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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1897)
The Corvallis pitcher did cast a shadow, notwithstanding contrary reports. , Biker City is counting on a big crowd at the firemen's tournament in June. The hardest knots untied are these matrimonial knots untied by divorce courts. ' i In exchange declares that a Missouri man drank sulphuric acid for whiskey. Did be die? Nit.' He complained of its weakness. A very close call to fatal results was that of Dr. Hunter who lacked only two votes of being elected U S feenator. And yet be gave up the contest. - The Albany baseball boja believe in patronizing home institutions. They hired an Albany rig to go after the Cer vallia'basball players. The double trip was made for $1 less than was charged for a single trip by a Corvallis man . Four men who went to the penitenti ary fourteen months ago ' from Albany bad resolved before beginning their ex perience at Salem that they wonld live better lives upon leaving there. Tbey are now out. as firmly resolved as ever to keep their resolutions. No one should put a stone in their way, and those who are out should resolve in the same way to quit those things which work against a clean life. The latest issue 01 toe tfee tiive, a Maccabee paper published at Port Huron Michigan contains a first rate picture of K L Taylor of this city, whom it refers to, as "Maccabee Bill." Commenting on the picture the paper recites the- fact that Mr. Taylor within sixty days pre . seated to his lodge 43 accepted applica tions for beneficiary membership in the order, and that March 22nd he . added to the list seventeen additional applica tions. The Bee Hive' laments that there are not more "Maccabee Bills" in the order. Cory aliis Times. from the Washington Post : Every Senator and member of congress was the recipient last, week of a letter from a Kentucky distiller, containing an .order upon a local liquor seller for a bot tle of a oew brand of whiskey. The orders were in the form of handsomely engraved drafts, Buch as are used by banks generally, and were numbered with a check perforator, to prevent coun" terfeiting. Not all senators and mem bers called to secure the aforesaid battle, bat some of them did, and very few orders, indeed, are there .that have not been presented by some one. Congres- meii s cierks in many cases have pre sented them and now and then a page, who ha3 picked one np from tae floor, besides a few colored tonsorial artists, and an occasional bootblack. "Was it good whiskey? And how b g a bottle was it?" a&ked one congressman yesterday of a friend who had "cashed in" his order tl e day before. "The liquah was all right enough Bah," was the reply, "bat if a man had been tbusty he wsulJ have needed two or three bottles, sub." From the Eugene Guard: "The matter of choosing senior ora tors this year has been a bugaboo on the hands of the faculty of the Univer sity of Oregon. There are 25 members in the class and the consumption of time would be too great to allow them all to orate. At first a committee from the faculty selected six seniors from the class to orate, basing the selections npon the standing of the members This . created great dissatisfaction among the members of the class who were left oat. The faculty finally increased the number who were granted the privilege to orate to twelve, making the orations electivs, but this failed to allay the tense feel ing, as many were stilt left out who ds eired to orate and felt that they were as much entitled to do so as some of those who had been selected. The principal bones tf contention were the Failing and Bee km an cash prizes which gave res pectively $150 and $100 to the seniors receiving first and second places in the delivery of graduating orations on com mencement div. " "Rich as are the gold" fields of Alasaa, f wou'd not advise any one to strike out for that country who is not pretty robns physically, and who baa not with him a reabonab'e amtunt of money to-live off for awhile after bis arrival," said Mr. O ' H. Hamilton, who has spent five years - in the Yukon vally, to a reporter of the - Poet, at the Biggs. "It might take weeks, even months, for a prospector to make a strike, and hence it is very unwise to go if one has barely enough money to pay the expense of the trip. The cost of living- is high, as it is in all mining camps, and with greater reason on the Yukon sinee it is a costly business to transport supplies to that distant region. "lint the man of some means, grit, and patience, who goes np there is pretty sure to succeed iubis quest for gold. There is enough of the yellow metal along the creeks . tiiat e mpty into the big river and the aJjicent canons to bear working for the next 100 years. In fact, only a little bit of the gold-beariug dirt has yet been touched. People in tois section scarcely realize the enormous area that our Alaskan possessions cover The country is almost 600,000 square miles in extent' or twelve times as big as the State oi Nw York. Its mineral wealth is simply incalculable. "It is also raanifkeut in scenic beauty and traveler agree that nothing in the old world u superior. Toe short summer is a delight. For abor.t eight weeks in Jupe and Jjiy on the upper Yukon the sun twenty-four hours a day. Where I aui located in the shortest days of winter we have five hours of light each day. fie thermometer sometimes gets to 80 b-lo, but nohorty seems to com plain of the cold weather." Yes. it paj s To buy yonr groceries and produce-of Coun K Huston. They keen the best and frfh -Ht and.ure ail right on prices. Tbey wiil help you ts prosper n dull times. See their fine line of crockery . A 1 ixe Lise of ladies and chiMrens hats just received. Leghorn in black and w hite 25c. Also childrens leghorn hate all trim me; for ,oc. All come and see, I will please you. " 8 MKS. JOSIM S. Il'JFFMAS. .Music. Miss Mildrci Surtnestet teacher of piano or organ. System the Mason touch and