The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 16, 1897, Image 4

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st. mr
X Don't idle
J. .
i BU 1 Uili vii
Jacobs t Ha
and youH find out how quietly ud tartly it SOOTHES and CURES.
torneys at law Will practice in a
ourts of the state. Special attention giv
en to matters in probate and to collections.
OFFICE In the Flinn block.
Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery.
Collections wade or all points. Jf
negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany
- All legal matters will receive prompt at
enton. Office, First Nrtional Bank
ciluing, up stairs. .
Attorneys at La.
Albany, Oregon.
j-tt.J. 1 Hill,
hvolclM and oanreon. OFrtCB Cocas
rry street Albany .Oregon.
Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem
ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with
palvanic electricity. Office on Ferry fct,
near Sd street.
... L?xnis
lee President ..
on Ke York 8a Franciaeo.Chlcago and r-tlara
C0LCTIOK8 ADRnn favorable tmes
. - mmon
S S Tome' lassuw
PACooewcc, L. Fuss
. C. S. Fturs.
f J'
Attorney at Law, Albany. r-
1 What You
H Ask FQr 3
fz Is what yon always get here. You
g are rever urged to buy something r3
y "just aa good-" We have every- ZS
thing a good print shop should
y have, hence are pretty sure toS
g have just what you want. Our 13
g advice if you w ant It costs you
fc: Dothinz: aid it isn't forced on r3
"- at fair prices. Vfe do not care to
; be known as "cut rate printers," 5
Sr: but we do want to be known as
mZZ "money's worth" printers. 13
Smiley, thk Prixteb
fc: Phone 9 Albany. r5
Fire Insurance
leOli Barlford, the New YorkUn
enters Aaency cr any one of the reli
able old line companies he represents. Notes
taken and plenty of time given for payment
on farm insurance. All business will b(
promptly attended to.
miooD poison
Primary, Bee
lnjir, .VThiii nflrm&DAntlv tlirfld Ik U ttt
icSSdars. Too can be treated at boms far
uie same price ODOer same Bnarmoiy. u
too oref er to coma here we will contraet
to par railroad lar and botel bills, and DO
Cbarge,1f wefailtocnn. If Too hire taXcn mer-
, iodide potasb.
i and
ailll have aebea end
atchea In mouth, Sore Throat,
PI id plea. Copper Colored Spot, Cleery on
as; put of toe body. Hair
rhrowl fUlB
out, it is tb Syphilitic BLOOD POISOJitojt
we guarantee to core. wBwurayiBHiTOwwr
cate cases and ehallenKe the world lor
vase ve e&cnot core, fi'bts disease baa always
baffled the aklll ot the moat eminent physi
cians. maOOtVOV eapitai Denina onr nseooai
Uonul nnranir. Absolute proof sent aeaiedaa
application. Addreea COO KEMEDY.CO,
bbt fr)iw"Vi Trrnpln. CHICAGO, IIX
CareataaadTraZe MarYs obtained and all Pat-,
ent btiaincM conducted for Moderate Fees, i
rndmodeI,dTawini?orphoto. weaariaeii,
patentable freeof charge. Onr f pa not dae till
patent ieswired. A Pamphlet "How to Ob
tain Patents." with coat of same In tbe U.
amifureign countries sent free. Address.
C. A. SNOW & CO.
Oa. pATrwr Ornce. Washington. D. C.
The t'"t thoroughbred s'allion of the
rthwHft i I make the seas n of 1897 at
r-'clmiwr'ii h aU. Mbany Oregon.
Djrk bay faaled 1888 by imported Dare
li'ui D.mi. 51aripoa bv imported Monar
chist; dam. Heliotrope by imported
Knigiit of St George; dam. Evergreen by
imported Glencoe; dam. Mistletoe by Cher
okee; dam, Hlacaeyed buean by Tiger.
Albert, Alperine, Gay Alford, American,
imported ildd'ey, imported Shark, and
Munster is a porfect tj pe of bis breed, s
riu- bor- himseif, and a sire of race horses.
For further inforuiation enquire at
Joan Schmker"b Stable.
- v
AnTOne tendliur a fiketrh arvt description may
quicklT anCHrtain, free, whether an Invention Is
l.roirilily patentable. Cumiuunicatioiia strlctlr
c-outiilential. Oldust aseucy foreecurinK patents
lu America. We hare a Wanhinaton oflice.
Patents taken tbroagll Kunn A Co. receive
special notice In tbe
BeantifoIlT Illustrated, largest circulation of
tut noieiitltlc Journal, weekly.termn $3.00 a jeari
f l..lsia nioiithn. Hpecfiuen copies and HA&B
iiooa. om I'atemts nout free. Address
MUNN..& CO.,
31 liioiidway. fivw York. :
Dr Adams
CiiHitk Block
Albany, Or
I'Ut KENT OR SALE. Good farm 173
Her"-. 6 mi'ea from
you if you don t wans iw v e are
here to serve you net to dictate.
We aim to give perfect service:
We Print
In the Job Printing line. New
stocks of fine stationary just re
ceived direct from the east. We
guarantee our work. Ask for
eamplee and prices. Don't be
hoodwinked by blow hards.
Yours for printing
City Official Office.
To onr printery will convince any one tnat
we are better equipped to nanaie weir or
fora than anv office in the valley. Why
shouldn't we be? We hare improved ma
chinery, the best power, modern type faces,
borders, fixtures, etc the only line of
printers stationary in the county, and good
workmei. Our work is always executed
oromntlv and at legitimate prices. If you
on't have to trade it out, or take printing
because yon can't get cash, come to see us.
If our services are not satisfactory you get
your money back.
SMILEY, the Printer.
Thone 9, Allany.
I Vio., II Yio., Qar., Cor., Trom
Basi and. Drums
Iepet oixe of qeitf fijsic
-Mode Fur&isbed 1
Concerts, Parties, Receptions
tainments at reasonable rates.
Correspondence solicited resardinr m-
g-agemeta -out of town
Address am vtesinrooc, easiness Man
ager, itevere uouse. Albany, uregon
Always Pay.
