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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1897)
i Btm&tut TERMS. DAILY Tt"J-Ii 1 T nnr, ...... m An 1 1, $ ai, Mu wuw mi UAVU per advance. 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per iu per cent added if allowed to run over 3 months. Single copies 6c. Wkkklt, 11.25 advance; 1.50 at end year; U5 for second year; 2.00 for third and preceedinir years, when not paid in advance. Club of five w subscribers fr $5.00. The New Time Table The Oregonian says : Commencing with May l.the Southern Pscific will put into effect a new time card, which will make a number of changes, the most important one being the leaving time of the San Francisco overland, which will be at 6 P. M. instead of 8 '50 as at present. The object of this change is to make closer connection with the Northern Pacific overland from St. Paul, which, commencing with today, will arrive in Portland at 5 k U . instead of 7 :30 as heretofore. This new schedule on the Southern Pacific will p'U the over land into San Francisco three and a half hours earlier than at present, namely, 7:45 A. M. instead ofll:t, giveing business men the whole day in San Fran cisco Br leaving Portland at 6 P. M. the Southern Pacific overlani will take the place of the present Salem local, which leaves at 4 P. M and the overland train will do the local service, stopping at all the stations between Portland and Salem. This will naturally cut out the Salem local both ways. Coming north, the overland will leave San Francisco at 8 P. M. instead of 7 P. M as at present, re ching Salem at 7 :10 A . M , and arrving in Portland at 9 :30 A. M. instead of 8 :10,as at present. Tue Roseburg local will arrive 10 min utes earlier, namely, 4 :30, instead of 4 :40 P. M. In order to make closer connection at Portland with the overland, the schedule on the IV eat Side has been altered to suit, and the Corvallis train in Portland at 5:50,P. M 6:20, as at present. is to arrive instead of Oakville. Mr Johnson Smith and wife made ns a pleasant call yesterday.- John was in the last legislature and is now an editor. " He has many friends in Oakville add is known hem as " Smith." We visited the prune orchard of Kate Needham yesterday. We found Mr N busy at work digging around his trees while a hired man was cultivating be tween the trees. Mr X is well pleased .with the prospect for a large crop and a good price. Mr G Stone made ns-n pleasant call latt week. Mr S informs ns that- he has caught several "Cat fish" this spring in small lake about three miles from here, he says that large companies go of nights and catch all the fish they want with hooks and some take them alive and put them in other lakesx We would' like to get a few to out into our lake. Our young friend America made quite a spread in the Democrat this week bat we are surprised that he can't see a "point." We advise him to go slow and not be too rough with SALol Soda viTe for she is all right and her full name ie "Sal Soda" bat she never gets "fall," never drinks anything stronger than "mineral spring water " We wonder what has become of L A S of Holly. We always admired, his writing. Don't all apeak at once ! U Mr H M Stone is always kind to the poor and needy. Oar merchant and -family were laid up with the measles and were suffering for wood. Mr 8 went to the woods and secured a large load of 'wood for them We have an invitation to a picnic in the near future, but when and where we are not permitted to tell so Young Amer ica will not be allowed to enjoy our iirst picnic with us. J Lrrm Hohk Bud. A Fine Chicken Farm. The place of Mr. C. D. Bates, just eouth of the fair ground is becoming one -of Albany's finest suburban properties Mr. Bates has begun the raising of chickens in a scientific way and already has sufficient of an outfit to speak for his knowledge of the business. Saturday evening the Man about Town had the pleasure of doing Lis place. He now has 420 chicks growing into fiies, nourished bv a orocess that maces "gilt edged" chickens. Several hundred more will eoon hop from his two incubators and the incubation will go on. This is done ' in neat bouses and yards fitted in modern chicken style.- Separate are fields for bens and roosters kept apart according to their breeds. Mr. Bates has some - elegant breeds of Wyandotte. Lang shuns, Black Minorcas, Plymouth rocks, Leghorns, etc A pair of white Wyan dottes last winter cat red off first prize at the Portland exposition. .Three new high headed fowls recently purchased cost only $25, but it means a great deal for the future of the breed. Mr. Bates has a model place, and it will pay any one to see it. Geo. C. Will and brother, 3. TJ. Will, of Albany, went to Portland, today Salem Journal. Dr. Clara M Davidson and son Char ley, returned to Albany Friday night, af ter an extended visit at Dayton. O. P. Coshow, Jr , is in Albany today on his way from McMinnville to Rose barg, where be will open a law office. Miss Mary Schlosser returned to Al bany on this morning's overland from California, after an a'ence of several years. Miss Hela Gilbert on Saturday even ing gave a musical at the home of Mr. Arch Hammer. A pleasing program was presented showing a marked improve ment on the part of the me mbers bei class E. W. Langdon, W. E. Baker, J. R, TAi vatt and D. B. Monteitn. who went to Elk City last Friday after fish and geese, returned this noon witn a goon eupriy. 186 trout and several geese. They had an enjoyable time. Mr. H L.Waldenwent to Iodepend nee yesterday on his bicycle, that is as mnch on bis bicvele as th 9 very rough roads would permit. Nearly five miles had to be walked. He was glad to re torn on the Albany. - George Humphrey, of Portland, dep. ntv U S Marshal, is in Eugene sub poenaing witnesses to appear before the U. o. grand jury in roruanu on amy sin in the case of the United States vs T. J Craig. Eugene Guard. Waldo L. beehire, who was admitted to practice medicine in tbe state of Or-1 egon at tbe last meeting of the state board of medical examiners, yesterday filed his license with the county clerk. Dr. Cheshire will practice in Lane Co. and now has his office with Dr. VV. Kuykondall. Eugene Guard. It seems that Salem men and boys in variably find deserved appreciation hroad. Letters received here yesterday announce tbe pleasant fact that Willis v.. McElrov has been engaged for a sum mr tour of the southern cities by the iTnitavl States band at Chicago and as aiiizned to the position of "first cornet" at a very comfortable salary and travel ina expenses. Mrs McElroy and baby accompany him on the tour. Statesman. Re. R, L. Stevens, a former resident of Albany, and one of the famous Linns when tbey whipped Portland, Salem, etc. is now a resident of Vineland, N. J. Mr. Stevens was a graduate of Princeton. He was one of the most interesting char acters of the latter 70's. Besides preach ing, while here being pastor ot the fcpis . copal church, he was an all around ath lete, having been champion in his col lege. He played left field iu the Albany club. W. B. Barr today received a letter from him the first received in Albany for l.nt limn. