The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 09, 1897, Image 3

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t t nILY DemocRat, 25 cents per month
JMjO per advance. 30c per month
not in advance. By carrier, 10c per
week. 10 per cent added if allowed to
run over 3 months. Single copies 5c.
Weekly si ok in .jr.
Pfyf"! U5 for second year; 200 for
third and preceedinjr ieaw, when not paid
in advance. Clubs of tive pew subscribers
r "
The Weeklv Drmoohat and Weekly
Kxaminer will be sent to subscribers for
s.35 a year. This includes all the priv
ileges of thATCT&minars hiirnrAminm crifi
m May, the same as if you sent the reg
ular subscription price of $1.50 directly
o the paper. Isn't that a bargain.
Weekly Democrat and thrice a week
. Y. World, $2.00 a year.
Tennessee Gatherings.
(By Nicto Putro.,
Tknnesskk, April 1S97.
April Fool's Day !
Swink and McKnight have built a
woven wire picket fence.sep&rating their
two farms. This is the first of the kind
inTenn. Fronk and Blackiaw Btos
will erect one in a short time.
Last Thursday , morning a sign board
was erected in grand style in front of the
residence of ..F. P. McKn'ght, bearing
the inscription "Keep Out." It was a
hard attempted "April fool joke" in
tended for the Jr. of the family, Thomtts,
bat did not, as was seen.reaoh tho mark,
and now as April fool is past, those who
attempted it were fooled at last,
and may , if they so desire to lefrain from
notoriety, have the pleasure of removing
the shingle from sight at their pleasure,
and thev will receive the sympathy of
their friend "Putjo "
Mrs. O. D. McKnight has been visit
ing her parents at Knox Butte, who will
in a short time depart for California.
Rev. Martin preached at the school
house last Sunday evening. Revs. Uraig
and Doughton will preach at 11 a. m and
7:30 p. m. next Sunday.
Potatoes were worth 40 cents per bnrh--el
March 4 last and are now 25 cents,
"which looks like prosperity indeed, not
withstanding the intended, overwhelm
ing rash of prosperity wt ich was to flood
this country after McKinley's election
like a poor man giving promissory
note, all promise and no par.
We all thought at the outset of the
McKicley administration that "savages
would be met by force" in Cuba, but we
are inclined to believe that it wis all
blow. '
School has been running smoothly for
three weeks with more in attendance
and more regularly. It will close Jnue
-5, probably with a p'cnic or entertain
ment. Mouna Fronk will begin teaching at
Sweet Home next Mondav. Wo with
her success wherever she may roam.
literary will probably never be re
vived this summer or spring as it is set
ting rather late for proceeding! of long
continuance.but for those who may form
wrong opinion of the matter we will say
just wait till the darkening shades of
winter hover over as again and you will
see as fine a literary society as eve ex
isted in Linn county. The review of the
administrations is as follows: First, Geo
O Davis. Pres; J D Fronk, Tice pres
Thos McKn-ght. secy; W W Fro&k
sergeant at arms; C N McKnight, critic
and 38 members. Second: OD Me
Knight, pres; A Bartley.vice pres; An
nie Blackiaw, secy ; J Q Swink, sergeant;
Blanche Simonds.critic; 48 members.
Third : J Q Blackiaw, pres ; Annie Black
iaw, vice pres; Bert Blackiaw, secretary;
Wm J Blackiaw, sergeant-at-arm's;
Blanche bimonds, cnuc;53 members.
Those persons may be considered as the
most prominent la-lie j and gentlemen of
$6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book
95.00 buys a good new Guitar with book.
$1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is
$1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E
$1.00 buys a fine Violin with bow .
25cts buvs one dozen steel Violin 1st or
2nd strings.
$25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine;
bign arm, light running ; guaran
teed 5 years.
36ST"Prices on Pianos, Organs, Banjos
sent on application.
E. U. Will
There existed about six miles up the
Calipooia river (on what now is the
farm of H. Ohling) at the time of the set
tlement of this valley by the whte
man, a mound grown over with timber,
but plainly showing the mound to have
been the work of an ancient race. The
mound many years ago was cleared of its
tim'jer and for the last sixteen years hag
been in cultivation. It was formerly
about 80 feet long and about 60 feet wide
and probably 10 feet or more in height.
By virtue of its being cultivated and the
consequent washing away of the soil it
ie now not so large. A day or two since
Messrs J. G. Crawford. G. W. Wrieht '
1 T T. - . 1 1
cou.nuu d. x'. ivnui ii. siuuenisoi t-uinoi-
ogy of this city, with a view to finding
archaeological relics, and something that
might assist the United States Bureau of
Ethnology In its history of the primitive
man of tins valley, excavated the mound
near its center. About three and one
half feet below the surface was found
burnt earth and beneath the burnt earth
in clay or a clay coffin, was found the re
mains ot what is supposed to be one of
the early Indians or an aboriginal of this
valley. The skull is in a good state of
preservation owing to the packing of
burnt earth and clay which encompassed
it. In the lower jaw there Is an entire
absence of molar or jaw teeth there be
ing but eight teeth, viz, the two incisors
and bicuspids. From other evidences it
wonld appear that this ancient man was
about medium height. There were
found about three feet lrotu it a stone
mortar, and pestle.of good workmanship.
AUo a dressed horn or ivory implement
A quantity of flint art ow heads were
louDuon i rie mounu, ai.o wnai la sup
posed to be the lower jaw of a beaver
containing molars and a lor.g tusk or
incisor of some two inches in length.
Tbis excavation was made in the interest
of ethnology, and we trust that our
archoeologk-al stodents .may yet find
something that may lead to the origin of
the primative man of this coast.
From the Democrat of May 17,to June
14, 1878.
The Linns defeated Jefferson at base
ball 52 to 6.
At this time four golden weddings
bad been held in Lion county, those of
Mr. and Mrs. George Humphrey, Sr.,
Mr. and Mrs. lohn Smith and Mr. and
Mrs. Jos- K. Bently. ,
Oar talented young friend Thurston
Hackleinan, accompanied by his lovely
bride, returned May 30 from an eastern
law school to hang out his shingle in
Rev. Driver defeated a man named
Waggle in a three days discussion on
eternal punishment.
The Linns defeated a Porland club at
Portland 29 to 2. Jos. Buchtel run the
Portland club. The Lines were com
posed of Whitmore, McCullev, Foster,
Sill, Hawkins, Monteith, Baltimore,
Stevens, Clatk. This victory has long
been boasted of.
At the Jane election W. W. Thayer
was elected governor, John Whitaker
congressman, J. J. Whitney, district at
torney, W. R. Bilyea and J. H. Smith
state senators, I. U. Dickey beat G. F.
Simpson for sheriff bv SOO. J. L. Cowan
defeated Jaa Elkine for clerk 801, Z B
Moss was elected assessor, L N Liggett
Since our last writing a trade has been
consummated between G. L. Thompson
and George Birchet whereby the former
gets possession of the Birchet place and
Mr. Birchet becomes the owner of the
fine farm in the suberbs of striugtown.
