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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1897)
V t 1; I 7 VOLXXXli. Il' . " 111 Lt, A.Vt 1- c - Jf re Jfcvege table Preparation for As similating thcroodandRcuJa ling the Stomachs and Dowels of RxmiotesDigestioTtCkcTful tjessandBEStContains neither Cjmim.Morphine nor IfoKiaL Not Nahc otic. A perfect Remedy TorConstlpa tion. Sour Slomach.Diarrhoca, Worms ,Convulsions,Fevcrish cess and Loss OF SLEEP. lac Simile Signature ct lSTEW 'YORK. i3 3 L - tr EXACT COPV OF WHAFFEB. i - Thirtieth Year. ALBANY Caissdar fob 1896-7 1898 Sept. 16 College Year begins . . Wednesday Nov. 26-27 Thanksgiving Day recess, Thura. and Kn. Dec. 21--Term examinations begin Monday Dec 23 First Term end? . Wedneedav Winter Vacation of Twelve Days Z397 Jan Second term begins . . . Tuesday Feb 22 Washington's Birthday a holiday, Monday April 6 Term Examinations begin Tuesday April .8 Second Term ends . . Thursday Arbor Day Vacation of Four Days April IS Third Term begins . Tuesday June 8 Final Examinations begin Tuesday Jane 13 Baccalaureate Sermon . Sabbath forenoon . June 13 Address before the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. Sabbath evening June 14 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees Monday afternoon June 14 Junior Orations oits id Graduating Exercises of Music June 15 Popular Entertainment June 16 Commencement Jane 16 Alumni Re-anion Fonr Courses of Instruction leading np to '. Music conreea, with appropriate diplomas. For further information, WALLACE ENGLISMUSINESS OLLEGESs? POBTUNO Full English Coui??f. FRENCH A.-;u vitiOlAN. BUSINESS BRANCHES. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND. TELEGRAPHY. Ivfe3 imm DEPASTftEHT'" U&IfcS "' i r mi THOMAS All and Dealer in you ALBANY, l select the Waverlv El fief ICIlCed ?ernce between a wheel that is actually high grade and one that b; JVJa is simply claimed to be. Some others maybe good but the iiuiut . rr aveny is tue nignest MAPS BY INDIANA BICYCLE CO. HPIAKAPOUS, IKD Wall Paper,-, Uarpets, Lineoleum, Lace Curtains Rugs, Portien, Pillows Furniture Bedding. Picture Frames, Linen Warp Matting, and Undertaking Call on ALBANY ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .. .!OskiII; S'roprletor a ste Pent wBlee t Ubaay. Or. at Seeead-CIass Mall Mallei i Entered c. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF 13 ON THE WRAPPER OF EYEET BOTTLE OB1 Cistorii U pat Bp is enemas Vrtilaa obIt. It is net toll la balk. Seat alio aarona to sell yoa aajtiicg els oa the plea is "jsst as good" sad "will ar promise tbat it enswer every Bf- !!"' J" See thai ysc get O-A-S-T-O-E-I-A. boa at wVr COLLE Monday evening the Conservatory oi Tuesday forenoon Tuesday evening Wednesday Wednesday evening deirrees. Well equipped Business and Catalogue free. address HOWE LEE, President, Albany, Or. OREGON BRINK, kinds of furniture bedding1, and it want the most BP complete flour safe, P threes the lowest. OREGON. Are built in 11.. 1 i. .irai TfIGYGLES. and Best Aj Equipped Factorv in KlltoESBGt Hmh BrisaRg.tne World i- a 1 r because thev ot ail nigb grade. Conn & Huston, Agents Oil Paintings, FURNITURE CO. Probate Record. In estate of Louis F Hammer, invent ory filed, value of property (olU.oU. Personal property ordered set apart for widow and children, Annnal report filed in estate of Henry u earner. Petition of creditor for allowance of claim upon T J Harrison, insane, disal lowed. Final account filed in estate of Edna A Colbert. - In estate of Martha Powers, inventory niei. v alue property, real I4U0, person al, $169.25. In estate of Hiram H Smith, receipts of heirs in full filed. In estate ot Thos Roach, V II Roach was appointed administrator. Bond, 19,200. In estate of Elixa Croisant, inventory filed. Value of property, real f 1280, per sonal, $144.50. Persona) property ordered sold. A Benton County Case. Benton county has an interesting caw, stated by the Times, as follows: M. S. Wood i ock has declined to pay the raise in his assessment made bvltie county board of equalization. Thus raised, his taxes were $1,057.74. " He did not pay that amount, bat instead, paid $S06 SO. Along with the cash handed the sheriff, he filed a protest that seta torth his ieasons for refusing to pay the remaining $230 with which he is crarged on the assessment roll. He had 415 ehares of stock in the First Nstioml as sessed at $50 a share, the rountv, t e alleges, in violation of law and of the state constitution raised the bank stock valuation from $50 to $70, increasing his stetsnient on said bank stock $5,300, making an additional tax of (249. The latter amount he dec'ines to pay, and for the $S06.80 he has paid he demanded and received a sheriff's receipt setting forth the conditions of said patroent. WT Wiles, George Lilly and John Wiles, otter holders of .bank stock have paid the raise on. the assessed valuation of their stock, but such payment is made under protest, alleging that the raise is unlawful and unconstitutional. A COMIXQ ATTRACTtOX Mr. Elliot, advance agent for Ida Fuller, the daa- seuse, is in the city, and with Mr. W. ti. tt arner it arranging tor the appear-1 ance of Miss Fuller here on AorU I. She is a sister of the famous Louie Fuller, and is dec tared to be as good an artist as ber sister, if not superior. It is desired to