TERMS. . Oaily Democrat. 25 cents per mouth 3.00 per year.in advance. 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over 3 months. Single copies 5c. - Wbbklt. $1.25 tn advance; $1.50 at end of year j 11.75 for second year; f200 fro third and proceeding year, when not paid in advance. CWxhs of five new subscribers Mr 55.00. V Clubbing Offer. The "Weekly Democrat and Weekly Kxnminer will be sent to subscribers (or .85 a year. This includes all the priv ileges of the Examiners bigpremium gut in May, the same as if you sent the res alar subscription price of $1.60 directly o the oaoer. Isn't that a bargain. -Weekly Dsmocbat ami thrice a week N. Y. World, $2.00 a year. The State Fair. From the Journal : According to the Statesman (edited by ttie deposed secretary) there is liable to be no fair this year yet Oregon will have the best fair ever held, mis same ex- official reports that six officials have re signed, when only Z. t . Moody s resign tion is on file, and he doe this after he was informed that it was not correct. It is apparent to any one that this is all because he was not re elected secretary of the society. Jeff Meyers yesterday otfered the fol lowing resolution, which is pertinent, no would seem only lair to exhioitors: "Resolved, That no member of the state board of agriculture shall have any ownership by purchase, lease or lien, oirecsiy or indirectly, in any stock or ar ticid upon wmcn an awaid or premium is made: or purse is offered for soced. Any member violating the above provis ions shall forfeit the full amount of said premium or pmse to the association, wun tne stock or article entered." This was voted for by several heavy stock men on the board, but was not carried. . It is the opinion of the entire board and all interested, that the fair of 1807 will be the best in many years. , The Cause of It. The reason for the recent bad weather is fully explained by a correspondent in an exchange who paid a visit U Port land: A friend took me op into the Oregon ian tower where Cel. Pague conducts the Oregon weather service. Mr. Payne has since many years lived about 200 feet in the air, and that day it bad Mow ed fifty miles an hour. This kind of life is what gives him snch a pneumatic ap pearance, and gives his statements a ve locity that no ordinary person can keep pace with, unless they first go to a bi cycle shop where they have an air pump worked by steam. I have for years re ceived Pague'a crop bulletidns and he :s a man I d rather carry on a conversation with by postal card at a fifty mile range I'd stand a chance then to get in a word get in a word edgewise, perhaps don't blow that to' It's a wonder he tower away, and when they get airships invented they'd better etear clear of Pague or be'll talk them oat of existence. We ail like Pague np In the country. He has eight clerks to .help him make weather to suit all . parts of the northwest, operates twenty scien tific instruments, sends ont 1000 pieces -of mail a day ani has a self-registering automatic language blow of 1500 words a minute. 0 School Report. The following is gleaned from my last report to the board : Total Xo. enrolled 613; average daily attcndance,535; those neither absent nor tsrdv, 2S4;Ko cor poral punishments, 7; Ko. visits by di rectors, 2; by patrons and others. 73. There were 799 absent days, enough to make four years of school for one pupil. TbU is caused largely by sickness, yet we have some cases without good excus es. The people who pay taxes demand, and have a right to do so. that the cbil dien of the district receive benefit there from. In connection with tins I would like to call attention to the fact that there are some children in the city who do not attend school. There is a com- paleorv school law in this state which is neglected. (The Democrat tomorrow will give a circular letter sent out by state sup, of nblic instruction on the compulsory lw.) H. True, Sept. Schools. " 1 A ' Pnsxoic. The Examiner of San Francisco says : The Athletic Club team has secured Glen Flemming to do their fancy work in the box. Kow let all men know that Flemming has all the tricks that make the other fellows weary in mind and sore in flesh. He is a phenom from the Northwest and will surprise the natives with the style of ball be puts np. He is the same Flemming, by the way, who entered an "Examiner" tour nament team in Oregon last rammer as a nineteen-year-old arid was caught sur- rentitiously shaving off tro feet of gray whiskers the day before the game. Bis team was thrown oat of the tournament. bat not before Flemming bad enal-led them to mop the earth no with every thing in the ball-plsying line in his - shire. The Alerts have replaced" Baby" McKee in the box with a young perron called Maskimon. He has been specially imported to btand off- the Oaegon terror. Kailkoad Matters According to the ' Tacoma Ledeer the Astoria A Columbia River B. B. Co. will build the road aiong the coast from Astoria to Yaquina and - there connect with the O O. & E. The . Northern Pacific has signed a lease for the use of the Goble road for 99 years, andlowos a majority of stock-in tbeO. B A N.. which leads some to believe that the Northern Pacific is to ran things. The ' -O- C. St. E. is to be greatly improved east -of as. and it is declared is to be extended into Eastern Orgeon. It is hard to keep track of these rriltoad propositions, we have had so many and different ones, all from reliable sources; but certainly it looks as if something is in the wind. Nw BaicKw The contract was let by nrra. Henrietta Brown today tot a new hrick oohe lot just north of the Dem ocrat office. There were eight bidders, whose bids varied only $138. The low est was that of J. B. Cougill, to whom h contract was let. The building is to i one story, 30x60, with a 13 foot ceil- j with two front rooms, one to be oc cupied by P. J. Smiley an1 the other by Mr. Thomas, partner of Hon. Geo. E. nhaniberlain. ot Portland, was in at tendance upon Circuit Court today. Joe. Klein, formerly of Albany, has located in tbe live mining town of Trail B C, where oe win upu a mm auup, n, 0. 