The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 23, 1897, Image 3

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    TERMS. .
f3.H0 per advance, 30c per month
Ktvance. hv ramir inn twr
added if allowed to
Single copies 6c
week. 10 per cent
run over 3 months.
VVBKKT.v SI k i .t i cn -a
fl $Jt; I1"5 for second year; 20O for
wurd nd proceeding years, when not paid
1 a.Vnce- Clubs of five new subscribers
wr $5.00.
Clubbing Offer.
The Weekly Dbmocrat and Weekly
"fniner will be sent to subscribers for
?.S5 a year. This includes all the priv-
efTe8 of the Examiners big premium gilt
in Mav. the asm a an if vnn sent tha reg
ular subscription price of $1.50 directly
O the Darjer. Isn't that a hanrain.
eesiy jjbmocrat and Umce
N . Y. World, $2.00 a year.
$6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book
$5.00 buys a good new Gaitar with book.
$1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is
$1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E
$4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow.
25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or
2nd strings.
$25.00 bnysa5-drawersewinr. machine;
high arm, light running ; guaran
teed o years.
jkfiT'PrH'ea on Pianos, Organs, Banjos
sent on application .
E. u. Will
a week
Judge Barton came here last Tuesday
and has been very busy since, to look at
him as he follows the" plow one would
think he was a hired hand, but when he
speaks it becomes evident that he is some
aignined official.
Messrs J W Senft and Knox tlaight
passed up Church street yesterday, they
look as if they had wiutered well, but
they were in a great hurry and couldn't
stop to tell us all they knew.
The hungry canines made a raid on
Mr K A Bamford'a herd of sheep one
moon light night and killed and crippled
about one third of the herd. We were
always fond ot dogs, but we think that
one dog to every hundred people would
be enough, and when the dog we own an
interest in attempts to'kill sheep we want
our interest killed if the ninety and nine
can't stand it they can get another dog.
We don't own a dog, don't want one and
would lite to see several worthless curs
put out of existence.
Mr Ed Thrall called on ns yesterday.
He is feeling happy and is ready to ac
commodate the farmers. He is now sell
ing a plow attachment that a man can
ride on.
Mr Keedham ij busy at work in his
prune orchard, he is also making some
improvements on his farm.
Some of our farmers are already com
plaining on account of too much dry
weather and the heat is too intense for
epring time, S6 to 90 in the shade at 5
o'clock p. ni., bnt we are hard Jio .suit I !
Little Hose Bud.
List of Patents.
Granted to Pacific States inventors
this week. Reported by C. A. Snow &
Co., solicitors of American and Foreign
patents, opp. TJ. S. Patent office, Wash
ington, D. C.
M Anderson, Xorthport, Wash, photo
graphic-plate holder; G H Dyer, San
F rancisco, Cal, adjustable suurwav and
fire-escape; PJ Gildea, San Fr&ncUco,
Cal, mining dredging apparatus; A X
Godfrey. Port Towntend, Wash, bicycle
brake; H H Gorter, San Francisco, Cal,
movable joint for water-pipes ; fi f
Hornan;, Oakland, Cal, touch-regulator
for keyed instruments; R P McKst,
Portland, Ore, heating stove; M Mt-Rie,
Everett, Wash, box-cover; H P Xeilson,
Alameda, Cal, hose-nozzle, W H Peine,
Ban Francisco, Cat, Collapsible tslescopic
hot-air cabinet; E F Sanford, Merced,
Cal, subaqueous pipe-tunnel ; S H Shel
ley, BerryeasaJa), fruit-slicing machine ;
E P Smith, San Francisco, Cal, hanger
for harness; V A Williams, San Fran
cisco, Cal, wave power air compressor.
For copy oa any patent send 6 cents in
postage stamps with date of this paper
to C A Snow A Co, Washington, D J.
As Okkgos Boy The following is
taken from an Indiana paper: "C. F.
Henderson of Boom field, the young
representative who sprang into promi
nence last week as the au thor cf the
resolution to investigate the claim of
the state against the Vandalia relates an
interesting story as to how he saw the
worlds fair. In 1893 he completed
a six years' course at the Cniversity of
Oregon and was thrown upon the world
as pcor financially as Job's turkey was
in flesh. Be wan ten to see the fair, bnt
it Wis a puzzle to him to determine how
lie would accomplish it without money.
He finally hit upon the plan of pushing
one of the chairs around the grounds.
In this way he got to see the entire fair,
completing a post graduate coarse which,
while not of the regulation kind and
with none of the furbelows of the aris
tocracy accompanying it, was at least
full of instruction. He was known solely
as "No 1,029," and be now laughingly
relates that it was a genuine joy for him
to get his nane back at the dose of the
A Joke on Supt Irwia
Rev. G. M. Irwin, state superinten
dent ot public instruction, was secured
last week to preach in the Presbyterian
church yesterday forenoon, also having
an arrangement to conduct the Masonic
Easter service in the evening. At 10:45
o'clock it may have been 10:4o Rev.
Irwin walked leisurely into the Congre
gational church with that dignity and
grace for which he is noted, carefully
placed his sleek looking stove pipe and
cane vn the tront seat, and took his seat
in the pulpit chair; where he admiringly
surveyed the lovely Eatter flowers and
Tanqknt, April 19th, 1897.
The farmers all had a busy week.
Some have commenced sowing their
grain and the poor horses had to suffer
during the hot weather, some nearly
gave out.
Our city merchant who bought out
A. B. Conrad has boxed up his gooes
and has moved to Glendale in Southern
Oregon, where he intends to locate. Mr
M. P. Chase ud family were froja Co-
burg before tbey came here, and now
Tangent only has one storo which is Do
ing ruu by Moses Bros.
Some of Tangent's people think they
have been slighted. In a piece in the
Democrat last week, concerning Linn
county, every city was mentioned in the
county that had a store and one church
and Tangent was left out entirely. The
people wonder why it happened ao
when Tangent's population is nearly 200
and has one good school house, two
churches and no saloons.
(The Democrat begs Tangent's pardon.
It was a case of negligence.
Hon. T. L. Dugser of the Scio Press
was seen in Tangent yesterday ehtking
hands with old friends.
Rev. A. Y. Smith, the promising
young postmaster of Oakville was seen
in xangeni. tie looked like be was
hunting up a job of some kind. We did
not know him since he shaved off his
There will be several so from here to
Five "girls" from the city where feet
are reputed to grow to abnormal propor
tions gave an entertainment at the opera
house last nigtit to a pleased audience.
