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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1897)
THE MAIN MUSCULAR SUPPORTS OF THE buut WCAIS.E.N AND LET CO UNDER AC-CACI-iE OR LUMBAGO. TO RESTORE, wrau aiKMunitN UP, ft'ETHERFORD & tfYATT torneys at law Will practice in a ourts of the state. Special attention git en to matters in probate and to collections. OFFICE In theFlinn block. 7. R. BSLYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery. Collections made or all points. Loans negotiated on reasouable terms. , Albany Oregon. - - BUQKSUR3 a SOBERS 1TOENETS -A.T IA-"W, All legal matters will receive prompt at enfon. - OiBce, First National Bank aiding, up stairs. Attorneys at Law. - Albaey, Oregon. D R. J. 1 HILL., avcidui and etargson,' OFTICS Con irry streets. Albany fingon. BP..C, U, CHAIslBESLIN HOMOHOPATHIST Treats tumors, strict ares, facial blem- iatijM TiAiirfllcna. an .1 other diseases, with galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry St., near 3d street. FIRST NATIONAL BASH, nw 1TH1NT. HRKflfflf XNT, OR SOON J BL " B ..It..,. LFLINH iprfdnt 8.K.TOUNG Cahier K. W. LAKGDO.V TAS9ACT3 A OKNRRALbantalbcaliesB ACOOUKTS KEPT subject to ahack. oa Xsv York San FrMdsco.ChlcaaTO u4 PUar OL'jSCTIOSS A0 on rsvorabls trat nasoroaa S E(vr' K W Latstos P A Gooctis, . t. run C. 9w Flix. J. Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. ALBAHY ORCHESTRA j MB1CKB5ST0. Conductor BIST W1STFE00I Mgr., INSTRUMENTATION I Vio., II Vio., Qar., Cor., Trom Bass andDnuns Iepet toie of neifusic ' Music Furrisbed For Concerts', Parties. Receptions a. Enter tainments at rea-onabie rates. Corppoudence solicited rearrfinr . ?n ggemets out of town Address Bert Westrrook, Business Man ager, Revere House, Albany, Oregon Fire Insurance 'RE YOUR PROPERTY hs Old Hartford, the New York TJn. m i iters Aeencyor any one of the reli able old line companies be represents- Note taken and plenty of time given for payment on farm insurance. All business will bt promptly attended to. OFFICE IN P. 0. BLOCK ALBANY. OH BO TEARS EXPERIENCE. a. ;i ' nine Mivrt. COPVRIOHTS AO. Anrone sendinc a sketch and atstiltitloa My quu-kiT ascertain, free, whet tier an invention la pnitmhly patentable. Coinmunleallnne strictly confidential. Oldest arencv f(trsecunn patent til America. We hare a Wanbinjrwn office. Patent taken through atusn Co. lecetr special notice la the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, fceantlfnlty Illustrated, 1 arrest circulation of an acientific iooma). weekly, termst&UU a rear; f L.X six montba. Specimen copies and Hajin Book, os Fatexts aeot free. Address MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, Sew York. Academy y of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Gtrls. . , Thorough instruction Wholesome diet Homelike treatment. Consider ing hard times, favorable reductions are made for boarders and day scholars. Studies will be resumed ept. 1st. For urther particulars call at the Academy or write to Sister Superior. - iODD POISOU i A SPECIALT Yo1 ,uary bypniiia permoxieDtiy carea u u to v jaaya. x oa can De treawa a mjw iot nbe tint price nodersame tutrmty. if V you preicr to come sere wa win eoDuaca f to r3T milroad fare and hotel bills, and DO clisr?e,!f fall to cars. If yoa hars taken mar -nry, iodide potaah, and stm bays sches end oalss, M ueoua Vatchea in month. Sore Throat, I'lmoies, Coaper Colored Spots, l-'lcers oa any part of tbe body, liair or Eyebrows flllna; oat, it is this SyphUltie BIXOI POISON tbal weeoaraDteetottire. We solicit the m'Mrt obati nate cases and cnaUensre the world for at cae we cannot cure 'I'bls disease has always baffled th skill of tbe most eminent phyai cians. 500,000 capluu behind our nacoad tionni gnaranty. Absoiuteproofssentsealeaoa sppIlcMtoB. ASKSreas COOK KKMKPI CO Hiil tLoouK a.empie, CHICAUO, UXs j FIFTY DOLL 4 RS A WEEK EASILY MADE. Agents wanted in every lo calit for linn V J Bryan's oreat and only bonk, ' 1'be First Battle.. The oest seller ever produced : AgenU are taking as many ua 20 rHera per week. Beware of fraud ulent imitations, t end for outfit and be gin wk at once. v B CXNKEY COMPANY, Publishers 34' Dearborn S'reet, Chicago. P pCMTQ l AK FO,tE,ti" iCnl-O PROCURED. EUGENE W. JOHNSON, SoILitcr & Atty. in Patent; Causes, ivrj sew soritave., waaaiaeioa, ' Ihee established 1868. Charges moderate Correspondence requested. tr Aiinma XS-k- CuBickBlocR Albany, Or K. i. T. M. Mei" very Saturday evening at K. O T. . Hail. Visiting Knights inrited to ea J.S. Van Winkle, C-jw. , . -i in n ,ini minis m STRENGTHEN, USE Heard Us We're - talltinir -a (rain I uniting to me nard-to-please I m .S i t I pvupm uu iiH particular 1 printing. We are particular 1 OriUtm kannl in )ist liltl. I extra-nice touch that pleases I i you. j$e tne jod Dig or little, lta bior ennnirh In Ka wall Anna I Our Particular Department is I ' our waoie bqop. ask ua to 1 prove it; we can please you- or give your money Dack. Smilby'8 Particular Printery. 1 t Phone 9, Albany. " SENDERS' COMPANIES Always Pay. No question about full and prompt pay ment of losses by fire on insuianceplaote with the leading agent of Albany, M. Sen ders. 'That's vhatHe InsiiresPeopIe For5 Don't allow yourself to be roped into th various "Local Mittuals" now betn poshed on you a being; "cheapest in surance," when you insure you do not want to worry about getting your money i" case of loss. M SENDERS Insurance, Hay, Grain and Wool. IT IS SO WRITTEN and none can diepute it. W lead ta wall paper trade. We were never more in the Tan than now. More designs; newer, brighter, fresher, and more orig inal designs ; a greater variety of da signs ; finer qualities of paper ; and lower prices for tine qualities 01 paper man can be found at any other establishment; these are onr many and solid claims tc yonr patronage. hen you see what we sell for 15 cents a roll and that w only ask. 15 cents for it, you'll be very much surprised. J. A.Cumming. VIEREOKS SHAViNG AND HAIR CUT TING PARLORS. HIAUQniRTESS FOR Dt? Whites jev Ifai diseases of the scalp. Address Box 421 fox Free Treatise on the Scalp. Razors Honed and Set and Put in ord er on Short Notice FOSHAY 4 MASON Wholesale Retail-- DRUEBIiTS LU B0OXSIUR18 aLBAKY, OBECOH Pure Drags and the finest and Large Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. J. M. RALSTON BROKER. 