Mr. John Dunlava who has been visit
ing cere a couple of weeks returned
home last Sunday.
John Ralney has a contract of sawing
R. R. wood for John Miller.
Miss Nell Haley who has been visiting
Independence friends is expected borne
this week.
In answer to Rosebud we emphatical
1 v deny the charge of having any inten
tion of flirting for this teason viz. that
bachelor 40 odd years old is too old to
make a success at the business, and we
will not write to you either (Mr.) Rose
Bud, but will promise you the first time
we are in your neighborhood we will call
personally, Joshdwav.
Albany Has
A woolen mill,
A flour mill.
Two chair factories, r
A foundry,
A sash and door niillr
A tannery, '.
Soda works.
Cigar factory,
Wire works,
Schilling's Best is simply
good honest tea, well grad
ed, fresh -roasted, packed
If you don't like it, your
grocer returns your money
in full.
There is no other such
dealing in tea.
A Schilling & 0:llMli)r
blf M4iiti
superintendent and H Bryant surveyor. I i,;i. u i .: . i ik. -
The greenhaek ticket cast 375 votes. nf.c,ri ir.... W wonij like u
Rev. STG. Irvine. D. D. of this city . see thla material! if inrroaaPtt.
presided over the general assembly ot I . -
the U. P. church as moderator, at Cam
bridge, Ohio
Miss Maggie Foster, (now Mrs. Maj.
Powell) and Miss llettie Thompson,
(now Mrs. Dr. Templeton) graduated
from the Albany College. Miss Foster's
oration was "Only a Woman," Miss
Thompson's " what Now "
Was In the Wreck.
Clms Prater, of this city, who went
to Iowa about eighteen months ago, re
turned to Albany this noon, and rejoices
at being in the Willamette valley again.
Mr. Prater on Saturday met with a train
wrecking experience ot'a thrilling char
acter. As the train on the Short Line
crossed a bri Ige at Bliss it struck the
frog of a side track, which bad been mis
plhced, Mr. Pruter thinks because worn
out and defective, though the Oresronian
laid it to tramps. The train was thrown
from the track, the cars mashing into
each other. The smoker received the
brunt of the wreck and was mashed to
oiicss. This was the car in which Mr.
Prater w is ridius. Near him one man
was killed and every other but
ooe was bidiyN, Injured, many having
arms broken, faces mashed beyond rec
ognition, etc. Mr Pruter andooe other
man were the or.1 7 ones practically un
injured and they ha 1 sever . 1 small brais
es. Mr. Pruter considered it almost a
miracle that he was cot badly injured.
j he car was so badly broken up that he
conld crawl o'it anywhere. There were
about twelve passengers in this car.
These in she other cars were not injured
much. Tlii? was Mr. Prater's th'r i and
worst train wrecking experience.
Our mer. bant has had h?s ba:r cat
-and his beard shaved, a la Bently.
Some of our people would like to bear
oar representatives of the late legislature
tell what they did and why. Will J
' 8. Smith and J. M. Somers come oat to
Oakville and tell all they know about it?
All fools day was need to the best ad-
-vantage here. Our waehing was brought
home that day although early in the
-week we took it and didn't ask any ques
tions: Dot toe next day onr washing was
cbronght to ns when to onr surprise the
Dunaie receivea the aay belore was only
-a Dandle ol papers. Aext! 1
We are glad to know that "Belinda
. Jane" had the piiviiege of voting at the
election, although ladies are not allowed
- that right in the state, however we vote
and we feel very proud of onr vote al
though it was not for Biyan nor Mc Kin
sley. N
Mr. Andy Shearer, of this place, has
seven fine bird dogs for sale. They are
"Gordon Setters" and for China pheas
ant bunting they can't be beat, they are
young yet bat any one wanting a good
bird dog had better inquire soon.
Mr. W. Li. St. John railed on as yes
terday, he has been laid up with the
measles for more than a week.
Prof. A. D. Morrison, of Corval'is, is
-visiting friends here.
The spring term of school will com.
mence next week. Miss McCune is the
Farmers complain ol a scarcity of oats
and hay. Some are oat of both and
bave not been able to put in their soring
crops yet, and the prospect for bay is not
ery good this year as many of oar
farmers didn't get in a crop of cheat on
account ol the dry weather last fall.
As Abtistic Estektaisjiest.!-Albany
people have never witnessed a more ar
tistic performance tLan that of the Hext
Concert Company at the opera bouse
Saturday night. Thongh only thre per
formers furnished the entertainment
they re artists of such talent as to
make it a complete one. ProL Holub is
Y pianist possessing the feeling and touch
necessary to make piano music enter
taining. Her Carl Walther is a violinist
with hardly a superior. He comes
nearer making that wonderful instrument
talk than any one we bave ever heard.
His execution is wonderful. Miss Hext
is very versatile. Whether in light
comedy. or bhakespearan ro;e she is an
elocutionary .emu?, her recitals being
enhanced by a rare grate and a pertect
form. Her foi ty-fave si&tnerque poeings
in Greek lOStame.before a black cror nd,
were the consummation of art.fallr sus
taining her eminent standing in tbis line
of work. The audience was pleased in a
marked degree with the entire perform
List of Patents.
Granted to Pacific Stares inventor
this week. Reported by C. A. Snow A
Co., solicitors of American and Foreign
patents, opp. U. S. Patent office, Wash
ington, D. O.
J B Clot. San Franc:sco, voting ma
chine; W Damon, Pomona, Cal, brick
machine; 11 Delzell, Jackson, Cal.flower
pot;RWHent, San Francisco, roller
bearing; E O Loeber, Loa Angeies, ex
tension handle for brooms or dusters; J
A Msgnussoo, Tacoma, bicycle wheel ;
W McPherson. Quincv. Cal. flooring: F
E Rockntroh, San Francisco, cuff fasten
er; V B Rust, Portland, printing at
tichment for roll-oarer holders: J F
SDencer. Pomana. Cal. hnh atta.-hinir
device; J C H Stut, Oakland, Cal, sepa
rating throttle valve; J Mil helm, Port
land, truck for movine heavy bodies: J
J M Wolbrecbt. Cuula Vista. Cal. tent.
That Grind Stone Problem.
CKAWFO&Dsvuax, Or., April 5, 1S9 7.
Editor Democrat.
In answer to W. S. May berry will say
that I never saw the probem in print till
published by the Democrat. Could not
get it by Geometrical progression, which
seemed rational till tried. Can give no
sale for the solution. I simply worked
it by the rale of practice or sapDosItioh
or by testing and trying till I proved it.
x oars etc.
R. M Moses.
Loss Adjusted.
A Diffkksnt Disturbance. The Ber
ry brothers, of Lyons, were being tried
this afternoon in the circuit court room
before Justice J. C. Powell and a jury
consisting of Geo Hughes, J O Bashoell,
M Hyde, Mr Mitchell and Mr Forgy.