technique. - Residence Fifth street, opposite U P chinch. f.'hoire sardine at 0 E iill')WNELli's. Wool Wanted. A' trie Albunv Woolen MilU, highest n nr'tet mice paid. Call at mill and get wool sacks. Diary of an Office-Seeker. From the Washington Post : March 2 Just arrived. Washington a nice town. Wonder if it wouldn't be as well to Btay here as to ge abroad? March 4 Saw Maj McKinley inaugu rated. We folks who nominated him will be all right now. Think 1 had bet ter take an Assistant Secretaryship. The administration wants good men who know something about politics. Betides, I am getting to like Washington. March 8 Big crowd at the White House. Tbey ought to give the presi dent time to settle hioisrli. Have sold my excursion tickets and will stay awhile. Too mauv people make a hotel uncomfortable. Hav- found a good boarding house. March 11 Shook bands with the Pres ident in the east room and told him I would call on a matter of business in a few days. He seemed pleased. March 15 Went to the capitol and found Senator X. He was sour. Said the whole state was here chasing him. Asked me what I wanted and said, "Bet- ter go for something in reach ." Maybe an auditorship would be th j thing. March 23 Took my papers to t e White House today. Thought I'd wait and hav j a private talk with the Presi dent, but Secretary Porter said I'd have to go along with the rest. What anUU mannered set they were. Elbowed me right along just because tbey saw the president wanted to talk with me. Will have to go back and finish our conversa -tion. March 27 Got sous more money from home. March 29 Went to the White House, but the chap at Porter's door wouldn't let me in. Said it was alter hours, rie ought to be fired. April a Saw Mark Hanna after wait ing five hours. Asked him why my set. ter had not been answered. He said he was getting 400 a day and bis secretaries would catch np some time next year. I always thought Hanna was overestimat ed. Sow I know it . April 5 Had an interview with the president. Was last in line 8 J tbey couldn't push ma along. When I told him of my services to the party he re plied. "Oh, jes," and for me to file my papers in the state departmen. Said he had many good friends in Indiana and hoped tbey would be patient. Can be have forgotten that I am not from Indiana? Probably the tariff is worry ing him. Shameful theway the senate is acting. Ayril 7 Borrowed a little more money. Washington is an expensive town to live in. April 11 Senator X says all the Audi- torships were mortgaged before the elec tion, but he will indorse ms for a special agency ora chief clerkship f I can find one that isn't under the civ,! service i law. i April 12 D n the civil service law April 17 Didn't know there were so many good positions abroad. Ou;ht . to have gone for one of them in the 5rst place. That state department list is a great thing. Think I'll start with Ant werp and check off a few which will suit me- Wonder where I can negotiate a small loan? April 19 Got in to see the president and told bim I could best serve the ad ministration and the party abroad. He said, "Oh, yes," and to fiie my papers n the postoffice department, and he hoped bis friends in Massachusetts would be patient. What made him thiok I was from Massachusetts? I suppose be gets mixed sometimes . April 20 Senator X says there is one chance in a million of getting a Consulate, but if I will concentrate on Ztown, be and the delegation will do what they can. Salary, $1,000. Fees $S7. April 21 Have concentrated on Z town Got in the line today just for a moment to tell the President it would suit me. tie said, "Oh, yes," and to file my pa pers in the treasury department, aad he hoped his friends in Minnesota would be patient till he could get around to them. "Queer he should think I was from Minnesota. April 26 The ingratitude of that man McKinley! He has nominated Jones for Consul to Ztown, when be knew I bad concentrated on it. After my services to the party, too. Who is Jones any how. April 27-r-I am going home. Senator X baa got me a pass . W ill send for my trunk later. I tremble for the future of this administration. From the Cieveiaad Recorder: Grover Cleveland's speech at the banquet of twelve-doilar-a-plate democrats, at tbe Waldrof, in New York, Saturday night, was characteristic. His small collection of little ideas he again exhibited in all tbe pomp of polysyllabic rhetoric, aod his own fat selfishness be once more par. arded as patriotism . England is anxious lo have an ambas sador who isn't all talk. Fortunately Chaancy M. Depew was left at heme. From the Cleveland Leader: A Pari sian chemist has discovered that bad eggs may be used for cement This will be pleasant news for Gen. Weaver and John G. Carlisle."""" From the Galveston hews: Texas may slip a cog now and then on economic or financial policies, but as far as opposing tariff is spoliation is concerned, she is all right b not less than 300,000 majority. They call it now Cleveland's twelve- dollar-a-plate democracy. Rsgular Wall street sty Ik. - A drunken man always draws a jeer ing crowd. . It is a sad spectacle all the same. ;'''' 25,000 people tnrhed out in Boston to see. a bicycle -race. Tbe wheel iarictly in tbe whirl. Col. Watterson has Mr. Cleveland now punctured THE PLACE TO BUY Your Groceries and Baked Good a Ts at Parter Bros . Everybody kows where their place is. They keep a fresh stock of groceries, produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all aiike. ' . You may regret some steps you take in life tut none -taken intu the store of Parker Bros. . ' It is a greit thing to be well fed. 1 Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much but you waut it well made. Try Parker Bros", The Corners - ban g even when yon have yonr ace curtains renewed at our laundry. (Jali acd et prioe3. Don't be afraid to send expensive curtains to U3. We know how to launder them right. .. C.mraoa & Son, City Laun lry. , Let everybody C ne to tne Star B.ier) and get 'oe of frefch