The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 09, 1897, Image 1

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Entered tC tte Post AlBce t tlbaay. r. aa Becaad-Class Hall Mallei i
F tSCTTISC rahllafcer aad rrarltar
... H r .
: i - J it vs. b r ii
slmilating t&cFocd andReSula
tirjg, toeStomachs ardDovreis of
tjcss artdltestContains neiilier
CtaumIorpliine norlSacrai
, JfM. Us
iHlla I lit'
Apctfect Remedy for Constipa
tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoca
and Loss of Sleep.
Tac Simile Signature or -
- Iii
j ; -
i1 &;
Thirtieth Year.
Calendar ro I89S-7
IS98 Sept. 16 College Year begins . Wednesday
Nov. 26-27 Thanksgiving Day ?eces8, Thura. and Fri.
Dec 21- -Term examinations tegin' . Monday
Dec 23-Firet Term end? . . Wednesday
Winter ' Vacation cf Twelve Daya
" '.397 Jan 5 Second term heeins ...
Feb 22 Washington's Birthday a holiday,
April 6 Term Examinations begin
April 8 Second T?rm ends .
Arbor Day Vacation of Four Days
- Apni 12 Third Term begins
Jane 8 Final Examinations hesrin
Jane 13 Baccalaureate Sermon . Sabbath forenoon
lane 13-rAddress before the Y. M. and Y. V. O A.
. r Sabbalb evening
Jane 14 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustee
Monday aiternosn
Jnne 14 unior Orations . Monday evening
Jauk IS Graduating Exercises of the Uonservatory of
Mosic . . Tuesday forenoon
Jane 15 Fxynlar Entertainment Tuesday erening
. ' Janel6 Comuencement . . . Wednesday
Jane 16 Alumni Ke-aniou .- . Wednesday evening
Four Courses of Instruction leading up to degrees. Well equipped Bosinen and
Mosic courses, with appropriate diplomas. Catalogue free.
For farther information, address
WALLACE HOWE LEE. President, Albany, Or.
m- i - isri-j
Dealer iu
Wall Paper.
. Lineoleum,
Lace Curtains,
. Portier.i,
Picture Frames,
Linen "Warp Matting,
Oil PaiD tings,,
and Undertaking
Call on
i. lOMCi'ii it-oi'le1r :
Cataria h jrat rp la ensH&e bst&s oc!y.
set tell la balk. Don't allow an-roca to
aoyuuag eisa oa tfia plea r promise
jstM-Pd"ard"wia answer ery
tit it
flat job get 0-A-8-T-0-SJ-4.
l of ; ; -.
Flix English rrttioKF
English Course..
AH kinds of furniture
bedding-, and it
urn T- 4- 4-V s Mn4
complete flour safe,
lie has them and his
prces the lowest.
Heed and
Eldaijt Be
Cf ockef y
See it
The Qty Motor's Acclacnt.
The Albany motor was treated in a
diabolical manner this morning. Mr.
B. B Dunn was hold of the throttle this
morning between 4 and 5 o'clock when
the motor went oat to meet the morning
overland from the south. At the Alb
any Brewery the motor goes out on the
Y to the east and backs up to the depot.
Instead of doing so at ths time the en
gino went straight ahead while the car
turned up the Y, resulting in both being
pulled from the trak and p'owing
through the ground, almost overturning
the engine, but fortunately for the en
gineer not doinsr so. Aa the motor was
1 going slowly no serious result followed.
: Upon examination it was found that the
switch had been turned and nacked
with mud. Aa the engine passed upon
it, it equshed the mud out, making it
spring to its place aa the car reached it.
thus making one go on one tr-ck and
the other on the other. It may and pos
sibly was done as an April joke. If the
car had followed straight ahead there
would have been some one fooled ; but
aa it turned out it was a close call Xa a
serious accident.
SGth Birthday To-day.
Albasy, Or., April 1, 1S97.
Editor Democrat:
Eighty-six years ago to-day my mother
Mary Richardson Walker was born at
Baldwin, Maine. She married my fa
ther March 5, 1SS8, and that same dav
they started on their bridal tour that did
not end until they reached Waiilit-pu,
v. 1 1. u uui; .nun u n i. uuui.u a lUisaiutit
August 29, 1838. The journey from the
Missouri liver to Whitman's was made
on horseback. My father. Rev, Elkanah
Walker, died Nov. 21, 1877, aged 72.
My mother still lives at Forest Grove,
phvsiraliy quite strong but her mind has
sadly failed. There was a terrible strain
on that mind through those early years.
She often laid awake night's crossing the
plains expecting to hear the war whooD
of hostile savages. It .was a terrible
blow to us when the news came of the
Whitman massacre. I well remember
the evening of Dec 1. 1846. when one of
our Spokane Indians brought tte tidings.
wuh'u came in a note sent oack by j. u.
Stanlev. who had left onr mission at
Tshimakani for Whitman's to paint the
portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Whitman. He
narrewly escaped being murdered when
wittiin a tew miles of hitman and
sent back his Indian guide with this
note. Ctrcs H. Walker.
Dcrand Plbad UciLityw From last
evening's Telegram : The aged and sanc
timonious Ezra Durand baa given op.
After carefully thinking it all over, the
swindler of many thousands baa chang
ed his mind about everything coming
out alt right. Da rand was arraigned in
the criminal court this morning, to make
b:s plea on the indictments for forgeries
of two notes in 1891. To the of
the court and counsel, he pleaded guilty
to the charge He will be sentence! in
i few days. The two forgeries on which
the late indictments were returned were
for the amounts of f 1000 and $160. re
spectively. The $1000 note was signed
by S. E. Paddoctc and Mrs. Harriet Pad
deck, and passed on Lent fc McUret r.
The note for $1620 was passe i on H. C.
Prince, and was signed by W. A. Car
rie and D.O.Carrie. It is expected
that Durand, despite his age, will get a
long term in the peaitentiary for hit
maay crimes It ts pretty authorita
tively stated that Darand's forgeries ag
gregated $100,000 during the years he
was in business here. Every cent of it
seems to have ilipped through his fin
gers as easily and qiickly M it cime.and
be is now absolutaly broke with no mon
ey to fight the matter.