The Smalley Grand Concert Company is
composed of musical artists. The voices
of the quartet blend like water, from the
clear soprano of Miss Perrine to the deep
alto or bass of Miss Sprague. The dif
ferent choruses and solos were warmly
encored, bringing out some charming re
sponses, encores often proving the gems
of a program. The quartets ate rather
Deiter man tne solos, roe audience un
doubtedly voted M;ss Sprague the starof
me occasion, ttiougn, from a professional
standpoint Miss Perrine holds the honor.
Miss Maud Carutbera, the reader, is a
great attraction. She has a style of her
own. Her display of expressing is won
derful. Besides several recitations she
presented a pantomime of the five senses,
something new here, that exhibited her
powers of action, expression and self
control in a charmicg manner. May
these five Chicago girls return to Albany
some time.
passed judgment upon the arriving con
W V :&5 iKr u' Lebanon to attend the Epworth League
abouts.Rev. Poiing.pastor of the church, KiK "li .
d th front dnnr with hill head full 7"" """" " u .
entered the front door with his bead full
of his morning sermon, and was aston
ished to see his pi'lpi'. occupied by so
distinguished a gentlemau. He appre
ciated the situation at once and alter a
few whispered words accompanied the
reverend gentleman tthe door, who
started in the right direction, feeling
somewhat humiliated over hia n intake.
A very good Sunday joke, though.
Weekly Crop Bulletin.
PoElTUasd. Or., April 19, 1S97.
The marked change in the weather
from that which pieceded the current
week has had a most beneficial effect up
on vegetation, and the warmth being
followed by the rain of last night and of
today, has been most opportune. The
lowlands were in good condition to work
daring the latter days of the week, while
the higher land was too dry Plowing
and seeding were prosecuted with the ut
most vigor, every horse and man avail
able were used, working from fourteen to
sixteen hours a Cay, to get in the normal
mal acreage of grain, and many almost
succeeded - Plowing and seeding will
continne. The weather was favorable to
fall-sown grain, it made good growth
during the week. Grain sown since Jan
uary 1st ia doing nicely, and the current
rain will start the grain sown during the
past week. Grass ha good growth and
stork is fattening' up. Gardening-mak-
in? has heen very active.
The tone of all' correspondents has im
proved, and the reports all agree as to
the excellent prospects for grain, grass,
and fruit. Lambing is abcut over, and a
large percentage of tue la in re has been
saved ; the increase has been great.
The weather conditions today are fa
vorable tor showers aud fair weather at
intervals, but hot weather is not again
probable for some time. Frosts are not
In Eastern Oregon thepioepecta for all
prodicts were never better.
B. S. Paoce.
Crook County.
B. F. A'len and family returned from
Portland Uet Friday. They spent the
winter at Oregon' metropolis, but are
glad to be enrolled as residents of Prine
ville Married: At the residence of the
bride's rarejts.on Mill creek, on the 6th
inst., Mr. J. E. Calavan and Miss Aver
B. Spear, Elder C. P. Bailey officiating.
Harry Hackleaian, who went with L.
F. Castle to Holiister, California, with
horses, returned last Saturday and went
on up the next day to Price. Mr. Castle
had not disposed of any of hia horses.
W. R. Booth, of Sisters, was in our
c.tythis week. From him we learn that
the snow is only ten.or twelve feet deep
in the mountains, and that the road a ill
be put in good condition as soon as pos
sible. Review.
Mrs. T. H. Hopkins anl Miss Maud
'Crosby are visiting in Portland.
Bishop Breyfogel of the Evangelical
church will pay hia first visit to Albany
on April 28 when he will preach at 8
j. m. '
Mr. J. O. Bushnell, who was operated
upon for "appendicitis last Saturday
- morning, is doing well gaining very rap
idly. ...... .
Easter services yesterday at the Ma
sonic temple were conducted by State
Snoerintendent Irwin. The floral deco
rations were very tastv.
Mr A. Tanzler, an o'd business man of
. Jefferson, has bought the grocery stock of
Kroschel Bros, in the Baltimore ulcck, and
will ran a first class grocery s'ore at that
H. W. Scott, of Portland, a brother of
Abigail Scott Doaniway has gone east on
- 41 trip. Bupyvrrcu uo -i" . iDi. ft Mir
ington before lie returns.
Miss Edna Price, of this city, who
eradoated last Jane, from the normal
department of Willamette university,
received from State Superintendent G.
M. Irwin on Friday a state diploma hav
ing very creditably passed the required
examination. baiem journal.
Mr. William Cowan, employed on the
clerical staff of the custom-house, in this
district, is seriously ui at nis residence,
.394 Alder rtreet. He is suffering from
Bright a disease, and his condition 1
-.anch as to cause grave apprehension as
-to bis recovery Oregonian.
!Mr. Clarence Dubruille and Miss Ket
tle Nickerson were united in marriage on
Sunday at 4:30 p. m., in the Catholic
chnrch,in this city, by Rev. Louis Metay
Rather Lively. This noon while the
Imprint force was at dinner, Mr. J. A.
Finch, who recently disposed of the
plant to Hon. J. S. Smith, took posession
of the office and locked the doors, so
that the hands could not enter upon
going to the office at 1 o'clock. Mr.
Smith proceeded to break into the office
and soon was in full charge. There
seems to be a dispute as to the lease of
the office from the owner of the b'ock,
Mr. Finch claiming a two years leaee
y.t, while Mr. Smith also says be Las a
lease of the office in bis posession, be
sides an incompletion cf ti e contract of
sale The Democrat mentions the af
fair as a matter of news, merely, sub
ject to correction.
few da s.
A large assembly of relatives and
friends gathered at the residence of
Grandma Werti in Tangent yesterday.
It bein her 8let birthday, grand time
was had. There were 43 present and
one of the finest dinners ever one sat
down to was served. Grandma does all
her own housework. She made a fruit
cake which was delicious, and she is at
genial as moat of young people. We
nope that she may live to see many more
such birthdays She is highly respect
ed by all. May she live a long life is the
wish of the citizens of Tangent and
Young America.
Grandpa Reaser preached a very able
sermon oa Easter sabbath in the M. E.
church south, to a large audience.
