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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1897)
t c mortal Senator Mason of Illinois tells funny ttories . So does Cap. Humphrey. The DiLgley bill will have plenty of time to think "where it is at,' before it gels out of the senate. John L. Sullivan settles a long dis puted matter by declarlug thit a man can be a gentleman and a pugilist. There will be no question but what Carter Harrison will be mayor of Chicago. The people spoke in - thundering tones that were heard across the continent. No wonder Carter talks out with confidence. She The most remarkable short hand re porier in the world is Isaac S. Dement of Chicago, who recently wrote 422 words in 1 minute, the fastest on record. A man who can write 230 words is very fast and one whose speed ia 150 is good. . An amanuensis as a rule writes about 103; but think of 422. An actress in Stockholm lost ber power of speech and memory through sudden grief, and could not take her part, She was accordingly hypnotize?, and the operator-having suggested that he should proceed to ''he theatre and go through ber part, she did so quite un consciously, and in such a natural man ner thai the audience remained in ig norance of what bad taken place From the New York Mail and Express. Experts estimate that the value of rail way properties has declined $38,000,000 since tne anti-pooTing decision of the United States Sureme Court. Yet the actual condition of the proporty has not changed ic the least. The shrinkage in values is due to the discovery that the roads are unable to protect themselves one from another. Congress must belp them to help themselves. Eating np some of the watered stock perhaps, though the statement is proba bly untrue. When a couple gets married the tailor gets a 40 job, the dressmaker gets two weeks work, the florirt sells his choicest flowers, the baker gets an order for his best goods, the furciture dealer sends around two loads of furniture, the bard ware man pnts np two stoves, the grocer puts np several dollars' worth of eweet est sugars and the beet sack of flour, the county clerk gets his licenea foe, the preacher gets a five, the small boys get a chance to yell themselves hoarse at a "chiv-a-ree." After all is settled the printer gets soup Ex. From the Springfield TJrion. Charles Brandt, an Iodiana saloon keeper, sold liquor to a man, who, while intoxicated, sLot James Boyer. The appelate court of Iodiana bas jnst held that Brandt is liable for damages, and ordered that he pay $S33 to Boyer 'a wife fr loss of time of her hasband, and the care of him unlil he recovered from the wound. It is thus apparent tt at Indiana proposes la compel saloon keepers to pay whatever damages may result from the actions of a man who becomes mtoxicat ed through the liquor eo'd by the liquor dealer. Washington Letter. From cur regular Correspomisnt. Washington, April 5th. 1897. Senator Jones, of Arkansas, Chair man cf the Democratic National Com mittee, has issued an address indorsing the appeal made by President Black, of tbe National Association of Democratic Clubs, for a celebration of the 154th an niversary of the birthday of Thomas Jefferson, the anthor oi the declaration ol independence and tbe founder Of American democracy, on the 13-b day of this month by all democratic organiza- " tions- The tariff bill bas been in the hands of the Senate Finance committee long enough to make it certain that it is go ing to "be cnt and slashed very much by tbat Committee, not to . mention what will be done to it after it gels reported to the senate. Republican senators are very free in saying tbat the bill is not what it ought to be. That, ol course, i" not a sure sign tbat it' will be bettered in the senate, merely a eign that it will be very much changed. The clause making the duties imposed by the bill when it becomes a law collectable on all importations ordered after April 1, is generally regarded as merely a farcical scarecrow, set np to frighten timid im porters. There is some : very . lively kicking among the newcomers at the working of Mr McKinley's rule against reappoint ing men who held office und?r Harrison. When this rule was first announced the newcomers were delighted,, but they look at it differently now, when they see the ease with whicll the members of tbe "ex'' brigade are qnietly gathering np the good things. The re appointment o! Mr Palmer, to be public printer was received with wry faces by the new comers, but when Mr Palmer took charge of tbe government printing- office and reapooinud W H Collins, chief c'eik and H P Brian, foreman, words were uttered that cannot be printed in a ' family newspaper Tne selection of ev Representative Benjamin Bulterworth, of Ohio, tD be comraihsiorip.- of patents, a place be filled once - before to the satisfaction of all those having dealings with the office, can scarcely be considered political, as Mr JJutterworth has expressed opinions upon the tariff and silver question tbat were a long arays from being in accord with those held by Mr MeKinley and tbe men who are dominating his adminis tration and the republican patty at this time. Mr Patter worth's appointment can be credited to the friendship of Mr MeKinley for nim, and to h eminent fitness for the place. All of b'i9 experi ence and wide knowledge of patent law and practice as well as the prestige given by his name, will be needed by Mr bu.terworth to put the business of the patent ofike upon the high professional plane it should occupy . They are telling" a little story about Cztr Retd at the expense f a number oj senators. According to the story, tbe :ar juit beor the mealing of the extra session, ai tended a dinner party where Hie guests' weie nearly all senators, some of whom vere eipreseing direful fore b.Hltngs about what would happeu to fenatoriul dignity when '"Billy" Mason, wih hia free and easy mannere, entered that body. the Czar finally tired of that sort of thing,"' and turning to tbe ' senators ektl in that exasperating (Iran i wt.ich he doesn't drop into so often in the bouee as fie used to:- "Do you think Wason willsls in the senate long enough to become as dull as the rest of you?" ; : Not no :li surprise was caused bv the announcement liat ex- Secretary Carl- ...o . ,i,ucu iu lutmaiier me leva! Interests ia the'South of the J Pi rmnl establishment Nearly dry enough for raiu already. Straw hats have already