The charge was disturbing a religious
meeting. The evidence showed that the
disturbance was in a cemetery daring a
burial service, and it was ir the discrep
ancy that the defense was being made.
V hitney A Newport appeared for the
prosecution and Elkins A Canron for
the defense.
A Sad Cass. Ex-Judge T O. Shaw,
who was stricken with paralysis on Sep
tember 23. 1896, while employed at the
reform school, is still confined to bis
home. Ilia paralytic stroke has been
complicated with dropsy, and he is un
able to lie down, being forced to remain
in a sitting posture constantly. He is
unable to articulate any words, and re
quires a great deal of rare. M r. Shaw is
over 72 years old and bis physicians fear
that be will never recover the use ot bis
voice or limbs. Statesman.
DbCbw Scan. R L. Pablo, secretary
of the Merchants' Protective Union, lias
sued T. 11. DeCew in the state circuit
court to recover $2490.&5 for goods sold
ana delivered by the following firms:
Fleiscbner, Mayer A Co., 11619.58;
Buckingham A Hecht, $177.07; Closet
A DevertT, f 114.23; Lane A Co., 140 09:
M Seller A Co., $153.29; Goodyear Rob
ber Co., 1100 02; bimonds saw Co.,
$29.15; Oregon Cracker Co.. 13.64. Ore-
gonian. This was the gentleman who
was to start the saw mill in Albany.
A PasirDirtD Onwio. Messrs J.
Tborburn Roes and allace McCamant,
who recently accompanied Hon. Henry
W. Corbett on his trip to Washington
city, returned here yesterday. Mr. Roes
today expressed himself as being very
sanguine that the United States senate
will seat Mr. Corbet, that body now
being greatly absorbed with the tariff
question that desideratum may not he
reached till Uie winter session, bat Mr.
Cor belt's seating is almost an assured
fact in Mr. Roes' mind. Telegram.
The loss on Mr. Becker's dwelling baa
been adjotUd and found to exceed the
amount of Insuiance 11500. therefore
will be paid in full.
J. he Phoenix and Home Insurance
tympanies are not in the habit of guiug J "Tut Faik "This is the name of the
in to print or making'inydispiay in pay; new store jut owned at th-old rrench
ing their losses or lost obligation as some
of the other companies have dene bat
look upon it as simply carrying oat their
part of the contract giving the people
Misses Emma Pfeiffer and llama
Devineand Mrs. Miller went to Port,
land tbis morning on the Rath.
Mr. O. O. Riches, who has exchanged
runs with John Butterwortb, as postal
clerk, will begin business tomorrow on
the O. O. & E., white Mr. Butterwortb
will go on the Portland-Ashland run.
The Silver Imprint, of this city has
been sold to Hon. J. 8. Smith, of tbis
city, a pleasant gentleman who will
hereaiter run the paper, nir. rmch
Is contemplating a trip to Astoria in a
lew days.
Mrs BE Young, Mrs Dr Irvine. Mits
Elizabeth Irvine, Mrs Henrietta Brown,
Mrs R M Robertson, MrsL K Hamilton,
Miss Lilly Robertson and Mrs Nutting
went to Shedd today to attend a meeting
ol the U. P. Presbytery.
Arbor D;y
County School Report.
fbe annual report of county Superin
tendent Wheeler shows the number of
nersons between the ages of 4 and 20
' 1 ' f i - 1 . . I ,A,JV
years reaming ui mo couuiy to oe iu,
Opesed this Mosxiso. The store of
the L . Biain Clothing Co sold on Sat
urday at assignee's sale to W. L. ance,
was opened this morning with F. M.
Redfield in charge as manager and L E.
main and Arch Hammer as clerks. J. he
liabilities were less than reported, being
about $11,500, and with other funds the
$12,000 received wili pay all indebted
ness in full, 100 cents on the dollar. The
stock of goods is a first-class one.
The large number of people who have
traded at the store dnrins the day indi
cates that a good many moot Lave been
waiting for the store to be reopened.
rf which 3.501 are males and 3.709 fe
males. Of these 2,511 males and 2,460
females were enrolled daring the year, of
which number eighty-three males and
100 females were under the age of 6 years.
Of the pupils residing in the county
204 attended school outside of their dis
tricts. There were 115 male and 137 fe
male teachers employed in the schools,
h salaries averaging $41.06 per month
for the former and $31.68 for the latter
class. Forty-six males and forty-one fe
males held first grade certificates. The
number of children not atteuding any
ahool dnring the year is 787 males and
821 females. Three private schools were
iinerhd; in the county, employing nine
male and ten female teachers with a total
rollment of 243 pupils.
The estimated value of school houses
and grounds is $114,830; the value of
school furniture, including maps, globes
anrf all the apparatus, is $21,593.
Tne number of organized districts
in the county is 122 and the number of
school bouses 123. Thirteen graded
' nhoole. employing mty-one teachers,
with an enrollment of 2,193 pupils
Four colleges in. the county employ
twenty teachers, and bave an enrollmen
tJ 400 nupils.
fh total amount of money received
imm all sources for the schools is $56
05.67, of which $54,744,35 were expend
ed. " -
Eugene city's electric light bill is f 2,.
678 a year. .
W aV Saunders, of Spokane, formerly of
Corvatlis, is to defend a Washington farm
er for murder Tbe man killed his neigh
ivMallev's tlOO gun went io J O.Neil of
Lebanon, on 45. thrown by Jick Howard
...I cent ticket. Mr. O'Neil also had
three other tickets.
The body of Mr Barre. drowned at Ani-
Jem was found and cared for, after being
in the water two or three days. It will be
taken to Portland when the weather per
mlt. H H GU fry, a resident of lane county,
who has been reading clerk of the United j
Stutes senate for tbe past twenty years,
writes to friends in Oregon that it is very
doubtful that H W Corbett, the senator i
iippointed'by UovLord of Oregon, will be
seated. - -
Profit ax d Loss. Oregon farmers will
probably profit tbis year by tbe misfort
unes of others, says the Times-Mountaineer.
Tbe shortage in the wheat crop
in India and Australia will cause prices
to range high here next fall; tbe heavy
loss of stock in the Dakotas, Montana
and Wyoming, will cause advance prices
for beef and mutton to prevail, and the
damage that was done fruit trees by the
November freeze in the sections to the
east, will make frmt in demand. All
these these thinzs combined, while they
are mislortunes to others, will be bene
ficial to the people of this section.
Abx Off, At Harrtsburg last Satur
day evening Frank Hay, boo of Jerry
Hay, in attempting to jump upon a
freieht train fell oeside tbe track with
his right arm across the iau. xne arm
was run over crushing it in a leariu.
manner, so that it was necessary to am
putate it. This wa? done by Drs . ueary
and Mackev. The young mad is local
agent lor the U. K. & ft.