Xo question ahont full and proupt pay
ment of losses by fire on incut race placec
with the leading agent cf Albany, M. Sen
ders. 'Tliars tatHeIiisiirBsPeop!e For'
Don't allow yourwlf to be roped into th
various "Local Mutuals" now beinc
pushed on you as being "cheapest in
surance, when you insure yon do not
want to worry about getting your money in
caw of loss. M SENDERS
Insurance. Hay, Grain and Wool.
and none can dispute it. We lead the
wall paper trade. - We were never mere
in the van than now. More designs;
newer, brighter, fresher, and more orig
inal designs ; a greater variety nf de
signs; finer qualities of paper; and lower
prices for inequalities of paper than can
be found at any other establishment;
theee are onr many and solid claims to-
your patronage. When yon see what
we sell for 15 cents a roll and that we
only ask 15 cents for it, yonll be very
much surprised. '
Anyone seTwHns a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention la
probably patentable. Communications strictly
eoufldentUL Oldeet arency fr securing patents
tn America. We ha,e a Washington oOtae.
Patents taken through Munn A Co. reoulTS
special aotlce In tbe
beautifully Illustrated, largest etrcnlatlon of
any scientific loarnai, weesty,irmsshuu year,
a UU iux montbs. Hpeefmen copies and UajlO
Hooa; ok Fatksts sent free. Address
361 Braaawar. Hew Yerk.
D Whites e Ifai
A bead of hair or no pay. Cures al
diseases of the scalp. Address Box 421
for Free Treatise on the Scalp.
Razors Honed and Set and Put in ord
er on Short Notice
Oor Advertising
Burninsr words never did ret tbe world
on fire. It is our rolicy to repress all sen
tationat statements, to deal in facts, not
figures of speech or exaggerations. Every
word we print is weighed, and we vouch
for its exact truthfulness with onr personal
honor, fbeintegrityof our word of mouth
is unquestioned (?) The integrity of our
word of type must be just as substantial.
The object of all oar advertising is to tell
you about our business e'early, plainly,
convincingly as one man talks to Bnotbei.
It costs some money, but done inteUigsntl ,
f it raT' You try it.
J. A. Cummlrjg. J
sw: waac A
i .a
We hope to see Turkey fried alive in
''Consented to
make one tired .
accept," doesn't that
Just at this writing the fiuit prospect
is good.
Please hang Durraat
eople a relaxation .
and give the
There was a'decided free silver ring to
the way people have been voting in the
A prominent capitalist of San Fran
cisco has been arrested for spitting in a
We hardly dare mention the fact that
we are having fine weather for fear it
will bring rain.
Retrenchment or ruin, some one cries,
and ene does need to stop and think.
Not higher taxes, bat retrenchment.
aye, there's the need.
The Cubans have one advantage. They
can't be starved out. There ia enough
ever-bearing wild fruit in the interior to
teed a big army .
Mr. Hill h settled the matter by de
claring that we are too much governed.
The men who have the plums don't
think so; but the masses are beginning
to see the fact.
Hay is 115 a ion. Inat sounds big for
the farmer; but it is for only a few. Most
farmers haven't enough hay on band to
put their horses in good condition for
Daniel S Lamont will be in bis ele
ments aa president of tbe Northern Pa
cific His long training under Cleve
land has peculiarly well qualified him
for the position of a railroad magnate.
The people have spoken in the last
few days in a very live manner in the
east. Were Bryan to rnn for president
now he wonld be elected by a majority
so sweeping as to startle the bills.
People would have better lungs if they
wonld use them in tbe right way. Not
one man in a hundred 611s bis Inngs
completely full and empties them. Try
Everything in the U. S. bas bad to
drop but government salaries and other
expenses. Now honest Injnn, is there
any tense in that. Shouldn't tbe gov
ernment economise as well as the peo
ple. No matter how raised tbe people
pay the taxes.
Tbe uan who has dropped out of eirfht
politically needs only to report a big
prise fight to again become famous. A
great many people envious of Mr. In
galls' notoriety are hitting him under
tbe heart ; but it doesn't seem to affect
him . He bas a different kind of a heart
from Cor belt.
From tbe Greencastle, lad.. Star Press.
Congrers Is doing its level beet to
wreck the train which wit! bring tbe
advance agent of prosperity, and pros
perity itself, to all the people, b plac
ing tbe Dingley bill on the track as an
obstruction nothing good for the peo
ple can come out of Ding'eyism.
Trom the Chicago Chronicle.
The remark of a Philadelphia paper
that the islands have lately bad a mon
opoly of tbe wars, instancing Japan, tbe
Philipines, Cuba, and Crete, reminds us
of tbe part which islands played in the
life of Napoleon. lie was born on Cor
sica, retired to Elba, married an island
born woman, was defeated by England
and died in exile on St. Helena
From the Providence Journal :
Tbe rent ot the bouse which Ambassa
dor Hay will occupy in London will be
just equal to bis salary. That doesn't
mean that Mr Har is an improvident
man, bat it means that the United
States government is a niggardly em
ployer. Ur Hav should live in a cheaper honse,
$17,000 is too high rent for a house.
From an Eabtern Ex.
Tbe fact is announced that Vice Pre
tdent Hobart was a director in the rail
road trust recently knocked out 'y the
United States Supreme Court. This
knock out does not cut much of a figure
however, as the trust will soon discover
a way tt evade tbe law and the decision,
and show up stronger than ever.
In Russia a necess ary formality for the
happiness of a newly married couple is
that their parents should be wet from
bead to foot. In summer they are dock
ed in the nearest river or pond, and in
winter they are ntoally tolled in tbe
snow. At tbe village ofSysertsky in
Upha recently, the wedding' guests be
ing drnnk, ai h customary, poured
buckets of water over the bride's fstlter
with the thermometer at 10s below sero,
whereof he died.
Here is something worth thinking
about: There is a vast amount of United
States capital bein invested in fifty
cent-silver-dollar Mexico. Why is this,
if the free coinage of gold and silver ia
such a cnre to business, to caoital, and
to wage earners? Sorelv there is suffi
cient room for investment and develop
ment in onf own country. The truth ia
that the capital seeking investment in
Mexico would be used in the develop
ment of tbe United States if the fair and
equitable coinags laws in force prior to
1873 were again ii force on onr statute
A druggist in a small Illinois town,
who reads tbe newspapers, was much
strock with tbe ingenuity of a fellow
era'tsman who advertised "thirteen two
cent stamps for a cent and a quarter,"
and then charged his customers a cent
and a quarter of a dollar. Tbe Illinois
druggist decided to resort to tbe same
kind of advertising and placed s placard
in his window . This is tbe way it read :
"Thirteen two-cent stamps for . 1?
cents " Before tbe clerk's error was dis
covered the druggist was threatened
with bodily violence by several would-be
purchasers of postage stamps at bargain
counter prices.
From the E.O.