tread for ii ac cash 0 Mavaa. Whoa, there, across the pond. too much gold going Poor King George. Verily uneasy lies the head of the King. A wit says the Greek-Turkish war is the same old question of skirts or bloom ers. Come of the Atlanta banks have leen struck with the gold standard prospertiy and coilapsed. Turkey is hi a war trotu whicu she can gain nothing, an 1 et she fights expensively on. Greece is about the sire of the Will amette Valley and west to the coast, having an area of ouly 24,000 square miles. . Mr. Cleveland reminds one of John L Sullivan." He thinks there is more fight in him. . lie is proboblr in about Sulli van's condition in that respect- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hitler, ofElkton, Mich., have been married S7 years and are 107 and 103 years old. They hold the record in the U. S. A Chicago banker is behind the bars It will be a great stroke in the line of equal rights when some absconding banker is ac'ually sent to the peniten tiary. The lower bouse spent just fifteen days on the Dingley bill. The senate has now been at it thirty six days, and how much longer it will take is as oncer tain as a weather flair. The man who sits him down to read The modern Sunday ppr through Has either got a job cn ) -.uj, Or else he hasn't uutu to do. Truth That soands well; but tbe Devocbat man sees the two biggest in the U. S and reads each, that is, got a through each, in less than ten minutes, some times it only takes five, perhaps six . He reads the pictures and glances at the heads, and the stories are told. Bryan set the keynote when be asser ted that the paramount issue of tbe Chicago platform of 1S9C would be tbe issue of 1S98 and 1900, and until finally settled and settled right. The purring round of little men had created some alarm for fear the democratic party would be diverted from it great mission and condescend to fight side issues with tbe republican party while the gold party gained another victory. Bat all turb nonsenco was exploded Ex From the Eugene G-iard : W. E. Wiles who is not in Salinas. Ci iiornia writes thai that country is greatly overrated and grossly misrepre sented abroad by pamphlet sect out by real estate men. For instance, he says, one pamphlet contains a purported pict ure and description of a .arge sagar re finery, when in fact there is not a sagar reEoery in the county. The con c try is ov errun with Japanese labor. The Japs work tor whatever they can get and even the Chinese are unable to compete with ihem and are leaving iu Urge numbeis. He states that the country is overran with mechanics aod laborers of all kinds, and that crops in the southern part of Salinas county hare been badly damaged for want oi rain. A new way of maiketing ama'.l veget ables is to drhver them growing in box es. A letter from a resident of an East ern village says: "We get all our lettuce aud parsley by tbe box. These boxes e,-e about 10 inches loo. 6 inches wide acd 2J inches high. The boxes are filled with soil aod the p'acts are growing nicely therein, as thick as they can stand. We boy a box of our gi ocer, pick hat we need lor one meal and the rest keeps on growing It is fresh, crisp, clean aod there is no waste. One who has tasted vegetables bought in this way will not willingly go bars to the willed stuff that comes from the ordinary mar ket. TLese boxes could be crated aod shipped a reasonable ditlanee to mar ket," Senator Mara Haooa is pretty thor oughly known throughout tbe Ccited States, but be is onlr another exemplifi cation of .the fact that no man is so well known in this world bat there is some one who never beard of bita. a new boy of the Western Union Tele graph Company strolled - languidly into the headquarters or the National Com mittee yesterday, says the Post, and in quired : . "Is there a man around here by the name of Hanna?" . Tbe look of extreme disgust on the face of tbe colored messenger who re ceipted for the dispatch at such awful ignorance wonld make the fortune of any artist who could depict it on canvas. Here is something wort'0 digesting: 'It's a hard thing to form habits of in -dustry, but equally aa bard to break them after once being adopted," said Mr. H. H. Davidson, of New Ycrk, at the Normandie to a Pott man. "For forty years I worked with ail tbe energy of my nature and when. I leached tbe age of aixty, having amassed a comforta ble fortune, though by no means a gigan tic one, I thought I had toiled long enough, and so retired from business. Thai was about five years ago and I must say that tbe happiness I bad an ticipated from the rest has not mater ialized. To a man who has enjoyed work the cessation of activity brings no gratification. I belli ve the happiest being on earth is the one who is most intensely employed.'' From the Klamath Republican : Those who take an interest, in curios cau see at Howard Van Valiienburg's jewelry store the old wooden clock first brought to O'egon by Rev. Jason Lee, the pioneer Methodist missionary, and sold in 1843 to Lindsay Applegate eooi after the great overland immigration which Americanized Oregon. In tbe lalfir's family the clock ran for over CO yearstbrouKhout all the changes which have marked the checkered career of American settlements upon the North westcoast from the first cruds aud primi tive beginning until the owner was himself laid to re, t aa an honored citizen of a great and prosperous t-Ute. The old historic cloi.k waa uiady by Jonathan Frost at Reading, Massachusetts, in 1811. Its wooden whtels show .very tU evidence of the labors of half a century, and it now visits for renovation a watchmaker's shop for the first time since it came from Boston to tha wilder ness of Oregon, when the-Hudson Bay Company flourished as the dominant .""."