8. Wright, of MeMinnville. in the city. He is thinking of enuring the dentistry protession in Eugene Eugene Guard. utina Lilly Eobertson has arrived in nh.n from Chicago, stopping several ,.. in Tteoma on heaway here. She expects to make Albany her home here' after. f. Morrison, a nephew of Mr. Jack tt nf the St. Charles, arrived in Vik.n on last night's overland, from Marysville, Missouri, on a visit and to ' look at the country. Rev. G. A. Manchardt.of Albany, Or., is in the city. He was the former pastor nt Memorial Evangelical church, on East Eighteenth and Tibbetts streets,and will he present at that church this morning and meet bis old friends. Rev. Mr. Manchardt is recovering from a severe rt..nw nf tvohoid fever, and is on his way to California in search of health. He is the guest of Rev. L. L. 8. Fisher, present pastor of Memorial church. Oregonian. Satisfaction guaranteed when vou use "Perfection" Dyes, for sale Dy Fred pawsoa. "Perfection" Dyes are Krlllianti The One True Blood Purlner. Al! druggists. L and Permanent, tor sale by t-redi ijawaon $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book $5.00 bays a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 18 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is .owning, - . $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" ViolinE strings. $4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. H f a Vintra Ana 1a.a a l tn ""J- uuu Hieei v lonn 1st or iiu airings. $25.00 buys a 5-drawersewing machine ; nigh arm, light running; guaran teed 5 years. . . jt-FrieeB on Pianos Organs, Banjos sent on application. ' E. U. Will Albany. CIRCUIT COURT.- Circuit court, department No. 2, con vened to day with Judge H. H. Hewitt on . the bench. The following business was transacted: - P J Porter agt John O Elder, parti, tion.v Continued. . 1 In the matter of the assignment of Al bertina Kriesel. Continued. In the matter af ih .v. Oriental Tea Co Dismissed. In the matter of the assignment R N Thompson. Continue J. W T Cochran aot lhn r!n.l.n.. i . . ....... wuoiiuinu. iKJlXT- vi uiortge. t continued for ser vice. In the matter of the assignment of F M Kuer. Continued. Sol Holden act T W Tili man aa 1 foreclosure. Settled and dismissed. ' Mutual Benefit Lf 1 na f act tins A Hick's eta!, foreclosure. Judgment for plaintiff. Chas Gill agt Wm Workman et al, foreclosure lien. Settled and dismissed. P Elmore et. utrn, u-n. i r Pearl et al. foreclosure. Jnilinnnitli default - J Dundee Mts?e Oa Cr&btree, fo.ec osure. Judgment by de- J ururnev rowler and w J (.qka. " J Morgan adtnr. foreclaanrn. rVin. unaw tor service. D Simons agt Henry Stewart etal. Set- ueu ana a smissed. . Mary Jace Miller airt F.hita Ttm.n a, paruuon. continued for service. Frances D Mtlrnh V in S Thnmnonn al, foreclosure. Settled and dismissed. Airs Alice Richards aet H F Morrill. confirmation. Confirmed. Ueed to be made in 4 mos. , John Conner aet Jaa Hnntprat ! nn- firmation. Confirmed. J H Kerr act D M Rnhai-ta t 1 6 "nation. Confirmed, deed to h maria in 4 qios. DS Smith azt Kistwr Vindnn t al confirmation. Confirmed, deed to be made in 4 inoe. W J Vapscawyer & Co agt G M Coffey et al, confirmation. Confirmed, deed to uv maua m nice. r Annie G Spinner agt O P Cird ec aL conhrmation. Confirmed, deed to ba made In 4 mos. W E Carl set f T. at .1 firmation. Confirmed, deed to be made in i mos. merman S & L G ut Portland fion- stnk-lion Co. motion -for sheriff In makt Jee-l. Present Sheriff nrtnrl tj nut. deed. . Kachlf Bros & Co art Tt X Thnmnann st al, confirmation . Confirmed, deed to be made in 4 mcs Board Scu Fnnd Com act S T! et al, confi.-tnation. Confirmed, deed to be made in 4 mce. BoaiYi Sch Fund Cnm airt Parnlina Graf ef al. confirmation. (ImErmnl deed to be maae in 4 mos. w m Coy apt Philip Lantrv et al, fore closure Judgment by default. 0 C Jackson agt Sarah J Moore et a! to quiet tide. Continued. Margaret Mady agt C E Hawnns et al. ForecltMure. Judgment bv defanlt. - J W Pagh set W J TlriiViH tt .1 Nonsuit on motion of plaintiff. JasG Calloway agt E D Mover et al. Foreclosure continued. C- J Howe agt Marr D 1Inv Contin ued. W L Arnold agt C M Jarstad Present sheriff to make deed. et aL Bank of Brownsville agt B X Thomp son et al. Sheriff to make deed 4 mos. after confirmation. W H Swank et al agt J W Swank etal. Sa'e confirmed. , F Kraschnerchkie agt W H Roberts, supervisor of road Dist. So. 4, Linn county, Oregon, writ of review. Writ sustained. Judgment of lower court set aside. G W Loftis gt Geo Westenhonsen et al, recovery of money. Tried and sub mitted. . -. Jhos Beading agt JohnPnwers et al, forec'oeare. Judgment by default. Assignment of E J Wiliouehbv. Con tinued. w m Lane agt E J Willonyhhv. fnr- clesare. Judgment for plaintiff. et al, foreclosure. Judgment for plaintiff as per stipulation. Henry Suesens'agt Gassie Eaeeens, divorce. Defanlt and divorce eranted. M M and N M Owen act S W and n a Marks, foreclosure. Default of S W Marks and canse consolidated with Howe agt Marks. AssignmeiA k M Hammer. Contin ued. Oregon 4CE8 agt Linn county. De cree of lower coort annulled and set aside. N H Allen agt John Berrr et al. Pres ent sheriff ordered to make deed. J W Casick agt A Btseal et aL Present sheriff ordered to make deed. In the matter of the assignment of Propst & Batlar. Final account allowed and assignee discharge! - In the matter of the assignment of Geo jf jjnnaara. xinai account approved and assignee aiscnarge". Epbram Haner agt John P Donscaet al, confirmation. Continued. A From and S E Frum agt AH From, partition. Continued. John W Morgan et al agt A C Morgan: et al, partition. Sale confirmed. 'Laura E McLaren agt Wm H Qaeener ei bi. j augment Dy detaalt. Missouri Tycer et al agt Eveline T- cer, partition. Decree of partition. W Kirk, U H Kirk and N d Tlca an. pointed to partition property. Sarah P Blakely art Snsan D Keener. et al, foreclosure. Continue J. W w Howes agt S W Marks et al, fore clorore. Decree on pleading. Nancy J Githcna aut Mand Wurnnn et aL Continued. Drowned at Anldem. Ed Hatch arrived at Gates last night from tbe mines with the news tfaatL. E. Leborre. an old miner was drowned last Fnday when crossing the north fork of me south feantiam at tbe Anldem mines. Being unable to control his boat while crossing be was carried over the falls in to a leet of water and was never seen afterwards. His body has not . been re covered. The deceased was a resiJeit ot Portland and leaves a wife and two sona, y - Rich Red Blood la absolutely essential to health. It is second eaaily and naturally by taking Hood's SarsapariUa, bat to Ira possibletoget it from so-called " nerw tonics," and opiate oompoonds, ab surdly advertised sa " blood part ners." They have temporary, sleeping effect, bat do not CURB. To