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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1897)
Win muml Anybody can apply for an office. It takes Eugene to Dave a red hot elec tion. . It ia high time winter was getting ont of spring's lap, and tnere are good signs that way. The editor of the Pennsylvania Meth odist has been convicted otllDel. The victim was a politician. Bow could he ba libeled. That is the query. Anything but absolute freedom on the pnrtof Cuba is oat of the question. When free Cuba should be annexed to the U.S. A moment after Sadie Clark, a pretty Kansas City woman, had secured a di vorce granted by default, her husband surprised the court room by appearing on the scene and congratulating his erstwhile wife, paid her attorney's tee of $50 and gave her $1000 in cash. On March 23 Mayor Pennoyer of Port land telegraphed the World: ' "I do not favor any entangling alliance whatever with Great Britain. Every tab should stand on its own bottom. This arbitration treaty, like the Jay treaty, p'robably receives the support of those described by Jefferson as 'timid men who prefer the calm of despotism to the boisterous sea of liberty." From the Baltimore Ne we: - Of vast proportions New York city will be the population, 3,500,000; the as sessed valuation, $2,307,091,000; the bonded debt, $216,000 and the annual tax evy over 855,000,000. As a manufactur ing center alone the Greater New York excites wonder the capital employed in this way -beinr 600,000,000, and the number of people employed aggregating an army of almost half a million. The annual wage roll of the facto.-ies amounts to about f 390,000,000. The city will con tarn 111 national and State banks, ag gregating a capital of 70,COO,000. with a surplus of 550.000.0JX The deposits in the savings banks alone amount to nearly . TAA AAA .-Vlrt From the Colorado Springs Gazette: For over a year past the enthusiasts have claimed that Cripple Creek has pro dueedoreto the value of f 1 000,000 per month. Now the conservative element has taksn up the cry since it finds tfiat the camp is now actually adding a mil lion, and over a million, dollars worth of gold to the world with the coning and going of every moon. . A correct estimate of the actual production is difficult to as certain, bat roughly it may be stated that the mines of Cripple Creek are pro ducing at least 600 tons of ore per day with an average valae of $50 per ton. A calculation will ehow that this names the monthly total over $1,000,000. But it won't average anywhere near $50 per ton. "'" ' Utah Pioneer Jubilee. Press Bcbrap Ctah Ssmi Cesteskial Coxmirsiox, Salt Lake Ci it, March 30, 1897. Editor Democrat. Albany Or. Dear Sir: The 24:h day of July, 1897, will be the fiftieth anniversary of the arrival of the Mormon pioneer band in the valley of the Great Salt Lake, and will witness the close of a five days celebration which will eclipse in magnitude and surpass in splendor all other celebrations ever given in the United States west of the Miss issippi. On this occasion it is proposed by the people of Utah to commemorate the birthday of western civilization and to do honor to the handful cf Anglo Saxons who, hatf a century ago, broke the first trail from desolation laid the foundation for the present greatness of the mighty area between that river and the Pacific Coast. Ia commemorating the Lirtbday of civilization in the West the people of Utah w.ll concentrate their -energies and be prodigal with ' their money. More than$iOO,O00 will bo expended in car rying out the placs of the , ommisfion. The idea of the celebration originated with the people and sprang out of their pride in the achievements of the found ers of the state . It has been loitered by legislative enactment. An act of the Utah Legislature of 1896, acd an act amendatory thereto passed In 1897, prsced the celebration in charge of a commission, consisting of th. following: S Dancer Claweon, chairman ; Cr Bog non, eecreary ; EF Colborn, Mr R C Easton, Mrs George Y Wallace, if G Whitney, Red Smoot, Mayor II H Spencer, Wil iam B Preston, Jacob Moritz, W A Nelden, Mies Emily Katz, Elian A Smith, Miss Cora Hooper and John D Spencer. This commission or ganized in;Deceinber, 1896,' and subse quently elected Hon Brigham Young Director General and H F- McGaryie Assistant Director General. At this time it is impossible to more than ontline the'most important features of the celebration . It will begin on July 20. h and er.d at midnight on the 24th following. Gorgeous parades, allegori cal acd historical in their nature, will be given by day and by night; excur sions to the lakes and to the mountains will be made daily; old time memories of "the trail," of the innumerable hard ships endured by the pioneers in their straggles to conquer the wilderness, will be revived by realistic reproductions of the ecenee of '47; the pony express will be reestablished and messages again be sent overland ir the old way; the stage coaches will be dragged from their hiding places and sent once more over "the Ben Holliday trail," those wLo are livlog of the original pioneers will be present and hilf a century after the ay of the c!oe tf their memorable pi 'grimace tbey will again enter the Salt Lake Valley dt the eld road in the old way! In fact, it is in tended to reproduce true to life every ttap taken by civiliz tion in this region rince the settlement iu 1347 All of the ttrengtband vigor and enterprise of the people of Utah will be eniisted in this olehralion, for tie intention is to make it an event which will attract national attention. a rie importance oi me celebration is n.)t confined to State lines. The day the Vailey of the Greet Salt Lake was en tsred by the hardy band of pioneer-, under the leadership of Bringhan Voting marked an epoch in tha histo'y of the nation which has never been paralleled in progress since the crea'ion of the world. Fifty years 1iave elapsed eince then; the country is no longer a terra i-jcoi-nito. but is neonleJ bv hnnr!rta' of thoiitiands of happy, proepercui souls I and its inmtal and agricultural resonr ces are without peers en the continent, fne celebration,, besides commemorat in evenfabicn is dear to every loyal,, will advertise the intermoun tuiii west aa it has never before been advertise, Eo'.vakd F. Colborn, Chief of the Press Bureau Ctah Semi centennial