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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1897)
SPRAINS 0 St. Jacobs Oil thefoiL Use g and 0 it and promptly feel the cure. That's PAINS llll a", tut that is something sure. .. WETflERFORD & .YATT tornevs at law Will practice in a ourts of tbe state. Special attention giv ea to matters in probate and to collections. OFFICE In the Flinn block. V. R. BILYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery. Collections made a- all points. Loans negotiated on reasouable terms. Albany' Orrgon. BUGKBUR3 & SQF.1ERS 1TOHNET3 X,fV"W", AH legal matters will receive prompt at entfon. Office, First National Bank eliding, up stairs. JOSTAKYE !& H1CBIKHAN, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. JB. J. li. HILL., hydcUn and iSrircrson. OFFICE Con rry auesta, Albany .Oregon. DR. C, U, CHAL1BERLIN EIOMOHOIPATHIST Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry St, near 3d street. IK ST NATIONAL BANK. OF ALEAltT, 0R90S Ptgjdcnt. Vics President ........ "nt" i LFMrTH 8.B,TOimQ K. W. LAHODOK T4KSA.CT3 A GKSERALbaaMng'bueioasB ACCOCVT9 KEPT tablet to check. ! SlGTrSXCHArJGK andts'errBTJhlc transfer, M on Nea York Su FrmBcUoo.Chleafo w4 P'MUara COI.t.CTIONS aADSJon hioniliH tmi sawrroa 8 K Tooss I W Ltsmos P A Goodtx, 0. Fuaa C. S. Ftwx. J- WHITtlEY Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. Mais Mistakes, Eii Ttej Got things spelled wrong and all mix ed "up dieylay was poor type old fashioned press work bad paper cheap nothing as it ought to be? Well take yoar next job of printing to Smi ley the Printer and Wm B3 Done P. S. (Important). The price for do ing 'twill be right, too. alley's orintin is ni printing. iinster. The great thoroughbred slallion of the Northwest will make the eeasm of 1897 at Schmeer's stable, Albany Oregon. PEDIGBEE. D.irk bay foaled 1S8S by imported Dare- bin Dim, Mariposa bv imported Monar chist; dam, Heliotrope by imported Knight of St George ; dam. Evergreen by imported Glencce; dam, Mistletoe oy Cher okee; dam, Blacaeyed Susan by Tiger, Albert. Aleenne, Gay Alford, Amencus, imported Med'ey, imported bhark, and Fearnauht Monster is a perfect tj pe of bis breed, a race bora himself, and a sire of race horses. For further information enquire at Joan Schjikek's Stable. yo wig Leads in bath tuls. while others take h's idea and copy. Call on him for toe angina no SENDERS' COMPANIES Always Pay, No question about full and prompt pay ment of losses by fire on insurance placec" with the leading agent of Albany, M. Sen ders. 'That's ThatEB Insures People For' Don't allow yonrlf to be roped into the various "Local Mutuals" now being pushed on you as being "cheapest in surance." when you ineure you do not want to worry about getting yourmoney in case of loss. M SENDERS Insurance, Hay, Grain and Wool. loop poison A SPECIALTY'S Etiarr bypnuia permiuientir corea nun uaTS. 1 uu can oe uwm a uum ur thesioDaDriaenndersamearanrauitv if ;,Mimff'ttn vimA hor. .. will ODntn faiijl paT railroiul faro and hotel bills, and no ebrrKe.1t we fall to can. if too iun taken mer ury, iodide potash, and atlU nave aches end etiias, M ucoos Patches in mouth, Sore Throat, t'iroplce, Copper Colored 8 pots. Ulcers oa ecr pirtuf the bodr, II air or Eyebrows falling out, it is this Syphilitic BLOOD POISON thai we s;narantee to care. We solicit the moat obati iiEtd 1-at.ea and challenge tbe world for a ruK96C&Quotenre. i'hl. aisease baa always . bailed the skill of the most eminent physi cian. 500,000 capital behind our nncondV tWnal ?3aranty. Abaolute proofs sent sealed oo apr.!ir,i..,n. Address COOK, KEMEDT CO bill Uiioclt) Xwapie, CiUCAUtS Ult FOSHAY S MASON "Wholesale & Retail-- LEH2BBTS oFbOOKSEURES ALbASY. OBEOON. Pare Dru?s and the finest and Largest .Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. i Caveats and Trade Marks obtained and all Pat- out business coadiicted for Moderate Fees. i SOTdmodpLdrawincorBhoto. Weadviaelf t patPEtble free of chwo. On r fee n ot dn e till patcntis swnrcil. A Fainpltiet "Ilow to Ob l tain Patents," with cont of same In the U. B. i and foreiga countries sent free Address, c.-a. snow & co. I Cp. Patent O fur. WauiitftnM fl. ft P M MITCH ELLi continues to act as a-eut for the Pacific School Desk and Furniture Co., of Portland. Orders sent to ni in at Albany, Or., will be promptly aiteniKjn to. ALEtSTI atAKKET. .'!:--it, C5c Oiite :! I'bur, li oo ; ' Gutter lift 2 Lard 6 to 5c i'orl hainB, 8 to 10CSbouldcr 4 toS. S;d r 6 to 8. .... M mum Star Bakery Corner Broadalbin and First St CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR . Dealer In Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits. Tobacco, , Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Canned Meat Queensw, Vegetables Cigars, Spices, Tea Etc everything tbat is Kept in tood variety and gro eery store High est pttce paid for ALL KINDS OF PkODUCI IT IS SO WRITTEN and none can dispute it. We lead toe wall paper trade. . we were never mcie in the van than now. More designs; newer, brighter, fresher, and more orig inal designs ; a greater variety of de signs; finer qualities ot paper; and lower prices tor fine qualities of paper than can be found at any other establishment; these are onr many and solid claims tc yonr patronage. When you see what we sell for 15 cents a roll and that we onlv ask 15 centt for it, you'll be very mncb surprised. J. A. dimming. ALBANY ORCHESTRA ilBiCmSTQ. Conductor -BIMTOTFlOOKIgr,, INSTRUMENTATION I Vio II Vio., Clar., Cor., Troro Bass andDrums fepei t oie of ln sic -Music Furnished Fo Concert, Parties, Receptions a. Ester- tainments at reasonaoie rates. Correspondence solicited regardtar' to gagemeU out of town Address Bert Westhrook. Business Man ager, Revere House, Albany, Oregon Mai . go YEARS sxJcaicoK. LT 4 TOAD- SSAKKts sovaioirra ac. autcslr ascertain, free, whether an InTemioo is DrobablT patentable. CosmanleatMns strictly eonBdenttaL Oldest asener foraecHrinn pstenta In Amenta We h,e a Washington, office. Patents taken tbroosh Moan Co. rsoslTa apacul notice