have pare lood And good health, take Hood's SarsapariUa which has first, last, and all the time, been advertised as just what it is the bast medicine for the blood ever pro duced. Its suaceaa in curing Scrofula, Salt Rheum. Rheumatism. Catarrh. Dyspepsia, Nervous Prostration and That Tired Feeling, have made Lru SarsapariUa .. n.f's are purely vegetable, HOOd S PlllS Hails aud btntficlal. TUESDAY Frank Cambcll Held. The Tribune, of last evening, of Port land, gives the following particulars in reference) the case of Frank Campbell, rreatedat Portland for the larceny of a diamond ring from William Emerick of this city: Frank Campbell, arrested with Ed. Kendall on Friday, charged with the lar ceny of a diamond ring belonging to Wil liam Emerick, was held on a bond of $250 to the grand jury by Judge B week to-day. i ne details oi the attair present a pe culiar case, ana u uampbeii is innocent of the charge it is most unfortunate that all the material facts in the case lead the general impression in the opposite dir ection. On Thursday last Campbell, who is not unknown to the police courts ol Mar ion county r met young Emerick and they proceeded to consume beer as if they were mnder bond to reduce the supply. A friend of Cambell, named Ed. Kendall, presently joined the party, and the trio loitered about that portion of the city where saloons are conveniently close to gether. About 7 o'clock in the evening Emerick confessed that he was to fall to j enjoy more exercise and desiied to go to bed. He and Campbell went by car to the latter'a room, where Emerick, after div iding his money with Campbell, went to bed. Campbell returned to the street to cout Jiue the debauch. Presently Ken dall went to Campbell's room and also retired. About 6 o'clock in the evening Emerick had pawned his watch, at which time he exhibited a diamond ring. It was this ring that was missing the next morning when the trio arose. Campbell was the last to retire. He confessed he went to the room once be fore Kendall had arrived and after 2m erick had fallen asleep, and helped him self to his benefactor's last dollar. Ue also testified that the little gold ring be bad shown his companions when he last went home Thursday night he fonnd on the floor of the room. That also was Emerick's ring and it was carried in the same puree with the diamond ring. Emerick was held under bond of $100 as a witness He resides at Albany. Claims Against Okkgox. Creditors of Oregon are all wondering how tbey will get their pay. If the claims could be audited so they would draw interest there would be no trouble. There's the rub. The Journal says: Secretary of State Kincaid has ezpressed himself as will in to do anything lawful lying in his power to assist state creditors in realis ing on their claims where his action would not be averse to the state's inter est. There has been an offer to bay state claims t par, if audited, so tbey may boar the legal rate of interest. There is an unreversed opinion of the supreme coort, however, which says that the sec retary of state cannot audit claims for which no appropriation has been made. tmenent legal authorities say the opin ion is sot sound. It is said the secretary may audit claims before an appropria tion has been provided, though he is not authorised to issue warrants. The mat ter can be tested by mandamus proceed ings. Suit to compel the secretary to audit could be brought on an agreed claim, and thus test the authority of th secretary of state in the matter. WaisKcr's Doings. From Salem Statesman: Mrs. Geo. A. Spencer, of Portland, was yesterday discharged from the asylum, she having recovered from her mental disease. Her ho band came here to meet ber and eenort her home, and, daring the forenoon, while await ing the time for the north bound train, he "looked npnn the wine wh Je it was red, and was in a state of beastly in toxication when Che time for bis de part ore arrived. The poor woman, instead of being looked after by the brnte of a husband was compelled to care for him and with the assistance of kindlv inclin ed bystanders succeeded in landing the fellow aboard the train. Mis Olds Mabjukd. Miss Nettie Olds of Silverton. the lecturer, lecently iu Albany, and W. E. Uaight, of Iowa, were married in MeMinnville )eterdy by Justice Mc Phil lips. The Justice said: "Miss Olds and Mr. Haight, will yoa take each other for man and wife?" he a newer coming in concert, "We will." They were then pronoun ted hnsband and wife by all legal authority. The simplicity was no doubt given as an ex ample to the world. The bride will go by the name ot Mrs. Nettie Olds Harght. Ope ratio FgxFOKwra. Mr. William B. Lawler. manager of the mining com pany bearing his name, operating at Amdem, Linn county, is in Paris, France where Itt several weeks be has been un dergoing treatment for bis eyes. The latest reports received are that the right eye will bave its eight folly restored.bat the lett will probably be bereft of sight nr. LAwier nas oeen Kept in a dark room for several weeks, attended only by bis Burgeon, trained nurses and Mrs. Lawler, but it is expected he will coon be released . from confinement. The treatment he underwent was a heroic one, bat it was the only means left to preserve bis sight, and the fact that the operation has proved partly successful is a source of great satisfaction to bis family and mends. Oregonian. Wg Has Osk Too. Tii 3 Dkmocbat said Oregon ought to bave a compulsory education law line that oi inoaua. which was cited. Tbe fact is Oregon already has one almost exactly like that of Indiana: bnt so little attention is paid to it even a newspaper oogbt to be excused for not being fair. liar with it Tbe ages are the same, 8 and 14 years. Tbe fine is $5 to $25 for the first offense and 125 to 150 for the second offense and 12 weeks is the required length of time attendance is required. The law should be enforced. From RosstAxo. 