Cowm'ssion ; 1 Jonathan Bourne. In view of the amount ot talk about Jonathan Bourne, the following pen sketch iu the Eugene Journal will be of interest: Some men are pleasant to meet no matter how disagreeable may be your errand. They are always po'its and never seem to be worried and always make you feel that you are their equal when you are in their presence. One of Ibis kind of men is Hon Jonathan Bourne, Jr. He is a gentleman in the most exacting Parisian meaning of the term. When confronted by what would seem the most exasperating circum stances and conditions, I have seen him sit down, coolly and as it collecting in resources oat of the atmosphere and the aroma of a freshly lighted two-bit cigar, slowly begin to unfold some method of surmounting the difficulty. A man ot wonderful individuality, in genuity and executive ability. I should say that the trait ot character most de veloped and meat to be admired in this man is steadfastness ot purpose. "A purpose once fixed then death or vic tory," or something ot the kind. Not free-eilverite yesterday, a bimetallist today and a gold monometallisi tomor row, but the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Too many men change their opinions with the seasons, the moon or the weather or the sitting of conventions or other changeable things.- Mr Bourne doesn't do this. When in the repnbli can camp he plans to help the silver cause ; in the fusion campaign his par. pose was the same, so also when leagued with the populists in the legislature. His purpose then was to defect one of the most dangerous enemies of the s.lver cause one who bad been its brilliant father but who in the hour of trial had turned to strangle h.s own offspring. Ia personal appearance Mr Bourne is shorter than medium in height, slender and sinewy with a quick elastic step in dicating great physical endurance. His face, with those rather long, early, sandy side whiskers and a pleasant smile, is easily remembered. He al ways dresses neatly bat very plainly ; never wears a white shirt bat is invaria bly seen in a soft comfortable negligee. He is very proud ot his wife. One morning last winter when things looked pretty blue for Bourne, the mail carrier brought him a bundle of letters among wnich was a small blue envelope which he hastily toor from the bundle remark ing to Mr Barkiey and the other gentle men ptewnt: "Ah la letter from my wife. Teat does me more good than twenty votes this morning," referring to the rotes he needed to defeat Mr Mitch ell. Mr Bourne is a New Euglander and is naturally a republican and a valuable man for the party had not that party driven him oot of its ranks en account ec his pronounced silver ideas. His most bitter enemy in the past, at present and no doubt in the future is the Orego nian. Yet that paper admits his con sistency and steadfastness ot purpose. two qualities of character much to be admired in any man. Some of the Results. A dispatch from Rochester, N. Y. says: The various town and village elections which have been held throughout west ern New York this month have excited no little interest, especially in their nn looked for results in many instanjSs. it was a matter oi considerable sur prise to notice the unusual number of Democrats elected to office- The general Democra'ic increase was very pro nounced. In towns where Republicans had always had their own way there was a breaking away from the old regime and democrats were put into office. 'V Bolivar, Steuben County, surprised even the Democrats by going Democrat ic Hooaick Falls, Rensselaer County, just escaped going Demociatic, its ma jority for McKinley of 545 being practic ally wiped out. Fort Edward, Washington County, polled hut fall 784 for McKinley and 4C2 for Bryan, a republican majority of 322. The entire Democratic ticket was elected. Lou Pavn's home, Chatham, elected a Democratic Collector with fifty majority. Its average Republican majority is 400 out of only 1,000 votes. Herkimer, Warner Miner's town which gave McKinley a majority of 227 elected the wbcle democratic ticket. The Democrats made a clean sweep in Manchester, Ontaria County. It gave McKinley a majority of 200 Kellistown and Fort Plain, Republican strongholds in Montgomery County, went democratic In West Carthage, Jefferson County, the Democrats elected their entire ticket. Erie County baa been beard f roni In the country districts the Democrats have elected eight Supervisors. In Phelps the Republicans did not get an office. There was a very heavy vote and un usual interest, but I he Democrats palled every office oat of the fire by majorities ranging from 1 to 100. The Republican machine has also suf fered defeat at the hands of independent candidates. ' These are only samples of similar returns from scores of towns. Immigration is pouring into all parts of the South. Last week Georgia rail road bonds ot $2,000,000 were floated, bearing 5 per cent, to retire Others bear ing 8; a $600,000 cotton mill was con tracted for in Alabama, and the eon tract was let for the great Birmingham steel plant. ' Gainesville organized a company to take power from a waterfall and operate a 10,090 spindle cotton mill and a street railway. An Augusta firm will add a 20 000-eplndle mill to its rot ton plant. Douglassville, Ga , projected a $350,000 cotton mill. Other enter prises are reported from these states, and also from North Carolina and Louis iana all the events of a week, aa re ported lo the Manufacturer' Record, of Baltimore. Ex. From the SprinKfield Union. The Chicago City Council has appro priated about sixteen and a half million dollars for the carrying on of the citv'n business for the present year. It costs new York almost fifty millions to run it municipal. ty. One of two things mun follow Either Chicago is far tmallet than her boastful citizen claim, or New York is more extravairaLt'lv run. deanlla the lamentations -of the ChTcsso reform. ere over the mfsgovernment of that city. Colonel Fred D Grant has 'decided to decline President McKioley's offdr of tbe position ot first assistant secretary' of war. Mr tirant sent the following tele gram to President McKinley i , "Al though you were pleased to urge me to think over tbe matter, it is impossible for is 9 to consider the position of assist ant secretary of war, -which yoa were good enough to offer me." Undoubted ly he wanted