In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. neantlfnllr innstrated. largest drrnlation of anr ctentiSe KmraaU SLUatx montba. e"pe reekly. ixAMl JjooK os fATcns sent tree. Address MUNN & CO., 361 Bread war. Kew Terk. Fire Insurance RE YOUR PROPERTV with us Old Hartford, the New York Un. k A mahm. rm n 0 erta rt 4 Via roll. able old line companies he represents. Notes taken and plenty of time given for payment on farm insurance. All business will bt promptly attended to. officii; in f. a bluuk ALBANY. OR. VIEREOKS SHAViNG AND HAIR CUT TING PARLORS. HEADQUARTERS FOR Dtf. Whites Few" IJeii A head of hair or no uay. Cures al diseases of the scalp. Address Box 421 for Free Treatise on the seal p. Razors Honed and Set and Put in ord er on Short Notice Prof. A. STARK Of Will k Stark. Optical Specialist fi ratlin to tf tu rt,;MnA nV...l.nvt Oollege. . I am prepared to examine scientifically nd accurately, by tbe latent and improve. mpihiul, nf mnrlw. ani'MM L. A . . u.i.ui.j i, svtcuuo, nujr w uo uo sire to have tbeir eyes teat!. tUSlCK O10CK AI.BANT.URBAON. Dr Adams Cusick Block Albany, 0r; DRESS-MAKING. Ladies wishing to learn cutting and fittintr by the Mor gan system, call an Mrs. R. E. Owpd. g ureases made for Z 60 and up. Cor 3rd 7m DrwiUMrra r Benton county has paid the state in fu'i. Big crops ought to make tjmes pros perous in Oregon this vear. The masses of the American people are hoping for the defeat ot tbe Turks, with their unbroken record of rapine and paganism Dr. Uunter, the Kentucky candidate for U. S. Senator in deciding to witndraw after getting his full strength, baa set a good example for Mr. Mitchell. The directors of the Eugene public schools are having their hands full on account of the multitudinous number of applications for positions as teacher, including the principalship. It is now reported that Mr. Hannah is not insane. She should be content to remain in the penitentiary. Had she been a man instead of a woman she un doubtedly would have been hanged. If the other European countries mind their business and let Turkey and Greece fight it out, the Democrat pre dicts Greece will be victorious ; but if they ally themselves with Turkey as some of tnem threaten to do, then Greece will stand little chance against their combined strength . Under the sarcastic head of "Sense from an unexpected source" the San Francisco Examiner publishes the fol lowing from the Oregonian : "Tbe way to bring back prosperity is to dig it out of the ground. You can't borrow it from a bank. The following from tbe Cor vail is Times is about the opinion ot most American newspapers: "This country will watch with interest the war tbat seems on be tween the bold little Greek and tbe un speakable Turk. Since Greece ia fighting to rescue a Christian population in tbe is aod of Crete from the blighting dom ination of the murderous Turk, and sines Torkey ia fighting becausesbe thinks kbe baa both a doty and a privilege to murder every dog of a Christian in Ar menia or any other clime all tbe sympa thy and admiration and good withes to be spared in this country will go out to tbe Grecian soldiery And if, in posh ing the work tbat of right de vol ?ed upon the big hogs of nations around bar, tbe Greek nation ges whipped another black blot will be left along with Cuba to becloud the civilixation of tbe Closing days of tbe boastful nineteenth century. Satan ia willing to have na worship tHe cross, the crucifix, the Bible or any thing if we will not worship tbe true God. A man who curses wi l never see tbs glory of tbe King. Nine-tentbs of tbe criminals started on tbe down road bv breaking the Sab bath. The greatest calamity in Chicago is the loss of the Sabbath by oar fathers. I want all tbe men who are forced to work on Sunday to strike. They need one day's reet. I used to work seven days in the week. It made me older at 37 than I am now at GO. America only bangs iu best murder r. It lets be son or the daughter who kill bis or ber parents by etn escape. I insist tee man who sticks a dagger in my back for my money is a prince in comparison with tbe man or woman who ailis the parent by neglect. Tbe following from Miss Frances E. VVillard sbouM be read with interest by many who think tbat big papers tbat give all the news recardleea of what it ip, like tbe World, Extminer and Jour nal, thonld not be tolerated : Unlike many ho do not write tor Sunday pa pers. I have sever joined tbe crusade asainst Tbe World as a newspaper. It baa seemed tome to be, ith all its fault, the greatest news gatherer ia tbe world, and I bave repeatedly teen arti cles in tbe London papers tbat admitted this to be true. To my mind there is no corrective for other powerful elements toat now make op our civilization ex cept a free press, and I believe that pub licity is to tbe lite of tbe people what a hay fort ia in tossing a bunch of mouldy grass into tbe sunshine where it can be dried and cleansed and rendered whole some. Lesson ia Physiology. How many bones in the human face? Fourteen when they're all in place. How many bones in tbe homan bead? Eight, bit child, as I've often said. How many bones in tbe human ear? Fonr in each, and tbey help to bear. How many bones in the human spine? Twenty-four, like a climbing vine. How manv bones in the human chest? Twenty-fonr ribs and two for tbs rest. How many bone9 in the shoulders bind? Two in each one before, one behind. Sow many bones in tbe homan arm? In each arm one ; two in each forearm. How many bones in the human wrist? Eight in each If none are missed. How many bones in the palmof the band? Five in each, with many a band. How manv bones ia tbe Angers ten? Twenty-eight, ami by joints they bend. How manv bones in the homan hip? One in each, like a dish tbey dip. How many bones in the human thigh? Ooe in each, and deep they lie. How manv bones in the human knee? One in each, tbe k net pan, please. How many bones in tbs ieg from tbe knee? Two in each, we can plainly see. How many bones in the ankle strong? jeven in each, but none is long. How many ben as in the ball of the foot? Five in eacb, as