secure the sale of 100 seats in order to get the attraction, a valuable one in the line for a city the size of Albany. Mr. Jesse Mose, the Alsea merchant, has been in the city Gleu Flemming, the expert pitcher of the Albany Colts, is now throwing for the San Francisco Athletic Club, and is covering; himself with glory. In his last game only one base hit was made off his pitching. Harry Cotinoway, who was stationed at Wbiteson for several years as a.ent of the S P lines, was in town two or three days last week. He is stationed at Al bany, bat says be would preler to livt at McMmnville. McMinnvil e Transcript. The Albany Maccabees were honored yesterday by" the election of one of their members, J. S VanWinkle to the head office of Grand Commasder. , The other candidates were E. P. Morcnm, of Wood burn, G. C. Maygers, of May,. era landing and J. V. Sherwood, of Portland. In the Sunday issue of the New York Times ten davs ago, there appeared a handsome picture of Maud Hoffman. A'ong with it was piinted the pictures of Mrs. G. Cleveland, Mrs. Whitney and other dtatinguuhed and beautiful women of the nation. Corvallis Times. A birthday festivity was the occasion ofameiry gathering of friends of Mr. and Mrs. George Uaebes at their resi dence in this citv. Wedneadav. March 24 Itwa the birtbdav anniversary of Mr. Hughes.' An elaborate dinner was served. ' Another Saltm boy is makinv hi mark in the work This reference is to Bert Hoover, who nsed to be mai'ing clerk for the Oregon Land Co. at Salem when there was more doinir in tealty than at present. Bert went from here to Stan ford university, t roio college be stepped into an engineering job in California that paid him $2,500 per year. He now goes to Australia via London, in tbe employ of the Rothscnild-Hersch tvndicateat an annual anlary exceeding $6,000 He is called abroad by a cablegram which reached him Lut week at San Francisco, Statesman. Among tbe Americans in t at my who are making a record is Mai. runs ton, an old school mate of 8. . Steele, ot this citv. A dispatch of the 22nd says: Major Fnnston, ol Kansas, is a young man, who made a trip t Al aska to collect specimens tor the Smith sonian institution. He landed with the expedition of Braulion Tena in company with several otner Americans who came to form a battery. After the death of Colonel Osgood he received a command ot a 12 pounder, and out of IlO shot be only tnUaed bis mark but once. Gen eral Gomez, in ion of his excel lent record, made him chief of artillery, and at present he ia with Calixio Garcia. Ex-Gov. Franciteo. Boies of Iowa is now ia San Apples are worth 50 cents apiece tbe Yukon country. np in A terrific storm was raging at tbe Bay this morning. Tbe wind at Albany was slow compared with it. Tbe senate vesterdav confirmed Binder Hermann, of Oregon, to be commisxioner ot tbe general land office In thn Maccabee drill in Portland vea. teiday Portland tent took first prisw, Al bany tent second prize. Clyde A. Danniway, of Portland, bas been appointed assistant professor of Amer ican hustory at Stanford. He is now at Harvard. There is a big demand for cattle in the valley for sbipu.ent east. Stock rising should be made a greater industry in the Willamette. 'Dibbs" was presented by Imperial Comedy Co , last night to a good azed and pleased audience. There are some good artists in the company. Ronevs store at Goshen was robbed Tuesday night lor the sixth time. About $Z50 worth of goods were taken . Mr Iton ey was with the Maccabees in Portland. B T Taylor born inOifordnhire, England, 75 years ago, for 10 years chief of polire at Uolumbos miss., and tor nearly su years resicleat of tarvalli, died yesterday mcrmng. Death wascaused by comsump- tion, and was tbe result of a lingering ill ness. nnnr lyjiMi Most torturing and disfiguring of Itching, burning, scaly skin and scalp humors Is In stantly relieved by a warm bam with Ctm cuk a Bo ap. a single application ot Ctmocaa - (ointment), the great skin cure, and a full dose of Cotiouka UsaoLVasr, greatest of blood purifiers and humor eon, when all els fail. e latolfl throe trt (ha world, rorrrl Tr ll C"M. PmnL Goloa. Ham toC.r. Bluam,- It. lmlfill& n the Divide. March? 2nd, 1897. Some of the happenings on the Divide since las; writing are: Miss Lula and Elsie Powell made a weeks visit with relatives here. That about twenty-five of the friends of Mr and Mrs Simmons gave them a surprise party that was greatly enjoyed by all in music and games until a late hour. Mrs Anna Yolgamore returned to ber home In Brownsville after spending tbe last three months with Aunt Polly Som merville. Hariy Mnlkey was visiting with his sister Mrs McGrath. Lorin Grimes is vibiting at L jrane. Lane county. Mrs Lovejoy, of Eugene, came down to ay with Aunt Polly Sommerville. Earnest Macy came home sick from Eugene. Miss Bunk Is now teaching in the Som metville Dirt.- . ' Mrs Derrpey is slowly recovering from her late serious illneso. Mr McGrath is visitipg with friends near Irwin in Lane county. '.r John Grimes and Mis Ollie were visiting in Eugene. Mr Brace Davidson, of Rowland, re turned from Eugene last week. S. 8. ' Shed i Jottings. Shkdd, Or., March. 