ht ScnuvtHi TERMS. Daily Democrat, 25 cents per month 3.C0 per advance. SOc per month "oot in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over 3 months. Single copies 5c. Wkbklt. f 1.25 tn advance; J1.50 at end of year; $1.75 for second year; $200 foi third and proceeding yeara, when not paid in advance. Clubn of five nc subscriber, for $5.00. " WANTS A DIVORCE. When J as Corn all and Mrs McCartney of Sodaville were married on April 13 the Democrat said it was not prepared to extend congratulations. The result iustifiea the statement. Mrs Cornall was In the city last week to begin proceed ings for a divorce. A correspondent iu the Salem Journal has gone into the particulate in the cace in the following five manner: For many years Mrs McCnrtnty has "been living all alone at Sodav;lie, wheie -she has a comfortable home. She has other property and some $2,000 in money in an Albany "bank, and not a relative in the world except two brothers One lives in Land county. Ben Hi lt of Eu $en 3, a man of considerable means, and one at Harriaburg. Linn county, also a olid citizen. Her first husband's 'brother is Jim McCartney, a Portland capitalist, worth perhaps $100,000. Mrs CoruaH is about seventy yera old and rather flighty. About four months ago there appeared at the quiet town of Sodaville, James Cornall, a little, old, gray, ragged, wii- ard looking tramp. He stayed around -awhile meuding clicks and watches, -tinkering and prospecting, finally re porting several rich mining discoveries. But the richest discovery of all was the -widow McCartney. He seemed to gain iier confidence and soon made her resi lience his home, taking his meals and lodging there to the scandal oi the good people of Sodaville, who have always taken a kindly interest in Mrs McCart ney. The widow, who is nearly bald and roe lame and is undoubtedly weak in iier upper story, fell completely under i tie 8 pell of Cornall, who showed himself u adept at wheedling the old lady into matrimonial marriage contract that they were to live together as inau and ivife, nd she was to make over all her property to htm. This ehe did. So on April 13 they were duly wed ac cording to the laws of Oregon, by a jus tice of peace from Lebanon, against the protest and advice of her friends. For two weeks the honeymoon lasted and Cornall was in poseasion oi the SicCart nay residence and pat on all tha air? of a man of property. . He offended the neighbors by his saucy manners and miner's vocabulary, and tried in every way to ret hold of the widow's bank account. Worst came to -worst and the neighbors began to inter fere. Cornall was soen kissing- the old laJy and tiring to persuade her to sign a check for a sum of money. Then it is -alleged be choked and beat her. and Jacked her. She asked protection of the -.neighbors and - Cornall barely escaped a coat of tar and feathers which an angry mob were ready to app'y but tor .the counsel of cooler heads. Cornall haaa histor if bis documents and papers prove anything. He was in the navy fonr years a engineer on the Brooklyn daring the civil war. was engi neer on the Montana and Idaho under Ben Holiiday, draws a pension, has as says of mining property at Weaverviile, Cal., worth from $140 to $2000 a ton, has &ad correspondence with John Tread qrell, the great Alaska mining expert, is in his own estimation almos. a million aire. Cornall is an Englishman, has been in Pern, Chili and Mexico, and like most California tramp miners was one of the original proprietors of the Comstock Jode. He proposes to Hand on his rights ; claims he is the legal guardian of Mrs McCartney, that war, claims she-has no -grounds for divorce, and be hss employ -ed counsel to defend hira. Prominent people of Sodaville say he is an adventurer and has overreached a ei tuple minded old woman. Cornall pro- . MMaa tj Vv T-rt o rl a tho millpRM nf hlA -antiquated Dnae ana -resist capture.; -while the people of Sodaville, especially the college students, will if provoked in 4bc least, r:de him out of town on a rail. It is a curious case. 1 be suit has not yet been begun, but -probably will be. Instead of having 72000 in the bank Mrs Cornall bad only 4600 and this was recently loaned out. So far Cornall has not succeeded in get ting any of Mrs Cornall'a property The case is a very aggravating one as rerouted. $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book $5.00 buys agoodnewGuitarwithbook. $1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E strings. $1.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine; nign arm, light running; guaran teed 5 years. ftPrices on Pianos, Organs, Banjos sent on application. E. U. Will Albany. Hcme from Caltforxia , Mr. Charles Pfeiffer, of the Revere, returned this morning from his California trip, consid erably braced np by bis travels, but glad to be back in the green Willamette val ley after seeing the dry fields oi Californ ia. He was in Los Angeles, several days, where he met several former Albany people. J. O. Writsman, ex-manager of the Albany Insurance company, had just obtained a place .with Contractor Cole, once an O. P. contractor, as time keeper; Ed Quinn has a partner and is in the plumbing and galvanized iron business with plenty to do at competition price ; Major 'Canterberry is running a fiteen cent reotaurant and one of his waiters is Frank Stewart who left Albanv the first of March to see the big Jarson fight: Frank Don-is was also run acros9 as well as several other former Albany people. Los Aneelea is a line place; but rents are high and it takes money to do busi ness. Pasadena is as near a paradise as one runs across on the coast. As Albaxt Battery. The Clerks and Railroad teams are using all. efforts to mike Sunday's proposed gme a great success. Each, of course, is predicting victory, and a sure-thing game. By the list of players it appears each side laa been endeavoring to make lure cf a good battery .And much will depend upon them as to the way the game goes. The Railroad team will have Marvin Turner as pitcher and Otto Turner to look after the receiving end . Everybody in Pen d It ton knows what "Fat" can do behind the bat. Marvin Turner was seen as a pitcher last week, but that can hardlj be figured upon for he has been letting out the kinks in his arm during the past week and the Clerks will have to be wideawake if they wish to have any suc cess against his delivery Sunday. A base ball nine from the firemen's racing team is being organised here, to be the crack team oi Pend.eton, of