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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1897)
tavmt Paris continues a back number. Two ot its prominent citizens have just fought ailufl. A CLicago physician has the temerity to declare that there is no such thing as appendicitis. The Oregoaian says Mr. Penooyer is a candidate for thtrd term as Governor o! Oregon. Probably not. The Democrat predicts that the Grec ian-Turkish war win be very snort uvea. Ttiere is little in it to make it long-lived. A gentleman recently in Baker City eays there are seven hundred idle miners there expecting to go to work when the weather permit. . . Another newspayer man has gone astray. Alvah W Patterson, ot Hep ner. has cone to Indianapolis. lad., to enter the law school. An Albany man who has been over the lorthwest considerably recently says Boise City was the nicest place he was in. Us was delighted with it. Republican papers are trying hard to prove that the i ecent democratic victories had no significance, but every body knows that they bad all toe same.. The ex-railroad commissioners continuing their junketing trip. are the three cheekiest and most inconsiderate men in Oregon. Poor fellows, how badly they do want a job.- Wbo is the fellow referred to in the following from the Washington Post "There is a baboou ont in Oregon tha rides a bicycle, and be has the good sense to sit np straight and refrain from scorching.' Aire. George Bean, better known as Ilnzel Hay of Chicago, the dancer, has been awarded damage in the amount of $10,000 for injuries received in a folding- bed in the hotel Xormandie, taht city, 1891.- At at the time she was connected with the "Milk White Flag" company. Mr. Cleveland gays sonnd money elec tedMtKia'.ey and Mr. Dingley says was the tariff. Both are wrong. The public were scared into electing him Enough were made to believe the conn try woald go to emash if they didn't do it, t give him a - majority. A great many of them now wish they hadn't. Read this dispatch: "Senator Mc- Bride had. quite along talk with the nav igation baraa of the navy department, . the other day. urgiwg that orders be issued to the battleship Oregon to go to Portland, so that the presentation of the silver service to the ship might be made at tne metropolis of the state. The officers of the department, bow jver.said that tbey feared the vessel might strike something and be injured in going ui the river. The Oregon will go to the United St a lea buoy station at Tongue point, and the probabilities are that the presentation will be made at that place. The officers displayed good sense. This punch bawl proposition U small beacs anyway. Senator M cBride continues to be alive to the interests of Oregon, lie is prov ing continually his great capacity as a statesman. Besides laboring with bis aleeve np for an appropriation for a public building at Salem he bas put forth bis best efforts, leaving nothing undone, for securing the permission of the propor officers for the war vessel Oregon to go up the uncertain channel of the Columbia and the Willamette, to Portland, to receive tiiat $4,000 punch (and lemonade) silver service. Great is Senator McBride! By the way also a very nice gentleman personally. The following from the Democrat's Washington correspondent gives a tainple of 1S97 politics: According to current gossip, ex Representative Bell amy Stortr, of Ohio, must be a queer sort of a dujr. The story goes that be took advantage of Mr. SIcKioley'a finan cial obligations to him to force a promise that he should be appointed assistant secretary of State. When the promise " was ma Ie, Mr. McKiuley did not know that Storer was not on speaking term with Senator Foraker, - or with eitner or tha Republican Congressmen from Ciris cinnati, an 4 uow Storer insists on that appbtntment being made, although he cannot get the " indorsement of either Senator, or anyjone of the congressional delegation. He has refuged to accept a fore'gn appointment, because bis rich wife wipbes to figure in official society of Was-iington. It is said that Mr. Me--Eiuley has told Senator' Foraker thst there was nothing left for him to do bn nominate Storer for the place, and tha he a ided that any fight made on the nomination in the Senate would not be regarded by him as a fight on the ad ministration. The nomination will al most certainly be rejected, and Storer mat know it, yes he insists on being nominated. . Tlie First Day of May. From every v'Hage, every fcotne, ' With eonga of ju the people come; Tln-y ci'ine to welcome this glad day; They come to greet The Q-ieen of May. Ws': rai-et her in these Iovtly bowers, H--r palate make of brightest flowers; Of fi'iwers a carpet for her feet, II t throne rhall be of lilies sweet, Hr frown of roses we shall see, Hei rol;e of dainty flowers ehall be It ji'fglr be a sweet bouquet And thou we'JI crown her Queen of May Today in 'ovely robes of preen,' Each tree o'er all he land is seen; And every plant in garments gay Is clad to greet The Queen of May.' The birds, that dwell in natures tow ere, . And tics the modest blooming flowers; Seftn ii their j nous sonic to say We're singing fur TLeQieeoof May. Crowned and wim sceptre in her hands Ooedieii.:e cow to her commands. Lome live h Queen! The people say, Long live the Qicen, TheQioen of May. J. 11. Cornwall.' Sodaville. Or. Stats op Ohio, cm or Toledo, Lucas County, . . Frawk J. Cuehev makes oath that ho Is tha senior partner of the firm of F.J.Chemev &Co., doinr business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said linn will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLAKS for each and every case of Catabrh that cannot be cured by the use of Haix'b Catabru Cvaa. . - FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 8th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. T7. CXEASON, f tBtt ', Kotaiy Public. Ball's Catarrh Cnre is taken internally and acta directly on the blood tmd mucous surfaces of the system. Bend for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & Ct)., Tvledo, O. Jff