a fatter office. to whip bpain on ! Dlngley and Bailey are being heard from , on opposite sides. England at last has decided to help Turkey blockade Greece. For shame. The Democrat has no use tor tha word autonomy. It should be stricken from the dictionary. The "Brasher $16 gold p'ece" which was struck at Newberg.N. Y-, was the first upon which "E Pluribns Unum" ap peared. ' "Ah, fickle maiden," ia the heading in an exchange. Sore enough and too much. Maidens, keep your records clean . Being flooded with water from the clouds is a small thing compared with being completely drowned out aa the in habitants below tha Mississippi levees are being. Commissioners Eddy and Macrnm were in Salem this week pretending to do railroad business. As there is no longer a commission ibis presents sample ot cheek as colossal as the Cheops. Spain needs a terrific thrashing, and it is the province ot the United States to Kive it. The Dbmocbat ia always (or peace, but there can be no peace so long aa Spain governs Cuba. The large number ot municipal and other elections in the east tbis week going democratic with, a decided increase, shows bow rapidly public sentiment is changing since the November election, in which so many were deceived by false promises, that coo' r.ut be kept. Here ia a problem : A farmer owned hog and wanted to weigh it. The man weighed 200 pounds and his wife 135. Tbeyput a board across a fence so that when tbey eat upon the ends it exactly balanced. Tbey then changed places, his wife taking the pig upon her lap.just balancing the board again. How much did the pig weigh ? The Soldier's Home board in catting down the pensions of the inmates three fourths, or perhaps to $4 as one former inmate informs the Dxxoceat, have shown that they do not appreciate the rights of the veterans. If a man la en titled to a pension let him have It, if be isn't do not; but so long as he gets it, it is bin, and if he has a right to be at tee Soldiers Home the pension has nothing to do with it. In the Hawaiian Islands, where pump kins and other like plants have been in troduced, and where tbey have no bees or otner insects of that kind to do all the flower fertilising, it is done by the na tives. These plants were fonnd to flower profusely, though bearing no f rait, and when tbey finallv solved the mystery tbey found it necessary to carry by band the pollen from one plant to the pistils of another. The three newspapers of importance in Oregon, outside of Portland, are the Salem Staemao, the Aetorian, the Pen dleton East Oregonian. Printers' Iok. This indicates thst none of the otner papers in Oregon are of any importance, and yet, as a matter of fact, there are a number of other papers in Oregon that represent their communities jnst as well as tbeee papers and are as impoitant factors in the upbuilding of the state. In fact there are several papers ia Ore gon besides these that are very credita ble and theiefore of eocoe importance, in fact of great importance, where circu lated. The Dimocbat is one. From the Poet: Crank bills have already trade their appearance. Senator Quay introduced one yesterday, although he took the pre caution to say that it was "by request,' thus relieving himself of all responsibil ity. It propose that "whan any large number of citizens are abruptly thrown oat of employment during eitber peace or war and are deprived of their usual means ot subsistence," the President shall conscript them and all so-called tramps and idlers into regiments like Infantry, "and employ them on public works, such as light houses, forts, poet office buildings, post roads, bridges, rail ways, canals, telegraphs, telephones ,and other public work.' According to tbe ccheme proposed in the bill, these regiments are to be paid at the same rate aa private soldiers. Tbe amount of money needed to put the plan in operation is not stated. The courts of San Francisco are about to be called upon to decide a curious point as to the rights of real property. On Market street stands the Parrott Building,- tbe property of tbe Parrott estate. The buildings adjoining it on each side only to about half its height, so that above ''the roofs of these the end walls of the Parrott Building rise smoc.b and unbroken by windows," making an excellent screen for stersoptican adver tisements. The Lantern Advertising Company, of San Francisco, utilized the walls for this purpose, and tbe Parrott estate ordered it to desist, setting up the claim that the building, both inside and out, and the land on which it stands, from tbe center of tbe earth to tbe sky, is Its property, and subject to its right to control its every use ; that as it woold have tbe right to fotbid eigns to be painted or pasted on these walls, so it has tbe right to forbid che placing of signs thereon by any other means. Thie contention will now be passed upon by the courts, s - The Tariff Bill. New York, March 29, 1897. Eoitob Democrat: 1 ne proposed turnkey; urn appears to be specially designed to help trusts and monopolies. It takes several -dol lars from the packets of the people for every one that it turns into our national treasury. As a whole it confers even greater benefits upon privileged indue trie than did the McKinley bill itself. ints partly oecause many duties im higher, and partly because the rams duties are more prohibitive, now that manufacturers have boen. compelled by lower duties to improve their machinery and methods to compete with foreign manufacturers. In mauv cae though increasing the burdens of taxation, it decreases the income Iroin custom duties. The only important increases expected are from sugar and wool two elssetii necessary to health and comfort which sbeuld not be taxed at all iu timee of peace, or while it is possible to obtain sufficient revenue leom. other source. The threat which this tariff bill hold vtr all our homes, and over the three ourthsofour industries which cannot pesaibly derive any benefit from protec tion, makes it incombent upon nsi Somebody ought general principles. to do what we can to oppose snch special legislation. Because we know that it will Increaee the tax burdens of o it people, we propose to agitate against this bill until it is dead, or we have ex hausted evny means of opposition. Cai.vinTomkins. MISFITS. litis now said ex-Senator Mitchel is sure ot tbe appointment as ambassador to