2 Door East of Democrat Office. Money to loan on farm security, all mall loans made on personal security. City, county and school warrants bought. Collections made on favorable terms. Fire insurance written in three of tbe targ et companies in tbe world, at lowest rates. FVi. " Ludwig Leads in bath tube, while others take his idea and copy. Call on him fortheorigina ub Prof. A. STARK Of Will 4 stark. Optical Specialist Graduate of tbe Chicago Opthalmic College. I am prepared to examine scientifically and accurately, by the lateet and improve methods of modern science, any who de sire to have their eyes tested. Cusick Block NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS . Notice la hereby given that the a c Dual meeting of the A'bsuy Mining & Milting Co. will be held at ths office cf U W Mas ton on April 26 b, 1897, at' 4 o'clock pm of said day tor tb iinrpose of electing 7 dirto'ors to er7e for oe year sod the sranasctioD of tu b other ba ,ine s asmny 'gaily come Ir t.,r xht m reiiia By order of the boa-d of directors N H AllkK CKBaowfcELL Pieaident Secretary . NOTICE TO ST0CXK0LDER5 Notice Is hereby given that ibe annual mretibg of thes'ockholdecs of the Albany Farmers Co., will be held at the office ti said company, in Albany, linn coua'y, Oregon, on the 18 b day of May, 1897, at 1 o'clock p m of said dav, for the pur pose of ele-ting seven (7; directors to seivefortbe term of one year, and tbe transaction of such o'her business as may come before the meeting . Dane -by cr b r of tbe board o' directors. , Attest: M H Wilds, President. Paas B E'akshall, Sc'y. a a it T i5tit 3tt0at. Motorinen iu big cities should be care" ful men. . It was to be hoped would take a rest. Mr. Cleveland It will pay to stand in with the bicycle riders. They are in the majority. The new receiver at Olympia is an editor. The editors are being heard from. There is said to be another new poli tical party hatching. Hard times is a great breeder of parties. It is to be hoped that Portland street car company has to pay heavy damages on account of the recent accident. . Electric lighting costs New York Otty about 1000 times as much as Albany; but then it is some larger, perhaps 500 times as large now with Brooklyn. Over in Spain hogs are being called Yankees. That it one way to get even with the United States. But we don't care. We consider the rotten source . An ex.railroad conductor is said to have laid op $150 on a $125 salary. The Dsmocrat has heard of another ex-conductor who told a friend privately that he had made as high as $50 on a single trip. One old time conductor is said to have openly solicited txketless patronage on the platform. But those days are said to be past and now it takes regula tion tickets. The governor of Vermont has $1500 a year. Now, $1500 is not a Urge salary for the governor of a sov- leign American 4tate.bat it is as much as Vermont pays, or Oregon either, eays the New York Sun. It is, is it. Sot much. , Governor Lord receives an annual salary of f350 or thereabouts, not $1500 only as stated. rhat $1500 may fcol a man 3000 miles away but not at home. 31 r. Bryan Answers Cleveland . William J. Bryan has answered Mr. Clevelenda big New York speech. Among other things he says: The important part of Mr. Cleveland's address, bow ever, is found in his declaration of war against those who support the Chicago ticket. In this last address be has given more aid to his opponents than to his supporters, just as he did by his official acta. His surrender of the Fiecutive bra neb of the Government into the hand jf Wall street financiers daring bis last administration did more than aay other one thing to arouse toe American people to acknowledge the iniquity of tbe gold standard. His thinly disguised sopport of tbe Republican ticket in tbe late campaign did much to drive silver Republicans oat of the Republican party, and tbeir loyalty to bimetallism bas not been shaken by defeat. In bis addreee Saturday night ae aided tbe silver cause (till farther bv removing whatever danger there might have been of concession from tbe Democrats to bolt us. If he bad discussed tbe fundamental principles of Democracy and then urged a nnion of forces upon a platform comprising tbe differences on the money question, he might have done as barm in some sections, but bis dogmatic insistence a poo a foreign financial policy, in bis emphatic endorse ment of tbe ortanixation of gold Demo crats, wiil have a wholesome influence in convincing timid Democrats of tbe folly ol any attempt to reunite Demo crats wbo believe in bimetallism with Democrats wbo are wedded to gold moo omdtailism. Mr. Cleveland recognizes that tbe con test over money, instead of being ended, ts just beginning ; he recognises it is an irrepressible Conflict, and in this he rea sons rightly. Tbe Democratic party will in 1900 reiterate its demand for tbe free and unlimited coinage at I) to 1. and it will be opposed by those who at that time believed in a gold standard. This being as certain as an fata event can be, why should those affiliate now who expect to engage io combat so soon hereafter? e now t-ave a harm onious democratic party, and we have a bolting organization which claims to represent another kind of democracy. Let them both exist and time will , de termine which is finest to survive. If any bimetallist is converted to tbe gold standard, be can jain their organization ; if any gold democrat repents, he can return to tbe fold However much we may differ from Mr. Cleveland, we most admit his cour age. A lees resolute man would Hesi tate to assume the leadership of little band of 130,000, many of whom 7oted the Indianapolis ticket by mistake, and then accuse 6,500,000 voters of being either designing agitators or dupes of designing agitators. A man of less self reliance would reexamine bis own con duct to see whether it wss his folly or theirs which reparated tbem from 6,000, 000 of democrats who once idolized htm, but in tbe lexicon of Mr. Cleveland's matnrtr years there is no such word as "mistake." imootent in 1 TbegoM Democracy u bringing any relief to the country. rt ij long on platitudes and short on perform ance. It reached its maximum at tbe polls. - It is the toy of those financiers who pra'.e about national honor while they fatten on tbe nation's extremity, and is powerless to protect the people from tbe extortion of trusts and tbe greed of unrestrained corporations. Those democrats who believe in equal' ity before the law will naturally gravi tate toward the regular democracy, and those democrats who believe in a gov ornment by syndicates and for syndi cates will naturally drift into the repub lican party, because it offers them the best prospect of success. EXECUT0H3 SALt .Id the county court of the s'aie of Oie gon for Linn county. In the matter of the estate of Olney Fry Sr. deceased. 