Bold by Druagists, 75c. ... I's l'awily Pills are tbe beRt. - cs;o Miss Mildrci Burmeeter te i. her of piano or organ. SvHtem the M i on touch and techniaue. Residenct k ii-.h street, opposite U P chutch, Egg Rolling in Washington. (For the Democrat) One of the most ancient and interest ing of Easter customs still prevails in Washington City. It ie known as egg roiling and occurs every Easter Monday on the beautiful undulating monuda in the rear of the executive mansion. Children who live in the far west will never appreciate what they miss on Easter Monday until they have c tne to the nation's capital and witnessed the merry scenes in the White House grounds upon that day. Here thou ands of children, rich and poor, meeting on the same level, iittle Lord Fauntle roys, Mickey Dogana and Abraham Lin coln Johnsing's, guaranteed every privi lege of the (14th) amendment. President McVf inley did more for the children on Monday last than Grover Cleveland did any year during his term of office. Not only were the grounds thrown onen to the children, but the Marine Band was ordered out and gave a continuous open air concert through out the day to the delight not only of the children but of hundreds of grown people who came in a continuous stream to witness the annual merry making ol the little ones. Here on the beautiful lawns kept by the government for the pleasure of its chief executive ana as a matter, too, of national pride, a lull re alization of the principles expressed in the declaration of independence is noted on Easter Monday.. From early morn ins- nntil the gates were closed at sun down, the grouodi were crowded with children, and older people, too, wb took delight in looking on. A detaUof police was there all day; not for the pur pose, however, ot repressing or restrain ing the children in any way, but rattier, in tha lananaee of the Dreeidsnt. who requested their presence "to protect the little ones from anyone who may en deavor to annoy or interfere with their pleasure.' Egg rolling is a very aimple affair in itself, but it affords no end of enjoyment and satisfaction to vast troops of chil dren. There is always a king bee at the egg rolling, and he or she, as the ease may be, ia the one whose kind and in dulgent mamma bas furnished him with the biggest basket of egga with which to engage in the time honored sport. The semi circular grounds to the south of the White Houee could not have been more satisfactorily arranged for the purpose to which they are dedicated oa Easter Monday, if they had been laid out with no other idea in view. They contain some ten or fifteen acre and the land scape gardener who prepared them must have been born in a rolling country, for they are nothing but a eorcewion of beautiful grasjy bi.locks eurmounted with tree, scattered irregularly so as to have the appearance of a beautiful nat ural park. These Hillocks famished abundant slopes for thousands of chil dren to roll their eggs without interfer ing with each other. The children gather in groups, from two to a score in ncmbar and taking station at the top ot the elopes, start their eggs rolling down the soft green turf. The only game there is to it ia to see how long the egga will laat. As might well te expected, the egga, which I have ommitted before to say are al ways hard boiled for tie occasion, fre quently come in contact with each other in their downward souree and it ia al wars the case of the survival of the fit test. As tbey crash together the strong est shell breaks the weaker and a look of dismay cornea on the face of the own er of the broken egg. while a shoot ol triumph goes np from the child whose egg cornea out of the collision uoharmel When tbe children get tired of the rolling. There is another feature 13 tbe sport, which ia called "pecking eggs The eggs are held tightly in tbe little chubby hands and pecked together until one or both are broken There ia science in pecking eggs. Some chil dren have acquired a wonderful knack ol pecking so as to invariably break the eggs of their opponent and at tbe tame time save their own from injury. VI course, thie depends to a great extent upon tbe egg, but not altogether. One boy wbo bad pecked to piece two or three dozen eggs and brought grief to the hearts oi half a dozen or more of bis playmates, suddenly came to grief him self. One of hie victims discovered that the successful egg pecker was using a China egg. The report spread through out the grounds and - this victorious Na poleon of Egdom met his Waterloo. A score or more of his victims pounce 1 up on him, rubbed bard boiled eggs over hie face and in bis bair and made bin a sight generally. He might have been even seriously Injured if tbe police had not interfered to save him from the in dignant infantile mob. Many of tbe children stayed in tbe grounds all day. Tbey didn't need any lunch, for they brought their lunch with them in tbe shape of the eggs witb which tbey bad their sport. Tbe main object, of course, io trying to break each others' eggs was one of victorious con quest, but the secondary object was not to be lost sight of. For, in both the games of egg-rolling and egg-pecking, as in tbe great game of politics that not infrequently places a president of a dif 'erent party in the White House every four years, "to tbe victors belong tbe spoils." Tbe broken egg always goes to the owner of the egg which broke it. In the early part of the day, before tbe rapacious appetite of childhood was appeased, tbe victors ate the eggs which tbey received from t'e vanquished in prond satisfaction without even as much as offering to share. Later in the day however, tbe vanquished were alaays given balf and sometimes tbe whole egg. Not all tbe children who gathered in tbe White House ground were posses sor of eggs. These representatives of tbe.poverty stricken class became nat urally, a their el Jers Jo in tbe grown j up world, the servants of their richer and more fortucate companions- Tbey stood at the foot of the slope and when the eggs were roiled down obtained