Trnt AssrAL Brsrczs meeting of the
U. P. church was held last evening. The
report of the treasurer showed the re
ceipts of the year to be 0dl.51,of which
11368 49 was paid for general expenses.
$-128.91 on missions and $973 on the
eiiorch debt, leaving a balance on
band. C. H. Stewart was elected presi
dent, J. C. Irvine secretarv, E L. Powr
treasurer, ana L. E. Main. Dr. H. E.
Beers, F. W. Blumberg, Ed Blodgettand
P. Nutting trustees. The meetins
was followed by a rleasant social, a nice
lunch being a feature.
Mr. Ben Trace? came over from Ya-
qcina Bay today.
Mrs. McCbwan. denartment president
of the W. R. C., is id the city, and today
met with the Albany VV. E. J.
Lowell Jones, of Sodaviile. was one of
the class of graduates from the Medtcai
department of Willamette University
this week. The exercises took place last
ntght and were attended bv Dr. D. M.
Jones, of Sodaviile, and Dr. Hill of Ibis
A marriage license was granted in
Portland to Geo. A. awaru, the printer,
aged 22, and Miss Lizzie B. Ward, aged
19. both recently of this city, acd the
were maTied in Portland. The Demo
crat ii informed they contemplate locat
ing in .anern uregon. ibey have Ibe
best wishes of Albany friends.
Mrs. Fred A. Faulkenburir of Denver.
Colorado, supreme guardian accomp
anied by her daughter, Miss Jessie, ar
rived tuts morning and is quartered at
the Hotel Eugene. Mrs. Fsulkenbunr
and daughter will remain in Euirene
about two weeks. Dor-ins their stay
here tbey will be joined by Mr. Faulken-
burg, tie ad onsui of the Woodmen of the
World for the Pacific Jurisdiction, who
will make Eugene Camp a short visit.
Mr. taulkenburg is a cousin to the Hoi
lenbeck's and will also visit with the
family while here. Eugene Guard.
O'Malley's costly gun will be raffled off
at tbsraepot hotel Saturday evening.
Patrick Crowley bas resigned as Cbiaf ot
Police of San Francisco after 37 eats ser
vice in tbe police department.
Alfred Butts, a pioneer on this coast,
died at Brownsville ot paralvsis la&t night
aged about 78 years- Mr. Buits was well
and fav irably known.
Dr W Kuykendnlt will probably be Eu
gene s next mayor. He has accepted a
strong invitation to run for tbe office on
The Astoria railroad will be completed
this summer, and the Uregon Central may
be extended over the Cascades. Then
Salem's time will come to talk railroad in
earnest. Statesman.
'Hires'' Parrott left for Columbus,
Ohio, today to 10m a baseball club as
truardian ot tbe bag on tnird base, lom
Parrott win probably leave next week tor
St Louis, where he, too. will engage in
tbe national game. Portland Tribune.
At a lecture delivered in Medford to
"Men Only'' by Rev Martin there were 397
present and the collection amounted to a
little over $12. Tbe same gentleman gture
a lecture to the ''Ladies Onl " and there
was an attendance of 401 and the collect
ion was over 18. Ashland Town Talk.
Pimples, blotches, blackheads, red, rough,
oilv. mothv skin, ltcblnir, scaly scalp, dry.
thin, and falling hair, and baby blemishes
prevented by CcTicuaA Soar, the most
enective skin pm-iiying ana Deaatitying
soap in tba world, as well as purest and
sweetest lor toilet, bath, and nursery.
Coir If sold fhrontrhaiit th. vortd. Foma Psea
Cssu. Cokf., BuleVrorM., BoMdb, V. S. A.
mr- HwtrnvsntrmiiiuwnlniBslM&M. '
Judge Ilewitt this morning rendered a
decision that will save the city of Albany
about 1,500. In the case of D. B. Mon
teithogtE. A. Parker, city treasurer,
a permanent injunction was asked for
restraining the payment of the warrant
amounting to about $9,000 held by the
King Bridge Co. on acconnt of the con
struction of the big bridge.- The court
dissolved the injunction as to the prin
cipal, and the city will have to pay it, as
was really expected, but allowed it as to
the interest, amounting to about 13,500,
which the city will not have to pay, and
taxed the costs to the King Bridge Co.
The findings were a close call for the en
tire principal. Weatherford dt Wyatt
represented tne plaintiff and Cox, Teal A
Cottou, M Portland, the defendant, or
rather the King Bridge Co., the interest
ed party.
A Sulem Barron.
The lollowing from the Eugene Jour
nal is a neat pen picture of one of Ore
gon's best known men : . . ; ,
"Out in the south pait of balem, ba a
gently rolling knoll or knob of a hilt
thickly covered with massive, majestic
towering oaks, in the centre of a twenty
acre lot, is the home of one of Oregon's
wealthiest pioneers Hon. Aaahel Bush.
A winding roadway leads np from the
stone fence in front, round between the
(great oaks to the bouse ery like I
fancy, to the country home of some i.u
glUh earl. But how different the man
and the habits of the home. In dress,
appearance and retlity is Mr. Bush a
Jackson Democrat. Flarintr side-board
collars, (like Gov. Pennoyer and Pres.
Jackson) soft blck square topped cloth
hat, close cropped wiiUkera and an in
dividual way of clearing bis throat fre
quently are points about the man one
would first notice. A small dog of some
hairy breed, agrd anywhere between ten
and fifty years, is a constant comp nion.
Aitiiongu well advanced in years Mr.
Bufh di'y walks to his bank acd per
sonally looks after the mot " important
of iu multifarious interest. A plain.
si lent, honest democrat. A man of mon
ey not of words. How rich is heT No
one knows. For more than forty years
at the belm in Marion county financial
and political affairs and today cloee
enough to reach it in case of peril or im
pending danger.