-vo., li-iwi. nsi learu that Mis. Rachel Alford, of Ash- , , .. t . . I land, the youngest living child of Lind- ur tnnl,uiii t ha ii,nr ! tA h.i say Appiegate tne i-ioneer, ts to have; the clock, that having been the request i of ter parents in their lifetime. KUSft'lTS. The prosperity promised by S. P. men previous to election couldn't keep the Salem local on the track. The Tribune tinder a big head says the firm of Snell, Ileitshu & Woodard was wrecked through a commercial crime. In the recent Michigan election the result was known at the polls fifteen minutes after the close of the polls. Vot ing machines did the business. After all Oregon ian should be con tented. The eastern Hoods and cyclones and May snow storms should make a Webtoot smile broadly ana contenwuiy. While Oregon towns are fu'.l of news papers Stamfori, Oonu., with a popula tion of 20,000, has only one paper. Another one is desired. The Man about Town acknowledges the receipt of a May day bouquet of onions and a tulip tied with a blue rib bon, displaying great artistic taste on the part of tbe donors. Considerable complaint was made over the absence of the Misfits yesterday. Hence we leel like spreading ourselves today. Some people say they must have them . Rev. E. C. Locke attacked Mayor Pen- noyer in his sermon on last SunJay, and now Mayor ren noyer returns the com pliment by declaring Rev. Locke to be a self confessed fraud. The fight is on. Missouri in 18 pa d ftSOO.000 for sup ervisors over f l'JO.000 worth of road woik. a fact which speaks louder than a calliope. There is too much of that kind of business. The Democrat is glad to see the East Oregon ian keep np its shout of "Get out of debt, and when you are out of debt, stay out." It is good advice, and we will be repaid tor tbe space taken in repeat-1 ing it if a single debtor starts in on this print abop, The Junction Times ears: Mr. Wad dle threw a royal flush in Horlburl'e nickle-in-tbe-elot machine and therefore drew 100 cigars. Horlburt shed tears and thought aetionsly of making an a-- sigoiuent. The Boston Herald says there are onlr eight thinking newspapers in the U S. as me uemocbat almost bursts its bead off thinking it knows for certain the name ol one of them ; but gives it up as to the rest. The following warning from an ex change is gtvea free : A man who had taatea anthropopha goo Expired of a severed esophagus; They laid him away Under six feet of clay, Id a hieroglyphicked sarcophagus . The Portland and Astoria papers are quarreling about where that 4000 punch bowl shall be presented to the battle ship Oregon . So far aa the Dawocaar is concerned it may be presented in tbe middle of the Pacific. W'edo not en dorse 11000 punch bowls these days. A Hindoo calling himself the Brach macharin Bobhabhiakshu, nearly creat ed a riot at the meeticg of tbe woman's congress Saturday night in San Fran cisco by denouncing the women of the west as eavagea and aeclaring that be bad been insulted. He said they palled his skirt and talked repeatedly about heredity. He evidently belongs in the insane asylum. in ms aaarees at Uis jeseraon anni versary banquet held at Washington City, Aprii 13, Hon. W. J. Brran refer red to Homer Davenport, the Oregon boy, who aat near him at tbe banquet taoie, aa tne "King ot cartoonists," and then proposed three cheers for the Sil- verton boycheers which were given with a will by tbe great democratic leaders there assembled. Ex. i ne scene oi tne following, whua is goiog tbe rounds of the papeis, is at tbe town where Jack Smiley and family, of this city, are spending- a few weeks with tne tormer s parents : bile a marriage ceremony was being performed near Danville, Va., a kerosene lamp flamed ap and was about to explode, when the bride seixed it and burled it through the window. Tbe groom then came out from under the table, where be had biddea. and the ceremony proceeded. The Rosebarg Review gives a familiar couple the following puff : A male and female fakir canvassed Rosebunr last week for the Plaindealer writing up stale. sieroiypea "puns" and selling extra copi of the paper on tbe strength of these laudatory notices. The fditor of The Review, however, waa given a great deal of advertising free of charge, being treated better in tbat respect than other bueinessmeo of the town. The Review tells of a Prinevilhj joke : A good joke was played npon one of our ranchers w bo does not live over a thous and miles from Priueville. He brought a four horse load of wood to town and sold it and instead of eoinir home he made merry with the boys and his team was left a'anding to post bay during his merry making. When morning came be found tbat Mmeone with a heart in him had turned his horses loose and in their place were some wooden horses all har newedopand hiubedtoa port. What this man's feelings were on discovering bis new team we cannot say. TO CURE A COLU IN ONE DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All dragita refund the money if it fails U ore. 2."c. MARRIED. COYLE MERRIAM. By J H. Corn wall at his residence in Sodavillo, on May 2, Mr. T. J. Coyle and Mrs. Anna Merriam. BORN. JAM ES. On May 2, to Mr. and Mrs. II. James a boy. D. There is no message which brings more gladness to a true woman's heart than the sweet aaanrance that a little one is com ing to bless bar life aod call her " Mother." But in all her loving prepara tions for the expected little guest, mother is liable to forget that her own health and physical condition is tbe most import- vant provision which can poi- Diy dc maae iot tne baby's happiness. If the prospective mother is weak, nerv . ous and anxious, this (condition is bound to react on the baby's 'constitution. No dain tiness of wardrobe will comosnaate for the loss of the natural, healthy vigor which a mother should be : stow upon ber baby. As eariv as oosstoie our. ing gestation, the expectant I mother should reinforce her V.JH. -.1.1. .V.