The Owneis of the Universe. Let as corner up the suDbeams Lying all around our path ; Get a trust on wheat and roses ; Give the poor the thorns and chaff; Let us find our chiefest pleasure Hoarding bounties of today, So the poor shall have scant measure And two prices have to pay. Yes, we'll reservou the rivers, And we'll levy on the lakes, And we'll lay a trifling toll-tax On each poor man who partakes ; We'll brand his number on him That he'll carry through his life ; We'll apprentice all his children, Get a mortgage on his wife. We will capture e'en the wind-god, And confine him in a cave; V And then, through our patent process, We the atmosphere will save; Thus we'll squeeze our little brother When he tries bis longs to fill, Put a meter on his windpipe And present our little bill. We will syndicate the starlight. And monopolize the moon. Claim a royalty on rest days, A proprietary noon ; For right of way through ocean's spray We'll charge jost what its worth; ' We'll drive our stakes around the lake9 In fact, we'll own the earth. Great Thoughts, London, England. Several thousand people would like to see Bryan at Albany . The people of Santa Clara who erected a triumphal arch to General Weyler do cot appreciate the eternal fitness or things. Sjme exchanges kick because of stolen editorial matter. The . Democrat is always pleased that it is considered good enough to be stolen, and sees it done coatin aally; hence never kicks. Is matter of fact though every newspaper u entitled to credit for its contents. From the Post: CoL Joe P. Johnston, who has been posi-omce inspector at et. rams ever since 18S7, and has just been transferred to the New Orleans district, ia in the city and wm yesterday renewing his old friendship with Representative Dockery Col. Johnston is quite a joker. Step ping np to a cigar counter at Wiilard'a, he said : "Let me have some of the cigars Mr. Dockery uaaaliy buys." He wee handed out a very good bat not expensive quality of domestic cigars. Selecting three he banded them to the Congressman . "Take them all," he said, "I bought ' them for you." Then taming to the dealer, he: continued, "Now give me a good cigar !or myself." There ia something in the following from the Lincoln county Leader : The Corviilis papers, especially the Gazette, have been and are violently op posed to President H. B. Miller, of the Agricultuaat College of that place, and a continual ar is kept np on tnat gent leman. We do not know Mr. Miller but we can assure those papers that they are making a very eerious mistaae. The fight they are keeping np ia doing the school and their city a far greater amount of harm than it does Mr. Miller. The papers seem to fail to realiza that the whole stale ia equally interested in the echoo! along with CorvalHs. A fight against-tbe president of that institution weakens the influence of the school and limns ra vote lor good. As I n? as Mr. Miller is president of that institution any attack against him in the nature of a fight of the past 13 an attack on the school. It woald he well for tha papers of C jrvallis to ponder on this matter a little. If Mr. Miller is not fit or qaalified to b9 president of the agricultural college then go to work quietly and depose him. Don't create a fight in it. and thus make the school f offer. A former Northwest windbag and pro fessed wit and poet, has obtained enocgb notoriety to be noticed in the Washing ton Post in the following interesting manner, the place visited being tbe postoflice address of an Albany man, Mr. P. J. Smiley for a few weeks: Mr. Lee Fairchild, of California, who was a prominent figure in the last Pres idential campaign, and who claims tbe distinction of having made more speech es than any man except Bryan daring the contest, is in tbe city. . Mr. Fairchild opened tbe campaign in Maine at Old Orchard with speakM Reed, and trav eled over tne greater part of the United j States. j "I look bick on that camptign," said i lie, at tne Arlington last night, with a good deal of pleasure, but ol all my ex periences the one at Danville, Va., is the mo3t pleasant one to me. When I arrived in Danville I was met by a pale faced fellow who advised me not to make a speech- He said there bad been no Republican campaign speech made there since 1833, when twelve negroes were shot. rManone lost the state on that account. Having campaigned in tbe West against populists and democrats for a number of years, I was rather phased at the idea ot having trouble. I toid the cb airman . that 1 desired the prelude to my speech to be without music or a biographical - sketch. Tbe chairman looked at me as if I'd gone crazy, but yielded to my wishes, and tbe meeting started. "I had spjken about five ruinates when a well organized band ofoung fellows in tbe center of the theater where tbe meeting was iielJ, shouted in concert, Rus ' Tne negross. who were not al lowsd on t':a ljer fljor, were packed in the galleries. I pnased a moment, and waving my hand at the galL-ry, said : Waiter, lake the Chinamen's order,' Well, ir, that wai a knockout blow. Trie fallows no iked out, and I had no more trouble Perhaps I did cut a figure in the campaign I wa3 in the muliipll eattoa tablf, rmt I don't know about be ing in the division tabie.'' Ox'ilood hose for Indies jus, received a tbe ladirg Bazaar. Aise a full line of fast b!a!'k and tan colors at popular prices. We Lead, Others Follow. ai d I hat is the reiscn Hopkins Bros, are the first to dis play a line of tint famous JSi)7 C'es cent and Crafurd bicycles. Call aul see them. Tiae Crescent was .the liit to ui-e The other f.irtoripi the nfw I) tubing. copy . Hopkins Bros ."" ' have received a full ttoc'i of IS97 Crawford tiicyc'es. TIipv ara ia ii! ::i Come and see for yourself r Wool Wanted.: A th,i Alhanv Woolen Mills, higjest .11 ar'ret price paid.". Call at mill and get wool sacks. The Rights ot Office-Seekers From the Washington Post : The Hon. B:ily Mason is