Mars. The Orezoniau refers to tbe sufferings ot Brother Driver from the hypertrophy of the imaginative faculties. Those kinetoecope pictures of the Oorbett-Fitssimmons fight were failures, and that settles that part of tbe busiuess. The King ot blam will soon pass through tbe United States, lie is a com common looking young man, who might maxe a lair cierk. Every bustnees man should unite in downing dead beats. Everv town has its professionals, and it is time they were maae to pay or starve. The Ashland Town Talk has this an nouncement: "I. W. Burriss has just received from Portland a Plymouth Rock rooster. He will furnish eggs at 50 cents a setting." The Budget sass : "Astoria is tbe most prosperous city iu the west." In another place this is accounted for aa follows : "Prosperity has begun to dawn. Another Chinese store is opening op across the street from the Budget ouice." Of thirteen decisions handed ia yes terday by the supreme court six opinions were by Judge Wolvertoo.loor by Jadge Bean, one by Judge Moore and two per curiam. Albany's member of the bench is proving to be a competent judge and a corrpreheneivo writer ot opinions. I Corvallis people and papers have de bated evme as to the superiority of Ilerr Walther or Herr Aamold on the violin. Both are excellent violinists; but in the opinion of the Democrat man Walther is tar above Aamold. He executes and makes Lis violin - talk in a manner sot approached by Aamold. A tramp in Salem was given a saw and a pile of wood while the lady ot the bouse went inside to prepare something for him to eat. When she returned to notify him that tbe meal was ready she found this notice : "When tbey call, just tell them that yon saw me bat yoa did not saw me saw." A country journal in South Dakota noted the fact the other day that the entire population of the town turned out to witness the approach of a mon strous snow-plow, behind which were three engines drawing a mail car and caboose, the first communication with the outside world that winter bound community had enjoyed for nearly a month on account of terrific blizzards and the great depth ot tbe snow. BUcfc Water. En Pacu April 6. & Fargo (X. D.) special to the Dupatch says: Tbe situation u appalling . Whil Red river rose only three inches last niaht. the big coulee, west of this city, toon a second spun and went np 1) inches, nooding the entire west tide of the town and driving bundredj of people from their hemes. far War. New York. April 6. A dipatch from Lariat ears The celebration of tbe anniversary of ureek independence provoked wild den.on- trationa anion 7 the troop, here. Tbe Greek army will not listen to any sugges boa of rerreatinff. Tbe strain alone tbe frontier is intense. Tee troop at any time may use ut reins and attack tbe i urataa position. New at F. U. Pfcifter'a. Hot boose lettuce. Cabbage. CanUflower. Celery, Dry onions. Green peas. Sweet potatoes, Spttzenberg apples, Cooking apples, Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, Ftxc Clcbbixo Orrxa. Leslie's Week ly is tbe oldest and bet of the illustrat ed weeklies ot tbe U. S. It is a model in its character, aa everybody knows. The regular price is 14 a year; bnt you can secure it and the Wxsklt Iikmoceai for only $3.25, or it and the Daily by 11 tor so, Try lawson books. once on nchool MARRIED. FULLER PAYNE. In Albany, on Tuesday evening, April 6, 1897, at the home of and by lie v. Arthur Cane, Mr. Charles Fuller and Mias Rova Payne, both ot Albany. The groom is a popular young man ; Uie bride ia the daughter ot the late X. P. Payne, a life long resident of Linn county and a young lady of genuine worth. They have the best wishes of a host of friends. BORN. WALLER. On Tuesday evening, P"1.!' 1R97J Albany, to Mr. and Mrs. Tboe. Waller a boy. KLEINBERQ -In Ellensbarg, Wash., on Monday morning, April 6, 1897, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Kleinberg a eon. The many friends of the mother, nee Miss Amelia Senders, extend congratu lations. Many women work toe bard. There is no qucs. tion about that If tbey did not have Love for a yoke .fellow tbey could never endure the dailv. boartrrindand drndirerv of life. But they bear it cheerfully, nstained by loving thought of bus- band and rhlUrM He Bnt when physical weakness or disease ia added to a woman's burden it becomes al. together too heavy. No woman can be cheerful or hopeful who is dragged down eniaa? P10 and physical wretch. The. special weaknesses peculiar to the feminine organism are comparatively easy to overcome if the earlier symptoms are given proper attention. But if allowed to go unchecked, they are liable to develop into serious, chronic complicetiona. Any woman afflicted with these delicate ailments ought to have the immediate aid of Dr. Pierce Favorite Prescription. It ia a perfect and, unfailing specific for all dis. aaea of the feminine organs. It waa de viled for this one purpose, and accotnp liabea tbi pnrpose aa no other medicine has ever don. For nearly o years Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting' physician of the Invalid' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo. N. Y., where in conjunction with hi staff of asaociata specialists, he baa successfully treated many thousand cao of "female complaint," No physician living haa halt a more ea tended opportunity to study this claa of diaeases in actual practice. Ho medicine ever invented has done for women what hi Favorite Prescription' ha. . Pr. Pieice's Pellet care IconsUpatioa, 4& 1 r TELEG B APIIIC. 