which Orval and Marvin Turner are members. Pendle ton E. O. Some-'s Predictions. Representative Somere, of Linn county, is confident that there will be an extra session of the nameless fiasco at Salem in November next, and, what is of far more interest to Crook county, than the L. U. & Co. rail road will in the near future be extended to Prineville. wLich will remain ita term inus for a number of yeais. Fur the sake of Mr. Somers' reputation as a prophet and to avoid the monotony of con-inuoas semi-annual disappointments, we hope the road will come. Prinevilie Journal. A MiRicnors Escape. From the Jef ferson Review : An unfortunate knight of the road, while attempting to board the freieht train that passed oar city at 12:4o Friday, missed his bold and was thrown under the cars, rolled along the track about feet, mashing eff his left foot, cutting several gashes in his head, and bruising him up badiy. How he es caped being killed seems a miracle. He was brought down town and the leg am putated near the knee by Dr. Hawk. To the Review editor be wonid not give his nme, but eaid he was known to some aa Win. Budd, and his home was at Hast ings, Mich. He is about 35 years of age, and talks like a man ot fair education. TUE S-D.r n the Divide. May 10, 1897. Mrs Belle Grimes and children went t Portland last Tuesday to make a two weeks visit with relatives. Prof. Johnson came down to his farm last week, returning to Eugene yester day. John Summerville ia now erecting quite a large feed barn on his stock farm. Mr Tom Grimes and Mrs Alice Grimes and children spent Saturday in Eugene. Mr and Mrs Ben Holt were oat to the farm last week. Mrs Volgamore came np from Browns ville last week, to spend tne summer with Aunt Polly Sommerville. Willie Grimea spent last Sunday with his parents. Miss Hattie Denipay ia visiting with Lebanon friends. Mrs O. Springaie is still alive, "to the great surprise of her physician and friends' who have been hourly expecting her death for several weeks. The majority of the farmers in this neighborhood have finished seeding and many are through ploughing summer fallow, and those who ate not are great ly rejoicing at this fine rain, which will enable them to continue plowing and also to insure a good crop from spring sown grain, which ia now looking ex ceedingly well. MrMcGrath returned from Eugene yesterday where he had been visiting a few day. Harve Sommerville, who has been d jwn in the lower counties for the past two weeks gathering up cattle, has re turned home. S- S. Of CorBSB. The military board baa decided to hold the encampment at Hood River, an oat of the wav place which, though, suits General Bee be. Albany Democrat. So Hood River is an "out of the way place" is it? Possibly it is in the mind of the Democrat man", who baa not studied thegeograph of Oregon very closely. In reality it is situated more centrallv than is Albany. It is on transcontinental line oi railroad and also on the banks of the greatest river in the north west, is only bo miles Irom Port land, the metropolis of the state, and is about as accessable as any ooint in Ore gon. The Dalles T. M. Mighty central lv located for Western Oregon compan ies, particularly Southern Oregon comp anies. But it is a flue place all the same. Obituary In the M. E. parsonage at Jackson ville, Oregon, Mies Athalia Shulse, daughter of Rev. J. M. Shnlse, aged 22 years and 9 days. At 8 o'clock in the evening on March 6th, she called the family to her bedside tnd said "My suf fering will soon be over, I will not die, bat am going on a journey to heaven. I do not know what heaven ia like, bat I know it will be nice, for I will be with Jesas and my friends." She presented to the different members of the family various keepeakea. To her oldest broth er she presented a silk quilt which she made since at Jacksonville, finishing it about ten days before her death. She said "Art, remember I made all this quilt with my own hands, keep it to re member me. She prayed "Dear Jesus, if there ia one little fin that ia not for given, forgive it now and take me to Thee." As ehe was breathing her last she mustered all ot her strength and said : "Good bye good bye meet me in heaven " When all thought her unconscious her father holding her hand aaid to her : "It Jesas is with yoa now and ia precious, rqneese my hand. and tighter and tighter she irrasoed it. Before this abe had spoken of the presence of an celt, of her sister Ida. She selected her Innerai text. Rev 22:5, selecting her own songs. Methodist Hymnal, Ko'a. 1002 and 6S3 and Pentecostal Hymns, No. 14. Her funeral was preached by Rev. Edward Gittiogs, pastor of the M. E. church, Medford, at the M. E. church at Jack sonville. She was born at Hannibal, Mo., Feb. 23, 1875; was two yeara a atodent in the state normal school, Emporia, Kans.a, two yeara at Baker University, Baldwin, Kansas, and waa in ber second year at Willamette University, Salem, when she waa takn sick Her father sent her to Jacksonville in hopea that the clixate would berefit Iter. Look Oct rot Him. A swindle of the very lateet kind is beiog inflict d upon the people of the Middle West at pres ent. It is perpetrated by individuals calling themsslvee advertising agents tor circna organizations and one of these fellows, who seems to be especially well qualified in bia line, is headed tor the Pa cific coast. He generally swoops down sn a city hke a cyclone and rushes in and on: of business bouse with extravagant contracts like a streak of greased light ning. The contracts are extravagant in the extreme, and the fellow ia the moat saave and obliging man on earth. If he thinka a dealer is selling bia goods too cheaply be agrees to pay him a few more dollars on the ton or bushel than he real ly asked jast to show what a good fel low be is. Before be leaves be usually tells a fanny story and in the meantime secures a loan on the contract, ine merchant appreciates the jcke fully when the genuine advance agent strike town and tells him he has been taken in. Ex. Real Estate Sales. """ i Mrs A Armstrong o J D Arthurs, 2 lota Bfownavillel $200 Sam Nixon to M Ytf Canter, 1 lot Harrisburg 80 F Stahlman to C A Andrews, 4 acrs 210 Maria Miller to A Tanaler, 32 acres 1120 D P Miller to A Tanzler, 27 acres. . 