much enjoyment in the privilege of carrying tbem back to their owners above. In this way the poor obtaiaed their fun, and after a while, when broken eggt were plenty and tbe stomachs of the upper classes were well filled, thoy be came the recipient of freely offered charity and eagerly devoured the hard boiled egg with far more relish than did those who brought them tt tt, fui the former had, as a condiment, ihe un equaled sauos of a never fully pa'iare.l appetite. Fully five thousand children partlci pated In the eg-rolling on Easier Mod- , day and probably twenty thousand evgs ware smashed and eaten. If you would ask the men wbo have been at work all the rest cf the week cleaning up the grounds aad who have not yet removed all tbe egg shells, but are still finding tbem in unexpected places, they would tell you that there must have bean at ltast one hundred million eggs broken on that day. This year eggi were cheaper than was ever known before at the. Easter season. This accounts for plentifully supplied in this dawn of re publican prosperity than in many years past. 01 course, not all the egga broken were eaten, but only those that were ground into the dirt before the hungry kidlets of African descent espied tbem, escaping their hungry maws. Many a dusky descendant of African ancestors ate nothing else but eggs on the 19th of April, A D 1897, but, unlike their more favored brothers and sisters of the rising generation, wbo brought the eggs tLere, their mammas did not have to worry the next morning and wonder "why Willie had no appetite?" Allan 3. Slauson. To Prevent a Waate of Money. Representative James Hamilton Lewis, of Washington, who has introduced a bill to prevent the departure of the re cently appointed monetary commission. said to a Poet man in defense of bi po sition: My design is to prevent the nseleaa and unnecessary expense of the $100,000 to be spent for this foreign excursion. Did not Senator Walcott upon his return from abroad, whither he went as Presi dent McKinley's envoy, say that we could only have aa international agree meet provided England consented : England now, through her Lerd ot the Treasury, and voiced by her official gov ernment journal, at once notifies us that while inclined to dine hospitably these commissioners, she will not co-operate j with them. Germany refuses to receive them except as guests. Japan, forced by England, from whom she ha lately borrowed $1,000,000,000, to go upon a gold basts, in order that the bonds be payable in gold, cannot join na. Austria refuses, and Russia will not negotiate, pending ber confusions ia Turkey and Greece, and Spain, a birr"wrr of a war d.'bt of $300,CO0.090. tu-1 payable in gold, ia helpless. So with whom are we to negotiate? Have we not bad enough of this international playfulness? We have bad practically lour of these com missions. They have each waated ai average of two years, or eight years time. Each averaged 1114,000 expenae With printing and circulating report tbey have in round number coat ns otXJ.tXX), and the only decision ever reached was to have another conference. We were in an Infinitely better situation during these preceding year for nego tiation than now. were not eo much in debt to tSoee to whom we are trucaling. Here we have a monthly expenditure in excess of revenue to pa it of $3,000,000. to rriC'i 42,000,000 this fiscal year. The only provision made to reach it leave ns confessedly by its authors $50,000 000 a year in debt, and witb a budget of appropriation exceed ing $1,370,000,000, all payable in gold. increasing daily on the tjiler and pro da car. we are going to add another 100,000 merely to postpone the admini tration'a final decision ut adopting tbe gold standard nntil after tbe next Con gressional elections. This in order to inspire a further hope acd possibly a further confidence in tbe friends ot sil ver. It is a si'ly ruse, and too palpable to further decoy a sensible people. Let the administration be ooe thing or tbe other, and at once, so we may under stand w bete tbe people are to be. This 1 why I take this move. It is tbe Brat etep in a conree of agreed action to de maud legislation by tbie country in ber sovereign capacity, irrespective of tbe whims of monarch. We can't afford a 'trio abroad' to these honorable gentle men for tbelr pleasure a sach it ran only result." Some Peculiar Ads. A London periodical recently offered a prise for the beat collection of uninten tionally amusing advertisements. Here is a part ot one list. It embodies iilns trations of the curioua effect which tbe misplacing of a comma, or of a word or two, often baa upon tbe meaning of a sentence: "Annual sale now going on. Doat go elsewhere to be cheated come io here. " Wanted, a room for two gentlemen about 30 feet long and 3) feet broad." "A Lady waota'to sell ber piano, aa sbe i going abroad in a strong iron fiame," "List, a collie dog by a man on Sat urday answering to Jim witb a brass col lar around bi neck and a morale "Wanted, by a respectable girl, ber passage to New York, willing to take care of children and a good tailor." "Respectab'e tailor want washing on Tuesday." ''Mr Brown, furrier, beg to announce that he will mace np gowns, capes, ate., for ladies ont oftceirown kins.' "A boy wanted wbo can open oysters itb a reference." '.Bulldog for sale; will eat any thing; very fond of children." Wanted, an organist and a boy to blow tbe same." "Wanted, a bov to be partly outside and partly behind tbe counter." 