been teen. A new church has Wen east, called the Open Bible. organized ty. Don't bite at every bait you There is often a hook beneath it tee. An exchange says the capital of Haw aii is a regular lulu, in fact Honolulu. Next. Mr. Bryan may not be president, but he is making an honest living, said to be $50,000 a?ear. Congressman Bailey, of Texas, caused a sensation in Washington by setting down on dress suits. The Democrat will wager an old roller that Durrant will not be hanged on June 11, the day eet. V. J. Bryan made a great anti-trust speech before the supreme court, an off hand effort. It was to the point. Albany has four papers, and aorn will have another, The Bell, with J. A Finch as editor. It will ring twice a week. The Washington Post says the Demo crats are getting together all right with out any of the gold standard cement. The gold democrats are getting back iuto the party, at least a goad many ol them. They seem to be getting the glne out of their eyes. Parkhoret says "doing right is not re lidon." That is true, but it is also true that if more people paid more at tention to doing right than they do to doctrines it would be a great dea! better for religion. A sample of the rotten-system of gov ernment is the policy of paying $50,000 for every quarter of a second speed above a certain number of miles an hour a ship goes open construction. The govern men is generally robbed of several hundred thousand dollars by a fictitious speed that does not show the permanent caoacitv of the vessel. Uncle Sam is mighty gullible sometimes. At last Rockefeller, the richest man in the U. S., has said something worth re peating. Here it is: "The poorest man in the world today ia the one who has notLing bnt mooey. Mr Rockefeller hence is poverty strict en. lie is tne man wno naa oeen ma a ing the people pay exorbitant prices for oil that be might give big endowments He gets the credit bnt the people foot the bills. fDr Roy Pfclmer. of Portland, has stirred np things lively by attaching aancing Among his statements that attracted at tention according- to the Oregon ian wen: All Christendom is arrayed against the modern dance. Archbishop Spa aiding says: "The confessional of my chnrch re veals the fact that nineteen-tweatktbs of the women who fall take their first slept in danaag parries " Many noble men and lovely women dance, but that dees not make it right. All such are in danger; co one is I infallible. "Let him that tbinketh be standeth take heed lest he fall ." From the Washington Poet : "It makes a Californian feel odd to get a whole lot of paper money in bis clothes, as he dxi on coming East," said Mr E W Crellin, a prosperous mer chant of San Francisco, at tbe Ebbitl. " Vou sea we are not used to bills at all out oar way. Nothing circulates ex cept coin gold and silver and about as much of one aa the other. This is tbe first time I've ever been on tbe Eastern side of the continent, and to when I got to Washington and began accumulating this paper currency it was a brand new sensation. 1 suppose in s few weeks a man would get used to what they call rag money on tbe slope, but at first it is rather a nuisance to the fellow that is only acquainted with the bard stuff. ' "But, though we have both metals, there is a dislike in certain circles against too much silver. A year or so ago my bank advised me tbat it would not take on deposit over 1300 per" day of silver, and the order bas never been, recalled Of coarse tbe white metal ia all right? but there ia a limit oa it that is not at tached to goH. Timw-L'nion Pointers;. Death is the oo!y specific for malaria. Mental indigestion is worse than phy sical and much more common. The vises of others too often apologize for onr own The duck is superior to man in one thing anyhow. It neverreqaires an um brella when it rains. The dog laughs with its tail. Imitate the cat by keeping yonr sharp points well covered up. . Sometimes a man really doej dye for a girl. Rheumatism is something of a joint affair. Of all vices the vsry worst isal-vire. A bird in thi haoi is not worth two in tbe bash if it is a bnzzui an I the others are partridges. " . Some justices of the peace are like ne cessity. An Easy-Going Genius The one out-and-out genius tbe writer knows, lives down in Ohio. -Anything he wants and cannot buy, he invents. Anything in the market that hepeeds, if it be a manufactured article and costs more than he cares to pay, he makes, fie is employed by one of the large es tablishments in his section of his coun try. He just wanders about at his own sweet will, making an improvement here and there on the engines that he invented and keeping them just a little In ad vance ef all competitors. When this investigating torn of mind suggested the desirability ot- his having a telescope, he went to Pittsburg to gei it. The price was too high and he noti fied the honse tbat he would go home and make one. He was answered by an incredulous laugh, but he did perfect every detail except the lenses, in a way to put previous efforts to the blush. The result of his second trip was to learn than the lenses comprised the chief item - i : . t t. m cum iu a leicscope. ne could get no reduction and again served notice tbat be would go borne and make what he wanted . xne idea was scouted, but this genius carried it out, and Incident ally invented the finest method of grind ing lense that his ever been known, i . i . . . . . io p lease one oi nis cniioren he pro duced the first automatic piano and the first machine to grind out music from a punctured sheet of paper or met!. One thing about this genius is that be never patents his inventions. It is ! enough pleasure for hi puzzling mechanical problems, and he . never thinks of money exceii hn ha h. n .n.ij i r. :. & , . . u ,v. penult r ibc Press.' INN COUNTY. A residence of over Ditem years in Linn county enables the editor of the Democrat to speak confidently of the advantages and resources of Linn coun off. Frequent requests for something that will give Eastern people an idea of this county, leads the Democrat at this time to give a brief review of oar ad vantages, resources and prospects. Situated in the center of a valley 150 by 30 or 0 miles it has the natural Vocation and advantages for a prosperous county. It has already grown in a manner to establish it as a leading center in the great state of Oregon . There are a number of splendid reas ons why it should continue