23, 1897 The excitement of the prtxefight is over. Very little money exchanged hands. MUs Katie MrConnetl ia sojourning with friends in Albany this week. e nmlerrtanj tnat tbe Misses Dun Up and Van Winkle have been engaged to teach another month ot school. The many triends ot il. W. Davis will be glad to hear that he has abandoned moving to Eastern Oregon. Tlia entertainment eiven bv the Y. P. S. C - was a success Mciallv and fi nancially. Proceeds of tbe evening $12.60. Kev Parker of Oregon City, is here holding; protracte i meetings. Miss Kerns a missionary, is assisting with the a og- in it. union meetings are held occa sionally. V W. Dobinett visited friend at Eu gene last week H. K. Satchwell and Charier Foeh contemplate an extended trip through out Eastern .Oregon as qa:ck as the mountun roads are clear oi snow. A "large roller" mill has been estab lished here, w e are glad to know that Shedd U not behind other cities as a manufacturing center. Jim McConoell is the "moving spirit" in this undertak ing. We earnestly hope that success will crown tbe company's efforts. O. J. Too Rigid. Tbe following notice to the public sigr-ed by Win. S. Crowell, courtv judge, appears in tbe advertising colamns of the Jacksonville Times: "Tbe law does not permit the count v court to extend the time for the pav- ment of taxes. The statute require the sheriff t return tbe tax roll as delin quent on the first Monday in April; hence the roll must be closed by the sheriff on Saturday, April 3, 1SS7, after which date t Jte statutory penaltv will be added to all taxes then remaining an oaid. The timet are bard and your county officers are reluctantly forced to rigidly follow the law. in view of threat ened litigation by certain tax pT-r who who seem unwilling to share with yoa their jut proportion of tbe public bur dens. This notice is given to von that yoa may not be trken by surprise and yoa may know tbe itson thereof." wiu Ba Tcsrtj. Tbe controversy which arose est of tbe recent ichoo! election at to women's right to vo'e is to be settled in 'be courts. A case entitled Laura A. Harris, plain tiff, versos Sher wood Burr, R B. Henderson and M. S. allis, as judges of electioa of school district No. 4 of Lane county, state of Oregon, defendants, was filed yesterday afternoon by George B Don-is, attorney for plaintiff. It is expected tbat tbe case will be tried at the adjourned term or circuit court in April and then ap ed to the supreme-court for final de n. Tbe Cafe is not brought oa for -poeeof gratifyiog any personal but is simply being tested to set oestion ot whether or not co ir property bolder ahal' be permitted to vote at school elections in the lutiire, and Mrs, Harris by request consent! to allow her name to be used. Eugene ti uard, Twobamk are at Port Towneend to get into tbe United State on return from a trip to China. They the certificates of two of Albany's tle and old citizens tbat Ulev were born in this city about eighteen year ago. .Notwithstanding this the Inspec tors have been very snspxions. and aftir corresponding for soma time yesterday a special inspector cams all the way from Port Townsend to Albany to investigate Die matter. Tbe Albany men say their certificate are entirely correct and tbey unuoabted'y are. The government though is being so careful in the matter that nothing is left undone to keep the celestials out unless they are absolutely entitled to come in. A Body Floating A body, drested in black clothes, was discovered in the W illamette, along the CorvOli water front, late Tuesday afternoon. It float ed along the surface of tbe water, alter nately sinking and rising again Them. s Burnett, who stood on the shore, se cured a boat and started In pursuit, but when he approached to within 30 feet, the body went down and rose no more. Others at once joined in the search, wbicb was kept up until darkness set ip but without success. It was renewed yesterday, but with no better success. It is supposed to be tbe body of one of tbe missing men. Stoop it a Loso Tm. Rebecca Coch - ran yesterday at Uregon (Jity riled a suit for divorce from James Cocnran, alleg ing abusive treatment as the s-ronnd. The couple were married Mav 4, 1852, in Warren county, Pa., and have lived in thia ennntv fip 9' voara K'niul. - - jvm where shev have 224 acres of land, and about f 1000 ol personal property. r cw Asbionkk. Owing to the failure I oi v. ij. tiawuins to give a oood as aa-1 signee ot the Enterprise Lumber Co., an .11 n II a a a I insolvent debtor. U. A. Sargant has been chosen by the creditors to fill the position . (statesman. Postposkp. On account of the illnws ot some who were on the program, the missionary conference will b postponed. I lie date of holding the meeting will be given later. Sbcuktary. Wahts Bio Damages. Nicholas Kurschnick has sued the 8 P It Ji Co for $6,200 damages on account of an unsuc cessful attempt to alight right side up on the platform at Gervais. As Incorrioablb. A Linn rountv boy, whose name we are requested not to give, was taken-to tbe reform school this week lor stealing. The county school superintendent of Lane county has adopted a svslem of grad ing the public school throughout tbe county, and will put tbe system into oper ation as soon as possible. That was a f ough blow at Astoria yctter day 75 miles an hour. Marion county taxes for 1896. bas paid $3,000 of TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the raoneylf it o cure. 26c. ALBANY OREGON. FltlDA. APIIIL 2.I89T. FRIDAY