the palms were put How many bones in tbe toes half a score? Twenty eight, and there are no more. And now altogether these many bones wait. And they count in a boiy two hundred and eight. And then we have in the human month, Of uppei an4 under, thirty-two teeth. And now and then have a -bone, should tbink. That forms on a joint or to fill up a chink. A sesamoid bone or a wormian we call, And now we may rest, (or we've told them all. iJKEJRIUHPH OF LOVE ! Happfud jftlifol Marriage.' Xrary MAN woo would know the GRAND i a. u i n a, tns rials Facia, the Old Secrets and the Nor Discoveries of Medical Sclenceasapplled to Married Life, who wouia alone lor past fol lies and avoid future pit.' I falls, should write fur our wonderful little book. called "Complete Man hood and How to Attain '' To any earnest man we will mall ooe copy Entirely J-re, in plain sealed coyor. , IMmnM Tbat Dingley bill seems to have gotten the rheumatism sines striking the Senate Young men and told once a day to clean. women ought to be keep their records The biggest nuisance in a city la the reckless bicycle rider. It this fits put it on. Four days without mall makes one lonesome ; and yet pioneers used to go months. The anti-cartoon bill baa passed one branch of the New York legislature. It will cause havoc if it peeomea a law. But for the fact that it would provoe tbe Oregonian we would remark .meekly tbat tbe free silver sentiment in tbe U. 8. is growing Hon. D. P. Thompson, - former minister to Turkey thinks the present war will not be one of much magnitude. Doesn't Mr. Thompson, be with the long head, know. Marriage ia a mighty serious thing, as serious as a mass of black clouds before a bell game, and young people bad bet- tar sit down to the fact, and cool beaded ly figure for a month before entering Into an engagement that is a life proposition. Tbe college lecture course closes to night. It has not been supported tbe way it should bave been. Tbe public taste in Albany should have given the conree a liberal patronage, it wooio have been an educator. Can our citizens afford to run everything into light chan nel! to the detriment of tbs brain. Tbe E. O. of Pendleton is enthusiastic on sports. It recently devoted a page to bicycles and now nearly a page to base ball.' Base ball and bicycling are onr national sports and deserve tbe support of the press. The Imperial Back of Russia holds $364,000,000 ia gold, and there it Use, idle, in the vault at St. Petersburg. Such ia the potentiality of Roeaia. Good for a year's war without the levying of an extra penny. Truly, as none other power in Europe, she sleeps on ber arms. E. The hundred-mile pipe line of tbe Natural Gas Company of Pittsburg is at present the longest in tbe world, bot a line is building in tbe Caucasus from Micballove to Baton m, which ia 214 Russian verst, or almost J 50 miles long. It will be finished within a few weeks, and iu estimated cost will exceed 5,000, 000 roubles ($3,000,000). A local fight is being made in Eugene on President Chapman of tbe SUU Uni versity. President Chapman is at tbe head of a state institution and bene it is a stale matter, not a local one. Oo this account also, tbe president should not Interfere with local affairs. In this reepect President Cbapmaa baa made a mlsuks. So far as the Dsmocxat is concerned it doesn't care very mncb. It would, though, like to see a man at tbe head of such college who will as much as possible keep out all rings and oppose all contentions. Justly Resented. RoaEBCBO.Oa., April 15th, ISC' 7. HsADortAETtss Rssro Post So. 29; Dkp't or Oa ; Gaasn Asmt or tub Rar . WHEREAS; At the last meeting of tbe Board of Trustees of the Oregon Sold-er's Horns the following rules were adopted ; to wit; Rule 13. Any person admitted to be borne shall surrender all bis pension to tbe comutaodment, and, if the person so surrender bis pension has dependent relatione, the money so surrendered shall be paid to such dependent relations by the eommendaot, excepting the sum of four dollars per mMlb, and in caee such person baa ro dependant relations, the excess of his pension over and above tbe sum of fonr dollars per month shall be credited by the commandant to a fund for the support of the home aod shell be used for tbat purpose only. Ruts 14. Of rea-ulatioos on page 11 of tbe bylaws shall read as follows: In all cases where improper uss is made of snch allowance of pension mooey as pro vided for in rule 13 of by-lawr, leading to misconduct, or infractions ot tbe rnhs of tbe home, tbe allowance so granted ball be withheld by the commandant. WaxaxAS, in our opinion, tbey con flict witn See. 4743, Revised Statutes of tbe 0. S., which is printed on tbe back of every pension certificate; and Whereas tbess two roles force tbe old veterans to assume three attltndes. all of which ws denounce as unjust and un patriotic ; First, By requiring them to surrender tbeir pensions, they are mads to re nounce tbeir prrperty rigbU (guaranteed to them by Sec, 4745; Revised Sututes), thns forciog tbem to assums tbe attitude of County paupers. Second, Rule 14 forces them to submit to civil penalty without legal process. See Amendm't to V. S. Cotst, Art 5. Third, Tbe allowance clause reduces tbe old soldier to the defective classes, and we object. Tukbxvore, Be It Rksolvxd. That Rena Post No. 29, Dept. of Oregon, G A R enters iU indignant protest against these iniquitous inles adopted by the board of trustees of the Oregon Soldiers Home. Resolved : Tbat we resent this degra dation of the veteran soldier o the rank of the defective classes, and we hurl back the insult with supreme comtempt and bitterly denounce both rules referred to, or any role that may nereafter be made, that will deprive an old soldier ol bis pension or a part thereof, claiming tbat no man or set ' ot men have any right either moial or legal to thns hum iliateany portion of tbe brave men who made it possible for this nation to exist; and we, a portion of tbe army of men wbo carried Old Glory to victory, do utterly abhor any such contemptible and audacious rules, or any person who will in any manner seek to deprive any one of such men of any comfort wLlch is being furnished Io him by our govern ment according to the f ederal law, and which is only a fulfillment of oe of the many promises made to us by these United States when we were enlisted. Resolved: That we call on all Grand Army posts in this department to j in us in oar endeavors to have these ob nmlniis. illenal. desDOtir. tyrannical rules abrogated by adopting similar res- olutlons and forwarding a cony ot them to the Governor of the stats and to eacb member of the said board of trustees of the Oreuon Soldiers Home, with an earnest request for the rescluding of salt rules, No, 13 and 14. Let everybody ome to mi &tar Bakery and get 4 rtvrt ol freh bread for $1,00 cash. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS The end of this week sees the Grecian Turkish war in full blast. The eyes ( the world are upon the fighters,. In this civilized age, this age of Deace and arbitration these two nations are barred to the shoulders and are fighting like Trojans. But Turkey is not a nineteenth century nation. She is fivi hundred years behind time. Tbe prospects are somewhat in Turkey's favor, though tbe American people almost as a mass, ex cepting extreme Infidels, are hoping tor Greece's victory. If good wishes amount to anything the Greeks wilt win but it is bullets against bullets. Distance lends enchantment to the view particularly in tbe case of mines. There is a class of people vho seem to think all tbe gold is thousands of miles away. It brings up the old Ktory of the men on the vessel in the fresh water of the Amason crying for fresh water to drink, when to, they needed only to put tbeir buckets down to get it. So there are mines right at our door s'most, pro bably as rich as many of the boasted camps in the distance. j "' One reason why the Woodmen make their entertainments successes is be cause instead of one or two men doing all tbe rustle and work, fifteen or twenty or more, get in and hew. That's what counts. A nation needs a national game. Tbe United States has the best io existence, baseball. Tbe Dimocbat is atad to see it retain i'.s popularity. Iu character is such as to entitle it to permanency. Every effort ia made to make it a clean game, ooe that cannot be sold, and it is a fact tbat tbe big games of tbe east are played on tbeir merits, such a thing as a thrown game hardly being known. I Five days without any eastern mail is not appreciated on the banks ot tbe placid Willamette. We like to hear from beyond tbe Rockies. In anticipa tion what may not a mail bring to one Io reality what does it '-nog but a blank for more anticipation, with rare excep tions. A good many Albany boys are not at tending schools. Tbe saddest aigbt im aginable is a small boy between six and fourteen not going to school. It is a sure duration lor bummerdom, a straight road for failure. Homes ia The Northwest. From tbe So Francisco Ballet io: Ar yon looking for a borne? Are you satisfied with your present conditions as tbey exist within yonr present environ ment? Is tbs return of yonr labor, your energy, yonr ambition, adequate to tbe effort constantly required? Is yonr fami ly satisfied- Hsve you decided tbat not withstanding inconvenience, little profit, hard work aod an unpromising future your situation is the beet that you con trol that it is uee'ess to "look farther" for fear that yon may ' fare worse ?' These are questions especially ad dressed to the "small farmer', the peo ple who, io tbe acgrecaie, produce the wealth of the nation, but who, individu ally, are oftentimes handicapped by cir cumstances over wbicb tbey ran bave no control whatever uncertain climate, unproductive soil, burdensome taxations crop limitations, disunt markets, aod a thousand other contingencies tbat were not foreseen at the outset of the en terprise mat inaoeed settlement in a rc-i gioo less favored in all tbe rooditions re- ferred to than is f he Willamette valley of Western Oreecn . . ' . ., ....n...n,.,u.,.irnlii; im are not required to accept the stateaneois of interested people conreroing tbe pro ductive capabilities of tbe Willamette valley. Yon can satisfy yourself aod verifv all reports regarding this region at very little expense tr trouble, snd If you f not find tLa: tbe truth Las not been t .f told that ths reality i- far beyond tne claims of those who bave knowledge of tbst country you nejd go 00 further in yoor intention to strk "a belter open ing in the Northwest. There are tbonrands of American citi sens wearing tbeir bands to the hone upon tbe stony fields of New England or tbe clay beoches along the A.l.gtieciee endeavoring to feed their bsbies and keep a shingle between tbeir little beads and the storm, who, with tne earns cap ital, with lens tabor and with far pleas enter sorroondings as to climate, scen ery snd markets, would readily accumu late a competence in Oregon Wben the homeseeker has satisfied himself tbat tbe soil aod climate ot the Willamette valley is superior to that ol any other with which he has been hither to familiar; wben he has ascertained that tbe crops are larger aod the profits sorer; when he fiuds thst it is te procure luxuries in this land than to lay hold of the necessities in other regions; wben it is proved to him tbat be will be able to educate bis children wlthou constant worry regard i eg the cost ; when he is made to understand th.t ail these advantages are within tbe compass of bis individual energy ard intelligent effort, tbe honest, sober, industrious citizen will hesitate no longer regarding ths advisability of a permanent settle ment in tbe country where nature is so kindly to those who snow how to compel ber best product. A great many ot the large landowners of Oregon are willing to sell at reasona ble prices- Small places bave been sold at rates ranging from 13 to $25 an acre, of which a part had been well improved. Tbe people of Oregon are prepared to extend a cordial welcome to colonists. The class most desired are those who ceme with a well defined purpose in