Prof. W. W. Rasmus, and local K. of
, talent are to present "Virginias in
Salem on Wednesday evenin of this
John Butterwortb. mail clerk on the
O. O & E went to Ashland Saturday
night, It is reported be is to be trans
ferred to the S. P. route.
that insurance with them wbt tbey pay
ir. j. m. KALsrox. airent.
Rev. E J. Thompson, of Corrallis. is
in the city.
Mrs. O. A. .Archibald has been ic
Salem several days on a visit.
IL J. Hopkins and Geo. E. Fish came
op on the overland last night front Sa
lem. Banker A. Bosh, tbe richest Willamette
valley man. and daughter, were in Al
bany yesterday.
Miss Mollie Worrell, sister of Mr. Sam
Worrell, is lying dangerously ill at her
borne in tbe 3rd ward.
Rev. Smith, of this city, and Revs.
Wallace aod Hawes. of Portland, went
to Shedd today to attend a meeting of
the U. P. Presbytery.
Died at Phoenix. Arixona, March 26th,
1S97, of consumption, Miss Hattie L.
Clarke, seed 17 years. The voong lady
was the daughter of Mrs. Delia V. Pen
grs. Mr. J K. Weatherford, ex-state sena
tor, and Mr. Duncan Munteitli. also of
Albany, were in the city yesterday, leav
ing on tne morning boat lor Astoria.
Oregon ian.
John Butter worth, the railway mail
clerk, came oat from Albany on the over
land run yesterday. He M expecting to
be transferred to the Asbland-fortland
ran permanently. Ashland Tidings.
Prof. H. M. Hatnill will address Sab
bath School workers on next Tuesday
afternoon April 13th at 3 o'clock ; and a
general mass meeting at 7:30 in the
evening, to which all are invited. The
meetings will be beld in tbe Methodist
church As Prof. Hamill is a Sabbath
School woiker of national reputation
everyone ought to near him.
Mr. Jas. Marry will leave next Mon
day for Duluth, Minn., to go into busi
ness with an nncle. One of his sisters is
already there a member of bis family.
i "um," whose face bas been familiar to
Albany people for at least thirty years,
will leave a host of friends behind who
wi'l with him well.
Mr. Walter Ketchom and family and
Airs. j. j. jj-ibruiile and daunbter
turned yesterday from Mtokane. Mr,
Dubroille had preceded them several
weeks. They are now at Mr. Ketch urn's
home on Third street. Mr. Ketchnm
has been subject to heart disease for
some time, and this morning at Haigbt's
meat market fell from failure of bis
heart, but was soon revived. Albany
people are glad to see them among us
corner Zy Mr. J. A. Weaver, recently
from Trenton, Missouri. Mr Weaver
baa an elegant line of qaeensware.novel
ties, books, stationary, tinware, etc.dis
played with rare taste, in a manner to
show that he understands bis business.
Some gouds ordered bave not yet ar
rived, but sufficient are on band to show
the excellency of the stock.
Tub Same Cak. Car 1002 in which
Sheriff Bogard was standing when killed
in California last year by tbe train rob
bers, is now being used on the ran from
Albany to Natron. Tbe ballet boles are
said to be in sight on the interior.
Dr. Hakwocd. the colored preacher and
minoiontiry, lectured in the Coogrega'iooal
cburvb last evening on "A toor of the
orid." Tbere were sixteen prevent.
The city election id Eugene revolted as
follows: Mayor, W Ku Kendall; recorder,
H t" Dorrit; treasurer, G W Griffin; Of on-
ci'men, W II Lnckey, E K . Henderson,
George riobcT and Jerry Horn.
A Ktw jAsnuR. At a meetini of the
board of school directors last evening
Mr. W. A. McClain was elected janitor of
the central building. Mr. McCUin may
be depended upon to do faitbfnl work.
Mr. Medin baa bad cbaree of the work
since the erection of tbe building, being
its first janitor.
The school board d serves tbe thanks
of every citizen of A'tiany for the inter
est they bave manifested in the schools
by having a number of shade
trees planted in buth school yards. A
great deal of pains have been taken tn
aoiog the work well. . The trees will be
cultivated and watered dnring tbe sum
mer. Suitable exercises by the school
will be beld in each room on Arbor Day,
next Friday 9th, beginning at 1 -.15 p. m.
and closing at about 2 p m. We request
tbe patrons and the public generally to
attend these exercises.
Hiram Trass,
Supt. of Schools.
Tux CuxMAtYA Ksgiseer. Some tLne
ago a competitive lamination was held
in this city, which was participated in
by ten prospective candidates for the
position of engineer at the United Slates
Indian training school at Chetnawa near
tbis city Tbe position is a good one,
paying a salary of $900 and bouse, rent,
and naturally the applicants, who took
lbs examination were all anxious to se
cure the coveted prise. Tbe papers were
sent to Washing'oo. for examination by
the department, and there tbe selection
was made. A. R.Couip? ell, an employe
of the insane aylum, standing bv far
tbe highest in tbe examination, being
selei led for tbe place, and be was ye
lerday notified by the interior depart
ment of his selection. Mr. Campbell,
however, decided not to accept the pos;-
I tifi a Ka Ii . ,1 lun tnwiuilal m I tt,
asylum, so that he considers his present
situation preferable to the one at Cbem
awa, and the Utter plre w ill now go to
one of the other applicants. Superin
tendent Paine was pleased to bave Mr.
Campbell make the choice he did, aa be
is a valuable and trusted employee at
the mj!lbi Statesman.
W"s Purrr-osKi). The reason i given
in tbe Journal of Salem : The annual
classical recital of tbe Albany cottage con
servatory, under Prol. Z. M. Parvin. to
bave been given at Albany this evening
has been temporarily postponed owing
to the sickness of Mise Julia Perry, of
this city, who is a member ot tbe grad
uating cla-a. It was to bave been an
evening with Mendelsehon and Schubert
and tbe program consitW of twelve ex
cellent numbers. Four members of the
graduating clans, b ich numbers nin.are
residents of Salem, vit: M i-vo I.nlu
Conover, Elisabeth Johnson, Ju'ia Perry
and Laura Sharp.
Will Bs au. Right. In -peaking of
tle backward feastn, the Guard ot ed
needay said that "as a rate grain sowo
after the 15th ot April is not worth bar
Yvsiing." A farmer cs'.ied oar attention
to the item and remarked that the best
wheat be bad last year was on the 19th
of April. He says aio that many of bit
neighbor never think of covins? be lore
the ISth of April. Ttie season will come
all right and we venture the prediction
that there will be moss wheal raised this
on than there was 1a1 year.
unction Time.
lot 8 McMahao. the circus man. in Al
baiy a (rood many times, was shot and
Killed by a deputy sheriff from Taylor coun
ty, Texas, a few days ago at Wichita Kan
sas. 1 he othcer was trying to arrest an
employe to take biui back to Texas. Both
drew pistols at tbe same time, bui the
Texan was the quickest.