credited with saying that it costs him half of bis salary and fourteen hours a day to keep up with his correspondence, and the St. Louis Globe-Ddtnocoat is moved to observe that he "is giving office-seekers more atten tion than they are entitled to." It i plainly apparent from this that the Globe-Democrat observer has not been through the mill, or, if he ha, he has forgotten his experience. There is no. thing more hateful to the patriotic Am erican than ingratitude, and the'e is no more ehining object of ingratitude than a man who, having obtained an office, whether elective cr appointive, turns a cold shoulder to other ambitious citizens who desire to serve the government for a stipulated price. Why should not Hon. Billy Mason or Hon. Anybody-else, devote the larger part ot his time to office-seekers? How did the Hon. Billy get there but by assid nous and presietent effort However beau' tiful it mar be in theory that the office should seek the man, as a fact, the man has to seek the office, and use praisewor thy diligence to boot, or hia name is Ddonia right from tha start. Much of this howl about office-seekers comes from the class known aa business men, j but no business man' operates on such principles. The business man who waits for business to serk him does not make a very conspicuous auscees. On the contrary, lie maces a dismal failure. To succeed in lite n an) line, a man must get np and hustle. He most be alert, pushing, presietent, not easily rebnffWd, have a large deposit of gall on tap, most ba thick-skinned, and tteadily pursue th object on which bis mind is bent. The office-seeker is compelled to adopt the same tactics, only with additional energy. When a man gets what he is after, he ia apt to forget the men who helped him in his extremity. Every man who has attained a prominent pub lic office has done it with the help of other men, and he should expect to be called on to help them when they nd assistance. From the President of the United States down to a ward constable, it ia the same etory, and no successful office-seeker, can afford to torn a ?eaf ear to hia constituents seeking office. I, be does, he is ungrateful and forgetful o f tne assistance given him in his straggle for place. The office-seekers tie entitled to con sideration, and they ought to have it. The Hon. Bill Mason is strictly within his line ofduty in giving np much cf hie time to the office seekers. Teat's just what he oat to do. He was once an office seeker himself, and not so very long ago, either. The woods are full cf office seeker", and their claims should be recognized. Discussion on Collections. Editor Democrat: Your Tennessee correspondent teems to think that a collection in a eabbath ecbool is only a necessary evil. What i a sabbathscbool for if not to teach our duty as revealed in tbe scripture? Now it is most certain that the bible require regular systematic, cheerfel givin. as an act of worship. "Honor the Lord with thy sa batance un . if:. . .i and bring an offers." "Upon t je first day of the week, let everyone of you lay by him in slore as God hath pros pered Liro." "Ltt him labor, working wilh bis bands the thing which is good that be may have to give to him that naedetb." The children (big and little) at Tennes. see need to be taognt these troths in theory and in practice. See Luke 13: 2427. What is the need? Look around yon. The world is open to the 1 Gospel and there is a famine not of bread bat of bearing the word of God. For instance Venezuela gratefully recog nize that oar great nation has been true to duty in speaking np for her territorial rights. Sow tbe religions teachers of Venezuela are those who would keep the bible out of the 'people's bands and 1 understand that not one Amsrican baa gone to teach them, and nothing could be more definite than Chruts direction, "Go.preach the gospel to every crertare " We need not go outside of Linn county, to find opportunity to apply funds to true mission work . Let every sabbath take weekly offering as Christ directs, if it is only tc a week, that will eqial the mission contribution of two church members, on the average over our whole country. I have been in eleven states and have never seen a place where the people were so poor in the midst of each great abundance, as right here. I think it Is largely because we bave not learned to worship tLe Lord with our substance. Yours for the kingdom that shall never be destroyed. . H. Oakville, May 17. Tom Johnson, an ex-congressman, of Cleveland, Ohio, has a good reason why he supported Bryan for president although be is not a supporter of tbe free coinage idea. Mr. Johnson says: "Free coinage would let the poor rob tbe rich only once; whereas, the gold monomet aliets and protectionists propose to let the rich rob the poor forever. Knowing this I voted for Bryan and would do it again if given the opportunity . What wonder it U that some women are no heedless about the things that con cern them most. They endure all aorta of pain and misery with care lessness which wonld never be possible if they realized the conseauences. women understand thai when they neglect their health because they are too busy or overworked or their minds are taken up with other concerns, that they are balancing on the edge of a fatal precipice. Any weakness or dis ease of woman's special organism is no trifling matter. A woman who throueh indifference neglects these troubles is laving the foun dation for life-long wretchedness. A modest woman naturally recoils from the mortifying ordeal of examinations and local treatment which doctors insist upon. But there ia no necessity for any such re pugnant alternative. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures these delicate complaints positively and completely. It is a medicine pevised for this particular purpose by one of the most eminent of living specialists in woman's diseases. Dr. Pierce has been for nearly 30 yean lief consulting physician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. During this time he has received fully ninety thousand letters from women who have been cured by the J Favorite Pre scription." Some of these letters are printed by permission in one chapter of Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page book, "The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser." It contain advice and suggestions for self treatment which every woman ought to read. More than half a million copies bave been sold at $1.50 each. Aa absolutely free edition in paper cover will be sent for a limited time to anyone sending 91 one-cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only. Aa dress Worh tion. Buffal Disiiensary Medical Associa tion, Bunaio, ii. x. jpor a nanasome cioia bound copy send 31 stamps. 1ft An exchange says that misrepresenta tion ia th J suicide of trade. Strikes are brewing in the eaBt. They are tlways to be regretted. A St. Louis woman after fifty years of married life has sued for divorce. "Well, would you ever." President W. O. Hawley has a lector on "Oregon". That la a subject tnat might well inspire any man. Diamonds have been smuggled frrm Canada to the United Slates on carrier pigeons. Certainly an iogrnions way, though a rifky one. There is some satisfaction in the fact that the railroad commissioners wii have to wait a long time for their money ith chances of their never getting it. From tbe Pendleton K. O. Linn county allows the deputy sheriffs and deputy county clerk only $50 a month salary. Fubllo office in Linn county does uot pay any better than pri vate business . The matter ot a 4th of July celebration should deDend on whether those who will be moat benefitted are willing to subscribe sufficiently to make it a suc cess. The first thing done abontd b a subscTiDtion. It large enough, then celebrate, it not, drop it. An Albany ladv after looking over both Coivallis papers for the name of a hnainetia man of that citv among the advertisements left the office in disgust. Any man who pretends to do business should at least keep his name and busi ness in the papers. Eastern baseball reporter have some great terms. A man rang t in a trance, was touched off his baso while running; the dead head is the fellow who goes to first on four balls, likewise tbe man with a free pass; the pilferer is the base steal er; the fellow who lands a tally scores; a ball nabbed or gathered in is caught The East Oregoxian knows what it la talking about when it says: The people who want a Fourth of July celebration should go to the trouble of arranging for one. It cannot be obtained in any other way. Contributions to the extent of $S00 tot 1000 are tbe first requisites To get together tbe necessary amonnt of money with which to meet tbe expenses will be more difficult than spending it. From the Hillsboro Argus: If there are any veteran eolJiers who are deserving ot pensions it is that sur viving body of Indian war veterans which fooght the pioneer battles ot oar western commonwealth. These men are now growing old and some are nearly destitute . Their warfare was ot the na- n;e that required constant vigil and ever present hardship. Our Oregan delega tion sroaid press lh! affair befote con grees and do all in its power to get a special bill through lor the rslief ot our Indian war veterans. From tbe Salem Journal: The Riddle Mite asks a poeer: We wish some of oar fren silver exchangee woald give as a reasonable idea-of what ... i.:.u 11 i l ; : .... I .r LIITT nuutu i . m IUUIJ 11IUU u. .1 ' 1 u 1 cu-1 ... 1 nH.iit.nt an.t !.-. .;lrr mhiIam and representatives instead of Republi cans?'' Tbe argument used against Bryan's election waa that the United States wonld be flooded with fifty cent dollars and all the silver of the world would be dumped upon 04, and that gold would leave tbe country . Of eoarae it woald be merely speculation to answer the Kiddle Mite question, but we will ak the Mite to teil the people if tbe condition of affairs is what it was pic tured It woald be if Bryan was defeated? Aming the dispatches yesterday waa tbe following: "H. B. Chamberlain, of Denver. Col '..was killed while bicycling near Strains yesterday. Chamberlain was formerly president of tbe Chamber lain Investment Company, Denver, and connected with several New York Insur ance companies." Thereby bangs a tale of interest, at least to tbe Daxo- ! CR.iT. A schoolmate of te Dexockat man a few years ago sn secretary of tbe Buffalo Y. M.C. K. which he aerved successful. y several years. Mr. Chamber Iain became acquainted w'.tb, him and admiring him induced him to leaye the Y. M.C. A. aod accept an important position in the Chamberlain Investment Co. He had hardly gotten settled in bis new position when tie collapse of 1803 eame and the Chamberlain Investment Company went down and John S. lost his job. One ot tbe npe and downs ol I life. Tbe Post tells of aootber crank bill which will not pass: Representative Jones, of Washington, yesterday intro duced a bill which provides that here after no newspaper shall be carried in the mails unless the name ot tbe propri etor or the names of all stockholders are placed conspicuously at tbe head of the first or editorial page, with he number of shares they own. The bill also pro vides that the name of the writer of each editorial shall be appointed thereto. Mr. Jones says that he has a twofold reason in presenting tbe bill. In tbe first place, be thinks that the writer ought to get reputation for his work, which is now anonymous. In tbe second place, be says, tbe editorial writer, under tbe present system, lacks responsibility and becomes a simple writing machine for hia employer, irrespective of bia own tonest convijtions- "Consequently," said Mr. Jones, ''the reading public is losing all confidence in the great papers to which they were wont to go for their information and argument. I believe that the reading public has a right