Sclo. Mrs. J. N. Morris died at Rcio on Mon day March 22, at the age of U3 years. She was highly respected. E. P. Weir and A. J. Sbelton started for their homes in Eastern Oregon on Monday. They expect to be in the valley in the cour&e of two months again. Last Friday evening, Grandma Curl, wife of Uncie Billy, wasooing something about the front steps on stoop of their residence, when she slipped nd fell, dis locating and breaking some of the bones of the left shoulder. The ladiea noon their return all ex pressed themselves as having a most ex cellent time and desire us to tender to the Albany Hive L O TM their most cordial thanks and appreciation for the hospitable manner in which they wsre treatsd and the most elegant banquet given. , - Tbe Sclo Roller Mills now have the largest stock of flour on hand ever ac cumulated. After having tilled the flour house and all of the available apace iu the mill, a track or truck way has been constructed from the mill t3 the ware house, the lower story of which is now biitng Oiled. There it now Hour enough on hand t) load qoite a train of cars and will place several thousand dollars in the Mill Go's pocket, wlteu sold. frees A Uve Sclo Mill. Hub W. Bilyea by tome means became indebted to R. D. Calavan. To in force payment ot the debt Mr. Calavan sued out attachment papers on last Friday evening and placed the same upon a ua goa and some cattle, tin the fallowing morning they met at the saloon and com menced talking in a friendly way about the matter. Becoming somewhat more earnest a quarrel resulted and profane and abusive language. They even in dulged in calling eacli other pet names. Matters bncoming;a litt'e too personal a eon of free fight resulted Calavau struck Bilyeu tuoor threu times ia the face, scratching and bruiaing him nome wbat,and Bilyeu being cnueu the smaller man, nsed hi pocket knife in return After tbe battle was over .Calavan showed a slight gash above the ear but of no con sequence while lUlyeu barring scratches in tbe fac. showed no bad effect, ex cepting being very muddv from the -tr fecit ot an involuntary bath te bad taken J in me muddy streets. Artetls foliowtd, with the usual fines Frrs. W in. Fish. There is no !ik-lihood of any trouble cn tbe river this year as to the price of nth. Neither Uie cannery men or tbe fishermen are in a condition to stand any nonsense. Tbe new can nery and one other racotryman bas piomieed to pay fonr and oneHbatf cents, and that wil undoubtedly be the estab lished price Some of i ll cannery men say they cannot afford to nay but four cents and will not, but il is likely they will change their minds when llse other fellows commence to bani in tbe ni.-e choice fish. Astoria Budget. Fourteen tru til! were f-jcod by the grand jury of Yamhill c-un'j, evidently a tough (xEuman'tf. Mrs. Lillian M. HoUUter was in As toria last evening. Bishop Gross cme np from Portland this noon, and ia the guett of Father Metayer. Mr. Geo. J Jackson, the Singer trav eling man, was in Albany today looking after Singer business. Prof Wyat Cotnntt bas bee-n employ ed to le1i a three months scho-4 eisb teen miles east of Albany. Kiddle Mite. Last night at Portland Ex-state Print er Frank C Baker was elected Baler of the Elks. He is one ol tao best known men in Oregon. Mr. Wilt Campbell is coMempU'ing leaving next month for Ann Arbor to enter the taw department, one of t!e best in tbe U. b. Ben. Agve, sheriff of Douglas county, passed through Albany this tsoon for Salem with three prisoners, mentioned elsewhere. He had one deputy. Mr. Geo. Bobbin. Schilling's IV t man, came over from the Bay this noon. The wind blew to bard yelrday that it toppled over a big fir as easily as a man downs a king pin. Tos. II. Rogers, recorder of McMico viile, has published several stories that have been accepted by eastern maga zines One "Zimlockj" appear in the April number of Leslies Popular Monthly- Oa Wednesday evening at tbe home of Justice and Mrs C. E. Wolverton on Cbemekau street. Miss Edna Price en tertained moat pleasantly a small comp any ol her yourg triends. I he rooms were very prettily decorated with beauti-1 fnl Uregon wild grape. That ever popu lar and fascinating game of whist was p easantly indulged in and the evening passed only too quickly. I tie tirst pne were won by Miss Neva Gnswold and Mr. Harry dinger while Miss Leone Paine and M r. Otto Metschan very grace fully received tbe boobies. Social con versation followed and at a seasonable hour. a delicious iancheon was discussed. At a late hour the merry company die-1 banded voting th'ir botr charming entertainer. Salem Journal. The Journal save there are three Salem men who orink five gallons of beer a "day Tbat is nearly 100 glome. The Y M C A bowling alley is being put in fine condition preparakr to opening the bait A ? Pickard of Lane ountv. who is bor ing cattle for Montana parties bas lost oOO out of a band of 800 owins to scarcit? of feed. , Ex-Soeaker Davis it accused of having purchased a tract of land in tbe suburb of 1 Spokane since the legUlature and put it on I tbe market A negro named Horn has just been sentenced in Portland to tbe penitentiary for twenty years for rape, ana Kate Saa ar. Ibe en ders, an abettor ntieen year tencea are undoubtedly deserved Thin, Pale Children One satisfaction la jivinj: Scott's Emulsion