J 0 Huntley, who lives above Stavton.
has made a demand on tbe Marion county
court for the snm of $250 as damages sus
tained iu the opening of a new road
through his place. Tbe new highway goes
turouub sis orchard thereby cutting oil I
sixty tree valued at f each and tbe re- 1
mainder f 10 is claimed tor the ground.
An immense carload of. ties
through Albany yesterday.
The first leaker bicycle made it appear
ance today. It is manufactured by M S
Baker of this city and retails tor tou. it
is a splendid piece of workmanship. En
gene Guard.
At Stanford University last Saturday
Johnny B ronton ran 100 yards in 9 4-5
eeond. which break tne coiiese record.
Be ran 440 yards in at J 6 seconds. Mor
gan, recently of PorUaod, didltbe hardlea
n IS 4-5 seconds. - another record. Hur-
nett made a mile in 4.49 2-5 being retarded
by a heavy wind.
Tee following was one ot the deciuont
in tbe annreme court yesterday: E M Nick
erson, respondeat, vs Hugh Nickerson. ap
pellant; appeal irom i-i -it csjuij.
tion to dismiss appeal overra!!. Opinion
bv Wolvertoo. I. Tbe plaintiff, on Jaou
ary 27. 1890. obtained a decree of divorce
. . . 1 . .3 t. .Ua
asainst the oeteouanr, ana lormuj wo
title to an undivided third of defendant's
rol nronertr After an appeal bad been
nerfected. the aetenaant men, anu uuw
nartiM. bv their attorneys, filed motions
to diamias the a r. Deal, but for very cifler-
ent nnrnnaea . Held that the caute ma? be
retained in court in order to dispone or tne
question of property rights even if deatn
has fettled the Question ot aivorce. row
metions are overruled.
Was AcQcrrrEO The case of the State
gaisst Duncan Berrr. arrested on tbe
charge of disturbing a religion meetin
at Lyons, referred to last night, resa'ted
in tbe jury disagreeing. Tbe Dcxutkat
iniormed all were lor con net ion bat
one. Another jury was called and a ver-
ict was reached at about noon today.
Tbe defendant was acquitted. Hhedis-
luroea anything it was a tuoerai, ana as
the jury was judge of both law and fact
they decided as they asreid. the Deko-
cxat dee not know on what grounds.
Tbe ese against the other Berry young
man will probably be discharged.
Made and Merit Maintains the confidence
ot the people la Hood's SarsaperUla. If a
medicine cores you when sick ; if it makes
wonderful cares everywhere, then beyond
all question that medicine possesses merit.
Beownbvillk's Election. At the city I
election in Brownsville yetterday, the I
following were elected i Mayor, 0 E
Slanard; recorder, George A. Dyson;
treasurer. J ri Glass; marshal, a n ly-
Tycer; councilmen : William Christen-1
sen, nrt ward; JUennum, second
ward, and 1 H Warmotb. third ward.
The entire anti-saloon tkket was elected, I
except tbe marshal.
Postponed. The concert announced to I
be given tonight at tbe college by the
graduating class ol the Albany conserv
atory of music, bss been postponed to a I
future date to be hereaiter announced.
Tbis is made necessary on account of the I
lliness ol one ol tbe principal pertormere. 1
Pi-hied at anidsv. 0. W. La Carre, I
of Portland, whose father was recently I
drowned at Anidem, was in Albany yes
terday on bis way home Irom tne mines. I
The remains of bis father were buried ai
That la just the truth about Hood's Bar
saparilla. We know it possesses merit
because it cures, not once or twice or a
hundred times, but in thousands and
thousands of eases, we Know w cures, , the mines. as it was impossible to net!
absolutely, pernianentiy, wnen au oiners : tben -
When Traveling
Whether on pleasure bent, or business.!
take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Fius.
as it acta moat pleasantly and effectually I
on tbe kidneys, liver, and bowels, prevent
ing fevers, headaches, and other forms of
sickness. For ta'e in 50 cent bot-
ties by all leading druggist. Manufac-i
tured oy the California Fig Syrup Com
pany only.
H I)(D.
Sarsaparilla :
Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
The Same...
Old Sarsaparilla.
That's Ayer'a. The same old
aarsaparllla as it was made and
sold by Dr. J. C Ayer BO year
ago. In the laboratory it la
different. There modern appli
ances lend peed to skill and
experience. But the sarsapa
rilla Is the same old sarsaparilla
that made the record SO year
of eurem. Why dont we better
it? Well, we're much in the
condition of the Bishop and the
raspberry : Doubtless, be
said, " God might bave made a
better berry. But doubtless,
also. He nevwr did." Why
dont we better the aarsaparllla?
Wo can't. We are using the
a ma old plant that cored the
Indians and the Spaniards. It
baa sot been bettered. And
since e make sarsaparilla com
pound out of aarsaparllla plant,
we see bo way of improvement.
Of course, if we were making;
some secret chemical compound
we might.... But we're not.
We're making the same old aar
saparilla to cure the same old
diseases. Yon can tell it's the
sen old martaparilla be
cause it works the mame old
ewres. It's tbe sovereign blood
purifier, and it' Ayer:
Or all kinds,
Go to
F. II. rfe'ffers.
Dawson sells Liverine.
Liverine 50o at Dawson's.
Apples at O E Browhku. '
Smiley does oar job printing
No blur on Smiley printing.
F H Pfeiffer keeps everything in season.
Pictures from 76 cents to $25 per dox-n
at Longs gallery.
See French's line of opal rings. Tbey
are all right and cheap.
Tbere i no rice flour or starch inS chill
tng's Bet baking powder.
For a good physic take Liverine, for sale
by Dawn, the "pill autocrat-"
Our printing is tbe cheapest bscaote it
is tbe best, Smiley, the Printer.
Onr work is the best, therefore it is tbe
cheaocst. Smiley, tbe Printer.
Cr.wford k Harnish for photographs.
Price from II to $?0 per dozen.
WbUt white comb honey from California.
Just in at O E Bbowsmx 's
The Ku'b Isives for Portland at 7 a m on
Monday-, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
The Albany leaves for Portland on Son
days, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 a. m
Two packages of garden seeds for Seta,
according to their usual custom at Stewart
& Sox's.
Too will End a beautiful line of ladies
gold rings and long chains at French's
jeweliy store.
10c gets a first class hair cut, by Loey
the champion, at the Ronton h"p. Op
penile Roas Uoose
Dr G. W. Maston. phiciaa and snr
geoo, "Albany Or. Calls answered prompt
ly in city or country.
Mrs. Pearson and Miss Rieland have
moved theirdresstnaking establishment to
liroadalbin S., between 2nd and 3rd.
That German waaliiog fluid, which ba
proven uch a fine thing has rrired at
Parker Bros in a large quantity. Call
and try a bottle-
Information that is worth its weight in
gold : Get your meats of ah kinds at Hen
ry Broder's. on Second street.