- While in Albany on Satnrda' we ran
across our old friend and neighbor Hon.
8cott Ward ot near Ptainview. He says
that since A Rock Hiller has left and
gone that there is no news in the paper
tram that part of the country bat saya
Tangent and Oakville are qui e lively in
that respect. We see since Little Rose
Bod and Young America have been giv
ing one another digs in the paper that
two correspondents have bobbed np, Be
linda Jane and S. A. L , of Sodarlle. America.
On the Divide.
April 19, 1S97.
The Easter services held yesterday at
the school boiee in connection with the
Sabbath School was well attended, the
house being filled to overflowing with
visitors. Tne committee on decorations
bad beautifully decorated the house
with evergreen and white flower. Some
excellent mnsic by the choir and songs
by the children were greatly appreciated
by all, as also were the recitations by
the S. S. scholars.
lhe many friends of Mr. Pbiipott are
vary glad to learn that he, accompanied
by bis bri te has decided to per
manently reside here in the future. He
has been greatly missed while making
his many trips "up east.
Mac Sommervilie spent Sunday with
his mothtr.
Mrs. Anspiger of Harriabnrg, accom
panied by her daughter Miaa Lizzie,
have been visiting at the old borne.
Mack Ray born, student of the State
Kormal at Monmouth, came np yester
day, completely surprising hia parents
as they were not expecting him so soon.
He is row a graduate from the aforesaid
Harve Sommerviile left Saturday for
Yamhill countv to gather np and drive
home the 1 rge band of cattle he baa re
cently bought, branding and com
pleting all arrangementa he will move
them tu his stock ranch in Eastern Or
egon. Mrs. Davenport spent Saturday with
her dtughter Mrs Springate who is slo r
ly growing weaker. Tbey no loneer en
tertain any hope of ber recovery.
All farmers made good ne ot the pret
ty weather last week and got to quite a
lot of grain, though some had to stop
sowing and wait tor rain, which has al
ready come, to their great joy. s S
Dxcidedlv Cheeky. Several men hav
ing the cheek to call themselves railroad
commissioners passed through Albany
last night on the overland for the Cali
fornia line, for the inrpoee ot inspecting
tne ooutnern racinc norm ward. Xhev
are wasting time and are displaying gall
not ofteu witnessed. Theie being no R
R Com., the act is somewhat arbitrary.
All bybs are on Rowland, hence the
big mining ad on our fourth page will be
of general interest. It is the mining
center of great possibilities.
Money back if
you don't like
Schillings Best.
Tea and money
at your grocers.
A Schilling & Co
San Francisco
Lttsr List.
. Following is the list of letter remaiuing
in the PootofGce at Alltany, linn county,
Oregon, April 20, 1897. Persons calling
for these letters must give the date on wbicn
they were advertised.
Andrews, Mr. Car'ton, Aasel 5
McKillop, Wm Morris, F L
Price, F S Tisdale, W J
T. J.Stttw. PM
To B Tried bv Jcbt. "The by
Jury" an operetta, to be given on April
23, promises to be a local entertainment
of much interest. The following is the
cast of characters :
Plaintiff, Miss Marguerite Alderson.
Defendant, A. L. Akers.
Judge, A. W. Lunaell.
Counsel, J. Clem Irvine.
Bailiff. Dr. Z. M. Parvin.
Foreman of jury. O. O Awbrey .
Barrister, Prof. Cat lion Sox.
A Jescnos Ctwositt. Oar friend F.
W. A. Crain picked up an opal on the
railroad track some time ago and its pe
culiar markings attracted hia attention.
He sent it to San Francisco and bad it
dressed and mounted on a ring and as a
curio it will certainly rank among the
rare and valuable, Toe marking show
plainly the profile of a lady's head with
flowing bair, the noee, chin and eyes
showing very distinctly. From a curio
stannpoint it will equal s diamond in
value as there is not another like it in the
world. Time.
Going To Mexico. J. C. GooJale ot
theCobnrg Lumber Co. left on the after
noon train for Roeebnrg. From that city
he will take passage on the overland
train on a trip to Gaymaa. Mexico, on
busineri connected with bit mill.
Gnymas is located on the western coast
of Mexico a few hundred miles below
he California line and Mr. Goolale
has secured a contract with a railroad
corporation of that city for 3,000,000 feet
of bridge and other lumber. Guard
Mr. John Coins of Corvallis, is in the
city to see Lis brother married tonight.
3. O. Green, of Crawfordsvitle, was
naturalized today and is sow a subject ot
Uncle Samuel.
Miss Jennie Clayton is recovering from
injuries received from a recent collision
with a bicycle.
Wm. McKinley was in the city today,
not the president of the U. S., but a
quiet resident of Brownsville
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hulburt returned
from San Fiancisco eeveral day ago,
and are ill at her father's near this city.
Rev. . F. Berry, editor of the
Epworth Herald, of Chicago, spoke in
Eugene Monday night and to Salem last
Miss Barbara Vandren came over
from Albany Saturday to apend a few
davj with frienda in this city. Corvallis
Albert A. Hafleoger, of Portland, and
Mrs. Ella Runer, proprietor of the f
mous Foley Springs, were married in
Eugene last night.
B. M. Donaca, of Lebanon, received a
paralytic stroke yesterday, one sJe
being affected in a serioos manner. Hia
condition ia considered critical.
Mr. Mack Merrick, one of Albant's sa
loon kceperi in tht early ('ays, arrive. I
in the city this week from Washington,
after an absence of many years.
A B Hammond and wjfe arrived tn
Portland yesterday from the East, on
their way to Astoria. Big thing ar
looked for down at the month of the
Mr. Archi Coins and Miss Era
Hayea, two of Albany's well known
yonng people, will be married tonight at
the residence of the groom's parents in
the 3rd ward.
Mrs- H. C Watson, and Mother Mor
gan, sister. Miss Lizzie, and children,
left on the overland this morning, for
Capleville, Tern , where Mrs. Watson
and children will visit with ber mother
and sister for about three months.
Dick Kiger. Edwin Stone and Al John
son, who went to the bay country Sat
urday on a fishing trip returned home
ooday with 138 tront, some of them H
or SO inches long. The trio fished at
Elk City and were delighted with tbei
catch. Corral i la Time.
Mrs. A. B. Hughe, sister of Mrs. Tiro
gil Parker, and so Allen, of Astoria, are
in the city on their way to the Bay. Mrs.