- t..lU bringing influence of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It gives natural, healthy vigor and elastic endurance to the organs specially concerned in motherhood. It makes tbe coming of baby perfectly safe and almost painless. It gives nerre-strength to the mother aad vital hardihood to the child. It is the only medicine devised by an edu cated physician specially to overcome all weaknesses and diseases of the feminine organs. Mrs. Roscoe Tanorer, of Robinson Creek, Pike Co., Ky.. writes : ' I wish to express my thanks to yon for the good I have received from your Favorite Prescription.' I have used it at differ, ent times for tbe but five years, and always with the most gTstirying results. But the irreatcst good received from tha ' Favorite Prescription waa about four months ago when my last baby was bora. I was afflicted with child-bed fever.1 ,d nr ,rtin .Am a doctor I used the 'Pre- acription and was cured. A lady friend of nin was similarly afflicted and sent after the doctor and took, his remedies and dtti. I am t? years old. weigh 14? pounds, the motherof five children, ug the best of health.". TVr. Pierce's Pleasant Pelleta cure coneth patton, promptly aad permanently. TELEGRAPHIC. 1 Aa Awrat CaUaally Pabis, May,4. A fire broke out at 4 P. M. in a crowded charitable bazar in tbe Rus Jean Goujon, at which the Duchess D'Uzes and other well known patronesses were present. Many people were burned to death. Tbern was a terrible panic, dur ing which a number of people were injured Thirty bodies have Leen recovered and tuirtj Hve people are being cared for b physicians. Mev are renortad miKxin Tbe building in which the fire broke out was a temporary structure of wood . The Bill Eerte. Washington, Msy, 4. Tbe tariff bill was reported to the senate today, to Uie surprise of senators and tbe public. When tbe senate finance committee met today, the idea prevailed tbat the bill would be in committee for two days. The democrats exauunea the bill for nearly an hour, mak ing running comments on it. 1 bey an nounced that they were against tbe bill as a whole. They soon understood that sena tor lones, of Nevada, would vote with tbe repudlicans. and realized that there was no possibility sf (hanging the bill. Will be raliaae4. London, May 4. the Athena corres pondent of the Times says the cabinet sat today ( Tuesday), bearing tne reports from the front, and resolved to continue the war. General Smolenski has declined to accent the post of cbief-of-staff of the crown prince, as he prefers to remain with bis own brigade. Tbe decision of the govern ment is momentous, but it is difficult to say whether it is absolutely final. as Cawaratea. Sak Fbanciroo! May 4 Theodore Dur rani, tbe convicted msrderer. has consent ed at last, after two years of praclicvl silence, to address the people of the slate through the Examiner, l'be young man believes that the time has coma for him to hill what manner of man be is, and wbat he thinks of the doom that has been pro nounced unon bim. Ta tea FraarlM-a Brswa. Chicago, May 4. -At tbe meeting of , 'uni awvuuua av ue ' brandc. Dr. C. O. Brown's letter from the uuouque Association waa presented aad rejerred lo a committee to report at this teeion. testing the strength of sentiment in lr. lirowa's favor aod passed 67 to 67. Atatarahc. Lbadvii.le. Cou.. May, 4. Lee Reilly a weu-Koowo linotype operator, baa broken the world's record for fast tvoe-aettintr la even hours and 10 n.inut(, with the lin otype running 96 resolution a minute, he set ems of nonpareil, on the Lead- ville Herald-Democrat. The Silaatlaa. Loxdos, May, S The chief points in the situation today are: Tbe cabinet ministers who have retnmed frr m the Greek frostier seem to be in favor or a continuance of tbe war. Kitrl.tinir continued almost incessant! vat Veieatioo from last Tbontday uulil Moodav. with tbe result that General Smolenski bas been pre vented Irotn actnaliy anmming his nw da ties as chief of staff. Tbe Greeks at Veies- Uoo bare failed tc regain their pwiuon. Altogether. 14 officers bare bee recalled from Crete to b sent to Thealy, aod this is also proof of the intention ot the new cabinet to continue the war. Usui arrs.l.-sl. RtttcBTfio Or . May 3. Sheriff (..reen leif wirvd Sheriff Age from Yuma, Ariz, loiiT, that Bob Uioman bad been can t tired and that Uiamaa's teg was broken . i ure wore no lurteer particulars tiiamaa wasroeSoed in the county jail when Sam Brown maota bis escape After serving ci tiini. Uiatnaa was rt turned oa toe charge of burglary, aad escaped. He ''stood off' sevrraJ oScen afterward at sundry times in this county aad in Califor nia. aj l.aaweHr. KAssas Crrr, Mar 3. Tb Joseph Caha Clothing Coajptoy. one of the o drat wholesale botues of tbe city, failed tcdar, giving a mortgage to secure aa indebted ness of Later, the Swoff -wd Brs Dry Goods Company apf lied for the ap pointment of a receiver, aod one was ap pointed. The liabilities are reported at IS0.O00; tie assets are Dot state 1. Caha owns considerable real estate. latft-Tewttaa I Lonixx. May 3-Tbe di.patrbes today denote little ceange la tbe baotern nuta tion, lnterrentioo is in the air, aad will probably take definite form speedily. Fhere is so doubt that tbe Greeks are aooui reaay vo corners laiiore. ana Use re- portid Mrknna of King Geore perhaps forpUNis cis departure from tbe r no try. The rrpnewataUvM Jl tbe powers at Athens Dare neld rrequeot nwtieg, aad it is be lieved are drawing op a plan to t-note ale tbe war. Sitsw Psstlssi Wasbiscgtox, May 3. Proiions nave bepsj granted aa follows: Oregon Original: Henry McKeo.lrick. of Rtsebnrg. LkMgias coooty; Hiram W Dickey, of fort land; Isaac Higgtos. of Dexter, Lane county; Ear K Barnes, if Mctsren. Baker county. Reiaaoe: Jas .Fish. of Central Point. Jacksoa county . Sal Ibc rt(h lime rises Losdos, May 3 A Tines dwpatch from Lanasa saw it is alleged there that the report that Yolo bad been occupied by the Turks is not true, and that the Greeks bare resolved to coooeatraie their forces there and make a stand. Steady Fee a Atbkxs, May 2. A Lamia dispatch dated Saturday, says: 8inoe yesterday tbe whole hedy of Greek troop near PbarsaJa and Uorookia bas been drawn np ia order ot battle, but at Una boot (ooon) there baa been no egbting. Ibe inhabitants of Pbarsala bare