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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1897)
t -w r f 1 $b Btwnmi TERMS. DAILY Dhmotbat. 95 pent a nor mrtnth 3.00 per advance, 30c per month not in advance. By carrier. 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over 3 months . Simile copies oc. Wbkkly; $1.25 In advance; $1.50 at end .year; J1.75 for second year; $2.00 for ird and proceeding year, when not paid advance. Clubs of five pew subscribers r .00. Oubbing Offer. The Weekly Democrat and Weekly Examiner will be sent to subscribers for 2.S5 a year. This includes all the priv ileges of the Examiners bigpremium gilt in May, the same as if you sent the reg ular subscription price of $1.50 directly o the paper. Isn't that a bargain. Weekly Democrat and thrice, a week N.Y. World, $2.00 a year. Oakville. Judge Barton arrived in the citv this evening. Miss Ulga Post of Bellplain made us a pleasant call today. The first Dicnic of the season was civet) by the school under the management of their teacher Miss McCnne. e accept ed an invitation to take dinner with the school and at neon April 30th we made our toilet in baste and harried to the school hous. We found the school room decorated with various colored flowers and over the center of the black board hang "old glory" nicely festooned. In another room, which was also deco rated, we found a well filled table, eat ables of "11 kinds were spread out in gorgeous array. There was an abun dance of chicken, cakes of all kinds an 1 pea oi every description, we were given a seat at the head of the taole and can safely say that we wen waited on in first class style. The waiters were Clara bmuh, Maud Wade, Winnie Holstien, Glen Barton, Carrie Shearer, Lillian Hamill, Mid a Millhollen, - Mrs Hamill, fiallie Carrie, Ruby Hamill and Nellie rattison. 'After dinner the' following program was rendered: A duet by Nellie Pattison and Glen , Barton. A recitation, The Old Blue Hen, Grace Tvade, Recitation, Two Kittens, Geo Millhol len. Recitation by Miss Meda Mitchan. . Recitation, Grandpa's Spectacles, Al lie Pattison. Recitation, My Opinion of Grand mothers, Johnnie Pattison. ' A reading by Miss May Stone. A dialogue bv four girls. A dialogue "The Flower Girl." Recitation by Rosa Murphv. Recitation by Fred lie Hamill. Recitation by Rubv Hamill. Song by Belle Pattison. Dialogue bv six little boys, "What ws will be when we are men." Recitation bv Winnie Holstien. Song by Ralph Wade. Reading by Harvey Smith. . - Recitation by Haliie Currie. Recitation by Bernice Carrie. "Old Mother Hubbard dialogue." Reading by Frank St John. Heading by Estella Hamill. Recitation by Philip u&le. Beading by Nellie Pattison. After the program was completed short addtesses were made by Rev- . E. Henderson and A. Y. Smith. The picnic was a success in every way. We made the following observations : At the dinner table wera 42 scholars and 12 vis itors. We decided that the nicest cake was one made bv Mrs W J Marpby and the best coc kies were made by Mid Carrie Shearer. We didn't learn the name of the Johnnie who eat the most but it is reported to as by one of the waiterj that he ate six pies and two ch'ckens. One little girl was at the table 48 min utes but of course littie girls don't eat as last as bojs. Little Hoi Ecd. The Kent Has Precedence. . Tne following report of an Albany case "decided Saturday by the Supreme Conrt, presents an interesting legal point: H. Broders, apaellant , vs. J. C. Bo bannon et al, respondents, from Linn county; opinion bv Bean, J.: affirmed. In-November, 1892 the defendant, Bo hannon, leased a certain farm in Lion countv for the period of two years, et a rental of $1200, pavable one-half on or before October 1. 1S94. By the terms of the lease all crops raised upon the prem ises each year should remain tne property of the Landlord until the tent, as above specified, should be paid. In September, 1893, and while Bohannon was in pos session of the property, the plaintiff, without knowledge of the stipulations contained in the lease, loaned him the sum of $438.85. and as security therefor upon all toe crops growing upon ine premises, as weii . . . ill hannon farmed the land during tbe year . - -ifloi Knt fsilcvt tn mv thn ntnf or hia in- debtednees to piaintm. The question decided in this case is whether the mortage takes precedence over the landlord's claim for rent. The court holds that, by the provisions of the lease, the title to the crops did not vest in tbe tenant until the payment of rent, and that -prior to that time be could not anenmber it. bv mortage or otherwise, so to interfere with tbe landlord s rigbts under the lease. - Tbe decree is affirmed, Justice Waiver ton took no part in this decision. Dr. E- L. Irvine, of Arlington, is in tbe city on a few days visit, Mr. E. A. Parker is confined to his borne with pneumonia I. F. Tobey, of the Portland Orphan's Home, was in tne city yesterday. Ex-County Clerk Needham and wife returned Saturday night from their Portland trip. W R Elkios, a brother of Mr Jas El- kins returned to .his home at Dallas today, after a visit in Albany. An Albany clergyman, Rev. G. C. Myers, spoke on tbe"Attonement" at the Christian church Sunday evening. gtaytonMail. Mr Ezra M Hortonleft Saturday night for his former home in Vermont. He has the best wishes for future prosperity . .-. a ihm. frionitn ui i .-H home vesterdav from Fort Stevens. II . t J. UBTW ,UU J 1 ' .ill UlAli here they nave been to won lor tne Wvernment for about eight months. beaten. f rroi , l j """" 'teacl inS; prot her. is meeting with marked success in Salem, having twenty pupils. Among prominent people interested is Supt Paine of tbe Insane asylum. The pupil of Prof Whitehorn has sojetbing that he can keep lor me. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cleveland de narted Monday a. m. for Albany where they will visit for a lew days with Mrs rtumland's daughter.Mrs. R. L. Wiiner. It is understood they may locate in At Unf nermanentaby. Mrs. Cleveland will be greatly missed by her children, un. F. L. Oaspell and Willie Jones, al manv friends who will wish them prosperity wherever they go. Stayton Mail. Knecbt& Meiser have made arrange ments to open a branch store at Roseburg, of which Mr. aieiser win uave caorge. Tbe Monmouth normal school will be continued in all its departments regard!es j of the failure Ot tne legislature u tueew it is in excellent hands. Tbe stockholders of the Albany Water'oo and Lebanon R R bae. reorganized with tbe following officers: J L Hill, president; J Knox Haight, vica president; WW Parish, treasj A H freerksen, sec. R E xi I. the remaining director and J K Weatherford, attorney. Tbe body of C H Simpson, one of Sa!em' cit? councilmen, was found in Mill Creek Ka?.it dav He was a member of tbe Wood - men of tbe World and I O 0 F, and leave - a wife and three children. Tne coroners . :,..! h arane of the acciJent and iuri,i,h south bank of Mill creek, about fop east of Capitol street, Tbey fnnnd that he came to his death b? drown- Dg. Some wuna. "luu" ATZSZZL' Z Zr:,,J!?'