1155 T M and Lizzie Downing to II J Downing, 605.5 acres 2000 Martin '.Ri and to WmOSkeltw, 165 acres 4000 America Sylvester to Enoch Sylves ter, 100 acres 1 Fred Blount to C Blount, 2 lots bl H2H'sad 700 A E Cooper to Harry M and 11 1 Gee, 65 32 acres 650 A 0 Uausman to Carpus Sperry, 18 x85ft Brownsville 20 II M Hamon to C U Hamon, 104.79 acres 500 T M Witten to O II Younger, 2 lots Waterloo 150 W B Donaca to Elizabeth Turpin, 2 lots Lebanon 40 J E Michael to C H Young, 80 acra 200 H Downing to 0 II Young, 287.70 acra 2500 WB Donaca to AHundl, 9 lota Lebanon 181 First Nat Bank to A Barhan, 14.91 acrea 12 w 2 447 J SobmiJt to E P Wallace, 1 lot Lebanon 54 W B Donaca to L Foley, 7 29 acres, Lebanon . 540 J S Griggs to Fannie Griggs, 641.8 acres 210 J A Powell to Martha 1' Powell, 27 acres 250 G W Maston to J 8 Lamar, 1 lot, b!129H'sarf S50 T C Eliot to W F lorbe, 2 lota, Leb anon 100 T C Elliot to M W McGowan, 1 lot, Lebanon 85 JJGilliland to Bettie Erickson, 4 acrea 60 P O Smith to J J Barnee, 8 lots, icio 150 800 450 T J Cline to J O Bushnell, H of lota Sand 6, bl 34, Albany I K Alford to Mary Wyatt, 2 lot, Harrlsbure Est Jos Nixon to J F Barr. 560 acres 4000 Thoa Sloper to F B Vaughn. 61.36 acrea aw rhef ma Buckley, 45 acres 600 T L Hansard to A A Turning, part lot Arowneville 150 H Bryant to 11 D Topper, 15 acres. 376 H Bryant to Leo Zeller, 110 acrea. . 1150 A Backlemn to H Bryant, 4 lota H's4thsd 250 Mary Gilliland to E B Wilson, 0 acrea ... 300 Wm and Cbas Craft to A J Alpbine 152 30 acres 600 F M Rioehart to P J Porter, 8 acra 1675 W B Donaca to Hattie Tillotson, 4 lotaLebauoo Mary Barkbart to Alice Donlay, 176 65 acres E Kirk patrick to T J Coyle, JO acra Norman Long to Will. Pulp and Pa per Co, 73.70 Wm S Arthur to Will. Pulp and Pa per Co., island of 61.70 acre. . John Berry by sheriff to Robert Craw f 3rd, 7 acrea Linn Co. Ag. Asso., bv theritT, to Robert Crawford, 25 acre Ella M Meni'l, by sheriff, to Hen rietta From an, 1 lot, bt 65, Albany Wm Franklin to T H DeCew, 60 atrea G W Young to A Tripp. 80 acres. . . G M Jarttad, by sheriff, to W L Smitb, IS aire Frank Tritsa to A J Miller, of lot 8. bl 15. Albany Oregon to S E Pa vis, 12 64 acres. .. Martha M Hend-ix to H P Harget, 30 acres I 1 25 184 154 600 2500 WOO 450 1500 900 50 31 You probably pay too much a month for tea; it is probably not very good. Try Schillings Best. If you don't like it, your gro cer returns your money. You may find unexpected pleasure and profit in it A Sctilltln; ft Company mil riraiiK. 77 1 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Steve Rilev baa gone to Eastern Ore gon to buy wool for the Albany mill. Geo. O. Will has moved his Salem mn aio store to directly opposite the new post office. Mrs. E. L. Power and children went to Portland this morning, where they wU visit with Mrs. Powers' mother. Capt. Phebe Salisbury, of Salem, the beat liked of anv one that baa ever bad charge ot the Albany Salvation Army, and Ensign H. Nelson, are to be mar ried on May 20 in baiem. Elton Oonnoway, wbom the Democrat mentioned several days ago as having been invited by the San Francisco Ath letic club to play with it this year, haa accepted the invitation and will leave tomorrow night for that city where he win piay intra oase, position at wuicn he has no auperior on the coast. The Woodmen circle last evening ten dered reception to Mrs. an Orsdell, grand guardian of the Pacific Circle. A program was rendered consisting oi a piano solo by Charles Cumliff, a duet b; Mrs. Arch xtlackburn and brother D, Dubruille. "The Maid of the Mill." en cored in a n.anner to show iu apprecia tion; a recitation by L. L.Swan, "Tom's Little Star," dote up in a manner to piease: a duet by Georgia and Lottie Custer, highly applauded; the add res by Mrs. an Orsaell, a very entertain ing speaker who set forth the advantage oi insurance in the circle in a inrcioie manner. She waa followed by .r Hawkins. The proeratn closed with a duet by Mtsee Barnes and Tunniclifie. A social closed the entertainment. The ladies ot the G. A. R. gave a pleas ant entertainment last evening, eojoyad by a good sized audience. Mrs. Living stone ated aa chairman and announced the program. It consisted of a piano so lo by Miss Grace Livingstone, a song by Mise Tor bet, a recitation by Miaa Ada Flickeoger, warmly encored ; a song by MU Pbeuie Daiiymple Hoffman, well presented ; an addieas by Prof Torbet. in which a warm tribute was paid to women mothers, sisters, taweet heart; a reading by Mra Brown; duet by Dora and aliie Worrell ; a recitation by Martha His ley with piano iccompament; a pretty guitar duet by the Miaeee Tor bet, which met with much favor, an en core waa nicely answered, and a reading by Mise Fannie Miller. An icecream lunch foiloeed and sociability and game cloeed the entertainment. MISS STRAIf AN'S ROMANCE. Manvneonle in Portland read with considerable surprise the announcement of the marriage, a few days ago, of Miss Fayne Straban, daughter ot tne late Judge Strahan, at one time one of tte Justices of the Oregon supreme court, to a wealthy Cleveland man, Mr. William K. rj. Moore. The wedding waa solemnized April 9 in New York city, and was so quiet that it was not public property until the newl,) marred pair were well on their honeymoon trip in the south. By reason of the groom's prominence, and the ex tensive circle ot acquaintances or tne lady on the Pacific coast, this happy consummation of a romance in real life will be rea'l with more than ordinarv interest. Miss Strahaa formerly resided in this c.ty, and about a year ago went east. Mr. Moore ia of Cleveland, O. , and ia a South African mining capitalist. After the ceremony, Mr. and Mra. Moore paid a visit to Atlanta, Ga., where they saw Mrs Moore's mother. It ia reported that they have gone to Europe. The romance is of rather an unusual son. it seems that the bnae. who was one of the belles of Atlanta, Ga., went abroad to study music under a teacher recommended to ber by Nordica. She waa in Dublin several months, and everywhere she met with a flattering re ception, commensurate with ber talent and beantv. One night abe attended a reception given by the lord mayor of Dublin. At the close of one of the dances, Miss Strahan was promenading with the lord mayor when a young man walked up to pay his respects to the of ficial. An introduction took place. The young man waa Mr. Moore. He bad lust returned from the Transvaal, where he was interested in a gold mine, which his lather controlled. The acquaintance ripened into friendship, which indicated something more, when suddenly Miaa Stiaban waa called to New York without having an opportunity of saying good bye. That did nat deter Mr. Moore, bow ever. He was impressed, and when he earned that Miss tstrahan's destination