Aitkb Omcs. Tte manner in which
the hungry office seekers bare besieged
aabington is well illustrated in the
following fmm the Poet: It was almovt
impossible to elbow one's way through
the crowd of otfice-seekers that throng
ed the corridors of the senate yesterday.
l ne )am was almost as great as at toe
White House, which is saying a good
deal. The marble room was one mass
of humanity. Senator Wellington was
absolutely buried beneath a surging dim
oi hungry an i thirsty Marviandera.
while Senator Uanna was seixed at every
turn. Senator Cullom was warlaid at
bis committee rootn'aa early as he reach
ed the capital Ly an applicant for a con
sulship, and there was sojiebodv at bis
elbow every otbrr minute of the dav.
Senator Mason wasniso in great demand.
"But the Cham pton otbee seeker be
longs to me," said an aastera senator to
the Post man "I bare told him that I
cannot do anything for him, bat every
m rmng when 1 come down to breakfast
he is on hand "
Is he one of your HeatenanU?"
"G'eat heavens, no," was the re-
soonse. "H bis only been in ay state
six months."
Speak roa Irssi Prof. Wbitehorn,
Leacher in physical training, has iost
completed the month's trtm of his first
class in physical trait inc w:th marked
satisfaction to aliconcerned.thettudeot
not only learning a fine system bat re
ceiving great benefit in health. Tbc
young ladies gained in weight as much
as b'i pounds. In another class for re
ducing flesh as high as 10 pounds were
lost in two weeks besdes greatly iavigor-at-na
the pupil. In the nesh reducing
Institutes in the east where drncw are
need only a reduction of bO pounds ia six
months is counted on. The Dkmockat
man who Las been training g iced foar
pounds in weight in about tvo weeks and
considers the novel system need by Piof
wtiiteuorn I tie best known, nothing to
bis knowUde comparing with it.
A Mijcto correspondent of the Salem
Journal says: '"When the people of this
little town woke op yesterday morning
tbey beheld thickly falling man-dasbes
aa large as "daddy dollars." The sar
roondin.- moantaing wtre already cov
ered with the 'beautiful." and this
morning it covers mother earth about 8
inches and is still gently falling. The
mines seem to have shit down until
sbring Mill City mill is running on lies
and bridge timbers fcv the Oregon Cen
tral and Eastern. They pay $l.2-J per
day lor labor, charging 3. SO per week
Warner and J.J. Hut, of Corvalhs, ar
rived in the city, via tbe river route,
Tuesday afternoon- They are looking
for tbe remains of James Ivlgin.who so
mysteriously disappeared from Corvallis
several weeks since. It is thought be
committed suicide. Several days ago
the bdy ot a well dressed man was seen
to float past the mouth of the t-antiam
and the gentlemen think it may have
been that of Elgio, They continued
their sal joarnev down ths river this
morning, hoping to be abla to find the
remains and give them burial. Mr Hitt
is a brother-in-law of the man who is
supposed to be drowned. Wednesday
evening's Salem Journal.
Ax Olp Cask. Tbe snpreme court on
April 15 will hear the following case:
Tbe farmers' Loan & Trust Co., trustee.
respondent, vs the Oregon Pacific Kail
road Co. and the n illamette Valley and
Coast Railroad Co., defendants, and II.
R. Graham and ii others, petitioners
and appellants: appeal from Benton
coun'y. This is the case wherein tbe
laborers ot the Uregon I'acific are mak
lng an ettort to secure judgment for sal
ariesldue. Geo. G. Sa
lem, is attorney for the seventy-three
petitioners, who are all former employes
ot me railroad.
A Cbook Cocktv SntaDB. News
comes from Mitchell, a small trading
town in Crook county about 50 miles
north-easterly from Prinevilleof tbe sui
cide of Stephen Ware, last Friday. Tbe
tragedy took place in the exchange sa
loon, and the deed was committed with
a pistol. He had quarreled with bis
wue, wno iiaa been granted a divorce- a
few hours previous. Ware was well
known in this vicinity, bis parents and
other relatives residing a few miles south
west of Sugene. No farther particulars
ODiainauie at present. Guard.
AbShhsmbxt oi, xre Woodman savs:
The neighbors have been officially notified
i oi assessment z on account ot the deaths
of J W Thorp, Waitsburg, Washington,
sz.uuu; Alex uopeiand, Kan Francisco,1
California, $2,000; M O Blaine, Denver,
uoioraao, ii.uuu; w h llenrv. Uakland.
California, $2,000; FOKrippuer, Pueblo,
Colorado, $2 000; M M Lewis, Portland,
Oregon, $3,000; Bruno Louzon, Butte,
Montana, fz,uiv; in n wnitcoaiD. in
dependence, Oregon, $2,000,
This week J G Crawford and C O Beam
were relic bunting when Mr Beam found
an elegant specimen of an Indian mortar,
ana a tew otner relict were picked up .
Corbett will not be seated,
the Dsmocbat's prediction,
That is
Roberts tai traded horses again.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to
core. 26c.
A. Star Performance.
g it .
A large and remarkably veil pleased
audience greeted the Ida Fuller company
at the opera house last night. The in
troductory specialty part at the program
had not been advertised more than that
it was guaranteed to contain star enter
tainers. This proved a fact, and before
Miss Fuller appeared the audiunce was
?;iven one of the best and cleanest spec
alty performances seen in j Albany. Mr.
Shea was decidedly humorous in bis
Irish songs and witticisms. Kalocra'ns,
a young man, was a wonderful joggler.
Harrv and Arthur Lelhot and it uiiam
Bush did the best bell ringing ever heard
in oar c ty and in their musical special
ties on violins, guitars, mandolins, cor
nets, trombones, etc, presented in cos
tume, gave a show in itself. Charles
Barrington in bis imitations is a marvel,
and Anita Lawrence, 14-year-old girl,
displayed great genius iu dances and
The climax of the entertainment was
the performance vi Ida Fofler in her il
lusion dances. The performance was
beyond expectations hi brilliant, ar
tistic manipulation ofgausy skirts and
varied colored lights, presented in a man
ner to astonish and dazzle. Roses, but-
ternies, a blaze of fire and other spec
tacles quickly followed each otter, cul
minating in a lily fifteen feet high suf
fused with a light that n ade the sene
brilliant beyond description. The per
formance was one those who mitnetsed
it mil not sojn forget.