!'.GW. of Boston, and Alley, of $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book $5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys Id choice "cat gut" Banjo Is strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E strings. $1.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 buysa5-drawersewing machine; V : L l; r . uiiano, ugiii running; guaran teed 5 years . aEayPrices on Pianos. Organs. Banios wiui on application. E. U. Will Albany. Oregon Stone All Right. Mr. John B. McGilverv. of Denver. who has a contract to furnish 57.000 cuoic yams ot stone used in the con struction of the new Spreckles building, in San Francisco, left for that citv Sat urday, aiter a hurried visit to Oregon. The stone used in constructing the Spreckles building comes from an Ore gon quarry, in Lincoln county, near Ya quina. It is taken out in huge blocks, weighing from 10 to 13 tons each, sent to the seaboard on cars, and there shipped to San Francisco on the steamer Faral lon It was recently discovered at the i quarry mat some ot the blocks, in some unaccountable way, were cracking, and the foreman in charge refused to ship any more stone until Mr. McGilvery, the contractor, arrived to investigate. The contractor lost no time in coining to laquina, and it was speedily ascertained that the cracking was due to exposure cf the freshly quarried stone to the sun's raf 8. causing the sap to evaporate too qtiickly. This was easily remedied by keeping the stone in the shade for a time before shin Tipnt. Mr. McGilvery isVne of the big build ing contractors of the country, having supervised the construction of all the large buildings in Denver, and has been awarded contracts in all parts of the country. - He has a high opinion oi the Oregon stone used in the Spreckles building, and says that contracts re cently made for buildings in San Fran cisco distinctly specify that construction shall be of Oregon stone. Oregonian. The Laborer Beatex. In the case of the receivership ot the Oregon Pacific Railway company, an appeal from Benton- county, the opinion of the lower court was affirmed. The decision was rendered by Jud.e Bean. This was an appeal from an order of the circuit court of Benton countv, denvinit the petition of certain employes of the receivers of the Oregon Pacific Railway company for an order requiring the plaintiff in the fore closure suit, in which such receivers were appointed to pay the wages of the petitioners. The petitioners were em ploved h the receivers to operate the road, and as the property did not earn enough to pay the expeusts, they, the employes, petitioned the court to order the plaintiff in the foreclosure suit to de posit with the court the money lor the payment of wages. This order was de nied and the petitioner appealed The action of the court was affirmed. States man. The New Tims Tabus. Trains began running ay 1st on tne new and satisiac tory schedule. The official time table baa been received by the Democrat from the Portland oliico and shows that the south bound California express leaves Portland at 6 p.- in. arrives at Albany at 9 :40 and at San Francisco at 7 :45 a. m. the second day. Leaves San Francisdo at 8 p. m. arrives at Albany at 5:ao a. m. tne second day and at Portland at 9 :30 a. m. The time of the Roseburg local soutb is unchanged. The northbound leaves Rosebur,' at 7 :30 a. in., leaves Albany at 12:50 p. m. and arrives at Portland at 4 :30 p. m. For particulars of time ot trains on the branches to Lebanon, Wood burn and Natron see time table on fourth page. Albany Wcn - The base ball game be tween Albany College and the O. A. C. ended Saturday evening in favor of Al bany, by a scratch When Albany went t bat in the ninth inning the score was IS to 17 in favor of Corvallis. By good hitting Albany scored three runs. The first part of the game was loosely plaved The last five innings were a good exhibi tion ot amateur base ball. Lie score was Albany 11 10 0 3 0 2 0 320 Corvallis 7 0 4 4 01 0 1 118 Alex Rennie umpired with remarkable impartiality giving general satisfaction. The Costest Begcs. Mr. Ralph E. Moody returnhd from Salem yesterday. While at the capital he filed 10 suits in tbe circuit conrt against H. R. Kincaid, secretary of state, asking for writs of mandate to compel auditing ot cairns against the state. Judge Sbattuck is plaintiff in one case, suing to enforce payment of his talary, and A. B. Croas- man t thin itv ia nlaintifT in thA nthftf j n Uea to the pemtentiary.-Ore- mwvu, ' . v . u v u . .u. .u. u -j goman. Robbert at Stattos. Friday morn ing E. Roy, the Staytou jeweler, found his safe had been blown open and about $400 in money, watches and jewelry se cured. One purse containing about $00 was blown out of the safe and overlooked bv the robbers who seemed to have been experts at their business. Journal. Fob the Homeless. Rev. I. F. Tobey spoke at the U. P. church yesterday morning and at the Bap.lbt chnrcb in the evening in the interest of the Oregon Childrens Home Society. An organiza tion that finds homes for the homeless. Mr. H C. Chamberlain of this city will take a four year old boy. Mr. Tobey se cured several yearly memberships to the society. DIED. THOMPSON. In Corvallis, on Sunday evening. May 2, 1897, of consumption, after a lingering illness, Mrs. . J. Thompson, wife of tbe well-known pas tor ot the Presbyterian cnorcn oitbat city, at the age of 56 years. Mrs. Thompson came to Albany with her husband twelve years ago. They had previously resided in Salem a few years, Before coming to this state vr Thompson and family bad been residents lot Minnesota for a rood manv vears. .