to advance and not only hold its place but step up a notch in the stairway of counties. It is remarkably well irrigated, not only from the clouds, but as well by a net work of rivers and small streams. Its soil is very rich in the valley. Its foot hills are well adapted for stock raising. Its hills are co7eied with some of the finest timber in the world. In the mountains are gold and silver now being taken out. me &anuam mines, reached from Uates on the O. C & E. after eighteen miles of travel, are already developed sufficiently to estab lish their richness. Daring the past year a great deal of gold has been taker out by the Law ler Co., and the Albany mines are now to be pushed by a Port land syndicate. It i- confidently pre dicts! that ihmtn mines will prove a bonanza to this county. Iu transportation facilities are the best in the a'ate.. A navigable stream long its west border gives it competition advantages. Tne great Southern Pacifie race through its western side, the Ore- gonian more towards the interior, a branch connects the twnud iheO. C & E. coming from ti e FaciBo Ocean passes 52 miles through the northern part of the county on its way into East ern Oregon, where it will evidently Up that great stack country and perLaps reach to a connection with a transconti nental line, the original purpose of the road. Its schools are of a high order, com paring favorably with the beat common schools in the east, and there i an ex cellent college at Albany. Its chnrch facilities are good and the moral standing of its inhabitants ia far above the average. There ia no "wild and wooiy west" ia Linn county, bnt a peaceable, progressive people. Its climate, averaged, ia unsurpassed. The winters are wet, the summers dry. 45 inches will cover the average rainfall. Tht temperature rarely goes above 90 in the summer or below 30 in the wiote. The Dkxocbat man remember several winters in which be never stepped on snow. Cool nights, universally, insure a peaceful sleep, and rest for the con . ing dav, no matter luw warm the pre vious day. Its crops are practically certain, fail ures being rarer than anywhere outside of Oregon in the U.S., known to the writer. The soil seems inexbanstable. I Cereals and fruits alike grow prolificly. It is tbe land of tbe red apple, tbe pear and the prune. The production is large. The average of wheat is given as 22 boab e's, often runniDg np to 40 oi SO. Vegetables grow abundantly, and straw berries and other small fruits are the bset in tbe world. The cost of land dot it low, owing to the universal depression. Fine farms. where for sale, may be purchased for 5 or $30 per acre and down to S10 or tl2, perhaps lower. The county ia splendidly situated for small farms It has nearly 200 miles of railroad. ' It is filled with medical springs and fine mountain resorts. The area of tbe county ia a bout. 70x40 miles, containing nearly 1,600,000 acres. Its population is almost 20,000. Albany ia tbe eonnty neat and leading town in tbe eonnty, as well as one of the best in the state. Its population ia es- i 5000. It baa two public schools with 16 teachers, one college and one academy. Its hotels are good, the best in the valley according to tbe epin ion of drummers generally . Tbere are four, the Revere, St Charles, Rate and Depot. Among iu principal institutions are a woolen mill, flour mill, two chair factories, the best creamery in Oregon, a tannery, iion works, a brewery, fine elec tric light system, big sasn and door factory, tbe but cantilever stsel bridge in Oregon, across the Willamette, an ice factory, mattress works, cigar facto ry, soda works, two big grain ware bouses, frait dryer, water works, street car line with steam motor, etc. a fine water power enters the city from the Santiam river 14 miles away. It bas two daily papeis, evening and morning. the Democrat and tbe Herald, with weekly editions, and two weeklies, tbe Imprint a populist paper and tbe Tele scope a social paper. Its mercantile es tablishments in different lines are well represented. There are only 9 saloons. Lebanon is a good business town with a population of aboat 1000. It bas a large and prosperous paper mill, electric lights, an 'academy, good schools and excellent stores. It has two papers, tbe Express and Advance. Brownsville, with a population of 700 or 600, base well established woolen mill, a tannery, flour mill, etc., good subojls and business houses. It has one paper, The Time. Harrisburg is on the S. P. R.R., with a population of about 600. It is a good business place; has a stw mill and floor mill. The Review is tbe local paper. Large bop yards are in its vicinity. Halsey with a population of 400, bas four churches and is a good home place. Scio, tbe business center of tba Forks, has a population of about 700. It has a good school, 3 churches, a flour mill.eaw mill and good business houses. The Pre is is its home papet. Waterloo, a growing town on tbe San tiam is favored with a large woolen mill and is an excellent resort. ISear by is dodaville, another good resort with a fine mineral spring Other towns in the county are Shedd, Lyons, CVawfordsville, Sweet Home, Spicer, Tallin, Oikv.lle. Ptoria, Foi ters. Lacomb, M inkers, R?va, Millers, Larwood, Rowland, Plainview and Ani dem, each with its store or stores, post orfice, school and church . The Dalies T. M. says: Hon. F. N j ones never realized what an advantage it was to be a giant until last Saturday, but on that day he realized that length of stat ure was sometimes' .pretty convenient. While the wind was blowing at the rate of 40 miles an hour, Mr. Jones, with some half dozen men employed on bis ranch near Rikt oven, were seated inside the house, wai'ing for die wind to lay so they could resume work, and ull of a sudden were startled by a load roaring noise. They rushed outside and discovered the roof of tbe house ablaze. Not having any appliance for fighting fire, they hastily organized a backet brigade, but were short of ladders. This M". Jon ss nadily supplie I, bsln mwrly seven feet in length, was able to I .innri he iVm .i.ta Uia house and band buckets of water up to tho men on the roof nntil tha fire, was extinffuis&ed, though noi until neaily the entire roof was burned A large, gsping crowd recently went to church to see the president participate in the communion service. When be uad done so. many of them got up and went nut. That luch a thing should be made a show Ucertainly