ScABcmr or IIokses. The Portland
Rural spirit says that John Scbmeer,
who baa been in the livery business in
Albany for fifteen years past, reports
tbat while distributing the ballot boxes
last November throughout Linn county
be was in every precinct in the cor nty.
goiog from place to pUce a itb a team,
and in the whole route be only saw two !
colts in a territory where ordinarily be
bah .1 1. . r . . I. . - . a-. ' K. , i
" - - w - i
times, no savs tuere m iomi do
young horses in Linn countv. and
the old ones wi I not last lou. Mr.
Scbmeer bas lea-l Mrs. Bvbee's thor-
ongbbreds, including the stallion Mun
ster, and with his other bores ill take
them to Crook county, where be ill
embark in the breeding business. His
knowledge of the condition of the market
leads him to believe that Oregon will see
a horse famine befcri tbey can be bred
and raised.
KrsDUA RsxcAsgn El Kendall.
bald in Portland under tlOJ boo It. as a
witneM in the Campbell case, was taken
before tbe coart on a writ of habeas cor
pus and was ordered released. The re
straint was illegaL The court n-bttked
the shena for rtfosiaz to let an astorcev
see Kendall without an order of 'he
district attorney.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L." Sinuson re
turned Us: erening from their bridal
Dr. D. M. Jones was in Albany today
on bis way to bis borne in Sodaviile.
His soo. Dr. Lowell Jones, is in Portland
before the state board cf examinertr-
Wsu Phillips has retained from As n-
land, where be bad been to get a doee o!
health. He found It in tbe mineral Uatbs
and is now greatly improved
Mr. Ezra Ilorton returned from San
Francico yetrdy. He is just recov
ering from several week eoonmt-: to
tbe San r ranciso bosptui wan the ty
phoid fever.
Rev McKitlip, the new pa:or of the
Baptist church, arrived in Aibanv lt
night with bis family, constslir.g of a
lie and four children, and w i.l no be
ready for tbe Albany work.
Dr. D. M. Jones, of SodavUie. iounder
ol tbe Mineral Springe college at that
town, was a caller at tbe governor's cf-
nce. lie was present wbea Juds Lord
was admitted to tbe bar and bas known
bim ever since ha was a young man.
Mr. Jones bad a pleasant visit in rec-U-ing
old times at Salem. He says Gover
nor Lord's bearing is much improved
Sa'.em JottrniL
Tbe trout season is btrc: bai wbo hx
eeea any trout.
Tbe Cuban question bas beea revived ia
tbe senate
Tbe Phiiomatb Journal bat suspended,
and lbs Corvallis Gazette D5 goes to it
The Paytoo Comedy Company are in
Baker City Ibis week.
An old bdr was in Asfon (Lis k
beggiog for relief on account of being from
tbe flooded disrids along tbe MiUppi-
Tbe Berry boys of Lyon, wil! be tned
next ruesdjy before lattice Powell on tbe
charge of disturbing a religious meeting.
Tbey will fight tbe rase.
Ezra Durand yesterday at Portland was
sentenced to twelve years io tbe state pen
itentiary, a deserved sentence. As several
former Lino county pnople wtre biikd by
biov tbe sentence is ot particular interest
C"e crooked f'i) gold piece bat come in
to tbe possession of tbe Lane countv tax
collector four times this seanon in other
words it has already paid tbe taxes of four
men, and promise to pay many more be
fore tbe rolls cl .we.
Tbe largest day's business in tbe bUtory
of the Astoria custom house was transacted
yterdy. i orty thousand dolar in gold
was t'ken in on the tin pUte removed from
bond on I h report ot the PASsage ot me
Tbe New York Journal and tbe Adver
tiser have consolidated under the title of
tbe New York Journal ana Advertiser,
have abacdoned tbe United Pre and will
hereafter be a member of tbe Aswciated
A Recital. The class of '97 f tbe
Aloany Conservatory ol musw will give
a recital at the college chapel next Tues
day evening assisted by the College
Choral Society. The ciass consists oi
Maurice L Akers. Lulu uonover, Unas
Cundiff. Elisabeth Johnson, August W
Lundel . Mane Parrisn, Ja:ia rerrv,
I Lauta Sharp and Ella Torbet,
I participate in the classical program ar
i ranged ior tue occasion.
When a horse is poor In flesh,
a new harneir won't give him
strength. If a house is cold
new furniture won't warm It.
If your strength is easily ex
hausted; work a burd'en
nerves weak; digestion poor;
muscles soft; if you are pale
and worn out, the trouble is
with the blood. It is not so
much IMPURE blood as
POOR blood. Pills won't
make this blood rich; nor will
bitters, nor Iron tonics, any
more than a new harness will
give strength to the horse, or
new furniture will make a
house warm. For poor blood
you want something that will
make rich blood.
Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos
phites is the best remedy in the
world for enriching the blood.
Vs have prepared a book telling
more about the subject. Sent Free.
For salt by all druegWt at 50c4t $1.00.
Maria Miller, et al agt D P Miller, et
si, partition, lie port of referees con
D B Monteith agt E A Parker, city
treasurer, injunction suit. Finding filed
uuuer it me iresnurer win nave to pay
.i . . ..
io warrant new oy inenrtcge company,
but without the interest. .
In the matter of the assignment of
uuseppe aiatasce. f inal account p-
pruvei aua assignee aiscnargea.
The Investors Mtge Secy Co agt Lanr
ence Higgins et a!, foreclosure. Judg
ment br default and decree.
Mary A n Knox et al agt H C Briggs et
ai, suit to set aside deed.- uontinued.
Olive Templeton sgt Catherine Coch
ran et al. Plaintiff given to May 15 to
"tun luojpiBinfc, vvduudcc.