abandoned the to an in fear of a Turkish attack, and aa exodus has begun from Itotnokis, in the direr tion of Lamia, the refugees pitching their tents ia the open country . A kts rire PrrrsBCBO, May 3. Toe greatest fire tbat baa Tinted this city since the mem. orableonein 1345, started shortly after midnight this (Monday) morning in tbe immense wholesale grocerr establishment of Thrnnss C. Jenkins ou I'enn avenue and Liberty street, lhree large blocks exten ding from Liberty to Peon avenue, and from Fifth to Sixth street, bnra been re duced fo smouldering ruins. The loss will exceed 13,000,000, aad is well covered by Insurance. i A Kesvabllcaa Heasare 1 WasmsoTox, Msy, 2. Tbe tariff bil as amended will not be given to tbe finance committee. No full meeting, aa intended. will be held. The reason uriven for this is tbe absence of Senator Plait, of Connecticut a member of tbe aob-coniimttee oa tariff Some questions have arisen in tbe past few days concerning which it is considered necessary to consult tbe Connecticut senator snd he has found it impossible to reach the city nntii too late. A meeting of republi cans will be held Tuesday. renalalr Baikm. Mat 2 It maybe considered settled that the convic's will not be sect out to work on the Astoria Sc Colombia River railroad. A proposition from tha contractors has been under consideration, but no warraat of law is found in the statutes for leasing out the convicts on a contract of tbat kind. Mad it been decided b the governor to lease out convict labor, nearly one-third of tbe convicts would bare been permitted to go out.; Re Caaf teaee. London. Mar 2. It is semiofficially stated tbat Lord Salisbury's proposal to the powers for a conference at Pans to discuss measures with a view of ending the war betweeu Turkey and Greece has already been nnr'er consideration for sev eral days at the various fereign offices, and may cow be considered definitely aband oned. Eastern Weather. Cievsi.and, May 2 Dispalches from town in the interior of tbe state say the rain of Inst night turned into snow, and in mtny pluces winter? conditions prevailed this morning. At Bucyrus three inches of mow fell, and at Martin's ferry tbo ground was covered with it. We Lead, Others Follow. aid tbnt is tbe reason Hopkins Bros, are the first to dis play a full line of tbe famous 1807 Cres cent and Cra ford bicycles. Call and see iera. Anyone a-Ul ing some good urine encutn- tur nrkla can secure them by dnppinir a t.i in v H Huuhson. Albany Or Also early cobbupe planU and choice gardeu seeds, at reasonable prices. THE "FOURTEEN GOLD IMS CON SOLIDATED COMPANY" Limited Liability 01 Rossland B. C. President Col. W. W. D. Turner, president Le Roi Gold Mining Company, Rossland, B. C. Vice-Pn sidentLouis Jaffe, Capitalist, distil ler, Grower, of California, owner of B. C. mills, of Rossland, B. G Secretary and 31 ami ger Harry White ex Mayor ot Seattle, Wash. Treasurer E. D. Carpenter, Rossland, B. C Consulting Engineers- -Messrs Brady, Rossland, B. C. Bankets Bunk Rossland, This company owns the largest and best located group of properties in the famous Rossland and Trail Creek mining district. Its holdings being approxi mately Five Hundred Acres located about one mile south of the city of Rossland. A limited amount of TREASURY STOCK in this company until further notice at ioct per share of PAR value $i.oo eachstock non-assessable. For shares and apply to the company's representative J. H. WHO Over O. R. & N. THOMAS BRINK, I Mlkiiids of furniture 5 and bedding, and it Dealer iu I yu want the most j complete floi:r safe, he has them and his i! prces the lowest. Hon. W 9 o- w A LL who arc t 5n W. J. Bryan's :c si mediately Vri'Ji An caoixnt a a. L most The results A review of -rJkliS ins AGENTS WANTED 5 Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting one-half ot all royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism. Thers are already indications of an enor mous sale. Address VV. B. C0KKEY COMPANY, Publishers, 341-351 DearWo. SLCHiCAGO. NOTICE OF EXECUTOR SALE Notice ts hereby irivn tbat from and after the Slst da- of Msy, 1S97, in pur suance of a license and order of tbe county court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered in said court on tbe re,ords thereof on the Stb day of April. 1897. in tbe matter of the etate of WUIiaru Kin der, deceased, 1, the nndrrstfrncd, duly sppoir.ted, acting and qualified executor of the estate of said decedeot,hal proceed to se't at private sale for one halt of the purchase price cash in hand on tbe day of sale, and the remaining half of the pur chase price to be paid on or before two years alter the date of such sale, all the right title and interest which the said de cedent, William K'nder, had in or to the following described mil estate at the time of bis death, toit: The northwest quarter of the noitbeast quarter and Ibe northeant quarter of the nor' b west quarter and Ms two and three all in section 36 T 10 S R 2 west) also be ginning at the N W comer of ths S.J4' of section 36 T 10 S R 2 w being the N w corner of James Curl's Not. 637 and run ning tbence east 20 chains thence south 40 cis; thence est 28 chain and 10 Unit; thence N 46 ch more or less to the N boundary of said Not. 637; th-nce south 82 degrees 50 minutes w to the place of beginning containing lib. H8 seres more or lets, in all 225 acres more or leas alt in Linn county, Oregon. Tre interest an I estate which sai 1 de cedent hd in and to S4Ut premises at the time of hit death being a fcestuile estate tbrein. Tbe deferred payment of one half of the purchase price to be secured by a mort gag on said premi et, executed by tbe purchaser. Dated thit 20th day of April, 1837 . W H KiNDKa, Executor. D RE3S-M AKINU. -Ladies wisuing to learn cutting and biting by tbe Mor- . van x stem, call an Mrs. H. E. Owen J Dresses made for $2.50 and up. Cor 3td and Calapooia. OFFICERS. of British North America, B. C. prospectus giving 3rd and Washington Streets, Ticket Offices look :r:! enngthe sale of Hon, ihculd correspond ira The wcrk will contain rl fc?s csmrieiQn tour . cytty, n filter, by his ife . tsnrtortifit speeches .... of the campaign of 1896. the pofltical situation . . 