1BC KICCTIeN. Sweeping Democratic Vlrt jrle. DaTitoiT. ioril 6. Returns from the state indicate the re-election ot Judge Long, rep., at justice of the supreme court. The free-oil ,er sentiment was shown in several of the cities more strooslv than in the November election. Cincinnati. April 5. Although local issues controlled most of the municipal elections today, yet tbo general result throughout Ohio shows democratic gains along the lake shore and river counties and in tbe interior counties. Tbis gives tbe democrats control of most of the machinery for the election next November of slate officers and members of the legislature. Cincinnati, April 5. The election here today was for mcyor and city council and members of tbe board of legislation. Tbe reDublican ticket was headed b Levi Goodale for maycr, and tbe democratic ticket by Gustav Tafael. The latter was elected by a pluiality of 730. Tbe city irave McKinley a plural ityof almost 20,000. Canton. O.. April 5 As usual, when McKinley was not on the ticket. Canton went democratic today. Mayor Rice, for re election, carried it by between 400 and 500 majority, lbe remainder of tbe tick, et is divided, tbe democrats winning a ma jority of tho offices. , SpaiNariELO, O., April 5. The demo crats carried tbe home of Governor Uuh- nell, electing John M Good mayor by about 400 majority. The rtof the re publican ticket was elected. ZiMKaviu.K, O., April 5. The enlire democratic city ticket was elected here by about 600 majority. ZAnesville gave Mc Kinley a plora ity of 200. Drraorr, April 5. William C May bury, den , was elected mayor by about 600 majority ever Albert E Stewart, rep. Mr B'jaa Called. WAsniKOTOx, April 6. W. J. Bryan, late democratic candidate for president, called at tbe bite tlooe toaay witb Represeota'ive McMillin, of Tcnoe, and Attrroej-Geoerid Sinjil e, of Ne braska, to pay his respects to bis ate op poneot. lie was greeted warmly by Mc hiniey. The tatter said be bad received a cop of Bryan's boos a few day. go, but bud not s yet had time to read it. After exchanging coartesies and ptauanbk, Bryan retired. Bryan was Vie?ed wi'h newspaper men, wbo asked for his views on tbe Umo and Michigan election yeterdy. ' "Tbev inJicate that cooSdence has been restored. " be said, tangoing, "and nerd no explanation from me ; tniey speak for themaeivea." Tfc. Wlmaala DkUm. Milwacesx. April 6. At Eao Claire, the democrats elected W. if. Frawler mayor, and a majority of the city official by pluralities averaging JUO. At urouse Uie enure republican ticket was elected by targe pluraaiiea. At Chippewa rails, democrat and republican divided honors. Racine re-elected Mayor Fred Graham, dVui., the repubitcaas getting a majority of the aldermen. At Madura, tbe democrat elect mayor, treasurer and moat of the council men. Tbe entire dem ocratic ticket was elected ia Fond da Lac with tbe exception of Ueurer and one alderman. Wmhi Sate. Tor E Si, ,jril 6. Tbe women of Kan sas wen an important factor ia loi-T" municipal election, and a Urge prroeot aoe of tbe vote ererywber a polled by women. In four of the tlx nrttxhus citwa tbe repabltdaM were victorioi. Topeka, the repabUcan stronghold, went rej-ubiicaa by about IjCU, wmcb abows a pain for the fnnoaist. In Wi;oit and Atchison, the republican ticket wer eject ed by small majorities. wcrptec aVsawcvaUe Vlrtry Chicago, April 6 Tbe mayoralty elec Uoa today rwiited ia a daduve victory lor the democratic party, it candidate, Caiter il Harmon, having mora rote than all tbe other candidate1 combined . At midnight the availab figure give: Seara, rep O0 MO ManiaoD, dem HSX tianan. ind 72,000. Uaung.ind iS.OOji Tbe democrat made a cSeaa sweep of the offices in the weat town and nortb town, and probably in tHe sonta tews alo, al though the repobiicaa have a chance to get 1 aa aaseesor in that part cf the city. Tfc rvaswr Tada. Wasbixotos, April 5. Tbe senate to day by nnaaimoos vote adopted a n-o'a-tion reciting the report that General K011 Rivera, the Cohan commander, l about to be tried by dramnead coartmartial and hot, and expressing the judgment of the senate that if these reports aia true, tbe president of tbe United Stabw should pro teat to tbe panih government against inch a violation of the rotes of civilised warfare. Tbis resolution doc not goto tbe noose of representatives and became ffectire a a measure of advice to the pres ident by its adoption today . ata! ltar. Rosebcbu, Or.. April 5. Rat at Crit ter' Boar mill in North Koseburg was burglarized Saturday night, and 760 pounds of Sour was stolen. Yesterday tbe deputy tberi! found the floor in tbe house of Wayne Droll in grr. Droilinger waived exaruina' ion today, and was held in $oO0 bonds. Maaatraeu atnaka. MaMrnis, April 4. another disastrous break ia tbe Muwissippi levee ocenned tbis morning at 8 o'clock at Floor lake, six mile below Tunica, ili.-s. The cre vasse is folly IS fet deep and the water is pouring through lbe opening with fearful velocity. Ibis will probably be tbe most destructive break thU baa occurred in tbe delta, lbe moat fertile farm lands of Mississippi lying m Coahoma, tktrc. Quitman and Tallahatchie counties, ia the northern pan 01 toe state, will be inon- aaiea ana tos newiy placed corn crops win r.e uuu waste. aaaeher suav. Loiinoif, April 4. The Chronicle will print tbe following tomorrow from ils Athens correspondent: At 11 e clock this evening (Susilay) worureacnes nere mat a nitcn naaoc coned. France had agreed to tbe block ade of the gulf of Athens. Tbe admirals were discussing the detau today when suddenly the ' wbole matter was attain ad journed for several days while M llano -taux ptoduces hi mysterious plan. The French minister has assured King George that there is no immediate prospect of a blockade, and take action. he has begged him not to ear AlleaaUea. Ksw York, Aptil 4. Mr John Trell, wite of a prominent unci maker ot Haver straw, has entered suit against Mrs James acott, a wealthy widow nf that place, whce husband was a bricK manufacturer, for $50 000, for the alienation of the affeo lions of her husband. Mrs Scott denies tbe charge. Yesterday the fact was devel oped that Mr 1'rell is now in North Dakota seeking a divorce from his wife, cdraeilve atala. Yabkton, 8. D., April 4. Four inches or rain nave fallen uuring ine week, and rain is still falling. Jim ttiver, tbe long est unnavigable river iu the world, is now on a rampage, covering tbe bottom lands from tiluS to b'uS snd threatening to wash away the Great Northern, Northwestern and Milwaukee railroad bridges, which cross the rivtr at this point. Over three miles of each road has been washed out thus far. placing Yankton without rail road farili'.ies. The river is still rising rapidly here, tViBBlg Early. ToPkKA, April 4. For some time the probable candidacy of United States Sena tor Harris, ofJKanwu, for tbe nomination for president of tbe fusion forces in 1900 nas been common goip among Kansas capital politicians. The Daily Capital in UASDVrr,tm " "107,897 thrr.n.ftbn Jod.,,j! w .u Notice is hereby given the follow "A little political cloud, no bigger than . "hW has fi,ed notice of hi Senator Haiti, has rieen over Bryan . final proof in support of chance for