ridiculous, but just the same very American. MISFITS. The small boy is longing for tho water to get a little warmer. A Portland paper has a 3 inch head over a one inch item. That is modern journalism. Mr. McGnire continues to style him self fish commisiioner. He wilt have some fun drawing his pay. Mr! Ed Ilirecu will be the McKiuley postmaster at Salem, so some one says who knows all about such matters. Theodore Durrant has been sentenced to be banged on J une II. The sentence should be carried out with strong rope. Mavor Pennoyer says be will knock out the nickel in the slot machines li cense or no licenw. Now, watch for fun. The leader of the Greek movement in New York is Agaibodolaa A . Papageor gopoulas, long enough to belong to the vocabulary of a negro preacher. Who said times were hard and there was a deficit. Senator McBride is labor ing almost day and night for a 650,000 appropriation for Portland and a $50,000 appropriation for Salem. Mr. McBride is proving himself to be a statesman of no mean order. The Kins? of Siam is to make a trip to the C. S. Already it is being alleged that this ia a trick on the part of the L. S. minister, John Barrett, a former Portland newspaper man, to get control of that country. The title ot King John may be looked for. The cat has been let out of the bag. John G. Carlisle has been selected as private counsel for J. Pierpor t Morgan. The record indicates that Mr. Uarllsle haa been Mr. Morgan's counselor for several veara. XI r. Carlisle ia entitled to an immense salary irotn Mr. Morgan, Dr. Chapman, president of tbe slate university, baa ordered the board to atop the paper." This after consider able thought, condensed and to the point, the Guard man declined to do, though be gladly stopped the Uri copy. The Dr. seems to pot bis feet into things frequently. Just received all tne latest ia sailor hats, high. kw and medium crown. JLall and price them. Toe Ladies Bah ar. We Lead, Others Follow. aid tbat is tbe reason Hopkins Bror. are the tint to dis play a fall line of tba famous 1S97 Ces cent and Craafonl bicycles. Call and see bem. The Crescent was tbe 6ist to ut The other factories the new copy. D tubing. Hopkins Bros have received a full stock of 1S97 Crawford, bicycles. I bey ar i i - Come and see for yourself The Grandest Advertisement Ever Written Is poor compared to a reputation for keeping boneat goods and making bos eat representations regarding them. Today we have displayed ia onr sbvw window an elegant line cf knickbocker shoulder braces. Something every toc ped oouioetrea peron snouid wear. All tim and prices. KURKIIART LF.E. Ilroggu's. MARRIED. CORSALL McCARTNEY. At Leb anon, on April 15, bv Justice Lorelee, Mr. Jan. Corns 11 and Mrs. Jane Mc Cartney both of Sodaville. Tbe Democrat is -not yet prepared to extend congratulations. TCRPIN KLUM.-On Monda even ing, April 12, 1897, at the home of tbe bride's mother, in Albany, by Rev. T. P. Hayne, Mr. Harry Turpin, of Wa terloo, and Mies Amy Klnm, daughter of 11. G. Klum. The affair was a pleasant one though a quiet wedding with bnt few invited guests. The attendants were brother and sister to the groom. Tbe handsome young couple and attendants swept grace fully into the cosy parlor nnder the in spiring music of the wedding march, ex ecuted with skill by Mrs. 8. P. Adams, and soon with well chosen words were made one for life. After sincere con gratulations refreshments were served At a reasonable hour with many happy wishes tbe friends repaired to their ie spective homes, delighted with tbe oc casion. T. P. II. THOMPSON. LESLIE. On April 7. 1897, in Sweet Home, at the home of George Rowell, by Elder M. M. Nor ton, Mr. Albert Thompson and Miss Minnie Leslie. Savage people; have a superstition tbat an evil eye may be cast upon a person to bring all sorts ot trouble and mis. fortune. Tbat seems like a pretty foolish notion ; but it isn't much worse than some of the notions which civilized people indulge in. One worn out sn Dentition ia the be lief that if a man inherits weak lungs from his parents he is pretty sore to die of con sumption. The actual fact is that if such a man will only take proper care of himself be will really be safer from consumption than a careless person who has no inherited weakness. Carelessness is the real evil eye. Carelessness will develop a tendency to consumption in any body. The lungs are composed of very delicate, sensitive tissue, even in the healthiest per son; that is why they yield so quickly to the attack of tainted blood. If the blood is al lowed to get impure and impoverished, and bile-poisoned, the seeds of consumption will spring up in the best kind of a consti tution. The real consumption-taint is in the blood. Hundreds of cases of so-called "heredi tary" consumption have been completely and permanently rooted out of the system by Dr. pierce 's Golden Medical Discovery, simply because it gives the blood-making glands power to pour a fresh abundant sup. ply of rich, red, healthy, blood into the circulation. This drives out all poisonous and unhealthy germs. It stops the waste of tissue and the formation of morbid deposits; builds up fresh, normal, healthy lung tissue and solid, muscular strength. In all the weakened debilitated conditions which are tbe forerunners of consumption, Dr. Pierce's Discovery is the most per feet nutritive and strength-builder. It is assimilated by the weakest stomachs. "is W3 TELEGRAPHIC. (reeled With a Cheer Washinotok, Aprii 13. The 154th an niversary of Jefferson's birthday wa ce e brated tonight at the Metropolitan hotel by a subscription dinner gi,en under the aus- craticciuij8NalionAl AMociation o Uem0-i Tonight W J Bryan, the late democratic I candidate for present, was the guest .f honor. Senators. reoresentatives and other conspicuous characters in the councils of the democratic party were present Mr Bryan was greeted with a lusty cheer as ht entered the hall. Mr Bryan responded to the toast : 'Thomas Jefferson. We celebrate the anniversary of bis birth, not in the "pint of personal idolatry, but w th reirard and reverence for his political piinciplei." A tsetaatallac Fleaa. Omaha, April 13. Piling boards and bags of sand, old hav and stones are being ted to tha hungry maw of Ihe big Muiurf at Omaba in an effort to restrain the mam feat intention of that emtio stream to re sume tie channel abandoned 20 tear ago. At nightfall it looked like the effort. minfct