1 NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS ' Notice is hereby Riven that the annual mvettiig of thet'ockholders of ths Albany Farmers Co., will be held a' the office of said company, in Albany, linn coun'r, Oregon, on the 13 h day of May, 1S7, at 1 o'clock p m of said Jav, for the pur pose of eleitag seven (7) directors ts seivefortbe term ot one year, and ths transaction of such o her business as may come before the meetinj, Done by crJct of tbe board ot directors . Attest: M H Wilds, President. Pans B Ma ww ai.u St-c'y. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby siren that tbe under signed bas been duly appointed adminis tratrix of tbe estate of louis K Hammer, deceased, by tbe count court of Lina county: AH person having claims against said estate are ber by rtotifisd to present them, duly verifi-il, lomea! tSfVSoe H C Watson, attorney at law Orftwo, wi'Uin ix nion'hs frcta jJate of thi no ice. Ited at Albany, Oregon, Marci 18, S9J H 0 Watson. Flosskcb Hammss Attv for Administratrix. Adnix . ASSIGNEES NOICE. Notice is hereby given hst L E Blain, of Albany, Oregon, on the 18th day of February, 1S97, made a general assign ment ol all bis property for tbe benefit of all his creditors; and that the nnde'signed has been duly appointed assignee in said assignment proceeding. All creditors of rd L E tilsm art hereby required to pre sent their claims to me, uly verified, at my office la the postoffice building. Albany. Oregon, within three months from the date of this notice. Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 23rd day of March. I897. 3 C VVAtsok, 1! Bryant, Atty tor Assignee. Assignee- Moynahan and full information Portland. CITY BQASO OFIQQAUZATIOM. Notice is berebs (riven that tbe city coaocd cf be city ot Albany. Oregon, will meet aad sit as a board of EquxUzatioa, at tbe coaocil chambers in aud ciiy on Friday to. la h dar ot May. 1397. tbe boor cf 2 o'clock in tbe sJ-eraooa oi said day, for tbe purpose of uuininr. cor rvc!!n tad equaluiog tbe ae-eascnent of said ciiy fur tbe year 1?jU. and a so lor b falter jmiov of o.kio the tax -tt oihi i;d ateeiue3t for 'he year i?&;. G:rabyorderoftbecooacit of tbe city of A!bar. Uregoa, mads tne 27. h day of April. 1S97 Albany, Or, Msy I, 1S97. X J HajrroK. Recorderof tbe City ot Albany. Notice for Publication Land Omci at Osjsgon C:tt Ok Marc iTtb, $97 ' Xottce is hereby givea that tbe ful.ow ing named sett'-er has filed notice of his intention to make fiaal proof in support of hi cJsim, under Sc $01 R S, and thai said proof will be made before tbe reg ister and receiver at Oregon Cirv. Oregon. May llth. l$97.ix: PerrrG Hibbard: H E 11502 for th X W Sec 11. Tp 10 S R 4 East . He name the tcliowing witnesses to brore bis continuoos residence noon aad cnltivati'Mi of said land, vis: James B Moore, of Detroit, Oregon, Henry Corn- ear, t rank Kabedeau. to to of Magara, Oregon, and Jchn O Fox of Detroit, Or. ROBERT A. MILLER. Reistr. Kotice Lasd Omric at Orkgox Citt Ob. AprU 27sh. 1S97. Notice ia hereby given that the ap proved fractional pia. of survey of Town ship 13 sooth, rantte 8 east baa been re Ctived from the surveyor general of Ore con. and on Jane 3rd. i97. at 9 o clock. a m, of said date, said ptat will be filed in this ofbee, and the land tbereiL embraced ill be subject to entry oa and after said daie . Eoaamr A Millmb, Vat G allow IT Register. Receive. MORTHERN IU PACIFIC R, R, A v P oilman Sleeping Oars, Elegant Ding Cars, Tourisf Sleeping Gaw St Paul Minneapolis Dainth FmrfO, TO Qrmnd Forks Crook ston Winnipeg Helena and Butte THROUGH TICKE S,. TO Cblcago f Washington I Philadelphia New 1 orfc Boston and al Points East and South Through tkkdts to Japan B1 China, tu Tacomaand Northern Pacific steamahir Co., an American tine. For informatton, time cards, maps anc" tickets call on or write C O Bnrkbart Agent. Albany, Or. Or A D Charlton. At Gen Faaa Agf Portland, Or. souuoxs. In Out Circuit Court State of Oregon. for Ltint 'THMUy; Department No. 2. CC Jackson, Plaintiff, TS Sarah I Moore, Mary f TarbroaKh. Da vid W Tarbroogb, Howard W Tsrbrooab, Pemly M J Yarbmugh. Geo W Tarbroogb. ihos J I arurougu, ana Lewis isrbroagh . Defendants. To Sarah J Moore, Mary Yarbroogn, David W Yarbroogh, Howard W Yar brnncrh. Pemlv M f Yarbroogh. Gu W Yarbrogb,Tbomas i Yarbroogh and Le via Yarbrougb, tne oeienoanis ave named: IS THE NAME OP THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of yon are hereby required to appear in the above en titled court on the first da? of the next regular term thereof, on Monday, the 28th dy of June. 1897, to answer the eotnpUict of the plaintiff aoove named now on file in said court in said cause, aod yon aad 4ach of yon are hereby notified that if yon fail to appear and answer to said com plaint as hereby required the plaintiff will apply to said court for judgment against yon as prayed for in bis said Tapis int. town: for a oecrec of suii wo'i occur ing plaintiff to be tne owner in fee simple of all the following described real proper ty, towit: Beginning at a roin 32 ft chain S aad 57.19 chains W of toe N E .corner of claim No. 49 in Tp 14. S B 4 w of tbe WiiUa ette Meridian, running theace 8 7 chains, thence 4 28 chairs, thence S 7 cbaina, thence E 4 28 chains, containing 3 acres more or less, in Linn county. Oregon. Asn beginning at a point on tbe east boundary line of the D L C cf Ihos i Yar brougrt ao) vife. Not. Xo. 2184. claim No. 49 in Tp 14 S E 4 w, and eJalm So. 66 in To 14 8 B 5 w of Willamette Mer which is 39.72 chains 3 of the N corner cf said D LC. ani roaring tbence w 61.47 chains, thence K 7 chaina, thence w 4.19Ji chains, thence S 25 degree w 15 chains, tbence S 8 degrees 30 minn'M 4 -24 chains, tbence east 8 69 chains.ihcnce 5 22 degrees 4 mlnotes E 7 chaina.thecee 8 12 degrees 