to know the sources of the editorial litera ture which they read and the influences that dictate such utterances. I think that my hilt,'' added Mr. Jones, will commend itself to a majority of the House.' THE liLAIN CLO THING COMP'X Y Are constantly receiving new goods of he latest patterns, maintaining the standard of their extensive stock, both as to quality and style, giving to pur chasers excellent values at low prices, which is the policy of the company, and which suits the customers as is evinced bv their large and increasing sales. Turing the great reduction sale now going on, goods rre sold at marvelous reduced rates, such as never before wss nown In the history of the clothing busineae in Albany. Over 60,000. Over siity thouxnnd prescriptions can be ! an nn ftls ot D...ll.4 1. f .1 . I seen on file at Bur k hart A Lee s druir atom They make a specialty ot compounding all physicians perscrip'ions, using but one irrade of drugs, (be best. They are care ful, try them. Canned wild b'ucKiwrries two quart jars, cheap at in one and C E BROwNSLtr's MISFITS. A tramp bicycle cleaner was in the city. It was high time that he appeared. The Everaweata beat the Neversweats ot Roeeburg 32 to 21. The Eversweats enjoyed perspiring so much one man played tue three fields. A young man claiming to be a mem ber of several different churches and all kinds of things, was in the citv Satur day and Sunday taking up collections to help him to get to Portland. He was the prince of liars, Now is tbe time to let the eastern 1 wnrlit knnor ahnnfc flMsnn Mi. land ' never failing crops. Our local prospects ! are excellent and we should take hold of the plow and push ahead. From the Minneapolis Times : The other night the Sioux Falls lodue of Elka initiated a candidate who weigh ed 468 pounds. The goat is now in the nanaa 01 tbe veterinarian. A tramp doeen't understand American ways. At Chico he waa arrested for getting on a train and at Ashland he was threatened with arrest :f he didn't get on the train. B. 8. Pagae, the weather prophet, last Saturday predicted fine weather for Sunday. On Sunday he got on bis bi cycle regardless ot the threatening weather and the result was a soaking. The great Taoonia Ledger has been etiuckbythe tidal wave of prosperity and is now floundering in the hands ol a receiver. It ia the oldest paper in Taooma, starting when Tacoma was a small town. A Portland paper very kindly and sympathising consoles Salem over tbe loea of an extra session of the legislature by stating that there will be a horse race there this fall. Brace np, don't ge down in the mouth. A remarkable case comee from Port land, a newspaper man asslsteJ a desti tute family and waa commended by tbe editor of another paper through his col umns. The world ia certainly growing better. The Eugene Guard continues to keep us readers enlightened about r resident Chapman . It says that ont ot hia pres ent fcJOOO job he wonld probably get 300 and be over paid. Th a ia potting it too low. tie would get more than 1300. i The Budget, of Astoria, boasts aa fol lows : Astoria elected the first free silver delegate to the state convention ; Astoria had the first Bryan Silver Clnb and the Budget was the first paper in Oregon that hoisted tbe tree silver colors to its masthead- Bryan shoo Id come to As toria when be cornea to Oregon . Because the State University base ball team beat tbe Albany boys the Albany Democrat optnea the Eugene boys will not be in it when they play Monmouth. We predict the Monmontb boys will be aware they have bet-n chasing the ball at the close of tbe gam. Eugene Guard. Not Monmouth, bat McMinnviile. Tbe DntocniT predicts a victory ot 5 to I against tbe L. ot O. without naming the sue of the score. Everybody now knows about tbe odd experience ot tbe Turks and Greeks. Both annie started tn retrent, when the Turkj disco re rd tbe facr. and turned de feat into victory. General Grant told of an experience that ia a reminder ol this. In the earl part ot the war he waa ap proaching tbe enemy over a bill and trembled in bia boots, in tact nearly bad war fright ami even contemplated re treat. Finally be plucked npcourage and reoonnoiuring lound that the enemy were also trembling in their boots and had already retreated. He learned a lesson from the incident and .nerer at- wawe felt any fright. The WasbingioQ Poet give an eastern man the following recommendation for the office once beid by an Albany man. O. State Senat jt Tom P. Da vies, of Fay ette County, W. Ya , who waa seen at tne tooilt, wanta to be United btate Marshal for the territory of Alaska, and be makes no bones ot annoancing bia candidacy. Tbe Sen tor is without doubt a man ot tbe people, and be bat done no little service for tbe republican party in the Mountain Suie. He baa wielded a pick aa a common laborer in the coal mine, and it waa probably bis strong bold on tbe miners that ca'osed him to win tbe senstorshio last fall by a 560 majority ia a district which the opposition usually carries by over 2,000. Tut O. A. C Coin arrs In tbe field day contests at Corral is tbe events were aa follows: Half-mile ran. Bornett, 3.05. Hundred-yard dash, Crawford, 0:10 2-5. Mile walk Johnson. 9:37. Two-bondred- and-twenty-yard bardie, McBride, 0.31 Foar-huodrd-and-forty yard ran, Stiles, UuliM . I o 1 . : 1 k : t - Acuwf iuu oiuuuf n : nut, j j. mta rcn,fetimpeoo,6.13. Twohnndred-and- twenty-yard dash, Kelly, 0 -.24 1-5. One-bandred-and-twenty-yard hurdle, Kelly, 0:20. Two mile bicycle race, Krnse, 5:43. Hammer throw, Bodine, 103 feet. 8 inchea. Shot pat, Terrell, 33 feet 8 inches. Broad jnmp, Osbnrn, 13 feet 5 inches. 1'ole-vauJt, Stimpson, 8 feet 2 inches. Best Ice Cream on the Coast at F. II. Pfeiffers. EAST AND-SOUTH THE SHASTA KOUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. ChlUoroia Cipro Train :v Portlaa ball; South I I Hon 3 f.a.L toiiilt Lr . Portland ArTe sa "V Ar I 6 6i a a L 1 s 00 r - 7 it 1 a I Ar Saa PrandK Abov trains slop at s'ailons be tween Portland and Salem Tar, ner, Marlon, JeftVrson, Albany Tangent, Sbedd. Ilalsey Eugene Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland and all stations from Rosebarg sau'h to and in cluding Ashland. 