In the matter of the assignment of
Clark Bros. Continued.
Joseph B Beck agt O C Marshall, fore
closure of Mortge. Continued.
J M Mover et al agt Albany Woolen
Mills Co, L Flinn, receiver. Claims of
laborers as filed Nov. 6, 1896, allowed a
preferred claims.
Adam Grsot et al agt L Flinn, receiver
Albany Woolen Mill and Bank British
Columbia, interpleader. Continued.
Urel A Clark agt Geo Periling, suit for
deed. Decree for plaintiff, each party to
psy bis costs.
Abram M Hyatt et al agt J L Hollida
et al, foreclosure. Continued.
Pacific S S L & B Co agt Horatio Nel
ton et al. Present sheriff ordered to
make deed.
Pacific S b L A B Co agt John Isoro et
al. Present sheriff ordered to make deed.
Adjourned to April 10 at 9 a. m.
A. Hackleman bousht about aixtv
yearling steers in this vicinity rtcently.
MlM Edna Allen, of Alhan inanl
'Sunday and Monday In Lebanon, the
guest of Miea Libbie Carothera.
p.- D. f Dannrt n n
bas ae-
- - I - - -
miij., . 1 1 9n .hA
pastorship of 'lie
ui, ; "i l.
i i . t . : . " t
, . . . v WIUW-
Mil III llfllll AM .vnM&l k. A
S. D. Titus, ol Scso. will preach in tbe
Baptist church next Sunday at 11 a m.
Mr. Titus was convertei daring Rev.
Lin'sey's meetings at Scio, in February.
This nul be his firtt sermon.
A. B. Nickerson, who bas been work
ing in a planing mill at Ainalie, Wash.,
spent Tuesday night in Lebanon with
Iks pa-ent. Al was on bis way to Cot
Uge Grove, baying accepted tbe position
of foreman of a nlanina mill at tbat place
He says bis wife will move np to Cottage
urore in a lew weeka. Jtipreaa and Ad
vance. Scio-
May 1 is tbe time now set for starting
np the creamery. If tbe snowy, bad
weat&er continues to that time, a later
date aiU probably be set.
All empty boose in Scio nsw wilb one
exception, have occupants. There i tso.
a prospect lor an Increase in tbe number
ot bosiEesa rouj.
E. C. Loud, who lately arrived in this
city from Southern California, bas leased
trts Austin bonding on tbe sonui side
and will coo J ict a barber thop and cigar
and coniectionary store Unrein.
From a private letter we learn of tbe
death of Johnny Prine, an old time
Linn county boy, which occurred at Col-
oa, California, and was caused by tbe
acudcauldMebagec(a pistol which ba
was re; airing. frees.
C--xmc SractDt. Archie Bridges,
Ejed 79, eomraitted suicide near Parker's
station, on tbe n est Side, at 11 :) a. m
ycvlerday. by shooting bimfelf tbroogb
the.head witb a shotgun. Tbe mtuxle was
placed dote to tbe left side of tbe neck
and tbe shot ranged backward and on
ward, causing instant death. Bridges
lived alone in a cabin 100 yards from tbe
home ot bis son. if bad been ailing
aitb asthma for a dozen years, and i
cently was worse than netta. Bridges
lived until mentlr in Corvallis, where
to daushte.-s now reside. Ill health
was oncoubted!y tbe au of tbe act.
Fast Walkisa. Speaking of walking:
narry 1 oner and t. zvdwards. o
Notions, are not lad walkers themselves
Tbey left their home yesterday morning
o Clock, and walked to loiedo, ar
riving bete at 11:40. coventr the eWK
lance oi .1 miles in lour boars and forty
minutes. This ia at the rata of about
ve miles an hour, which is pretty good.
considering lite way the roads are.
Toledo Leader.
Lw-rnt "in Eveninr Around tba
World." at tbe Congregational church
Monday evening. AprU a, by tbe cele-
brated Hindu traveler and evangelist.
Kev. w 1 . h. iiarwooti, V. V., a native
of Ceylon, India, and a graduate of
King s Lollece-. London. Eualand. and
of St Michael's Divinity school, Bridge
town, Karbadoes, est indie. Admis
sion 15 cents, children 10 cents.
HitIsthsHeaj Mr. Frank Cam
ming, tbe conductor, is carrying his
head in a sling the result of an accident
at Natron. In throwing a stick of wood
upon the tender Mr. Cummins was hit
in the head just under the sje, making
a bad bruise, it was a close call for tbe
Ax UssvkxOosTwr, Tba VanCleves
are all right . At a pie ea.ina contest at
Toledo, Merrel VanCleve won. Tbe
Leader jealously says it is not fair to al
low the members ot an editor's family
in sucii a contest.
Tbe sun was teen today.
Judge Wolverton came no from -Salem
this noon to spend Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. ChasReilyand daughter
came op from Salem this noon on a visit.
Mr. W. R. Graham returned last night
irom a trip to Seattle, where be visited
with his son several days.
Mr. John Morrison returned yesterday
from the Soldiers Home at Roseburg,
and will remain in Albany for several
months. It is probable he will not
turn to the home.
Mr. R. R. Findley, ot the Russ House,
id in boil on account of having a nail ran
into one of bis feet st tbe Becker fire.
He bas since been nnder the care of
Mrs. Chas. . Pfeiffer returned this
morning from her California trip. Mr.
neuter, wno bad not seen enougn
ot the state continued his journey to the
southern part of the state and it wi'l be
several days before he readies Albany.
Mr. Richard Turner, ot Dallas, was in
the city today. Several years eo Mr.
Turner resided in Albany and was a
clerk with A. B Mcllwain. Since mov
ing to Polk county he has been county
treasurer once or twice.
MrDr. E. Ii Irvino arrived in Al
bany this noon from Arlington. Her
son Loyd will be up on tbe boat to-night.
and will enter school at once. Tbe East
ern Oregon climate does not agree with
Mrs. Irvine and she will visit here for
some time.