agriculture, horticulture, stock or dairy farming, and who bring with them means lor a start, free ot debt, habits of Industry aod economy, and a proper estimate of social duties and community life. For bomehulluers, small farmers, fruitgrowers aod people generally who are able and willing to help themselves, and have a settled purpose iu life, lhio is room in adundancs and a genuine, old-fashioned welcome to tbe best the eountry affords, after they have duly earned it. Bran o Ohio, Citv or ;olbdo, I Lucas Couxty. .... Faairs J.Chbnkv makes oath that he fs ths senior partner ot tne firm of F. 3 .Cm bn av Co. , doing business in the City of Toledo, Connty and State aforesaid, and that said Ann will pay the sum of ON K HUNDRED DOLLA Ha for each snd every ease of Ctabs that cannot be cured by tbs use ot Hat-,-. CABNCu..fcHKNBy Bworn to before me snd subscribed In my presenos, this tlh day ol December, A. D. us. j " 1 A. W. GLEAS0N, su, Notary Fubtio, 1 n.t.k r I. t.VAn Internallv and acta stireeUy on the blood and muooua aurfaoes ot ms system, bend ror iennionii, 1.. P. J. CHENEY A CO., Tuide, 0. JsT Bold by DratgUta. 7So. Hall's Family Pills are the best. They Can't Fade. If you send your fancy colored shirt s the City Laundrf , opp the St Chiis Uote We can trive vou hiifh or medium gloss o domestic finish on your linen. C. btarrsox tt Son. MISFITS. John Christian, of Eugene, advertises a dance at 40 cents. The Woodmen make the entertaining saw buzz when they set it to going Harold M. Bewail, of Maine, a son of the late candidate for vice president on the democratic ticket, has been appoint ed minister to Hawaii. Well ! Astoria papers have been boasting about what would happen when A. B. Hammond returned. He has returned. Now just bring on your happenings. While other towns are boatting of a single brass band Albany can lay claim to three, all pietty good ones, and an ex cellent orchestra. Secretary Kinraid says he is acting on vjHuiuo oi me supreme Court, aieeerg r.uuy, iiacrum end will please smoke tbat fact. Coinpson Owney, tLe famous dog traveler, that passed through Albany a couple of years aeo, waa reoently shot by a policeman in Cleveland, O. It is proposed to stuff and preserve him. The suit in Portland of Emilr House, a school teacher, against Andrew Henn, lor il.'.uuo damages, Tor defamation of character, is being referred to as tbe nen n-House cat. Tbe first house was built in Eugene on Ski nner's butte by Eugene Skinner in itHi. The butte waa named Skinner and the adjoining town Eugene. The In.liaa name of the butte was Ya-po-ab r.ugene'8 marshal has ordered the nails to be driven down. By tbe way wi,aiuuie matter oi A loan" 's seven lady nail drivers attacking some of tbe protruding nails in our streeU. Tbey are shoe learers. Wednesday night Matt Semichy at San Jose, ','alif.. etrnck Frank Evans a ternbe blow on the chin and Evans ditid yeeteraay morning. A good many peo ple saw the cold blooded murder. The men were giving a pr xe fighting exhi bitioo. While ebootine at a flock of crre in Flourney valley, Douglas coon' recent ly. Howard Ward accidentally shot Mike Crow in tbe leg. It teems that the latter was out of sight over a 'email rise in the ground and Ward was igno rant of his presence. The bullet entered the left leg below the knee, shattering tbe bone and makieg a painful wound. Tbe Salem Ei-f rVin K.,4 by Judge. K. P. Boise have voted tball tbe legal rate of interest be 6 r-er cent flat iu Oregon without an v contract priv- ileges. This is going too far. Where 5 per cent might do on gilt edge security take it as it runs 6 snd a per cent would LrTf Yv oe reasonable, and it tbe next legislature Should make a chance that would be a reasonable one. Kho aaid base ball was dying out Yesterday the season began in the east and WOO people raw Brooklvn defeat Washington 5 to 4; 13.000 people Balti more defeat Boston 10 to S; 10,000 peo pie Cincinnati oeieal lntcvo a to 7; 20.000 Louisville defeat Cleveland 3 to 1 17,014 PbiladelpUi deleat New York S to I. From tbe Eugene Guard ; A letter from Charles Baker, Jr., son of the former propne.or of the Hotel Eugene, gives the information that be commenced taking me.J:ral lee. a res at the Cooper Medical Ins ttute, San Iran Cisco, April Isu This is the colieste fart that Theodore Uirram, now under I imn"i v -- of tb- Gotndge store sentence of death in San Francisco, mi''' granite, "..rant county. Lewis was shot st tend in. it at tbe time tbe tragical dtath of Blanche Lamoot occurred, of which be waa found guilty. Tbe Jooeees aod Smiths are dricg ouu I a the com pi- tne of late directories of j '7 it is n -te.1 that the Johnsons I u,"'uihm iae jooees ov io to 1 .and s I the OUens outnumbered lie Smiths 8 to i I. The Ne.snna P. I (!., , . . " . . - gwtive of tbe nationality of Aatoriens. Not satisfied with a salarr of $2,500 a year lor supporting le 'tile of berif! of ctnatilia cvonty, tbe people bare Z. HiWrr, whom el. c t-d twice to tbstoibce, is saiLa Umst:i:s cointy fori exptnsesof bimeeif asd deputies StieriS ' Hou.r contends that it waa the inten- 1 tic n ftf the tawrroakera l VST - W .l f. "a ,C::.7 , . .v. n ..... ir, ( , m n expenses shoud be ps d Ire no turn, of tbe case he bas hevun in the circuit - .7 court, snd wbicb will be carried to tbe supreme court, will be watched with-in-tercet The Dalles T. M. .An actual local experience ot an Al bany young ladvciven by the Dkmo-at, ap tears in the Eugene liuard as loilows, aod we give it as a sample of tbe pWgiar- istic spirit ol tlieaee: A Junction City young lady after trying for a long time to gel a i year-old to admit that she looked prrtty, finally succeeded by liber al promises of gifts 10 getting llie follow ing compliment, diss out in child style: "Yes oo looks pitty, oo looks just like a old maid." It seems to hi fashionable for home papers to be at outs with college resi dents Eugene papers have been after President Chapman and both Corvallis papers are on the track of President Miller. Here is a sample from Mr. Mil lers party paper, the Gaxeite: "A con sulship is a far more