was New York be packed np bia belong ings and followed ber. He bad no idea where she could be found, bat lack favored bis suit. One morning on Fifth avenue, the admirer met the one for m hon- be h id been searching A cordial greeting followed, and, altera brief courtship, his suit was won. Mr. Moore's father ia aaid to be one of the wealthiest citizens of Cleveland, tie owns a boat line on tne Great Lakes, and directs large mining interests. Mr. Moore, Jr., ia a successful business man. The happy young couple are the recipi ent of manv tool wishes. Mis Mrahan, wncee residence waa formerly in Albany, this a 'ate, waa at one time reported to be engaged to Rev Rim irl I via t hit iftftkland nmrhpr tuisam oiewn,rncoreu aou ; and lecturer, and the announcement, it very delightful manner, a recitation by I mlu t remembered, caused quite a good deal of comment. It proved, however, to re a newspaper canard, and before the public was set aright aa to the mat ter, it caused the young lady much em barrassment. Rev. Davis waa on aa Or egoo teetering tour at the time, when be appeared in Albany. A correspondent oi a Su Francisco paper invented the story about an engagement, on the round that Miaa Sir-baa appeared in public with b'm once or twice. Miaa Mrahan baa a brother living in this city eegaged in the practice of law Tele gram. Ax Ecosoxiuti. Town. The Dallea baa only two policemen, including the mar shal, on ita pay roll, at a total coat of $135 a month lor the two. The recorder receives o0 s month for his service. The , Wyatt waa in Portland yea- Salem, was in the Mr. J.R terday. Mr. Ed Power of .city today. Bed Seal A. B. Seal is in the city with bia samples. Miss Bertha Kiehn, of Portland, who baa been visitine at Mr. Fred Grimmer'! retnrned borne this noon. This forenoon an enlarged gland in the neck of A. H. Fieerksen was successfully ren.oved by Dra. Wallace and Davis. Collector Priest.of Yaquina, was in the eitv todav. He frequently eets mistaken for ex-Sberiff Mackey though coneidera- b heavier?- Mr. J. L. Cowan, agent at the Warm Foi ines paid Prineville a burned visit last Sunday evening. -Prineville Review, lira Van Wilson arrived on the atage last Sunday evening and is visiting ber Barents. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Gulliford. Prineville Review. Mr. Bert Bowers, of Texas, a former Benton county man, arrived in the val ley last Friday. Today be made a trip to Baker City. A good many yeais ago Mr. Bowers obtainel qnite a name while art ,nir as deputy sheriff by shooting a prisoner who tried to escape from him. , Bio Cattle Sales. In addition to the which it waa stated iu vester- -" ' f v . , a, II w W ay '.TV m UAUtu eve u w awan aw day's issue had bean paid out in Eugene city pays Jaa. Harper $10.45 a month for ior raiiw iuio coo ugnung tne streets ana tne eiectne iignt that $50,000 baa been paid through the 137.30 for lights for the council Eugene National bank and contracts can roomj etc. jt would appear that govern ior tne payment 01 nesnj iw,uuu ment in The Dalles is administered with through that source. This willmake in yiew o( keeping the expenses within mo K8iqs 1 lDe recsipta. raat ureronian. which ia for Lane count y stock. Ihe disbursement of such large sums cannot 1 but prove extremely beneficial to the various financial interests of our county. Eugene Gnard. Go Lord wiii soon atake the f-.-rairal order for the encampment at Hood River, having alreadt indorted tne location S W Moss presented to Cataract boe company cf Oregon City a t rrampet A feu tys ago the trnmpet waa plowed qp it a field at Gladstone, it being in three pieces, and each piece badiy erahed. . Af ter going through careful repair, it is now restored to ite original shape, and given a place amoog the battle acarml iropbkM of the company. How the trnm pet came to be buried in the Uladotooe field is a mys'ery. Ex. Lemr List. Following ia the lit of letter remaiaiog in the Postoffiee at Albany. Lion county. Oregon, May 11, 1$$?. Persons calling for these letters must give the date an whicn they were advertised. Howell, W J Lyons, Kittle Sahtstrom, U G T.J.STmca. PM Betas Coat so. Wm. J. Bryan will speak at the Ashland Cbaataaiua As sembly on July 13 and at Salem on July 14. Bimetalism will be bia subject. Tbonsan is will tern oat to bear him. CITY COUNCIL. Tuetday Evening, May 11. Present Mayor, recorder and ai reel commissioner, and ail cooncitmen. The folloaing bill were ordered paid : T N Moore tl 60. B B Dunn t2, U f Pordom 111. John Chiswel1 11 SO. Howard H C ataon I50, W Roweil ti 50, X J Hentoo fl5 10. D Fro nian f 15, 8 Coan IS Electric Libi Co. l9. The fire committee reported tbt only one engine would be kept heated np daring each month, alternating A water closet on lot 3 block 29 M ordered connected with the sewer with in 10 days. A stipulation in reference to Ninth street crossing, a com promise with the S. P. waa presented and ordered a-goed. SoJatillc Sittings. The greater part of oar iavenile popn 1st ion is suffering from iiaeebail fever. A Lebanon team and a volunteer nine of this town tried issue on the diamond last inriy which recalled 10 a victory for the bom team. Road Hupervifor Steen has began re pairing Ibe roads in this vicinity. Now tf our etreet commiationer will ja (all in line and put oar sti eels in g9ii con dition and rip up eotne of those shaky sidewalks and pot new ones in tbeir placee it will make as all feel like putting ocr thumb in oar arotboiea. Editor Hofer of the Salem Journal fa vored ns with a rich literary treat on Wednesday evening of last week. The I fVl aUmhi f a? k r mnA Kia a Hi This will probably en 1 the cottrovewy. j , j .,, to mllh dp ioler. im uiuiowiH irre, wit eet tbroubout. Utigation. j he gentlemen from Albany who are The matter I sewer on Main street, eonaideriog the feasibility of building a pciHwne-u ,or ov . r.. "u ' nrhrosd Irom Lebanon to Waterloo via woald furnish the pipe it the city would lay the sewer, waa referred A resolution prohibiting r'ding bicy cles on aidenalka waa lost. Property owner on Lyon street were given in til May SO to place tbeir side walks on grade, after that date sidewalk not on grade to be declared a naieance. It ia aaid that one or two properly own era will contett the matter. Shipped toCajorsia. Thia morning bv nermiseion of the same warden. Mr. Chria ancran snippeo twelve pair 01 Chinese pheasants to California. Ibe Capt ot the steamer Homer will ta ke them trom rc rtiana ana use mem ior breeding purposes. H T Condon, recently of the O. A. C, and C D Edgars, recently an employe.faave purchased the bugene Ueutei . ihe Linn County Pioneer Society will meet at Brownsville on June 9, 10 and 11. These meetings are always a great success. A meeting of Linn county war veteran will be held at the court boose on May 22 to make arrangements to attend the state encampment on July 15. Next Friday. May 14, the Harrisburg hand will ffive a Brand picnic. There will Ur. Mackey win aenver A Bio Bictclk Racs ia announced to take place Monday afternoon of next week, u the roads are tn gooa conaiuon, between Jas.F. Powell and Frank Kitch en, of thia city. They are to leave rro- man Bros, at 3 p. m., cross tne nnuge, scorch to Corvallia, announce their ar rival at the telephone office and return to Albant, the one passing in front of Froman Bro. first winning. 