A bill has been introduced fn tbe New
York legislature proposing to authorize
tbe secretary nf state to issue certificate
to members ef the legislature and cer-
tain state officers, which certificates
were to tike the place of legal tender
money in payment of railroad transpor-
tattoo. The bill actually passed the
senate, and would have passed the hours
bad not Governor Black notified the
authors of tbs bill tbat if it did pass ths ie removed from offien for a gro slan
house he would veto it. It i gratifying ler on their trade. Th milk inspector
to know that some one etands in the
way oi inose wno wouia mane indecent
The Great Men of America.
Among earth's men of greatest fame,
America can claim her share:
And of them all, this list we name,
Will with the noblest well compare.
To Jefferson the task was aiven.
To make a statement clear and bold,
Of human rights conferred by heaven ;
And nature of those rights unfold-
For when be wrote the declaration,
In words immortal, noble, grand,
It freedoms light to every nation,
Ha monument will ever stand.
Then Washington came on the stage,
Ureat statesman, soldier patriot,
An ornament to any age ;
A character without a biot.
Called by his country to coromane1, -
He gave his race sweet liberty
Drove foreign tyrants from the land,
And wrote bis name in victory.
Fair freedoms work so well begun.
When an eventful age bad passed.
Lincoln the final vict'ry won
And made onr country free at last.
Bold champion of freedom's right,
Posterity his name will trace.
In letters of immortal light;
As savior of an injured race.
We may discern a worthy plan.
In providence so wise and kind :
For when God's purpose needs a man
The proper one he's sure to rind.
Of tbeee each had a work to do;
And each has done bis work so well,
That, when their lives pass in review.
We find each in nts spnere excel.
As first among onr worthies then,
When liberty the world has won,
Tbeee names will stand as kings ol men,
Jenerson, Lincoln, Washington.
J. H. Cobswall.
Sodaville, Or.
British Pharisaism.
Editob DxMocaAT:
The present bitcb in the Arbitration
Treaty proceeding caused by the con
servative attitude of soms of onr con
Eressmen bas given that class of Eng
lisbmen, who are constantly harping on
tne dishonesty and general depravity sf
Americans, a fresh opportunity to ia
dulse In s tirade ot abuse ot onr people-
One of these choleric Britons while com
menting on tbe treaty in a recent num
ber of Tbe New Review, and admonish
ing bis countrymen to not forget tneir
past experience with unscrupulous
statesmen, goes out ot his way to char
acterize tbe majority of modern Ameri
cans as inferior to Britons, and accuses
as ot still perpetuating the old hatred of
England, tie then straightway pro
ceeds to still further accentuate in Eng
lish minds that same hatred which be
so loudly condemns s for harboring,
asserting that tbe United States began
its career by an act of hostility toward
England, and a violation of tbe unwrit
ten law of nations that with Ameri
cans, bat red bas a.ways been superior
to international obligations After ac
casing as of cations i ndi S re nee to honor
during the war of 1S12 and many times
since, he apparently exhausts himself
with wrath and denunciation of ns, and
closes bis vitriolic luailade with the
lament that British grit is not what it
need to be.
Another Englishman of tbe same kid
sey as the writer referred to, while
speaking of tbe proposed treaty and its
probable collapse, fiercely attacsstbe
United States senate because of tbe part
it plarel, and asserU that neither tbe
good sense nor the honor of the Ameri
can people are represented by that body,
and that tbe next senate will be worse
than tbe one against whicb be vents bis
This noconcealeJ hostility of onr Eng
lish cousins mast not be lost sight of by
those wise financial doctors wbo are soon
to be sent to Europe by this government
to try to convince the Rothchilds and
other gold standard high priests that
they don't know s good thing when tLey
see it.
If all the blaster about an interna
tional bimetallic confirmee now going
on at Washington is not mere gold bog
buncombe, aa your correspondent be
lieves if tbe administration and s ma
jority ol congress desire tbe conference,
there still is little hope that anything
beneficial to this country will tesol
from it while England regards as as at
present, for not only most her eelfinter
est, but also her national d:sllke of
everything American feel tbe
touch of a floe Italian band before she
will change her financial policy, or eon
sent to adopt any monetary standard
tbat will be more advantageous to tbe
United States. 8. A.I-
Hon. Til Ford.
From tbe Eugene Journal.
Hon. Tilmon Ford, commonly called
"Til Ford" or -Old Til Ford." ia a man
of very great individuality. He t as
been a lawyer in Marion county for ever
so many years bat people are doing him
an injustice in calling bim "Old Til,"
for be rvally is not so very Id any
where around fiity, I should guess and
a bachelor. He is one of Oregon's "big
men" mentally and physically taller
than Berkley hue not so broaJ shouldered
He always wear a long overcoat or
mackintosh bn i ever pats it on just
throws it over hie snoaijers with one
button fastened. His hair is usually
telerabfy long and o" particular style of
combing it asd on ns chin are short,
straight, dark brown whiskers chopped
off square to about two inches in length
The stub ot s cigar,' seldom lighted, he
holds in one corner of bis mouth as be
talks. Slow, careful, thoughtful and
when thoroughly aroused eloquent at
the bar. For twenir yeaie the leading
eriminal lawyer of Salem and surround
ing country he har become rich and has
saved a vary great many men the dis
grace of prison stripes men who, aa e
expresses it, "didn't intend to do wrong,
no they didn't no they didn't," always
repeating the important thought for
emphasis. A man of temperate habits
and innocent hobbies one of which is to
roll ten pins. He enjoys going to a
circus aed wandering around the out
side ef tbe tents lookiag at the horses,
tbe construction of tbe wagons, manner
of fastening the tents, babita of the em
ployes and a thousand little things that
ordinary persons woald not notice, tit
sees everything and puts things away in
bis mind for future use at come trial.
He is a queer man abont whom a book
could be written so odd are bis ways.
The qualities most to be admired in his
makeup are honesty, individuality and
regard for tbe feelings of bis fellow men.
He is a wan who would not intentional
ly injure even his enemy .
, From he Philadelphia Bulletin :
Milk Inspector Byrnes makes tbe
j alarming; charge that 57,000,000 quarts
cf water, or more than one-half of the
whole roiik supnlv of Philadelphia, are
passed off on consumers of milk. The
milk dealers are np fn arms against
, Byrnes, sni ant inflating that be shall
bas made a sweeping ncmratioo, and it
is now his turn tocuii forward with his
The Dbmochat is iilad to know that
the denizens of the Philippine Islands ,
have not given up but will fight Spain to I
the last. We don't care who knows
that we are against Spain and Turkey
on all occasions and whichever way the
wind blows.