succeed, but all liope is hedged about with provisos. bant Omaha and North Uuiaba are flooded by the waters that are rushing from the ovurfuli Missouri river. lbe residents flee for their lives, leaving their possessions beluad. The bou-ee are stand ing in the flood, submerged in water from one to five feet ueeD. Fields of grain and fences disappear bentf th the surface of the water, and the trees no ronger show an) trunks. rear Uttei far London, April 13. The Athens corres pondent of the Chronicle says that compro mise is evidently in tlx air. turkey it showing herself exceptionally frieudy to (ireeco, and it is believed in dip'ouiatu. circles tbat tbe two parties, it iett alone, would settle tie affair in as mauy dajs. Advices from Epirus represent the situa tion there as a reign of terror. Wrafcaeaa mt AitlliaMaa. London, April IX A rt-prvseiitutive of tbe Associated Tret learns that com muni cations are oaaainir between asbioitfon and Lou-ion with reference to the bearing sea question, lbe gieateat trecy u re served here on the subject. Tbe Pali Mali Gazette refer to toe reopening of this question as "another lesson of the weak ness of arbitration." Bate tem Mgrar. Astcma, Or., April 13. Greatly to the surprise of those interested in the measure. Major Taylor this afternoon returned the gambling ord.oance with out his approval. The mavor states tba be vetoed tha measure because tbe reve nue which would be derived therefrom would not justify lite "moral injur which wiU!J result. To is action oa th part ol Mayor laylor caused great or prise, as it was generally expected ibat i ne ravureu iwu a BUc Sew Tar Ik. Albasv, X. Y April 13. Th Greater New Yore charter bill pas-d th-senate oyer Mayor String's veto, 34 to 10. At4e4 Br S small ras. Lauissa, April Vc The inJ.-.r con linue toaltacx Baltioo. It is said that inforcements are en route from Dukiia fne invaders hate taken np atroag pool tions near tee mountains. The latest de tails are that tbe invaders dynamited lbe Turkish ;ost opposite l'booika asd ferti asgia. i be troops here were kept sand -ing under arms until 3 o'clock this after noon, as it aa feared tbe raid would hi- tn hAiltiitiA. T'h.'n hit !wvn raithraalt. ! of small pox anion tbe fur lis. and many death are imported. CWwsay VUklag ! a.. Astoria. Or April 12 The fiWbing situation is assuming a gloomy aspect, and rumors of another strike are rife, the men are more positive today than at any I other time that they must rvoir 4t J cents. The' 6h caught last burnt r-re 1 nearly all offered for sale to the Ne j York firm and tbe Trvxcott Packing Com- f pany, both of which pay tbe onion price. ; The XeW York agvoty was offered mot s fish than could be bandied. At the several eaannes not enootth hh was c3red to jnictify operations, an i none of tne pack j ing bosses was operated. About 5X) boats went out latt night, and the cau-hes were Lur for (bis Uae of the tear 1 be boat averagsd 10 salmon. Tfcetr nnl Trig, WaHToTO!t, April 12. Tbe president, Mrs McKinloy and their party nKnrned to the White liooaeat MM today, after a five days' trip on tbe Potomac aad C'tuva peae bay. That great bene-Sts had bea ; derived by the whole party was immediate ly apparent as the carriages dichsnr-d thetr toads at the bite Hooae do Tbe president stepped out first nimbi y. Tke Cretan War. Loxrxis, April 12. A dipatch from Trikbala says toe Turkish garupon of BaJtibO. numbering about cOO men. wbicb was heaiMnd bv Greek insorirecta. h. rat its way through the Greeks with a Iocs of !- 30 men killed. It is added th fighting was stubborn. It was ooly at the fourth attempt tbat tbe Tnrks wtre able to tmrne from their barracks, lite ittureoU con tinned to march into Macedonia and hare raptured the town ot Kraota. A Man mf Brains. Wasbtxotok. April 12. Tooignt. at the invitation of the law c'asa of Columbia college. Mr Bryan deliverctl an address to tbe students and a large number of iovi'ed visitors. His general theme was govern ment and epnality of the people before the law. Mr liryan was introtitRxd by Jntice Harlan, of the so pre me court, and Justice tfrewer occupied a seat oa tbe platform. The lecture was given a warm welcome. la likisut ryrlawe. St Loci. April 12 A Republic spe cial from 11 am bur Ark., says news has been received of a borricane. which de vastated tbe country nar Oochita Sev eral plantations were swept clear o' bouses and stock. Saa keea Brad. Washington, April 10. Daniel Wolsey Voorbw, United States ex senator from the state of Indiana, died at b o'clock this morning at his home in this city, at the age ot To" years. His death was caused by an attack of angina pactcria. Tbe senator's health was so poor during lbe recent political campaign that he uouid not participate in it, but al ter bis mm urn to Washington in November he scemei to improve in health. Two weeks ax the old rheumatic trouble returued and three days ago his condition beuune alaiming. BaaserasM tsjaamlle. Hues km a, Cel., April 11 The steamfT Yauin, in approaching the wharf here at 10 o'clock today, struck a sandbar, opening ber seams. She began filling, and immediately settled, with only her deck above water. A line was run ashore and efforts made to beach her, but so tar she has only been hauled in a short distance. Tbe Yaquica is loaded with 200 tons of miscellaneous freight, including 10 toas of dtnamite for Los Angele. The weather is fine, hut fears are felt tbat, should the weather become at all bad, the pounding of the ship may explode the dynamite, Will riant la the Lal. San Frahcisco. April 11 Kugene Deuprey, of counsel for lheodoie Durrant, has not given up tbe hht, that be haa been making for two years to save his client from the gallows. He sajsthe contest is far from its conclusion, and be ventures the opinion that Durrant ill not be banged for two ears, if be shall be put to death at all. A War Cland. Yokohama, April 11. The government of Japan has decided to Bend two war ships to Hawaii, stopping meanwhile all emigration. A number of rejected enii grants have arrived at Kobe. Tbe press is urging the government to take a firm at titude toward tbe Hawaiian rml American governments. Belter Hast MsMrnis, April 11. The water in the Mississippi delu is slowly receding Re ports rtoeived tonight from the overflowed country are most encouraging. Tbe day haa been an ideal one, and evory phtnter in tbe delta is in better spirits. At Greenville the river, as well as the backwater surrounding the town, is sta tionary tonight Eervthing is in readi ness for the receipt and distribution of provisions from the government A Train Wrecked. CiiARiiOTTR, N, C, April II. Tho northbound Florida special to the South ern railwah and a losal southbound pas senger train collided at 11.15 this morn S 4. TV !.i . 