the eadership of the popocratic , LnI T.i ?,mtr R soi R S and that for 1900 The formerV ASf nrged by hi friends to make the race." , Z PTL-.iver at Oreaon City, Oregon, Keeded Bala. Cavcvtta. April 4. It is officially an. ' nonnred that ,n i. falling tbrouchout the whole of Northwest Bengal and tbe ' province of Central and Northern run- fT..L .. ...... i t.. j... ' uuu- coma mruuna vi wuuw iwiw . have alsn been aided materially by rain, and Bengal is much assUted in culUvaUoa for the next harvest. No Remedy to Paine's Celery Read the Really ence of Rev. Dr. Good Wife, and of Other Eminent Divines. iililillllp? Hers la a lettct from lea ptttnr f tbe mom InOneotiat cburrb in Sooib Bi'U mora, ibat av.ry iruio seeker anould read earefatlv. Every (tiahsarteeed L-k prrton an J every man or woman wn ba, inat faiiti cr b ba uMm. can boo. of them haa cone any gotd every 00. woo rei oam to e diver sd np and filSad wfca new tope and da (rmlnaiion by tn ieUor wnfoo by Rv WmT Balis, pastor nftb Curtia Bay ' bnrcb U anoat iofln nlial cbisrcb la tub fU'Uu On Uareb SI, 1S34, tbe Baltimore Sun, nndr dipay h atiltnw pob.UhJ tna tbt'oario new of Rrv Mr Bai ey 'a axSie uon: '-Ktr Vim T Bai ey, por of tbe Cnr tia Bay Baptise cborcb. waa ttoraiycsd lo Um toogoe wbil. preaching nadav n'gbt and kwt lbe pawar of owh The o rcgaticn waa at oo- olainiaM"!, an 1 I).- aa eai:i. Li. nid Mr l';iy w ruBetme from sever aua k of vtMia proMratioa o.ul bs bar! mti-Sj and overwork . acd IbtJL Lt tu-j-i bav. ret and quiei." Tbe wboie city was tbr.ckd. Ib.ra per soon l;m D ruori u iaaytuva meat n A pi IS 13 ! tb it'iowinso.on ler w al l.a-. to the pr rMora of jDseir c jipoun : fetal Bh:ai .re. M l. i-n! iJ. .1, Kaebardana JL O., 0at!emn: -I atakn vry ii whi-e preacbing U0r Hnlj night. Mydne torcnid not fce'.p m. ma I duwarKJ bint and began to u Paine" e e-y com pcutid withrinabinc erXoet. I art. I not fcexUata to av that it ta tbe b4 rasit do. in Uie world- I sun. 1 raiereallv, H ilium T Buley. Later In the yartbe proprUenr o! Usta rooirfal rameOv reewved sun anotber letter from Cr Bailey aa fo low: OeaUetnen-l ptopoa. to 00 what I ean to let peep I. know of your Paine'a celery o -m pound, lb. meOkrme Hal baa aona one so mncb gnod. 1 afaaii in my own way iaapeaaiug of my rtl.l tnd great ;ra provannt front tbe pulfll. air. a It t justly due, tribal, to Pain.' ceierv -tu pound. 1 marrd, m ear ao. alia Utile B DonnavAna la.ty wc I knD In social lire, in. oteee cf Capt ltubert F Lewi, fj H navy Daring tn. wbn! mix year. .b. baa beeo an Ic r !1. KofTering Ir ns hysteria, laugbicg rryirg ana ar reaming, so that nt cou.'d e fcnrd f iraquar.. I bav. bad a i.ra'. del of trouble aud el pw. tl. boen d cor bave, first and laat a Uudtd ber, and oca booi. 01 Fatna'a oetery ooapoaod Hon.W. J A LL who csz ir.tcr::t: mediately with thz vvV An et' iit S AQENTO WANTED 5 Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting one-half of all royi!ties to furthering the cause of bimetallism, mous sale. Thcre arc Aditzss W. B. C0NKEY C0.SPANYv Pubfishers, 341-351 Dearborn St..ClilCAGO. select the Waverly because they have learned to know the dif- fcXfcef ICnCPfl ernc between a wheel that is actually high grade and one that Mi j A isBimply claimed to be. Some others maybe good but the fXlOerS- Waverly is the highest of all high grade. Nana BY .NDIANABICl'CLEL-O. HOUKAPOUS, IMO KOTICETO CREDITORS Notice i hereby given that tbe under signed ba been duly appointed adminir tratrix ot be ette of Louis F iiamnier, deceased, by he county jocrt cf Linn county : AH peion Having claims against said estate are her by notified fo present them, duly veribed, to me al otice ot H C Watson, attorney at lew Ureoon, within six mon'hs ticia ,. iie of this noike Dated at Albany, Oregon, Marc'i to, !7 HC Watson, Floncb Uammkr, Attv for Administratrix. Adms Notice for Publication i. n. n.unM rwv n May 11th. 1897, vis: lVrry 0 liibbard; H K H802 for tl N W H Ibj? 4 Est. He name i no to prove his .woi?nT and cultmtt-n of aaid Und, vu. , it mium of netroit. O.-euon, iienry residence upon James Corn- " n V i .1 edy. Frank Rabeau botit 8 OT;5!lii'L" i,, f f,V?, il?!? ROUERf A. MILLhR, Register, mmsL Compare with Compound wonderful Experi Bailey and His the Indorsements ba dine her Bin ;oot than all ot tb. ttbr niJli-iae. Kb. and 1 ara togetber ning' clary oompnond, and I will w-tb pleasure let yon know tbe re m u Fraternal! r, William T Baiiey. BlUmor, Way 18. ISM Wcia. Richardaoa at C, tieollenuxi It ia f aipeasib'e for me to exproM tb. mpofoa of my heart on the great good Mrs Buiey an -t I bar. dariv ei from tb. nae of Fatoa'a celery com pound. 1 am a new man. W. bare Uken uxtXbrw btttiew. and 1 wiab 10 eon Una be nae. Tbe people of myeinreh ana very kind to tha poor, and 1 ' have civen to sjocm of the poor money wnb w bJch to parebaa. ti. tEeyteiDe. Too a, my nam. if yoa wth and 1 wi'l with p:nure answer all rmasiu taiiosa wat ma. I bsiiev. tbe remedy la tb tet in lb orld: Your verr truly, Yi::UrD T al'ey, Paster CorUs Biy Bapua Ciinrch. A few w wk go thar. was pnbf ihed a l'.iaa ni! ft" ll great virtue 0 Paic'a co ry rom;w nl from RT CbarieL Tttampma, D P. LL O. tb eminent Protwrian pra: Jar of N.w Tor City. Kr Ur Meek. editw r t tb. Central Met a odW. rpc-MM -arrnce an otn inter. t ing ibtt I'aioe' cw e.-y corjip-ja"d bad worked a i.aiarkt core laha eaae. And l-t month tb great tmpraac tTiogpi Kr.rx-it Murpny. loid tb tub.ic bow Paine'a eeiety eiu.ponod aal been a bieinr to bia family. The-e are a few ammig tbooaaad' Every ooe fcntw cooarientjoos cbari table paraona wbo are too boa, mora of 10 uk procraaUnatins:. to save their baitb fitra going to pineesuaad find it eaiertobeip otbera tban tbenv4 ra Socb per-oo OU up tb. army cf Or.ikoa aown PUiW!i men and aick: v woow. trerv on. in tbji pr;n Uiks need 10 pnnfy the b ood and reaiaia tb. nerree. tarry hr-me today not hyand by a oouiecH t-aine-a ce.ery compoand. e are itohiiwi. eeura gi, and rbenmatisni tbs apring Yon ran now pat roar bee ih 00 a soobd bavt fcjr moa of Paine'a cei-r- O'ln pound. Cbarsty iboa i now beTn at hova. A;:end 10 yaar own beat. b and that of yoor tami-.y. PaJo'a cJry er.uioanf in wtlbla the roach of err ' -ulv -acre tbere ma raeir af3s.; Ut any rtiniKii, liver cr kidney Unoii i, 1. c jros rwruii D 11: y and taf-i ily. It mw ba di!la53iWl fraui a ! .bar remedies. i"j ihc sa!e of Hon. frhocli correspond im The wcrk will contain .v c-ZT'pz'qn toar ... s by 'S wife Uri r speeches . . 