to children Is they never object to it. The fact is, they soon become fond of it. Another satisfaction is because it will make them plump, and give them growth and prosperity. It should be given to all children -who are too thin, or too pale. It does not make them over-fat, but plump. It strengthens the digestive organs and the nerves, and fur nishes material for rich blood. its V have a book telling you more on the subject Sent free for the asking. . SCOTT A BOWNE, New York. fails THE COMING ATTRACTIONS. teste Ida Fuiler, sister of tbe famous La Loierand just aa artistic and talented, is to te in Albany April 1 and play at the popular price of SO and 75 cents; going from here to Portland, where she wilt begin an engagement on April 6. The press notices from English and American paners are very extensive and leave no doobt as to ber character and talent as an illation dancer. This artis tic performance is given in colored 1 if his, graceful movements and gaoxv skirts forming wonderful pictures of hiiea.roee buds, betterfiiea, etc Giving a clean (xiformsncj tbat bas amazed and de lighted thousand. Albanv peop'a will probably take advantage of probably tbe ooiy opportunity of first class periorm ance of this kind this year. ALBANY'S PAST. Fnm the Dekockat of Mar 10. 1874 to May 2i, A r,e firm was that of Foabar A Ma son, Mr. Maon moving from Scio to this city. Eugene defeated Albany at htm ball 27 to 25 Tbe Albany ciub consisted of Phil Baltimore, c; Ciark and McCully, p anar. i; Jimroner.e; teo. Sill 1st b; H Hewitt. Sod b; Mae Monteitb, 3rd . b; Dick Conn, I. f; Rev. Stevens, a. a. Mag were bong at bait matt. A 10 pound boy appeared at tbe borne of Kuioa Thorn paon in Eastern Oregon on April SO. (oow Oapt of the MeUino vilie foot ball team. Sir. T. L. Dagger, (now editor f tbe Siio Press, ran an express) wagon la Al bany. A hot tlat campaign wta in irgre, with John WLitaker for eriftgre,1. W. Thayer tor governor, T. J. Stile for state r nntendent of pebiic instraftiou, J. J. Whitney for district attorney. Ia tbe cousty a very hot campaign was waged. Boh. Fatter did Eorope Ifcis vear, tit-! rare him the nam of the Dak de Moses. Was RajicrtD A Albany will prob ably be vitited we give the following from the Eograe tioard : A meeting ot the Eojne bo vrl t-f trade wa held ia the board ot trade rooms last nigbk Tea principal object of tbe meeting was to consider a proposition from aa agent of the ban t ranciero lail lor a par ad vertisement of Eograe in a special edi tion ol 60.000 copM of tbat paper which wiil 1 issued about April 1. Tbe Call agreed to devote a page to Eogeae, giv ing a bird eye view of the city and de scriptive writeop for $40, tbe actual ex pee J securing the data for copy aad roet of manufacturing stereotyped plat for birds eje view. After using it the Call agreed to tarn the stereotyped plate over to the board of trade, tbey to keep it for future nse if desired. The propo sition, utough one ot tbe beat advertis ing schemes ever presented to tbe board for the amount of money asked, waa re- iected. The Cad however, wilt give a writeup ot from 15CO to 2000 - words of Eugene, which will be dona tree of charge in the interest of tbe paper's cir culation. Gives SATtsracnoifVAttha beginning of tbe present school var, the cnair ot elocution, with Mis Helen Crawford, of Albany, as instructor, wa temporarily added, and tbe splendid fatisfaction she hss given assure its nermanancr." aava the Gazette. After a description of tbe r.mersonian svtiem the tiazelta cava Duriug commencement week, it is Mies Crawford's intention to give two enter tainments. Une night will be devoted to to a literary contest, in which represent ative from each of Ibe ba!f dozen liter ary societies of tbe college will take part. l he other evening wilt be taken np wttb a popular elocutionary entertainment and -i!l be participated in by only the very best talent in the school. Dsath or Mr. Arnold. Word has been received in this citv of the death at Pasedena, Calif., on March 19, cf Mrs. A. A. Arnold, fctie was a woman bighlr respected and leaves tnanv old friends in Aloanv to regret ber death. Mr. and Mrs. AruolJ were prominent people here in tbe early days of Albany, Mr. Arnold txnng marshal here at one time. About twenty years ago he committed suicide in a bant opposite tbe U. r. church Fifteen years ago Mrs. Arnold and child ren moved to California. She and ber daughter Miss Lelia inherited quite a fortune from an nncle in tbe east. - Now both are dead. We understand two sons survive. ArrsAL to tii Charitable. While I K. rtttirtla t1 A HtAn Mn.nutilv MMlrWlnd. I - 1 ed to a former appeal for help for those I l indeed everything bas been nied to the lestadvanlage and many hearts have I been made thankful thereby, there are still some nrsent cases for which we must provide and we ack again for do - nations ot provisions, clothing, or money to be iett as before at the store ot Mew- art A Sox. or with tbe relief committee I of the several wards. M. M. Blaik, i Pres. Ladiea Aid Society.! Bio LtxiAL Lights. Gov. Lord, Joe Simon and Wm. T. Muir, appeared for the plaintiff, aud W. M. Cake and Dick illiams lor the defendant. In the case of H. W. Corbett et al against tha city of Portland. The plaintiffs paid 8 mills of a tax but refused to pay the other two mills, and it is now