1, Olney n, the duly appoin'ed, quali fied and acting executor of tbe last will and testament and codicil of Olney Fry Sr deceased, hereby give notice tint pur suant to an order iul out of slid court on the 4th da of March, 18o3, I will sell at public auction at Vo court bouse door in Albany, Lnn county, Oregon, to the Mifbe-t Rnd best bidder, on Si'urdav.May 8tb, 1897, at 1 o'clock p m. tbe. following described property 10 wit; The south half of lots evn and elgh t in block No 2 (two, in the Eastern addi tion to Albany, Linn county, Oregon. Also by virtue of an order issued out of aid court or the 8tb dty of September, 1896, 1 will sell at public auction at the time and place above s'ated. to the high est a''d best bidder, the following descnb ed real property, lowit: 43 acres described as follows, tow it: Tbe Southwest quarter of the N E quarter o section 28. township 11 S of K 3 w of tbe Willamette meridian. Terras of sale cash. OuY Fay, Js, Eiecutor, . Blackburn, Someis & Duncan, Attys Wanted-An Idea Wbo can thin a ot soma Simula Protect your daa; thet may brioa yoa waaltb. Writs JOHN WKUliKKlll'RN CO., Patent Alto? Bays. Washington, 1. C, for their 1. una oOat ana Ust '' "vo doaUivw tcvsnuonft - ..'tui. (tilDg to patentl Greece Is In a turmoil now for certain. It is more than frying. Kentucky was bound to have a for TJ. P. Senator. Dr. Deboe man. doctor is the There is money in raising cattle in this valley. Farmers should not loose sight of that tact. The bicycle can never drive tbe horse out. That is a fact tat should be re membered. Both will have their place in the world. - Three corporations in New Bedford have a capital of $500,000, and an in debtedness of $2,550,000. That is mod ern financiering. The rate to the National Christian Endeavor Cocvemion in San Francisco, will be one bait for round trip. The con vention will be held in July. Theodore A. Haveymeyer, the sugar king, is dead. lie left all bis vast wealth made by an unreasonable profit on sugar, wrong out of tbe masses. Dlngleyism drags wearily along- The prospect of passage ot tbe bill has at ready raised tbe price of a number of things. The trusts and monopolies are the ones wbo thrive off it. An ancient writer said: "A woman with blue eyes never elopes from her huspand, never chats scandal, never finds Unit, never talks too much nor too little, and is always entertaining, agree able, intellectual, lovely creature. If the truth were known it would probably be learned that the color of the eyes had nothing to do with It. No city can be prosperous whose resi dents tarn from their own professional, business and indnatral interests and spend their money abroad No proposition can be plainer than this. It is self-evident upon its face; no experience is necessary to demonstrate tt- If a hundred residents of this city were stood up in a row and the question propounded to tbem, do you want tbe city to prosper? onqaestion- ably every mother's son of them would answer, "Certainly we do " An i ye, perhaps 25 per cent or more ot these eitisens and their wives, eons and daugh ters bay their dry goods, notions, cloth ing, shoes, jewelry, millinery and house hold goods in acotbercity. hot simply to make tbe city prosper. bat as a recognition ot oar mutual depen dence npsn one another as members of the same community , as a recognition of the protection and beneficence of hu man govern meat, we should spend onr money at heme. Ex. ibe memorial presented to the pres ident on Thursday by lbs executive council of tbe Federation of Labor voices tbe popular bat unreasonable discontent of the wage-earners over tbe failure of tbe politicians to redeem tbe proiperity promisee so reck lea '.y made from the stamp daring the recent campaign. Tbe pledges of a speedy return to good tiroes so glibely made by tbe spellbinders were repeatedly deprecated by tbe conserva tive, sober-minded element in the repub lican party. Chicago Times Herald Nevertheless it was tbe policy tor saining votes, and it did it, a great many times in Oregon alone. Financial Outlook. Saw Yoac. April 24, 1897. Public opinion appears measuring tbe vtjtnt nf Rnaaian Hiffirnlties. Should either their Black Sea protases D eitter intervention, protection or inde-l,a pendence It would be embarrasmg. Be- j ' n ,,me n objector to bins car-tweentbepoeaibnitiesc4warandtami-el,nPProPrlioo h believed to be Russia appears likely to give the United J eeeeeary, no member of tbe boose States a wider field for supplying tbe J a4 mor rr' Iri'nde. Tbat he maoufacturiog masses of Europe with ! T"Iord lh ,!J bi eeeocialee their daily food, which mot largvly come from loreim countries wheiner there is war or not. Tbe eporta Jon of , tbe surplus wheat, corn, oata, pork, lard j and ribs now in American etorenonses would pat lile Into everything. Unless ; all signs fail there is a growing poesibil-! ity tbat this -rainbow" attending the j European fireworks may bave a oct of s-old bnrier at the spot where It tooelee" J 00,m lb1 " thereby arou-ed. b. con tte United States. are not "rain- ; e'"ded not to write a hook. When re bow'ehaaen." but we would advise , Monetrated with be said : "I cannot do watching tbe price. Tbe "Street Rail wav Journal" eyt: "Surface railways increased io coat 400 per cent since ISeJ. receipts in ISySweref 13.5 per cent of caDitaliaaUoo : operating 1 rnanaaa IU! A nap nt : rOtt rd eareein. ! passengers 3.03 cents per mile." Dun reports commercial failures first quarter of 1897 about WS.000,000 against $57, 000,000 tbe previous year. The com mercial reports indicate some hesita tion and not altogether satisfactory conditions in industrial circles. Asso ciated bank statement nnimportant. Merchandise imports at this port were about $1,700,000 more than tbe previous week and $3,000,000 more than last year. Tbe Chicago Freight Bureau has pre pared a pooling bill to introduce to "the senate in place of tbe Foraker bill . Tbe gross earnings of 75 roads