7 ha recti?! s of 11' f-cin:patqn of IS96. A review of the politics! situation . . c'rdy iniications of an encr- Arebniltin 'J it., t a (?T?i.FA and Best Equipped Factory in JiigkCf pgh Mt$. tbo World Conn & Huston, Agents ASSIGNEES NOTICE. No'ice i hereby given that . L E BUin. of Mbany, Oregon, on the 13th day of February, 1S97, mad. a general assign ment ot all his property for the benefit of all his creditors: md that the undersigned has been dulv arpinted assignee in said assignment proceeding. All creditors of a;d L E Llam are hereby required to pre-1 .uiicu vMutnu ujp, vuty verinea, al my office In the postoffice bufldlng. Albany, Oregon, within three months from the da'e of this notice. Dated at Alruwy, Oregon, this 23rd day of March, 1897. ' aCWATBOK, U Brtast, Atty fur Assignee, Assignee. SITUATION WANTEO.-By a sober industrious young man, good penman, has seven years experience in book-keeping and correspondence and extensive known edge of aeveral branchea ot mercantile business, a notarial commission good till May speaks German and English, ii willing to make himself generally useful in any line of business, first claa referen ces. Call at E, G. Lantz, 8 W Cor 7th ano Broadalbin Sis., or send notice by mail td ll.&tnien. 1 SUMMONS. tn the. Circuit Court or Lin CcmUg.SlaU t Oregon: Department No. 2. CCXackion, Plaintiff, vs EaraH I Moore. Mary I Yarbrouih. Da vid W Yarbrooffb. Howard W Ysrbroush, Pemly M J Yarbmugh. tieo W 1 arbroogn. inosj laibrougn.ana iewis isrDrouga A'cicnoant. To Sarah J Moore, Mary J Ysrbrongh, David W Yarbroogh, Howard W Yar brough, Pemly M S Yarbrough, Geo W Yarbrocgb.Tbomas J Yarbrough nd Le i I arbrougb, ti delendania aove named : IS THE NAME OV THE STATE OF OREGON: Yon and each of f on are hereby required to appear in tbe above en titled com ton tbe b't day of the next resrular term thereof, on Monday, the 28th dy ot June, imj, to anawerine eompami of the plaintiff above named now on nie in said court in said caue. and yen and acb of yon are hereby noiifisd that tf yon fail to appear and anawer to said com Dlaint as herebv reqatrcd tbe plaintiff will sddIv to said ccur. for iodirment against von aa Draved for in hi aaid otnotrint, towit: For a decree of said court declar ing plaintiff to be the owner in fee simple of all tbe following described real proper tv. towit: fiezlnninirat a point 32.72 chains S sod 57.19 chain W of the N Kcorner of claim No. 49 in Tp 14. S R 4 w of the WHUm etfe Meridian, ronnii ir thence 8 7 ei thence v 4 "2A cbair.s. tbeace N 7 cbaine. thence E 4.23 chains, containing 3 acres more or less, in Linn county, Oregon. A'so berinningat a point on the east boundary line of the D L C of 1 bos I 1 ar broogh and wife. Not. No- 214. claim Ko.4 in Tp 14 8 R4 w, and claim No. 66 in Tp US R 5 w of WiUamettcMer which is 39.72 chain S cf the N E corner of said D L C. and running thence w 61 47 chains. Ibenee X 7 chair, tbence w k.Vi cliain. ibrace S 2 5 degree w IC ctaina. thence S i deirea 'JO rr Lnn'e w 4.24 chains, tr-ence eaat g 39cbain,hrace S 'tl degrees 4 minute E 7 chaina.thence 8 12 dWree SO minute E 9 70 chains. therve north Ci detrrees 30 nrnotea E 13 16 chains, thenci N 70 d-gr E 8.80 chains. tbence S 73 degree fc 4 VJ chains tbeace S c ifcere E 13 20 chains, thence wotb 55 degree E 12 63 chsine, thence N 87 gret . a. w.30 chains, tbeoee aou h 73 aV ereea E 9 So chain, thence S 57 oVgre:s 30 minnte E 3. 16 chain', more or teat, to a point doe south of the place r.f begin nicg. t beere acrth 34 2 chains, roc e or baa. to the pla je of beg ca eg. containing Id4 C9-100 acres in L'nn coenrv. Oregon An i f.feter brria aaid d-(jlna a&d caca cf tbem frto. claim ? or aaafrniag aay riebt or titte i or to easd lacda, or aav part therwf; errrcUnc tb. er.tena deacr.ptksa Ifieieo.' oataieed ia a ecrtaia deed txecatad aad d-'lir"d by Taos J Varbroagb al Sarah J Vubrengb hia rife, to oa Wat Lasdretb, so as to eon funa to tba tea. deaeritUea of aaid laads aa abo. art one, and restoring tba cload from f. aia-afT title to raid lands. Tbi unann is pablwbed by ordrr cf th Hon B H Hewitt, jud ef tfc a her en U lxl coirt. aaade at chamber ia A-ban Orgo, tbi 2ird day of Uarcb. I SS7. ELStS & CiT505. Au'ys for PUxaUU. Im O C.rr Cwi of An StaU of Ortgnm jut tktcmntjoJUcnu. J Gurney Fowier and W J Caesar, p-'ain tifl v G Morgan, as administrator o tbe e tate of Tnoma Morgan deceased ; James v Morgan as administrator or be estate of Ljdia Morgaa teoeaei; Mary Abb Grav, Frank Gray ber nasbaai; Agne McNeil, Joon McNeil her naabaad, Jobn N Uorgaa. Rath Morgan hi aife; Jams W liorgan, Morgan his wi; W G Sloroa. Uwgia Iu wife; Jaaw Mar (U, E A Morgan. Morgan ba ifr; Alar gre iMacaa. Dincaa brhaabaad;G L Stnderaad Uata J Strydea: Laa Co. SatMtoaJ fiaak , (a eoroarmtxw) IV U G A fa. A btitX Tra.-.x ; First Xauoaul Bank, fa earporauoc) m.4 ji:l oa Htle, Oefeedaats. To ioha K M- I" aad Batb Morgaa. bia wife.aad Mrta-ct Dabcaa atd Loa oas, ber habai. Dofeadaata. IS TliEXAVIEOFTHE STATE OF OKEUOK: Yoa are hereby reqaind 10 as star aad eaer tb oocBotaiat bled again. voa ia the alove ea titled rait, by tbe brat dy ol tbe next km f this eoart foitowin; tbe erpirasiJB of aud siBosa.towit: by tbe 4tb Moaday ia Jo,IS?7;be!n tb "JSb day of tasd aaootb; aad if yoa tail o to appear - . .La .1.. ,4V. ariil apply to tb. eaart for tbe re i"i prayed for in tbe clku nt niea aaioat yoa aere. ia. t tt: For a decre fareciaeiog a ear tain avrtage eicated bv oe Tbooiaa Uorgaa td Lvdi Mjrpae. bs rif, (Soh drce vd) to the Jarvuoahba Mo'Wace Tm-T Conrawy, to aecare t cf $ vrtth iatnmt, a-t tb foi tr-cr asm f $100 attraeya fe-. S J snor-ea; betas apoa wlnu'rn U u tbe coocty rf Lias, U if Uxgo". f$ partii'a--iy bnaoded and deac tbnl aa fuliw. ten: Tbe W ,S ef tbe D L C f Ir:.l W Al lirghun: ciiaaret! ia Seca S3 ixi 34, Tp IX Mxitn, Range 4, Y VY M. coota'ciag 159 acre (nor or Icaa. Aad directinjt aale cf aaid property ia tbe manner pruidtd by law aad appbealioa ef tb. proeeod theref on to paTmeat of the lAim of tbe n'aineitV. krn. iadadiae I eoata. diabaratmea of sait aad altoraey' fee Tbi remmaea ia pabii h 4 Kv order of tbe ilsNtoral'ls ft II Hewitt. of aaid ooat- Mad. aad dated ea tb. 21 A dy of Feb raarr. IS97. Geo V Rts i Uonmt iHmUiii, At toraey for