Haghea reports a very light run ot fish,
and general d if satisfaction on ac
count of the employment of chinamen in
the canneries instead of white men.
The 90th anniversary of the birth of
Rev. Jos. Pearl .of Haleev, occurrine laat
Sundav, the 17th, was celebrated at the
home of W. H. Pearl Mr. Peart has
bad twenty children and is at the bead
of five general ioDS.and continues in good
For fruits
Of all kinds,
Go to
F. H. Pfe'ffera.
Dawson sells Liverine.
Liverine 50c at Dawson's.
Apples at C E BrowxellV.
Home talent draws the crowd.
F H Pfeiffer keeps everything in season
A good second band sewing machine for
(6. Ckawpobd Habxisii.
Pictures from 75 cents to 25 per doz.n
at Longs gallery.
All&OO nugget has just been found in
josepnine tounty.
Colored spectacles and eye glaise 25c
at r ranch's jewelry atore.
For a good physic take Liverine, for tale
oy iawon, the "pill autocrat-"
Our printing is the chetrxwt because it
is the best, Smilkt, the Printer.
Our work is the bft. therefore it is the
cbeaoest. Smiley, the Printer.
Crawford tc Harnmh for photogTaths.
Prices from II to l?0 per dozen.
Water white comb hooey from California.
Just in at u E BHowsMx'a
The Ruth leve tor Portland at 7 a m on
Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays.
Two packaim of garden rd for Set,
according to their usual custom at Stewurt
3,000 baa been eubtcribed fr a new
Chrutian church in Eugene. 1 1.000 mot
is wauL-d.
Dr G. W. Mston, pbjtician and tar
geon, Albany Or. Calls answered prompt
ly in city or country.
Kas 117.00. horts 19.00; wheat chops
$25 per ton, seod oata 50 reuu per b-ohcl.
Bet sash at M . Senders.
That German washing fluid, which fca
ororso such a fine thing has rrived at
Parker Bros la a large quantity Call
and try a bottle.
Information that it worth its weight in
go d: Get your meau of all kinds at Hen
ry Sroler't, on Second trwt
If yon owe Conn Hunt on call opon
them and pay op. Wby Ua't that a goxf
etolution for now it the pay cp time.
Try C. Simpoon at Son City Laundry
for 6rt class wore -opp St. Cha hotel.
For choice nwM of all kind, aad
prompt attention cau nr-a Wm Eosenck
soi, two docr we4 of Keecht at MUer.
Dr H. E. aad O. K. BeenoaWa . r
residence in t be post office building
ial attention given to disease of woroa !
An injunction has a!ralr been terrad
restraining the 'MiilJiotf of a new couit
bouse to l om coantr. far which tha eon-
tract ha just been let.
J. toreros has moved to iarf jt td
Schmeer'a stab!. 2d 1 street, where be will
,ZP ii 84 I"" true that Mr. James Cornwall and the
try. Cll On hltn. j .l.- xirtmm mm, married, tmttiiat
If the hair has be male to no 1 1 1 trooirst docs tons ore taken from
natural chor on baid bead in thouA.dt of . the old llanoert hole ia incorrect. The
cr. by umg Uall a Hair Renewer, wby I ore spokeo ot was taken from a regular
Played Bali- Saturday afternoon the
College club defeated the Boys club 12 to
11 in eeven innings- atte- a live game.
witnessed by a goo sized audience.
Goins threw for tha winning side and
Layton for the Boys club. Having won
a game apiece another contest will be
necessary to decide the superiority of the
Experienced Tailoe. In another col
umn yon will notice the new firm oi 8.
A. Schiffler & Co. Mr. Scbiffler hs for
the past 8 years been the cutter and man
ager ot the tailoring department ot the Li.
h,. Ulain ijiotning uo. tie has gained a
reputation of turning out work not ex
celled in the finest shops of larger cities,
and as cutter he ranks among the first on
the coast. .
That Diamond Risa stolen in Portland
from William Emerick ot this city, was
traced by a detective to a saloon where
it wars pawnod by Ed Kendall. Kendall
has skipped out, and cannot now be
found. This will exonerate Frank Camp
er, in we prcotjuwj ui uuu iwrmj-uve oeu irom tne ring stealing ior wnicn uo
relatives ana invitea guests, ine onae has been held. It also leturnsto tni-
looked lovely in a suit oi tan and yellow,
and earned a bouquet oi orange blossoms.
The bride not being a member of the
church the ceremony was not performed
in front of the alter. Mr. Leo Cohen
acted as best man and Miss Denney as
best lady. After congratulations bad fol-1
lowed the bappy couple and the immed- j
iate families of the couple repaired to1
Mrs. Dubraille's, where s delicious wed
dial repast was served. The groom is a
popular clerk in the store of Mi. P.
Cohen ; the bride is a daughter of the
late Mr. Hugh Kickerson and has been a
life long resident of Linn connty. The
bappy couple have many friends who
will unite in wishing them happiness
and prosperity.
erick bU property.
A. Tanzler, wbo bought the remainder
of the stock of poods of Kroschel Bros.,
last evening; took then; to Jefferson, where
he will sell them. Kroschel Bros. nave.
gone to Mew Ulm, Minn.
The Independence-Monmouth motor is to
"be ran to Dallas over the S P track.
Wheat has gone np 4 cento in the East;
but the conditions here do not permit of a
material change yet. The local quotation
is C4 or 65 cents.
The awning in front of Graham & Coon's
tailor shop took a tumble daring last night,
swinging into the window in the adjoining
-vacant office room.
Bishop Dubs, of the United Evangelical
cburch will be in Brownsville April 27.
Sweet Home, April 28, Waterloo and
Sodaville April 29. He is not down for
a visit to Albany.
The following sheriff's sa'es were made at
Salem on Saturday . In the case of 8. P.
Munkers vs E. O. and Lizz'.e E Byde, lots
in Compton and Brooklyn addition to
Salem were bid in for 1916 93 by the
plaintiff In the case of Jacob Bezemer vs'
J. A. Van Eaton et al 10? acres were bid
in by plaintiff at 12,183 81.