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to care. 2c. : $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book $5.00 bays a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E strings. $1.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dosen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 bnysa5-drawersewing machine; high arm, light running ; guaran teed 5 years. C&Prices on Pianos, Organs, Banjos sent on application. E. U. Will Albany. Death of Will Cowan. Will Cowan, son of J. L. Cowan, died in Portland, at the home of his parents, on Sunday moraine. ADril 25. 196. of Brights dieease of the kidneys, at the age of about 25 years. The deceased was born in Linn county, probably in Albany, and until about three years ago spent his life at Albany and Lebanon. Upon the appointment of Hon T. J. Black as collector of ci stoma at Portlani Will was chosen as one of the clerks in the office, a position he has since held. His father, Mr. J. L. Cowan, recently ap pointed agent at Warm Springs had begun his duties and Mrs. Cowan ws, preparing iu go mere asso wuen vt in was taken seriously ill, necessitating a delay. The deceased was a young man of pleasing address, generous' to a fault, whose death is sincerely regretted by a large circle of friends The remains will bebrougr-t to Albany to-morrow noon and will be placed in state in the Presbyterian church until 2:30 o'clock when a aineral service will be conducted by Rev. E. J Thompson of Corvallis The remains will be laid to rest in the family lot, Jas A. Wilson,' J. A Cumming, C. B. Winc.E. D. Cusick, A. M. Cannon and E. M. tlorton acting as pail bearers. Tennessee Gatherings. ... (By XictoPutro.) Tksxbsseje, April 24, 1897. J Shermvi Wallace, student at Mc Mmnville, wno contested for the orator ical honors at Ne where, last February, and who, it may be said without success ful contradiction, with wonderful power and eloquence carried the praises of the vast audience, as the champion of ora tors, favored ns with his presence a few days last week, visiting his manv friends and his relatives at this place. Xotwith standiog his wonderful store of knowl edge, and. prominence, he is the same Sherman of former days, happy, content ed, and always pleased aud pleasant. An interesting feature of Sunday after noon was a Sunday school which met at prompUy 4 o'clock p. m. The following officers were elected: E Myers, sum: Mrs Ross, ass't snpt; Blanche S moods, secretary; Thos E Mctvnight, ass't sec, ana r L, ailace, treasurer. Monna Fronk was absent from home this week, visiting friends at Sodaville. Mr. and Mrs. C D McKnuiht have' een visiting relatives at Knox Butte for the past few days. Sunday, April 25. Later: Yesterday evening's social was attended bv a very large crowd. The baskets which were ftw in namber were dished ont to the public at 10 cents each lne gentlemen drew an envelope froti a box and compare the necktie within to some young ladies nnhemmed apron which the gentleman was required to hem. Three judges were appointed to determine the best hemmed and the two which were to receive the booby-prizes. it m iwnic received nrst prise, Bert Blacklaw, second and .Hon Johh M comers received the booby prize, (a rlay pipe for blowing eoa: bubbles.) With exquisite grace. Linn county's represent ative, from legislature to sociability. hemmed the apron prepared for him and was the first one completed. Mrs Som en was also present, l he program ot the evening was rather short but pleas ing. Mr isomers was requested to speak but very politely declined. The pro ceeds of the social are as yet unknown to the writer, but are supposed to be light. Hon John M fcomers bas been working for W B Donaca of this place, who savs our lriend the Hon makes sn excellent laborer as we 1 ns a county representa tive. Please pardon negligence. In oar ac count of the Sunday school organization we omitted the organist and assistant, respectively, Annie Blacklaw and Mrs Bartley. Suits Evehtbody. Under the change of time to take place on May 1st the lo cal trains will also have a small change. The train from Portland will arrive at 12:10 and the one from Roseburg at 12:25. The two trains will thus pass here. The overland it is thought will reach Albany at 9 :15 p. m. from Port land and 6a. m from the smth. LtBESATrfo. John and Marshall Fox, the two j cup z men sentenced to two years in the penitentiary from this coun ty for burglary at Crawfordsville were discharged yesterday and returned to their borne. They served a xnt four teen months, receiving fall credits for good behavior. Eastern mail arrived this morning. Eugene has organized a bicycle club. Several Albany cows have been poisoned from wild parsnip, one, laL of John Cle lun dying. An interesting letter from Mr A B Slaa- son, of Washingtjn, will be found on our editorial page. One of the largest plate glass windows in the Wiilamette hotel, the largest in Salem, was broken recently. It will cost over 1100 to replace it. The hotel men are shunting themselves hoarse over the coming change of time on the S P, likewise tbe motor men. They can then sleep like other people. Mr Jones, the local agent of tbe firm of Corey Bros., railroad contractors, of As toria, baa received notice to ship to black foot, Idaho, the whole oitSt. Tbe firm has a $100,000 government contract there. Berkeley defeated Stanford Saturday in tbe intercollegiate games 62'A to 49 Burnett ot (Corvallis was second in the bait and mile run. . Corroll of the U P was too moeb for him. WHl Albany celebrate tbe coming 4th The matter is already being talked about, Our Citizens are bound to celebrate some where, if not here, somewhere else; so tbe proper thing is to keep oor money in Al by. A boat forty newcomers have juat arrived st Salem from around Rutbven, la.. . to locate, tbe reult of the labors of tbe Ore gon Immigration board. Tbey left two inches of ice and tame into a glorious sun snine. s With Hood's Sarsapa rilla," Bales Talk," and show that this medi cine bas enjoyed pobllo confidence and patronage to a greater extent than accord ed any other proprietary medicine. This is simply because