1 Salem man who returned on Sunday from Rowland, says the population of that city is b.uw. a drummer in Albany Saturday, who just came from there, says only 2500 is claim ed for tbe citv. and that aa a matter of tact there are probably not over 1500, of whom about 1000 are now idle. Some body is evidently stretching things. He says the town is msde ap of cheap hots made oi boards, slabs, logs or anything, dag into the side of the bill. Daring tbe winter there baa been continually sever al feet of snow on the ground, lour feet when be lett. Bio Rainfall. From Sept. 1st, to date, Mr. John Briggs informs the Dsm ocbat, the total fall of rain at Albany was 40 inches, being approximstely the average rainfall for an entire yoar. The new city hall at Salem has been ac cepted and will be occupied this week. Hon. E. R. Skip worth, ot Eugene, bas been in the city. Gen. T. 8. Clarkson, commander of the G. A. R. is in rortland. William Emerick and son Will re turned last night from Poitlsud. Mr. Geo, F. Telfer, of Portland, repre senting tbe well xnown house ol O H. Crocker, successor to the lithographing company, is in tbe city. Statesman. Mr. Reddy Srhwartz, tbe printer, went to Portland on Sunday morning's boat. It was reported that he was to be mar ried in that city, but the particulars bave not yet been received at the Dsmocbat office. Mr. Walter Ketchum and family, who have been residing in Spokane several months, will return to Albany in a few days to reside, having made arrange ments to occupy their family residence on Third street. Mrs. II. E . Chipman is in tbe city visiting with her sister Mrs. 0. II. Laughead previous to her departure for Spokane, where Mr. Clnproan has so cepted a position with the Spokane Falls northern Kailroari. Mr Stun-ill. of Pendleton is in the city ivuy organizing a inage or rrsternai Union of America. It provides for acci dent, disability, old age and death bene ; lits. It creates a reserve fund and It is , claimed for it that the plan insures a . i i a n , continued cheap rate. Both male and female are admitted. There are several interesting features to the policy For instance the hazardous character of ones business keeps no one out, but decreases the profits. ' re. , Use Dawson's furniture polish. Will be at the opera house Saturday night. Following is a Colot ado Springs notice: "Miss Hext proved a great surprise, and as an entertainer has cow few su periors on the stage. "She has designed a novel entertain ment and conducts it most satisfactorily. "Walther was a great tr-iat. He is an artist of rare merit, and there is hardly any praise to strong to be given him. "He is broad and sympathetic in bis treatment, ard in bis handling of the double notes he is a past master." The company will be at the opera house next Saturday ve under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association. Prices are 60 cents for re served seats, 25 cents gallery. Syracuse. We who voted for Bryin are getting tired of McKinley weather, bat the rain must fall on the just and unjust alike. The fall sown grain in this vicinity is growing niceiy. Dot owing to early tall rains the acreage is not as Targe as usoaL Johr Miller is cutting a few hundred cords of wood tor the S. P. R. R. which will be hauled to the track this summer. We believe the United States to be foremost ot the republics of the world and should be first to champion the cause ot the oppressed and prove her ap preciation ot liberty by acknowledging the independence of suffering Cuba and if necessary give ber material aid in se curing the same. With a high tariff on jute and niaoilla, which means an increased price for grain bags and binding twine. The farmers will be given an excellent object lesson in taxation as a means to prosperity. We feel highly flattered by the atten tion of Joehouway and Little Rose Bad. To Joehouway we would say that while we have a partiality for red whiskers we are afraid he is only Joshing and cannot second his motion. We move to lay it under the table for we can never be anything more to yoa Josh than friend. As for little rose buds, we admire them very much for ornamental purposes so long as tbey belong to the vegetable family bat Little Roe Bads of the genu homo variety mast be a niianomer. . Fruit growing is getting to be quite an industry aroaod here. Mi. Rhodes has 80 acres of prune and apples in bearing1 and an evaporator, with a capacity ot 200 bushel per day, which is fitted with all modern appliances to expedite the eaoeeeeful handling of the fra'U L. C Stratton has 24 a-res ot p ranee, which is the model orchard of thia county. He has just finished pruning it and a neater looking orchard would be bard to find. Ttere are several smaller orchards aroond which will aggregate some 75 acres making a total of about ISO acres of trait. Bxuso J as i. Mas. Ashbt wishes to annoonoe to the ladies of Albany and vicinity that ber Grand Spring Opening cf Miluaery Goooa will occur oa Thursday. Friday and SaUrdiy, April 1st, 24 and 3d. Having employed a first da trimmer the is better fitted to suit the people than ever before. Soe baa a full stock of tfjiuh mUliaeryat prtret to suit the timet. Cad and see fur)oureif . The da of creations ot Mitt Ida Fulkr, produced by the atl tfol manipulation id colored ughU at wirfl a graceful move ments it aa attraction whose esects are ue finest ever seen in tniacity. Pioneer Pres. St Pan I. Feb 20. 1S9S ) At the opera bouse Thursday night- Tomorrow is tie last Jy for paying Use before they wilt become dclioqaent and costs will be added. Mr Mosber baa sold bu fine trotter Gol J- ea Seal, with a record of about 2:30. to J R. Wyatt, the lawyer, who win anew no one to p him. f Jt The Teat's Washington special Mrs a report it in circulation among the Wah ington fnendt of ex-Secretary Lamont that he i about to become preuaeot oi ine Northern Pacific railroad. A new Ur route has been established from Lebanon to Lacomo. Tbe stage will leave l-t-non daily, eicept Sunday - at 1 p m. arriving at Laccrob bv 4 p m ; lee ve Lacomb dii. exorpt Sunday at 9 am, arriving at Lebanon by 12 m. The aalarv ot the oaator of tbe lit Pres byterian church at eni hat been reduced from CISCO to llCCO.regardies cf the pros perity ba rtruca tbe U. S oa March 4. A vote ct that tnorcn on reta-ning act. Steele another J ear wat 11 for and 61 agaicn. HM Martin hat receiveu mtk ad of corn from xveonusa wnicn con mens 328 20. and odob this be paid $2o4.4i freitrht. which I be producer in Nebraska will have t it) ami. leaving mm oniy f o..o ont of which be mart pay a cotnmiarion to communon merchant la 1 or nana. Eoteborg Review. A WsT or Moy. The sllve" ser vice for the battle-ship Oregon, at a cost of almost $4000, which sum was raised throughout this state by public contri bution, arrived from tbe east this morn- inir. and is now in tbe custody of 31 r. At Bert r eidenneimer, tne jeweier, to woom the contract for iu manafactarw was awarded. It is a gorgeous service, and aaid to be the most massive and beauti ful in design in tbe United btates. It consists ot a punch bowl, of 10 gallons' ranaritv. with lad e. ana Z4 giawses in si:ver holders, a tooay-nowi, oi is pints, .". . . ,.