--. "l7:-U-. &' I . , f, . - , a? . Anompson was tne example Mrs of christian womanhood and mtny will mourn the loss of this noble woman. The deceased leaves a husband, two uoiton, uallforma, and three daughters Mrs. Wm. Fortmiller. of this city, Mrs, Samuels and Miss Edith. Tbe funeral services will take place at tbe Presbyterian church in Corvallis to morrow at 9:30 a. m. The remains will be buried in tbe Masonic cemetry at Al bany at 12 :30 o'clock. Of severest trial and test prove in regard to Hood's Saraaparilla st. Greatest Merit Secured by a peculiar Combina tion, Proportion and Process unknown to others which naturally and actually produces 2d, Greatest Cures Shown by thousands ot honest, . voluntary testlmoptals which naturally and actually produce 3d, Greatest Sales According to the statements of ; , 1 , druggists all over the country. In these three points Hood's Sarsapaiilla Is peculiar to Itself. u X"Tl Sarsaparilla Is the best It Is the One True Blood Purifier. I I , mil are the only pills to take rlOOu 5 PlIIS with Hood's Siu aaparilia. od s A $1000 CALF. There passed through Albany by ex press to-day a bull calf of one of the fa mous belted stock. It was shipped from H. B. Richards, Easton, Pa., to H F. Fischer .one of Oorvallls's wealthiest cit izens. The value of the calf was $1000 and the express charges were $55. On the right ear was the registered tag No. 323. Instf uctions on the canvassed crate jhowed the solicitude and ca.e necessary io m kb mi ouuu umer. i iu ; "Feed and care Give 4 quarts of sweet mug morning ana evening, vruer mi;i i by wire to avoid delay. Pail attached to, crate. Keep hay in front pouch. Feed one measure in bag morniug and even ing Do not place crate where there will be want of air and do not expose to cold draft." The excellent condition of this $1000 bull calf indicated that the instructions had been carefully carried out by the ex press messengers. A $1000 bull calf is pretty good these times : but the belted stock comes high. and the consignee is fully able to foot the bill For an Encampment. Brig. Gen. Beebe, Col. Card well, Mai. Collins and Maj. Moore, of the O. N. G., and Col. Jackson, of the regular army, of Portland, were in tbe city this noon, and were driven rapidly to the fair rroundj. , in cnarge ot Uapt. .llis, Uapt. Phillips , idu L.ieui. uummioi, wnera uiev maae ' an inspection, with a view of securing a location lor an encampment, returning in time to take tbe north bound train. They seemed pleased with the location and accommodations. It is proposed to nave an encampment ot tbe three Oregon regiments, probably tbe last of Juue and over the 4th of July, bodm where in the valley. Th:s would bring one thousand to fifteen hundred men to Albany for about ten days, and would be a big tiling tor the lty as welt as a great attraction on tbe 4th and it is to be hoped the place viewed is selected. Certainly it is the best in contemplation. A K ESC ARK ABLE Ce.VTR.V AkIAS. FrOED the Astoria Budget: Mrs. Eliza Shaw, of this city is one of the most nimble old ladies in the country. She wa one hun dred years old on the 28th of February of this year. She lints with her daugh ter, Mrs. Kingston, at No. 1468 Grand avenue. This morning she was flying around like much younger; had made up. six beds, swept the door, and did other cborea about the house, and ban tered Dr. Estet to go out wheel riding with her. Mrs. Shaw has splendid sight and has never used spectacles in her life, and says she never was treated by a doctor bat once- There are at the present time four generations represent ed in the one hous the old mother, daughter grand daughter and great granddaughter. They came here lrom Michigan two years ago. Official Chop Report. Unless a good frost occurs, a large amount of thinning out by hand will be required ; it is sel dom, even in prolific Oregon, that the fruit trees are as heavily laden astbey are this year. With few exceptions, tbe correspondents report, "Fruit prospects never so good as at present." Equally as good reports are made concerning the grain crop Tbe dry, northerly winds have dried out the ground, and more rain would be beneficial. Fail and winter sown what and oats have excellent color and tine growth1. Early-sown spring grain is growing finely. Late plowing and seeding continue; except on the lower lands, seeding will be finished this week. Course North. Fifty members of an , Industrial army, or hobces, took Ash land yesterday and helped themselves to things along the business street. At Grants Pass they were subdued. Mayor Burkhart has been notified and will see that Albany is protected. It is probable, though, that Acting Marshal Reece and force will be equal to the occasion. Will Fight It. Secretary of State Kiniaid will fight the suit brought lo compel Lint to issue warrants for claims against tbe state. Attorney General Idlemsn seems to be standing in with the gang, and it wilt be necessary lor tbe state to hire special attorneys for tbe case. N. B. Knight has been retained and probably A. C. Woodcock will be em ployed. The office of attorney general should be abolished. The Next Games. On Mav IS Albany Coilege and tbe U. of O. club of Eugene will play base ball, also on the same day Monmouth and McMinnrille, Newberg having forfeited to the latter. Tbe win ners will meet two weeks later for the college championship of Oregon. Mr. Walter Wiles, of Corvallis, was in the city today. F. W. Blumberg went to Independ ence this morning on tbe Albany. Herbert Eittridge, a prominent oung man of La Grande, was in Albany today. Mr John DeVine has come to town and is driving the Revere House buss. Frank S. Camt bell has returned from Portland and will reside with bis mother in this city. Ex-farmer T J Buford ot tbe reforri school passed through Albany this noon from the Bay. Rev. Snyder, of Brownsvil.e. has re ceived a call to tbe Third Presbyterian church of Portland. - Rv. E. R. Prichard arrived from Pay all a p list night and went to Corvallis this morning to attend tbe funeral of Mrs E. J. Thompson. Mrs O. C. Van Orsdell. of Pendleton. Grand Guardian Pacific Coast Circle W. of W. is in the city tbe guest of C. E. Hawkins. Mrs. Van Orsdell will prob ably meet with the Albany circle. Cards are oat for tbe marriage of Mr. Elmer Conn, son of Mr. Sam Conn and Miss Eva Scott, daughter of ex-Sheriff Hat ccott, 1 tie ceremony will take place to-morrow evening at tbe borne of Mr. Scott. Prof E. II. McAllister, a former Al. bany typo, has advanced until be is able to deliver lectures on "The Origin and Development of Language." Tb s was the subject of his lecture to tbe Philolog- lan society oi we u. ot u. recently, Miss Gertrude Holmes, proprietor of HolmeV business college, of Portland. one of the best institutions on the coast. has been in tne city, the guest of Mr A Wheeler. Miss Holmes was a resident of Linn county years ago it might not do to say row many. A f225 bull belonging to Mark Hulburt. was tound dead at bis farm yesterday. It is repo-ted that Fuller and Isora bave purchased the Louis Van Ortwick barber shop. John V. Crum. the famous sprinter died after an operation for appendicitis at ues monies ;es:eruay. The Oregon . Quartet Club of this citv will give a concert at tbe Christian church in Salem next ( nday evening. The remains of Mr. E. I. Tbompron wore boned in the Masonic cemetery tt 12:30 today in tbe presence of a good many mends. A San Francis jewelry drummer named Hermann Willenbaner bad $700 worth of lewelry samples stolen from him st Sacramento by a couple of pretended