If yon owe Conn Huston call upon
them and pay op. Why isn't that a goxf
eaolation tor now is the pay op time.
For choice meals of all kinds, and
prompt attention can or. a Wm Emerick
& Sou, two deert west of Kaecht t Miser.
Dr. H. K. and O. K. Beer Offices njtf
reideBceta tbe port office building, fcpeo
iai attitioa given to diseases of wortea-
Tbe old drag name cf Sne'd. UeiUhn A
woodward will no longer be known
Tbetr 'ock of goods was oid yesterday to
Loai Blamaorr.
The price of ireaaiae Oliver chilled plow
aba'e bas been reduced to 50 cents. Be
rare the tume Oliver is on every share
For sale only by Hopkins Bros.
Two ctae on tbe Benton county rir-nit
court docket are: E M Hortoa vUC A E
K It, action to stop good la transits. P
tobeavsO W RiiawaUr. recovery m
To prevent tbe ha tenia ot tbe sab
cuUaeoat tiatoe f tb. aealp and the oblit
eration l( toe ban fo -!e, wbKn (
boldnea. use Hal Ha Ueoewer.
Keep going onti' TOO .each tbe shop of
tbe Albany Brewed . eat Ompany, where
yen will find a fine M ' meal ol all
kind. Tbicompaa ke is tbe beat and
yon will be soctj if yo- do 't call on hem.
Coo.'tiW your way, ituak before yon
act, and thru ga to riaigbt Bros , where
yoo wnl tr4 a choice tie of Meats of ail
kin la to ordsr from. Yoa are bound to be
pleased if yoa order of them.
Tbe PariSc can factory at Astoria famed
out 23.000.000 can last year, 8.000.000 of
which were shipped to the Sound. Super,
intmdeot Kendall says be expects to man
ufacture more can tat 'ear than Ut.
toe company paid f22,000 duty oa April
677 rote were cart ia Ike Eagene else
boa. Dr Kavteniali was elected mayor
over Mayor 2Jtlock by 109 majority, em
phatic enoofk to settle toe matter la dis
pute. Anyone witticg some good wrinecocan
ber pickta can secure them by droppua- a
pocUl card to F U Hotfbion, Albany Or
AU.) early cabbage plant and choice garden
needs, at reasonable price.
I F CaaUtora has leturned from a
vitstio Alboqcerqoe, N M. tie considers
that the oet region ia the United State
fcr coscump'i'w and mag trouble. Many
woo bare gone tbere have regained their
bnuUi, and are actively engaged ia borinces
R L Tajlor im to be deserving of the
"yarcabee Bill" cognomen. itbia tbe
last siity day be has Uken the names of
ibirtT-oine candidate for initiation into
tbe Maccabee lodge. A recent candidal
wrote from Independence aad addreaeed
bis letter of cand.dacr to "Uaxabee Bill.'
(."orra .. It i needless to add that Mr
Taylor receired the note. Tim -
A bill in the (egialatare require that, ia
New York City, "all tight board fences
must come down belora July lt. Wooden
fence hereafter erected (ball be picket or
open wood and .hail not be owed for ader
tiainir cnnxMe Atladrertiaian' fcocesor
sign shall stand back thirty feet from the
street. Offender against tbeae provisions
will be fined $200 anu dungeoned tor thirty
daj-" national advertise r.
: SodaTille Sifting. ,
8 jrely pitience witb Oregon weather
is no longer considered a virtue by many
of the farmers here if tbey mean all that
bey are saying about it at present.
Approximate estimate of the live
stock losses in Western Oregon daring
the past winter indicate that thev were
( eater than for many years, if bot tbe
reaiest in tne nistory ot tbe state.
There is much la grippe and some
other sickness here at .present. Two
deaths have occurred near here since my
last writing. On' March 27. J.i th
baloved daughter of Mr and Mrs J O Al
len died ol pneumonia and brai.i fever.
iMrsLUsie Bland, wife of Hester Bland
A J it S.I .a .
aiea apru did. iieroeain resulted Irom
blood poisoning contracted a short time
go while dressing an abscess on tbe
body ot tier daughter.
Charles 8imons, of Sweet Home, called
here on the 4th lost, on hi way to Corn-
stock, Or., where be will join a party of
government land inspectors who are en
gaged in examining tbe vacant land be
tween Eugene ami Ashland.
Don Longbottcm spent Sanday witb
relatives in lieoanon-
Frank Donghton.anotber of Bodaville'a
popular young men, was visiting on tbe
oiu inn.
Mrs Z B Mosa and her daughter. Mn
uTtiwuiRu uisuo iuvn viaifc nere rn.
torday on their way to Albany.
Buger Herman is surely a lnekv Ant,
to tare so well in tbe scramble of 60.000
boogry bone-banters. But what of Max
rracht and the Linn county narasite
wto are iut aooilins to do something for
tle g. o. p.? Where do they come in?
e pause lor a reply. Echo answers:
Nowhere. Amid tbe selfish and fealooa
wrangling of tbeEaronean rawer, tmr
i be Cretan trouble, it i truly refreshing
to read the tbrililnc words of Gldton
and to know that there ia one statesman
in Europe who has tbe moral courage to
rise above selfish considerations and
policy and tell his convictions regardless
oi consequences. D. A. U.
The Columbia, the
Ajax and the Wind
sor Lines.
We will tell you the best
wheel on earth, or a cheaper
wheel it you desire it. Call
and see us and get our pric
es andterms before you buy
APRIL 5,1897.
H. F. Mcllwain's New Cash Store.
The Great Bargain House
Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes.
IO the beat bran's floor, per sack. II 00:19 lbs extra C Sagar.
17 lb dry granulated sugar........ 1 007 papers Arbuck'e coffee
20 yds good on bleach muslin
Mens good Cheviot overshirta.....
Mens fine shoes, coin toe.
7 paper Lion coffee
Men 10c rib top cocks
5 papers com or gloae starch... ...
Ladies Ox Blood ties, coin toe
2 extra heavy Damask towel
Large line fine toilet soaps 6c op
Large line ladies fine shoes 75c up
New line heavy toweling from. ...
Hens beayy boots from $1.50 ap
Ciocd line mens fancy ties 2 for. .
1 0020 yards standard prints...
35! 10 papers matches, best
1 75 50 lbs fine salt....
1 00 Mens wool uits (good value) .
06,5 gal best Pearl coal oil
25! Mens all silk ties
1 25 Mens extra fine Fedora bats..