Last evening Mrs. F. II. Pfeiffer enter
tertained at her parlors on Broadalbin
street Misses Bertha Ellis. Flora Mason,
Minnie McFsrland, Hf-ttie and Lyda
Galbraith. Alice and Stella Porter and
Emma Pfeiffer. A delicious spread was
served with eastern oysters as the maiu
attraction. It was an affair oreatty en
joyed. .
... - 11
A large assortment ot garden seeds.
white rlover. timothy and blue grass seeds
just received fresh at
0 E Baownxix'i.
.... -
Absolutely Pure
Celebrated for its great ieaveoina
strength and hndthfuliMMi 4ur ti
food against alum and alt forms of adul
teration common to fhe cheap brands.
An Able Address in tbe Interest of
an Abused People.
Prof. W. C. Hawley, president of Wil-
lametta University, delivered an able
lecture last night at the Presbyterian
church, tbe sixth in tbe college coarse,
on Cuba Previous to 'the lecture the
Ladies College Quartet, Misses Red field,
Page, Allen and Skeels. were heard in a
song, rendered in a delightful manner.
The subject of Cuba Libre is the most
important one before tbe Am eric in peo
ple and was elaborately treated. Tbe
lecture was opened with a cuoole of
stories illustrative nt the importance of
tbe United States. A description of Cu
ba was then given. Cuba is tbe top of a
mountain range, rising as high as 9000
feet above the level of the sea. with 10.-
000 feet of water on iu sooth. Its
variation in tern pert tare is only 20 de
grees. Its soil is msrveloasly fertile. As j
rich ss Egypt is in soli, Cuba is rich far
b-yond it. Tbe 01801100- of eane was
described. It is planted easily and crop j
aiurr crop is mpea ior ten Tea's ana
twice as much juice ia obtained to that
in Louisiana, three crops ia a year. The
fruit ripens ceaaeieesiy. without work.
VYonderfnl soil, and yet tonight there is
not a happy soul on this island. Tbe
present ropnlation is tbe third worked
to death Once Spain bad tit'e dee4 to
half toe habitable globe; box that was
her downfall. Tbe wealth sbe reaped
made her a planderer and sbe gave op
her great industries and slowly went
downward, from tbe highest descending
to tbe lowest natiuo. Now aa old and
woinoot nation sbe faces a great reve
lation. There have not been fifty Tears
of rigbteoos govern men t in Caba since
1192. Uoba bas an arra ot iZ.OcO square
miles, of which about one-half being
habitable. Her foreign, commerce has
been $100 000.000 a year. Its population
is 1 .000.000, and the island is capable of
sooportjng 20,000,000. fhe island pava
$36,000,000 taxes to Spain every year,
$18 for erery person white or black,
young and old. Tbe regular fai-m tax is
$5U, or about 25 percent. He is taxed
to death. If a Cuban wants to vote he
most nav a poll tax uf S300. ahile tha
Spaniard is uxedadmoet nothing. To
do toeinesBi yon mast pay $300 tax Year
ly, ad for every tetter on yoor sign, and
per cent 00 yoor tnccme. Tbe bpaa
iah law is that a maa suspected is guilty
until h prove himself innocent. Moro
Castle bas been full oi men fading away.
bvery citizen of Uavanna mast bave a
document of iJeniiikaiion, and be is
not safe without it. The Spaniards bave
been oppressors at every pxnt. and tbe
Cuban bates bim, as tbe Spaniard hates
the Cuban.
Spain, worn oat, cannot sap pert itself,
so it seeks it from Cabe and the Philip
pine islands. 20.000 Spxnuh officers.
sops of prominent Spaoiards, are in tbe
island, living easily and robbing tbe peo
ple. Tbe tax collectors, of which there
are many, get six per cent for collecting
the exorbitant tax, which be often arbi
trarily increases, and if nat paid sells
tbe property. Spaniard have thus got
ten possession of 90 per cent of the prop
erty, rooDed irom ine wonans. me
present war begaa in 1S25. and has sob-
sided aad con'inoed to tbe present time.
The governor-general of Cuba is absolute
master of every person on tbe island.
Arbitrate! Only revolution can settle
tbe question.
Cuba bas a debt ol $ouo,uuu. ut
tbe $2S,CO0 000 tax about 70 per cent goes
to Spain. Of that nsed on tbe island it
is need exorbitantly by Spanish officers.
Examples were given of Spanish justice
tbat makes ones blood boiil with indig
nation . Not a dollar is spent for public
schools, which have been maintained
ootside of taxation, and tbe Cohans are
aa educated people. Tbe Cuban revo
lution is being fought by the whole peo
ple from tbe highest to tbe lowest, iney
bave arisen to lav tha island aaste dr se
cure freedom The United States gov
ernment should bave backbone to see
that no country but Spain, Cuba or the
U. S. should control tbe island.
Under the treaty of JS79 Cuba was to
bave local autonomy ; bnt it was never
permitted, and Spaniards only went to
tbe Cortes. The treaty was lawlessly
burned without the knowledge of the
Cubans until just before,the present war,
wnea uiev gam toey wouia siaau ou
The cjoban campaign is to lay waste
the entire island nnleea freedom is grant
ed. He can live on the wild traits and
tbe yams from tbe ground, and clothe
himself with the bark of the trees. All
he wants is ammunition and vans.
In the aast 72 rears 800.000 Spanish
soldiers have been sent to tbe island and
600,000 of them bave found graves at the
bands of tbe Cuban s terrible slashes.
Now the Cabaus say not another do!
lar shall be paid in taxes to Spain and
tbey will die in tbe last ditch.
In closing tbe speaker spread a Cuban
flag over the pulpit and said "May tbe
nag ot cuoa uote noat over tree uuoa,
and every one impressed witb the earn
est words and ths bnrninr arraienment
of the brutal Spanish rule united in the
In Benton County.