An Albany young man is said to smoke
cigarettes and wear long hair because
Paderewski docs.
Those rich Alaska strikes continue;
but the men who go to find them gener
ally get rainbows, and come back wluh-
ing some one had struck them.
During the weex Governor Lord in
spected the penitentiary, a little ac";
that helps to stretch bis 11500 salary to
about $4500.
The bicycle is becoming so important
that in Mexico City there in a regular
inspector at a salary of $40 paid by the
This week Durrant'a old pastor, the
one just before Rev Uibson, cow in
Boston, has written about the case, fir
ing some interesting facte, in which be
shows what a model young man Durrani
was. The more pity that the spirit of
the demon should be allowed to enter.
According to this pastor Emmanuel
church people were always in a quarrel,
never agreeing, and it is hardly a won
der something evil did not come out.
Other churches should take warning.
This week ends without Max Prscbt
getting an office. It is time this wind
bag was punctnred if sacb a thing is 1
.. . r. . . , . . . , l i
possible. Praeht has become a laugh- ,
ing stock, on sccoant of bis blubbering
The base ball is again in tbe air and
on tbe ground, pounded and thrown.
Base ball is the national gams and not
withstanding contrary reports, is on top
in the East, and will draw as big crowds
as ever.
Shot From Mooay,
Wlcsted Chicago.
Now ia
Chicago ha a new reform movement
every time I come here. The only kind
that wilt do it any good s ill come from
complete regeneration.
There are many people so afraid ot the
convicting power of the Holy Utoet tbat
you could not drag tbem into a revival
meeting with a pair of horses-
It takes an American husband about
24 bouts to get back bis temper after he
has quarreW with bis wife. It takes a
Scotch hatband about 3 hours.
Many a man can be won back from
dishonor and sin if his wife is right:
there are many sons in wickedness
and despair becaoM their fathers are
not right.
Christians have much to confer; the
church will have tbe poster it prays for
when H gets right.
Gabriel migbt come down from heaven
and preach to the muttitode for five;
boars; yon wonld not save a son, with
out tbs presence of the Holy Ubost.
When be begins to work there are re-
It stonM na sensible for m la trw In
cover up Lake Michigan aith a blanket
aa t) try to help sinners without the con
viciing power of the Holy Uhoet.
11 tbe cborch of OoJ wool J move Into
tbe thirteenth chapter of First Corin
thians and stay there 12 months the
somber of atefal discipks would be ia :
creased It reef old.
The church needs s baptism of love.
It will tben be a ball of fire rolling over
tbe world.
God ia love, whichever way lbs wind
blows. !
A preacher with bis hope gone ran in
20 days mace all the beads of all his con
gregation bang down like balrnabe.
Tbe stone cat oat ot Ihe mountain is
grinding tbs idol ot infidelity into duet.
There have been more souls comforted
by tbe Holv Spirit around the world
daring the time I have been talking than 1
could be comforted by all tbs Infidels of
tbe world working for 1,200 years
Peter's sermon woald probably net
hive been reported by the papers bsd it
been delivered by bim in thie age and
day. Tbe cr tics would claim it lacked
logic, was not arg umentive and did not
meet tbe views of higbsr criticism.
It takes no brains to be a grumbler.
May God get tbe carted spirit ol crr.i
dim oat of tbe churches.
It is a dishonor to tbe Ho'.y Ghost to
run after every new criticism of tbe the
ologians. We have a new ism in this
country about each 12 montbs.
If the country is to be evangelise 1 ths
battle has got to be fought in the homes.
Tbe world's wretchedness and woe
come from taming aside from tbe law
as determined by the tea command
ments. The devil has no o'd fogies. The
wicked never live long enough to be old
There are hundreds of men dead and
baried who told me 40 years sgo in Chi
cago that I could not come from Pnritan
Boston and teach this town Puritanism.
They bave left not so little as a memory.
A fool can be a very busy critic.
The Bibls says ten times as much
against covetoneness as it does sgaiost
Chicago bas as many go-Is as Shang
hai, or Canton, or Calcutta Its largest
congiegations worship Mammon. Its
hosts bow down to the golden cslf.
Chicago baa maoy men in high places
with characters as black as hell. They
are worshiped because they are rich.
From the Post.
Ex-Secretary Carlisle returned the re
tainer be accepted from the scrippers in
the Chicago lake front case, thus surren
dering a lee of $10,000. He examined
the case and decl-ied tbat he did not
care to have anything to do with it.
This is a great disappointment lo his
clients. Ths fee they offered him was
2,000 more than he ever received for a
year's labor, and involved comparatively
little time and work, but from what Mr,
Carlisle's friends say $10,030 fses are a
common filing with him now.. Tliey
relate most astonishing stories about the
extent of his professional engagements,
and say that tbey will bring bl.o in at
least 1100,000 durirg the present year.
He will look after all tbe legal business
of ths bouse of J. Pisrpont Morgan in
tbe Southern States, and has an engage
ment with the Southern Railway Com
pany to serve it In a similar capacity.
His friends say tbat hewhl be compelled
to employ several assistants and maiu
tain offices both at Washington and New
A Milton man received word from the
local telephone manager tbat a Walla
Walla man (eleven miles distance) want
ed to talk with bim. The Milton man,
not being acquainted with the capacities ;
of the telephone didn' do a thing but ;
start out at once and walk to Walla
Walla to have the desired talk. Ex.
Too good to last, that bright weather.
These aie the days when tbe farmer
is getting in his work.
An Astoria man advertises Maml nfooi
rosea for 35 cents. Must be a new thinir.
If you would be
healthy got out doors
just as much as
lungs with ozorie.
possible ana nil your
Poor old Portland, it expects to make
sift mm a i: f . . ,
in me slot machines.
Ihe Oregonian stirs up Mark Ilanna
.or opposing the eeating of Corbett. Oh,
n a ainerence since previous to Kov 3
The name of a new Oregon company is
the "Mckinley Gold and Bryan Silver
Mining Co.," with headquarters at Port'
Jerry Horn, the Euirene barber, had a
clean shave for councilman at the recent
election, being elected by tbe big ma
jority of 201 to 74.
Tbe newspaper business must be good
in Gervais. Tbe editor of the Star adver
tises to take np old mortgages and re
new them at 8 per cent.