25 Ladies fine sbces, round toe 1 25
(Men heavy plow sboea from 90c np
'Men Blue Lennis overalls from 35
05 6 prs mens goid socks 25
(Mens fine black pants 1 75
.$1 00
. 1 00
. 1 00
. 10
. 0
. 8 50
. 80
. 25
. 1 25
Fsatbmm Tons Oct. From the Jonr-
nal: President L A McCrnm of the
board ot railroad commsioner was in
Salem yesterday and swooped down op
en Secretary Kincaid like a big rooster
onto an old bald eas'.e and h came off at
to-1 end of bis interview in about tbe con
dition .hat a rooster would after an en
counter with ooe of those o'.d rulers of
tbe bird kingdom McCrnm wanted.
very, very oad to know wbat kind of a
voucher or claim Kincaid would reoor-
mse The reolv was that no claim.
voucher, bill or paper of any kind, shape
or ompuon woaia De recognised or
or filed or allowed ie tbe office of tbe
secretary of slate as an official ooenmect
coming from tbe everUating railroad
commianoo. Me rem inferred that tbe
railroad eommtsaioners are state ofSeers
now in office and that tbe secretary
should "accomodate" Uiem with vouch
ers and certiacales, etc Kincaid said
positively be "wouldn't do a thing."
wouldn't recognise a thing or bave any
thing to do with anything coming from
tbe serso-lived commission. JicCrum
ought to have known better.
SrmxD With Bakx Furs On eota?
home last evening about S -JO o'clock tbe
Man about Town sbet an Albany man
with a face covered with braises and
blood. Tbe signs were unmistakable for
aa acrid wit or fight. Investigation re
vealed Uie tact tbat two ol oar cilisens
with exactly the same initial, both men
over forty year of ace. bavins: a d is Dote
or disagreement, quietly went aoose tbe
wuiamette aiooe. and tentrinc a lonely
place faced each other, a la Corbeu-
Fiuaimmonss. and went at it with bare
fist. As there were no witnesses it ia
not known for certain who whinned. It
Is declared, though, tbat the gentleman
met, cad been looted by bitten.
In any eeot tbe disagreement waa no
doubt settled, at taut aboold now J
Country produce bought and sold.
Keen ember Mcllwain pays spot cash for all produce be bays. This gives yoa cm
opportunity to bay your goods where yon can boy them tbe cheapest.
H.F. Mcll wain's Cash Store,
The People's Friends
Flex's GairaaALMUP. Last Sunday
tbe San Francisco Athletic dab defeated
tbe Violet 9 to 0. The Examiner aayt:
"r lemming, as usual, pitched a great
game lor tbe Albieuc c'.nb. Tbe toleu
were unable to understand bis poxxitng
corvee, and a a result only lour base
bits were made. Flemminx also lead
ia batting. Tbe Chronicle says: " Hem
ming, tbe crck twirier from the north.
waa in the box for the victor, and he
pitched a wonderful game. Ilia beavy
biuing opponents could get bat I oar safe
bite, and tbeee were kept well scattered.
When men were on bases be exhibited
generalship that would make tome east
ern crack 'e envious.
Closing Out
Will sell Groceries
and Provisions
at cost.
Call and get prices
German washing Said lOeetiU a quart or 35 cents a gaBon.
Letter List.
Follow ing is the list of letters remaining
in tbe Postoffice at Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, April 6, 1897. Persons calling
for these letters moat give the date on whicn
they were advertised.
Brnmmer, F
Couch, A F
McKena, Mary
fames t, Ira
Cochran, J R, 6
Lansing, Cbarlee
Powell, Belle
Pkg UaUie Glover
T. J. Brrm, Fif
Cortaia net.
Lace curtain,
Saab cortaia material.
Pot tier. Chenille, Tapestry,
Window shades.
S.E. Young & Son.
Agent for Bnttrick pattens
Send for Metropolitan.
Ever Written
Is poor com cared to a repotatioa far
keeping honest goods and making hon
est representations regarding them.
Today we have dwpSayed ia oar show
window an etegant line cf kaickbocker
shoulder brace. Something erery tx ped
bouldered person should wear. Ail stars
and prices.
BlKMUKi A.r.r
Got Mad.-A high toned Chinaman wett
into an Albany ha-Usr shop yesterday
to be shaved. Tbe batberdoean't shave
Chinamen and so told tbeCe;eetiat. Tbe
Mongolian was hot from the word go, and
matted from the shop banging tbe door
so bard that a pane of elas was shat tered.
under threats of arrest be paid tbe costs
of a new one 75 cents. Celestials have
tbeir own barber and this was an inno
vation. A darkey who tried to get
shaved was more philosophical and de
parted witliout ar y signs of anger.
A Srniocs Worun Two or three days
ago, Mr. Bub M.Miller, of Ilalsey, one
ot Linn county's best known men, was
chopping wood, when bis ax nipped
striking one oi his feet and cutting an
awiul trash Irom the toe almost io in
heel. The wound was attended to; bat
getting worse Drs. Maston and Davis
were sent for and this noon went to
Ilalsey to look af er the ease. Tbe wound
is a serious one for Mr. Miller.
IscoaroaATXD. The Blain Clothing
Co , of Aloany, Or., filed articles of in
corporation in U.e office of ihe secretary
of stale todav. Tbecanital stock is given
at 11-2,000 with P. A. Goodman", Wm. L
Vance and K. YY. LanKdon as incorpor
ators and tbe object is to buy the old L.
K. B.ain clothing store and Business at
Albany, Oregon Salem Journal.
I hportaktS al. TbeCorvwUiscarriage
factory and contents, including a good
many wagons was being sold today at
public auction, J. F. Robinson, cashier
ol the Kock Island National Bank, and
Tbos Jenkins, former stockholders are
present from tbe East to look after the
the matter.
A Brrrxa Svstb. Sunday's Kxami
ner has an article on how to chance from
a fat to a thin woman or wan. A case
Is referred to where a man reduced his
weight 53 pound', but it look one year
to do it. Fav Templeton reduced her
weight from 100 to 10 pounds in three
months: bnt she had to make it a busi
ness. Prol. Wbilehorn, in this city now,
! . mni-h mainr and simpler system
and undoubtedly more effective. Under
it onr well-known citisen. Mr. Mark
tiutburt has reduced his weight in three
weeks 1714 pounds, besides wonderfully
Improving bis health, particularly bis
long power.
Famocs House Dkad The fmous old
racer, Rye Straw, who has f r years wan
dered at will over Gen. John L. Miller's
ranch on Klamath river a few milles be
low Klamath Falls, died on January 17lb
last and was buried near the river a
bmk. He was 26 years eld. He was in
his vounner days a long distance runner
and at one time the fastest r-n the coast.
A good many Albany men remember
Rye Straw.
New Psices. All the barbers of Al
bany bave agreed upon tbe following
r rices: Ilai catting '& outs, shaving
5 cents, baths 25 cents, shampooing lo
cents, and the new prices now prevail.
Oaklakd. Or.. Feb 28. 1897. My
mother has been afflicted with catarrh and
ftomach trouble and has taken Hood
Sarsaparilla with great benefit. We find
ilood s Pill to be a remedy for sick bead-
Hood's Pillls cure nausea, sick headache.
Satisfaction Guaranteed when
you use "Perfection" Dyes, for sale
by r red Dawson.