before the supreme court, being ablv argued by thia strong array oi legal talent. Tub Statk Fair will have to be held this year without the usual $5,000 appro priation, to wincu it is not entitled. At a general sentiment was in favor ot hold ing the lair any way. It ts probnblelita option ami trnlv beneficial in its there are expectations ol reimbursement ff t prt,pared only from the most by the next legislature. LalthyWaffrocable substances, its 4 ... n. nr. r . ., ..... ... has been neatly remodeled and painted I popular remedy known. win iM'irin rnnninir next wenr. and runs easily and close to the track. I Svrun of Fitrs is for tale in 50 The present big car will be used only where a crowd justifies it. Tbe new car, will hold twenty or twenty-five, enough for all ordinary occasions, , Canned wild blackberries ia one two auart lara. cheap at O E Bhowhsix's. mm l?Sa imms?!? mull jipfp Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great leavening Uengtb and nealthfuioes. Assures the tood against alum and all foims of adul ters Una common to be cheap brands. UOTAt BAK130 P0WD2K CO., IIS TOBX. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Evangelist Lindeey it holding meetings In Btayton. .The Salem Elks Thnnda .tn. elected W. J. D'Arcy Exalted Ruler. Mms Helen Crawford, of the O A n came front Corvaliia this noon to spend ounaay in Albany. Messrs. Skidmore an! Linnville, of Skidmore, Mo are in the city for tbe purpose of buying cattle to be shinuwl east. " William Briscoe and Jack Owsby are building a raft of log three mile above Albany, which the wilt IW A Oregon City. Mr. J. R. Whitney, of the Herald, and sister Miss Nttie, of the pablic schools, went to Eugene on last night's overland to spend Saturday acd Sunday. Cap. Erown and Mercy Box Agent jtrase went to Portland today to bear Ballington Booth Tucker, who passed overland. l" morning on the Mr. Frank Sullmacber entertained a few of his male friends at bis residence last evening. After a peasant evening spent In gamee a delicious lunch waa served, to which all did justice. j Mr. John Davis and -n who Lave been placer mining in the Bloe river dis trict have returned borne with consider able gold doat at the result of their la bors, bat hardly aa much a ia currently reported. Miss Sootbern, leadingUdy of the Im perial Operatic Comedy Company, which played In Corvaliia this week, baa met Maad HoSmsn several time ia New York City. XIis Southern considers tbe Corvaliia girl one of tbe be, of American actress. Arvaliia Gazette. Portland talent ia in demand : Rev. Cba. E. Locse, of the Taylor street M. E. cborch, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon at the commencement exercises of tbe University of Oregon, at Eager. Jn Jane, and County Jodge NorUinp will deliver the annual a-1 dree. Mr. R. H. McUargne, of Dartou, Wash .arrived in this city Wednesday ia response to a telegram annooocinr'tbe eertotw iQneet ot bis mother. Mr. MeDargue, who waa recently thrown out oi a veiucie and injured. Brownsville Timet. SEEING THE WORLD. Lett evening s Telegram contain the following about tbe exploits of three Al bany men: A young man named W. Emerick. residing in Albany, Or., came to Port land about three days ago fur a vacation, Dai, tailing into bad company last night, be waa forced to Peek the assistance of tbe police this morning to recover a $100 diamond nmr stolen from him. Emer ick says tbat yesterday be ran arroe Frank 6. Campbell and Edward Ken dall; wbocn be bad known in Albany, Tbey were together the greater part of toe oay, onnaing more or leta. xney then agreed to j-wntly occupy a room in a lodging boose on First and Taylor last nigou It would seem tbat Emerick fell bv the w.TSKie.early in the evening, for he miredt; JO o'clock Later in the 1 Bl2iil t-wmpoeil came into tbe room, asking Emerick for some money. Tte latter generously told him to help him self out of hi parse, which waa in his trousers pocket. Tbat purse also con tained tbe ring. The victim was Ibe Bret to nse this morning, and upon ex amining his pone he found the diamond mussing. 1 am tore," said Emerick. "tbat the ring waa In my parse when 1 went to bed ; and 1 tun equahy cor ndent that no person came into the room daring the night excepting Campbell and KendalL' With this information ia their pos session. Detectives McGuire and Welsh went on a hant for young Emerick 's " friends," Tbey found Campbell in the Helvetia saloon, on rim near layior, and Kendall was picked op on the street. Tbe suspicion of the theft natnratlv was fastened npon Campbell, but be affirmed moot solemnly be knew notning aoont it. The detective, however, probably have the thief in the person of Campbell, for this morning when he visited tbe Helvetia saloon he told tbe Darkeeper tbat he was looking for a diamond nog he must bare km there last mgbt. Campbell is held on a charge ot larceny. and Kendall is detained in the city prison aa a witness. The finest dried venison ever seen ia Al- banv mav be otaiid at Parker Bros. It is tenderloin and splendidly dried. Dawson will real Ypu riaht 1 Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, ana aevs Ontly yet promptly on the Kidneys, ver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem, effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual . ' - .... a constipation, byrup