"Cures talk" in favor
ot Hood's SarsapariUa,
aa for no other medi
cine. Its great cares recorded In truthful,
convincing language of grateful men and
women, constitute its most effective ad
vertising. Many of these cures are mar
velous. They have won the confidence of
the people; have given Hood's Barsapa
rilla the largest sales in the world, and
have made necessary for Its manufacture
the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's
SarsapariUa is known by the cures it baa
made cures of scrofula, salt rheum and
eczema, cures ot rheumatism, neuralgia (
and weak nerves, cures oi dyspepsia, liver
troubles, catarrh cures which prove
xhe following cases are before the Su
preme Court. The Journal gives the
II Bro lers, appellant, vs J O Bobanon,
O G Burkbart and Albany Farmers
Company, respondents, appeal from
Linn county; argued and submitted.
This is suit instituted In thecircuit court
of the state of Oregon for Linn county ,in
department No, 2, to foreclose a chattel
mortgage. John Bomers, attorney for
respondent; Jas K. Weatherford at
torney lor appellent.
J F Wyatt, plaintiff and respondent,
vs George Henderson and J W Stncbell,
defendants and appellants, appeal from
i.inn county, argued ana sunmiuea.
This is an action to recover the possess
ion of personal property, plaintiff's com
plaint alleging substantially as follows:
That plaintiff is and baa been since the
11th day of September 1894, the owner
of 5,000 but hels ot brown oats, stored in
the warehouse of the Harrriaburg ware
house company. Plaintiffs claim that
defendants since the 11th day of Sep j
tern ber 1894 have been in the possession
of said oats, and now wrongfully and
unlawfully withhold and retained the
possession of same to plaintiff. That
on Cie 8th day of October, 1894, plaintiff
demanded possession of said oata, and
detendaota refused to deliver the same
to plaintiff. That said oata were placed
with defendant and stored in the ware
house of the Harrisburg warehouse (omp
any. That the value of the oata is $1,250.
John Somers and Jamea K Weatbeford,
Attorneys for respondents ; W R Bilyeu
and Geo U Williams attorney tor appellants.
Gates, Ob., April 20, 1897.
Editob De mock at:
Had a splendid April shower yeHerda y
u was very mocn needed tor the gardens.
Little Allie Gleaaon wbo was lying at
the point of death several days laat week,
has recovered sufficiently to be ont Sat
urday. Mrs. Joseph Craik, of the Pioneer
House, left yesterday for Mill C.ty to
viit hereout in Mrs. B. butiey.
Some one bad the sneaking meanness
to cut the cable of the boat aero the
river during the recent high water, snd
the people on the other aide are com
palled to go by Minto a distance of three
milea to reach the postoffice and atore.
Such a person should be prosecuted to the
fullest extent oi tne lit,
Mrs. Kate Mannan and daughter
jiamie viatica uetro.l aatnrday.
Mr. T. Z Drais went to Albany yea-
teroay to accept a position on the O. C.
A E. bridges. His many friends are
pieaaeu to near oi his success bnt are
afraid he tll not be able to work owing
to a rheumatic affection of the left arm,
which has been troubling him tor some
time. Mrs Drais will remain in tia'ee
ior the sommer.
We noticed Mr. Al Bills, of Niagara
on our st reft Friday.
Mrs. E. D Q linn visited friends in
Mill Oty Ust week.
There will be six members initiated ia
the W. O. W. lodge at its text tneetiog.
Tb Woodmen are taking the lead ia
Gates. There ahoald be circle insu
lated fur the ladiea. Rax.
SoJavMeGoM and Tin.
Sodatillx, Or , April 20, 1897.
Eorroa Dsmocwat.
I wuh to correct a statement in your
iswne of the ISth under the beading of
Trot L!y nothing tn IL ow, it is
Found Paine's Celery Compound
the Best of Remedies
For the Nervous Exhaustion Con
sequent Upon Her Arduous Work
The Remarkable Artiste Who
Stands Pre-Eminently at the Head
of Her Profession.
The news (if MorM.ka' rarovarv iVnm
the recent severe ai kne a that eoiptMilad
ber to leave the tae will be a aoaree ofl
eongratulatmq to (tie whole wor d.
Modje-ka. la a Mtr to Wells. R chard
son A C opiny. say ah has. foaad
(wnal thousand - of neonle in avarv ml ,
Uon of lire have ao of Leo heartily testified)
' Th-re Is the danger that in tbeit ager
aee te t k a spring remedy a tbonght
oeraon may carry borne som bogus
o.neootion prepared with only anch a
smattering of medical knowledge as can
oe picked no be hind s eonntar.
Paiaa ee ary compound ia prepared ia
xtf aeeordaoae with tbs preacrlptiua
brilliant Presbyterian leader ef Nsw
York city;
Klistbetb Cad v Kanton;
feeretary Carlisle's private secretary;
SUie Treasurer Addison B Colvio of
New York;
John Graham the foremost man in
America', athletics.
The wife of Rev Charlee H Parkhnnc
'.b" famon preachar anrl mrnnxr vrv
or Monareof Montr a', M j r General
Blrnev. Judge Pow r of Vermont, and
a bt ore of prominent men and wo
men. Including so leea than nve U 8
eoniirosMmen, are among the thonaadoa
of sratefoi people who have reo ntlv ant
to tt proprietors of tni woodorfal rem
edj their expression of its ooequaUed
jaino ones and women wbo eao ar
fjra, an I do comoKod tha . ibet modi
cl acvtje m tbs o nntry.
And then also from the people in the
ordinary walks of life there tboos
ands ot bonx. straigMforw .r 1 hatrifa t
letters, telling bow Psine's celery com
pound bos madelbem well.
Taiir teetitaonv timnlw vmmtn ihm
what Slew Eogiscd'a nvx vigorous edi
torso sptiy satd in a letter tailing; cf tbs
benefit Psine's celery compound b1
bsen to a msmber of hia fsmils: "Psine's
celery compound la not a patent modi
cine; it i Dots aarsaiariila; it is doc a
mere tonic; it ia not an ordinarr nervine
k a aa far beyond them atlas tne du
moni is superior to cheap g ms."
It makes Doois w-h. It is tha ona
tro specific recognized and prescribed
today bv eminent practitioner f sr dis
an as arising from a debilitated narvoos
system. Prof Pbetpa gave to . 'his prof s
eioae positive core for s'.eepsatneas ,
will it not in your ease?
The imc of iresmine Oliver chilled rlow
sna'e ba been reduced to 50 rest. Be
sure the njune Oliver is on every share
For tale only by Uopkint Bros.