The Corval lis carnage factory, which
cost about (31,000 was sol i yrsUsrday for
12,800. Thus did prosperity strike that
institution with vengeance. It seems to
have been mismanaged Iron the start.
' It is niw pretty well leuionsrrated
that there actually existed a partnership
under tbe title of Uorbeti, Simon st
Bourne, only tbe title was not voluntari
ly made public. It suggests a great deal
' wuispereu tbat there la to be an
extra sssion of the legislature, and that
. .
nut lie idle two fears, as ia now expect
ed. Corvallis Times. It wan't heard
in Albany.
Some of the papers are kicking M-.
Kincaid because he won't paee an ap
propriation bill himself and alio every
thing in sight. The Newport News is
particnlariy prolific in name calling. All
tbe same the secretary knows Ins duty
and ia doing it.
A Portland paper gives ar. account of
Mr 11. W. Corbetl's first electiou as U.
S. senator, in which Mr. Wakefield then
postmaster at Portland, formerly an Al
bany man, was influential in securing
tbe two votes tbat resulted in his "lec
tion. As told there aa undoubtedly no
foundation to the ma.ter.
A McMinnville saves ail the epgs
bis hens lay on Sunday and gives the
procteds to missions. If moneyed men
would tet apart all the interest their
money earns on Sundays for missions
tbe heathen would soon be converted.
A month ago Wallace Mdamminl was
the most brilliant young lawyer in Ore
gon. Now he ia an idiot in tbe employ
of the Popocrat Simon Hourae faction.
Both these opinions are furniebed by the
Statesman. Journal.
Wm. Pott, a colored m.n is about to
sue an Oakland. CatlL, barber for heavy
damage for refusing to share him. un
der a new law. He will not recover. A
barber doeen't have to share even a
white man unit be wiehes to. It is bis
own boeinef.
Governor Lord was asked to aire his
j interpretation of tbe dcnocratic victories
j in Chicago. Ojiio and western cities.
od replied AS follows: ' l Cannot aS-
sign any particular reason than
there always is an ebbing after a high
, Tbe In iepeodent of Saleui appreciate,
the situation, when it says: Thomas U.
oogue nas iriiro- uceJ a t I in congr!
or m puoiic wuioing ni stiem ' uai s
siatesmanebip for yoa. That's a great
way to bring about prosperity. It also
strikes as that somebody bas advanced
this idea before.
In order to please all claeeee of people
it is now announced that 'be $t000 punch
bowl set for tbe battleship Oregon can
he used for lemonade as wed as pooch.
As a matter of fact it is merely to look
at and will never be used for anything.
Nevertheless a is a grand naate of
From the Rosebtirg Reciea : "F
Love writes from Walker 's.Lane county,
to correct Uie report that he bs gone
,-ast to secure his inter, tins $-0,000,000
estate. He bas a job tbat be will hold
down for some time yet " Better keep
tbs job. These big est aus are notjworth
1 cent on th million dollars.
By the census otlS9J, Oregon ranked
the ?Sih state in populaiioi. Bv the
figures ot the Cniteo Mat.-s departmeit
of agriculture, however, h' now ranks
lonrtrt tn number f sheep; lnh in
number of cattle; 20th in number of
horses; 28th in number of saine, and
37th in number of milcb cows.
Assessor J. W. Hobart. of Marion
county, presented a bill of $3S0 for 245
days work at $4 a day for himself and
deputies. It wss referred back lor cor
rection, tbe amount to be allowed depu
ties being $2.50. In Linn county $3 a
day ia paid the assessor and $2 the dep
uties and everything is going on smooth
ly. T. G. Hendricks, the pioneer regent of
the State University has resigsed, un
doubtedly in order to give Gov. Lord an
opportunity lo appoint son e me else,
said to be Judge C. B. Bellinger. The
management ot the Slate University, by
tbe way, is in a somewhat tempestuous
condition Something is liable to strike
before tbe tall term.
At Oregon City a few days a;o W.S.
U'Ren In a speech said thai the expens
es of the opposition were pi. id by a fund
raised by the enemies ot Mitchell, and
none received over $100; that he receiv
ed $S0 and bis father tarnished the re
mainder of bis expenses t that Ogle was
ths only man who paid his own expens
es. This ought to settle tbe much dis
puted matter, but it probably will not.
The caterpillar ia doomed. Here is
the receipts "A farmer in a neighbor
ing paper says every year 1 hear of cat
erpillers destroying whole orchards, and
there Is nothing disposed ot more easily.
I bore a hole in the tree deep enough to
reach the sap, fill it with sulphur and
then plug it up. The result is magical.
Tbe sap takes the sulphur to every
branch and twig and the caterpillar at
once dies. I have never known ot a tree
being injured by it, and bave pu-sued
the course for years.
WORRELL At 10:45 o'clock Wednes
day evening, in Albany, at the hrfme
other motcer Mrs. Worrelt-sJeer a
long illness, Miss Mollis E. Worrell, at
the age Of 19 years, 2 months and 21
The decessed was a loveable young
lady whose death is greatly regretted by
a large number of friends.
Funeral services at the M. E. church
to morrow morning at 10 o'clock.
3o Cripe
When yon take nood's nils. Theblg. old lash
toned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to
pieces, are not In It with Hood's. Easy to take
and easy to operate, Is true
ot Hood's rills, which are IDallaSst
np to date In every respect lIS
Bate, certain and sure. Alt "
druggists. 25c C I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass.
Ihe only Fills to taks with Hood's Samparilla,
rightlag Began. Macedonia. Aoril 9. Noon-
Bands of Greek brigands have entered
Turtey at Krania, in the vicinity of O rev-
no. lurkisb troooi have been eniraired
with tbem and fighting bas been proceed
ing since S o'clock tbis morning.
4 r. M. A diHoatch received at Turk
ish headquarters here from Grrvno says tbe
fighting between Greeks and Turks con
tinues. . The Turks, following out tbe in
structions of Kdhim Pasha, have surround-
part of tbe Turkish division stationed at
Urevno is now advancing.
. Will rrsuealacs.
Washisoton, April 9. Representa
tive Simpson, of Kansas, declares tbat be
will cairy into effect bis threat to block
any bosincss which tbe bouse may attempt
to do by unanimous consent before tl e j
speaker bis appointed committees. lie!
says be will also call for a quorum to ap
prove tbe journal each time the boose
meets There is no legislation for the
house in prospect nntii tbe appropriation
and tariff bids are returned by tbe senate.
An AlabsUM rjclawe.