'Lost, near Highgate archway. An umbrella belonging to a gentleman with a bent rib and bone handle." "Widow in comfortable circumstances wishes to marry two aons " "Io be disposed of, a male phaeton tbe property .of a gentleman with a movable headpiece as good as new." From tbe Washington Poet: Out in Oregon there is a good deal of talkin tbe newspapers concerning tbe possibility of an extta session of . tbe legislature, but it would seem that tbe Governor, wbo has sole authority to con vene tbe legislatare In extra session, bas not been consulted. S v-Senator Corbelt who bas been appointed by Gov. Lord, has received a copy of the Portland Ore gonian containing an interview witb Gov. Lord regarding tbe possibility of convening the legislature in extra ses sion In tbe course of which Gov. Lsrd said: "Whenever I am satisfied that the interests of the state require it, an extra session of the legislature will be called, and not before. The senatorial question gives me no concern, and there will be no extratlegisla'ive session unless I am thoroughly corvinced t)at the interest of the slate demand it. This will be beyond every other consideration, and, should an extra session be called, and any ill consequences follow, the legisla t ire must sadd e it. I aid not. From the atove it wuld appear tbat if the United States Senate doe not accept Gov. Lord's aptointee there Is etinoet certain to be a vacancy from that state until the next regniar session in J iunary, 1899, We Lead, Others Follow. aud tbat is tha .reason Hopkins Bros, are the first to dis plrty a lull line of tbe f xiuous 1897 Ces cenr, and Crawford bicvles. Call and see hem Canned wild blackberries in one and two quart jars, ebeap at C E Bbowmij,'. MISFITS. A man appeared on tha street of Eu gene on a high bicycle causing great ex citement in that quiet little town. Silverton ia thn cantor of infiilolitv in Oregon. A free thought paper U pub lished and there i a regular free thought association there. Editor Kaiser of the Ashland Record cn Saturday was censured at a meeting oi pupuisia at oieatord. The action oi tne holdout waa endorsed and Kaiser and Kepresentative Hawse had a fight. Tbe ex-railroad commissioner will junket np the West Side tomorrow and then take a picnic trip over tbe O. C. & E. Tbe railroad magnate are treating mem very courteously. Eugene again comes ud for distinction Mrs. Straight ot that citv is an adopted daughter ot Mrs. Bloomer, the woman who first wore bloomer, and after whom tney were named. "Albany has three braes bands" is an item in the state paper, that may make our city celebrated, though we are dead edly handicapped by that one Silverton nana, that u endorsed and pictured by tne oniy uomer .Uavenport, A big fight ia raging for the Turner postothce. Frank Davis baa the support ot Sol Hirech, Til Ford and Ed Hirach and was tbe cause of the election of Thoe, II. Tongue and Wm. McKinley and sup ported joun u. Mitcteii. A man wtite from an Oregon town for a earn pie copy ot tbe Dkmockat in order to get tbe leading grocer ot Albany. W have sent bim a marked copy containing tne name oi our leading grocers, fre quent requests are made for sample copies in order to get the names of leading bus- tneea men. Another Albany young lady has re ceived a doubtful compliment, Satur day a five year old after tbe usual ure- shouted across tbe street to an Albany school ma'am: "I know a-nother homely woman in Albany and it ain't you." Albany men have found several nlaces where caCfteb, or bull head are wont to go, and are fiebicg for tbem. As it u neceeaary to do the fishing after dark the port ii greatly enhanced. Several of the big beaded fellow have been caught. Tbe Salem cor. of tbe Oresooian aavs "It ia reported by reliable authority that tbe Oregon delegation in congreea baa recommended Professor H. B. Miller, president of tbe state agricultural col lege at Corralli. for a diplomatic ap pointment to uermany. Hobarta town beat. In tbe city flec tion Patterson showed a change of 3500 since the November election, while Can ton, aiciunley' town, changed only hw. met is, aicKtniey earned uaa ton by 937, and it went democratic ibe other day by 600, while Hobart carried bis town by S400, and it ha just gone democratic oy tau. Tie bine print Southern Pacific plan of having Ninth street runout into the field in order to cross the S. P. at right angle, wonkl make an ungainly looking etreet t that place. Ninth at reel may as well croaa the track obliquely as other ot our sueeta further: at, Tbe proposed com prom if e as far a tbe Dx ocaAr baa looked at it ia a poor one for tbe street. Harold M Sewall. of Maine, a ton of the lata candidate tor vice president on the democratic ticket, has been appointed minister to Hawaii. Weill Albajst DsMOcaar. When old man Sewall heard the aew hi first exclanvalioa no doubt aonoded a good deal like the 1'koct's except that it begun with a? h". Review. Thirty thousand elk are wintering ia Jackson's Hole country ot Wyoming, ac cording to the estimate of the game war en. wbo amy that in one herd which be aaw there were 15,000 of them, Htretcbing over a distance of rix mile. The eight be said, surpassed anything be bad ever seen and utterly amaxed bim. The elk trail over the anow was like flint ice, be said, so hard had the enow been packed down. The animal are aeen by tbe thousands 'any morning moving along the Snake river from the Great Swamp to the Ventre hills, and at night tbe wail ot the calves straying irom tneir mower a may ne beard. A society ot women in Eocene were given prise for the beet and poorest ans wer to the question : "Why am I re pnbltcan." Tbe answer that received the booby prue waa "Became J was bora a republican." "Tbi waa probably tbe only honest answer in tbe litt" and boold have been given first prize. The answer tbat received tbe Brat prize si ro ily applied to republican or democratic orm of government and was applicable to one party aa well aa tbe other. Here it is : "I am a republican because the principle of republicanism involve all there ia of freedom ot speech, free pre, and free country, and because republi canism give n tbe most glorious and prosperous nation on tbe face ot the earth. and make us the happy and contented people we are today and because repub licanism ia the rock upon which this free government reate." They Cant Fade. If you s-md voar fancy eclor-vl shirt s tbe City Lauadrr, opp the St Chat Hote We can give you high or meiiam gloss o domestic finish on your lion. U. Mmpsox at Sox. LAFORREST At Asbland.on Satur Jay, April 24, 1897, of ecsema, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Laforrest, aged 