1. 1 1 Iauum aKvtit I 'I miles north nf this citv. killing three prr- ing ai jiamsDiirg. ! sons and wounding savsral others. NEILL OF ARRHNSAS. Another U. S. Congressman Indorses . vuiail UlUUIOWiJ PaiMe'S CplWv rimnA..rt1 "-a j Within lbe past year, among the thaas- nda f beauty ls4imoa. 'o tbe won derful curative pewera of Paine's celery emrpcnnd that have boss received by Well. Kksbardaon ot 'ou.poT amnna, the thousand of graceful letuifa re:-ivad from every atu nud loam in tne e untry there have sums uo lew tis six hearty icdoraemeota from members of th n lion! bue of reprafteataiivas. AH were willing thattti-ir expe ien-se abonl I in tcnbthl, be ievtog n3t!y last they might tha '' J- d t o:bws. tn lhe ejlnmoshsvt ar bse i puo l-ht the leuar?re lve-1 f na Con greasman Merediic, BU. Urout sol Hovers. N-3W roniM a letter from CVtngientmtn Flo bett Nl I of Arkaaaaa. n f lo: My bom last list-a v I. e. Aril. Dar log the laat spring and umm-r tye'.d ea. daughter, vheo 17 war of -. was in vert poor bmith. suffering frua g-nerI debt.hy, nervous prorU o not fra quest a'.ight faveta. !he bad the tt medical aiioadancei. bo. npraUy w ta iiui benefit. In tba latter part of Sep lembn tart, whl e r.i'l ! -bin tb.a I e. sh of fame's en.ery o.mpoun 1. nod improved in haalli o ti uoly. in IhrM .unnlhl aha had fu ,V rf C JVtTid nod la now In perfee: blU). 1 f.m ik jod to think tba remit ItsasiM isiioss. THOMAS BRINK, ! All kinds of furniture and beddiner, and it you Dealer iu Hon. Wo J. Bryan's Book A LL who arc in ercsf in furl'vring the sale of Hon, V. J. Bry an's new r hodJ correspond im mediately with the pubilstars. The work -ill contain An c.ti Vis f.xu-l r'e i - J1 ' f -nffSnf a...- AGENTG WANTED Mr. Br'an has announced his intention of devoting one-half ot all royalties' to furthering the cause of tfaetallism. There arc mous sale Address W. C. C0SKEY O NOTICE Notice is berby fciven lht br onier of th circuit ciurt of Ihe Mate ot Oreob. for Linn coo'y. deMa-eni No 2, all claims ajr'iost the A!ba'v Woolen Mill Co, a ccrpraiion. that bav not .Inalr been preen'el to the onWlar.e4 receiver or filed i'b the clerk aiJ coo t, are re quired (o be presented to tb uul- rijrneJ receiver aitnin three mouths frnm tt date hereof, July verifird. abyl. re quired. Aod ibat ojtions to claim' anainst said A'bsn wt Mill Co, tf any tbere be, t filed wltb U clerk cf ad court within three months iron, the epir tkn of 'be time aPowed ly law for lbe i refutation of a id claims, as above men tioxrd. Dated April 12, 1897. Pv oHer o the cmirt. f- r LINN. Keceivei. STCCKH3LSERS MEETINC- N"t ice is hereby given lht l-e slock balder ot tbe Albany Trading Co. , will meet on May 8, 1897. at 7 p rn at the com paoy'a stire in V e 3rd ward lor ihe por to of electing three directors aid trans acting such other business as mi) come before me meet ing . Dated Aprils, l$7. F E Uivht, II N Morris. 5ecretry lYedder.t Notice for Publication LaND Orrtcs at Orkhon Citt. Or Marcn l7tb, lS97 Notice is hereby give" tat the follow ing named sett'er has filed notice of liia intention to make final proof in support of hi clsim, under Sic (01 K S. and that saUl proof will be made before, the reg ister and receiver at Oreiiou City. OrtfRon, May 11 th. 1897. vis: Perry O Hibbsrd; H K 11S02 for tu N W 4 Sec 11. Tp 10 S R 4 Esst. Me names tbe tUlowti g witnesses to prore bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: James 8 Moor, of Detroit. 0.-e,on, llenrv Com edy, Frank Rabedftau. both of Niiigiua, Oregon, and John O r'ox o Ditrolt, Or KOUERf A. MILLKH Reit;r. T ? M MITCHELL rontinnea to mt a J aneut for tbe l'aciftii School Desk and Furniture Co.. of Portland Orders sent to uim lit Tangent, Or , will be promptly attended to. FOR SALE. A good leaibrr boggy tor. Call on O. B. Haight. W 7ANTED VAlTHFCl. MEN OR responsible 1 V WOMEN TO travel for established house in Oregon. SaUry t7S0 od expenses. Position permanent, lief erenoe. Enclose sell-addresse-j stanpid envelop" The National, Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. j AT 1'IIE MINES. -Boarding, Irwlging and meals may be saourcd of the sub-. sen ber at the Fantutm mines, nl ins place at the mouth of Dry uulch U. W. Whits. viuiijuuiiui and da nit ha iute to recotiuiend it in tbe sufTortog." To ixMtpone at such a vital a this rex" ating the nerve an j purifying tbe b dU a erloa mistake. Men and -omen di-treaaej by nervous lroobie r tbe flcu of lir pare blood eanont af f lrd now to to-s a day bef ire taking ad vantage of Paine's ee ery eoenponod. Ino-derto avoid dUappUctmant ae rapt notbiag but Pal la's oe! ry earn iuu9d. A eierk who trie to seU rm lb us el tha what paopla ak f r a ..i.Uiiiii. t i. nt.rL-. Ha haa an eve t proS a mora tbao to the a J"d oft eu owners. Tber c.n bs no u-sti-uta fjr Paine's ee cry ram pound. This bas bsee shown time and time and time again ia "caaea wbafe person ton easily led. have esrrtad bom some thing bi le Pal oe'a ealarv compound. ol . are fi-ei tj rt ta dacidel bn fit 'h-y hai hoped fr. Ttiir .nxeai ia ioraacnent aver recelr at for tbi great apritig r(Qdy and no renedy era oaspared with Paige's es ery mm an t lanecbsraitar and tbe oam!) -r of tba witbfsM to it erBueocy lb wrongaat- ind r -ao-nt it tri rae!T ad dd n overestlmaia or exaggerate in the least Un ujr v.hel power tf making pe?;rie wait. want the most$ complete flour safe, he has them and his prces the lowest. ALBANY, OBECOM. :antc! f.-s cannpaiftn tour ... :.rl v:t scceches . . . . ! cnToaiQn of IS96. leal sltuatkHi . . indications of an enor riY, Publishers, EXECUT023 SAU Id the county court of the s a'e of 0e goo for L'mu county. In tbe matter of lb estate of Oiney Fry S--, deceased. 1. 1 ('.Bey Fr, the duly appjia ed. qaati-6e-l and acting ex:coor of tbe last will and t-Uran' and caJioil of tMney Fry Sr deceafed. hcrrbr aive notice tiat pur suant to ai orJtr UtujJ oj! of said court on the 4'.b d o- Mirvh. l?