tor tne season. Ice cream 5 and 10 cents a dish. Information that it worth it weight ia go'd: Get your meats of ah kinds at Hen ry Sro-ler a. oa becood street Drt H. E. and O. K. Beers office .? residence in tbe post office building Spec ial attention given to diseases of wouea- Tbe round trip rate to the National Y P Sdl'iiKuliiMiM will con j p-rfcAps tl5, first dmm. Several ill go - i yn A Ha n r . That German washing Gold, which bus j proven such a fine thiiur has arrived at Parker Bros ia a large quantity. Call I and try a bottle. Aa attach meet to recover f 133 has been placed on the orchard, aad personal proper ty of the Exoeisior Frjit company, by Charles Sonady, an employe oa the prem ises. Corvallis Times. J. Norexoia has moved to just east of Schmeer 'a stabVes, 2a I. street, where he will svp in market fine ash, game aad poul try. Call on bim. Mrs L Viereck is prepared to furnish ice reara in any quantity on short notice at her ice cream parlors rrd summer garden. Ie cream S and 10c a oish The price of genuine Oliver chilled plow share has been reduced to 50 cents. Be care the name Oliver ia on every share. ror sa-e only by Hopkins Bros. Buy tbe Aaawvii, try tne Anmrrille and yoo will have no other brand. It ia made of Oregon's best white wneat and ia guaranteed to be tbe best fiocr. A car oa theStnlacnom electric line, AS rji'es out of Seattle was stood up by a kme robber yesterday, and was shot dead by Superintendent Dame, who was oa the car. Or half of the ground floor of the aew brick building now being; put np just north n the Dkmocat c3sce. will be 00 cnpkd by IX . J C Littler, dentist, about Joae I. Keep going until too teach the shop of tbe Aibany Dressed Beef Company, where yon will Snd a fine tine of meats of all kinds. This company keeps the best aad ; ya will be sorry if yon don't call on them. oeaidrr 7vx" ways, think before yon kc and then go to Haight Bros , where yi. : will So i jt choice stoca of meals of all kinds to orvi from. You are bound to be pkssed if you order of them. S-n Francisco can now come back red hot oa Port; aad. A woman of that city jre" crepe foe a dead bull doa. Saa Francisco women certainly never did Br thirg a) silly as that. George Guthridire bas sued Walla Walla tor M5.7.26 damruea on account of injur lea received while a member of tbe paid fir department by being thrown ol tbe chemical engine on the way to a fire. The freight train out of Ashland for the tooth was partially derailed at Gregory aiding, on the south side of tbe Siskiyou, yesterday, tbe envine going off the tr.k. As a result todays overland did not arrive until 3 o'clock and the coadoctor's special at 2 r0 o'clock. Choice sardine at C E Bbowsbllb. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts eently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. byrupof Figs is for tale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand' will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA F13 STB VP U SAM ftAMQIKO. C4t worms, uh new not, sic The Right Way. A busines man to treat b:s customers all on the square and alike most buy bia good when be can get the do. est prices. He mast mark these goods whet received at tbe lowest poexible figure to sell to hi customers. He doe not sell these goods higher Monday than Toesdaya as that ia discriminating againat tbe cus tomer wbo cannot come on Tuesdays. Goods once bought at a given price can he sold at a given price until ali disposed. W e have always 'een careful to eel', you everything in our line at the e'oeeet pos sible figures and it make no difference to as what day you come you will pay no more tbaa your neighbor who came before-yon. We treat everybody alike in every and all things. Ksecut & Meiseb- Jrjnot Bbtsosj Dead. Judge J. E. Bryson, died in New York city yesterday afternoon at4;30p m. the result of a cancer in bia stomach. He waa one cf Corvallis' most prominent aa well aa moat popular citizen, a brieht mac arui a well one of great integrity