2 years. Mr. Laforrest had gone to Ashland for tbe benefit of the little boy beallh, but it failed to improve. Funeral services will be held tomor row at fh( residence of E. Laforrest at 10 a. m. Ail friends are invited to be present. Father Time has to halt when he meets a woman wbo knows bow to take care of ber health. Time can't make her seem eld. She may be the mother of a family; tbat makes no differ ence, one w wans IV ., be young because her heart Is young a'4 there is rich, young blood circulating in ber Veins. Sbe doesn't need cosmetic and face, powders and skin-preservers. Pure blood the only true skin-preserver. But when a woman's blood is full of bil lons imparities, she can neither look young aor feel young. Her whole constitution if poisoned with bad blood. It permeates ev. cry part. It paralyzes the nerve-centres; weakens tbe stomach; irritate the heart, preys upon tbe lungs and bronchial tubes. It reduce a woman to a state of weakness, nervousness, irritability, dejection and mel ancholy. Such a woman can't possibly be youthful, no matter what her age may be. She needs the youth fulness of highly vital ized blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will give It to her. It will help any woman to get back her youth ana freshness again. It give the digestive and blood-making organs aad the liver power to produce good. cheeks, and sparkle to tbe eyes; drives away pimple and blotches; wipes away wrinkles; rounds out emaciated forms, and creates firm, natural, healthy flesh. airs. Kebeoca . Gardner, of Oraftoa.Vork Co., Vs., writes: " When I was married I weighed 115 Bounds. I was taken ilck aad reduced in health aad broke out with adlsease which my doctor said was tcsema. lit treated my disease out lauea 1 da m. mr Mod. and 1 feU awav ta oa wounds. began aalng Dr. Pierce's Golden Medknl Dtfr an iu im a only about : younger than I did lb first taste be saw m, 1J years ago." TELEGRAPHIC. The Bad at Haad. London, April 27. Tha Mews publishes an Athens dispa'cb 3:10 P. M. saving the people are greaily incensed tt there real ol the troops 'ineoispaicn runner itates tbat the bitterness h gainst King George and bis government is intensified i witb the news that tbe ureea army in tpirus bas been ordered to tustiend opera lions pending reconsideration o' the situ ation by tbe ministers. Tbe dispatch says: "It looks Drobable that tomorrow will see the end of the whole business." BevolatUaary Blgas. Athens, April 27. Popular fettling points to a revolution in favcr of a rei ubl'c. 1 be citizens are gieatiy excitea at tne ie velation made by ex-minister Raid, as to the coudunt of tbe campaign. lodar, large meeting's have been held in constitution square, and otder places, a id fiery haran gues have been delivered uy wen Known orators in denunciation of "those who would betray Greece." The fall of the ministry is regarded as certain A Creat Eveai. New York. April 27. Never but once in tbe history of the world and never in tbe history of tbe United States has such a tribute hwn mi l to the noble dead as hen todav. with wonderous pageant by land and sea. the nation dedicated tbe tomb that now holds tbe Udy of Uiysse w. Grant. It waa an occasion of more of tri umphant eulogy and national pride than of a tuneral rite. A Msaslnaa Fire. Nkwpckt News, Ya., April 27.-Fire broke out in tbe Chesapeake Ohio rail road pier at an early hour tbi morn ing. Before tbe tianiea were checked, i damage to the extent of 2,00u.0 had ben done. Two of the company's piers were destroyed and eight peena injured, some of them sertoosly. A Big Fallarw. XoaroLE, Ya., April 27. BuMneas circfes were startled tonight by news of tbe assignment of N. Bums, Son t Co., one of the tnO"it prominent and widely known banking firms in tbe Sootb a ueed was filed at 7 o'clock transferring to Judge Garnet t, as assignee, all property held bj Captain Burns, individually, or as a firm, to secuie creditor The liabilities amount to between $340,000 and 1350.000. aad the assets are I4OU.O00 available a rursaa ikMcu. Tax. Fta., April 27. John Fore paugh. the circus man. and two prominent Spaniard of this city, Aadreaeoe Circa aad Joaquin Sierra, wire kil ed ia a rail road accident here this evening. A mail train oa the r londa Central era-bed into a street-car oa a suburban electric line. smashing tbe car to splinters, kilting out right tbe three men named and throwing the car some distance irom tbe track London, April 26. A pctal dispatch from Saloaica amy Ldbem fasha. tbe Turkish commander-ia-chief ia Theasssly. will probably attack the port of Yolo, watch is crowded with pao'C-trit ka refugee from Tyrnavoa and Laris. A Tyroavos dispatch sets it is reported that Prince Contantin ha fled to Ynlo. Aa this rumor cornea from Tbi kith sources it should be accepted with rererve. lalcrstal Ttirtt, LoNDOa, pnl St) Tbe most serioos feature in the Gtaeoo-Turkish emergency Is the revolutionary feeling displajed at At bens. Ex .sinister Haiti, lead ot the principal oppoaitt group ia the biiarive aawiuMy. Ibrewteoed that one tbe mtlita. ry staff waa chaoged, be would iMe trodamation to the people. Hi staieaieaU ated tike oil n oe fin-, and tbe nooaiar excitement hes flared up. Cruud aswemhlnl i "j ia lee streets to ducnas tbem, aad to march to tbe palace to read tbem King Ueorge. A Mm Kaskraator. Atlasta. April 26. Marrv A. Casva. who ha coofeasetl to the emhraxSetneal of K5,0" oi tbe fundi ot the Georgia Sav ing Bask Jc Hacking Ovn;ai j. waa ar rested tonight under a warrant ( ra oat at the inttaace of the directors of the com paay. t'axin s relative had arrjgj to make op the cashier's borare with the understanding; tbat taere thoxitd be no prosetotHas, bat it now dVcip, that aa examination ot tbe bank' xk revej tbat the shortage instead of being $tS,009, will le several tune that . aevaewl aaytwleau Washkotox. A pnl S The iwidnt today sent the following nominations to the senate: William R Day, of Ohio, first assistant secretary of state. lielUmy Storrer, of Ohio, minister to