-. I will seU atpub'ic an t ion at IK court boue dor In Albany, L'nn con'y, O'egon, to the highest .nJ best biidr, on Sitanlar.May h, IS;);, at 1 o'clock p m, tbe followicg dccrbcd property lo wit; The soma half of I l seven and eijt1! t in block N 2 (two, in te Kten addi tion to Albany. Linn county, Oregon. Also by virtue of an order issued out of said court op th 8.h diy oi September. 1893. 1 will sell at public auc'ion at the time and flce above s'ateii to tbe high est and beat biti'fer, the following descrttt ed real property, lowit: Ai ajre described as follows.towit: Tbe Sou:hwet q iarUr of tbe N K quarter ot section 28. township 11 S o K 3 w of lbe Willamette meridian. Terms 'f sale cash. Olnst Far. J. Eiecutor, , sckbum, Souieu Duncan, A'tjrs ASSIGNEES N3TCE. No' ice is hereby given hat I. E ll'ain. of Albany, Oregon, on tbe 18;h day of February, 1S97, made a general assign ment ol all bia property for the benefit of all his creditors; and tnt tbe undesigned has been duly appointed assignee in said assignment proceeding. All creditersof ra-d L V. Main a'e hereby requited lo pre sent their claims to me. c"u!y verified, at my cttiee In the pos'otfice budding. Albany. Oregon, within three months trom the dae of this notice. Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 23rd day of March. 1iq7. ;iC WAtson, IIBrtast, Atty for Aigne Assignee KCTJCE TO CREDITORS Notice i. hereby given that the under signed has been duly appalnud adminu. tra'rii of tbe ette of Uiuis F H smmer, deceased, by the count joort of Lir n county: AU person haviugclaui sgamst said estate are her by notifisi to prestr.t them, duly verified, 10 me a! v- iHce I H C WaUor., attorney at 4a? Oresron, within sU inonhs luu jJsle of this notice Dated at Albany, Oregon, March 16, 897 HCWatsom, Flokkkcr Uamms Attv lor Administratrix. Admx K. O. T. M. Meets every Sntunlay evening at K.O T. M . Hall. ViBiting Knights invited to end. J. S. Van wisklk, Coin. SUMMONS. In lit Oreu Cyurtof Hit 8tnU oj Qrtgon far tht county of Lino. J Cumey Fow'.er and W J' Caesar, plain I tiff vs V G Movgsn, as administrator of the es tate of Thomas Morgan deceased ; James w Morgan as administrator or 'he estate of Lydia Morgan deceaed; Mary Ann Gray, frank Gray ber husband; Agnes McNeil, John McNeil her husband, John N-Morgan, Ruth Morgan bis ife; James W Morgan, Morgan bis wife; W G Mmgao, Morgan hi wife; Jane Mor gao, K A Morgsa. Morgao his wife; Mr garet Duncan, Daocan ber boshand; G L Stryder and Haiti J Strydei; L'nn Co. National Back , (a corporation) W H G l tra, A Bosh. Trmtee; First National Bank, (a corporation) and Mil'ooHsle, Defendants. To Jobo KMo-gso and Rntb Morgan, his w ife.snd Margaret Duncan aud l)au can, ber hosbind. Defendants. IN TIIK NAME OF THE STATE OP OREGON: Yoo are hereby reqoirrd to ap prar and nser iha complaint tiled against yon in the akove entitled suit, by tbe first day oi tbe neat term tf this court following th espiraiioa of stid Saesmocs.towit: by tbe 4th Mmdsy in Jaoe,1897;eingtb 28tb da; of said msotii; and if yoo Un so to syper to answer, for wiut thereof, tbe plaintiff-i will apply to the cou rt for the re'ief praved for in tbe e inpla nt bled against yoo bees is. tii: for a decrw farec'oeicfc a rert-io mortgage ezreatfd bv op Thocnas Morgan u.d Ldia M iiai. bis ife, (oo'b deoesa u))toihe Jar vi-CoakIin Mo'afce Tm' Company, to eecar It payment of $If25 with uttereot, and th tonti f 100 attoroe) fe. Sd morrgage being npoa real e'e sitotte la the eonnty cf Lino, slate of Orrgoa, srid particularly bounded nl de iHtd as follows, towir: Tbe W J, cf the D L C nl UtrA W AI 'itogham; uaatd in Seoa S3 and 34, Tp 13. kmtb, Rasge 4, W W M, coota-ting 159 eras w-re or leas. Aad oirecting sale of aaid property in the msnoer provided by law and application of :be prooeeda therrf om to payment of tbe claim ot ike p ant ff herein, iocladiog ) ejs'.s. d'ab'eaeaU of sait and altomev 's ' fee Tb- raa:nM ia pnbti-hed bvcr.leraf' tha HonoraU II H Hewitt, jsdg of said eoo't. Made a.d oo tbe 240t day of Feb msr. 1897. Geo W tiza a Mosrravra a Haccuwajr, Attoraeysfor Plaintiffs. SQUUOMS. tV Circuit Court State et Qrtm-for Lin Depart aeat Kt. 2. C C Jackton, Plaintff, vs SaraH J Moore. Mary J Yarbra;h. Da vid W Tarbeoogh, Howard W Tsrbroagh. Pemly M J Yarurnogh.CJeo W Tsrbroagh, . has J Yarbroogh. and Lewi Ysrhroagh . Defendants. To Sarah J Moore, Marv J Yarbroagk, Davii w Yarbroagh. Howlrd V Yar CToagb. Peaily M J Yarbroagh, Geo VY Yai tirot gh.Tbomas J Yarbrongh and Le is 1 arfarootrO. tne deiendan'.s aooe named : ISTHE NAME OF THE STATE OF OKr.'U : lou and each ot yoa are hereby vqnired to appear ia the above rs til ed coo: t on tfce fiut da ol the aext reguUr term "hereof, on Monday, the 2Slh dy of Jane. 197. to answer the comprint oi tbe p4aiatS aoove Banted bow oa file iu said coat ia sii cause, aad yon aad -ach of yon are Lereby noufisd that if yon fail to appear and asawer to said com plaint as herehy required the plaintiff wit apply to said e-jor. for jadgnest against y .-a a prsyed for in his said tBpi'iiit. to wit: For a decree ofaaidcoart tHclsr ing plaiaiiff to be Ue owner ia fee tirapis ot ait tbe following dst;ribed real proer ty. toit: IVrnniDg si a pom- as T- enaiis a aaa . - ,..l .-C- 1 .jy ceain 01 toe r..coraj7 01 cum o. 49 in I P !. s at vot toe vt 1 tam rite Heridiao. raccirg tbeace S 7 c-ain. tbeece Ati chairs, theoce N 7 chains, thesce E 4 2S chaic. containing 3 acre more or less, in Lisa ooncry. Oregon. A ' begianing at tpointM tne east 1 Loondiry une of the DLC of 1 bo J Yar DroGgn idJ ite. Aol. o. bain No. 49 in Tp 14 S R4 w. and ciaim Xo 66 ia Tp 14 S R 5 w of W,amette Mer which is 33.72 chain S cf the N E corner cf said DLC, aat nualng theoce w 61 47 chains thence K 7 chain, tbeece w 4.194 chain, tbeaee S 2$ degree w IS chain, thaace S S degree 30 tcLon'e w 4.24 cbaina, thence east ? j chains,' htnee S '-! descrees 4t minutes E 7 chains, hecce S 12 degrees 30 minute E 9 70 chains, thence north 63 decree 30 or nates E 13 16 chain. Ihene 1 S 70 degree E ? CO chains, thence S 79 degree E 4 S3 chain, thence S 65 degree E 11 20 chains, theoce ooth hS degrees E 12 60 chxis. tbeace X b7 gte K 60 chains, tbeoee son' h 73 de are E 5 30 chain, thence S 57 degrees :tl tntnn'ea V. 3 16 eiain. mas or leas, to I a puint dae eauh 4 tbe place nf begin i .ing. thence north 54 2 chain. moe or I Ih. to the pla -e of beg aaiig. containing 1 14 69-i'X ace ia L;na eocnty, Oregatt, j And forev hrr.u od"-i j arirg aid d Untmi aod : eca cf tbeaa fraca etaia i or artiBg asy ri ht er lit e ta ot to a d Uad. or aav put thereof: correcting tv srruwoas dc:puat tbcreot cwtaioed in a eertaisi died rxeoatvl and dslivered fey Tao J Yarhrewgh aad Sarah J Yai breath, his wit, to 00. Was Laadrath, o a to coo fjrjn ta th tr.e t'escntUca at atsd land ab art oat, and rvKOviegta dad f. p atauff'a ttile to ad lands. ThcrsjnsMMia ia pafe'iihed. by order ot ths Ilea G H lieoitt, jude f the above i'i l.d COirt. sndatchasuheis. A'haay Oregon, Ust 2Jrl dty ot Mares, 1S97. ELKI5S St Cassox. AU j for Plaintiff. CITATION. Ii t eCc aotv Cout of the S:!e ot O.egoa, f.r Una eocnty. Ic th matter cf th Ml ot F B Cneadl deceaaei. To Mary Graenao, Kinest R Cheadle, Wilheliam Strnckmier, Ertiatt LoreBaa Cheadle, Florence Cbesd;e, Leoa G.