of charac ter, rfujge jKryson waa a brother of Mrs. Dr- Aubrey of this city. Albanr attorneys, wbo knew bim well speak in tbe highest term of him aa a lawyer and man and with sincere regret. The re bains will be brought to Corvallis for in ter meet. Bkj Cattlb Ship ext. Nearly 120.000 baa just been put in circulation by tbo purchae of 900 bead of cattle in the Forks of tbe Santiam bv the Croft Brae. Tbey will be shipped to Montana. Stock raising is bound to become a great in dustry even in this valley. Our foothills are peculiarly well fitted for it. Pedssixo the BrrTov. The Albany Camera Clu last evening e'ected tbe fol lowing omcers : f. A. i oong.preaident ; D. II. James, vice president: C B. Winn, secretary; J. M. Ralston, treas urer. All interested in amateur pho tography are invited to meet with the club on Friday, May 23. iul. . - li. K- i ne pr ary survey of lbe Falls-CUy-galem rail road has neen ma:e. Harry Utupman ha bad charge of the work. The name ia to be too Locaiamnte Valley and Western Railroad. A Coxtm Evest. The Boy Club oa Friday, June 4, will present the thrilling drama "Cant. Jack or tbe Irian Outlaw," at the opera bouae Tbey are rehears ing for its proper presentation. Tbe Cosdcctobs. Eight bi car loads of conductors went through Albany at 2:40 this afternoon, large, brown, y 11 y fine looking men and women, as happy a looking crowd a ever breathed ozene. A good many Albany people were out to aee tbea. Mthtemocb. Lam evening two China men were seen digging in tiackieman'e field beyond tbe depot. Today a bole waa found there with some bJoody piper j and cfcrba Some think a dead xxiy ? ltU child had been dug np. We give np. Sailing Notice. Steamer Faralloa Is due to sail from Yaiuina for San Fran cisco Tuesday, May 25th. Passengers should leave Albany at noon of 2 -Kb to connect. A Big Exam. Hopkins Bros today wld to Austin A Propet a Buffalo Pius engine, tbe bizgest threeticg engine ever sold in Linn county. - Bay yoar next lamp chimney at THE FAIR. and yoar troaolee witb breakage ended . rill be j. 1 ram P. S. Our first special sale on Friday waa a great socceesa. Watch our announcement for next Friday. S. H SCH1FFLER & CO. Merchant Tailors Carry tbe largast and most complete stock of Cloths ia the valley. 0! Siail ii Hi! EM. ' XTDJUJV nDnfllCTCA ALU til ll UllUUUU 11111 J 1 B1CIEIS73. Ccniuctcr EESHISIPEOOIEgr- 1 NSTRU M E NT ATI O IM I Vlo II Vio Qar, Cor-, Trora Bass ard Drums Ife-pex toie of -qe-vf (visic -Moat Fnraiibed For- Coocerta, Parties. Receptions a. Ester tainmeata at raasoaabte rates. Correspondence solicited regardiar- rr gigemets out of town. Address Bert Wetrook. Business Mae sger. Revere House. Albany, Oregon Carats as dTTJ MarksoMatnea aad all r -a tuu. - ahM.l-SaSkaw tW an SalBI I I SB a s. SJSSa a a - - - Waa nut wiaa tf Foa moart.wwiuRv - 1 . .-K.faaa, sTbm a a till raMBtiaamred. A Paaipatet -How tala Passcta," vitlk coat cf aaata la the l. a. and tta onatriea saat era. C. A. SNOW & CO. ; a. -" - tpi a 1 aaw lBlBlBjB.iijXrl ' " Masaa. rSTSWT V'lVl. rw awvtreisj vwra. wav v 1 NEW HOME LAUNDRY. t North enc of Ellsworth Street. Family washing taken. Particular attention paid to bundle washing and mending. Satis faction guaranteed. Mb. Ch busts ib FTFTY DOLLARS A "WEEK EASILY MADE. Agent wanted ia every lo cality for Hon W J Bryan's great and only book. The First Battle. " The best seller ever produced Agents are taking as many aa 200 orders per week. Beware of fraud ulent imitations. Send for outfit aad be gin work at once. W BOON KEY COM PANT, Publisher 41 Dearborn Street, Chicago. LOST. Purse containing $16, a few pennies, note for $30 and a few other things, between Mrs Reams and residence at 4th and Washington. Please return to Mrs Braitaia and receive reward. An old $5 piece of IS06 was also ia the pocket book. - - . . F)R SALE. The meat maiket furni ture, tools and slaughter boose tools, the Emerick market. Call oa Louis ruck man or William Fiickinger for parental. unniTmr ' ' ' 1