report ing to the "Chronicle" the second week ' April show a decrease of 1 .01 per cent mpered with an iccrease of 1.67 per cent on tbe aggregate of earnings report ed by 79 roada the first week of April. St Paul's earnings tbe thirl week In April averaged 172,134 daily against 178,934 in 189G and $115,104 in 1893. The notable increases were Cbesa peaks & Ohio, International & Great Northern, Mexican Central, Southern Railway and Texas Paci Be. The notable decreases were St Paul, C , C, C. 4 St. Louis, Minneapolis A St Louis, Missouri Pacific, Not folk & Western, Northern Pacific and Wabash. Ibe stock of raw sugars at American porta is about four times that of last year and steadily Iu creasing. Tbe Sugar Company is doubt less accumulating raw material. Wheat. " Btadstreefe," quoting from the London "Miller," gives a new estimate of the world's crop, showing about 90,000,00 bushels less wheat in world's crop of 1896 than 1805. Worthington C. Ford, chief of the Treasury Bureau of Statistics, thinks the disturbed condition ot European affairs is about to ba a profit to the United States and that Russia, mindful of the famine of 1891, is likely to leave the business of famishing food prodactt largely to tbe Uoited State. Yours truly, Mact & Pkkdlbton. Weakness of LIen Quickly, ThoroogMy, Forever Cured by a as w psrf seted solan tills shod tha-etinfit lad Balsas she saas la bayond Bomaa aid. Vo fast Im proved the first daj, fsal a Daasfl t every day, soon kaovr yooraslf a kias among maa In body, aaiaa and hoart. Xrains and lossss sndsd, Irirt abataele to harms snarrlad llfsramorad. Ksrvs forea, will, saarsy. whsa toainsov lost, arsrsstorsd by this traatmant. All wsak portions of tha body snrsd and atranrth anacU Writs tot oar book, with aiplanatlons and proofs. Pont ssalsd, trsa. Ovar &UW rafsraoosa ERIE 1,'ED'iCAL CO., 64 NIAOARA ST. BUFFALO, N. V. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS This May evenicg is the time when in boyhood the Dkhocuat man hong the festive May basket of many colors, filled with confection and flowers, upon the door-knob of s-me other boy's best girl and then ran lor life, to save being caught and paid the penalty lor the act a kis. At , those boyhood days, and girlhood days. How times have changed. Those girls have grown np acd most of them are old maids, down In tbat little New York valley between tbe four hills, where the little river babbled over the pebbles. Tbe boys have grown up too, and are scattered over the plains, from the Atlantic to the Paciflc, nearly all married, and their children may be banging May-baskets, for tbe custom is a pretty one tbat has spread oat from east to west and north to south . Hand as a bucket to catch a memory tear this Saturday night in tbe finest va'.ley on tbe globe. That tWaeco-Tuiklsh trouble con tinues to be about to be settled at tbe end of another we.-k : but oaly time can tell t .e result. Guessing is like prog nosticating Oregon weatber. The Inter nal dissension in Greece bas sbown the wesknese of the government. Some one says if everybody wonld begin talking good times instead of hard times, be times would soon be good. Tbat is excellent theoretical ajvice ; but in practice tbat is not human nature. Washington Letter. Pmas oar racular Oonaaponaaot. Wasbixotom, April 20ih. 1897 It is becoming apparent that the ad ministration is preparing to let don some of the civil service bars to tbe office pastures. Mr. McfCimey bas bven talk ing over tbe matter with tbe civil service commission and two of bis cabinet Gage and Wilson have putinclr advo cated modifying tie Civil Srvice Rules as applied to their departments bome surprise was expieeard by Ohio men wbo were not in the game, so to speak, when JuJge Day, o! tbat State, wno was supposed to be preparing- to go to Cuba, as a special eommirs'ooer al lowed himself tobenom'.oatmiFir-tAant becretary of Slate. They knw lodge , w t . . . I umj dm resigned two Ju Vretnp, toln paying mote salary than any of tbe At Secretaries get, and tbat he wasn't ex actly tbe sort of a man who roalJ care to be any body's assistant, ell, be it to be Sherman's an istant onlv in name. So lar a the mailers he wiil Laodie are concerned, be will be Secretary o( S:t, and if Mr. Sherman, who iegviog vis ible evidence tbat be feels bis ae, fe. tired of the worry and reeigns, the port folio wiil be given to Judge Da, what Mr. Sherman thinks of this program wooid naace interesting reading, bo' on less he concludes to add an-j'hrr wiame to bis "Recollections'' tbe public M have to be content with gueweng . Had Sherman not been in Banna's way in tbe Senate, be wonld never bave bven made Secretary of Ktate, and be wouid not be persuaded to withdraw it sLoald he len der bis resignation. Senator Foraker won bis ght against Bellamy Storer, of Ohio. wi:ii04t baviog to ask for votes in the Senate to reject bis nomination to be A eel. Secretary of State. Storer wss nominated Miuieter to Belgi am instead, and Foraket baa no ob jections to bis going there. Tbe death of Judge Uo'man, of lad., to closely following that of ex Seoater Voorbeee, another distinguished son of j e Hoosier state, is deeply fell by tbe nM' B cona-rees. Notwilbstand- w" "'n'y w several years ago, He ' r -ft" pirr wim a uoerai onr, be decided to write a book covering his Personal reminiscences daring bis long membership in the boose, and actually Wen tbe preliminary sori. About thmt t!m Jobn Sherman's book was Published, and when be saw ID. .mag Every booa of reminiscentes tbat jeomes out only makes trooble for tbe mf ue w ouaua T eomeibing. even if be is iesocent of any mean iu ten,ion' tb" heartburning iniSOnuerMaoaing. 1 OJUtl Hot must let the end of nay lile be clouded in way." such a Teaching 1. Tbere is no school uals the father, the mother, the teacher aad tbe pupil keep school together. 2. Know thoroughly the subject to be taught acd explain to the pupil why you teach it. 3. Gain and keep tbe attention of pupils. Excite their interrst 4. In yonr teaching use lana-uaae tbat yout pupils understand. 5. Begin with the known and g j by easy steps to the unknown. Take the whole class with yoa. 6. Kxcite self-activity in the pupils and lead each to discover truiti. Hlioer the class bow to study. 7.1a each 1 aeon let a halt he made and then bave pupils fix points aire -ly rat the conclusion reached, and pre mises upon which the conclusion Is based . 