-aaaaj acd to al other hir aod d t,eof at t deceased, ankcown, greeting IS THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON. Yon are hmbt e:ted aad rs qairrd to appear in the eonrt of the late ci Cregun, fur the e anty ef Liu at th court room threcf, at Albany, in aaid oonaty.oa Saturlsy the 15:h dy 4Iay,lS97, at 1 o'clock to th afternoon ot that da", than and tber lo bow ess if any oa have, why ra"d eonrt shoald not snakaan oiir authorising th execatorof th la: will and teatascent of aai J deeeaajd to ae I at private a th foliwwlt g described rea; property or as part thereof beloogirg to aaid eauto towit: Th eat half of th scn.hsrest qoartfr cf block 47 in HacVI " n's Sad addition to the eity of Albany. Also beginning at a piiot ia th ath boondary Hue of bi-wk 1 in th Eastern ad ditioh to Albany, O eioo, tqaaily diataat frura atheaat a&d suthireat etisnt of I'll block one, tfaene northerly parallel wi a ftiker street in said city 10Q feet, tlnc easterly parallel wita K1rt tret 45 feet, there? aontherlv parallel with aaid Baker atreet 1.1 ihatcnth benndary-of a'd block one, thenoa westerly oa the soath boundary of aaid bl ct on to th place of reg aaiog. Also all t th S b of b cek No.oc ia 'L Eastern addition to aaid eity, rXo-ptiog4i feet heretofore ld :ffth west aid of stid quarter. A sith soath half of lot 2 in block 17 ia Hackteniaa' 3d addition to said ei'y of Albany, th (Uvfeiea lice being ptralhl with Second treet in a;dcity. Also lot No. 4 20 in said eity nf Albany. A!o lot No 3 and 4 in block Km 2t In U.ctlemau's eooad ad iliticn to said ett Lf Albanr. Also lota No 20, 21 and 22 in bio k No 2 la Abbey' aidmon to thsoii) of Albany, a'l of aud est p OD-t being in Lna eonnty .Oregon. Ato '.-l No 7 in block 2 in tha town ot Seal II jck in Lincoln onoty, Oregon." Witnes. tha Hon George D Barton. Judge of ihe oonnty eonrt of the V tat cf Oreron, for the county ' of Linn, with the Sl of sanl ootirt sr6id, thi6;h day oi Aptil AD, 1897, Atteau C B MnxTturr, Cleik, t li B, Dput . NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notio i hereby given tbt th sauna mteiini(lth Albany Mioing Miliiog Co. will b held at th ctfioe ifUW Mat toa on April 2Sth, 187, at 4 o clock pm of aaid day f' h rnrp!w of elooting 7 dirvetors to erj tor 01. e year and th traoaaot'on oi snih othr boiu.- a snay legally com bef jra th mtetinr. By o-der ,4 the boa-d ot directors N H Auks U E Bowj,kU. P.tsideet. Reoreary . SI Mi th TO THE EAST errs Tin cmoics o TTO TKAKSCOKnSElfTA!. ROUTES GREAT UfHOfi NORTHERN PACIFIC SPOKANE MIXXEAPOUS airn - via DENVER 0 M A K A ST. PAUL KANSAS CITV IX) W E i TKS TO ALL EASTEU3 CITIES tjCKkS STEA VEK EAVE POBTIND EVERT OATH SAN FRANCISCO fat tall detaLs call ms Ccisi.1 At Mostsitm, Albany. Or SB aocEaae: W H HCBI.MiKT. lim't. Pa- Ao a McSEILb Pfesidentaad , POKI LAKT. OR. ORTHERH l PACIFIC R. R. TJ Pullman Sleeping Osltb, Elegant Ding Cars, Tourisr Sleeping Oarf 5t Paal MinneapoUe Efitatb Irargo, Tn Grand Forks Crookatoa STiiuupeK Helens and Bntte THROUGH TICKE TO Sf it Chicago Washington PhUavdeipbia Sew York Boston and al PoinU East and Sooth f Through tickdts to Japan and China. n Taoomaaad Northern PadSc steaunaiui Co.. an Atnericaa line. For informatiott, time earda, map aa bckeU call on or write C G Borkhart Agent. Albany, Or. Or A D Charlton. A Gen Fasw Agt" Portland. Or. (III c EASTERN. YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Ooanectingat YaqmnnBajr with ta Saa Francisco and Yaqnin Bay Steana hip Company lis "Mi1 Sails trom Taqnina every 8 days foe Saa Francisco, Coon Bar, Port Orforvl Trinidad and Humboldt Bay. F isgu AccovoDATioxr rarusKi. Shortest route betww. - WTUam ette Valley and California. , Fare bom Albany and points west to Saa Francisco 1st dans to San Francisco 10 00 $TKZB4G - -5 Boondtrip 7- To Cooa Bay Cabin To Humboldt Bay and Port Oriord, Cabin YAGU1NA BAY Tbe most popular Seaside Be&ort o the North Pacific const. No nndertovr Surf bauhing absolutely snie. For those wishing to combine hanting and fishing with aqaatk port, thi re sort has no eqoal. Ieer, bear, elk, coo gar, brook trout and salmon troot, ean be foond in abondance within n fen. hoars drive ot the bar. gj0 Bedoced ratea from all pot Edwis Sto-is, Manager. O. M ato. T. F.aP.i. . U Wu. Agt. dspot. Albany - EAST AND-SOUTK THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Oaubiraia Kxpras Tiaia : I iDattr . 8 SOr. - lt ltl a I L Ulli t ar rortiait Alaaar Saa Ftaacassa aritl aa ar 1 : a a lAirawea Above train ajton at East Portland Oregon City. Wood harm, Salem. Tur ner. Marion. Jefferson, - Albany. Tangent, Shedd. Hateey Eugene CresweU, Cottage Grove, Drain, and ail stations froia K webarg smtht to and ia djding Ashland. .. Boaaaca aaisatu tcteaa Its r Lvl tlr Lsl tra If.nrs I L aibaar a.-"! f At las aibtnT Kr Lahaaoai axrin at Albaav troas Libaao rt Kl Laara .Vb mf 1 - LiStkai Jtrnreat !ki t Libsaoa e Ua Albnr tor Wjoaltxira Tta WaosbaiW branch 1110 at irriva M ajbaay rraas Vtauibara las.IIHV fur Natron Ajrrtvaat Albia Iroas K.troa sr ta AJIO Dinine Cars on OgtJsn Rout SECOND-CLASS SlEtFI.HS CABS attassww all Tkraaah Tralaa at SHvtaloa. aTevras r-wnTkasst aa . Mai. vaai sahi (CicaptSaaoa " ISO an ILt eon) and CarsaiU AM tl Ste r fclt iralar lira : i Tt I P.rtlait atoHlBBlill Dtraot eoaawtkHi at San Froncwa O1 ami Ontatal and Paciac aiiU ataih)p tta jAPAXawl CH1XA SUi-ar a'aaeaareaM;' Katas aial Uvka W aa-iera B.UHU as4 '""TP AauJAPAS, CHI MA. HOSOLl'tB A LIA can a oMalaod from li sa rsv. ! Aloany B oa-RLIR putll. MaaaKW at Ol " Porlaua On(a PurUaD STEEET RAILWAY. NOTICE. The motor on the Albany street rail way will connect promptly with all train to and from the depot, day and night. Special trips wilt be n ade at special ate. t. F. Cos. Conductor, iiyi