it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than any other. It Is not what we say, bat what Hood's Barsaparilla does, that tells the story. All advertisements of Hood's Barsaparilla, like Hood's Barsaparilla It self, are honest. We have never deceived the public, and this with its superlative medicinal merit, is why the people have abiding confidence In It, and buy Wr'S3pSrilIrt Almost to the exclusion of all others.. Try It ' Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Ixiwen, Mass. . , , are the only pills to take flOOU S PlllS with Hood's fiarsaparilla. jndl a TUE SPAS! FARM RESIDENCE BURNED, i About 12:30 o'clock today the farm residence of Mr. A. Settlemier, four miles from Albany on the Tangent road, caught fire from the flue and was en tirely consumed with most of the con tents. Mr. Settlemier, son and daugh ter were on the farm, but could do noth ing. It had been insured .in the jUtna, W. B. Richardson agent, for 9500, but the i olicy expired today, probably at noon, and it is questionable whether the company will be responsible. Mr. A. Southerland, who was passing the place gives the Democrat the information. 7Sth Anniversary. The 78th anniversary of Odd Fellow ship was celebrated last evening by the Albany 1. u. U J) . and Kebekahs. A large excursion porty of about seventy five by special invitation attended from Corvallis, coming down on the Albany. When the lime came lor the program the hall was filled with members and guests. Past Grand Master Stitra pre sided. A very pleasing program was render ed. It consisted of musio by CorvallK fine orchestra, lead by on-t of llbany's former citizens "Johnny" Spangler;a welcome address by Hon . J. K. Weath erford that impressed itself on all pres- rui, rcapuusv vy mine. X a u 1 1 no xvuuo of Corvallis; a song "I Love My Girl," by Miss Lulu Spangler of Gorvalli;a V f . l - : . : 1 1 ...... . I i f : r-.. i : ii; reciuiiuu uy axitm annate juorriu: a I reading about toe boarding school girl zy Miss Julia Taylor of the Albany scnoois; niasic by tne orchestra; a reci tation by Prot. Piatt of the Corvallis schools; a song, "An English Love Melody," by Miss Bertha Ellis: a reel tation "Shadows" by Miss Mildred Lir- ville: a violin solo by Mr. Henry Ba:k eneto, son of one of the founders of the Alban- lodge ; a humorous recitation by Mish Rose Mespelt, closing with mnsio by the orchestra. AH are reported to have been excellently rendered. A delicious lunch was served and so ciability prevailed tor a season, in friend ship, lovs and truth the three links that bind men together. Mining Prospects. . From the Oregonian : Mi. Paul Baumel, the assayer, reports nnusual activity in mining matters ap pertaining to the state of Oregon, espe cially Southern Oregon. "There are many promising districts in Oregon," said Mr. Baumel yesterday. "The Santiam, on the north fork of the Santiam, is just now attracting con siderable attention. The quarts mine are rich, and there is also a good deal of dry gulch ther that shows op well in places, though it has not yet been work !. The Lawler Mining Company has its 20-mill stamp working fall capacity, and is said to be meeting with satisfac tory results. "Dr. E. U. Smith is also developing a number of extensive clauns there, and is about ready to start the Albany mill, which he has leased to develop the work on bis own claims, and those of others ! in that district. "I suppose you know that lead has al so been discovered In the Santiam dis trict. In fact, it has been known to ex ist there fcr quite a while. It also eon tains a high grade sulphate ore, carry ing gold, silver and copper. In otter words, mining is receiving intelligent attention, which mnst result in a steady development of that whole country." A Celebrated Band. The most im portant thing in Silverton islbeSilveiton band, composed of twenty-three piece. It is the pride ot the town. Homer Dav enport has made it famous by drawing a picture of it on one of Soosa's great marches and a great composer has writ ten a great "Quickstep" and dedicated it to the "Great Silverton Band of Ore gon." No joking it is a good band and Mr. Cooley says they intend to make it second to none on the coast. The oho tograpb of the bind recently appeared in Conn's musical review, an honor seldom accorded a band. Salem Journal. Cbops. Following is the gist of Mr. P ague's crop report made out last even irg: The spring acreage will be larger than ever known before, and the fall sown is less The weather conditions are favorable to all vegetation ; and un less the unexpected happens, the crops of grain, fruit, vegetables, hay, hops, etc., will be the largest m the his.ory of the state. While March was a most un favorable month and greatly retarded the growth of all vegetation, the very favorable weather since bas placed veg etation forward, so that now it is almost as far advanced as though March had been a normal month. A PaorEssroxAL Dxax But. A young man going by the name of Baker bas been in the city for several days. Pass ing himieif off ai a Good Templar, as well as a Presbyterian, be succeeded is getting entertainment from Dr Adams. A place was secared for him in the coun try ; bat he got around accepting it by claiming to have another job nnder Mr. Snilivan of the O. C. A E. which proved untrue, and last night skipped for Cor vallis on tbe boat. He is undoubtedly a professional dead beat. Tbe young man is slightly pox-marked. Look out lor him. The Y M. C. A. bas reopened tbe free reading room where yon will find Harper's, Century, Review of Reviews, Ovarland, Cosmopolitan and other mag azines on file, The Oregonian, Herald and Democrat dailys and other weekly papers, and a library of over 750 vol um8. All free. No boys will be al lowed to loaf in tbe rooms. Bo you may rfead withonl being disturbed. Drop in and encourage tbe move. By order of committee. T. J. Buford is a candidate for soper intendent of tbe Indian school at Cbetn- awa. The Salem Journal say J, D. Gaits, of Silverton, is moving into a new store, neat, clean and roomy. Bishop 8. C. Breyfogel will preach in tbe Evangelical church to-morrow even ing at 8 o'clock, to which all are invited. Mr. Pat Foley, of tbe Waterloo Woolen Mills was called to Salem today to heip in tbe mill there, on account of a rush, TJ 1 h A ...ll.t. 4 ll.. is in Roseburg and next Thursday will ucui a, auuciwui ivteuiii us oitauTi get out a special e lition of 3000 copies for tbe fiamdeaier, says that paper. Rev. A.S. Worrell, of Louisville. Ky editor of the "Gospel Witness" a ill bold services in tbe Baptist church Tuesday and Wednesdsy of this week, at 10 a. m and 3 and 7 :M p. m. each day. Mrs. Z B. s.oss, of Holle7, was in the city today, and wi'h her daughters and son paid the .uemocbat oitics a pleasant visit. Mins Moss has been with Mrs, Bynman for some time and is a perman ent resident oi our city. Mrs. Rose Wilcox, who has been at tending the Pottland Butiness College, is in the city. Mrs. Wilcox has secured a position in the N. P. office, which she will assume on completion of her studies at tbe business college. Recently her little daughter was run into by a Port land bicyclist and bad an arm broken. Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Bre man t ta'led on a four months tour of Europe. They leave Portland tonight for New York, via Washington, D. C. Thence tbey join the De Potter party for a tour of the continent. They will land at Naples, visiting first Rome, Venice and the leading cities of Italy. Next they go through Switzerland, Ger many. France. Belgium and England. Mr. Breyman will make a stop at his eld home near Hanover, where he has an uncle and aunt and numerous cousins living. The trip will consume the en tire summer. Salem Journal. A creamery has just been started Marion by W.J. Kent and others. at James Conn, of this city, is reported to have drawn 162.50 in a lottery. It cost him 25 cents. Dr J Martin was instantly killed on the biuslaw a few dajs afco by a log rolling over bim. Be leaves a wife and seven children. Ex-Sheriff John Knight of Sa'em. would like to be U.S. marshal of Alaska. He is liable to remain in the dark. Mr. Grocer: there are thousands of people who want good tea (many don't drink tea now,' because it either costly or bad) and here is SchiJlins Best good tea at a fair price. Don't you want to sell lots of such tea, and money back it if your customers don't like it 4 Schilling ft Company ban fr'rancihCo A PORTLAND CATASTROPHE. Three Killed and Several Wounded Portlakd, Ore , April 27th, 1897. At 6:55 this morning a westbound car on Monnt Tabor electrio line, said to have been running at a high rate of speed, left the track on Hawthorn Gulch bridge, East Morrison street. The car, after running about 200 feet, went over tbe side of the bridge into water sime twenty feet below. There were about 3U pas sengers on the car at the time of the ac cident, most of whom escaped. Following is a list of the dead and in jured so far as known: IVad, W. W Blanchard, Fred Hanson, Miss Cather ine Hai ley, of Illinois, here on a visit. Injured: Steve Guthrie, conductor of tbe wrecked car, head gashed and inter nal injuries ; John Kief r, motorman, arm hurt; A. Matieson, arm broken; A. Tel'er, right shoulder and arm injured ; J. N . Casey, chest and legs injured ; J. O. Butler, right arm and hands cut; Chaa Gatzka, head cut; A. Malvon, arm broken. The diver is nnable to find more bod ies in or about the wrecked car, but two persons still are supposed to be missing. Chinese Pheasants In Virginia. From the Lexing'on. Va., News : Major F. W. Houston, representing himself an several otbe Lexington sp rtsmen.bas secured through the kind ness of Colonel John 1). Letcher, profess or in the University of Oregon, two pair of Mongolian pheasants which be pro poses to nse to propagate tbeee birds la Rockbridge county. The pheasants are expected to arrive here shortly irom Ore gon by express and win be turned loose on som farm in Rockbridge, where tbey will be carefully protected Ibe bird is a beautiful golden pheasant which In crease very rapidly and furnish fine sport ana aeucioos 100a lor mi uuie. auey were introduced into Oregon from China a few years ago and on the rich plains of that state now number millions. The two pair cost delivered here the sam of fl5. The Fc sural or William U. Cowan, was attended this afternoon by a Urge delegation of our citizens, who ished to pay their last respects to one who had lived most of his life among ns. The floral tributes were many and. beautiful ones. Dr. Thompson preached tbe ser mon. Tbe remains were laid to rest in the family lot amid tbe tears of relative and manv friends. Amoni those who came up from Portland with the remains were the father and mother. ex-Mavor and Mrs. Cowan, Miss Eva Cowan, M wt Uamiltoa. J. A. Beard. KKbarJ Kreg- ger, Geo. Black and Cbas, Ra'.s'on. Jr. J. A. trimming, U. o. Mnn, J. A. Wilson and Ezra M. Morton officiated as active pall bearers and J. A. Beard, Jack Ralston, George Block and Richard Kregger, of Portland, as honorary pall bearers. Dej.dlt Wild Paasxtr The Albany boy who was driving nine o- ten cows acros-tbe river for pasture, this morning went by with only one. 1 tie cows got into some wild parsnips, one died and several came near dying, greatly fright ening the osnera. Declabed Issass. Morgan Wassotn, of Lebanon, was examined vesterday af ternoon for insanity, declared of unsound mind and has been taken to the insane asylum. Mr. Wassom's cass is a vry unfortunate one. A Fodavii ig Ledge Dr. Hill and Mr. Neil, of Ihe Lawler mines went to Sodaville yesterday, where Mr Ne'.l clearly traced a wc'.i defined ledge in the Haupert hole. He delcares tbe ore to be rich looking, but cannot speak with confidence until some reliable assays are made. The Wooles Mill. 135 of the prettiest snits yet gotten out by the Albany Wool en Mills were received yesterday by tbe Blain Clothing Co. The mi'l is doing steady and tiru class work, (be new pat terns being tbe beat yet woven. Clubbing Offer. The Weekly Democeat and Weekly Kxaminer will be sent to subscribers for tS a vear. This includes all the Priv ileges of tbe Examiners big premium gift in May, the same as it you sent tne reg ular subscription price of $1.50 directly the paper, isn't that a pargam. Weekly Dkxocbat an.l thrice a week N . Y. World, 2.00 a year. Lettsr List. Following i the list of letters remaining in tbe Postoffine at Allny, Linn county, Oregon, April 27,1897. Persons calling for Lbee letters mint give tne aaie on wuicn they were advertised. Ayera, A M Ferrier, Ora (2) Fletcher, Melvina Green. M J Hall. Jos .iioiiy. Aitora Kelsey, Mr (Barber) Perry, Rebecca (2) Mnecie", a r T. J. Stites. P M DIED. MONTAGUE. At Albany, on Wednes day, at 12:20 o clock a. m., oi spinal meneogitis, the seven months old s of Mr. and Mrs E. E. Montague. Funeral services at the residences of Mr. Montague at 2:30 p. m , Thursday, to which all are invited. fifty Years Ago. Whe could Imagine that this should be The place where, iw eighteen oloety-tbrea That white world-wonder of arch and dome Should shadow the nations, polychromt... Here at the Fair was th prize conferred On Ayers Pllla, by the world preferred. Chicago-like, they a record show, lace they started go year ago. Ayes Cathartic Pills