leuow drummers A site for an armory will be selected by F Co. at a meeting tonight. It is prob able tbe lot of Sbultz Bros, at 2nd and Montgomery streets will be rented. Tbe executive committee of thn Soldiers -Home board met in Salem yesterday. Tbe board s memiiers say tbey will stav bv the rule to take charge of tbe inmates' pen sions. A drunken tramo was srreslod last even' i rig after the Dkmocbat bad gone to press, n nau h oe laien to tne ca arjoosa on dray. Tbe spectacle ws witnessed by large crcwd. fitzsimmon has been sued for $25 000 damages by a man named Michel, of Pitts- uurg, ra . caused by tbe famous dog Tar rum attacking him In tne hotel corridor. That comes from getting alittle money in a yivm uyuir The Cbemawa Indian Club on Sunday defeated a Salem team 32 to 16. Joe Le veque, Geo Irwin, Joe MiCormick and Harry Olinger were prominent memiiers of tbe 8alm Wm. The batter)' were N orth cutt and Miller. Syracuse. Will Thompson of Jefferson, was vis iting at P. W. Haley's last Sunday. Mrs McGee of Clackamas county, is visiting her sister Mrs Roxle Groshong. Bud Cole is confined to his bed by a severe attack of suiatio rheumatism. Elmer Groshong and John Miller have teen treating themselves to new bicycles. Let us see, whut was it those cam paign banners said about McKinley and nigh wages? We think if Syracuse had a curfew ordinance about half a doien of our young men would go borne earlier Sun- (jay evenings. i since our last writing a Sunday School nag been organized and is controlled by the following officers: Belle Bodine, Supt , Wm Rainy Ass't Sunt., Theodore Zimmerman See., Iva Haley chorister. It is yet an unsolved mystery why Will Huddleson of Jefferson, will walk eight miles to attend our Sunday School when he was never known to attend S. S. at home. Perhaps the S. S. that attracts Will is a sweet sixteen. Work is very lively in these parts now. Besides the usual farming, gardening ani wood cutting that employs our men Mr DM hooper is logging on a large scsle, employing about twelve men and several teams. There are also two other logging camps in this immediate vicinity. There has been a lively scrimmage go ing on over the postoffice at Jefferson. To settle the matter we would humbly suggest that it be left as it is as Mr Hud dleson's term has two vears to rnn. Uncle Archie hai made us a faithful and efficient ollicer, besides he is jolly and clever and uuiveraally liked. Let him alone. Saturday evening last was so balmy and nice that some of our best young sters improved the opportunity to go serenading. Things went nicely enough at Mr F'a and Mr L't, but It remained tor Uncle Jack and family to give them a rousing old encore with a shotgun and savage bull dog. Atlee developed into a first class sprinter, while Bert and John covered the retreat of Iva, losie A Co. Kind editor, we have made a clear skip of three weeks, but we l now you will excuse us when you learn that all our flowers were winter killed. The busy season came on with its endless round of cooking and house work, which gives ns little time for petunias. Ver benas, candy tutts, sweet peas, etc, to say nothing of writing lor the paper. Beuxua J axe. Tcnncssce Gatherings. (By Nicto Putro.) Ta-xxEssKt, May 3, 1897. Geo. W. Crowderand E. O. McClain an Indian war veteran, both of Albany were visiting in tins vicinity last week Sunday school was very interesting last Sunday. A neck-tie and aproc so cial will take place next Saturday even ing lor tbe special benefit of the Sunday school. Her. Aaron Baltimore preached an in teresting sermon at tbe school bouse last Sunday morn. Most of the grain farmers of this vicin ity.have finished planting. Mrs. Johnson, of Spicer, made a brs inesa trip to Tenn. this afternoon. Having noticed an article in yonr oa per by E. E. M an sey calling me a willful, malicious liar I beg space to reply. The article referred to by E E Munaey was not intended to barm nor injure any one, as was stated by him, which no one but a narrow-minded, sensitive man would saopose. Here is the substance of the affair concerning the keeping off the grass, I with my sister, nine years of age. were on our way to school, and tne road leading past R. W. Manser's stock past ure, nut by any means a meadow, beine simply impassible for a little girl we simply got over tbe fence never dreaming of being orde-ed out by a neighbor, which we were. The rest I wilt i ot divulge to the public, but I caught the inspiration and traveled the muddy road that night. Such is the true state af affairs. If I have wounded Mr. R.W. Man sey's feelings in the least by the article which I have sritten 1 sincerely beg bit pardon, as I did not intend it as an in- iury as supposed. He is sn elderly and tonorable gentleman and I have much respect for him because be has a right ana a perlect privilege to order me from his premises and I am enough of a gen tleman to respect bis orders; but as to E. E. Munsey, I have no apologies and bat one regret, that 1 was once one of hia pupils. I will leave it to tbe public to jTlire whether 1 have been fairly treated by this man who, as a school teacher, should be a pattern for a sap beaded boy to imitate. From "yonr sap-beaded correspondent that wrote the piece." TBos. t. McK.moht, "Pnao." f Correspondents are requested to leave personalities out of their communica tions. In this controversy the Democrat greatly curtailed tbe statements of the two parties, and bereatier will not pub lish anything from either on the subject. one of little interest to the public at Urge. Ed. BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. Tbe Blain Clothing Co has bought the stock of goods recently id in at assignee's sale by Mi. Vance and for a limited time, at least, their targe lines of Furnishing goods and Boots and Shoes will be offered at a decided redaction in price. Tna OHI.T objection lo buying nf me is. tbe purchaser bate to tell bow cheap clothing they wear. W R BLair. Letter Mst. Following is the lit cf Ictbrs remaining in tbe Pontoffice at AMaoy. Linn county. Oregon, May 4, 1897. Persons calling for these letters must give the date on wbicn they were advertised. Anderson. Alms Barnes, B B Beard, J F Berry, Foiest Brunner, F Crosby, U W Foster, John Helop, A Mayberry, W S Mitchell, Lena U A F Young. G M Packages Mrs M Garden.Chriet Bender. T. J. Stites, P M Fifty Year Ago. nis la the cradle la which there grew That thought of a philanthropic brslaj a remedy that would mak life sew For the multitudes that were racksa with pain. Twas MraapariUa, as made, you know By Ayer, soma so yaai ago. Ayer's Sarsaparilla was in its infancy half a cen tury ago. To-day it doth "b stride the narrow world like m 00108808." What is the secret of its power? Its cures I The number of