Plaintiff. TOR REXT OR SALH-Good farm ITS i. acre. 6 miles from Albany. Enquire of H F Mcllwain, Albany Or. WAAnEI-Second hand Oivw deeicriotton aad top bogey price. Ad- dress Ko. 21, DsaocaaT oltce- DRE3S-M A EINQ. Ladte wishing to learn cutting and fittine by the Mor gan system, call an Mr. R. . Owen. Drease made for $'2.50 and np. Cor Sid andCalapcoia, CIW FOR SALE. Good fmhmiik Call on F 11 Hugbson. across th Willamet'e. Also some fine cocua ber pickle in brine. FOR RENT. In Mcllwain's brick block good s' ore room, 8 aood office rooms. Lnqqure of ti btcllwain. IOR REST. 6 room dwelling, 9 room dwelling, gcod location and cheap rent. Enquire of H F Mcllwain, Albany ur. coLicrroRs wanted for ir TALM AGE'S "The Earth Girdled, or 111 latuous tour around tne world, a thrilling story of savage and barbarous lands, t our million Talmaee s books sold aad "The Krth Girdled' is his latest and grandest. Lfc.MAU N0RMOCS. Kverybody wants this famous book; only 3 WJ. tJlU BWa. tllU UUMMlSSiUNS, A gold mine far workers. CREDIT GIV EN. FREIGHT PAID. OUTFIT FREE. Dr"p all Litsh and sell the king of books and make fSW a month. Address for out fit and territorv. Tbe Dominion Com pany, btar Uuildinc, Chicago. T. UK oAl h. A fresn milch cow. and j calf, cheap. Inquire of F S Donna ten, Spiccr. FOR RENT. A pood five room cottage for rent, in First Ward. ot city, cneai?, a pp!y to Dehocrat office. ! . . ' r- TJ" OR SALE. Pure wheat chops, I25.C0 a. per tonsacsea. also t o. 1 white seed M. Skn'Osrs. UEO E FI!h TUB PLUMBKK Tin roofing and plumbing, he opera house Opposite SPAN HOUSES FOR SALE, Spaa of bays, Clydesdale, weighing about 1100 pound each, 6 years old, in fair wotk ing order. Price for span, $75. Calt oa J R Dcuglos, antiam gardener. AT I'UE MINES Boarding, lodging and meals may be secured of the sub scriber at tbe San nam mine, at hi place at the mouth of Dry Gulch. U. W. Whit. THEPRIff lliain Great BariaiiHiis is now ready for business. Would be pleased to have you call and examine goods and prices. Very respectfully; J A WEAVER. Munster. The great tborongbbred slallioa of the ftcrtbwett arbi make tbe neasn of 1897 at cbmecr stable. Albany Oregon. DA bar foaled 18 by imported Dare bin D.m. Maripon bv imported Monar- eh ut; dan, ileiiotrope by imported Kaifratof fttOojrge; dam. Evergreen by imported Gleecoe; dam. Mistletoe uj Cher okee; dam. biaraejed Hssan ly Tiger. Albert, Algerine, Gay A Word, .tmencoa. impnrted Med ej, imported frbarlr' and Feamaogbt Monster is a perfect tj pe of km breed, a race bora. bimeif, aad z sireof race borsea. For further lnforni !: er qoire at Jo- ircaKtra's Stable. RG3;i CEir.UL & eastepji: -YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Connecting at Yaqoina Bay with to Ean Franeieco aad Y'aqnina Bay gteaa hipCotnpany 'WO! Bails iron Taquina everv 8 days fix ffaa Francisco. Coos Bay, Port Or ford Trinidad and Humboldt Bay. xsgkx AcooaoDanosr Ehorteet route betreex. 'WiHaja tte Valley and California. Fare front Albany and points west tn Ban Francisco 1st dans to San Francisco 10 08 Smuci ...... 6.0C Round trip ..17j0C To Coos Bay Cabin $8JC To Humboldt cay and fort unoro. Cabin I1Q.K YACJU1NA BAY Tbe most potxilar Seaside Beeort oa the Xorth Paci oc coast. "o onderto Sarf bat hing absolutely safe. For those wishing to combine hunting and fishing with aquatic sports, this re sort has no equal. Deer, bear, elk. coo- gar, nrooc troot ana aaunon troct, can be found in abundance within a few boon' drive of tl bay. - gjm Kedaced ratea tromaii pot Edww Stostk, Manager. O. M 4XO. T. F. t r. 1. . L. WaLoas. Agt. depot. Albany AID S00 PACIFIC LINEa lo HI Pots fast So'iJ vestibule trains, consisting of pal ace ale ?ping cara, inxarions dining ears, elegant day coaches, aiagaiScent tonriat or lad free coioatat slaeyet from the Fa ciSc to tbe Atlantic witboot change. MOST DlaECT 15D CHEAT KST aOCTB TO Kootcnay? xaarsr, saw tNcrvaa, .U3AS cm, xaxsox, Taan, aossLarn axn mining' District S All point in the Okanagaa Country. Get a pamphlet giving a full description ot tbis wonderful ooaniry. Ask the agent for a copy of the mining lairs of British Colombia. Lowes ranss to aad froaa 3E3 U JbtOZEMil via ali Atlantic steamship Inee. Canadian Pac. Ry Co.'s oyal Mail "Steamship Line to China and Japan casanusr acsraatxair stum usa bosolclc, rui arsraaua. TheshorteatUoetotheCcloniee. These steamers carry an experienced medical man. and a stewardess on every royage. For time tables pamphlets, or any in formation, call oa or address. S N STEELE & CO, Agents, Albany Or. hJCOYLE,Agt,146 Third St, Port land, Or. tSEO. McL. BROWN. D. P. A. Vancouver. B. C EXECOTOitS SAU Iu the county court of the s"a'-e of 0e- gon for Linn county . In the matter of th. estate of Oiney Fry Sr. deceased. 1, Oiney Fry, the duly appoia'ed, ooaB hed and acting execntor of the hut will and tesUment and codicil of Otacy Fry Sr deceased, hereby give notice tt par suant to aa order i j J out ot said court on tbe 4th da of March, 1395, I will s-U at public auction at the coqrt house door in Albany, Una county, Oresroa. to the highest and best bidder, on Fridav, May 7th, 1S$7, at 3 o'clock p m. the jUowtng described property to wit; The south half of lot ev?n and eight in block No 2 (two; in the Eastern addi tion to Albany, Una county, Oregon.,. Also by virtue of an order wsucd out of aid court on th 8th day cf September, IS96, 1 wilt self at public auction at the time and flce above stated, to the high est and bet bidler, tie following deechb ed real property, tnwit: i) acres described as fo!lors,towit: Tea Southwest quarter of the N E quarter of section S3, township 11 S Ot R S w of the Willamette meridian. Terms of sale caab. OutT Fax. J, Execntor. B sckburn, Somets t Duncan, A't."" FIFTY DOLLARS A WEEK EASILY MADE. Agents wanted ia every lo cality for Hon W I Bryan a trrea aad only book, 44 fhe First Battle. The beat seller overproduced Agentsaretakiogasmaey as 200 orders per week. Beware of fraud ulent imitations, tend for outfit and be-a-in work at once. w B CoNKEY COM PANT. Fnblishem S41 Dearborn S'reet, Chicago. BNk taping Complete, Practical, Exactly as Found in Business, My coarse of instruction thor oughly quaHf t you to take charge of ana keep a set of books Tbe highest referee ce tarnished. For terms and fell infortra Uon addreas, L. O. HUNTER A O C W Temple, t'ortiana, w ! S&Mhr, t91 1