8, TheteacLIng must touch the whole nature of the child and stinin ate to higher action and more industrious lab its of work, of silence, of obedience, honesty and truthfulness. Three fourths of education is the habit ol work. Ua fcTATE WBATMEat K Summary. Station, Albany, Or. Month April 1897. Eleyation above sa levl, 214. Mean temperature, 54.21 Masimuin temperature, 82; dite, 15, 10 and 17. Minimum temperature, 36; date, 5, 7, 11, 25 and 27. Mean of mtiimam tempersiuie, 66,23. Mesa of minimum tomprruure; 42. t0. Number times maximum temporal! 90 or above, 0. Number times lin:main temperature 32 oOialfaw, 8. Nu m bar timet minimum temperature 40 decrees orhelow, 9. Tvtal prrcipiU tion 2 08 moh s. Ureal em prsoipltation in 24 cotaeaotive ho ra, and date, 0.08. 19th N.t. of oleir days. 22 . N i.f pa tly ol-ittdy days, . No. of cloudy days, 8. Dales of ligi.t frost, 25th. Dates ol killing frost, 0. Dtes on which mow fell. 0, Datei on whdi hail fell. 0. Dates on which s'e fall, 0. Dates rf thunder storm. 0, . Auroras, 0 Prevailing directiop of tha wind, N C G ""PRKHAsT - Volunteer Ovseit.r. Canned wild blackberries ia one and two quart jars, cheap at C E Browkiix'i. MISFITS. Hon. W. L. Tooze, of Woodburn, has been paid for his October speeches. He bas been appointed p. m. at that city. Views oi Oregon homes and scenery sent east is ore of the best advertise ments for our country there is. The ex-railroad commissioners began examining the O. C. & E. today. That is one way for private citizens to take a picnic ride. Governor Lord says he never bad any iiicuviuii ui giiing io .-ew xoric, which indicates mat balem get mighty previous papers sometimes Dr. T. W. Harris, of Eugene purchas ed a cyclometer and out it on his bicy. cleat 2 o'clock. At 6 o'clock it regis tered 202 miles. The doctor must be a lightning speeder. Cas Mat'ock, of Eugene, most be a bi cycle fiend. He has ridden wheels thirteen years and has owned thirty-two different kinds of wheels, and now he says the is the best wheel made. Lebanon has already reieed $300 for a 4th of July celebration. That w tre way to do. Get the money down in black and white two months before hand, and not promises. If men benefitted most will not give liberally In the start a city cannot expect the eagle to scream. An interesting story is told of a young man who recently ro.1e from Omaha to Portland for only $1.25. At the begin ning I each division he bought a ticket for a few miles and then borrowed tbe long distance tag of a man having a ticket, when the conductor jasaed acting at unconcerned as a nabob. A Snohomish grocer received a box of eggs from an np river rancher oee da last week, each egg being stau.ped "We want good roads " In th l ter to the grocer uie larmer stated tbat the eggs ucripuon wnea luey were! sujwiaz mat even me bens object to the present roads 'rTO"" . tnetiuard save that Dr. Chapmen though receiv'ng a salary of 1.1,000, or ly gave in enough propertv to pav 41 rruts iBie), mis on ur -M p.ii,n a saorn statement that he did not have on dol lar of money, note or accounts ou. band. Certainly Ir several years on surh a sal ary the Dr. n uit have saved a few hun dred dollars. T. T. Geer, of Marion county, who told people on tbe stump thai good time wnuld begin a few minuter ader Maj. McKinley'a election. i nor rustling night and day for tlieoifi -e of collector ot cisloms of Portland It is said tbat more than haif the bu-inee men of Port land would like to retain Collector DUck. They are discussing the 4ih at oaletn also. Tbe Statesmen wants an aquatic exhibition, and to offset ibis proposition the Jou-nal says Bill Anderson proposes an exhibition by tbe Warm Spring In dians and the convicts, which mot Id create a gr?at iemaod lir wbiekev It is tbns at this status a wa'.er 4th a whiskey 4th. versus JufticeClift. of Oaklaol, CaSif is a very acc im modal ing feliow Yesterday big ex-euator Moffat t ia a cam beiure VUtt railed the court a svt of (t.ierea and dared the justice to come do n. Tbe J P. a member of the Reliance Athletic Mnl. an. I . l J i . ., ad urne.i court and wer.. u il Piilt i ih.-i. vf...V. " T all he wanted Editor Fletcher in tho sateru Inde-p-ndent says: W. W Martin. Male street, gave a great rnaay ocular demon strations of tbe beauties of the single gold standard previous to tbe late gen eral election in November, but he never gave one bait so truthful nor half so for cible as the one he has recently given by which the gentleman bas aecended the golden stairs th-oogU the assignment route. Tbe Washington Post says that Eep reeentalive Ellis of Oreeon. wants to dispose of two consu'ships. His candi date are Charles II Dodd. a former president of tbe board ot trade, ot Port land, wbo bas nicked out for himteif the poet at Kanaka a, Japan, and Hon. John F. Ca plea, who retired last year in the district convention sn favor of Mr Kllis for tha congressional nomination. MrCapIeeis vtiLingto take most anv good paying consulate. The following from the McMicnviae T. K. is a sample ot the way thing go sometimes: Tbe appoio'ment of young Detmenng to the poetofSce at Day'on does not seem to give satisfaction "to a considerable number cf tbe patrons of the office Curtis W Powell, an dd enl dier who bad received tbe endorsement of the people was turned down by the McMinnville ring, who are dilating the appoinlmente. Mr Detmering has the distinguished honor of being the accred ited bon of tbe two Dayton preciocs. To th ho attended the Carnita entertaiameni io Albany a few months ago and one or two other magic lantern shows the following from Tne Dalles T. M. will sound comic: Mr. Edward who is on his war east to advertise the Columbia river and the great "inland Empire," has made arrangements to deliver hie crest history of this country a, the Votcht opera bouse I next Saturday night. May 1. His Ulk ! wilt be illustrated w tli'over 100 fine 1 1 . : ,... .! views, no is Bcrumpameu uy tne icreat baritone vocaiist, II. vocaiist, Chas. II. Whitnev. and also bv the pleasing elocutionist Mies j Effa Mae Shields. The busiest man in the L. e. is he who apixiinU 4th class postmaster. The Post says : Fourth Assistant Post master General Brislow is keeping up his record of over 100 appointments every day. Tuesday the actual num ber was 1:6. ii of whirh were to till va- caucies caused by death and resignations aad 61 having been removed at the ex piration ot tour year a eervic-. Mr Brls- tow is the uittt easily approachable man t;t..l .i.. -.i: . . t t ,, Bnd UtUtJ1 p,tiell,y lo ,Jl(J .upUi,,,. and wants of scores of congressmen every dsy. Of coa-ee, this interferes with the transaction of business, but when the visitors have ceased to come then he turns his attention to the work Del ore him and frequently does not get away iroin nis ueBlt Delore midnigut. Where there is a will there is a way. About fifteen rears ago there were in attendance at the Columbia Law School at New York City two young students, one from Ohio, J. J. Lents, and the other from Pernsylvania.K. E. Robbins. The fellow-students were room-mates at college and cultivated each other's ac quaintance to the point of fast friend ship. In discussing their plans at school .