suitable position for a mi with H. B. Miller's tastes and attainments than the presidency of a college. His wise friends will not retrret bis separation fm a work for which he is not fitted." Tbe following is among the Kucene Journal's pen pictures: Mr. Kobt. J. Hendricks, the editor and principal owner of the Salem a young man who has made bis way to prom inence by hard, patient work. He is a nephew of Hon. T. G. Hendricks, the well-known banker, ot Eugene, and pos sesses many of his uncle's sterling traits of character. In appearance tall, broad shouldered, light complexion wilt: a high sloping forehead like Senator Piatt, ot New York, and a peculiar squint of his eves not usually noticed on account of glasses worn. Mr. Hendricks is at pres ent superintenden of tbe etste refrorm school but expects to retire from tnat in stitution this summer and after a short test take up the practice ot the law, of which subject he has been a learned stu dent lor a number of years. His well- known ability, coupled with indefatiga ble energy, will bring him success at the bar. Mf Die Miss Mildred Burmestet teacher ot piano or organ. System the Mason toucu and tectinioue. Keeidencr Fifth street, opposite U P church. . MAKKIbb. GOINS-II A YES.-On Wednesday even- ing, April 21, 1897, at 8 p ni o'clock, by Rev. Poling, Mr ArchGoins and Miss Eva Hayes, both ot Albany. Liver BBSs Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, sour stomach. Indigestion are promptly cured by Hood s Fills. They do Uielr work easily and thoroughly. Pills i Best after dinner pills. I SB cents. AU dm eclats. ' Prepared by C I. Hood it Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pill to take with Hood's Sanapartlla. TELEGRAPHIC. t.s wi,pe: , London. A aril 23. Tbe Antbens cor- respondent of the Chronicle says that tbe Crown Prince Conrtantine has wired to i Kins Georcre as follows: "Tbe Turks are quiet today (Thursday). We bave destroyed tbe Turkish battery at Ligeria. The Turks bave retired from Nez eros and Rapsani. Tbe action of our fleet at Katerins was excellent. 1 was in the first line of fire yesterday." A rentes Mas Farered Wasfjijioton, April 23. President McKinley has decided to nominate William R. Day of Canton, to be first assistant secretary of state and ex-Representative Bellamy Storrer, ot Cincinnati, to be min ister to Belgium The nominations were to bave been sent to tbe senate today, but that body had adjourned until Monday. The ra.I Week Nkw Yokk, April 23. Bradstrect's to morrow will say: Tbe change in the condi'i'ms underlying general trade while slight, this week, bas been ia the direction of improvement. The depression in iron and steel continnes, and Bessemer pig and tel billets have reacted another 25c a too. Tbeoutliok fovors an increase in labor disturbances to resist niidtummer wage reductions. Asether Opponent New Yobk, April 24. A Journal dis Patch from Constantinople says there is a rumor tonight tbat f be Sultan will refuse the demands of Bulgaria for five additional berats. Such refusal wid surely result in a war with Bulgaria. The Roumanian government is preparing for war by announcincr the iswue of Lilit to the nmount of 8,670 ,000 franca for an ex traordinary war credit . Oled Caans Sax Qcejiti Paisos, Cal., April 23 rrank txoney K.los was banned promptly at 10:30 th's morning for tbe m order of S illiam Deady, oyer two years ago, Neither tbe brother nor mother of KJoes bas been at tne prison since yesterday, and tbe execution waa witnessed only by prison officials, physicians and newrpsper men As bluM ba4 boasted be would do, be died , same for bis brutal and cowardly murderi oi in icum. tie was cool to tLe last. A li eases Cyelene. Waweco, Kan.. April 23. A small toroatio passed over a part of Waubansee cw'.ty, eight miles southeast of here, late n'cht. Henry Millet's ft-year-old Km was killed, while Miller and his wife were pert a; s fatally hurt. Thev live three mile north of McFarUnd. Their house, one of lite lewt in tbat yalley, was com pletely detooluhed. Tne (.rectos War. LoJEDOX, April 22 The war news re ceived from tbe special corretpondents of tbe London morning papers for publication tomorrow is meager and eonScting. The only certainty seems to be that Tyrnavas J has not yet fallen, bot Nezeros is in the; naao oi tne inrxs. ine inroutcie s Am en corrwnoodtrnt says the Gieeks have retreated fro a Jlati. lejlase. New York. Atri'. 22. A seciil tothe j Press from Lariia, ditJ Acrii 23. mid 1 night, a;s tbe Umks had lie bet of tbe 6gbtiog today. Tbe battle bas been line- to line, and toe morements of either side have been marked. This evening, tbe mam armies occupied r. early tbe tame po ritions as tbey held this morning. The figbtxg all day was very severe, A Kew Sneaw Wasbisotox, April 22. General Mite has applied for permusios to go to (jreece U observe tbe war between tral country and Turkey from a military punt of view. Secretary AIgT has broopht tbe matter to " ."'; "r a- ui;,r 01 the pr4ewt- Should toe P? be made b ttepreatdesL it wid be tbe first time in hutorr that tbe ceoerai eommindiDg tbe artsy has gone abroad du ring actual war as a military attacbe. Aw V.S. S neater. Backs Citt. Or.. Arril 22. The stafe oiiveti troro baEp'er broegtt news tfin i stterar-Qa from Oraoite teat a 2 o dock yesterday aftemxin li. H McMaboe. wbo f left Basr City Mondsr last for Granite. i snot iew! m - t3U-iaire a 3.1 nis orotoer. i- ivr u.rvuu tur w,, im was u i m k when tbe meweecger left foe Sumpter Mm was hjt in tee fc. bot rrat pled wiib bt aeniUot. kiKXkinfc knn down sad holding him until tbe amva! of fVpaty SbenSF Sivet:. who arrested McMihrn. Local (pxeif aKut McMibon's sifter b said k barecAUeed tbe awtaa!. Tar WWatSarart. New York. April 22. Tie beat mar- j an tapiuij kuuw use into ia o o- nijrct oa recent j large export easiness betier cables and j ba-i nop new Tee trader were cver . onSdect on tte bail :de. however, and accomataled a lot of wheat tbat Uler came out on trocsr bear trvsure. breaking , r" a bowl . t.:e; la ( afca. Havaxa, via Key W,, April 22 " T w , ur r . . ... of