have, from the time of their preparation, been a continuous success with the public And that means that Ayer's Fills accomplish what is promised for them;- they cure where others fail. It was fitting, therefore, that the world-wide popularity of these pills should be recognized by the "World's Fair medal of 1893 a fact Which emphasizes the record: SO Years of Cures. .ytgjsjg. a SOCIAL AND PERSONAL A new divorce caee is that of Nettie Miller agt Jss. M. Miller. Hon. J M. 8omers left this morning for Prineville on legal business. Miss Elizabeth Carothers, of the Leb anon schools was in tue city today. Mrs. W. C. Hawley and two children, of Salem, came up this noon on a visit. License was issued today for the mar riage of T. J. Coy le and Mrs. Eva Mur- riam. Miss Maud Ilurlbnrt, of Albanv, is visiting with friends in this cuy. Eu gene Guard. Mr. and Mrs. tV. E: Ortel left Chicago yesterday for M issouri on a visit previous to returning to the northwest. Walter Davis, of SaUm. son of Geo. W. Davis, formerly of Linn county, has been appointed a navel cadet at Annap olis. Tbe College club and (he O. A. C. will plsy base ball next Saturday. An ad mission of 10 cents to the grounds will be charged. The excursion announced to be given to Independence on Friday evening l y the Albanv Orchestra has been pontoon- ed on account ot the inability to get a steamer at that time. Mr. and Mrs. P. J Smiley and daugh ter Mabe, will leave tomorrow lot Vir ginia on a visit with the former's mother. They will go by the way of the Northern Pacific. At Fargo they exict to meet Mrs. Van ilon, now a reside t of that city. The United Evangelical church In ses ssion at Corvallis vesterda assigned Rev. T. P. Crow to Sweet Home and B Hartmau to BiownsviUe, which covers the Linn county field. Rev. Yost, who was at Sweet Home will go to Summit. Rev. B. J. Kelley remains at Corvallis. Rev. G. A. Manshardt returned last night from California greatly improved in health. On his way home be stopped at the annual conference at Can by. Our citizens will be glad to know that he baa been sent back to Albany for another year. Miss Jennie Clayton returned last night from Portland, where she left her sister improved in health. She was at the scene of the street far wreck a few moments after it happened and saw some of the ravsengers taken oat. One of the first present to aasUt in tbe rescue was Mr. Ed Knox, formerly of Albany, who helped several out of the car. The motorman had been warned many time at his leckiesa speed an! there is great indignation over tbe result of bis gross carelessnees. The Portland Wreck. The particulars of the car accident at Portland fell of a remakalle th'illing ex perience. Only three were kil'td, V. V. Blanchard. Newton Hansen and Catherine Bailey. There 2$ pas sengers and their experiences were varied. C. M. Ai wood's escape was mir aculous. He made one or two efforts to jump, but the car was pioceeding at soch terrimc a pee J that there was a great re sistance of ail. On the very edg o' the bridge Atwood leaped off and caught hi fool and fell, clingtoir to the r i acre, ii is leg was bruised and skinned and an ankle was twisted. Tbe ear broke Irom the track and floated w hich wes all that saved tbe occupants, Had tbe car staid with the trutks we would have ail been drowned" said one passenger. As It was tbe body of the car whtn released turned orer in the water as it fell, and the windows being open it was easy lor those w ho could reach them to break the gias and let others out. The fatal car is a complete wreck, and only a mere shell of it remain. The en tire top u torn on and would make de cent kindling wood, wbii" the aides are shattered into splinters. The dww ap paratus is torn and twisted into all sorts ot sbaiiew, showing that the craaii m-.tat have been a temne one. Tbe car was go ing at a terrific speed, and lbs road bed was rotten, givi ig away at once. It is probable tbe company will have tox.v big suits for damages. . Our Magnificent Distances. From tbe Guard: A abort lime ago a man put in hi ap pearance at oar cilv and secured a stop ping place in the conntry a sbor dis tance from town. He stated tht he was from Chicago and had come to Ore iron for bis bea.ib. One morning sfter he had been at bis stopping place a few days be asked a fanr bad boar far it was to tbe foot of tbe mountain. The dis tance did not look mors than two miles, and on receiving tbe reply that it wa fifteen milts, be smiled and said be would walk over to the foot of the moun tain and bark before breakfast as be be- eved it would give bim an sppeiite.and accordingly set out across tne bottom. Alter oreaklaet tbe farm band and another man, wbu was stopping si the place started ont on horseback in the direction he had taken. After they had gone about three mile thev came upon him taking off bis clothes and ln ing beside a little ditch about three feet across, which was running full of water On being asked what be meant, be said mat tie bad ben foolel and was not go ing to be fooled again. On beirg told that tbey could not understand w hat be meant, be re pled : "Well. I started out to walk over to that mountain, thinking it was not more than two miles distant, and have got foole 1, as it looks as far off as ever, and am not going to be t wie-l agai-. l am going to swim this ditch." The Portland Welcome is after Slate Superintendent Irwin in a warm man ner. It says: tie recently i-sued a cir cular, which shows ihst be isn't fit for the principalship of any graded school in tne state Here are a lew specimens of this superintending educator's com position: "to look over tbe statistics one is impressed," etc. He means "by looking," or "in looking." Again: This is also one of the duties of the county superintendent, that he should acquaint himself," etc A man who understands tbe nse of the bngiisii lan guage would have made a shorter, clear er, and stronger sentence by saying: "It is also tbe duty of tbe county superin tendent to acquaint himself," etc., elim inating fire useless and cumbersome ords. tiut. worse tban mi, ne esys: "Where good government, lovsUv, and might forgive the tautology, but the "is," in a superintendent of public in struction's circular to county superin tendents, is unpardonable. A man may re an excellent citizen, ana even a good otticial. who does not understand gram mar, and who has no conception of the proper use of the English language: but he shouldn't bo placed in charge of the educational interests oi the state. Sailing Notick. Steamer Farrallnn is due to sail from Ysquiua for San Fran Cisco Saturday May 1st. Intending pas sengers should leave Albany at