- -r.. with ladle, and a grand massive salver, Telegram. $4000 for a liquor drinking service is great ineee nam nines. Letter List. Followina- it the list of letters remaining in the Poetoffice at A limn v. Linn county. Oregon, March 30, 1897. Persons calling for these letters must give tbe date on which they were advertised. Johnson, Amanda Price.Mr (Tanner) Sanderson, G W Sutton, Mrs Mary Taylor, Agio Taylor, M T. J. Srms, PM Fifty Years Ago. President Polk la the White Boose chair, While la Lowell waa Doctor Ayer j Both were busy for human weal On to govern and on to heal. Aad, at a president's power of will Sometimes depends oa a Hwr-plll, Mr. Polk took Ayr't Fills I trow For bit liver, SO years ago. Ayer's Cathartic Pills were designed to supply ev model purgative to people who had so long injured themselves with griping medicines. Being carefully prepared and their In gredients adjusted to the exact necessities of the bowels and liver, their popularity was in stantaneoua. -That this popu larity has been maintained is well marked in the medal1 awarded these pills at the World's Pair 1893. 50 Years of Cures. V - - MISFITS. .,,1,3 Pat says that before election it was 16 ti 1, but now it is 0 to 8 (nothing to ate.) San Francisco might as well throw up its charter. Both the Oregonian and Martin Julian have condemned It. U is an interesting fact that very few of the people who have ever left Albany to better their circumstances in life hays done so. The St. Johns News recently said: "It takes money to run a newspaper." Since then the editor has been called a liar and everything else ia the category, tor cast ing such a reflection on tne press. Nelson D. Bennett, the Tacoma mil lionaire.who was in Albany considerably several years ago, is now a financial week. Last week a good ciaim agalffst hime( (85,000 was sold for li00. Thus do tbe mighty fall. Corbett failed to bave Lis "gall" knocked out at Carson. At San Fran cisco his manager Brady introduced him as champion ot the world regardless of the knock out. The Indications are thus very strong that the public is to continue to be afflicted with Corbett blow. The Statesman says that Doug Minto and Geo. Waters, of Salem, who recent ly paid a visit to Carson, Nevada, for the benefit of their health were grealy bene fitted by the change of climate and at mosphere. Tbey happened to be in Car son on St. Patrick s day, remaining about one day. Albany baa just bad a narrow escape according to tbe Roseburg Review: "The "Town Topics" company which played at tbe opera house Thursday night, waa in most respects a poor one. Sejal members of it were evidently worn out variety performers and their special ties bordered on tbe indecent." The building of the Columbia river road from Astoria to Yaquina aud the exteoaion of tbe O. C. & E. into Eastern Oregon, will mean a great desl for Al bany. No town in the Northwest has belter prospects than ibis city. With the advantages of tbe Saotiam mines Al bany should be heard from. The fact that the Examiner baa stated that a new morning paper is to be started in Portland with full telegraphic ten ice, to be called Tbe Tribune, has been taken to mean that tie Examiner ia interejtod in it. The tact is it is the present Trib une, now an evening paper, which was recently incorporated .and signifies noth ing so far as Mr. Hearst it concerned, who undoubtedly already has bis bands full. Before election an Albany man asked a farmer for a debt. "Jf 'McKinley is elected be said. I can pay it twice over at well' aa not.',' Tbe Albany man did not meet the debtor nntil recently .when be informed bim that McKinley wit elected ana be wanted bis money. Tbe farmer admitted that limes weren't any 1-eLer an4 that be couldn't pay it. Un der a threat ot a suit and attachment before night be produced the money. A Eugene minitter.R-v. W.S. Gilbert, has been finding fault for some time with the manner ot government of Eugene. Ia last evening's Guard Mr. E. R. t-kip-worth, city attorney, writes an open letter to bim that is vetv cbaracterurtic and on tbe tace of the proposition, with out knowing ot the inside of the facta, in dicating that tmni4U?rt.at well as outers, shocld weigh their words well before be ginning an aOack. People will bave to be very careful how tbey mutilate coins hereafter. A law baa jurt been passed which provides that tbe pasting ot matiiated or defaced coins or the matUalioo or deface men' of coin for any purpose shall be held to be a criminal otfeose, punuha' le by im prisonment for a perioa of one lofite years and a fine of 100 to t2000. Under I biii law the practice of presenting ladies with coins of gold or silver, with tbe io ilia.it of donor engraved thereon, to be worn aa tangles, will be a criminal of ten . Tbe law also drives out of exist ence a number of people who bave made a living by porchatin mutilated coin at a reduction from their face value and plugging no the bole so skillfully that the original mutilation coald not 1 dis- red. Even this kind of tampering with money will be regarded uta oi fettle under the Statute. A correspondent in the Safetn Journal gets satirical aa follows: One of my main reasooa of going to Portland waa to invest in a suit of clothes, and I drop ped Into tbe big store osed to be run bv Mover A Co. Tbey are right opto tbe style In every respect, even to selling oat in ninety date and that too with a state senator lor receiver Bea belling. It Isn't every day yoa can buy a sail of a senator ot the last Oregon legislature and I found Mr. Sellinc a keen buaineee man. lie is one of tbe kind of men who believe in living while tbey live. Two veais ago be took bis wile and chi'dren to Europe, Asia and Africa. lie took the children while thev were ttili voang and now when there is a war ia Greoce or a massacre in Armenia, tbe young Sellings koow where to look tor-it on tbe map. It seems a pity to sell out a toO.000 stock of clothing for anything it win oriog, oat i suppose it wm nave to go, " by order of tbe court." Oakville. Mr D E Junkia went to Boston yester day. Ue says the roads are soft in spots (or spot) Miss Greets Wale called oa us yester day. Several of our farmers will experiment with sorghum