Mostoomirt, Ala , April 9. A special
to the Advertiser from Ozitrk, Ala., says:
A cj clone itasaed over a portion of Uale
county laot nigbt, leaving wreck and dis
aster in its path. Many honaes were de
molished. Mrs 1' was taught by the
falling timber of her home, and died be
fore she could be rescued. The rest of the
family were rescued . This is tbe only
fatality reported. For many miles the
farmers are suffering, everything they bad
being swept away by the wind or ruined
by tre torrents of rain.
An I as aM-ase lasaraare.
Sam Fjuicico, April 9. Mrs Leland
Stanford today signed the contract by
which her life ia now insured for 11,000.
000. The policy, which is said to be tbe
largest ever issued, was written by the
Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New
Yors. By the brms of the contract, Mrs
Stanfjrd is to pay an annual premium of
175.000, and upon her death 1 1.000,000
will te paid by tbe company to tbe Leland
Stanford -naivenity. Should she live 10
years and con'inoe her annual pavment of
p.-eruui'us, the oniveruty will receive at
ber iWh f.OOO.OOO instead of 1 1.000,000.
tlsfclac Brtram.
A stoma. Dr., April 9. Tbe fishing
aaon will begin at 12 o'clock tonight.
It is impossible to Learn the number of
boa's that wilt go out. some of tbe men
stating that they will fish asd others that
tbey wiil not. At the net racks near the
canneries several hundred men made final
rvpsirs to their nets, and it is estimated
that 1X) persons will go Oct .
Tbe onion still maintains that its mem
ber must receive 4 cents, and the cab-
ners insist tnat but 4 cents will be paid.
A TeeriMe rite.
Kxoxviue, Tens .April 8. Never in
the history cf Knoxtilie has the city suf
fered men a loss by fire as it did today,
fol lowing tbe breaking out of the flames
at aa early boar Usi morning in a .nocery
j store adjoining the big Knox hotel. Tbe
Hotel and adjoining building! were soon in
flaroes, and the very heart of the city, in
closing some of Use largest who'ewaie and
tetail basinet house in the Soath. were
detroTed. The ks i estimated at from
$1,UaJ000 to $1,500,000. with about 60
per cent d infurance.
The loss ot life i uncertain, ss the reg
ister of the hotel, in which 56 people were
sleeping, was banted. IHe proprietor of
the hotel say: be bad five or six gnests m bo
have not pot in aa arpearance.
Tk rmu War.
Losnox. April S. rhe Time prints the
foi sowing from Casea:
Tbe Cretans are now musing around
Kitaamo. They have mounted four gnus,
and tetrad to attack tbe fort, which is held
by IV) Turks. Yesterday, they wrote to
tbecapiaia of the Austrian warship, an -
h1?-'4 ,0..tfc Uy' oR loAtes be
scuoa tx ue iBieraauooAj n-ti nAd mtner
to been hostile to tbem, taey would repel
forcibly any attempt of tbe wartbip to
intt-rfiTS wi:h their designs at Ki&sima.
aly SUe!.
WasnrsoTosr, April 8. The navy oe
partaieot recetted today but one bid in
answer to an advertisement calling for
proposals for sopptrin J0 toes of armor
lor three ba'.tie-ip, the Illinois, Wis
coesia and AUbam. It came from the
Illinois Steel Company of Chicago, and
pmpKed to soppty KA) tons of armor at
tM a ton, oa condition it be given a 20
year contract to supply ail naval armor.
In sncb case Ibe remuadet of the aimor
woald be supplied at 240 a ton.
Kr,aa"t rail.
St. ArcrsnsE. Fla. April 8. Hon
William Jennings Bryan was injured bete
this eveeicg by the caving is ot the piaxu
from which he was spraking. Near y 400
men and women were precipitated aboat
?j fi-t to the grcunJ. an-i many ci tbem j
rTe sr-jated. bat none y
Mr B-an
was nicked uu ujwcioa. and r-.nv-d to
a pcystcian's office. i r- an examination
rereakd that be had received no ir-jari-s of
a senoav character.
CraWktj a Cuira.
Ket Wm, April S. Sews vras re
ceived last nigbt that tbe Cabaa inrar
geets had made an attack on the train
,0000 cicn lieeeial tuvera a being
taken trom SSaa Cristobal to Havana.
Reports say the insurgents were successful
ia tbeir attack, and that Rivera sras freed.
It is impcsicibte to gel a confirmation cr
denial of the report as yet, but the Cuban
sympathiser here believe it to be true and
are accorciogty jubilant.
Artlltag Seraperase.
Sas Fsascisco, April S The attar
ces tor itareuttt today asked Ihe supreme
court for a jrrit of error. The petition
was dni(d, and tbe attorneys will now
appeal dirtvt to the United States supreme
court lor a Uy of execution pending tbe
preparation of papers for an arpeei.
Iks laa All stltaL
BoeTos, April 7. The battle-ship Iowa
tbe last sf the premium-built battle
ships of the cavy earned today for ber
bonders, Mtssrs illiam Cramp A Son,
cf Philadelphia. $200,000, by making an
average of 17 even knots per hour, over
tbe tegular government course off the
UassacnoaetU coast, in tbe four boors'
speed trial required by the gvvernnient
under the contract. Tbe Iowa, by her
grand work, proved herself to be -uperior
to either the Indiana or Masaachusetts. and
is today tbe acknowledged qaeen of the
A tuericaa navy, if not the most form i via
ble battle-ship aloat.
His froper Sphere.
New Yohk, April 7 The Herald this
morning says:
It is slated oi high authority that Col
onel Daniel 8 Lamont has been decided
upon as president of tbe Northern Paciric
railroad, and that the appointment will be
announced wihin a weea. Kdin Winter,
formerly connected wuh tbo Chicago &
Northwestern, has been presidoct since I
P Morgan undertook the reorganisation of
tne company.
The racier- M'd.
Corv, Or., April 7. All the as
sets in the insolvent estate of the Coast
Carriage Wagon Company were sold at
assignee's sale tcd?y. The pui chasers are
KJ Robinson, of Kork Island, and T M
Jenkins, cf Moline, 111. The prices real
ized are:
Factory building, plant and grounds,
$2-00; material on band, $10l0. Tbe
finished vehicles were sold singly and
farmers from tbis and adjoining counties
were the purcbaiiera at good prices, tbe
sale aggregating about $1000.
Cleaaraer rrsalsel ft Stivers.
Washisoton, April 7. Secretary f
State Sherman stated today that he bad
assurances tbat lienor al Rivera, the in
surgent leader, would not be executed, but
would be treated as a prisoner of war.