BaldtKW is of it a rrecreld or :rtm-
panieu oy grsyoe or lle otr. lo pr- i
Tent twtn Milne so J nrvr, osi UsM
usir beoewer, an honest remedy .
Keep gate until
fiseare lead totatt toc r miles distant from
the UaopcTt place and was taken oat bv
&. W. Mabon. Professor Jaaxs Cornwall
and the sriter of this article and tested
by Prof. Cornwall, wbo is aaayer and
mineralogist. The ore produced a nice
showing of gold and what are supposed to
be silver bnt Prof. Cornwall proniurved
it tin. bicb serins quite plentiful. We
don't wish to get np aav false excile-
WBir until von learh the shoo of
toe Albany Drwd Bf Company, wbe arm ot our .-jtrmsul let them call opn
von ul Bod a hoe line of nwwi of an j sn.i.nii. . ,k
kind. Thii conusor krrr tie l-t nl . .
yon will be rr if yon don t call on bem. .a,i ia (, himself, aa we can show
Coosidt-r Vour wars, tbiok before von I both the cold and tin and tbs kind of ore
aft, and thro g to jJaigbt Bros . where it eame out cf and can also show the vein
yoo wui tsn-1 a choice : cf sseaia of ail i or lead the ore came from.
kinds to ord r from. 1 on are bound to be W. W. PakJuaa.
pkased it yon order of them.
Anyone wislinir some mod urine rocom-
ber pickles can secare thm by dropping- a
poai card to K ii Hurfhwn, Albany Or
Also eartv cabbase plan Is and choice nrden
seed, at reasooabSe prue.
Mrs. H.vF. Mcllwain returned las
night from Pol t land.
Mrs. E. H, Dunham and daughter
went to Portland on the boat this morn-ing.
License was issued today for the mar
riage of J. C.Keller and Ulie En berg,
oi LDanon.
Rev. Poling went to Independence to
day to preach a funeral sermon five miles
from the city.
w . v . irawroro, tne Aermotor man
went to Portland this morning to lay in
astocx oi windmills.
Airs, case oi fort land, baj been a
guest at the Bisters Academy, where her
aaugnter attends school.
r atner Lne. oi rwoseoure. the vounir-
est Catholic priest iu Oregon, was in Al
bany today on a visit with rather Me
Senator McBride receives 75 to 100 let
tare a day from Oregon office seekers and
their friends. Wbo would be a U. 8.
Mr. Herbert H. Ames arrived in Al
bany Sunday from Missouri. He will
leave tomorrow morning tor the Santiam
mines, where be will have charge of the
Albany mines for the Portland syndicate,
whicn recently bonded the property.
A. M. Cannon, of Albany, who so
creditably filled the role of Appius Claud
ius in the traged, "Virginius" recently
produced in Balem, under the auspices
of the local Knights of Pythians, passed
through Salem this morning on the El
more enroute to Portland. Journal.
Induiry made last eveniog developed
the fact that tomorrow or Thursday
will witness the departure hence of A.
Bush, Miss Paliie Bush and Governor
and Mrs William P. Lord tor the east.
Mr. and Miss Bush go for pleasure and
rest and their itinerary will embrace
New York, Washington, Boston and
some favored spots in old New Hamp
shire and Eastern Canada and will oc
cupy the better part of to months, Mr.
Bush desiring to leave the east be
fore the intense beat sets in there. The
governor goes in a semi-official capacity,
being Oregon's representative at the ded
ication ceremonies at General Grant's
tomb and as the guest of the committee
in charge of that great national function.
Thx Kw Iraiao'XTtox. The ladiea of
Eogene Grove of the Pacific Circle
Voodmen of oodcralt held a meeting
in I O O F ball vest irday afternoon
to complete some special arrangementa
for entering tbe new jurisdiction. Tne
Eugene Grove baa entered tbe new juris
diction and is now known as Grove No
16. instead of No 4. Twenty out of tbe
thirtv groves in Oregon have entered tbe
new jurisdiction, wlucn is anoan as tne
Pscific Circle Woodmen of Woodcraft.
Oregon is well favored In the new juris- j
UICUOH, as mis aiawe iiwub m uimjuwnj vi
the grand otbeers. airs V an Uradai oi
Pendleton is grand guardian, Mrs Helen
Sou.hwick of Salem, ia adviser, Mrs
Hawkins of Albany, and Mrs r a loon of
The Dalles, are membeia of tbe board of
managers, and Dr vt Ktiykendall oi
tbisci'yis grand physician. MissSanlU
man ot Denver, Colorado, ia bead clerk.
Eugene Guard.
Xw PosTMASTXaa is Oaxooa. The
fouith class postmasters appointed yes
terday were: G. w. Carter.Canyonvine,
vice '1 nomas Wilson, removed: August
Delmerint. Davton. vice R L. Harris,
removed ; A. J. Florey, Eagle Point, vice
S. B. Holmes, resinned; 11. K. Sherrill,
Harrisburg, vice J. D. Bennett,resigned.
has been
Is the best-In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
.. cure liver Ills; easy to
HQOd's PllIS Uke. easy to operate. 280.
The Cottage Grove Leader
purchaMsd by Frank Wooly.
II. B. Miller is said to lie a candidate
for a Uermau consulate. This is dodbtful
but pctsible.
H Snook, of Salem, has leen awarded
tne conuact ot building tin Coos county
court house for $11,625. Tbs highest bid
was 4iu,uuv.
Tbe weather
today bss been cloudy.
a stm breeze nravaiii.
irom tne west ana enough chill to suggest
uia iim vi uin
Under the Weather.
' That in the common Spring
complaint. Tou feel "logy,"
dulL Your appetite is poor.
Nothing tastes good. You
don't sleep welL Work drags.
You cross every bridge before
you come to it. There's lots of
people have felt like you until
they toned up the system by
taking the great spring remody
Ayer's SarsapariUa
It's been curing suoh oases for
60 years. Try it yourself.
A Big Goose Story.