-ne day, young Bobbins asked Lents; "What do you propoeo doing when you graduate?" "I am going back to Ohio and run for ongrew," was the reply. "What are your plans?" "I propose returning to Pennsylvania and trying the same idea," responded Kobbins. "We wll meet some dav in the house." Tbe other day, for the first time during the session, Bobbins, a representative from tireensburg, Pa., met Lents, a rep resentative from Columbus, Ohio. Clasp, ing hands, thev sitnnlv remarked, but in tho saiue breath: ""Well, here we are." Poet. ! asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Mood's Fills. Satan tn size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man said i You never know you have taken a pill till It ball IgSIZ 1 1 over." 250. a L Hood & Co., ill Prom-fetors. LnvrelL Mass. The only pills t? take with Hood's Barsaparllla. ) s TELEGRAPIIIC. A Greelafe Tlelery ATnKss, April 30. Midnight A tele Rrvm just received bere says a great battle has been fought at Velestine, between a Turkish force of 8000 and General Smolen Ui's brigade. Tbe dispatch states that the repeated charges of tne Turks were repulaed with enormous lostes. The headquarters staff of the Greek army at Pbarsala nas been completely changed. inneral Macris and Colonels Saponulzakia M astro 'as and Antoniades have resigned and started for Athens. A Big Earthajaake Wasuimotos. April 30. Tbe United Stales oncul at Guadeloupe, West Indies, has telegraphed tbe state department, un der date April 29, from Poinle-a-Pitre as follows: "A severe earthquake cccur-d here- the loss is heavy and many were injuried" Tbe TartST BIN WasnmoTox, April 30. Senators Alli son and Aldricn spent the day in nlacing the finishing touches to the tariff bill. They were tbe only members of the sub committee in the city. The bill bas been completed in all essentials and only remains to be put in shape for presentation to the democrat. The members ot tbe subcom mittee decline to reveal the changes agreed upon, even to the members of the senate. Baa's Key arc New York. April 30. R. G. Dun & Co's review will say: In spite ot the modern ts improvement in most of the great industries business is disappointing. Expectations of a speedy ena or toe war in r.urope tnrouga 1 orktah victories have helped to depress grain Demands of Austria and China bave caused txpr rts of $6,500,000 gold, mer chandise imports are greitly Ucreaeed and final action of congress on tbe revenue question seems more remote. Baasal riafcl Losdox. Aprii 30. It is aetni-official!y stated t'-at there is reason to believe tbat European intervention between Turtey and Greece in the present position of af fairs is regarded as nol!y impracticable, both Greece and Turkey have resolved to con'ioue tbe war- The powers are thus oblige I irel to stand aside nntil one of tbe batants u finally oefe-td. ' com Btg .tal hlaaau vtarV. - . v v uw , t, w loaa. April 30. on Hoffioaa C.i . will ship $1,500 OUOin gold to Eoiope ' i -.morrow; Laxird FrtM, $I,500.CO in ' mixed iro'd ban and coin, and Heidelhach. Icke'beimer tc Co. $.VJijr). Kubm. Loeb st Co , wiil hip$j 000 in gold bars t'-morrjiw. Tot I shipment from April 27 to May 4 will aggregate 7,225.000 Mrtd Use Bslsaee t rawer. Chicago. April 29. Tne Post's Wash ington special sa)s: Senetor Jones, of Ne vada who holds tbe balance of power, has joined with t'je democrats of the finance committee in olfscing to repdrtiog the '.ariff bill direct to tho senate as framed by tbe repabticrn members. I'tismove is a disappointment to the republican aeoiturs in uo.-re and to the aJtainitr-tion. Tbe b It will have to be repotted to the full committee, axd the democratic member of the committee say that, wfciie they do not intend to obctrmt tbe measure, tier prope to take time tut iu Careful consideration. A )! Saauittw isrtstrj. Sew Yog, April 2f. A Herald du paten from Havana says: tbe engagement which tbe Spanish Lad with General Rodriguez ia the Furgatairy bills, and wnich was reported as a decisive Spanish victory, tarns oat to bave been tbe reverse. The Spanish columns eceBtjUrd tie inwreen! anl attacked sharply, relying on their aarvrior forces, Tbe ieUea re treated toward their ramp, and eacc-eded in pining tiveir tid trie cf drawing tbe ?paaia into an amh;:4cade. General CsxtiMu arrived with reief.wcemeoU while L8"0" irgtng the Spanish and reit ontteu- Cacg Tbe fiehtios? buted fire boor, and in killed, wonlded and prisoner tbe Spasuh hsst ISO men. Tae War. Avncss. Apri'.S-.Toe Greeks have fal len bacX oa t'oarsala. Rail was commas i- ca'joa betwvi ok and Phamia ta been ebe,. The advance gnarc of the Tar kisb dtvuioa have more-.' forward from all point and taken cp various positions oa me i & piain. Hoth armies are now ia immediate cm: Lad. and a great battle U believed to be imminent. Wkat ftreeee Will . Losdox. April 29 Henry Sonnan, the Cbrjoifie carrepocJnt at Athens. ay: I have lie best reason to believe that Greece is now disrxd to recail ber forces from Kpira and orraaate the island of Oete. two fcsndred tbooasd women and children are bo-ne e- and destitute in Tbesa y, and the tcoremmetit i arable to relieve their needs. . nts Slv stead. FrOKtSE. Wisu. Yil. 3 Two diri- i deod tmm mines were declared today ia ! ail STd.OOfl. The Rni. a m wt prprtr j i the Slocan e.-3!rT. a JwiOOt.)! divi.ieod. makib iiT.COO in dtv4-d j to da'e. I be Le kx ceclared 35.tJJ. ! maaicg aooat . .'