General Rivera was captured after being
wounded in a rectnt battle, and it was
feared for a time that he would beexe-:
cuted by the Kpanisn authorities for his
participation in Ihe rebellion.
t'lfcBiilas Araaad Cadta.
Casea. April 7 Bris!
place today outside ot Candi
surirents. in considerable streoutl:
horn four points and attacked the Turkish
outposts. Ihe latter maintained their,
. f.J t.L .1.-1 c . !-. ,1
posi'iouswuu uJoiuBsoi iwo uieo Buiea
and eleven wounded. ,
Needed atelier. ,
WAsnraaroH, April 7-Tbe house,
acted promptly today on the president's ,
message and adopted a joint resolution
authorising the secretary of war to expend i
-.uuyrorre oxnopa suuerers in tne
Misaissippi vallty. This waa endorsed by
the senate.
AnrV .. l-aT-s3.l ..St. -I al I
F rom the Dskocbat of Jane 14 to June
Mr. Conrad Meyer bought the busi
ness property at First and Broadalbin
streets for f5,000.
I. J.Jackson, formerly of California,
vyvueu a store in Albany.
Sol King, the famous and long time
sheriff of Benton county stopped his sub
scription to tbe Dbmochat as follows, ver
hatim: Sir you Will Plase Stop My
Paper as I Do not Want it eney More if
i am in your dept Send your bil and I
Setleit." - '
On account of an Indian revolt south
of Baker City in whicl settlers were
massacred, the "Linn Cnunty Rifles"
were organized with N 6 Humphrey as
capt. Mart Accel 1st lient. tt if Hewitt
2nd lieut, Joe Chorters orderly sergeant,
or sue porpote oi going to the seat ot
trouble and quell the disturbance. 75
men enlisted. Other officers wereTL
Dagger, George E Cbamberlaid, Mont
Monteith, J Lucas, Adrian Comely. A W
Pnrdom, J H Maine.
Dr. J. P.Tate, a pioneer physician of
Albany, died on June 14.
The Foster brick, now tbe Crawford
block, was begun.
Dr. Felix OToolecame to Albany
from Ausable. Mich., and bought of V.
O. Barnes tbe Drooertr at First and
Broadalbin, now owned by J. W. Cusitk,
n ST W SO Am .
lj'us Hivwiir rJW i or n. xie waa
accompanied bv Mr. F. W. Blum berg.
The most one sided game of base ball
on recora was tnat ot an Albany picked
club, detesting the Oak Points 98 to 7.
Tbe June state election wass very
close one. Whitaker'e majority for con
gress was less than 200: Thayer was
elected governor by only 54 : R . P. Ear-
hart secretary of state by about 200;
fcd Hirsch for treasurer bad over 1000
majority : L.J. Powell defeated T.J.
Stites for state superintendent by only
laaptwrlaal .
Oltmpi. Wash.. April 8 1 he board
of state Und commissioners made one of
he mot important orders today ever
i&Mied by that body. It is to withdraw
from sale alt state, granted, school or otner
lands. Henceforth all applications for
purchase of tbe public lands of the state
ill be rejected, and special deposit al
ready received returned.
Tb new law in I.linois which imposes
a license of $10) per year cn cigarette
dealers, bas driven 15,000 sellers of cigar
ettes out of business. Will the next
Oregon legi-latore take note.
Sraxs or Own. Crrr or Toledo, i
Lccas Crrr. t
FuRj.Cusrr makes oath that be is the
aenior partner of tbe nrmot Y-l .CsmrACa.,
sioinf basinee in Use CitT ol Toledo, County
ad Blase aloreaaid. and tnat said firm wtU pay
of CaTsmaa thai cannot be cared
t Um ase ot Haul's Caxaaasi Craau
fjwora to before me and sabaeribed in tny
presence, this tui day oi December, A-D. Utst.
Z JotVtrgPfcWia.
Hall's Catarrh Orre is taken intexaally and acta
slirecUr oa the biood and tnoooos sarfaoes ot
th arsum. Send lor testimonials, free.
- F. J. CHENEY as CO., Taiedo, O.
SaT Bold fey Prars- ac
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Xjw at F. H. PfciSer's.
Hot noose lettuce,
1tj onioca.
Green peas.
Sweet potato.
Sptt'tenberg apples.
Cooking apples.
Spring Humors, eruptions, hives
boils, pimples, sotes. are perfectly and per
manectly cored by Hood's SarapartiU,
tbe best Spring Medicine and One True
Blood run Sex.
Hood's PllK act easily and promptly
on the iier and boards. Cote sick bead
ache. Properly used, "Perfection dyes
are superior Insist on having
-Perfection" Dyes, tor sale by Fred
Mrsic. Miss Mildrca Barm ester
teacher of piano or organ. System tbs
Mason toocb and techniooe. Residence
Fifth street, opposite C P chuich.
Tbe Weekly Pspc&at $1.25 a year
S end tbe Weeklt San Francico F-xatBineT
I 51 5 a yea.-, combined for only $2.35-
Thi includes all tbe privileges in the $10.-
000 premium it of the Examiner includ
ing a &10.IAKJ residence and a C-HM0 goM
A bvge assortment cf garden teede,
white rlover. timothy and bioe grass seeds
just received fresh at
C E Baosm ell's.
CrtAVas is Tmc The steamer Ar
bacy now leaves) Albany for Portland on
Tuesdays, Thursdays and ls.u-laysat
8 o'clock a, m. Up river on Sundays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
R. and G. Corsets and
Rid Fitting
I bave just received a full line in both
makes of these celebrated oor-ets and am
prepared to give extra value cf 50c, Tocand
II in black and slate. A No keep better
graces and extra sites. The $1.00 corset
s worthy of special notice. Ask to see onr
50c "5c and $1.00 corsets.
Sakckl K. Torso
For Infants and Children.
TVs fi
' ket
Omr Maadlac aCSUsa
Four out of every five bottles of niedi
cine sold in thj last five years are S. B.
goods. Tne S. B Headacce aqd Live
Cure 1 nse myself as a general physic.
If yoa are sick and want to get well, the
quickest, cheapest and safest method s tc
LjtbeS B. remedies and use as diretied
C P. Balch. Irrugsist, Dufur, Or." Fee
sal by Foehay A Mason at 50 cts per bot
e. Granp Orkxixo. Spring and summer
goods on Tuesday and M ednesday, tbe 6th,
and 7th of April. Goods tbe highest qual
ity, prices the lowest. All cordially in
vited to come and see.