of i igs is the onlv remedy of its kind ever pro- I duced. pleasine to the taste and ao - 1 ceptable to the stomach, prompt in , I many excellont qualities commend it ltinw m u uuavro . ww I a. 1 1 An .1 h... MflHA 4h. wno. cent bottle by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any and substitute. CALIFORNIA F1Q SYRUP CO. IP aVJ- rtl AT nuHctxo, CM. lOWSVUlt, aT. afar roaX at It HOME AND ABROAD. Grand spring opening of millinery at tbe Muse Ball' Toettday and Wednesday, March 30 and 31. Ail ladies are in lied. For fruits Of all kinds. Go to F. H. Pfe ffers. Dawson sells Liverine. Liverioe 50c at Dawson's. Apple at C E Bhowseix'. Smiley doe oar jib printing. No blur on Smiley' printing. F H Pfeiffer keep everything in season. Pictures from 75 cenlt to $25 per doz.n at Long gallery. See French's line of opal rings. Tbey are all rifcht and cheap. For a good physic take Liverine, for side by Dawson, the "pill autocrat-" . ' Oar printing is the cheapest because it is the best. Emilet, the Printer. Onr work is the best, therefore it is tbe cheapest Smiley, the Printer. Crawford A Harnish for photographs. Prices from $1 to 70 per dozen. Water white comb honey from California, Jost ia at u Baowsrus The Eastern oysters planted at Yaqoina last year hare survived tne 6rst winter all right. , Two package of garden seeds for Sets, according to their nsoal enstom at Stewart 8ox's. Too will find a beautiful line of ladies gold nag aad long chains at French' jew eh y store. Don't tell your goat wool dntil yoa P Cohen, who will pay the highest cash price. Dr G. W. Maatoa. phtkias aad sur geon, Albany Or. Calls answered prompt ly in city or country. afrs. Pearson and It is Rieland have moved their dressmaking establishment to Broadalbtn S'., between 2nd and 3rd. That German washing fiaid, which ba prorsa such a fine thiag has arrived at Parker Bros, la a large quantity. Call and try a bottle. Information that is worth its weight ia gold: Get your meat Y ah kinds at itew- U f r- , . j jraw , oa oecona street. If yoa owe Conn a Hostoa rail npoa them and pav no. Whv isn't thai a m-id esolution for now is the pay np time. Fredene S Doan. of the Wiriunetfe Ua verrity facaltr. is detiverine sevea leetore on tbe "Seven Wooden of the Worid. For choice meats of all kind, aad prompt attention call upa Wm Emerick A Son, two doers west of Kaecht A Misers. Drs. H. E. and O. K. Beer office oc resjdeaceia tbe post office building. Spec ial attention given to diseases of wonea- A poster it np for 300 men to work cn the A torn aad Colombia River R R to apply at 15S Front ttreet, Portland, or at Kcappa. Tbe Corvallis Timet bat a somewhat Msarional article about fruit iar bid's injored by cold snap. It is undoubtedly too carry to kaow yeC There are said to he fifuvw aim!mi for the Eageae P.O. It is notable m coast of the e4Bbzz2eaent by Craig- that a wrw p. m. wm oe appointed toon. With but Utile car a aad nr trouble- tb beard aad msatache can be kept a uniform brow a or black color by naiog Bockutg ham.s Dye for tie Whiskers. Tbe pnee of gtsoiae Oliver chilled nlow share ca bees redoced to 53 cents. Be sore the Bin Otier te on every share For tale only by Hopkins fko. One of the prooiam at tbe next state fair will be fj. for the best exhibit of hax, Mrs W P Lord to be caaerialenteat of the divitioa This is dene to stimolate tbe indostry, aad is cocBmendabie. Keep golog until yoa teach tbe shoo of tbe Aibaay Dresaed Beef Company, where voa will gad a See line of meats of all kind. This comtenv keen tbe best aad yoa wtU be scstj if yoa don't call on bem. Coesidcr toot wart, think befote vou act, aad thee go to Height Bros-, where yon will Sad a choke stoca of meats of ail kinds to ord r from. Too are boned to be pleased if yon order of them. Tha Evening Telegram, a neat the Hext Company's Portland engagement, said of xisa next, "there is do actresi bet ore tne Amencaa public today who eclipses her ia the qoalificaiioes cf stage presence and iBteJaectaaiity.' A rood maev AToaav peode have had .IrTrL, lT fTeJ Oregon, the measles, they have also been general la Ashland aearry evervbodv got spotted, in a Ming one oM gentleman, seventy ot age. At Tillamook toe other aight eight wen ran a foot nee of a peculiar caaracter. Tbe track was ia the opera boose. 45 yards aroona. Tne contest was to see who woufd S3 axe the most roaads ia aa boar. Henre Crenshaw, won by eight feet, beating A L cuien, eacn making jus r mods. COLLEGE SOTES. Lent Friday evening the seniors and irinmre gave a varpnta party on Mr. Bert Wight. It so happened the victim had gone to study with Miss E1U Mc - Coy. Incidentally be bad forgotten to wear bis collar, ana wa in a rainer di lapidated condition when the crowd came in on him. A Terr pleasant even ing was spent. Tbe members ot tee i sat as pleased to note uiat air. jacsway won a i box ol candy on tbe pnxe ngnt. Monday morning r rot. Uowland par- chased a number of thermometers, bat tbe janitors did not know what they were nsed lor, so rrou uowiana naa to spend about half an hour in explaining their use. Whv ia it that one of the professors likee to sit on the end of a certain bench verv morning in chapel. Tbe seniors ana luniors were caiieo npon to deliver over the subjects of their June orations. ProLTorbet scared the "lone sta?" ot the soohomore class aobadlv