tieigtam. George SI FUk. of Ohio, secretary cf the embassy t tbe laited Male at Berlin Cassias M Berne, of Uaklaboma, to be gOV'TUOf. Frank DecJkebarh, register of Ibe land oee at Olympia Waah. Io be receiver of public moneys John O'B Scobey, atOijmpia, Wash. la U )aa.rr tiy. Philadelphia, A pnl 6 - Peter Ma ker again femonstrated bis abiliry la whip Sjve U'UonneU b practicallv knnckiag bin out in the sixth round or their boat in tbe arena of the (juaker City Athletic Cub tonight. Ia theoreninground. Maher bad 0"fJoonell so weaK be coo Id scarce! j Hand, and ia the fourth round, trve seat Prter down with a straight right in the face. Bay straws. Rosebcbo. Or, April 26. Geary, the 4-ear-o)d son of Mt. and Mrs David Griffiths, of Rosrburs; waa drowned this afternoon ia tbe L'mpqaa river, near tbe bridge Tbe child waa p aying with another small boy on tbe bank, but waded in after a duck, and was eooa beyond his depth. The Ea Expected m London, April 25 -V hat seems likely to be tbe last week cf tbe war is entered opon today. Jt ia difficult from be tangle of conflicting telegrams to understand the exact position of affairs. Following the Greek def.-at at Lariat, tbe opinion todav is almost unanimous tbat the end ia in sight and this view is probably shared by tbe powers, as they are already moving to intervene. It u believed that intervention will first take tbe form of a suggestion of an armistice to which the combatants wou'd oo doubt agree. AsaasaalUaa railed. London April 25: A dispatch to the times from feotepigadia dated Saturday says: The Greeks, though weary and with out food or water, fought like beroes. Tbe reinforcements they expected failed to arrive and their ammunition failing, tbev were compelled to retire. I met score witb their cartridge belts empty, and completely fagged out. (itaesa Ie Aalhcas. Athens. 23 It is useless to deny that a very gloomy outlook of the war prospects w taken bere bv the better-intormea mere are, however, no signs of a panic. The city exhibits an attitude of dignified en durance, while many persons still show an unabated enthusiasm tor war. Tbis symptom is particularly mtticeable among tbe wounded now m Atnens. i heir one desire is t- be healed, in order that they may rejoin tbe colors. A Harder La Gkards. Or-. April 25 Henry Sie- del was sbot and killed by Georire Bart mest tbis mormnp, at il ait mots' home, three mites east of La Grande. Bartmess son and a oartner of Siedel wi'Dt-ssed tbe killiDir. The Bartmess place bas cbanued bands recently, and it appears Bart rues, retained the use of tbe garden patch Siedel had leased the property, and clhimed that the pardon patch was included in bi lease. He wa engaged in plowing, wben the trouble o"cured. which resulted to tbe shooting. A Paris Darl Paris. Anril 25 Tbe outcome rf an article by M t'lcmenceaa ia tha Helm de fans was a duel witbswoios tuia mormiiif between M Clemenceau and I'rinoe t'ara nian de Cbimav. Both men wevo wound ed simultaneously. Cleinenceiiu retcived a easli in tbe nirht arm anr me priuce a slight rcratch on tbe shoulder Extra fsslea la Arkaasas Litii.b Rocar. Ark.. April 2V Th iMnarul will rtMIVeilA ID extra session at noon tomorrow. Ibe aipro- , phation bills will be ihe fiit leKislation considered. Amonar the impurtaut sub- , ject to come up is tbat of a railroud com- mission bill, which blocked all legislation in the regular session TO CURE A COLD IX ONE DAV Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tablets. All draegiot refund the money u it taut to or. 2oe. THE "FOURTEEN GOLD SOLIDATED COMPANY" Limited Liability oi Mossland B. G. President Col. W. W. D. Turner, president Le Roi Gold Mining Company, Rossland, B. G Vice-Pn sident ler, Grower, of Calilornia, owner of B. C. mills, of Rossland, B. G Secretary and Manager Harry White ex Mayor ot Seattle, Wash. Treasurer E. D. Carpenter, Rossland, B. G Consulting Engineers- -Messrs Brady, Rossland, B. G Bankets B?mk of British North America, Rossland, This company owns the largest and best located group of properties in the famous Rossland and Trail Creek mining district. Its holdings being approxi mately rive Hundred Acres located south of the city A limited amount of TREASURY STOCK in this company until further notice at ioct . value i.oo each- For shares and apply to the company's representative Over O. R. & N. Ticket Offices THOMAS BRINK, 1 Ml kinds of furniture i and bedding-, and it Dealer iu I you Hon. W, A LL who are interest J in f .u '.Iiirirsj the sale cf Hon. W. J. Bry an's new hack should correspond im mediately with (hi publishers.. The v.-ork will contain An ecccuat r - Ils b?o7Vipfc AGENTS WANTED S- Mr. Bryan has announced his intention cf devoting one-half ot all royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism. There are already indications of an enor mous sale. Address W. B. CGNKEY COMPANY, Publishers, 341-351 I)vmWo SI CHICAGO. KOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given ihat tbe under signed bas been dulv appoln td admioic trairii of (be estate of Louis F Hammer. deceased, by- ibe count ocort of Linn county : AH persons bavin? d ui against said estate are her by i otitet to present tbem. duly verified, i n.t . 'nftice H C Watson, attorre at Ii Uresroo, witbia six mon'i.s die Ja'c of this notice- Dated at Albany, Or't!"n Varcn 16, 89 H C Watson; Flo asct UaMMaa Atty for Administrairiv, Adrux NOTICE TO STOCi OLDIRS Notice is hereby given ut he annual meetiui; ot Uielocbnld. at the Atbanv Farmers Co., will be held h: t ie t-Bic of said company, in Albs'", i inn wun'v, Oregon, on the 18 h oa of Mar, 18v7, al I o'clock p iu of said "' ; r he pur peso of tle.tlog seven 7 l'rettor to seivefoMbe term ot m jear, -nd the transition of such o hi r "inessas may come before the me-tin by crJer of the board oi director-, Attest: Mil i'Df, 1'rtidmt. fRca B &ARsnam S v. ST. A flat liej w i ribbon to Please return to 'hp U-v-iv hi-us. it. LOST. Saturday evrnmjr. a gold cross charm, enameled, tr im w tUti cnurni. flease return t J U Uui.rui e. ' " TOR RENT OR SALE.