5 a aide was posted Saturday evening and the winner will take the whole. Both men are confident of winning. On tr Albat. J. W. Ball, the gen ial collector of customs at Yaquina, is taking a" tew days off from the arduous duties of bia othce, and went to rortiana this morning on the Albany. Mr. Robert Huston, oi Uorvaiiis, and air. ferry Conn, of Albany, were also passenger for the metropolis u. w v atta went as far aa Salem. Mr. Batch. theLawler mining man, boarded the steamer at thia ety. When Traveling Whether on olewsore bent, or basinees.! take on every trip a tott'eof Syrup of Figa, I a it act most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver, and bowebt, present ing fevera. headaches, and other fori of sickneta For sale in 50 cent oot tlea by all leading drogftUt. Manufac tured cy the California Fig Syrup Com pany only. THE liLAIN CLOnilNGCOMP'NY Are constantly receiving new goods of the latest patterns, maintaimrg the standard of their extensive stock, both aa to quality and style, giving to pur chasers excellent values at low prices, which ia the policy of the company, and which suits the custom r as i evinced bv tbeir larce and increasing sale. During the great reduction aale now going on. goodarre sold at marvelous reduced rates, sacn as never ceiore was known in the history ot the clothing business in Albany. be racei. &c. the oration. - I Hcstixo fob Gtfsc. The Star Plas- A man is said to have een doinn the ter Co.. of 1303 Schiller Building, Circa county swindling sc'jool districts. In one go, baa written to County Clerk Mont a xia an nrrler was cashed befo.-ethe diction-1 irae to inanire if there are any gypsum L C. Case and wife were in the city wa delivered and the follow has skip-1 beds in Linu cor.nty. The U. P. R. R, the first of the week, guests of the i The moral is p'ain. I Co. mentions gypsum aa one 01 the mm former's brother, ji. k., at the uotei Franv Grain has iu it been tried at Frine- ela ot Oregon, but gives no location w rr . m.1 1 Maa haa a hna vuvnn nr. " - Thn akAna aAinnana Iamimm ininrmatin .leiienwu. ...- ' villefor stealing an overcoat, ana was ehard near Corvallis and savs be antici- anirtd. c-f wai taken there months pates a spienaia yieia u. offense, frcm a long distance, at a TtKXmni the result show, a big by tne late iro.. . , y waJ!ta 0f itoney. 17! W T.anirAnn anl,1 n! trOttm? hOTSO ript.ini, and r.mchawd f Lr. Harris OI V.nonna 1, has o0.lriirtir bv Dresden Wiik8 which the Doctor has driven f 8 a ruau horse. T.nn knnfv ia enntemnl&tin2 a n6W court house, bat it is probable one will not bia conduct'B invention willtoheid in tebai't before next year, though archi T Mr.Wrieht will leave to- teel Neer of Portland has already been heforA thft eonntv hoard with Plan" 10r one. The Junction i'liues says the present building is a disgrace to that county. Albanv people shonld keep the 4th of July celebration idea in their htada, one that will do credit to tne ruroau cenier of the valley. MARRIED. Tennessee Gatherings. (By NictoPatro.) Texxcaas, May 12, 1897. Prof. L. A. Si moods, a former school teacher at thia place, favored as with hi presence last Saturday evening. Pi of. Boy lea, of Sodaville, spent Sat urday and Sunday with friends- iach a wonderlal musician we rarely have the pleasure of hearing, especially is be tal ented as an organist. Mrs. Sarah, Frank has been seriously ill, bat is now slowly bat surely recover ing. Ve were glad to notice the smiling countenance of C.N. McKnigbtaad wiie tn ienneesee again. Mis Honna Frank has returned from Sodaville. Frank Simouls and family are spend ing a few days vUiling with realalives here. Misses Blanche Myers and Emma Boeler also Moss Walker, of Lebanon, were in thia vicinity Saturday evening. Cbas. Swtnk and Herman Davis are again shining in Tenn. M CGainesandDepntv W.W. Frank, ot this place, arrested OI Adams Satur- dsy evening last, under charge of selling liquor to minors. The second month of school mJed here May Tib with dueot n suits. No. en rolled at close. 25, an increase of seven during the month. The standing ot the FREADS HELTON. In Salem, at the I advance spelling class wa almost the Cook hotel, on Saturday, May 8, 1897. same as that of last month, being M D. E. Fread of Marion, to Miw Ada 1 percent coined charge of Case Bros, barber shop, j -St Albany. jenerson ceview. Mr. Cbas. Wright, a brother of Mrs. Dr. Wallace, and wife, of Knoxville, rnn . are in the city on a short visit. jlr. Wright is a Tennessee conductor and Is one oi the several excursion parties on tbeir way to Los Angeles, Calif., where a biir conductor's convention will be beid ia a lew days. Mr. Wright will leave to-1 nubt. His visit was an agreeable sur prise to bis sister, The college graduates are bad at work on their orations. On our first page in tbe regular advertisement of the college vill be found all the commence treat fiatA. Tbe graduates will be fcdzar Btewart, Gail Hill, Joe Sternberg. Wayne -Rrideeford and Misses Jtbel Bedheld m.l Mamie Allen from the classical course and J.G. Swan, Jos. Torbet, Lewis Bmick, Carrie Saltmarsh and Myrtle Worley from tbe normal course. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. P. H Raymond, on Front street, was the scene of a bappy social event last night, given in honor of their daughter, Mies Ethel, hn vosterdav ce'ebrated her eighteenth birthday. A select number of her friends . assembled as per invitation and for sev eral bour participated in games inter spersed with vocal and insti umentol ma jjc Salem Statesman. From the Sunday Oregonian : Mies Favne Strahan, daughter of the late Chief JuBticeTStrahan, of the Oregon supreme bench, was married April 9, 1897, in JNew lorkoity, to Mr. will A K. JVlxire, 01 ptew xors. ihe mar r'uge was a quiet affair, being attended by only tne relatives ana a tew mend the contracting parties. Mr. Moore -capitalist of New York, being interested ie the development 01 oouin Airica min ing properties. Mr. and Mrs. Moore - eaUed for Europe M ay 1, for a tour of tbe continent . They will be at the Belgravia hotel, 72 Victoria street, London, until gptembei 1. The above company leeirea information on tbe subject, location, etc., ana win appreciate a response. The Chops. Accordinz to Paguea croo report for tbe week ending laat niffht correspondents report witnout ex ception fine grain prospects, and aa well for vegetables, nay, and trmt, in tact an agricultural produce. A like report ia given for Luatern Oregon. A fund is being raised in Portland f r a $15,000 palatial home for Archbishop Gross in honor of his silver episcopal jub ilee which will occur in April of next year, at Shelton, of Stay ton, Johnson olnciating. Justice II. A. This is the complaint of thousands at this season. Thev have no appetite; food doesnotrellsh. Theyneedthetonlngnpof the stomach and digestive organs, which a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla will give them. It also purifies and enriches the blood, cures that distress after eating and internal misery only a dyspeptlo can know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and builds np and sustains the whole physical system. It so prompt ly nd relieves dyspeptic symp toms and cures nervous headaches, that it teems to have almost " a magic touch." Sarsaparilla Isthebest-ln fact the One True Blood Purifier. ' " . . . are the best after-dinner HoOd S PlllS pills, aid digestion. 280. A. B. Hammond will look over the O. G.&E. this week. A. J. Hunt went to Yaquina Bay today to be gone several weeks. Mrs. Amanda Kester went to Mon mouth yesterday on a visit with Mrs. Humphrey. Judge L. L. McArthur one of Oregon e best known lawyers, died at Walla Walla yesterday. Kr.Conncilman Gradwohl waa on tne street today for the nrat lime in tnree irmnths. Inokinir well alter aucn an in door siege with sickness. His best 01 friends are glad to see mm around again. B. A. Williams.of GrantsPasa, was in Aihanv veaterdav on bia way borne from Salem, where be took three prkonera, w u Foiiatpr and John Feaater. eons of the man who drowned bis wile, and Ww.Eusted. Hon. J. L. Cowan. Indian agent at Warm Springe, accomyanied by bis wife and daughter are in the city. Mrs. Cowan and daughter are en route from Portland to th asencv. where tbev ex spend the summer Dallea T. M. I. M. AUinder, of Arkansas, ia in tbe county introducing tbe AUinder barrow, one which appearances indicate, baa many fine qualities. Mr. AUinder ia a former Arkaniaa neighbor ot R. W Moses, of OrawfordsvilYe and Rev Moaea of Corvallia, and baa tbeir enthusiastic endoriement aa a reliable gentleman. . After.... Taking a coarse of Ayer'a Pills the system is set in good working order and a man begins to feel that life is worth living. lie who has become the gradual prey of constipation, does not realize the friction under which he labors, until the burden is lifted from him. Then his mountains sink into mole hills, his moroseness gi?es place to jollity, he is a happy man again. If life does not seem worth living to you, you may take a very different view of it after taking Avet's Cathartic Pills. a decrease of 3 7 per cent in General averairo. The standing of the two hisnest beine 100 percent respect ivelv.C. W. Roes and Thoa E. Mc- Knight, the same as in the pr:ceeding month. The Rnndav school is at present in moet flourishing condition. The old method obtaining funds being discarded, frollectionslwhereoy we have been nnan- cially depressed heretofore, we now have tbe pleasure 01 oemg ennreiy out 01 sucu circumstance, and do not have to take th. co'lection each bunuay ana oe doomed to disappointment, but we by one evening's exertion have accumulated enough funds in me treasury to anun- dantlv furnish the scnooi an enure year, The social for thia purpose excite i wide spread attention and the school house was packed to tne uimust. 11 waa s moat wonderful success; aa every one did his share with the best of spirit. The nroeram was short but interesting frot. Bo vies astonished bis hearers with a beautiful solo, ice cream was a most in teresting feature of the evening. Baskets sold readily and many of I he poor fe.lows were "left" lor oasaeia. ine treasurer, P. L. Wallace, announced at Sunday School the nrocecds of the social to be $10.60. Such is the wonderful tuccess and achievement ot an enterprise when entire union throughout a neighborhood ia reached. Prof. L. A Siuionda first advanced the idea of obtaining fundi fur public use by socials and public enter- Crise for wh'ch unlimited praise is die im. It is nndoui ted the moat grand plan of obtaining funds known. Tennessee vs Lebanon : We will cross bats on the diamond at this place, with the ball toasera of Lebanon. May 23, at 10:30 o'clock a. ni. An exciting con- teat la predicted Sodavil;e met our people laat Thursday for the purpose of devising plana, etc for the building of the road. It ia hoped that tbe projectors ot thia enterprise will see to it that all windmill attaenments are eliminated from their scheme before I they present it for tbe serious considera tion 01 our people. Tbe i-e cream social and entertainment at the Tenneaeee scboolhoase last Sat nrdry even in. was a very pleartot affair and a financial success aa well. Tbe re ceipts were f 10 60 which will be invested in hooka for the Sunday school. Prof. U. Boyiee, B. F. Simons and wife and daughter. Frank Doogbtoa and your cor respondent were there to represent Soda viil and eojoy tbe generona hospitality of the good people of Tennessee. The cituena of Crowfoot disUkt will have a wood cutting, May 16, for ibe purpose of providing wood for the school during the next year, and the raising of a lund tor the purchase o! a school lib rary. The lady friends of the school wdl give the wood-choppers a dinner in tbe grove on the school grounds. The new pastor ot the Evangelical church at this place. Rev. Hartman, preached bis first sermon here 'ast Sun day The audienc waa very favorably impressed by the discourse. break and Leo Arnold ot San 'Jam, were vuiuag relatives near here last Sunday. Mise Julia IUrt, of Crabtree, favored her trends here with a pleasant visit during tbe past week. Miaa Anna Moes, of Albany, ia renew ing acquaintances