e- "re Be-to- whicti bu-'ed 10 dst-. be- . r- , 1 uixa ana vruce uonsaie. and severs. ; band of inurtrent numoerins men. bicu resultnl after a eenen of skirmuhes io a great victorv far the patriot. Use S-pao lards losing MO men. A Srtwt Bailie. Laiussa, Apnl SI The rt seriously planned ta.iie com men ied today, fcjrly this morning tbe Greek, nnder Generals Mavronicbali and Mian, admoced from Keren 1, Koghaai, and fctelc. against KJbem Paaha's advance. goaTd. The tgiitwg wa greatly ext. nded and tbe bat tie rareJ until late 'lu afternoon, with varying fortune. Tbe U reeks were aited by then sands of irregular, tbe Turks bad an over whelming superiority ia numbers. In spite of the furious attacks still made upen them the Turks continue to bold the Keveui and Nesereos passes. At 3 o'clock this afternoon it is practical) a drawn battlj. .l Calltj. J jtCKsosviiXK. Or. April 21. Tbe jury in tbe caae of Lee Parsons, indicted tor the murder of Gustav Hell, 00 Elk creek in March lat, after Wing out about an hour, p. day returned a verdict of not gui.ty. This case has been one of unusual interest, on recount of the fact tbat Par sons and Hall were near neighbors, had al ways been the best of friends. liter tlx Tear. Cottaor Gkovs. Or., April 21. The skeleton of John Ewing was found yester day near Rous' sawmill, 14 miles from here. About six years ago this summer he disappeared under- suspicious circum stances. He took his gun tne forenoon and weut hunting, aad was never heard from again, although about 100 men hunt ed for him a week aad could find no trace tfbim. Slang The Settler. Nkvt York, April ?1 A" Journal, dis patch from Athens says: The war on the frontier continues with nnabated fury, and all along the line from the (iulf of Saionica on tbe east to tie Ojlf of Arts on tbe west, a desperate struggle is going on for the mastery. Tbe advance cf the 'lursioh forces en Tyrnavos has not been seriously checked, though firm Greek sources come many claim of victories. The?, however, are of small impoitance, rompared to tbe iuit rtuation that the Turks are invading Tyrnavos. BScst Wia'rs. Salrm. Or., April 21. R. T. Johnson, representing Honeyraan, Dellart & Co., was in Salem today looking for laborers to work on the Astoria ra;lroad. Mr. Johnson says they want 1000 men, aad thry will be put to work once, as bist a they come in . He is effering (1 50 a day, or will pay according to the amount of dirt handled. A Bars Event. Washington, April 21. SenaUir Ma son, of Illinois, made his maiden spevch io the senate today, and signalized it by some breezy criticisms on the rules of the senate. It was such a variation from the prosy debate of recent days that the sena tor was accorded close attention, and twice received the hearty applause of the crowd -ed guileries. Save Your Grain. Few realize that eacb squirrel destroys $1.50 worth of grain annually. Wake lee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterminator Is the most effective and economical poison known. Price reduced to 30 cents, For sale by Foehay & Mason, agents. BARGAIN'S IN CLOTUIXG. The Blein Clothing Co. has bought the mtnr.k of onruU recently bid in at astugnee's sale by Mi. Vance and for a limited time, at least, tbeir large lines of Clothing, Furnishing goods and Boots and Stioe , will bo offered at a decided reduction in price. THE PLACE TO BUY Vour Groceries and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros. Everybody kuows where tbeir place is. They keep a fresh stock of groceries, produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all a.ike. Y.oa.n,yreKret -some steps yon take in life but none uken into tbe store of Parker Bros. It is a greit thing to be well fed. Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not mncb bot yon want it well made. Try Parker Bros. Spring Requires That tbe impurities which have accumu lated in yoar blood during the winter shall beprcmptly ana thoroughly expelled if good beslth is expected. When tbe warm er weather (omes these impurities are lia ble to manifet themselves in various wsy and often lead 3 serious illness. Unless tbe blood is ricl and pure that tired feel ing will afflict you, your appetite will fail and you will find yourself "all run down." Hood's Sanapartlla tones and strengtnens the system, drives out all impurities anc makes pure, rich, healthy blood. Hood's Saraapanlia is toe one true blood pen her and the best spring medicine. Be sure to get only Hood's. Regardless ot Cost. Julius Gradwobl intends to go oat of tbe crockery and glassware business. going into some other line of business. sea bene) will sell bis goods of this kind regardless of cost. When yon call and get bis prices yon will be convinced tbat be means businees,and will believe what be says. A I IX I Lisa of ladies sod child rens bau just receive!. Lex horns in black and white 20c. Alas chi Wrens leghorn hats all tnmmel for 7-5c All come and see, I will please yon. 8 Mas. Jomt.N. HoFrvAX. J. Gradwobl Informs the general public that be will sell as low as anybody in tbe citv for net cash. Come and tret pricea before von boy. I. UB.OVOEL, April 1st, 1S97. R.and G. Corsets and Corsets. Kid Fitting I bare jutt received a full line in beta makes of these celebrated corsets and am prepared to give extra value of 50c Tocand Ilia black and state. Also keep better graes and extra era. Tbe f 1.00 corset s warVtxf of spectaJ notice." Ask to see our 50c Toe and tl.00 corsets. Samxxi. E. Toms .The Wkksxt Dsmochat $1.25 a yeai sod tt Weekly San Francisco Examine! $1.50 a year, combined for onf 12.33. Tbi indadea all tie privileges ia tie $10, 000 premium Ht of tie Examieer iacJod tog a $10,(00 residence aad a S4000 gola nuggeU UaAXGC ix Tm.