them I The wonder of them I Imitators have fol lowed it from the beginning of its success. Tbey are still be hind it. Wearing the only medal granted to sarsaparilla ia the World's Fair ot 1893, it points proudly to Its record. Others imitate the remedy; they oant imitate the record! So Years of Cures. Drop us a line if you can't get Schilling's Best of your grocer, or n you don't like it and can't get your money back. A Schilling A Company San Fr&nciKo W2JDNB ST3A.r SOCIAL AND PERSONAL F. M. Hedfleld has been confined to his home severtl days by two big car buncles. Mrs. F. M. Cummin and Mrs. W. O. Bullis, of the S. P. are in Southern Ore gon on avisit. Mrs. J. K. Weatherford returned on Sunday from her trip to California, con siderably improved in health. Dr. Will Galbraith left today tor Ida h. where be will open a dental office. He deserves success. Mr. Ed Whitney, of Eugene, returned home yesterday after a visit with his brother J. R. of tbe Herald. Grand Lecturer D. C. Merrin, ot the A. O. TJ. W was in Eugene Monday evening, and was given a big reception. Dr. Wallace went to Lyons ibis morn ing to attend Mr. llenrv Lyons, ill with appendicitis. It was thought an opera tion would be necessary. In a prize debate between Chicago Un iversity and Ann Arbor, the former won by 63 to 62 points. One ot the Chicago team was Bert B. Barke, a former Wil lamette University student. An infoimal reception will be held in the Methodist Episcopal church tonight in honor of Rev. and Mr. O. O. Fox of Poona, India. There will be a table ol curije, some young people In costume and ta'ks hy the missionaries. Every body invited. A telephone tr-esoage from Corvallis states that Mr. Albert W. Stellmaker, tbe popular deliverjniao, ot this city, and Miss Canon, of Benton county, were married there this afternoon. They have tbe best wishes of many friends. Charles W. Uellenbrand ani Homer Ciaven, of this city, are pleaaant'y lo cated in Spokane, Wash., where they are conducting a large cigar store in the bus iness center of that lively town. In a letter to relatives in this city Mr. Uellen brand declares that Spokane ia the live liest city on the coast, including San Francisco Sal em Joarnal. W b ten Will G n It. In Salem speak ing of the locatio for tbe coming en campment Geoeral Beebe said: One ot these, at flood River, was particularly well appoint 1 for oor work, and caa hardly be exceeded in adaptability wheresoever we may finally go It tbe annual drill; another was tbe old race track at Albany, and it, too, answered very fully the requirements named in our standard, save was a little too near tbe city itself ; still a Dottier beautiful and practirwb'e location ia near the state reform school south ot this city, with which we are very favorably im pressed; and the state fair grounds will be inspected with a view to their adapt ability lor the work. There is not much time to spare and we will reach a decis ion In the matter as soon as poss.ble, likely in two or three days, but 1 am not able to foreshadow tbe choice that will ; be made, though I must conf that my own ceoter In the Hood River site, owing to the amplitude of the) annnos, ice spieoaia water aua in vigor-1 -4iotlr. Warrs a Diyoroe Kale G. Miriam baa begun an action for divorre against Joseph T. Marinao, the complaint being fi'ed in the county cleik's ottice yester day. Ttey were married in Una coun ty on the 7th of October, 131. and Iti children bar been born to them via: May, aged 4.V years: Jos V, 3 years. Io her complaint she allege that tbe bus band has been quite abusive to berif and children and of late has been intox icated almost continuous y. Since tbr marriage they bavs accumulated tmli- cient oceans to porcbate a bouse aud lot atuates, on the upper mdujsb river, which is valued at about $300, and the oeienaani noioarne position as s tecuoa t in iue vregoa iieaira cc r.ssiem railroad, at a stated salary of fS0 per month, lo ber prayer she asks for a decree dissolving the marriage vows and , . I awarding ber the custody of tbe chil uita, siaiomia. Oras A O D W Marnvo. Those de siring to learn mora of the condition sad workol the Ancient Order of United Workmen ought to attend tbe open meeting at the A O U W hail, rriday night. An interesting program has been prepared and tbe mod lecturer will be present. All workmen and tbeir wives are especially invited to attend. Visit ing friends will be welcome. Amosqthb Babs4u. Anew barber having reduced tbe price of shaving and hair cutting to 10 and 15 cents all tbe shops this morning came down to the same prices. Fuller A Iom this monrng took charge of th Van X ortwick shop oppo site tne nam House, baring percnased it. Frank Slim son has been employed in' tbe shop of Wm Mack. I U. uaae, ol Uorvallis, brother ol t. R. Case now of Jefferson, has bought out Mr. Gilstrao, near tbe P. O. and will bereatter run tbe shop. Ikstallxo. The new officers of Tena ble Oommanderv K. T No. 3 were in- Stalled last night by Past Grand Com mander u. Y. Mason and fast com mander L. C Marshall. Tbev are as fol lows: J R Wyatt. eminent commander; F Allen, generaliaiino; F J Miller, captain general; Edward Washburn, senior warden ! 11 L V alden. iunior war den; E W Langdon, treasurer; J P Gal braith, recorder: C E Hawkins, stand ard bearer; E J See-y, warden; Wm Ralston, sword bearer; W E Baker, sen tinel. Saw a Miraob. Geo. W. Davia. while at Joledo, Lincoln county, tbe other day, loosed toward the -I'acitlo ocean and through a gap in the mountains saw a vast expanse of the Pacific ocean lifted high in the air. The movement of the wans, the breakers rolling in toward the shore coild be seen so plainly as almost to be audible. Some thir.y perrons wit nessed the mirage, which gradually merged Into tbe (og. Salem Journal. Now ia the Time to purify you? blot d and taooo's Sarsaparilla is the best medi cine for the purtxoe. Thousands cf great cures prove that it is tbe One True Blood furifier. Hood's Pills are tbe favorite family catnartte and liver medicine, i rice Xjc. Ladies wishing to secure one or our tailor mads suits should call at once as tbey are going fast. we nave lust re ceived anotn-r line of dress skirts in ac cordion plaited and brosade grenadine interlined with colors, at the Ladies Bas- aar. If von want a Rood and clean smoke buy cigars made by our Al bany cigar factory. The Crescent was tbe fiist to use the new D tubing. The other factories copy. flair cutting 10c, shaving 10c; at Ihe Bum barber shop. Fuller A Isora pro prietors. A few wain tutts for boys atWR Blait's The Wkkklt Dsmocrat $1.25 a yeai and tbe Weekly San Francisco Kxannnei $1.50 a year, combined for only $2.85. This includes alt tbs privilege in tbe $10, 000 premium list of the Examiner includ tng a $10,000 