this so miner, which we feel confident will prove a profitable en- ternrise. An acre of snnrhum will pro- I does about 80 gal'ons of svrup. which, if properly made, will be better tasting than the syrups now on the market and would sell to day for 70c a gallon, which would allow tbe farmer 'H lot the pro duct ft an acre ot land which today pro duces 20 bushels of wheat which can be sold for 10. and another good feature in the production of sorghum syrup is It creates a demand for labor both stilled aad unskilled and still another feature ia the amount of feed that an be produced from tbe ioliago of the so'gbntn which hat to be removed before the Borghum is put through the roller pro-ess. We can point the finger of scorn -4 sagar trusts when once we get our targe lactones in running condition. We will at least raise cane." Mrs S G Stone will accept our thanks tor a pound ot nice honey. Mr Smith of the "corner store" bas been laid on tbe shelf for a few days but is able to be around again. Lrrri.1 Ross Boo. Aa EteriiAXT. Tbe only ray of hope to comfoit those who worry with the nroblem of the street railway la that the owner of the line may be Induced to bet ter bis roadway, ana negotiations are now pending with that purpose in view. This owner is the Security Savings and I rkl a . Loan Company, ronianu, and it cost the company between $8,000 and $9,000 to obtain title to the holding. They got lit by foreclosure oi mortgage on the property to recover more man $3,oou loaned in 'bard casn towards the con struciion ol the line, iiie chief vaue that now attaches to their investment is tbe amount of money that tbe steel in the track will bring, sold for old Iron. Oorvalhs Times. Ths Albany. The steamer Albany, Texas having neon fitted up with a I i4o,b I deck," the society halls refitted and u- boletered, and vanous repairs accorap lished in portiana recently, came up Monday night in place of the 11 Mg. The Albany now presents a tln appearance both Inside and outside. The tioag will remain moored in Portland for the ores ent and it U possible that the O O A E j company will have her overhauled. Times. , ' ; . . If vou want a Rood and clean smoke buy cigars made by our Al . ... , . . .... - . " nany eigar ib t. Pure DruRs,.irca Dawson's. Mr. Grocer: we can't eret along without you. Here are thousands of people who want good tea, and tons of Schilling 's Best 'for them. Will you say to your customers for us: "Here is a tea that I am sure of I'll give your money back if you I don't like it"? A Sclilhin a Company win r nuwiKv OS SOCIAL AND PERSONAL t Mr. Lord Irvine is expected in Albany this nock from Arlington to reside. Mr. Will Amos returned last nlgbt from Oregon City, where be baa been working for two months. Lawyer Tossing, of Brownsville, was doing business in Albany today. S M Yoron, of Eo gene, bas formally ap- puea i or me position ot collector of cus toms, Portland, Or. Mrs. Martin Payne and son Lee left yesterday for Forest Grove, where Lee will enter the college. Mrs. Judge Wolverton, came up from 8alem this noon on a visit and is tbe guest ot Mr. G. W, Mat ton and family. O. W. Barre, a son of the man drown ed at Anidem pa teed through Albany yesterday for the mines to bant for bU lather's body. oatcs. Gatks, Oa., March 30, 1897. Ground covered with snow since Sat urday. The mask ball waa a grand snccesi, about 100 merry maskers engaging in the diszy whirl till the early dawn. Tbe venerable St. Patrick would bave sorely smiled at the grotesque costumes. Mr and Mrs George Cox and son Loyd are visiting friends and relatives in Me bama. . Quite a number of our citliens are oa the sick list, but able to be aroaod. Miss Maud W or ley returned to ber borne in Btayton Saturday. Mr W D Garmaa will move hie family into the ret dance formerly occupied by Isaac liieey. Again we are brought face to face with death. On March 2nb Mrs Flora Berry died at the borne of Chas Cook after three days of agonizing suffering with something reeemUingapreadkitia. Her moibr and little daughter were at ber bedside during tbe U-t hours. She waa a patient sufferer and was oot afraid to go. tier father who it a resident ot Ly ons was not aware of bet serioos 111 n tee nntil death bad claimed ber. She was taken to ber childhood's home in Lyons and laid to rest. She was a gnat favor ite with all that knew ber. Rest ia peace. Rex. Fl All Right. At Saa Francisco last Sunday the Athlstie dob defeated the Alerts to 3. Glen Fleming received credit lor the victory. Tbe Chronicle beadt its article in big letters: f'lem ing's Corves Footed the Alerts," and says: ".Fleming of tbe gaa Francisco's pitched a very steady game. Only one man "a allowed a base oo balls. Dreus caught bis usual good gams, supporting V iemiog in clever style." Tbe Exami ner says : "Tbe speedy corvee of Flem ing were too much for tbe ball from across the Bay.'' As Fleming lormeriy oi the Albany Unite hts ia being watched with great interest. Mrrr B ArrTiTXD Mr 8.G. Gonr ley received word front the Portland hospital today that bis son Ray who ia there tit treatment, will have to Lave bis leg atii pouted just above tee knee. An operation was recently performed below tbe knee. It was found that !tbe bone wae dtceaeed above, beace tbe nee eerily oi tbe operation, air. tiourley a ill go to Portland in tbe morning to be present at tbe operation. Doraia RrxiWiv. Tne eorixhtlr horse of Mr. Uses became frightened this noon at an engine. lie did tbe circus act around tbe square, including several licking acts, in which be did some dam age to tbe baggy. He was finally stop ped : bat not until be had frightened Mr A.O. Stellmaker a milk team, wbicb ran away, going for tbe southwestern part of the city, Mr. Siellmaker staying with them. Times were decidedly lively for over seven minutes. Notice it hereby given that S. E. Tooag bat united hi son P. A. Young with bim ia bis bonnets of general mercbaadiaiac and hereafter that butt Dee will be cos lined under tbe firm name and style of S. E. YoaogA- Sm. 8. E. Totnra. A Bodv Saxx. Yesterday at Boena Vista a man's body was seen floating down tbe river. It went along in a way to indicate that something was tied to the feet It could not be found when bunted for. It is tbe opinion that it was tLe body of Egiin. V- THE PLACE TO BUY Your Groceries and Baked Good Is at Farter Bros. Everybody kiiows where their place ia. They keep a fresh stock oi groceries, - produce and baked goods, of all kinds, stall at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all sake. You may regret some steps you take in life Lot none taken into tbe store ot Parker Bros. It ia a grett thing to be well ltd. Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A lost ol bread is not much but you want it well made. Try rarker tiros. Canned wild blackberries ia one and two quart jars, cheap at C E Drowsill'i. If you want to dye easily and permanently use 'Perfection Dyes, tor ante by 1- red Dawson. Dawson will reat you right We Leadr Others Follow. atd that Is the reason Hopkins Bros, are tbe first to die - . ...... ... . . m. r n av a full liae ot the tsmous iei vsn Ct'M and urawtora oicyues. - - ... . .IT . I Call aad them. . TO CURE A COLD IJt ONE DAY Tak l jiT.ti v Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drupiriata refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Pay Conn A Huston. Pay Conn & Huston. Pay Conn k Huston. Try I'awson .hMl books. For the best drugs. Pawson'a. The Grandest Advertisement Ever Written Is poor compared to a reputation for . keeping honest goods aad making hon est representations regarding them. TWbv wa hava dianlavsd in our show window an elegant line of knickbocker shoulder braces. Something every stotped shouldered person tnouia wear. i and prices. 11URKIIART A LEE. Druggists. - ; RESIDENCE BURNED. A. Rcckera Fine Home in Aahc. Tbe engineer on a freight train pass- log through Albany at 3 o'c'ock this morning discovered flames issuing from the residence of A. Becker, at the corner of Main and 4th streets, in the 3rd ward. He blew bis whistle terriflcly, awaken ing the neighborhood. Miss Mav Mont gomery, of tbe llerald force, was just starting home and she immediately set tbe fire bell to ringing. Both engines were taken to the scene of the fire. The large Becker residence was entirely in names. Alter some delay two streams were started upon them at about tbe same time from tbe new cistern near by, and tbe fir was extinguished in time to leave a charred frame and tbe tower standing. It waa .necessary this morn icg to again call the department out to extinguish tbe fire in tbe tower, which nao again oroaen out. - The fire started from a defective floe from tbe sitting room. A slight settling of the building bad spread the bricks. Mr. Becker and family were notified of the fire by a young lady who inched across tbe street ia ber night clotbea, The cistern was pumped dry twice, tbe two inch pipe leading to it being no equal to tbe occasion. The building cost 25O0 or J030. It was insured in the Phcemx, J. M. Rals ton local agent, for 1500, payable to the Pacific Buildin. and Loan Company of San Francisco. 300 was carried on the furnitore, 1200 uu uie piano ana f iwon theorgan. Tbe piano and organ and part of tbe furni tore were saved. The policy waa car- V"uJn wm inaerwrllers A-sociaiion, Jos. Talt, aginu Mum Montgomery should be made an honorary mem ber ot the fire department, being the first lady to ring the bell for a fire in Albany. While she waa soon re lieved of tbe task she started tbe bell to jtngung In an awakening manner. HOME AXD ABROAD. Grand spring opening of millioerv at tbe Muses Bail s raesday and Wednesday. March 30 and 31. All ladies are iented. For frails Of alt kiads. Go to F.BLPfeffers. Dawson sella Liveriae. Liveriae 50c at Dawsoa's. Apples atC E Baowaxix'a. Smiley does our job priatiBg Ko blur oa Smiley's pnatiag. F H PfeUTer keeps tverythiag ia Euaene's citv eWtlna will nwnr Monday. ' " Picture! from 75 cents to t25 perdou at Looga gallery. See French's line of opal riags. Tbey are all nBbt and cheap. Tbereuao riot fiour or starch ia Schill ing s Bet baaing powder. FwagoodpbysietAXsUvmae,forsee by BawsoB, the "pill antocrat-" 9OT,Iit"f tbe cheat bscaate it is tbe beat. fcmusT, the Printer. Oar work it tbe beet, therefore it is tbe ebeaoetC Smiley, the Priater. Crawford Hannah for photograrht. Prices from ft tot?0per dosea. After a kg coetert EJ H fTagvTretUr day was elected clerk of Salem. - Water white comb honey from California, last ta at U L BaowaaxL s Two packtgot of gardea seeds for Sets, according; to their moal eaatoea at Stewart A Sot's. Ton will fied a beautiful Iih nf bit;-. gold riags and long chains at French's jewehy store Doa't sell roar soar want KI . r t-oocs, wno wm pey Ue highest Tbe Woodmen of Albany are beeiuuoff arraagemeata for a grand eo tertian meat oa May 1st. The velocity of Tbandav't wiad aa nma. ured at tbe O A C. Corvaiiia. was f tv miles an boar Dr G. W. Mistoe. pbtskiaa aad geoa, Albany Or Calls aaawered prompt ly ia city or country Mis. Pearsoe aad alias Kieiand ham moved their areatantkiag estabitsbinent to oroaoaiota &., between Zed aad 3rd. That German washing Boid. which bas wove) sock a fine thisg has arrived at Parker Bros, ta a Larse onantirv. Call aad try a bottle. laforsvatioa that is worth its mvLrfct in gold : Get yoor meet of a kiads at Hen ry Sroder s. oa Second street. If TOO owe Conn s" Huston rail nnoai tbeta aad pay np. WTiv isn't that a eoid esotatioa for now is tbe pay ap time. For cbotee tneata of all Kiada. aad prompt attention call or. a Wm Etnenck k Soa, two doer west of Kaecht k Viser. Xhm. H. E. aad O. E. Beers ofBeea W residence in tbe port oSce building. Spec ial aKeaHoagivea to niswsws ot woatea. A Bebeooa lodse was orsraniaei nt Hk Gty on the 2.1th. with Mrs PA Sillier as R G. Mist Maud Devor. foroneriT of thia city is warden. Bocbeatert stoae oaarrv mmnaev" at Pioneer has a contract for all tbe atone it eta furnish a Saa Fraaaoco boose. Tbe regular aweriaa of the Lndua Aid Society will be held at tbe residence of Mrs L E Blaia oa Thursday the 1st day oi April at 20 p m. The twice of genuine Oliver chilled nlow shares has been reduced to SO cents. Be sure tbe name Ober is oa every share For sale only by Hopkins Bros. rnttuseoas tissues of tbe scalp aad tne obtit - hn dnmt ate Hah'a Hair ILwm-. I Keen mane nntil . mrh Ow, alum f ASbFPnTli b Company, where inawuimnis airs use ok maul H su kinds. Ilia company keeps tbe best aad aozen omers uuai. ape,w tur you .will be sort) if you don't call oa tbeau j Kids tellinz of. The choicest Cooaidev roar wars, think before voo act, and then go to Uaight Bros., where!"1 wut tttp uacw. yon wm una a chows Hoc of tseata of auras m oraA-mm. lot are oouna to ue pleased if yoa order of tbeau Tbe resignation of Hob. Z. V. Uoody as member of the state board of agriculture i reached tbe governor today but be is at inclined to accept It, aad will probably atk ez Governor Moody to continue oa the board. Salem Journal. A oroootitioa to start a barrel and stave factory ta Albany ia the shape of a joint stock company, should be encouraged, It ! S a-f W- ts Ta at is sao a &aa r rsacisco una wouia tace the enure product of the mill, which would insure its success. Miss Fuller's daaoa creations won tbe heartiest applaose ever given ia tbe Ven- dome Tbe play of colored lights, and the exquisite grace of tbe dancer afforded aa exhibition that has never been approached here, or exceeded elsewhere. (Nashville, march ZD, its.) OaJtLaaot Or.. Feb 28. 