-Tb steamer Al- oacy now leaves Alfannv for Pnrtianil on 1 Tuesdays, Tbursdavs and SaturdaTS at IS o'clock a. m. Up river on Sundavs I WednesJavs and Fridara. ' ' CASTORIA For Icfants aad CMldxea. Stryai-T at I n-tru mental tusic Mr. II. U. Baekeestois prepared to gir iBfU-wtutBs ia instrumental music He teamen riolin. guitar, raandclia asd a e umber of nrcbetral and hra instruments M r. Backenao is a musician of we'l-snowa ability in both prscaeal and tbeoreXical ip 2M aM rnj o'. the most successful tcacx in tl state. Roiravs placed ia his band wilt tie faithfji:? and coo-cies tiouly attended to. If you want to dye v and permanent I v use 'Perfection4 Dyes, tor sale by Fred Dawsun. Send our Bundle Care aad taieiligeace ia UuDderinr :iotoes has bad it eSect it i? responsible for tie roccees t tbe Albany Sccnut Laun dry. Send along your bundle to tie best laundry in the valley, or let Jfernl D. Phillips know and be will call fur it. If you are not a patron of tbe Albany Steam Laundry tell the proprietor at one to tsnd far tout boodle. Unce a easterner a'wsys a customer. Properly used, "Perfection dyes are superior. Insist on having "Perfection Dyes, tor sale by Fred Dawson. Satisfaction guaranteed when you esc "Perfection" Dyes, for sale by Fred Uavcson. Ftr Prices On this basis we solicit your prescriP'ions. We use bat one srade of goods, the beet. In accuracy our work will please tie most critical. Our prices will compare favorably with any. iSCBJLBAST Lee. Yes, it pays To buy your groceries and produce ol Coun A Huston. They keep tbe best and freshest aad are all right on prices. They will help yoo to proaper in doll times. o at . - a We Lead, Others Follow. axd tbat is tbs reason Hopkins Bros, are tbe first to dis play a Hill line of the famous 1S37 Oes cent and Crawford bicycles. Call and see hem. ii you uwe vonn w uusroa call upon them and pay up. "Why isn't that a good esolution, for now is the pay up time. If you want a good and clean smoke buy cigars made by our Al bany cigar laotorv. Headquarters For Everything. ALBANY'S GBEATEST STORE. Glass Pitcher, size half-gallon, only 15 cents. G Tumbleis, large size, only 15 cents. 72 Sheets Taper and 72 En velopes only 20 cents. Butter Dish, Sugar Bowl, Cream Pi toher.Spoon hold er the set or 4, only 25c. OECHT & MHSEB Everybody's FtleudsJ Tt .. . f . . .. TOTHE EAST nrvxs THS CHOICE Ot TrO TKANSCONTIHEKTA1. ROUTES CREAT UMOH NORTHERN PACIFIC VIA SPOKANE MIKXEAPOUS AWD VIA DENVER OMAHA avn ST. PAUL KAKSASClTir I'JWK .IrM TO ALL EA8TEP.N CITIES OCKAX STEAMERS PORTLAND EVERT DA EAVE SAD FRANCISCO for tail details eal ew Ccssas ft Mostbith, A.Hsny, Or ' sat ADOKSas: W H HUBLBUKT. Gsk'l Pa- . Asks M-SEILL, President and Maaager POST LAS D. OR. EAST AND-SOUTH VTA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Oo. rw ia.w lunm Tr Dally I Mr. e. I L iris a a I Le U li4 a I Ax Ar I SIS a At I a I 1 7SSr a Al. Above train r-op at East prttaad Oregon Citv, Woodbara. Salem. Tur ner. Xariow. Jefferson. Albany, Tangent, Sbedd. Etaey Eagesie Creswea, CotUe Grove, Drain, and all stations irota Lose burg s Ju'ht to aad is dading Ashland. aanaaJH SSSaa I U Urlar a I ke AAaay rm t ar Lease AInaT ur Leaaaow Arrrvs at Ajawxr from Leaaam TS Sd Leara llbar earLsasaa Arm at AJBiartm Laawnsw t S izt r Lsawt Albany Sar kraaa Arrrrs at AiiaaST MUSatr SSrn from W LearaalaaAT far JCatesw Arrfewat Aiaaay traas Sasraw Mr Uattaar PUlLMAr EdtFH SULKfe. axn Dining Cart on Ogden Routs SECOND-CLASS SLELPiNS CABS Teas ( atsrrsrsrww t-warrtAsat re aval aan an real saBT(gaeawt n II rati ill CwwaQis t-SSrsi Pniwt tt t ti ,t tSI 73 I Ar Krwct eewaeeuia at San Fn aarf Onrwtai an Paesnc aad awwaaWiy 1 UBBBWrn a tar- i an apro jaaaf aas -aT-jrsaa, iaFAXsaaCeiSA sVatwraes. all TwrswsS) Trnlws AS AavjAPAs. cam. Hoxourur aa Acsrm .- x ! can en eataiaea trgsa C K rKWISv. AfM. a tomiii taaaeer OarVasa Onf a irtsctt. asm Gran 1 G. & E. R. R. CO. t Willamette BiverKvisioB, Steamer ALBANY, dpt. J. L. Smith. Freiilit and Passenger, Leave Albany for Portland Sundays. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Unsnrpaseed accommodations and rhedoles especially for tbe needs ol np ier Willamette traveL Picxuc rroes nvn avail themselves of this schedule for mvm.1 w; Wnmi rVw-ewttra and Jalem, leaving in the mcarnirig and re- f mining in due tiae the same evening. p Special rates for special parties of 15or more. H.L-Waldxs, I NOTICE. AU persons are cautioned not to pay accornts due the Oregon Silver Imprint for advertising or job work prior to nt includme April 9. 1S97. to any pencil other than tbe undershmed. J. A. Finch. EXCHANGE HOTEL This old and favorite resort has chang ed bands and been thoroughly reon rated and refurnished throaghout in tbe best style and ia now open to the public Good beds, well set table and good treat ment. " Will be run on home plan. Rates: Meals 20 cents; hythedav, SO cents; week, $3J0. O. M. Ctbj FOR SALE. A good leather buggy top. Call on G. B. Height. FOR RE-NT. I a Mcllwaia's brick block good store room, 8 aood office rooms. Enquire of H F kcl twain- T?OR REST. 6 room dwelling. 9 roont A. oweUins1, good location and cneap rent. Or. Enquire of H F Mcilwain, Albany n)W FOR SALE. Good fresh miij Call on F H ilugbsoa. .Willamette. Also some fine cacurt ber ykkles inbriae -is - AT THE MIXES Boarding, lodging and meals may be secured of the sub scriber at the Santiam mines, at bis place at tbe mouth of Dry Gulch. H. W. WsnTS. UEOEFIh u TUTS PLUMBKK Tin roofing aad plumbiag. be opera house OppcauU FIFTY DOLLARS A WEEK EASlLT MADE. Agents wanted ia every lo cality for Hon VV I Bryaa's trreat aad oaty book, "The First BatUe. The best seller ever produced. Agents are baking as many as 200 orders per week. Beware of fraud ulent imitations. Seed for outfit and ba sin work at once. w B CON KEY COMPANY. Publishers 84 Dearborn Srt. Chicago. WANTED FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN TO travel for responsible establUbed boose in Oregon. Salary S7S0 and expenses. Position permanent. Ref erence Enclose sell-wddreeaed stamped envelope. The National, Star Insurance" Bldg., Chicago. Meets every Saturday evening atSOrf-4 T. M . Hall. VisitingKnighta invitre- end. J. S. Vak Wruxxa. Corry. STEEET RWLWAY-.K0T1CE. . The motoi on the Albany street rail way will connect promptly with aU tris to and from the depot, day and mg. . Special trips will be n ade at special a e. t. F. Cokn. Coadacio, c SI .' ir a -i w- c r J i