- Good farm 173 f acres, 6 miles from llmny Kuquire ef II ' Mcllwmn, Alba vat. DRESH MAKING I adiet. witbingto learn cutting and B'Unir y the Mor gan system, call art Mrs R. K. Owes. I remet made for 2 60,ind up. Cor Sid aadCaJapoeia. OFFICERS. - Louis Jaffe, Capitalist, Distil B. G of Rossland. stock non-assessable. prospectus givimr H. WHITE, 3rd and Washington Streets, want the most I complete flour safe, !j he has them and his ? prces the lowest. AlBAfiY, ORECOfT Bryan's E look T his campaign tour ... written by his Vvife a His most important speeches .... aawswasssaaawjavawaajsayjawawsas The results of t!;c campaign of 1896. A review of the political situation . . . NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS , Xotica is hereby givea tbat the anneal imetiD of the Albany Miains & Milling Co. will be held at th. etfioa cf U W Maa taa oa April 26:h, JS97, at 4 o'clock p m of said dav fj tbe rarDaee of eleotiog 7 dirto'or to verre for one veer and the transaction of roth ethsr baioea asm.ny legally com before the nueti" Bv order of the bna-d of directors X II Allkx CKBrownklL Piesideat Secretary. STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. Notice is hereby given that the stock holders of tbe Albany Trading Co.. will meet on May 8, 1397. at 7 p ru at the com pany s sture in tne sra ward lor tne pur. poe of electing tbr directors atd trans acting such other business ina tome before Ibe mevting. Dated Aprils, t$97. F E Klount, R N Mokris. Secretary. lretdent STREET SAsLWAT: KOTICE. The motor on the Albany .trcet rail way wt'l connect promptly with all trains '0 and from the d-pft, day and night. Special trips will be n ade at special a e. I. F Conn, Conductor, ASSIGNEES NOT CE. No'ice i hereby given that L E Blaia, of AHmny, Oregon, on the 13th day of February, 1S97, made a genYa assigii men' of all his property for the benefit of alt his creditors; and that the unde signed has been duly appointed assignee in said ass'irrsment proceeding. All creilitersof a d L E Blain are hereby requied to pra. st'Dt their claims to me, 'uly verified, at my office In tbe pos'ollice building, Albuny. Oregon, withm ihree months from the da of this notii-e. Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 23rd dsy of March 1897. 3C" Atwr, l! Bbtart, AUy fur Assignee, Assigns. MINES CON Moynahan and about one mile per share of PAR full information Portland. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Wortfs Fr Hlsbeat Award. niORTHERH IU PACIFIC R- R P oilman Sleeping o'ars. Elegant Dinisg Cars, Tourist Sleeping Car? St Pant Minneapolia Pnlnth rDd f -irk Croosatoa Wiaaip: Helea aad Bntt TV THROUGH TICKET TO Chicago Stssf Washington I Philadelphia A New aork Boa ton and al Point East aad Soatb Throogh tickdts to Japan and China, vis Tacomaand Northern Pacific steamabii Co., aa Americaa Uae. For information, time cards, nsap anc" ticket call on or writ C G Borkhart Agent, Albany, Or. Or A D Charlton, Ast Gen Faaa Agt Portland, Or- NOTICE. Notice is hereby givea that by order f the circuit cnut of the state of Oregon, lor Linn ccun'y. depaetmeat Ko. 2, all cla'ms agsinst tbe Albany Woolen Milt Co, a corporation, that have not already been preserved to the undersigned recsiver or 6led with the clerk cf said coart, are re quired to be presented to tbe undersigned receiver wiuia inree mooto irom th fdste hereof. July verified, as by law re quired. And that objection to claim against s'd Albany A oolen Mills Co, If any there be. be fid with Ue clerk of wild court within three months fron. the expir atkn of -le time allowed by law for the presentation of said claim, as above men tion rd. Pated Arrtl 12. 1897. By order of th court. L FLINN. Receive . Notice for Publication Ln-d Orrtca av Orkoon Citt, Or. March 17th, iS97 Kotlca is hereby given that the follow ing named sett'er has filed notice of hi intention to make Goal proof in support of his claim, under Sc 2o01 R S, and that said proof will be made before the reg ister and receiver at Oregon City, Oregon. May nth. 1S97. via: Perry G Hibbard; H E 11S02 for tb X W M See 11. Tp 10 S R 4 East. He name the following witnesse to prove bis contincou residence upon aud cultivation of said land, via: James B Moore, ot Detroit, O.-efion, llenrv Com edy, Frank Rabedeiu. both of Niagara, Oregon, and John Fox ot Dttrolt, Or- KOKrJKt A. WlUl.r.K. iwis;er. PATENTS r. a. as raatitv PPaOCURED. EUGENE W.JOHNSON, Solicitor & Atty- iaTatsns Causes, lrt -ew Vara av Waahlaataak a C, Office established 1S6S. Charges moderate Correspondence requested. SUH2CQXS. a the. Circuit Court 8laU ef Oregtm.or Umn Department No. 2. CC Jackson, - Plaintiff, vs Sarah! Moore, Mary J Yarbroogh,. Da rid W TarUoogb, Howard Tsrbrouab, Pemly M J Yarbmugh. Geo W Yarbroca-h. . hos J Yarbrougb, and Lewia Yrbrongh . tMendaota. To Sarah J Moore, Mary J YrbrooKh, David w Yarbroogn, Howard W v roufrb, Pemly M t Yarbrongh, Geo W Yarbroegn.Tboma J Yarbnmgh and Levi Yarbrootfb, the defendant above named : ISTHE NAME OF THE STATE O? OREGON : Yon and each of von are hereby required to appear in the above ca itled court on the fi'st day of the neii regular term thereof, on Monday, tbe 28th dy of June, 1897, to answer tbe eomptaiet if the plaintiff aoove named now oa file iu said court in said cause, aad yon and ach of yoo are hereby sojfied that rf you fail to appear and answer to said com plaint as hereby required tbe plaintiff will tpplj to said eoar. for judgment against j jv as prayed for ia his said eompiMot, to wit: For a decree of said coart declar ing plaintiff to be the owner ia fee simple H all tbe following deribed real proper ty, to wit: Beginning at a roint 32-72 chain S aad 57 19 chains W of tan N E.eorner of claim No. 49 in Tp 14, SlUwof the WtHara -tte Meridian, running theace 8 7 chains, thence v 4 5M chains, thence N 7 chains, thence E 4 28 chains, containing 3 acre more or less, in Line eoucty, Oregon. A'ao beginning at a point oa tne east boundary line of tbe DLCoflho i Yar brougft and wife. Not. No- 213. claim No. 49 in To 14 8 It 4 w, and claim Ko. 66 ia Tp 14 S E h w ot Willamette Mer.,- wnicn is .