residence and a $4000 goU nugget. They Can't Fnde. if you send your fancy colored shirts t the Citv Laundrt. opptheStCha HoU We can give you high or medium gloss o domestio finish on your linen. C.r'iMpaox & Bwt. AN INTERESTING CASE, The Supreme Court has just decided that the big Hotel Corvallis is the prop erty of the Gerhard estate and Philip Phile. Tbe Gerhard estate has put into it tOOOO and Mr. Phile $3000. The Times tells how Miles Wilklos, now projecting a railroad between Waterloo and Leb anon, built it: When its promoter I projected the en terprise be bad small means, limes were, however, booming and be gambled with the future. Miles Wilklns bought the corner lot at tbe price $4,000 and paid down in cash 200. $3,800 balance was to be raised somehow.nobody knew ; nobodv could guess. The additional 25 feet that makes up tbe 75 feet frontage of the property was Ibought with a sim ilar outlay of cash. This happened five years ago. The building, to its present stage of completion was built almost without capital, and by a constant and increasing resort to credit, borrowing and swapping, just bow, tbe ingenious and resourceful Miles Wilklns. alone knows. Mechanics depended upon their liens for pay, and when the builder de faulted in the interest on the mortage to Gerhard and Phile, foreclosure proceed ings were begun, ine mecbantcs lien holders fought tbe case, reiving upon tbe statute creating liens. The case was tried at the tall term in 1894, and the following spring the decision giving the whole thing to tbe mortgagees was hand, ed down by Judge Fullerton. A man named deach, a material lien bolder in Portland appealed to tbe supreme conrt for redress. Friday, after two years of wailing, the court ol last resort announced the law. Tangent. Takcest. May 5th, 1897. A fine prospect for cherries and prunes and all kinds of small fruits. Straw berry vines are loaded full this year. Mr. W. a. Reed of Lebanon. Is visit ing at the residence of Mrs. 8. E. Mills. Mr. Jesse Misea has mada a nm tw1 . dling wagon and runs it in connection wth bis store. An entertainment will Ym riwn in Tangent on Saturday eve. May 8. at tbe grange nan. r on owing is tbe program: Music by the orchestra; opening address by T. 1. iiayoea; song, duett, by Moses Bros; motion song by 8 little children- quartet, "The bipoorwill," by J ewe ana ate jenas, uarry Beard and Victor Moses; music by orchestra: recitation by Lockie llaynes ; duet. "Ah there stay there." bv ft. J anrl K ir lnM. rw.l doet by F". M. Mitchell and Add it Smith. noag by quartet; selling baskets for mcney to purchase a bell for the M. E. church waUt and a drama entitled "Our Old Country School" with 30 characters; a tableaux. Adults will be charged 15 cents, children under 10 years 10 cents. vome one come all. Yoca Axaatca A Fijht Between Two Women. From Long Creek, G ran tOninty F-agU : "M-a. Melta Ceeoey and Miss earafa Ivy fought to a finish out on tbe road east of town last Saturday. Tbe fight was the result of ill feeling that bad ex isted bet ween tbe parties for some time. Hair, blood and dress goods new in every direction, and to leii the truth, tt wasn s safe for a man to interfere at any stage of tbe scrap. Henry Ffcxd happened by, and made an effort to separate Utem, but be was knocked down and run over, and so badly disfigured that he left the .They were fina'ly separated by oeiguoors woo uappened tnat way. Tbe scrap was a severs ooe, and while the tao were Utriy matched, tbe latter is said to bars come out victorious. Tbe readers of tbe Eagle no doubt ex pert n to deplore aav such erndnrt. but it's a free country, and as stth offenses are rarely ever puiiabed, ws say let the women fight if tbey want to fight." Losses Paid Yesterday W. B. Rich ardson, agent of the Aetna Insurance Co . paid i- full the $500 loss on its uuiMits oi a. t-etuemier, sod F-V 1 oo tbe Slu.0 on tbs farn. residence and contents of T.W. Tillman near Lebanon, a few dollars being taken out oo account ot weartrg apparel saved. M ic s t tbe onlr first das barUr left ia tbaey. Van Ortwick ba on it the b-wine- and Mack is sharing for 10c. cat- L a IT- I . -1 ung oair icw ioc j oi across tne street from tbe Devocsut office. I have no nKwe rub barbers. Good work to all fur 10c and lie. Wm Macs. To Ts acuta. To teacher wishing to attend the Teachers Institute at Toledo MaylOth to 14th, fO. CAE. will make a rate of one tare for round trip, ticket good going from May 8, return ing until May !5th. A Goon EsTtwrancxa. J. Arthur Loin ing, the reader asd impersonator ap peared last night before a small audience, tie is a fine entertainer, an elocutionist and impersonator ot rare ability. Over 60,000. Orer sixty thousand pacriptioas caa be wen on file at Burkhart A Lee s drug store. They make a specialty of compouniiag all physicians parscrip'.iona, uneg but ooe grade of drugs, the beat. Tbey are care ful, try tbetn. When Traveling Whether on pleasure bent, or basin eea, lake on every tnp a bott'eof Syrup of Figs, as it acts ucxit pleasantly and effectually oa the kidneys, live.-, and bowek. prevent ing fevers, headaches, and other fort of aic.oeaa tor sale in 50 cent dot tles by all leading druggist. Manufac tured oy the California Fig Srran Com pany only. We recommend Magic Headache Tab lets because we believe tbey are safest to use and give general satisfaction. They do not core all headaches. We know of no medicine that will and permit you to live. The price is 25c a box and yrur money back if you want it, but you won't. BraxnABT A Lkk, Druggists. CooraaATtTB Storks aie the latest. Tb-re is big money in it for the patrons. Think about it W R Blair. (He bra't the prices down.) Overalls, socks, collars, cuff, cheap pant, come and see if I hey are not the clieaptat in town. W K Blaix, (He bro t tbe prue down.) On Broadalbtn Street. Banana. Oranve,' Cabbage, Ijettuce, Apples, And even thing in season at F. H. rfeif- ten. Canned wild bilberries ia one and two quart jars, cheap at V fc. bROWKKLL a. A large assortment of oarden seeds. white clover, timothy and blue grass seeds jus i receitea iresu at CEBao w n ell's. Regardless ot Cost. Julius Gradwohl intends to go out of the crockery and glassware business, going into some other line of business. acd uence win sen nis goods of this kind regardless of cost. When you call and get his prices you will be convinced thatJ ne means oust ness, and wm ueaove what be says. J. Gradwohl Informs the general public that be will ell as Jow as anybody in the city for net cash. Come and get prices before yea buy. . 