noon April 30th. Instrumental Music. Mr. H. II. Backcnsto is prepared to give instructions in inslrumcntnl miuiic. lie teaches violin, guitar, maniicf.n and a number of orchestral and brass instruments Mr. Backenato is a musician of well-known ability in both practical and theoretical music, and one o: tne most succeMstm teachers in tbe state. Hnainessa placed in bis bands will be faithfully and conscien tiously attended to. Anyone willing some good brine cucuiu ber oickles can secure them bv droDninir i noital card to F 11 Hughson. Albanv Or. A Iso early cabbage plants and choice garden seeds, at reasonauie prices. " A large assortment of garden seeds white clover, timothy and blue grass seeds just receirea iresn ai C E Brown ell's. The Crescent was the Gist to ut The other factories the new copy. D tubing. If vou want to dye cnsllv and permanently two 'Perfection' Dyes, lortau i i vu uawnuii. CITY COUNCIL. Tuesday Evening, April 27. Present Mayor, recorder, and street commissioner, poundmaster and Coun cilmen Tweedalo, Dannals, Hopkins, Hogue, Martin and Dickey. The following bills were ordered psid: N D Conn, $ 75: O W Warren, $1 13; S W Ross, $3 17; Alex Purdora, 13 13; John Ol.isell, $6 25; P W Spinas, $10 89; I C Dickey, $1 75; C G Burk hart, $2 20; WA t ox, 2 20; T P llacklemun, $2 20; LH Montanye, $2 20 ; Virgil Parker, $2 20; B M Houston, -' 20; Mrs M G Stetter, 6 88; Earner & White, i 50; ClelanA Morgan. 15 00: Albany Eteatric Light Co, $139 00; N J lienton, U90. The committee on accounts and cur rents expenses made a report in favor of paying tbe salary ol the superintendent out of the street fund. Mr. Dickey op posed a motion to adopt the report. Councitmen iweedale and Martin stoke in its favor. It was adopted. Councilman Dickey of 'he fire and wa ter committee reported that the cisterns could te cemented for about SO cents a square yard, or the brick relaid and cemented foraVrat fj50 a cisrern. The com m I tiee favored cementing two cisterns No action. The committee on health and police reported a closet in the rear of Acbison's marble shop unconnected with the sewer. It was oidered ooni ected within five days. The Street Soporintendent reported amount oi work done since last meeting, giving in detail a comnleie log book ac count of every act during the time A resolution was passed ordering a sewer through blocks 126 and 129 in it's addition and that all property owners in block connect with tbe same. Coancilmen Dickey moved a reconsid ers! on of the vote at the last meeting allowing F L Holmes 35 for sprinkling public squares and noon motion tbe amount was placed at f40 nnanimous'y. The recorder read I be decision of Judge Hewitt on the injunct on suit of tbe S. F. company against the city, ordering tbe injunction to be d'.ssolved Mr. Weath erford, representing tbe company re ported talk of a compromise and sug gested improvement according to a blue print compared by fie company, the ob ject being to have a right angle ctoasing -t the junction aod thos diverging into the company's property which would be d mated. '1 be city attorney was instruct ed In prepare a stipulation and present it to the council at the next meeting. A meeting ot the board of equalization was set for May 14 at 2 p. m. EvaxGsucAi ArrotaTMESTS. Tbe fol lowing appointments made at Can by yesterday by Bishop Breyfogel: Portland district N. Sbupp, presiding elder. Portland German I. B Fisher, En glish, L Anderson Memorial, L. S. Fsber, Emanuel P B.ltner. Milwaukie I. B. Sireyleller. Oregon City J Erich. Can by A. Eogelbart Salem, liberty strewt U E. Uoms cbuch, Chemeketa E. Manrer. Jeffervoa R !. Strexff-ler. Sweet Home J K. Ehret. Albany U. A. Maoabardu Corrsdi W. S. O'Kelley. Moomoath an J Iving's vaJiey T. T. Vincent. West Portland--A. wienert. Nebaiem F. M. Fisher. Houitoo M. Builiavame. Little FalU F. W. Larner- SeattSv'.Tjcoma, New VUiatoc m A. Ernst. Ta REaiCarsE. Private letters re ceived b t. 8. fcmilh from Arkansas how conclusively lat his bait brother. Hon. Volney Smith, who recently died io the insane asylam, did not lose bis mind on account of interest in the fi nancial liecaasion daring ihe November campaign, but through private affairs, bis own finances being in a bad condi tion. After bis return from St Thomas be wonid not stoop to tbe low plain neceeaa-y to regain bis legal pract cc anu the result was a nnall business. Ax 1 n TXkni Qi etio The mat ter ol insurance on the farm rwaidenc of A. hu!eaier barbed yesterday is aa in teresting one. Tbe policy expired al 12 oloc. Tbe fire was first sen at about 12:30, but it may have started before 12, wbicb is what would count in the figur ing on the wiattei. Thensgain tbe policy had 11-0 ordered rtnewed ; which wool ! no doabt make the company responsible, and it is probable tbe mk will be paid without contevt. Tag F.icTi-ut BrsixEss at Hopkins Bru. is red hot. Four men on a jump, one man to keep track of tbe telephone, ail after the Crescent, three men obliged to leave without getting orders fi'ied. Go at sanrise or as soon after as possible and see the tel bicycle for tbe money in the market. When Traveling Whether on plewaare bent, or basines. lake on every trip a tott'eof Syrup of Figs, as it act most pleasantly and effectnaiiy on the kidneys, liver, and boweU, prevent ing fevers, headaches, and other for. of ic-nea For a!e in 50 cent ooV tles by ail leading drugifiat. Manufac tured oy the California Fig byrnp Com Pny only. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY. The Srst of a series of special sales will commence at Read, Peacock A Co's AW bany store on Thursday morning' April 29, and continue through Thursday. Friday and Saturday. Tbey will offer during those three days ad thtir fifty cent cole red dress goo Js, both plsin and fancy, at a uniform special price of 37 S'c per yard caen. Each piece of goods is worth fiftv rents per ard aid tbe apecial prion quoted will ne given oaring tne days advertised only ThU will be strictly adhered to . ttmerabsr this sale will close Satnrdsv nignt, May l witbuul tail. Our new line of underskirts hare arrived, Ther are in silk, moreen, alaoaca rotle taffeta, sateen nnl gingham, the best skirts rer thnwn for little ruon-y. At tbs Ladies naznr. Just received all the latest in sailor hats. sigh, low and medium crown, (.all and nnce them. Tub Ladies Bazaar. A tins Lini of ladies and childrena hats just received. Leghorns in black and white 25c. Also childrens leghorn bats all triuimel for 75c. All come and see, I will please yon. 8 Mas. John K. tlorrxAN. AU Humors otthc Hood, from the small Dimple to the dreadful scrofula sore. are cured by Hood's Saraaparillu, which thoroughly punbes, vitalizes and enriches Ibe blood. Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head- che, iniigeition, hilliousness. All drag i sts. 25o. Hopkins Bros hbve received a full stock of 1897 Crawford bicycles. They ara im mense; Come and see for yourself If you want a Rood and clean smoke buy cigars made by our Al bany cigar factory. Properly used, "Perfection" dye are superior, insist on navins "Perfection Dyes, tor sale by ired tJiiwHoii. HOME AND ABROAD. For fruits Of all kinds. Go to F. H. Pfeffers. See 8miley about it. Smiley's piuters are in Dawaon sells Liverine. Liverine 50c at Dawson's Apples at C E Brow a ell's. Smiley does the best printing. Smile) prints quick and cheap. F H Pfeiffer keeps everything in sesson. A good second band sewing machine for o- Ckawkobd Habsisk. Pictures from 75 cents to $25 per doz.n at Longs gallery. Colored apectae'es and eye glasses 25c at Frtncb'a jewelry store. For a good ph sic take Liverine, for sale by Dawaon. the "pill autocrat" Crawford A Hamuli for pbotogracbs. Prices from II to t) per dozen. Wnter white comb honey from California. Jot in at o E Chows ell's The Ru'h le vea for Portland at 7 a m oo Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.. Order a nice chicken of Mr Jaco Ncr cross. lie naa some fine ones. Try C. Sirapaoi k Son's Cify Laondry for first data wors -opp St. Cbas hotel Crawford & Hamih have completed a cabinet of curiosities that is worth exam ining. Two package of garden seeds for Sets, secording to their usual custom at Stewart oox s. Another family cf muicinhare started out. Ibis tie from oid Tainhii.. Their name la imw. TV. 1! TTT . , . . u. n, nanon. pnjsictaa aod sur geon, aibany Or Calls answered prompt ly in city or country Information 'hat is worth its weight in go d: Get your meats uf ah kinds at Hen ry Broder'a. on Second street. At Jacksonville tetferday Robert Wil cox was senieured to three vatrs in tbe peo itenllary tor ra e on a 15 year old girl. w E'even peisons rweotly died at Ashland in one w eek . M M of them were outsiders who had sons there too late to be cored. Drs- H . E. and O. E. Beers offices mat residence in Ibe cost office building. Spec lal attention given to diseases of women. Beginning next Saturday tbeO CAE train will U-are for tbe Bay at 12 J9, im mediately fier the arrival of the Roseborg train. That German washing fluid, which baa proven socu fine thing baa arrived at Parker Bros a large quantity. Call and try a bottle J. iforcroM bas moved to joat east of meer s stabi., 2a 1 street, wbere be will keep in market fine Sab, game and pool try. Call on him To restore griy hair to its natural color aa in yeogh. co- it to grow abnndaat and atrteg. tbere is bo better preparation than Hall a Hair Eesewer. Next FriHar a 6:30 p m the Albany orcbeatm will gire a ri-r excoruoo to la depen4eoce. Wring here at 6 JO p m and returning after a visit U tflat eiiy. Tne price of yeanine Oliver chilled plow sba'e baa been reduced to 50 recta. B sure the sums Oliver is on every share (or aaie onl by Hopkins Bros. Keep goug notil von teach the abop of tbe Aibanj Lnd Bef Company, where von win 6od a fins line of meats of ah kinds. This company kreps the beat and joo will be aorr. if yon don't call on hem. Consider ucr ways, thick before yon act, and tfcea g to Haigbt Bros, where yon will find a choice stos of aaewts of ail kind to ord t from. Ton are bound to be pkaaed if yon order of them. Rev C U Cross, tne singing evangeliat, will commence revival semrea ax that -l V. cbrith aoutli, r&arsdsy April tn at 7:30 p m creryoody come aad help us and get helped. Galssware- A lot at a bargain price. See the dis play ia tne wemt snow-wiatow. Glaaa berry dtabes. UUae sraWpitehers. Glass celery dUbea, Cake stand, fancy pUfes, pick' and olive dishes for lie each. Ses of four piece, creamer, apooo bolder, sngwr bowl aod better diah for 25c for art. borne nandaome lardiniers at reasonable price. S.E. Young & Son. The Fair offers until Satur day night May ist 20 Per Ceil Iral 01 in' k This is done to in troduce our wares Respt. - J A WEAYER. Albany Trading GO. B. 1 MOSBIS. HIMGE Grocery Department 8 bars Savon toap 3 boxes blueing 4 pks corn starch 3 dozen clothes pins Almonds, 1 lb 25c 25c 25c 5c 15c Best tea, lib ' 1 gal best vinegar' 40c 15c 1 gal best syrup Axle grease, best 50c 10c 15c 2 cans tomatoes 2 cans corn 15o 2 good brooms 5 lbo Arm & Ham mer Soda lib Corn Cake to bacco and pipe 1 gal can tomatoes 3 lbs cartoon crack ers 1 gal good peaches 3 cans fine oysters OC 25c 20c 25c 25c 30c 25 Country Produce Taken fill oar goods ate ceo) and first class MEW HOME LAUNDRY. 1 Nort IN enc of Elltworth Street. Family wahing taken . Particular attention paid to bundle wa&hiug and mending. Satis action guaranteed. Mas. CnaisTnan- ! mi ni Champion Michael Advises Use of Paine's Celery Compound Ja-rea Michael 1 tbe cbamoion Inn, diatanea bw-yc fM of the world. Ha recommends all wheelmen to take Palne'a ee:ev command. II a experience is ibat of thoiimnda of other, stitbue opening tfih nicy cm aaaaou my a yoaag rw-son and baa And at older po rb have deter mined to take up beveliag as a health giving travel Aid themselves real;? lacking tbe neopew "snap" or a-amioa to begtig oo. Their bodi'y eonlitioa pre veola so apirltad exerrise. The would Iks t ride, bat tber ar oat or m-m. ran down by a winter of work or Indoor life. Many wbo ara taaJly rick, who bare anf fored from debility or wM or dKajaam for a long Uma noif! tbey bad b-a-aa to think th tr croub 4 had dwidu cs o-ie. aa nothing gave thm relf, w wild tarn to bvyc.'ing f r reit-f- Bat lbi splendid rxercime, liks any other. nquire strength to undertake. Tne blood a out of order. the aim ves ara derngad, ni -lare' f ind fcr bath t noxied All each persons wi t fiid to their im sreoa Jo that Paioa'a elarv eocnuoand lakon row. wi:i make them well. raioava cer OKU pound works won drs in the spring, if jou bar ahorad node-tbe load or repealed neavdaeb, neuralgic pains aod days of narrooa d ia your bea time to gat wail. Micnaella today the moat pbenoavmal rider in proanatonal r-nka. Aa far bacc ai lfcQl be waa andUpoiad chmaipMa of ureau Britain, an J in toe loitowtng ear be weal to Frsnc and aeorsd 25 trai -hi wins agatoat th picked ri4r of Raropa. Ha baa def ieJ each funoas . men a Jaoqua In ti.Mr t. Hunt, Biviarre. Kmnoaia, Kournlin and Bartkn cf Eogtau j . aid L. -yoD. ths Be g an cbam ptoo. BICYCLES Columbias, Windsors, Complete Line For all ages and both sexes Wheels to suit any parse or fancy STEWART & SOX Hdw. Co- APRIL 26, 1897 li. F. McILWAlN'S Cash Store. Prices For 9 bar Savoi Soap $ 10 pkgs best red tip matches 5 al keg pickets 7 pas Arbuckle or Lion coffee Best "gar cared breaklaet bacon lb. 3 cans extra sngar corn or tomatoes. Mens good wool suits Mens plow shoes from SO yds good brown muslin.., Tbe best sweaters in Albany reduc ed to Best mens Fedora hat ($2 00 grade). 