-."J tor Uut cjmpany to daie. A Terrttue tlawal OCTBRtE, O T.. April 2S F mile toois hi the t 'enviian ralley it a dreary was:e. sna ter people are overcast with snofun. At sunrise this morsing a mikrh'y wall of water frtwa ix to eight feet buth and a mile wide Kroke upon Wert tj ato ne withcat wuniosr, crushing bouses, sweepinir awa rroprr'y and drowning peo;le by tne scone, r.wry moveable ibinis was swept before tbe wave, which paired on imo tbe valley with resistles torce. wreaking terrible destrnction to lite and roperty wberev.-r it reacbe-t. Dctens of human lives are known to bave been aacriaced, how many, may not be known for weets; hundreds ot bhm were wreck- jed in tt'e twink tog of an eye; for miles farms were couipleteiy ruined, ifidges ahd j tracks were washen out and railwav traffic in every direction i left at a standsUlL Ed sea an-toea Coavaiirs Anril. X-lUmr ssemW Skipton arrived in town !a.t nieht with Kd Skott, charged with stealing tbe phaeton. horse acd harness of Mrs, Louisa Fuller yesterday morning, iott has been defead ent in numerous cnuiina trials in the Ben ton county circuit court, and a few months ago was released from the state penitentairy ater having servedout a two years' sentence for assault with a deadly weapon, with in tent to kill. Sco't was captured in the kitchen of tbe farm house of John White man, 14 uiiies sou'h of town. Contrary to feneral ex;ectati'o, he made no resistance hie most likely to the fact that the officers "got the drop' on him- Thf stolen pro perty was fouud societed in the brush near the farmhouse, and baa been returned to the owner. l reeks Retreated. CossTA.vTisorLR, April 28. An official dispatch from Salonica says in an engage nient at Losatika. the Greeks were compell ed to retreat with the !va of 400 killed, and tnsny wonded. The report of the boui barduient of Karaburun is denied. Beawe Cleeleat. FRaXKFOHT, Ky.. April 2S W. J. Deboe was elected United States senator today. 1 be vote was as follows: Deboe 71, tSlackburn 44, Martin 12, Stone 1. The election was followed by a great demon stration on tbe part cf tbe spectators who crowded the chamber. Decidedly Kev.lwllaaary- Atiienk, April 2$. Crowds last evening stoned the palace, broke windows ' and cried. "Down with the king, duwn with Prince Constant! ue. give us a republic" Some pistols were tired among the rioters and n.aoy officers were mobbed. Bran or Cttto, rnrv or jtoledo, i Lucas Cooserv. , Faamt J.CasMav makes oath that he ts the senior partner of tbe Arm ot t'.J .Oi s.tar & Co. , doing business in the City ot Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that aaid firm will nay 4bs sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLAK3 for each and every case of Catabh that cannot be cured ky the use ot Hau.'a Catashh Ct-aa. v . FRANK J. CHEJtEY. Sworn to before me and suoscribed in my presence, shia etb day of December, A. D. 18b. jsaab. A. VT. OLEASOS, A'otarg iwWi'e. Ball's Catarrh Core is taken internally and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system. Bend for teittimouiala, free. , F. J. CHENKY & CO., Toledo. O. Mf Bold by QrugiaU. TScT ' u" Uall'a Family Pills are the best. J. Gradwohl Informs the general public that he will ell as low as anybody in the city for net caiiti. Come and get prices before you buy. J. tiRaPWOHL, April 1st, 1S97. Spring Requires That tbe impurities which have accumu lated in your blood during tbe winter shall be promptly anu thoroughly expelled if good health is expected. When tbe warm er weatber comes these imparities are lia ble to manifest themselves in various ways and often lead to serious illness. Unless tbe blood is rich and pure tbat tired feel ing will afflict you, your appetite will fail and yon will find yourself -all run down." Hood's Sarsaparilla tones and strengthens tbe system, drives out all impurities and makes pure, neb, healthy blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the one true blood purifier and the best spring medicine. Be sme to get only Hood's. When Traveling Whether on pleasure bent, or business, take on every trip a tottfe of Syrup of Figs, a' it acts most pleasantly and effectually on tbe kidneys, liver, and bowels, prevent ing fevers, headaches, and other foras of sickness. For sale in 50 cent oot tles by all leading druggists. Mandfac tured oy tbe California Fig Syrup Com pany only. Just the Thing. Green peas and New potatoes at F. H. Pfeiffers. and everything else in season . Fair Prices On this basis we solicit your prescnp ion. We use but one grade of goods, tbe best. In accuracy our work will please the most critical. Our prices will compare favorably with any. CcKXBAkT t Lee. The Corners bang even when yon have your ace curtaias renewed at our laundry. Call acd get prices. Don't be afraid to seed expensive curtains to ns. We know now to launder them .right. C Siupsox ftSos, City Laondry. Y ur anie. 1 l4 r.nt tt An rrr vru... bk. an we will call regnlar.y for your i boodle of clothes. It only costs 10 cents to get a dress sbirt dose np. Every man can afford to wear ove or two each week at thia orioe. L Siarrso A Sox. First hL, near W'stbugton. I O CURE A COLIJ IX OXE OAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drutrs-tsis refund tbe moneyif it fails cure. zdc. Wool Wanted. At the Albany Woolen Mill, oarket price paid. Call at mui wool sacks. hi t,et Sodaviile Mineral Watfer. w nave just made arrangements to keep os band a good supply of Sodaviile mineral water tbroogbcat toe entire sammer sea scn. Getting a fre-h snpply each week. Give it a trtai. Bckkeaet A Ltut. Yes, it pa s lObuyyoor grorenes and predooe of Miun a? Huston. Tbey kep the best and tresbest aad are ail right on prices. They ueip ji-u w proffer ia a ail times. See tbeir fine Use of crockery. I ired, ervotts and weak men and women had new life, nerve strenirth, vigor ana vim y m fiood s Sfarsapai ii'a, which punaea, ennbes and vitalizes the blood. Hood s nils are the favorite family caisarac, ea; to iaie. easy in e3ect. 25e Choice tardines at C E Bests ru't. Save Your Grain. F rea'it that each Mairrel derors SI 5-) worth of c-ain annaallr. Wake- 'ee's Sqairrel and Gooher Exterminator U ne m Jl necue and ecpcotnical poison known. Price reduced to 30 cents. Far e'e by Foshay A- Maoa, agents We Lead, Others Follow. aid that t the reason Hopkins Bros, are tbe first to dis play a rail hne of tbe famous 1897 O seat and Craaford bicycle. Call and see bea. Hopkins Bros hive received a full stock ot t twwforo. bkye'e. Ibev are laa Cce ana see