1897. My I mother has been afflicted with catarrh and 1 stomach trouble and has taken Hood a I.. in. . I f . e i i oartapanua wun greu oeneaw ana seel Hood s Pills to be a remedy for sick head - 1 nnKa Mm I Bmhaaa I II 1 ' I.ll L 1 - - I tone. mas ataxia tsruoos. nj. r:.,i i.-. .v. uwu i i uiw cun siihoii uw awncuo, Best or aii iuijininiiHijfinu is s yvuiir snu tni1 ItanAfii-iaUmannatr ) UiB Knrinntinui eemes, use the true aad perfect remedy, syrup oi Bgs. una bottle w, i answer One bottle will tall tWta familv aknrl iwtia nl ft aetata ta . lrgetiteU tsuy u.0 genuine. Uanu U... ..!. .) U Ul. k. llUnn. .1. inVWUlA VI l"J VWUUIUII r IM OJIUM 'U1 Choice lardines at C E Erowssix's. A large assortment of gardtn seeds. white clover, timothy and blue grass seeds just received fresh at V JDBOWWXU.'S, mm ii ., A swell tine ot reefers for tittle tots just rsoeived at tne tacues aaiaar. The Crescent tbe fitst to use other factories tbe new D tubiet. The copy. t; ; we keep the only complete stock printer's stationary ia the county. Smi ey the printer. Uples, BiGudes, APRIL, 1, 1897. H. F. Mcllwain's New Cash Store. -"Tlje People's Ffieudv Tbe fact ia true, Mellwain is fighting for the oeoole's interest and will war against tbe combines. I believe in ail merchants selling their goods as tbey see fit without tbe dictation of the combines and trusts. OUR PRICES 20 yards tine brown muslin (new lot) 20 yds Standard prints, Arbockle or Lion coffee per lb Fairbanks Gold Dust waab powder, Slbs Prices cream baking powdei, 16 ox can Mens 75 cent Sattioe shirts go for : Mens 10 cent socks, rib top JO pkgs best matches , Mens fine shoes, (2 50 grade Battle Ax tobacco, 16 oztplug New sweet bacon, per lb Ths best rice per lb , 1 lb Gunpowder teaOc grade , S lbs Cartoon best crackers 20 lbs ExC sugar 18 lbs dry granulated sugar a . m m 4tu Scans extra fine oysters '.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.I Arbockle Coffee, per pound , Lion Coffee. " 60 lbs fine dairy salt 100 lbs Ex O sagar 100 Ibe dry granulated sugar All the beat brand of Floor per sack , Albany Red Crown Stayton Aumsvine Bcwtoo Mill Je!Terot Columbia All tbe above brands f LOO per sack Country produce bought and sold. ' H. F. ricILWAIN, Cash Store. The People's Friend. imi. BilBS Closing Out Will sell Groceries and Provisions at cost. Call and get prices. German washing fluid 10 cents a quart or 35 cents a gallon. Oxfordi tame as above cat ia prices boot fL50to3 00 Oxfords and Soothers ties ia black ox biood and brown. Baby shoes ia ox blood, brown aad black, autne new styles that are dressy and re markably cheap. Childrea aad Muses spring beel laced sboaa. with coia toea browa aad black, a special value to II for SIJ 11J4 to 2 - tl-50 Ladies spring beel laced shoes with coin toea ia browa aad biacx, a special value for 8L75. S.E. Young & Son. Each ay. 1 rjOW briDS 113 ft lew Hew iat i tv iaj ouvjr. , vr . v. , a 903. TTettV CIieCES, Heal stripes, crinkly fellows and a . - . . r I .f .l. :ii ,i , C aimiau oiiea aoa matte yourseu I , v .,, atnra a AAV AAA W tSktf vu oVtw RBAD.PEACOCK & GO. Albany Trading CO. B. K. IflBEIS, HiMGER o Grocery 'Department 8 bars Savon soap 25c 1 Q tx)X6S blUGinCT 1 25c i . . 25c 5c I UiLH COrri KUUVU I , 3 aozen domes pins Almonds, l ID 15c Unet tno 1 I rt I DOO 6 IiOOk AIM 40c 15c 50c 1 1 cm heSb VU16&ar for ., best Rvrtln tool"- o- l ar 10c - 1 ATjA ET8&59. D6SU - 1 C f s.eaa aa an 15c 15c 2 UOVUS llUUlttKWO 2 cabs corn 2 good brooms 5 lbs Arm & Ham 25c mer Soda 25c 1 lb Corn Cake to bacco and pipe 1 gal can tomatoes 3 lbs cartoon crack 20c 25c 25c 30c ers 1 gal good peaches 3 cans fine oysters 25 Conntry Produce Taieii o jUl oaf goods ate lies - itst class The Columbia, the Ajax and the Wind sor Lines. We will fell you the beat wheel on earth, or a cheaper wheel L" you desire it. Call and gee us and get our pric es and terms before you buy S JTEW ART tt SOX II DW. CO. ....$1 00 ....$1 00 ...AZe .... 'p 0 m 30 .... fO .... 05 .... 10 1.50 18 .... 07 05 .... 25 20 .... 1 00 .... 1 00 mm 50 28 25 ...J13M ,...13e ... $ W 4 99 .... 5 49 1 00 I & EASTERN. - YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Crmnertinr at YaoaraaBa? with to. San Francisco aad Yaquina Bay Steam siupCompaay Rail, from Yaonina every 8 days foe Saa Francisco. Coos Bay, Port Orford Trinidad and Humboldt Bay. p. jtsGza AoooMoaiTtosr Shortest route betweea. - sYinam- ette Valley and California. Fare from Albany aad points west to Ben Francisco 1st class to Saa Francisco 10 00 nocaVAGS ....... . ..... oa. Bound trip.. ...... ......... ..... T7.CC ToOoosBay Cabin i To HumOOtttt tay ana tror Cabin. I10-" -YA0UINA BAY The rooet popular Seaside Retort oa the North Pacific coast. So undertow Sort bathing absolutely saie. rw tHnm wishing to combine hunting and fishing with aqaiOic sports, thia re sort basaoeqwal. ieer, oear,eiK,cw gar.orooktroataad salmon trout, caa be found in abandance within a few boors' drive of tbe bay. . gjff- Bedoced rates rromau pot .i Eowra Btojra, Idanager. a MaTo,T.r.r. a. . L. Walom. Art. depot, Albany . iwvv n Onvonian ahonld nave. The introduction is by the cele brated Rev. Frank W.Gunsaulns and the sketches b Oliver W.Isixon. IX D. new type, on extra laid paper. Wad.. rhe book is printed trout w lZSfMZSr bal?"ionea and retails at $1.7. AT.,UDecT or O months or more mi nm x iuwv w - bar it tor It extra. BO VEAS EXPSIISHOS. mm TRAD! StARKSs DCSICMS eOIVRIOHTS a. H1 ninet. W K.T. a w Klwoa ralMK am w SCtEMTlFIS M!ER!CaN. SI it Tia KnthaT span coptn aB4 UaaO fioua OS FaTssm saai tisw Aditrasa MUNN A CO., ' SSt Brwaawnf. W.sr Ymrk. 1 A b . w M 'IMS FoRTtjta. Tbe i n Albanv fur Portland on bun- days, tussdaya and Thursdays making tbe d run taxougu w Fare to Fortlaad. V3.00. Round trip. 3.50.