81 a 1 Li U-.ttra I Lt tA-rm (Ar Pbrtlaad Ar' IS'ta L ;i,t0ra Ll 7 s a Laaaaoa saaaca I .ears Albany tor Labanou 7:tft a Arrlre at Al bi.r (rum Lrtbtnon tui a Leara Albany tor Lebanon St'Ora Arriv st Albany from Ltba a tiM r a Lav Albany tor Woodtrara via Wtwdbarn branch lOilS a a Arrive at Albany from woodburn S:26ra Lmt Albany for Natron Ant' at Albany from N itron SiSU r 1 HO a PllLMAf BOrrrl SLEEPER. AND Dininz Cars on Ogdn Routt SECOND CUSS SlEtPISd CAR.' A(lr.! (sail Tbrnaitb Trala Am ir Mtitits. it-rrr riiTii roatvaiLt an tui bih (Kspt8unay toaasoa aai!, itr T a 1 U:lrl Portland Crlli Ar6Mr Ar tl 'lor PnTtianrf MoMlnnrille A' Ml T 80 T ' Kr Dlr oan-etlon ftt Rn Pronelaso with Oneldaair and rHtntal and Poto mill toanuhlp lino In J PAN and CHINA Balling dale on piioatlnB Ha!a and ticket to ea'lerd point and KnrB AlaoJAPAN,. CHINA, HONOLULU and ACSTR LtAoin b obtained from V K Fit ON It. Aront l0;0yHlll, r r Recstsi.. Uaaar AJStordtPA Portland Ortg Portland TELEGRAPHIC. Itelag Settled London. Mav 18. The harmony of the European press on the tubject of the con ditions of peace is remwrkablo. Tbe scm iotticial capers, tbe Time", the Novoe vermvo. TeniDs. North .Cernmn Uuzzette and Fremdemhlatt. ara a one in the uiger- dus terms in which they denounce Turkey's pretentions. Now the only obstacle to a speedy armis tice is removed bv Germany, which tern Dorarillv blocked the negotiations. She has instructed her ammassador at Constat-1 tinjple, to Join the other ambassadors in pressing upon the porte tbe necesbity of agreeiug on an armsuce. Cab agaia Washington May 18. Cuba again oc cupied tbe foreground to day. U drew large to the galleries, and brought out two notable speeches, the one by Mason in favor of the Morgan resolution, and the other by Hoar in opposition to it. The Ulnois sen ator pictured in fi-rvid terms the diatres in Cuba, dwelling J irticolarly on the starving condition ot 80 1 United States citizens, as reported by thenreirent, and called upon the senate to tlhow on its letnorgy The Tarks la DasnakMi Cos8tantincpi Mav 18. It isaffiici allv announced that the Turks occupied Uomokos last evening alter a great uiun It is exuected tbe announcement of the cessation of hostilities will be published before long. Jade Morraw the Man Wshinoton, May IS, The president today sent out tbe following nominations to the senate: William W. Morrow ot California to be United S ates circuit judge for the ninth judical district. Samuel C Morse of Washington Indian agent at Nrah bay agency, Washington. t'klw Wmi Warder Portland May IS. Tai Hi a Chinese woman was murdered in her ro:m, in a Chinese lodging-house, on the corner of Second and Pine streets, this morning Evidently by Man Vim, a cook. The murderer has thus far succeeded in ava ding arrest, bat the police are confident that they will have him within a few days. aU-raten Bill Ai-bant N. Y. May 18 Governor Black, today signed tbs ao-calied anti scalpers Uil. it absolutely prohibits the selling ot railroad and steamboat ticket la this state except by ageote authorized to make such tales, and then bey shall aeli tickets only in towns where their written aathority gives them permission to make sales. 1 ax (iredaa War Domokos May, 17. t p.m. TLe Tur kish attack on Ibe Greek right wing began at 2 p. tn. bat the flank attacks are consid ered to be feints, and tt u believed tbe main attacks of tbe Tarks will he made on the Greek center, where Crown PrinoeCon stantine is in cocamad. Two Greek can non are doing great execution on the prin cipal Turkish column, which is advancing through th bills. The To'kwh infantry at several points U in contact with the Greeks Tbe attack on General Smolenki, near Altnyro ia only a strategic operation, and tbe l urks will en deavor to cut between the two Greet armte occupy the road leading to the Othery mmntains and thus cut off tbe retreat of j the Crown Prtoce. t rnsf a Ker ' New Yore May 17. George Francis Train ha reopened his claim to tbe city of Utnaha. and be intends to press it to the last. If be wins be will be worth J).VJ. COu if he loote be will be no pojrer than he is now. Certain cf his frwod have in vestigated the matter, and I hoy are conrio ced that hit cause I jr,t sad that the claim growing out of the od L'nion Pacific liti gation aad ubaMuent pn?eeJini in which he was legally declared a Itinvic is I valid. I Callfocala C rp. j 4nftbc un pnoapu mmuw pus n iM state ancouocw a general rainiaJl, which i to a lew cauew baa injurtsd tb bay crop and in other sections ha com t .ae tn tbe asaaua to be beneficial, bat ia emneral has been of more advantage than inniry. Prone and alracnJs seem to have suSered from the loot drought, aad the hot wind, which blighted the buds. Pears and peaches indicate a large yieid. The w&oat crop v ill be fcenera'lj light. Tht rras ra Vasni;TO! 11 a j 17. Tbe aena'e com mittee on priviieires and eiecUoo w U me; tomorrow ana ue np tne uregoa cum. Mr. Orhet who bold tbe com minion of Governor, ex pic' that tbe emmmitiee will make a favorable report on the ae tion.eeatinghim . A Ts at tleaavr. CoxrrAsmsiopi.K. Mar 17. Omdao Pasha telegraphs from Loorca, Epiraa. liiat after a desperate battle near rta. Satur day, tbo t reeks rettred to Art with a tan ot 2000 men killed, the Turk had 250 killed and 47 wounded. CwtMUi 1'aiml Kkw Yoke May. 17. Firms aad" iadi riduala in tne country interested ia trade itb Cuba, ard who dWire peace in tbe island aa sooa as poible. sent to secretarv of state a memorial, setting forth bow their botineaa interests are suffering, and giving facts about the struggle in Cu ba, in tbe cope that measure may be d viied to terminate the was. Tarkey's keasaadl CossTASTtsopt-K, May, 