30 minutes E 9 70 chains, thence north 6-1 Wrees 30 rn'ootea E 13 16 chains, the ) 3 70 degrees E 8 60 chir.s, tbence S 79 degrees E 4 90 chains, thence S 6s degree E 13 .20 chains, thence meth 56 degrees E 12 60 chains, thence N 87 legrera E 6.30 chains, tbenre son'h 78 de grees E 5 30 chains, thmee 8 57 degreta 30 roinotea E 3 16 ebaiat, more or lest, to a point doe souh uf tbe place of begin ning, theore north 34-12 chains, moe or fees, to tbe pia of bfgjjB;ng. eontainiag 194 69-lOO aces in Linn county, Oregon - Aad forever barring aad fjaaaaf aaid dc&adaota aad aeo of thesa froca daiaag or isas'tina aay right or title ia or to aatd Unda, or as? part tacreof; enrrecung tka errcswnns) dascriptjpw thereof cootsiaed ia a csrtaia doed eseeetad a4 dihvevwi by Tana 1 Yarbroogh aad Sarah J Yatbrewgh. Ma rife, ta tram Was Land ret h, so aa to east form te tha tr. deacrktsea of said laada a above art eat, and reatovisgtae dued from p aianfTa tale o said laadc. This srataxMs. ta pabtiabed by order af tbe Hen E H Heantt, judge af the above srtitled coirt. aude at chambers ia Albaaf Oregon, ttu 23rd day of March, 1897. Eixms Caraos. Att'ye for Plaiatiff. SCUM3MS. fm Us Circa f Cms s Oe Statt oj Ongtm fm tit tamnty of Lina. tiffs TS G Morgaa. as administrator of tbe es Ute of Thorn aa Morgan deceased; James v Monraaasadtniaistratoror 'be estate of Lydia Morg aa deceaed; Vfary Ana Gray, frank Gray ker hosbani; Agnes McNeil, John McNeil her husband. Joaa X Morgan. Raxb Morgan bis wife; James W aforgan, Morgan bis wife; W G Morcaa, Mdrgaa ass wifejjaa Mar gBB, E A Morgan. Morgaa sua -if e; Mar garet Daaeaa. Daacaa bar kastwstd; G , L Stryner aad Bataa J Strydes; Uaa Co. Kattoeal eaak , (a eorrwratis) W H Gt tra. A BeaiL Traaxae: First Xaooaal BaaC. i oorfonttom) aad MU-oa Hale, Defaadaata.' To iotia X M-rgaa aad Rata Morgsa. bis wifeaad Margaret Doscaa aad Dea caa, bar hasbsad. DefeodiaSs. IX THE XAME Of? THE STATE .OF OKEUOX: Yoa are hereby reqaind laap prar aad aaa aer tb eacaptaiat tiled agaiyy yea ia tbe above eatiUed rait, at tb ty . day ol tbe acxt term cf tbis eoart foilowscj(-V. toe aapuatioa of said aaaMae.tawit: by tba 4th Monday ia Jaoc,lS;fceintbe 2Si day of aaid moatk; aad if yea taxi ao to appear ta answer, far waat thereof, taa plaiatiffs will apply to tbe eoart far ta reUf prayed for ia tba tvatplaiat 6!d acaiast yoa aesa ia. to ail: For a deer f orecjasiag a eartaia saorteaB exoeatvd bv TVoavsa Morgaa aad Lvlia Motfts, bis wife, (both deceae- d)totbe Jarria-Coakna atengaae Treat loaraaT, ta aecara Us paymeat ef if 6r5, sn:h iatereat, aad taa fartar aata ci f 100 attorneys fees. Said mortgage bciag apoa real eatala aitaata ta tba eoaaty rf Liaa. I'SU of Orrgoa. acd particalarly beaaded sad deae ibed a foilowa, tawit: Tbe W cf ike D L C of Daid W A! Usghaaa: siiaate ia Sees S3 and 34, Tp IX Mtata, Baaga 4, W W M. eoataicing 139 acres snore or leas. Aaddirectincaaie of aaid propeny in tbe maaaer provided by law aad appiacatioa af tbe proceed tberef osa ta parsaeat af the daisa of tke p-ainrFi bsraa, iadadnr casta, diabarseeaeaui of tait aad aUoreay's Tbia ntsrai in pabbVlted by order of tke Hoaorabl H H Hewitt, jadgaafsaid eoart. Mad aad dated oa tb Sttk day af Feb raary. 1S97. Gao VT llixs a Mostaxtx iHirxuxir, Atturaejsfor Puuatiffa. CITATO. In eCoaatT Coart of ths State of OreLOa, for Liaa eoaaty. Ia tk matter of th estate of F K Cfaaadle d em ass A. To Mary Graanaa, Kiaeta R Cneadle, WUbelassaa Strackauar, Eraatt Loreasa Cbtdi. rloreoce Cbeadle, Laaa Graaaaa aad ta all ether heirs aad daviscea af aaid deceased, ankaowa, trsataag IS THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON. Yoa are aerettv eitad aad re oaired to appear ia Us eoaaty eoart af the state of Ciegoo, for the c aoty of Liaa at b court room Uwraof, at Albaaf, us aaid ooaaty.oa baturi.y tb 15th day May,lS97, at 1 e dock ia taa aftcrnoaa af tbat dar, tbea aad there ta eaow araa if aay yoa bare, whv rad eoart shoe Id act stak aa order authorising ta executor of ta last wiil and UsUaceot ot sail deoeaaed saaal at private ra'e tha foUowh g described raaj property or sav part thereof beloagieg to saidesuta towit: Tba east aaifaf ta sooihwaat qaarter of block 47 in HaekVs a as Sad additioa to th city of Albany, Also beginning at a paiot ia tba seeth boundary Ho of block I ia tb Ksalera ad ditioa to Albaay, Oragoa, equally distaat from enatheast and sitbwat Cuaers of aid block one, tbeaea northerly peralle! wi:k ftaker street ia said city 100 feat, than oa easterly parallel wita First street 45 feat, theaoi soatberlT parallel aitk said nasar atreat Utbasoath boundary afssvd block ono, tbeaoa waatarly oa tb soath boaadary of said bl Mt on to tb plac of hegiaaing. Also all et tb 8 E of niock Xo.oe ta k Eastara additioa to said city. excepting 45 feat aaretofore ssM tff tb wat aid ef aaid quarter. Also tba soath ha:f of lot S ia block 17 ia Haektrsaaa'a 3d addiuoa to said ei'.y of Albaay, ta aivittoa line being parallel with Sacoad street la sa.d city. Also lot No 4 b'ock SO ia said city of Albaav. Aire Vols No 3 aad 4 ia block N- 6 ia Hck:osaae aeaoad ad ditioa to aaid city of Albany. Abo lota Xoa 20,21 aad S3 ia block No S a Abbey J additioa to tk otty of Albany, all of said rl property being ia Lina ooaaty ,Orega. Also M No 7 in boc 2 ia tb towa of Seal RjcI in Lincoln eoaaty, Oroa. Witaess. tba Hon GaoriO D fWtoo, "I Jadgaef tb eoaaty eoars w ww I state cf Oason. for tba wnnty - i of Una. with tk Ssal coaHslfixed, thts6ik dayef Apnl A u. 1897, Attwfc C B MoSTAOtja. Clstk, by R B MosxAOca. Denaty . NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notio w hereby givea that tba aanaal Bxetuwafth Albany Mining ot MtlUag Co. will b held at h etSc tf G W Maa t. oa Aoril 2nth. 1S7. at 4 o'clock p ss of aaid dv for tha rarooaa of electing 7 ictiosi t " directors to eerr for one year and tranaacd oa of sack ether bo-a assasay t nrde. . kvallv com before tha BMCtinc. By of tha boa-d af directors N 11 iUU CKBsowmil Piidnt Secretary. 3 1