Properly used, "Perfection" dyes
are superior Insist on having
'Perfection" Dyes, tor sale by Fred
Tour Groceries and Baked
last Parker Bros Everybody ki.ow
where their place is. They keep s fresh
slock of groceries, produce and baked
goods, of ail kinds, sell si reasonable
prices and treat their customers well, all
Yoa may regret some steps yoa take
in life tnt none taken into tbe store of
Parker Bros.
It is s sreit thins to be well fad. Par
ker Bros keep good groceries.
a loai oi ore.d is not mncn out yon
want it well made. Try Parker Bros.
A swell line of reefers for little tots just
received at the Ladies Bazaar.
for Siirt Wiistj until tqu
see oxr latest amuls tint
8 m f&OTisg tills Epiiiuj.
0p-ta-dit8 ia styls, qualitj
Aa elesant line of tie and
jnt received at the Ladies Basaar.
the latest style.
Chaxqs in Tins. Tbe steamer Al
bany now leaves Albany for Portland on
Tneadava. Thnradava and Saturdays at
- . -
o'clock a. m. up river on bunoaya,
Wednesdays and rridaya.
Bas $17.00. short 119 00: wheat chop
$25 per ton, teed oats 60 cents per bushel,
net cash, at M- senders.
The most sty luh, beat and cheapest good
at r Cohens.
Not Exactly Right Is the way thou
anda of people feel. It is because thir blood
l poor, floods Aarsapariiia, tne ute
True Blood Purifier, wiil promptly set them
Ilnod'a Pills are ourelv vecetablt. and
do not purge, pain or gr:pe. All druggists.
Don't Liks It. The Soldiers Home
board recently made an order that the
inmates turn over three-fourths of their
pension to the board. This caused a
small sized rebellion. One inmate at
least, not caring to be under that kind of
a management, left at once, and is in Al
bany, preferring to manage his own pen
eion, as he baa a right to.
A Nsw M. 1 Mr. Mack J. Denny,
son of John Denney, of this city, gradu
ated last evening from the medical - de
partment of tbe btate university, at Port
land, and ia now an M. D. Dr. Denney
ia a bright young man whose success
may be confidently predicted.
Ciiasoi or Bdsinsss. On next Satur
day Mr. O. D. Van Dyke will close his
bread oepartment and on Monday will
open pool rooms In the rooms of the
be monico restaurant, with three tables.
where he will also keep an assortment of
cakes and conieciion. tie wishes to ex
The Weather'
Tonight fair, ThureJay rain and warm-
er. Kiver v. iu
F.M.Frknch, display man.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money u tt tails
to cure. zee.
Canned wild blackberries in one and
two quart jars, cheap t .
C E Browhku. s.
"Perfection" Dyes
and Permanent, for
are Brilliant
sale by Fred
, , , cure nausea, indigestion
liOOtl S PllIS biliousness. 25 cents.
We Lead,
Others Follow.
aid that is tbe
Tlnnlcln Bro. are the first to dis-
t r i .1. J . . . . ... ,1 v . . . ... . f
press uis am mants ior tne uuerai pa a lull line ot tne laiuous iwi vie.
patronage given him since being in buei- nt and Crawford bicycies. Call and see
neasbere. nem.
J. Gradwohl
is a book every Oregonian sboold
have. The introduction isoywo c
brated Rev. Frank W.Gnneaulnn and
tbe sketches by Oliver W.Mxon.D. D.
lbe book is printed rrom lire,
new type, on extra laid paper, booiidui
vellom cloth, strmped m gold, gilt top
ainstrated with 1 roll-page half tones
and retails at $1.75. Any subscriber
paving a vear in advance for the weekly
or months or more lor the daily can
have it for l extra.
x. s. as ressits
rAllUUO procured.
Albany Trading GO.
Grocerj Departient
Office established 1S68. Charges moderate
Correspondence ren nested.
nfortn tle general pontic that he wi!l
sell as low as anybody tn toe city for net
cash. Come and get prices before yoa
bay. OiuDWOiiL,
April 1st, lsyi.
Choice sardine
C G Browbsix's.
I F Conn, lessee of the Albany motor,
ill pay a reward ol SS5 for the arrest and
conviction of any one round tampering
with the switch or road bed.
If vou want a aood and clean
smoke buy cigars made by onr Al
Dssy cigar laciory.
If you want to dye easily and
tMsrmanentlv ti.te 'Perfection Dvcs.
tor sale by Fred Dawson.
Grand Oprkixo. Sprintr and summer
goods on Tuesday and W edneaday, the 6th,
and 7th of A pril Ooods the highest qual
ity, prices the lowest. All cordially in
vited to come and ee. ,
Was Johh N HorrxAH.
A large assortment of gardes seeds.
white clover, timothy and blue grass seeds
just received tree a at
Pay Conn ft Huston.
Pay Conn A Huston.
Fay Conn A Huston.
8 bars Savon soap 25c
3 boxes blueing 25c
4 riks corn starch 25c
3 dozen clothes pins 5c
Almonds. 1 lb 15c
Best tea, lib 40c
1 eal best vinegar 15c
1 cal best syrup 50
Axle grease, best 10c
2 cans tomatoes 15c
2 cans corn 15c
2 srood brooms 25c
5 lbn Arm & Ham
mer Soda 25c
l lb Com Oaka to
bacco and Dine 20c
1 cal can tomatoes 25c
3 lha cartoon crack
ers : 25c
1 sral crood peaches 30c
3 cans fine oysters 25
Conntry Produce Taken
All oar goods ate ten) and
first class
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet
AU druggists refund the moneyif it fails
cure, 25c
VJanted-Rn Idea
en of Vaiaworth Street. Jamily
wahins: taken . Particular attention paid
to handle washing and mending. Nttis
faction guaranteed. ilas Christskr-
. Notice Is hereby given that fends are
on head to pay outstanding warrants or
the iuue of iS96, fcom No 453 o 533, in
clusive, interest on such warrants will
oeae with the date oi tbi notice.
Albany, ur. uec. io. .,
E. A. Paas-sa. Citj Treaa
Tkj tnnim on the Albany trret rail
way will connect promptly with all trains
to and fTom the depot, day and night.
Special trip win ne au -f"-
aiT t.F.Coss. Conductor,
tec to hay yoar Bread, ee,Kous,vw-,
He, at a reliable store where they use
ly the Best material-why of course . t
a . ...t lTarrjsia and yoa .1
sever get it by eatmg snying tromorr
tore. - r. :: -M Mrr'
Rat fcU is worm ana kju..- .
C D.V akotxr. Proprietor
rmtce ymr liwii wwt
tJ-?.T Vow wMLimcKumiN s cu-
wi. WuhlBStua. W. 0f. Itwlr !. pna
or ftome mimvm
yum .Milk -
Cbsai Bates to Fortinb. The
Albany lesTS Albany for Portland on San
..Vdavs and Thursdays making the
Iron through in one dy
Fare to Portiana,
Round trip, A50.