50 lbs beet fine table salt 3 large Damask towels 3 lbs Cartoon Gold Dust wash pdr.. Mens new style shirts ' 1 6 1 1 1 1 Remember Mcllwain's Cash Store is the store for the People and will protect the is lighting combines and trusts. Cash paid for eggs. H. F. McILWAlN'S Cash Store. KOTltf OF EXEDUTOS SALE Xorice is hereby giren that from and after tbe Slat da- of May, 1S97, in pur suance of a license and order of the county court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered in said court on tbe ret cede thereof on the th dav of April. 1S97. ia the ma'ter of the e-tate of ft IHiani Kin der, deceased. 1, the undersigned, duly appoiLted, acting and qualified executor of the estate of said decedenUshall proceed to se'l at private sale for one halt ot the purchase price cash ia hand on the dav of sale, and (he remaining half ot the pur cbat-e price to be paid cnor beKretwo years alter the date of such sale, all the tight title and interest which ths said de cedent, William K'nder. had in or to tbe following described real estate at tne time of hit death, towit: The northwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the northeaat quarter of the nor' b west quarter and lots two and three aU in section 36 T 10 S R 2 west; also be ginning a the N W corner of the S W if of tectton 86 T 10 S R 3 w being the N w corner cf James Curl's Not. 637 and run ning Uie-ice east 2t chain".; thence south 1 40 els; thence est 26 chain and 10 link j thence N 6ch m bounCan of said Not. 637; thence soutn 82 degrees 50 minutes w to the place of beginning coc'sining 113.36 seres mre or 1es, in aU 225 acres more or less sit in Linn county, Oregon. Tbe interest and estate which sailde cedent hd in and to said premises at the tim of bit death being a fee simkTesiate tbretn. Tbe deferred payment of one calf of the purchase price to be secured by a mort gags on said premises, executed by the purchaser. Dated this 29th day of April. 1897. V H Kinds. zecutor. Book Keepings; Taightbr MAIL y an l ACCOUNTANT Complete, Practical, fciactly s Found in Business, My course of instruc'ions thor oughly qualify yon to take charge of and keep a set of books Tbe highest referene furnished. For terms and full informs Uon address. L. D. till NTE R A 0 U W Temple. Portland, O nisi Hs bas jat rein rc4 from Kuropa and iarowfoaiyto joli tbe racing men on the fsdfieeaaet,despiteth taiga amount f work n ha- gone Uirc ngh dortag th past months Michael haa made cycle raein? a ear fn stndv and is in a position Sj give ex aellent advice not cnly to r ados; bus but to wheel men and atbletea iat gxoerat. la rfereoee to hi own metheds the follow ing letter will (mere everybody: Bwrmw. Msas Feb 21, 18 -7. After the exsrrioa ot mr record rides while win the Morgan at WrUbt team in tbe sooth lass winter, during which I 1m omewhatin weight, oo aeeornt "t the natceaatomed climate, I waa ad vised to aas Paine' a elary oo npoand. I a s plea sd to aay that it gave each eatlafaedon tnat I waa Impeiled to naa it agsia to braea np from the eOsets ot the two an anally rough oesan trips I hit 1 have taJrai danng tba past luocth. I believe that wheiaea who have t aodrgo tba ba--ahidof circuit erasing" wila find Pa-tie's celery compound of assist sees in keeping np their physical toue Jimmy MiebaaL EveryofM aosda to I aka a spnnx rente d to purify tcetr blood. aroae tbe eir tj-aikw aad eoanter-t ths da Ilnatlng effect o" m -otba of eoofiaiax work, worry and sxateoat. Tba osora taxi izant portion of every eottunnnisy ara to ooea who bat rae omtneo Paino'eesierj' corn poo n:. Ther have looked into thta great remedy, foi lowad lit remakabe achiefex6nt ia the cms) of f neods. neighbors and tA ativaa, and ttaow joat wnas to expsvx front it naa a a nerve and brain axreagtheoar aad reKocer ajd aa dal tnviorator for a nut down system. B. O. E. Ajax. This Week- 2f;i Cartoon crackers. 1 SO 1 S3 1 00 07 lft 16 os can Prices cr am baking pdr. fto gal keg rennery syrup Oft Your choice oi 6 brands best floor. OS. Fine conntry bacon, per lb 3a 5 or mens new style rib top socks. 25 25 m tuMens nne sboes, new ton . 1 005 gal Standard Oil Co s Pearl oil.. 00hS yds extra standard prints I Large linn mens all silk ties 50 New lot mens nudet wear, shirts 25; and drawers .. 03 cans choice cove oysters 25 lines thread, per spool SO 75 rent grade mens cheviot shirts... 75 Ladies 1897 shoes from..... 1 00 25 25 25 05 50 1 00 people from tigh prices and EXECUT0S3 SALE la tbe county court of the s'ate cf Oie goa for Linn county. Ia the matter ot the estate of Otney Fry Sr. deceased. 1, Oloey Frr, tbe duly appoin'ed, quali fied and acting exeensor of the lastwiil aad testament and codicil of Olney Fry Sr deceased, hereby sire notice tt pur suant to aa order iauJ out of sid court on the 4th da of March. 1S9&, I will sell at public auction at tK-e court house door in Albany. Linn county, Oregon, to the highest and best bidder, on St'urdar.May 8tn, 1S97, at 1 o'clock p m. the following described property o wit; The soul half of Ms sern and eigh t in block No 2 (two, ia the Eastern addi tion to Albany, Linn county, Oregon. Also by Trtue of an order issued out of said court oe ths S'.h dy of September, 1396. 1 wilt sell st pubHc auction at the tim and place abore stated, to the high est and best bid'Hri, the following descnb ed real property, towit: 43 aires described ss follows,towit: The Southwest quarter of the N E quarter ot section 2S. township 11 S ot R 3 w of tbe Willamette meridian. Terms 'f sale cash. Outax Far. J. Eiecutor. Blackburn, Sirica & Duncan, Attys SOLICITORS WANTED FOR DR. TALMAGES "The Karth Girdled," or bis famous tour around the world, a thrilling story of savage aad barbarous lands. Four million Ta! mage's books sold, and "The Garth Girdled' is bis latest and grandest. DEMAND ENORMOUS. Everybody wants this famous book; only $3 50. BIG BOOK. BIG COMMISSIONS. A gold mine for workers. CREDIT GIV EN. FREIGHT PAID. OUTFITFREB. Drp all trash and sell the king of books aad make $300 a month. Address for out fit and territor v. Tbe Dominion Com pany, Star Building, Chicago. CITY TREASUHtRS KOTICE K0.I2 Notice Is hereby given that funds are en haad to pay outstanding warrants of the iaane of i896, fom No, 453 to 533, in. cluuve, interest on such warrants will eeae with tbe date ot tbi notice. Albaar.Or, Dec. 23, 1896- E. A. T At xxx, Citj Ticsa