16. The porte baa replied officially to the note of &e pow -era, and declines to agree to an armistice until tbe following comli.ions are accep'ed: Tne annexation of Tbesaaly; an indem nity of 10,000.000 lurkUb, and the aboli tion of the capitutaUons . The port propose that plenirvleotiarttim of the powers sboold meet at Puarsala to ducosa the terms of peswe. aad declare that if these conditions are dxlisl the Turkish army will continue toadvanee. realtah New York, May. 16. The Drotberhood of Tailors, with a me abeinhip of over 'JO, 000, decided today to strike. The leader of the organization, including Jose Barrondea and Mayer Schoenteldt, coonceled against a strike, but the majority of the workers insisted upon it, and committee of tbe brotherhoods of tailors children's jacket maker, knee pant makers, progrosiive tailors, vestmakers and ovarcoat and sack coat maker were sent cut to give notice to quit work. A General Aaaesnbly Philadelphia. May, 16. Tbe 109th general assembly of the Presbyterian church in the United Plate will meet at Winona aasembly icround. Ind. May 20. and will probably continue in session uutit Mav 31. The delegates will be composed of about 600 delegates, one half of them ministers, and the other half rating elders. laiparuat haaie. Portland. May 16. The most import ant change tha; has been made tn he Ore gon Railroad & Navigation Company since its reorganization will be mail at tbe meeting of the executive committee in New York today, whoa. Mr. A. L. Mobler. of Minneapolis, now general manager of the Minneapolis & St. Louis, will be made vice president and manager. This will relieve President McNeill of tbo duties of manager, which be has assumed temporar ily since his election to the presidency of tbe road. t aaed by tiambllaa. La Gkandb. Or., May, 6 J. t. Irion tanner and furrier, committed sucude last night by hanging himself in his place of business Island City. He was addicted to drink and gamboling, and last evenidg lost heavily at la Grand. He became nioroae and went home and banned himself, lie used a small piece of ordinary baling rope scarcely strong enough to support his weight. Lae (aanty Btyle. Bi-okanb May. 16.-Harry Welch, one of a picnic party near Deer Para 29 mile north, while Betting oyer a log witb a Winchester rifle, was killed by the acciden tal discharge of the gun. Ibe bullet en tered hi bowels and ranged, upward. lie lived only a few minutea. lie was an employe of a sawmill at Deer Park. Put It dowo For fulura reference so when you are ia need of pure, fresh drugs, vucan get them of Burkhart & Lee. They make a specialty of compounding prescriptions. ' Choice sardines at C E BaowitiLL't. THE "FOURTEEN GOLD SOLIDATED COMPANY" Limited Liability 01 Kossland B. G. Pesdent Col. W. W. D. Turner, president Le Roi Gold Mining Company, Rossland, B. C Vice-Pn sident Louis Jaffe, Capitalist, Distil ler, Grower, of Calilornia, owner of B. C. milk, of Rossland, B. O Secretary and Manager Hairy White ex Mayor ot Seattle, Wash. Treasurer E. consulting Engineers--Messrs Moynahan and Brady, Rossland, B. C. Bankets Bank of British North America, Rossland, ft. C. This company owns the largest and best located group of properties in the famous Rossland and Trail Creek mining district. Its holdings being approxi mately hive Hundred Acres located south of the city ' A limited amount of TREASURY STOCK in this company until further notice at loct per share of PAR value $1.00 eachstock non-assessable. The Company would be pleased to haveall parties who are intending to make investments, to visit Rossland jthat they may be Parties doing so should take the Northern Pacific Rail way, as it makes i m nx :nn Z m iiiiiLiuii lcaiuiwj; prospectus, maps, Kossland, B. C. gjgY JL. fc'r aa-l aw.ib'i i. .v;..! . ? in list. 51V. il r?i An ajrrai :n I ci.i-; ee wi?h wfrn u wt ,. ! t ':? j- $u ta j: ! D. F. lf.Y.'E3 1 V! 55 b. f. n.7.E3 FL-3tu;:i:;c wX K . Ho Tjs i C V A LL u-ho are interc-Sc; mediately wiili v. . The results A review cf 0 AGENTS WANTED & Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting one-half 01 all royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism. There arc already indications of an enor mous sale. Address W. B.JC0NKEY COMPANY, Publishers, 34IOM Dearborn Notice Land Okfic at Orkoon Citt Or April 27th. 1897. Notice is hereby ei'-en that th ap proved fractional plat of survey ot Town ship 13 south, ranite 8 east has been re a ived f roin the surveyor ponersl of Ore gon, and on June 3rd. i897. at 9 o'clock, a ra, of said date, said pi ftt will he filed in this office, and the land thereiu embraced will he sut ject to entry oa and efter said date. E ODKRT A M I t-LKR, Wm 'I allow tr KegiNtr. Receiver FOR RENT OR RALE. flood farm 173 acres, 6 miles from Albany. Enquire of II F Mcllwain, Albany Or. FOR RENT. in vdlwaio'e brick block (rood store room, 8 ood. office rooms. Enquire of H F aicllwain. I? OR RENT. 6 room dwelling. 9 room dwelling, rfd location and cheap rent. Enquire of U F Mcllwain, Albany Or. FOR RENT. Six room house in upper ward for rent at 14.00 per month. Inquire of 0. W. Wright. OFFICERS, D. Carpenter, Rossland, B. C. of Rossland. shown the Company's properties close connections Ry. Parties desiring further infor- 4-1. . 1 1 111c cuiupaiiv win etc, upon application to the secretary SAM JONES. 1 Ba. i i ti tcz ftrrs. l. !:-- :o. w w e .-t ;r . ijv,',i ,i . v-":. ! tne ' , , t fa ifs i,:r -- .i j ma 6i ; io:cr " ? ctT Book ?n fvr'htrir: the sale cf Hon. v book sliould correspond im- Thc work will contain An !ccat:nt of ttn cempalqn tour . K;s blocifephy, written by his wife IHs most important speeches . of tha campaign of 1896. the poHtical situation . . St....CWCAG0. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that by order of the circuit cur of the state of Oregon, for Linn county, department No. 2, all claims afrainatth Albany Woolen Mill Co, a corporation, that have not already been presented to the undersigned receiver or filed with tbe clerk of said court, are re quired to be prp(M"ied to tbe undrrsigaet.' receiver wit'mn turee months from th date here"', -Vy verified, as by law re auired. And that objection to claim' against said Albany Aoolen Mills Co, If i . I I . Cl . J 1.1, ..I l . 1 1 1 any mere ue, w uu wnu tirr ut aa . ... : .1 . .1 . ' court witoiu tnree tnuntna irom tuc expir atkn of 'be time allowed by law for the preaetitation of said claim, aa above men tioned. Dated AprO 12. 1897. By order of th court. L FLINN. ' Kaceivei. WANTED KAltUFCt. VEN OR WO MEN TO travel for resnonsibla establUhed house in Oregon. Salary $780 and expense. Position permanent. Ref erence. Enclose sett-addressed stamped envelope. The National, Star Insurance HIU8., Chicago. ? M MITCHELL continues to act a aitent for the 1'aciflc School Desk and Furniture Co.. of Portland. Order sent to him at Albany, Or, will be promptly attended to. IINES CON- about one mile with the Spokane ? I 'i.L ue lurnibiieu wiin KOTlff OF EXECUTOa SALE Ntfice.u berrby Riven that from and afcer the 31 st da ot May, 1S97. in pur usee of a license ajxt order ot the count acort of Linn coaoty, Oregoa. duly made and ettered in aaid court oa tne moras U.ereot on the Nth dT ci April. 1S57. in the mater of ihee-ta'cf MUliam Kin ter, deceased. 1. Um andenpaed, daly sppoirted. artina; and qcaUSed esec&tor ot it-e etta'e of said decrdeatariaU proceed ioeit prr-tta ae for one halt of the ;crxl. c i- nee cash in hand oa ike day of rtmainirg half of thepor chae prke to be paid on or before two yearn after the date of soca sale, ail the r'pbt title and in'-erest which the said de cedent, Wtiham K'nder, bad in or to the following dteriieii rrol estate at toe time cf hu dcatn. to wit: Tbe Dorthweat quarter of the northeast quarter and tbe nortbeaat quarter of tte Bcrbwest quarter aod lots two and three a I in section 36 T 10 S R 2 west; also be ptneirg at the N corr.p- ,f the S W If of section 36 T 10S Ra w beic the N w corner cf James Curl's Not. 6o7 auJ rcn ning tle-ice east 39 chains; theaeetoutt 40 cas; thence et S6 chain and 10 links; thence N 6 chs more or Wc to the N hoQtKfan of said Not. f7- theare aonth 2 defiree 50 minute w to tbe place of beginning coc'aininz 113 .86 acre more cries, mall 225 acre more or lea all in tann county, Oregon . Tee interest and estate which aai i da cedent hd in and to said premise at the Urn t of hi death being a fee sfanple estate inerein. Toe deferred pavment of one half of the purcnaae price to be secured or a mort gag on said premise, executed by the purchaser. Dated tkia 29!h day of AprtL 1S37. W H KrsDia, Execntor. ASSIGNEES NOTICE. Notice i hereby given that L E B'ain, of Albany, Oregon, on the 18th day of February, 1S97, made a general assign ment of all hi property for the benefit of ll hi creditors; and that the undceigned baa been duly appointed assignee in said assignment proceeding. All creditersof a'd L E Blain are hereby required to pre sent their claims to me, c'uly verified, at my efhee n the poet office building. Albany. Oretron. within three months from the da'e of this notice. Dated at Albanr. Orestm. thta Mr,l of March. 1897. Ateost, it BaTaJtT. AUy for Assignee, Assignee. SOLICITORS WANTED FOR DR TALilAGE'S "The Karth GirdU.1 or his famous tour around the world, a thrilling story of savage and barbarous lands, i our million Talmage 'a book sold, and "The Earth Girdled' ia hia lataat ai.t randest. DEMAND ENORMOUS : very body wanta this fatnona hnnk-. $3 60. BIG BOOK. BIG COMMISSION A cold mine for workers. PRKniT til V EN. FREIGHT PAID. OCTFITFREK. Drs all trash and sell the and make $300 a month. Address for out- m ana territory, ine Dominion Oom- pany, War Building, Chicago. WOOL, WANTED.-Will pay the highwt market price. Call oa M oendttfa. Inanraiwa tMnl and dealer in wool and trrain. Ferrr si. ObT. Between the depot and E C i Rogers', a pone containing itaininir tl.KL a Picture and name of owner. Return to boarding houoecf Mr Rorers and receiva reward. . a i B.U. A few more engage VV ments by the day to ew. Mas R. fc. Owkn. UEO E nn THE PLUMBKR Tin' roofing and plumbing. OppoaiU hs opera house N EW HOME LAUNDRY. At North wabinr taken. Particular attention paid to bundle washing and mending, Satis faction gurnteed. ataa. CaaiSTKU somuoxs. In the Circuit Court State ot Oregtmjbr Li Department No. 2. C C Jackson, Plaintiff, TS garahj Moore, Mary J Yarbroogb, Da vid W Tarbroogh, Howard W Ysrbrocgb, Pemly M J Yarbrtogh, Geo W Yarbroogh, 4 hoe J Yarbrough, and Lewis Ysrbrongh . vci.cnontS. To Sarah J Moore, Mary J Yarbrough, David v Yarbroogh, Howard W Yar orouirb, Pemly M J Yarbroogh, Geo W Yarbrocgh.TbonjBS J Yarbroogh and Le is Yarbrongb, the defendants ae named: INTOE NAME OP THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of yon are hereby required to appear in the above en titled cooi ton the fiiat d of tbe next regular term thereof, on Monday, toe 28th dy ot Jane, ttvt. m answer inc vmpmn of the plaintiff aoove named now o file iu said coon in saia csue. woa T"" j"" fail to appear ana answer va eata com plaint aa hereby required the plaintiff will apply to said ctrar. for judgment against yao as prayed for in hia aid ompiaint. to wit: 1 or a decree 01 said conn dec tar ing plaintiff to be the owner in fee simple of all tbe following described real proper ty, towit: Beginning at a coin. 32-72 chain S aad 57. IS chain. W 01 the N E corner of claim No. 49 in Tp 14. S B 4 w of tbe WiDam ette Meridian, ronntrg tbeece S 7 chains, thence 4 23 chairs, thence N 7 chains, thence E 4 28 chain, containing 3 acres more or leas, in JLina county. Orefros). A so befiBninz at a point on Ibe east boundary line of tbe D LC of! boa i Yar broogh and wife. Not. 2'o. 21 84. claim So. 49 in To 14 S B 4 w. and claim So. 66inTpl4SRwot W ittamette Mer W n 1 - u 1 . ucuuu" . ut x. Micr of e&id I L C. arm ruinfng thence w 61 47 chains, thence 2i 