here at present. The summary justice meted out to tbe brute at Coburg. who so fiendishly tor tured bis horse a few days ago, needs to be administered to soma tetiows 01 tne same stamp in thia count. One of these waa seen on tbe the oad near Leb anon thia week mercilessly whipping hia horse because it would not ran. Ibe an imal's wasted body and labored move- menu eave unmistakable evidence that ita owner had starved and otherwise mis treated it until t hadn't strengh tidothe work be was trying to make it perform U. A. S. HOME AND ABPOAD. Tbe railroad boya ride Crcscente Hi Parker comes to town on a Cres cent. Miss Chit wood now owns a Crescent, a joy forever Leo Cohen is riding a Orescent. It is a crackerjack. J. B. Liilard makea qnick trips to Al bany on a Crescent. Mra. F. M. 1'umming ia pleased with her new Crescent. Eight new Cresrenta were received today by Hopkina Broa. Tom Cocke-ell, of the O. 0. & E. baa begun riding a Crescent bicycle. George Mcllwain scorches on a Cres cent, recently bought of Hopkina Bros. Henry Kurscb finds bis Crescent a fine thing for getting over tbe city quick If. Ed Fronk is the proud possessor of a Crescent bicycle. It is safe to predict be will bold it down. Miss Lutie Sternberg and Miss Bren ner seem to enjoy their new Crescenta, recently purchased of Hopkina Bros. Everett nd Hrry Liggett think noth ing of a ride in from tbeir borne at San derton's bridge on tbeir new Crescent. For fruits Of all kinds. Go to F. H. Pfeffers. See Smiley about it. Smiley 's pinters are ia Dawson sells Liverine. Liverine 50c at Dawson 'a Dahlia bnlbs at F L Kenton 'a. Apples at C E Brow jell's. Smiley does the beat printing. F H Pfeiffer keeps everything in season. Try F. H. i'feiffei ' ice cream. lh bet made. A good second hand aswinar muftia far W. - CaawroBD HaajneH. Pictures from 7K mil tn S27 wr Urn n at Longs gallery. Belts and skirt supporters, new styles at French's jew.lry store Ashland defeated Pboenix 42 to 33. 1 hat score is 20 years behind time. For a rood Dhlsic faka Liraniui. tor sal. by Dawson, tbe "pill aatocrmt- All first clasa bakers and nwm sell I ho antrum i ana Lake no other. Crawford A Harntsb for nhoinoTarha Prices from tl to 190 per dosea. Call at French's iewelrv atara and aag tbe latest and newest shirt waist sets. Water white comb bonev from fifhraia. juat in ax uk Bbowvkxl a The Ruth le,ves fee Portland at 7 a m oa Mondays, Wednesdays aad Fridays. Try C. Simpson ft Son's City Laundry wr "inciui won -oppet. Chas botet. There will be an excursion to Newport mi ounuay. xotiue wiu be given later 73 ladies were e lectin drees and shirt waist goo's jesterday at P. Cohen a, at one time. Two packages of garden seeds for Sets, according to tbeir usual eastern at Stewart BOX". Uatr catting 10c, shaviag 10c at the Bam barter op. roller k laoca pro prietora. Kemeaber wba yoa want near that Aamsruie brand u toe very best. Every raca gnaranbaMi. w u. ii. Minus, pujturtaa aad rar- geoa, Albany Or. Calis answered procBpt- ij in ciry or coaatry The Presbyterian bora quintette will discourse sweet mnc at tbe match social 1 Friday evening. Mjy 14. j C B Montr u-? will free readme at the roatrfai4 at tbe P ebrtenaB iharcfa Friday evening iUj 14. jsrs t lenca nas opened ber ice cream parlors and sncimer garden for tne season. Ice cream S and 10 cents a dish. information hat is worth ite weight ia go d: Get your meats of ah kinds at Hen ry Broder'a. oe Second street Dr H . E. and O L Beers officee mmt rewdencein toe post office building. Spec ial attention rirea to diseases of wonaea- Doo t fail to attend the match social at the First Prennyteriaa church Friday evee inff May 14. A pleasant evening is as aned yon. That German washing fluid, which fca proven such m fin. thiag haa arrived at Parker Bros, in a large qaaatity. Call aad try a bottle. J. iforcroa ha moved to just east of Schmeer's stabiea, 2nd street, where be will keep ia market fine fish, game and poul try. Gallon bim. Mrs. Viereck haa connected parlors with ber summer garden, where she can serve the pabiic ia all kind of wan) ber with ber delicious ice cream. Mrs L Viereck is prepared tofnraishice cream in any quantity oa abort aoUce at ber ice cream parlors aed rammer garden. 10s cream a ana luc a use- 1 The Mice of eennine Oliver chilled nlow abate has been reduced to SO cents. Be rare tbe name Oliver is on every share For aale only by Hopkins Bros. Keep Kviug until yon teach the shop of tbe Albany Dreased Beef Company, where yon will nnd a tine una ot meats of all kinds. Thia company keep tbe best aad yoa will be sorrj if yoa don't call oa 'bem. Whiskers that are prematurely grayer faded should be colored to pre rent the look of age, and Brxkingh -m's Dye excels a 1 others in coloring browa or black. Consider toot ways, think before yon act, aad thee go to ii sight Broa , where yon will find a choice stocK of eat of ail kinds to ordr from, loaar pleased if yon order of them. Notwithstanding Mark Banna has or dered an extra session of tbe legislature it will probably not be called. This will display marveJotta bark bone oa tbe part of Gov Lord. Tbe Alps Quartetle will render- fcr tbe first time to aa Albany audience at tbe match social James W hitcomb Riley's fam 00 poem. Ib Uobiins Uit yon if yoa don t watch Out," set to mo&ic Dou t fail to bear i worth tbe price of admission tbwlf. At Corvalli. at 3 o'clock Men der afternoon T L Owens and Muw Hattie B Gains were m mei Shortly after dark that nufbt (he i.oind disapreued. and has been ien. It is sufpoaed that be Las gone to his borne, in Marsh field, Coos county, whence be tame a cou ple of years sgo a a s udent. I 1 WRY I li III' III Best Spring Remedy in the Worlds It Makes People Well. There ie one tro. aneeioe frr disease arista from a tfebfJttated nervon. system and that In Ps'ne's ce ery enm pound, so geweially preaerloea by physician. It la probably tbe most remarkable rwedy that tbe - S'lenune researcn 01 ttiM eonntry dm produced: Prof Kdward E Phe'p. M. D . I.L. It , of IjULmontb en.lf-f finrf prescribed what ia now known tbe world over si PsioVa ee'ere exupoond- a, post live ear. for pspsis. bJUkiosDess liver eo- plaint, nenraigis, rbenmsUstn, all nervon diseases so a kidney troubles. Fer tbe Saner Paine'a celery compound baa ncceeded again and again where everything el J has failed . CYCLES Columbias, Windsors, B. O. E. Complete Line l-or an ages ana Dotn sexes Wheels to salt any purse or fancy Ajax. STEWART & SOX Ildur. Co. MAY 11, 1897. H. F. McILWAlN'S Cash Store 