1 J. UiunwoBL, Aprillst, 1897. . R.andG. Corsets ana Corsets. Kid Fitting I have just received a full line ia both make of these celebrated corsets and am prepared to give extra value of 50c, 76c and $1 in black and slate. Also keep better grades and extra site. Tbs $1.00 corset s worthy of special notice. Ask to see out 60o 75c and $1.00 corset. Samuel E. Totnts HOME AND ABROAD. For f rqi Is Of all kinds, Go to F. H. Tfe ffers. See Smiley about it. Smiley's piuters are in Dawson sells Liverine. Iiverine 50c at Dawson's. Apples at C E Brow sell's. Smiley does tbe best printing. Smiley prints quick and cheap. F H Pfeiffer keeps everything in season. Try F. D . Pfeiffei's ice cream, fhe bed made. A good second baud sewing machine for ! UBAwroKD Hakhisb. Picture from 75 cent to $25 per doz.n at Longs gallery. For a good pb sic take Liverine, for sale by Iawon. the 'pill autocrat" Crawford t Harnish for pbotograths. Price from t to $70 per dozen. Water white comb honey from California. Just in at u E B how hell's The Ruth la ve for Portland at 7 m on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. A lot of new anbbv wash anira far Kna just received b 'He bro't the prices down.' Try C. iuipo! t Son City Laundry or first class wors -opp St. Cbas hotel "Millions" t young Chinese pheasants are said to be putting in an appearance. 73 ladies were selecting dress and shirt waist goofs yesterday at P. Cohen's, at one time. Two package of garden seeds for Seta, according to their usual custom at Stewart c Sox'a. Dr. G. W. Mastoii, pbjticiao and sur geon, Albany Or. Cabs answered prompt ly in oty or country Mrs Vierick has opened ber ice cream parlors and rammer garden for toe season. Ice cream 5 and 10 cent a dish. Information that is worth its weight in gold: Get your meat of ah kinds at Hen ry Broker's, on Second street. . Joe Patches was sold foi $15,000 at auc tion in Chicago yesterday. Tbe purchacer waJ. W. Marks, of Chicago. Drs H. E. and O. K. Beer offices aC residence in (be $t office building. Spec ial attention given to disease of women. Tbe regular meeting of lbs Ladies Aid Society wdl be held at tbe residence of Mr C W tear oa Thursday, Miy Cth, at 2 JO p. m. A bicyclist ran over Prof. Howland's finenlvercornetmashiBgit conaideiably. and it ia bow ia the hands of a jeweler for repairs. Tbe Dkmocbat man was given a pleas ant serenade last night. eeval male voices bieaded barmoeiously farnuhiag some fine music. I That German washing aaid, which ba proven such fine thing haa arrived at Parker Bros ia a large quantity. Call and try a bottle. J. Sotexixm ha moved to just east of Schmeer s stable. 'In I .tree, wber he will keep ia market fine fish, game and poul try. Call on him. Mr. Tiereck ha connected parlors with ber summer garden, where tse caa set-re the public ia ail kind of wsa-her with ber deiiaoo ice a earn. Mrs L Tiereck is prepared to forsish ka cream ia a) qaaatttv oa abort notice at ber icecream p lot aed summer gardes, las cream 5 and 10c a kith. Ibe price of genuine Oliver chilled plow share ha bees reduced to SO rent. Be sure the name CHier is an every share For i onU by Hopkins Bros. Keep going onlil yon teach the shop of tbe Albany Dresaed Beef Company, where you will Gad a fine line of meau of all kind. TiU company kteps tbe best and yon will be orr,. if you" don't call oa bem. W'huker that are prematurely gray or faded shoo Id be colored to oretvat Iha mnk of age, and Biickiogh m's Dyis axcel a I others ia co'onng browa or black. Consider Tour way, think Leftm vm act. and tbea g to Haisrht Bros , where you will na-l a choice sties of aseats of ail siad to ordjr from. Yon are bound to be pleased if you order of them. Tne DtvoraAT is informed tht the ac- taal number of tramp that passed AtHland this way wa ooe buadred five. Scattered along ahead of them Uttrs is aa advance guard. 1 etterda at least eight reached altnay. Tbe steamer Alba arristd no tita ri klonday with cists too of wheat for the Ccrvalii Flouring Mills. Ihe wheat came from Albany, and wa brought there at a price lower tbaa tbe C-orvaliis maket prue with freight added. Time. Judge Uearr. of CUtann enontv. haa or dered thai do warrant be drawn for the treasurer aalary. a be refused to comply with the order of tbe court and did not pay lbs state treasurer tbe funds ia bi hand. Be acted oa the advice of hi bondsmen. Advices from Alaska per steamer Alki. say that a large number of straaded peop;e are at Juneau. Tbey went north withoat applies, expecting to beg food from other wraie enroote to tne lukoa. Ibey were given to coders tand they would starve if they started oa the trio, so the remain d at Juneau. Tbe raise in fare from $15 to 132 from J aaeaa to Sound point predade toem leaving Juneau, and the result is there ate upward of 200 men there, with out money or tbe mean of getting cilber to tbs mines or back to the Sound. 1 LETM.1. CS The Fair offers no apology fur 2Z its existence in Albany, the coca-Zi pliments we are receiving and : the goods we are selling is an evt 3 dence we are welcome. Oor goods -m are a'l marked in plain figures 5 which en oies the smallest child to buy of na. We sell only tbe first quality goods from the best factories, and fully warrant every r3 article. It is not tbe policy of Z2 : Tbe Fair to claim the earth, but 3 : are satisfied that our goods and ZtS ' prices will be a recommendation ' tor your continued patronage, we : will then feel that we have justly '. earned your support. Thanking : yon for your attention I remain : until the appearance of letter No. 1 2 Yours lor Bargains i JAWEAYER.I ammiuHuuiuiuiuiumiiitS Albany Trading GO. 6. 1 HOBBIS. HAMGER Groeery Department 8 bars Savon soap 25c 3 boxes blueing 25c 4 pks corn starch 25c 3 aozen clothes pins 5c Almonds, 1 lb 15c Best tea. lib 40c 1 gal best vinegar . 15c 1 gal best syrup 50c Axle grease, best 10c 2 cans tomatoes 15c 2 cans corn 15c 2 good brooms 25c 5 lbs Arm & Ham mer Soda 25c 1 lb Corn Oako to bacco and pipe 20o 1 gal can tomatoes 25c 3 lbs cartoon crack ers 25c 1 gal good peaches 30c 3 cans line oysters 25 Country Produce Men Rll oar goods are neol and first class BICYCLES Columbias, Windsors, Ajax. Complete Line For all age and both aexea Wheel to suit any purse or fancy STEWART & SOX Hdw. Co. THE PEOPLE'S FRIEND H. F. McILWAIN'S CASH STORE. Patronise tbe sttre that is at war with the combines and trusts and protecting the people against hib prices. Why do some merchants charge yon 20 cent per Pound for Arbeckle or Lion coffee and $145 per sack for best brands of flour when you can get the name article at Mcll wain's Oaab Store for less money The flour is soid to the merchant by tbe milt and they must guarantee not to cut the price or the mill will refuse to sell them flour, not even for xt cash . I appeal to the peo ple to investigate the above statement and not patronize tbe combines and trust-. Our prices for this week is shown in the following new list: 4 papers Arbuckle or Lion coffee. $ 50 6 cans sardines in oil 25 6 gal best Standard coal oil.... 80 9 Lars Savon soap 25 10 lbs rice 60 10 lbs best Extra C sugar 50 Mens Ox Blood floe shoes, $4.25 grade 2 50 Ladies" - - - 1M grade 2 00 Ladies fine ahoe, pat leather tip i 25 20 yds Standard prints 1 00 20 yds So inch brown musiin 00 AumvilJe, Stayton, Snow Flake, Boston Mills, Jefferson, Columbia, All the above brands ot floor sold at $1X0 per sack. My 3rd, 1897. H. F McILWAIN'S Cash Store How is the Tims For Wash Goods 4 Dimities from 8c ft Tappets, oYerscht effects fill sees goods and ot to date- Goods for Graduating Dress. av.E. Young & Son. SALE NO. 3. Special prices on regular 60c to Fancy and Colored Drees Goods. 