-. ucsai a m n x. wihi uf said U LC, aai numing thence w 61.47 chains, thence S 7 chairs, thence w 4.19; ci.ain. tbenee 8 25 degrees w IS etaaioa. tbeace b ea degree cinu'es w 24 chains, thence east 8 89 ehaiB,hre. 3 22 degree 4? miaute E7 chsins.theae S 12 degree 30 mtaotea c. a,0 ctsaiaa. thence north 63 decreea 30 m'-aotea E 13 IS shaias, theses S 70 degree E 8 SO Csvaina, thence S 79 degree E 4 90 chain, theace S 65 degrees E 13 20 chaise, thence ooth 56 degree E 12 60 chair, theace S 87 egree B Cj3d chain, tbenee sou'h 78 de grees Eft 30 chain, theace S SI degree 30 minatea E 3 16 cbaias, more or (eat. to a point doe aoutb f fas piace f begia ning, theare north 34-52 chains, nwe or leas, to tbe pis je of beg ao'ng. eontaiaiag 194 69 iGO aoes iaLtaa county , Oregoa . Aad fofwear barriag aad v jiaaiag said eV&stdaata aad sea of thaws froae daisa ag er asaetiag asry right er title ia c ta aatd Is stria, er aav part thereof; eirrectlng the errtaenea daacr.ptsna thereof oalaiaed in a eartaia dred ezcoatad aad dilivri by Taos I Yarbroai aad Sarah J YalbrwaSf. j snfa, t oa. Was Lodreta, eo aa to cob foras to the tree deaerixtica of said lasds aa above act oat, aad restoring Use ekaad tna p aia-afTs tula said taactc. ThiaatasaMi ia pabtubod by order of ta. Boa E H Hewitt, jade of tb aboro atiilad coart. Blade l chambers ia A baav Oragoa, this S3rd day of Marea. 1697. Elkivs At Ca5o. Au'ji for PUiatiS". SUUMOMS. 7 tAa Cirea ( Ctmrt of OeStass ay Ortgom fm the emmntj of Lma. J Garney Fower and W J Caesar, ptaiai tiff V G If orgaa. as administrator of the ra tale of Thorna Morsjaa deceased ; Jamcw V Morgaa aa administrator or 'he estate of Ljd:a deceased; ttay Asa Grav. Frank Gray ber aoabaai; Anes McNeil, Joaa McNeil her bwaiasMl, Joba X M orgaa, RaxH Hargnn him ife; Jass W M orgaa, Morgaa bis wife; W G Morgaa. Marfaa tna wife; Jan. ator (aa. E A HatgtM, Monraa sua wife; alar caret Daaeaa, Daacaa bar aaaSMaxI; G L Siryder aad HattM J Stryde-.; Laa Ce. XaboaaJ Baak , (a eorperaUaa) W H GA Ira, A Basa, Trastce; First XaOostai Baak, (a 9orporatoa) aad Hd-oa Haie, Defe-tdaata. To Joba X Mantaa aad Bath Monraau bis w ifr.swd Margaret Daacaa aad Dw a, bar hasbiavi. Defeodaata. rN THE X AWE OF TEE STATE OF OREGOX: oa are bcreby reqaind ta ao aar aad sssstr tb eoaspjaiat euad aaaiaafe voa ia tka abova cattitied satt. by tba wast tb. .xptraXMa of said sw , towit: by tb 4ta Maaday ia Jaa,lS97ebjtb day of said saoatk; aad if voa bui so to aafear to aoawvr, tor want thereof, tba platamSa sriil applv to tba coart for tea re im pnyad for ia tba OLaaptatat filed acmiaat voa hera- ia. btwit: Far a deer fcweelaaiag a certata ajortra. ancatrd bv o Tbosaaa atargmw aad Lvdia Marpa. bia wife, (both asraae ad)taihe Jarvts-CoasJia Martgmtm TrwaT iMraaf, to swears tae paysneat of $I6S. with iauawat, aad tha farOer aaai ci fI0O altora)s ice. Said saortgago bctaf apaa raal astats aitaata aa tba coaoty of Liaaw stata of Oregoa, aad aartkariy beaecwd aad dcae ibmi aa follow-, towit: Th V X of ta I L C of David W Al ttacaaas: auaatci! ia Sees 33 aad 34, Tp IX joain. Kaoga . W W It. coatvaiae; lit or or leas.. Aad Buectiac aalo of said popeitj ia tba aaaer pmsided by law aad appJiaatiaa af tbe proceada tbemf aa to pavsaaat of tba etaiai ot tba mmtA haiuin tartwdiaa oaata. dtabaraeasaata of Bait aad aUoraay'a Thia easca pwb&had bv order af th Hooorabla a H Hewitt, jadanef said Made aad dated oa tha 24th day af Feh raary. 1S97. Gao W ilaxas a alosraxTS iHinuxit, Altoraejafar Piaiaiiffs. CTTATICI. Ia thaCoaatv Coart of tba State of Oragasv foe Lisa eoaaty. Ia tb aaatter ct tba as lata of E & Cbeadie dceail. To Mary Graaaaa. Kiaasa S CaaadW, wuneltam Mrackauar, ratt Cheadla, Ffctraoe CVeadle, Lsoa Graa aad to all otar haira aad davsseea of dcoaated, ankaowa, rasia IX THE XAME OF THE STATS OF OREGON. Yoa ar berth, eitsd aad ra quu-cd to appear ia thaeoatty ooartaftbe asa oi Cregoa, for tbeejaatyef Lima at tba coart room, tbaraof, at Atbaa y, sa said eoaaty .oa SaruHsv tbe 15th dav atav.IS97. at 1 e dock ia tba afUraoaa af tbat dar, tbea aad tbesw to ahew esaae if aay yaw tave, why raM coert aboald aot soaks aa order aa horiilag tb exeeatoref aba las vriU and Us ta scent of sal J daeeaatd to sail at private (a'a tba followK g deaenbed rwa; property er aav part tbcrsot batoagiag as aaidesura towit: Tba east balfaf lb soa.hwMt qoarter cf block 47 in Hack) a' Sad addition to tb city af Albany. w eaginaiag at a pat ta tb swat boundary Itaa of bine; 1 ia th East era ad di-aa to Albany, O eoa, eqaally irum ta(aeast and authsraat ad block oae, tbeaca aortbwrly earaUar with Baker street ia said city IU) fear. tna o easterly parallel wita FSrst atreat 43 feat, tbeoe soatbarlv parallel witb said Bakar street to theeonth beaadary cf a'd block on, toenoa wwstarty oa tb aaatk boandary of said bl job on tn tb plaea ef beginaiDg. Also all rf tb S S M of aSooh N.ob ta tk Eaatwa additioa ta said oity, xoepticg45 feet bore tot ore ald caTtb waat aid af aaid aaartar. A'a tb aoata, half of lot 2 in block 17 ia Haokteaua's U additKMi to said eity af Albany, th divkioa lire being parallel with Seeced aueatiw d city. Also lot Nj 4 ia hteck SO ia said city at A I baa v. Also kits Noa 3 aad 4 ia block N. 26 ia Haekleman'a seeoad ad ditioo to said eitv of Abanv. Also kta Noa 20. 21 and 22 ia block Ni S hi Abb.y'J additioa to ha city of Albany, al of a leal nroiwrtv bainv in Liaa eooatvJ'regnB. Abo lt No 7 in block 2 io tha towa of Seal Kick in Lincoln coaoty, Oreaoa. Witae. tha Hub Gaorze D Barton, ) Jadge of tha county eoart of tb state cf Oron, for tse voaaty V ot Una, with tb Seal of said atsttixed, thia $th day of April A u. !$97, Attest: C B MosTaoca, Clk. b R B MosTAOca, Depty. EXCHANGE HOTEL. This old and favcrita resort bas ebang- n.l kiu, Ik.nn.kl.MAnrfi! and refurnished tbroaebout ia the style and is now open to the public. Uood beds, welt set table and good treat ment. Will be rnn on home p4an. Kate: Meal SO ceoU; by the day, SC cenU ; week, 3.S0. 0. M. Cvxi- arC aw