From the Times:
Tbe sale of the carriage factory plant,
vehicles and materials occurs next Wed
nesday. Real estate sales. Chas Keener and
wife to J M Keener, J8 acres nev Al
bany; $1200. J M'Keeney toPJ Morris,
18 acres near Albany ; $10. McKercher
trustee to Robert Livingstone trustee, 105
acres near Albany; $3000,
Another Benton county boy has grad
uated from an eastern college with hon
ors. He is Frank Hall.son of A. J. Hall,
ot Soap Creek, and has just taken tits de
gree an M. !., at simmi Aieoicai v.-oi-lego,
at St. Louis. Missouri. After an
absence ot three years in the collgti and
Hospital, be ts expected to arrivj nome
the 15th of tbe current month.
A New Gas Mr. Seth Wc A Hitter and
Bisters, of Eugene, are in the city on a
visit . Mr. McAllister is an assistant in
the State University He brought with
him to show to bis friends an invention
he and others at the university have been
experimenting witb, for tbe manufact
ure of gas. At Mrs. S. u. Irvine
nlgbt a small audience greatly admired
its workings, ado iignr, is tar more
ont -
liant than ordinary gas and yet cheaper.
I$s believed it willentirely supplant coal
gas in tbe east wnere it is being considered.
Gbakd Opkniko. Spring and summer
goods on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 6th,
and 7th of A pril Goods tbe highest qual
ity, prices the lowest. All cordially in
vitea to come and see.
Mrs Johh N Hoitxah.
Tbe stock of goods of thiL.E. Blain
Clothing Co., fixtures and notes and ac
count were sold at public auction at 1
o'clock this afternoon, by F. M. Red
field, assignee, A large crowd was pres
ent to witness tbe sale, gmt interest be
ing taken in the event. Tbe first bidder
was Albert Sternberg, at $10,000; L. 11.
Montanye. representing the creditors,
loiioweJ st $10,500 and Mr Vance at
$11,000. The bidding-then fluctuated
between Mr. Vance and Mr. Montanye
as luiiowt: $n.',o. iico, $11,600, ill,.
6'K), $11,700. $11,750. $11300. $11,850,
$11,900 and finally $12,00" by Mr. Vance,
to whom the entire assets ot tbe L. E.
Blain Clothing Co. were struck off. The
liabilities are between $12,000 and $13,
000. 1 be receipts will tbns, after pay
ment of expenses, pay nearly 95 per cent.
Tbe store will be open ready for busi
ness next Monday morning.
For fruits
Of aU triads.
Go to
F. H. PfeHers.
Dawson sells Li venue.
Liven oe 50c ai Dawson's.
Apples at C E Bbowxeia'a.
Smiley does oar job printing.
No blur on Smiley s printing.
F H Pfeiffer keeps everything in season.
Pictures from 75 cents to t25 rer dor a
at Longs gallery.
See French's line of oral riairs. The'
are all rifcht and cheap.
There ts no rice floor or ctarrb in ScViill
ing's Bet baking powder. 1
For a ffOod nh vsie tain Liwrin. ttw aaU
by Dawson, the "pill autocrat-"
Our printing is the cheapest beaa it
is tbe best, Sjoxxt. the Printer.
Onr work is tbe best, thervfa-e it ulb
cbeaoest. Smiley, the Printer.
Crawford k Harnish far
Prices from ft to f?0 per dozen.
Water white comb honev from California.
Jott in at u E Brow axis
The Rath leAves fcr Portland al 7 a m aa
Mondays, Wednesdays and Tborsdays.
The Albany leaves for Portlaai oa Soa
days, Tuesdays sad Tnorsdays at 8 a. m
Two peckacs of ear den eds for Seta.
sowrding to their osoal custom at Stewart
a. aox'a.
You will find a beautiful line of ladies
gold rings and kx2 chains at French's
jewelry store.
10c sets a first class hair cot- by Laev
txe champion, at the Boston shop. Op
posite Ross Boose
Dr. G. W. Mistcm. pbirdriaa and sur
geon, Albany Or. Call answered prompt
ly ia city or coon try.
airs. Pearson aad Miss Rieland have
moved their dressmaking establiAhmeat to
oroaaafbin St., between Snd and 3rd.
That German wash; og fla;d, which has
orovea soch a fine tbiag has arrived at
Parker Bros, ia a large quantity- Call
aad try a bottle.
laformatioo that is worth its weight ia
go d: Get your meats of ah kinds at Hea
ry Broder's, oa Second street.
If yoo owe Cona Haton call upon
them acd psy op. Why isa't that a gold
esoiutioa. for now is the pay up time.
For choice meats of all kinds, and
prompt attention call or-a Wm Emerick
st Soo. two doers west of Keecbt t Misers.
Grand swing opeaioir of milKserv at the
Misses Bail's Toesdav aad WedncsdaT,
March 3j aad 31. All iadi- are invited.
Drs. H. E. and O. K. Beers offices aar
residence in the post othce building Spec
ial aUeattoa given to disease of wonata.
The price cf genuine Oliver chilled plow
shares has been reduced to 50 cents. Be
tore the ume Oliver is on every share
For aale only by Hopkins Bros.
To prevent the hardening et the sob
cutiiaeoas tissues of the scalp and theobbt
eraiioa ti tbe hair folUVlea, which caase
baltloeas, ase Hall's Hair Renewer.
Kern coins ontil voo reach the shoo of
the Albany Dreswed Beef Company, where
will bod a an tine of meals ot all
kinds. This cotnraay keeps tbe best and
joo will be sorrt if yoo don't call oa tneza.
Coasider yoor ways, think before yoo
act, aad then go to Haight Bros., where
yoo will End a choice troca- of aveaia of all
kinds to ordjr from. Yoo are boned to be
pleased if yoa order of them.
Wm. Bell, of the Imperial Comedy Co..
recently ia Albany, bile playing at Ash
land stubbed bis toe. aad oeing a neavy
man, tell so as to throw bu right shoulder
and elbow out ot joint.
Charies Farreli aad Barry Saltaaarsh
sometime next week will open a fish and
game mareet at the oi Scbmeer market
on Ellsworth Street, aa excellent location,
and will keep everythiBg us seaMO.