20 yds muslin $1.00 7 packages Arbuckle coffee i.oo Aumsville flour, per- sack i.oo 7 package Lion coffee i.oo 20 yds Standard prints i.oo Mens plow shoes i.oo 20 yards toweling i.oo 20 lbs good rice i.oo H. F McILWAlN'S Cash Store. The People's Friend How is tiieTiie For Wash Goods Dimities from 8c at). Tappets, oersolrt effects All ceo) goods and op date. - Too are boond to be goods f of Gfadtiatiijg Dress. to S. E. Young & Son. LETTER HO. 2. The Fair if gratified to find that al though sew ita method of boeines are being copied bv others who while hop ing to bene tit them selves are osine; their pace and energy in a vay that adver tise as. a hand reds have already testi fied. We do not blame other for try ing to copv oar already veil known method ot bosineea. In fact vie take this eppottnnity to pcblicly thank them for ceiling attention to oor bargain, and kindly inform them that if they will centinae to watch oor space they will get new ideas every week. ilium The Leader in low prices and origt La tor ot 20th Century Ideas. I ScnooL RtroT. Following: ia the re port ot Diet No. 62 on McDowell Creek t.'.r mAnlh tMf.initintf Anril 1? and end Base Ball. linMav7: Somber dava taneht SO. total number enrolled 27, nambet of dava attends n -e 492. number ot days' absence 22. average daily attendance 24, They will line np as', number times tardy 10, hour lost by w. tardiness 4H, number of vi-itora 22, names on roll of honor: uoilie Kaney, Cleveland Raney, Frank Kaney, Homer Kaney, Llllie hall, Seine Hall. i al i eioBEi, leacner. A name of base ball is being arranged for tomorrow betwern- the college boy and a nicked nine follows at 3MU o ClOCK M's Asn We, Cjuage. Miller, c Booth, (Joins p AldrUge, Nutting. I b Uuatck, Blodifelt, 2 b Marks, Fuller, 3 b Crawford, Willie, as ,kaUon, . Thompson, If Ueatherford, Aehby, c I Barrett. Nickerw. r , Biellmacher. 5c admission to pay for balls. Caittiikd th AfDissct From tbe vi.t. iipn.r. p... Keoublic: Olot Krarer fairly captured ber audiences at the Normal veaterdav afternoon and last evening. The story of the life of the tnhsmtaniB oi ureenisuu umiuo uvuv- ly edtertaining when related in the quaint broken English cf this bright and witty little native 6f that frosen land The JNormai ocnooi course ui lectures thus inaugurated promises to be exceedingly Donular and will no doubt have a large patronage, AcctDtsT to M as. Smu.y. W. H. Hol- man and wife, formerly ot Benton coun ty, now of Cbicnsrn, where they are eni- 'i . . ... . i 1 !. ill moved in tavi oince, arnveu ia aioany this week on a vistt. Just before they left Chicago Mr. Holnian met Mr. and Mrs. Smiley and tells oi an accident to Mrs. Smiley. She was pasting along a street when a .ign fell from a tour story budding, struck an awuing and tell upon her head, koockina her insensible. They were able the next day to proceed on their journey. Good Name. Perfect Corsets 1 TryThem EEiD PEACOCK & GO. Oregon Cextral & EASTERN R. R. CO. -YAQUINA BAY ROUTE" Connecting at Yaquina Bay with tbe Satj Francisco fXYatjiiiija Bay STEAMSHIP CO MP AST. Stsaiij 'toll' WANTED FOR DR. Match Social .There will be a Match Sociable at the First Preaby erian church Fri lay evening May 14 A nice literary and musical proa-ram ha been arranged. A lunch will be nerved and a nleasant time had in a social way. A ,"rT.,ia. cordial invitation is extended to all. J" One half of tbe ground noor or the new brick building now being put np just north of tbe Democrat othce, will be oc- curjied bv Dr. J 0 Littler, dentist, about Junel. When yon next want a sack of flour try tbe Aumsville once tried always used auk your grocer for it and take no other, t very sack guaranteed . May 13. Admission 23 and 35 cents. Tn Sodavill SiMinaET.-MiU Spring! Seminary will begin the commencement season on Sunday, May 23 wiLh a bac calaureate sermon by Kev. Wooley. Rev. J. JJ. Longhbottom will deliver toe even ing seimon un aionaay, may it, s. o p.m. graduating exercise, ui yic---tory department. On Tuesday at 8 p. m. grauuaung rxorejoc. wiu- partment; on Wednesday at 8 p. m. sraduating exercises of normal depart ment! iiiureosy at op. u vii "j Hon. O. M. Irwin and add rets to normal oiaM Friday 8 n. m. lecture by Rov. Q. A. Ulair. of l'oitland; alumni program and banquet. Program to hevln at 8 o'clock Admission at the door lOo.!iTOR8 7 TALMAGK'S "The harth Girdled,' at hi. famous tour around tbe world. thrillimr story of savage and barbarous million Tulmaae'i book, sold, and "The Krth Girdled'' ia bis lateet and f DRUAND ENJRMOUS. k,Trvwulr want, this famoo. book: only $3 50. BIO BOOK, BIG COMMISSIONS. ii.i f,. wm-fca. CREDIT GIV EN. FREIGHT PAID. OUTFIT FREE. Dro all trash and sell the king of books and make S300 a month. Address for out- fir uui tsmtorv. The Dominion vom- pany, Stcr Building, Chicago. Sails from Yaquina everv9daye fo Saa Francisco; Coos Bav, Port Orfor Trinidad and Humboldt Bay. lassiscu Accomodation? UsscarA&sxD Shortest route between the Willam ette Valley and California. Fare trom Albany and points west to San Francisco - Cams 10 00 Stkuugc Bo&nd trip good for 60 days I'-OC To Coos Bay Cabin Steerage.... ? w To UamtMldt bay ana ror. ww. Cabin 1- Probably Dkownvd. Mr. Curly, of the Bay, returned this week from a seal-1 ine trio along the Narthwest coast, lie iv Dorted that Information bad been re ceived that the eealing vessel on which Ore Odneland and one or two others of Yaquina, bad shipped, had been wrecked and alt on ncara urownea. Sailikq Notici. Btr Farallonit doe to sail from Ysqnina for San r rarcisco on Saturday May 15th. Passengers hould leave Albany at noon Friday to connect. Peerage. ..7 00 River Division. sim Albanv" between Portland and Oorvallis.throngh without lay-cver. Tsre. Albanv 8:00 a. nti Tnesdaya, Thursday and Saturdays; leave Port land, Yamhill afreet docic, H a. m. nndays Wedne euays ana r riujo. Jlanager. Supt River Div. wiittt TtfiT.T.ARS A WEEK EASILY r MADE. Agents wanted in every lo Rah W I Brvan'a ereat and only book. 'The Fir-t Battle." The bet seller ever produced Agent, are taking ..many as 00 orders per weea. nlcnt imiUtlons. Send for outfit and be- . aafUrV at (MM. W rcoNKEY COMPANY, Publishers 41 Dearborn Street, Chicago. EXCHANGE H01E. Thia old and favorite reeort bas cbaag ed hands and been thoroughly reonvated and refurnished throBhont in the best style and ia now open to the public. Good beds, well aet table and good treat ment. Will be mn on home p an Ratea: Meals 20 centa; by the day, 8C centa; week, 3.50, Q. M. Cri