Albany men who are trtinir in vain to
kill a goose should learn a lesson from
the following told by the Corvallis
Here is a goose killing etorv that is
both authentic and prixe-w inning: Mil
lard Hayes and Jeff Guinn are both em
ployed on the Mathloma and the East
river bar, about three miiee above this
city, has been tbe scene of their labor
for the past week or to. Saturdav af
ternoon about ffve o'clock. Mr. Mayes
and Mr. Guinn took their shotguns and
went np the river a short distance where
they shot a goose that was flying over
They took tbe fowl and placed it in the
water at tbe rivers edge as a decoy. Ere
long a flock of over 200 geese canve sail
ing through the air. circled around, and
finallv settled in tbe river a short dis
tance above the decov. Then they swam
leisurely toward tbe dead goose. When
tbey were in the proper position, the
sportsmen fired at them, and then gave
them a couple of more shot as they rose.
Then followed the wildest sort of a scene.
A couple of boat were put off from the
Mathloma to pick no the eeese. Oeese
sere kicking around in all imaginable
positions and tbe boatmen cut their
heads off with the oars. When a count
was taken it was found that the gent!
men bad killed fourteen geese. This
beats anything heard of so far this sea
son, and it need c-niv be added that
maoy of Mr. Haves' and Mr. Guinn's
friends had goose for Etster dinner.
Not Iksam A Sa.'em Dispatch says
that Emma J. Hannah, the I.inn county
murderess, wbo whs transferred irom the
penitentiary to the Insane asylum March
20 does- not imnreea the asylum au
thorities as betas' very insane. In
fact. Superintendent Paine says she has
so tar exhibited no evidences of insanity,
It fa not clsimed that she is not ment
ally unbalanced. The HannaU woman
has been placed In a ward, where she
care lull v watched, and if ber present
mental condition is maintained, will be
returned to the penitentiary.
A DisTisorisHtDNEPHEw.-Dr. Thorn d
son has a nephew by the name of John
G. Saxton who is becoming a diBtin
guished artivt. He is now in France
and has lust completed a painline in oil
which bas been accepted at the Salon Id
Paris. It is a compliment indeed to th
talent of tbe young artist that this
painting; nas been accepted as it is one
of 1,600 selected from 7,000 to be placed
in this great gallery of art. It is proper
to add that this is tbe second study that
merited the acceptance oi this celebrated
European Court. limes.
A Lyon's Fioht Crowinir out of the
recent trial of K. Kerry, ot Ly ins, for
disturbing a reugiouH meeting (funeral)
a live buhl too it place two or three davs
ago between Berry and Dick Landes, in
a inch some blood was spilt, a warrant
was issued out of the local courts at Lv
one. but the defendant slinned awav and
coming to Albany paid hia tine. Lyons
is getting some of its old time reputation
A r ts MuniM- The animatiscope,
as exhibited at the opera boose last
niibt. ia all right, in contrast to tbe
slipshod affair exhibited in Albany sev
eral weess o. Tbe exhibition was
splendid one of Edison's famous machine
and tbe ao.Heo.-e were given a treat
The life like scenes produced were
Fishing from a bridge, tn which a friend
lets tbe fisherman into lhe water with a
plash ; leedins: tne uoves; aa entrancing
kiasinir exhibition; a hurdle lace, true
a life; a blacksmith scene; tbe passing
of the lightning express; the darkey
baby's morning bath and an election day
scene in a big city. The action in the
pictures is vet too slow ; bnt it otherwise
is an actual reproduction of life. Tbe
proprietor bas bis order in for tbe Fits-
simmons-Corbett fight.
that Psine's eatery coo. poo od Is the vsry-rf pf .1 mrx L Phelps, M D IX D, of
be of all iw-osdim for nervous exhaoa Inaximoala coil era- If matlvw ssSaecs
Ii". Ibsve basn elosslv sratefeed trr the a blast
Joseph Haar-mn rishliy call Modjak phirian ot svsry school, snd lhy srw
-ih pw-na-anosea of artist." ,Mfttrl that it stsod alo-M a U
Modaka bath Is a matter of srorld rejube rsened for boil ling up a per
wide Interest, aad ber tocri-wonia: lo Unw-, haa!ih la tbe spring.
vHoaortbe great reonmiy which makes! Tne most ovw-wbeSraiDg testimony to
psopewsl' ta cl particular iw-roaot inM ,,ln of Pio'a ee!-v otnpoand
(he sarly spring;. wti from svsry qur khst bas raewoUy appaared from men and
ebt:dra wbo ar takin- Palnes eatery
eompoaad. asxt are yainlog ta ssrvoos
vijrT, wsicbt and evry
or netur be tn.
Tbe thoughtful portion of tbe eon snna !
Ity knows t wi oad of parif ynwt U b-ood
vonws ef national rfpatarjon:
Hon Go B Mwift mayor of Chicago.
Ffaaeia If ane. Ilia foMmna nostra
otaer lndkUoa( b-mpsrwocs la the world;
Mr. Usttbsw S Qny. wife cf tbe rrsat
rwoablinssi suns tor from Peaavvrruifa;
Kx President Caik at tha Naji nal
sLd reca latin g tbe oerruaa sad alimea I Teachers Association.
larr system, as spring cornea oa. I Rev ChareaL. Thorn paon. D U. the
wasting strength, dyspepsia, bniioasneas.
Irver complaint, nsaralrm. rosaatsiaa ,
ail aarvoas distsweis and kidney treablca.
Far all smb. eocnDisinxs Paiae's eaterr
aampoaad has aocesedoi agsr" and again
wrrma everytniag aiae baa railed.
Wben Modjeska ia a leoer jpablvbed
ia Boston said: -I have found Paine's et
err eompoaad the very best ot remedies
for the oerrooa exbaoarJoa esosrqooat
a pen the ar-taoae work of my profes
stoa. she voiced the expsneaoe of awery
Ur4 oat. ran down, sx as as ted wxaaa
wbo ever wwot to ths fcieateat cf all rem
dios for reiirf.
No one ever yet faile-i to fled strength
aad besith rstaming who fsithtnUy used
aatore's trae re as-ly Paiae's eeiery
St vr to Astobia. Engene No. 3, eight
new box cars and two Hats, on tbe O. O.
St 2. yesterday were taken by way of tbe
eoutnern i acinc to uooie ior nse on uis
Astoria fc Columbia Kiver K. R. as soon
as needed. Work ia being pushed rapid
ly forward.
Our new line of underskirts have arrived.
Ther are In silk, mureeo. alapaca rattle
taffeta, sateen anl gingham, the best skirts
ever shown for Utth mooty. At the Ladies
Bead for the "Cnnbook." too pages (re
J. C Ayer Co., JercU, alasa.
Just received all the latest in sailor hats,
high, low and medium crown. Call and
rice tbem.