for voarwlf The Crescent was tie fittt to u( The other factories i the new D tnbicg. copy. A i ism Lisa of ladies and child rens hats just received. Leghorns in black and white 25c- Alsc childrens leghorn hats all trimmed for 75c All come and see, I will please yoa. 8 Mas. Jon ITmias. A larse assortment of rani. m t white clover, timothy aad biae gnue seeds jus irceitea rreea si C E Baows six's. Regardless ot Cost. Julius Gradwbhl intends to go out of tbe crockery and giaeeware bosineea, going into some other line of basineae, acd hence will sell his goods of this kind regardless of cost. When yoa call and get his prices yoa will be convinced that he means business, and will believe what he says. TO CURE A COLD IX OXE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2Jc Instrumental .dusic Mr. 11. il. Backensto is prepared to giv Instructions in instrumental music He teaches violin, guitar, mandolin and a number of orchestral and brass instramenta. Mr. Backensto is a musician of well-known ability in both practical and theoretical music, and one oi tbe most successful teachers in the state. Ruiness placed in bis hands will be faithfally and conscien tiouUy attended to. Let everybody come to tne Mar Bakery and get sr Vave ot fresh bread for It os cash. O Mivii, tJubbing Ofler. The Weekly Dkxocrat and Weekly Kxammer will be sent to subscribers for a.S5 a year. This includes all the priv ileges of the Examiners big premium gift in May, the same as if you sent the reg ular subscription price of 1.60 directlv vPPlr' Iatt,t th bargain. W eekly DaMooutand thrice a week N.Y. World, $2.00 a year. The W k&klt Dkmockat $1.25 a veaj and the Weekly San Francisco Kxammei lSOayear, combined for only $2 .Si. This includes all tha 000 pfemium list of the Examiner includ. mg a M0.000 residence and a $4000 golt nusrget. CASTORIA Tor lafinta and Children. tks fja. t!aiU si(uue cf ' tern ear If von want to dye easily and wrmnneni I v use 'Perfection Uvea. ; tne &nl hv Krod DaMSon. ' j I - Propcrly used, Pertection" dyea arc superior Insist on having' "Perfection." Dyes, tor sale by Fred i Dawson. TO THE EAST ervas THX CHOICS OS TrTO TKAKSCOJmjfENT A j. ROUTES great union NORTHERN PACIFIC VTA SPOKANE M.XKEAFOUS Ajrn VI DENVER OMAHA D ST. PAUL KAMSASCmr lOWKf TKS TO ALL EASTEKN .CITIBS OCEAN STEAM EES EAVE PORTLAND ETEBT DAV8 . . roa . SAM FRANCISCO For tall details eoli oa CcaaAW It MorarrH, Albany, Or a aotaaaw- W H HUBI-BtiKT. tiaw'tPa- -Aoaa Vf.-VetLL. rraidataad Maasgar POKILA.ND, OR. Oregon Central & EASTERN R. R. CO. -YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Cotmecticg at Taqoma Hay with the- Saii Francisco Yaqaiiia Bay PTEAMSEUP OOMPAXY. Sisaiijpilir Saila tronv Yaooina wverv 9 days for San Fraacieeo. Coon Bay, Port Orford, Trinidad and Humboldt Bay. FaasdSGxn AcooatonaTsosr Usararaaaamv Snorteet route between the "LUam ette Valley and California. Fare trom Albany and points west tar San Frajvrsco cams 10f 5-ntxaaG ; XC Bound trip good for GO days ITXC To Coos Bay Cabin $8JT &teerae 600 To Humboldt Bay and Port Orford. rtaVM Sin AST v wi. ....... .................... s .'VA aieeraee 7 CO Steamer "Albany" between Portland and CorTil lis, th roogh 'a ithoot la r-crer. Leaven Albany 8 iX) a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday ; lea res Port land, Yamhill street dock. 6:0C a. m. Sandaya Wednesdays and Fridivs- Edwts Stosx, J C Ma to, Manager. Supt River Dir. 1 C. E. R. R. CO. i Willamette River Division.) Steavcser ALBANY, dpt. J. L. Smith . Freight and Passenger, Leave Albany for Portland Sjodays, . Tneedays and Thursdays. Unwurpaaeed accommodations and schedules especially for tbe needs of op er Willamette traveL Pscnie pautase an avail themselves of this schedule tot tn v desired point between Ccrvaliia ansl Salem, leaving tn the morning and raw turning ia doe time the same evraiaav. Special ratee for special partiea of 15 or more. H. L- Waldes, , - r 1348 Hlstalss, M Hej Got things spelled wrong and all mix ed np disylay waw poer type old fashioned press work bad paper cheap nothing as it ought to be? Well take yonr next job of printing to Smi ley the Printer and Will Bs tas Bflt P. S. (Important). The price for do ing t will be right, too alley's printing ia ri printing. CITY T1EASURERS NOTICE K0.I2 Notice ts hereby (riven that frads aw on hasd to pay outsrandiBar wamala oT the issue of iSS6.fcomNo 4o3 io 5oS, in- ciuives intereet on such warrants wi'.t eetie with tbe date of tbi notice. Al-aaay. Or. Dec 23. 1S96- E. A. Paaaaa. 4 STREET RAILWAY NOTICE. The motor on the Albany street rail way will connect promptly with aU train to and from tbe depot, day and night. Special trips w?ll be wade at special a'. t. F Coss. Conductor. . NOTICE. All persons are cautioned not to pay accounts doe the Oregon Silver Impriat for advertising or job work prior to nt including April 9, 1S97, to any perscn other than the undersigned. J. A.FwcH, KV? HUMS LADSDRY. k Sort enc" of Uhworth Street, lamil washing taken. Partkalar attention paid to handle wadaag and mending. Satis action truaranieed. Jisv. CaaisTKaa WAXTED VA1THFUL v Oil EX TO travel for EX O resi established house is Omnia. Salarv and expense. Po&itioo permanent, lief- ereace LncKe selt-d dreasea stamped envelope lhe National, h'tar lasnrance Bld., Chicago. TOR REXT. In Mcllwain's brick X block good sore room, 8 wood office rooms. Enquire of H F kscltwaia. FOR REXT.-6 room dwellmg. 9 room dwelline, good location and cheat rent Or. Enquire of H F Mcllwain, Albany T CST. A flat key with ribbon to it. JL. Ptease return to tbe Revere hcose. LOST, Saturday evening, a gold charm, enameled, from watch co Pieswe return UJO Dubrui'la. cress cnarnu PR REXT OR SALE.-Good farm ITS acre. 6 nulee from A lbs ay. Esquire of n K Mcllwain, Albany Or. DRESS-MA K1XG- Ladies wishing to learn cutting and Siting by tbe Mor gan system, call an Mrs. B. E. Owea. Dresses rnada for 12 SO and UD. Cor Sid aadCalapooia, SITUAT10X WASTED. By a sober industrious young maa, good penman, bas seven years experience ia bcok-keeping and rorreepondence and extensive know! edtre of several branches ot mercanuie business, a notarial commission eood till Sluv 198. sneaks German aad Ens. llicg to make himself generally useful nv o huainesa, first clans rearaa- . Call at E. O. Lanta. 8 w Cor 7th aao oadalbia Sts. or send notice by mail td SanteB. lOBsiW wTW V '""a. -5