85c Thursday. Friday and Satardav. Mav 6th to &Jb ioelosi longer, we offer oor Regular 60c Values at 49c 63c . 53c TSc " " 63c 85c 72c Regular $S.OO pattern suits at 6.50 &.50 " 7.00 We're making these special sales to stimulate trade. Many people are taking advantage of them Why don't you? R EA D. PEACOCK A Co. EAST AND-SOUTH THE S HAST A ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. OklSorai asanas Ttalaa :a fMitlaai natty Kort "aFTsssssT arlIHa Lisn r. a. I L MUai etal aiWaf f -S i sar Above trains stop at stations be- I ween Portland and Salem Tux- Xartow. Jefferson, Albany, Tangent. Sbedd. Halsey Eugene Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland and all stations froo ftnebnrg sasia to and ia- dadiag Ahlaad, aoaaaaaa ,& 10 a a L Ptnaurt a tests. I Lv aiaaay UlWli fcUM I At isisant Ll T Wa Lasrs aJbaav S3- Us rdSan aivlTa at Atbaat troaa lahaane a a Lam Albany lor Lshasw f r arrtra at AJbaaj froaa Laba a Sahara Uai Altaaav tor Wood bora Waodban hnara 10t antvaalAlBaayBWai eaodbcm UavaaihakTlDrKasroa SdOa antvaal aibaay troaa Kama luIaa puiiiwr mn SUEPEEl. aJfP Dinintr Can on Ogen Reutt SECQKD-CUSS SlEldNS ZKU AWasa Sean Tkrawa TvaJaa aVaa ( MvtsSaaa. sirrwaB.f reatTaAis as ceevaiua aiavaai tT t EzaaaA Saaoar rat a i tarOaaa . Oarfalaa ArlSWra Lt 1 1 ear a a I At Pnrtauwl akaiiuinUa Ar I - a TS0 ra . LtI Mraet otwoartioa at tka Freadan wlla OecMaala na Orlaafeal and Paeifts Bail ataaauhlp Haas t JAF&KaadCIUMA Saittnc datM on ppiwa Bataa and ttckata to aanl aIM aa4 aoro) iwnpia ruist HONOLULU aad avoTn LIAeaa b otMalaad trass ti K gBeKsV. Acaa "aoaHLIB P ? a aaar Asat O f P A Fartiaa Ottgia. Inlaa4 NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that by order et the circuit cwt ot the state of Oregon, tor Linn county, department Io. 2, all claim against the Albany Woolen Mill Co, a corporation, that have not already been presented to the nadenlgaed receiver or filed with the clerk of said court, are re quired to be presented to the undersigned receiver within three months from the date hereof , duly verifitd. aabylaw re-mni-fi. And that objection to claim against said Albany oolen Mills Co, If any there be, be filed with t? e'erk of rd court within three month Iron, the exptr atkn ot 'he time allowed by law for the presentation of said clahss as above mesr natM Awrll 12.1897. By order ofth rt." L FL1NN. " Recetvei. 1 T 7 ANTED KAITHFCL WEN OR W WOMEN TO travel for responsible t.htUhed house in Oregon. Salary $780 and expense. x"oaiuo. 1.!?' Tar enveKJi1". Sldg , Chicago, B. 0. E. 1IL S00 PACIFIC UftEe ftldlFrMxIast Solid veatabuk trains, consisting of pal ace sleeping car, luxu'tons dining can, elegant day coaches, saagaincent tourist ear tad free eoiotuat sleeper from the Pa eific to the Atlantic without shane. MOST DUKCT 1IB CHXATawT XOCTZ T Koolcnay Sliningr District i xaxesr. SBW DDTU, SLOCAXCRT, xauox, LaLSO. TK4IL. t aoasLasnam All point ia the Okaaagaa CountrV. Get a nemrjbJet trivia a fnll 6nm i Irrfioai ot this wonderfnl country. Ask the agent for a cop of the mining laws of British Columbia. Lowes rate to and from ETJEOPJfl via all Atlantic steamship inea. Canadian Pac. Ry Ob 's -Royal Mail Steamship Line to China and Japan eaxamax ACsrsaJXts stxaxk uii noaotxxr, nji asm acsraaxu. Tbe shcrtet lioe to the Cclonia. These earner carry aa eznerieavaed medieaJ man, and a stewardess oa every voyage . Far time tables rjaaraUera. or m fonnatkm. call ow or address. S N STEELE CO. Agents, Albany Or. b J OUl LE, Ag t, 146 Third St, Port- and.Ur. GEO. UcL, BROWN. D P. A. Vswcowver.B. C Oregox Central & EASTERN B. R. CO. -YAQUINA BAY 'ROUTE Connecting at YaquxnaBay with tbe San Francisco & Yan&ina Bay STEAMSHIP COMPANY. SteanifFaralli" Saila from Taauina ever 9 dava ftv Ban Francisco. Coo Bv. Fort Orford. Trinidad and Humboldt Bay. FAsacsaxat AoconoDATioxr rxsrarAsaxD, Shortest route bet sen tbe Willam ette Valley and CaOiiornia. Fare from Albany aad nointa west to San Francisco dans .$10 00 .. 8.0C ...VJOt ... $s.oc 9TnXA6S Bound trip good for 60 day To Oooa Bay Oabinu Steerage 6 00 TO UumboWt Bav and Port Orford. Cabin $10.0f aiteerage 7 00 River Division. Steamer "Albany" between Portland and Corvallis, through without lay-over. Leaves Aioany saw a. m. Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays: leaves Port land, lam bill street dock. 6:00 a. m. Sundays If edneedaya and Fridays, JLDWTX t?T0!CX, 1 O MAYO, Manager. Supt River Div. EXECOT033 SALE la the couoty court of the s'ate of Ote gon for Line county. Ia the matter of th estate of Otney Fry Sr. deceased. 1, Olney Fry, the duly appointed, quail, tied and acting executor of the last will and testament and codicil ol Olney Fry Sr deceased, hereby give notice t't pur suant to aa order i?su t J out ot said court on the 4th da. of March. lSg&. I will sell at public auction at the court house door In Albany, L'nn county, Oregoa, to the highest and best bidder, oa Ss'urdaT.May Sth, 1S97. at 1 o'clock p m, the following described property to wit; The south half of lots seven and efgh t ia block No 2 (two; ia the atet audi tion to Albany, Linn county, Oregoa. Also by virtue of an order issued out of said court oa the 8th diy of September, 1896, 1 will sell at public auction at the time and place above tted, to the high est and best bidder, the following describ ed real property, towit: 40 acre described a follow, to wit: Tbe Southwest quarter of the N E quarter ot section 25. township 11 S ot R S w of the Willamette me. iiaa. Term of sale cash. Olssy Fay, J. Executor, Btackbura, Snmer A Duncau, Attya STGCUttLDETS IIEETIXC- Notice i herebv gvreft that tbe stock holder of the Albany Trading Co., will meet oa Uay 8. 1897. at 1 P m at the com. paay's store ia the 3rd ward for the pur pose of eiectinr three directors acd trans acting such other buaines as may conae kefora tbe meeting. Dated April 8,1897. F bLOusT, R N If onais. Secretary. Preddeat. P agent for the Pacific School Desk aad vnitnr Co.. of Portland. roruana. uraers sent to him at Albany. Or.. wiU be prompU, attended to.