Mas Jons X Hoffman.
Take Laxative Brouio Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. 2oc.
Sit ve Your Grain.
1 w realize that each squirrel des'rors
$1. 50 worth of grain, annually. Wake
lee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterminator Is
the oust efftttive and economical poison
known. Price reduced to 30 cents. Vm
sale by Fo?hay & Mason, agents.
Far t Kleaev
am 65 years old; have had kidnej
disease aiid constipation for 25 years. Am
now well used your S. B . Headache and
k fiuhtino. tvikHi""Cure one iw Used 6 bottles at
andia The i- 50 cent. eca. J II . Knight, Rutledge.
rength advanced r " b Fosh- M
:ked the Turkish 'per bottle.
jvi t Isfact Ion guaranteed wnen
you uso "Perfeetlon" Dyes, for sale
by Fred Uawson. -
If want a ROod nnd c,ear
.moJke buy C)gars made by our Al tactorv.
Dy nar 'awtory.
0ilnned wild blackberries ia one and
tw0 qaart w cbeap
C E Bhowksll's.
. - . i . t . . . . fa
is a book every OreeonUn should
nave. Tbe introduction j
bJaled Kev. Frank W.Gunsaulu. and
tbe sketches bv Oliver W. on, I.D.
rhe book is pnntea iruui
new type, on extra ld P Pf , nndm
vellum clotb, strmped in gold, fltJfV
illustrated with 16 iV b!
And retails at $1.7-3. ny snbecber
paring a year in advance ior
or 6 months or more ior tne "
have it for "1 extra.
flmny College
f . ! itr tiie school year 1 896-1807 :
aiiri r-arrin, Mas. W.
A sristant teAcbers-Margnerite Aide-son,
B. M., and Mrs. Josephine S.hAL.
Thorough and systematic lnrtroctton
given in ail tbe important benches ol
mneie. Best conservatory rooms ana
Utgest musical library and Utilities tor
mnr iral worx. irgm -
terra tory students enrolled ot any music
school in the etste. Terms low. Bend
lor circular and caU'ogae, to
WaxxAoe Hows Lss, A. M
Albanv. Oregon.
eo? of Eikworth Street. lamily
wahioe taken. Particular attentios ipaid
to bondle washing and mending, featis
faction guaranteed- Alas Cs
MADE. Agents wanted in every lo-e-Jitv
for Hen W J Bryan's great and only
boot " fhe rust Battle." Tbe oest seller
ever produced Agenta are taking as many
as 3 orders rer week. Beware of rrtod
otent imitaticBS. fend for oatfit and be
gin wo-'k at once. . , ,. ,
S41 Dearborn S'reet, Chicago.
Book Keepings
TaigbtbT MAIL
y an KAftni
Compete, Practical, fcxactly aa Foondin
Bosinesa, My coarse cf intraciOB9 tbor
onghly qas-'if y yoa to take charge cf ant.
ke?p a a-t of books Tbe highest referene
faraisbed. For terms and foil 'nX?TD
Uon adores-. l D. HUNTER
A O TJ W Teapte. Portiand, O
property i a Safevs or Corvlia
foe saie or exchange for Albany property
For particart call on W R B ain.
AXTED. Toreat acentraa- located
dwelling bore, tail on w at
WAjfTED Second band top bagrr
Giv description avd price. Ad
dress So. 21. ErenocstAT oSce.
DRE5S-M A DSG.- Ladies wisbieg to
learn cutting and futiag by tbe Mor
gan system, call an Mrs. R. E. Owen.
Drwsea made far $2-50aad no. Cor Sid
sad CaUpooia.
COW FOR SALE. Good fresh aiik.
Call on F H Hngbson. across tne
WUlamefce. . .
Also some fine eacrttrber psckles interne
FOR RENT. In Mcllwain's bnck
block good rore room. 8 ,ood office
room. Enquire of H F kcllwaia.
OR REST. 6 room dsreiting. 9 room
a-reilins-. crod socatksa and csean
Enquire of HF Mcll-sin. Albany
TaLMAuES "Tbe Karth Girdled,"
or his f amoos tour around tbe world, a
thrilling story of-savag and barvsMons
Isnds. Four mitlioa Talmage s books sold,
and "Tbe erth GirdSed- is his latest and
Evervbody wants this famooa book; oary
A gold mine for workers. CREDIT til Y
Di-t all trash and seU the king of books
and snake $3CO a month. Address for out
fit and temtor. Tbe Dominion Com
pny. Star Building, Chicago.
FOR SALE. A freen mileb cow. and
calf, cheap. Inquire of F S Doub.-
ten, Spicer.
PR REST. A good five room cottage
for rent in First Ward., upper oart
of city, cheap. A ppy to Dxhocb t office.
Pare wheat chops, t33.00
per ton sacked. si Fo. I white seed
t white see
Tin roofing and plumbing. Opposite
he opera house
bays, ClydesdAle, weighing about
1100 pouadi each, 6 years old, in fair work
ing ordtr. Price for span. $75. Cab os
J R Douglas. rntiaai gardener.
AT I HE M IS ES Boarding, lodging
and mewls may be secured of the sub
scriber a the Santiatn mines, at his pbv
at tbe month of Dry Gulch.
H. W. Whits.
hereby given tbat the copartnership
ot Emerick k Brackman bas been dissol
ved, Mr. Bruckmaa retiring. Tbe bnsi
nees will be continue"! by Emerick A Son.
Indebtedness will be hqaidated by Mr
Emerick. All accounts should be settled
with Mr Bruckmaa.
The motor on tbe Albany street rail
way will connect promptly with a'l trains
to and from the depot, day and night.
Special trips will be nade at special
a'-e. t. F. Coss, Conductor,
K. O. T. M.
Meets every Saturday evenmf a. K.u
T. M . Hall. Visiting Knights invited to
end. J. S. Yak WucklcCvso.
1G.&E. R. R.C0.
V Willamette River Division,
Steamer ALBANY, Capt. J.L. Smith,
Ffclitjt and Passenger,
Leave Albany for Portland Sandaje,
Tnesdays sad Thursdays.
Unsurpassed accommodation s and
ichedulea especially for the needs of up
er Willamette travel, heme parties
tan avail themselves of this schedule for
tny desired point between Corval lis and
3a!em, leaving tn ths morning and re
turning in due time ths same evening.
Special rates for special parties of 15 or
H. L-Wauxs,
Agent, depo