that the result waa tbe nosebleed. Prof. Torbet did thia by telling her that he expected her to have her lesson tbat dav. Among those on the sick list this week were Fred vt eatberiord. Harry bcnioe- ser. Bert Wight and Bernard Jackway Sometimes there happens to be a case ot mistaken identity. Onr fair competi tor in tbe Herald stated tbat Stultus was sick with the measles at hie home on Sixth and Washington streets ow if Stultus waa sick he waa utterly unaware of the tact, and moreover if be lives on Sixth and Washington steeta be h changed hia domicile without knowing it. Guess again and you niigut bit it, but 1 don t think yoa will. Mr has received a photograpn from the citv ot Monmouth, which fact explains the happy expression which bas been lingering on nia counienano this week. How do vou spell stock. There is a certain voung lady among ns who will inform you that it is sole a. The A. U. 1 b. neid its regular meet' Ing vesterdav. As it was the time for election of officers no program was ren dered. The following were the officers elected: President, O, O. Bryant; vice president. John Barrett: secretary J. W. Acheson ; critic, Joe Sternberg ; serjeant- at-arms, Angus Urabam. i alius, aukuv uiuism, m.. '. u . .v. . .i. paseed through the valley of tbe shadow of examination vesterdav. It is reported that a company ot we fairer sex had "a time" at tbe college laatniirht. The doors weie all locaed and bolted, and no spectators were al lowed. I wonder what they did? Yours trulv. DTVLTVS. i KNOCKING AT JOURDOOa. Sond in your order and w. will call 1 yocr door for your laundry and deliver it May lSt. PH!mfB tZenIb useful without extra charge. Give ua a trial, we willing to VtfbS refW- wlll guarantee j-ouwiU be aatisfied. Fine i'WrftoMJ finithto dress shirts. Lace curtains re- cee. CaU at E . fJJ Xfwtilt newed. Free mending department for Broadalbin Sts., or send nouce oy mau bundle work, CiTt LarrmaT, JH.Santen. OppStChuHoteL k I V 4 a aw rscionot; mm, IT 13 SO WRITTEN and none can dispute it. W lead tbe wall paper trade. We were never mere in the van than now. More designs; newer, brighter, fresher, and more orig inal designs; a greater variety of de signs ; finer qualities of paper; and lower Kices for fine qualities of paper than can found at any other establishment; these are onr many and solid claims to yoor patronage. When yoa see what we sell for IS cents n roll and tbat we only ask IS cent for it, yon 11 be very much surprised. , J. A. Camming. GONSEHTATOBI OF HDSIC fbany College fta 'i lor the school yeai 1896-1897 : tijiri Marvin, Mna. Doc director. Aarietant teachers-Margnerite Aiderson, B. M and Mrs. Josephine Sharp. Thorough and systematic inetroction given in all the important branches of mncic Beet conaervatorT rooms and latgeet musical library and facilities for mntiral work. Largest number of - con servatory students enrolled of any music school in the state. Terms low. Send for circular and catalogae, to Waxxacx Howx Lax, A. M. Albany. Oregon. Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Thorough i Detraction Wholesome diet Homelike treatment. Conelder ing bard time, favorable reductions are made for boarders and day scholars. Stodie will be resumed Sept. 1st. For arther particulars call at' the Academe or write to Sister Superior. HEW YORK WORLD, TKBlCE-MrYEK EDITION .jgesa WttL lfaa Year. Islareer than any weekly or temt- Mekly paper published aad is the only mmarwub unm w,, - j r lahed in New Yo.-k City. Three timen I sa large as the leading re-whiican week ly ot lew lorn ihj. a ui" -- coal advantage to jw uuniii u residential Campaign, aa it is pno iied every other day. except Sunday, 'as all Use Iresnness ana tuneua daily. It com buses ail tbe news a king lid of interesting depart M, nniqoe featnrea, cartoons and "jic illustrations, the latter being a OltT. 1 these improvements nave been ,w without anv increase in theeoet which remain at one doT ar per vear W offer this uneaoaled newspaper and the Wxxkxt DanocxaT together one year for iSf&- Satisfactory terms with "7 P BURKHBHT 5 LEE Make a fpecialty of c pounding all pfcysicu-ua preeeripuc-M- A CTtnplete line of patent medicinee A sundries in stock. flMUlUlllililUillaeilUillK CJTT TEIASCSE8S KOTISE K0.12- ICnMre ta herebv gtven that foads are k.l biiar oubatandieaT warrants of the tne of isSC, Pom io. n I ciuwre. mHvr m. wih tbe date c4 thi notice. Albany, ur. uec. ia. ki. A. raaaaa. viq irt K.O. T. M. - a V n Meets every Saturday evening a. xw. T. M . Hall. VieittngKnighU inntea to end. J. S. AX n Oia. wm. GEO E FIMt THE PLUMBKR Tin roofing and plumbiag. Opposita he opera hooe 1 LBDIIG, Opposite1 Pcstcffic8- PLUMBINQ and tinning at bottom prices. LODDPOISOU I iVsirsLoe eaabe at aj tJ l lb aanapHee madsr Tirmtjr. If iMaooasVmtThi l ??i!o; iva rrv;.',;.crMi..M,i sx irrnia-. fT;." JTT. -la tor a Aheol proof' all Book Keeping Taightby MAIL y aa ACCOUNTANT I . , I i i. vwo-ail sxact v as Found IB Buaiaesa, 'I www . StvquaUf? J00 H "V Wp.tofbook. The higbeat reference furaiabed. For term, and f ud informa tioa addrees, L. D. H UjlJ6!, A O TJ W Temple. Pertlaad.O SITTJATION WANTED. By a sober industrious young man, good penman, has sevenye" experience ia book-keeping u . L .- .ilrnaiTs know! I iaTnchea-- mercauti.e i l.i) mam FALUNS HAIR tSSSST Pure DritKs.'.rrea Lmwson's.