Whitney, the toot racer, who was arrest
ed in Kjgeoe over a year ago as aa escaped
convict from the Montana peoiteetaary aad
takea back to that institution where be
served out his term, is bow ia Cottage
Grove fcogene Journal.
Much interest is being takea ia the city
elect! oa at Eugene which will occur next
Monday. Tbe contest tor tbe mayaraity is
oetwoea J U Matlock and Dr W bayken
da!. For recorder, B F Dorris aad I 1
Simnsca are the candidates.
Wru. DisntcoaroaArx. The Ashland
BnUdinK A Loan Association propores to
proceed to disincorporate, as will be seen
by notice published elsewhere. Tbe 1
sociatioo waa ors-anised in 18S9 and has
done considerable bosineea daring tbe
time intervening. The association baa
accumulated some property by default
dnnnrr tbe close tunes ol toe oast tew
years, and whiie the stock has not tally
matured it is deemed best ior w.e iu wr
ests ot the remaining stockholders to
wind op its affairs as soon as possible.
Both tha method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
. f , ...... . a .
ana reiresning w toe taste, ana acts
Steady yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
aueea, pieasing to ta taste anu ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its acuon ana truiy ueneaciai .u iia
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many exoellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for f ale in 80
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
, cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it- Do not accept any
sjm numusco. cu.
uxaSYiuc fT. aXsVrffletslt.
svsk - ar a.
Concerning .
Out Advertising
Burning words saver did set tbe world
on fire, it is our 1 olicy to repress all sen
national statements, to deal in f icts not
fignres of t punch or exaggeration Every
word ws print is weighed, and we vouch
for its exact truthfulness witb our personal
honor. The iniegri tv of our word of mouth
is unquestioned (?) The integrity- of oar
word if type most be just as sobstontial.
The object of ail our aavertUioar is to bill
yoo about our bosiness ceariy, plainly,
convincingly asone man talks to soother.
it costs some money, but done intelligently.
it pays. Yon try it
bmiut, tbe Fnrter.
Fbany College
tea . 'ilor the school year 1896-1897
Jjari ' .r'arvin, Mas. Doe. director.
Asrietant teachers-Marjrrjerite Alderson,
a. H and Mrs. Josephine bnarpe.
Thorough aod systematic instruction
riven in all the important branches of
music Best conservatory rooms and
latgest musical library aad facilities for
m aural work. Lareeet nnmser 01 con
servatory students enrolled of any mosic
school in the state. Terms low. Send
for circular and catalogue, to
ft A LLATZ Hows Lcs, A it.
Albany, Oregon.
Our Lady of Per-.
Boarding School for Cirla.
Tboroogh instruction Wholesome.
diet Homelike treatment. Consider-,
tng hard times, favorable reductions are
made tor boarders and day scholars.
Studies will be resumed Sept. 1st. For
orther particulars call at tbe Academy
or write to Sister Superior.
is a book e-rerv Oreeooian ahoold
have. Tbe ld trod action is tr tae cele
brated Rev. Frank W. Gansaalaa and
the sketches by Oliver W.JCixon, I. D.
i-k iwk i nrinted from lanre. desw
new tvpe. on extra laid paper, bound ia
veUom ciotn. etrmpea in gutu, k"
Uiustxated mith 16 faU-pajre halt tones
ani retails at $L7o. Any sobecrieer
pa ring a veer in advance lor toe weeaij
or Smooths or more for tba cauycaa
bave it tor $1 extra.
TH ii
8 Pages a Wed. 15$ ft ?i a Tear.
Ta lanrer thaa any weekly or semi-
weekly paper pobliehed and is tbe only
important democratic "weekly" pub
lished in New Ycvk City. Three tunea
as large as the leading republican week-
ot r-ew xora
It has all the freshness aad timeliness
of a daily. It combines ail the newt
itb, a long list ol interesting Depart
ments, unique feature, cartoons ana
graphic illuBtrations, the latter being a
AU these improvements havw beea
made without any increase ia tbe cost
which remains at one dol'ar per rear
We offer this onequaled newspaper
and the Wbzsxt Dsjsograt together one
year tor $2.00.
Southern Pacific Co.
OttBonda Kaprass Tralaa
1 Rort-
kHr. a. 1 L
ArS10 a
Ar 1 1 a a
Lt i nss r
119 ltLI
11'IAa a I Ar
Above trtas stop at East Portland
Oregon City, Woodbona, Salem, aur-
aer, aianoo, jesnw", jx- j.
Tangent, Shedd. Halsey Eogeae
Cresweu, Uottage vrove, a-iua.
stations frota Roseburg sootht to and in-
- ;
; .
- i-4
: i -if
aosasvaa aaivan.T
s-soaa IL ForUae ar
,Sh Alba;,
fcaisa tar aosabnty LTlSSta
aaruase aaaacs.
tar AlbaBT teUlawa If?"
IrM al AltmnT troaLrfooa "
Un aiT tor Utawa J
tnin U a'vfr-Ma Ubatw "
Uar Albany lor Woodbnra via Waodbara
ImK-k Wtm A
Airtvaat Albany treat Woadbara '
Uara Albany tor Sattoa '
arrlva at aibaay fr Nitron 1-tflS AM
Dinin? Cars on Ogdsn Routs
AtUfc all Tfcraaak Tralaa
Taa Ste SMrtta.
rrsfaas raariasa as
Sill nil aiSTtkaeaeSaaay
l so r
Mara i
ar I 1
1M I
ku ul ml Su Pnaeiaca arhk OmaVa al
aad OHrotel and Pactae aa.0 ataaaahia K
JAPAN aaa CHINA Salttw 4aaaa arbujai
Bal aad ttcnata to aa-i-ni r
aa obtalaad troaa C 1L fMa, Art,
aaoaHLiB a"1";.
rortW Ortg rorUaad
hereby given that the wpartiiership
of Emerick b Bruckmaa bas been dissof
ved, Mr. Bruckmaa retiring. The bn
nees will be continued bv Lnierick Sob.
Indebtedness will be hrjauated by Mr
Emerick. AU accounts should be settled
with Mr Brockmaa.