7 chains, tbeace w 4.19V chain, tbfoe S2s degrees w 16 chains, tbesce a O oegrews an uunu'es w 4 .24 chains, thence east 8 89 ehaJas.t brace S 22 degrees 4; nlnutea E 7 ehaina.theace S 12 degrees SO minute. E 9 70 chain. tbece north 6J degrees 30 nrtratea 13 16 chains, t bene 3 X 70 degrees E 8 40 chair, thence S 79 degree E 4 90 chain, thence S 65 degree E 13-20 cbiaa, thence woth 56 degrees E 12 60 chiia, tbeece N CT degrees E 6.30 er sins, tbeoee sen' b 78 de gree ES 30 chain, thence S 57 degree 30 minatea E 3 IS chains, more or iea, to a point doe soub of the place nf beg1 ting, thence north 54-12 chains, more or tern, to the ptaje of beg eOBtaiaisg 194 69-i00 aces ia Linn county, Oregon- Aad fewetar barring aod ecjainiag aaid de&adama aad aaea of tbeaa fxtxn er asseting aay right or title ia or to aad laada, er aav part thereof; axwreeting t cmaHU daacripuos) thereof contained ia a certain d-ed ezecatad aod dsawwl by Tha I Yarbroagh aad Sarah J Yatbrongb hia ritt, to os, Was Laadreth, aa to oan -form to tha trae deacruUca of aaid lands aa above set oat, and removing tan ckwd from p a-BfTl U'.U o aaid lands. Thiasoauaos ia pablwned by order nf the Haa E H Hewitt, judge of tbe above aotiJd coart, mule at clumber in AVaanv Oregon, tti 23rd day of Mare. 1S97. Elxiss at Cmor. Att'ya for PUiatiff . Im tl drew ( CTtrtof Ote SiaU of Ortgfm ar tie cmnty oj Una. J Gsmey Fewicr and W J Caesar, plain tiffs W G 3tf organ, as administrator of the ca tate of Tbomaa Morgaa deceased ; James V Morgan a ad-nlnistrator or the estate of Lydia ilcf aa deceased; alary Ann Grav, Frank Gray her hnsbani; Ami McNeil. John XcSeil her husband. John N Xorgaa, Rath Morgan hia "ife; Jasaes W Morgan, Morgan his wife; W G Mersaa. Morgaa fata wife; Jaaa Mor gaa, E A Morgan. aiorgaa hia wife; afar garet Daacaa, Dtnss ber haalxad; G i, Stryder aad liattn J Sti-jdei ; Lmm Co. XaooaaJ 8aek . (a eorporatie) W H G I In, A Bsa. Trwsne; First Kaoowal Baak, Ja sarporataoa) and Mil oa Hale, Defvadaata. To Ja!a X 3fagaa aad Rath Morgaa. bia wife,aad Margan Daacaa aai Daa cam, bar hsabaad. Defeadaata. IST11BXAMEOFTHB STATE OF OREGON: Voa are hereby reqatr4 ia ap pear aad aasaer ta eoaapUiat tiled agaiact yaa ia tbe abora eatiiied mt, b, tbe first day at tha aext tena cf this coart totlowiag tb cxpiraiaoa of aaid aaaBees,towit: by tha 4th Maaday ia Jae,lSS7;bsagta 2S:a day of said moatfc; aad if yoa fau ao to afipcmr to answer, for wast thereof, tha plaintiff wii! apply to tbe eoert far tb raiif prayed for ba tb ecaaplaiat tiled againat yoa bera ia. towit: For a deer fosecijaieg a eartaia nrtsasa czeeated bv oca Tbaaa Uorgaa aad Lvdia Mornm. has wife, feta deeaaa- ad) to the Jarna-Coaklia atartaga Traar Coaipaay. to car tba payaeeat of $IfSS. witb taserest, aad the larOer aaa cf 9100 attorney fee. Said, snortgas beiag apaa raal eatata attaata oa tha coaaty af I ia. tat of Oregoa. aad particalariy boaadad aad deae ibed as loilowa, towit: Tba W S of b D L C of Darid WAI liagbaas: attaated ia See S3 aad 34, Tp 13. xtata, Eaog 4, W WS, eoataaiag 159 aoraa mar or less. Aadoinetiae! of aaid property ia tb man aer pfneided by law aad afiplioarioa af tb proceeaa uierl 'on to pay stent at ta claim ot tha p aint.f . haraia, iaciediiic coat, diabarttaacats of salt aad attaraay 'a fas Tfct ranunoaa i pabnbd tv order af tba HoDorabl fi H Hewitt, jadgaofaaid coart. Madasad dated oa tb 24ih day of Feb rarr. 1S97. Gbd W Uzax it uxtast i a Hicxtnax, At tamey a fcr FiaiaUifa. K0T1CE CF SALE. Xotic is fceitby girca that tb aader aigoed tb exscator cf Ut laat arid add testament of R Cheadle, decaased, will ia partasu ca of aa order ot tba coaaty osart of t-ina enaatv, Oreaoa, from aad af ter Friday tb Slat day of May, 1S97. pro ceed to sell tba foilowiag deaoribed real property belonging to said estate at pc irate sale, toarit: Tba E f tba soaUwast of bleek 47 ia liacklesnaa 's Sad addhioa ta tb city af Albas y ia LinaeaaotT Oregoa. Also b ginaiajl at a point ia tr soatb boaodary ho of block on in the Eaatara Addition ta to th city of Albany, Ltaa coaaty, Oregon, eqaaily diataat f teaa tb S K aad S W car rs of tud b'ok and taaads aartharly parallel with 6kr streat ia raid city of Aibaay, 100 feat, tbanoa ataty paraUat with Firt atraet ia aaid eity 46 feat, tbeae totb-ty parallel with Baa'ar ttreet taaraia as tb aocth boaadary of said block Oaa. tbaaoe weatarly oa tb aoala boaadary of aid blcec naatotb placaof begiaaiag. Also alt of th -iE X of bock ea ta Eaatara Addttiua to tha city cf Albaay, Ltaa coaaty, Oregoa, excapting 45 tee baretotur sold off the wast side, tb para to b ao)d Wing 100 feat long north aad sooth and eighty aeven fret mot or lata east and waL Abo the sooth half o! It twain Block vaoUoa ia llacklaman ' 31 addition to aid city of Albaav, ta diaiakn ia of aaid let to b ra parallel with Second said city. Also lot ia block SO hs aaid citv of Alban. Atao Int. S and 4 ia bk Sb ia Hacklcaaaa Sad additaoa to "ti city ot Albany, also lot SO, SI aad SS ia block two ia Abbey's addition to tb said city cf Albany. Terms of sal: Cash ia band or one-half cash aad th balaaeeon on J ear's ba wcared by firat awtiai ea tte premtas sold with interest at lea par ont. Froo iatretd ia aaid sola aaay apply to tha aadersned at their roudaae at tb corner of First aad baker streets. Al bany. Cregoa, jt to their attorne, M tany A ttaokleaaa Dated thia lh.21.tdav of Iay. ISS7. Vosrasva k Uacklema, HAttjaforEierator. DFCasanLK, Biama St lui. It aa t Chxadlx, Kieoatora. A T 1 HE MINES Boarding, lodging and meals mar be secured of tbe sub scriber t the Santiam niioea, at his place ta the mouth of Dry Gulch. H. W. Wkitx. P)R SALE. The meat market furni ture, tools and alanarhter bonse tocla, the Emerick market. Call on Louis ftuKlfln n tT 1 1 ! i rn CI iaW nm Ia rtaaw cnlar. DRESS-MA KING .Ladies wishing to leara cutting and fitting by the Mor gan system, call an Mr. R. . Oweav Drease made for I'lbOaad no. Cor 3rd tsd (Jalapoota.