1st UDttS DiUtt.
Your Groceries and Baked Goods
Is at Parker Bros Everybody kcowi
where their place is. Thev keen a fresh
stock of eroceries. produce and baked
goods, ef all kinds, sell at reasonable
prices and treat their customers well, au
Yon mav rearret some step von take
in lifo tnt none taken into tbe store of
Parker Broe.
It is a gret thins; to be well fed. Par
ker Bros keep good groceries.
A loaf of bread is not much but yon
want it well made. Try Parker Bros.
The Blain Clothing Co.
has bought the stock of goods recently
bid in at assignee's sale by Mr. Vance
and for a limited time, at least, their
large lines of
Furnishing goods and
Boots and Shoes
will be offered at a decided reduction
in price.
Just the Thipg.
Qreen peas
Mew potatoes
F. H. Ffeiffers,
and everything else in season .
Ftlr Prices On tbis basis we solicit
your prescription. We use but one grade
of Koods, the best. In accuracy our work
will please tbe most critical. Uur prioes
will compare favorably with any.
Bcbkiiabt & Lee.
A lot at a bamin price. See tbe dis
play ta tne west sbow-wiaiow.
Glass berry dunes.
Glass waterpitcbers.
Glass celery dishes.
Cake stand, fancy plates, pickle and
olive dishes for 15c each.
Seta ot four pieces, creamer, spooabolder.
rogar bowl and better dish for 25c for set.
Some handsome jardidier at reasonable
S.E. Young & Son.
Albany Trading GO.
Grocery Department
8 bars Savon soap 25c
3 boxes blueing 25c
4 pks corn starch 25c
3 dozen clothes pins . 5o
Almonds, 1 lb 15c
Best tea, lib 40c
1 gal best vinegar 15c
1 eal best syrup 50c
Axle crease, best 10c
2 cans tomatoes 15c
2 cans corn 15c
2 good brooms 25c
5 lba Arm& Ham
mer Soda 25c
lib Corn Cake to
bacco and pipe 20c
1 gal can tomatoes 25c
3 lbs cartoon crack
ers v 25c
1 gal good peaches 30c
3 cans fine oysters 25
Country Produce Taken
All oar goods are tea) and
first class
B. O. E.
Complete Line
tor an ages and rotn sexes
Wheels to suit any pone or fancy
Do nt Buy o Thkm. Complaint ia
made that a great deal of pedaling: is
done in tbe suburbs by itinerants who
have cheap jobn goods, like spectatles,
soap, crease erasers, etc., for sale. They
should not be patronized. In the first
place borne merchants sell the same
Koods cheaper, and should be patronised.
In the second place they ars law breakers,
having no license. It will be a favor if
tbe Chief of Police is notified as soon as
possible so that the men can be arrested.
By request ol Acting Chief of Police S.
W, Keece.
Sodnvillo Mineral Water. W
have just made arrangements to keep oa
band a irood supply of Sodaville mineral
water throughout the entire summer sea
son. Getting a fresh supply each week,
Give it a trial. Bcrshakt ft Lxs.
Yes, it pays'
To buy your, groceries and produce ot
nmn & Huston. Thev keen the best and
freshest and are all right on prices. They
will help you to prosper in dun times.
Bee their fine line of crockery.
APRIL 17, 1897
Bulletin No. 1.
All the beet brands floor per sack, 99c
The following brands ia stock : Albany
Red Crown, Jefferson, Columbia. Stay
ton, Aamsville, Boston Mills, Pride of
Oregon ail at one price, 93c per sack.
bngara ana Arburkie ana uon conee
have declined. I will name the follow
ing prices (abject to market changes :
100 lbs granulate 1 sugar oo
100 lbs extra O sugar 6 X)
18 lbs granulated sncar 1 00
30 lbs extra C sugar 1 00
7 lba Ar buckle coffee 1 w
7 lbs Lion coffee 1 00
When you want a sack of floor try the
Anmsville ; take ft on say say-so, and if
yoo are not satisfied it ia the beet floor
in Oregon I will cheerfully refund your
money. The Anmsville floor is fancy
patent fall roller and ia made of the beet
wheat to be obtained in Oregon. Try it
and yon will have no other.
Have just received mens fine shoes
from f I 25 to M-25 per pair, every pair
guaranteed. Also ladiea and chtlJrena
in ox blood and bUck.
We are not the agents for Kingsforda
starch, bnt do sell too the beet starch
for 5c per paper. Try it.
w mualins and the beat style ot
prints have arrived and will sell
30 yds beet brown muslin fl 00
SO yds new patterns best standard
prints 100
20 vds harvest toweling 1 00
The great Mcllwain Cash Store is tbe
peorkfl friend and their hands are not
tied by combines or trueta. Tbey do not
bave to aak tne noor mills wnat to cnaree
the people fir floor. Mcllwain can sell
yon any brands of floor aad cave von
from the trust and combine pricea, when
voa next want to make a purchase ia
ilrv oods, boots and shoes, groceries or
clothing. Try tbe H. k. Mcllwain fash
Store, for they will save yon money.
Conn try produce bought and sold for
cash. -
Your frienda,
Nntiaa ia hsrsbv sivaa that the soonal
meeting of h Albany Miuing X Milling
Co. will be held at th etBoe of Q W Mas-
ton on April 26th, 1837, o eioo pat
nf sid dav for tbe mirnoae ot electing 7
dirsotorato serve for one year aad tha
kruiaaotioe of sooh othsr baune aa aaay
legally com befora the meeting. By ordsr
ef the board of directors N H Aim
CRBrownxiX Piesident.
A T THE MINES. Boarding, lodging
jt and meals may be secured of the sub
scriber at the Ban tiara mines, at his place
at tha month of Dtj Uulch.
a. VT. Whim.
H. F. McILWAlN'S Cash Store.
For Everything.
In order to reduce our im
mense stock of Crockery and
Glassware, to make room for
new importations now on the
way, we wm give Dig dis
counts on every article xn
our store.
Come and post yourself be-
ore buying. It will pay you.
Exchange '
For Hurt Waists until tou
m our latest arrivals 'cat
wears showing tMs spring.
UHa-dato in stylo, quality
ani woikminsMp.